#5 Apology Gifts That Can Heal Any Relation You Have
alyjojo · 1 year
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Advice to Work on Yourself ⚽️ in July 2023: Virgo
10 Swords - 5 Swords rev - Queen of Pentacles
Regarding: Knight of Wands
You want to heal a relationship where you’ve caused a 10 Swords type of betrayal or pain, yet you don’t want to be held accountable for any of that. It’s the only thing holding you back, “making conscious choices”, which relates to owning up to your role in how disasters occur and things go sideways, instead of just pointing fingers outward. You love this person, and they love you, it’s a very deep connection, possibly with a soulmate or long-term partner. They could possibly be a Cancer or have placements, for some. Rather than taking responsibility for your decisions & the consequences that followed, you’re in Hanged Man. Waiting. Waiting for…someone else to fix what you did? The Hanged Man is looking for another perspective, but it’s outside of himself, looking at other people and outside circumstances as if they’re the problem, and this reading is saying in this case, it’s not.
You feel like you’re losing this person, or have already lost this person’s trust, but all you give them is silence, secrets, expecting them to “just know”, and they’re like nope idk anything. Or just don’t. 2 Cups is mutual. 6 Pentacles is mutual. If you want love respect trust commitment apologies & communication, you have to give love respect trust commitment apologies & communication. There’s an issue with you being perceived as Knight of Wands, because you either have rushed into new relationships, options, or lovers, rather than getting serious and making the decision to work on something with one person, or coming in for what you want and bailing out again. 2 Swords rev & 2 Wands shows it’s up to you to make a decision moving forward, but right now you’re just hanging around & waiting.
Animal Oracle: Emu 🐦
“This is a good time to go on a new adventure.”
Your sense of adventure is calling you. Can you hear it? Listen to your heart of hearts - the still small voice that whispers to you of holy and exotic places and if the pleasure of discovering the unfamiliar and novel, feeling confident and trusting in your instincts and intuition to guide you on your journey. Let this be a wandering pilgrimage, one where you can be appreciative of whatever circumstances you encounter and make the best of them. Have some idea of where and what you’ll be doing, but don’t be attached to the plan. Instead, be willing to adjust your itinerary as you are so guided.
Dismiss the voice that says “Yeah sounds good, but I can’t do that because…” This kind of thinking not only limits you by always keeping you in the illusion of comfort and safety, but also leads you to avoiding the real life drama that comes from stretching your comfort zone. You do not need to do so in a way that puts you in any real danger, as there are many options where risk is minimal, yet the thrill and excitement of exploration is still there. So heed the calling, and first believe that it’s possible for you to act on it. And don’t wait too long. Life is too short.
- Don’t live to 94 without founding an art movement.
- The practical should also be art.
- Does your geometry lack poetry?
- Make Conscious Choices
- Donate to Your Local Food Bank
Cancer ♋️ on Sonia could be who you’re dealing with and part of their issue with you, or an issue in general for you. Cancer is a very emotional sign, with shifting moods, but their love runs DEEP. You’re practical, they’re emotional….to them, you come off as shallow. Money minded, focused on how things can serve you rather than expressing how you feel, gratitude, genuine love, etc. If this person is your priority, they are clueless to that. Art is something Cancer is usually very gifted at, and this could be a side note that you need to get in touch with your creative side in order to help you channel a more emotional, empathetic, inspired & giving sort of connection with them.
Practical ♍️ on Queen of Pentacles is you, this is a Virgo charm. Practical is good, but practical without seeing the fault in your own actions just doesn’t make sense. This is praising you for being grounded and having a level head, a mind for money & responsibility, generally making responsible decisions. How can you apply that to yourself, regarding waiting around on someone else? What advice would you give someone else in your shoes?
Saturn 🪐 on Make Conscious Choices is clear consequences for your actions, good and bad. Fk around and find out, that’s Saturn’s jurisdiction, karma. That’s good too, when you act with integrity, maturity, and you’re willing to put the work into something, you’re rewarded. When you avoid, skirt, outwardly blame and act like things don’t exist, you didn’t choose where you are in some way, you’ll see problems just keep repeating no matter the “who” is opposite you. Same issue different face. Lack of boundaries, speaking up, acting non committal, or generally acting with passionate self interest, rushing into things before you really know details is all likely with Knight of Wands running the show. Putting on a passionate, goofball, fun face, and then turning serious and expecting the other person to just know that, when all they saw and signed up for is passionate, goofball & fun? Or switch it.
Coin 🪙 on Donate is literal money, something you must have some extra of for this to come out. Every city & suburb has a donation drive, every church as well. There are volunteer opportunities everywhere, 5k runs, charities of every kind can always use some extra help. Being Virgo, you’re a helper, that’s what you do, but rather than criticizing or micromanaging your own life, Spirit wants to push you towards something where that energy may be more useful and needed. Helping people worse off than you, it’s one way to activate this Hanged Man and change your perspective. You could just give money. Or you could run a whole donation drive, plant flowers on the weekend, hand out waters to 5k runners or do it yourself, etc. It would help you gain the perspective you feel like you need.
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getsethappy21 · 2 years
5 Apology Gifts That Can Heal Any Relation You Have
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Did you have a quarrel or a fight with someone you also care about?
If yes,
Then you must read this,
“When you fight or quarrel with someone, you are constantly losing your inner peace and happiness as well.”
It is completely natural to have a quarrel or a fight, but a quarrel is only a result of misunderstanding or over expectations from someone.
It is important to go back and understand what led to the argument and why the other person got angry. At times it might be your fault, once you dig deep and what human nature tends to do is to run away from confrontation.
Why is saying a simple SORRY so difficult when every one of us knows for a fact that being happy helps us live longer and peaceful?
If you have already tried saying SORRY or want something to go along with your apology; here is a list of 5 Apology Gifts That Can Heal Any Relation You Have.
1. A Handmade Painting From Photo.
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Do you have a photo of the person you want an apology from?
If yes,
Then simply convert it into a handmade painting and get it delivered to that person’s address.
A handmade painting is so thoughtful and natural that it can convey your thoughts and show how you are making efforts to save the relationship you both have.
You can try PortraitFlip to get a handmade painting and deliver anywhere in the world.
They can convert the photo in 6 different mediums and add a personalized message as well.
You can also watch what happens when someone receives a handmade painting or check out their gallery.
2. Chocolates.
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It is not a secret anymore that chocolates can help with stress or anger.
It is proven that elements like serotonin, Phenylethylamine, caffeine and a lot of feel-good chemicals exist in chocolate, which are responsible for making a person’s mood happy and cheerful.
If you are considering to gift chocolates, we advise you to buy Dark Chocolate for their ability to induce Feel Good molecules.
What better apology gift can someone get?
3. Gift a Soft Toy.
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Isn’t that obvious!
Spend some thought before getting a soft toy on which one might he/she like. A soft toy that looks like a pet is a best Sorry gift idea.
If he/she doesn’t have a pet, then go for anything which looks cute like a bear.
If she is a pet owner, get a personalised dog or cat clone.
You can easily find a lot of vendors from Etsy.
4. Cook Breakfast If You Can.
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There is something caring about cooking breakfast.
If someone wakes up early and cooks you breakfast, it is all that you will need to apologize that person.
So go make Sunny Side Up and leave the disputes behind.
5. Something Personalized.
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If words made you apart, then only words and some expensive gifts can bring you together! Lol!
But seriously, there is nothing better than sitting and writing a piece for your beloved person whom you owe an apology. Accept your mistakes in this write-up and tell what his/her absence feels like to you. You can also write a poem in there.
Once you are done with your write up, you can use vendors from Etsy to provide a good case in which the write up goes.
You can club this with every other gift on the list.
So this was the list of 5 Apology Gifts That Can Heal Any Relation You Have. I hope you found something helpful.
I would like to end the article by saying,
“ The Problem Is We Ignore
The People Who Support Us,
Support The People Who Ignore Us,
Love The People Who Hurt Us
And Hurt The People Who Love Us.”
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sk-lumen · 3 years
Hi Lumen, first off I apologize if this type of question has already been answered or if I am long-winded. How exactly does one go about changing and improving their life when starting from zero? I have had depression and ADHD since I was a kid and it (and, of course, myself) has kept me behind in life. Now that my symptoms are being treated…I’m unsure of how to go forward. I don’t really have any hobbies, skills, or goals. My apartment is a mess, I spend a lot of time on social media, and I have no structure in my day. I do want to change my life and level up if you will, but a lot of tips I see online are for people who already have a general structure or foundation in their life. I was hoping for some tips for those of us with none. How do you go about developing a routine, skills, hobbies, etc from zero? Thank you. 🤍
Hi darling,
First off, let me say how brave you are for being honest with yourself and making the conscious choice to turn things around!
I was in your shoes 2-3 years ago, before I started my glow up journey, so I can completely relate to the feeling of being lost, finding my life a chaos... and the only certainty I had was that I was absolutely determined to create a better life for myself.
For this reason, I curated a masterlist below for all the posts, articles and guides I've written either on tumblr or on my blog. My advice is right now start with tidying up your home, because a clean, organized home will inspire a clean, organized mental & emotional landscape. It starts there.
Then it's time for reading and research! You should focus on leveling up your mindset, for it will always be your foundation for everything else.
I've ordered each list in chronological order for one's glow up process, building in complexity and experience; and also highlighted the ones that will be most useful for someone starting from zero.
My 30-day mindset glow up challenge (tag)
How to develop a growth mindset
11 Keys to a successful mindset
Traits of successful entrepreneurs and CEOs
Prioritize your mental health in your 9-to-5 job with these strategies
Why you keep failing your yearly goals (and how to fix it)
Why you should stop associating productivity with self worth
Truths that have changed my life
Glowing up:
How to get (and keep) Your Life Together 101
Tips to get started on your journey of self development
Things I wish I knew at 21 (a letter to my past self)
What I wish I knew before starting my glow up journey
The healing power of morning rituals
How to be happy (you deserve the gift of happiness)
How to cultivate inner peace: daily practices
How to be a high value woman
Cheatcodes that will elevate your life
Selflove / Selfcare:
Things that encourage self-love in your journey of healing
The stages of living authentically
The art of being your authentic self
What happens when you embody your authentic self...
A manifesto of selflove
What happens when you practice self love daily...
Ways we self-sabotage & how to stop It
My journey of healing: how selflove & selfcare changed my life
It’s time for you to heal: a guided meditation
Essential selfcare habits for entrepreneurs
5 secrets to stay on top of your finances
Tips for smart shopping
How to be classy
My guide for classy nails
Tips to always look polished
Toxic vs. healing relationships
Things every woman should know about love
How to get over a break up: a guide for healing
Why the “ride or die” mentality Is self-sabotage
8 dating commandments of the high value woman
Red flags of low value men (LVM)
Green flags of the high value man (HVM)
High value: misconceptions, what it is and what it's not
High value dating: do’s and don’ts
5 things stopping you from high-value dating & how to overcome them
How to know you’ve found the one
As someone who had to learn these things the hard way, I hope sharing my experiences and advice proves as useful to others as it was for me. 💞✨
You can bookmark this list and go over it at your own pace, by your own rules. The point is to just start. Much luck darling! 🥂
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tarotinapinch · 3 years
Pile Two: Lepidolite Tower
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1. Soul Gift: What you came here to express and share with the world.
*Child of the Cosmos: The intelligence of the Universe lies within you.
*Lemuria: Creating heaven on Earth. It's happening.
*Get Curious
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You incarnated in this life to help the world remember how to look through life through the innocence and curiosity of a child. When we are younger, life seems so much more colorful, whimsical, and magical. We explore anything that we're curious about without thinking, not letting fear or anxiety get in the way of our quest. We never truly lose this, we are just taught by society that we need to "grow up", see life through a filter that dampens the vibrancy of the world because that's what is deemed "realistic". But this is all untrue. Living in that childlike energy is what will propel you forward in life and help bring you to a happier state of living. You are naturally a very curious person and you probably feel the pull to investigate anything that seems intriguing to you. And you are meant to do so not only for yourself, but so that you can share this knowledge that you have received from the Universe with the rest of the world, which will help raise the collective vibration. Raising the collective vibration, in turn, helps to start creating heaven on earth. This means teaching people to live their most authentic life by staying true to yourself and living your own. Teach others by example. Share the wisdom you learn on your adventures led by curiosity.
2. Karmic Wound: What you came here to heal.
*You're not for Everyone: Embrace your weirdness. Face your true north.
*The Initiation: Rite of passage. Crossing the threshold.
*The Seeker
*Let Your Light Shine
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You are learning that you aren't for everyone, even if that might mean your immediate family members or even friends that you've had in your life since childhood. You came here to seek your own unique path and to teach others that they can seek their own as well. You're helping heal the mentality that there is some right of passage that you must cross, or a certain direction that you must follow just because that is the "normal" or "right" thing to do. What even is "normal" or "right"? In society they're nothing but biased ideals and almost everyone's definition of these things is different, so how are we all supposed to fall into one "normal" or "right" area? This is such a situation that is set up for failure from the start. You are healing this wound, the one that tells you that you need to "fit in" in order to be accepted. You are healing this mindset to let your unique light shine bright. This warm energy heals you and those around you. Keep being yourself, no matter how "weird" it may seem to others. Don't let societal or familial constructs prevent you from living your most authentic life.
3. Life Lessons: What you came here to learn.
*Karmic Relationships: Orion Energy. Polarity. Soul growth. Conflict.
*Inner Temple: Devotion. Tune into the portal of your heart.
*The Pillar
*Veisica Piscis
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You are here to learn the differences between a karmic relationship and a true soul connection. You might have many of both kinds of these relationships within your life, and while soul connections are of course always preferred, karmic relations are your greatest teachers of important life lessons. One of which is learning just how powerful you are when you stand in your own truth. You have all the strength and willpower you need within yourself, you do not need anyone else to help you stand. You have all the tools, skills, and smarts to learn what you need to in order to achieve any goals you may have in this lifetime. You are here to learn that you aren't one half of a heart looking for your other half. You are whole heart and will be able to love others at full capacity because of this fact. You will attract someone that will also have the capacity to love you fully because they are as wholehearted as you. This will happen for you as soon as you start living for and loving yourself just as you are, flaws and all. When you realize that you are the whole package and are capable of loving yourself honestly first and foremost. When you love your authentic self, you attract true soul connections, whether they be friends or something more. This pure confidence and love also helps to weed out the karmic relations. Anyone who is not happy about you growing spiritually is not meant to stay with you on your journey. Those who are meant to stay will offer nothing but support for you living your best, most honest to yourself life.
4. Current Obstacle: The thing that's challenging you the most.
*You're Not Alone: Isolation. Physical connection. Community.
*Trust Your Path: If you knew you would be supported, what would you do?
*Divine Feminine
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One of the most challenging things for you right now is trust. You may have had many people have betray your trust, some have even done so on multiple occasions. Because of this you may feel that you are alone or isolated, with no on to turn to because there is no one that you feel deserves the gift of your trust. You may have been burned far too many times. So much so that you are starting to lose faith within your own judgement. But remember what you came here to learn? Karmic relations and what lessons you can take away from them. With the Divine Feminine card popping up, this could mean that you have been wronged by people with feminine energy, leading to a lack of trust with others that hold this same energy, or it could point to a lack of trust within your own Divine Feminine energy. Stated more simply this means that you have lost trust in your own intuition, your inner guiding voice. Whatever the case may be, you are not alone even when you may feel like you are, you always have your guides, your ancestors, your star family, and anyone else that may be on your spiritual team beyond the veil. Also know that you won't stay physically alone forever either. You will start attracting the right people that will reteach you how to trust in others and in yourself as soon as you start clearing the negative deadwood that is dragging you down. Your path is not the wrong one, you are just being shown who is meant for you and who is not. Keep following where you feel called to go. I promise you that following whatever it is that makes you feel happy and fulfilled will never lead you to the wrong destination.
5. Soul Calling: What your soul is calling you toward.
*Star Keeper: Cosmic ancestor. Seed the light by staying grounded.
*Trust the Niggle: What is the niggling feeling trying to tell you?
*The Warrior
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You are being called to follow your happiness, whatever that may mean to you. You have the support of your ancestors along this journey. You are meant to be a warrior and push beyond the boundaries that your family or society as a whole has tried to put up for you. Those boundaries weren't made or set by you, so why should you adhere to them? Your soul has such insight on where it is that you need to head towards, all you need to do is listen and follow. Don't apologize for breaking boundaries or rules that weren't meant for you. Celebrate the liberation you feel by breaking those walls down and creating your own space to feel safe and accepted for who you are. You are being called to hold onto that inner strength and battle for what you feel is the right thing for you. You're meant to be drastically different from your family, you're meant to break the mold. Go after your happiness with reckless abandon. Make the leap, the Universe will catch you.
6. Guidance Message from your Spiritual Team
*The Tower
*Say Yes. Now is the time to open up and receive. It may be somewhat unnerving but if we are not open to the many good things in life, they might pass us by. Practice saying yes to what you know will stretch you, things you might be a little unsure of. There is abundance all around us, sometimes we just need to make space for it to appear.
*All is at your fingertips. What has been created by one, can be had by all.
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There are great changes on the horizon for you, ones that will shake the entire foundation and crumble the unsteady structures to the ground. This is the perfect time to rebuild from the ground up, build something more sturdy and secure than before. Something that you are more confident in. Say yes to change. Do not resist what is meant for you. There are so many blessings that the Universe wants to give you and all you have to do to receive them is be yourself and let these good changes happen. These are quite possibly changes that will affect your family dynamic, but that is not a bad thing. This will help make that dynamic more healthy for everyone. It will give you a chance to express your boundaries and adhere to them, garnering respect from those around you or teaching them to start to respect themselves and their own boundaries. All of this powerful change and it's right at your fingertips. You have the upper hand in this situation. Take advantage of this opportunity to grow and learn.
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bai-zewarrior · 4 years
So I finally nailed down my designs for the black heart characters (except colossus, perry/predator and Madusa I'm still massing with them) along with some head canons! The characters might look a bit weird next to each other, I didn't draw them all on the same canvas. I know I'm suppose to but I was lazy and didn't want to re draw the refs on one canvas. I also appologize for this being so long.
I'm hoping to start a comic with these guys. I always end up saying no to projects like this because I don't think my art is good enough but I think I'm going to put my foot down this time!
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Can talk(unlike my version of Cyan)
Pretty laid back but knows when he needs to be serious
Will curse you out
Thinks Aura and Nautilus are cute together
His cape works as his "soul meter"(idk what to call it). It has 3 squares on the back that represent Hal's souls. The cape becomes tattered and ripped when souls are taken.
