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kunalp1234 · 1 year ago
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mikiruma · 2 years ago
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babyprincegladiator · 7 months ago
5-Amino-3-ciano-1-(2,6-dicloro-4-trifluorometil-fenil)pirazol, previsión del tamaño del mercado mundial, clasificación y cuota de mercado de las 4 principales empresas
Según el nuevo informe de investigación de mercado “Informe del Mercado Global del 5-Amino-3-ciano-1-(2,6-dicloro-4-trifluorometil-fenil)pirazol 2024-2030”, publicado por QYResearch, se prevé que el tamaño del mercado mundial del 5-Amino-3-ciano-1-(2,6-dicloro-4-trifluorometil-fenil)pirazol alcance 0.1 mil millones de USD en 2030, con una tasa de crecimiento anual constante del 3.9% durante el período de previsión.
Figure 1. Tamaño del mercado de 5-Amino-3-ciano-1-(2,6-dicloro-4-trifluorometil-fenil)pirazol global (US$ Millión), 2019-2030
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Figure 2. Clasificación y cuota de mercado de las 4 principales entidades globales de 5-Amino-3-ciano-1-(2,6-dicloro-4-trifluorometil-fenil)pirazol (la clasificación se basa en los ingresos de 2023, actualizados continuamente)
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Según QYResearch, los principales fabricantes mundiales de 5-Amino-3-ciano-1-(2,6-dicloro-4-trifluorometil-fenil)pirazol incluyen Jiangsu U-prefer Biochemical Technology Co, Jiangsu Tuoqiu Agriculture Chemical Co, etc. En 2023, las tres principales entidades mundiales tenían una cuota de aproximadamente 86.0% en términos de ingresos.
Sobre QYResearch
QYResearch se fundó en California (EE.UU.) en 2007 y es una empresa líder mundial en consultoría e investigación de mercados. Con más de 17 años de experiencia y un equipo de investigación profesional en varias ciudades del mundo, QY Research se centra en la consultoría de gestión, los servicios de bases de datos y seminarios, la consultoría de OPI, la investigación de la cadena industrial y la investigación personalizada para ayudar a nuestros clientes a proporcionar un modelo de ingresos no lineal y hacer que tengan éxito. Gozamos de reconocimiento mundial por nuestra amplia cartera de servicios, nuestra buena ciudadanía corporativa y nuestro firme compromiso con la sostenibilidad. Hasta ahora, hemos colaborado con más de 60.000 clientes en los cinco continentes. Trabajemos estrechamente con usted y construyamos un futuro audaz y mejor.
QYResearch es una empresa de consultoría a gran escala de renombre mundial. La industria cubre varios segmentos de mercado de la cadena de la industria de alta tecnología, que abarca la cadena de la industria de semiconductores (equipos y piezas de semiconductores, materiales semiconductores, circuitos integrados, fundición, embalaje y pruebas, dispositivos discretos, sensores, dispositivos optoelectrónicos), cadena de la industria fotovoltaica (equipos, células, módulos, soportes de materiales auxiliares, inversores, terminales de centrales eléctricas), nueva cadena de la industria del automóvil de energía (baterías y materiales, piezas de automóviles, baterías, motores, control electrónico, semiconductores de automoción, etc.. ), cadena de la industria de la comunicación (equipos de sistemas de comunicación, equipos terminales, componentes electrónicos, front-end de RF, módulos ópticos, 4G/5G/6G, banda ancha, IoT, economía digital, IA), cadena de la industria de materiales avanzados (materiales metálicos, materiales poliméricos, materiales cerámicos, nanomateriales, etc.), cadena de la industria de fabricación de maquinaria (máquinas herramienta CNC, maquinaria de construcción, maquinaria eléctrica, automatización 3C, robots industriales, láser, control industrial, drones), alimentación, bebidas y productos farmacéuticos, equipos médicos, agricultura, etc.
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pharmaffiliates-25 · 9 months ago
Product Name : Gonadorelin Acetate - Impurity H | Chemical Name : Gonadorelin-(3-10)-Peptide | Pharmaffiliates
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Buy highly pure Gonadorelin Acetate - Impurity H, Mol.Formula : C44H63N13O10, Mol.Weight : 934.07, from Pharmaffiliates. Login as registered user for prices, availability and discounts.
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steelestallion · 5 months ago
💪Ryder Steele’s Muscle Gain Instruction Manual. 💪
A surface-level yet comprehensive beginner’s guide to working out/body building/gaining muscle written by a tboy with a degree in human physiology, with tboys in mind. Speed training, toning, and cardio/lung health training will not be explored.
(Part 1) Diet. Talking about food, their molecules and how the body responds.
An aspect of bodybuilding/exercizing that is just as important as the weights and workouts themselves. Generally, the more a human does, the more nutrition they need in every sense.
Protein is needed to survive as a human, 0.8 grams per kilogram of weight MINIMUM. (source) To gain muscle you need to consume more protein than that. 1 gram per pound of body is a good goal.
There are additional ingredients, Amino Acids, you can ingest to give your body more of what it needs to build muscle. The most common is creatine, and it can be found naturally in foods or bought alone. 14mg per pound is a good dose, (source) but you could do as low as you like.
Carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water are other things essential to keep you running, but aren’t the building block of muscle.
For vitamins, minerals, and water be sure to get the daily recommended dose. It’s worth considering a little more than recommend water, potassium, magnesium, and sodium in your diet for adequate muscle usage before and during working out. Also, a bit more calcium in general for muscle movement and the strength your bones must gain to support stronger muscles and weight loads.
For carbohydrates and fats, it’s important to have adequate levels of these. The body uses carbohydrates for energy first and mainly, then uses fats, then proteins. How much? Well it depends on how much you care about the image of your body, and what your goals are.
The Bulk is for people who want to gain muscle and mass a bit quicker. There is clean bulking and dirty bulking. Dirty bulking is eating a lot without much regard to amounts. Clean bulking is to gain muscle mass while keeping your body fat percentage at relatively the same level.
The Cut is for people who want to reduce their body fat percentage. Eating at a slight/moderate deficit to force the body to consume fat cells as energy. High protein is still consumed.
Before working out, you should consume something 30-40 minutes before starting. Preworkout, a caffeinated substance, or complex carbohydrates to give you the energy needed to begin and not crash.
After working out, you should consume a good portion of your daily proteins 30 minutes to four hours later.
(Part 2)Working out. Utilizing and ripping the telomeres of your muscles and forming neural pathways.
To build muscle, you need to utilize the muscles. To get bigger muscles, your body needs to move with more resistance than what it normally does. Weight acts as the resistance.
Warming up is an important first step to working out, as you need to prime your body’s systems and cells. Heart rate is the primary thing to warm up, because using muscles required your heart pump harder and faster. 5-10 minutes of warmup minimum of cardio is best. The intensity of this cardio is your choice. Dancing, fast walking, jogging/running, jump rope, cycling, etc. are good. Stretching is also a good precursor to the warmup as the warmup uses your muscles also. It’s a process, but its important to warm up properly to avoid tightness, cramps, or even things snapping.
The weightlifting a complicated and highly discussed thing. There are hundreds of motions across gym machines, tools, and muscles for you to chose from. Which ones you do depend on what is available, and the muscles you want to work. Write stuff down if you must. Here is an exercise dictionary.
Muscle names are good to know to decide which motions to do. Look at this diagram to learn, and build your own encyclopedia and routine.
Frequency of working out is important. If your body does not use muscles, they deteriorate. You can work certain muscles more frequently than others. Just keep adequate rest. You may see things like push/pull day, arm day. This is the type of motions and muscles focused. Dedicating a workout session/day to one muscle group helps keep track of avoiding overuse. See Rest for more. Once a week at minimum you should work a muscle group to keep it from deteriorating. Here’s an example: Sunday rest. Monday arms&core. Tuesday whole back. Wednesday rest. Thursday whole arms. Friday rest. Saturday whole legs.
Duration of working the muscle during a session/day impacts its growth. A rep is one time going through a motion. Sets is how many times you do a group of reps. 3x15 pushups is I’m doing 15 pushups. Rest. 15 more. Rest. 15 more. Three sets of fifteen. To build endourance, lower weight at higher reps. To build mass and strength, higher weight at lower reps.
Finally, the weight heaviness. You should slightly push your muscles to start, then base your weight patterns off of what is a good amount of strain for you. The more you challenge/strain yourself, the more it will hurt and build muscle mass. Also, the faster you increase the weight your muscles fight against, the higher the risk of injury. However, if you stick to a weight that is not challenging, your muscles will not grow. There must always be some element of challenge your muscles must always be chasing to keep up with. Thats what growing is. For example: I’ve been bicep curling single dumbbells of 10 pounds for months. 12 pounds is a comfortable challenge, and I can do 15 also but not the whole set. So, I may warm up with 1 set of 10lbs. Two sets of 12lbs, then finish with one set of 15 at lower reps. The number of reps per set could be 15,12,10,6. Decreasing reps while increasing weight to prep the body, but not injure too much.
(Part 3) Rest. Your body building new muscle, and preparing to work again.
In between sets of exercise, you need to rest your muscles for enough time for them to become reloaded with their energy, ATP. ~1 minute for heavily lifting. Ensure you’re breathing well also to give your blood oxygen. Deeper, healthy breaths during rest is good.
After training it’s recommended to give a muscle group ~48 hours of rest to rebuild the fibers. Rest means not training it, but of course if you need to use them, use them. Additionally, you can still be active and rest, doing a thing called active rest. Doing nothing at all, which has its benefits, is called passive rest.
Sleep is your body’s way of storing information and taking out the cerebral trash. During sleep your body produces growth hormone, your brain works to retain all of the information you and your body learned during the day, and generally refreshes itself. Napping can be beneficial also if it doesn't interfere with getting the minimum 8-10 hours depending on your age group.
Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, would like help creating workout plans, or would like a bit of praise or encouragement feel free to reach out. Also if there are any errors. Now go have fun!
