#6-8ft tall
oursharedprison · 3 months
lookit this thang
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ezlo-x · 1 year
*Gets a little silly abt this*
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ttrtru · 30 days
So, how tall is Marion and Melkor? How about the others. Im curious. Cause i was looking at things recently and found out Tolkien made his humans like, 6 to 7 feet tall and now i keep thinking about all their heights. (And that im closer in height to Gimli than to the other humans on the team cause everyone is giant ;_;)
TL;DR Mairon=210-230, Melkor=280 Made a chart for the heights of all the races in my HC and few random characters(ft on the left is not very accurate).
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Basically in my HC everyone is smaller than what most people might think. I personally can't imagine humanoid shapes to be any taller than 240cm/8ft, maybe 300cm/10ft if I stretch my mental limit.
But I always wanted to clear out who's how tall blah blah from canon a bit so one sunny day I went through a bunch of canon information I could find online about heights in ME. Found out that there are these MiddleEarth unit called "ranga/r".
1 ranga: a stride, hobbits are 1 ranga(half of men) 2 rangar: average Numenorean male height, also Galadriel 2.5 rangar: Elendil
Although in canon 1 ranga = 38inch | 3'2" | 96.5cm, I took a bit of liberty in this and altered 1 ranga to be around 35.4-36.4inch | 90-92.5cm as I tend to like everyone(including Melkor) to be shorter than 10' | 3m.
Also, here's the link to my thoughts from 2018, written in 2023. Everyone is even more shorter than the above chart but it's only really the ainur and elves that are nerfed down. Thingol and Elendil are too tall
There's probably tonnes of contradiction every where but this is just my vague HC.
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goodoldwritings · 5 months
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Soft Dates
Ln'Eta, Estir, Nyanlathotep, Rhok'zan
What soft time spent with them would be like. Gender Neutral Reader.
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Darling, as much as Ln'Eta wants to go out on the town arm n' arm but she would cause absolute panic due to her physical appearance. She is definitely disappointed, luckily you can make it up to her with a soft "stay at home" date.
Your date is like a sleep over, both dressed in your pajamas, all the blankets are set around like nesting.
No pillow fort can hold a 6-8ft tall cthulhu cutie but you can absolutely try.
Given how Octopi are physically, her tentacles probably have more nerves and tactile sensation than any human, so cuddles are very important to her. She can probably feel your entire soul and life force-
Feeling how alive you are makes her very happy, that you're living and safe in her arms. She enjoys holding you and probably will let (force) you to sit in her lap for while.
You style eachothers hair... mostly Ln'Eta playing with and styling yours given her hair is also tentacles.
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Estir is the luckiest, she is the absolute most human-passing of them all. You can take her places for your date, but she is very picky! She will be very vocal if she doesn't enjoy your ideas of a date.
She would prefer to be spoiled of course, taken shopping, or to the theater, or dancing!- she doesn't do low key, but that doesn't mean it isn't soft and loving in her own way.
She is always latched to your arm, hanging on your shoulders if you're short enough, very touchy, clingy even. If she's the king you are her consort and you're properly rewarded for your devotion. (Careful talking to others for too long she'll get jealous-)
You're stuck holding the bags if you go shopping, even if she's a god with far more strength than you, she's above carrying her own bags.
Once you get home it's enviable that you'll be exhausted. Estir will complain that you can't keep up with her... but she will sit by you while you sleep reflecting on the day. Definitely will take your hair down if it's up or styled and make sure you're comfortable but will deny it later.
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We all know what the fertility goat would want to do with you- BUT she isn't so stuck in her naughty ways to not be sweet. She is very capable of having a romantic date.
You can't go out in public due to her non-human appearance nor does she want to go out when she could have you all to herself. She knows a place in the forest that neither of you will be found, seen or interrupted by humanity.
Most likely a picnic date where Rhok'zan spoils you with affection, making flower crowns, braiding your hair ( if it is long enough ) and laying, cuddling in the grass.
She is very soft, both soft fur and soft for you to lay your head on. She would hold you for all eternity if she could.
You likely will fall asleep in her arms and wake up at home with her by your side in bed for more cuddles.
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She wouldn't want to go anywhere even if she could. Who needs an audience?
Nyanlathotep self proclaims she "doesn't do: soft", but if you managed to catch her heart she finds herself able to be soft.
It isn't something planned, you simply find yourself with a distinctly golden eyed, black, no-faced cat laying across your lap while you're watching a movie or reading a book.
Do not mention it. If you say anything she'll leave.
Comfortable silence is an important aspect of loving Nyanlathotep, she isn't the most open to this... love business, but she'll try if shes really in love. This stands true whether you're human or another cosmic entity.
If things go well, you may find the clawing chaos purring, given her outer world origin I'm sure her purr has weird effects, good or bad.
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m0-th · 2 months
Hey, yep I'm gonna turn this into a series! I'm going to do art of fictional AI characters from different series lol
DAY 1: Kinito Pet
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Human Kinito! Took me awhile to figure out a good design for him that won't make him a cute anime boy, but make him look like a middle aged man :']👍
-age 26 (I think that's cannon?)
