every-tome · 2 years
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damnfandomproblems · 8 months
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Fandom Problem #4542:
The feeling when your favorite character is written off the show. (Worse, when their replacement is annoying)
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httpscomexe · 2 months
Forbidden Secret Desire 3
Summary: You’re finally starting to fit in when you freak out in front of everyone. But twenty side eyes later and a lot of forgiveness from your friend Kurt, you discover a scary secret.
(Find What I’m currently writing by checking my pinned post)
Parings: Logan Howlett x Reader
Warnings: (Individual warnings per chapter) Panic attack, manipulation, hidden cameras, finally not as much awkwardness, social dissociation, being in the social eye. Logan is an official warning starting this chapter as approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) because Logan is a DRUG. PLEASE BE AWARE that this will be a NON-CON fic. Do NOT get attached if you do not like non-consensual fiction. I will not change my fic plans because somebody decided not to read the warnings. Thank you.
Word Count: 4542 (All other Chapters here) Chapter 4
Tags: @remmyj10 @sammyluvsfics @badbishsblog @dickmaster3000
P.S. If you’d like to be tagged, ask in the comments, you also have permission to send an ask, but make sure it is NOT anonymous, so I know your username, don’t worry, I’m scared of confrontation too. But this is a SAFE SPACE where I will not judge. Thank you again. 
Enjoy your Forbidden Secret Desire...
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“Alright, everyone, find a partner.” You shouldn’t be surprised that Logan was your teacher for your third period class. You remembered Hank and Logan talking about it the other day in the lab, but it still shocked you for some reason, maybe it was something else that surprised you, like the fact that he doesn’t just let everyone do whatever so he could get it over with. You knew he would be the substitute for both your third and fifth period classes for the rest of this week, and only because Xavier was out on some mission. The thing that bothered you the most now, was that you couldn’t partner up with anyone, and you knew no one would want to partner up with you. So you just watched as everyone else excitedly ran towards their best friends.
“Wanna be my partner?” A hand lands on your shoulder, making you flinch a little. It was Kurt of course. “We have a new student today and my normal partner is their guide.” He explains.
“Uh, yea sure. Cool.” Cool? 
“Cool,” he smiles, his little fangs showing under his lips.
“Everyone have a partner?” Everyone nods, including you. “Good, find a place on the floor and sit in front of your partner.” You follow Kurt to an open spot, there were only about ten other kids in the class so it wasn’t too hard. “Once you’re sitting with your partner, find three things you both have in common. You have five minutes to talk amongst yourselves, time starts now.” You realise he’s reading every instruction from a pamphlet, that helped it make more sense. “Also apparently the three things you have in common cannot be common questions such as colours, animals, etcetera.” He finishes, placing the pamphlet down on the teachers desk. “Now your time starts now.” He picks up his phone, and starts the timer.
“So uh. What are some uncommon questions then?” You shrug, trying to think of a question with him. Why do they have to be uncommon Xavier? What the fuck? You wonder and listen to other students' conversations, but everyone is trying to figure out a question just like you and Kurt.
Your eyes turned back to him, and his index fingers were rubbing his temples, it was actually frustrating him. So now you understand the task. It’s almost impossible to come up with a question that no one commonly asks, so of course, thinking is stressing everyone out. It was anger management after all.
“If you were a unicorn, what colour would you want to be? I’d probably wanna be white.” You tell him, shrugging a little, hoping it would calm his frustration.
“Oh yea. I’d probably be white also, I get tired of being blue.” He chuckles a little.
“Okay if you were a dragon, would you breathe fire or something else?”
“I'd probably want to breathe ice.”
“I think it would be cool to be able to choose.” You tell him, sitting back up and crossing your arms in your lap.
“If you were forced to do one subject for the rest of your life, what would you choose?” He asks you, understanding the project now.
“Definitely science.”
“Same, it’s a more fun subject.”
“Especially compared to anger management.” You joke, making him chuckle quietly. “Okay, one more question.” You prop your elbows on your thighs as you look at him. The rule is no common questions, so Xavier wants us to ask uncommon questions, with common answers.
“If everything in the world could only be flavoured one thing, what flavour would you choose?”
“I would choose vanilla. It’s plain, I can't get tired of it.”
“I would probably choose green apples, but not too sour.”
“How about the scent?”
“Scent I would choose vanilla.” He tells you, one again laughing to himself.
“Same, and there’s our three questions.” You turn your head to look at the projector, there was about a minute left and Logan was going around and asking groups how everything was doing. In another direction, a kid who could harness fire had smoke coming from the back of his head as he thought of another question.
“Alright and how are you two doing?” Logan asks Kurt and then his eyes also move to you.
“Good, we just finished.”
“No common questions?” You both shake your heads. “Good, you’re the only pair to finish so far.” He mumbles, moving onto the next group.
“So what’re you doing after your last class?” Kurts asks you, leaning forward to ask the question, his eyes trained on you.
“I’m supposed to help Hank- Mr. McCoy with another project.”
“You do that everyday.” He leans back on his palms.
“Yea, I never have anything better to do. Unless something comes up then I cancel.”
“So he doesn’t ask you for help? You just kind of pop in?” You nod.
“Unless he asks me to. Then it can be important… it’s usually stupid.” He smiles slightly.
“So my friends and I are having a little sleepover in my room tonight.”
“Oh…” You move your hands together, once again your thumb begins to pick at your skin.
“Yea, it would be cool if you came by. We're gonna have pizza, some drinks, and we're gonna watch a movie.”
