#6 times we almost kissed (and one time we did)
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softantlers · 2 days ago
can you explain the subtext between lottie and nat during the trial episode and episode 6?
yeah! i'm on the shuttle to work so this might be a bumpy ride but i'll try my best!
so to start off with, i think sometimes people overlook/dismiss things about lottie and natalie that actually aren't subtextual. for one thing, lottie canonically cares about nat's safety. she's invested in it to the point that she goes out of her way to bless her for the hunt in season 2 ("i just want you to be safe"). and then in the adult timeline, she sends her heliotrope goons to stop nat from killing herself. they have an exchange that's something like (can't remember exactly), "well you're alive. and that's good enough for me."
i think a lot about this dynamic (as well as lottie's compound functioning as a space of reckoning and possibly healing for nat in the adult timeline) when i look back on the teen timeline.
okay so the crown. in season 2, lottie crowns natalie after the failed queen card hunt. keep in mind that she was absolutely horrified when misty told her that they had drawn cards on who to hunt, specifically the part that they did this because they weren't going to eat lottie because she was their leader. she was scared when misty mentioned nat drew the card. at the end of the episode, we get lottie turning over the crown to nat with a bow and a kiss to her hand.
the subtext for me there tracks with what lottie has shown she wants for nat: safety. i think she thinks of her as a strong leader and there's a wilderness element to it ("you were always its favorite.") but i also think lottie is manipulative when she needs to be. crowning nat effectively took her off the table for any future hunts. nat was perhaps the most vulnerable YJ at that moment because if it came to a hunt again, why wouldn't the others just conclude they should hunt her since she cheated death the first time?
moving into the trial, there's actually a glance or two between natalie and lottie that i found interesting. particularly when lottie gets called in as a witness. after misty's questioning, she (and the rest of the girls) have to conclude that anyone could have burnt down the cabin. when nat gets called in as a suspect and is ousted for hiding ben, the tides really turn. now everyone is on trial, not just ben, and everyone's safety is at risk.
so when shauna starts intimidating people during the trial vote, i think lottie senses there's a sea change. as i mentioned in previous posts, she literally has a vision of which way the wind is blowing. i actually don't think this tracks with the wilderness choosing because lottie doesn't really go on to show shauna much deference.
one thing I think people forget about the lottieshauna dynamic is that shauna really almost killed lottie. while people are quick to brush over that, that's a crazy take imo. violence like that lives in your body. you don't just get over it. while i don't necessarily think lottie is frightened in that specific way of shauna, she has an intimate awareness of what shauna is capable of. and lottie knows firsthand the price of misplaced rage.
the fervor was building up as nat made everyone vote again and again and again. as a viewer, i was genuinely worried that the vote was going to turn into whether natalie herself was guilty. that's how deep the tension went. my reading is that lottie saw the possibility of this turning on one of the YJs and she made a political choice. because ben is the lesser evil to kill than one of them. or nat.
what gives this theory more grounding is that lottie was never invested in the execution. she totally blew it sideways when akilah had her vision. an acolyte of shauna just wouldn't do that.
okay this episode. so natalie killed ben. we see throughout the episode that lottie is invested in keeping him alive, right? she is bitterly protecting him as their bridge. when nat kills him, she of all people should be furious. she's not. she sees everyone pushing nat around. she sees the calls for trial and shauna's bloodthirst. dethroning yourself is one way to survive, she knows this, because that's what she did. so staring down at nat, not anything but pained and certainly not angry with her, she turns the crown over to shauna.
i was gutted and haunted by how quickly it deescalated things. while i understand that this isn't a canonical ship and i'm not always sure what the writers are intending with it, you are going to have to fight me if you want me to believe that lottie didn't do that to save nat's life. she has no investment in shauna as leader. the move was political. she knows how to move the pieces when she needs to, and i feel like she often is doing that for natalie.
i have lots of takes on this if you wanna check out my "yellowjackets meta" tag. thanks for asking!
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thekatea · 2 days ago
Character analysis - Da On
Episode 6 was so wild I've spent 3 hours writing character analysis: one for Da On, one for Jae Min and one for Su Hyeon. I needed to collect my thought, now I'm sharing my subjective take on them.
I understand a lot of people are frustrated with his “lack of action” and passiveness when interacting with Su Hyeon and how blind he was about Jae Min’s schemes. But let’s put that behavior in the larger context. Da On was neglected throughout his childhood - growing up with a father who was addicted to gambling and a passive mother who did nothing to help her family, as his sister said - just lying down crying. It’s obvious he did not receive much love and support as he was growing up. He did not have healthy relationships examples, hence for him it’s hard to judge what is good or bad, appropriate, real care and manipulation etc. No one knows what is right, you learn by experiencing it. If he never experienced real care, how would he know if what we receive is right or not?
For specific “relationships” Su Hyeon is not some random dude that showed up at Da On’s life and right away turned aggressive. He was his beloved hyung during university. They knew each other for 7-8 years. He liked him. From the flashbacks we can see he was pushy, borderline disregarding Da On’s feelings (the library scene with the ring would be a good example), but it was never aggressive in the past and knowing Da On liked him, it might even be seen as a possessive flirting. He was someone who protected Da On.But he was also someone Da On never thought he could have, since he was in a “relationship” with Jae Min. And then he was gone after that “beating up a guy” moment. Probaby without much explanation. He never got a real closure. He saw someone who was taking care of him almost kill a man, and then he was gone.
And now he is back all angry, aggressive, possessive and with so much actual power over Da On’s life. He is not someone you can just say: fuck off, because the consequences might be: you losing your job, you being completely blacklist from the industry you work in, someone getting serious hurt or even potentially killed. Su Hyeon is not some ugly ass bitch that hit on Da On in a bar, someone he can reject and move on with his life. Su Hyeon is someone with great social, economical and emotional power over Da On. So from Da On’s perspective, with his lack of support system in literally all areas of his life, all he can do is de-escalate while trying to keep Su Hyeon in check so he won’t cross the line too far. He was not completely passive, agreeing to each and all Su Hyeon’s requests and demands. He set as much of a boundary as he could at any given moments - sometimes it was telling him strict no when they were in public place and Su Hyeon could not hurt him, but sometimes when they were alone, it was being passive, because he knows how aggressive and fucking nuts Su Hyeon can be when he does not get what he wants.
And that’s why he did not try to push away Su Hyeon when he forced that kiss on him in the beginning of episode 6. Because the consequences might have been worse than said kiss. He is traumatized by Su Hyeon's past and current behavior. He cannot predict when he will lash out next time, and how it will end, It’s not a unique behavior. Many victims of sexual assault do not fight their abuser out of fear of the escalation of the situation. It’s still not their fault, they were still assaulted. Being passive out of fear is not consent.
Moving on to his “situationship” with Jae Min. Initially he might have been the one who Da On liked. I am honestly not sure if at first he just admired him, or he truly had a crush on him. But it also does not matter much. Jae Min was kind and helpful hyung who was the first person in his life that offered him help, who seemed more interested in just making sure he improves and is in a good place, than gaining anything from it (free tutoring being the case). By all means he was the tiny part of normalcy in Da On’s life. For the longest time the only friend. Jae Min is extremely good at hiding his true nature. There was no reason for Da On to suspect anything. But since Jae Min always treated Da On as just a friend, he moved on with his romantic feelings - and started to like Su Hyeon. From Da On’s perspective, not much happened or changed even when Jae Min was “dating” Su Hyeon. He still admired Jae Min, he was this constant part of his life. When something seemed wrong between Jae Min and Su Hyeon, he was on Jae Min’s side, even when he liked Su Hyeon. Jae Min was the good part of his life.
I can easily see how his feelings started to grow after Su Hyeon left. He was left with Jae Min and Jae Min alone in his life. And I’m sure Jae Min made sure it was the case for years. After what happened with Su Hyeon, I’m sure he made sure to not make the mistake of letting Da On get close to anyone else. So Jae Min was literally all Da On had. And he never did anything wrong. Not once. But maybe he did? It’s obvious he crossed the boundary Da On tried to set countless times. How Da On told him not to get involved with his family, and Jae Min kept doing that. And it made Da On feel so in debt and guilty. And that made him feel like he is connected to Jae Min even more. Jae Min And Da On had no one in his life to call Jae Min’s actions out. To question the validity of his “help” and the true goals he might have. To show Da On how sneaky and manipulative he is.
But also, even if someone did, I don’t think Da On would listen. Why? Because Jae Min was the only person in his life that cared for him, stayed with him, and did not leave. turning his back on Jae Min would mean being comp;letely alone, and being alone is fucking scary.
And that leads me to why Da On had no issue pushing Jae Min off of him when Jae Min kissed him - because he never, not once saw Jae Min being aggressive. He never feared him. He had no reason to think pushing Jae Min away might put him or someone else in danger. It’s not like Da On did not push away Su Hyeon coz he liked the kiss, and Da On coz he did not. He just felt more safe to react in one situation compared to the other.
And then we have Seong Hyeon who showed up and Da On was “confronted” with what true selflessness means, true care and genuine feelings. And that’s when he slowly started to see that what was between him and Su Hyeon and him and Jae Min was just wrong. That’s when he started to set boundaries. That’s when he for the first time told Jae Min “no”. Because he experienced what a healthy friendship/relationship should be like. BUT you cannot just change your personality in one day. The bad habits and the passiveness caused by neglect, manipulation and trauma does not go away just because you were confronted with them. He takes tiny steps to improve his situation, but also himself. He falls back into bad coping mechanisms out of fear. Because change and healing takes time.
And that’s why he tries to push Seong Hyeon away, because at the moment it is the only way he knows how to protect him. He does not understand quite yet that Seong Hyeon truly likes him. He does not want him to be hurt, simply coz he feels pity for Da On and wants to help him. So he willingly locks himself in the cage with the abuser, and leaves Seong Hyeon safe, outside of it. He is yet to understand that he could lock the abuser, while stepping out of the cage himself. Tho from the end of episode 6, we might see actual progress in that area so yey!
Anyway, Da On is a dude that experienced a lot of trauma and neglect, had no examples of healthy relationships in his life, had all the burden of supporting himself and also worrying about his sister. He was a young guy who, as far as I see it, was groomed by two influential seniors into an easily manipulated and put in place possession. He was in that cage for years (7+, with Jae Min probably longer since they met when Da On was still preparing for university). You cannot heal, move on and set strict boundaries in a day. I honestly think he actually does so much better in this situation than the MAJORITY of people would. No matter how I see him, I do not think he is weak. The fact he did not break down yet for me proves he is strong. He just needs some guidance, be confronted with good experiences and behaviors to see how bad his situation is, so he can make a conscious choice to leave.
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iamalasagnagirl · 1 year ago
Pls, pls, pls I need more WLW book recommendations!!!
Adults, YA, spicy, soft, I don’t care. I just need wlw books because I want to switch from fanfics only to actual books as well
Okay, here we are, enjoy :)
Bright Falls Series by Ashley Herring Blake: 1. Delilah Green Doesn't Care -> Delilah Green swore she would never go back to Bright Falls - nothing is there for her except memories of a lonely childhood - but when Delilah's stepsister pressures her into photographing her wedding with a guilt trip and a large check, Delilah finds herself back in Bright Falls once more. She plans to breeze in and out, but then she sees Claire Sutherland, one of Astrid's stuck-up besties, and decides that maybe there's some fun (and a little retribution) to be had, after all. 2. Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail -> For Astrid Parker failure is unacceptable. When Pru Everwood asks her to be the designer for the Everwood Inn's renovation, which will be featured on a hugely popular home makeover show, Astrid is thrilled. However, Astrid never planned on Jordan Everwood, Pru's granddaughter and the lead carpenter for the renovation, who despises every modern design decision Astrid makes. Is she going to pursue the life that she's expected to lead or the one that she really wants? 3. Iris Kelly doesn't date -> Everyone around Iris Kelly is in love and she’s happy for all of them, truly. Iris doesn’t want any of that—dating, love, romance. She’ll stick to her commitment-free hookups. There’s only one problem—Iris is a romance author facing an imminent deadline for her second book, and she’s completely out of ideas. Perfectly happy to ignore her problems as per usual, Iris goes to a bar and meets a sexy stranger, Stefania, and a night of dancing and making out turns into the worst one-night stand Iris has had in her life. To get her mind off everything, Iris tries out for the lead role in a local play, a queer retelling of Much Ado About Nothing, but comes face-to-face with Stefania, whose real name turns out to be Stevie. Desperate to save face in front of her friends, Stevie asks Iris to play along as her girlfriend. Iris is shocked, but when she realizes the arrangement might provide her with some much-needed romantic content for her book, she agrees. As the two women play the part of a happy couple, lines start to blur.
Falls from grace by Ruby Landers -> Savannah Grace and her band were huge stars in Nashville. Now enlists Noah Lyman - an indie musician - to help her break out of country music and make a name for herself for once and for all. They have to spend the winter in Savannah secluded vacation home in the woods of Vermont, and Noah brings along his best friend Brynn Marshall and pretend she’s his wife? After all, what could possibly go wrong?
The secret of you and me by Melissa Lenhardt -> Nora hasn’t looked back. Not since she fled Texas to start a new life. Now she can live—and love—however she wants. The only problem is that she also left behind the one woman she can’t forget. Now tragedy calls her back home to confront her past—and reconcile her future.
Books by Haley Cass: - Those Who Wait and the follow-up Forever and A Day -> Spencer Sutton, the daughter of a congressman, and Charlotte Thompson, New York City’s youngest deputy mayor, meet on SapphicSpark, a women-seeking-women dating app. Sutton isn’t built for casual, and Charlotte needs to keep a low profile as the race heats up. In spite of that, a friendship blossoms as Charlotte helps Sutton navigate the dating world. - Down to A Science -> Ellie Beckett is a scientific genius finishing a Ph.D. at MIT, sitting on her stool at her favorite bar, putting the final touches on her thesis - her life is predictable and comfortable enough, until the night Mia Sharpe walks in to play pool with some friends and things are never the same again. and On the same Page -> Riley Beckett met Gianna Mäkinen their first year at Boston University, and it changed everything for the both of them. She knows Gianna doesn't do romance or relationships, and she knows nothing could ever come between them. But when a holiday party mix-up sets in motion a domino effect of changes, Riley has to question everything she thought she knew about their relationship. What, exactly, does Gianna mean to her after all? - In the Long Run -> Taylor Vandenberg is busy running a successful travel blog. Brooke Watson and Taylor’s younger brother have been best friends for the majority of their lives. It means that even if Taylor isn’t physically present, she’s always been a part of Brooke’s most monumental life experiences. When Taylor lands back in Faircombe for an extended stay, it leads to more run-ins than Brooke would like. And more feelings than either may want to admit. - When You Least Expect It & Better Than Expected (I haven't had a chance to read them yet, but I have seen them recommended a lot)
If tomorrow doesn't come by Jen St. Jude -> On the morning Avery Byrne plans to end her life, the world discovers there are only nine days left to live: an asteroid is headed for Earth, and no one can stop it. As time runs out and secrets slowly come to light, Avery fights her way home to save the girl she has been in love with her whole life. But can Avery also learn to save herself and find hope again in the tomorrows she has left?