-human height is 6"8, his normal axolotl self is like what, cannonly 8ft tall?(Edit: OOOOKKKAAY NVM KINITO IS CANNONLY 10FT TALL WHNE HE'S OUT OF HIS GAME, MY BAD :'/)Lmao
- the oldest of the AI characters (treats Monika and Giffany like his own nieces, AM... Exists, John Doe is a different species to Kinito and Kinito hopes Peter dies from a house fire :])
- he's the supportive/ally straight uncle. If it's pride month and he doesn't have a pride flag to show support, he'll probably use a twister pad and say that's close enough XD.
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nova--spark · 9 months
Sparklings Headcanons by Nova
Ok so the following are HCs of mine on the raising, development and schooling of protoforms/sparklings!
Please do enjoy
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New-Forged [ Equivalent of 0-1yr olds] - Age 0
Height Range : 4ft to 6ft, rare instances of larger Sparklings who are forged to be roughly 8ft tall
No defining features
Frame is generally grey or greyed/grey toned/desaturated colors normally alligned to their future frame, and is generally 1-2 colors
Optics are solid colors, no pupils yet shaped and are usually matching
Visible Spark chambers, due to their still growing metal frames
Non Verbal, but communicate by Binary [Beeps and Humms] or EM Fields
Are cared for at nurseries by medics, known as Spark-Carers
Smithing Spark [ Equivalent of a 2-5 yr old ] - Few Months Old
Height Range: 6-8ft
Plating has begun to grow in, slowly which often requires cooling baths
Features become more defined
Beginning of speech, or attempts, will often still use EM fields or Binary
Signs of Class/Type [ Mini-Con, Flight, Ground, Data, Titan, etc] begin to manifest
Spark Chamber is now guarded by plating
Remain in the nurseries, with Spark-Carers, but can be adopted by Caretakers
Young Spark [Equivalent of a 7-10 yr old] - Few Years Old
Height Range: 8-10ft
Almost all plating has finished growing
Can take on Alt-Modes and transform
Signs of abilities begin showing
Begin schooling with mentors
Generally under custody of Caretaker(s) or a Foster Nursery
Generally, Caretakers are Mechs or Femmes who have an interest in caring and raising sparklings of their own, and so usually input an application for approval of care.
From then, they will visit the Nursery to find a Sparkling whom they can bond with.
Once a possible bond is established, there will be scheduled visits with the Sparkling and Caretaker, where these bonds may form and become permanent.
They are not always immediately, but once firmly formed, are unbreakable.
During the war, many Sparklings were taken in at random, and would bond with many caretakers at once, and so bypassed the formal paperwork of these matters.
There are 3 forms of Caretakers
Primaries: Father and Mother
Secondary: Uncles and Aunts
Tertiary: Fellow Spark-Siblings [generally older ] and Friends of the Family, Can also be a Spark-Carer hired for aid, Mentors etc
Are the teachers, professors, coaches and overall, a chosen guide by the Sparkling, who they are taught by.
Mentors can be assigned, but after the war, many were chosen by the young Sparks themselves, having felt safe in their company.
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notchai · 11 months
wof size Headcanons
Okay wof has some screwed up sizes, like scavengers are the same size as us and they are punny to dragons, and dragons are like 69420 feet tall
And it doesn't make sense how newborn baby dragonets are smaller than humans
So ill fix this
Sorry if u dont like this but Tui needs to fix her sizes
Scavengers are a normal sized humans, Usually 4 feet to 6 feet (sorry centimeters user 😝😝😝 usa usa) any natural plants or animals is scavenger sized, blueberries the size of scavengers heads are artificially bred by dragons
Dragons range from 10 feet to 25 feet so they aren't 2 billion miles big
Alright wof tribe sizes!
Tallest tribe, very slim
Usually 15ft to 25ft tall
Largest tribe in weight (chunk)
In the middle
Usually 12ft to 21ft tall
Second tallest tribe, slim
Usually 14ft to 24ft tall
In the middle, leaning towards small
Usually 11ft to 20ft tall
Smaller tribes, very similar to rainwings
Usually 11ft to 19ft
Smallest Pyrrhian tribe
Usually 11ft to 18ft
Third tallest tribe
Usually 13ft to 23ft tall
Next pantalan tribes
Patalan tribes are smaller than Pyrrhian tribes because b u g
Usually 8ft to 18ft tall
Smallest Pantalan tribe
8ft to 16ft tall
Tallest Pantalan tribe
Usually 10ft to 18ft tall
Can be really short or really tall cuz t r e e
Usually 9ft to 17ft tall
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kerakitty · 1 year
Adam’s Creation and Appearance
So there’s a lot of nitpicking surrounding how Victor made Adam and how Adam should be portrayed as a result of that (e.g. should he have stitches, varying skin color, etc). I find this kinda weird because we don’t actually know how Adam was made. Victor intentionally omits this information when telling his story to Robert Walton for fear of someone managing to reproduce his work.(1)
We do have a few, scant details, but they’re hardly enough to draw any solid conclusions from. Here’s a list of all the facts given about his creation (relevant quotes with page numbers at bottom of post):
Making Adam big allowed Victor to work faster.(2)
It took Victor months to gather the materials he needed.(3)
Some materials were gathered from dissecting rooms, charnal houses, and slaughter-houses.(4)
Victor was able to choose Adam’s features (e.g. hair color and texture, tooth alignment).(5)
The whole process, both gathering materials and actual construction, took a little under two years.(6)
That’s it. That’s all we know. We don’t know how these “materials” were used, we don’t know what caused them to go from inanimate to living, or even what exactly they were. Yes, Victor mentions collecting his materials from the places listed above, but aside from mentioning bones(4), he doesn’t say what exactly he was taking. Were they intact organs? Pieces of tissue? Entire limbs? We don’t know. Confusing things further, Victor mentions that he “dabbled” with graves and “tortured living animals”(7), but doesn’t clarify whether these were additional sources of materials or simply research into the mechanisms of life and death.
