remembertheplunge · 4 months
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I met Kyle K on Telegraph Ave in Berkeley, California on 5/14/2017. He was a handsome blonde 20 year old artist and “Nomad”. He and a friend were headed to Berlin Germany for an adventure. I sat on my back pack as he “drew” me a painting as we dined on Piology Pizza. He drew his painting on the pizza box top. I think that I paid him $25 for his work of art.
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wiiildflowerrr · 1 year
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@Michael5SOS: love your mama today. ❤️
14 May 2017
(Mother's Day is in May in Australia.)
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st-guliks-fnord · 11 months
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renthony · 3 months
Nimona: a Story of Trans Rights, Queer Solidarity, and the Battle Against Censorship
by Ren Basel renbasel.com
The 2023 film Nimona, released on Netflix after a tumultuous development, is a triumph of queer art. While the basic plot follows a mischievous shapeshifter befriending a knight framed for murder, at its heart Nimona is a tale of queer survival in the face of bigotry and censorship. Though the word “transgender” is never spoken, the film is a deeply political narrative of trans empowerment.
The film is based on a comic of the same name, created by Eisner-winning artist N.D. Stevenson. (1) Originally a webcomic, Nimona stars the disgraced ex-knight Ballister Blackheart and his titular sidekick, teaming up to topple an oppressive regime known as the Institution. The webcomic was compiled into a graphic novel published by Harper Collins on May 12, 2015. (2)
On June 11, 2015, the Hollywood Reporter broke the news Fox Animation had acquired rights to the story. (3) A film adaptation would be directed by Patrick Osborne, written by Marc Haimes, and produced by Adam Stone. Two years later, on February 9, 2017, Osborne confirmed the film was being produced with the Fox-owned studio Blue Sky Animation, and on June 30 of that same year, he claimed the film would be released Valentine’s Day 2020. (4)
Then the Walt Disney Company made a huge mess.
On December 14, 2017, Disney announced the acquisition of Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc. (5) Industry publications began speculating the same day about Blue Sky’s fate, though nothing would be confirmed until after the deal’s completion on March 19, 2019. (6) At first it seemed the studio would continue producing films under Disney’s governance, similar to Disney-owned Pixar Animation. (7)
The fate of the studio—and Nimona’s film adaptation—remained in purgatory for two years. During that time, Patrick Osborne left over reported creative differences, and directorial duties were taken over by Nick Bruno and Troy Quane. (8) Bruno and Quane continued production on the film despite Blue Sky’s uncertain future.
The killing blow came on February 9, 2021. Disney shut down Blue Sky and canceled Nimona, the result of economic hardship caused by COVID-19. (9) Nimona was seventy-five percent completed at the time, set to star Chloë Grace Moretz and Riz Ahmed. (10)
While COVID-19 caused undeniable financial upheaval for the working class, wealthy Americans fared better. (11) Disney itself scraped together enough to pay CEO Bob Iger twenty-one million dollars in 2020 alone. (12) Additionally, demand for animation spiked during the pandemic’s early waves, and Nimona could have been the perfect solution to the studio’s supposed financial woes. (13) Why waste the opportunity to profit from Blue Sky’s hard work?
It didn’t take long for the answer to surface. Speaking anonymously to the press, Blue Sky workers revealed the awful truth: Disney may have killed Nimona for being too queer. The titular character was gender-nonconforming, the leading men were supposed to kiss, and Disney didn’t like it. (14) While Disney may claim COVID-19 as the cause, it is noteworthy that Disney representatives saw footage of two men declaring their love, and not long after, the studio responsible was dead. (15) Further damning evidence came in February of 2024, when the Hollywood Reporter published an article quoting co-director Nick Bruno, who named names: Disney’s chief creative officer at the time, Alan Horn, was adamantly opposed to the film’s “gay stuff.” (16)
Disney didn’t think queer art was worthy of their brand, and it isn’t the first time. “Not fitting the Disney brand” was the justification for canceling Dana Terrace’s 2020 animated series The Owl House, which featured multiple queer characters. (17) Though Terrace was reluctant to assume queerphobia caused the cancellation, Disney’s anti-queer bias has been cited as a hurdle by multiple showrunners, including Terrace herself. (18) The company’s resistance to queer art is a documented phenomenon.
While Nimona’s film cancellation could never take N.D. Stevenson’s comic from the world, it was a sting to lose such a powerful queer narrative on the silver screen. American film has a long history of censoring queerness. The Motion Picture Production Code (commonly called the Hays Code) censored queer stories for decades, including them under the umbrella of “sex perversion.” (19) Though the Code was eventually repealed, systemic bigotry turns even modern queer representation milestones into battles. In 2018, when Rebecca Sugar, creator of the Cartoon Network series Steven Universe, succeeded in portraying the first-ever same-sex marriage proposal in American children’s animation, the network canceled the show in retaliation. (20)
When queer art has to fight so hard just to exist, each loss is a bitter heartbreak. N.D. Stevenson himself expressed sorrow that the world would never see what Nimona’s crew worked so hard to achieve. (21)
Nimona, however, is hard to kill.
While fans mourned, progress continued behind the scenes. Instead of disappearing into the void as a tax write-off, the film was quietly scooped up by Megan Ellison of Annapurna Pictures. (22) Ellison received a call days before Disney’s death blow to Blue Sky, and after looking over storyboard reels, she decided to champion the film. With Ellison’s support, former Blue Sky heads Robert Baird and Andrew Millstein did their damnedest to find Nimona a home. (23)
Good news arrived on April 11, 2022, when N.D. Stevenson made a formal announcement on Twitter (now X): Nimona was gloriously alive, and would release on Netflix in 2023. (24) Netflix confirmed the news in its own press release, where it also provided details about the film’s updated cast and crew, including Eugene Lee Yang as Ambrosius Goldenloin alongside Riz Ahmed’s Ballister Boldheart (changed from the name Blackheart in the comic) and Chloë Grace Moretz as Nimona. (25) The film was no longer in purgatory, and grief over its death became anticipation for its release.
Nimona made her film debut in France, premiering at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival on June 14, 2023 to positive reviews. (26) Netflix released the film to streaming on June 30, finally completing the story’s arduous journey from page to screen. (27)
When the film begins, the audience is introduced to the world through a series of illustrated scrolls, evoking the storybook intros of Disney princess films such as 1959’s Sleeping Beauty. The storybook framing device has been used to parody Disney in the past, perhaps most famously in the 2001 Dreamworks film Shrek. Just as Shrek contains parodies of the Disney brand created by a Disney alumnus, so, too, does Nimona riff on the studio that snubbed it. (28)
Nimona’s storybook intro tells the story of Gloreth, a noble warrior woman clad in gold and white, who defended her people from a terrible monster. After slaying the beast, Gloreth established an order of knights called the Institute (changed from the Institution in the comic) to wall off the city and protect her people.
Right away, the film introduces a Christian dichotomy of good versus evil. Gloreth is presented as a Christlike figure, with the Institute’s knights standing in as her saints. (29) Her name is invoked like the Christian god, with characters uttering phrases such as “oh my Gloreth” and “Gloreth guide you.” The film’s design borrows heavily from Medieval Christian art and architecture, bolstering the metaphor.
Nimona takes place a thousand years after Gloreth’s victory. Following the opening narration, the audience is dropped into a setting combining Medieval aesthetics with futuristic science fiction, creating a sensory delight of neon splashed across knights in shining armor. It’s in this swords-and-cyborgs city that a new knight is set to join the illustrious ranks of Gloreth’s Institute, now under the control of a woman known only as the Director (voiced by Frances Conroy). That new knight is our protagonist, Ballister Boldheart.
The film changes several things from the original. The comic stars Lord Ballister Blackheart, notorious former knight, long after his fall from grace. He has battled the Institution for years, making a name for himself as a supervillain. The film introduces a younger Ballister Boldheart who is still loyal to the Institute, who believes in his dream of becoming a knight and overcomes great odds to prove himself worthy. In the comic, Blackheart’s greatest rival is Sir Ambrosius Goldenloin, with whom he has a messy past. The film shows more of that past, when Goldenloin and Boldheart were young lovers eager to become knights by each other’s side.
There is another notable change: in the comic, Goldenloin is white, and Blackheart is light-skinned. In the film, both characters are men of color—specifically, Boldheart is of Pakistani descent, and Goldenloin is of Korean descent, matching the ethnicity of their respective voice actors. This change adds new themes of institutional racism, colorism, and the “model minority” stereotype. (30)
The lighter-skinned Goldenloin is, as his name suggests, the Institute’s golden boy. He descends from the noble lineage of Gloreth herself, and his face is emblazoned on posters and news screens across the city. He is referred to as “the most anticipated knight of a generation.” In contrast, the darker-skinned Boldheart experiences prejudice and hazing due to his lower-class background. His social status is openly discussed in the news. He is called a “street kid” and “controversial,” despite being the top student in his class. The newscasters make sure everyone knows he was only given the chance to prove himself in the Institute because the queen, a Black woman with established social influence, gave him her personal patronage. Despite this patronage, when the news interviews citizens on the street, public opinion is firmly against Boldheart.
To preserve the comic’s commentary on white privilege, some of Goldenloin’s traits were written into a new, white character created for the film, Sir Thoddeus Sureblade (voiced by Beck Bennett). Sureblade’s vitriol against both Boldheart and Goldenloin allowed Goldenloin to become a more sympathetic character, trapped in the system just as much as Boldheart. (31) This is emphasized at other points in the film when the audience sees Sureblade interact with Goldenloin without Boldheart present, berating the only person of color left in the absence of the darker-skinned man.
The day Boldheart is to be knighted, everything goes wrong. As Queen Valerin (voiced by Lorraine Toussaint) performs the much-anticipated knighting ceremony, a device embedded in Boldheart’s sword explodes, killing her instantly. Though Boldheart is not to blame, he is dubbed an assassin instead of a knight. In an instant, he becomes the most wanted man in the kingdom, and Queen Valerin’s hopes for progress and social equality seem dead with her. Boldheart is gravely injured in the explosion and forced to flee, unable to clear his name.
Enter Nimona.
The audience meets the titular character in the act of vandalizing a poster of Gloreth, only to get distracted by an urgent broadcast on a nearby screen. As she approaches, a bystander yells that she’s a “freak,” in a manner reminiscent of slurs screamed by passing bigots. Nimona has no time for bigots, spraying this one in the face with paint before tuning in to the news.
“Everyone is scared,” declare the newscasters, because queen-killer Ballister Boldheart is on the run. The media paints him as a monster, a filthy commoner who never deserved the chances he was given, and announce that, “never since Gloreth’s monster has anything been so hated.” This characterization pleases Nimona, and she declares him “perfect” before scampering off to find his hiding place.
It takes the span of a title screen for her to track him down, sequestered in a makeshift junkyard shelter. Just before Nimona bursts into the lair, the audience sees Boldheart’s injuries have resulted in the amputation of his arm, and he is building a homemade prosthetic. This is another way he’s been othered from his peers in an instant, forced to adapt to life-changing circumstances with no support. Where he was so recently an aspiring knight with a partner and a dream, he is now homeless, disabled, and isolated.
A wall in the hideout shows a collection of news clippings, suspects, and sticky notes where Boldheart is trying to solve the murder and clear his name. His own photo looks down from the wall, captioned with a damning headline: “He was never one of us—knights reveal shocking details of killer’s past.” It evokes real-world racial bias in crime reporting, where suspects of color are treated as more violent, unstable, and prone to crime than white suspects. A 2021 report by the Equal Justice Initiative and the Global Strategy Group compiled data on this phenomenon, focusing on the stark disparity between coverage of white and Black suspects. (32)
Nimona is not put off by Boldheart’s sinister media reputation. It’s why she tracked him down in the first place. She’s arrived to present her official application as Boldheart’s villain sidekick and help him take down the Institute. Boldheart brushes her off, insisting he isn’t a villain. He has faith in his innocence and in the system, and leaves Nimona behind to clear his name.
When he is immediately arrested, stripped of his prosthetic, and jailed, Nimona doesn’t abandon him. She springs a prison break, and conveys a piece of bitter wisdom to the fallen knight: “[O]nce everyone sees you as a villain, that’s what you are. They only see you one way, no matter how hard you try.”
Nimona and Boldheart are both outcasts, but they are at different stages of processing the pain. Boldheart is deep in the grief of someone who tried to adhere to the demands of a biased system but finally failed. He is the newly cast-out, who gave his entire life to the system but still couldn’t escape dehumanization. His pain is a fresh, raw wound, where Nimona has old scars. She embodies the deep anger of those who have existed on the margins for years. Where Boldheart wants to prove his innocence so he can be re-accepted into the fold, Nimona’s goal is to tear the entire system apart. She finds instant solidarity with Boldheart based solely on their mutual status as outsiders, but Boldheart resists that solidarity because he still craves the system’s familiar structure.
In the comic, Blackheart’s stance is not one of fresh grief, since, just like Nimona, he has been an outsider for some time. Instead, Blackheart’s position is one of slow reform. He believes the system can be changed and improved, while Nimona urges him to demolish it entirely. In both versions, Ballister thinks the system can be fixed by removing specific corrupt influences, where Nimona believes the government is rotten to its foundations and should be dismantled. Despite their ideological differences, Nimona and Ballister ally to survive the Institute’s hostility.
The allyship is an uneasy truce. During the prison break, Nimona reveals that she’s a shapeshifter, able to change into whatever form she pleases. Boldheart reflexively reaches for his sword, horrified that she isn’t human. She is the exact sort of monster he has been taught to fear by the Institute, and it’s only because he needs her help that he overcomes his reflex and sticks with her.
Nimona’s shapeshifting functions as a transgender allegory. The comic’s author, N.D. Stevenson, is transgender, and Nimona’s story developed alongside his own queer journey. (33) The trans themes from the comic are emphasized in the film, with various pride flags included in backgrounds and showcased in the art book. (34) Directors Bruno and Quane described the film as “a story about acceptance. A movie about being seen for who you truly are and a love letter to all those who’ve ever shared that universal feeling of being misunderstood or like an outsider trying to fit in.” (35)
When Boldheart asks Nimona what she is, she responds with only “Nimona.” When he calls her a girl, she retorts that she’s “a lot of things.” When she transforms into another species, she specifies in that moment that she’s “not a girl, I’m a shark.” Later, when she takes the form of a young boy and Boldheart comments on it, saying “now you’re a boy,” her response is, “I am today.” She defies easy categorization, and she likes it that way.