“What movie?” You ask, the timer reaching zero as Logan walks back to the desk to turn it off.
“Whatever we pick out of the hat. Last week it was Big Hero 6.” He shrugs.
“Uh, yea. I’ll try, what time?”
“Around 9PM is normally when the others show up.” You nod in understanding, then Logan speaks up.
“Okay so, it says here that you guys are all supposed to stand up and share your groups three questions.” He tells everyone, reading the pamphlet out loud. “But I don’t wanna hear it. So the rest of the ten minutes in class is to yourselves. Enjoy.” He tosses the papers back on the desk and the students immediately begin talking amongst themselves. Talking about anything they could come up with. The news, food, anything, while you and Kurt stood back up, he walked to his friend group expecting you to follow. But you only make your way back to your desk to sit on your phone for the remainder of class. Logans eyes settling on you, and you know you’re not supposed to be on your phone, but he doesn’t bother making a scene, instead, his eyes rest on you, occasionally moving to other students to see what they’re doing or moving to look at his email, but the majority of the ten minutes, all he could look at was you.
And then the bell finally rang, and everyone collected their items in their bags before leaving the classroom for lunch.
Normally for lunch you’d just sit in your room on your bed, finishing any work you had to finish and if you were hungry you’d either tough it out or you would’ve ordered something before your third class ended. Today, Kurt changed your plans.
“Hey, we ordered extra, we were hoping you would also sit with us today?” He asks, holding out a box of food that smelt amazing. So you nod, and follow behind him to the little area his friends were sitting. They all smiled up at you from their spots on the floor, and you joined silently. This dude just bribed you with food.
They all chat amongst themselves, and you simply poke at your food with your plastic fork, occasionally taking a small bite. You’ve never been the type of person who’s able to eat an entire meal in front of people you’ve never spoken to without feeling awkward.
They talked about class, and classwork, and talked a little about hanging out in Kurt's room tonight, but that was about it. Occasionally, there would be an inside joke that you didn’t understand, but you didn’t mind. You kept your eyes on your food, and that was it.
“So what about you?” Jean nudges you, making you look up to see everyone's eyes on you. What was the question? You ask yourself, panic rising in your chest.
“Yea, Y/N. Where would you be if you didn’t have to be here?” Alex, you’re a saviour.
“Uh, well…” You think about it for a moment, not sure where you’d wanna be. Definitely not with your family, you don’t have a home or caring family outside of the mansion. Hell you didn’t even have friends inside the mansion. “I don’t really know.”
“Oh come on. Paris? Mexico?” Scott- or Cyclops asks you.
“Oh, like where do I want to visit?”
“Or live.” Kurt cuts in, smiling at you.
“I would choose Russia.” You shrug, and they all stare at you.
“Imma be honest I was expecting the Maldives or some sort of beach.” Jean laughs a little. “But why Russia? There’s nothing there but snow and vodka.” You nod.
“It’s where I was born…”
“No way…” Alex scoffs. “You don’t look Russian. And you’ve only been here for what? Three years?”
“Almost.” You sigh a little. “About two years and eight months.”
“You literally never talk to anyone.” Jean says out loud, and you look up at her, your eyes daring her to continue. “How do you not have an accent?” Rude. Your eyes squint slightly.
“Okay, guys, next subject.” Kurt says, a little chuckle in the back of his throat. “Actually, what kind of pizzas are you guys wanting for tonight? I’m ordering this time.” He takes out his phone and opens a pizza ordering app.
“Can we get Hawaaian?”
“No, come on, meat lovers!”
“That's gross, why not just normal pepperoni?”
“Well I don’t like sauce.”
“I like alfredo.”
“Guys come on, just choose two. I’m getting two pizzas.”
“So get Hawaiian and meat lovers.”
“What about sauce?”
“Just get a sauce cup, or like five sauce cups? I love sauce.”
“Well I hate it.”
It was too much. Too much back and fourth, and you honestly couldn’t stand it. It was making your head whirr and your brain was pounding as they argue about something as simple as pizza. Then they start arguing about sodas and it’s just all this back and fourth. It was too much.
“Hey wait where are you going?” Alex is the first one to ask about your sudden leave as you get up from the ground and throw away your trash, but you don’t walk back towards them. “She’s not answering me.” He tells the rest of the group, as if it wasn’t already obvious.
You just don’t think you would’ve been able to muster one more word from their lips.
“Hey! Y/N, wait!” You hear Kurt's voice call after you and footsteps behind you, and your face heats up as he gets closer, your arms crossing as you try to console yourself. Then his fucking hand touching your shoulder and he turns you around, one hand on each of your shoulders as he tries to keep you steady, but it only freaks you the fuck out.
“Do NOT touch me!” You shout. The entire eating area goes quiet as each pair of eyes lands on you. Shit.
“Hey, uh… Calm down a little…”
“Do not tell me what to do…” You threaten, but it comes out as more of a warning.
“Well uh… you’re probably freaking everyone out with your hands right now…” What?
In your frustration, you hadn’t even realised you had pushed him off of you, his hands were up in defence, but his shirt had a burn hole in it that wasn’t there before.
Looking down at your hands, there was a red and blue glow emitting from your fingers all the way through your veins. You could only imagine how your eyes looked as you stared down at your hands in embarrassment. Oh, right. You can’t control your powers when you’re stressed, frustrated, sad, mad, happy. You always have to be just… neutral.