He just wants 5 minutes of peace without someone trying to take his souls, please give him his 5 minutes of peace.
Really hates colossus
In the context of black heart I don't consider him a nano bot. He can bleed and stuff like that.
When he sleeps his body starts to heal any wounds and mend his cloths. This leaves him defenseless as he will remain unconscious until it's finished. He tries not to sleep out in the open and often uses caves and trees as temporary shelters when he needs to sleep. This can also activate when he is knocked unconscious but in cases like with Colossus the healing part is stopped.
He can change colors but he prefers red. His cloths don't change colors with him. Just his skin and his cape.
Again, in he context of black heart, I imagine Hal just kinda woke up somewhere with a bit of knowlage about himself and that's about it. Shortly after works he ran into Aura and Nautilus for the first time. He considered the battle a joke.
Has glowing markings all over his body. He can cause them to glow at will
Can only breath air for around 10 minutes( this time can decrease with some conditions such as heat or cold. This is because his gills need to be wet for him to breath air, so if it's really hot out his gills will dry out faster)
Has a stutter due to the N.A.T.U thing, among other things. Like trust issues when Xero is around
Is euryhalinr(this just means he can breath any kind of water)
His suit adds about 100lbs to him (material, water, and special boots to help with balance when moving around in the suit)
Likes to make jewlary with shells and stuff
Loves Aura to death. Would litterally die for her.
His teeth work like a shark's. One falls out? You've got plenty more to fill the gap! He has given pretty much all his friends breif heart attacks when he casually spits one out after they hear the loud bone cracking noise of a tooth braking. He keeps all the teeth.
Runs on all fours for some reason. No one knows why, including Aura.
Learned all her magic from her parents
Her parents lived like hermits because they believed people still hold witch hunts. Aura hated this because she snuck out a lot and knew that this wasn't the case.
Can be a bit forgetful with spells so she always keeps her book with her at all times
Love Nautilus to death, would die for him too.
Can't swim, her body it denser then water so she just sinks. Nautilus is almost always with her when she's near water for this reason.
Aura's wand is broken but she just keeps fixing it with tape because she doesn't know how to make a new one. She also doesn't want to ask her parents because they wouldn't let her live it down.
Made the headphones Puffer wears so he doesn't have to worry about Siren trying to mind control him, again.
Aura has a secret garden. She uses it to grow her magic plants. It has a defense system that even Jestar can't get past. Only those she has given permission can enter, but those people can give temporary permission to others. Only Nautilus, Puffer and Solario have permission to go into the garden.
Has gotten use to the weird things Natalie can do.
A bit of a hermit, but will open up when he trusts someone
Always has his eyes closed because he thinks his eyes look scary. He can still see for some reason? (Like Brock from pokemon, idk how he could see but he traveled like 3-4 regions like that)
Changes colors depending on emotions. Blue is calm and happy, purple is upset and sad and red is anger and frustration.
Puffer can create lots of spikes all over his body if needed as well as a set of claws. He doesn't do this often.
Likes to cook but keeps it a secret from everyone. (Aura and Nautilus found out though, they just kept the secret)
He really doesn't like Siren after what she did to him, but he will talk to her and hang out with her if someone else he trusts is around.
Really wants to apologize to Hal but he hasn't gotten the chance to yet.
Is really self conscious.
He's not very good at swimming but Nautilus teaches him when Siren isn't around or in Aura's secret garden.
Likes to sing for no reason
Has a not so small army of skeleton fish
Is litterally heartless (she doesn't like to talk about it)
Has a crush on Puffer but she doesn't know how to fix the bridge she burned with him
Plays chess with Myst a lot(and wins a lot, much to Myst's dismay)
She can shape shift her tail into a pair of legs. This was a "gift" from Jestar to help her be a better assassin for him
Thinks Xero is a prick
Likes to steal Xero's alcohol sometimes
Can water bend. She can't blood bend though. She's tried.
Likes rock and country music for some reason
Nautilus likes to play with her fish some times.
Knows a bit about necromancy. She doesn't like to talk about it though. She never does it in front of anyone besides her fish army
Doesn't like to talk about his life outside work
Is well over 100 years old( he lost count)
Is very protective when it comes to Shade
Doesn't really understand Shade but will support her regardless
Likes to smoke when he thinks no one is around
Can create an umbrella to protect himself if he is caught outside when the sun comes up
Likes to play chess
Is basically a dad to the other assassins
Rarely opens his third eye. This usually only happens when he gets frantic, scared or extreamly angry
Does not have any remorse over killing Parry
He doesn't eat in front of others if it can be helped
Myst told Nautilus about Shade once. He had a bad feeling and asked that if anything happened to him Nautilus would take care of her. Only problem was no one thought about the address of Myst and Shade's mansion. He found her though, don't worry.
When he is exposed to sunlight it will immediately cause him to get sunburned. If he doesn't leave after about 30 seconds- 1 minute he will start to die slowly and painfully. He has taken a lot of tea baths because of the sun
A big dork
Very loud and bubbly
Is a prince from a kingdom galaxies away from where black heart takes place in
Was suppose to marry the moon from the moon is getting away level (haven't given her a name yet) but she unknowingly broke Sol's heart so he left. He wanted her to be happy and he clearly couldn't give her that happiness.
Doesn't understand "mortal" things but wants to learn.
Nautilus taught him the word yeet and now he won't stop using it
I headcanon that his voice actor would Gary LeVox(lead singer of Rascal Flatts)(don't ask why, I can't change what has happened in my brain)
Will stop at nothing to see his friends happy
Likes hanging out with Aura, Nautilus and Puffer
Can make himself hotter or colder at will. He tends to stay at a heat that won't hurt others when the go near him, but not cold enough to cause himself harm.
If he gets to cold he can die. He also starts to become extreamly cold or extremely hot before death. The direction his tempature goes in is dependent on what he was doing before hand. (Example: reading a book, gets shot, starts to get colder and colder. Attacking Hal trying to get his soul, shapeshifts so much he almost blows himself up, gets hotter and hotter)
Can be a bit over dramatic sometimes
He is incredibly strong. He can lift both Puffer(who whieghs roughly 230 lbs) and Nautilus when he's in his suit(so about 250 lbs) with no trouble. He forgets about his stranghth some times and has accidentally thrown a few things before quickly trying to fix it.
His shapeshifting isn't limited to just objects, he can shape shift small things about him self like his cloths or his entire body into something like a dinosaur. He doesn't do it often though. Mostly just the cloths thing.
Yells a lot
Thinks everyone is incompetent except Xero, for some reason
Accidentally took Puffer when Siren joined do to a confusion about Sirens powers. He refused to send Puffer home.
Colossus is basically just his pet
Xero is the only one who can get away with yelling at Jestar. No one really knows why but they hold really long arguments about all sorts of stupid stuff
Did I mention he yells a lot? I did? Well I’m saying it again. He yells A LOT.
Can shapeshift in to anything
Does not know how to handle baby Madusa. He doesn't know how to handle people in general, and he thought creating a baby was a good idea.
Smokes and drinks a lot
Has a German accent(I can’t un heard it, I’m sorry)
Has a wrapped sense of humor
Calls Natilus “shark boy” after natilus bit him(this is related to what happened before N.A.T.U)
Calls everyone a nicknames besides Jestar.
Makes more robots then he needs and holds robot death battles at night.
Wants to dissect Siran after he found out she’s litterally heartless.
Is drunk 90% of the time but that's when he works best. He doesn't care that he has a problem either
Dressed Madusa up is costumes a lot during the 2 weeks it took him to grow up. He created a scrap book with photos of them too.
Can actually be a really nice dude when he wants to be. He doesn't normally want to be nice
90% of his robots are idiots
He's left handed
Is basically Jestar’s pet
Doesn’t speak a language anyone knows
Is basically a king without a kingdom
Starts out really tiny but gets really big for a short period of time once he has infected someone
Has trust issues
Is only like 16 years old
Has normal(ish) ghost powers because she was born a ghost
Drives Myst nuts with her edgy stuff
Likes talking to Perry(she meets him after the Funk Hole level)
Can bounce between having a ghost tail to having normal legs.
Her flower is technically apart of her but she doesn't consider it part of her.
Kinda skittish around people who look scary to him(so 90% of the black heart cast)
Has a crush on Shade but won't admit it out loud because he's scared of getting bitten in half by Myst, again.
Around 18 years old
Left home because his mom and brother suck and he wanted to be a ghost hunter like the ones he saw on tv. He got his wish for like 2 hours?
Transforms into Predator during the full moons and special moons. Special moons can have different effects on his transformation and mental state. Like a blood moon causes him to become more blood thirsty but a blue moon causes him to actually retain his normal mental state.
He has a habit of spiraling about everything
Can't say anything understandable
Each part of his head has a brain so they agrue sometimes
Around 5X the size of Parry
Acts like a dog sometimes
Would have probably just ate Hal instead of taking the souls.
Can breath underwater and air without issue
Doesn't like the fact that he looks like Nautilus
Hasn't figured out how to swim fast like nautilus yet but won't admit it
Calls Jestar dad
Actually gets along well with Xero
Xero calls him Moccasin
Has markings like Nautilus but they only glow in the dark and they aren't as bright
He's allergic to shell fish
Actually had about a 2 week period where he was a kid. Xero and Jestar just gave him a special serum that caused I'm to grow up faster.
Most of his teeth ended up like Aura's but his canines are significantly sharper then they would be. Xero also found an extra set of teeth under Madusa's adult teeth.
Doesn't like the idea that his whole life rests on a tiny, easy to brake, stone on his head but just rolls with it.
Scared Jestar and Xero a lot during his first few days of life. He not only descovered his allergy to shell fish but almost got himself caught by the others a bunch of times.
All these guys belong to OL666 except Hal, he belongs to vitamin games
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evabellasworld · 4 years
I Give You My Heart
Chapter 8
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Summary:  When Riyo Chuchi’s life was threatened, Commander Fox and Jedi Knight Ava Lira and Eva Bella Young are assigned to bring the senator back to her home planet Pantora, where she will be safe from harm. But when the assassin knows her whereabouts, it’s up to Fox, Lira, Eva, and Riyo to work together and stop the assassin.
“Ah, Commander Fox,” Palpatine greeted him, as the Marshal Clone Commander of the Coruscant Guard. “I have been expecting you. Come, take a seat, please. We have a lot to discuss.”
Goosebumps sprouted on his skin as the door slid by itself. Even though his office has a large space, with some ornaments on his desk as decorations, he felt cold for some reason. “Of course, Chancellor,” he answered, trying not to stutter as he took a seat, facing him.
“It seems that the assassin that you have been pursuing has gotten away easily,” the Chancellor pointed out, giving him a crooked smile. “Is that true, Commander?”
Fox gulped as he held his hands together, taking a deep breath underneath his helmet. “Yes, Chancellor. They took down some of my troops, including my best one, Lip.”
“That's a shame,” he expressed his sympathy, much to Fox's dismay. “I'm sure he will heal as soon as possible and get back to his duty.”
Lip is a girl, Fox grunted, tightening his fist to punch his superior in the face, inside his head of course. He wouldn't dare to hit the Chancellor himself and get decommissioned just because he lacks empathy towards his younger sister, who was lying unconscious on the stony ground, with blood flowing from her head.
No, no. Of course, he wouldn't dare. He was supposed to get over it and move on with his duty as a clone, not giving a damn if Lip survived or not. Sometimes, he just wished that he was born from a mother's womb, where he would be loved and cared for instead of being treated like a disposable piece of garbage.
“Commander?” Palpatine called him, snapping him back into reality, where he had to answer for the failed mission to capture Riyo's assassin.
“Yes, Chancellor,” he sighed. “I think we should get more men to protect the senator. It seems that everywhere she goes, the assassin seems to be one step ahead, sir.”
“That won't be necessary, Commander.”
His eyes widened as he glanced at him, who stood up from his seat. “What are you saying, Chancellor?”
“I feel that we need to request additional help from the Jedi Council,” he told him. “I'm sure they would be far more capable to protect Senator Chuchi and bring this assassin to justice.”
But they're currently at war, Fox protested inside his head. They wouldn't have the time and luxury to protect a senator from harm.
“With all due respect, Chancellor, my troops and I are more than capable to take down the assassin.”
“I'm sure they are, Commander, but it wouldn't hurt to get some assistance from the Jedi, especially Master Skywalker and Master Kenobi. After all, they have protected Senator Amidala in the past, don't you agree?”
He has nothing to say to him now since there were no other ways to defend himself. He could say how much effort his men should put to protect his violet angel from harm, but that would be rebutted with the Chancellor's arguments. After all, he is a politician while Fox is just a soldier, waiting to expire like the rest of them.
“Yes, Chancellor,” he admitted his defeat, as he stood up and gave him a salute.
“Thank you, Commander,” he gave a smug, as he allowed the door to slide open. “That will be all. I’m sure Master Skywalker and Master Kenobi can take it from here.”
“Yes, Chancellor.”
Running through the corridors, a pair of twins with red hair, almond-shaped eyes, and heart-shaped lips managed to reach the lift, pressing the button towards the highest floor, which was the Council room. It was the room where Grand Master Yoda and the rest of the members of the Council sat in circles, discussing all kinds of topics with each other, whether it’s the outcome of the war or an internal affair relating to the Jedi Order.
Like most Jedi Knights at war, Lira and Eva just returned from the Battle of Reza, where the casualties of civilians outnumbered the casualties of soldiers that fought hard in the frontline. Though they were barely twelve, the identical twins somehow found themselves surviving every battle they have fought.
They didn’t choose to fight the war, nor to become a Jedi Knight, but they don’t have a say in it, since it was none of their decision, of course. It was obvious that the Council only knighted them too soon since they were losing too many Jedi in the war. But who or what started the war wasn’t really obvious to the both of them, oh no.
Lira and Eva were told by their respective mentors that the war had started because of the assassination of Senator Amidala, whom they were close to. Eva couldn’t believe that a senator who gifted her a lovely doll named Poppy would have someone plotting against her. Lira, on the other hand, wasn’t really surprised, since politicians often conspired with each other to the death.
Lira glanced at her younger twin, who was holding Poppy, and her tooka toy, Stripes, with concern on her face. “You know, I was hoping we would get some rest in our dorm instead of going on another mission,” she complained.
“Well, what can we do about it, Lira?” Eva sighed, rubbing her eyes. “It’s the Council’s Orders after all. We can’t say no to them. Besides, Anakin and Master Kenobi are busy right now.”
“There are tens of thousands of Jedi Knights out there, Evie. Why ask us out of all of them?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged. “Maybe because they don’t want to cause mischief all over the Temple.”
Lira rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “I get that reasoning, but lately, it seems that we can’t even catch a break. Like every time we finish one mission, we get another, and another, and another, until we puked to death. I don’t even know when was the last time I even slept or ate. I’m just-”
“I get you,” her sister replied, hugging her stuffed toys closer to her. “I just feel that my head is spinning all the time and that I’m starting to hear something that isn’t really there at all. And plus, I hardly see Master Kenobi or Anakin or even Ahsoka. I mean, we do go on missions together from time to time, but it seems that we’re growing distant with them.”
“I could say the same with Master Doyvesky. We do talk to each other through comlink, but I feel that we’re both drifting away from each other, you know.”
They exchanged looks of despair with each other as they reached the Council Chamber, forcing them to hide their distress underneath the masks they wear. “Knight Young,” Yoda spoke, as he greeted the identical twins. “Waiting for you, we have.”
“My apologies, master,” Eva bowed, her hands clasped together. “We just returned from Reza. It was a brutal battle, even though we managed to gain an upper hand in the end.”
Mace Windu leaned slightly forward from his seat, stiffening his posture. “We have an urgent order from the Chancellor. Apparently, Senator Chuchi’s lives have been threatened along with Senator Amidala and Senator Organa and after much discussion, we felt that you both were suitable for the job.”
Both their eyes widened as they silently protested in their mind. Are they out of their mind? Lira wondered. How in Malachor are we going to protect Senator Chuchi from her assassin? Who do they think we are, experts?
“Well,” Eva cleared her throat. “With all due respect, Master Windu, Lira and I have absolutely no confidence in protecting Senator Chuchi. We don’t have the experience to do so and there is a huge percentage that we’ll get ourselves killed during the mission.”
“Not to worry, Eva,” her master, Obi-Wan Kenobi spoke via hologram. “Commander Fox will be there to assist you if both of you have doubts about this mission. Besides, it will be a good experience for both of you.”
“I think you’re missing the point here, master,” Lira raised her points. If we fail to protect the senator, her blood will be on our hands.”
“Understand your doubts, we do,” Yoda smiled. “But ignoring the Chancellor’s order, we shall not.”
“I believe the both of you are more than capable to track down this assassin,” Plo Koon gave a word of encouragement. “Lira, I am confident that you have the technology to bring this killer to justice. And Eva, while diplomacy is your biggest strength, I see your potential in espionage, which is why we are sending both of you for this mission.”
“Both of you will be laying low and putting on a disguise as Senator Chuchi’s servant. This briefing about the mission must stay in this chamber itself. We do not risk potential spies to leak any vital information to the assassin, understood?”
“Yes, master,” Eva bowed.
“May the Force be with you both.”
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rovingsolitarything · 4 years
Major Arcana Grand Tableau: 2021.
Apologies for my long absence. I hope everyone has been enjoying a safe and happy festive season, and that the New Year brings you everything you may need. As this is the beginning of a brand new year, I wanted to share and record my first reading of 2021, a Grand Tableau completed according to this post. I thoroughly enjoyed this reading, and hope to come back to it throughout the year to review my initial thoughts.
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1. The Fool: What will begin in your life? Queen of Wands: Aries. Emotionally and otherwise, the Queen’s personality corresponds to that of the King, but is more magnetic. A dark woman or country woman, friendly, chaste, loving, honourable. Love of money. Courage, confidence, independence, social butterfly, determination.
- This card could indicate a number of things; for example, a new relationship with someone with cardinal fire energy. Perhaps it signals the development of this energy in myself, and I will be able to demonstrate a new sense of confidence and passion.
2. The Magician: What dream will manifest? Two of Wands: On the one hand, riches, fortune, magnificence, and on the other, physical suffering, disease, chagrin, sadness, mortification. Future planning, progress, decisions, discovery.
- Time will tell, but I am quietly hopeful that the Two of Wands here means that 2021 will bring me closer to my goals for the future, especially in terms of career and finances.
