#5 freedoms of animal welfare
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onebadlich · 2 years ago
I contacted Zoo Miami via their website expressing my concern, and I just received the following response indicating they've stopped the Kiwi Encounter program. Not a great apology IMHO, but the important thing is they're taking action.
"First and foremost, on behalf of everyone at Zoo Miami, please accept our most profound and sincere apology for the stress initiated by a video on social media depicting the handling and housing of “Paora,” the kiwi bird that is presently under our care. The concerns expressed by have been taken very seriously and as a result, effective immediately, the Kiwi Encounter will no longer be offered.
Though Paora has thrived at Zoo Miami while receiving the best care available, the development of the Kiwi Encounter was, in hindsight, not well conceived with regard to the national symbolism of this iconic animal and what it represents to the people of New Zealand, especially the Maori. Having had the honor of hosting the Honorable New Zealand Ambassador to the United States and several representatives of the Maori people during a special naming ceremony here at Zoo Miami, it is especially painful to all of us to think that anything that has occurred with Paora here at Zoo Miami would be offensive to any of the wonderful people of New Zealand. Again, we are deeply sorry.
Please know that Paora is normally kept out of public view in a quiet area. This area provides him with a special shelter that enables him to remain in relative darkness during the day so that he can, at his discretion, come out and explore his habitat in the quiet of the evening. Plans are presently underway to build a special habitat for him that will continue to provide him with the shelter that he needs while respecting and supporting his natural instincts. It will be developed in such a way that we can teach our guests about the amazing kiwi without any direct contact from the public.
Zoo Miami feels extremely privileged to be the first facility in the state of Florida to successfully hatch a kiwi as part of a partnership with the Smithsonian National Zoo. We are happy to have watched him grow and thrive under our care and are committed to providing him with the best environment possible while respecting and honoring all that he represents.
Thank you for expressing your concern, love and passion for this remarkable bird. We are listening and will do better to provide it with the respect and committed care that it so richly deserves and sincerely regret any actions that may have indicated otherwise."
Hey uh I just found this out and I'm FURIOUS but miami zoo has a kiwi bird. Which is fine if they were doing what we do here and keeping it in a darkened enclosure with clear notices to be quiet and not bang on the glass. But instead this shy, solitary nocturnal bird is being kept in broad daylight and people are being allowed to pet it. NZ twitter is out for blood right now. https://twitter.com/zoomiami/status/1637864741954637824
…fucking yikes.
The kiwi I’ve seen in other AZA zoos have been kept according to the practices you describe: dark exhibit on a flipped light cycle, in a signed quiet area. What it looks like Zoo Miami is doing is… not good.
Here’s the link to their tweet with a video about the encounter (so it’ll embed):
The video shows a kiwi out of its exhibit: on a table in what looks like a back room with bright overhead fluorescent lighting. The kiwi has no room to move around and no place to hide as people pet it and reach around it to take selfies.
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What do you pay to bother the kiwi four days a week - a species which in NZ is apparently illegal to touch without permission from the Department of Conservation? $25.
Obviously it just started and I don’t know anything more about it than what’s online, but even so, this is such a bad look for an AZA zoo, holy shit. I know a bunch of new ambassador animal rules just got promulgated… I wonder if this meets them. I’ll have to go do some reading. Also, USDA is now promulgating new bird rules (it didn’t regulate birds until just recently, only mammals) so this will also have to pass their muster soon.
The guy who runs Miami’s PR, and manages the animal media like the birth of their first kiwi chick in 2019, is known for big media stunts. I’m not surprised by this but I don’t think it’s going to go over well. There’s a lot of pressure on zoos to offer new encounters and programs to help make up for inflation and pandemic losses but this not how to do it.
I’d honestly suggest New Zealanders who are upset about this contact Zoo Miami formally (more than just on twitter) using the contact form on their website, and maybe even the AZA to express concerns about this program animal’s welfare - as well as the lack of cultural awareness at one of their accredited facilities.
Edited to add: a statement from Zoo Miami is supposed to be forthcoming tomorrow. I’ll update once we have it.
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rotclaw · 2 years ago
to my fellow bearded dragon owners- this video was made by an australian veterinarian specializing in exotics, BeardieVet. it has tons of info on proper beardie care and i highly recommend watching/listening to it when possible (it's quite long at nearly 4 hours)
here's a long comprehensive list of info, copied from a reddit comment
• Bearded dragons do not bask all day. They come out in the morning and in the evening to bask for a bit
• If you have warm nights, your dragon will bask less. They will only bask based on their body needs and if they are warm all night they do not have a need to bask
• It can get as low as 5°C/41°F at night in Australia during spring and typically is about 11°‐12°C/51.8°‐53.6°F in their burrows
• Preferred core temp for their body is 36.3°C/97.34°F. This is achieved with a basking spot of about 42°C/107.6°F
• They do not have bile acids to ingest vitamin D3. They get this vitamin through proper UV
• Average preferred UVI is 4.1, but any where in the range of 3.8-4.5 is acceptable
• A high amount of bright visible light is needed for them. They know to go to the bright light to bask
• A heat bulb with visible light and UVA (like a halogen bulb), a proper linear UVB bulb, and a full spectrum LED bulb are the preferred lights used to achieve a proper LUX (perceived brightness)
• They are considered beginner pets because they are so robust that they can stay sick for so long without showing signs (not because they are easy to care for)
• Humidity isn't an issue by itself (they actually seek out humidity microclimates). It's high humidity combined with improper temps that causes issues
• They are very active animals and the main reason they aren't active in captivity is because they are bored
• Bare minimum size enclosure is 4x2x2. This is really needed in order to get proper UVI and temps. 5x3x3 would be better.
• They spend a lot of time higher up (more males than females) to be able to survey their territory in places like bushes and trees (not something like a hammock)
• They like to be able to see their surroundings fully
• Deep Heat Projectors are unnatural wavelengths and cause them to dry out which increases water loss
• In the wild they will sleep out in the open in 15°C/59°F, but will go into a burrow with anything under 10°C/50°F
• "Brumation" during our summer months is due to increased temps that cause them to stay sheltered to reserve their energy
• Substrate in Australia is 0.3% gravel, 1.5% silt, 2.3% clay, 95.9% fine sand (quartz & iron oxide)
• If they try to ingest their substrate it's a nutritional deficiency or a psychological reason: not proper UV, fed high phosphorus & low calcium, MBD & parasites, husbandry issues
• If you don't have loose substrate, you're depriving them of one of their 5 freedom rights
• Straight play sand isn't the best because it lacks clay
• Pin worms are needed to break down cellulose
• An overload of parasites is due to poor husbandry. The parasites are a secondary issue, so fix the husbandry and the parasites will go back in check
• No loose substrate equals a loss in muscle mass and causes stress on the joints, this becomes a welfare issue
• Keepers that bathe their dragons so they can defecate that is trying to solve a problem that's caused by poor husbandry (i.e. temps not high enough, parasite overload, not enough UV)
• If your husbandry is correct, you should not have to bathe them at all. It's not something they typically do (sit in puddles of water). Unless of course they are visibly soiled
• They should be able to do normal bodily functions on their own. If they can't, it's a welfare issue
• They do not absorb through their skin or their cloaca. They are not designed to take water in that way.