General consensus seems to be that Victor used organs and whole body parts from cadavers to create Adam, but there's plenty of evidence that that’s not the case. Aside from the fact that it would’ve been difficult to create an 8ft tall body with proportional limbs out of pieces of humans averaging under 6ft, there are a few lines in the novel that indicate that this wasn’t Victor’s method. Victor consistently refers to the materials he used as “lifeless” and “inanimate”, but never dead. He also consistently speaks of imbuing new life into the materials rather than renewing or restoring life. In fact he outright states that reanimating the dead was, as best as he could figure, impossible.(8) Whether this only refers to raising a dead individual as they’d been in life or to any organic tissue is, like so much of Victor’s research, extremely vague.
So where does that leave us in terms of Adam’s appearance? Well, with not a whole lot to go on. Does he have stitches? Maybe. Does his skin color vary? Also maybe, though probably not given that Victor describes his skin and makes no mention of any variation in tone.(9)
The closest thing we have to a canon appearance for him is probably the illustration included in the 1831 edition of the novel.
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There’s no stitches or other scars visible here, but since we have no idea how much (if any) input Shelley herself had on this design, that’s not necessarily confirmation one way or the other.
Ultimately, aside from a handful of details, we don’t really know what Adam should look like. We know he has thick black hair, watery yellowish eyes, yellower skin, straight white teeth, thin black lips, and is 8ft tall with all features proportional to that size.(9) Outside of that, and the fact that he looked ugly but not horrifying right up until he started moving(10), it’s up to the reader’s imagination. And given that the novel was intended to be a horror story, I suspect that’s intentional. In horror it’s often our imaginations that supply the most frightening imagery and any good creator of horror is aware of this fact.
So portray Adam however you want, and maybe don’t nitpick other people’s portrayals of him. So long as neither of you are going against the few explicitly described details the novel provides, they’re probably not any more off the mark than you are.
Source quotes and page numbers below the cut.
All quotes and page numbers are taken from this upload of the 1818 text.
”I see by your eagerness, and the wonder and hope which your eyes express, my friend, that you expect to be informed of the secret with which I am acquainted; that cannot be. ...I will not lead you on... to your destruction and infallible misery” pg 23
”As the minuteness of the parts formed a great hindrance to my speed, I resolved... to make the being of a gigantic stature;” pg 24
“...having spent some months in successfully collecting and arranging my materials...” pg 24
“I collected bones from charnel houses... The dissecting room and the slaughter-house furnished many of my materials;” pg 24
“I had selected his features as beautiful.” pg 26
“I had worked hard for nearly two years...” pg 26
“...I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave, or tortured the living animal to animate the lifeless clay[.]” pg 24
“...if I could bestow animation upon lifeless matter, I might in process of time (although I now found it impossible) renew life where death had apparently devoted the body to corruption.” pg 24
“His limbs were in proportion, and... [h]is yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion, and straight black lips.” pg 26
“I had gazed on him while unfinished; he was ugly then; but when those muscles and joints were rendered capable of motion, it became a thing such as even Dante could not have conceived.” pg 27
Side note on that last line: I always felt Victor was rather underselling the creativity of Dante here. Dante came up with some trippy shit. I doubt the Uncanny Valley was something of which he “could not have conceived”.
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rainbow friends height headcanon
Hey hi !!!!
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These are my designs and visions of the Rainbow Friends !
Orange is the shortest at a solid 4ft , and Green is the tallest at 7"9ft !
All Heights : [ in case you don't wanna measure , haha ! ]
Orange : 4"0 Average Roblox height : 5"2 Red : 5"5 Purple : 5"9 [ Can be 8FT~ tall if they stretch their limbs ! ] Yellow : 6"3 Cyan : 6"2 [ In her position in the chart , she is 6"4 ! ] Blue : 6"9 Green: 7"9
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For the Q&A tag, I've always been intriqued by Narul (giant man). A few questions about him.
1. infodump as much as you want about what being a demigod/spiritblood means, and how he views it.
2. How did he meet Ninma
And 3. How is he as a father? Is he responsible? Protective? Stern? Etc.
Thanks for the ask!
1. Infodump as much as you want about what being a demigod/spiritblood means, and how he views it.
Oof, if I really went all out infodumping I could be here writing this for hours, so I'm going to keep things simple.