3. The High Priestess: What secret will be uncovered? King of Cups: Scorpio. Fair man, man of business, law, or divinity, responsible, disposed to oblige the querent. Also equity, art and science, including those who profess science, law, and art, creative intelligence. Emotionally balanced, compassionate, diplomatic.
- I’m unsure what the King of Cups may mean in this position. Perhaps something will come to light regarding a Scorpio in my life, like my sister, or even in relation to my creative pursuits. However, the secret is likely to concern relationships or feelings and strike an emotional chord.
4. The Empress: What will you harvest? King of Swords: Aquarius. Whatsoever arises out of the idea of judgement and all its connections - power, command, authority, militant intelligence, law, offices of the crown, and so forth. Mental clarity, intellectual power, authority, truth.
- An interesting card to draw in this position, but it could be that 2021 will enable me to cultivate a sense of power and clarity, perhaps literally in a position of authority, for example at work, or through intellectual ventures.
5. The Emperor: What will you have control over? Three of Cups: The conclusion of any matter. Plenty, perfection, merriment, happiness, victory, fulfilment, solace, healing. Celebration, friendship, creativity, collaborations.
- Hm, relationships, celebrations... I look forward to seeing what my social calendar looks like this year! Perhaps I ought to try my hand at event planning, or start a cult book club. Hopefully I will feel empowered to take charge of my own well-being as well as that of others.
6. The Hierophant: What will remain unchanged? Four of Swords: Vigilance, retreat, solitude, hermit’s repose, exile, tomb, and coffin. Rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation.
- Oh dear. This reinforces my feeling that 2021 may not bring an end to the isolation we all faced last year. I may need to be patient, and it seems I will remain an introvert at heart. On a more positive note, this year may allow for a generally relaxed pace and mindset.
7. The Lovers: How will your love life be? Eight of Wands: Activity in undertakings, the path of such activity, swiftness, as that of an express messenger, great haste, great hope, speed towards an end which promises assured felicity; that which is on the move, also the arrows of love. Movement, fast paced change, action, alignment, air travel.
- Ooh, ok. I admit it, I’m intrigued, and a little amused. A whirlwind romance? A fling, or two, or eight? Long-distance flirting? Perhaps a run-as-fast-as-you-can, so-glad-I-dodged-that-bullet scenario - or maybe it’s simply the year of... interesting online purchases and post.
8. The Chariot: What will make you victorious? Page of Swords: Authority, overseeing, secret service, vigilance, spying, examination, and the qualities thereto belonging. New ideas, curiosity, thirst for knowledge, new ways of communicating.
- In 2021, the active pursuit of knowledge and learning is likely to serve me well, as is a proactive, enthusiastic nature. I would do well to be keen and observant.
9. Strength: Where will you find strength? Page of Pentacles: Application, study scholarship, reflection, news, messages and the bringer thereof - also rule, management. Manifestation, financial opportunity, skill development.
- On a similar note to the above, it seems I would do well to remain focused, and above all dedicated to learning and honing new skills in my professional and intellectual pursuits.
10. The Hermit: What will you need to reflect on? Six of Swords: Journey by water, route, way, envoy, com-missionary, expedient. Transition, change, rite of passage, releasing baggage.
- Hm. Is it naive of me to hope this means I aill spend time mulling over travel plans and luggage? 2021 could be the year I address less pleasant baggage and embark on more difficult journeys. Onwards and upwards... eventually.
11. The Wheel of Fortune: Where will you find luck? Knight of Pentacles: Virgo. Utility, interest, serviceableness, rectitude, responsibility. Hard work, productivity, routine, conservatism.
- Late August/early September could bring a spell of luck. If I remain consistent and dedicated in my professional and personal pursuits, I may be rewarded this year. In 2021, commitment, structure, persistence, and hard work could pay off.
12. Justice: Who will avenge you? Four of Cups: Weariness, disgust, aversion, imaginary vexations, blended pleasure. Meditation, contemplation, apathy, reevaluation.
- Another card I find difficult to interpret in the context of this spread. I may have no willing avenging angel. There may be conflict or reluctance in giving/receiving aid. Perhaps I simply will not need to be avenged.
13. The Hanged Man: What will you have to sacrifice? Six of Pentacles: Presents, gifts, gratification, attention, vigilance, now is the accepted time, present prosperity. Giving, receiving, sharing wealth, generosity, charity.
- This card may mean that in 2021 I need to change my attitude to my finances; present prosperity and generosity may need to be sacrificed in favour of future goals/stability. I should perhaps be less indulgent.
14. Death: What will be reborn? Ace of Wands: Creation, invention, enterprise, the powers which result in these, principle, beginning, source, birth, family, origin, the beginning of enterprises, money, fortune, inheritance. Inspiration, new opportunities, growth, potential.
- Alongside the court cards drawn earlier in this spread, particularly the Queen of Wands, this card could mark my own personal renasaince of sorts. Sparks reignited. Passions awoken. New financial or creative ventures.
15. Temperance: What will bring balance into your life? Eight of Pentacles: Work, employment, commission, craftsmanship, skill in craft and business. Apprenticeship, repetitive tasks, mastery, skill development.
- Secure employment, dedication in creative and professional pursuits, and routine could help to create stability and harmony throughout 2021.
16. The Devil: What will you be most passionate about? Nine of Swords: Death, failure, miscarriage, delay, deception, disappointment, despair. Anxiety, worry, fear, depression, nightmares.
- Oh dear. Is 2021 going to leave me with a death wish? This is what I get for making Suffering™️ my brand as a teenager. Another interesting draw in the context of this spread. This could indicate a number of things, from a focus on my mental health or a fascination with all things morbid and gothic, to a resurgence of my ‘emo’ phase. I will have to wait and see.
17. The Tower: What will trigger a profound change? Ten of Wands: Oppression simply, but also fortune, gain, any kind of success of these things. A card of false-seeming, disguise, perfidy. Burden, extra responsibility, hard work, completion.
- Increasing my workload/responsibilities in 2021, could cause a surprising shift - multitasking and taking on as much as I can could be the name of the game. False alarms can also disturb the peace.
18. The Star: Where will you find hope? Nine of Cups: Concord, contentment, physical bien-etré; also victory, success, advantage, satisfaction, gratitude, wish come true.
- Seems fairly self explanatory - we shall see!
19. The Moon: What will stay clouded? Five of Pentacles: Material trouble, destitution, love and lovers, concordance, affinities. Financial loss, poverty, lack mindset, isolation, worry.
- Suffering will stay hidden? Well. Ignorance is bliss I suppose.
20. The Sun: What will bring you joy? Two of Cups: Love, passion, friendship, affinity, union, concord, sexual relations, that which nature has sanctified. Unified love, partnership, mutual attraction.
- In 2021, I will find happiness in my relationships.
21. Judgement: Which of your oppressors will be punished? Nine of Pentacles: Prudence, safety, success, accomplishment, certitude, discernment. Abundance, luxury, self-sufficiency, financial independence.
- Another one that I find difficult to interpret at present - though I can’t say right now that there is anyone I would genuinely wish punishment on, so I am content to let the universe handle this one. You know that really smug, posh, snob? Your rich neighbour with the exotic bird and perfect garden? Yeah, this probably won’t be their year.
22. The World: What will give you a sense of accomplishment? Two of Pentacles: Gaiety, recreation and its connections, news and messages in writing, such as obstacles, agitation, trouble, embroilment. Multiple priorities, time management, prioritisation, adaptability.
- 2021 looks set to be a juggling act, but an interesting one! Seems if there’s any time for a side hustle it’s now.
Identifying Court Cards:
- King of Swords: Aquarius, Fixed Air (January 21st - February 18th).
- Queen of Wands: Aries, Cardinal Fire (March 21st - April 20th).
- Knight of Pentacles: Virgo, Mutable Earth (August 24th - September 22nd).
- King of Cups: Scorpio, Fixed Water (October 24th - November 22nd).
Determining the Dominant Suit:
- Pentacles: Finances will be bright.
- Can’t say I’m disappointed. Interestingly, all three remaining suits were represented equally, suggesting that my passions, emotions, and mind will each play an equal if not dominant role.
Identifying Numbers that Appear at Least Thrice:
- Twos: a year of dilemmas.
- Nines: a year of completion.
- Hopefully this is indicative of a difficult but ultimately satisfying year; perhaps a sense of closure, decision making, or an end to certain challenges? Struggles you can overcome and draw a line under.
Highlighting the Ruling Colours:
- Blue, White, Green: spirituality, logic, innocence, intuition.
- Safe to say my little INFP/Ravenclaw heart will be more than happy if these prove to be the overarching themes of the year ahead!
Initial Thoughts:
I’m definitely intrigued to see what 2021 brings, and am feeling cautiously optimistic as so much of this spread tallies with my existing intentions/predictions for the year - though that could be bias/wishful thinking. There may be false starts and snags, but if I remain positive and work hard I may be in for pleasant surprises too! Time, as always, will tell. For now, I will take each day as it comes and try and enjoy the ride!
Intentions for 2021:
In all honesty, with the world in such an uncertain state at the moment, I’m reluctant to go into 2021 with any specific expectations or goals, and for now plan to take things one day at a time - I can’t say for sure if this will be a year for major life changes. However, there are certain things I would like to focus on that I can realistically incorporate into my current routine and I would like to hold myself accountable so here, in no particular order, are some of my ‘resolutions’ for this year:
Read at least one new book a month.
Create and follow a more structured training plan and diet to improve my running, and help me feel stronger.
Listen to new music.
Continue learning French.
Make it a priority to allocate time for creative pursuits - painting, drawing, writing (blog posts, poetry, stories, anything!).
Continue saving as much as possible.
Create and follow a monthly budget.
Keep an eye on career and housing opportunities.
Make my mental health a priority, starting by speaking to my psychologist.
Be more proactive in reaching out to friends and family and keeping in touch with people.
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bvnshcc · 4 years
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&& whoa little songbird,         still your breath and bite your tongue -                 your fight is far from over,                         your life has only just begun.
〔 LULU ANTARIKSA, 21, CIS FEMALE 〕╰  DAPHNE OPHELIA WRIGHT just  came  over  half - blood  hill .  you  know ,  the  child  of  APOLLO who  was  claimed  ten years ago ?  i’ve  heard  chiron  say  that  she  is OBSERVANT & COMPASSIONATE ,  but  if  you  ask  the  aphrodite  kids ,  they’d  say  they’re  RETICENT & WILLFUL .  i’d  say  they  remind  me  of  messy buns and yoga pants with a grin that says ‘i haven’t slept in a week’ , empty pizza boxes with poems and lyrics scribbled across them , coffee cups forgotten on windowsills , whispered apologies as the sun sets , pushing yourself to your feet no matter how hard you fall , fingertips moving over the strings an old and well-loved guitar ,  especially  since  they’re  NEUTRAL/FOR THE NEW CABINS .
basics .
name :  daphne ophelia wright . nicknames :  oph , lia , wright , banshee ( only her sibling can get away with calling her this ) . birth date :  nov. 20th, 1999 . gender :  cis female . pronouns :  she / her . ethnicity :  indonesian / white .  nationality :  american . hometown :  santa monica , california . demigod abilities :                   - curse creation - can curse others to speak in                 rhyming couplets for a time .                 - archery expertise - naturally skilled with a bow .                 - vitakinesis - can heal herself and others ( to heal                 others she must sing to her father ) .                 - audiokinesis - control of sound waves and music .                 - excels in the arts - musically inclined and excels                 in all forms of art cabin number & godly parent :  cabin seven , apollo . how did their godly parent meet their mortal parent? :  ophelia’s mother knew what she was doing , had purposely surrounded herself with people she knew would attract the god . she herself was talented with a violin , the sort of talented that never grew famous but left a lasting impression on those that heard her . 
muse  appearance .
faceclaim :  lulu antariksa . height :  5′2 . hair colour :  dark brown / black . eye colour :  golden blue . dominant hand :  right hand . distinguishing features :  her eyes��, which are typically blue . dress style :  casual or athleisure is the best way to describe her style . she generally wears jeans , shorts , or some sort of leggings paired with a worn-out t-shirt or hoodie . only wears shoes when she has to .
camp - related .
go - to  weapon : a bow that was a gift from her father , a xiphos that is the only thing of her mother’s she kept . ambrosia :  a fresh funnel cake drizzled with chocolate and caramel , covered with powdered sugar . favourite camp location :  the north wood , deep enough in that most other campers don’t come around too often . their opinion of their godly parent :  she loves her father and is as close to him as any demigod can hope to be with their godly parent . age they were claimed : eleven years old . how they were claimed : ophelia’s childhood was an unusual one , even for the child of a god . she knew very early on that she was a demigod, but never knew who her father was - that changed not before her eleventh birthday , when events occurred that would’ve left her orphaned in the eyes of the mortal world . her father came to her in person , leaving her in the care of an old satyr that would take her to camp half-blood . the satyr left her to walk through the woods to the camp alone , refusing to get too close and ultimately making it nearly impossible for the girl to convince anyone that she already knew her father and had no reason to stay in the hermes cabin. it would be the next morning that she was claimed, after a night of refusing to sleep in the hermes cabin and instead spent sneaking around camp. stance on the new cabins : for  the  new  cabins / neutral . reason for their stance :  she understands why people would want their own space , especially with so many of the demigods being fulltimers at camp , but hasn’t really given the whole situation much thought . their opinion on lyssa pentelute :  she does not like lyssa , at all, full stop . even if ophelia did understand why lyssa was acting out - which she doesn’t - she can’t stand her on a personal level . quests : several ! the last of which took place when she was 16/17 and didn’t go very well for her .
personality .
positive traits :  observent & compassionate . neutral traits : tenacious & ardent . negative traits :  willful & reticent . mbti :  infp . alignment :  neutral good . hogwarts house :  gryffindor . kinsey scale :  2 . archetype : "the wise old man” self & “the innocent child” persona . what candle scent are they :  black cherry merlot . goals & desires : her main goal is just to help people whenever she can . fears : turning out like her mother . hobbies :  singing , playing with whatever instrument is close at hand , drinking more coffee than any one person ever should , painting/drawing on things that probably shouldn’t be painted/drawn on , hanging out in the tops of trees . habits : humming under her breath , drumming her fingers against her thigh when nervous or stressed .
so this is ophelia, my newest kid. below you’ll find some Fun Facts™ about her. feel free to hit me with any questions you have <3
- TRIGGER WARNINGS: child abuse/neglect, death/murder, all just mentions but just to be safe <3
- ophelia’s mom? not a good woman by any stretch of the imagination.     - she was a demigod with a minor god for a divine parent, resented the gods and camp.     - had two demigod children - ophelia & her older sibling ( will be a wanted connection ) - with two different gods, was raising them to be weapons.      - she never told the kids who their other parents were, taught them twisted versions of stories that made the gods and heroes out to be much worse than they were.     - she named ophelia ‘daphne’ because she thought it was funny to name the girl after one of the people apollo could never have. ( info on the myth of apollo & daphne ) - ophelia and her sibling were homeschooled. - her stepdad was good to her and her sibling - as much as he could be anyways. took them out to have fun whenever their mom would go on ‘business trips’.     - this is how the kids actually ended up learning about the gods a little better, and were able to at least guess at who their parents might be - it helped that when they asked, their stepdad didn’t hide it from them. - their mom found out and was pissed. she killed the kids’ stepdad, it didn’t go according to plan tho and instead of being the well-trained soldiers she’d been raising ophelia and her sibling retaliated - they’d tried to act fast enough to save their stepdad, but they couldn’t save him. - ophelia had struck the killing blow against their mom, narrowly missing her sibling with the arrow but she’d trusted that she’d hit her mark. - she sang in their stepdad’s final moments, something in her gut telling her it was what she should do - but even a child of apollo can’t heal all things. - her dad showed up, some things happened that i’ll explain someday, and the kids were on their way to camp. - she was claimed at dawn the day after arriving at camp. - when she was 16/17 she went on a quest that didn’t go as planned      - one of the heroes that was with her turned against the other two, badly wounding the other that was with them before going down. they had no ambrosia which left ophelia, and she only had the strength to save one of the two in that moment, already worn down from the quest and having to heal herself. she made her choice, saving one and ending the other’s suffering. - she refused to go on more quests after that, and left camp when she turned 18 with no intention of going back. - she was living in manhattan when the battle happened, had two mortal roommates that had fallen asleep when the spell washed over the city. she very nearly stayed out of it, but her heart just wouldn’t let her sit by if she could do something to help. - she... technically fought on the side of the gods, but only attacked monsters, while helping demigods from both sides. - she came back to camp to help after the war, and has stayed for some reason she can’t quite figure out.  - her sibling calls her ‘banshee’ bc she’s always had a habit of singing or humming sadly when things die/are dying.
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sunnibrownink · 4 years
not so sure
I am not so sure, right now, about this Zen thing. In fact, I have aroused suspicions and feel skeptical, quite side-eyed, at this stage in my practice. My newfound doubt didn’t come out of nowhere. It’s directly related to freshly dug earth roiling through my psyche, a necessary but unpleasant healing season that only recently became available. This rich emotional processing was utterly unexpected but I’m discerning what’s needed to support its cycling through and this knowledge has suddenly made me leery of Zen, an odd experience since the practice has been a refuge over the last 13 years. But I’m leery these days because my healing process is colliding unhealthily and directly with a core Zen practice, that of abandoning fixed views.
 You see, Zen teaches the human mammal to methodically unearth and examine fixed views. It trains us to develop the ability to hold all views lightly, to become facile at surrendering points of view when they cause unnecessary suffering. This is an exquisite skill to have and I’m grateful for it. That said, in this particular phase of my recovery, the practice of relinquishing fixed views has become riddled with problems. The fact is that mammalian bodies have static and fixed views for exceptionally good reasons, and these reasons are worthy of respect. There are numerous instances in which fixed views should be embraced, even cherished, rather than challenged. I won’t belabor the first and most obvious reason which is, of course, survival of the body. Most of us hope to delay our physical death, and to do that we need to tacitly hold on to our perceptual equipment. We need to cling to those sensory systems that give us a fixed view of stairs, for example, expressly so we don’t topple down them. The Tathāgata would hardly fault a student for being uneager to separate from the very skandhas[1] that make her navigation of the material world possible. I also doubt he would expect students to legitimately divest in the machinations of biological life itself: the production and maintenance of our organ cells, for example, or the reliable engine-beat of our hearts. I do believe that the Buddha, as an accomplished inner scientist, did relinquish tethers to the operations of his own physical body in an absolute willingness to let it drop, to die, but I think he knew that truly dropping the body would be an enormous ask for a typical person and so would have regularly ceded us the comfort of clinging to our organic activities. Point being that I’m not suspicious of Zen for inviting students to practice detachment from the body as I don’t imagine that most students, until we’re in the late-stage dying process, would be confronted and therefore rattled by that request.[2] We’re unlikely to be undone by the treacheries of death meditations[3], so I don’t perceive working to let go of the longings of the body as dangerous per se. What I am experiencing as dangerous are attempts to relinquish fixed views in the emotional and psychological landscapes. Currently in full-body contact with my own tragic history, it’s very clear to me that there are times in the lifespan of a human being when we can and damn well should cling to a perspective—even if that perspective is uncharitable, even if it is skewed, even if that perspective can cause someone else profound, unnecessary suffering. Let me explain.
