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theoccultz · 2 months ago
hi, i hope you're well. i would like to enjoy your free reading. my question is: what will my next partner's kinks be about me?
my initials are 'efa', she/her, interested in males, venus and ty.
the neighbourhood, w.d.y.w.f.m?
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thanks for joining
Cards : 4ofcoins ,2of swords
Your next partner is very much into choking, I do not pick up on a very soft dom , he's very strong and he likes to show it , this person is very random they're gonna pick you up and throw you on the bed I think it's because they will know how to turn you on , he's into quickies , shadower sex , choking , bdsm basically, he likes to assert his dominance and he likes to tame the other person , he likes to hold people down with his strength .
He may have a beard , kind of long eyes idk what you call it may be cat eyes , he has a lot of hairs , he has really long black hair and he doesn't look that strong but his strength will really surprise you .
Chanelled song :
That's all I got for you
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eltarotdediego · 4 years ago
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martysaurusrex · 7 years ago
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Thanksgiving Feast Spread (Created yours truly) 1. The Celebration: The Reason for the Season-Something to be grateful for. #10ofcoins Having a healthy, happy family is worth all the money in the world isn’t it? There is security in its structure, and it’s ties are strong and blinding. 2. The Feast: Ideas and attitudes to assimilate into your life. #4ofcoins Don’t "sell yourself short." We have a tendency to become smaller, less confident versions of ourselves during family gatherings. Don’t be a wallflower or afraid to toot that horn a bit! 3. The Dessert: Things worth savoring (meditating on) #6ofswords Amy Mann calls Thanksgiving "Everone’s big ‘ole bag of triggers.” Be careful about reviving old family games of "tit for tat” or falling into similar accusatory pitfalls. Sometimes family serves as a mirror of the things about ourselves that we try to hide from others, and when we start resenting them we are also going ourselves an equal disservice. 4. The Hangover/Indigestion: (Attitudes/ actions that no longer agree with your best/highest self, or something you’ve indulged too much in.) #9ofcoins It takes a village they say, to raise a family, but it’s easy to take that village for granted. Some of our greatest freedoms and accomplishments are built on the foundation provided by our loved ones. Don’t loose sight of where you’ve come from, and who’s made your success possible. Happy Thanksgiving everyone-I hope it’s a good one! #tarotofmusterberg #pipdecks #marchofthepipsmarcheson #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #gratitude #thankgiving #foodforthought
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lokifan50 · 6 years ago
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Four of coins Its ok to save up, but once an a while its ok to spend when you have your eye on something you want as your saving on the side. Live a little. #4ofcoins #dailytarot #tarotnerds #tarotreaderintraining #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotnerdscommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/Byq788BHacC/?igshid=tgvlu5mqm1by
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rosehillenart · 7 years ago
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4 of coins This card represents greed and selfishness. Here is a matador. His clothes are trimmed in gold, fur, and tassels. He wears a dragon skull- dragons are known as hoarders. He could hsve all the money in the world, but he can't take his eyes away from the 4 coins he holds because he is afraid of losing them. Ive illustrated him here with foxgloves which represent insecurity. . . . #tarotdiadelosmuertos #tarotcommunity #tarotcards #minorarcana #4ofcoins #occult #oracle #copic #illustration #art #pdxart #portlandartist #artistoninstagram #characterdesign #wip #workinprogress #artistmom #draweveryday #rosehillenart
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martysaurusrex · 7 years ago
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Advice for today: “Approach a vulnerable person with compassion. When someone pours their heart out, the ground they water brings forth wild plants that can only be stabilized through your careful attention to them.” #thestar #knightofcups #4ofcoins #noblettarot #zebrowskinoblet #tarotdemarseille #marseilletarot #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #marchofthepipsmarcheson #squarecorners
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martysaurusrex · 8 years ago
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During a whirlwind of preparation for what could be a big day tomorrow, I pull a few cards: "In order to preserve assets, positive change can be best attained through collaboration." #4ofcoins #2ofwands #9ofwands #budapesttarot #marseilletarot #pipdecks #marchofthepipsmarcheson #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarot #backtowork
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martysaurusrex · 8 years ago
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Today's activities are bringing some issues of stability and control to the surface: #4ofcoins #4ofswords #themoon Do: You are being encouraged to grow by your loved ones even if you don't recognize it right now. #6ofcups Don't: Fall into the old, learned patterns that got you there in the first place. #4ofcups #orientaltarot #marseilletarot #tarotmarseille #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #marchofthepipsmarcheson
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martysaurusrex · 8 years ago
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Day Thirty One: Will. Thank you to @thetruthinstory @aitzieolaechea @inthe78cards for hosting this consciousness-expanding challenge. It's been so rewarding to immerse myself in the wonderful world of Marseille and Pip Decks, as well as interacting with this fantastic Tarot Community. A huge shout out to everyone who participated in #marchofthepips-"May the flowering of this knowledge take root in us all." #9ofcups #kingofswords #4ofcoins #jeandodal #marseilletarot #tarotmarseille #pipdecks #historicaltarotdecks #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #finishline
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martysaurusrex · 8 years ago
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Day Twenty Eight: Pathways. Sometimes achieving our desires is more about the process then the product. In our instant-gratification society I think it's easy to forget that taking the slow way in meeting a goal can open us up to experiences and opportunities that couldn't have happened otherwise. However, there is also a time and place for going after what we want with singular focus. For that reason today's prompt of "Pathways" is so interesting. I came up with a spread to represent the process of speed and direction, as well as the warning signs that we might be pursuing a goal from the wrong around. 1. The Direct Route-The Fastest Way To Accomplish Your Goal: #10ofcups & #4ofcoins 2. The Scenic Route-The Path To Follow Which Will Provide The Greatest Amount Of Spiritual Insight: #9ofswords & #9ofcoins 3. The Wrong Turn-The Misleading Or Counterproductive Path: #knightofswords & #kingofwands @thetruthinstory @aitzieolaechea @inthe78cards #marchofthepips #pipdecks #marseilletarot #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotchallenge #1jjswisstarot
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martysaurusrex · 8 years ago
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Day 3: Growth. And I just asked where the closest gym was! Just kidding-this is a tarot challenge, people. This Personal Growth Spread comes from @thecrackedamethyst on Tumblr, and I figured I'd try it out here. 1. Where am I now? #6ofswords 2. & 3. What is holding me back? #7ofcoins #6ofcups 4. What can help me Spiritually? #knightofcoins 5. What can help me physically? #4ofcoins 6. & 7. Two possible paths to take #thedevil (the creature) #thetower 8. Outcome of number one: #thehermit 9. Outcome of the path you're currently on: #theworld 10. Outcome of path number two: #9ofcoins Lots to chew on here. As a side note, in the Tarot of Musterberg the Devil is called "The Creature" which is what I used to call my little Sister when we were little 😂I like the rename here though-it takes the tooth out of this card a bit. Who's else is spending their Friday journaling? @thetruthinstory @aitzieolaechea @inthe78cards #tgif #tarotofmusterberg #marchofthepips #tarot #tarotchallenge #tarotrradersofinstagram #pipdecks #marseilletarot
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