The term spiritblood is technically more accurate because, unlike with the demigods in say Greek mythology, spiritbloods are not the children of a mortal and a deity, but rather of a mortal and a particularly powerful spirit. Narul is a bit of a special case as his mother was spiritblooded, that is to say, while she herself was not a spiritblood, her grandmother was. This means that Narul is technically more magical than a normal spirit blood.
So what does being a spiritblood entail? There is much variation between spiritbloods often depending on the kind of spirit from which they descend among other factors. However there are several traits that are shared amongst all spiritbloods.
1) All spiritbloods are inhumanly large, not only in terms of height but also in terms of bulk and proportion. A spiritblood does not merely look like a tall human. Their magical nature allows them to reach sizes and weights that would otherwise kill a normal human. The shortest living spiritblood in the age of Narul is Mikrab at just under 8ft tall. Narul is the tallest at 9ft.
2) As previously mentioned, spiritbloods do not have normal human proportions. The War Queen Batricca for example, was famed for her unusually long arms. Narul is not only tall but massive, naturally bulky, he is so large that he struggles to fit in most small buildings. To the average person Narul looks somewhat monstrous, thus why he is called "Giant".
3) All spiritbloods are blessed with supernatural strength and durability. The first king of Kishetal, the spiritblood Tamel, was known as the Wallbreaker for his sheer and terrifying strength. It is impossible for a human to match the physical strength of a spiritblood. A single spiritblood in ancient times, was said to be capable of sieging a city, thus why so many cities in Narul's time still have such massive fortifications.
4) Spiritbloods have incredibly dense bones and thick skin, comparable to well treated leather armor. This affords spiritbloods a great deal of protection against a variety of threats and makes them even more difficult opponents in battle. The only materials which do not struggle to cut through their thick hides are volcanic glass and the magical metal called Arkodian Bronze.
5) All spiritbloods are capable of seeing and communicating with spirits, something that for normal humans, typically only sages can do. However spiritbloods as a rule, are incapable of using magic.
6) Spiritbloods are incredibly resistant both to toxins and to magical mutation. For this reason Narul can eat poisonous or magical plants without feeling any effects in quantities that would otherwise kill dozens of normal people. The downside of this is that while toxins do not work on Narul, neither do most medicines. Most spiritbloods have an incredibly difficult time getting drunk, Narul for example must drink the equivalent of several gallons of wine just to feel tipsy. This has led to a myth, popularized by those with poor knowledge of spiritbloods, that spiritbloods tend to be drunkards.
7) Spiritbloods are functionally immortal. This is to say that unless felled by a physical injury, a spiritblood will not die, at least not from the deterioration that comes from age. Theoretically a spiritblood could live indefinitely if they avoided conflict. However while the body may not age after a certain point, the mind does. As a spiritblood ages their mental facilities will begin to wane, they will forget their past self and will begin to suffer cognitive decline. It is not unusual for spiritbloods to seek death when this begins to occur, for fear of forgetting everything. The oldest living spiritblood is Mikrab who at almost 2000 years old has suffered considerable declines in his memory and mental capabilities, thus earning him the moniker "Mikrab the Mad".
So there's that, but what does Narul think about being a spiritblood? Long story short he hates it. Before he knew that he was a spiritblood he was taught that he was a forestfolk, a magical mutation, and was as a result intrinsically dangerous to others, a rabid dog ready to turn. Finding out that his childhood was a lie did little to comfort him as it did nothing to calm his anxieties around accidentally hurting someone due to his strength and size. Further the idea of living for centuries and slowly forgetting about the people that he cares about, terrifies him. Narul is not a power hungry or violent person and as such takes little enjoyment from his supernatural abilities. The only thing he really appreciates is being able to see spirits.
2. How did he meet Ninma
Narul was brought to the Palace of Labisa as a child and served there as a slave to King Hutbari (the same person that lied to Narul about his true nature and instilled all of the self-loathing and fear in him).
Hutbari had many children, the youngest of which was Ninma. Narul would have seen her around the Palace grounds, avoiding her tutors, climbing walls, chasing lizards, and otherwise being a menace. Narul was in the palace the day that she was born. However despite living together for the first 5 years of Ninma's life the two never talked until after the coup. Ninma wasn't even aware of the fact that Narul could talk until after they had both left Labisa.
And 3. How is he as a father? Is he responsible? Protective? Stern? Etc.
Narul is a kind and responsible father. He makes sure that she is well fed and cared for, he plays games with her, he listens to the stories that she makes. He tries his best to understand her concerns and interests (As he is an illiterate giant and she a former noble child, they have quite different perceptions of the world). If they were in the real world Narul would be at every one of Ninma's sport's games, theater productions, dad and daughter dances, girl scout meetings, and just about anything else.
He is however very protective of Ninma. He sees her as fragile (as everyone is compared to him) and as such fears her getting hurt, or worse losing her. This unfortunately clashes at times with Ninma's own adventurous personality and may lead to tension between the two of them. Narul tries to be stern at times, but isn't all that good at it, if only because Ninma knows that Narul is a giant softy.
Along with his fear of her getting hurt whether by him or by something else, Narul lives in constant fear of Ninma's growing up, he fears losing her to old age or something else. He fears that one day after centuries have passed that he might forget her.