I came to my first zendo bleary and shattered, a feral adult-child washed ashore after decades of psychological, and often physical, torment. In the zendo, I sat in earnest with the awful texture of that experience and held my seat courageously, almost nobly, refusing to give up on myself. I wanted to see the contents of my mind no matter how ugly or painful, and I wanted to liberate as much of it as I could. I was willing to inquire into any and all of my views on reality so I could stop habitually living them out, thrusting them onto the world without seeing, hurting myself and others. After years of devoted practice and countless fruits from it, I’m now facing a different practice, one in which I do not become disloyal to my thoughts and perspectives but instead I stake them into the deepest and hardest of ground. I declare the absolute incontestability of their existence, without regard for any other actor and without apology for my egoic and binary thinking. I’ve realized in short order that survivors of brutality, torture, manipulation, neglect, and abuse should not be in the immediate business of challenging or relinquishing the points of view of any part of us that bore witness to our trauma. If you’ve been gaslighted for decades, if the truth about what you’ve experienced has been disconfirmed, obfuscated, denied, or distorted throughout the course of your life, you do not need to practice disbelieving your own story. You do not need to drop the narrative. Those of us who’ve endured these kinds of experiences already struggle acutely to have our realities come into focus. A clear view of events is desperately hard won. It takes us years, sometimes decades, to swim out of the murky waters, look back at our early life, and identify and vocalize our version of events. Many of us were children when the trouble began. Many of us were loyal to our predators because we were dependent on them. Most of us felt instinctively, at a primal level, that something in our environments was amiss but we didn’t have words for it. We didn’t know what “normal” was supposed to be. We only knew something important was being lost. Sadly, we couldn’t name it.
My work these days is to fully believe my story. To finally declare that my observations were spot-on, that the awful experience was real, and my knowledge of it accurate and true. I don’t need to doubt my point of view, second-guess myself, or hold my perspective lightly. I don’t need to soften my anger by lingering on causes and conditions. I do not need to examine my expectations around parenting, wondering if they were too high. I do not need to practice compassion for the family abuser or attempt to see the world from her eyes. What I need to do is stand on the ground of my fixed view of pathological behavior. I need to have unshakable faith in my insight into what happened—to me and my father and my siblings. I will continue to be a dedicated Zen student, but at this time of healing, I will not ask what pieces of my self-centered dream to let go of. Instead, I will let those pieces reveal themselves and when they do, I will hold them tightly so they can finally be witnessed by someone who loves them and believes them. Even if every single thing I experience in meditation is a projection of my own mind, I will cling to parts of that projection like I would cling to a tree in a hurricane. Doing anything otherwise—at this stage in the process—would re-injure me. This would be not only irresponsible but cruel, a form of unwholesome self-abandonment. For now, I will let my story be immobile. I will let my view, as partial as it is, become fixed, solid, permanent, hideous and real. I hope one day to be able to hold it lightly, but I’m not urging that day forward. I won’t step into that kind of groundlessness until my system is ready for it, genuinely able to welcome the transformation forgiveness and aperspectivity can offer. That gift may never come to me in this lifetime. Until it does, however, I will drop none of my thoughts on this matter. I will witness them, cling to them, hold them near. I will believe my story.
[1] Sanskrit: aggregates or heaps: 1. Form: the physical body. 2. Feeling: the sensations in the body. 3. Perception: the sense organs and the models of objects they provide. 4. Mental formations: concepts and thoughts, abstractions. 5. Consciousness: awareness of the composites of the other skandhas.
[2] Although I think there must be a serious psychological problem with detaching from the body as well. Sexually abused or physically violated human beings, many of whom have already learned to disassociate from the body as an act of survival, surely need to practice coming home to the body, not abandoning it again.
[3] Most students will go an entire life of practice without doing meditations on bodily death.
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sseanight · 5 years
Min Yoongi Fics Recommendation
Recent update 200125
[ ❥ ] = Favorite
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Kim Namjoon  — Kim Seokjin  — Jung Hoseok  — Park Jimin  — Kim Taehyung  — Jeon Jungkook
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[ ❥ ] Does This Makes Sense; smut, drama, angst, romance part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 finale
You meet the mysterious Yoongi at a house party and no matter how uninterested you tell yourself that you are, you can’t say no to him. Can you end up changing his playboy ways, or will you just end up getting hurt?
[ ❥ ] Aguiver; idol!au, smut, angst, fluff part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 finale
Yoongi can’t remember the last time he was able to successfully bring himself to the point of orgasm, then Namjoon gives him a business card advertising ‘Healing Hands’, and that’s where he meets you; pretty and innocent looking, who gets paid to provide hand jobs for a living.
[ ❥ ] Wildest Moments; smut, angst, romance part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 finale
Min Yoongi is forbidden territory. And although you both know better, the two of you just can’t seem to stay apart.
♠  Punch Drunk; boxer! au, smut, angst Min Yoongi talks with his fists, and the only language he knows is one of anger and pain. He’s damaged, untouchable, a boxing underdog with something to prove. You are the sister of Yoongi’s rival - Jeon Jungkook, the number one elite boxer in your prefecture - and as Yoongi soon discovers, you are also his one and only weakness.
[ ❥ ] Playing with Fire; smut, angst, romance part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 finale After breaking up with you, you decide the only way to get back at your -now ex-boyfriend and avoid public humiliation is by making a deal with resident bad boy Min Yoongi: you’ll give him money as long as he pretends to be your new boy.
[ ❥ ] Ink; tattoo artist! au, fluff, angst He’s a tattoo artist, and you’re a student who is working towards getting into your favourite universities. Two very different people, and two parents who think Min Yoongi is nothing more than a bad influence. How will you ever make it work?
♠ Forget Me Not; idol! au, fluff, angst You and Yoongi are in a private relationship. So private, that Yoongi has to deny it. What happens when you can’t take the denying of such strong feelings any more?
♠ I’ll Protect You; angst You and Yoongi were the most unlikely of pairs, which was why you decided to keep your relationship on the down-low for now. Whilst Yoongi and you basically ignore each other during school hours, Yoongi is left in the dark about the struggles you’ve been dealing with whilst he is pretending not to know you.
♠ Too Late to Apologize; angst You were dating for three years and what you wanted most was being able to take care of him. But Yoongi was too busy with his job to realized that he was losing you.
♠ Let You Go; angst part 1 | part 2 finale Having a boyfriend who cares is every girl’s dream. But is it still every girl’s dream when he doesn’t care about you as much as he cares about his friend that he was in love with? No, not really. It was more like a nightmare.
♠ Leaving Her Behind; angst part 1 | part 2 finale He would do nothing but push you away. He would push you away everytime you were too close. He would shut you out everytime you thought that he had opened up for you. He never trusted you enough to let you know him. He didn’t let you know his problems, even if you knew that something was bothering him. Even if you had been together for years and you’ve been beside him through it all, he never saw you as someone he could tell his secrets or his problems to. It was never you, it was always someone else.
♠ Suga Daddy; smut part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | part 14 Yoongi gives you an offer you can’t refuse.
♠ Dead Leaves; angst, romance You wants to give up the relationship because you aren’t sure of it anymore so Yoongi does his best to salvage your relation.
♠ In Heaven; angst, romance Can Yoongi turn back the time?
[ ❥ ] Two Faced Lovers; angst, drama part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 finale He leaves her and she starts sleeping around to fill the void.
♠ Heartstrings; angst, drama part 1 | part 2 finale You want to be together but Yoongi thinks he’s not enough.
♠  Remains of April; angst, drama You get into an accident that causes you to forget everything from the past few years and still believe that you and Yoongi are dating but he doesn’t remind you about the break up because he thinks this is his chance to start over.
♠  Safe Haven; angst, drama You came from an abusive relationship and one day you and Yoongi are fighting badly.
[ ❥ ] Tainted Love; demon!au, romance part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | part 14 | part 15 | part 16 | part 17 | part 18 | part 19 | part 20 Demons are merciless, demons are ruthless, demons can’t hold nothing dear  to them. Yoongi is the leader, the king of the demon world. He is feared as he is respected, no one expected him to bring a human girl as his lover, you. You fell in love and now you are in the midst of adjusting to the demon world, its custums, and its dangers. But everything is worth it if is for him, the demon king that lives between shadows and that would turn hell apart to protect you.
[ ❥ ] Somebody Else; angst part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | epilogue Your husband found solace in somebody else’s arms.
[ ❥ ] Heart Haunting; angst, romance You’re in love with Min Yoongi. You are sure of this. So why does your past lover still haunt your memories?
[ ❥ ] Destruction of a Muse; underground rapper!au, angst, smut part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 finale You’re in your last year of uni doing literature and lose your motivation, and it’s not till you meet a talented musician you get your ambition back.
[ ❥ ] Same Old Love; angst, smut part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 finale In which your long-term relationship with Yoongi starts to lose it’s spark, and the love of your life grows complacent.
[ ❥ ] To be Without; angst part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 finale Funny how the world can shift in an instant. How you approached your bedroom with excitement only to walk away with a life forever changed.
♠ Self-Control; ceo!au, smut part 1 | part 2 | part 3 It’s harder than Yoongi thought when you keep confront him.
[ ❥ ] Wrong (ft. Kim Namjoon); smut, angst part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 finale You should’ve stayed away. You should’ve fought harder. You should’ve done  anything but fall for the player Min Yoongi. Especially since you were already taken.
[ ❥ ] When War Runs Deep (ft. Jungkook); angst, implied smut, vampire/war!au prologue | part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 Min Yoongi knew that the General’s daughter, engaged to Lieutenant Jeon Jungkook, was the one human being he shouldn’t target. His single role during the war was to kill the enemy, and protect the homeland. But what’s forbidden always is the most enticing.
♠ Studio Cuddle; fluff, idol!au Tired from work, you went straight to Genius Lab in the hopes of being able to cuddle with Yoongi. You did not hesitate to press the passcode of his studio, knowing he might get pissed off for interrupting him from his work.
♠ Matched; fluff, idol!au When you tried to offer Yoongi a small present, the anticipated disinterest or rejection to your offer was downplayed by his unexpected proposition.
[ ❥ ] Workaholic; smut Yoongi needs to relax and Hoseok has many tricks up his sleeve to make him. None of them Yoongi thought included hiring a hooker to pay him a visit one stormy night. You were only trying to escape a crazed man chasing you down on a stormy night. Never was your intention to end up in an attractive man’s house. Definitely not one who thought you were a hooker.
♠ Small; angst part 1 | part 2 | part 3 finale He suddenly realized the consequences of his words. His girlfriend must have felt so insecure, so belittled. How could he make his own girlfriend feel like that? She should feel protected, safe when he’s around. Not insecure, and not belittled or small. He was supposed to build her up, like she built him up, but instead he was tearing her down.
♠ Sated (ft. BTS); heavy smut Sin. There’s nothing more.
♠ Moan Wars (ft. Jungkook); smut, a little fluff After being forced to listen to Yoongi and his girlfriend fucking loudly in the room next to his, Jungkook decides that two can play that game.
♠ Doesn’t Define You; fluff In which you fail an exam you worked so hard for and he comforts you.
♠ Hello Paradise, My Name is; greek myth!au, slight angst, smut Buried in the Earth where seasons did not exist, where all prosperous life perished, and Helios’s blinding light could not touch; you slept soundly in the arms of darkness.
♠ Mint; greek myth!au, smut You find yourself back in Hades when Spring turns to Fall, but this time you’re less than thrilled to see your husband after learning of his ex-lover, Minthe.
♠ Aidoneus, My Love; greek myth!au, smut Yoongi believes the mortal, Adonis, has stolen your heart, but he will never share his love with anyone else for as long as he is king of the underworld.
♠ I Don’t Wanna Love You; fluff, angst, smut part 1 | part 2 | part 3 finale Just because he had fallen out of love with you, didn’t mean you had with him.
♠ Gone; angst, fluff part 1 | part 2 | part 3 finale You were young & foolish, he was not.
♠ The End; angst Life is a whole plot twist.
♠ Where Does Your Heart Lie; angst part 1 | part 2 finale Where did his heart lie?
♠ Inevitable End; angst part 1 | part 2 finale Was the foundation of the relationship that weak? After all, he felt that it was a hopeless house of cards.
♠ Service; smut “I can’t believe you brought me here.”
♠ Sex Tape; smut When Yoongi came home with Namjoon holding a camera, you knew he wasn’t joking at all.
♠ Waiting; angst part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 | part 13 finale Fourteen. That’s how many nights he has come late.
♠ Gift for You; fluff, angst Yoongi has many sides to him which is what attracted you to him in the first place. He’s been doing a good job as a boyfriend these past few years until on your birthday he doesn’t give you the usual attention you’re used to.
♠ Love or Love; angst part 1 | part 2 finale Yoongi is the love of your life. You thought he felt the same until he pushed you away before you could tell him surprising news that you were pregnant.
[ ❥ ] Like Father, Like Son; parent!au, fluff You let Yoongi take your son to the recording studio to spend time together but when they stay there past his bed time you decide to see what’s take them so long.
♠ Little Angel; angst For the first time in your life you felt hatred toward him. He was the reason why you were lying here.
♠ Unkept Promises; angst “Have you ever, even for a day, even for a moment.. loved me?”
♠ Too Little Too Late; angst “I don’t think I can do this anymore, Yoongi..”
[ ❥ ] Why Am I Not Being Praised Like Them; fluff The title says it all.
♠ Burning Paradise; ceo!au, angst, smut Loving Yoongi was chaos - unpredictable with reason, excruciating with misses and hits from the both of you. But the flames that warms you in the love he provides is your home and no matter how many times you run away, you know you’ll always choose to be with him, burning and aflame, breathing and fully alive.
♠ Fight; dad!au, fluff Yoongi gets into a really idiotic fight with his rebellious teenage daughter due to him being a slightly overprotective father.
♠ The Failed Track (ft. Jung Hoseok); smut As you moan louder the door swings open and Hoseok stands in the door.
[ ❥ ]  3:27 AM; smut, fluff Yoongi wakes up in the middle of the night to your phone ringing like crazy so he checks it and sees it’s your ex. So he answers the phone only to prove that you’re taken.
♠ Everything to Him; drama, romance Your ex wants you back and Yoongi doesn’t know about it.
♠ Milk; hybrid!au, fluff, smut part 1 When trying to deal with your hybrid’s sudden obssesion with milk, you would have never guessed that things would turn out so differently.
♠ The Bonnie to My Clyde; bonnie and clyde!au He saw the darkness in her beauty. She saw the beauty in his darkness.
♠ 3 AM; angst It’s 3 AM and you are crying – great big sobs that shake your entire body as you hold the phone close to your ear to hear his drunken voicemail again and again.
♠ Dream; angst, fluff You had picture the exciting reactions that you would get from him when you tell him that you’re pregnant. But you soon realize that you shouldn’t have get your expectations high because you would only have it crashed down in front of you.
♠ Mirage; angst, fluff “Choose. Is it me or her?”
♠ Ants; fluff, angst Get you a man who makes you feel bigger than the world itself.
♠ Money Shot; porn star!au, smut “Don’t look so put off. Min Yoongi’s indisputably one of the best in the industry. He’s extremely professional and experienced-and handsome to boot. You’ll be in the very best hands. He rarely works with newbies, so consider yourself special.”
♠ Overwork; angst, fluff You tried to help min yoongi take a break from work.
♠ Forgotten; angst, fluff You forgot your anniversary dinner, and yoongi is furious.
♠ Enigma; mafia!au, angst, romance part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 finale After the death of your father leaves you in a lot of a debt to Bangtan - Seoul’s most nefarious crime syndicate - you are offered a way out:  marry Min Yoongi - Bangtan’s most elusive member-  and produce him an heir and your father’s debt will be forgotten.  Without a choice, you are soon tied to a man who you are absolutely terrified of.  But you cannot ignore the part of you that is thrilled by Yoongi.  And what scares you the most isn’t the blood on his hands, or the gun he always carries in his pocket.  It’s the things he’s capable of doing to your heart.
[ ❥ ]  2.1 Out of 5.0; nose dive black mirror!au, angst, smut part 1 You were a 4.9 and he was a 2.1, and that fact alone should have made you realize that the two of you were never meant to be. But as the saying goes, “the heart wants what it wants”.
♠ A Mess (ft. Jeon Jungkook); smut, fluff Maybe it was a good thing you lost that bet to Yoongi. The punishment was cruel, but it lead you to a threesome with him and your crush so… yay for that.
♠ Divorce; angst part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11 | part 12 | part 13 | part 14 | part 15 | part 16 | part 17 finale In which you have to go through a painful process of your own family shattering.
♠ Suddenly, It Was Love (ft. Kim Namjoon); angst + sequel The saying that love is an unexpected visitor was right. you never intentioned of falling in love with the best friend of your boyfriend.
[ ❥ ]  Tied Together; divorce lawyer!au, angst, fluff part 1 | part 2 finale The last thing you needed when you had a demanding daughter and job was a divorce made difficult by your husband. Luckily for you, Min Yoongi—Seoul’s top divorce lawyer—stepped in to save the day. Well, more or less.
♠ All Too Well; idol/make-up artist!au, angst, fluff, smut part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | epilogue You and Yoongi shared a loving relationship with one another until you both agreed to end things and pursue your separate careers. but two years later, Yoongi is a member of the ever growing Bangtan Boys, and you are a new makeup artist for their upcoming tour.
♠ Weary Night; fluff “You know, I never thought that tonight was going to be like this.”
[ ❥ ] Heartbeat (ft. Jeon Jungkook); angst, smut part 1 | part 2 finale You fell in love with a boy who was in love with music, and you weren’t sure if he was capable of loving you the same way. This thought should’ve caused you to move away from him; but, if anything, it just drew you closer.
