#50% rule
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rigelmejo · 5 months ago
50% rule - half study, half have fun
I saw this article about the 50% rule linked on a language learning form. It is an article about art: how when you draw, try to draw 50% of the time just for fun. For yourself, for the sake of drawing and getting it to become something you enjoy and that can be imperfect. If you study, like in drawing that would be following lessons or utilizing references and trying to emulate something or practicing techniques, then try to only spend 50% of your time doing those study activities you aim to do "well" and improve with.
The idea of spending 50% just drawing for the fun of it, for the sake of creating something, not caring if it's that nebulous definition of "not good enough," it's really worth doing. For one, it's stress relieving and makes drawing something more enjoyable, and as humans it genuinely makes us feel good to CREATE things just for the sake of expressing ourselves. To get to create things, make whatever we picture and even if it doesn't come out the way we'd hoped at least it exists now? It's a release. It's letting your ideas and things you want, get a chance to really exist, when perfectionism otherwise might mean you avoid ever even trying. At least, to start to exist: because you might always try an idea again later, make it differently next time, make it again in a couple years when you're more capable. But the point is: try making it now too. Whatever you want, try, and enjoy the process.
(And as someone who's been drawing since I could hold drawing utensils as a toddler, to be honest with you a LOT of improvement in drawing skills naturally happen as you attempt to draw things you "can't" draw. Because at first, you can't draw anything. You have to draw a face, imperfectly, to figure out HOW to draw a face a little bit different the next time - and the next time - and the next time - and you start being excited how the outcome is closer to what you imagined each time. I didn't actually "practice" drawing until I was 9 and started looking at cartoons, trying to draw based on how a cartoon looks, and trying to get closer to that. Everything before that was just imagining stuff, trying, and it gradually getting closer to what I imagined. And even after learning how to look at references and try to emulate them, and learning techniques like shading, in the end a lot of drawing improvements still came from me going "I'd like to draw someone dancing/flying/holding someone/from an angle above their head" even though I 'didn't know how to' and had never tried before, so I tried, somewhat successful and somewhat not what I imagined, and then the NEXT time I tried? It got closer to my imagination, and closer, and eventually it was no longer hard to draw someone flying or holding someone. What I'm saying is: creating something just for the sake of it, even if you don't know how to make what you imagine yet, is worth it for many reasons).
The language learning forum linked this article, because the idea was "in language study, at least sometimes, just use the language" whether that's talking to a friend, reading novels, watching shows you like, podcasts, audiobooks, writing a journal and not correcting your errors. Spend at least some time using the language, while giving yourself the space to NOT stress yourself out about mistakes or gaps in understanding. That time can help you get used to using the language, just to use it, and just making a habit of using the language as a normal regular thing you do. I thought that was a great suggestion. Especially because I tend toward perfectionist, so reminders to "give myself space to BE imperfect" is always worth hearing.
The advice can also apply to writing too. (I don't if I've told you all I write, but I could post my writing in-progress rants on here if anyone's into that. Mostly I post the writing-progress-updates on @mejomonster under #mejo writing). Just the idea that: yes, 50% of the time you might be checking your grammar, or reading an author you like and noting their writing style and trying to brainstorm how to do some similar things, writing a story outline, writing a chapter and really draining yourself by second-guessing what style you're doing and what kind of narration you're aiming for and what you want the audience to know and thinking about the process a lot.
But the other 50%, or at least some of the time, try to just... write. Fanfiction of course can be a good outlet for this, because it's not for profit and not as high pressure due to that, and you can just think "well I'm writing for myself, if I want to write something wild and out of character that makes no sense and is unfinished and only 300 words then I can!" Also journals, and giving yourself permission to write poetry or songs that don't think about rules. But also just: you have a ton of stories in your mind, your imagination. It's okay to try and create them, even if you think you don't have the skills yet to make them that nebulous goal of "good enough." You can always try making that story again later, years down the road. But part of the skills of how to make it, you'll get BY trying to make it. And even if you don't ever try to make it again, it will be satisfying in it's own way to be able to say "this only existed inside me, and now here it is in words people can read, that I can reread if I ever forget this story idea I thought was interesting/fun/meaningful/cool/important etc., it exists beyond me now and it was fun just letting myself make it." I didn't know I could EVER write a long story until I wrote a long fanfiction, and then it taught me I could - and what parts I liked and didn't, and what parts of my writing I loved when I just let loose and let words come out like I was in a flow state. I have these scraps right now where I write one story idea I have like it's letters and journal entries, which is not my usual style at all, and it's fun to see what comes out when I try it.
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500baddrawings · 2 months ago
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DaB 50% rule. More from "Drawing from Memory". This is silly fun. (Also, apparently I have no idea what Garfield looks like?)