@illarian-rambling, @mk-writes-stuff, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @willtheweaver, @patternwelded-quill
@elsie-writes, @elizaellwrites, @the-ellia-west, @the-octic-scribe, @the-golden-comet
@finickyfelix, @theprissythumbelina, @autism-purgatory, @diabolical-blue , @tildeathiwillwrite
@katenewmanwrites, @leahnardo-da-veggie, @paeliae-occasionally, @melpomene-grey
@drchenquill, @marlowethelibrarian, @phoenixradiant, @pluttskutt
@dyrewrites, @unrepentantcheeseaddict, @roach-pizza, @rivenantiqnerd
@flaneurarbiter, @dezerex, @axl-ul, @surroundedbypearls
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t3a-tan · 4 months
Who are Jamai and Ren?
Jamai is a dryad who protects his forest and his territory— though he wasn't born a dryad, he was given the abilities of one by Ren. He also has the blessing of the last kitsune, which is why some people call him the 'Kistune of Gortoa'. He's very tall, over 8ft tall actually. Although intimidating, he's not a fan of talking to others because he finds crowds and being stared at to be too uncomfortable. Definitely autistic. He doesn't know what most modern things are because he rarely leaves his forest. He also doesn't really know what a human is, because Gortoa is not in the same realm as humans are.
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There's also his human AU! He works in a flower shop as a botanist, and he is very superstitious; mostly about feyfolk. Same feelings as regular Jamai when it comes to crowds and people, though he's not as bad because he has to interact with others for his job.
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Ren is the original dryad of Gortoa, but she gave her powers to Jamai and reduced herself to having only the body of a dryad but none of the powers of one. She acts as Jamai's older sister even though she acts and appears younger than him (dryads tend to have a youthful appearance and behavior). She likes to tease him. She's mostly a carnivore but has a sweet tooth— and often she bites affectionately too. Jamai gets his fingers bitten often. She's only 6 inches tall.
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sophtnfull · 1 year
imagine theres this nerdy guy maybe just turned 20 and is home alone and playing video games on his couch, its probably some sort of horny hentai game. after about an hour of playing the room starts to feel extremely warm, as if he were outside on a hot day.
hee takes off his plain shirt showing off his slight abs but overall skinny figure, next moment he finds himself shading his eyes as he is blinded by a sharp light and before he can comprehend what is happening a figure appears infront him. the guy tries to make out who this could be, the figure looked atleast 8ft tall with a strong muscular physique wearing nothing but a light golden robe barely covering their beauiful body.
"who the fuck are you and w- what are you doing in my house!" the figure just walks towards him and the guy cowers down on the couch in fear.
the figure bends down to look him in the eye and smiles saying,"you have been chosen, do not worry i will try make this as enjoyable as possible."
"im g-going to call the police!"the guy says, still in shock "if it is not knowing who i am that is the issue let me explain, i am the god of fertility and my job is to make sure the human race stays populated, obviously i do not come in person in normal cases but i was feeling particularly aroused lately and you just happened to be the first i laid eyes upon"
all of a sudden the man gets a strange feeling on his genitals leading him to immediately rip off his pants to see his dick is replaced by a cute boypussy.
the guy is shocked, scared and confused all at once but is too terrified to move as the god comes closer to him. the god lifts the man up by the hips and sits on the couch placing the guy on his huge lap, just sitting he could feel somthing hard throbbing beneath him.
the man realizes this situation and uses all his energy to escape but the gods grip on him does not budge "shh my boy relax, its important to save your energy" the god whispers in his ear
the god takes one of his fingers and sticks it inside the boys pussy, because its a new pussy its extremely sensitive and the boy winces in pain and lets out a small moan. "perfect" the god says as he rips off his own robe to show off his large thick cock.
not wasting any time he lifts the poor boy onto his large dick and gently slides him in, the god slowly starts to bounce the boy so that his dick slides in and out. it is so big that the boys pussy can barely handle it and as he looks down he sees a large bulge forming in his tummy everytime the gods dick is only halfway in him
"mm fuck" the boy says as he gives up and lets the pain turn to pleasure, the god slowly starts to pick up speed and he feels the god is getting more angsty and desperate as its face contorts into a frown. "are you ready?" the god whispers out of breath.
"yes!" the boy screams as his head falls backwards, the god still bouncing him moves him so that his back is facing the gods stomach. the next few minutes were bliss for both the god and the boy as the god bounces him at an unnatural speed and eventually the both of them orgasam at the same time.
the boy can feel somthing warm and deep fulling his pussy and he moans as it is so much that he feels as if hes eaten an extremely large meal."now let the fun begin" the god says excited and rubs the boys belly with his large hands.
the god starts bouncing the boy again and being so blinded by lust completely forgot what just happened and went on as before moaning and enjoying. but something felt different, he started feeling a sharp pain in his abdomen and assumed its the god just going deeper. a few more minutes of this the boy glances down to see his usually flat belly to have a bulge looking as if hes 6 months pregnant.
the guy looks around to see the god staring at his stomach as if in a trance, yet still bounces the boy up and down. the boy looks down again to see it looking even bigger, and as he does he realizes how much pain he is in, his skin stretching to make space for whatever is expanding inside of him.