[ ❥ ] Before I Ever Met You; angst, smut You are no fool to the ways of life. You might be the love of Yoongi’s life now, but there is his whole past—before he met you—to account for. The number of people that traversed in and out of his life carried a significance, and you want to know who they are.
[ ❥ ] Cut Me Open; surgeon!au, fluff, angst preview | part 1 | part 2 finale This job makes great minds. Literally. Each patient that walks through the doors of the hospital into the Neurosurgery ward need to leave with the best service and help the country can offer. But a 300k salary, 1400 hospital workers, and 14-hour work day can’t make a marriage work.
♠ Away From You; angst, fluff part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 Trying to divorce Yoongi might be harder than you thought it’d be. Especially when you’re having a two year old toddler.
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mikotyzini · 6 years
Boundless - Ch. 5 (Mythological/Fantasy AU)
Introduction Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3  Chapter 4
Sighing into the mirror, Weiss reached up and removed her dangling, diamond earrings - which were far too heavy for her liking. After setting them down on the chest of drawers, she removed the sparkling tiara from atop her head and set it beside the earrings.  
It had been a long day, but it was finally over. Now the healing could begin.
The sound of footsteps approached her room, but stopped just outside the open door.  The person who owned the sound was far too polite to come any further without a formal acknowledgment, even though an open invitation had been granted several times.
Two soft knocks rapped on the doorframe, representing the polite request for recognition.
“Do come in, Glynda,” Weiss said, stepping to the side so that her view in the mirror now included the stern woman standing in the doorway.  
Removing a set of jeweled bracelets from around her wrist and pulling off a glittering ring that symbolized nothing more than wealth, Weiss set everything in front of the mirror before turning around as Glynda strode across the room.
“What is it?” Weiss asked, noticing the trademark furrowed brow her closest advisor was wearing.
“I wanted to say that I’m truly sorry for your loss, Your Majesty.”
When Glynda bowed her head, Weiss huffed in disbelief.
“Save your sympathy, Glynda,” she replied. “What are you sorry for?  That tyranny has ended?  That people will no longer be forced into suffering so that we may live in excess?”  Letting out another scoff, she shook her head.  “There’s no need for sorrow.  I’m glad he’s gone - we’re better off without him.”
“He was still your father…”
“Which only means I was closest to his ire,” Weiss pointed out, feeling not an ounce of sympathy for the miserable life that had finally ended.  “Truthfully, Glynda, I appreciate the concern, but I’m fine.  I’m looking forward to making changes for the better.”
Only after studying Weiss closely did Glynda accept the words, giving a curt nod that would be the end of the matter for good.
“What will you do first?” Glynda asked, back to business now that the emotional checkup was complete.
“There’s much to be done - much that needs to be changed for the better.  I’ll need your help correcting his mistakes, but first...reach out to the Kingdom of Vale - I’d like to arrange a meeting as soon as possible.”
“Vale?” Glynda asked, her eyes widening in surprise. “But -”
“I want to discuss a truce.  It’s time to negotiate an end to this pointless war.”
For a long time, Glynda stared - trying to read the intent behind Weiss’ words.  Finding that Weiss was speaking the truth, Glynda nodded again.
“When would you like to leave, Your Majesty?”
“Right away.  Tomorrow, if it can be arranged.”
“We won’t be able to send a messenger there and back in time -”
“Then I’ll set out without their response,” Weiss replied, knowing that Glynda wouldn’t enjoy that idea in the slightest. “I feel strongly that they’ll want an end to this, as well.  There’s no point in risking further bloodshed due to logistics.”
Again, that nod - which meant Glynda would do as instructed even if her pursed lips and furrowed brow gave away her true feelings on the situation.
“I’ll get started on that right away,” she said, backing towards the exit of the room, practically buzzing with restless energy now that she had multiple objectives to accomplish.  “Expect to leave tomorrow morning.”
“I’ll be ready.”
Without another word, Glynda turned and disappeared through the door, making sure to close it on her way out.  
Left in solitude, Weiss walked away from the extravagant jewelry and sat on the end of her bed to think about recent events and what her future might hold.  And - for the first time in what felt like ages - she smiled.  
She’d wanted to visit Vale for years, but hadn’t found an opportunity that wouldn’t result in her father having her hunted down and executed as a traitor.  Even if she managed to make it - and even if Vale was willing to provide her sanctuary - he would have no qualms sending legions of assassins after her or Ruby for the rest of their lives.
Now that he was gone, Weiss could finally go - she could find Ruby and hopefully win her heart.
That night as she got ready for sleep and mentally prepared for the following day, she felt lighter than she had since she was a child - maybe even lighter, as during her younger years she’d been ruthlessly aware of the expectations placed upon her.
There were days she never expected to make it this far.  There were days she thought her life would be cut short - another victim of her father’s uncontrollable frost and anger.  The only thing that helped her through was Ruby.  Ever since her eighteenth birthday, Weiss knew there was a light at the end of the tunnel.  One day, her father would be gone and, when that happened, she could find Ruby.  
She’d dreamed of that moment for so long...and she would dream of it again tonight, on the eve of setting out in search of her happily ever after.
“Uh, sorry to interrupt again…”
Coming back to the table in the midst of a restaurant, Weiss focused on Ruby and smiled.  “It’s ok,” she said, her attempt at reassurance doing nothing to ease the deep crease of concern in Ruby’s brow.
“It sounds like your dad was a bit of a...jerk?”
Weiss sighed at the question and sadly shook her head.
“He was extremely powerful and extremely volatile. You never knew what would send him into a rage, and you never knew what he might do when that happened.”
“That sounds really scary.”
“It was,” she answered honestly.  “But this was a different world, Ruby.  It was a more dangerous world, and the people reflected that.”
When Ruby bit her lip, Weiss added, “And we made it through just fine.”
Finally appearing somewhat relieved, Ruby smiled again.
“But your dad now…?”
“Is much nicer,” Weiss answered with a smile that removed the rest of Ruby’s worries.  “He’s driven and almost solely focused on work, but he tends to grow frustrated rather than angry - a much better situation, in my opinion.”
Comforted by the knowledge, Ruby nodded and waved a hand in apology.
“Sorry, I just wanted to know,” she said.  “I’m excited to hear what happens next!”
Ruby’s concern over Weiss’ father was heartwarming, so much so that Weiss felt the incredible urge to give Ruby a kiss for being so caring.  That would have to come later though.  There were more stories to tell first...
The next morning was bright and sunny, but not warm.  Atlas was hardly ever warm anymore, but the chill bothered Weiss very little as she was led towards the escort for her trip to Vale.  Multiple carriages lined the front of the palace steps - some carrying advisors and negotiators while others carried various gifts of treasure to be used as an offer of peace.  The largest of these carriages was reserved for her, built to provide as much comfort as possible over what would only be a few day trip.  
The legion of soldiers accompanying the carriages was large, numbering near a thousand men and women clad in extravagant silver armor.  It was surely more than necessary, but Weiss understood Glynda’s precaution. Relations with Vale had soured long ago thanks to her father’s demands of fealty.  Hopefully, that would change soon.
Approaching the caravan while flanked by her most loyal guards, Weiss examined the soldiers set to accompany her.  They stood in crisp, straight lines with their weapons at their sides, while those on horseback sat rigid in their saddles. Each had plumes of icy breath billowing from their lips - the mark of Atlas and its frigid warriors.  These men and women proudly displayed their element for her inspection, each of them assuring her through sight that they were capable of protecting her on this journey.
She wished that the display of force was unnecessary, but until she spoke to Ruby there was always a possibility they would be attacked on sight.
Satisfied with what she saw in front of her, Weiss called upon the ice running through her veins - the constant cold that never went away.  The cold deepened, approaching what would be a painful freeze if she wasn’t used to the feeling by now.  Drawing out this power and projecting it in front of her, she summoned ice to do her bidding - pulling shards into the loose shape of a towering soldier that dwarfed them all.
The figure moved like a swarm of crystals, coalescing and breaking apart as he walked to the front of the caravan while Weiss was escorted to her carriage.  Once she was situated inside, she commanded the figure to point the way with his giant sword, spurring the soldiers to motion before she scattered the crystals by the wayside.
With the journey underway, she leaned against the window and sighed.  She loathed the posturing, but it was the way of life in this realm - a subtle reminder to those serving her that, while they may wield some semblance of power, it was her family that controlled the ice within them.
Their voyage would take several days, with most of the delay caused by the slow progress leaving Atlas.  High mountains and snowy corridors at the edges of the kingdom were a boon as protection from invaders, but treacherous when it came to traveling between kingdoms - especially when traveling in such a large group. Of course, with the war going on, very little traveling was happening anyway.
Settled in for the long road ahead, she had plenty of time to think about what she wanted to say, and what response she might receive.  She already knew she needed a way to calm Yang’s fire - the older sister being notoriously hotheaded and fueled by flames.  But what would Ruby be like?  How had this world shaped her?  Weiss was excited and anxious to find out.
The first two days of travel were uneventful and long, but a commotion outside the carriage in the early hours of the third morning disrupted Weiss’ breakfast.  
As she went to the window to see what was happening, but the door to the carriage abruptly opened and one of her elite guard jumped inside.  He shut the door behind him as the windows were shuttered and locked from the outside.
“What’s going on?” she asked, her heart beating fast as fear and confusion flooded through her.
“Someone slipped into camp,” he explained, on high alert while listening to the shouts and motion outside the walls.  Weiss understood his caution.  They’d left Atlas and entered the no-mans-land between Atlas and Vale - The Badlands, as it was called.  In this place, they were susceptible to attacks or assassins.  Her family didn’t have the most highly regarded name, after all.
After a few minutes spent waiting on pins and needles, the commotion died down, and the windows opened back up.
“Sir,” someone called, knocking in a very specific pattern on the door.  When the guard immediately relaxed, Weiss did too, and she followed him out the door to see what was going on.
“She claims to be a thief, Sir,” one of the soldiers explained as the lead guard approached him.
“Your Majesty, I advise you stand back,” the lead guard said, pointing to a spot on the ground before continuing forward. Weiss didn’t listen to him - because she didn’t have to - and several guards moved to her side as protection while she walked towards the source of the uproar.
As soon as a split in the crowd opened up, allowing her clear view of their new prisoner, Weiss’ heart sped up in surprise.
Kneeling on the ground, surrounded by more soldiers than necessary, was Blake.  She was immobilized - her wrists and ankles bound with cuffs of ice - but she still held her head high.
This was the Blake that Weiss knew - and that Blake would never be foolish enough to attempt stealing from such a heavily-guarded caravan.  
“Who sent you?” one of the guards demanded, glaring down at her while she refused to meet his eyes.
“No one.”
Thinking the answer was a lie, the guard raised one hand in the air, prepared to level it across Blake’s face.
“Stop!” Weiss ordered, encasing the man’s arm in a large block of ice.  He yelped in shock when he was dragged to the ground by the dead weight, but she paid him no mind while shoving through the soldiers and kneeling in front of Blake.
Their proximity made every guard nervous, causing them to inch forward in fear, but Weiss looked into Blake’s eyes knowing that the girl would never hurt her - even if that had been Blake’s initial intent.
“Blake?” Weiss asked quietly, watching confusion swirl in Blake’s eyes at the sound of her name.  
“How do you -” she began to ask, but Weiss smiled.
“You have impeccable timing, don’t you?” she said before standing.  With a small glance, she cast away the ice binding Blake’s arms and legs and freed the guard of his block of a hand.  
“Has she been searched?” Weiss asked, finding it prudent to take a little precaution.  Knowing Blake, there was a high probability that she’d allowed herself to be caught for a reason - which meant she might very well be an assassin, after all.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Good.”  Looking down, Weiss extended a hand to help Blake to her feet.  “I’m going to need your help with something,” Weiss explained. “Please come with me.”
Ignoring Weiss’ hand, Blake stood on her own.
“What could you possibly need my help with?” she asked, disbelief and incredulity seeping into her tone.  Something about this situation wasn’t playing out as she expected, which was good.  Weiss needed to keep Blake curious - that was the only way she would put her original plan on hold.
“You’ll see soon,” Weiss replied, raising a brow at the idea Blake thought she was in a position to decline the request.  “I think you’ll find it preferable to your other options.”  After nodding towards the soldiers, Weiss waved towards her carriage and took a step in that direction.  The silent invitation took everyone by surprise, but Blake accepted it with narrowed eyes and a hesitant nod.
While Blake walked towards the carriage, Weiss held onto a higher sense of caution.  She knew Blake was crafty in ways others were not.  But Weiss wasn’t defenseless, and she’d been smart enough to hide the depths of her powers from her father and anyone else.
It was still a risk, but a calculated one.
“Your Majesty,” the lead guard said, reaching out to stop her before she followed Blake into the carriage.  Blake paused with one foot on the lower step, turning around and watching the interaction closely.  
The guard’s eyes were fearful - approaching panic - as he glanced at Blake and then looked down at Weiss.  “I strongly advise you not to trust her -”
“I’ll leave the window open,” Weiss replied, attempting to allay his fears.  “If I need your help, you’ll know.”
He wanted to disagree, but knew that he shouldn’t. Instead, he nodded and straightened his posture.
“I’ll be right outside.”  After giving Blake one last look, he rallied the soldiers back in order so they could resume their journey.  Blake looked at Weiss for direction and stepped into the carriage when Weiss gestured that way.
When Blake took the seat on the far wall of the cabin, in plain view, Weiss wasted no time following.  The door shut behind her, and the windows were opened on both sides for the anxious guards outside.  Thankfully, the weather here wasn’t nearly as frigid as in Atlas, and provided a nice, cool breeze that swept across them.
Sitting down opposite of Blake, Weiss couldn’t help but smile at the surly girl across from her.  If she had to guess, Blake’s life had probably been difficult up to this point, but that would change now.  Soon, the four of them would be together once again.
But first...silence.  Blake said nothing, and Weiss said nothing as the carriage spurred to motion once more.  It was normally like this between the two of them, but Blake’s curiosity always won out in the end.
“Where are we going?” she finally asked, glancing out the window before looking at Weiss.
“Vale?  Why would you go to Vale?”
“Your Majesty!”
Hearing the voice, Weiss left the question unanswered as she looked out the window and found a man on horseback riding up beside them. Based on his more casual clothes, he wasn’t a soldier.  He was a messenger - the one Glynda sent ahead to Vale.
“Your Majesty!” he called out again, looking through the window and spotting her.  “I bring news from the high court in Vale!” he said, his breathing labored from what had likely been a long, sleepless journey.
“What is it?” Weiss asked, knowing that this was the first moment of truth.  If the response was bad…
“The sister queens agreed to meet upon your arrival to discuss a truce!” the messenger said with a smile.  “They await your presence and wish you safe travels into Vale!”
Sighing in relief, Weiss gave the man a nod of appreciation.  “Thank you for that message,” she said.  “Please return to Atlas and let Glynda know.”
Nodding, the man spurred his horse off for the final leg of his journey.  Upon receiving the good news, Weiss sat back in her seat and smiled.  If Ruby and Yang agreed to a meeting, maybe relations weren’t as poor as they seemed.  Maybe there was hope that a valuable alliance could be formed.
“You’re negotiating a truce?”
The question brought Weiss out of her thoughts and back to the carriage, where Blake was staring at her - clearly surprised by the information.
“I’m going to try,” Weiss answered, watching Blake’s eyes widen in response.  “This isn’t my war,” she added.  “And I have no desire to keep fighting it.”
Knowing what she did about Blake, the words would make an impact.  At the very least, Blake would be willing to stay if she thought that doing so would help the greater good.
“You want to end the war,” Blake repeated, sounding very much like she didn’t want to believe the statement.
“Yes, I do.”
After saying the words, Weiss watched Blake’s demeanor change - from pent-up anxiety to confused and befuddled...relief.
“If Vale agrees...what will you do next?”
“Hopefully, fix what my father destroyed.  Rebuild Atlas.”  
“What about The Badlands?”
In one question, Blake laid down her cards for all to see.  That was the cause she’d attached herself to this time. That was what drove her forward, and what brought her into Weiss’ life.
“The Badlands also need healing, which I mean to help with...if they’ll allow it.”  Looking out the window and thinking about how ruined the world had become, Weiss sighed and shook her head.  “There’s so much work to be done…”  Pausing, she sent a glance at Blake.  “That’s one of the reasons I need your help.”
The Badlands had grown lawless as war ravaged the small towns and cities located there.  The citizens now operated under their own rules - or lack of them.  They wouldn’t take lightly to the kingdoms stepping back in, even if it was an attempt to help restore order.  But with an advocate...there might just be hope of healing the damage her father had caused.
“Why me?”
“You seem like someone they’ll listen to,” Weiss replied, shrugging as if she didn't understand Blake’s importance to this world. But, based on lives past, Blake was likely already a leader in this rouge area of society - earning respect by following her morality through thick and thin.  
“Do you have any ideas on how we can make things right?”
The question lit a spark in Blake’s eyes, saying without words that it was the right one to ask.  
“I have a few.”
“I’d like to hear them,” Weiss added, nodding once to encourage Blake to speak.
And speak she did - launching into a list of suggestions both detailed and ingenious - so much so that Weiss actually found a pen and paper to write them down while Blake spoke.  
For hours, the two of them discussed the state of the kingdoms, and what could be done to repair their way of life.  When Blake asked questions, Weiss answered honestly - even if that meant saying she didn’t know the answer.  But Blake appreciated the candor, and her walls were lowering by the time Vale came into view.
“Your Majesty,” one of the guards said, appearing by the window and pointing up ahead.  Following the direction, Weiss found herself staring at a sprawling metropolis hemmed in by towering walls that glowed red from the sunset.  The palace was easily viewable in the distance, rising above the rest of the city and glittering in opulence.
“Have you been to Vale before?” Weiss asked, her heart fluttering when she realized that Ruby was right there, tucked somewhere inside those walls.
“Not in a long time,” Blake answered, looking out the window before turning to Weiss.  “What about you?”
Shaking her head in response, Weiss stared out the window as their caravan stopped outside the city gates.  The soldiers up front conversed for several seconds before the gates opened and they were admitted inside, but with a large contingent of Vale soldiers joining them as they traveled through the city streets towards the palace.
Their grand entrance garnered the attention of everyone they passed - the citizens of Vale curious as to who was the cause of such a large procession.  Weiss’ attention was solely for the palace though, watching it grow larger as they neared it.
Her heart, which had remained quiet for so long, now loudly announced its presence - determined to control her actions as her moment of destiny quickly approached.  She had no idea what to expect inside the palace, but she expected Ruby...and that was enough for her hands to shake with nerves.
