#4kids hate club
gayanimebitches · 1 year
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they literally just got on screen engaged. if this wasnt an engagement what was it. thats a rhetorical question because it WAS an engagement
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fan-kingdoms · 1 year
i wish i could take the cinelume dub and just . put the 4kids delivery/emotion in it. if it weren’t for the name changes, continuity issues, (british tecna) and subpar music i would be a shameless 4kids stan IS GETTING A DUB THATS TRUE TO THE ORIGINAL BUT DOESNT HAVE THE LINE DELIVERY OF 10TH GRADERS IN THEIR SCHOOL PLAY SO MUCH TO ASK
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magixfairyix · 2 months
Winx Club Seasons & Movies Rating
This is just due to boredom, but... hehe I am biased as I grew up with the later seasons so. Going to rate them from worst to best, at least in the way I feel about them.
Even though its weird to rank the movies with the seasons, but trust me.
Season 8: I acually kind of enjoyed season 8 not gonna lie. The first half was misery but it got better when the Trix came in. Though there were only three braincells in that season.
Darcy got 1, Icy and Stormy each got half a brain cell, the Winx each got a sixth of a braincell, and the Specialists didn't get shit.
I feel like part of the reason I acually liked this season is because of the clip of Icy's backstory/her trying to save Sapphire with the Prime Star on youtube a long ass time before the season came out.
Season 7: I might just need to watch this season again, but I did enjoy it a decent bit. While in my opinion season 8 is misery in the first half and genually interesting in the second half, season 7 is just a constant "well... okay"
Season 5: I feel like season 5 would land below season 7 if I wasn't so emotionally attached to the first 7 episodes. I first watched them on a DVD that had them and both one of the first two movies (probably Magical Adventure) and I watched them so much.
This season was my first introduction to the Trix (also homosexuality) and this is also why I don't mind their Nick voices. Even though the Nick dub is... the Nick dub, I still like it for nostalgia's sake.
The Lilo episode and the Rainbow Horse something something episode were my favourite as a child and honestly it still is.
The pillar quest episodes of season 5 make me want to delete that part of the season, and how the episodes sometimes drag on to two episodes when it could've just been as one (ie, the gem episodes).
Musa's episodes were amazing.
Tritanus x Icy was... eh I don't have strong feelings about that. Love Darcy and Stormy getting disgusted by it though.
Mystery of the Abyss: This is nostalgia. I don't know what else to tell you... wait.
I have no idea when I first watched this season. I know I was a child but I have no idea how I got my hands on it. Wait. Acually might've been on TV nm.
Then this movie might've been my first introduction to the Trix. Either that or season 5. That's why my standards are low as hell when it comes to the later seasons. Either this or season 5. Most likely near the same time.
Nostalgia. I liked the scene of the Trix kidnapping Sky and almost killing Bloom because of how 'dark' it was. Also liked the idea of Oblivion. OOO and the opening scene where the Winx talk to the students of Alfea.
But the dancing scene at the end.... I want to get that out of my head.
Season 3: This is going to get me cancelled that I put season 3 lower than season 6 lol. But literally, I have no emotional attachment to season 3 whatsoever. I only found out it existed after I watched season 7 when it was just beginning to come out.
I only found out about it when I saw a thumbnail of an episode with Valtor on it and I was like... who the hell as that? I literally thought there was nothing between season 2 and the movies (don't ask why I didn't question the Winx having Enchantix I don't know).
And when I first watched the season as someone who was emotionally attached to a certain trio of witches, I saw Valtor and my little child brain hated him. I created a list of seasons I disliked season 3 and it turned into a "why I hate Valtor list" at the time. I was immune to his charm.
I'm currently watching the 4kids dub for season 3 and ugh I wish I either first watched it now when I could actually see Valtor as a good villain, or when I was still a smol child.
It's an amazing season and I'm trying so hard to form an emotional attachment to it. 4kids dub give me mercy for my sins.
Tecna's sacrifice episodes I love though.
Season 6: This was the first full season I watched (either this or seasons 1 & 2 I'm not fully sure which, but probably this one before). I immediately loved the mythology vibes as well as Selena's design, and the Dark Witch forms as well as Bloomix.
As the first season I had more of the first seven episodes with, I have such a nostalgic attachment to this season (more so seasons 5 and 4, but anyways). I can't bring myself to hate it.
(Literally mentally memorized the intro at the time to the point where I could play it in my head and visualize it to a T)
This was also the season I watched when I actually tried for my writing. I wrote little fanfictions in my notebooks for all the seasons up until this one, and I only started using dialogue and dialogue tags halfway through writing season 5 because I was afraid of making the characters sounds cringe.