Kiss her once for me by Alison Cochrun -> Ellie had a Christmas Eve meet-cute with a woman at a bookstore that led her to fall in love over the course of a single night. The next year, Andrew, the shop’s landlord where Ellie works, proposes a shocking, drunken plan: a marriage of convenience that will benefit both of them. They make a plan to spend the holidays together at his family cabin to keep up the ruse. But when Andrew introduces his new fiancée to his sister, Ellie is shocked to discover is the mysterious woman she fell for over the year before.
6 times we almost kissed (and one time we did) by Tess Sharpe -> Penny and Tate keep almost kissing. It’s just this confusing thing that keeps happening. You know, from time to time. For basically their entire teenaged existence.  They’ve never talked about it. They’ve always ignored it in the aftermath. But now they’re living across the hall from each other. And some things—like their kisses—can’t be almosts forever. 
Nottingham: the true story of Robin Hood by Anna Burke -> (A retelling of Robin Hood's story with a Female Robin and wlw couples) After a fateful hunting accident sends her on the run from the law, Robyn finds herself deep in the heart of Sherwood Forest. All she really wants to do is provide for her family and stay out of trouble, but when the Sheriff of Nottingham levies the largest tax in the history of England, she’s forced to take matters into her own hands. Relying on the help of her band of merry women and the Sheriff’s intriguing—and off limits—daughter, Marian, Robyn must find a way to pull off the biggest heist Sherwood has ever seen.
Forget me not by Alyson Derrick -> Stevie has a terrible fall. And when she comes to, she can remember nothing of the last two years—not California, not coming to terms with her sexuality, not even her girlfriend Nora. Suddenly, Stevie finds herself in a life she doesn’t quite understand. And Nora finds herself…forgotten.
It goes like this by Miel Moreland -> Eva, Celeste, Gina, and Steph used to play in world-famous queer pop band called Moonlight Overthrow. But after a sudden falling out leads to the dissolution of the teens' band, their friendship, and Eva and Celeste's starry-eyed romance, nothing is the same. Until a storm devastates their hometown, bringing the four ex-best-friends back together. As they prepare for one last show, they'll discover whether growing up always means growing apart.
Dominion Series by J J Arias: 1. Losing Control  -> Talent agent Adriana Ortiz’s world is rocked when she’s thrust into the tumultuous orbit of Roxy, the raw, enigmatic pop rebel with a notorious edge and a guarded heart. Tasked with steering the wild Roxy on a whirlwind tour, Adriana boards Roxy’s opulent tour bus. The nights are filled with roaring crowds, but it’s the electric tension between Roxy and Adriana that sets the air on fire. A forbidden connection that threatens to consume them. Is the wild, unbridled Roxy worth the risk to Adriana’s career, or is she just another woman falling victim to Roxy’s charms? 2. Fighting for Control  -> Lola Barros is a rising talent agent burning with ambition. Carmen Vargas is a dedicated lawyer poised to conquer the legal field. Their shared high-rise is the only thing these two powerhouses have in common. After a trivial parking mishap snowballs onto a full-blown feud, Lola and Carmen are thrust into unconventional anger management sessions and their fiery rivalry gives way to smoldering desire. But yielding to desire isn't straightforward. Between the shadows of demanding careers and familial expectations, their love is tested. Can Lola and Carmen find a balance between ambition and affection? 3. Relinquishing Control  -> Natalia Flores rules her exclusive talent agency with an iron fist, brokering blockbuster deals while keeping everyone at arm’s length. But beneath the cold exterior lies a heart that yearns to be understood. Enter Professor Samantha Reyes—brilliant, fierce, and unwilling to let Natalia manipulate her way into the film rights to her book. Their encounters spark with tension and undeniable chemistry. In a world where control is everything, can two powerful women let go of their fears to find a love that’s worth the risk?
11:59 by Erica Lee -> TJ Edmonds has created a whole brand around not getting attached to other people. She has a best-selling novel and a popular phone app both dedicated to helping people stay detached from their significant others, so they don't get hurt. But the only reason she can move on so quickly now is because she still hasn't let go of someone from her past. It's easy to guard her heart when she no longer has it to give away. TJ texts Brooke everyday at 11:59 pm with no answers. What happens when, in a moment of weakness, this someone reaches out to TJ?
Price and Prejudice and the city by Rachel Lippincott -> Seventeen-year-old Audrey Cameron has lost her spark. After an embarrassing run-in with her ex-boyfriend, she’s told that she needs to get back out there and take risks. What she doesn't expect is to be transported to Regency England! Lucy Sinclair has her own problems when Audrey lands into her life, claiming to be from two hundred years in the future, it's a welcome distraction.
Never ever getting back together by Sophie Gonzales -> Maya and Skye are invited to star on the reality dating show Second-Chance Romance, to compete for their now famous ex-boyfriend's affections while the whole world watches. Skye wonders if she and Jordy can recapture the spark she knows they had, but Maya has other plans.
The art of us by KL Hughes -> Charlee and Alex fell in love at nineteen and dated for four years. Theirs was an enviable love — evergreen and growing. Unbreakable…Until it broke. Alex’s job now brings her back to Boston, after five years. When, by chance, they meet again, Charlee and Alex are swept up in a whirlwind of heart-rending history, tossed between past and present, and lovers old and new. Will their lingering connection be enough to convince them that some loves are meant to last? Or should the past remain in the past?
That secret something by Emily Wright -> Rebecca Lawson is off-limits. Jess knows this, but Rebecca has captured her heart for as long as she can remember. She’s sporty, tall and confident—all the things Jess is not—but most of all…she’s her best friend Lily’s sister. But when Jess and Rebecca are forced to spend time together the forbidden feelings intensify and sparks begin to fly. Amidst the chaos of raging bridezillas and other wedding disasters, can Jess resist temptation for the sake of her friendship?
The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid  -> Aging and reclusive Hollywood movie icon Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. Summoned to Evelyn's luxurious apartment, Monique listens in fascination as the actress tells her story. From making her way to Los Angeles in the 1950s to her decision to leave show business in the '80s, and, of course, the seven husbands along the way
That summer feeling by Bridget Morrissey -> Turns out you're never too old for a summer camp romance. Or a change of heart. When a divorced woman attends a sleepaway camp for adults only, she reconnects with a man from her past - only to catch feelings for his sister instead.
Some of these are my absolute favourites, I've lost count of how many times I've read them. I cannot get enough of "the bright falls series", "One the same page", "Those who wait", "The secret of you and me" and the last entry "Falls From Grace". No matter how many times I read them. And sometimes I wish I could read them again, as if for the first time, if that makes sense. Anyway, I have a lot more titles. Let me know if you want them or not. Enjoy the reading
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ask-pjo-hoo-toa · 7 months ago
ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ ~ ᴘ. ᴊᴀᴄᴋsᴏɴ
req. hiii can i please request a percy jackson x fem!reader? daughter of aphrodite, loving sunshine kind of girl, plot based off ‘wonderland’ by taylor swift?
summary. you and percy got lost in wonderland and life was never better.
warnings. use of (y/n), cussing, kinda short??
eeli0r's notes. this one was, i'll admit, a little tricky lol, but super fun! (y/n) and percy are both 17-ish. thanks @riordanness for the ask! also some parts are inspired by 6 times we almost kissed (and one time we did) by tess sharpe
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june twenty-third
you and percy were best friends. you did (almost) everything together and you'd defend each other no matter the cost.
you were sitting around the campfire, having a grand ol' time. you were laughing and singing and you and percy could barely breathe because you were laughing so hard.
you know how aphrodite is with seeing people who don't know they're in love. and you know how she is when it's her daughter.
so she looked at you for a long moment before smiling down from olympus, waving a hand, and sitting back to watch the scene.
suddenly percy stopped laughing. he stared at you for a long moment, simply gawking in awe of your practically sparkling appearance, and gradually the sounds around you came to an eerie silence.
gasps from the audience. you blinked before looking up, and fluttering above your head was the hologram of a white dove.
"aphrodite," breathed percy.
chiron cleared his throat. "all hail (y/n), the daughter of the goddess of love and beauty!"
"holy shit, (n/n)," percy said, and chiron sent him a warning glance but no way in hell was his attention diverted like that. "you're...wow. wow. you're...stunning."
and he was right. you were stunning. suddenly the most beautiful person at the campfire, though percy would argue you were that already.
july seventh
percy didn't know how to tell you. you were the daughter of aphrodite, for fuck's sake, and he wasn't sure you could ever retaliate feelings for him.
there was something about you. you were so incredibly caring, so bright and smiley whenever he was around, it was hard not to catch feelings.
he asked his friends for advice, and the main thing they could give him was "don't rush into things."
as percy walked up to you, alone in the archery range, his eyes flashed with something you couldn't quite place.
he took a deep breath. "hey," he said, putting on a casual tone and a smile.
you smiled back. and fuck, you had a smile that could light up tartarus. "hi!" you greeted him.
little did he know you'd liked him since you'd met him. and when he didn't notice, you looked at him like he was the one that put the stars in the sky.
percy's stomach flipped as it sunk in what he was about to say. "soo," he started, trying to play it cool though he knew he was probably red in the face. "i just wanted to say....um....i think you're really beautiful," he blurted out. "i mean, um, i mean --- "
you cut him off. "do you mean 'you're my friend and i think you're really beautiful' or 'you're beautiful and i kinda wanna date you?'"
percy blinked. "...the latter?" he said.
your brain took a moment to process this. percy jackson. liked. you back.
you didn't see yourself as beautiful. so how could he?... he was the popular, hot son of poseidon.
and you were...what?
as if reading your mind, percy said, "you're gorgeous. loving. happy. what is there not to like?"
you opened your mouth to speak, but he spoke first. "can i be your boyfriend?" he asked.
you fidgeted. "what if i do something wrong?"
percy grinned, something like that of the cheshire cat. (we love a poet without knowing it) "then we'll talk about it, (y/n)." he threw one arm to the left side, the grin slowly fading. "wait for a second while i make a point. that is the tension that's always been there." he threw his other arm to the right side. "that is what we could be. see? that's, like, big progress.
his arms are wide; beckoning.
you took a quick glance to the left, right, behind, and close the gap. "big progress?" you say teasingly. "big grammar."
percy pokes you in the forehead. "you're not a daughter of athena. shhh."
after a long moment of gazing, percy is the one that breaks first.
his lips press against yours and you know it's always been this, this kairos, the fleeting rightness of the moment that it would happen.
the atmosphere around you seemed to change as you kissed. first a dark scene, then a cabin-like room, then a vine-covered undergrowth with a small door that might've been big enough for a rabbit.
in that moment, you decided you wanted to be like silena.
minus the dying part. that would not be fun.
the last thing --- hell, it didn't even make the list --- you wanted to do was break percy's heart. that would be just horrible; you loved him.
september eleventh
you and percy had been dating for two, three-ish months now, and it had been basically wonderland.
if there were a hundred people who loved percy jackson, you were one of those people, and vice versa.
if there was one person who loved you, it was percy jackson, and vice versa.
if no one loved either of you, both of you never existed and never would exist.
you went to the same school and made sure of that. and as your pinky hooked around percy's, followed by your whole hand, your boyfriend marvelled at the touch.
you can do this now, he reminded himself. you can reach out and touch her and she'll kiss you and you won't have to run away from her or yourself or any feelings.
life was never better in wonderland, and it could never be better when you had each other by your side.
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wahlpaper · 4 months ago
6 Times We Almost Kissed Review
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6 Times We Almost Kissed (and One Time We Did) by Tess Sharpe - WLW Contemporary Dark YA Romance - 4.5/5
Reading Tess Sharpe's 6 Times We Almost Kissed (and One Time We Did) (which I'll be referring to without its subtitle for the majority of this review), was like handling Pandora's Box. The book was tempting with its cute cover and promise of a Sapphic enemies-to-lovers story. Then I began reading and the monsters kept spilling out. There's so much darkness in those pages, sometimes graphic. However, I promise there's hope in the end. Please take the content warnings list seriously for this book. I absolutely recommend the novel, but only if you understand it's not as light as the cover and title imply. 
6 Times We Almost Kissed takes place during the summer when Penny's mother donates part of her liver to Tate's mother. Done in order to save Tate's mother from cancer. Penny and Tate bicker constantly, but they must call a truce if they want to cut down on possible stress for their mothers. Except they both have feelings for the other that they've been trying to ignore. How long will it take for those to come to the surface without the banter standing in the way? To make things more intense, Tate and her mother move in with Penny and her's to save money. The romantic feelings aren't the only secrets being buried. Penny's awful relationship with her mother has been unaddressed for too long. Will anyone be able to get through the summer without breaking?
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gojonanami · 7 months ago
c/w: cuddly gojo, househusband!gojo, based on the gojo centric interview Gege did
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“Are you done yet?”
“…how about now?”
“How about—“
You glance up from your stacks of paperwork, watching your husband smile up at you, lips curled in that perfect smile of his, as innocent as he was guilty of distracting you.
“Y’know asking me repeatedly if I’m done is surprisingly slowing down the process,” and he’s pouting all the same, “do you want something, Toru?”
“Want or need?” And his arms are curling around your back, “I need your attention, because my pretty wife has spent too much of her time on paperwork and not focusing on her very handsome househusband,”
“Very handsome?” And you can feel his pout grow deeper, “I’m just kidding,” you giggle, leaning into him, “my very gorgeous househusband should remember that I have to finish this paperwork tonight and once I do, I’m all his,” And he’s burying his face in the crook of your neck, “this is nice,”
“Hm?” he mumbles into your skin.
“Usually you were the one working until 4 am, but now, you get to rest and I only work until 6:00 PM, and we get to just…live,” you lean into his touch, “I never thought we’d get here,”
“Me either,” he smiles against your skin, “never thought I’d have a family either,”
“Too bad you’re stuck with me now,” and you guide his hands to your slightly rounded stomach, “and baby too,”
His gaze softens, “Do you have to wait to start your leave? Couldn’t you give all your paperwork to Ijichi or Nanami?”
“I’m not in the habit of passing my work over to other people,” you pinch his nose, before kissing it, “I’m almost done, but how about we stay like this until I finish?”