About her shapeshifting, Nimona says “it feels worse if I don’t do it” and “I shapeshift, then I’m free.” When asked what happens if she doesn’t shapeshift, she responds, “I wouldn’t die-die, I just sure wouldn’t be living.” Every time she discusses her transformations, it carries echoes of transgender experience—and, as it happens, Nimona is not N.D. Stevenson’s only shapeshifting transgender character. During his tenure as showrunner for She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (Netflix/Dreamworks, 2018-2020), Stevenson introduced the character Double Trouble. Double Trouble previously existed at the margins of She-Ra lore, but Stevenson’s version was a nonbinary shapeshifter using they/them pronouns. (36) While Nimona uses she/her pronouns throughout both comic and film, just like Double Trouble her gender presentation is as fluid as her physical form.
Boldheart, like many cisgender people reacting to transgender people, is uncomfortable with Nimona. He declares her way of doing things “too much,” and insists they try to be “inconspicuous” and “discreet.” He worries whether others saw her, and, when she is casually in a nonhuman form, he asks if she can “be normal for a second.” He claims to support her, but says it would be “easier if she was a girl” because “other people aren’t as accepting.” His discomfort evokes fumbled allyship by cisgender people, and Nimona emphasizes the allegory by calling Boldheart out for his “small-minded questions.” While the alliance is uneasy, Boldheart continues working with Nimona to clear his name. They are the only allies each other has, and their individual survival is dependent on them working together.
When the duo gain video proof of Boldheart’s innocence, they learn the bomb that killed Queen Valerin was planted by the Director. Threatened by a Black woman using her influence to elevate a poor, queer man of color, the white Director chose to preserve the status quo through violence.
Nimona is eager to get the video on every screen in the city, but Boldheart wants to deal with the issue internally, out of the public eye. He insists “the Institute isn’t the problem, the Director is.” This belief is what also leads the comic’s Blackheart to reject Nimona’s idea that he should crown himself king. He is focused on reforming the existing power structure, neither removing it entirely nor taking it over himself.
Inside the Institute, the Director has been doing her best to set Goldenloin against his former partner. Despite his internal misgivings and fear of betraying someone he loves, Goldenloin does his best to adhere to his prescribed role. As the Director reminds the knights, they are literally born to defend the kingdom, and it’s their sacred duty to do so—especially Goldenloin, who carries Gloreth’s holy blood. This blood connection is repeated throughout the film, and used by the Director to exploit Goldenloin. He’s the Institute’s token minority, put on a gilded pedestal and treated as a symbol instead of a human being.
Goldenloin is a pretty face for propaganda posters, and those posters can be seen throughout the film. They proclaim Gloreth’s majesty, the power of the knights, and remind civilians that the Institute is necessary to “protect our way of life.” A subway PSA urges citizens, “if you see something, slay something,” in a direct parody of the real-world “if you see something, say something” campaign by the United States Department of Homeland Security. (37)
The film is not subtle in its political messaging. When Boldheart attempts to prove his innocence to Goldenloin and the assembled knights, he reaches towards his pocket for a phone. The Director cries that Boldheart has a weapon, and Sureblade opens fire. Though the shot hits the phone and not Boldheart, it carries echoes of real-world police brutality against people of color. Specifically, the use of a phone evokes cases such as the 2018 murder of Stephon Clark, a young Black man who was shot and killed by California police claiming Clark’s cell phone was a firearm. (38) The film does not toy with vague, depoliticized themes of coexistence and tolerance; it is a direct and pointed allegory for contemporary oppression in the United States of America.
Forced to choose between love for Boldheart and loyalty to the Institute, Goldenloin chooses the Institute. He calls for Boldheart’s arrest, and this is the moment Boldheart finally agrees to fight back and raise hell alongside Nimona. When Goldenloin calls Nimona a monster during the ensuing battle, Boldheart doesn’t hesitate to refute it. He expresses his trust in her, and it’s clear he means it. He’s been betrayed by someone he cared about and thought he could depend on, and this puts him in true solidarity with Nimona for the first time.
During the fight, Nimona stops a car from crashing into a small child. She shapeshifts into a young girl to appear less threatening, but it doesn’t work. The child picks up a sword, pointing it at Nimona until an adult pulls them away to hide. When Nimona sees this hatred imprinted in the heart of a child, it horrifies her.
After fleeing to their hideout, Nimona makes a confession to Boldheart: she has suicidal ideations. So many people have directed so much hatred toward her that sometimes she wants to give in and let them kill her. In the real world, a month after the film’s release, a study from the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law compiled data about suicidality in American transgender adults. (39) Researchers found that eighty-one percent have thought about suicide, compared to just thirty-five percent of cisgender adults. Forty-two percent have attempted suicide, compared to eleven percent of cisgender adults. Fifty-six percent have engaged in self-harm, compared to twelve percent of cisgender adults.
When Boldheart offers to flee with her and find somewhere safe together, Nimona declares they shouldn’t have to run. She makes the decision every trans person living in a hostile place must make: do I leave and save myself, or do I stay to fight for my community? The year the film was released, the Trans Legislation Tracker reported a record-breaking amount of anti-trans legislation in the United States, with six hundred and two bills introduced throughout twenty-four states. (40) In February 2024, the National Center for Transgender Equality published data on their 2022 U.S. Transgender Survey, revealing that forty-seven percent of respondents thought about moving to another area due to discrimination, with ten percent actually doing so. (41)
Despite the danger, Nimona and Boldheart work diligently against the Institute. When they gain fresh footage proving the Director’s guilt, they don’t hesitate to upload it online, where it garners rapid attention across social and news media. Newscasters begin asking who the real villain is, anti-Institute sentiment builds, and citizens protest in the streets, demanding answers. The power that social media adds to social justice activism is true in the real world as it is in the film, seen in campaigns such as the viral #MeToo hashtag and the Black Lives Matter movement. (42) In 2020, polls conducted by the Pew Research Center showed eight in ten Americans viewed social media platforms as either very or somewhat effective in raising awareness about political and social topics. In the same survey, seventy-seven percent of respondents believed social media is at least somewhat effective in organizing social movements. (43)
In reaction to the media firestorm, the Director issues a statement. She outs Nimona as a shapeshifter, and claims the evidence against the Institute is a hoax. Believing the Director, Goldenloin contacts Boldheart for a rendezvous, sans Nimona. From Goldenloin’s perspective, Boldheart is a good man who has been deceived by the real villain, Nimona. He tells Boldheart about a scroll the Director found, with evidence that Nimona is Gloreth’s original monster, still alive and terrorizing the city. Goldenloin wants to bring Boldheart back into the knighthood and resume their relationship, and though that’s what Boldheart wanted before, his solidarity with Nimona causes him to reject the offer.
Though he leaves Goldenloin behind, Boldheart’s suspicion of Nimona returns. Despite their solidarity, he doesn’t really know her, so he returns home to interrogate her. In the ensuing argument, he reverts to calling her a monster, but only through implication—he won’t say the word. Like a slur, he knows he shouldn’t say it anymore, but that doesn’t keep him from believing it.
Boldheart’s actions prove to Nimona that nowhere is safe. There is no haven. Her community will always turn on her. She flees, and in her ensuing breakdown, the audience learns her backstory. She was alone for an unspecified length of time, never able to fit in until meeting Gloreth as a little girl. Nimona presents herself to Gloreth as another little girl, and Gloreth becomes Nimona’s very first friend. Even when Nimona shapeshifts, Gloreth treats her with kindness and love.
Then the adults of Gloreth’s village see Nimona shapeshift, and the word “monster” is hurled. Torches and pitchforks come out. At the adults’ panic, Gloreth takes up a sword against Nimona, and the cycle of bigotry is transferred to the next generation. The friendship shatters, and Nimona must flee before she can be killed.
After losing Boldheart, seemingly Nimona’s only ally since Gloreth’s betrayal, Nimona’s grief becomes insurmountable. She knows in her heart that nothing will ever change. She’s been hurt too much, by too many, cutting too deeply. To Nimona, the world will only ever bring her pain, so she gives in. She transforms into the giant, ferocious monster everyone has always told her she is, and she begins moving through the city as the Institute opens fire.
When Ballister sees Nimona’s giant, shadowy form, he realizes the horrific pain he caused her. He intuits that Nimona isn’t causing destruction for fun, she’s on a suicide march. She’s given up, and her decision is the result of endless, systemic bigotry and betrayal of trust. Her rampage wouldn’t be happening if she’d been treated with love, support, and care.
Nimona’s previous admission of suicidal ideation repeats in voiceover as she prepares to impale herself on a sword pointed by a massive statue of Gloreth. Her suicide is only prevented because Ballister steps in, calling to her, apologizing, saying he sees her and she isn’t alone. She collapses into his arms, once again in human form, sobbing. Boldheart has finally accepted her truth, and she is safe with him.
But she isn’t safe from the Director.
In a genocidal bid she knows will take out countless civilian lives, the Director orders canons fired on Nimona. Goldenloin tries to stop her, finally standing up against the system, but it’s too late. The Director fires the canons, Nimona throws herself at the blast to protect the civilians, and Nimona falls.
When the dust settles, the Director is deposed and the city rebuilds. Boldheart and Goldenloin reconnect and resume their relationship. The walls around the city come down, reforms take hold in the Institute, and a memorial goes up to honor Nimona, the hero who sacrificed her life to reveal the Director’s corruption.
Nimona, however, is hard to kill.
Nimona originally had a tragic ending, born of N.D. Stevenson’s own depression, but that hopelessness didn’t last forever. (44) Though Nimona is defeated, she doesn’t stay dead. Through the outpouring of love and support N.D. Stevenson received while creating the original webcomic, he gained the community and support he needed to create a more hopeful ending for Nimona’s story—and himself.
The comic’s ending is bittersweet. Nimona can’t truly die, and eventually restores herself. She allows Blackheart to glimpse her, so he knows she survived, but she doesn’t stay. She still doesn’t feel safe, and is assumed to move on somewhere new. Blackheart never sees Nimona again.
The film’s ending is more hopeful. There is a shimmer of pink magic as Nimona announces her survival, and the film ends with Boldheart’s elated exclamation. Even death couldn’t keep her down. She survived Gloreth, and she survived the Director. Though this chapter of the story is over, there is hope on the horizon, and she has allies on her side.
In both incarnations, Nimona is a story of queer survival in a cruel world. The original ending was one of despair, that said there was little hope of true solidarity and allyship. The revised ending said there was hope, but still so far to go. The film’s ending says there is hope, there is solidarity, and there are people who will stand with transgender people until the bitter end—but, more importantly, there are people in the world who want trans people to live, to thrive, and to find joy.
In a world that’s so hostile to transgender people, it’s no wonder a radically trans-positive film had to fight so hard to exist. Unfortunately, the battle must continue. As of June 2024, Netflix hasn’t announced any intent to produce physical copies of the film, meaning it exists solely on streaming and is only accessible via a monthly paid subscription. Should Netflix ever take down its original animation, as HBO Max did in 2022 despite massive backlash, the film could easily become lost media. (45) Though it saved Nimona from Disney, Netflix has its own nasty history of under-marketing and canceling queer programs. (46)
The film’s art book is already gone. The multimedia tome was posted online on October 12, 2023, hosted at ArtofNimona.com. (47) Per the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, the site became a Netflix redirect at some point between 10:26 PM on March 9, 2024 and 9:35 PM on March 20, 2024. (48) On the archived site, some multimedia elements are non-functional, potentially making them lost media. The art book is not available through any legal source, and though production designer Aidan Sugano desperately wants a physical copy made, there seem to be no such plans. (49)
Perhaps Netflix will eventually release physical copies of both film and art book. Perhaps not. Time will tell. In the meantime, Nimona stands as a triumph of queer media in a queerphobic world. That it exists at all is a miracle, and that its accessibility is so precarious a year after release is a travesty. Contemporary political commentary is woven into every aspect of the film, and it exists thanks to the passion, talent, and bravery of an incredible crew who endured despite blatant corporate queerphobia.
Long live Nimona, and long live the transgender community she represents.
_ This piece was commissioned using the prompt "the Nimona movie."
Updated 6/16/24 to revise an inaccurate statement regarding the original comic.
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8. Jones, Rendy. 2023. “‘Nimona’: Netflix’s Remarkable Trans-Rights Animated Movie Is Here.” Rolling Stone. July 3, 2023. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/nimona-netflix-trans-rights-animated-movie-lgbtq-riz-ahmed-chloe-grace-moretz-1234782583/.
9. D’Alessandro, Anthony. 2021. “Disney Closing Blue Sky Studios, Fox’s Once-Dominant Animation House behind ‘Ice Age’ Franchise.” Deadline. February 9, 2021. https://deadline.com/2021/02/blue-sky-studios-closing-disney-ice-age-franchise-animation-1234690310/.
10. “Disney’s Blue Sky Shut down Leaves Nimona Film 75% Completed.” 2021. CBR. February 10, 2021. https://www.cbr.com/nimona-film-abandoned-disney-blue-sky-shut-down/; Sneider, Jeff. 2021. “Exclusive: Disney’s LGBTQ-Themed ‘Nimona’ Would’ve Featured the Voices of Chloë Grace Moretz, Riz Ahmed.” Collider. March 4, 2021. https://collider.com/nimona-movie-cast-cancelled-disney-blue-sky/.
11. Horowitz, Juliana Menasce, Anna Brown, and Rachel Minkin. 2021. “The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Long-Term Financial Impact.” Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project. March 5, 2021. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2021/03/05/a-year-into-the-pandemic-long-term-financial-impact-weighs-heavily-on-many-americans/.
12. Lang, Brent. 2022. “Disney CEO Bob Iger’s Rich Compensation Package Revealed, Company Says Bob Chapek Fired ‘without Cause.’” Variety. November 21, 2022. https://variety.com/2022/film/finance/bob-iger-compensation-package-salary-bob-chapek-fired-1235439151/.
13. Romano, Nick. 2020. “The Pandemic Animation Boom: How Cartoons Became King in the Time of COVID.” EW.com. November 2, 2020. https://ew.com/movies/animation-boom-coronavirus-pandemic/.
