klaudia2646 · 5 months
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Back in Waterloo. Yesterday we had a good day. We had lunch at Eggscellent Cafe with Michael and met his new girlfriend. We liked her, she’s very nice.
Right after lunch we stopped by the bakery where Little Bit is working now with her sister Cynthia, we got a small cake to celebrate my birthday which was last Wednesday.
I got dropped off at Sophie’s bridal shower. Evidently the groom’s mom did not want to play the regular games so instead we did some painting party thing 🙄 I can’t say that I enjoyed it but I got over it, it was fun to see everyone.
In the evening we went back to Janice’s house and met everyone there, had some pizza and cake, the little man was having too much fun playing with the toys that belong to Janice’s granddaughters.
After all of them left, poor Michael called and said that a Domino’s pizza driver hit his car. His new car. That’s so unfortunate. I guess it could had been worse but dang his nice new car. I feel bad for him.
This morning we got a late start, we were exhausted from the last couple of days but definitely had a ride than Friday. Stop to eat by Cracker Barrel in O’Fallon MO right after St. Louis. It was overcast most of the way and it rained on and off the last hour.
Tomorrow I’m working until 3:30, I’m not looking forward to it. We’ve been having problems with the evening receptionist, she didn’t go last week, she was supposedly sick Monday through Wednesday and Thursday no one had heard from her , later she said she was at home so she didn’t even bother to let anyone know she wasn’t going. Not sure what’s going on there so I’m wondering if she’ll show up tomorrow. She usually calls in Mondays or Thursdays.
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This airbnb is still so fucking cold 😭 they said they were gonna bring me a space heater but they still haven't 💔
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i wont be the asshole that reblogs to say so but no i am not experiencing this
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Oh my god it’s cold as balls outside and I have to LEAVE THE HOUSE???? 😭
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aropride · 3 months
assume the humidity is the normal amount for ur area 👍
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ricco4 · 2 years
It’s warm enough for the crickets to be chirping and one is chirping right outside my window 😩
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redstonedust · 1 year
inspired by conversations with international friends:
by comfortable i dont mean your preference ie. ''i like when its cold'' i mean which one is not cold, but not warm either.
(also sorry about the kind of arbitrary groupings, conversion is weird and i have no clue how wide the range needed to be LMAO.)
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irawhiti · 1 year
no tagging please lol
hey so uh. a little while back i was forced to leave where i lived for my own safety due to racist violence. i'm currently homeless living in an uninsulated caravan full of holes with my parents in the middle of nowhere (literally, it's over an hour to the nearest small town and 30 people live in an entire hour radius. i'm very remote.) with no electricity, water, or plumbing. we had a generator but it's been broken for several weeks now and we have EXTREMELY limited power because of it which means we have no heating at all. on top of that, since we have no heat or plumbing, if i want to take a shower i have to pay a minimum of $30 ish for petrol and the shower cost to get a lift into the nearest town and back. i can't really wash using a basin as often as i want to because of disabilities that are severely affected by cold and i'd have to wash out in the open in a field since we have no shed to wash in which is uhh... haha not ideal lol. as you can imagine. we don't really have any neighbours (they can still see us but they're not here right now) but it's extremely paranoia inducing. it also means i have to handwash all my clothes which has been causing issues with my disabilities too.
i hate to ask but could i please get some help to buy some warm clothes and bedding or something? several people on the block have contracted hypothermia in the past week and due to where we live we get hit with antarctic storms fairly frequently. i've been trying to stay positive but i'm honestly so fucking cold and getting increasingly malnourished, like i'm australian and all my clothes are only really good to keep warm if it's above like 15c/59f. it's also just very expensive just to exist here because it costs $40 in gas to get to the closest town we can actually buy groceries from + we need to buy and scavenge firewood wherever we find it because campfires are the only way we can heat up water or cook anything right now. i've been foraging and trapping invasive animals to supplement my diet but it's really not enough and i've been getting sick from malnourishment again. we also had e-coli in the household recently and three of us have gone into hospital (including myself) in the past month and i'm kind of at my limit. since we have no power i've had to pay a stupid amount for my phone bill and data also like everything is truly so fucking expensive.
please specify that it's for irawhiti, this is my friend's paypal. thank you so much if you can help me at all, i'm trying to take this shit in stride but i'm kind of absolutely fucked right now as much as i hate to admit it
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sreegs · 2 months
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logicduel123 · 2 years
So I just finished translating the sheikah text in linked universe
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Red Text: Pictograph Storage almost full delete? Screen brightness at 65 Updating
Green Text: Updating Temperature 59F 15C Updating Updating
Pink Text: Rune available Remote Bomb Unavailable Cryonis Rune Stasis Rune Available Someone will die
Black Text: Nearest Shrine out of range Updating Updating Nearest Tower out of range Location not found rerouting
Orange Text: JoJo56830 Thank you for your time and dedication Local time is 22 43
Did, did nobody else translate this before me???