“How about we stay like this forever?” And you roll your eyes.
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witherby · 2 months ago
I really want to see Littlest Wayne having more interactions with the justice league, especially Hal! That bit of him getting emotional after the baby says his name was adorable 😭
You don't have to tell me twice. Get ready to get a lot of uncles and aunts 🤭 featuring more Bruce x Hal because I'm shameless
Slightly spoilerly warning: ⚠️ Emetophobia ⚠️
The Littlest Wayne: Meet the Team
Masterlist is Here!
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"Oh! No. No, I don't — I'm good, actually. No thanks."
Clark gives Hal a curious look, but doesn't try to pass you over to him after that initial rejection. He smiles down at you and goes back to gently tracing the tip of his finger up and down the bridge of your nose. Your eyes droop almost immediately, then you're asleep a minute later.
"They're beautiful, Bruce," Diana says, clapping a hand against his back. Bruce, to his credit, barely stumbles.
"No names in costume," he says.
"You literally brought us your infant child to coo at," Barry chimes in, cracking open a bag of chips. "They're in a Cookie Monster onesie. I think we can let it slide just the once."
"Hnn," Bruce mutters. He lets the edges of his cape fall over his chest, cloaking his limbs and torso until he looks like one, solid shape. "Only the once."
Barry grins, zipping past him to stand in front of Clark and gush over your snoozing form. Oliver held you for a minute when Bruce first showed up to introduce you to the team, then Dinah stole you from him and peppered kisses all over your face until you were squealing with laughter. J'onn carefully held you how he was instructed and told everyone you were thinking about how colorful they each looked. Arthur jokingly asked if Bruce wanted him to baptize you. Arthur swiftly lost his baby privileges. Then Diana held you kind of like someone weighing a ham, nodded once, called you "phenomenal," and handed you off to Clark, where you currently remain.
It was a little curious to see Hal so vehemently refuse to hold you when, as far as Bruce can see, he hasn't taken his eyes off you the whole time you've been in the Watchtower. Even more curiously, before Clark did that little nose trick to get you to sleep, you'd been staring right back at him.
Bruce could go Full Investigation Mode on this, but he understands that it might be a bit much to do to someone he's only been seeing for, like, ten weeks. They haven't even talked about labels yet.
So he does a small guilt trip instead.
Just a small one. Microscopic, really.
Completely harmless.
When he holds out his arms for you, Clark reluctantly surrenders, and you snuggle up to your father with a soft huff. Bruce delicately thumbs over your cheek, taking a moment to admire you, then carries you over to Hal and puts his very harmless plan into motion.
"It's a shame you hate my baby."
Hal looks like he got shot. Guilt Trip Plan: 6/10, too traumatizing. Refine for future use.
"I'm kidding," Bruce says, trying to cushion the blow. "Calm down."
"Jesus, Spooky," Hal mutters, rubbing his temples, "do you ever just ask normal questions outright?"
"Of course I do," Bruce says. "Last night, when we were both free, I asked you if you were interested in having se—"
"Okay!" He waves his hands, glancing at you with panicked eyes, which Bruce finds absurd. You're barely old enough to comprehend the fact that you have a body, let alone the ability to start processing language. You don't even know your name. You do kind of recognize Bruce's voice, but mainly when he's changing or feeding you, and only by his tone. It's all just senseless noise for you, otherwise, stimuli you allow to wash over you without putting conscious thought to it.
Bruce sighs and takes a smaller step closer to Hal. Hal takes a step back.
"I'm very curious about where this is coming from," Bruce says, choosing to be blunt. "You're fantastic with children, in and out of costume."
He takes another step forward. Hal takes another step back.
"Yeah, sure — kids and stuff — not babies," Hal says. "Kids can walk and talk and aren't...y'know, breakable."
"The baby isn't made of glass, Lantern."
One step forward. One step back.
"I know that! But they're also, y'know...just there. Kids are just tiny people. Babies are babies."
One step forward. One step back.
"I feel obligated to inform you that babies are also classified as people. They have social security numbers, birth certificates —"
One step forward. One step back.
"You know what I meant, don't get smart with me."
"I'm trying to know what you mean, actually. It's not like you don't want to hold them, I can see in your face that you do. The question is why you won't."
One step forward. One step back.
"Bruce, I need you to turn that gorgeous detective brain off for ten seconds and realize how intense you're being. I'm literally being backed into a corner."
Bruce stops walking. Hal can't walk back anymore because he's flush against the wall. Oops.
He acquiesces with a step back and turns his focus back on you. Your eyes are twitching under the lids. He wonders what you're dreaming about.
"This child is mine," Bruce says quietly. "I'm not asking you to step up and play stepfather, Hal, but this is a package deal. Them, and my boys. If that's too much...if that's a deal breaker —"
"Oh," Hal says, "no. Hey, no, of course it isn't! I'm not like that, B, I'm just — I've never — ugh."
He wills the domino mask away so he can rub his eyes, groaning, then shakes his head.
"They always puke!"
Bruce pauses. Thinks. Comes up empty. "Elaborate."
"Babies! Every time I hold a baby, they vomit on me. It's like some horrible magic trick or something, but I swear to you, I've never held a baby and it be able to keep its formula down."
Hal looks very distressed as he admits this, gesturing emphatically to get his point across. Bruce finds it endearing.
"Babies are the most adorable things on the planet. You think I don't wanna take them from you and snuggle up on the couch all day? I do! But they're gonna hurl about it!"
"I swear I'm not lyi— okay?"
"Okay," Bruce says. "I don't want you to get puked on, and I don't want to clean up more baby vomit than I have to. It stains absolutely everything it touches. It's a nightmare." He shifts his weight, rocking you slowly when you start to fuss. Is it a bad dream, or do you feel stuffy in the onesie? He'll take you home and get you down in the crib, soon. "But that's good to know. We'll figure something out."
"We will?" Hal says. "You aren't upset?"
"No. In fact, thank you for admitting it. I would have been pissed if you made my baby spit up and didn't warn me ahead of time."
Hal snorts. Bruce cracks a small smile, looking back down at your sleeping form. You seem to be settling again.
"So you'll have to wait a little longer to say hi to uncle Hal," he murmurs. "That's fine."
"Sorry for eavesdropping, but if he's Uncle Hal, can I be Uncle Clark?" The Kryptonian asks, almost shyly as he floats over. "Also, I didn't make the baby spit up. Can I hold 'em again?"
"We get to be uncles?? Hell yesssss," Barry says, pumping his fist.
"I will be the most impressive uncle among you," Diana declares, cracking her knuckles. "How do we battle for such a title?"
"You're an Auntie, Di."
"Then I will be the most impressive auntie among you."
"I think we're all just gonna let you have that one. You win."
Diana smiles, triumphant.
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tpwk-formula1 · 2 months ago
Could you please write a story where lando x reader have basically 'adopted' keegan (even tho he's like 3 yrs younger than them) and she hates whenever they make him do dangerous stuff
AN: SPECIAL EXTRA FLUFF POST!!!! (I know I said I wasn't gonna post a fluff this week but this came in and I got too excited so I quickly wrote it before work! NOT proof read!
OMG stop I absolutely love this idea!! I stopped writing a fic to get this one started! I did switch timelines just a big to make the story work so pretend the video on Quadrant where Keegan tried Karting for the first time happened after summer break!
WC: 1.1K
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"Keegs, have you eaten anything today?" I ask walking up to him with the sandwich I had made for him before we had left for the yacht day.
"I had breakfast," he says softly knowing we had eaten over 6 hours ago and he had been outside all day in the sun.
"Keegan, you're an athlete stop being stupid," I laugh while tossing him the sandwich which he great fully took and started eating it.
"He's a grown man, love. Let him live," Lando tells me softly while approaching me from behind and taking me into his hold.
"You too Norris, sit down and eat," I say while passing him the second sandwich which has him groaning but instantly sitting next to Keegan and starts eating his sandwich.
"Whipped," I hear Max Fewtrell say from somewhere else on the yacht making me shake my head and threaten him with the last sandwich in hand.
"You and P are such moms," Max rolls his eyes while taking the food from me and sitting next to his best friend.
Over the last year or so the friendship between Lando and Keegan had grown from more than just a sponsored athlete to a truth friendship. When the younger boy started coming around it was almost instant that my motherly instincts kicked in with him.
I mean hell when he called us after winning gold at the Paris Olympics I hadn't stopped crying from podium. He still laughs about it and even pokes fun but he has also on multiple occasions expressed how thankful he to have Lando and I in his life.
Once the yacht day has come to an end we make our way back to the house we had rented for the week.
"We're going cliff jumping tomorrow, do you guys want to come?" Martin's friends asked the rest of us when we had made it back to the house.
"No," I instantly say a long with P while all the boys instantly say "yes" making me look directly at them.
"Have you all lost your damn mind? 1 of you is in contract for racing which mind you comes back in just a few weeks and the other just came off of Olympic gold, you need to be fucking careful," I start ranting while Martin starts laughing at the group dynamic not expecting anything less from us.
"It's fine, we'll be fine," Lando reassures me making me me shake my head.
"Get Zak's approval and then it's fine," I say with a smirk and a little shoulder shrug knowing his boss would lose his ever living mind if he found out his young driver is trying to do something so dangerous.
"Please! I promise we wont get hurt," Lando begs giving me his puppy dog eyes I have never been able to say no to, a long with Keegan behind him giving me the same look.
"Okay fine, but I swear to God if you get hurt," I say while pointing a finger before the two boys.
With that the broke out in bright smiles and Lando instantly took me into his arms and places a few kisses on my lips.
We're now coming to the end of our trip when Lando and I are relaxing in bed having some much needed downtime when a knock rings out through our room.
"Come in," I call out grabbing my bookmark and putting the book I was reading to the side.
When Keegan walks in he has a nervous expression written all over his face.
"What's wrong?" I ask sitting up a bit taller making Lando sit up a bit more noticing the serious expression written across the younger man's face.
"Can I ask for some advice?" Keegan says while walking into the room and closing the door behind him.
"Of course, you can sit on the bed," I say laughing a little when I noticed him awkwardly standing near the end of the bed.
"So I've been talking to this girl," Keegan starts while sitting on the bed.
"Aye! My man," Lando says excitedly while dapping Keegan up making his cheeks grow even redder.
"Well anyways, her name is Ella and we've been talking for awhile and I want to make it official but I'm nervous she might say no and I also need ideas on how to plan the perfect date to ask," Keegan admits making me smile. While it might have been Lando's first time hearing about about Ella, Keegan had already come to me about her and from what I had gathered he really liked her and she seemed really sweet.
After about an hour of planning the most perfect date for Keegan to take Ella on he thanked up both before leaving the room with a bright smile on his face.
"That's my son for real," Lando says laughing making me shake my head with a laugh falling from my lips.
"He's such an awesome kid," I reply back before cuddling closer into Lando's side.
"Did you pull the same move on Carlos when you where asking me out," I tease with a smirk on my face.
"Maybe," Lando admits with his cheeks reddening.
It's been a few weeks since summer break and we already have a week off from racing which means it's time to film for Quadrant and as we pull up to the track both Lando and Max have been suspiciously quiet about what we will be filming.
When we pull up to the track I see Keegan almost instantly making everything click for me.
"No! He is not about to hope in a kart without any training!" I say sternly making Max laugh and Lando turn and give me a reassuring smile.
"He's fine, he can drive a car, he can drive in a few circles on a kart," Lando says but it just makes me groan and throw my head back.
Lando did end up giving Keegan a small run down before filming and once he was in the first Kart I could already feel my stomach drop. He was going as fast as his car will allow him to go but you can see the difference between Lando's control of the Kart and his control but after the first lap he was able to adjust and already looked more comfortable.
As the karts got faster the more I go stressed. Keegan was clearly having an amazing time in the karts but my anxiety is going through the roof.
By the end of the video it is clear to all of us that Keegan loved every moment of it and even asked the next time he could drive one.
When the video was posted fan instantly clung to the fact that I was like a mom to Keegan. I mean an entire compilation was made where it was every moment I made a comment, face, or gasp throughout the short video making fans across F1 laugh at the endearing moments between friends.
Sorry it feels a bit rushed I just loved the idea and might even circle back around in the future and add to the story
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bluem1lls · 2 months ago
Hai can you make one where she’s clingy? She’s her same usual self except she’s really clingy. Like she’s clingy in a way but she’s still hot or “nonchalant” about it. Oh and the setting of this story is after the big whole fight scene where she got her ahh killed. Except she doesn’t die this time and wasn’t fighting with nam-gyu in the first place. She was hiding with Gi-huns group. Go hard on the fluff I’m begging.
✧₊⁺ you belong with me!
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✦ synopsis: your best friend is so clingy, she might wanna ruin the friendship! content: pure fluff, being best friends although you both want something more, shes clingy (if she doesn't have you besides her she might die) authors note: hiii sorry for taking so long! its so short but i hope u like it💓
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⠄⠂☆ she has always been super clingy to you, even though you've been best friends for a while (because you were both cowards who couldn't talk about feelings)
⠄⠂☆ she told you she wanted to get into the game and if that meant you could both win and help her pay her debts, you're on
⠄⠂☆ because you'd do anything to help the person you love. your... best friend.
⠄⠂☆ but she's SOOO into you, she wants to protect you all the time and that means she constantly needs to be by your side
⠄⠂☆ like literally. don't even get me started when the game begins. like middle of the night, you're almost peeing yourself so you wake up to run quickly to the bathroom as you see her sitting up, rubbing her eyes so sleepy as she stares at you confused.
"where are we going?" she asks, her voice still soggy from a deep sleep.
"bathroom, but stay here and sleep-"
yeah no. she's already up by your side, dragging her feet.
⠄⠂☆ so with every game she becomes more and more protective and clingy, she's so afraid that something might happen to you. she can't leave you alone!
⠄⠂☆ this is only a side for you to see tho. ask anyone else, they'd be amazed to know the girl that looks like they could kill them is so soft for her girl (not really her girl but you get it) (she says you are)
⠄⠂☆ "oh please. you're judging him? you get the same nerves, except you shut them out with one of your pills" she says to nam-gyu.
you're getting closer because you just KNOW this will end up bad and when he notices you, he mumbles something to her.
not even two minutes after, he's on the floor with a bloody nose and a purple eye.
⠄⠂☆ "what did he said?" you say, washing her knuckles as she hissed. her right hand letting the water run to wash the blood while her left arm was wrapped around your waist.
"something fucking dumb"
"what does that mean? oh wait did he said something about my body or-"
she snorted, rolling her eyes while mumbling.
"he said that if i keep bothering him, he'll 'steal my little girlfriend' and that it wouldn't bother him seeing you underneath him"
and you're frozen, staring at her wide eyed as you make a grossed out expression.