• They should be getting enough water from their food. You can mist them (from above not straight in the face) and the enclosure to mimic rain as well once a week. This will create little spots for them to drink from too
• Some causes of MBD include: not enough vitamin D production, not enough heat, not enough calcium, and too much phosphorus
• In the wild they eat a lot of flowers, wild sage, hibiscus, and Australian blue bells
• We grow them way too fast in captivity. It should take them 2 years to grow to full size, not 6 months
• Babies should get 5-6 protein items (about the size that is between their eyes) a day
• Adults should get 3-4 protein items (about the size that is between their eyes) 3 days a week and 3 times that in greens
• They do not need to eat if they are overweight
• Absolutely no fruit ever. They do not eat any in the wild at all and it causes dental disease and fungal cultures
• All protein items should be dusted with calcium
• BSFLs do have high calcium, but a majority of that is in their exoskeleton which is indigestible so they still need to be dusted
• You can dust a salad with a multivitamin once every other week
• ADV is something natural to them and is only an issue if husbandry is wrong (like cold sores in people, only comes out under stress)
• Obesity causes a lot of health issues
• Their insides are in one cavity so when they are obese it pushes their lungs in and they have a really hard time breathing
• Obesity also insulates them which prevents them from reaching optimum core temperature as the heat cannot penetrate past the fat
• Weight and length to compare what an ideal body composition should be (SVL= snout to vent length):
• Male: 372 grams; 24cm/9.45in SVL
• Female: 254 grams; 21.5cm/8.46in SVL
• Gravid Female: 315 grams; 22cm/8.66in SVL
• Average Dragon: 341 grams; 23.3cm/9.17in SVL
(thanks to schance99 on reddit for writing all this down)
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eternal-echoes · 5 months ago
"Every day human interdependence grows more tightly drawn and spreads by degrees over the whole world. As a result the common good, that is, the sum of those conditions of social life which allow social groups and their individual members relatively thorough and ready access to their own fulfillment, today takes on an increasingly universal complexion and consequently involves rights and duties with respect to the whole human race. Every social group must take account of the needs and legitimate aspirations of other groups, and even of the general welfare of the entire human family.(5)
At the same time, however, there is a growing awareness of the exalted dignity proper to the human person, since he stands above all things, and his rights and duties are universal and inviolable. Therefore, there must be made available to all men everything necessary for leading a life truly human, such as food, clothing, and shelter; the right to choose a state of life freely and to found a family, the right to education, to employment, to a good reputation, to respect, to appropriate information, to activity in accord with the upright norm of one's own conscience, to protection of privacy and rightful freedom even in matters religious.
Hence, the social order and its development must invariably work to the benefit of the human person if the disposition of affairs is to be subordinate to the personal realm and not contrariwise, as the Lord indicated when He said that the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.(6)
This social order requires constant improvement. It must be founded on truth, built on justice and animated by love; in freedom it should grow every day toward a more humane balance.(7) An improvement in attitudes and abundant changes in society will have to take place if these objectives are to be gained.
God's Spirit, Who with a marvelous providence directs the unfolding of time and renews the face of the earth, is not absent from this development. The ferment of the Gospel too has aroused and continues to arouse in man's heart the irresistible requirements of his dignity."
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armoredisopod · 1 year ago
Arknights Spring Festival 2024 PVs
New Operators
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Wanqing, 5* Welfare Standard Bearer Vanguard
If you come across farmland, be sure to watch your step.
Grain Buds, 5* Decel Binder Supporter
I used to manage the animals back at Dahuang City, so of course I'm in charge of you here.
Zuo Le, 6* Soloblade Guard (formerly known as Musha branch)
Good talents should be put to good use, by those who are most capable. Zuo Le will do his best.
Shu, 6* Limited Guardian Defender
You and I, we are but a drop in the basin that is our world.
Operator Skins Update
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Total of 7 new skins, 5 new additions for the Made by 0011 brand and 2 new additions for the new Unveiling of Devotion brand
Made by 0011
Highmore's The Land With Me
Honeyberry Saturated Within Rain
Lin's Heavenly Mirage - L2D skin
Chongyue's Alighting - L2D skin
Purestream's Yearly Present - Event Reward skin
Unveiling of Devotion
Harmonie's Decoration
Arene's Dangerous Invitation
Purestream's skin is a reward from Trials for Navigator #4
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Announced skin reruns
Series II 0011/Tempest skins (Ceobe, Waai Fu)
Series VII Vitafield skins (Pozëmka, Proviso, Mousse)
Nian's Unfettered Freedom
Manticore's Under A Veil
~104 other skins as part of Goodbye to the Old, Welcome the New edition of Rhodes Fashion Review
Operator Modules Update
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All the new operators being part of branches with modules immediately get their modules
GUA-X module base effect increases Shu's healing amount by 15% on targets below 50% HP
MUS-X module base effect gives Zuo Le 25% Sanctuary when below 50% HP
DEC-X module base effect makes Grain Buds recover SP faster when there are enemies in her range
BEA-X module base effect makes Wanqing give +1 block count to the ally in front of him when his skill is active
Fighter Guard branch gets 2 module types
Module 1 given to Chongyue and Jackie
Module 2 given to Mountain, Indra, Flint, Dagda and Beehunter
Events and Stories
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Here a People Sows, the next installment of the Yan-Sui storyline taking place in the agriculture city of Dahuang
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Trials for Navigator #4, scheduled after Here a People Sows
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Operator Archives update for Shu, Qiubai, Wind Chimes, Cliffheart
Record Restore update for An Obscure Wanderer and Guiding Ahead
Misc Stuff
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Annihilation #24 - New Hotel Avenue, annihilation mission with So Long Adele enemies and mechanics
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Surtr, April and Arene added to recruitment
CN dialect voices for Shu and Zuo Le
CC ops/skins and past login event skins will start to be rereleased via side story event shops
Ops and skins available in the CC shop will not be removed, they are simply making them more accessible by giving players more options on how to get them
Bibeak and her tokens along with Hibiscus' Night Watcher skin will be available for purchase in the Here a People Sows event shop
When the event shop closes, the listed ops and skins will be moved to the certificates shop and will not be put in future side story event shops
Livestream Stuff
Showcased Shu, a 6* Guardian Defender Sui Sibling with a decent amount of support options in her kit
First talent makes her heals sow seeds on the tile the target ally is on and the 4 adjacent tiles which grants passive healing per second and a certain % of Sanctuary
Second talent increases all operators Max HP if there are 3 ops of different classes deployed, increases all operators ASPD if there are 3 ops of the same class deployed, and increases all operators ATK and makes them gain 1 SP every few seconds if there are 4 [Sui] operators in the team
Skill 1 is a generic "next attack heals nearby ally if below certain % HP"
Skill 2 makes her stop attacking to focus on healing 2 nearby allies at once with a modified attack interval, increases her ATK and block count, and boosts the power of her first talent
Skill 3 increases her healing range and her ATK and allows her to heal and attack at the same time, during skill duration seeded tiles grant allies an ATK and ASPD boost when there are ground enemies on the seeded tiles, additionally enemies walking on seeded tiles will be marked and have the following effect: after going a certain distance away from the first seeded tile they walk on, the marked enemy will immediately be teleported back to that tile
Showcased Zuo Le, a 6* Soloblade Guard that focuses on SP recovery and activating his skills as much as possible
First talent grants him a unique Tenacity effect, giving him more ASPD and SP recovery as his HP lowers
Second talent gives him a chance to gain 1 SP when attacking and the chance increases when he is below a certain % of HP
Skill 1 increases the damage of the next attack, when below a certain % of HP this skill hits twice and when below a lower % of HP this skill hits thrice instead, able to hold charges
Skill 2 makes him immediately lose a certain % of current HP and gains a certain amount of Barrier upon skill activation, during skill duration he has increased ATK and block count and attacks all enemies equal to block count, loses the Barrier when skill ends
Skill 3 makes him immediately perform a number of slashes attacking enemies on the tile in front of him and ends the skill with a big slash that deals more damage and stuns the enemies, any healing gained from the trait during this skill is instead converted into a Barrier
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Showcased the event mechanic, agriculture water tiles that can be polluted by enemies and deals damage to your allies, pollution can spread to adjacent agriculture tiles
The water tiles can be purified by pumping clean water into the polluted tiles and placing ops behind the pumps can help purify water faster, but at the same time take care not to let enemies pollute the water source as the pumps can also pump out polluted water
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Announced a new anime tie-in bundle that contains various goodies including interactive furniture that can play music and a new Ch'en skin, also announced a rerun of the Exusiai anime tie-in bundle
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Showcased some of the new RA2 stuff
More in-field stories and major UI changes throughout the whole gamemode
Ability to catch wildlife with special equipment and put them in your base
Certain nodes adjacent to your base can be entered to construct buildings in without needing to spend action points on said nodes, also showcased the ability to undo your placements before saving it
Food buffs are no longer permanent and can wear off after a few days
Ability to load saves from previous days
Teased plans for Originium Slug Racing to be added in a future update
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Showed the Trials for Navigator #4 boss lineup
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Showed some collab items for the R6 side in the upcoming Rainbow Six collab event
Announced a small Arknights × Ex Astris collab where you get skins in Ex Astris and furniture in Arknights
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aquilacalvitium · 6 days ago
I never worked in a zoo but I did study Animal Management for two years so allow me to add my two pence on the state of zoos here in the UK
We have VERY STRICT animal welfare laws here, and every business that works with animals follows them to the letter.