“Ms. Y/L/N!” Another voice calls and Professor Lehnsherr approaches you with a soft smile. “Come with me so you can cool down.” He tells you, gently placing his hand on your back to lead you out of the eating area before anything escalates.
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“Alright.” He sighs, and closes your bedroom door behind you. “Want to tell me what happened back there?” You shake your head. It would’ve sounded pathetic. “That’s okay. Oh honey, don’t sit down.” He holds a hand out to grab your arm but doesn’t, knowing damned well he would burn himself if he touched you. “You’ll burn the sheets.” He reminds you, and you take a few steps away from the bed, but bring your hands up to your face to rub your temples, attempting with all of your effort to control your breathing. Got it, so personal questions and constant back and forth conversations stress you out. You tell yourself. “So… I think you should spend the rest of the day to yourself and-”
“No. No, I have to go to class, remember I said I can’t skip anymore just because I can’t fix myself.” You tell him, reminding him of the first time you freaked out and made the promise.
“Y/N, it’s not about fixing yourself, it’s about controlling your emotions.”
“Well everyone else is able to! Why can’t I?”
“Because everyone in this school associates themselves with others.” You hate to say it, but he was right. Everyone else is used to public stress, because they constantly have it.
“Well I still cannot and will not skip the rest of the day.”
“Fine then. Skip just this fourth period, then go to fifth period, but if you feel like you’re not up for it, then send me a text and I’ll send your substitute a text also so he knows you’re not coming.” You don’t say anything. “Sounds good?”
“Yea. Yes. Uh huh, that- yes… that sounds good.”
“Okay, I’ll let Hank know you’re not up for fourth period, then like I said.” He makes his way to the door and holds the handle. “Let me know if you need the entire rest of the day off. Okay?” You nod and give him an ‘mhm,’ before he finally leaves.
Okay what normally calms you down..? You wonder, looking around your room and heading towards your desk to search for the little paper you write those types of things on. There was painting your nails, colouring books, sitting in your dark closet because there’s no sounds in there, and then there was a nice shower or bath. Cold, shower or bath of course. You decide you should just do that.
You roll down the sleeves of the jacket that you’ve had on all day, and then unzip it and throw it off into your dirty laundry basket. The bell for lunch had just rung, so the sound of other students chatting in the halls made way into your room. How you wish the walls and doors were thicker. You wonder as you begin to slide off your leggings, also discarding them in your laundry basket before walking into your bathroom and turning on the faucet, letting the water run cold as you step into the tub with your hair up so you could just relax in the water.
As soon as you’re done, you wrap a towel around your body and step out, perfect timing as the fourth class ends and the bell rings throughout the school walls. Then there’s that annoying whirring sound again as you stand in front of your desk, going through the clothes you’d swore you would go through that morning.
After choosing a plain blue sweater and another pair of black leggings, along with your matching set of panties and a bra, you hear yet another clicking sound, the same you heard from last night. You don’t remember hearing it earlier, so you again assume it’s your neighbours, doing something in their room during the ten minute passing period. Annoying. But you wonder what they could possibly be doing with a camera that loud, and that often. It did only start yesterday, so you hoped it would bore them out eventually.
After what felt like a thousand more clicks, on top of getting fully dressed, you decide you’d be able to make it to class. Your nerves were cool, and you didn’t feel as frustrated as before.
So after about a minute with your palm lying on the door handle, you finally had the courage to open the door with about two minutes left to make it to your fifth period, meditation.
Walking back into the halls felt like you were a fox on a bunny farm. All eyes were on you, and as usual, everyone was whispering about you. The only difference between now and before was they didn’t even try to hide that they were talking about you. If you hadn’t been so used to this scene, you would’ve already freaked the fuck out. So instead, you easily and quickly make it to your first class, having enough of the staring eyes.
“Everyone brought their mat today like they were asked to on Friday?” Logan, also substituting for your fifth period.
Everyone takes their mats out of their bag, including you and everyone rolls it out on the floor in their assigned spot. Surprising considering there was a sub. Then again, it was Wolverine. You sit in your assigned spot as well, but a little further away from everyone. Not everyone had been there for the scene that had unfolded during lunch of course, some people were inside the cafeteria. But you knew that by now the word had spread inside and outside of the mansion.
“Today, we’re going to just relax.” His voice softens a little, becoming nearly soothing. “First I’m going to have you all do some stretches though, so will Jean please come to the front to lead the stretches?” He asks, watching as Jean stands with her mat and faces the entire class on the floor before beginning the stretches, the entire class of about thirty people this time copying her.
You watch as she moves to lie on her stomach, and you follow her movements slowly, placing your palms in front of you and pushing up to stretch, then you follow along all the rest of her simple stretches before she finishes and moves her mat back to her original spot.
“Okay, now here’s the video Xavier said to play.” A video on youtube comes onto the projector screen of an elderly woman sitting on a purple mat with her legs crossed, then she speaks into her camera, asking everyone to copy what she does, then the video goes silent for a moment before the sounds of waterfalls and chirping birds play, attempting to put the viewers mind at ease as everyone's eyes close, to apparently rid their eyes of distractions.
You’re ten minutes in. It’s actually peaceful. You tell yourself with your eyes closed, still sitting with your legs crossed on the floor and your hands on your knees.
“Here.” You hear a voice behind you, prompting you to open your eyes. “No, no. Close your eyes and face forward.” He tells you, and you do. He’s quiet enough so only you could hear him over the waterfall and birds. Then you feel his palm press gently on the middle of your back, causing you to straighten your posture as you involuntarily try to escape his touch. “I heard what happened. I didn’t expect you to show up to fifth.” He admits, letting his palm rest on your lower back, just above your ass, and you take a deep breath. “How’re you feeling now?”