"ew, oh my god"
she nods.
"did you get mad that you got the mental image of me undrrneath him or mad he was about to steal your little girlflriend?" i teased her, softly chuckling
"maybe both" she mumbled, looking away.
wait what?
⠄⠂☆ it doesn't take you both more than two minutes until you're locked in the bathroom stall making out.
"fuck, i can't believe i've missed this the last 6 years of my life" she says in between kisses.
biting her lips, i nod excited.
"well, then it's time to get moving" i said, lifting and removing my shirt as she stares.
⠄⠂☆ yeah. she's down bad for her girl. completely.
⠄⠂☆ after that, you're both on the common room again, faces flushed but she's hugging you from behind. now she can finally say you're hers and she's so happy she might cry.
⠄⠂☆ and when it's time for 'lights out'?
you're both underneath a bed with jun-hee and her ex.
⠄⠂☆ from the corner of your eye, you noticed nam gyu trying to get close, looking for someone.
"uh, sem? wait here"
"what? no?" she says, grabbing your arm.
"wait here, i'm serious. i'll be fine" i said running from her grip and getting up from underneath.
he spots you as he walks towards you. he's filled with blood.
"what the fuck do you want?" you ask him as he stares at you, thirsty for a new fight.
"hi doll, where's that little girlfriend of yours?"
"why do you wanna know?" you reply as he rolls his eyes and gets closer to you.
"why don't you just tell me hm? i'd like to keep that pretty face with no cuts"
you kick him in the balls as he winces in pain and tries to stab you with the shard of glass, but only manages to do a deep scratch on your ribs.
as he stands up, leaving aside the pain to throw himself at you, someone grabs him from the neck and chokes him, only to twist his head. his body falls to the ground as you stare at in-ho with your mouth open in surprise.
you quickly run to hug him as he stays there, frozen in place. he haven't felt a hug in so long, he honestly forgot how that felt.
"thank you so much" you said as he pats your back with a small smile.
"we can't lose one of us"
⠄⠂☆ when you're back, your girlfriend looks like she's about to have a panic attack as you see her checking every corner.
once she sees you, she lets out a breathing she didn't even know she was holding as she run towards you.
"what the fuck? where were you?" she grabs your face and places a peck on your lips. "you can't do that to me because what if i lost you or-"
"se-mi, i love you so much" you kiss her as she holds you, quickly replying to your kiss.
as the lights turn on, you two get back to the group to stay safe.
⠄⠂☆ and so it goes, another day more in this fucked up place, but while she's here, you can survive anywhere.
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finalgirlmorgue · 3 months ago
⋆˚࿔ Soft little Christmas Lights 𝜗𝜚˚⋆⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
╭✦ ︶꒷꒦・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・ ♡ˎˊ˗ ┇🎀・ ˎGenre: Fluffy Smut ┇🎀・ ˎWarnings: Smut in general, but it's super sweet ┇🎀・ ˎJason Todd x Female reader. ┇🎀・ ˎSummary: Christmas eve always leaves Jason alone in the living room whilst you wrap up presents, and he's only a man. He's getting needy. ┇🎀・ ˎREQUEST!! I can not say this enough!!
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You are responsible for your own media consumption. Happy holidays! Enjoy this early gift.
There was something so distinctly you about forcing him out of his own bedroom in your shared apartment. Yes, you had to wrap his gifts. Yes, you could have done it during one of the many nights he was shadowing over Gotham. But instead, you had forced him to sit in the living room, picking at a tray of cookies that vaguely resembled Santa and Christmas wreaths. Although they were a bit gooey in the center, they were warm and soft—his only entertainment out here while he waited for you to call him back to bed so he could reclaim his spot and pass out halfway on top of you. Just like he did every night.
It would take an hour of watching Netflix and then another hour of doing nothing before his brain shut off altogether out here. He would have much preferred trench warfare rather than being stuck out here waiting for you. However, you’d told him to be patient.
In his mind, that might have meant there was a reward for him in the end. He was like a domesticated dog waiting around for scraps—kisses, hugs, or that time of night when you would rub his shoulders and chest with that particular combination of soft but firm pressing from your fingertips. So, when he heard the click from the bedroom door, he perked up and hopped to his feet to get ready to crash into bed head first. When you appeared, he almost tripped in excitement. It wouldn't be the first time he fell to his knees for you.
But, he stopped himself just short of knocking you over as he rushed to you. All 6 feet of him, muscular, heavy and built like some twisted kind of a god. You were wearing lingerie. The fancy kind. "Baby- Whats all this--…"
"Just a little something I bought when you were away on 'busniess.'"
Delicate ribbons placed on the the plush of your hips, sequins shimmering softly. Tiny little slits revealed glimpses of your curves, intricate lacy designs that clung lovingly to your body.
His gaze traveled lower, drawn irresistibly to those thigh garters that hugged your skin… They seemed to tease him. The playful window that exposed your stomach, a small valley that led all the way to your navel. That space would soon be filled his large hands. If only the rest of you was as accommodating to his size. He placed a hand on his hip.
"You didn't have to kick me out to put all this on. I would've liked to watch." His grin turned mischievous. “Do I have to wait to open this one till tommorow too?" Your cheeks flushed a pretty pink. "No, baby, we can-" He cut you off by throwing you over his shoulder. Stomach flat against his broad back, legs wrapped gripped tightly in his arms as he moved his hand up to lovingly pat your butt. Your face burned further.
The two of you made the journey to the bedroom without a word spoken. Once he laid you down in bed, you tugged at his shirt. With an eager smile, he pulled it over his head, tossing it aside before crawling in beside you. As his arms curled around your waist, his lips nuzzled against your jaw, breath ghosting across your skin before he whispered, "I really missed you tonight."
"It was 30 minutes hun." A sigh escaped your throat. His fingers trailed slowly along the line of your waistline before settling under the hem of your panties. He dragged them down to your thighs, pulling them down further so their thin fabric pooled around your ankles. Then the kisses continued, each brush of lips sending tingles through your body like static electricity.
He lifted a leg, pushing you up slightly with his force. Your lower back felt cold and bare. He pressed a kiss between your shoulder and neck, trailing light kisses down towards your chest as his thumb traced patterns into the skin over your breastbone.
"Oh yeah, I really missed you…" His voice was husky. "So fucking much…" His other arm wound around your back, lifting your bottom so his mouth could find your lower one. He moaned against you before pulling away briefly, sucking in a quick breath through his teeth as his fingers fumbled to pull his pants down. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. A shudder ran through his body before he slid his hand inside the elastic band of his underwear. Pulling his cock free. It slapped against the skin below your belly button wetly.
He looked up from his task momentarily to gaze thoughtfully into your eyes, pupils blown wide like the eyes of a chinchilla. You tried to return his expression. A gentle smile curved your lips. His lips twitched up into a grin and he laughed softly to himself, amused at how soft he had gotten these days. How vulnerable and easily charmed he'd become. How far gone he was…
He smiled down at you. "You.. um.. ready?-" He was being all shy now. Maybe it was the spell that you seemed to put on him whenever he was in your presence. Or maybe it was simply how utterly happy you made him that he felt such hesitation. He wasn't used to it—you weren't going to hurt him, abandon him, or replace him.
He was safe. Secure. And loved.
And maybe thats when fucking you oh so raveneously turning to making love to you.
He locked your legs in place atop his shoulders, holding you firmly against his cock while you squirmed underneath trying to get into a comfortable position. One of his hands found yours and he threaded your fingers together as he positioned himself. You could feel the tension in his muscles as they stretched to accommodate your smaller size. Then, he began slowly, easing into you with care. His tip grazing by past your folds and planting itself inside. He stayed like that for a short time, wanting to bask in the warm exuberation of you and your body. He held still until he could feel your fingers press into the back of his hand, impatience. He began moving slowly, not rushing it, not taking it too quickly. Instead, he held onto that perfect moment as best he could while you took the first few thrusts. He hated to overwhelm or startle you. He understood you were smaller than him and he didn't want to cause any unnecessary stress. But, hisbody was so demanding. He pushed himself deeper by an inch. "Mh…" His throat rumbled. "God," he panted out, his fingers curling tighter around yours. "Fuck, that feels so good." He closed his eyes and let out a shaky sigh of relief. "That's good," he groaned, feeling as if he had spent too long without being inside of you like this. You gave a little cry as he hit a particularly tender part of you and he slowed again, allowing you time to adjust before pushing back in hard enough that it brought tears to your eyes. He wanted you to know how much he enjoyed this. How he truly adored you. He'd been alone for so long that finding someone that loved him in return felt like a miracle. He needed to savour everything you gave him. Every second. Because you deserved it.
His lips followed the outline of your shoulder, kissing the tender flesh lightly as he pumped into you harder. He couldn't get close enough, couldn't give you the pleasure he craved because his body wouldn't allow him to phase into your soul and live inside of it for the rest of his existence. He groaned. "God, can't ever last more then 7 minutes with you baby… making me look like a teenager." He laughed at his own humor, before cutting himself off with a low whine. He could hardly keep his head above water and yet the idea of you and him going 5 more rounds after this seemed like the only right course of action.
One last, deep plunge of his shaft, before you were both crying out. His eyes opened to meet yours. Their color dark with lust. His brow furrowed with concern. "Did I hurt you baby? That was a little harsh- m' sorry…" he mumbled anxiously, his hands cupping your hips gently. "You okay?"
Your hand reached up to grasp at his cheek. He leaned into your touch. A shaky laugh left your lips. "You didn't hurt me babe," you reassured him with a smile. Then, his mouth was against yours. ---------------------------------------- Reblog if you enjoyed!
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moonstruckme · 3 months ago
Thawing Out
collab with @ellecdc
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | part 14 | part 15 | part 16
cw: modern au, smut mndi, chronic pain mention, I always feel like my confessions are awk so sorry if you think this one is too
note for minors: a lot of this chapter is smut, but you can read up until the red line without worrying about it. There's no summary this time because it really is just smut for smut's sake and all the character development happens before it starts, so you won't need it for the plot. There is one vague mention of boners before the red line (sorry it's just for a laugh), but that's it
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader ♡ 3.2k words
You catch on quickly to what’s happened between Sirius and Remus. What you don’t understand is why they’ve interrupted it to come talk to you. And how you could be wrong twice—do they cancel out if you were truly right the first time? 
Clearly, the chemistry you’d felt between Remus and Sirius wasn’t imagined. You’d convinced yourself you must’ve gotten your wires crossed—otherwise why would Remus have kissed you?—but evidently they’ve come to some sort of agreement. Are they here to ask for your permission? Intra-team fornicating: approved. 
You’re not sure if you wish they’d waited until they were less hard to pop by. 
“Um.” You keep your eyes very intentionally on the boys’ faces. “What’s up?” 
Sirius looks almost nervous, skittish even, but Remus’ hand wraps around his to pull him closer to your doorway. Your heart does something funny in your chest. 
“Could we talk?” Sirius asks. 
“Er…yeah. Of course.” You step aside, letting them into your small room. Remus sits politely on the edge of your bed, giving you deja vu from the night before, while Sirius makes himself comfortable further back. He leans his side into your pillow where it’s propped up on the wall. 
“We were talking,” starts Remus, “and I told Sirius about what happened between us.” 
Your next breath seems to come slower. Unwillingly, your gaze flits to Sirius, but he looks impassive, only like he might be scrutinizing you in turn. You look back at Remus. “You did?” 
“I did,” he says gently. “But it wasn’t—” 
“Babe,” Sirius interrupts, “don’t look so freaked. What’s the matter? And why are you still standing there?” 
You realize you’re hugging yourself around your middle, standing awkwardly in front of the bed. “I’m not sure it’s meant to hold three people,” you say weakly. 
Sirius snorts, whatever nervousness he’d arrived with vanishing. Sirius has always been good this way; he can only ever panic when no one else is, but the second you’re panicking too he’s all ease. 
“Don’t be silly.” He pats the space between himself and Remus. It’s as ample as the bed allows, which isn’t saying much. “It’ll be fine. Anyway, it’s your bed.” 
You can’t think of a good reason to argue. Something in you calms as you settle in between them, Sirius’ hip touching yours and the warmth of Remus’ body on your other side. It’s familiar, safe. 
“Are you upset?” you ask Sirius. 
His brows pinch. “Why would I be?” 
“Because…” You cringe. “Aren’t you two…?”
“There’s been a lot of confusion, I think,” Remus says kindly. “But when we were talking, we both sort of came to the realization that we fancy each other…and you.” 
There’s a dense pause. 
“And me?” you echo. 
Remus’ lips tilt slightly. “Yes.” 
“As in…” You rub your eyes, dumbfounded. “Sorry, I did just wake up.” 
Sirius laughs. Remus too, reaching over to rub your knee like he can’t help himself. 
“For the record, I didn’t plan any of this,” says Sirius, “but if I had, I’d have done it exactly this way. It’s very gratifying to finally disturb your sleep schedules the way you pricks have been doing to me all these weeks.” 
“Oi,” Remus chides teasingly, reaching over you to push at Sirius’ thigh. You marvel at this new easiness between them, now given even newer context. “Anyway, we thought we’d come see if you might be interested.” 
“In…you.” You rub your lips together, looking between them and noticing Sirius’ gaze has fallen to your mouth. Unless you’re terribly mistaken and you’ve got it all wrong, this means he fancies you as well. Your partner, your best friend. 
The idea isn’t as upsetting as it ought to be. 
Do you fancy him too? You’ve never thought about Sirius in that way. You love him, of course, but you’ve never taken the time to parse out if it might be a different sort of love than the kind between friends. And as for the rest—well, who wouldn’t be attracted to Sirius? You’re only human. 
“In both of us, yes,” Remus confirms patiently. 
“Is that something you’d be into?” Sirius asks. 
Your answer leaves you on a breath, thoughtless but true. “Yeah.” 
“Yeah?” Sirius grins. 
You nod. You’re suddenly fixated by the way his cupid’s bow flattens out when he smiles like that. It’s something you’ve noticed a thousand times before, but now…
“Yeah,” you say again. “Um…what do we do?” 
Remus chuckles. “I don’t really know. I’ve not been with two people before.” 
“Believe it or not, this is a first for me as well,” Sirius says lightly. 
“Right,” you laugh. It breaks up some of the apprehension in your chest. 
“If you want to,” Remus’ voice softens, “I suppose you could start by kissing him.” 
You look at him, then at Sirius. For the first time, something like insecurity flashes across his face. 
“You don’t have to,” he says quietly. No longer the brazen flirt, but the kind, considerate boy you know. “It’s okay.” 
“I know,” you reply. 