The holy grail of animal welfare laws here are the Five Freedoms (known as the five needs abck when I was studying them)
1. The freedom from pain, injury, suffering and disease
2. The freedom to express natural behaviours
3. The freedom to have a suitable diet
4. The freedom of a suitable environment
5. The freedom to be housed with or without other animals of the sane or other species as applicable
If any zoo or other animal-involved business does not follow even one of these freedoms, they're in serious trouble.
These laws are also why in British circuses you never see any animals that are not either domesticated or who's needs can be easily met on the road. We don't have lions, elephants, seals etc. here because it's literally impossible to provide adequate care for them in a travelling show. You know what can be looked after properly? Horses. Dogs. Birds.
Our animal welfare here (in businesses, anyway) is fantastic, and I can assure you that if there are any zoos or animal attractions that don't meet their animal's needs, they are one visit from the RSPCA away from shutting down.
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sourcesandsignificance · 2 months ago
5. The Impact of Netflix on Japanese Anime
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Since I was a kid, I've always been a fan of manga and animation. As I've grown up, I've noticed that the structure of the entertainment industry has changed, and my favorite anime and manga have also evolved.
The most obvious change is the increase in the number of animated comics. When I was younger, most manga needed a certain level of fame to qualify for animation. However, with the launch of streaming platforms like Netflix, more manga have been adapted into anime. I’d like to explore the impact of Netflix on Japanese anime.
Positive Impacts of Netflix on Japanese Anime
According to the article Global Media Streams: Netflix and the Changing Ecosystem of Anime Production, Netflix’s entry into Japanese anime has brought two significant benefits:
1. Increased Funding and Creative Freedom
In the past, anime production relied on multiple production committees, where risks and funds were shared among various members. While this approach reduced financial burdens, it often slowed production and limited creative freedom due to the need for consensus among committee members.
With Netflix’s involvement:
More funding is available for anime projects.
Creative constraints are relaxed since, as an online platform, Netflix doesn’t adhere to traditional media regulations or require approval from multiple stakeholders.
This has enabled more ambitious storytelling and innovative content.
2. Access to a Wider Global Audience
In the past, non-Japanese residents had limited options for accessing anime:
Purchasing rights for local TV broadcasts.
Searching for pirated versions online.
Netflix has changed this by allowing people worldwide to access the latest anime directly on its platform. Viewers can now legally support their favorite works without waiting for international licensing deals or resorting to piracy.
These factors have significantly boosted the global visibility of Japanese anime, creating opportunities for lesser-known works to gain recognition and enabling more manga to receive animation adaptations.
Negative Impacts of Netflix on Japanese Anime
However, Netflix’s involvement is not without drawbacks. Two key challenges stand out:
1. Poor Animator Welfare Remains Unresolved
While Netflix provides generous funding for anime production, the working conditions for animators remain troubling.
Animators are still paid per frame at low rates, leaving frontline workers with insufficient income despite the industry’s growth.
This systemic issue, rooted in the labor structure of the animation industry, discourages young talent from pursuing careers in animation.
2. Conflicts with Traditional Media Distribution
Traditional anime production involves collaboration among publishers, music companies, and merchandise producers to promote anime and its peripheral products.
Netflix’s exclusive distribution rights disrupt this system, limiting how fans interact with the anime through merchandise or other media.
This change may deter other companies from investing in anime, reducing the diversity of experiences available to fans.
Netflix has brought more benefits than harm to Japanese anime. Streaming platforms have helped anime transition from being a subculture to entering the mainstream, making it more accessible to global audiences.
However, the asymmetrical interdependence between Netflix and the anime industry is a potential risk. The sector must avoid overly relying on a single platform and ensure its creative and financial independence.
Regardless of whether Netflix’s involvement is ultimately good or bad, one thing is clear: the future of anime will be shaped by its
interactive collaboration with online platforms
Clark, T. (n.d.) 'Japan’s anime industry is growing, and Netflix wants a piece of it,' Substack. Available at: https://travisclark.substack.com/p/japan-anime-growth-netflix-streaming (Accessed: [6 Jan 2025]).
Noh, S. (2023) 'Global media streams: Netflix and the changing ecosystem of anime production,' Television & New Media, 25(3), pp. 234–250. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/15274764231206540.(Accessed: [6 Jan 2025]).
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popeakahengstenberger · 3 months ago
Creating an ethical meat industry that aligns with the newest insights on animal behavior, emotions, and consciousness would require a paradigm shift in how animals are raised, treated, and processed. Here's how it might look, from "cradle to blade":
1. Breeding and Early Life ("The Cradle")
Selective Breeding: Avoid breeding animals for traits that compromise their well-being (e.g., excessive muscle growth leading to pain). Prioritize robust health and natural behavior.
Humane Rearing Practices: Animals should be born in environments that mimic natural settings, ensuring the presence of maternal care and opportunities for play and socialization.
Enrichment: Provide environmental enrichment tailored to each species to promote natural behaviors, such as rooting, dust bathing, or foraging.
Limited Population: Reduce the scale of animal farming to ensure individualized attention and high-quality care.
2. Daily Life ("The Life")
Space and Freedom: Ensure animals have ample space to roam, interact, and engage in species-specific behaviors. Crowding and confinement should be eliminated.
Social Structures: Respect natural social hierarchies and ensure animals are not subjected to chronic stress from disrupted social groups.
Mental Stimulation: Regularly provide mental challenges and activities, recognizing that many animals (e.g., pigs, cows, chickens) have advanced cognitive abilities.
Minimized Stress: Implement measures to reduce environmental stressors like noise, heat, and handling.
3. Feeding and Healthcare
Natural Diets: Provide species-appropriate diets that mimic natural feeding habits, avoiding unnecessary additives or growth promoters.
Veterinary Care: Guarantee access to high-quality veterinary care throughout the animal's life, focusing on prevention and humane treatment of illness.
Euthanasia Standards: If an animal must be euthanized, ensure the process is rapid, painless, and devoid of distress.
4. Transport ("The Journey")
Proximity to Slaughterhouses: Minimize transportation distances to reduce stress. Ideally, slaughterhouses should be on-site at farms or very nearby.
Stress-Free Loading: Use non-coercive, gentle methods to load animals for transport.
Climate-Controlled Transport: Ensure transport vehicles are climate-controlled and allow sufficient space for animals to rest.