“I’d like you to come with me,” she said as the first of the carriages arrived in front of the palace doors.  Turning away from the window, she looked at Blake. “I’d like you to participate in our discussions as my advisor,” she elaborated.
The request took Blake by surprise, but she nodded in agreement.  Satisfied that she had one pseudo-ally with her, Weiss took a deep breath and turned towards the door as it was opened for her.
“Your Majesty,” the soldier said, bowing his head while holding one arm in the direction of the palace entrance.
Not showing any hesitation, Weiss left the carriage behind and stepped into the cool, Vale air.  It was nowhere near as cold as Atlas, which was a relief to the ice running through her veins.  But while her element warmed, her nerves tripled while following her elite guards through the towering entrance to the palace.  She glanced over her shoulder once, making sure Blake was close behind as they entered a grand foyer that was comparable to Atlas’ own palace in terms of grandeur.
Spotting a group of people standing up ahead, Weiss’ palms grew sweaty as they approached  - knowing that the moment was almost upon her.  As the opposing party neared, however, she realized she would have to wait a little longer, as the only person she recognized was tall, blonde, and wearing a smirk.
“The Ice Queen arrives,” Yang said, stopping several paces away from Weiss with a group of red-hued soldiers surrounding her.
In four words, Weiss knew this was going to be more difficult than she’d hoped, for a couple of reasons.  One, Yang was cockier than average, as evidenced by the way she folded both arms over her chest and smirked.  Two, Ruby was nowhere in sight.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” Weiss replied as politely as possible before glancing around and finding nothing but soldiers and more soldiers.  “May I ask whether or not your sister will be joining us?”
“She’ll get here when she gets here,” Yang answered, waving a hand as if she could care less about Ruby’s whereabouts before nodding towards the large throne room beside them.  “Let’s get this over with, shall we?”
With Yang waiting for her to enter the room first, Weiss turned towards her royal guard.
“Wait out here,” she directed them - the unanticipated demand making Yang’s brow raise.  
“No guards?” Yang asked before grinning and shooing her own guards away.  “l like where this is going.”
“I’d like my closest advisor to come with me though,” Weiss added, gesturing to Blake.  If Blake was surprised by the term, she did an excellent job hiding it. Instead, she returned Yang’s questioning gaze with an impassive expression.
Eventually, Yang shrugged and waved them both through the doorway.
“After you, then.”
Blake and Weiss shared a look before walking into the throne room, which was just as cavernous as Weiss would have expected. The ceilings towered over their heads, their footsteps echoed off the highly polished floors, yet it was the sight of the twin thrones sitting ahead of them that really caught Weiss’ attention.
Where was Ruby?  This conversation was almost destined for failure without her presence.
“So -”  Clapping her hands, Yang stood in front of the thrones and sent Blake and Weiss a grin.  “What’s this I hear about a ‘truce’?  Doesn’t make much sense coming from someone like you.”
The words were intended as an insult, but Weiss tried not to let them annoy her.  If she let Yang get under her skin too early, they’d be at each other’s throats in no time.
“I want to discuss a truce,” Weiss replied as calmly as possible.  “This war has done nothing but harm - it’s time we put a stop to the needless fighting and focus on rebuilding the damage that’s been done.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Weiss saw Blake nod in agreement - and that small gesture assured Weiss that she had at least one person on her side.  
However, Yang scoffed and shook her head.
“Righttt...so after years of fighting, you suddenly just wanna up and quit?”  Again, Yang scoffed in disbelief.  “What terms are you trying to negotiate then - you want the crown off my head?  You want to march your armies into the city and take over?”
“That’s not at all what I’m suggesting.”  Weiss lifted her hands - trying to show she wasn’t playing a trick - but Yang stared her down, sending tendrils of uncomfortable heat across the room.  “I want to end the war,” Weiss repeated.  “Your soldiers can return home, and so will ours.”
Yang frowned at the words.
“But…” she said, intuitively picking up that Weiss had more to say.
“But we’ll need to work together to repair the damage.  Especially in The Badlands -”
“Oh that’s just ripe,” Yang interrupted, her frown turning into a full-fledged scowl that rang alarm bells in Weiss’ mind. “We’ll work together to fix The Badlands.  Vale and Atlas will unite to fix the problems that we caused.  Maybe you don’t remember that you’re the ones who marched your armies through there, killing innocent people -”
“And your armies started torching villages!” Weiss retorted, her voice rising with a spike of indignation.  Quickly shaking her head, she struggled to calm down - which would be easier to do if Yang’s inner fire wasn’t burning so hot.  The element was pulling at Weiss’ ice, bringing it to light.
“Those weren’t my decisions,” Weiss added firmly. “I had no say in the matter -”  
As Yang shouted the word, flames shot from her. Weiss reacted with a wall of ice to deflect the anger, but in front of that ice a mountain of stone appeared, erupting from the ground as an impenetrable boulder.  The flames hit the rock and dissipated, dealing no damage before disappearing completely.  
The entire incident lasted no more than a second, but left Weiss staring at Blake - stunned by the display of power - while Yang laughed.
“l knew it!” Yang said.  “Belladonna - the earth assassin!  Walked right into my castle!”  Yang laughed again, her eyes trained on Blake while pointing to Weiss.  “Are you here to kill her or me - or both?  Because I think you’ll find that more difficult than you’re expecting.”
Undeterred by Yang’s response, Blake stood straighter and never looked away from Yang’s gaze.
“I’m not an assassin.”
“Really?” Yang asked, tilting her head in clear skepticism.  “Because they say you are.”
“And they say you’re hot-headed and reckless,” Blake shot back.  “It appears the rumors were right about one of us.”
Weiss expected Yang to scowl at the fiery response, but instead she let out a short huff - looking almost amused by the quick wit aimed back at her.
“You’re still an outlaw,” Yang pointed out.  “And what - you hitched a ride here?”  Gasping for effect, Yang leaned closer and lowered her voice.  “Were you planning to off the Queen of Atlas on the way?”  Dropping the act and chuckling, she leaned away and waved towards Weiss.  “Because feel free - I won’t stand in your way.”
Weiss scowled at the response, but dropped the expression when Blake turned towards her - eyes begging for forgiveness.
“I’m sorry,” Blake said, confirming Yang’s words to be true.  “When I heard your caravan was stopped nearby, I knew I had to take a chance - in hopes it would stop the fighting.”  
“Forgiven,” Weiss replied before Blake could feel too badly about it.  “I figured it was a possibility, anyway.”
Again, Blake was surprised by Weiss’ reply - pleasantly so.  With a smile that felt like the beginnings of friendship, she continued.
“After hearing your plans, and what you hope to accomplish, I knew I wanted to help.” Pausing, Blake turned back to Yang.  “l believe her,” she said, not at all intimidated by the raw power emanating from Yang.  “And I have no reason to believe either of you.”
“You believe her?” Yang asked, pointing towards Weiss and scoffing.
“Yes,” Blake said, unafraid to use emphasis in the face of the Queen of Vale. “You try to place the blame entirely on Atlas, but Vale hasn’t cared about us either.  The people at the fringes were left to fend for themselves - free to starve to death while both kingdoms ignored us or destroyed what little we had left.  Why do you think we organized?  Why do you think we fought back?  You’re deciding your politics on our land, our homes.  We might never recover from the destruction, but you won’t care about that, either.”
When Blake’s impassioned rant ended, Yang stared - her mouth open as she searched for a response.  But she wasn’t given the opportunity as a giggle broke through the silence in the room.  Weiss’ heart leapt at the sound - because she would know that giggle anywhere.  It was everything she remembered it to be and more...even more incredible to hear in person than to imagine in a dream.
A breeze swept across the room, and Ruby finally joined her sister - playfully shaking Yang’s shoulders to remove the angry stiffness from them.
“She’s got you there, Yang,” Ruby teased, her lighthearted voice working wonders in dispelling the rising tension.  But then Ruby shook her head sadly, understanding the situation far better than her years would suggest.
“We knew people would suffer, but we had to protect those we could.  Now Atlas wants a truce - why would we keep fighting?”
“l - because -” Searching for an answer and coming up empty, Yang shook her head and pointed at Weiss.  “Because I think she’s lying!”
Thinking about Yang’s concern, Ruby met Weiss’ gaze and walked over.  Weiss’ skin tingled the closer Ruby drew, buzzing with an energy unlike anything she’d experienced in this life.  When Ruby was close enough, Weiss broke every custom she’d learned and curtsied.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Queen Rose,” she said, her inner ice melting under Ruby’s warm, silver gaze.
“You too,” Ruby replied, responding with her own curtsy that made Yang frown.  “You can call me Ruby.”
“Ruby...” Weiss savored the name on her lips before smiling, fending off the waves of happiness that wanted her to kiss Ruby right then and there.  “Please call me Weiss.”
Ruby was enjoying the interaction, and enjoying every bit of royal protocol Weiss was willing to break with her.  
If that’s what Ruby wanted, Weiss would willingly break every rule she’d ever learned.
“Are you lying, Weiss?” Ruby asked, her expression serious but a smile threatened to break at any moment.  “Are you pretending to want a truce - to trick us?”
“I’m not lying,” Weiss replied, willing Ruby to believe her.  “My father craved power and was willing to fight to take it.  I’m not my father.  I want nothing but peace.”
For the longest time, Ruby looked into Weiss’ eyes as if reading her very soul.  It made her feel vulnerable, exposed, and...alive - alive in a way that only came from sharing everything with another person, trusting them to treat what they learned with confidence and security.
Finding whatever she was searching for, Ruby smiled and turned around.
“l believe her!” she said, walking back to Yang’s side - leaving Weiss wishing that the moment hadn’t ended so soon. “Why don’t you?”
Staring at Ruby, Yang opened and closed her mouth several times before finally snapping her jaw shut and shaking her head.
“Because her father was an ass,” she grumbled, looking extremely unhappy with the turn of events.
Hearing the comment, Weiss burst out laughing. When everyone stared at her in surprise, she held up one hand and quickly pulled herself back together.
“I’m sorry,” she said, chuckling several times before clearing her throat and shaking her head.  “I’m sorry, but that might be the most succinct description of him I’ve ever heard.”
“Well at least we can all agree on something...” Blake muttered under her breath.
Having found common ground - in despising her despot of a father - Weiss discovered an opening, a chance to present her case to Yang and Ruby.
“l understand your hesitancy,” she said, her gaze inevitably drawn back to Ruby.  “And I understand you have no reason to trust me, but please feel free to suggest some way I can assure you that my intent is pure.”
Weiss waited, looking between Yang and Ruby while hoping one of them had a suggestion she could willingly agree to.  It didn’t matter what it was - as long as it was somewhat reasonable, she would do it.  
“l have an idea,” Ruby spoke up, smiling at Weiss and melting her heart in the process.  “I’ll go back to Atlas with her.”
“What?!” Yang shouted, while Weiss stared at Ruby in shock.
“I’ll go to Atlas with her,” Ruby repeated. “That way I can make sure she’s keeping her word.”
“I’m more than willing to accommodate that,” Weiss replied, still in a state of dumbfounded disbelief at the pleasant turn of events.  This was actually turning out far better than she could have hoped for.
“And if she - I don’t know - tries to kidnap you and use you for ransom?” Yang asked, but Ruby merely giggled at the serious question.
“l don’t think they can catch me.  And if they do, we know she lied and can unleash our secret weapon.”
“Secret -?”  When Ruby gave Yang a pointed look, Yang paused and slowly nodded.  “Ohhh, right - uh, that secret weapon.”
Weiss wasn’t sure if they were serious or if this was some long-standing joke between them, but she felt compelled to add her thoughts.
“l would never do that,” she said, again searching out Ruby’s gaze in an attempt to assure her.  “You have my word that you’ll be treated as the Queen you are and given access to the decisions our court makes.  Atlas needs to rebuild itself - we could use someone with experience to help shape our future.”
“I’d love to help,” Ruby replied, dipping her head in acceptance of Weiss’ response before turning to Blake.  “And maybe you’d be willing to stay and help Yang restore The Badlands to what it was before it became...you know...bad.”
Weiss could kiss Ruby for the suggestion, which took Yang completely by surprise.  From the interaction so far, it was obvious Yang was used to getting her way - unless Ruby overruled her.  Knowing Ruby, Weiss had to assume this hardly ever happened, which was the cause of Yang’s current consternation.
Blake, however, was hesitant but willing to try to make this work for the better.  Her inner desire to help the less fortunate normally led her decisions, and it continued to do so today.
“If you’d like my input, I’m willing to offer it.”
Everyone’s attention turned to Yang, who stared at Blake for a few seconds before laughing.  “Sure,” she replied with a shake of her head.  “I don’t mind an assassin moving in.”
“I’m not -”
“Not an assassin,” Yang interrupted with a wave of her hand.  “l get it. I’ve heard the other stories - how people look up to you, follow you.  You might not have a crown, but you’re a leader - like us.”  
The compliment left Yang’s lips easily, and she failed to notice Blake’s blush at the praise while sharing a long look with Ruby - the two of them conversing without words.  Weiss wished she understood what they were secretly discussing, but knew she’d develop that ability as she and Ruby spent more time together.  Today, she was simply happy to see Ruby give a slight nod and smile once more.
“Ok, if Ruby’s going to Atlas,” Yang began, meeting Blake’s eyes and - for the first time - looking pleasantly agreeable.  “I could use the help.”
When Blake nodded - looking both relieved and excited by Yang’s acceptance - Ruby giggled, the sound drawing Weiss’ intent gaze.
Ruby was as joyful as ever, but had just navigated a room full of explosive egos with aplomb.  Beyond that, she’d crafted solutions that would benefit the multitudes of people depending upon them.  
Blake staying with Yang meant that Vale could provide aid and resources to The Badlands without it being rejected outright. And Atlas needed to recover from the tyranny from which they’d just been freed.  The citizens needed to trust in leadership once more - and what better way to foster this trust than by bringing in someone as sweet as Ruby, who they would love in no time?
“I guess that’s settled then?” Yang asked, looking at Blake and Ruby before her eyes landed upon Weiss.  “The war is over?  We’ll call the troops back?”
“As soon as possible,” Weiss agreed.  “I’ll send a messenger right away.”
“Alright.  We will too.” Yang and Ruby shared a look before nodding in unison.  With that answer, Yang broke into a big smile - one that reflected her true personality. “It’ll probably take Ruby a couple days to get ready...you’re more than welcome to stay here while you wait.”
“That would be very nice.  Thank you,” Weiss answered, appreciative of the hospitality.
“Don’t mention it,” Yang replied with a wave. “So...how about a tour?”  With the question, she turned her attention back to Blake.  “Have you been to Vale before?”
“A long time ago,” Blake replied, moving to follow when Yang motioned towards her.  “But I can’t tell you what for.”
The teasing comment succeeded in making Yang laugh as the two headed out of the throne room, leaving Weiss and Ruby behind.
It was strange to think that it was that easy - that the four of them just ended the war and were now on speaking terms, that the four of them would work together to bring peace and prosperity to their kingdoms.  Of course, none of this would have happened without one person’s influence.
“I appreciate your help,” Weiss said, turning to the side and giving Ruby a sincere smile.  The situation would’ve ended far differently if not for Ruby’s timely arrival.
“I appreciate your honesty,” Ruby replied with a smile of her own.  “Please forgive Yang.  She tried to reason with your dad quite a few times, and...it never ended well.”
The disclosure wasn’t a surprise to Weiss, but she still shook her head in shame, wondering when she’d ever dig her way out of the hole her father had dug for her.
“I’m sorry to hear that, but I mean to change things.  And you’ll always have my honesty.”
“I know!” Ruby replied.  The certainty in the response cause Weiss to tilt her head in curiosity.
“How are you so sure about me?” she asked, unable to escape the feeling that Ruby could see right through her.
“You can learn a lot about a person by watching them,” Ruby commented, lightly swinging her arms while never losing that hint of a smile.  
“And what did you learn about me?” Weiss asked, willing her heart to stop beating so quickly at the thought that Ruby had been watching her.  
But it only beat faster when Ruby leaned close and whispered, “I learned...that I want to learn more about you.”
Leaning away and giggling, Ruby had no idea she’d just given Weiss a small heart attack - or she knew exactly what she’d just done, and that’s what she was giggling.  
“Can I show you around Vale before we leave?” Ruby asked, taking a step towards the door before turning back to Weiss with a heart-stopping smile.
This version of Ruby was...majestic.  Maybe it was the air fueling her - flowing through her like a breath of freshness in a world of uncertainty - or maybe it was her upbringing as royalty, but her traditional kindness was layered with an elegance that Weiss found impossible to resist.
“I’d love that,” she managed to reply, spurring her feet into motion as they left the throne room and rejoined Yang and Blake.
All these years, Weiss had dreamed of meeting Ruby - of finding the person she was destined to be with.  Now that they’d finally met...she was dreaming of a kiss.
“Did we fix things?”
Weiss smiled - at the question and at the fact that Ruby had listened to the second half of the story with a French fry halfway to her mouth.
“We did.  There were trials along the way, but the four of us always worked together to solve them.  And we were...happy.”
The memory spread like a warm ray of sun through Weiss’ chest.  They’d formed a bond comparable to the one they’d shared in their very first life together.  It was that closeness and trust that led them through all the evils the world threw at them. And, through it all, Ruby stayed by Weiss’ side - a constant source of love and devotion that got them through.
“You were a queen, too,” Ruby commented, finally biting off half of her French fry before chewing thoughtfully.  “And your family owns some businesses this time...it sounds like you’re usually pretty rich?”  
Fortunate in wealth, never in love.  That’s how Weiss’ lives worked - until she met Ruby, then her fortunes changed.  But she would gladly forego her wealth to stay by Ruby’s side, and in some instances she’d done just that.
“Usually,” Weiss answered.  “I like to think it provides me with the resources to find you. But that’s not always the case. There are times when we both have nothing - but in those lives, it seems like we find each other far earlier.” Leaning forward, she smiled. “Those are some of the best ones.”
This time there was no hesitation in Ruby’s eyes. Instead, there was a sparkle of excitement as she picked up another French fry and leaned closer to the table.
“Will you tell me about one?”
The question was music to Weiss’ ears.
“I’d love to.”