It’s like he’s afraid to touch you until you get to him. You steady yourself with a hand on his jaw, your other pressing into the mattress as you lean towards where he’s reclined against your pillow and bring your lips to his. 
You know all the ways that Sirius moves, and even this new, completely uncharted part of him is consistent. Sirius’ kisses start out slow, probing, feeling out what you like and what he can do, but then he gives himself over to it. His hands find first your hips, urging you closer to him before one slides to the small of your back. Greedy fingers curl in the fabric of your pajama top. 
You make a small, accidental sound in the back of your throat when his teeth tease your bottom lip, and Sirius pulls away. You’re both breathing hard. 
Sirius stares at you for a weighted moment before his eyes drift behind you and he huffs out a laugh. “Enjoyed that, did you?” 
You look over your shoulder, and Remus is watching you both with a low flame burning in his gaze. He flushes a tad at the question but his expression doesn’t change. He leans forward, kissing you, tasting Sirius on your lips. 
The three of you don’t need to speak much to communicate. Remus pulls you back into him, his length hardening against your ass, and Sirius follows. He kisses Remus over your shoulder with a relieved sort of sigh. All the while, his hands are roving your thighs, pushing up your pajama shorts until they crease and pinch at your crotch. 
You exhale and tilt your head to the side when Remus drops his lips to your neck. “We have a competition tomorrow,” you remind them both. “We ought to be resting up.” 
You feel Sirius’ grin as he brings his mouth to yours again. “Yup.” He nips your bottom lip. “I’m aware this is a bad idea.” 
“I’m afraid I can’t condone it,” Remus agrees, one hand covering your ribs while the other sneaks down to tease the waist of your pajama shorts.Your poor shorts are being attacked from both sides. “How far do you want to go?” 
Sirius pulls his lips from yours to watch you think. They still tingle, and you rub them together unconsciously. His eyes darken. 
“You drive me mad when you do that,” he says. 
“Do what?” 
Sirius’ mouth kicks up at the corner. He brings his thumb to your lower lip, pressing down on it gently. His own lips are swollen and gleaming prettily with spit, eyes nearly all pupil. Remus’ hand strokes lazily at your side. 
“I want to go as far as you guys want to,” you say without breaking Sirius’ gaze. 
His grin widens, and he looks at Remus, shrugging. “We could just go until somebody says stop.” 
“Alright,” says Remus. One of his hands leaves you, finger hooking in the waist of Sirius’ trousers. “Can we take these off, then?” 
Sirius isn’t shy, but you didn’t think he would be. He sits up on his knees and pulls them down, letting Remus help them over his ankles before they’re discarded in a heap on the floor. Remus gets rid of his too, and then you’re staring at the outlines of both boys through the far thinner material of their underwear. 
Remus ghosts a touch over Sirius’ cock, making the other boy’s expression pinch with want, before pulling down the waistband. Lithe, graceful muscles and hip bones curving inwards. Sirius curses as Remus’ long fingers wrap around him. 
Remus pumps slowly, his own arousal an insistent heat at your hip. You find your attention torn between the feeling of his body against your backside and the sultry droop of Sirius’ eyelids as he watches Remus work his cock. 
“Doesn’t he look pretty?” Remus murmurs. 
It takes you a second to realize he’s speaking to you. “Yeah.” Your mouth feels dry. You swallow, and watch as Sirius’ eyes flit up to the motion. “He always does.” 
Remus hums in agreement, pressing a light kiss to an exposed bit of skin beside the neckline of your top. “Do you want to try, lovely?” 
You turn your head to look at him. Remus’ eyes are glued to Sirius. “What about you?” 
A chuckle, and another soft kiss to your shoulder. “I’ll be alright.” 
Remus waits until your hand is around Sirius’ shaft, pumping a couple times against his own fist, before letting go. You choose a slightly less languid pace than Remus had. Sirius twitches in your grasp, taking your face in his hands and setting his lips to yours with a muffled groan. 
Behind you, Remus moves closer until his length is pressed against your ass. One of his hands steadies you by the hip while the other dips below the waistband of your shorts, palming you through your underwear. You shift, and he hisses when you move against him. 
You turn your head on instinct, Sirius’ lips smudging across your cheek. “Sorry.” 
“It’s alright.” Remus’ voice is breathy, amused. “You just surprised me.” 
“What’d she do?” Sirius is never one to be left out of the loop. 
“Just backed into me.” 
“Oh. Gorgeous,” he smiles, turning you by the chin to capture your lips again, “who wouldn’t want that?” 
Their praise soon has you devolving into a thoughtless, sensory creature. Sirius’ hands caress your face and neck and Remus’ fingers brush your panties aside to toy with your cunt. Every movement of your hips makes him push more insistently against you. Your shirt comes off, Remus dotting your shoulders with sweet kisses. Your grip tightens on Sirius’ cock, and a low, needy sound tears out of him. 
“Fuck, that’s it, sweetheart. Just like that.” 
Your heart flutters at the endearment, but you don’t let your movements stall. Soon he’s pushing his hips into your hand, kisses turning messy and desperate, your own sounds harder to suppress as Remus bullies your clit with two fingers. You’re glad to know at least Sirius’ room is empty on your other side, because you’re beginning to wonder how thick these walls are. Remus pushes his length into the crease between your asscheeks through your shorts, Sirius’ cock beginning to twitch in your hand, and you press your lips together to contain a sound that promises to be both loud and mortifying—and the bed collapses. 
You fall backwards onto Remus as the cardboard on his end gives out, sending all three of you to the floor. Sirius’ teeth knock into yours and Remus catches you around the waist with both hands, keeping you from fully sitting on his hard cock. 
“Fuck.” Sirius brings a hand to his mouth. “What the fuck?” 
“Oh, shit.” You scramble away from Remus, onto the floor. Both boys look at you in alarm. You’re looking to where Remus’ leg is bent underneath him, not at a terribly cruel angle, but still— “Your hip. Is your hip okay?” 
“Oh.” Remus glances down as though he’s forgotten it himself, realization dawning over his features. 
“Fuck,” Sirius breaths, remembering as well. His hand moves toward Remus but lingers in the air, afraid of hurting him. 
“It’s…yeah, it’s okay,” says Remus. His eyes meet yours. “It’s fine. It doesn’t hurt.” 
Sirius’ brows pinch, but his hand makes it the rest of the way, rubbing tentatively over Remus’ hip joint. “Are you sure?” 
Remus shifts slowly, sitting up off his knees to move closer to Sirius. “I’m sure.” A little smile graces his lips. “You worried about me, Pads?” 
Sirius’ face splits in the sort of grin you can only ever surprise out of him. “Fuck off,” he laughs, pushing Remus away when he tries to kiss him. Remus catches Sirius’ hands, his own smile unfurling slowly, almost unwillingly. It makes his eyes crinkle at the corners.
“How sweet,” he hums, smug. 
You find yourself smiling at them both, your heart a balloon in your chest. 
“Okay.” You give the mattress a little tug. “In that case, could you guys get off?”
“What’re you doing?” Remus asks. Both he and Sirius move. 
“Having this on a slant doesn’t seem like a good idea, so I’m moving it.” 
It should be awkward, this break in the tension, but maybe it’s because you’re so used to working as a team that it isn’t. You all get the mattress situated on the floor, and then you’re dragging Remus’ underwear off, his hands moving kind and doting over the lengths of your arms. He inhales a small breath as Sirius takes his cock into his mouth. 
You watch Sirius’ lips move up and down his shaft, his eyes dark and growing shiny as he takes Remus as far as he can. You aren’t quite sure how to contribute, but when you rub the inside of Sirius’ thigh tentatively both boys moan. You take that to mean you’re on the right track. 
The muscles in Sirius’ back flex as he raises and lowers his head between Remus’ legs, mouth growing wet with spit and slick, and it’s not long before Remus’ fingers are curling in Sirius’ hair, curses spewing from between his lips in a Welsh accent you’ve not heard before. You can’t help but follow them back to the source, kissing Remus just before he cums down Sirius’ throat. He grips you by the arms with something like desperation. You’re happy to stay as the tension unwinds from his body, until his hands are moving down you, smoothing across the skin just above the waistband of your shorts. 
“Are you planning on keeping those on all night?” 
It’s Sirius who asks, his gaze sultry as he watches Remus’ finger skim just underneath the fabric covering your ass. He wipes the corner of his mouth with a thumb. 
“How’s this?” Remus suggests. He pulls you gently into his lap, situating you between his legs with your back against his chest. Again, you can feel the impression of him pressed against your backside. 
Your voice comes out weak. “This is good.” 
He chuckles, soothing a hand down your side while Sirius grins. Sirius’ fingers grasp the elastics of both your shorts and your underwear. “Okay?” he asks you. 
You nod. 
He takes his time working them down your legs and off your ankles, his eyes locking on your exposed cunt and the arousal Remus has coaxed out of you already. Remus, too, is watching over your shoulder. His fingers gravitate back to it, dragging slick up through your folds idly, almost worshipfully. He kisses behind your ear. 
“Fuck, you’re lovely,” says Sirius. 
Both boys’ gazes stay glued to your cunt as Sirius positions himself over you, pushing into your warmth. You bite down on a small sound. Remus tuts at you, his hand spreading reassuringly over your navel. 
“You can do better than that,” he chides. “Don’t think we don’t want to hear you.” 
Sirius holds your hips as he sinks into you. His fingers dent your flesh, and you marvel at the fact that you’ve wasted so much time not doing this. That you’ve ever been in a room with either Remus or Sirius and managed not to kiss them dizzy. You’re not sure you’ll be able to manage it again. 
Remus draws slow, tight circles around your clit with his finger. You arch your neck back onto his shoulder, and Sirius groans as you tighten on him. 
“God—you’re so perfect,” he says hoarsely. “You feel so good.” 
Your reply gets lost on a lewd sound as he drags his cock along your walls. Remus kisses you rewardingly in the soft skin underneath your ear. “There you are,” he says. “Good girl.” 
Warmth unfurls through your gut. 
Sirius grins whatever reaction must show up on your face, his hands migrating to your ass as he thrusts into you. As he gets rougher, so do Remus’ ministrations to your clit, his slow circles turning quick and jagged. You feel yourself tighten on Sirius in little flutters that have him gripping you tight enough to leave fingerprint bruises. 
“Fuck, like that, yeah. Just like that, baby.” 
Your lips part at the pet name and Sirius’ eyes flick up to yours like he’s surprised too, like he’s let slip something he didn’t mean to. But you say, “come here,” and he goes, leaning over you to let you take his face in your hands and kiss him until you can’t breathe. 
Remus feels your high approaching before you do. His free hand smooths over the inside of your twitching thigh. 
“Are you close?” he asks you. 
Sirius parts his lips from yours, looking down to see the confirmation on your face. You give it.
“Good,” he says, picking up his pace, “good, sweetheart, that’s it. Cum for me, yeah? I’ve got you.” 
You nearly bite your lip in half when you do, Remus tsking amusedly and kissing your neck while the tightening of your cunt threatens to send Sirius over the edge as well. He starts to pull out of you, but you grab his hand. 
“It’s okay,” you manage. “In me.” 
“Really?” he asks in a strangled voice. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I wanna feel it.” 
That’s all it takes. Sirius’ expression pinches like you’ve said something cruel as he thrusts into you one last time, a shock that reverberates through you as he warms you from the inside out. He’s rigid for a few seconds before tipping forward, his head to your shoulder and to Remus' chest, which you’ve slipped down without noticing. His breath fans softly over your skin. 
Remus rubs your thigh comfortingly and with his other hand pets down Sirius’ hair, cupping his flushed cheek. “Alright, love?” he asks. 
Sirius’ blush seems to worsen. “Yeah. You?” 
“More than.” Remus kisses his head. 
It’s only after a few seconds of silence that you realize Remus’ question was posed to the both of you. 
“That was…” you shake your head, at a loss “...fantastic.” 
“Yeah?” Sirius nudges his nose into your skin. “I thought so.” 
Remus’ chuckle rumbles through all three of you. “Cocky,” he says fondly. 
“And decent enough with it, by all reports.” 
It starts up a round of sweet, half teasing kisses Sirius pretends to want to escape despite making no real efforts to do so. You give and receive plenty of your own, until not just your lips and shoulders but many other parts of you are wet with spit and slick. You fall asleep all three on a twin mattress on the floor, your head on Remus’ chest and Sirius’ arms wound around your middle. It might be the best sleep you’ve ever had.
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no-144444 · 5 months ago
the grid: time for a hot lap!
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Day 22 of fic-tober! fic-tober masterlist
Featuring: Oscar Piastri, Lando Norris, Lewis Hamilton, George Russell, Alex Albon, Daniel Riccardo, Charles LeClerc, Max Verstappen
Oscar Piastri: 
When Oscar told you that Mclaren wanted you to do a hot lap with him at the Austin GP, you were pretty shocked. Both you and Oscar were pretty against putting your entire relationship on blast, and you were usually too busy with your own job to make it to the GP’s, but you’d promised you’d do the triple header with him this time. 
“It’ll be fun,” he smiled, rubbing your back as you both lay in bed together. “I promise I won’t go too fast.”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t care about the ‘going fast’ part. I care about the questions they’ll make me ask you.”
He chuckled. “It’ll be alright, I’ll ask them to not make it too inappropriate.” 
You sighed, knowing he really wanted you to do this. “Let’s do it.” 
“Thank you baby,” he pressed a kiss to your cheek and finally, you both got up for the day. 
The Texas sun was setting over the Circuit of the Americas, casting a golden glow on the iconic track. You sat in the car, Oscar revving it up as your heart dropped when you looked at the first question. “Holy shit Osc,” you mumbled, flipping through all of the cue cards. 
“What?” he asked, looking over. 
“These are all from, like, a horny question game!” you whispered. He immediately started laughing as he flipped through the cards, each one getting more ridiculous. 
“What are these? ‘Kiss me for 5 whole minutes’? What is this shit?” He laughed. 
“That’s one of the more tame ones,” you whispered. 
“This one is the worst,” he chuckled, showing you a card that says ‘Do you have any fetishes I don't know about?’ and you both bursted out laughing. 
“What do we do?” You asked, not knowing if you were meant to actually ask such personal questions. 
“Throw them out the window,” he instructed with a cheeky smile. 
You rolled your eyes. “Oscar, we can’t do that-!”
He grabbed them out of your hand and threw them out his window, then started speeding down the main straight. 
Lando Norris: 
“It’ll be funny!” You begged. “Come on, I promise I won’t scream- that much.” 
He rolled his eyes. “You barely let me drive anyways, what’s different about this, huh?”
“That’s so not true! I let you drive when I’m drunk.”
“Exactly!” He giggled. 