Monitoring: Real-time monitoring of animals during transit to address any signs of distress.
5. Slaughter ("The Blade")
Stress-Free Environment: Design slaughter facilities to minimize fear and anxiety, using insights into animal emotions and sensory experiences.
Pain-Free Killing: Implement methods that ensure animals are unconscious before any pain is inflicted, using the most advanced, humane technologies available.
Transparency and Oversight: Continuous monitoring by independent animal welfare experts to ensure compliance with ethical standards.
6. Industry-Wide Practices
Education and Training: Ensure all workers are trained in animal behavior and welfare to foster empathy and skill in handling animals.
Auditing and Accountability: Implement rigorous, third-party audits to enforce welfare standards, with severe penalties for violations.
Public Engagement: Be transparent with consumers about farming practices, allowing informed decisions about their purchases.
7. Alternatives to Reduce Demand
Encourage Alternatives: Invest in and promote plant-based and lab-grown meat to reduce reliance on animal farming altogether.
Cultural Shift: Foster a cultural appreciation for reducing meat consumption, recognizing animals as sentient beings with rich emotional lives.
By implementing these measures, the meat industry would not only respect the consciousness and emotional capacities of animals but also move towards a system that is sustainable and ethically defensible. This shift would require collaboration among farmers, scientists, policymakers, and consumers.
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vgaman · 4 months ago
Foundation Gifts
In today's world, giving gifts is about more than just making someone smile—it's about making a positive impact on the world. As we continue to embrace a more socially conscious society, people are increasingly seeking ways to give gifts that contribute to meaningful causes. Charitable gifts not only benefit the recipients but also support communities, environmental sustainability, and important social issues. This article will explore some thoughtful and impactful gift ideas that align with charitable causes.
1. Charitable Donations in Someone’s Name: A Gift That Keeps on Giving One of the most impactful ways to give back is by donating to a charity or cause on behalf of someone else. Whether it’s a contribution to disaster relief, education, healthcare, or animal welfare, a donation made in someone’s name can help support those in need. Many platforms, including FoundationGift.com, offer various donation-based gifts that support nonprofits, ensuring that your gesture goes towards a worthy cause.
2. Fair Trade and Eco-Friendly Products: Sustainable Gifting Gifting products that are certified fair trade or eco-friendly is a great way to contribute to a sustainable future. Fair trade goods help ensure that artisans and farmers receive fair wages and work under safe conditions. Additionally, eco-friendly products reduce environmental harm by focusing on sustainable materials and ethical manufacturing practices. Gifts like reusable water bottles, upcycled fashion, or eco-conscious home decor are both meaningful and environmentally responsible.
3. Gifts That Directly Support Nonprofits Consider giving a gift that directly supports a nonprofit organization or a community in need. Whether it’s a subscription box that delivers ethically made goods or a gift from a brand that donates a portion of proceeds to a cause, these gifts make a real difference. For example, platforms like FoundationGift.com offer a variety of charitable gift options, where every purchase helps fund causes like hunger relief, poverty alleviation, and education.
4. Volunteer Time as a Gift: The Most Personal Gift of All Sometimes the best gift is the gift of time. Offering to volunteer your time to a cause that’s meaningful to the recipient is an incredibly thoughtful gesture. Whether it’s helping out at a local food bank, tutoring children, or spending time with elderly people, your time can have a lasting impact. Many nonprofits and organizations also allow you to donate volunteer hours in someone’s name, making it a unique and personal gift.
5. Sponsor an Animal or Adopt a Tree: Gifts That Protect the Planet If you're looking for a gift that combines environmental impact with charitable giving, consider sponsoring an endangered animal or planting a tree in someone's name. These gifts not only help protect wildlife and nature but also give the recipient a tangible way to feel connected to the planet’s preservation. Numerous organizations offer these unique gifts, and they often come with updates about the animal or tree you've sponsored, making it a meaningful and ongoing connection.
6. Handmade Goods: Support Artisans and Small Businesses When you purchase handmade goods, you’re often supporting artisans from developing countries or underrepresented communities. These gifts are not only unique but also help promote sustainable livelihoods for people who rely on their craft. From jewelry to home decor, many small businesses use their profits to reinvest in their communities or support global causes. By choosing handmade gifts, you’re helping promote both local and global economic growth.
7. Charity Gift Cards: Let the Recipient Choose Their Cause For those who love the idea of giving back but aren’t sure where to start, charity gift cards are a perfect solution. These cards allow recipients to choose the charity or cause they wish to support. It’s a versatile and customizable gift, offering the recipient the freedom to pick a cause they’re passionate about, whether it’s supporting cancer research, animal rescue, or clean water initiatives.
Conclusion: In a world where consumerism often takes center stage, it’s refreshing to see people turning to meaningful gifts that make a difference. Whether it’s through charitable donations, sustainable products, or supporting artisans, these gifts create positive change in the world. When you give back, you’re not only impacting the life of the person receiving the gift, but you’re also contributing to a better world for everyone. For more thoughtful and impactful gift ideas, be sure to visit FoundationGift.com—where your gifts help support meaningful causes and make a difference.
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agro-carnist · 4 days ago
1. Preserving species that aren't endangered still has benefits. Conservation of many species has a butterfly effect that helps endangered species that aren't beloved or popular. People don't care about endangered insects, fish, or amphibians, but they may care about the charismatic megafauna that live in the same ecosystems. Also remember that all endangered and extinct species were once plentiful.
2. Most accredited zoos are non-profit. They rely on admissions and donations from visitors to keep running. Accepting money from visitors isn't a money-hungry scheme. Taking care of animals takes labor and resources, and a lot of it. These sanctuaries that anti zoo people lift up do not have all the experts spending day in and day out dedicated to specific areas of an animal's welfare. Sanctuaries are not a replacement for zoos and shouldn't be treated as an either/or situation. They each have their own purpose.
3. Animals in accredited zoos aren't kept in tiny enclosures. Again, zoo animals have specialists taking care of every part of their husbandry. Zookeepers and other professionals working for zoos know what animals need to be happy, much more than the laypeople that think a concept like freedom is super important to animals. They also have areas of the enclosures that are away from the public eye that they can choose to go to. A common complaint at zoos is how visitors can't see the animals in their enclosure. A zoo enclosure will likely be smaller than a territory an animal keeps in the wild, but that is because most animals need much more land to have access to resources. When those resources are always available, most animals will stay in a much smaller area. Zoo animals also probably get more enrichment and exercise than your dog or cat.
4. Having a place where people can actually see and interact with animals makes them care a lot more about that animal. Seeing something in person has a much bigger impact on people than the concept of it. People will be much more likely to spend their money on something they are emotionally impacted by.
5. Conservation is a lot more than just breeding an animal to release into the wild. Even habituated animals in zoos are important to conservation effort. I'm convinced that anti zoo people just don't know how conservation or animal husbandry work. A lot of animals would be extinct today without zoos, and it seems like a lot of people would be ok with that if it meant they could uplift a philosophical idea they've projected onto animals.
I will be waiting for a list of species that sanctuaries have reintroduced into the wild.
So we should let endangered animals go extinct as some have recovered well what in zoos? Should we let the ones born there die in the wild as they can’t properly function outside?
The majority of animals in zoos are not endangered. They are simply there because humans want to look at them. Nothing more, nothing less.
Also, if zoos truly had the animals' best interests at heart, they wouldn't allow visitors. They'd build bigger enclosures. They'd focus on keeping the animals wild and not letting them get used to humans, ever.
There are thousands of wildlife sanctuaries that actually focus on saving endangered species without submitting them to unnecessary, stressful human contact.
@acti-veg has a post going more into detail.