14. Strapagiel, Lauren. 2021. “The Future of Disney’s First Animated Feature Film with Queer Leads, ‘Nimona,’ Is in Doubt.” BuzzFeed News. February 24, 2021. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/laurenstrapagiel/disney-nimona-movie-lgbtq-characters.
15. Clark, Travis. 2022. “Disney Raised Concerns about a Same-Sex Kiss in the Unreleased Animated Movie ‘Nimona,’ Former Blue Sky Staffers Say.” Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/disney-disapproved-same-sex-kiss-nimona-movie-former-staffers-say-2022-3.
16. Keegan, Rebecca. 2024. “Why Megan Ellison Saved ‘Nimona’: ‘I Needed This Movie.’” The Hollywood Reporter. February 22, 2024. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/megan-ellison-saved-nimona-1235832043/.
17. St. James, Emily. 2023. “Mourning the Loss of the Owl House, TV’s Best Queer Kids Show.” Vanity Fair. April 6, 2023. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/04/loss-of-the-owl-house-tvs-best-queer-kids-show.
18. AntagonistDana. 2021. “AMA (except by ‘Anything’ I Mean These Questions Only).” Reddit. October 5, 2021. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/q1x1uh/ama_except_by_anything_i_mean_these_questions_only/; de Wit, Alex Dudok. 2020. “Disney Executive Tried to Block Queer Characters in ‘the Owl House,’ Says Creator.” 2020. Cartoon Brew. August 14, 2020. https://www.cartoonbrew.com/disney/disney-executives-tried-to-block-queer-characters-in-the-owl-house-says-creator-195413.html.
19. Doherty, Thomas. 1999. Pre-Code Hollywood : Sex, Immorality, and Insurrection in American Cinema, 1930-1934. New York: Columbia University Press. 363.
20. Henderson, Taylor. 2018. “‘Steven Universe’s’ Latest Episode Just Made LGBTQ History.” Pride. July 5, 2018. https://www.pride.com/stevenuniverse/2018/7/05/steven-universes-latest-episode-just-made-lgbtq-history; McDonnell, Chris. 2020. Steven Universe: End of an Era. New York: Abrams. 102.
21. Stevenson, ND. (@Gingerhazing). 2021. "Sad day. Thanks for the well wishes, and sending so much love to everyone at Blue Sky. Forever grateful for all the care and joy you poured into Nimona." Twitter/X, February 9, 2021, 3:32 PM. https://x.com/Gingerhazing/status/1359238823935283200
22. Jones, Rendy. 2023. “‘Nimona’: Netflix’s Remarkable Trans-Rights Animated Movie Is Here.” Rolling Stone. July 3, 2023. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/nimona-netflix-trans-rights-animated-movie-lgbtq-riz-ahmed-chloe-grace-moretz-1234782583/.
23. Keegan, Rebecca. 2024. “Why Megan Ellison Saved ‘Nimona’: ‘I Needed This Movie.’” The Hollywood Reporter. February 22, 2024. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/megan-ellison-saved-nimona-1235832043/.
24. Stevenson, ND. (@Gingerhazing). 2022. "Nimona’s always been a spunky little story that just wouldn’t stop. She’s a fighter...but she’s also got some really awesome people fighting for her. I am excited out of my mind to announce that THE NIMONA MOVIE IS ALIVE...coming at you in 2023 from Annapurna and Netflix." Twitter/X, April 11, 2022, 10:00 AM. https://x.com/Gingerhazing/status/1513517319841935363.
25. “‘Nimona’ Starring Chloë Grace Moretz, Riz Ahmed & Eugene Lee Yang Coming to Netflix in 2023.” About Netflix. April 11, 2022. https://about.netflix.com/en/news/nimona-starring-chloe-grace-moretz-riz-ahmed-and-eugene-lee-yang-coming-to-netflix.
26. “’Nimona’ Rates 100% on Rotten Tomatoes after Annecy Premiere.” Animation Magazine. June 15, 2023. https://www.animationmagazine.net/2023/06/nimona-rates-100-on-rotten-tomatoes-after-annecy-premiere/
27. Dilillo, John. 2023. “’Nimona’: Everything You Need to Know About the New Animated Adventure.” Tudum by Netflix. June 30, 2023. https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/nimona-release-date-news-photos
28. Reese, Lori. 2001. “Is ‘“Shrek”’ the Anti- Disney Fairy Tale?” Entertainment Weekly. May 29, 2001. https://ew.com/article/2001/05/29/shrek-anti-disney-fairy-tale/.
29. Sugano, Aidan. 2023. Nimona: the Digital Art Book. Netflix. 255. https://web.archive.org/web/20240309222607/https://artofnimona.com/.
30. White, Abbey. 2023. “How ‘Nimona’ Explores the Model Minority Stereotype through Its Queer API Love Story.” The Hollywood Reporter. July 1, 2023. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/nimona-eugene-lee-yang-directors-race-love-story-netflix-1235526714/.
31. White, Abbey. 2023. “How ‘Nimona’ Explores the Model Minority Stereotype through Its Queer API Love Story.” The Hollywood Reporter. July 1, 2023. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/nimona-eugene-lee-yang-directors-race-love-story-netflix-1235526714/.
32. Equal Justice Initiative. 2021. “Report Documents Racial Bias in Coverage of Crime by Media.” Equal Justice Initiative. December 16, 2021. https://eji.org/news/report-documents-racial-bias-in-coverage-of-crime-by-media/.
33. Stevenson, N. D. 2023. “Nimona (the Comic): A Deep Dive.” I’m Fine I’m Fine Just Understand. July 13, 2023. https://www.imfineimfine.com/p/nimona-the-comic-a-deep-dive.
34. Sugano, Aidan. 2023. Nimona: the Digital Art Book. Netflix. 259-260. https://web.archive.org/web/20240309222607/https://artofnimona.com/.
35. Sugano, Aidan. 2023. Nimona: the Digital Art Book. Netflix. 7. https://web.archive.org/web/20240309222607/https://artofnimona.com/.
36. Brown, Tracy. 2019. “In Netflix’s ‘She-Ra,’ Even Villains Respect Nonbinary Pronouns.” Los Angeles Times. November 6, 2019. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2019-11-05/netflix-she-ra-princesses-power-nonbinary-double-trouble.
37. Department of Homeland Security. 2019. “If You See Something, Say Something®.” Department of Homeland Security. May 10, 2019. https://www.dhs.gov/see-something-say-something.
38. University of Stanford. n.d. “Stephon Clark.” Say Their Names - Spotlight at Stanford. https://exhibits.stanford.edu/saytheirnames/feature/stephon-clark.
39. Kidd, Jeremy D., Tettamanti, Nicky A., Kaczmarkiewicz, Roma, Corbeil, Thomas E., Dworkin, Jordan D., Jackman, Kasey B., Hughes, Tonda L., Bockting, Walter O., & Meyer, Ilan H. 2023. “Prevalence of Substance Use and Mental Health Problems among Transgender and Cisgender US Adults.” Williams Institute. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/transpop-substance-use/.
40. “2023 Anti-Trans Bills: Trans Legislation Tracker.” n.d. Trans Legislation Tracker. https://translegislation.com/bills/2023.
41. James, S.E., Herman, J.L., Durso, L.E., & Heng-Lehtinen, R. 2024. “Early Insights: A Report of the 2022 U.S. Transgender Survey.” National Center for Transgender Equality, Washington, DC.
42. Myers, Catherine. 2023. “Protests in the Age of Social Media.” The Nonviolence Project. February 11, 2023. https://thenonviolenceproject.wisc.edu/2023/02/11/protests-in-the-age-of-social-media/.
43. Auxier, Brooke, and Colleen McClain. 2020. “Americans Think Social Media Can Help Build Movements, but Can Also Be a Distraction.” Pew Research Center. Pew Research Center. September 9, 2020. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/09/09/americans-think-social-media-can-help-build-movements-but-can-also-be-a-distraction/.
44. Stevenson, N. D. 2023. “Nimona (the Comic): A Deep Dive.” I’m Fine I’m Fine Just Understand. July 13, 2023. https://www.imfineimfine.com/p/nimona-the-comic-a-deep-dive.
45. Chapman, Wilson. 2022. “HBO Max to Remove 36 Titles, Including 20 Originals, from Streaming.” Variety. August 18, 2022. https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/hbo-max-originals-removed-1235344286/.
46. Iftikhar, Asyia. 2023. “Netflix CEO Slammed by LGBTQ+ Fans over Cancellation Comments: ‘They Are NOT Allies.’” PinkNews. January 24, 2023. https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/01/24/netflix-ceo-ted-sarandos-cancelled-shows-lgbtq-fans-reactions/.
47. Lang, Jamie. 2023. “Netflix Has Released a 358-Page Multimedia Art of Book for ‘Nimona’ - Exclusive.” Cartoon Brew. October 12, 2023. https://www.cartoonbrew.com/books/nimona-art-of-book-aidan-sugano-netflix-233636.html.
48. “Wayback Machine.” n.d. The Internet Archive. Accessed June 10, 2024. https://wayback-api.archive.org/web/20240000000000.
49. Lang, Jamie. 2023. “Netflix Has Released a 358-Page Multimedia Art of Book for ‘Nimona’ - Exclusive.” Cartoon Brew. October 12, 2023. https://www.cartoonbrew.com/books/nimona-art-of-book-aidan-sugano-netflix-233636.html.
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kdreamsound · 1 year
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 8 months
A poll designed to make you recoil at the passage of time
cheat sheet with dates/years under the cut
if you joined in 2007 -  17 years
if you joined in 2008 -  16 years
if you joined in 2009 - 15 years
if you joined in 2010 - 14 years
if you joined in 2011 - 13 years
if you joined in 2012 - 12 years
if you joined in 2013 - 11 years
if you joined in 2014 - 10 years
if you joined in 2015 - 9 years
if you joined in 2016 - 8 years
if you joined in 2017 - 7 years
if you joined in 2018 - 6 years
if you joined in 2019 - 5 years
if you joined in 2020 - 4 years
if you joined in 2021 - 3 years
if you joined in 2022 - 2 years
if you joined in 2023 - 1 years
if you joined in 2024 - 0 years
1K notes · View notes
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On 7/31/2019 Trump has a private meeting with Putin. On 8/3/2019, just 3 days after his private meeting with Putin Trump issues a request for a list of top US spies. By 2021 the CIA reports an unusually high number of their agents are being captured and/or being murdered. During the search executed at Mar A Lago the FBI find nore documents with lists of U.S. informants on them.
A Timeline
• FBI wiretapped Russian gambling ring headquartered at Trump Tower for two years - March 21, 2017
• Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador - May 15, 2017
• Trump, Putin Meet For 2 Hours In Helsinki - July 16, 2018
• Rand Paul Goes To Russia And Delivers Letter For Trump, Marking Our Era Of Irony - August 9, 2018
• Following the Money: Trump and Russia-Linked Transactions From the Campaign to the Presidential Inauguration - December 17, 2018
• The US extracted a top spy from Russia after Trump revealed classified information to the Russians in an Oval Office meeting - September 10, 2019
• Trump’s Loose Lips Force US to Extract Spy From Kremlin - September 10, 2019
• Was Mar-a-Lago Trespasser a Tourist or a Spy? A Judge Said Her Story Didn’t Hold Up. - November 25, 2019
• Trump downplays massive cyber hack on government after Pompeo links attack to Russia - December 19, 2020
• Russia has been cultivating Trump as an asset for 40 years, former KGB spy says - January 29, 2021
• There was Trump-Russia collusion — and Trump pardoned the colluder - April 17, 2021
• Longtime GOP operatives charged with funneling Russian national’s money to Trump, RNC - September 20, 2021
• Captured, Killed or Compromised: C.I.A. Admits to Losing Dozens of Informants - October 5, 2021
• Files Seized From Trump Are Part of Espionage Act Inquiry - August 12, 2022
• Ex-Clinton aide implies 'President of France' file found at Trump's home during Mar-a-Lago raid could be valuable to Putin as 'kompromat' - August 13, 2022
• Inventing Anna: The tale of a fake heiress, Mar-a-Lago, and an FBI investigation - August 22, 2022
• Russians used a US firm to funnel funds to GOP in 2018. Dems say the FEC let them get away with it - October 30, 2022
• Trump makes shocking comments about trusting Putin over US 'intelligence lowlifes' - January 31, 2023
• Russia's Prigozhin admits links to what US says was election meddling troll farm - February 14, 2023
• GOP operative sentenced to 18 months for funneling Russian money to Trump- February 17, 2023
• Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with foreign national after leaving White House: Sources - October 5, 2023
• 'So appalled': What witnesses told special counsel about Trump's handling of classified info while still president - April 24, 2024
574 notes · View notes
vettelsvee · 30 days
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HISTORY SERIES | Sebastian Vettel
f1 masterlist | ask me anything or let's talk!
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sebastian vettel x wife race engineer!reader | 2008 to 2022 f1 seasons
for more information to the reader: ❥ this series consists on a journey around the 15 years seb and y/n got to experience in formula 1. for this reason, this series (or saga, whatever you wanna say it) has a total of 15 independent series that will go from 2008 to 2022, and some other short fics that will be part of the story. ❥ it contains so many tropes, including slow burn romance, right person, wrong time, friends to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers, among others. ❥ some parts might include sensitive content. pay attention to trigger warnings at the beginning of each part. ❥ english is not my first language so apologies for any mistakes that you can read here!
started: AUGUST 25TH 2024 currently status: on going | last updated: august 25th masterlist of each independent series under the cut !
a/n: my maiden formula 1 and seb series with lots of modifications as it really needed it. love these characters, love every single plot and to sum up, love it, so i hope you love this as much as I do!
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© VETTELSVEE (2024). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!
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231 notes · View notes
svt-luna · 1 month
ᡴꪫ ⋆ GAME CATERERS X SVT ࣪ ! ˓ ౨ৎ ࣪˖ ─── episode 1-2.
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Game Caterers x SEVENTEEN
synopsis: Episode 1-2! The chaotic continuation and the second part of the individual interviews where PD Na learns more about the members of SEVENTEEN.
╰౨ৎ fan reactions ╰౨ৎ game caterers masterlist
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[added captions are in brackets] ᡣ𐭩
bold dialogues are spoken in english ᡣ𐭩
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Once the laughter had finally calmed down, PD Na shifted his attention to the next member with an air of anticipation, "Where's Hoshi?"