“Fine.” You whisper back, matching his quiet tone so as not to interrupt anyones meditation.
“That’s good. I was worrying about you. I noticed you skipped the fourth period.” You hear him move next to you, and you open your eyes just enough so he doesn’t notice. Instead of kneeling, he was now crouching next to you on your right. His left hand moves to your left shoulder. “But I’m glad you’re alright. Just let me know if you ever need anything.” Emphasising “Anything,”  making it clear that he’d kick ass just for someone looking at you wrong.
You nod slightly, then in your mostly closed eyes, you see him move closer to you. Flinching as his left hand gently holds the side of your head, your lips parting just slightly as you feel his lips touch your temple. A gesture that was supposed to feel sweet, but everything in you was saying it was sinister. Of course, being you, you throw the red flag out of your head and settle on him just being a good friend. I mean he’s your professor. Surely it wouldn’t be more than that.
The meditation session ends and everyone rolls up their mats and are immediately glued back to their phones or talking to their friends obnoxiously. You also of course are guilty, turning on your phone to no notifications to reply to, as usual- Wait. I have a text? You open your phone to see the text with Kurt's name right next to it.
Kurt Wagner: I’m hoping you’re still coming tonight?
You: I don’t know… I’m sorry about what happened earlier.
Kurt Wagner: Hey it was an accident, and I’ve been meaning to throw that shirt away anyways.
You: Oh, well I hope it was just the shirt. I didn’t burn you right?
Kurt Wagner: Luckily no. You’re such a worry bug.
You: Sorry…
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“Wait, where’s the pizza?” Alex is the first to notice as they all walk into the room, everyone eyes first landing on you sitting on Kurt's bed with your legs crossed.
“Well, turns out, Y/N doesn’t like pizza. So I got KFC, McDonalds, and Taco Bell.” Kurt explains, hopping off the bed and retrieving his TV remote. You didn’t even have a TV in your room. At least not anymore. “I know each of you likes at least one of these, so enjoy.” He tells them, turning back to see you snacking on a quesadilla.
“So what movie are we watching then?” Scott asks, grabbing a solid ten chicken pieces from the KFC bucket. “Have you guys pulled from the hat?”
“We have not.” He tells them, then disappears in his closet, reappearing a minute later with some fancy tophat that makes you smile a little. “Who wants to choose from the hat?”
“Make Y/N.”
“Yea, this is her first time, let her.”
“Just don’t let Scott choose, his hand is a magnet for Toy Story, and if I watch it again I’ll know the entire script by broken heart.”
“Okay, okay.” Kurt chuckles, holding the hat out in front of you and giving you an encouraging smile. “Lets let Y/N choose tonight then.” He says, and you angle your arm slightly to reach into the tophat and pull out the first piece of paper your fingers touch. “What did you get?”
They all stare at you as you open the little paper. “Finding Dory.” Your eyebrow quirks a little.
“Finally, we’ve been waiting for someone to choose that one.” Jean tells you and you roll the paper back up, handing it to Kurt and he puts it back in the hat then sets the hat on his desk.
“Alright, let's get this party started!”
Was the last thing anyone had said for over an hour, aside from Alex asking Jean if she was crying when baby Dory popped on the TV. So pretty much, the entire hang out was amazing so far. No complaints, no fighting, and best of all, you didn’t receive a single sidewards look.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, drawing your attention from the movie and you turn the brightness on your phone down as if you’re in a movie theatre to check the notification. A text from Professor Lehnsherr.
Metal Head: Have you received my email? I’ve been worried.
You: Sorry I’ve been busy. I’m fine now though. My computer is in my room so I haven’t seen it.
Metal Head: Well when you get the chance, please check the attachments I’ve sent you asap.
You: Alright.
“Everything okay?” Kurt asks, crawling close to you as you begin to stand up from the floor.
“Yea, just Mr. Lehnsherr asked me to check my email asap, which also means now.”
“You’re probably the only person who doesn’t just call him Magneto.” He adds on. “Can I come with you? I’ve never been in your room.”
“It’s nothing special, but sure.” You both stand up, and you head for the door with him behind you. Opening the door and heading straight to your room.
As soon as you get inside and close the door behind Kurt, you open the laptop that’s sitting on your bed and you punch in the password to check your emails.
“It’s actually really… woodsy in here.” Kurt tells you, looking around your room in astonishment. “It’s funny how every student's room has a different vibe, yours smells like pine.” He sits next to you on the bed, the side of his thigh touching yours.
“He just sent me a bunch of attachments, he’s been really into my work on nanotech so whenever he has a question he emails them to me.” You shrug, typing back a response to his question saying ‘does nanotech make a sound?’
As you type out the response and finish sending it. Kurt speaks again. “What is that whirring sound?” He asks, looking down at you and you look up at him after closing your screen. Your faces uncomfortably close.
“I actually have no idea. It’s been happening since last night, I just assumed whoever's my neighbour got something that makes that sound or maybe the AC is acting up.” You shrug and he stands up, his pointy ears twitching slightly as he picks up your build-a-bear.
“Nobody is in that room… The student who was sleeping there left a few months ago.” He tells you and you slowly get off the bed. Approaching him as he holds the bear. “Y/N… Where did you get this?” You gently take the bear in your hands.
“From the mall… There’s a build-a-bear shop there.”