I wrote all of season 6. No skipping episodes I didn't like, which is what I did for the earlier seasons I wrote. With dialogue. Angst. Actual character development.
Up until the Musa-getting-her-voice-stolen episodes as that was when I got more into publishing my writing and soft of left the others behind except for writing oneshots/short fanfictions in my notebooks.
You can never make me hate this season XD. I understand why it's bad and why people hate it, but my heart belongs to this season.
(Thinking of re-writing it, but honestly, that's not likely. Maybe a few one-shots here and there though)
Secret of the Lost Kingdom: This was the first movie I watched and it came along with the first few eps of season 4 on DVD. I still vividly remember watching it (once again, the Nick dub) and the beginning scene where the Winx are in robes and they transform into Enchantix still had my heart!
I really need to watch this again because it is so good. I had no idea that Domino was even dead though (watched this before season 1 and 2 sooo) so I just vibed with what was going on.
Mandragora scared me to death.
Loved the Ancestral witches though. Them and the Trix are some of the villains closest to my heart ngl.
Magical Adventure: This movie and Secret of the Lost Kingdom are close together, but this one I enjoy watching more currently. I remember as a child watching the Pixies get their village invaded by the Trix, and how Icy genually looked afraid of Belladonna.
I got robbed though.
Cause I watched the Nick dub which removed several scenes from whatever the original dub was (Dubbing Brothers or something I dunno). I didn't watch the Alfea celebration scene or the Winx chilling in Gardenia Park scene until two years ago and damn I felt betrayed.
I need to watch all the movies again I swear. Even Mystery of the Abyss.
Season 4: This was the second season I had the first seven episodes of along with a movie (season 4 came along with the Secret of the Lost Kingdom movie I think).
But even before then I saw the Amazon episodes on TV and that was my very first introduction to Winx Club. I remember watching the one where the specialists got captured and all. The dub I watched was the Nick dub for this season and not the Rai, so I favour the Nick dub of this season but then again I've only watched the Rai dub of it once.
AHHH I love this season.
Season 1: This season as well as season 2 was the first full seasons I watched after I watched season 6 all the way through. I was told that OH there are seasons that show the beginning of Winx so I watched them.
(I watched the Rai dub for this one initially and only found out about the Nick specials about a year ago. I actually vibe with them ngl cause once again, Nick voices + nostalgia)
(I've watched the 4kids dub for this season only a few months ago and honestly, it's a vibe. Gotta love it. Definitely gonna do it again)
I've watched this season so many times and I still love it. The angst! The dialogue! (Even though understandably it is a bit awkward and cringy at times but so sue me).
Not as much emotional attachment as season 6, 5, and 4 but I still really love it and it is so good. I vaguely remember when watching this season for the first time was that, the Trix are scary as hell, and two, that Lucy was gorgeous even without the disguise and I was so confused about the Miss Magix episode at the time.
Season 2:
I still vividly remember watching the first episode with Aisha trying to break into Darkar's fortress, but that's all I remember from watching this season.
The soundtrack is ingrained into my brain (ie, the song playing in the background while Musa is standing over her mom's grave) and the concert episodes I think (key word think) were my favourites and they still are. They're my comfort episodes and ahhh love them.
I found Darkar more tolerable than Valtor ngl, but as a child I still didn't like him too much since, again, my favourite villains were the Trix.
There's so many good things about this season and it's still my favourite one to watch.
(Also the Cloud Tower episodes are amazing).
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jaydenix · 28 days
Why Mirta is my favourite Winx Club character
I mean, the aesthetic helps. I like redheads and goths, which she is both of, also she has that black sleeveless top which seems to keep popping in my "literally me" characters (Susie from Deltarune, Dipper from Gravity Falls, and Hilda from Pokemon B&W)
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So what do I see in Mirta?... Idk I like her ig, what? I don't have to have super well-thought opinions every time, she's just cool! And you know it!
But I guess a little extra analysis wouldn't hurt would it:
So as we all know, Winx Club's witches aren't the best. The show takes a very simplistic view that fairies are innately good, and witches are innately evil. This essentialist view has been critiqued extensively overtime and for good reason: it's a major missed opportunity to have such a narrow idea of what fairies and witches are, and also is just not very original. Witches and witchcraft in media have been portrayed extensively as just simply evil with no real explanation. Winx Club could have chosen to have taken a more interesting and original interpretation, but true to the shows mission statement of being brutally average, it doesn't. I've got some of my own ideas of how they could've handled this and I'll probably share those in a future post. But sufficed to say: Winx Club's witches are definitely a disappointment (for a more comprehensive look at witches, see Unicorn of War's video on YouTube about the subject).