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o-craven-canto · 5 months ago
Filters in the way of technologically advanced life in the universe and how likely I think they are
1. Abiogenesis (4.4-3-8 billion years ago): Total mystery. The fact that it happened so quickly on Earth (possibly as soon as there was abundant liquid water) is a tiny bit of evidence for it being easy. Amino acids and polycyclic hydrocarbons are very common in space, but nucleotides aren't, and all hypothetic models I've seen require very specific conditions and a precise sequence of steps. (It would be funny if the dozen different mechanisms proposed for abiogenesis were all happening independently somewhere.)
2. Oxygenic photosynthesis (3.5 billion years ago) (to fuel abundant biomass, and provide oxygen or some other oxidizer for fast metabolism): Not so sure. Photosynthesis is just good business sense -- sunlight is right there -- and appeared several times among bacteria. But the specific type of ultra-energetic photosynthesis that cracks water and releases oxygen appeared only once, in Cyanobacteria. That required merging two different photosynthetic apparati in a rather complex way; and all later adoptions of oxygenic photosynthesis involved incorporating Cyanobacteria by endosymbiosis. For all that it's so useful, I don't know if I'd expect to see it on every living planet.
3. Eukaryotic cell (2.4 billion years ago?): Probably the narrowest bottleneck on the list. Segregated mitochondria with their own genes and a nucleus protecting the main genome are extremely useful both for energy production (decentralized control to maximize production without overloading) and for genetic storage (less DNA damage due to reactive metabolic waste). But there's a chicken-and-egg problem in which incorporating mitochondria to make energy requires an adjustable cytoskeleton, but that consumes so much energy it would require mitochondria already in place. Current models have found solutions that involve a very specific series of events. Or maybe not? Metabolic symbiosis, per se, is common, and there may have been other ways to gene-energy segregation. Besides, after the origin of eukaryotes, endosymbiosis occurred at least nine more times, and even some bacteria can incorporate smaller cells.
4. Sexual reproduction (by 1.2 billion years ago): Without meiotic sex (combining mutations from different lineages, decoupling useful traits from harmful ones, translating a gene in multiple way), the evolution of complex beings is going to be painfully slow. Bacteria already swap genes to an extent, and sexual recombination is bundled in with the origin of eukaryotes so I probably shouldn't count it separately (meiosis is just as energy-intensive as any other use of the cytoskeleton). Once you have recombination, life cycles with spores or gametes and sex differentiation probably follow almost inevitably.
5. Multicellularity (800 million years ago?): Quite common, actually. Happens all the time among eukaryotes, and once in a very limited form even among bacteria. Now we'd want complex organized bodies with geometry-defining genes, but even that happened thrice: in plants, fungi, and animals. As far as I know, various groups of yeasts are the only regressions to unicellularity.
6. Brains and sense organs (600 million years ago): Nerve cells arose either once or twice, depending on whether Ctenophora (comb-jellies) and Eumetazoa (all other animals except sponges) form a single clade or not. Some form of cellular sensing and communication is universal in life, though, so a tissue specialized for signal transmission is probably near inevitable once you have multicellular organisms whose lifestyle depends on moving and interacting with the environment. Sense organs that work at a distance are also needed, but image-forming eyes evolved in six phyla, so no danger there (and there's so many other potential forms of communication!). Just to be safe, you'll also want muscles and maybe mineralized skeletons on the list, but I don't think either is particularly problematic. An articulated skeleton is probably better than a rigid shell, but we still have multiple examples of that (polyplacophorans, brittle stars, arthropods, vertebrates).
7. Life on land (400 million years ago): (Adding this because air has a lot more oxygen to fuel brains than water (the most intelligent aquatic beings are air-breathers), and technology in water has the issue of fire.) You're going to need a waterproof integument, some kind of rigid support system, and kidneys to regulate water balance. Plenty of animal lineages moved on land: vertebrates, insects, millipedes, spiders, scorpions, multiple types of crabs, snails, earthworms, etc. Note that most of those are arthropods: this step seems to favor exoskeletons, which help a great deal in retaining water. Of course this depends on plants getting on land first, which on Earth happened only once, and required the invention of spores and cuticles. (Actually there are polar environments where all photosynthesis occurs in water, but they are recently settled and hardly the most productive.)
8. Human-like intelligence (a few million years ago?): There seems to a be a general trend in which the max intelligence attainable by animals on Earth has increased over time. There's quite a lot of animals today that approach or rival apes in intelligence: elephants, toothed cetaceans, various carnivorans, corvids, parrots, octopodes, and there's even intriguing data about jumping spiders. Birds seem to have developed neocortex-like brain structures independently. Of course humans got much farther, but the fact that even other human species are gone suggests that a planet is not big enough for more than one sophont, so the uniqueness of humans might not necessarily imply low probability. (We seem to exist about halfway through the habitability span of Earth land, FWIW.) The evolution of sociality should probably be lumped here: we'll want a species that can teach skills to its offspring and cooperate on tasks. But sociality is also a common and useful adaptation: many species on our list (octopodes are a glaring exception) are intensely social and care for their offspring. I mentioned above that the land-step favors exoskeletal beings, which in turns favors small size; but the size ranges of large land arthropods and very intelligent birds overlap, so that's not disqualifying.