Hoshi, ever the enthusiastic one, quickly raised his hand with a bright smile. The two exchanged a warm greeting, familiar with each other from the ‘HYBE’ Special last year.
[#5 HOSHI]
"All fans in Korea approved CARAT for the hardest cheer," PD Na began, his tone light but with a hint of seriousness. "You created a five-second cheer?"
[It was 2017]
[That is a painful cheer to say all 14 names in 5 seconds]
Hoshi grinned, tilting his head to the side as he explained, "There's a bridge. I added the members' real names there. It goes 'Seungchul, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Junhui, Soonyoung,' and so on. I'm not good at it either."
The room erupted into laughter, the image of Hoshi struggling with his own creation was too amusing for the members to handle.
"That's irresponsible," PD Na teased, shaking his head with mock disappointment. "To do that, some CARATs lost their voices. Some went to the mountains to practice. Some CARATs say they'll practice it and join ‘Show Me the Money’. You shouldn't ignore it after making it."
This comment had everyone howling with laughter. The thought of fans taking such extreme measures just to perfect the chant was both hilarious and endearing.
Hoshi, unable to hold back his laughter, added, "I listen to it on stage. 'It's very nice of them.'"
The absurdity of his casual comment made the members laugh even harder.
"After making them do it?" Seungkwan asked, his tone incredulous but playful as if he couldn’t believe Hoshi's nonchalance.
"You're grateful, but…" PD Na trailed off, leaving the unsaid criticism hanging in the air.
"That's not my job. I have to dance on stage," Hoshi defended himself, shrugging as if to say his responsibilities ended with choreography.
"Send them a message," PD Na suggested, gesturing toward the camera.
Hoshi turned to face the camera, a wide, sincere smile on his face. "Dear CARAT, I'm saying hello on ‘The Game Caterers’. I'm always grateful. I love you," he said, his voice filled with genuine affection. The members giggled amongst themselves, entertained by how quickly Hoshi could switch from playful to sincere.
"Did you make one for 'Super'?" PD Na asked, steering the conversation forward.
"I made one for 'Super'," Hoshi confirmed with a nod, his expression brightening at the mention of the song.
"Did you?" PD Na asked, seeking confirmation.
"Yes," Hoshi replied, his tone unwavering.
"Can you show me?" PD Na prompted, his curiosity piqued.
"It's the same," Hoshi laughed, before launching into the cheer, "Seungchul, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Junhui, Soonyoung… There's no change in members. So it's the same."
"It's still fourteen," Seungkwan pointed out, his voice tinged with both amusement and pride.
[On the other side]
As Hoshi finished demonstrating the cheer, a few members couldn't resist trying it out themselves, their voices low as they muttered under their breath. Vernon, Jun, and Luna were the most engrossed, each attempting to get the sequence of names just right in five seconds.
Luna, in particular, was concentrating hard, her gaze on the floor, her brows furrowed in determination as she softly repeated the chant over and over. “Seungchul, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Jihoon?” She paused, realizing she had messed up, before trying again, “Seungchul, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Jisoo?… Jisoo again,” she muttered to herself, frustration creeping into her voice.
[Understanding how CARAT feels]
Jeonghan, who was sitting next to her, had been watching her with a soft grin on his face, his long black hair falling gently over his eyes. He couldn’t help but find her determination endearing, the way her nose scrunched up in frustration making him smile even more. His gaze never wavered from her, his fondness for her evident in the way he looked at her.
“Try it again, you can do it again,” Jeonghan urged her softly, his voice encouraging but gentle, wanting her to succeed.
[Attempt 100]
Luna nodded, her focus sharpening as she gave it another go. “Seungchul, Jeonghan, Jisoo, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Jihoon, Myungho, Jiyeon, Mingyu, Seokmin, Seungkwan, Hansol, Chan.”
[After several attempts]
[She did it]
This time, she nailed it, and a huge smile spread across her face as she finally looked up at Jeonghan. He hadn’t looked away once, his expression proud and warm. Seeing her joy, his own smile widened, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Yay,” Luna said with a soft chuckle, the relief and happiness clear in her voice.
[Bunny no. 1 is proud of herself]
“Good job,” Jeonghan replied, his voice still soft, filled with genuine warmth and pride for her accomplishment.
[Bunny no. 2 is proud of her too]
The small moment between them didn’t go unnoticed by the others.
PD Na scanned the room before settling his gaze on Wonwoo. “Where’s Wonwoo?” he asked.
Wonwoo raised his hand and gave a slight bow.
PD Na smiled, acknowledging him. “We didn’t meet last time. Nice to meet you.”
[First time meeting Producer Na]
“Nice to meet you too,” Wonwoo replied politely, his voice calm.
PD Na continued, “You’re so good-looking, not that I mean the rest aren’t. You’re tall, good-looking, and big.” His tone was half-joking but sincere. “In fact, I heard you were in a photoshoot recently. The theme was your shoulders? I heard you have nice shoulders.”
Wonwoo chuckled softly before explaining, “I had a photoshoot about a year ago. The whole theme was about the body, and I was in charge of the shoulders, so I took photos focusing on them.”
Hoshi, ever the supportive member, chimed in, “He has broad shoulders.”
“They do look nice,” Dokyeom added, nodding in agreement.
Dino, who was sitting near Wonwoo, turned toward him and said with a mischievous grin, “You should show him.”
“Show him,” Mingyu echoed, clearly enjoying where this was going.
Wonwoo looked around, slightly confused but amused. “How?” he asked, letting out a timid chuckle as he tried to figure out what they wanted from him.
Without hesitation, Seungkwan and Minghao reached over and began to remove each side of Wonwoo’s denim jacket, one side at a time, leaving him sitting there, caught off guard but laughing along with everyone else.
“Take your shirt off,” Dokyeom suggested, his tone half-serious, half-joking.
[None of their business]
Luna, who had been watching the antics, turned in her seat to face Wonwoo and gently patted his knee. “What are you guys doing to Wonwoo?” she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Seungkwan, always quick with a response, said, “His videos are always the most popular. Hurry up.”
“‘Most popular,’” Dokyeom laughed, echoing Seungkwan’s words.
PD Na stood up from his place on the floor, a mischievous smile on his face as he walked toward Wonwoo with a tape measure in hand. “A lot of CARATs are curious,” he said, causing a ripple of excitement to spread through the room.
[Wonwoo has broad shoulders]
[We decided to measure it and see]
As PD Na carefully measured Wonwoo's shoulders, the members’ voices overlapped in a chorus of comments about Wonwoo's impressive physique.
“They’re broad from the bones.”
“His shoulder bones are wide.”
“He was born with it.”
“They’re so broad.”
“They’re thin and wide.”
“It’s pretty because it’s sharp.”
“I want to be like him.”
“That’s nice. Thin and wide.”
Wonwoo sat there patiently, his expression calm as always. “I’m not sure if I have wide shoulders,” he said humbly. “I’ve never measured them before.”
“Fifty-eight centimeters,” PD Na concluded, nodding in approval before turning to the next target. “I think Mingyu has broader shoulders.”
Mingyu straightened up, ready for his turn, as PD Na headed toward him. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as PD Na began measuring Mingyu’s shoulders.
[Suddenly measuring Mingyu's shoulders]
A few seconds later, PD Na broke the silence with a small smile. “Not quite,” he said.
The members burst into laughter as Mingyu looked around, a mock expression of disbelief on his face as if it were a great disappointment to not have the broadest shoulders.
“Even with a jacket on, his shoulders are fifty centimeters,” PD Na said, amused.
“It's fifty centimeters?” Mingyu asked, his voice tinged with shock.
“Fifty-one,” Luna teased with a smirk.
“Fifty-two” Jeonghan followed, chuckling at the playful banter.
[The twin bunny telepathy]
Mingyu looked back at PD Na, still appalled. “I’m eight centimeters shorter?” he asked, which only made everyone laugh harder.
Woozi interjected with a grin, “Mingyu eats like eight chickens a day.”
“He’s eating away all the chickens,” S.Coups added, shaking his head in mock disapproval.
[What did he eat all those chicken breast for?]
But Mingyu wasn’t done yet. He stood up from his seat, determined to set the record straight. He removed his jacket, standing straighter than ever as PD Na measured him again.
“His pride is hurt,” Luna observed with a laugh, turning to the writers in front of her. “He needed to get remeasured.”
"Mingyu has a nice body." PD Na complimented him. "Widen your chest."
[Showing off]
"It's wide." Minghao exclaimed.
Mingyu’s determination paid off as PD Na remeasured him, announcing, “Oh! Fifty-seven centimeters.”
A relieved smile spread across Mingyu’s face as he quickly threw his jacket back on and sat down next to Luna. “I was almost disappointed,” he admitted. “It wasn’t even my question, but it would’ve embarrassed me.”
Luna turned to him, a teasing glint in her eyes. “What's embarrassing is how much it affected you,” she said, her voice laced with amusement.
Mingyu turned to her in shock, his mouth agape, which only made Luna laugh harder. Before he could reply, Dino seized the moment to tease him further.
“Wonwoo just sat there quietly,” Dino pointed out, mimicking how Wonwoo had sat nonchalantly and normally before exaggerating how Mingyu had broadened his shoulders. "But you broadened your shoulders."
The members burst out laughing again, and before Mingyu could defend himself, Jeonghan jumped in. “If I raised my shoulders, my shoulders would've gotten three centimeters wider,” he said, mimicking Mingyu’s exaggerated movements.
Mingyu was left speechless, looking around the room in disbelief. “Was the question for me?” he asked, which only made the room erupt in laughter once more.
[It was for Wonwoo]
“You acted like it was,” Luna shot back, a shit-eating grin on her face as she side-eyed Mingyu, clearly enjoying the chaos she’d stirred.
After a brief pause, Mingyu wrapped his arm around Luna’s neck, pulling her close and squishing her cheeks playfully. Luna shrieked, the high-pitched sound filling the room and making everyone laugh even harder.
“Stop!” Luna squealed, trying to push him away. “My hair, Gyu!”
Mingyu finally released her, laughing along with everyone else as he helped Luna fix her hair, her face flushed from the playful teasing.
PD Na moved on to the next member, a playful glint in his eye. “Woozi,” he called out.
Woozi raised his hand and bowed slightly, his usual calm demeanor firmly in place.
[#7 WOOZI]
“Woozi, I heard you’re a homebody. You never leave home. Is that true?” PD Na asked, leaning forward with curiosity.
Before Woozi could even respond, the room erupted in a chorus of agreement.
“He never leaves.”
“He never leaves.”
“He’s always at home.”
“Work, home, or gym— that’s it.”
Woozi nodded in agreement, not bothering to refute the claims. His expression remained neutral as if this was something he’d heard a thousand times before.
[The reason for his fair skin]
PD Na grinned. “Well, we have something to celebrate today. You were found outside of your house after five years!”
The members cheered, clapping and laughing at the rare occasion.
S.Coups joined in, nodding. “Someone saw him.”
[Live trend: the sight of Woozi outside]
“Where?” Seungkwan asked, turning to their leader with wide eyes.
“In Apgujeong,” S.Coups answered with a knowing nod.
“S.Coups knows everything,” Seungkwan said, pointing at him.
“Did you look it up?” PD Na asked, his chuckle echoing in the room.
S.Coups simply nodded.
[He'd know since it was on live trend list]
“Where in Apgujeong?” Seungkwan asked again, curiosity piqued.
“In Apgujeong…” S.Coups began, but before he could finish, Wonwoo interjected.
“In front of the gym?” Wonwoo guessed.
S.Coups shook his head. “No, it wasn’t the gym.” He pointed at Seungkwan, a playful glint in his eye. “You know the café? Right under…” He mentioned the café’s name, and the members instantly voiced their agreement, recognizing the place.
Woozi finally spoke up, his tone calm and matter-of-fact. “That was for work.”
[It wasn't for his own]
“CARATs saw him in the cafe,” S.Coups said, unable to resist.
Woozi sighed lightly. “I haven’t been to Apgujeong lately. Before, our studio was in Apgujeong. I used to go there often, but not anymore. I don’t even go to Apgujeong now.”
PD Na followed up with another question, his curiosity clearly piqued. “Then what were you doing in there?”
Woozi shook his head slightly as if the answer was obvious. “It was for work. I never went there for myself.”
“Do you even remember going out except for work?” PD Na asked, raising an eyebrow.
S.Coups leaned forward, ready to answer for him. “When we had a get-together.”
[SEVENTEEN's April Meeting, #Woozi’s Outing]
Woozi nodded in agreement, “Except for that, I didn’t go anywhere.”
Seungkwan chimed in, adding more context. “It’s gotten to the point where if we go abroad, we have about two days to go out or rest before the performance. But for two whole days, he never left his hotel room. We had to check if he was alive.”
[They had to force the door open]
The members burst into laughter, nodding in agreement with Seungkwan’s observation. Woozi chuckled shyly, the corners of his lips twitching up.
PD Na looked at Woozi with amusement. “Why do you do that? Is there a reason you don’t want to go out?”
“I’m too lazy,” Woozi admitted, his voice deadpan, which only made his members chuckle more.
[Things he do: Write lyrics, compose,arrange, produce songs, sing, dance, selfie]
“It’s pretty serious,” Seungkwan snickered, shaking his head.
Woozi shrugged, his expression unbothered. “I tend to avoid anything that consumes my energy. So I just stay still.”
“Are you like Jeonghan?” PD Na asked, glancing over at the member known for his laid-back personality.
Luna shook her head, knowing the difference between the two. “Hannie oppa needs to go out when we’re abroad,” she pointed out, gesturing to Jeonghan who lazily nodded, his eyes droopy and accompanied by a lazy smirk, a common look for him.
“He goes around busily,” Mingyu added, backing up Luna’s statement.
Wonwoo pointed at Jeonghan fromte back row, chuckling. “He's… When he goes abroad, he travels around the most.”
“When he’s abroad, he must go out,” Hoshi agreed a fond smile on his face.
[They have a lot to say]
Seungkwan couldn’t resist mimicking Jeonghan during their trips, his expression and tone spot-on. “He’s like, ‘Let’s go, let’s go.’ Then thirty minutes later…” Seungkwan’s expression shifted to one of sudden fatigue as he mimicked Jeonghan tiredly demanding, “'Let’s go.'”
Luna chuckled at the resemblance, nodding in agreement. “You’re right.”