But then we have Mirta, the one good witch supposedly. Bar the Trix, the ancestral witches, and maybe Griffin she's probably the most important witch in the show at least earlier on. The fact that she's actually different by being good invites intrigue to her character, she actually believes in something which is really quite cool and a nice standout amongst the rest. The Trix clearly are the mean girls in Cloud Tower with other witches wanting to be like them or to be friends with them. Lucy, Mirta's best friend, is in this camp and is disillusioned with her looks and supposed status and seeks to remedy this by trying to be more like the Trix. Mirta on the other hand doesn't follow this dogma and tries to convince Lucy to stay clear of them. This is great, though as I've said it would've been nice if the show portrayed witches more broadly as being a bit less black and white. Her assistance to the Winxes was cool too informing them of the Trix' plans and actions. Wow! Isn't that so awesome! She was shaping up to be an interesting and well-developed and fleshed out side character and then they remembered it was season 1 and that's illegal so they turn her into a pumpkin so they can forget about her. Why? Because fuck you! That's why! Though seriously, I don't mind in theory she was turned into a pumpkin but like really? She could've been a really fun part of the equation throughout the latter parts of season 1 as like the Winxes' witch counterpart. ALSO, when they bring her back to Alfea in pumpkin form, did they not think to like, ask Faragonda to turn her back? The Trix did the spell pre-dragonflame I highly doubt it's anything Faragonda or at the very least Griffin couldn't handle which I'd imagine they'd probably want to inform her of what'd happen considering she's one of her students?! Man if I was Mirta I'd be PISSED off. #JusticeForMirta. Eventually she's freed from her pumpkinhood and once season 1 concludes she decides to become a fairy and transfers to Alfea. Like with becoming a pumpkin: I don't hate that she does this on principle, but I do think it says a lot about how the show writes its witches that the one they make out to be good-natured ends up choosing to become a fairy. Like the view of fairies and witches is THAT rigid.
Though I also do think it's a fun transgender analogy, the idea of being able to transition from witch to fairy and vice versa. The 4Kids dub takes this idea much more seriously with Mirta being described as "transmagic" and Darcy also states "she claims to be fairy who just so be happened to be born in the wrong body", this appears to be a very intentional parallel to the "born in the wrong body" idea that is often used to explain what being trans feels like*, and this was back in 2007 for crying out loud. Additionally Mirta and Lucy are probably the closest thing the main show has to a queer couple, obviously not canon by any means, but they have a very strong bond and are shown to dance together at the end of season 2 (or was it 3 I forgot). Mirta therefore arguably has the most going for her out of any character when it comes to Queer representation.
*Just to be clear, I know plenty of trans people dislike and discredit the "born in the wrong body" narrative, I'm just pointing it out because it does seem this is what the scriptwriters were aiming for.
I like Mirta a lot because of what she could have been. I really think she's an awesome character who had a lot of potential to be fleshed out way more and serve a more involved role in her allyship with the Winxes in season 1 and beyond. It would've been so cool and she deserved way better. I imagine many would be wondering if I think she should've been part of the Winx as she's probably the second most commonly proposed member besides Roxy to be one, and the answer to that is fairly definitive no. Six to me has always felt like a natural limit for these kinds of groups, any more and it starts to be a bit much, which is why I'm glad Roxy didn't become a proper part of the group when season 5 came around (though she still deserved more than what she got). Simply adding Mirta the Winx would ignore the problem that she doesn't get fleshed out enough as a character. Maybe it could've worked in some alternate timeline but she could've been a useful asset to the Winx and the show as a whole whilst not necessarily being a member.
So that's why I like Mirta, she's a fun character who I will defend that she should've gotten more until the day I die. This gay little goth redhead has been my favourite for a long time and I don't see that changing any time soon. Keep stanning Mirta people.
P.S: I really didn't expect this post to get this long LOL I genuinely was gonna post just the "idk I like her" bit and then move on but I was like "ehh, I'll write a little bit" and then I spent 2 hours writing way this whole thing it's 3am I need spiritual assistance okay BYE.