And to answer your last question: if an animal cannot survive in the wild, that doesn't mean that a zoo is its best option. Yes, it may need human help to survive, but it doesn't need spectators. It doesn't need a tiny enclosure. It needs as much freedom as it can get with as little human intervention as possible, and that is something that zoos are never going to provide, because at the end of the day, they're using animals as entertainment and for profit. And that will always be unethical.
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ahmeddawn · 11 months ago
The Ultimate 3 to 5 Day Phuket Itinerary
Best Things to See in Phuket (3 to 5 Days in Phuket, Thailand)
Phuket, Thailand's largest island, is a paradise for beach lovers, adventure seekers, and culture enthusiasts. With stunning coastlines, vibrant nightlife, and historical landmarks, Phuket offers something for everyone. This guide will help you create your perfect 3 to 5 day itinerary, packed with the best things to see and do in Phuket.
Getting to Phuket
From Bangkok:
Phuket boasts its own international airport (HKT) offering direct flights from Bangkok (both BKK and DMK) in about 1 hour 15 minutes. Prices are comparable between airports, but like Krabi, DMK might offer more flight options and convenient departure times. Choose based on your location and preference.
From Krabi:
Ferries operate daily between Krabi and Phuket, offering scenic journeys across the Andaman Sea. Travel time can range from 1.5 to 3 hours depending on the ferry type. Consider the convenience and cost when making your choice.
From Your Arrival Point to Your Hotel:
Taxis, metered taxis, airport shuttles, Grab (ride-hailing app), and pre-booked private transfers are all available to whisk you from the airport to your hotel. For a hassle-free arrival, consider booking a private transfer online beforehand.
Where to Stay in Phuket
Patong Beach:
For vibrant nightlife, a vast selection of restaurants, and lively markets, Patong Beach is the ideal base. This bustling area offers easy access to jet-skiing, parasailing, and other water activities. However, it can be quite crowded, especially during peak season.
Kata Beach & Karon Beach:
These beautiful beaches offer a good balance between lively experiences and relaxation. They provide a plethora of restaurants, bars, and shops, with a more laid-back atmosphere compared to Patong.
Surin Beach & Kamala Beach:
For a tranquil getaway with stunning scenery, consider the northern beaches like Surin and Kamala. These areas offer luxurious resorts, boutique hotels, and a slower pace of life.
Choosing Your Base:
Phuket caters to various travel styles. Consider your preferences for nightlife, relaxation, and budget when picking your perfect location.
The Ultimate Phuket Itinerary & Best Things to See in Phuket
Instead of a rigid day-by-day itinerary, this guide highlights must-do activities in Phuket, allowing you to craft your ideal itinerary based on your interests.
Island Hopping Adventures (Optional):
Phuket offers numerous island tours, but consider these top picks:
Phi Phi Islands Day Trip: Explore the stunning Phi Phi Islands, famous for Maya Bay (the filming location of "The Beach") and breathtaking limestone cliffs.
James Bond Island Tour: Visit Khao Phing Kan, the iconic island featured in the James Bond movie "The Man with the Golden Gun."
Phang Nga Bay Tour: Discover the mesmerizing Phang Nga Bay, dotted with towering limestone karsts and hidden coves. Kayak through secret lagoons and marvel at the iconic James Bond Island.
Pro Tip: Book these tours in advance, especially during peak season. You can also take these tours from neighboring Krabi, so compare prices and choose the most convenient option.
Top Things You Must Not Miss in Phuket:
Patong Beach: Lively atmosphere, water sports, restaurants, and nightlife.
Kata Beach and Karon Beach: Stunning scenery, good swimming conditions, and a variety of resorts.
Freedom Beach: Secluded beach with a laid-back vibe, accessible by boat or longtail taxi.
Nai Harn Beach: Picturesque beach with calm waters, ideal for families.
Big Buddha: A majestic Buddha statue atop Nakkerd Hill, offering panoramic views.
Old Phuket Town: Explore the historical Sino-Portuguese architecture and vibrant street markets.
Wat Chalong: Phuket's most revered temple, showcasing intricate Buddhist architecture.
Elephant Sanctuary Tour: Opt for a responsible sanctuary that prioritizes animal welfare over exploitative practices.
Phuket FantaSea: A cultural theme park with extravagant shows, parades, and a variety of entertainment options.
Thrilling Activities:
White Water Rafting: Embark on a thrilling white-water rafting adventure through the lush jungles of Phuket.
Surf's Up!: Catch some waves at Phuket's west coast beaches like Kata Noi and Surin during the monsoon season (May-October).
Scuba Diving & Snorkeling: Explore the vibrant underwater world teeming with coral reefs and marine life.
Patong Beach: Bars, clubs, and live music venues for every taste.
Bangla Road (Patong): Notorious nightlife district with a mix of bars, discos, and adult entertainment.
Kata and Karon Beaches: Offer a more relaxed nightlife scene with beach bars and restaurants.
Night Markets: Experience the local night markets and sample authentic Thai cuisine.
Pro Tip: Some activities might be included in your booked tours. Check beforehand to avoid redundancy.
Embrace the flexibility of this guide to create your dream Phuket itinerary. Choose the experiences that resonate most with you and create lasting memories on this incredible island.
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iwantjobs · 1 year ago
2/11/2024: Which side is more sinful in this Israel-Hamas war?:
1. The Hamas terrorist animals (revengeful children and grandchildren of the Palestinians who were killed and kicked out by the Israelis since 1945) whose animal brains and hearts could only think up animalist ways along with the number of quarters they have in their Gazan bank accounts while living under Israel's apartheid system, free rockets from Iran, and probably most welfare money from the UN while living under Israel's apartheid system to fight back for their people's freedom to see their grandparents, whatever land they have left (Palestinians own 25% of an old country called Palestine, while 75% belong to the Israelis under a new wanna country called Israel), and even the entire stolen land (wipe Israel off the map from sea to river).
2. The descendants of the ancient Jews who nailed Jesus (Israelis) fighting back to defend the Jesus land they stole (Jesus was born in Palestine, but the Palestine name was replaced to a new name called Israel. However, the ancient Jews lived there 2,500 years ago. The ancient Jews were driven off from their land by some great war and I don't know if they were kicked out before or after they nailed Jesus). Israel is fighting extremely hard for their eternal safety, their existence, and even more land they are stealing by their settlers in the West Bank (90% of the 25% land of old Palestine that belongs to the Palestinians). There are even a few American settlers (north-eastern American militia men, and young handsome cowboys (financially supported by some American churches' money) are there to help the Israeli settlers to fight for more land to be closer to Jesus' birth town to rebuild the Bible's kingdom of God with the return of their Jesus as the king. The UN fiercely condemned this current Israeli settlers' act in the West Bank and doesn't recognize this newly occupied land as Israeli's land so that's why Israel and even America hate the UN. Netanyahu denies Israeli's settlers violence on the Palestinians and said the Israeli settlers are law abiding people, and they are there to keep peace even though they stole massive amounts of olive crops from the Palestinian farmers and destroyed 40 newly-planted olive trees from a farmer during this war. In the West Bank land which belongs to the Palestinians, somehow under this great Israeli democracy that America is fighting hard to protect with their generous bombs and rockets, there are 2 separate freeways (one for Israeli settlers and the other for the Palestinians). On 2/5 finance minister said "Israel is not a banana Republic of America" after President Biden (to win votes) imposed sanctions on 4 Israeli settlers while Israel is waiting for this proposed 17-billion welfare check from Congress.
Anyhow, you choose.