Jeonghan, feeling the need to defend himself, gestured with his hands as he explained, “I get drained fast from walking around a lot. Woozi never goes out.”
“He knows he’d run out of energy fast, so he saves his energy,” PD Na said, referring to Woozi with a knowing smile.
“That’s right,” Woozi confirmed, unbothered by the analysis of his habits.
“Okay,” PD Na nodded, wrapping up Woozi’s interview with a satisfied grin before moving on to the next member, eager to uncover more of SEVENTEEN’s unique dynamics.
PD Na glanced at his notes and then looked up, calling out, “The8. Where are you?”
Minghao raised his hands slightly, making his presence known with a gentle wave. His calm demeanor caught the attention of everyone, and the members turned to look at him as PD Na addressed him.
[#8 THE8]
“You injured your shoulders? How?” PD Na asked, concern evident in his tone.
“This?” Minghao said, gesturing to his injured shoulder. “I fell while working out.” His expression was casual as if it was no big deal.
“Did someone push you or anything?” PD Na inquired, leaning forward slightly.
Minghao shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. “Never. I did it to myself. I was careless.”
“What’s there to be careless about while working out?” PD Na followed up, his curiosity piqued.
Minghao hesitated for a second, then replied with a lighthearted tone, “Well… you know.” His vague answer made PD Na burst into laughter, and the rest of the members joined in, amused by his nonchalant attitude.
[No more explanation]
“By the time this airs, I’ll be fine,” he added, reassuring everyone.
“Are you almost healed?” PD Na asked, glancing at Minghao’s shoulder again.
“Yes,” Minghao nodded, his voice steady and confident.
PD Na glanced at the paper in front of him, preparing for the next question. “It says here, after the HYBE Special last time, on your social media live show… you said you got along with me. In what sense did we get along?”
Minghao’s eyes softened as he thought back. “That day, you kept asking me to do something. You listened to me carefully,” he explained.
Luna, sitting in front, turned to look at Minghao with a warm smile on her face. She found his gentleness endearing. “You’re so cute, Hao,” she said, her voice teasing but affectionate.
“He’s sweet,” Wonwoo added, agreeing with Luna’s sentiment.
Minghao continued, his tone sincere, “I was touched. So I always wanted to work with you again.”
“What should we do?” PD Na asked, his curiosity growing.
Mingyu, always quick with a playful suggestion, proposed jokingly, “You should go for coffee with him.”
“You should have a meal with him,” Joshua added, smiling.
“Call him. Have coffee with him and Woozi in Apgujeong,” Mingyu suggested his grin widening.
Minghao turned to PD Na, his eyes earnest. “Do you want to?”
“It works for me,” PD Na nodded, chuckling. “That gives Woozi an excuse to leave home.”
“Sounds good to me,” Minghao nodded in agreement, his usual calm demeanor unwavering.
PD Na looked up from his notes, his eyes landing on Luna, the only female member of the group. “Luna,” he began, his tone warm and welcoming.
Luna responded with a bright smile and a respectful bow. “Yes, hello!”
[#9 LUNA]
“It’s our first time meeting as well,” PD Na noted, returning her smile. “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Luna replied, her voice soft and polite.
PD Na smiled at her, his gaze briefly flicking back to his notes before continuing, “I heard you’re also injured.”
Luna nodded, raising her right hand to show him. “Yes, I fractured my middle and ring finger.”
[Injury no. 2]
“Did you hurt yourself while working out as well?” PD Na asked, his eyebrows raised slightly in concern.
“No,” Luna shook her head, a small smile on her lips. “I was practicing and I slipped and landed on my hand.”
“That must have hurt,” PD Na remarked sympathetically.
“I’m okay now, though,” Luna reassured him, shaking her head as if to wave off everyone’s worries. “It’s healing well,” she added, wiggling her fingers slowly to prove her point.
“That’s good,” PD Na nodded, relieved. He then glanced back down at his paper, his expression shifting to one of mild surprise as he read his next note. “It says here that you are known to cause fights.”
The sudden statement caught everyone off guard. The members burst into laughter while Luna sat there, shocked and confused, unsure of how to respond.
[Shocked bunny]
“Me?” she asked, pointing to herself, her voice tinged with disbelief. “Fights? Where did you hear that?” She laughed, still trying to process the unexpected accusation.
PD Na pointed at his paper, a teasing grin on his face. “We did our research. It says here that you caused a lot of fights when you were a trainee.”
A chorus of agreements erupted from the members, with many of them pointing at her and Jeonghan, nodding vigorously.
“That’s right!”
“He’s right!” they echoed, their voices overlapping as they teased her.
"This is amazing," Dokyeom laughed harder.
“What?” Luna turned to look at her members, her confusion deepening as she tried to piece together what they were talking about. "Huh? What are you guys talking about?"
[Someone help her]
Then her eyes landed on Jeonghan who was already watching her, and it all clicked. The realization dawned on her face, her expression shifting from confusion to understanding, and then to amusement. “Ah,” she laughed, finally catching on.
Jeonghan, always the instigator, just grinned back at her, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
As the memory clicked into place, Luna laughed harder, her laughter bubbling over as she covered her mouth with her hands. “This is amazing,” she marveled, still giggling. “How did you guys find out about that? I had completely forgotten about it.”
PD Na watched her with amusement, leaning forward slightly. “Can you tell us about it?” he asked, clearly intrigued.
Luna glanced at Jeonghan, who nodded in agreement, his smile knowing. She turned back to the group, preparing to recount the story. “It was when I was a trainee, and I was new at ‘PLEDIS’. This happened about five months after I joined,” Luna began, her hands moving animatedly as she spoke. “This one time, I just had the hardest day. The training was intense, I was sick at that time as well, and I remember stressing over my exams because I was still in school.”
Everyone listened carefully, their expressions a mix of curiosity and amusement. Her members, who knew the story well, giggled quietly, already anticipating where it was headed.
Luna continued, “I hadn’t eaten the entire day. I came to the practice room, and I had an apple. Then, one of the trainees came over, and he was teasing me.”
She paused, mimicking the boy’s actions by raising her hand as if holding something up high. “He took my apple, raised it up, and teased me to take it. He kept doing it and wouldn't give it to me up to the point that I just started crying,” Luna admitted, laughing at the memory of her younger, more vulnerable self.
[Protect her]
“Aww,” the members and producers chorused, a mixture of sympathy and amusement in their voices.
Luna pressed on, “Then, all of a sudden, Jeonghannie oppa came in.” She placed her hand on Jeonghan’s leg, and though he made no move, he continued listening to her, his smirk growing as he anticipated the end of the story. “He saw me crying, took one look at the apple, and then he went…”
Luna mimicked Jeonghan’s deep, angry voice and stern expression, saying, “‘Give it back'.”
The room exploded into shrieks. The members erupted in howls and laughter, some leaping out of their seats, while others covered their mouths in teasing disbelief. The laughter was contagious, filling the room. Luna and Jeonghan remained seated next to each other, smiling as the room buzzed with the chaotic energy of their shared memories.
As the laughter in the room finally began to die down, Luna continued the story, still smiling. “The trainee still wouldn’t give it back and thought Hannie oppa was joking with him,” she said, recalling the moment. “Then he went, ‘I said give it back,’ but the trainee just laughed at him. Oppa was one of the oldest, so it was a bit disrespectful…”
PD Na, fully invested in the story, leaned in slightly. “Then… what did he do?” he asked, his curiosity piqued.
Jeonghan, his voice calm and deep, answered this time, his eyes still carrying that signature droopy look as he smirked lazily. “I cursed him out.”
The casual delivery of his words contrasted with the intensity of the moment, making the members erupt into a chorus of teasing.
"Ooh, he cursed!"
"He really cursed him out!"
"He cursed!" they repeated, pointing at Jeonghan and laughing even harder.
Luna nodded, trying to keep a straight face, before wrapping up the story. "Then after that, we left, and he bought me food."
[Food is always the answer]
Before PD Na could reply, Seungkwan jumped in with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "There was also this one time. Maybe a year after that incident."
[Another one?]
PD Na raised his eyebrows, intrigued. "There's another one?"
Luna, confused, turned to look at Seungkwan, who was seated behind her. "What else is there?" she asked, genuinely puzzled.
"It happened a year before we debuted," Seungkwan leaned forward, his voice carrying a nostalgic tone. "Noona is beautiful. She's really beautiful. Even back then when she was younger, she hasn't changed at all. Not once. She looks the exact same. The only thing that changed is her height." He emphasized each word to PD Na, while Luna listened quietly, her members nodding in agreement.
"She was an extremely popular trainee," Seungkwan continued. "A lot of boys liked her."
With that, a chorus of agreements spilled from the mouths of the members. "That's true," Mingyu said, nodding along with the others.
"There was a time when two trainees were literally arguing about her because they both liked her, and they decided to talk to her about it and make her decide," Seungkwan added, glancing over at Luna with a grin.
[Love triangle drama]
"I remember this," S.Coups chuckled, his eyes lighting up with the memory.
Luna’s eyes widened as she finally recalled the story. "Oh, right! Once they saw me, they started arguing in front of me," she nodded, using her hands to illustrate the scene.
"Right. They were literally fighting in front of her," Seungkwan affirmed. "The members present tried to make them stop, but one thing led to another, and they both grabbed Luna by each hand," Seungkwan demonstrated the movement, grabbing Wonwoo’s arm to illustrate the point.
"Jeonghan… He was the angriest I've ever seen him in my life," Seungkwan said, raising his hand as if swearing to the truth.
Seungkwan then stood up, pulling Wonwoo to his feet to act out the scene. "Jeonghan went up to them and just…" He mimicked Jeonghan’s aggressive stance, facing Wonwoo head-on, his expression fierce.
"Jeonghan had really long hair back then, so it was swaying like this," Seungkwan added, shaking his head from side to side, imitating the way Jeonghan’s hair had moved during the confrontation. "'Let go,'" he said in a deep, angry voice, perfectly mimicking Jeonghan.
[Is this a drama?]
Another chorus of amused, teasing "Oohs" erupted from the members, while Luna sat laughing, her shoulders shaking with mirth.
S.Coups, still seated, shook his head with a grin. "I had to get him off. It was the first time I saw Jeonghan angry as well," he confessed, looking at Jeonghan with a mixture of admiration and amusement.
PD Na directed his attention to Jeonghan, raising an eyebrow with an amused smile. "It seems like you're involved in a lot of these stories."
[Fully charged Jeonghan is scary]
Before Jeonghan could respond, Dokyeom cut in with a knowing grin. "Jeonghan is the most protective of Luna."
Luna quickly interjected, shaking her head with a smile. "No, it’s because he was the first person I became friends with when I joined. He was the person I was most comfortable with."
Jeonghan finally spoke up, his tone nonchalant as if the answer was obvious. "How else am I supposed to react during that situation?"
Hoshi chimed in, nodding in agreement. "He’s cool."
"Very cool," Minghao said.
Seungkwan, ever the dramatic one, couldn’t resist adding his flair. "I swear it was like a drama," he said, his voice filled with exaggerated emotion. "It was like you could hear the song play… 'Almost Paradise'…'" He sang the familiar tune, sending the room into another round of laughter.
PD Na, still chuckling, looked back at Jeonghan and Luna. "It’s because she’s your best friend. You two are the closest."
Both Luna and Jeonghan nodded, confirming the bond they shared.
[Best bunny friends]
"She's like your younger sister," PD Na added thoughtfully.
Jeonghan, who had been nodding in agreement, suddenly faltered. "N– y–yes," he stuttered, quickly changing his answer.
The subtle exchange of looks between Jeonghan and Luna that followed didn’t go unnoticed. Jeonghan's eyes lingered on her for just a moment, while Luna remained composed, though there was a fleeting glint of something unspoken in her eyes. It was a small, almost imperceptible moment, but the hesitation in Jeonghan’s response added a strange tension to the room that only the members noticed and understood as if there was more to the story than they were letting on.
PD Na, oblivious to the undercurrent, chuckled again. "I never thought you would be the type of person to fight," he remarked to Jeonghan, amused by the contrast between his usual calm demeanor and the stories being told.
The room burst into laughter again, and in perfect sync, both Luna and Jeonghan replied, "You’d think."
[Twin bunny telepathy pt. 100]
PD Na, still smiling from the last exchange, nodded and said, "Alright," before shifting his attention to the next member. "Next is the energetic Mingyu. Long time no see," he greeted warmly, prompting Mingyu to bow deeply in return.
"Nice to see you again," Mingyu replied.
[#10 MINGYU]
"Mingyu with fifty-seven centimeters shoulders," PD Na added with a playful grin, making Mingyu scoff out a laugh.
"It's one centimeter shorter than Wonwoo," S.Coups teased, chuckling along with the others.
PD Na started with a mischievous glint in his eye, "Recently, you were seen at the soccer game on March 28— Korea versus Uruguay."
Mingyu nodded in confirmation, bracing himself for the direction of the conversation.
"Why did you go?" PD Na asked, feigning genuine curiosity, which caused the members to burst out laughing at the obviousness of the question.
"Why did you go?" Luna echoed playfully, adding to the teasing.
Mingyu chuckled, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "To watch soccer."
"No," PD Na responded, shaking his head as if Mingyu had given the wrong answer, making the group laugh harder.
"A lot of people say that's not true. I heard you went to have a meal," PD Na continued, fueling the lighthearted banter.
Mingyu laughed, trying to explain, "My acquaintance told me that too. Someone posted that I had two corndogs."
"That's the issue," PD Na stated with mock seriousness.
"They have a problem with him eating?" Luna asked her tone genuinely upset but masked by her composed expression.
Mingyu tried to clarify, "Just to clarify—" but Dokyeom’s laughter cut through the air, amplifying the ridiculousness of the entire situation.
Joshua jumped in, grinning, "Did you have three?"
"I had one," Mingyu replied, holding up a finger as if to prove his point.
"No," PD Na shook his head again, still playing along.
"To clarify, one corndog, one shrimp skewer…" Mingyu trailed off.
"One sausage," Seungkwan added helpfully from behind him.
"Did you have a sausage too?" Mingyu asked, looking genuinely surprised.
"One long chicken skewer," Seungkwan reminded him, grinning.
"One chicken skewer," Mingyu repeated with a laugh, "one pizza."
Vernon, who had been quietly enjoying the banter, added, "You had a meal."