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winxwiki · 5 months
What sucks the most about the 4Kids dub is just how ~everywhere~ it is. I didn't grow up with Winx Club. I didn't watch it on TV, I watched it on a cartoon pirating website. I didn't even realize it was the 4Kids dub (it's not like it was labeled as the 4Kids dub, it was just "Winx Club") not until years later when I got more into the fandom. I think it's sad that this probably was/will be many other English speaking people's introduction to Winx as well. It's not like it's airring anymore. Most people are just going to pirate it, and even if it was labeled as the "4Kids dub" (like on YouTube) it's not like newcomers would know the difference anyway. 4Kids may have gone bankrupt years ago (good riddance) but the damage they did to Winx Club is still being felt 20+ years later by new fans who are unfortunate enough to stumble upon the dub. :(
4kids' legacy is a stain on so many franchises including Winx in english-speaking spaces and since it legally doesn't exist anymore I wouldn't be against Rainbow taking down all easily available instances of it on Youtube. Putting it on web archive org is one thing for preservation purposes, making it seem the default english Winx Club everywhere is not and making 4k restorations is glorification of its existance.
4kids nostalgia and appreciation is an exclusively anglo phenomenon. I've never seen appreciation for anything about it beyond some music from the rest of the world. The moment people read about the changes and censorship they already dislike it. Italians fucking hate it. And then 4kids fans shit and cry to italians to... go back to the italian version? I'm sure they will buddy!
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lea-andres · 1 year
Sonic X Sub Episode 1
*laughs uncomfortably in undiagnosed ADHD*
This is gonna be harder than I thought, guys. It's hard enough for me to watch a show without getting distracted and wandering away, now I have to stay vigilant, THE ENTIRE EPISODE, or I'll get lost instantly.
I really don't have much to say, 4kids didn't change much on this one.
I will say, I prefer the sound of Sam Speed's VA in the 4kids dub to the Japanese VA. But that happened with Winx Club too, I preferred the 4Kids VAs but wished they weren't saying the 4Kids lines.
I also cannot tell the difference between Amy and Cream's voices and I'm sure that definitely will not throw me off later yayyyy.
As I already confessed on that poll, I hate the sub opening. It doesn't FEEL like Sonic despite shouting his name half a thousand times in it. It feels like someone made a Sonic edit to a popular anime opening.
Also those character introduction character cards were weird and in Sam Speed's case happened way too early??? Is that gonna be in the whole show???
"But Lea that's standard anime sub fare!" COOL I DIDN'T KNOW THAT! I DON'T WATCH A LOT OF SUBS, SEE MY UNDIAGNOSED ADHD!!! I will probably have a lot of issues with the sub that could be chalked up to "If you watched more anime it wouldn't be an issue.", Which I'm sure everyone will be super nice and understanding about. 🙄😂
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tmntkiseki · 9 months
Didn't see your og post (timezones/work) but seeing your post about tumblr replies, a lot of people will not do that - tumblr can sometimes be a really 'negative' space where if someone makes a post and they have a reasonable size following, anyone who directly disagrees with them gets torn apart. I think that's why a lot of people will make passive aggressive posts or send asks to others who they think will disagree almost on their behalf. It's not a good thing but it's how it's come to be over the years sadly. But don't let it tear you down there are some great parts, keep persisting, some of us have been here years. I don't know who it is you'd like to follow from 03 or if you are yet but my fave is sassatello (if you need anyone cool to follow).
Yeah, Tumblr can be a pretty horrendous. My original run was from around 2011/2012 until around 2018/2019 when I migrated to Twitter because I had so many bad social experiences here, whether it was getting random anon hate in my inbox, elitists in the RP communities, or trolls being obnoxious in the tags of stuff I enjoy. Lo and behold, Twitter turned out to be just as bad if not worse and I ended up coming back here in November of 2022, just after Elon bought it. Most of my experiences since then have leaned more towards positive than negative, though I think that's because some features like muting tags/hiding posts and blocking blogs are actually effective now.
I just want to be able to have fun and interact with people, ya know? It's funny looking back and knowing as a kid I didn't like the 03 turtles (I was more interested in watching Winx Club and Sonic X on the 4Kids block, haha), but 20 years later I'm not only floored by how good the 03 series is, but extremely delighted to see that TMNT as a whole is alive and thriving, especially knowing how far it's come since its conception in the 80s. Definitely planning to watch both 2012 and RotTMNT at some point when the time and energy allows.
PS: I follow sassatello via my main! Absolutely adore all the 03 fanart (it's inspired me to work on learning how to draw the turtles, but adapting from my usual anime style to a more cartoon one is haaaaard * sobs *)
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terribleninjagoaus · 2 years
Trix coven au
I think the mom’s of Ninjago should get a funky little evil witch au inspired by my love for winx club, witch folklore, and it being Halloween as I write this.