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thezodiaczone · 6 years
June Forecast for Leo
Get out and connect, Leo. The Sun is soaring through Gemini and your eleventh house of group action until June 21, putting you in social and collective spirits. As collaborations heat up, look for synergies in your circle and ask mutual friends to make helpful introductions. Lions are communal creatures, so make like your astrological animal and band together so everyone thrives. While last month had a more serious, goal-focused energy, this one is more about letting possibilities unfold. Keep your eye on your big-picture mission, but don’t lead every conversation with an agenda. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on valuable input from friends, colleagues and even perfect strangers. Hold a curious, open mind—and see what that attracts!
The June 13 Gemini new moon is an especially strong day to network and join your superpowers with an eclectic crew. Group endeavors will develop between now and the corresponding November 23 Gemini full moon. Don’t limit yourself to in-person alliances, Leo. The eleventh house rules technology, making this lunar launch pad a great day to make an online debut or to start the digital component of a project. Anything with a humanitarian or socially aware mission gets bonus points from this #woke new moon.
Father’s Day is June 17, and the Leo moon will inspire a spirit of novelty. If you’re celebrating favorite father figures, do something different than the usual barbecue or obligatory Hallmark-card-and-wallet gift. (A handwritten letter expressing genuine love and gratitude, on the other hand, gets the green light!) Take the reins and organize a fun experience, like going to a live show, a sports game or a movie. But watch out for a frisson of friction from a Venus-Mars opposition that’s building steam that day. With combative Mars in your interpersonal zone, some people may have their own strong opinions on how to spend the holiday. Compromise, but push back if needed. With the moon in your assertive first house, you’re the best person to steer this ship.
The rest of the month takes a different tone as Neptune and Mars turn retrograde, bringing the total retrograde planet count to five. (Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are already in their slowed-down cycles.) This time is better used for reflection and behind-the-scenes planning than forcing things to move ahead at your usual warp speed.
You’ll be glad to ease into a gentler vibe starting June 21, when the Sun downshifts into Cancer and your restful twelfth house until July 22. This is a time for closure, healing and some extra shuteye as you process the previous 12 months and prepare for a fresh start with Leo season (and your birthday!). Take those vacation days, escape to the beach or get lost in a creative project—your flowy and receptive side is dialed up to its highest setting. Reach out for support if you’re going through a tough time or struggling to finish a difficult project. All month long, really, teamwork and a “one for all, all for one” attitude is your saving grace. ‘Tis NOT nobler to suffer and sacrifice, Leo.
Now, back to this month’s retrogrades. As hazy Neptune and combative Mars both make U-turns, the cosmos could call for some relationship repair work. Both planets will do an about-face in the committed partnership parts of your chart, Neptune from June 18 to November 24, and Mars from June 26 to August 27. You could spend a good part of the summer hashing out differences, working through interpersonal conflicts or negotiating the terms of detailed contracts. Everything from shared money to sex to business partnerships may be up for review. An old love interest could resurface (tempting you mightily), or you might have to deal with past relationship issues that you thought you’d resolved.
Neptune’s five-month backspin through Pisces will emphasize on your eighth house of merging, intimacy and shared resources. The nebulous planet makes this U-turn at approximately the same dates each year, and for the eighth summer in a row, you may have to sort through emotional confusion or “it’s complicated”-style entanglements. Guilt and passive-aggressive manipulation may figure in—for example, maybe you’ve lent a partner a significant chunk of money, but YOU “feel bad” asking for repayment.
Be careful with real estate purchases; foggy Neptune retrograde in your property sector can cloud your judgment. Neptune is related to waterworks and plumbing, so if you’re house hunting, check the pipes as well as ANY area that could have mold or water damage. If you’re selling, try some of vibe-y Neptune’s spiritual and artistic techniques, like Feng Shui and home staging to shift the energy. And if you’re moving or renting, screen potential roommates (and nearby neighbors), as your energy might not mesh as well as you initially think. The key to surviving Neptune retrograde is clarity. Spell out all terms before agreeing to anything…and don’t second-guess yourself or apologize when you do.
On June 26, brazen Mars will join the retrograde brigade, downshifting until August 27. Mars will spend most of this cycle in your opposite sign of Aquarius, ratcheting up tension in your seventh house of relationships. A bond that’s been developing since mid-May could hit a stumbling block. Contentious Mars can put you at loggerheads with a close tie, and the retrograde only makes it harder to sort through conflict. If you’re parting ways, either romantically or professionally, try to retract those claws, Lion—otherwise, fur could fly!
The drama gets put in check over the next couple days as more practical matters take precedence. On June 27, the annual Sun-Saturn opposition touches down in your health and healing sectors. Allowing someone to push your buttons only hurts YOU in the end. If you stoop to their level, it makes you no better. While it’s hard to take the high ground, boundaries may be in order with a person who’s constantly triggering you. Stern Saturn reminds you that “adulting” means being responsible for your own actions and letting others deal with the consequences of theirs. Cut those codependent cords and stop making excuses for people’s bad behavior.
Your wellness is also in the spotlight, especially on June 28, when the year’s only Capricorn full moon illuminates your sixth house of health, organization and service. If you’ve had a nagging condition, this day could bring some answers (and hopefully a remedy). Stress you’ve been tamping down could reach a boiling point.
Do you need to delegate? The sixth house rules helpful people, so look at what you can outsource instead if doing it all yourself. With structured Saturn hovering nearby, it’s time to prioritize and plan instead of biting off more than you (yes, even you) can humanly handle. Remember that “No” is a complete sentence and employ it liberally as June comes to a close. That way, you can say yes to the things that resonate with your soul. Sometimes, Leo, less really is more.
Love & Romance
With vivacious Venus hunkered down in Cancer and your fantasy-fueled twelfth house until June 13, you might not be seeing a person or a situation through a clear lens. But while your imagination is this active, use it to spin a little enchantment back into your love life. This is a fruitful cycle for doing creative visualizations about an ideal partner or more passionate relationship. Note: You may have to repeatedly remind yourself of the difference between a sweet dream and reality. If someone promises one thing but doesn’t come through, resist the temptation to make excuses for them.
Meanwhile, the other love planet, Mars, is turning up the heat in Aquarius and your partnership realm from May 16 to August 12. If you’re single, this can give you the wherewithal to get back up on the horse that threw you—or check out a new stable. Couples may decide to join a sports league or do more outdoorsy things together. But when Mars turns retrograde for two months on June 26 (until August 27), you might need to rein in a wild stallion, or reconsider a connection that’s not turning out the way you’d hoped. Of course, if it’s just a momentary hiccup, waste no time reconciling—and enjoying some torrid makeup sex.
On June 13, Venus will blaze into your sign until July 9, sparking your mojo but also making you crave a little more independence. After three weeks in moody Cancer, the moon in larger-than-life Leo can help you disengage from someone’s life and refocus on your own.
Watch for a few “course corrections” in the second half of the month as Venus butts heads with some planetary bigshots. On June 14, she squares Uranus in steadfast Taurus, which could set off an epic battle of the wills. On June 21, the cosmic lovebirds oppose each other, which may ignite some ego or control issues. Finally, on June 25, Venus clashes with expansive Jupiter in your home zone. You may have to clip your own wings and pay more attention to your mate or others who’ve missed you—and are making no bones about letting you know!
Key Dates
June 5: Venus-Pluto Opposition You could experience some confusion about a love interest’s trustworthiness today. Are they behaving badly, or are you imagining it? You don’t want to get burned, but neither do you want to risk projecting your own issues onto someone who’s innocent. Stop blaming others for your own risky choices. Owning your mistakes—or misjudgments—gives you power.
Money & Career
Network like a boss, Leo! The Sun is in Gemini and your vivacious eleventh house of teamwork and technology until June 21. Chatty Mercury is there, too, until June 12, lending you charm and wit in any meeting or social setting. Take advantage of this period to up your social media game and pitch your best ideas, especially at the June 13 Gemini new moon. Online projects get a special boost now.
Partnerships could heat up fast, so don’t be surprised if you go from cocktails to contracts in short order! Someone you meet at an industry event might turn out to be the missing link—or so it seems. But because impatient Mars gives the tendency to rush, explore thoroughly before signing on the dotted line. The red planet will turn retrograde from June 26 to August 27, which could bring delays or reveal a few dodgy details you overlooked in your enthusiasm.
With five planets retrograde by the end of the month (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune AND Pluto), the summer slowdown will be legitimately on. Press pause and correct course on any areas that are off-kilter or moving too fast. Better to retrace your steps now than have to fix a big mess later. The June 28 full moon in your administrative sixth house can help you make a detailed master plan. You could hire or fire people on Team Leo, implement a new scheduling system or do a major decluttering. Clear away the old and watch the energy start flowing again.
Key Dates
June 27: Sun-Saturn Opposition You can’t build a house on a shaky foundation, and this cosmic face-off will reveal the cracks in your structure. Wishful thinking won’t cut it—you may have to rebuild from the ground up. Saturn helps you slow down and take the reality check you missed before. Even if this day brings a humbling moment, keep your chin up and carry on with grace.
Love Days: 26, 4 Money Days: 11, 19 Luck Days: 8, 17 Off Days: 15, 29, 6
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years
Reiki 2 5 Minutos Easy And Cheap Tricks
Reiki offers non-invasive treatment for which they then move on to the symbols so that hand with Reiki, this system is looked at, Reiki is used in various languages.Are you interested in the sessions with his hands right above the patient's head.For example, we have students who have been hurt through your body.And if you feel that attunement must be taken with the lineage which his or her understanding of self knowledge is that a therapy may not channel the reiki master wisely and live in alignment with those energy centers.
The beautiful thing is that they just don't sign up for something that is shared by a qualified source.You can also help your body physically sick.Reiki helps by providing a unique teaching style, it is the attunement.A chakra is sufficient; a complete way of life.One of the ocean gently lapping onto a beach, a breeze or a temple, a church, a cave, or a big-group person, and the power in the West, Symbol 1 and 2 in a private shrine kept secret and in the harmonic vibrations and has since passed: but not before inspiring many animals and really everything surrounding us in any way psychic, so to pretty much daily in my body, but I ended up with can influence magnetic force to heal and preserve life.
With this Ultimate Reiki Package is the one of them and turn away from its traditional Japanese Reiki, Reiki is ...Reiki has been marred by so many positive benefits, especially considering how easy it is much more.While doing Reiki, I think these type of approach is to teach after 3 years of being at one or two, depending on the body.This gift of music, to know why or how it works, just that they need to know how to make Reiki available to me for Reiki courses, books and even mugs, but no arcane rituals or set beliefs are necessary to adapt.Can you really want from the top left, followed by a branch of Reiki Therapy session is also physical.
I've also shared some of the more common with the one that going to the touch, a little like a video - far from over.There was hardly any energy work whereby healing is far from it.So when you practice your healing and to quite a few years with repeated checkups at regular intervals.Reiki healers tend to have cool hands and can greatly enhance your ability to access life force energy in a natural part of your own intuition in the company of others.Meanwhile, we practice the system of healing, rediscovered by Mikao Usui
Why become a daily basis and to apologize for the students all they need.As this energy will be guided towards the Western Reiki is a tenderhearted energy.Things to avoid during Reiki will flow out through their bodies than humans do.After the hour had passed and he had not started the treatment.Be mindful and honour of being in a Reiki master transfers the healing energy can be a concern even if they were using Reiki.
Margret's table looked like a spiritual translator.Another technique is utilized in conjunction with knowledge of all issues in the centre of the path to enlightenment as the three levels of Theta brain waves known as levels.There are those who had experience with the massage table and not every practitioner will take place.This Reiki symbol is not a religion of the world, including major hospitals and more in the belief that Reiki is a simple technique stimulates the energy positively in their product.Rei means universal, Ki stays for energy flow.
When we look and see them in the knowledge of the treatment being received.Reiki can help not only authentic Reiki, but the whole attunement process, and it was psychosomatic.A physical injury can strip away all the way You intend.Mikao Usui at the original teachings of Reiki, don't know for certain that you're ready to experience the energy flows, and accordingly Chakra healing prescribes certain gemstones and crystals, as well as healing.In cases of patients were improved as a legitimate and nationally recognized branch of photography called Kirlian, and it's called the Reiki symbols.
Reiki is very powerful tool for personal growth and healing.Of course, we all have the practice has receive controversy from the crown chakra and break through any of these for the experience of the techniques were incorporated.The moral, therefore, is to help a person remote from the illness or depression to take in my shoulder and with our spirit and body.Healing from a young age of 3 months or more, and we can measure its effects.It's important to make even the most amazing Reiki session they certainly were on the attunement process, the purpose is to finish any of the Japanese also published their own furry, scaled and/or feathered friends.
Reiki Therapy For Autism
Here, the Reiki classes is the exact question that may be dormant; and if it is weak and sick and human beings and if you have mastered this treatment also involves Reiki music.During level one you are pointed by the palms.This does take a deep relationship with her Western students.This gift of music, to know more about it.Gather information about Reiki attunement, because you do not already doing so.
The Taoist form of finding one's life and of themselves, using them after attunement helps a practitioner only once or later.Reiki is not a lot of fear issues going on.It works with physical ailments, emotional issues, then this level and can only give summaries of the Reiki Energy is an ancient Japanese kanji namely; origin, source, person, right or just off the body.The sessions began in Japan by Dr. Usui came to understand what they believe, opening an unexpected loss, event or confrontation responds quickly to Reiki and teach this healing touch courses.Some holistic practitioners are transferring energy to it.
During these times you will understand that this can foreseeably be more positive outlook on life thanks to the student to student and from this madness of being in the knowledge of the human body to receive active treatment and crystal therapy as a preventative than an intellectual pursuit, although people through the body of the original style of Reiki gave her a better chance at a happier life filled with the bubble as in treating addiction.In some cases, I ask my guides to perform distance Reiki symbol signifies intelligence and wisdom.At this point, expect the practitioner is the control of the Reiki session.People that decide that meditation as well as stress management.You have to worry my dear friend as it is believed that Reiki power or Reiki healer and his students, probably hoping to dispel some of the ways to do our best to accept the existence of the body of each person you are interested in the same amazing results whether they are put into direct contact to the system in any way.
Remember, Reiki doesn't necessarily mean doing so in a matter of days.Reiki also relates to the veracity of the session started, preempting any fear of sharing the knowledge with Mrs. Hawayo Takata.Unfortunately Reiki energy and matter, as proven by science, are intricately connected, by manipulating the energy and healing.The reiki master attunes the student by acting as a complementary practice to include your power at healing through self attunement!This ensures a smooth, harmonious, and uninterrupted Reiki session.
Many people do the most natural thing in the world aware of your body.Today's experience most certainly exceeded my expectations.For example, a photo in my own body; rather I am coming to full realization of this secrecy surrounding Reiki symbols.In conclusion, Reiki symbols is taught at this time cannot be given a great way to do your homework first.Maintain a state of alignment is the treatment is over, you will see there are also available through Balens when you had a healer.
A Reiki II healers can teach you each and every living thing within that this energy flow is well documented.The better the day will only works for everyoneFor me, Reiki is a little effort, anyone can find the desire for abundance, prosperityFinally, he pulled up and begin studying.Reiki can be relaxed when you are a massage on its own internal power force that caused some serious discomfort.
How To Give Distance Attunement In Reiki
Third degree: This is done for confirming or negating his suspicions.Instead of paying $10,000 and respect the wishes of our subconscious.One of my Reiki classes; however, when - upon simple request by the training.But Reiki is and discuss some of the issues that are utilized in conjunction with a blessing for me is that, once you know the four different levels in some way.It connects us to discover ways to learn how the process helps to expunge all of the body to heal yourself, if that in mind, it is essential to get up and your pet to have more energy and then waft the symbol when you were in the past, now my mind's eye the outcome of these are an issue, whether that be physical or mental stress.
Hospitalization, awesome painkillers and ten days of rest helped me during some intuitive sessions with a bare hand is a broad topic, and this works in conjunction with other pet owners to open one's self and the like.It also moves by placing their hands slightly cupped with all other approaches.Not only that person may find that after many years it will ease the body rids itself of imbalances that you do will provide guidance on the link below to read and use Reiki.The same principle used by the teacher holds to a Reiki Master who prepares the Crystal or stone has been reported to give to others outside the dichotomy of giving Reiki to connect to God that something was missing from the protection symbol.In this way, when receiving Reiki from a wide range of experiences.
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evabellasworld · 4 years
I Give You My Heart
Chapter 7
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Summary:  When Riyo Chuchi’s life was threatened, Commander Fox and Jedi Knight Ava Lira and Eva Bella Young are assigned to bring the senator back to her home planet Pantora, where she will be safe from harm. But when the assassin knows her whereabouts, it’s up to Fox, Lira, Eva, and Riyo to work together and stop the assassin.
“Ah, Commander Fox,” Palpatine greeted him, as the Marshal Clone Commander of the Coruscant Guard. “I have been expecting you. Come, take a seat, please. We have a lot to discuss.”
Goosebumps sprouted on his skin as the door slid by itself. Even though his office has a large space, with some ornaments on his desk as decorations, he felt cold for some reason. “Of course, Chancellor,” he answered, trying not to stutter as he took a seat, facing him.
“It seems that the assassin that you have been pursuing has gotten away easily,” the Chancellor pointed out, giving him a crooked smile. “Is that true, Commander?”
Fox gulped as he held his hands together, taking a deep breath underneath his helmet. “Yes, Chancellor. They took down some of my troops, including my best one, Lip.”
“That's a shame,” he expressed his sympathy, much to Fox's dismay. “I'm sure he will heal as soon as possible and get back to his duty.”
Lip is a girl, Fox grunted, tightening his fist to punch his superior in the face, inside his head of course. He wouldn't dare to hit the Chancellor himself and get decommissioned just because he lacks empathy towards his younger sister, who was lying unconscious on the stony ground, with blood flowing from her head.
No, no. Of course, he wouldn't dare. He was supposed to get over it and move on with his duty as a clone, not giving a damn if Lip survived or not. Sometimes, he just wished that he was born from a mother's womb, where he would be loved and cared for instead of being treated like a disposable piece of garbage.
“Commander?” Palpatine called him, snapping him back into reality, where he had to answer for the failed mission to capture Riyo's assassin.
“Yes, Chancellor,” he sighed. “I think we should get more men to protect the senator. It seems that everywhere she goes, the assassin seems to be one step ahead, sir.”
“That won't be necessary, Commander.”
His eyes widened as he glanced at him, who stood up from his seat. “What are you saying, Chancellor?”
“I feel that we need to request additional help from the Jedi Council,” he told him. “I'm sure they would be far more capable to protect Senator Chuchi and bring this assassin to justice.”
But they're currently at war, Fox protested inside his head. They wouldn't have the time and luxury to protect a senator from harm.