"I kept eating every twenty-five minutes," Mingyu admitted before turning to his members with a look of innocence, "Isn't that normal?"
Luna chuckled, shaking her head in amusement, "I don't know, but you can eat whatever you want."
Mingyu’s smile softened at her supportive comment, his fondness for Luna evident in his expression. "Thank you," he said, genuinely touched.
"I was there too. We were the only ones eating," Seungkwan chimed in, still smiling.
"It was really good. It was my first time there," Mingyu added, nodding as if to emphasize his point.
S.Coups, who had been enjoying the story from the sidelines, suddenly joined in. "I sent him the photo that people took. I told him," he said, pointing at Mingyu with a grin.
[They're acquaintances]
Mingyu’s eyes lit up in recognition, pointing back at S.Coups. "Right. He's right. ‘Did you go to watch a soccer game?’ In real-time."
Jun leaned forward, a mischievous grin on his face, and chimed in, "I got calls from my friends in China. ‘You guys eat so much,’ they said."
Mingyu’s eyes widened in shock. "You got calls from China?" he asked, clearly surprised by how far the news of his eating habits had spread.
[Mingyu's eating show spread to China]
"What you’re saying sounds like a curse, yet a compliment," Mingyu continued, shaking his head in disbelief. "Even people in China know."
"That’s how popular you are," Jeonghan said with a reassuring smile.
[Kim Influence is going global]
"Thanks," Mingyu replied, still processing the absurdity of the situation but appreciating the humor.
PD Na, ever the entertainer, jumped in. "You should explain it to CARATs because they’re worried that you didn’t eat that much that day."
Luna, who had been following the conversation intently, suddenly realized the true concern behind the question. "Ah, they are worried," she said, nodding in understanding.
Mingyu turned to face the camera, adopting a mock-serious expression as he addressed CARATs. "Though it was said that I only had two corndogs, I had a lot of other stuff. You don’t need to worry. I’ll continue to eat a lot."
"It’s nice to eat a lot," Minghao added, his simple but profound comment making them all chuckle before the conversation moved on.
PD Na, ever the director of smooth transitions, glanced down at his notes and then back up at the members. “Where’s DK?” he asked, his eyes scanning the room.
Dokyeom immediately raised both his hands with an infectious smile, “Hello!” he greeted cheerfully, bowing his head slightly in respect.
[#11 DK]
“I looked it up, and there are many nice stories about you,” PD Na began, making the members around the room go, “Oohh,” with teasing enthusiasm.
[Nice stories poured out]
“Let’s hear them,” S.Coups said, leaning forward with genuine interest.
PD Na looked surprised as he asked, “You didn’t know?”
“Let me hear them first,” S.Coups responded, his curiosity piqued.
“You didn’t look up DK?” PD Na asked in disbelief, a grin forming on his face as Dokyeom laughed at the playful jab.
S.Coups pointed at Dokyeom with a chuckle, “I know he bought our fans a meal the other day.”
[That's it!]
This revelation sent a wave of gasps and surprised reactions through the room. The writers and PD Na were visibly shocked as they looked at S.Coups, amazed that he had guessed the exact story they were about to ask DK about.
“Amazing,” Joshua said, shaking his head in disbelief.
“That’s crazy,” Luna muttered, glancing at her leader with wide eyes. “Kinda scary,” she added, her voice laced with a mix of awe and amusement.
“In fact, they were Mingyu’s fans,” S.Coups added, sending another ripple of amazement through the members, followed by a chorus of, “Ooohs.”
“Really?” Vernon asked, turning to look at Mingyu, who seemed just as surprised.
“How does he know?” Woozi wondered aloud, his tone reflecting the general sentiment in the room.
Dokyeom nodded, recalling the story. “I think they were Mingyu, Luna, and Jeonghan’s fans,” he confirmed.
[They're all SEVENTEEN's fans anyway]
This made Luna turn to Dokyeom with an expression of amazement. “Really?” she asked, her voice filled with genuine surprise.
PD Na, now fully engrossed, looked back down at his notes. “‘On March 22, 2023, he ran into the fans in the restaurant and asked if they’d eaten. He gave them autographs and paid for their meals.’”
Another chorus of amazement filled the room, the members clearly impressed by Dokyeom’s kind gesture.
“He’s cool,” Joshua commented, his voice filled with admiration.
“So cool,” another member echoed.
“Dokyeomie is sweet,” Luna added, smiling up at Dokyeom from her seat, her voice warm and affectionate.
However, amid the praise, Seungkwan interjected, “You asked someone in the restaurant if they’d eaten?”
This question caused a ripple of laughter among the members. “He was asking if they finished eating,” S.Coups corrected with a grin.
“That wasn’t my question,” Dokyeom said, laughing at the misunderstanding.
[To explain what happened]
Dokyeom then went on to explain what had actually happened. “There was one table left next to mine. CARATs who were waiting sat there, so we got to eat together. They were eating very carefully in case I didn’t feel comfortable. They didn’t have to. So, before I left, I apologized for making them feel uncomfortable. I gave them my autograph and paid for their food.”
The members praised him for his thoughtfulness, their admiration clear in their voices.
Mingyu, ever the curious one, raised his hand and turned to DK with a playful glint in his eye. “I have a question. I heard the manager was there too. Did you pay with the corporate card or your own card?”
This inquiry made PD Na laugh, clearly enjoying the light-hearted moment.
“My own card,” Dokyeom responded with a nod, making the members marvel at him even more.
“Are you sure?” Mingyu pushed, his tone teasing.
“It was my own card. Check the receipt,” Dokyeom insisted with a confident nod.
“I’m going to check the receipt for March 22,” Mingyu said, his tone half-joking, half-serious.
Luna, who had been listening to the exchange with a mixture of amusement and affection, reached over and patted Mingyu’s leg, “Just stop,” she said, her voice carrying a motherly scolding tone that made the others chuckle.
Dino turned to Mingyu with a grin. “You’re so petty,” he teased.
“I’m just joking. What are you talking about?” Mingyu pouted in response, clearly enjoying the banter.
Joshua chimed in with a playful jab, “Because he has narrow shoulders. He’s petty because he has narrow shoulders.”
[Mad Joshua]
This comment sent the room into a fit of laughter, with even Mingyu unable to hold back his own amusement. As the laughter erupted around him, Mingyu threw himself onto Luna’s lap, his broad frame folding over as he laughed heartily.
Luna, still laughing herself, half-heartedly caressed his back, her fingers lightly tracing the fabric of his shirt as she indulged his playful antics. "See? That's what you get."
“People with narrow shoulders are petty,” Dokyeom added, agreeing with Joshua and further fueling the laughter.
[They can talk about Mingyu's shoulder sall day long]
“It’s okay. Just work out,” Jeonghan told Mingyu once he got off Luna’s lap, his tone matter-of-fact.
PD Na moved his gaze to the next member, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips. “Next is Seungkwan,” he announced, causing Seungkwan to sit up straight in his seat, his attention fully captured.
“I have something to check instead of a question,” PD Na began, his tone hinting at something humorous.
[In the last ‘HYBE’ Special]
Seungkwan immediately seemed to catch on, a wide smile spreading across his face as he recalled his role in the ‘HYBE’ special.
“Hoshi was like, ‘The son of Na Young Suk,’ ‘You’re the son of tvN.’” He mimicked Hoshi’s tone and expressions, drawing laughter from the room.
[Approved to be Na Yung Suk's son]
PD Na burst into laughter, his eyes crinkling in amusement, while Hoshi nodded vigorously, laughing and pointing at Seungkwan as if to say, “Exactly!”
“He was like, ‘Seungkwan is the son of tvN,’” Seungkwan repeated, this time with more emphasis, making the rest of the members chuckle.
Wonwoo, who had been quietly observing, leaned forward and pointed at Seungkwan. “After that shoot, you call him Young Suk,” he added, his deadpan tone making the statement even funnier.
Seungkwan’s face lit up with playful pride. “He’s my friend,” he declared, bragging slightly that he was now on a first-name basis with the famous PD, causing another wave of laughter to ripple through the group.
[My friend Suk]
Hoshi joined in with a story of his own, his excitement evident. “I was amazed because there were a lot of people I didn’t know. I stayed quiet because I was shy,” he admitted, his voice softening. “But Seungkwan stepped out with confidence…”
Hoshi stood up, his expression transforming into one of exaggerated confidence as he mimicked Seungkwan’s overly bold and eccentric walk. The members burst into laughter at Hoshi’s spot-on impression, Seungkwan laughing along with them, not the least bit embarrassed.
“I even did tumbling,” Seungkwan reminded Hoshi, raising his eyebrows.
[He was unique]
PD Na, still chuckling, nodded. “He helped me with hosting. So I gave him a coupon. It could be a coffee truck or snack food or MC replacement. Since I’m here today, does it even out?”
Seungkwan’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Is it expired?” he asked, not quite understanding the question, while Jeonghan and Luna, who were sitting in front of him, turned to look at him.
“He’s asking if you’re using it now,” Luna clarified, her voice light.
“You’re using it on this. You used it for SEVENTEEN,” Jeonghan added, his tone more straightforward.
[As if they are explaining to their child]
“Oh,” Seungkwan said, realization dawning on his face.
“We got to be here thanks to you,” Mingyu added, his tone playful yet sincere.
Seungkwan turned to Mingyu with a look of mock offense. “What are you talking about? I worked my butt off for it,” he said, looking down at Mingyu, his tone making it clear that the coupon was only his to use. The members laughed at Seungkwan’s indignant response, the harmony in the room palpable.
[It was private property]
“If he makes a male version of ‘Earth Arcade,’ I was going to join it,” Seungkwan said with a pout, his comment drawing even more laughter from the members.
[He has a clear purpose]
After the laughter subsided, Seungkwan turned back to PD Na, his tone now shy. “You said I could use it, so I thought about using it when we were filming the music video, but I just couldn’t,” he admitted, his voice trailing off as he looked down.
[He's more than welcome to use it]
PD Na shook his head, a reassuring smile on his face. “If you just tell me, whatever it is, I’ll do it for you. Just give me a call,” he said, his tone warm and genuine.
“Okay,” Seungkwan nodded, his smile returning. “If you need anyone to talk to, I’ll go,” he offered, his voice sincere as he and PD Na exchanged nods.
[Helping each other]
PD Na turned his attention to the next member, his eyes locking on the ever-composed Vernon. “Vernon,” he called out.
Vernon raised his hand slightly, acknowledging the attention.
[#13 VERNON]
“You’re very good-looking,” PD Na commented, his tone sincere. Vernon’s lips curled into a shy smile as he bowed his head slightly. “Thank you,” he responded, his voice quiet but grateful.
“Nice to meet you, Vernon,” PD Na added warmly.
“Nice to meet you,” Vernon replied, his voice carrying the same calmness that seemed to surround him.
PD Na shifted gears, leaning into the next topic. “You love movies so much that you're often seen in the movies? Your nickname is Baby Lee Dong Jin?” he began, the amusement clear in his voice.
[The movie loving critic] [His nickname is Baby Lee Dong Jin]
“I was surprised to read this. I thought you were a critic. I’ll read it for you…” PD Na said, reaching for his notes.
As PD Na began to read Vernon’s review of the movie ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’, the room quieted down in anticipation. “‘My mind exploded into pieces of colored paper. Each increasing piece shines on the universe of my potential in my insufficiency. Be kind. Let there be love. Here and now,’” he recited, each word carrying weight.
[Vernon's comment after watching 'Everything Everywhere All at Once']
The members listened intently, but it was Mingyu who couldn’t hide his confusion. PD Na noticed and turned to him, “Mingyu. What does that mean?”
[An unexpected literature test]
The sudden quiz caught Mingyu off guard, his face blank as the question hung in the air. The members erupted into laughter at Mingyu’s clear bewilderment, the playful teasing at full throttle.
Jeonghan, still chuckling, looked at Vernon, surprise evident in his eyes. “How do you come up with it?”
“Vernonie has a way with words,” Luna commented, her tone filled with admiration.
Mingyu, determined to redeem himself, decided to jump in. “I watched this movie too. It was very impressive,” he began, his voice carrying a note of seriousness. “The movie describes one’s life or expression using…”
But as he continued, Mingyu’s explanation became more convoluted, his thoughts spiraling into an incoherent ramble. “Respect each other and love each other…”
It was Dino who cut through Mingyu’s monologue with a blunt observation, “I don’t get what you mean.”
“What are you saying?” Wonwoo laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.
Mingyu, clearly frustrated by the relentless teasing, looked around the room in exasperation. Luna, sitting comfortably in her seat, chuckled at the ongoing banter.
“It was a good movie. You should watch,” Mingyu concluded with a chuckle, his voice carrying a finality that signaled he was done trying to explain.
“There it is,” Luna laughed, her voice light. “The bottom line is, it’s good,” she said, summing up Mingyu’s roundabout explanation.
Dino, clearly enjoying the moment, pointed at Luna in agreement. “Right? The bottom line is that it’s a good movie,” he repeated her words, earning another round of laughter from the group.
Mingyu, not one to back down, turned to Vernon. “My comment would be, ‘It’s fun. You should watch it.’ I just had a different way to put it,” he said, pointing at Vernon, who responded by pointing back at him.
“Right,” Vernon agreed with a knowing smile.
Woozi, who had been quietly observing the exchange, chimed in with his own insight. “If they’d write movie reviews, he’d give five stars and just say it’s good,” Woozi said, pointing at Mingyu, before shifting his finger towards Vernon. “But he’d give four point seven stars and leave a long comment.”
This observation set off another wave of laughter, the members clearly enjoying Woozi’s spot-on assessment.
Vernon, however, shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips as he corrected them. “It's a five,” he said, his voice firm in its conviction.
[5 stars for 'Everything Everywhere All at Once']
PD Na, intrigued by Vernon’s thoughtful movie review, decided to dig a little deeper. “Do you have any recommendations?” he asked, his tone reflecting genuine curiosity.
Vernon paused for a moment, clearly thinking. “Steven Spielberg recently released a new movie. It’s called 'The Fabelmans',” he said, his expression serious.
“Have you seen it?” PD Na inquired, leaning forward slightly.
“Yes,” Vernon nodded, his voice steady.
“But it just came out,” PD Na remarked, a hint of surprise in his voice.