I also was influenced by Mean girls rule from the 4kids winx club dub which I linked
Misako, Maya, Libber, and Lily are a coven
Very similar to the Trix from winx club
Actually pretty much the Trix from Winx club but it’s not taking over the world they’re concerned with or fighting a group of annoying do gooder’s (yet).
More concerned with ruling their college and surrounding town with an iron fist
A group of mean girls bound by their own care and magic to each other
Libber’s the storm/lightning witch
Maya’s got control over water and ice
Lily’s got control over plants and the earth
And Misako’s the ringleader of it all. She’s got power over darkness and the mind.
Sisters in all but blood.
Maybe I did make them too much like the Trix? Oh well.
Just eager to cause mayhem and commit a sacrifice or two
Vicious mean girls yet somehow popular
Poppets are nothing to them.
Little pin pricks on those who have made them mad and a way to control those who they hate.
Unless they feel like using their familiars to do so.
That bitch Susan tried to take Lily’s spot as lead in the play.
Looks like somebody’s gonna be getting a literal broken leg.
Oh you made Maya upset and tried to take away her position as Miss Ignacia?
Prepare for a year’s worth of acne courtesy of the coven.
Libber is head of the cheer team and no one else.
Oops looks like the rival cheerleading team just got a nasty bout of the flu before the big championship game.
What a bad twist of fate.
Misako’s the president of the student body and will ruin anyone attempting to run against her.
By giving them a voice losing curse before the big debate.
They are petty to the core.
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charmixpower · 2 years
I don't know if you've ben asked this before, but what's your favorite winx club sountrack?
It has not been asked before :)
Let me just go listen to all the sound tracks, I'll be back. I know you asked just for my favorite but if I'm gonna listen to them to pick out a favorite, imma rank em too
Season Five: This season's music my beloved. "We're the Winx" is the best opening and I'm right. "Power to change the world", "We are Believix", and are all bangers. "Harmonix" and "Power of Sirenix" are some of the best transformation songs in the series, and they're in the same season. "Like a Ruby" is a actually good, real song, with a fucking riddle attached. The talent it has....unmatched. "Christmas Magic" is such a good song I nearly considered forgiving season 5 for the Christmas episode. I never will but, you understand me. I was listening to the songs on YouTube, and the Winx YouTube account has this cute little thing where Musa is always the paired image, and I got to a spoiler song and it was so good I stopped listening so I wouldn't ruin the experience for myself. It immediately put me in the mood to do Winx art
Secret of the Lost Kingdom: This movie has songs that I'd concider listening to outside the movie if they didn't make me wanna cry. Something something nostalgia childhood, this sound track has my heart in a death grip. I love the other version of Enchantix, I love the songs, I love this movie. There's a bonus song on the first movie album, it's "Stand Up" or something and it FUCKS HARD, I know that isn't relevant to the soundtrack of the movie but I just needed to let you know that the first movie stays winning
4kids: "We are the Winx" is like....so fucking good. What is it with this song title that leads the song to always fuck so supremely. Anyways the other songs are also good and I'm obessed with the direction of these songs. "Mean Girls Rule" came on and I had a moment, I've never wanted to watch the 4kids dub more. Just to see when the fuck they inserted that song. It's good tho
Magical Adventure: it's is fine. I'd rather listen to the good s4 songs over this, but I'll take it over listening to another second of fucking Love and Pet. Mid. "Famous Girls" wiggled it's way into my brain bc it sounds like Stella is singing it
Season Four: It's sound track is mostly good. It's full of well masters songs, the problem is that they had the same amount of content for most of these songs as they did for the songs in s1-3 but with movie song length. I very much regret trying to listen to them entire sound track without skipping anything, Love and Pet nearly pushed me to murder. They're good songs but I feel like they should just bite the bullet and cut the fat. Only "Winx are Back" and "Love and Pet" starting driving me to insanity. It was like elevator music that personally wanted me dead. The other songs are mostly just good but dragged, "Believix" and "Winx Open Up Your Heart" however both fuck supremely and I love them. "Let the Power Shine" is also v good. Also I never noticed that Andy and his band had like songs...I didn't pay attention anytime anyone was singing tbh, I was busy trying to beat my head though a wall
The Mystery of the Abyss: "Magic All Around" and "We All Are Winx" suck ass, "Like a Star" is fun and very catchy, and "Feeling Fine" has a surprising amount of heart to it and it sucked me in eventually but I don't like the opening of the song much at all. Very fucking hit or miss over here
