A place to read fun guesstimate astrology for Pedro Pascal. (Please don't take this information for fact. This is all for fun.)
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Mars in Aquarius
Think of Mars as your hustle style. It is the planet of assertion. It is also an aggressive planet ruling over war, anger, and passion. Not only can this shed light on how goals are tackled, but it can also reveal how one attacks and defends themselves in various situations. Pedro’s Mars is in the eccentric sign of Aquarius.
Keep reading to learn more...
Although Mars in Aquarius makes them sensitive to what’s trendy within the crowd they remain extremely individualistic. They are astounding at networking and thoroughly enjoy breaking the rules. They take these features and inspire others and lobby for change. This can often times create clashing of ideas with others. And as mentioned before, although they are aware of what and who is around them, they continue to stand their ground.
“Fixed in their ways�� is a good way to think of Mars in Aquarius because it is "fixed energy”. Aquarius is the strange air sign that is fixed, and therefore holds characteristics of persistence and intense loyalty. This kind of energy can lend to stubborn behaviors. So when a Aquarian Mars is fixated on something, they will dig their heels in until the next fixation rolls around.
(A fan reaction to Pedro’s response after he seemingly showed support toward Gal Gadot. Source: https://twitter.com/paigeaIIison/status/1393654433507160072)
These people thrive in creative spirited circles. Aquarians are freaky and rebellious by nature, so they feel more at home around those that share similar eccentric energy. Those who hold small minds will find that they get under an Aqua Mars’ skin in the worst way. They are supercharged by experimental ideas and challenging intellect.
Speaking of freaky, Aquarian Mars is highly attracted to things that are considered risky, strange, taboo, or unconventional. The shock of the new draws them in like a moth to a flame. However, Aquarians are notorious at detachment (being an air sign, and all), so this can make them incredibly distant. This is most notable in how they show affection and the act of sex.
Aqua Mars people are wildly hard to keep in one place. If the inspiration should hit them, they will pick up and move within an instant. This can make holding your average job difficult, therefore it is encouraged these people have jobs that allow them move around quite a bit. Stagnation will cause them to spiral into either depression or madness.
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Traits: Sun Trine Neptune
Those who have Sun aspects find that there are elements of their Sun sign that do not quite align with their personality. The Sun is our conscious ego -- how we express our ego. Neptune is our dreamworld. It is associated with dreams, escapism, ideals, intuition, and spirituality. Pedro’s Sun sign trines Neptune, a soft aspect. Continue reading to learn more.

People with Sun trine Neptune find that they have talents in many different artistic fields. They are drawn to a life that expresses artistry, healing, and intuitive nature. Simply put, they are inspired to inspire. They can have a flare for dance, drama, literature, music, and/or poetry. These people are often open and sensitive toward others. However, their penchant for seeing the good in others can also leave them blind to the reality in front of them. They feel deep down in their soul an ever longing for peace and harmony, so much so that they will overlook big issues that others cannot ignore.
Sun-Neptune people have strong dreams, fantasies, and revelations that can astound others with their magnitude. They have perfected the ability to portray moving emotional insights and moods through film, music, and/or photography. Because of this deep sensitivity inside Sun-Neptune’s there is also a need to fulfill the needs of others and hold concern for their welfare. These types would do well in areas that require the service of those that are highly empathetic and sympathetic. Social work and charity organizations could be an area that Sun-Neptunes are attracted to. This particular aspect is very common among those that are artists and writers as well as philanthropists.
In addition, Sun trine Neptune people have a tendancy to love animals. It is likely because animals dispel the sense of loneliness and they express unconditional love. There is a similar essence in this aspect and animals. Sun-Neptunes have a willingness to see past the appearances and to provide love no matter the circumstances.
Overall, these people are filled with a deep kindness and prefer dealing with others within their social circle in non-confrontational ways. For them, dealing with issues within an artistic or creative expression is their contribution to society. They understand sensitivity and they demonstrate a more loving, generous nature.
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Venus In Taurus
Venus has a reputation that is well known to most. As a goddess in mythology she rules over love, but that is not all of Venus' domain. This is also the planet of comfort, creative expression, friendships, pleasures, romance, and sensuality. Pedro's Venus is in Taurus, a very favorable placement.
Read on to discover how this placement affects him...