“I watched it in the theater,” Vernon answered simply as if that was the most natural thing in the world.
Vernon continued, his tone reflective. “I thought it contained a lot of stories about his own life. If you’re a movie lover, you’d enjoy watching it.”
Wonwoo, sitting nearby, couldn’t help but chime in with a smirk, “He said it was good.”
“It was good,” Vernon affirmed, his tone matter-of-fact.
Seungkwan, never one to miss a chance for a playful jab, patted Mingyu on the back and added, “He said, ‘It was good. You should watch’ in a cool way.”
Mingyu, still determined to keep up with the film conversation, decided to contribute. “Because I haven’t seen that movie yet, something that would make me say that is 'Cinema Paradiso',” he declared, his voice full of confidence.
Vernon turned to him, a bit puzzled. “What’s 'Cinema Paradiso'?”
Mingyu, not missing a beat, responded with the same casual tone, “It’s a movie. It’s good. You should watch.”
[Nice timing]
The room erupted into laughter at Mingyu’s witty reply, his playful banter lifting the spirits of everyone present.
“Good job,” Luna told Mingyu, her giggle soft yet loud.
“As long as it’s good,” Jun said with a grin, his comment bringing yet another wave of laughter from the group.
PD Na turned his attention to the last member, the youngest of the group, Dino. “Finally, it’s Dino’s turn. We’re finally here,” he said, smiling as he prepared to ask his question. “I’ll ask him a simple question and move on.”
[#14 DINO]
PD Na continued, “Dino, what kind of razor did you use today?”
At the mention of the razor, every single member burst out laughing, the room echoing with their amusement. It was an inside joke among them, first brought up on their variety show ‘Going Seventeen’, and it never failed to get a reaction.
[The other 12 love it]
[For some reason, the older ones are]
[making fun of Dino for using the electric shaver]
[Watch ‘Going Seventeen’ for details]
Dino sat there, his eyes wide with disbelief, clearly shocked that the joke had followed him even here. It was a moment of realization that he couldn’t seem to escape the recurring joke.
“Seriously…” Dino trailed off, his voice a mix of resignation and amusement as he shook his head slightly.
Joshua and Mingyu, sitting on either side of him, leaned in from both sides, examining his face closely.
[Checking if he shaved today]
“You look neat today,” they both commented, their voices teasing as they pretended to inspect the results of his shave.
[Can't hide his shyness even with makeup]
Dino, still a bit flustered, answered, “I used ‘Gillette.’”
“You didn’t use the electric shaver?” PD Na pressed, continuing the light-hearted interrogation.
Dino shook his head, finally starting to relax into the joke. “I don’t use an electric shaver. I used it when I was in middle school,” he explained.
[Did you get that much mustache at the time?]
“I use a ‘Gillette 6-blade’ razor.” Dino added.
PD Na, clearly amused by the topic, kept the conversation going. “About the razor, when did you join SEVENTEEN?”
“Fourteen” S.Coups answered quickly for him, the leader's instincts kicking in.
Dino nodded, confirming, “I joined when I was fourteen.”
PD Na, still trying to piece together the dynamics of the group, asked, “Who was the oldest at the time?”
S.Coups raised his hand, a small smile on his lips as he acknowledged his role.
“S.Coups,” Dino said..
“How old were you?” PD Na asked, directing the question at S.Coups.
“I was eighteen,” S.Coups replied, his tone calm.
PD Na looked between the two, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. “He must’ve felt like a cute little brother,” he said, referring to Dino, imagining the dynamic of an older brother looking out for the youngest.
There was a brief pause, a moment of silence that hung in the air before Hoshi, ever the mood maker, broke it with a mischievous grin. “He didn’t even look at him back then,” Hoshi remarked, his voice filled with playful accusation.
The room erupted in laughter again, the members nodding in agreement at the truth behind Hoshi’s words.
Dino, shaking his head with a chuckle, added, “He never even looked at me.”
S.Coups, completely unbothered by the teasing, shrugged nonchalantly. “I didn’t care,” he said, his tone casual as he laughed at the reminder.
PD Na, intrigued by the group's earlier dynamic, decided to dig a little deeper. “Tell me more about that period,” he prompted, his tone curious.
[That period]
Immediately, a wave of disagreement washed over the members. S.Coups, shaking his head and waving his hand as if to push the topic away, said firmly, “We shouldn’t. We shouldn’t talk about that period.”
Seungkwan chimed in with a smirk, “We have to talk about it in a cart bar.”
“With a bottle of soju,” Dino added, his tone implying they’d need a drink or two to discuss their trainee days, which elicited another round of laughter from everyone.
Seungkwan nodded, leaning back in his seat. “We went through so much.”
“Right. Those were tough times,” Dokyeom agreed, his chuckle carrying a hint of nostalgia.
Sensing that the topic was a sensitive one, PD Na nodded. “We’ll stop here then,” he said, understanding that some memories were best left for another time.
Switching gears, PD Na asked Dino, “It says, is there anything the other guys took from you?”
Dino paused, thinking it over. “Anything they took from me?” he echoed, his brow furrowing in thought. After a moment, he shook his head slightly, as if dismissing the idea. “It’s never the items.”
Joshua, seated nearby, looked confused. “‘Never the items?’” he repeated.
“What do we take from you then?” Minghao asked, tilting his head curiously.
There was a brief pause before Dino deadpanned, “Instead of my items, they take my positive attitude and hope from me.”
The entire room erupted in laughter— members, producers, writers, and crew alike. Dino’s deadpan delivery and the unexpectedness of his statement had caught everyone off guard.
[The villains]
“Some things are more important than objects,” Dino added, his tone still serious, which only made the situation funnier.
[We should make a special on Dino's story]
But a second later, Dino waved his arms around, trying to get everyone’s attention. “Wait,” he said, making everyone quiet down, “except for noona,” he gestured to Luna, who smiled warmly at him.
“Noona is my favorite,” Dino declared.
[The twin bunny no. 1 is the favorite]
A small chorus of disagreement rose from the rest of the members, playful and lighthearted.
Luna smiled and scrunched her nose affectionately at Dino. “You’re my favorite too,” she said.
This simple statement caused the biggest uproar yet. The members groaned in mock jealousy, and the room filled with their laughter.
Luna simply laughed along, enjoying the moment. PD Na, catching Jeonghan’s unphased expression, gestured to him. “How about Jeonghan? He fought for you.”
Dino glanced at Jeonghan, then back at Luna as she replied without hesitation, “Dino is my baby.” Her tone was affectionate, but then she turned to Jeonghan, her expression shifting to one of playful mischief. “Jeonghannie oppa is… he knows his place,” she added with a smirk.
[Twin bunny no. 2 knows his place]
Jeonghan, seemingly unbothered by her words, nodded his head lazily, his easy compliance making his droopy eyes and lazy smirk even more pronounced. His gaze met Luna’s, and for a brief moment, something shifted between them once more. Luna felt a flutter in her stomach, the kind of sensation that was hard to ignore. Those butterflies— soft, nervous, and thrilling— seemed to take flight, making her heart beat just a little faster.
Noticing the interaction, S.Coups pointed at Luna teasingly, “That’s not fair. You’re not allowed to have favorites.”
Luna, trying to defend herself, waved her hand dismissively. “Eyy, you have your favorites too,” she retorted, a knowing smile on her lips.
S.Coups grinned, unable to deny the accusation. His smile confirmed that she was right, and the members shared a collective laugh, the air filled with the warmth of their banter.
[Who is the leader's favorite child?]
As the interview wrapped up, the group lingered in the studio for a moment, exchanging final comments and laughter with PD Na. The conversation naturally eased, leaving everyone in high spirits. With the questions finished, they were free to leave the interview area. S.Coups signaled for the members to head back to their rest area while the crew began setting up the space for the games they would play next.
[To be continued in Clip 1-3]
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matan4il · 4 months
On this Yom Ha'Zikaron Le'Chalalei Ma'rachot Yisrael (Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Terror Victims), I figured it's important to remember that Israeli victims did not exist solely on Oct 7. We have lost loved ones before and since. Here's a list with just one random victim to represent each year. Please scroll down the list to see how far back it goes.
(part 1/5, all parts in the reblogs)
2024: On Jan 7, we lost 19 years old Shai Garmai
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2023: On Oct 7, we lost 28 years old Osama abu Madiam
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2022: On Nov 23, we lost 18 years old Tiran Faro
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2021: On May 12, we lost 5 years old Ido Avigal
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2020: On Aug 26, we lost 39 years old Shai Ochayon
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2019: On May 5, we lost 49 years old Zaid al-Chamamda
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2018: On Dec 12, we lost Amiad Israel Yish Ran, who was murdered in his mother's womb
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2017: On Nov 22, we lost 21 years old Hodaya Nechama Assoulin
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2016: On Oct 25, we lost 14 years old Rami Namer abu Amar
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2015: On Feb 17, we lost 4 years old Adelle Biton
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2014: On Oct 22, we lost 2.5 months old Chaya Zissel Brown
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2013: On Dec 24, we lost 22 years old Salech al-Din abu al-Atayef
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2012: On Jul 18, we lost 28 years old Yitzchak Idan Kolangi
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2011: On Apr 17, we lost 16 years old Daniel Aryeh Viplich
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2010: On Feb 26, we lost 52 years old Netta Blatt Sorek
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2009: On Apr 2, we lost 13 years old Shlomo Nativ
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2008: On Mar 6, we lost 26 years old Doron Trunach Mahareta
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2007: On Jun 17, we lost 85 years old Meir Cohen
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2006: On Aug 10, we lost 4 years old Fatchi Assdi
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2005: On Jul 12, we lost 16 years old Nofar Horvitz
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2004: On Sep 29, we lost 2 years old Dorit Massarat Binsan
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2003: On Sep 9, we lost 20 years old Naava Appelbom
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2002: On Nov 10, we lost 4 years old Noam Levi Ochayon
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2001: On Dec 12, we lost 42 years old Ester Avraham
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2000: On Nov 21, we lost 19 years old Itamar Yefet
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1999: On Jun 24, we lost 34 years old Tony Eliyahu Zanna
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1998: On Dec 2, we lost 41 years old Osama Moussa abu Aisha
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1997: On Mar 13, we lost 13 years old Natali Alkalai
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1996: On Feb 25, we lost 57 years old Yitzchak Elbaz
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1995: On Jul 24, we lost 60 years old Zehava Oren
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As Tumblr limits a post to 30 images... part 1/5 - the next parts will be posted in the reblogs momentarily. Please check out the full list.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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chipadequeso · 7 months
#falsettos recent posts simulator
person 1: omg.. does anyone like this show falsettos is the fandom dead am i the only one still here????
person 2: [revival cast art that makes the characters look like anime boy twinks]
person 3: [the seventh time youve seen the same joke about trolls 3 and hazbin hotel whizzer and marvin]
person 4: marvin is getting FUCKED hes getting his shit ROCKED BACKSHOTS HAIR PULLED EVERYTHING
person 5: I DIDNT KNOW FALSETTOS WAS SO SAD????? IM CRYING SO HARD MANN WHY DID WHIZZER DIE 😭😭 im gonna read fics where nobody dies and they celebrate christmas
person 6: OK HEAR ME OUT [worst au ever]
person 7: wow i love whizzvin i love falsettos i love the show abour gay people!!!!!! hi old man yaoi show hi gay people show falsettos is sooo gay its so so gay haha the thrill of first love is so gay guys its gay They break up over chess lol its a lesbian from next door!! its a gay show falsettos is gay guys
person 8: [2017 post stolen from pinterest]
person 9: i feel like we all forget about the obc cast like omg has anyone ever heard of or posted about this before???
person 10: mendel is so sillyyyyyy^_^
person 11: [retrofalsettos good post]
person 12: [genuinely the smartest analysis youll ever see]
person 13: [good art!!!!]
person 14: [the worst take on the history of the entire earth made with the smallest amount of media literacy ever you literally cant get this anywhere else]
person 15: marvins getting FINGERED straight up getting his shit PLOWED
473 notes · View notes
wiiildflowerrr · 2 years
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@Luke5SOS: Stoooooodieeeeoooooooo
14 February 2017
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thealieninhiding · 4 months
The Katie McGrath Archives (WIP)
A repository of my ongoing digital archeology & archival work please contact me if you have anything to contribute and buy me a coffee if you value my content
message me if you want a link to her complete filmography 🤫
(last updated 2024-07-03)
2014-02-07 London Times - Dracula sets
(Un)likeminded 2x02 How to Survive The Apocalypse
2017 Katie McGrath interview [CW|KMcGsource]
2017 Supergirl Season 3 Sweet dreams (are made of this) Music Video
2017 CW SDCC Promo Supergirl and Arrow
2019-01-01 The CW Promo Open To All
2021-04-25 Supergirl Season 6 Katie McGrath Lena Luthor
2021-09-15 Supergirl Season 6 Katie McGrath Reflecting on Supergirl
Interview - 2009-07-17 Katie McGrath Mr Media interview
Interview - 2009-10-15 Geek Syndicate Merlin BTS special
BTS - 2008-10-08 Blue Peter Merlin BTS
Events - 2009 TV Choice Awards Digital Spy interview
Events - Getty Videos of 2009 TV Choice Awards, 2010 Merlin Series 3 launch, 2011 W.E. premiere, 2017 King Arthur Premiere
Archived interviews
2008-12-07 Tribune Magazine - What Katie Did
2011-10-14 What's on TV - Merlin's Katie McGrath- 'Bad girls have more fun!'