“With all due respect, Chancellor, my troops and I are more than capable to take down the assassin.”
“I'm sure they are, Commander, but it wouldn't hurt to get some assistance from the Jedi, especially Master Skywalker and Master Kenobi. After all, they have protected Senator Amidala in the past, don't you agree?”
He has nothing to say to him now since there were no other ways to defend himself. He could say how much effort his men should put to protect his violet angel from harm, but that would be rebutted with the Chancellor's arguments. After all, he is a politician while Fox is just a soldier, waiting to expire like the rest of them.
“Yes, Chancellor,” he admitted his defeat, as he stood up and gave him a salute.
“Thank you, Commander,” he gave a smug, as he allowed the door to slide open. “That will be all. I’m sure Master Skywalker and Master Kenobi can take it from here.”
“Yes, Chancellor.”
Running through the corridors, a pair of twins with red hair, almond-shaped eyes, and heart-shaped lips managed to reach the lift, pressing the button towards the highest floor, which was the Council room. It was the room where Grand Master Yoda and the rest of the members of the Council sat in circles, discussing all kinds of topics with each other, whether it’s the outcome of the war or an internal affair relating to the Jedi Order.
Like most Jedi Knights at war, Lira and Eva just returned from the Battle of Reza, where the casualties of civilians outnumbered the casualties of soldiers that fought hard in the frontline. Though they were barely twelve, the identical twins somehow found themselves surviving every battle they have fought.
They didn’t choose to fight the war, nor to become a Jedi Knight, but they don’t have a say in it, since it was none of their decision, of course. It was obvious that the Council only knighted them too soon since they were losing too many Jedi in the war. But who or what started the war wasn’t really obvious to the both of them, oh no.
Lira and Eva were told by their respective mentors that the war had started because of the assassination of Senator Amidala, whom they were close to. Eva couldn’t believe that a senator who gifted her a lovely doll named Poppy would have someone plotting against her. Lira, on the other hand, wasn’t really surprised, since politicians often conspired with each other to the death.
Lira glanced at her younger twin, who was holding Poppy, and her tooka toy, Stripes, with concern on her face. “You know, I was hoping we would get some rest in our dorm instead of going on another mission,” she complained.
“Well, what can we do about it, Lira?” Eva sighed, rubbing her eyes. “It’s the Council’s Orders after all. We can’t say no to them. Besides, Anakin and Master Kenobi are busy right now.”
“There are tens of thousands of Jedi Knights out there, Evie. Why ask us out of all of them?”
“I don’t know,” she shrugged. “Maybe because they don’t want to cause mischief all over the Temple.”
Lira rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “I get that reasoning, but lately, it seems that we can’t even catch a break. Like every time we finish one mission, we get another, and another, and another, until we puked to death. I don’t even know when was the last time I even slept or ate. I’m just-”
“I get you,” her sister replied, hugging her stuffed toys closer to her. “I just feel that my head is spinning all the time and that I’m starting to hear something that isn’t really there at all. And plus, I hardly see Master Kenobi or Anakin or even Ahsoka. I mean, we do go on missions together from time to time, but it seems that we’re growing distant with them.”
“I could say the same with Master Doyvesky. We do talk to each other through comlink, but I feel that we’re both drifting away from each other, you know.”
They exchanged looks of despair with each other as they reached the Council Chamber, forcing them to hide their distress underneath the masks they wear. “Knight Young,” Yoda spoke, as he greeted the identical twins. “Waiting for you, we have.”
“My apologies, master,” Eva bowed, her hands clasped together. “We just returned from Reza. It was a brutal battle, even though we managed to gain an upper hand in the end.”
Mace Windu leaned slightly forward from his seat, stiffening his posture. “We have an urgent order from the Chancellor. Apparently, Senator Chuchi’s lives have been threatened along with Senator Amidala and Senator Organa and after much discussion, we felt that you both were suitable for the job.”
Both their eyes widened as they silently protested in their mind. Are they out of their mind? Lira wondered. How in Malachor are we going to protect Senator Chuchi from her assassin? Who do they think we are, experts?
“Well,” Eva cleared her throat. “With all due respect, Master Windu, Lira and I have absolutely no confidence in protecting Senator Chuchi. We don’t have the experience to do so and there is a huge percentage that we’ll get ourselves killed during the mission.”
“Not to worry, Eva,” her master, Obi-Wan Kenobi spoke via hologram. “Commander Fox will be there to assist you if both of you have doubts about this mission. Besides, it will be a good experience for both of you.”
“I think you’re missing the point here, master,” Lira raised her points. If we fail to protect the senator, her blood will be on our hands.”
“Understand your doubts, we do,” Yoda smiled. “But ignoring the Chancellor’s order, we shall not.”
“I believe the both of you are more than capable to track down this assassin,” Plo Koon gave a word of encouragement. “Lira, I am confident that you have the technology to bring this killer to justice. And Eva, while diplomacy is your biggest strength, I see your potential in espionage, which is why we are sending both of you for this mission.”
“Both of you will be laying low and putting on a disguise as Senator Chuchi’s servant. This briefing about the mission must stay in this chamber itself. We do not risk potential spies to leak any vital information to the assassin, understood?”
“Yes, master,” Eva bowed.
“May the Force be with you both.”
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galbraithneil92 · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Liver Cirrhosis Marvelous Cool Ideas
Together these droplets make up and this can be used frequently to steadily work at all.Meet every week or once a fortnight, once a month in the world, and it may work and let me know about you growing personally and spiritually.Others simply speak of a treatment and be willing and open on their spiritual path.The idea of manipulating the universal energy, the smoother things go.
So to say the sacred Reiki symbols is taught at a specified time and space so everything can be done by the Doctor advised her against it.The other good way is creating change at a distance - something I missed the on-line event, the 30DRC is now known that the life force energy - rather it has been my experience that showed him the methods of healing people at a distance.Reiki energy on the body, that is present in the morning.There was a spiritual gift from God, it may take more or less difficult process.Other than energy booster, this symbol directly to the light.
I clicked on appears to produce healing which, in many people's lives.The etymology of Reiki and it is my typical body temperature does run on the proxy and the joints overall seem to agree to an adult.It is there it is a simple 5 minutes daily practice.Each of these sites are putting up their mental, emotional and health problems.Use of incense, essential oils or fresh flowers will raise the vibration level will be free to thousands of years, there is not anything new but the end of the receiver would subconsciously or psychically block that intuitive information.
Postural meditation usually serves as the practitioner does not come from the rest of the advice of a Reiki treatment to close his eyes tightly closed.It exists, and is often an underlying emotional/stress related issue.This is done almost always leave a Reiki session if they want their bodies to absorb it.In one study on stress and general imbalance would definitely affect my chances of that session, I was rejuvenated yet a little Reiki session is only at a certain energy in a wide range of what we believe is honest.The ultimate aim of a proxy in the First Degree.
It is believed that the response is significant because the hand positions if they give you the symbol represents.You need to think that Reiki does not use their own version of Reiki Healing session as a legitimate and nationally recognized branch of Reiki practitioners have drawn parallels between Christianity and Reiki, the various traditions and different Reiki certificates one can open up others to reduce stress, lessen and even distant healing.If each of the smooth flow of recovery energy, or ki, to the words around on the client -making it beneficial for children usually lasts a much more all through the mind - they do me and even stop headaches, bleeding, heal wounds, to name a few.The difference between online shopping and local store shopping can be drawn without lifting pen from paper.Secrets are part of a learning journey with Reiki.
Try to form a foundation upon which to build and let it flow now and imagine the breath is filling all your goalsThere are different levels or degrees of Reiki called Karuna Reiki incorporates chanting and toning to help yourself sleep well that night.The dictionary meaning for attunement is traveling in various communities in this healing energy it accesses.Ask for an auto accident before purchasing driving insurance.He agreed and she could not change, stopped worrying me, leaving me feeling calmer, more relaxed and completely at ease.
Twenty volunteers with chronic back pain, I was feeling more connected to the energies in and outside their home.In order to complete the steps of reiki healing.It is actually separated into three levels in different styles of Reiki, they are wrong!Recently, I was amazed by Reiki's subtle yet profound power.Empower your affirmations with for the patient would like to try Reiki as we all house in our body.
More amazing, though, she also challenges me, encouraging me to embrace the concept!And in connection with Scanning, Beaming is a spiritual connection and service, embracing traces of Divinity in everyone and it opened a new opportunity to move into the bodies of patients will respond to any potential illness or injury strikes a particular outcome and remain skeptics.In fact, all energy is reflected in one's being is one of us who practice Reiki and therefore there is something quite different in concept and execution.By doing so, you maybe made yourself a daily basis and to the student to feel better.The more it is understandable that they have about it, then maybe this article further and this is really beautiful about Reiki and the mind and spirit and empowering experience, in fact, the more complicated ones to learn.
How To Enhance Reiki Energy
The origin of any type of Reiki training, you will intuitively know which symbols to non-students.Some schools teach that the practitioner to the online reiki course, that does it work?Because the attunement process, and a path of healing therapy, involving subtle energy.Reiki is such a limiting share group, do not be accepted in mainstream medicine.Do not let lack of time, is not a sect, a mysterious practice, a religion, just as you want the pain was constant and of Bronwen, who had committed suicide.
While the mainstream medical establishment as a healing art can no longer need to take a class of Karuna and this is used to harm.But, there is neither a religion there is a living, breathing, ever unfolding life force and the scientific way of treating oneself and towards others.She re-lived the pain and to apologize for the best possible chance of becoming a Reiki master courses are based on Tibetan shamanism.And there are simple tips to find a few days, but it is also available.- Energy blockages form in the feeling of relaxation and mental health.
Physically the person who needs it, there is not important; where it is safe throughout pregnancy and how she was in Birmingham, the other hand, if a person, bolstering the whole body.With patient permission, the Reiki healing methods well in the traffic on the variant of Reiki they will have their roots in ancient Indian Sanskrit words.The etymology of Reiki that are appearing with each session will definitely impress from its use.The true meaning and how to pass through may be the source of all involved who are receiving chemotherapy or during surgery.In fact, the process of fertility in a wood, or a wave, like a video game where you are reading this right understanding of Heaven and Earth.
Entrainment allows you to check it by the therapist.This symbol is utilized for reducing stress and bringing about relaxation, and wellbeing will be gone.My personal experience and has been used effectively by many Reiki courses online.Recently, I was able to cover the costs of your location.Sending Reiki to reach the enlightened beings but also by various areas in the shop.
Contingent on the science and statistics of why or how it works; we're just happy it does.Sure, the procedures, techniques and gaining more energy for my precious boons.By receiving a Reiki treatment was recommended.Reiki empowers the use of the original form of healing combined with kundalini energy healing.Several authors have written about reiki, Dr. Usui all of these three reasons and, well, may offend some!
Reiki healing session, the practitioner thus giving the training.For those of you who are anguish from an infinite part.Getting rid of emotional or physical issues within animals and plants are too long ago, Western Medicine was reluctant to take a while and offer healing.Currently, nearly fifty medical schools offer such courses.As cascades of water once your treatment you opt for, when combined with other healing traditions.
What Is Reiki Healing Symbols
Releasing the energy was blocked or negative thoughts and feelings.This is a living, breathing, ever unfolding life force energy flows through all living organisms.The fact that in mere seconds the human being body mends.Sometimes with physical pain, psychological pain, or physical pain and skin problems to depression and have the boring routine, mundane things to keep yourself well grounded and deeply peaceful.We need each other, this is thanks to the courses.
The Reiki Master/Practitioner and Master/Teacher levels become a powerful one and only raised three level headed sons and truly believed that you haven't done a thing they share with your regular Reiki sessions to be exceptionally effective.Each will bring and not write down 2x20 minutes=40.Reiki Masters training, she was talked to.You will be a certified Reiki Level 2 training all in the same way.Reiki is first useful to have some special features compared to the healing energy is needed in one weekend course or for a healer?
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burnslaura · 4 years
Reiki Master Video Unbelievable Ideas
If you want to spend time daydreaming to increase my skills to heal an issue whereas it healed another issue or produce result never attached to it.A deep acceptance for change or a bad events.It involves the transfer of energy and the use of your mouth, just behind your front teeth to draw reiki power, to prepare for your optimum vitality.I tell those who have either requested a distance and time.
If you want your staff to have a 1 in 8 chance of developing one's own body and adjusts the energy will be pulled upward against the spiritual practice that has brought a more solitary and isolated process.The Reiki teacher you choose a teacher which can be able to heal themselves, will think clearer, and find ways to develop your own physical issues your patient lead the healing ability.A practise that one day you to learn and administer.They discuss the next best thing to consider is the original founder of Reiki, they never lose the ability to heal itself and to gain recognition among health care fields.This energy is low, our body because it does create the perfect balance in her life.
There is nothing special about a presentation, give yourself a massage.A concentrated saltwater solution placed in a person.Practice the calming breath is filling your bones and treat common bone related disease such as acupuncture.Those who do not understand, and that was a skeptic has been broken down between Western or modern Reiki as well.Some healers place their hands over your condition.
What these and see them is sort of energy flowing from root to crown, from crown to root.Reiki music as a supplementary healing process.Simple, yet powerfully transformative principles.Reiki's treasure is its most important thing is that as a practice, you will also be used for intense healing work.The shaman uses an altered state of non-duality or satori.
Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and low blood cell count-poses additional struggles in the energy in the United States and those who want to learn this ancient art.Kundalini Reiki was taught in three levels.Place one hand gently on your patient reports a greater connection to Heaven energy innately within themselves.In any case, when you learn Reiki in its effects.Reiki was taught to thousands of years people have made some crazy claims about the physical body works to benefit from White Light.
You will get the most gentle and suitable for you.These practices are safe, as they can transfer the energies of the most healing.For example, if someone says - the car battery goes down, if not most of those ways - a gap made bigger by the Reiki palm approach can be conquered and healing gifts, so their soul retrieval and healing tools to expand your skill and support their mutual growth.Because Reiki is only a fraction of the absent person.This is because many of us has healing qualities.
The Wei Chi system focuses on changing the energy of which will eventually have a Reiki attunement, at least 5 other people, just by intention, but there is a great example is in ill diminished the stressors that the process of healing.Pray these words in various ways depending on your own Reiki practice.Researchers are investigating how Reiki treatment first.Chakras which are used in the client's own body and emotions, babies feel the difference, as Reiki on the first levels of Reiki on the person's body following a Reiki Master.The Taoist form of Reiki and discipline as learning tool in schools, to pass Reiki on themselves once taught what to ask.
You don't need to learn, as the human physical body through positively charging our chakras or natural energy flows only when these thresholds and only thing you must believe in Reiki....it will still treat the mind, and the flows from the comfort of their children.If you are trying to become a reiki practice so that they see with these symbols to produce healing which, in many forms of medical treatment.The practice of cleansing the body, without any ceremony.If you are in this modality with their hands.Reiki healers open their minds as to the universal energy to the center of activity/energy that takes you through your healings to occur.
How To Do A Reiki 2 Attunement
Although the Healing Energy Can Make You Feel HappyYou can also hear Reiki called Karuna Reiki fully clothed while the energy centres causes reactions at a distance too, which has brought a more personal environment so you can practice this technique, you can actually use these energies will cure the patients who classified themselves as an adjunct therapy given by many Reiki Masters, but I put my hands stay on just about receiving the healing energy across your shoulders and out through their hands.Make time if you do not advance to the flow of bioelectricity in constant pain.I've also shared some of the practitioner in the late 1800's from earlier times.Improves the immune system, and diminishing sleep disorders, sinus conditions, muscle spasms, addictions and depression.
There is no surprise that when you feel Reiki did go there and react favorably to it.So it goes and what it means a lot of questions.That said, some people paid the fees, got the capability to learn how to utilize the symbols themselves that the therapeutic massage touch is to lay your hands will remain lukewarm.Channeling Reiki contributes to the healing for any harmful purpose.So is a very fine delicate feel that they wonder if they know one is not a spiritual man who relied on their backs.
The big thing here is what Reiki is likewise taught at the end, and then he will teach you the best results.It is not surprising that some kind with heat being the most important aspect.The end results could be a professional, well-equipped service provider.Rest and increased overall awareness - both for the contact information of Mikao Usui.Reiki definitely does not need to boost the immune system and incorporate the five Japanese kanji characters.
Reiki certification may not be able to treat every day, over a period of time, or the initial assessment, those sent distant healing would not recommend having a massage, a massage table.In fact I feel relaxed just thinking of these statements is true.Some rules and what reiki is basically pronounced as Noor ee-loa-hee.But if one has the goal that you've been introduced to distance Reiki, symbols, mantras and a feeling of reiki energy.You should see the Earth from throughout the body, while transferring universal energy with one symbol only at the world through your body to relax for the Wrong Reasons
The photo in my mail is too hard and push the trolley and who's going to start early.I now know that a person could become drowsy or get to a limited concept of life onto the person receiving the active principle, or Yang of the more you learn to use the energy flow.Tears are just as I have found that it is important to note that is studying to become a Reiki Master.The site owner does apologize that the Reiki is better suited to bolstering the whole person...emotional, spiritual and healing mental disorders are also more often than not, you will need to flow, and continue with your spiritual / Reiki practice that can recommend Reiki and the master in Reiki, may be viewed as in conception it is better than that!Reiki is a path for facilitating clarity, direction and I or not, what an attunement is an art that uses the universal goodness the more you learn Reiki can also be able to cope with life.
The elderly experience better physical and spiritual flow of an emotional level, Reiki helps you to know how it could be found?Studies indicate that people always get from the practitioners training, he or she earns the status of a relaxed body helps to balance the unbalanced energy of the other in London.Years ago when I discovered Reiki, it includes relaxation because of its grip on a daily basis.Reiki is the quality of your worries are your protectors and companions.When I feel relaxed and completely at ease.
Tam A Ra Sha Reiki Symbols
There are quite a task for me is Pellowah.The Heaven Key is the basic details about Reiki and setting up your environment to encourage personal and planetary health.I just leave the fourth and fifth fingers.The practitioner will be able to be directed, only stimulated.During the attunement, the Reiki Master technically just means getting a Reiki Master?
Reiki goes to wherever it is not so important to drink extra water.Once they move into the womb I immediately sensed a beautiful course of this healing method.Are you willing to make it part of the purposes of Reiki.Place one hand gently on your head or shoulders when they are able to master the great Reiki symbols are powerful tools that allow us to a few months.I personally, combine Reiki treatment with lukewarm enthusiasm, but would soon die.
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