three minutes later the boys belly looks overdue with twins and with every bounce his belly bounces with him, slapping against the gods thighs.
the god looks like hes in absolute heaven and finally starts to slow down and eventually lifts the boy off of him and sits him down on the couch. the boy instinctly grabs his huge belly and rubs it concerned
the god starts to get in his knees infront of the boy and starts gently licking around his belly and sticks fingers in his pussy that is dissappearing under the boys expanding belly.
the boy screams from a mix of pleasure and pain, the pain from his belly as it grows to around full term quads. by the time the god finishes to look at his work, he sees a boy legs split with a humongous belly in the middle with the rest of the boy looking sweaty and swore from everything that has happened.
the boy finally takes a good look at his belly seeing that the size looks like atleast 8 babies are stuffed inside and he starts feeling slight movements inside him and begins to see slight kicks but it slowly turns to full on contortion as the belly changes shapes and sizes, the boy screams in pain rubbing his large mound up and down to attempt to calm them.
the boy in so much pain he didn't notice the god disappearing, he immediately starts looking around anxiously and attempts to try stand up but as he lifts up his ass slightly it immediately falls back down from the intense weight and he screams, "DONT GO COME BACK YOU CANT LEAVE ME LIKE THIS"
he starts crying and then starts feeling a sharp pains in his tummy, not the type of pains as when his belly was growing but somthing more sinister.
he tries to stand again this time but holds onto the arm rest of the couch, he somehow stands but as he gains his balance he feels somthing warm falling between his legs..
he immediately falls to the ground clutching his belly and his head falling back as his body starts forcing him to push whatever the god put in him out.
the end~
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
(Patreon anon) Here's the last of what I have of my QnA archive, I don't plan to repledge so cheers to whoever uses their money to snitch like me.
-HB season 1 takes place within one year
-Wally Wackford won't appear much in season 2 but will be important in the future.
-Vivzie would love more Wally merch but her merch lead doesn't feel confident in it selling well.
-Vivzie hasn't consider making pride merch because "It's the kind of thing that big corporations to try to appeal to a generation they're not normally involved in."
-Vivzie claims the whole show is a celebration of pride and doesn't feel the need to make pride merch but would be down to making if there's a demand for it. (With the amount of fan merch I've seen, there is)
-She claims to do general research for the HH character time period but doesn't integrate the history into their backstories as of now.
-Viv's open to oversea convention appearances and has been trying to get a booking agent to travel more for European conventions.
-Paimon's a big shapeshifter and is only an owl because that's what he needs to be.
-There was a time where Vivzie hated Zoophobia, saying if something doesn't work out, keep trying new projects that excite you.
-One hell year equals a lot of Earth years, so stolas existed well before 1985.
-Vivzie actually loves Mammon's design, she conceptualized it and had someone else finalize it. Sort of like how Oz was designed by someone on the team with Vivzie finalizing it.
-Vivzie wanted to show men can be abused too with Stolas
-Jeremy Jordan might join be cast by Vivzie since she knows him
-Stella may not want Stolas dead right away anymore, just at a later time. (This was asked pre-Western Energy)
-It's currently unclear when we'll get HH merch with their full series designs since they're owned by A24. (This was months before the recall of that Sir Pentious keychain that used the full series design)
-At the time, they were aiming for a three month wait period between HB episodes for season 2.
-Unlike HH, HB isn't considered a musical to Vivzie but will have elements to it in season 2.
-Vivzie doesn't remember what the golden feathers in epsiode 6 meant. Adam saids the artist come up with a bunch of ideas.
-Sinners technically don't need food and water to live, it's mostly out of habit and indulgence. Electronic sinners like Vox find a way through cartoon logic.
-Because of how long episode 8 was taking, Vivzie and Adam have started making HB comics of what happens between the episodes. They're still figuring it out with HH.
-If Oz ever met Valentino, he would hate him. The team jokes that Val would be very "notice me senpai" with him.
-Stolas is confirmed to be 8ft tall with Blitz at 5ft.
-Fights between an overlord and a goetia would barely happen so Vivzie wouldn't know which one would win.
-Tilla was removed as a sibling because Blitz's family was still in the early works, she's going to be renamed.
-Vivzie doesn't have a specific favorite villain archetypes, she enjoys ruthless mean girls and dramatic, and theatrical messed up villains like The Joker.
-Episode 6's collaboration was fun for Vivzie but complicated because she had to manage an entire second team, There were file issues and they had to go back and forth to make sure they were correct.
-Vivzie's interested in making more Zoophobia merch but doesn't wish to for other older projects. She mentions it'd be hard to convince her merch lead that anyone would want to buy anything from her older works.
-Stolas does have guilt with his affair and he has a lot of turmoil related to it.
-Leviathan will have a cameo in season 2
-Vivzie can't give specifics but Stolas doesn't have many friends who we might see them in the future. Stella has two friends who at the moment of that QnA don't have names.
-White marks on Imps are scars, and can be added for aesthetics (Unsure if she means design wise or in-universe cosmetics, possibly both with how Barbie looks)
-Stolas's job is to look into the skies of Earth and find prophecies in them and inform Hell of what's to come in the future, he doesn't do much other than that.