“The day you went with Professor Howlett?”
“Yes.” You squint your eyes in confusion. “Was this always there…?” You mumble.
“I don’t know, was it?” Kurt asks, looking down at the little bear's right eye which seemed to have a spec of a glowing red spot on it.
Some panic gets to you, setting deep in your stomach, making you want to vomit. Who would put a camera in your bear? You ask yourself, and Kurt verbally asks the same question. “I don’t know… I’m going to bring it to Professor Howlett though… He’s the one that helped me stuff it.” Kurt only nods, and you wrap the bear in a shirt before putting it on the shelf in your closet and closing the door, leaving the camera to watch the dark…
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fanttasttica · 11 months
Friends with benefits
Rhysand x reader
You and Rhys had been friends with benefits for a few years already. But there is one tiny problem - you developed feelings for him and can't hide it anymore. You decided to tell him about it. How is he going to react?
warnings: mentions of sex and alcohol (but nothing terrible :D )
words: 4542
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Waking up in Rhysand´s bedroom wasn't something new for you. You have been friends with benefits for a while now, maybe.. ten, twelve or fifteen years? You weren't sure anymore. It felt so natural for you, that you simply lost count. You started doing this after a while, when you both were alone. Rhys was overwhelmed with work and you offered him help, wanting to take something off his plate, you said that you would do anything to help him come to new thoughts. He was a shameless flirt and he was flirting with almost every woman in his radar and most of the time, he meant nothing by that, so when he started making some certain comets, you weren't taking it seriously. Actually, you flirted back, taking it as a game, but you didn't stop there. That night, you slept together for the first time. Waking up next to him the next morning was embarrassing and you had a long talk, during which you found out, both of you liked it and wanted to continue with this. That morning, you agreed that this is not a relationship. You were supposed to be still only friends, like before, the only difference was that sometimes, you will release your stress, using each other's bodies. So.. that's how you end up here, in his bed, once again. Except, a lot of things have changed during those years. Of course, you were still friends and in bed? He was probably better than before, if it is possible. But there was one teeny tiny little problem.. your feelings. During the years, you caught yourself staring at Rhysand more than before, you were smiling at him more, trying to spend more time with him. Slowly, you developed a crush on him and at last Starfall, that had been nearly half a year ago, you realized that you no longer have a crush on your friend.. no. You loved him and you are still in love with him to this day. You were thinking about telling him this, but you were certain that he wasn't feeling the same for you. In the end, he isn't treating you any differently than he was before. You sighed quietly, not wanting to wake up the sleeping High lord next to you. He was so tired from yesterday's visit in Hewn city and deserved his rest. His hand was laying on your hip, pulling you closer to his warm body. You turned carefully, so now you were facing him. You smiled lovingly at him. He was so beautiful in this light. Well to be honest, he was beautiful in every light, everytime. His hairs fell on his face and you gently pushed them back, trying to remember every second of this precious moment, when you didn't have to hide your feelings for him. You spent another hour, only looking at him, before you decided to return to your room.
 After bathing and dressing yourself, you stared at your reflection in the mirror for a few minutes. You had to tell him. You were afraid, yes, but this couldn't continue. You can not possibly bear it. Every morning it was harder, waking up and leaving for your room. It was harder to be in the same room as him and behave like nothing was happening. He also deserved to know this. It wasn't fair at all. For him, nothing had changed and for you everything, you weren't on the same page anymore. You simply had to tell him the truth and because they say what.. you can do today, don't put off until tomorrow. You are going to tell him this today. Maybe it won't be too bad. Maybe he feels the same? He can hide like you do, because he also fears that you are not feeling the same. Maybe you were too optimistic, but it was better than stressing yourself more. 
To your disappointment, Rhysand did not attend breakfast this morning, Mor said, that he quickly had to winnow to one of the Illyrian camps with Cassian. You cursed in your head, now you will have to wait until lunch at best. It was also possible that we would return later in the evening.. You focused on the meal before you, eating only a few bites and putting everything else away. “Are you feeling ill?” Morrigan, who was sitting next to you, asked with care in her voice. “No, don't worry. I am simply feeling quite full today.” You shrugged and drank your favorite tea from your favorite mug, which was present from Rhysand. It was responding to some inside joke between you two, you forgot a long time ago. “Hmm.. Are there any troubles in paradise?” She winked at you, clearly provoking you. You slightly punched her arm. “Don't say it like that aloud. I really regret saying this to you.” You were only whispering, because the last thing you were wishing for is for the whole Velaris to know about this situation between you and their High lord. She laughed at you. “Calm down. Most of the people already know about your feelings for Rhysand. You are not that discrete as you think. Even Cassian noticed how lovingly you are watching Rhysand´s every move.” With a red face, you look at the wooden floor. “I am going to tell him.. how I feel. He deserves to know and I can't continue sleeping with him, it is hurting too much.” Morrigan shook her head. “Oh my dear Y/N.. I hope Rhys is feeling the same. You are perfect for each other. I honestly can't imagine anyone better than you standing beside him.” She hugged you tightly and you returned that hug. “Thank you..” It was nice to hear that, but thanks to her, you were only worrying more. And it was only because she said she is hoping that he is feeling the same, not that she is sure that he is feeling the same. Wouldn't she know something like that for sure? Maybe.. Maybe you were just overreacting. 