“Please Lan, let’s just do it, I promise it’ll be fun,” you poured, and he knew he had no defence now. 
“Fine,” he sighed. “But you owe me something in return,” he lifted an eyebrow and you chuckled. 
“You’re such a child,” you teased before placing your lips on his. 
He was pleasantly surprised at how much you enjoyed it. He sped along the circuit, and every time it came to the last corner, he obliged your begs to his again until you eventually did 6 whole laps going top speed. As you both got out of the car, while you spoke animatedly to the camera, he stood shyly behind you. As you two walked off ‘set’ (the pitlane) you turned to him. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked, taking his hand. “You alright? I didn’t push you too hard, did I?”
He chuckled, blushing. “It’s not that,” he mumbled and you understood. 
“That made you hard!?” You asked, shocked. 
“Shut up!” He whined. “I have a hot girlfriend, sue me!” 
Lewis Hamilton: 
It wasn’t the first time Lewis had asked you to do a hot lap with him, and you were sure it wouldn’t be the last. You had agreed, of course, and this would be the first time it was filmed for the general public's viewing pleasure. 
“Ready?” he asked, turning the car on. 
“Ready,” you nodded. As you two sped off, you looked down at the questions. “Alright, Bono or Toto for a night out?”
“Easy, Bono and Toto, both of them are great fun,” he smirked. 
“What’s the best advice you’ve gotten about love?” 
“When my dad told me to marry you,” he answered, not really thinking as he almost sent the two of you into a gravel trap.
“Fucking hell Lewis, at least pretend to still be good at your job,” you scolded as he laughed. “If you weren’t an F1 driver what would you be?”
“Probably a stay-at-home dad,” he shrugged. 
“What superpower would you want?”
“Who do you miss more when you’re away, me, or Roscoe?” 
“Oh shit, that’s hard,” he smirked, thinking. As you two weaved around the final corner, you had no reaction, even when he drifted you barely batted an eye. It was impressive to say the least. “You, obviously.”
Actually, you hadn’t had a reaction to any of the driving, no gasps or sighs, no grabbing the safety handle, nothing.
As you two pulled back into the pit lane he looked over at you with a smirk. “Seriously? No reaction?”
You shrugged. “It’s not that thrilling.” 
He shook his head with a smirk. “You are something else baby.”
George Russell:
“You alright?” He asked and you shook your head.
“I would not have agreed to come out of the garage if it means that this shit is happening,” you gritted out. 
He just laughed and pressed a kiss to your hand. “You’ll be fine, don’t worry, you’re in good hands.”
“Babe- BABE!” you screamed as he shot off down the main straight and began the hot lap. “FUCK!” 
George just laughed as he weaved through the corners, you screaming the whole time. 
“Ask me the questions!” he instructed. 
“FUCK! LIFT GEORGE, FUCKING LIFT!” you screamed. There was a certain hilarity to your relationship, especially considering that you were his lead engineer. “THIS IS ALWAYS YOUR PROBLEM!”
“Ask the questions!” he laughed. 
“FUCK- a-alright, Lando or Alex- GEORGE PICK A FUCKING BREAKING ZONE!”��
He was laughing too hard to answer for a moment, but he composed himself as you gasped at every twist and turn. “Albono and I probably see each other more,” he chuckled. 
“Alright, next questi- GEORGE LIFT!”
“I know what I’m doing!” he shouted back, laughing. Just then, he iver shot it and brought you both straight into a gravel trap, stuck there. 
“You ‘know what you're doing’, do you?” you scoffed. “I am never doing this shit again, I sit in the garage for a reason-”
He leaned over and kissed you, a bright smile on his face. 
Alex Albon:
As a sky presenter, you’d been forced to do many strange things. For example, try and give Jenson Button a piggy back for 3 hours (you’d lasted about 40 minutes, which was pretty good), try to reconcile Brocedes (it kind of worked?), made many fans days, and had a great impact on the sport. 
“So you want me to do a hot lap with Alex?” you questioned Ted. He nodded. 
One thing you didn’t talk about often was the fact that in your 2 years at SkyF1, you’d started dating one of the F1 driver’s, Alex Albon. Neither of you were particularly keen on telling the public, because it just never felt like the right time. 
“Alright,” You shrugged. “I’ll do it.”
That’s how you ended up in the strangest position yet, driving your F1 boyfriend around the COTA track in a Ferrari. 
“So Alex, any advice for me?” you asked, turning to him.
“There’s no grip, don’t try to drift,” he chuckled. Honestly, he was enjoying this. He had taught you some of his drifting tactics and such, and he was really enjoying shooting with you. SkyF1 usually kept you two separate out of fear that you’d expose your relationship, so despite you being there every weekend, he rarely saw you during the day. 
“Got it,” you nodded, speeding down the main straight. Immediately, he started barking orders at you of when to lift and when to not, and he was screaming and gasping at every corner, while you just laughed. Honestly, you loved driving as fast as you could with no repercussions. 
As you finally slowed down to the end of the hot lap, he finally started breathing again and sighed. “I’m dating a lunatic!” 
You just laughed at him as he stood up from the car, legs shaking. 
Daniel Riccardo: 
You were terrified of what Daniel would do when he was given the chance to drive a very fast car, very fast, with no repercussions, and you as his passenger. 
“Not too fast, yeah? I already know you’re a great driver,” you smiled, trying to make him slow down. 
He just smirked. “Baby, y’know I’m a racecar driver, right?”
You grimaced. He accelerated. You screamed. 
“Isn’t this fun?!” he asked, doing doughnuts on the track. 
“FUCK NO!” you screamed. “Daniel slow down! Slow down!”
“Nothing is making me slow down now-”
“I’M PREGNANT!” You shouted. 
He brought the car to a startling halt and turned to you with wide eyes.
You took out your phone, ready with a photo of the positive pregnancy test. He gasped. 
“I’m going to be a dad?” he asked, eyes clouding with tears. 
You nodded. 
He pressed his lips to yours quickly, stealing a kiss, then another. 
Charles LeClerc:
“Mon coeur, please! It will be fun,” he begged. 
“No, no way,” you chuckled, trying desperately to get away from him in the Ferrari garage. 
“Rebecca is doing it with Carlos,” he told you. 
“So she doesn’t value her life? Ok, that’s fine with me,” you argued. 
“Please my love,” he asked, taking your hands. “One lap, I’ll slow down, I promise.”
You stared at him for a second. “One lap?”
“One lap,” he nodded. 
“And you’ll be gentle?”
“So gentle,” he nodded. 
He was not gentle, nor was it one lap. He ended up taking you around 3 times, while you basically begged him to stop or slow down. 
When you both got out, you immediately ran to his driver’s room and tried to calm down, while he was interviewed. 
“Is she alright?” Ted asked. 
Charles smiled. “She’s not a big fan of stuff like this, so probably not,” he chuckled. “I might be sleeping in the guest room tonight.”
Ted chuckled. “Well, we understand why, you did drift the entire circuit 3 times and you almost went off 4 times.”
Charles sighed. “Thank you Ted.”
Max Verstappen: 
You’d sat in the passenger seat of his valkyrie aston martin a hundred times before, what would be so different about this?
A lot.
As Max drove and you screamed, he put his hand on your lap trying to calm you down. 
“I am a good driver!” he shouted back, over the sound of the engine. 
“Evidently not!” You screamed as he went straight over a curb.
“Do you want to see bad driving?” He smirked.
“No! No! That’s ok, just- MAX!” You screamed as he immediately sped up and started to drive even more recklessly. 
“FUCKING HELL MAX!” you screamed. “I’LL DIVORCE YOU!” 
He just laughed. 
What a way to announce your marriage, right?
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
fic-tober masterlist
taglist: @anotherapollokid @theseerbetweenus @simbaaas-stuff @5sospenguinqueen @yootvi
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covenofagatha · 5 months ago
But you're my stepmom! (Part 6)
Word count: 2100
Warnings: making out, mommy kink, jealous Agatha
Taglist:@stayevildarling@i-just-cannot@hazey-g@buttercandy16@320viada@evilangels-stuff@rmaximoff@morganismspam23@aboutcustardcreams@sasheemo@rigglemethat@walkethisway@mommywandas @r-3-becca @harknessshi
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Before you can open your mouth to respond, she yanks you back into the bathroom you had just come out of. You rip your hand out of her grasp. 
“What – what are you doing here?” You ask, mouth agape. How had she known where you were? Why is she so mad?
She advances on you until your back hits the wall. Fury is radiating from her and you’re more than a little frightened (and kind of turned on). 
“You see me kissing your dad, so what?” She sneers scathingly. “You run and find the first girl you can for a lousy fuck in a bathroom?” 
She keeps coming closer so you put your hand on her shoulder to stop her. “What are you talking about?” You shout exasperatedly. “We didn’t ‘fuck in the bathroom,’ I was upset and she was comforting me!”
“You kissed her,” Agatha says, voice strangely calm. 
“And you kissed my dad! Also, are you fucking stalking me?”
“I followed you to make sure you didn’t do anything rash, because news flash, your father and I are married! I know you don’t want to hear it, darling, but not everything is about you.” 
You grit your teeth. “I know that. But do you? Because every time I even get close to a girl, you basically call me a slut.” 
“Well, maybe if you weren’t acting like one,” she snarls. You fist your hand into the shirt she’s wearing, digging your nails in through the fabric. 
“You know, it’s pretty rich that you’re calling me dramatic for earlier when you’re literally going crazy over the thought of me with someone else.” The air in the room seems to change. It’s the closest either of you have gotten to addressing this thing between you. 
You see Agatha falter for a split second. “That’s not what I’m doing,” she growls. 
“Oh, yeah?” You challenge. “Then what is this? Cause to me, it looks like you’re jealous.” 
The vein in her forehead throbs as she leans in. “You know what this looks like to me? Like a spoiled little girl didn’t get the kind of attention she wanted for one second so she decided to throw a temper tantrum. And now she needs to be taught a lesson.”  
“Fuck off, Agatha.” You let go of her shirt and raise your hands to shove her back but she easily catches them and pins them above your head. 
You inhale sharply, a noise sounding an awful lot like a moan coming out of your mouth. She smirks wickedly, her eyebrow raising. 
“What a naughty girl,” Agatha tuts and embarrassment burns your face. 
“Let go of me,” you say, struggling to get out of her grasp but she holds you tighter. 
“Is this what she did to you when you took her to the bathroom?” 
She’s bringing up Rio again. She clearly has some serious jealousy issues and you wish you didn’t find it so hot, however frustrating it is. “I didn’t have sex with her, for fuck’s sake! I kissed her, yeah, but I was thinking about you the whole time.” The admission stuns you both and her grip around your wrist slackens. But you don’t pull away. You need to see how she’ll react. 
Her eyes drop down your lips, then back up. She leans in closer and you forget how to breathe when she ghosts her lips over your mouth and you find yourself instinctively drawing in an attempt to actually kiss her. 
But she steps away before you can, dropping your hands and letting go. 
“What?” You sigh defeatedly. You’re already tired of this game she keeps playing, the one where she strings you along and makes you think she likes you and then cuts you off. She doesn’t get to be jealous and possessive and then back away after almost kissing you. 
“I’m married to your father,” Agatha says. “I’m your step-mother. I’m over twice your age. We can’t do this.” 
“I don’t care!” You insist, but she shakes her head. Your insides harden and you get a rush of boldness. “Okay, fine. Here we go. I want you, Agatha. I don’t care who you’re married to, or how old you are. Fuck, I like how old you are!” 
She scoffs in disbelief, eyes darting up to meet yours and then to the floor again. 
“So you can either do something about that, or you can let me go back out there and have fun with my friend.” You give her the ultimatum, praying that you didn’t just ruin everything.
For a minute, you think Agatha will change her mind. But then she spins on her heel and walks out of the bathroom. You feel a rush of emotion flood over you, but you shove it down. You got your answer. It’s better you know now. 
“Hey, where have you been?” Rio asks when you finally rejoin her on the dance floor. 
“Ran into someone I knew,” you say evasively. “You wanna get out of here?” She nods eagerly. You give the bar one last look over just to see if there’s any sign of Agatha. 
There isn’t. 
You bite back the disappointment rising in your chest and pull Rio out the door by the hand. 
You’re walking to your car when you see a shadow in the alleyway by the parking lot. You squint your eyes and can make out the trace of a woman. 
Is it her?
Stopping abruptly, you turn to Rio and drag her in for a long kiss, pushing her against your car. She groans into your mouth. It grows heated and you’re almost too distracted to notice your phone buzzing in your purse. 
You break away, both of you gasping for air. Rio runs a finger over her lip smugly and you pull out your phone. 
You win. Drop her off and come over to my house. Do NOT touch her. It’s from the unknown number you’ve memorized. A number you could recite in your sleep. A hot thrill runs through you. 
You smirk to yourself and turn to glance back at the figure in the alley, still cloaked in darkness. Of course Agatha would wait to watch, not being able to give up control even after she tried to. 
You’re not sure you’ve ever driven so fast in your hurry to get Rio home so you can go be with Agatha. But once you’re parked in Rio’s driveway, there’s an awkward pause. 
“Do you want to come inside?” Rio finally asks. You feel bad that you’ve led on her, made her a pawn in this game between you and your step-mom. 
“I should probably go. School tomorrow, you know. There’s still some things I need to finish,” you say apologetically. She nods like she understands and then she gets out of the car and enters her house without looking back. A pang of guilt hits you hard but you shake it off. 
I’ll be there in 20 you text Agatha. 
I’ll be waiting. Her reply comes almost immediately and your breath catches in your throat. 
Anticipation builds in your stomach the entire drive to your dad’s house. You’re not sure what will happen, or really what can happen if your dad is home. You have a feeling that if you have sex, Agatha will want to hear you make noise. 
You arrive in front of the house, all the windows dark. You shift nervously. Maybe she just made you drive all the way over here, knowing you wouldn’t do anything with Rio if she told you not to, and is hanging you out to dry. 
You check your phone. It’s been about twenty minutes, so Agatha should know you’ll be getting there any minute now. You wonder if you should ring the doorbell, make Agatha come down and explain or risk waking your dad. 
And then you see it. 
The gate to the backyard is unlocked and slightly pushed open. An invitation. 
You quietly shut your car door and creep up the driveway, cringing at the sound your car makes when you lock it. The gate squeaks. Your shoes echo on the patio concrete. It’s like you’re asking to get caught. 
When you finally turn around the house and come into view of the pool, your mouth falls open. 
Agatha is floating in the pool, an inviting smile beckoning you to join her. But that’s not what gives you pause. 
You can see in the light of the moon that she’s naked underneath the water. 