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hornyverymuch · 3 months ago
"we don't need to watch Amok Time, we have pon farr at home"
pon farr at home:
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franticold · 14 days ago
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After long days when they're both done with everyone's bs I can imagine the brothers going to Primo's garden to smoke and talk shit together.
headcannon that every Emeritous knew Copia was part of tue bloodline except Nihil. Cause come on bro has the eye and everything. Nihil just believed what sister told him.
close ups and info under cut!
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oo! also all the plants are actual poisonous plants that grow around the Mediterranean (at least I think they are based of my limited research)
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pekodaiz · 2 months ago
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maythedreadwolftakeyou · 10 days ago
over the last 3 months i have seen myself called (and sometimes blocked for being assumed to be):
a racist/a bigot
a fascist
for expressing opinions such as "I found the characters and background stories in Veilguard weaker and less interesting than previous Dragon Age games" and "i miss the amount of tension and conflict that we used to get to explore with the player character depending on their in-game background and life history" and "i did not feel Lucanis' character and romance arc was fully satisfying while I was playing through it".
and since this all started we now have:
seen the entire DA staff laid off from Bioware
heard many now-former bioware devs talking about how toxic the workplace was during the development of DA4
seen allusions to Bioware/EA executives overriding plot/plans that the Dragon Age writers/devs would have preferred
extracted large amounts of cut content from the games that show things like increased emotional response range for Rook, or alternate endings for companion arcs (NOT concept art content, but actual written and even voice-recorded dialogue in the game files), or increased impact from decisions you could make in the game
IN ADDITION to what we ALREADY knew about how many times the game changed direction/leadership changed/the mid-process layoffs, etc.
so can we maybe not keep putting "people who come into the Dragon Age universe from a place of love and were ultimately disappointed with the latest installment" in the same trash bucket as "dudes on twitter who were mad there were trans/nonbinary characters in their AAA game". can we FUCKING as a community acknowledge that there are many reasons someone might not jive with a change in direction other than jumping to "they disagree with me so they must obviously be horrible people, whose opinions shouldn't be counted anyway" (<-if this is your first impulse maybe examine that also).
i am so tired and i am never gonna get an apology for any of it but NOW that a lot of the people who were posting/reblogging these sentiments are hearing/seeing all these other things add up. it's like suddenly now it's "acceptable" to have problems with aspect of Veilguard or want more from it, because the writers/devs have shown they probably did too during it's creation. whereas when I said these things right off the bat (because the only thing we had was the game we got. not the game we can pretend they wanted to make instead) it WASN'T because apparently expressing opinions on my personal tumblr counts as "being mean to/harassing devs who worked hard on the game" or, again, assumed I am a racist/bigot/facist/queerphobic.
you're allowed to still like Veilguard. it's fine i promise. you can love the game if you love it and my not loving it has nothing to do with your own relationship to this piece of media. i am happy there are people who truly can enjoy it without massive Caveats. but i am still seeing like 3-5 posts Per Week express those opinions and it is really destroying my love for the community i once enjoyed.
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itsahotminuteinbetween · 22 days ago
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two of many sunspot doodles because my brain decided to latch onto him for some reason
sunspot is by @venomous-qwille ofc! (Feel free to ignore the tag sorry!)
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artsekey · 7 months ago
It really does look like pivoting to Harris has thrown the Republican party for a loop. She's speaking clearly, concisely, and with wit; if she were to be put in the ring with Trump, it would be a knockout if only because she's coherent.
I'm voting blue regardless, but I've started to feel like I've moved from voting for the 'least bad' option to someone I might actually be more passionate in supporting.
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atomic-chronoscaph · 11 months ago
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The Things on Easter Island - art by Jack Kirby and Christopher Rule (1959)
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umbraastaff · 2 years ago
playing D&D with people who use the rules more strictly is so fun genuinely. now i can engage in tactics and character building. whehehe
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icefang111 · 3 months ago
as I read an inordinate amount of Re:Zero fanfic I am hit with the funny as fuck realization that, by and large, this is the one fandom where the majority of fics don't offer something different from the main story
We really said yes I know we've had suffering and drama, but what about second suffering and drama?
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zaacoy · 2 years ago
oh, to hold your whole world in your arms
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buried-l0cket · 1 year ago
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*shoots your doomed yaoi with a doomed yuri beam*
Sailor Trigun at ALA!!!
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paunchsalazar · 6 months ago
Dean should have been the new new Bobby… I’ll kill myself
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tf2heritageposts · 1 year ago
1. you will always have medics climbing on you
2. you will always have medics trying to pocket you and popping uber on you because this is their first time playing medic
3. you probably shouldn’t be getting uber
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bruiisedfawn · 1 month ago
why are humans so fucking insistent on making life as miserable as possible?
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