Season Six: I left the playlist on and my curiosity got the better of me. The inferior version of the Sirenix song fuckin sucked, but you knew that. On one hand, like the best friend platonic love song, on the other hand, who in the studio personally hated the singer??? Why do they constantly lather her voice in this annoying electronic sounds. It was either intentional, or they majorly fucked up on the auto tune. Either way I hate it. Also dont like the amount of high pitched electric songs here, ow, stop that. I didn't Listen to s7 because genuinely, if I have to listen to one more song about how they're the Winx and throwing a party because these seasons don't have a plot, imma go crazy
Season Three: The sound track is better than the earlier seasons because someone in the studio finally figured out what the concept of mastering audio was. This gives the the songs more emotional weight to me, because I'm not being distracted by the poor audio quality lol. Og Enchantix is my favorite transformation song, so there's also that
Season Two: It's sound track is pretty similar in quality to the s1 sound track, ie it's pretty jank and the songs are not the best, but I like it more. Do I like it more just because I like s2 more and I have more positive connotations to the music? Yes. S2 I love youuuu
Season One: This sound track feels like it's the bands second album with some pretty bad sound mixing. It really doesn't bother me because I still intentionally listen to my favorite band's earliest albums. It feels very dated due to the poor quality, but it's fun enough. Nothing I would intentionally listen too outside of the show, but it matches the awkward stumbling vibe of the first season
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corhore · 2 years
Basic rundown Winx Club was a magical girl series that aired on 4kids about a group of friends who have fairy powers they use to protect their realm. It was a show I enjoyed as a kid and I had crush on the main villains the Trix.
Netflix made a live action remake that removed everything interesting about the show and original fans hated and now it’s cancelled
Netflix making a souless remake of a beloved property is beyond parody at this point. Like it happens everytime.
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specialists-winx-club · 3 months
What do you mean by this? "Sometimes I'll see a Winx Club post that's so incomprehensible that I stop and ask myself, "Did we even watch the same show??"
A special post that made you think of it?
I personally don't like the changes in the 4kids dub. It's completely different from the canon. And I hate it, when people consider it as the best version or even canon.
Nah, it wasn't a specific post. I just recalled multiple incidents where I read a long rant about a character and was baffled as to how OP came to their conclusions... Only to realise they were talking about another Winx Club dub or medium.
And to be honest, I don't care for the 4Kids dub either. I have a general aversion to dubs that go out of the way to unnecessarily change things. I find some of the voices incredibly grating. And honestly, the Cinélume was the dub that taught me everything about Winx Club. At first, I stuck to it because it's what I knew. But over time, I've had multiple run-ins with the 4Kids dub that made me realize I'd probably despise it if I actually watched it at this point.
That said, I think people should enjoy whatever dub they prefer. For a lot of fans, the 4Kids was the dub they grew up watching and they still genuinely like it. While I think it can sour discourse when we don't acknowledge how different source materials impact discussions, I won't fault people for favouring the dub. We all have different tastes, and the 4Kids is still technically an official dub. I think it's canon in its own right.
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magicalgirlagency · 5 months
Which do you prefer for the English dub of Winx Club? The Rai or the 4kids?
The Rai dub, duh. I hate 4Kids and I'm wary of english dubs because they would often lie to me.
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volgdemagischewinx · 3 years
What are Bloom's comfort foods?
I'm not sure about what specific dishes but it's definitely home cooked meals. But like specifically Vanessa's cooking. If it doesn't taste almost exactly like how her mom makes it then it doesn't count
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thewickedmerman · 2 years
The Trix - Dark Witch Forms (Version 2)
And we have finally gotten to my redos of The Dark Witch forms. It's mainly just me giving Icy and Darcy better backgrounds and giving Stormy and Darcy more details in their backstories and different hairstyles.
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I was really excited to work on Icy's because of how I planned on giving her loose hair and it looks absolutely gorgeous. Her loose hair isn't the only change I made to her look, I added an ice necklace, a fur cape, and an ice crown with a diamond on it. Why? Because of how I wanted to make her look like a queen.
Also, there are some slight changes I made from Icy's backstory, so you might want to read this.