(A quote from Pedro Pascal's September 6, 2017 interview with Mr. Porter concerning dating. Source: https://www.mrporter.com/en-us/journal/fashion/mr-pedro-pascals-big-moment-757564)
First thing that needs to be said about Venus in Taurus people, the sign of the bull is exhaulted here. Since Venus rules Taurus, it makes this an auspicious placement.
Slow and steady are key components in developing any sort of personal relationship with these types. Taurus people are cautious by nature and, with this sign placed in Venus, they are in no rush to fly into a relationship. Being patient and allowing friendship or romance to unfold naturally is the Taurian Venus' style. They do not like drama in their romance and they most certainly do not like players.
When it comes to pleasures, Venus in Taurus especially enjoys tactile encounters. They love massages and hand-holding, and don't be shocked if these people enjoy lots of foreplay in the bedroom. In addition to the sensation of touch and gestures, Taurian Venus people can be won over through other senses too. A delicious dinner goes a long way with them as it gives them feelings of comfort. Finding atmospheres of comfort and stability, and relationships with strong physical intimacy, are important as they allow Venus in Taurus people to feel natural--more like themselves.
No one can force themselves into a Taurian Venus' circle of trust. They spend time 'scoping' people out before letting them in. But once you are in, you have a friend for life, baby! These people have a good quality about them. They like to kick back with friends at a simple setup of food and beer. Need someone to help you paint a room or lift furniture/boxes while moving house? They will be there, especially if there is a pizza and beer/wine break. Because these people are so good-natured and steady, they are able to lift their friends up from a funk with solid advice and good humor.
Overall, Venus in Taurus people are great to have as a friend and even greater to have as a lover. Once one slowly moves into a commited relationship with them, you can best believe you have a devoted partner. Because Taurians thrive in relationships that are stable, building a solid foundation, growing wealth, developing relationships, and enjoying life's pleasures is what they are into. However, they do need to be mindful of their possessive nature. Taurian Venus people love stability and they will seek this out in a romantic relationship; total commitment.
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Traits: Sun Square Saturn
It’s not enough to just look at someone’s sun sign and think that’s all there is to them. People are much more complex than that and seeing what celestial bodies aspect each other can help us uncover more of these complexities. The sun is our conscious ego. Saturn represents our fears and limitations. Pedro’s sun squares Saturn which can create some issues for the traits in his sun sign.
Keep reading to learn more about what this means....
When the sun squares Saturn, issues arise with self-esteem and self worth. Often times these problems stay buried away from the knowledge of others. However, they may feel insecurities and fears inside.
Life has a tendancy to throw obstacles in our paths and it is down to the attitudes inside ourselves that determines how we deal with them. For sun square Saturn people, this could come across as overly assertive, but this is simply an overreation to fears, especially relating to people. They must remember to remain aware of the effect they have on others. It is, however, just as important to not go the other extreme and retreat into a defeated passivity toward the challenges in life. Maintaining balance is imperative.
The key to their success lies in perceiving themself in a positive light. By doing this, it alters their relationship with others positively. A healthy confidence in their abilities and self-image is also key to unrestricted creativity and self-expression. Saturn imposes a lot of restrictions on the strong confidence of the Aries sun sign. By reshaping their lifestyle that is open to developing to each circumstance, they are able to transcend these Saturn influenced limitations.
There may be times when it feels like the people or the world are working against them, but it would be beneficial for the sun square Saturn person to remember this is the source that can provide amazing opportunities as changes develop within them. As interactions with their nature and the outside world occur, many of their inner tensions can be healed, thereby unleashing their hidden talents and potentials.
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Mercury in Pisces
Mercury rules over the principles of communication, rationality, and thinking. It also oversees short distance travel, education, journalism and logic. Therefore, the location of where the planet was during a person’s birth can tell us how they communicate to the world. On April 2, 1975, Mercury was in Pisces for Pedro.
Let’s look at what this does for him:
People with Mercury in Pisces are naturally warm and caring. This is easily perceived by others as it can be seen by the way they communicate with them, whether via dialogue or mannerisms. Their ability to make others feel important and needed comes from their excellent listening skills, and they are driven by a desire to ensure that everyone feels comfortable to express themselves openly without judgement.
Not only are these people good at listening, they are also good at remembering important details about those that are close to them and have a highly intune intuition concerning how others feel. If someone is hurt or upset, they will find a way to comfort them. These people often have a tendancy to put others before themselves.