Your mouth runs dry as you strip off your dress as quickly as you can and your underwear follows in suit. You’re not sure you’ve ever been so turned on in your life and you can see her eyes darken at the sight of you. You walk quickly over to the pool steps and wade over to her, stopping when you’re right in front of her. 
The two of you stand like that for what feels like forever, simply soaking in each other’s bare skin. No words are spoken, risking nothing that might break this spell. 
And then Agatha reaches a hand out to cup your cheek, asking for permission with her eyes. 
You give it to her by entangling a hand in her hair and dragging her into a bruising kiss. There’s no teasing, no featherlight kisses – you both need this too much – and her tongue is in your open mouth before either of you knows it. You feel her moan into you and your arms circle around her naked back to pull her in even closer. You whimper at the feeling of her breasts against yours and you’re easily able to wrap both your legs around her waist, practically weightless in the pool.
Her fingertips dig into your ass and you can’t help but roll your hips against her lower stomach at the sting. 
“I can feel how wet you are even in the water,” Agatha chuckles darkly, walking with you until your back hits the edge of the pool, pulling another groan out of you. 
Her lips are back on yours, kissing you so fervently and so dominantly that it makes your head spin. You feel like you’re drunk. You’re literally vibrating with need for her. 
Her hot mouth trails down the side of your neck and then bites harshly. You whine, trying to get some stimulation on your clit by squirming against her stomach. Agatha tugs your bottom lip between her teeth and sinks them into it, eyes flashing with the sound you make. 
“Please, Agatha,” you beg. Her hands start stroking up and down your thighs, the dull ache between your legs now a roaring fire, still holding you in place against the pool wall. 
There’s a glimmer of mischievousness on her face. “Oh, baby, I know you can do better than that.” 
You’re panting, lips swollen, and grinding on her stomach. You’re not sure how much more she wants. “Please, Agatha, I need you, I want you, please fuck me, mom-” You clamp a hand over your mouth before you accidentally embarrass yourself beyond repair and she smirks like it’s the most delicious thing she’s ever heard. 
She leans in and whispers against your ear, “Say it. Who do you belong to?” Her right hand slowly moves up your thigh until she’s hovering her fingers right over your pussy. 
Your breath stutters, feeling her right where you want her. “You, mommy,” you whisper, barely audible. 
"That's right." She slides her hand through your folds, pressing hard on your clit which elicits a moan from you, and then she shoves you off her, stepping away like she had done in the bathroom at the bar. 
“What the fuck?” You ask, throbbing with need, never more aware of the emptiness inside you than right now.
“You didn’t think I was going to reward you after that little stunt you pulled in the parking lot, did you?”
“Agatha, I’m sorry, I just wanted to make you mad, please don’t, I need you so badly.” Your pleas fall from your mouth and she delights in them.
The smirk on her lips is pure evil. “I know, sweetheart. But mommy needs to make sure you learn your lesson. And trust me, when I do finally fuck you, it won’t be in a pool.” She climbs out of the water, grabbing the towel she set on the side and dries off. You watch her in a stupor, not believing that she’s going to leave you like this, lips still burning from her kisses. She throws the wet towel back on the ground for you to use and then walks naked to the sliding glass door, tossing you one last look. “And don’t even think about touching yourself.” 
She goes inside and you are alone once again. 
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planetaryupscaled · 8 months ago
Disenchanted 6
Male Reader x Karina
Tags: 2k, cheating, creampie, cuckold, daddy kink
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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It was well past 2am before Karina and I finished our marathon sex session. The ravishing woman having run out of energy, just letting me lazily pump her cunt with the last of my load for the evening.
It was a surprise that Jaewook was still asleep throughout the ordeal, given the fact that Karina and I really didn’t hold back, I even held her face against his thigh at one point, while railing her from behind, the slaps of flesh distorted by Jaewook’s snores.
I left an exhausted looking Karina to get some much needed sleep, lying face down next to her husband, covering her silky naked form with the sheets before closing the bedroom door behind me. There was an ache in my legs as I slowly descended the wooden stairs. I must have emptied at least five loads inside her that night, my sack was still reeling from the demands I put on it, my cock slowly getting accustomed to not being snugly sheathed within Karina’s tight body.
Opening the doors and slipping into the early morning air sent a ripple of energy spiraling through my senses. My eyes perking up suddenly at the rush of cold wind now billowing all around me as I retired back inside my homely lodge just in time before the heavens opened up with rain coming splashing down on the wooden roof. In many respects, tonight had been more extreme than the Yeonjun, Hajoon affair, it was with her husband, one she shunned for most of the night. Not that Jaewook caught on at first, but I had a feeling he was starting to connect the dots, the longer the three of us fucked. It was the little things, like the eye contact she gave me while we made love, not the same if any when it came to her husband. It was almost like he was, as she described Yeonjun and Hajoon before, a prop. It would not be too long till that final blow would be dealt, to my knowledge we were going to tell Jaewook in a few hours, not knowing what the best time to spill the beans was, if ever. Little did I know the blow would be dealt far sooner than expected and in the most brutal fashion imagined.
“Hey...can I come in?” Karina said, amidst the increasingly loud pitter patter of the rain outside.
I must have fallen asleep, checking my watch it was now half five in the morning with the birds already chirping outside.
“Hey...sure...come in.” I replied, getting up and ushering a soaking Karina in.
She was drenched, wearing nothing but a white bra and matching underwear, as she strolled into my posh glamping abode, a wicked smile strewn across her face.
“Karina, you are soaked...” I said, wrapping a towel around her and bringing her into the warmth by the fireplace.
“More than you know.” She chimed back, looking at me with those deep brown eyes of hers.
I felt like she wanted to tell me something, something important, there was a level of excitement emanating from her that I could not quite pinpoint.
“So...I had a talk with Jaewook” Karina said, “it’s over...”  with finality, running her hands along my arm.
“Um...what...I thought we were going to do it tog...” I started.
“It’s better this way.” She replied with a smile.
“How...did he take it?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Not good at first, there were tears, his tears that is and then anger, then tears again. I left him in the bedroom to think it through, but I am pretty sure he has passed out again.” Karina said.
“Wow...so...” I replied.
“So...I guess that’s that...” Karina said, closing the gap.
“I’m yours...” She followed up.
“Seriously Karina, you wanna fool around after such a big decision has bee...” I started again, before getting interrupted by a kiss.
Her soft lips melded with mine, as if we were made for one another, the warmth of the fire stoking our bodies as I pulled her closer for a deeper embrace.
“You know...we were meant to do this together right?” I said, staring at her beautiful face.
“Guess...I’ve been a bad girl...” Karina replied, placing her hands on my chest.
“You know what happens to bad girls right?” I replied, catching onto the sudden erotic turn of events.
“What’s that?” She said, biting down hard on my lip as I felt her hands roam into my pants and grab harshly at my sack.
“They get...punished...” I replied, moaning at her touch while simultaneously man handling her to the bed.
“Wait...” Karina said.
“Film it...” She followed up with a cheeky grin.
I walked over to the side table, propping up my phone and pressing record, making sure the lens captured everything. This was to be our second video, and I wanted it to be hotter than the last.
“Ass across my lap, young lady.” I said, sitting down on the edge of the bed as Karina presented her pert derriere to me.
“You ready?” I asked, palms already about to strike.
She looked at me, over her shoulder, in anticipation, sucking down on my thumb from my free hand.
“Don’t hold back...be rough with me...Daddy.” Karina said, seductively, before tensing her rear for me in quiet trepidation.
I drove down with full force, not holding back as I connected with Karina’s ass cheeks, the ripple effect causing a loud slapping noise to ring off the walls.
“Ahhhhh...Daddy...” Karina wailed.
“You like that?” I replied, coming down harder this time, slapping her rear while squeezing her red raw flesh under my hands.
“Yes...AHHH...harder...ahhhh.” Karina screamed, her rear now getting battered from my slaps.
Karina started whimpering with each subsequent smack, her body trembling under my grasp, till the brunette turned around over her shoulder, eyes watering slightly at the force of my strikes.
“Fuckkk...fuck me now.” Karina said breathlessly.
I was lost in the moment, my hand still shaking after smacking her ass red raw, staring down at Karina’s tight body, I slipped out of my boxers and rammed myself as far as I could into her married cunt. My tip piercing her silky folds with ease as I split the mother of three open with my cock, my crown roughly smashing up against her cervix with a thud as I bottomed her out. Karina felt different this time, kinkier in her requests as if the ante had been dialed up a few more notches as she pushed back onto my deep hard thrusts. Her walls sucking my shaft off as I drilled her mercilessly into the mattress, adding a few more slaps to her ass each time I pumped her cunt with more of my dick.
“Pull...my hair...” Karina said between moans, sucking on my fingers as I pried her mouth open with one hand and yanked on her hair with another.
It was the roughest we had ever been, but she loved it, arching her back to allow me to penetrate her pussy to the fullest, filling her pink chamber with my meat as I stuffed her unfaithful cunt with cock.
“Ughhh…Minho...yes...fuck...dadddyyyy...” Karina moaned, her eyes locked on the camera as I railed her in the prone position.
It was just in that moment that the front door swung open. her husband Jaewook standing a few feet away from us, a look of horror on his face. He could not comprehend what he was seeing, words failing him as he just watched, slack jawed as Karina and I stared back at him.
“Moree...give me more...” Karina demanded.
We were too far gone, not giving a shit about other people’s feelings at this point, we just needed to get off.
“You like that?” I asked, spanking her rear.
“Uhhh...yes...just...like...that...daddy.” She replied, biting her lips.
“Better than your husbands?” I asked, through gritted teeth as I fucked more of my straining cock into her tight pussy.
She raised her head, looking Jaewook deep in his tearful eyes as I penetrated her cunt.
“Worlds...better...” She replied with little remorse, pushing back on me as I flipped her over onto her back.
“Spread your legs baby.” I said, rubbing furiously at her throbbing clitoris.
She complied, parting her bronze thighs for me as I pierced her folds with my dick once more. I could sense her eyes ever so often glance over at a frozen Jaewook, his face not showing anger or sadness anymore, but acceptance as I spread his wife’s legs wider, spearing her cunt with deep rupturing strokes.
Karina’s cries of pleasure were mounting, her body was shaking as the brunette hung her head of the side of the bed, allowing me to plough into her marital pussy over and over again, ripping through her pussy with a hunger what needed to be satiated. My cock irrigating her womb of air, the more meat I fucked into her, forcing it out in a hurry, causing a highly erotic farting noise to ring out from between her legs.
I slipped my fingers into her mouth, pumping my dick deeper into her womb, feeling the warmth of her cunt urging me for release as we locked eyes.
“I want to feel you cum...” Karina moaned.
“Wai...” Jaewook spoke, his voice feeble in the distance.
We ignored his plea, locked in our own mating ritual as Karina pushed her hips towards me with each thrust, goading me into seeding her pussy.
“Fuck a baby into me...” Karina whispered, into my ear, loud enough for the killer blow to be heard by Jaewook.
It was enough to set us both off as I fucked my cock deep into Karina’s cunt, exploding at the tip as my pent up sperm peppered her cervix, leaking into her uterus as I injected her twitching womb with my thick milk.
“Ughhhh...baby...fill me...fill...me...up.” Karina groaned.
Her own orgasm triggering as I pumped her pussy fill of cum, my seed dribbling out the sides off her slit as I felt a rush of fresh fluids rush against my cock. She was gushing, the mix of my seed and her juices now coalesced as I force fed her married pussy more of my meat and sperm, right in front of her husband. I felt wave after wave of my cum, pump into her luscious cunt, spurt after spurt painting her insides in my sticky white milk.
Karina was dripping from the rear, as I finally stopped twitching inside her. The slickness of her womb bore the fruits of our labor as her gushing ceased, the stickiness smeared all over her inner thighs, dripping down her red raw ass cheeks as she got up and lay beside me in a huff. We stared at each other for a long moment, forgetting our unwanted guest for a few seconds as his sobs started again. Looking over, Karina purposely strode over to him, still leaking her womanly fluids form her slippery well fucked pussy.
“Jaewook...it’s over.” She said firmly, before turning to me wearing a smile on her face.
I looked at her, amazed and slightly shocked at the brutality of it all. Everything was caught on camera, the sex, the moans, the spanking, the lot. Rolling her hips on my lap while Jaewook took a last look at his wife, she turned to me, taking my tongue between her lips and sucking me firmly.
“Now...fuck me till I pass out...” Karina said, slipping my spent cock back into her freshly claimed cunt.
In that moment, she belonged to me, and she knew it, presenting her body to me for me to claim, claim her mind, body and soul, Karina was mine.
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verstappensrealwife · 26 days ago
… Girlfriend? - Carlos Sainz jr x bimbo!reader
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[carlos sainz masterlist  / f1 masterlist] ʚɞ in which... carlos just assumes they're dating ʚɞ fluff ⋆⭒˚.⋆ 700 words ʚɞ warnings: short because I have severe writers block
You were always a little different, and that difference was reflected in your style. It wasn’t just fashion—it was an expression of your personality, a riot of color. Neon pink, light pink, rose, magenta—if it was even a shade of pink, you made it yours. It wasn’t something you’d planned. It just happened, and when your friend-with-benefits, Carlos Sainz, saw you, he couldn’t help but shower you in the same colors. Not because you asked for them—he just did. In exchange, you’d be his constant companion at races, perched on his arm like a trophy wife, in a way.
The two of you had been playing this game for a while. Both of you harbored feelings, but neither one of you wanted to admit it. Carlos had assumed, from the very beginning, that this was more than just a friends-with-benefits thing, that you were already his girlfriend. That was how he’d approached it.
“Well, since you’re my girlfriend, I thought you’d come to a race in March…” he said one day, his eyes searching yours.
“Girlfriend?” You blinked, a bit taken aback.
“Yes?” He stammered, suddenly unsure of everything. “Aren’t you… my girlfriend?”
You laughed lightly, casual, but there was an underlying confusion. “Well, you never actually asked, so… no.”
He froze for a moment, caught in the awkwardness of the situation. Was he supposed to formally ask you out? That felt so old-fashioned. He didn’t know how to handle it, and it showed—he just stared at you blankly, uncertain. Meanwhile, you were blissfully unaware of the discomfort you’d caused, and your mind quickly shifted focus.
“Anyways, I can’t come to your race,” you continued, waving a dismissive hand, “I’ve got coursework to do.”
But Carlos wasn’t deterred. No, he had a plan, a big one. February 14th—Valentine’s Day—was the day he had chosen. He had spent hours perfecting every detail: candles, rose petals, the works. It was supposed to be perfect, his moment to make everything official. He invited you over at 6 PM, but of course, you arrived fashionably early, at 5:56.