As you were worried, Rhys returned home late in the evening. You were long done with your work and you also did some of his work, only because you wanted to help him. You bringed him a meal to his office, since he missed a time when you usually all have dinner together and then you were trying to get as much info as you could from Cassian. You wanted to know the reason for their sudden trip this morning and as you discovered, they had to deal with home Illyrian brutes who were trying to sabotage women training. This wasn't anything new, Rhys was trying to change their minds for a long time now, but they weren't listening. You knew that Rhysands mood was going to be affected by this, but you simply had to tell him about your feelings, because you were sure that if you didn't tell him tonight, you never would. You knocked twice on his doors and entered only after his voice asked you to. “Y/N.. You know you don't have to knock.” He looked gorgeous tonight. The buttons on his shirt were unzipped so you could see part of his strong chest. His eyes were shining like stars in the sky and his smile was so kind.. You shook your head, reminding yourself why you came here. “I have to speak with you.. If you have some time for me.” He grinned at you, showing off his perfect white teeths, “I always have time for you..” He patted on his lap “Why don't you come and sit? Then you can tell me anything you want.” You wanted nothing more than to go to him, sit on his lap, but you knew how that would end up. You would be on your knees, sucking him off in a few seconds or you would be riding him.. Or maybe he would throw of the table all his papers, put you on the top and of the table and fuck you there hard and fast.. Fuck. You were screwed. “I think it's better if I stay here.” This took him by surprise. He wasn't used to you refusing this offer. “As you wish.. I suppose this is some very important matter then..” He was looking at you, trying to guess what you wanted to tell him. “I love you.. I have been in love with you for some time now. And I am really sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I know I should have, but I was really scared. I am scared even now.” You inhaled, your voice was shaking a little. “But it is time for you to know this and it's time for us to stop sleeping together. I can't do it anymore, I enjoy it, but it's harder and harder everyday for me. It's hard to act like I see you as a friend, when I wish you could someday be more than that.”
It was out. You offered your feelings to him on a silver plate. Your hands were sweating so much that you had to wipe them against the skirt of your dress. There was a silence, which was later interrupted by Rhysand's laugh. Confused, you blinked many times. He was still laughing and not stopping. You felt tears building in your eyes and you haven't even tried to fight them back. “This was a good joke. You and me.. You know I like you, as I like all my friends and I enjoy sleeping with you, but love.. You got me.” You knew that if he would look at you and see your expression before saying this, he would not say that. Rhys wasn't like this, he wouldn't hurt you on purpose. You knew that, but that did nothing to ease the pain that was crushing your heart right now. After Rhysand stopped laughing and finally looked at you again, his expression changed from amused to terrified. “Y/N.. I..” He understood what mistake he made immediately and was trying to apologize to you, but it was hard for him, he was in shock. You raised your hand to stop him from saying anything else. “Don't.. Don't apologize. Leave it be.” You turned your back at him, walked fast to the door, opened them, but before stepping out, you looked at him one more time. “As I said.. We are no longer doing anything similar to what we were doing the past few years. You don't own me anything, I mean it Rhys. I don't want an apology from you, the only thing I ask for is some time. I will gladly do all the work you will send me, I want to continue helping the Night court, but if it is possible, I ask for you to give me space and if you would need something from me.. Write me.” Please, don't come visit me. That was what you truly meant by it. Not giving him another chance to say something to you, you walked out of his office and ran into your room. There was already a bag waiting for you. You packed it after breakfast, exactly because of this scenario. You knew if this happened, you wouldn't want to stay here. Morrigan barged into the room without knocking. “Rhysand told me what happened. He is very sorry and worrying about you.”  You ignored her words, not wanting to think about your High lord more today. “Can you winnow me please? I will stay with my friends in the Day court for a while.” 
You spent the last month crying, sleeping, eating sweats and crying again. It was an endless circle. Mor was visiting you every other day, sometimes it was only her, but sometimes she came with Azriel or Cassian, even Amren came to check on you. They were worried about you and trying everything to cheer you up, but nothing was working. They even tried to convince you to come back home with them and talk to Rhysand, who blamed himself apparently. Although you weren't glad to hear that, because he is not to blame for how he feels on the one hand, on the other, you still couldn't face him. And when your friends in the Day court assured you that you can stay as long as you need to, you continued refusing the  offers to return to your home. And this time it wasn't different. “Y/N.. please. You really should come back home. I know it is hard, but you should talk to Rhys. He is regretting everything he said to you and he misses you terribly. We all miss you” You missed them too, they were visiting you often, but it wasn't the same. You missed breakfast and dinners you had together, you missed listening to Cassian as he was provoking Rhys and Azriel. You missed Velaris, the city you adored so much. And most importantly, you missed Rhysand. And that was the reason why you couldn't return, not yet. “I can't, Mor. Please, you have to understand..” Your voice was quiet, you were almost whispering. She sighed and looked at you with sadness in her eyes. “Okay.. I will not ask you again. Just.. try to think about it and when you are ready, tell me.” You offered her a small smile as a response. You weren't sure when you would be ready. In a month? Year? When will your feelings go away? Or rather, when they will be small enough for you to ignore them? Why was letting this go so hard for you? You were feeling silly. They were sure many women who were having a crush on your High lord. Why do your feelings for him grow so much? Morrigan was quiet, sitting here with you as you were trying to collect your thoughts. “Can you give Rhys a message from me? Please..” Her face lit up a little bit, before she nodded. “Of course, what do you need me to tell him?” She was probably waiting for something like an invitation to meet somewhere and talk, but you had to disappoint her. “Ask him if he can send me some work.. I need to focus my mind on something else.” Although you told him you would like to continue working, he never sent you anything, probably only trying to be nice and give you time, but this wasn't good for you. Without any work, most of the time it was only you and your broken heart, nothing else. Maybe someone could use this as an opportunity to fully concentrate on healing, but you were enduring this for a whole month and it was no help. You need to try focusing on work, so you could start focusing on other things, step by step. “Hmm.. I will tell him about this.” Your blonde friend promised you and you thanked her. No longer after this, you said goodbye and she disappeared into the thin air. 