9. Agriculture and urban civilization (11,000 years ago): Agriculture arrived quite late in the history of our species, but when it arrived -- i.e. at the end of the Wurm glaciation -- it arrived independently in four to eight different places around the world, in different biogeographic realms and climates, so I must assume that at least some climate regimes are great for it (glacial cycles are a minority of Earth's history; but did agriculture need to come after glaciations? Maybe a shock of seasonality did the trick). And once you have agriculture, complex urbanized societies follow most of the time, just a few millennia later. Even writing arose at least three times (Near East, China, and Mexico), and then spread quickly.
10. Scientific method and industrialization (300 years ago): We're getting too far from my expertise here, but whatever. The Eurasian Axial Age suggests that all civilizations with a certain degree of wealth, literacy, and interconnection will spawn a variety of philosophies. Philosophical schools that focus on material causes and effects like the Ionians or Charvaka have appeared sometimes, but often didn't win over more supernaturalist schools. Perhaps in pre-industrial times pure materialism isn't as useful! You may need to thread a needle between interconnected enough to exchange and combine ideas, and also decentralized enough that the intellectual elite can't quash heterodoxy. As for industrialization, that too happened only once, though that's another case in which the first achiever would snuff out any other. I hear Song China is a popular contender for alternative Industrial Revolutions (with coal-powered steelworks!); Imperial Rome and the Abbasid Caliphate are less convincing ones. For whatever reason, it didn't take until 18th century Britain.
11. Not dying randomly along the way: Mass extinctions killing off a majority of species happened over and over -- the Permian Great Dying, the Chicxulub impact, the early Oxygen Crisis -- but life has always rebounded fairly quickly and effectively. It's hard enough to sterilize an agar plate, let alone a planet. Disasters on this scale are also unlikely to happen in the lifespan of planet-bound civilizations, unless of course the civilizations are causing them. A civilization might still face catastrophic climate change, mega-pandemics, and nuclear war, not to mention lesser setbacks like culture-wide stagnation or collapse, and I couldn't begin to estimate how common, or ruinous, they would actually be.
I have no idea how common the origin of life is, but the vast majority of planets with life will only have bacterial mats and stromatolites. Of the tiny sliver that evolved complex cells, a good chunk will have their equivalents of plants and animals, most of which may have intelligent life at least on primate- or cetacean-level at some later point. At any given time, a tiny fraction of those will have agricultural civilizations, at an even tinier fraction of that will have post-industrial science and technology. Let's say maybe 1 planet with industrial technology out of 100 with agriculture, 100,000 with hominid-level intelligence, 10 million with animal-like organisms, 100 millions with complex cells, and 10 billions with life at all?
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theambitiouswoman · 3 months ago
How to make gelatin gummies ✨
Don’t read if you’re a vegan 💞
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Gelatin is a protein made from collagen, which comes from animal parts like skin, bones, and cartilage. It’s made by boiling these parts to break down collagen, then drying it into a powder. When mixed with water and cooled, it turns into a jelly like substance.
Benefits of Gelatin Gummies
• Gelatin is rich in collagen, which can improve skin elasticity, hydration, and reduce signs of aging like wrinkles.
• Collagen in gelatin helps promote stronger, healthier hair & nails.
• Gelatin contains amino acids like glycine and proline, which support joint cartilage, reduce stiffness and enhance mobility.
• The amino acids in gelatin can soothe and strengthen the gut lining, supporting digestion and reducing inflammation.
• Glycine, found in gelatin, improves sleep quality.
• Gelatin provides a source of collagen and protein, which are key for bone strength and repair.
• A great low calorie way to increase your protein intake.
Tips for Making Gelatin Gummies
Add extra benefits by including ingredients like:
• Vitamin C for immunity and better collagen absorption.
• Fruit juices for flavor and antioxidants.
• Honey or maple syrup for natural sweetness.
• 1.5 cups milk, coconut water or juice of your choice
• 4 Tbsp grass-fed gelatin
• Honey or maple syrup (to taste)
1. In a bowl, sprinkle the gelatin over your preferred liquid and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. This helps the gelatin absorb the liquid and dissolve better.
2. Pour the bloomed gelatin and liquid into a saucepan. Heat gently on low, stirring constantly until the gelatin fully dissolves (don’t let it boil).
3. Stir in honey or maple syrup to sweeten. Mix until everything is smooth and lump free.
4. Pour the mixture into silicone molds or a dish. Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours or until fully set.
5. Pop the gummies out of the molds or cut into squares if set in a dish. Store in the fridge for up to a week!
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shiftingconfessions · 10 months ago
A lot of these new shifters who came from TikTok and Amino are lying. Not because their stories are unrealistic—they are realistic—but it's because Amino was coded the same way. In 2021, everyone got exposed for lying, and now on TikTok, they're admitting they're lying for attention. Now, shifting is real; I have been doing it since 2019, but be careful who you're following and who you're listening to. A lot of these new shifters who ran away from TikTok because it's crumbling are just Wattpad writers or having a false attempt at living "in the end" in hopes that helps them shift. And then, others are just having lucid dreams or false awakenings and calling it a day. Please do your own research; shifting is very real. Stick to the old shifters on here—I can think of 3—not anyone who came during 2024. The quality of shift Tumblr is becoming juvenile, which is sad because it's been one of the best communities thus far. Take from the OG and please dip so you don't slow down your own journey. This has happened on every platform, unfortunately, but the people engrossed in drama are lying and attention-seeking.