However, those who have Mercury in Pisces have a bad habit of ignoring smaller details that make up a bigger picture when it comes to learning new information. This method allows them to process information easier and faster, but it makes them appear neglectful or disorganized at times.
Because they are so open-minded, their opinions on various matters are often not set in stone. They are accepting of all types of people and have a very diverse inner circle. Unfortunately, this leaves them vulnerable as others will often take advantage of them and their dreamy ideas of how the world should operate. Mercury in Pisces people will always love to give people the benefit of the doubt, regardless if it works in their favor or against.
There is a heavy go with the flow type of attitude and a strong desire to maintain harmony in their lives. Highly perceptive, they have a strange way of picking up on subtle cues more than others, while still missing integral details. This can be incredibly frustrating to others and may be perceived as scatterbrained. They must learn to focus on fundamentals within each situation rather than skimming over the superficial.
Because they naturally like to live within their dreamy world, Mercury in Pisces must learn to break free and ground themselves in reality in order to communicate effectively with others. At the same time, they also must be mindful of not losing their unique vision. This will help bring a sense of peace into their lives.
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Traits: Sun Conjuncts Jupiter
Planets aspecting each other can affect us just as much as the planet themselves. Many of us have several aspects in our natal charts. One of Pedro’s is Sun conjunct Jupiter.
Let’s explore how this affects him...
People with a Sun conjuncting Jupiter give off a larger-than-life vibe. Think BIG personality. They are proud individuals with a healthy confidence. Often times, they exude a natural commanding presence. They are also generous, optimistic, outgoing, and warm.
There is a love of learning and travel which will broaden the mind. An important aspect of their life is their moral code or spiritual outlook. It’s easy for Sun conjuct Jupiter people to come across as self-righteous or overzealous. Exercising moderation will help stave off these tendencies.
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Dominant Planet: Neptune
Most people don’t know their signs in any other celestial body other than the sun. Our dominant planet plays a big part in who we are, just as much as a sun sign. So what is a dominant planet?
A dominant planet is the star with the most power in a birth chart due to it’s location. For Pedro, this planet is Neptune.
Let’s look at how Neptune influences him.
Fantasy, imagination, and intuition rules this planet. In fact, the intuition is highly developed in Neptunians. There is an almost supernatural quality that allows Pedro to instinctively sense or anticipate people’s intents and motivations. He is receptive to people, places, and atmospheres.
There is a strong need for letting-go and for total material detachment. Although he leans toward bouts of solitary life, he desperately yearns for a romantic companionship. A lack of confidence could provoke a defense technique to “swim” in the dreamy waters outside of reality--submerged into fantasy.
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Natal Chart: Planetary Positions & Houses
An astrology natal chart is simply a map revealing the placements of planets during their orbit around the Sun at the time of an individuals birth.
Pedro Pascal’s birth date and birth location is publically known (1975 April 2 in Santiago, Chile), however his exact birth time is unknown. This will cause major inaccuracies in his birth chart readings in his ascendant and all of the houses the planets fall in.
Disclaimer: An astrological natal chart is only as accurate as the information provided: month, day and year of birth, exact time of birth, and birth location. Any missing information will create birth chart inaccuracies. The generic time of 12:00PM has been used to compose a guesstimate chart.
Sun: Aries 12°17’, 10th House Moon: Capricorn 2°33’, 7th House Mercury: Pisces 26°42’, 9th House Venus: Taurus 16°35’, 11th House Mars: Aquarius 23°02’, 8th House Jupiter: Aries 3°37’, 10th House Saturn: Cancer 12°17’, 1st House Uranus: Scorpio 1°13’, 5th House in Retrograde Neptune: Sagittarius 11°41’, 6th House in Retrograde Pluto: Libra 7°46’, 4th House in Retrograde Node (M): Sagittarius 3°44’, 6the House in Retrograde Lilith (M): Pisces 6°17’, 9th House Chiron: Aries 23°15’, 10th House Fortune: Pisces 5°18’, 9th House Vertex: Aquarius 0°52’, 8th House
AC: Gemini 15°02’ 2: Cancer 17°46’ 3: Leo 24°24’ IC: Virgo 29°42’ 5: Libra 29°16’ 6: Scorpio 23°31’ DC: Sagittarius 15°02’ 8: Capricorn 17°46’ 9: Aquarius 24°24’ MC: Pisces 29°42’ 11: Aries 29°16’ 12: Taurus 23°31’
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