Bye folks. Take care and peace ✌️ in Israel and Palestine eternally for the 7,000 to 9,000 Palestinian children of Gaza that got buried dead in the rubbles and blown into pieces, the 100 to 300? Israeli baby(ies) and children got killed and kidnapped as ransom, and the 350,000 Palestinian children in south Gaza waiting for their fate in next 1 month because Netanyahu wants to hurry up the bombing in south of Gaza before the Muslim's religious holiday called Ramada. Those children didn't vote for the Hamas and Netanyahu as their governments.
Trang's thinking at 50.84 years old.
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We're not anti- crate
We're not anti-crate, we're pro dog welfare - if there's space for a crate there's space for a Doggy Enrichment Land! - Tasha Attwood (Do No Harm Dog Training and Behaviour Handbook, Linda Michaels MA pgs. 262-270.
Using a crate inappropriately or excessively can result in both mental and physical harm to a dog.
Inappropriate use includes keeping a dog in a crate that is too small, dirty, or uncomfortable, or using it for punishment or confinement. For example, if a dog is crated for extended periods, they can develop anxiety, boredom, and frustration, which may lead to destructive behaviour or even aggression. Additionally, if a crate is too small, the dog may not be able to stretch out, turn around, or stand up properly, leading to physical discomfort and health problems.
Excessive use of a crate can also affect your dog's welfare. A dog that spends the majority of its time in a crate may become socially isolated, emotionally withdrawn, and prone to depression. This can lead to further problems, including aggression, destructive behaviour, and reduced life expectancy.
It is important to use a crate for training and safety purposes, but it should never be used as a means of punishment or to replace human interaction. A well-trained and socialised dog that receives regular exercise and attention will not need to spend extended periods in a crate. When using a crate, it should be large enough for the dog to move around comfortably, contain soft and comfortable bedding, provide access to fresh water, have a fan in the hot months, be free from draughts in winter and allow for plenty of human interaction and playtime. With proper use, a crate can be a comfortable space for your dog to rest and a valuable tool for training and travel.
Did you know the minimum size requirement for the housing of a mouse is 250cm2 and 500cm2 for two mice? (1) My single baby mouse has 3500cm2 floor space.
Now when we consider this for a moment, consider how much larger a dog is than a mouse. The average mouse is 6.3 - 10. 2 cm in length and have a height of 3 - 5 cm. A Chihuahua for example is roughly 12.7 cm - 20.32 cm in height and 24.13 cm to 38.1 cm in length. So there's already a vast comparison between their sizes.
The small dog crate floor space is 2787.091 square centimetres and is barely double the height of my mouse housing, this means my single baby mouse has more square footage of floor space than a Chihuahua or any other small breed of dog confined to a dog crate!
This means my baby mouse has 712.909 cm2 more floor space than a small dog crate.
A rabbit must have the minimum floor space of 6m2, housing of a width of 2m and length of 3m. With an internal shelter that always has the door open. A rabbit has 60,000 sq cm of floor space whilst a dog still has only 2787.091 sq cm. That means a rabbit has 57, 212.909 sq cm more than a small dog.
I don't know about you, but this really made me pause. My housing for my baby mouse is bigger than a small dog crate.
Hopefully this example has now grabbed your interest. Now we can delve into why crates can be misused, abused and can negatively impact dog welfare and harm dog welfare and their emotions.
In the UK we have the Animal Welfare Act 2006 which states the five freedoms that animals have:
Freedom from hunger and thirst.
Freedom from discomfort
Freedom from pain, injury or disease
Freedom to express normal behaviour
Freedom from fear and distress
The crate must be big enough for them to stand, turn around and stretch out.
The temperature of the environment for a dog sleeping and confined to a crate must be between 10°C and 26°C. Free from humidity and drafts, well ventilated and away from heat sources.
They must not be left alone for more than 3 hours, they must have access to water, enrichment items, food and access to toileting.
How terribly sad, that in a country where animal welfare has a law that crates must only be big enough for this.
Let's look at the RSPCA charity standards in the UK.
Many of us don't support zoos, sea worlds and other exploitative means of animal containment. Many people probably sit their shaking their head at the Animal right exploitation videos whilst their dog is sat in a crate.
It's important to understand not only are crates far too small, but also how many hours a dog is subject to spending in a crate per day. Then consider all of these hours each day over their short life span.
Greenfield , R. (2022) Minimum requirements for the Ethical Housing Of Mice, Rachie’s Retirement Home. Available at: https://rachiesratirementhome.com/ethicalmousehousing
Image description: A four window grey comic panel background. The title reads: Let's talk crates.
The first image is of a crate with a sad cream and grey Wolf Dog inside. The carpet is green, the wallpaper is green with different size and shade circles. There is a wooden skirting board. The white text box reads: crates are one of the most abused tools.
The next window is of a crate with the crate door bent and a howling cream and grey Wolf Dog inside trying to get out. The carpet is green, the wallpaper is green with different size and shade circles. There is a wooden skirting board. The white text box reads: Dogs shouldn't get to this state of anxiety and fear.
The third window is of a crate with a sleeping cream and grey Wolf Dog inside but no door. The carpet is green, the wallpaper is green with different size and shade circles. There is a wooden skirting board. The white text box reads: bringing your dog to this emotional state takes time and dedication.
The fourth window is of an empty crate. The Wolfdog is at the side of the handler who is in an orange wheelchair. The dog has a relaxed happy look on their face. There is cheese and a trail of cheese to the crate. The carpet is green, the wallpaper is green with different size and shade circles. There is a wooden skirting board. The white text box reads: the first step is to commit to a plan.
The final text under all of the windows reads: We all have a duty of care to ensure we don't add to the problem by supporting videos which try to make a dog's distress look humourous
0 notes
rimaakter45 · 1 year ago
Beyond Politics: The Moral Imperative of Animal Rights
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When it comes to animal rights, it can often become a polarizing topic, deeply entrenched in political debates. However, animal rights should extend beyond politics and be viewed as a fundamental ethical consideration. In this article, we will explore the concept of Animal rights beyond politics, discuss their importance from a moral perspective, and consider actions that can be taken to promote their well-being, thus transcending political boundaries.
1. Defining Animal Rights:
Animal rights are based on the belief that animals are sentient beings and therefore deserve certain rights, such as the right to life, freedom from suffering, and freedom from exploitation. This notion acknowledges the intrinsic value of animals and supports the idea that they are more than mere property or resources.
2. The Moral Case for Animal Rights:
Animal rights are not solely a matter of personal preference; they are grounded in moral principles. Our treatment of animals reflects our values as a society, and it is our duty to ensure their well-being. Just as we recognize and respect the rights of other human beings, extending the same consideration to animals is a reflection of our empathy and compassion. Animal rights beyond politics
3. The Environmental Impact:
The treatment of animals is not solely an ethical concern; it also has significant environmental implications. Large-scale industrial agriculture, for instance, contributes to deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. By promoting animal rights, we can encourage more sustainable and less environmentally damaging practices, such as small-scale farming and plant-based diets.
4. The Global Perspective:
Animal rights extend beyond national borders and should be advocated for on a global scale. In many parts of the world, animals are subjected to cruel practices and exploitation. Working together internationally to promote animal rights can help create a more humane world for all beings.
5. Individual Actions:
Promoting animal rights is not limited to politics or legislation. As individuals, we can make a difference by adopting responsible and ethical choices in our everyday lives. This can include adopting a plant-based diet, supporting cruelty-free brands, and volunteering or donating to animal welfare organizations.
6. Education and Awareness:
Beyond personal actions, raising awareness and educating others about animal rights is essential. By sharing knowledge and inspiring empathy, we can influence public opinion and encourage others to consider the ethical treatment of animals in their decision-making processes.