The stories that literally sound like they're Wattpad-coded or just make no sense to the foundation of shifting are lying; the questionable memories are lucid dreams or a hypnagogic state. Again, shifting is REAL, the law is REAL, manifesting is real, but a lot of people are uneducated and literally want to spread misinformation and lies for shits and giggles, and it's embarrassing. Keep it on Amino and TikTok—you know who I am talking about. m unfortunately but the people engrossed in drama are lying and attention seeker, the stories that literally sound like they’re wattpadd coded or just make no sense to the foundation of shifting or lying, the questionable memories are lucid dreams or hypnagogic state. Again shift is REAL the law is REAL manifesting is real but a lot of people are uneducated and literally want to spread the misinformation and lies for shits and giggles and it’s embarrassing keep it on amino and tik tok you know who I am talking about
As someone who shifts often and meets with other wise shifters across realities , here are some tips:
1. **Stick to the Law**: The law of assumption will not fail you and is always in operation. Learn about it.
2. **Avoid Useless Debates**: Stop engaging in meaningless debates; this isn't drama club. Those involved in such debates likely aren't shifting—they're like crabs in a bucket.
3. **Embrace Lucid Dreams**: Lucid dreams can be your best friend. You sleep for a third of your life, so use it to your benefit!
4. **Believe It's Possible**: Yes, you can shift without trying, but most won't achieve this because you can't do something you don't believe to be true. Don't lie to yourself; honesty is key to progress. It’s okay to want techniques and use them, it’s okay to be lazy sometimes but some of you guys are being lazy without the assumption that will aid you so it will not work!! Shifting is worth it but some work in it’s okay…
5. **Don't Let Doubts Hold You Back**: Understand that your doubts can't stop you. Don't attach yourself to them.
6.Use Methods That Fulfill You: Stop copying others. There are no rules to shifting, which is why it works differently for everyone. Just because a method worked for someone else doesn't mean it will work for you in the same way.
7. **Feeling Is the Secret**: Your emotions and feelings play a crucial role in shifting.
8. **Have Faith in Yourself**: If you doubt everything else, at least have faith in yourself. Shifting is a part of you and is within you.
Good luck, and research wisely! Shifting is very real it’s so amazing guys. Please don’t scroll too much on this app anymore the quality has gone to shit in the last week or two and it will get worse.. don’t make the same mistakes everyone did in 2020!!!! You all can do it even the people currently lying (and it’s very obvious pls log off lol) they can do it too :)! To infinity and beyond my friends ☯️
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glubby-guppiez · 11 months ago
*Random TMNT 2012 (mainly side characters) hc's bcuz hyperfixation
*(this is the best divider to ever exist btw)
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*Warnings: Spoilers for TMNT 2012 ofc, mentions of gender dysphoria and trans related insecurity, transphobia, accidental arson, bullying, manipulation, ptsd, also the tone of the headcanons shift randomly also also typing quirk
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*Chris Bradford is trans. )(e did a full transition, he did hormones, voice training, top and bottom surgery, a few different surgeries to make him look/feel more masculine, all the bells and whistles, even went the extra mile to do procedures to hide his surgery scars. )(e's closeted and does about everything in his power to make sure no one even question that he was assigned female at birth because he's scared of his social image of being the great macho man, Chris Bradford, crumbling.
*Leo mainly or solely uses fandom and fanfic socials like Wattpad, AO3, Amino, Tumblr, and maybe Twitter. She mainly interacts with Space )(eroes and Crognard The Barbarian fan posts and shows a special interest in gender swap aus.
*Later on, post show with Muckman's help the mutants are actually able to freely walk around humans without them completely flipping out and starting a mob to witch hunt after them.
*Speaking of walking around humans, Napoleon and the frogs down in Louisiana are considered local urban legend and humans get really excited when they spot the frogs in the woods.
*Dr. Rockwell is a very big coffee enjoyer and used to secretly steal coffee from the nearby shops around the mighty mutanimals hideout and on the rare occasion when someone caught him and called him out he would always use the excuse of the shops being owned by big corporations.
*Don Visioso is a deadbeat father of 5. )(e also has had multiple wives and many divorces.
*Mondo Gecko will call people posers if he's jealous enough of them.
*Ivan Steranko is also trans but has only had hrt and face masculinizing surgery and refuses to get top and bottom surgery.
*Anton Zeck is incredibly smart and performed extremely well in high school and even got free scholarships for how well he did.
*Shinigami is a big video game nerd and will geek out if anyone mentions one of the games she plays.
*The reason Anton hated the mutant name Mikey gave him at first is because it either sounds a lot like or straight up is a nickname old bullies of him gave in order to make fun of him.