-Oz has a broad range of powers, there were too many to list in the timespan of the QnA.
-Octavia takes after Stolas in that she's socially unaware, Vivzie claims she also unaware of her parents's relationship because of Stolas trying hard to make it seem things are fine and does that to a "good extent".
-we'll see what Octavia and Stella's relationship is like later.
-Vivzie would like to release an artbook bigger than their con-exclusive one for HB after season 2 and when the team is free to organize the production art, she's unable to do one for HH at the moment.
-DHORK will return
-She's still figuring out the sins but don't want them to be fallen angels since it doesn't matter in HB, but it will for HH. So she wants to wait until HH to decide. (Possible they figured it out with HH season 1 done)
-She finds people saying the childhood friends trope with Stolitz being fanservice frustrating. (As seen with her recent rant of the overall story)
-Vivzie adopted Pixel a year and a half after she graduated SVA. She didn't explain how she got Honeybee and Nugget.
-full quote "There would be demons from the ring of Lust who would be asexual, and they will get to that in the future. But she generally imagines that lust demons wouldn't think it'd that much of a taboo. Lust demons would generally be confused by the concept, but they wouldn't have any hate.
Asmodeus would be an example of someone who wouldn't understand asexuality"
-She would like region-free dvds of HB but it would require re-negotiations with everyone who was involved with the show, if they do release it, it'll be difficult to make it region-free.
-Stolitz didn't interact at all between the 25 years apart.
-She put a lot of her life into Loo Loo Land, and yes...Viv's dad was openly horny in front of her and her sisters growing up, Viv found it funny but like I told Lemon...There was no mention of how her sisters felt about it.
-Viv put aspects of herself into Octavia but claims to not be a self-insert. Fizz has an aspect that is directly from Viv that we'll see in season 2 that she feels needs to be shown.
-HB was spun off because IMP was originally for HH, with Vivzie thinking they were better off as their own thing. HB's also about exploring Vivzie's hell like the demons that possess people.
-HB/HH was inspired by Batman and various musicals with the idea that she wanted a worlds with nothing but villains.
-The fan interpretations of Andrealphus were pretty close to what she's written for him.
-Vivzie's interpretation of Stolas's "I used to think that I was bold, I used to think that love was for fun" is meant that he's never gotten the chance to experience true love with him being gay and he had an arranged marriage.
-She wants Stolas and Stella's relationship to be something that's debated.
-The Von Eldritches will not appear in HH season 1
-question "How did Viv get to where she was? How did she get Hazbin and Helluva produced?"
answer: "She has reps who set her up with people very interested in her show. It was the producers who pitched their interest in her. This is what happened with Hazbin in that production companies showed what they would do for that show. When A24 showed interest in Hazbin, that's when she started pitching it to others (No mention of that those others are)"
-The certificate on Loona's adoption paper was signed by Beelzebub.
-HH will have the same level of NSFW and dark as HB is at the time of season 2's beginning, (I'm not sure why people are thinking it'll be even more if she has to obey S&P with a TV show) she admits to not having a good gauge of what's too extreme as she just does what she wants to do to tell her story. HH is new territory since it's more story based than HB.
-YT doesn't allow the use of the word "cunt" so Mammon will be heavily censored with the amount of time he saids it. There's also a scene in HB that a storyboard artist went too extreme on and Vivzie was afraid it would be rejected but turned out to be okay. (This ask was in September 2022, she didn't mention which scene but if I had to guess it might have been the dildo room)
-Oz is aware of Fizz being an imp, but Vivzie doesn't know if it's an open fact and she might use it as a story element someday.
-Rosie is an overlord, that's all Vivzie can say when asked what kind of demon she is.
-At the time Vivzie was still figuring out how time works in hell, Sinners are stuck at the age they died as while Hellborns do age.
-Stolas would have thought of Blitz a lot after their day together and has a problem separating fantasy from reality, Blitz would have never thought of him.
-Blitz's horse obsession started as an inside joke among the team
-Vivzie can't say if season 2 will have a Stolitz kiss
-Episode 6's collab started 4-5 months before the episode came out, There's no plans for season 2 to have one but Vivzie would love to do it again.
-When asked if any new characters will join IMP in season 2 Vivzie said "Not this season!"
-Stolas can transform into other things, but Vivzie is still deciding if it's something he can do on his own or needs the grimoire for it.
-Vivzie uses Google sheets to write and takes the complete draft to something called Final Draft to finish it
-That white cyclops guy that shows up in Cherri Bomb's segment of Addict is likely to change but that's all Vivzie can say.
-Striker was confirmed to be a hybrid hellborn.
-The client giving birth button in episode 1 was an oversight on Vivzie's part but did say that IMP had hellborn clients before
-Any remaining reveals of HH characters will be minor characters from the pilot, the final reveal will be a brand new character. (This was before the Adam reveal, so he could have been the final one)
-The thing about the sins being a pseudo-family with "nice and asshole" ones were accurate to what's been told to you, same with them technically being goetias, they're just in a different category.
-We'll see Oz and Mammon's relationship in the middle of season 2.
-A lot of material things have been made in the greed ring, it's very industrial, full of banks, smoggy and crime ridden like that was seen in the Chaz episode.