So cause people keep getting confused, I’ll explain. Bombs and Stasis are available, Cryonis is unavailable.
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klaudia2646 · 1 year
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We went to the My Waterloo Days parade on Friday evening. It’s not a very elaborate parade but it’s fun to watch. A bunch of noisy kids got in front of us mostly trying to get candy. We tried helping the ones who were shy.
Later that night and the following day they had concerts at the park. I heard it was packed on Friday. I haven’t heard how it went on Saturday, the day didn’t cooperate as it was chilly and drizzling on and off. They were also going to have fireworks Saturday. Again, I haven’t heard anything about it.
David and I volunteered at one tent checking in volunteers. What I didn’t know is that the same tent was the information booth and we didn’t know much about what people were asking but we survived. David also volunteered at the booth selling beer and checking ids.
I would had stayed to listen to the band but David didn’t want to stay and he was tired cause he had left at 8 that morning.
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AITA: For wanting to take my bike to work when my sister has been borrowing it while i didn't need it?
I (24F) and my sister A (18F) usually see eye to eye on most things and she's one of my best friends. I'm in my last year of medical school and currently have my final exams - theory started on 16th January, practicals get over on the 16th of Feb, so that's a solid month of me dying - so I decided to study with a couple of close friends since group study is pretty much the only way through this exam.
While i've been studying with my friends for a while i moved into their house kind of exclusively on the 1st of Jan and at that point decided that since I was not really driving around on my bike, (we were using my friends bike for when we needed it), i told my mom (59F) that I'll leave my bike home for my sister A. She's been using it since and it's been about a month.
Last night I came home, by cab, to pick up some stuff and this morning I had to leave again to study at my friend's house. I however had a bunch of errands to run ( have to drop off some things at another friend's house, which is slightly out of the way, meet my boyfriend at the hospital where he's working to pick up some more things and then go to the friend's house to study).
So I told my mum "hey I'll need the bike", and she said yeah ok - and today she had to leave early in the morning while I was still asleep so she left.
When I'm all packed ready to go - my sister asks me "Are you taking your bike" and i say "yeah" and she storms off and slams the door and calls me a bitch and I'm at this point a little thrown and as a person I'm very very quick to anger (and I'm WORKING on that) - but I try not to yell back and i ask - "obviously I'm taking my bike it's my bike?" And she says "mom told you to take the OTHER bike" (-the other bike is an ancient little thing that i absolutely hate driving and I don't see any reason to) so I told her that 1. I told mom I needed my bike and 2. it makes no sense that I'll take the shit bike when I have to drive twice as much as A does.
She continues yelling at me from the other room about "oh so if you're a better driver you should take the shit bike" and i didn't fucking get how that had anything to do with this and I told her so (before this month that she's been using my bike, she would use the shit bike no problem - especially since she drives much lesser than i do)
(STILL haven't yelled back at this point btw this has been a whole 5 minutes and that's an improvement bec usually - when you yell at me I yell back)
And when she keeps at it i ALSO snap and yell back that she needs to fix her mood and stop yelling at me bec I can also yell at her + mom told me I can take the bike + even if mom said take the other bike, why would I when (^ above mentioned reasons AKA: 1.it's my bike, 2.i have to drive further you just have to drive to college and back PLUS you're going for a college fest I'm going to STUDY for my final exams AND 3. I have chronic back pain)
The minute I yell back, sorry sue me, she starts off on how I started the fight and i am about to scream bec I didn't start ANYTHING - and when i tell her that I didn't start fucking shit - she screams about "yes you did and you're gaslighting me just go take your fucking bike" and now, i know I could have just taken it but I hated feeling like she's acting magnanimous as if it isn't MY bike that she's returning, which i specially left for her for so long so she could have it a little easier - and I'm super mad at her for throwing around words she doesn't understand fully ((p.s. Instagram reels are a plague - who let 16-18 year olds have access to terms like this when they don't understand them)) and I'm yelling at her that she needs to stop using psychologic terms when she doesn't understand them and she's yelling that just because I'm studying these terms doesn't mean she doesn't know what they mean - and I'm getting so angry because clearly she DOESN'T???