*Premutation, Chris acts transphobic towards Xever (despite Xever being cis) out of jealousy and insecurity.
*Baxter Stockman is either a gay aroace trans mspec nonbinary man or a cishet ally. No in-between.
*Mini April cluster!!!:
*April has a deep love for literature and writes poetry in her spare time.
*She almost burned down the culinary class in her school once.
*She's questioning aroace.
*She felt extra empathy for Muckman because he reminded her of Kirby a little bit.
*She likes to hide stickers around the lair whenever has them on her person.
*She thoroughly enjoys having long conversations with each of the individual turtles. (It's her favorite way to spend time with anyone tbh)
*April does eventually take some time to properly learn Japanese and becomes pretty decent at speaking and reading it.
*)(er and Donnie often like to geek out together whenever they find anything new about aliens (both species they haven't seen yet and ones they know well like the kraang).
*End of the mini April cluster!!!
*Kirby O'Neil is a pretty decent cook. That man can make a mean chicken stew.
*Shinigami actually owns multiple cats. 2 ragdoll, 1 sphinx, 1 Persian, and 3 British shorthairs (I could name them all, but I don't wanna). Also, the majority of them are black cats. She feeds strays, too.
*The last headcanon is much to Karai's dismay because she is somewhat allergic. She gets headaches, her skin gets slightly irritated and she gets the sniffles if she's around cats for too long.
*Casey's younger sister wants to be a hair stylist when she grows up, so Jones let's her do his hair every once in a while and he flexes it to every one at the lair like: "Oh? My hair? Yeah, my sister did it for me. Pretty metal, what she did with it, right?"
*Tigerclaw is the only Foot Clan member to not bully Baxter Stockman.
*Someone manipulated and lied to Alopex in order to make her hate and hunt down her brother.
*After season 4, Baxter Stockman leaves New York and takes over Stockman Industries. (If you're unaware of what that is, it's on billboards that the turtles pass throughout the show the most notable appearance being in the ending scene of the final season 4 episode, 'Owari'.)
*Slash deep down still misses The Newtralizer.
*Leatherhead kind of freaks out (apologies for the bad wording) when someone fully wraps their arms around his neck when hugging him because it reminds him of the restraints the Kraang put him in.
*Pigeon Pete learns how to bake so he can make his own bread.
*The turtles get a Wii (or whatever the universes equivalent is).
*Mondo Gecko gets an old Xbox and plays Tony )(awk games, Bully, and Twisted Metal on it.
*Ivan and Anton actually move out to New Jersey post show.
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*Alr, that's all for now, toodles!!!
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onlyicanhavepizza · 4 months ago
Pressure moodboards (Canon and Ocs.) posted these on amino yesterday, so why not post them here too.
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1. Eyefestation
2. Sebastian
3. P.AI.nter
4. Red Eyes. Belongs to me
5. Estelle. Oc and drawing belongs to my friend(not on tumblr)
6. GladWall. Belongs to @snailpilled-and-based
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ask-nonbinary-flowey · 2 months ago
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Panel 1: [Flowey, nervous, to Frisk]: H- hey, Frisk. I didn't notice you there.
Panel 2: [They stare at each other awkwardly]
Panel 3: [Narration]: You try to ask Flowey if he needs any he–
Panel 4: [Narration]: You remove the caterpillar from Flowey's head.
Panel 5: [Amino user "Asriel X, The Broken King"]: For once, imma pet a sentient flower
Flowey looks confused.
Panel 6: [Narration]: You ask Flowey who those are.
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kunalp1234 · 1 year ago
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zoguy1 · 5 months ago
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I was reminded about these "ask character" things that I saw everywhere on Amino, and I used to do it with some of my OCs, and I fucking loved doing it. So now I'm doing it with the Monster Mash.
I'll get to this when I have time to. I'm currently juggling between work, friends, family, and other hobbies. So I'll post the answers to questions when I can, but they probably won't come right away.
Rules: 1. Nothing sexual. 2. No spamming the same questions over and over. 3. Shiping is allowed, I'll keep my ships, but I'll entertain the idea of other ships. 4. No trigger ships (incest, bestiality, pedophilia, etc etc.) 5. You can add other crossovers. 6. Be patient. 7. No OCs. 8. Respect if I choose not to answer a question. 9. Ask as many questions as you want.
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hellsite-proteins · 7 months ago
hey there. linda guy here. and im about to give you another qute from the fanfic its from
And so, the conversation dies once more and I am left to stew in silence as I suffer for being the only poor bloke in the school without an electronic device. Now, you may be thinking “Sunny you’re such a fucking zoomer, can’t you go 5 fucking minutes without staring at some brain rotting screen.” but you see, it is not the boredom and lack of 1-10 second short form mind numbing videos that is causing my suffering. Nay, it is my own head which I fear the most. In this god forsaken world there is nothing worse for me than silence and having to reflect on past events, for I know that I will feel nothing but regret for what I could’ve and should’ve and didn't. Truly a life without distractions is the bane of my existence for I shall have nothing to critique and nobody to get mad at except myself.