I'm keeping her backstory that she gets in season 8 where she was a princess of a planet called Dyamond and it was destroyed by a witch, who also turned her younger sister Sapphire into a fox. However, what I would change is that I would have the witch really be Mandragora in disguised who was sent by the Ancestral Witches with the intention of sending either Icy or Sapphire (Who are descended from the head witch, Belladonna) down a dark path in order to form a new generation of the coven, steal three great powers (The Great Dragon, The Shadow Phoenix, and The Leviathan), take over the magical universe, and free them from Obsidian. However, instead of Sapphire (Who was 10 at the time) being turned into a fox, I had her turned into a statue made out of a sapphire gem. The rest of Dyamond wasn't so lucky and died, while Icy, at the mere age of 13, was the sole survivor. Also, instead of the planet being turned into a snowy wasteland (Icy's powers are snow and ice so why wouldn't the world already be a world of snow and ice), it is instead turned into a heated desert of sand and no life. Icy then decided to seek out vengeance against the witch who did this by becoming the most powerful witch in the universe. She planned to free Sapphire from her frozen state when she became powerful enough. However, as she continued on her path, she became more power hungry and bitter about how she was always good and kind but she still ended up suffering the fate of the life she knew being taken from her. She wanted to take over the universe as a queen to make up for the crown that was rightfully hers being taken from her. In my version of the last season, where The Trix team up with their Ancesters, she finds out about this being their plan and destroys them with the Winx Club. Redemption arc? Maybe....
I love how the backstory is similar to Bloom's because it adds something to their dynamic and shows how two people can react very differently to the same tragedy.
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I gave Darcy the hairstyle of Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist. It really fits because of how both are seductive manipulators and my fan-cast to voice Darcy is Laura Bailey, who voices Lust. And a crown to top it all off.
As for her backstory, I've updated it. She comes from Whisperia (Yes, I got that name from the 4Kids dub) where everyone has the power of illusions. However, every individual is born with a second magical ability that goes with their illusions. Mirta, for instance has the power of illusions and dreams. Darcy was both with the power of illusions and darkness. This was considered a curse to her family, who were very high class and respected witches. They tried to force her to hide her second ability and had her home schooled. She was abused verbally by her family for bringing disgrace to their family name by being born with her second gift being of darkness. All her life, she had been isolated and her only comfort was reading romance novels (Which explains her seductive nature) and longed for a life with someone who would love her and take her away from this torturous existence of hers. She would hate being forced to always be all dolled up in frilly clothes, not to mention forced to deal with bright sunshine, which hurt her eyes (It's why she wears glasses, to protect her eyes from the bright light when she's not in her witch form), due to her powers being tied to darkness.
When she turned 13, she put on some regular clothes and snuck out (Using a clone of herself to stay at her mansion) to meet kids her own age. She started playing with some other kids and it was great until, of course, some bully picked on her, and took away her glasses. She tried to cover her eyes to protect them while also trying to steal back her glasses. She eventually got so frustrated, she let her magic unleash and temporarily blinded everyone. She grabbed her glasses, her new friends were scared of her, and she ran back home. Her parents had noticed she was gone (As her clone didn't last very long, due to her undeveloped skill) and already knew about the incident. They were furious with her and even used their magic to physically punish her. She had finally had enough and her powers exploded. She accidentally killed her parents. However, she had only known suffering and contempt from her parents, so while she didn't mean to kill them, she didn't feel and sadness for their deaths.
She knew she couldn't stay there anymore. Before the staff could do anything, she used her magic to temporarily blind them so she could get away. She didn't have much time because, due to her not being allowed to use her magic, she had no idea how long the temporary blindness would last. As she ran, she could hear the voice of an old woman (Liliss) telling her to take the family crystals (The Whisperian Crystals) with her. She leaves and soon meets Icy and Stormy, who are all lost souls with no place to call home and emotional issues. With the Whisperian Crystals, they learn that they are blood descendants of The Ancestral Witches, the first witches to ever live. Darcy now knows why she was born with dark magic and that it seems she was destined to be evil like everyone believed. She then decided that if that's all she was gonna be, she would embrace it and make everyone crawl at her feet. She, Icy, and Stormy then became friends and considered each other sisters.
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I got some help with this from my girlfriend, @keeloves. Stormy was an orphan from Vallisto (Known as Callisto outside of the 4Kids dub) that was often overlooked and overshadowed by others because of how she was the only witch in the orphanage. Due to a stigma against witches, no one ever wanted to adopt her and would always choose a fairy child over her. This caused her to develop a horrible temper and an extreme hatred for fairies. She would play pranks to try to cover up her own insecurities but deep down was lonely and longed for friends and a family. She would often get punished for her outbursts of anger and her pranks on the fairies at the orphanage, particularly by being locked up in a really small room. She would get anxious and became claustrophobic. As her powers developed, they were often unstable due to her being very powerful and unable to control them a lot of the time, along with her temper making things worse. When she was thirteen she was punished for another prank but this time was locked in a closet, which caused her to absolutely freak out, due to her claustrophobia. She was having an anxiety attack and kept on shouting, pleading, and begging to be let out only to no avail. She finally snapped and unleashed a massive tornado with her signature pink lightning, which ended up destroying the orphanage, though everyone survived. She felt bad about it and tried to beg for forgiveness but was proclaimed as evil by everyone. She was kicked out of the orphanage and the authorities arrived to take her away. They told her she was going to be locked up where she wouldn't be able to use her magic again. She had a PTSD moment with how she was locked up in rooms before and refused to let them take her. She attacked and summoned her Psycho Clone to give her time to escape. She eventually met Icy and Darcy, whom didn't fear her and could relate to her. The three became friends, discovered that they were descended from the Ancestral Witches, and considered each other sisters.