-HH and HB are planned out but said that there's "wiggle room' in that they figure out as the show goes by how they get to the events.
-Vivzie's still deciding what special powers Striker would have as a hybrid.
-If Vivzie had unlimited funds, she would love to make a movie for HH and HB and to speed up her production pipeline. she had issues in 2022 with her working more on HH.
-Claims that HH will definitely come out in 2023, but she also mentioned season 2 of HB will have a more consistent release schedule at the same time.
-Vivzie would like to make a height chart for the HB characters but claims the team doesn't need one because they know the size of them already.
> Vivzie hasn't consider making pride merch because "It's the kind of thing that big corporations to try to appeal to a generation they're not normally involved in."
Says Vivzie as she can't put out Sallie Mae merchandise fast enough, despite her having one speaking line and about five seconds of screen time.
> -HH and HB are planned out but said that there's "wiggle room' in that they figure out as the show goes by how they get to the events.
She's flip-flopped on how planned out the show is so many times it's not even funny anymore.
> Stolas does have guilt with his affair and he has a lot of turmoil related to it.
Figures this was before both scenes where he says he has zero guilt and would feel bad if he thought he did something wrong but doesn't.
> -Stolas would have thought of Blitz a lot after their day together and has a problem separating fantasy from reality, Blitz would have never thought of him.
What a fascinating character trait that we were all looking forward to seeing more of after Blitzo told him off in Ozzie's and popped his delusional bubble! What a shame it was downgraded to "Stolas, as always, did nothing wrong."
> -She wants Stolas and Stella's relationship to be something that's debated.
> -She put a lot of her life into Loo Loo Land, and yes...Viv's dad was openly horny in front of her and her sisters growing up, Viv found it funny but like I told Lemon...There was no mention of how her sisters felt about it.
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> -Vivzie doesn't remember what the golden feathers in epsiode 6 meant. Adam saids the artist come up with a bunch of ideas.
Remember when we all thought that was important? Oh Vivzie, you fucking hack.
Thank you so much for all of these, Patreon Anon. Hopefully someone else will step into your shoes but for now know that you're braver than any Marine.
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Not completely sure how to ask this but which of the clones are the tallest or the chonkiest? This is for science-
(Oh, Chickpea hands down for both! He's fucking massive, both in height and in weight, but he is a bit of an outlier, bc he was purposely made to be big
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Most of the other tall clones are 6-8ft tall, and all clones are fat, but some are fatter than others
Idk what science you need this for, but I hope it helps lkfdkjfd)
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clown-sip · 7 months
The Clownverse:
This is just the very basics of my clownverse. Future world building will come soon.
Nonclowns are not yet covered in this post
True Clowns:
Originated from earth
Fully sapient and sentient (the same as a human)
Lack ears, but do have hearing organs
Only have 4 fingers (including the thumb)
The average height is between 5 and 7 feet
Always bright and colorful and has a happy demeanor
Always extroverted and kind
No specific breeds, just varying color schemes and general themes
Their skin markings are their pigment, not makeup
Eye colors are similar to that of humans, with the exception of violet
Humanoid figure, does not move on all fours
Has blunted teeth but sharper cuspids than humans
They honk to communicate, which is a language in and of itself
Clowns can learn any language just like a human
Pet Clowns:
Originated from earth
Fully sentient, similar to that of a house pet like a dog
Have ears, unlike true Clowns
Can have anywhere from 2 to 6 fingers (including the thumb, or lack thereof)
Size varies wildly from clowns that are inches tall, all the way to 8ft giants
Breeds very heavily from clown to clown
Bred for specific traits, looks, personalities, and performing
Their skin markings are also their skin pigment, although some clowns lack markings all together, and owners opt to paint their faces
Eye color can be anything in the ROYGBIV spectrum (yellow/orange are uncommon, though)
Generally humanoid figure but has the ability to move on all fours
Teeth and oral anatomy vary depending on the breed
Can speak but generally will just repeat phrases like a parrot does
They have the ability to honk and squeak to communicate with other pet clowns. This is not a true language and is just tonal, comparable to dogs
Cosmic Clowns:
They come from deep space or other planets
Fully sapient and sentient, some all-knowing
They mimic both pet clowns and true clowns
Some wear makeup, and some mimic the facial markings of clowns
Teeth are usually very, very sharp
Can be hostile or peaceful
Eye color is always bright orange/yellow
Mimics the humanoid form but doesn't always move properly
Has the ability to physically morph in unnatural ways
They can speak any language, some even speak in tongues
Mostly live underground in areas of low population
So basically, True Clowns evolved alongside humans, whereas Pet Clowns evolved similar to the way monkeys did. Cosmic Clowns are a whole other thing entirely.
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wraith-party · 2 years
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I wanted to see a height comparison between Ramattra and Zenyatta.
According to Blender, Ramattra is 2.05 meters tall (about 6 ft 8.7 in) and Zenyatta is 1.72 meters tall (about 5 ft 7.7 in).
In Nemesis form, Ramattra is about 2.49 meters tall (about 8ft 2in).
While the height difference isn't super big in base omnic form between the two, it is very much there.
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