Another week passed and after that another one and another and before you knew it, it was the week before Starfall. Your most favorite holiday, you absolutely adore it and you were very excited every year, who wouldn't? It was this holiday, which finally convinced you to return to Velaris. Well, only for one night. When you told Morrigan about this, she was happy, almost jumping like a small child. She, and all your friends were glad that you were finally feeling better. You weren't crying anymore, you were eating normally again, sometimes you went out and were wandering around the city in the Day court where you were living for a few months now. You still had feelings for Rhysand, honestly, they weren't any smaller than before, but you learnt how to ignore them and be happy again. You were worried about meeting Rhysand again, because the only contact you had with him was thanks to work he started slowly sending you. He tried to contact you, sometimes you found a note on top of the papers he send you, where he was asking you to meet and talk to him, you answered him only once and since then you've been giving all messages from Rhysand to Morrigan, who you've asked to read them for you and give them to you only if there's something important about work. Maybe you were too cruel to him, you knew he hadn't done anything bad to you at all, but you need a break from him. A break you were stopping now. You were hoping that tonight would go smoothly, because in that case, you were determined to slowly start visiting Velaris more and more, before you would return for good. As you nodded and approved this plan of yours, you heard knocking on the door. You opened them and found Morrigan, who came to winnow you to the house. “Y/N you look absolutely breathtaking.” She complimented and winked at you as you giggled. “ My dear friend, you are too kind to me.” You were wearing a dark blue dress with a slit on our right side. The only thing that was decorating your dress was a belt made of small diamonds, which was placed around your waist. You wore matching jewelry with this belt. Your makeup was done to perfection, just as you like it, same with your hair. “I am not too kind, I am simply telling the truth.” She argued with you, but waved her hand “We can argue about it late tonight if you wish, but I am too hungry for this right now. Let's go, before Cassian eats everything.”
The house was decorated like every year at this time. You could smell the sweet scent of gingerbreads and hot chocolate. After admiring beautiful decorations, you realized how much you truly missed this place, your home. “Thank you for coming.. It would be sadder without you.” You heard Morrigan whispering to you. “I thank you for.. helping me.” You squeezed her hand gently, before heading to the dining room with her coming after you. There they were. At first, you saw Cassian was already a little bit drunk and telling Amren some stupid jokes, she was rolling her eyes at. They were being watched by Azriel, who was drinking a glass of red wine. “Hello everyone! Look who is hereee!” You wanted to punch Morrigan because of her shouting, which nearly caused you to go deaf, but before you had a chance, Cassian ran to you and hugged you tightly. “Finally someone normal who I can talk with.” You returned the hug and raised your eyebrow. “You mean someone who is too polite to tell you to fuck of, when you are telling them your dumb jokes?” You laughed at Amren's comment a little. “Yeah, this feels more like typical Starfall.” You said turning to Morrigan, as Cassian started arguing with your ancient friend and also Azriel, who was defending her. “Yeah, I can't agree more.” She nodded, walked past you to her place at the table. Now there were only two free left and they were next to each other, for you and Rhysand. Did they did this on purpose? You didn't have time to curse them silently because you heard a familiar voice behind you.
“It's nice to see you again, Y/N.” You bit your lips, knowing very well who was standing behind you and talking to you. “Hi.. It's nice to be here again.” You managed to gather every bit of strength in you and turned to face the most handsome male you have ever seen, although he was looking slightly different than before. His hair seemed more messy, he had something you would describe as a sad expression on his face. Maybe you should talk to him before coming here. Feeling of regret washed over you. His purple eyes were studying your face intensively, not looking away for a second, not blinking. You noticed that your heart was once again beating faster than usual, this was a typical response from your body to his presence. Cursing in your head, you tried to smile at him. “I think we should.. sit?” You gestured to two free chairs, not waiting for his response and walking to one of them. Before you could pull it away from the table and sit, someone did it for you, Rhys. You nodded your head at him, as silent thanks and turned to the table, which was full of food. As you wish everyone to enjoy their food, you dig into it yourself, eating quietly, most of the time. You were listening to others, as they were joking, telling each other stories about previous Starfalls. Cassian was currently telling Amren about the first time we celebrated Starfall with Azriel, Rhys and his mother and sister, when Rhysand spoke to you. “I know this isn't the right time, but can we talk? Please..” He wasn't talking aloud, you heard his voice in your head. During your time away from him, you almost forgot about his daemati powers. “Perhaps we should.” You responded, not happy so much that you were doing this, but also knowing this was necessary. He seemed relieved you hadn't told him to back off. “I am sorry. I know this doesn't help anything at all, but please believe me, that I didn't know. I didn't know you were speaking seriously. I didn't know about your feelings for me.” His voice was desperate and you shook your head a little. “Rhys, there is nothing I have to forgive you. It's not your fault how you feel. Don't apologize, really.” You reached for a glass of wine, drinking it entirely, to survive this night, you would need many more. There was a little pause between you two, before he spoke again “I missed you, terribly. I miss our time together and I am not talking about the time we were sleeping together. I miss joking around with you. I miss you coming to my office, bringing me dinner because I forgot, again..” You felt like your head was spinning. You felt your feelings for him crawling out from the cage where you locked them. “Stop. Please.. Don't give me hope your feelings have changed so much.” This was too good to be true. Thinking he was just trying to make you happy, thinking that he was saying those things out of pity, you simply couldn't trust him. “They haven't changed. I simply acknowledge them.” You didn't respond to him, you didn't know what. You wanted to believe him, more than anything else, but you were too scared. Scared that you would again end up broken and it gave you too much work to put yourself together. You continued eating food on your plate, trying to ignore the male sitting next to you for the rest of the dinner.