You knocked on the door, a soft sound that echoed in the stillness. Carlos opened it, and for a moment, he couldn’t even breathe. There you were—dazzling in a tiny slip dress that clung to your figure in all the right ways, red-bottom heels that made your legs look endless, and nails perfectly manicured with a Valentine’s theme. He wasn’t sure if his heart stopped or sped up, but either way, he was stunned.
He ushered you inside, his hands a little unsteady as he pulled you into his arms, expecting the usual kiss. But instead, he gently led you to his bedroom, where the real surprise waited. As you stepped inside, your eyes widened. The room was lit by the soft glow of candles flickering on the windowsill and bedside tables, casting shadows that danced on the walls. Rose petals were scattered across the floor, leading up to the bed, where they rested in a delicate arrangement.
You turned to him, already beginning to speak. “This is really pretty—” But before you could finish, his voice cut in, softer and more vulnerable than you had ever heard it.
“Please… be my girlfriend,” he asked, his voice almost a whisper, like he was afraid of your answer.
You blinked at him, momentarily stunned. Then, a smirk played at the corner of your lips. “Well, duh,” you said, the words slipping out easily. “I thought we already established that when you called me your girlfriend the last time. I just assumed that was your way of asking.” You stepped forward and kissed him, the tension breaking. “Y’know, you’re kinda stupid sometimes,” you teased, running your fingers through his hair.
Carlos was completely dumbfounded, standing there in silence, still trying to process everything. For a brief moment, he couldn’t quite figure out how to respond, but in that silence, you both knew—this moment, this silly, awkward moment, had made everything official. -_-
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Cherry Pie. aka - Cherry, Part Three.
There are certain things in life that can’t be denied. You’re starting to think maybe you and Steve are one of them.
pairing - bestfriend!steve harrington x female reader
warnings - smut. cursing.
word count - 2.6k
authors note - part three has arrived!! thanks for your patience, angels. thank you for all your continued enthusiasm and support for this series. I love them and I love you <3 as always, please reblog if you enjoyed!! it’s the only way to circulate my fics <3
masterlist. inbox. series masterlist.
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“The prettiest girl in the world just walked in.”
“Your mom?”
“Funny, Harrington. Try again.”
“My Cherry?”
Robin smiles knowingly, nodding her head. Not only did Steve automatically associate you with the phrase prettiest girl in the world, but he called you his. Some days, she wished she could slap him square across the face in hopes of waking him up to what everyone else could see so clearly.
“Hi, you two. Working hard, or hardly working?”
You giggle, and the sound bounces off the metal shelves of the Family Video Store. Steve’s mesmerised, stood unmoving with a beaming grin on his face.
“I’m the first, Steve’s the second.”
The boy kicks his coworker in the shin, laughing when she pinches the bare skin of his arm in retaliation.
“Not true.”
Steve takes you in for a second, stuck still in his place. You’re wearing his favourite sundress, all patterned and pretty in front of him. Your lips are glossy and skin glowy, sneakers on your feet a perfect white. The perfect picture of a summer day.
“What are you doing here?” Robin asks, breaking him out of his haze. He snaps back to reality and throws an arm around your shoulders, kissing your temple sweetly.
“I was nearby anyway, thought I’d come in and see if you were busy. And I had to remind Steve to pick a movie for tonight.”
“We’re not watching a romcom.”
“We’re watching a romcom,” you say at the same time as Steve while Robin laughs.
“I better grab the new stock from the back. See you later,” she says, winking at the boy who still has you pulled tight into his side.
He rests his chin on the top of your head, inhaling the scent of your cherry conditioner and vanilla body wash. If Steve gets to heaven, he’s convinced this is what it’ll smell like.
“I finish here at 6, so I can come and get you, or you can wait for me at my place? Your choice, Cherry Baby.”
“I’ll wait for you. I was thinking I’d make us some dinner anyway, ready for when you get home.”
Home. Steve’s brain short circuits, a vision of a domestic life with a white picket fence flashing across his mind. He cups your face in his hands, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Sounds perfect,” he whispers.
You’re a little confused by all this sudden affection, but the last thing you’ll ever do is complain. If he wants to kiss you until you’re dizzy in the middle of this Family Video Store, then so be it.
“I should leave you to get on with stuff.”
“You could stay all day, if you wanted. We could make you wear the uniform and everything - no one would suspect a thing.”
You laugh, nudging his foot with yours.
“As tempting as that is, I have a little more shopping to do. And I have to get ingredients for later.”
You pick up your bag, swinging it over your shoulder as you look at him.
“See you later, Stevie.”
“See you later, Cherry Pie.”
You’re halfway out the door when he calls your name, head whipping around to face him.
“You’re so pretty. You know that, right?”
You look at your shoes, suddenly bashful at his boldness.
“You too, Stevie. Prettiest boy I know.”
You both go about the rest of your days floating on air, high on the giddy sweetness of it all.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Steve almost passes out when he unlocks his front door.
There’s candles lit and music playing softly, the kitchen alive with movement. Something smells delicious, and he can hear you humming along to a song he thinks he recognises as you chop and stir. He can picture it perfectly before he even enters the room, but the sight still knocks him off balance when he finally gets a good look at you.
“Honey, I’m home!”
You spin from your place at the stove to grin at him, petticoat trimmed apron tied around your waist to protect your dress.
“Darling! I’ve been waiting all day for you!”
You curtsy in mock greeting, which makes Steve laugh much harder than it should. He strides over and gathers you in his arms, squeezing you a little tighter than necessary.
“Steven, I saw you a few hours ago. You’re acting like you’ve just returned from war.”
“Forgive me for missing you,” he mumbles into your hair.
You sink into his embrace anyway, tangling your fingers into the back of his shirt and inhaling the familiar scent of it.
“Something smells really good.”
“It’s my famous cherry pie,” you grin, pulling back to look up at him. “Made it just for you.”
“You’re an angel,” he exclaims, spinning you around on the tiled floors. “An angel sent just for me.”
You try to ignore the way heat rises across your chest, his compliments warming your skin.
“Let me take it out of the oven, and then we’ll eat. You must be starving.”
He laughs, because you know for a fact he’s always hungry. You know everything about him. It should scare him, spook him, make him nervous. Instead he hums with the excitement of it, body alive with the anticipation of it all.
Steve changes out of his work clothes as you plate up dinner. He comes back downstairs to see you sat at the table waiting for him, all patient and pretty. He wonders momentarily what he’s done so right in life to be rewarded so greatly.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
“So you totally brought me a romcom, right?”
Steve wants to deny it, wants to tell you that actually he stood his ground and stuck to his word. Instead, he says,
“Of course I did.”
And you laugh, all silvery and melodic, because you knew he’d cave. He can’t say no to you, even if he wanted to. You don’t use it to your advantage as often as you should. Steve wishes you did a little more.
“I’ll make popcorn if you get the video set up.”
Snacks made and movie ready, you settle in next to Steve on the couch. The two of you always follow the same routine - you sit separately, a fair distance between you, watching the movie with your hands to yourself. Then, slowly, you migrate towards each other, until you’re pressed together without an inch of space to be found.
The same thing happens tonight.
You end up being spooned by Steve, both of you laying across the couch cushions. Your back is pressed to his front, legs tangled together, his arm keeping you bracketed in to him. He’s hooked his chin over your shoulder to watch the TV, pressing kisses into the skin of your neck absentmindedly every now and again.
The film Steve picked is one you’ve seen before, but you’re not about to tell him that. Instead, your eyes slowly slip closed, the steady rhythm of the boys breathing lulling you into a sleepy haze. He traces patterns over the exposed skin of your stomach with his fingertips, chuckling slightly when you flinch as he brushes a ticklish spot.
Your hips roll back into his as you try to adjust your position, and Steve’s breath hitches in his throat. He inhales deeply, waiting for you to settle back down.
You don’t. You keep wriggling, clearly uncomfortable as you sink further into the couch cushions. Steve tries to help you, strong arm pulling you up and into him. You jut your hips once more, and he can’t help the small groan that leaves his lips.
Your eyes flutter open, adjusting to the flashing lights of the TV illuminating the room. The movie is still playing, but you know it’s almost finished. Steve’s arm is tight around your waist, his breathing heavy against your shoulder. You shift your hips to alleviate the pressure on your tangled legs when Steve sucks in a harsh breath, startling you.
He’s warm behind you. So warm. His chest is moving ragged, panting against your bare skin. His fingers grip your thigh tightly for a second, before letting it go and soothing over it.
Oh. Oh.
You’re wide awake, suddenly. Liquid heat spikes its way up your spine, all prickly and electric. You’re not sure what your next move is, but lust is clouding all five of your senses.
You try to say his name more firmly, but it just comes out as a whine. The sound shoots straight to Steve’s core, his hips bucking into your ass involuntarily.
“You okay?” he mumbles into your ear, grip on your thigh tightening. His fingertips dig into your skin, and you pray you’ll still be able to feel it tomorrow.
“Yeah,” you breathe, but it’s a lie. You’re not okay. You’re on fire, every nerve ending in your body alight with molten heat. You think you might be shaking with it, hoping Steve doesn’t notice.
His hand smooths up from your thigh to just under your breast, resting gently on your ribs. Your heart is fluttering like a hummingbirds wings, frantic and delicate. He can feel it through his fingertips.
“I love you, Cherry Baby.”
You lose your breath momentarily, reminding yourself how to inhale. He always does this, always catches you off guard by telling you he loves you in the moments you expect it the least. It always means more, in times like these. He could have said anything to you just then, but he chose I love you. You don’t know whether to laugh or cry or neither or both.
“I love you too,” you choke out. “So much.”
You grind your hips back into his, grinning when he groans all low and buttery. His hand glides up to cup your chest, squeezing gently as you arch into him.
“What do you want?” he asks slowly. “Tell me what you want, babe. I’ll give you anything. Need to hear you say it. Wanna hear you say the words.”
You let him ramble for a minute, trying to put your thoughts in order. You try as hard as you can, but all you can say is,
Steve buries his nose into your hair, pressing a kiss into the space behind your ear gently.
“You’re killing me, baby.”
“Want you so badly, Steve. Please.”
The hand that’s on your chest dances down to your stomach, slipping underneath your sleep shorts. He traces his fingers over your underwear, moaning when he feels them completely soaked through.
He strokes you gently, hips rutting into your back when yours jolt into his hand. Eventually, he pulls your underwear to the side, running his fingers through your wet heat before slipping two inside.
You keen instantly, back arching into him. His lips find home in the juncture between your neck and your shoulder, teeth biting down occasionally to try and stifle his desire. You move your hips in tandem with his rhythm, grinding down to try and find the right spot.
“Yeah, fuck, that’s it. Atta girl. Ride my fingers, sweetheart. Take what you need.”
His voice is like melted honey, all golden and warm. It’s making your bones turn to liquid, sinking further into the hold he still has on you with his other arm. Every inch of you is plastered to every inch of him, not a millimetre of space between you. You’ve never been so connected, both physically and emotionally. It’s like the tectonic plates are shifting, the very foundations of your lives changing right in front of your eyes.
Your chest is heaving, panting like you’ve just ran a marathon. All you can focus on is the white heat building in the pit of your stomach, volcanic and bright. When Steve crooks his fingers, you cry out, tumbling over the edge into a blind freefall with no parachute.
“That’s it, baby. Good girl.”
“You’re so good f’me. Doin’ so well.”
“Ride it out, pretty girl. Fuck.”
“Make a mess, there we go. Just like that.”
You’re not even registering his words, but you know that he’s praising you. He always is. He thinks you’re an angel, sent down from heaven to teach him what love is.
Steve ruts his hips into your back, groaning as he finishes. He can’t even find it in him to be embarrassed. The feeling of you writhing in his hold as you tightened around him was his undoing, whether he wanted it to be or not. He doesn’t mind.
You go boneless, head dropping back into his shoulder. He presses kisses onto your temple, your cheek, your neck, anywhere he can reach. You sigh in contentment, and Steve wishes he could bottle up the sound and take it like a shot of espresso every morning.
“You okay?”
You nod and then giggle, dopamine rushing through your blood. You’re almost lightheaded with it, floating on cloud nine.
“Steve?” you whisper.
You turn in his hold to finally face him, taking in the sight of his flushed cheeks and messy hair. You rest your sweaty forehead against his, panting into his mouth.
“Want it to be you.”
He pulls away slightly to get a good look at your face, eyes a little wide with shock.
“You mean…”
“Yeah. You don’t have to, if you don’t want to, but if you do, I guess I, um… there’s no one I trust more than you.”
“You know you can only lose your virginity once, baby.”
“I know. Which is exactly why it should be you.”
He grins at you, all giddy and love drunk, bumping your nose with his.
“You’re sure?”
“One hundred percent.”
Steve leans in to press his lips to yours, all slow and tender, kissing you as if you have all the time in the world.
Perhaps you do.
“Not tonight, obviously,” you murmur, chuckling under your breath. “Don’t think you could handle that.”
He scoffs, pulling back from you in disbelief.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You just came in your pants and I didn’t even touch you. Who even knows if we’ll make it to actual sex.”
Steve pinches your sides, wrapping his arms around you so you can’t escape. You laugh, trying to squirm out of his hold without luck.
“You’re gonna be eating your words, Cherry Baby.”
You shake your head, blinding smile still etched on your face.
“You know what I am gonna eat? My cherry pie. I’m starving.”
Steve groans at the thought of the dessert sitting on the counter in the kitchen. No one does a cherry pie quite like you.
“Hell yeah. Let’s do it. There’s ice cream in the freezer, too. That vanilla bean one you like.”
You peck his lips before standing up on shaky legs, wincing as you do it.
“You good?”
“I’m gonna need a new shirt. This one’s sticky.”
You look at him with a raised eyebrow and he can’t hold in his laughter, the sound of it booming around the quiet room.
“Shut the fuck up,” he jokes as he throws you over his shoulder. Despite your protests, he carries you up the stairs, smacking your ass a few times on the way for good measure.
When he puts you down, he cradles your face gently, looking into your eyes with sincerity.
“It’s me and you forever. You know that right?”
You know what he’s trying to say. I love you. You’re it for me. There never has been and never will be anyone else.
But neither of you are quite ready for those words. So instead, you say,
“I know. I’ve always known.”
And that’s enough, for now.
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@psychicnerdcat @allcheesemelts @valerievortex @swiftsgirlfriend @steviespookie @betweenstarsandsatellites @mrsjoequinn @internallysalad @saucypeanuttt @empathyroad @niceskyler @spookysins @theoraekenslover @7minutes-tomidnight @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @livsters @diffrent-spokes @regular-joe-shmoe @ihatepeanutss
for some reason I didn't tag some people from part one in part two... no idea why. sorry!
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