I shall feed you this fic over the course of 12 months
i think 12 months is optimistically fast given how long its taken me just to answer this one, but feel free to keep sending them in! (keep saying that they're from the same fic and i'll tag them all as #linda for consistency)
letter sequence in this ask matching protein-coding amino acids:
protein guy analysis:
while it is made up of mostly loops, and all of them are quite spaced out, there are also a lot of alpha helices. these vary significantly in length, and are all oriented in different directions. there are also places where two small helices are separated by a very short distance, looking more like one broken helix. i am not usually a fan of models with tube helices, but it felt like a fitting way of representing these uneven, janky-looking helices.
predicted protein structure:
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February Creator of the Month: Noesapphic
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Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists, and this month’s creator of the month is the lovely @noesapphic!   The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page. Past COTM's can be found here.
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How do you want to be known on Tumblr? 
Noe is fine, really!
More below...
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
I started in 2018. I was bored in a friend's house and fighting good old insomnia when I saw the app and tried it for funsies. The first book was 'High School Story'. 
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined around late 2018 early 2019 and I had just left my community in Amino because the admin had gone full puritanical dictator and I was curious about Tumblr.
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
It was simple: my nickname is Noe and I am a sapphic (aka lesbian). It's a no-brainer, really. 
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
It was a reblogged quote. I related to what it said and I reblogged it 
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both? 
I write fanfiction. God did not grant me art skills I'm afraid. My fingers are too fat and my pulse is terrible. 
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
I've been creating for fandoms as long as I can remember. I've had a really troubled life, so creating stuff helped me. As for Choices, I've been creating stuff since 2019 
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
Without a doubt, Desire and Decorum. The first book is simply a masterlist and its characters are so well-written, and everything about it just draws me to it. They definitely botched the other books, but it will always be in my heart. I also enjoy creating for other historical books and books that have similar themes 
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?
It was a set of headcanons of Mr. Sinclaire and my MC, Celestine, finding out that they're going to be parents. While my spelling is terrible, I wouldn't change a thing. The engagement I received was such, it drove me to write for more. I haven't stopped creating since. 
9- What your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created? 
It's no secret for anyone who pays attention to my blog: my au, The Cursed Heiress, is probably my best creation. It's complex and a juggernaut of lore and history, and has all I've ever wanted in a fic and book in it. Although a close second is my Tudor AU, For Love and Duty. I simply love the 'arranged marriage' trope 
10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
The second part of a one shot, A True Man, was probably one of the most difficult to write, and with a very traumatising and important theme. I was 100% hoping anon hate telling me to delete it, but found instead that the people ate it up! It has now 30 notes (which is A LOT for a small fandom like the D&D one) and now that I reread it, I'm proud of what I created and the message I wanted to send, which resonates with happenings of my past and experiences. 
11 - If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
Definitely angst. There's something so cathartic and relieving as letting out those emotions you can't express out loud without being locked up for being unhinged, and it has helped me understand myself many times. Also, smut is def something that I can't physically write 😅 
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
There are small parts of me in every MC. A fragment of my past. Something of their lore that I went through. Something I aspire to be. Something I wanted to be once. I like to think that every writer leaves a part of their heart and soul with each character they create. 
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most?
Ooof, where to begin. I think the hardest part is to just write. I can go on for weeks looking at my turned-off laptop and goof off on Tumblr. But when I do write, the 'boring' parts or writing a character that I am not familiar with or that there isn't much info about can be challenging. 
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Oof, where to begin, lol. My modern AUs, The Viscountess and Plan B. There's also Your Most Ardent Admirer and For Love and Duty. There's the fix-it fic series of the Blades LIs. Profiles of my MCs from several series. And also fic ideas that I want to create, but don't know where or how to start it. Woe is me indeed 😭 
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first? 
Depends on the person. I would be very, very picky. I did show some parts of The Cursed Heiress to two trusted friends. But I wouldn't be against showing my mom a few chapters of The Viscountess… Unfortunately, she does not speak a word of English and I am terrible at translations, so it's wishful thinking, lol. 
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
For the published ones, Holly Black and Cassandra Clare have probably been my biggest help. Leigh Bardugo is also a newer inspo, and Spanish author Laura Gallego got me into fantasy, and anonymous author Bebi Fernández's raw and brutal prose have helped me find my voice. I have now bought George R.R Martin's Game of Thrones, looking for new sources to grasp. 
As for fandom-wise, the very first writer to inspire me unfortunately hasn't been active since the pandemic, and despite our differences, @hellospunkiebrewster 's writing and essays got me into Regency and its history. My thriving years were by her side, and I'm grateful of having had a great fandom friend and hyper. The most recent ones are @missameliep my amazing fandom mom (te quiero mami 🥰) and some pieces by @princess-geek 's writing have inspired me to expand my horizon. 
17- Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
The Cursed Heiress, definitely. I think that my messages would resonate with many people. There's also The Viscountess: many people should see the messages Nicole, Anne and others have, and for what I have planned (and have been stalling out of laziness 🫣) would put things into perspective for many minorities and certain groups that are neglected by society and governments alike.  19- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art? 