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Credit for the character bases goes to SelenaEde from DeviantArt.
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snarky-art · 2 years
Forgive me I’m not strong enough to watch a lot of season 5 at a time and I’ve been bouncing between that and the 4kids dub of the first 3 seasons that I grew up with and can I just saw about Aisha, I ADORE how she was handled I forgot how she was characterized and I didn’t realize how big of a deal this must’ve been when it came out and even still is to this day.
She is sure of herself, proud, confident, vocal in the fact that she’s good at the things she KNOWS she’s good at, and is vocal about having the utmost faith in the other girls over the specialists. And she is not once “corrected” or told she’s wrong to act this way.
To see a bipoc, especially a woman of color, in like 2005 or whenever this aired acting this way and being treated this way, even now I’m like in awe. Adore her. Hate that she’s kind of been reduced from what I can tell to having a romantic partner love triangle thing in the later seasons.
Anyway we Stan. My partner hasn’t seen any of the winx club show before but ever since introducing him to it through my art and hyper fixation, he’s always said he thinks she’s the coolest and loves her design. He’s popped in to see parts of these episodes every now and then and he has basically said “I didn’t know it was possible but now I think she’s even cooler than before” and same tbh
Also, bonus from the 4kids dub: no jealousy from Bloom about sky helping her out. Just concern and support through the entirety of their first trip to shadowhaunt together.
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mu5a · 2 years
my ranking of the winx club openings! (from worst to best)
here is the complication i referenced #, i specifically searched for some & they’re all uploaded by WinxClubEnglish. sorry if i forgot some! let me know and i’ll add it on :)
and the worst winx club opening is, winx club s8 —
• with the whitewashing, art style, weird creatures ?, and the winx as a band, i think it’s the worst out of the winx openings.
winx club s7 —
• there is so much to say about this opening. first of all, the lyrics. “come get up and play,” it sounds like a toy commercial. the song is repetitive.
• i think the dancing aspect is weird, and i hate that their outfits all look the same but with different colors :(
world of winx —
• i’ve never watched WOW, but i think the art style is interesting (however, i don’t support/condone the whitewashing). it seems to be about spies/a music band?
• i hate the song. especially the lyrics.
winx club s6 —
• one of the last winx club seasons i remember watching. overall, i think it’s okay, it’s nothing memorable though (again with the synchronized dancing ??)
winx club s5 —
• the 3D animation is odd? and again with the word play, (“because we came to play”). i think the intro/song is more interesting than s6 though.
winx club s1/2 nick, then winx club s3 nick —
• i do like the song, but the sequence is boring in comparison to the others (just has the winx + their name)
winx club s4 nick —
• it’s the dub that i grew up watching! so i do like the intro song mostly because of nostalgia, and overall i think it’s catchy. i do like the song more than RAI, but i put RAI in front of nick, because RAI has the extended intro.
winx club s4 RAI —
• “everyday ready to play!” third time with the word play in the intro. honestly the sequence reminded me of an anime opening (actually the early winx seasons especially). i really liked the sequence and i think it’s cute! i do prefer s1-3 RAI intro though..
for the rest of the intros (winx club s3 RAI & s2-3 4kids, i prefer RAI, because of the sequence. they both used a lot scenes from s1).
winx club s1 4kids —
• “close your eyes, and open your heart” & the sparkle? effect in the beginning + daphne + sky and his hair !?
• the only thing i don’t really like is the “just don’t touch the hair!” but it’s really minor
winx club s1/2 RAI —
• for s1, the flip sequence? it’s so cute, stella & flora linking arms + musa giving bloom a piggyback !?! i love them. the last 30 seconds of the intro is so good.
what i noticed is that in the 4kids opening it focuses on their transformation, vs. RAI which focuses on the winx’s friendship, the specialists, the trix. i can’t pick, so i love both of them equally.
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