7. Collaboration and Advocacy:
To effect lasting change, animal rights advocates need to work together and collaborate across various fields. This can involve partnering with environmental groups, animal welfare organizations, and even engaging with policymakers to push for legislation that protects animal rights.
Animal rights should not be limited to political debates but rather be seen as a fundamental moral consideration. Recognizing the intrinsic value and well-being of animals transcends political boundaries, and it is our duty to promote their rights and welfare. By adopting a compassionate and empathetic approach to animals, we can contribute to a more ethical and sustainable world for all beings.  Please visit here Animal rights beyond politics for more information.
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nomad-of-the-valley · 1 year ago
Scientific Paper Review: Insects may or may not be sentient??
Reading this (https://www.wageningenacademic.com/doi/epdf/10.3920/JIFF2022.0041?role=tab) paper about welfare when farming black soldier flies (published 2023) with the main author being Meghan Barret, who is a super duper cool female scientist that believes strongly in insect welfare (e-portfolio link here: http://meghan-barrett.com/about-me/), and I'm astonished!
Introduction starts off with a quick overview of what the paper is getting into and then dives into background history. I love reading scientific papers simply because there is so much cool stuff to learn. Animal welfare is dependent upon how the animal views how it's doing. A pampered lap dog with depression still has depression. A sad bug living in a super duper cool vivarium (which are way hard to set up) is still sad.
Insects in science may or may not be sentient. How do you define sentient? Where do you draw the line of responding to making decisions? Wild! If insects are sentient we should, of course, treat them like we are. If they aren't how do we determine welfare for something that's not sentient. This isn't about philosophy though so we're continuing on.
There is a model called the five freedoms model. The paper said it best so I'm quoting them here, "According to that influential model of animals’ interests (Brambell, 1965), animals ought to kept in ways that keep them free: (1) from hunger and thirst; (2) from discomfort; (3) from pain, injury, and disease; (4) to express normal behaviour; and (5) from fear and distress.".
From here the introduction continues to go on to explain that it's hard to tell when an insect is doing or has this stuff. If a pet cat decides to be a picky eater, is the owner a bad owner for not keeping them free from hunger and thirst or is the cat being picky? Again though! Not hear for philosophy or ethics that's been discussed a hundred times before.
What can be determined though is if something kills an insect it is bad. If it increases mortality, like a parasite would, it is bad. Good thing is that factors between farmed invertabra (aka bugs) is pretty universal. Another good news is we know a lot about the biology of the black soldier fly! They have six larva stages.
That concludes this part of the post! More coming soon.
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advancegkquiz · 1 year ago
Important articles of the constitution pdf|
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Part : 1 - Articles 1 - 4 
The Union and its Territory 
Part : 2 - Articles 5 - 11 
Part : 3 - Fundamental Rights 
Article - 12 : Definition 
Article - 13 : Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of the Fundamental Rights.
Right to Equality : 
Article - 14 : Equality before law 
Article - 15 : Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion , race , caste , sex , or place of birth. 
Article - 16 : Equality of opportunity in matters of public Employment. 
Article - 17 : Abolition of Untouchability 
Article - 18 : Abolition of titles.
Right to Freedom : 
Article - 19 : 
Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech etc.
Article - 20 : 
Protection in respect of conviction for offences.
Article - 21 : 
Protection of life and personal liberty.
Article - 21A : 
Right to Education.
Article - 22 : 
Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases. 
Right Against Exploitation : 
Article - 23 : 
Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour.
Article - 24 : 
Prohibition of employment of children in factories etc. 
Right to Freedom of Religion : 
Article - 25 : 
Freedom of conscience and free profession , practice and propagation of religion.
Article - 26 : 
Freedom to manage religious affairs.
Article - 27 : 
Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any particular religion.
Article - 28 
Freedom as to attendance at religious instruction or religious worship in certain Educational institutions. 
Cultural And Educational Rights:
Article - 29 : 
Protection of interests of minorities.
Article - 30 : 
Right of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions
Saving of certain Laws 
Article 31A - 
Saving of laws providing for acquisition of estates etc. 
Article 31B - 
Validation of certain Acts and Regulations 
Article 31C - 
Saving of laws giving effect to certain directive principles.
Right to Constitutional Remedies
Article 32 - 
Remedies for enforcement of rights conferred by this Part
Article 33 - 
Power of Parliament to modify the rights conferred by this Part in their application to Forces etc. 
Article 34 - 
Restriction on rights conferred by this Part while material law is in force in an area.
Article 35 - 
Legislation to give effect to the provision of this Part.
Part 4 :  Directive Principles of State Policy 
Article 36 - Definition 
Article 37 -
Application of the principles contained in this Part.
Article 38 - 
State to secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people.
Article 39 - 
Certain principles of policy to be followed by the State.
Article 39A - 
Equal justice and free legal aid.
Article 40 - 
Organisation of village panchayats.
Article 41 - 
Right to work , to education and to public assistance in certain cases.
Article 42 - 
Provision for just and humane conditions of work and meternity relief.
Article 43 - 
Living wage etc for workers.
Article 43A - 
Participation of workers in management of industries.
Article 43B - 
The state shall endeavour to promote voluntary formation , autonomous functioning , democratic control and professional management of cooperative societies.  
Article 44 - 
Uniform civil code for the citizens.
Article 45 - 
Provision for early childhood care and education to children below the age of six years.
Article 46 - 
Promotion of educational and economic interest of Scheduled Castes , Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections.
Article 47 - 
Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health
Article 48 -  
Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry.
Article 48A - 
Protection and improvement of Environment and safeguarding of forests and wildlife.
Article 49 - 
Protection of monuments and places and objects of national importance.
Article 50 - 
Separation of judiciary from executive.
Article 51 - 
Promotion of International peace and security. 
all articles of indian constitution pdf
Part 4A - Article 51A Fundamental Duties 
Part 5 - The Union 
Chapter - 1 : The Executive 
Article 52 - 
The President of India
Article 53 - 
Executive power of the Union
Article 54 - 
Election of President 
Article 61 - 
Procedure for impeachment of the President
Article 63 - 
The Vice-President of India 
Article 64 - 
The Vice-President to be ex-officio Chairman of the Council of States. 
Article 65 - 
The Vice-President to act as President or to discharge his functions during casual vacancies in the office , or during the absence of President.
Article 66 - 
Election of Vice-President 
Article 72 - 
Power of President to grant pardons etc and to suspend , remit or commute sentences in certain cases.