I am now at the outlining stages of making The Cursed Heiress an original novel. I tried many times to make my own novel, but always dropped it. But now that I've been for years with it, I feel like this might be the one project I dreamed of publishing one day. It's tough and scary, but I'm loving the ride so far. 
Also, I have tried my hand with poetry, but it didn't have engagement and felt like talking to a wall, so I now feel discouraged. But if someone out there is interested, lmk 👀 
20-  What other hobbies do you have?
Apart from literature, I love make-up, skincare, cooking and making gifs and videoedits. I also love travelling and discovering new adventures and learning as many languages as I am capable. I also love listening to music. Basically anything that has to do with the humanities and art, I'll take it. Also, I am very invested in modern royal gossip. I know, not very republican of me… 🫣😅 
21 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
Apparently, the one I use the most is 🫡🫶🏻👀. Heh, sounds like me, lol 
22: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
Two reminders to both creators and onlookers alike: 
Creators: making content is NOT a race or a chore. It's something you make just because, and share it with the world. If you don't enjoy it, it's not worth the effort. 
Onlookers: I know how much you may love X thing, but remember that behind that art, fic, etc, there's a person with real feelings, real life and that is taking off free time to make something. Enjoy it, reblog it (please, reblog the stuff you love) and if you don't like it, filter the tag, block and move on. It's really that simple. 
Also, happy Valentine's Day AND Black History Month to the black creators of Choices! You're awesome and we love you ❤ sending you love 🥰 
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ladyiristheenchantress · 1 year ago
What Is Celestial Work?
Hello friends! I wanted to give a special spotlight to a practice that was introduced to me about 5 years ago! I know plenty of Celestial Practioners but no posts online about it other than in Discord spaces and some aminos. As a preface: I am not talking about celestial deities which are gods that rule over celestial energy, I am talking about an entirely separate practice/type of divine energy work What Is Celestial Work? Celestial work is when you work directly with planetary energies and celestial bodies themselves rather than a deity counterpart. So in our case, you can work with or worship the celestial body of Saturn, each planet will have its own energies, personalities, and preferred way of communication! With that said, how divination, altars, and worship works is actually very different compared to traditional deity work because of the nature of the planets themselves. Celestial work is also technically a form of primordial work because it has to do with the formation of our solar system and even how our neolithic ancestors looked to the stars and planets for guidance (even if that guidance was for hunt purposes) How is this different than regular deity work? With a lot of aspects of deity work you have so many methods of communication, resources for altars and worship, and set values and beliefs from a previously or currently organized religion but with celestial work there are only a few known constants 1. Most planets that are farther away speak slowly and take a long time to communicate because of distance. Planets are not omnipresent but they are semi-omnipotent because they are constantly watching over earth just at a different timescale. There are some optimal times to communicate when a planet is in line with earth, and often times messages come days after reaching out in the form of dreams or sudden waves of feelings.
2. Physical altars will range, and most offerings need to reflect a few things! Because planets don’t have their own set of everything you have to use a few points of reference; You can use astrology, color magic, their own personality as they interact with you, Roman counterparts (aka why they are named that way), science, and astrology! There isn't going to be set guides (yet, I would love to help create some) so you may have to get creative
3. Planets are semi-capable to reach out to work! Planets can “reach out” however it corresponds more with astrology and how they effect our lives, charts, etc, reaching out for work doesn’t really happen in a traditional sense: instead we are constantly connected to all the planets so how we perceive them and how they effect us will depend on our unique relationship to them. Instead they allow a unique dynamic that follows how celestial work was originally done, however some nuance applies! This is because some modern-day UPG can cause different perspectives and how people perceive celestial work, so note not everyone’s experience is the same this just seems to be the most common interpretation. The aspect of “reaching out” is different! Some people argue that planets can reach out 100%, some people argue that they can’t at all, this is the middle path and really depends on how you perceive energy and your own experiences! In my opinion, it may be easier to reach out yourself because it’s hard for a planet to individually pick anyone out of 8 billion humans and almost 20 billion organisms, it just is my perspective and yours can differ!
How can I get started? So you find celestial work awesome! you want to mingle with the rings of Saturn and clown around with the moons of Jupiter :) Lets get started then
Pick an energy that calls to you, what do you feel you need to learn? note that the further out you go the longer it might take to communicate and connect to said planet.
Pick a method of divination, dreams, energy and intuition, scrying, and sign discernment tend to be the best route for getting started because often times tarot or cartomancy have trouble connecting to said energy. You could use decks that were created with those energies in mind to help connect better!
Learn about safety and vetting, communication can be complex especially if you are waiting a few days for a response, have basic wards of protection up and overall keep yourself safe!
Set up an altar space, this can look however you want it to! It can be physical, digital, etc! You dont need an altar but I know a lot of people enjoy having a set space to collect memories or honor the planets
Alrighty yall! I hope this was helpful! if you do get any questions feel free to drop them below in the comments or shoot me an ama :3
Resources to start https://www.astrolada.com/articles/astrology-techniques/planetary-influences-and-symbols.html https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/SpInPl_index.html https://www.entitymag.com/how-the-planets-influence-you/
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