2012-12-03 Fanhattan Blog - Colin Morgan, Katie McGrath and Bradley James on Season 5 and The Series Finale
2018-08-01 The TV Junkies - Supergirl SDCC 2018 Interviews- Lena’s Impractical Lab Outfits, the Return of Reporter Kara and a More Grounded Season 4
HHush samples
Interview - 2009-2011 Sci-fi Talk rewind merlin the series specials episode 1
Interview - 2011? Merlin S4 Sci-fi talk byte katie mcgrath on morgana
Interview - 2013 BBC Radio 1xtra part 1 & part 2
(Un)likeminded 1x02 While You Were Dreaming
Trees a crowd- Irish folklore segment
Magazine scans
2008-09-20 Radio Times
2009-06-08 TV Week (Aus)
2010-09-05 Sunday Express
2010-09-30 Totally Merlin Magazine
2011-12 Total Film
2012-03-14 Sci-Fi Now
2012-10-06 Radio Times
2013-04-06 Irish independent
2013-09-02 Marie-Claire (UK)
2013-12 Instyle
2013-12 Total Film
Fans - 2012-04-16 Merlin4 [carlospyrrhus]
Fans - 2017-08-30 Supergirl cast together on set [Joyce Law]
Interview - 2009-09-?? Merlin S2 audio interview with Katie McGrath [BJsRealm] part 1
Interview - 2010-09-06 Merlin Series 3 - BBC Radio 1xtra Interview with Angel Coulby & Katie McGrath [BJsrealm]
Interview - 2011-10-14 Merlin S4 Colin Morgan, Eoin Macken Katie McGrath on The Late Late Show
Interview - 2012-07-15 Colin Morgan and Katie McGrath at SDCC 2012 - innerSPACE [merlinnetwork2]
Interview - 2012-07-18 Katie McGrath Talks Merlin At Comic Con 2012 [ThinkHeroTV]
Interview - 2012-10-25 BBC Radio 1 Breakfast - Colin & Katie part 1 & part 2 [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2012-12-03 Merlin S5 Katie McGrath interview international press day [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2012-12-03 Colin, Bradley, Katie phone interview [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2013-11-09 Katie McGrath on BBC One Saturday Kitchen [BJsRealm]
Interview - 2019-07-22 ENTREVISTA SUPERGIRL Elenco fala sobre a nova temporada [Warner Channel Brasil]
Interview - 2019-07-23 Melissa Benoist Teases Directing An Episode Of 'Supergirl' [ET Canada]
Interview - 2020-02-21 ‘Supergirl’ Celebrates 100th Episode [ET Canada]
Panels - 2011-07-28 Merlin Comic Con 2011 Panel [ThinkHeroTV]
186 notes · View notes
fruityforsaari · 29 days
Duration of Killing Sprees and Police Responses to Mass Shooting Incidents
(from first 911 call to either when shooter is killed or disarmed)
2019 Dayton Shooting – 32 seconds
2014 Marysville Pilchuck High School Shooting – 2 to 4 minutes
Stockton Schoolyard Shooting – 3 minutes
2023 Allen Texas Mall Shooting – 3 to 4 minutes
2022 Chesapeake Shooting – 4 minutes
Oxford High School Shooting – 5 minutes
Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooting – 5 minutes
Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting – 5 to 6 minutes
Parkland High School Shooting – 6 minutes
2022 Buffalo Shooting – 6 minutes
Red Lake Shootings – 9 minutes
2023 Louisville Bank Shooting – 9 minutes
2014 Isla Vista Killings – 10 minutes
Sutherland Springs Church Shooting – 11 minutes
2023 Jacksonville Shooting – 11 minutes
2017 Aztec High School Shooting – 12 minutes
Luby’s Shooting – 12 to 13 minutes
2023 Nashville School Shooting – 14 minutes
Walk of Death Killings - ~20 minutes
Cleveland Elementary School Shooting - ~20 minutes
Jokela School Shooting – 22 minutes
Columbine High School Massacre – 49 minutes
Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting – 1 hour and 14 minutes
San Ysidro McDonald’s Massacre – 1 hour and 17 minutes
Uvalde School Shooting – 1 hour and 17 minutes
Halle Synagogue Shooting – 1 hour and 32 minutes
University of Texas Tower Shooting – 1 hour and 36 minutes
Kauhajoki School Shooting - ~1 hour and 40 minutes
Virginia Tech Shooting – 2 hours and 36 minutes (main shooting was 9 minutes)
2016 Kalamazoo Shootings – 6 hours and 58 minutes
2019 Dayton Shooting: https://www.foxnews.com/us/dayton-gunman-shot-26-people-32-seconds-police
2014 Marysville Pilchuck High School Shooting: https://www.heraldnet.com/news/marysville-pilchuck-high-school-shootings-timeline/
Stockton Schoolyard Shooting: https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article252289238.html
2023 Allen Texas Mall Shooting: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2023/06/05/medics-saved-every-recoverable-victim-of-allen-mass-shooting-fire-department-says/
2022 Chesapeake Shooting: https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/crime/timeline-walmart-mass-shooting-in-chesapeake/291-845fb5f4-8baa-403c-ad37-6df930330a3c
Oxford High School Shooting: https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2021/12/05/sunday-read-everything-we-know-about-oxford-high-school-shooting-timeline-charges-evidence-more/
Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooting: https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/california/timeline-gilroy-garlic-festival-shooting/103-8e09e76d-e560-4c28-93b6-c4d94a272308
Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/timeline-of-sandy-hook-school-shooting/1916530/
Parkland High School Shooting: https://www.cnn.com/2018/02/15/us/florida-school-shooting-timeline/index.html
2022 Buffalo Shooting: https://buffalonews.com/news/local/crime-courts/we-have-bodies-down-here-police-radio-transmissions-reveal-grim-scene-at-saturdays-mass-killing/article_2335d1d0-d3c0-11ec-8bc0-4f348962ee1e.html (paid article, just scroll really fast or use an extension to bypass this)
2014 Isla Vista Killings: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/timeline-of-murder-spree-in-isla-vista/
Red Lake Shootings: https://vault.fbi.gov/red-lake-high-school-shooting
2023 Louisville Bank Shooting: https://www.yahoo.com/gma/louisville-corner-changed-forever-9-152203640.html
Sutherland Springs Church Shooting: https://www.ksat.com/news/2018/02/06/700-rounds-in-11-minutes-sutherland-springs-survivor-says-hes-amazed-hes-alive/
2023 Jacksonville Shooting: https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/27/us/jacksonville-florida-shooting-sunday/index.html
2017 Aztec High School Shooting: https://edition.cnn.com/2017/12/08/us/aztec-high-school-shooting-william-atchison/index.html
Luby’s Shooting: https://www.crimemagazine.com/lubys-cafeteria-massacre-1991
2023 Nashville School Shooting: https://abcnews.go.com/US/timeline-shooting-covenant-school-unfolded/story?id=98158185
Walk of Death Killings: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/story-first-mass-murder-us-history-180956927/
Cleveland Elementary School Shooting: https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-san-diego-shooting-anniversary-20190130-story.html
Jokela School Shooting: https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/Jokela%20School%20Shooting%20Official%20Report.pdf (page 20 and 47)
Columbine High School Massacre: https://columbineonline.weebly.com/timeline.html
Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting: https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/27/us/pittsburgh-attack-timeline/index.html
San Ysidro McDonalds Massacre: https://www.kpbs.org/news/local/2019/07/18/san-ysidro-mcdonalds-massacre-35-years-later
Uvalde School Shooting: https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/27/uvalde-texas-school-shooting-timeline/
Halle Synagogue Shooting: https://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/sachsen-anhalt/halle/halle/pressekonferenz-stahlknecht-zu-anschlag-halle-100.html
University of Texas Tower Shooting: https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/university-of-texas-tower-shooting-1966
Kauhajoki School Shooting: https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/Kauhajoki%20School%20Shooting.pdf (page 26)
Virginia Tech Shooting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Virginia_Tech_shooting
2016 Kalamazoo Shootings: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kalamazoo-shootings-timeline-rampage-suspect-jason-dalton/
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aralisj · 5 days
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1. sew my name, josh pyke 2. the bear (2022-) 3. phantom thread (2017) 4. our flag means death (2022-2023) 5. stradivarius tag 6. luciality 7. kult tag 8. transformations of the lover, adonis 9. little women (2019, costume design by jacqueline durran) 10. cherry, harry styles 11. little women (2019) 12. i-wrotethisforme 13. challengers (2024, costume design by jonathan anderson) 14. sew my name, josh pyke
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w2nv · 9 months
SO I finished the list today! This list includes any variation of the phrase, episodes where he just doesn’t say it although present, and episode where he doesn’t say it because he’s not present. I decided to mark colour code them as a result!
• variation, • no goodnight, • no Cecil
Before I start:
I did not include extra episodes like snippets from the lives shows and such.
For the quotes here I only took the final phrase. So anything that breaks the usual scheme like a lack of “stay tuned next” or any lengthy monologue about anything relating to the goodnight phrase, I didn’t quote
I’m thinking about making a video compilation later on but for now I DONT have the space to dowload all these episodes so this will do for now!
If I missed any, lmk!
• 1 — Pilot
Good night, listeners. Good night.
• 2 — Glow Cloud
Good night, listeners. Good night.
• 3 — Station Management
Good night, Night Vale. And goodbye.
• 4 — PTA Meeting
Good night, listeners. Good night.
• 5 — The Shape in Grove Park
Good night, listeners. Good night.
• 6 — The Drawbridge
Buenas noches, Night Vale. Good night.
• 7 — History Week
And, from this moment in history, the one that’s happening right now, good night.
• 8 — The lights in Radon Canyon
It is a good night, listeners. Good night.
• 9 — “PYRAMID”
Speaking of the nighttime, I truly hope you have a good one, Night Vale. Goodnight.
• 10 — Feral Dogs
Get your sleep, Night Vale. And don’t forget to dream. Good Night.
• 14 — The Man in the Tan Jacket
Good night, Night Vale. Be alert, and write down everything you cannot comprehend. Until next time.
• 15 — Street Cleaning Day
Good night. Good night. Good night.
• 19B — The sandstorm
Kevin: Until next time, Desert Bluffs, Until next time.
• 46 — Parade day
And until next time, Good Night, Night Va- Hey. Hey. No. What are you-
• 47 — Company Picnic
Kevin: And, as always, until next time, Greater Desert Bluffs Metropolitan Area. Until next time.
• 49A — Old Oak Doors (Part A)
Listeners, there is someone knocking on my station door, which must mean…Carlos? Carlos, is that you? Come in, and welcome home, my sweet Car…
• 53 — The September Monologues
Well, that's it for the September Monologues. We've said so much. What more is there to say?
• 65 — Voicemails
Kevin: Until next time, Cecil. Until next time.
• 67 — [Best Of?]
Leonard Burton: And as always "See ya, Night Vale. See ya."
• 70A — Taking Off
Kevin: Until next time, new Desert Bluffs, until next time. Oh. Oh no. This is so sad. No. I don’t like this. I am sad. No. No.
• 85 — The April Monologues
And so we reach the end of the April Monologues. There is much that could be said. I will say none of it.
• 86 — Standing and Breathing
Good night, Night Vale. (Maybe lock those windows too.) Good night.
• 87 — The Trial of Hiram McDaniels
Good night. I guess.
• 88 — Things Fall Apart
Hello? [very faint breathing] Hello? [very faint breathing] Who is this? [distant dog bark]
• 89 — Who’s a good boy? (Part 1)
“I want nothing, Cecil. Nothing at all. And I will have it.” Huff huff huff. Huff huff Huff.
• 94 — All Right
All right Night Vale. Good night.
• 98 — Flight
Good night.
• 100 — Toast
Good night, Night Vale, and every person who can hear my voice. Good night.
• 101 — Guidelines for Retrieval
Happy purging, Night Vale. And goodnight.
• 104 — The Hierarchy of Angels
Good night, Night Vale. Josie was beautiful. And angels are real. Good night.
• 109 — A Story About Huntokar
Huntokar: Good night, my Night Vale. Good night.
• 111 — Summer 2017, Night Vale, USA
Good night, listeners. Good night.
• 113 — Niecelet
Any second now. Any second. Any... second.
• 120 — All Smiles’ Eve
Lauren: Good night, Kevin. And good night, Desert Bluffs Too.
Kevin: Good night.
• 128 — A Matter of Blood (Part 2)
Oh god, it’s here.
• 133 — Are You Sure?
Is this the first time you’ve heard me say this? Are you sure? Welcome to Night Vale.
• 135 — The Mudstone Abyss (Part 1)
Kevin: Until next time, Desert Bluffs, Until next time.
• 136 — The Mudstone Abyss (Part 2)
Charles: Kevin. I. Handlebar cereal, okay? Handlebar cereal.
VM: End of message.
• 137 — The Mudstone Abyss (Part 3)
Kevin: Until next time, Desert Bluffs, Until next time.
• 148 — The Broadcaster
Leonard Burton: And until tomorrow, "See ya, Night Vale. See ya."
• 156 — The Trouble with Time
Listeners. I must go. I must talk to my husband. We can be together forever, don’t you see? A new world awaits us in the future. I must talk to Carlos. I must.
• 157 — The Promise of Time
Kasper: Believe in a smiling god, buddy. Believe in a smiling god.
• 164 — The Faceless Old Woman (Live)
FOW: And I will be seeing you very, very… soon.
• 171 — Go To The Mirror?
Won’t you have a good night, Night Vale? Won’t you have a good night?
• 175 — The October Monologues
And as the leaves are done, so are the October Monologues. All that can be said has been said. And all that can be said will be said again.
• 177 — Bloody Laws, Bloody Claws: The Murder of Frank Chen
That about does it for me, Night Vale. That about does it for me.
• 195 — Silas the Thief (Part 1)
Silas: And my name is Silas. Not Khoshekh. Okay? Okay.
• 196 — Silas the Thief (Part 2)
And one I have to consider. Am I Khoshekh? I don’t know if I’m ready to admit that just yet.
• 199 — Guidelines for Retrieval
Happy hoarding, Night Vale. Goodnight.
• 200 — Susan Willman Comes Clean
Susan Willman: So let me begin. This is a story about Huntokar, said a voice on the radio. A voice you had never heard before, though she has been speaking to you your whole life.
• 203 — The Kareem Nazari Show
Kareem: Again, really sorry. Uh, so… Take care. I guess.
• 216 — The Ball Is Where The Win Is
Steve: You have already made me so proud
• 221 — The Glow Cloud, Explained
All Hail, Night Vale. All Hail.
• 227 — A Word With Dr. Jones
Lubelle: Show over, Night Vale. Show over.
• 230 — Carlos, Explained
Good night, my Night Vale restored. Good night.
• 237 — Frown Night
Kevin: Until next time, Desert Bluffs Too, Until next time.
• 239 — Sister Cities: Vermillion Falls
Frank Luna: Good evening, Vermillion Falls. Good evening.
• 240 — He Is Holding a Knife
He is holding a knife. He takes the knife, and sets it against the microphone cord. And with one smooth and easy motion, he cuts the co-
• 249 – Rifts
I would say good night, Night Vale…But if a tree falls in the forest, you know?
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