Article 74 - 
Council of Ministers to aid and advise President
Article 76 - 
Attorney General for India 
Chapter 2 - Parliament
Article 79 - 
Constitution of Parliament
Article 80 - 
Composition of the Council of States ( Rajya Sabha )
Article 81 - 
Composition of the Houses of the people ( Lok Sabha )
Article 83 - 
Duration of Houses of Parliament
Article 84 - 
Qualification for membership of Parliament
Article 85 - 
Sessions of Parliament , propagation and dissolution 
Article 86 - 
Right of President to address and send messages to Houses
Article 87 - 
Special address by the President
Article 88 - 
Rights of Ministers and Attorney General as respects Houses
Article 89 - 
The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Council of States
Article 90 - 
Vacation and resignation of , and removal from , the office of Deputy Chairman 
Article 93 - 
The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the House of the people 
Article 94 - 
Vacation and resignation of , and removal from , the offices of Speaker and Deputy Speaker 
Article 95 - 
Power of the Deputy Speaker or other person to perform the duties of the office of , or to act as , Speaker 
Article 98 - 
Secretariat of Parliament
Article 99 - 
Oath or affirmation by members 
Article 100 - 
Voting in Houses , power of Houses to act not with standing vacancies and quorum 
Article 105 - 
Powers , privileges etc of the Houses of Parliament and of the members and committees there of 
Article 106 - 
Salaries and allowances of members 
Article 107 - 
Provisions as to introduction and passing of Bills 
Article 108 - 
Joint sitting of both Houses in certain cases 
Article 109 - 
Special procedure in respect of Money Bills  
Article 110 - 
Definition of 'Money Bills'
Article 111 - 
Assent to Bills 
Article 112 - 
Annual Financial statement (Budget)
Article 113 - 
Procedure in Parliament with respect to estimates
Article 114 - 
Appropriation Bills 
Article 115 - 
Supplementary , additional or excess grants 
Article 116 - 
Votes on account , votes of credit and exceptional grants 
Article 117 - 
Special provisions as to Financial Bills 
Article 118 - 
Rules of procedure 
Article 119 - 
Regulation by law of procedure in Parliament in relation to Financial business
Article 120 - 
Languages to be used in Parliament
Article 121 - 
Restriction on discussion in Parliament
Article 122 - 
Courts not to inquire into proceedings of Parliament 
Chapter 3 - Legislative Powers of the President 
Article 123 - 
Powers of President to promulgate ordinances during recess of Parliament
Important articles of the constitution in english
Chapter 4 - The Union Judiciary 
Article 124 - 
Establishment and Constitution of Supreme Court
Article 125 - 
Salaries etc of judges 
Article 126 - 
Appointment of acting Chief Justice 
Article 127 - 
Appointment of ad hoc judges 
Article 128 - 
Attendance of retired judge at sitting of the Supreme Court
Article 129 - 
Supreme Court to be a Court of record 
Article 130 - 
Seat of Supreme Court
Article 131 - 
Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court
Article 132 - 
Appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court in appeals from High Court in certain cases
Article 133 - 
Appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court in appeals from High Court in regard to civil matters 
Article 134 - 
Appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court in regard to criminal matters
Article 134A - 
Certificate for appeal to the Supreme Court
Article 135 - 
Jurisdiction and powers of the Federal Court Under existing law to be exercisable by the Supreme Court
Article 136 - 
Special leave to appeal by the Supreme Court
Article 137 - 
Review of judgements or orders by the Supreme Court
Article 138 - 
Enlargement of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
Article 141 - 
Law declared by Supreme Court to be binding on all Courts 
Article 143 - 
Powers of President to consult Supreme Court
Article 144 - 
Civil and Judicial authorities to act in aid of the Supreme Court
Chapter 5 - Comptroller And Auditor-General of India 
Article 148 - 
Comptroller and Auditor-General of India 
Article 149 - 
Duties and powers of the Comptroller and Auditor-General
Part 6 - The States 
Article - 152 to 237 
The Government at the State level : The Executive , The State Legislature , The High Courts , and Subordinate Courts 
Part 8 - Article 239 to 241 
The Union Territories
Part 9 - Article 243 to 243O
The Panchayats 
Part 9A - Article 243P to 243ZG
The Municipalities
Part 9B - Article 243ZH to 243ZT
The Co-operative Societies
Part 10 - Article 244 to 244A 
The Scheduled and Tribal Areas 
Part 11 - Article 245 to 263 
Relations between The Union and The States 
Part XII - Article 264 to 300 
Finance , Property , Contracts and Suits 
Distribution of revenue between Union and States ; Finance Commission, Borrowing, Property, Contracts , Rights, Liabilities, Obligations and Suits.
Article 300A - 
Right to Property
Part XIII - Article 301 to 307 
Trade , commerce , and intercourse within India 
Part XIV - Service Under The Union and The States 
Article 309 - 
Recruitment and conditions of services of persons serving the Union or a State 
Article 310 - 
Tenure of office of persons serving the Union or a State 
Article 311 - 
Dismissal , removal or reduction in rank of persons employed in civil capacities under the Union or a State 
Article 312 -
All India Services 
Article 315 - 
Public Service Commission for the Union and for the States 
Article 316 - 
Appointment and term of office of members 
Article 317 - 
Removal and suspension of a mamber of a Public Service Commission
Article 318 - 
Power to make regulations as to conditions of service of members and staff of the Commission
Article 320 - 
Functions of Public Service Commissions
Article 321 - 
Power to extend functions of Public Service Commissions 
Article 323 - 
Reports of Public Service Commissions 
Part XIVA - Article 323A & 323B 
Part XV - Elections 
Article 324 - 
Superintendence , direction and control of elections to be vested in an Election Commission
Article 325 - 
No person to be ineligible for inclusion in , or to claim to be included in a special , electoral roll on grounds of religion , race, caste, or sex 
Article 326 - 
Elections to the House of the people and to the Legislative Assemblies of States to be on the basis of adult suffrage
Article 327 - 
Power of Parliament to make provision with respect to election to legislatures
Article 328 - 
Power of Legislature of a state to make provision with respect to elections to such Legislature
Article 329 - 
Bar to interference by Courts in electoral matters 
Part XVI - Article 330 to 342 
Special provisions for certain classes
Part XVII - Article 343 to 351 
Official languages
Part XVIII - Article 352 to 360 
Emergency Provisions 
Part XIX - Miscellaneous 
Article 361A - 
Protection of publication of proceedings of Parliament and State Legislatures
Article 363 - 
Bar to interference by Courts in disputes arising out out of certain treaties, agreements etc 
Article 363A - 
Recognition granted to Rulers of Indian States to cease and privy purses to be abolished 
Article 364 - 
Special provisions as to major ports and aerodromes
Article 365 - 
Effect of failure to comply with, or to give effect to , directions given by the Union
Part XX - Article 368 
Amendment of the Constitution
Part XXI - Article 369 to 392 
Temporary , Transitional and Special Provisions - Special status of States
Part XXII - Article 393 to 395 
Short Title , Commencement , Authoritative text in Hindi and Repeals  
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don-lichterman · 1 year ago
For Charity, Awareness & Social Responsibility, Holiday Albums, The Party Series 10 CD Collection, Soundtrack CD’s, Tribute CD’s and more in stores now through SSM!
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Are you interested in supporting meaningful causes and making a difference in the world? If so, you’ll be thrilled to hear about these incredible music releases. The artists behind these CDs are truly dedicated to making a positive impact on the world by donating the proceeds from their sales to charity.
The Sea by Richtaste is a must-have for anyone who cares about the well-being of dolphins. This beautiful album not only features fantastic music, but also serves as a powerful statement in support of animal welfare. Songs for Freedom, on the other hand, is a CD that is sure to touch your heart. This collection of songs was made in honor of all animals and wildlife that are in need of our help. By purchasing this CD, you’ll be taking a big step towards making a positive difference in their lives.
Finally, Ranger Road is a touching tribute to our wounded warriors. This CD is an inspiring collection of songs that will leave you feeling uplifted and grateful for the brave men and women who have served our country. So why not grab a copy of each CD today and start making a difference!
In Stores Now
Party Series CD Collection
SSM, also known as Sound Stage Music, is a reputable company that prides itself on distributing and releasing top-quality Tribute CD’s, which pay homage to various beloved artists and franchises. Whether you’re a fan of the James Bond movie franchise, the incomparable Barry Manilow, or iconic American music, SSM has you covered. These Tribute CDs are of the highest quality, with meticulous attention paid to every detail to ensure an authentic experience that truly honors the original artists. SSM believes that tribute CDs are a special way to pay homage to these legendary artists and franchises, keeping their legacy alive for future generations to enjoy. So why not add a few of these fantastic Tribute CDs to your collection today and experience the magic of these enduring classics in a whole new way?
For Charity, Awareness & Social Responsibility, Holiday Albums, The Party Series 10 CD Collection, Soundtrack CD’s, Tribute CD’s and more in stores now through SSM!
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