And then to make it a million times worse my aunt (70F) (who is currently being treated for cancer and supposed to go get a blood transfusion in 1 hour), is getting involved and telling us to stop fighting and neither of us is shutting up bec we're so riled up.
My aunt gives me cash to take an uber and I'm a person chronically CRIPPLED with guilt about spending ANY money but i can't even Think about driving the shit bike bec I'm just so tired from exams and associated exhaustion, so I take her up on the offer - and my little fucking sister from the other room goes sarcastically "Aww poor R leaving her bike and spending a billion bucks" and my aunty now (finally) calls her out saying "that's not nice A she's leaving the bike and you will not comment on the money." And A yells at her too and then storms out and takes the shit bike out of anger or rebellion or something - and at this point I've booked the uber and the driver is here at the door so I jsut fucking leave and I'm typing this is the car fucking seething but also questioning if I'm the asshole???
[A point about "my" bike is that I did not buy it, I'm a broke student, my mom bought it when I got into med school and I've used it for almost 5-6 years now, it's mine like that - my sister only started driving like 5-6 months ago.] My bike is in great shape and she will use it as hers once I leave the house to work when my degree (the one I'm CURRENTLY giving my final exams to pass) is done, so in about 3-4 months. We've been strapped for cash since my father passed away 9 years ago, but we'll be a little better off when I start my internship and start earning soon.
Anyway sorry don't yell at me
☀️☀️☀️ to find easily later
She's not usually an asshole i keep telling myself she's just going through being 18 years old and that is just a shitty time but these blowups happening in the middle of my exam week is just SO unfair I'm just. I don't know anymore
What are these acronyms?
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akindplace · 8 months
Me, watching a documentary about one of the coldest cities on earth: oh. yeah. in my hometown once the temperature dropped to 15 degrees celsius (59F) and it made it to the newspaper. yeah
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justangrymacaroni · 20 days
typical weird person on tumblr:
i just think if you HAVE to have sex in any room other than your bedroom, you need to inform all houseguests of this before they enter your house, otherwise you’re a sexual predator.
(blazed post, 125 notes)
typical weird person on reddit:
How do I (38M) convince my mom (59F) that drinking/eating only olive oil to hit my 2,000 cal per day goal is a smart choice?
Edit: Please do not recommend that I stop drinking olive oil.
(15k upvotes, 800k comments)
typical weird person on tiktok:
*a girl filming herself in her car outside of mc donald’s*
“So APPARENTLY if you’re a le-dollar-bean you love mcnuggets, and if you’re bi you love bigmacs, and like….”
*she reveals her 5 piece mcnugget box, covering her mouth in shocked glee*
(50.5k likes, 19k comments)
typical weird person on twitter:
you don’t “like hello kitty”, you just hate trans men. hope that helps ❤️❤️
(12k views, 2,034 quotes, 422 likes)
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bekkathyst · 2 months
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Clearance Sale (July 26th, ‘24) Item #59
Original Price: $40 - $60 each
NOW $24 - $36 each
Pink and red chalcedony geodes from Morocco. These are a new find - I’ve never seen them before and I think they look soooo cool! They’re super hard to accurately photograph though.
#59A.) 4" / Original $48 NOW $28
#59B.) 4" / Original $48 NOW $28
#59C.) 3" / Original $48 NOW $28
#59D.) 3" / Original $60 NOW $36
#59E.) 3.2" / Original $55 NOW $33
#59F.) 2.6" / Original $40 NOW $24
#59G.) 2.7" / Original $40 NOW $24
To claim items and order, please read and follow the system I have set up. You can read the rules here!
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morbidsmenagerie · 9 months
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Checked on everyone, and everyone is safe! Power came back on at like 5 this morning, we've been slowly reheating the house. Have them all in a cordoned off warmer spare room while the rest of the house heats up. It got as low as 59F in our room, but it was 66F in the lunch boxes. I think the heat pads could've worked better, and I need to plan a scorpion go bag in case an emergency like this happens again, but for now everyone's ok!
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