After the dinner, the real fun began. Morrigan started drinking more wine in Cassian's and Azriel's company. They all were laughing and you with them, while ignoring the piercing gaze of Rhysand, who was not far away with Amren, passionately talking about something. “We need more wine.. Rhysieee!” Cassian whimpered and stood up from the sofa. If it wasn't for Azriel catching him, he would have been lying on the ground by now. Although they both had problems with walking. Thai is going to be an interesting night, you thought to yourself. “I think you too had enough, for now.” Amren looked at them with furrowed brows. “Oh don't be a party killer. They are fine, we all are!” Only now did you notice that Morrigan had already managed to get up and was now walking to the Rhys's wine cellar. You quickly got up and held her by hand. “I think it will be better, if I go here.. I have a strong feeling you would stay up there and get drunk more then you already are. You patted her hand gently and escorted her to the couch. After you were sure she was sitting and not going anywhere, you went to look for some wine. It was not only an opportunity to  save your friends from falling off the stairs, it was also an opportunity to get away from Rhys for a while. If only you knew that he followed you almost immediately. You were holding two bottles and thinking, if you should take the third one upstairs too, when you felt his presence right behind you. His strong chest was pressing against your back. “I am not saying I don't deserve it.. But you are torturing me.” His voice was smooth and there was something urgent in it. You sighed and picked up the third bottle, because it will come in handy. “I don't know what you are talking about.” His hand traveled to your hips, squeezing you gently. “Yes you know. I know you feel this too.” His lips brushed against your ear. Why hadn't you pulled away yet? You definitely should, but it was too nice, feeling his warmth, his hand. “Y/N I am really sorry for what I said. I really shouldn't say that, but now, I understand you. I understand what feelings you were talking about. I feel a bond.. that bound me to you. Please.. Give us a chance.” Tears started building up in your eyes as he turned you to face him. He kissed them all away from your cheeks. You already put the wine away and took his face in your hands. “I feel it too. I always had..” You admitted quietly. “But I am scared.. Are you sure about this? About what do you feel? I don't want you to say this only because you pity me.” You told him about your concerts, looking away, only for him to gently lift your chin and make you look at him. “Is this really what do you think?” Your silence answered him perfectly. “I am not surprised you do not believe me fully yet and certainly I don't blame you, but I mean this. It was never my intention to hurt you and I plan to make it up to you for the rest of my life, if you will let me.. You don't have to answer me right now. I will wait for you for a thousand years or more, if you need that. ” He wasn't pushing you into anything, but you already knew your answer. His words were honest, his eyes were telling you he was determined to keep his promise and love you for eternity. You didn't need anything else, so you simply kissed him and you put everything into that kiss. Your sadness, happiness, fear and most importantly, love for him. He was surprised at first, but he managed to come to his senses quickly and returned that kiss, with the same passion as you. 
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dirkspanelcollection · 5 months
Every panel Dirk Strider is in. Part 1
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andnowanowl · 2 months
Daily Click for Arab.org
Some Fundraisers From Gaza
Reminder that there has been a polio outbreak in Gaza due to the horrible conditions there, and children are especially at risk for infection.
Ibtisam Al-Habil - has several children, including immunocompromised daughter, Nour, who has congenital heart disease. $13,707 CAD of $70,000. URGENT.
Ahmed Aziz - needs funds to have an operation for infant son, Abdul, who has Hirschprung's disease (affects intestine). €231 of €5,000. URGENT.
Sameer Al Khaldi - family of 17, including 9 adults and 8 children. $632 USD of $50,000.
Mohammed Almanasra - married father of three young children: Abdulrahman, Sarah, and Lina. $8427 CAD of $50,000. Vetted here, 8th one down.
Motaz Jad Al-Haq - Gazan nurse and father of three children: Mohammed, Omar, and Nima. Married to pediatrician Fedaa Al-Nadi. $14,189 SEK of $250,000. (55 SEK = 5 USD.) Vetted here.
Salem Alanqar - father of Bakr and Laila, husband to Hadeel. €4542 of €38,000. Vetted here.
Nour Alanqar - wife of Ashraf Ismail and mother to three: Hussein, Rajaa, and Yousef. €18,824 of €40,000. Vetted here.
Ahmed Halas - father of at least two children. €4986 of €80,000. Vetted here.
Fatima Alanqar - wife of Bilal Dader and mother of five: Yazan, Fadl, Zina, Rajaa, and Basma. €4198 of €20,000. Vetted here.
Hanaa Jad Al-Haq - wife of Muhammad Hammad and mother of Youssef. £8596 GBP of £20,000. Vetted here, #246
Jehad Abuhamda - father of three: Sama, Loai, and Yousef. Son of Ahmed and Fatin. $13,898 USD of $50,000. (Donations have stagnated.)
Kareman Dohan - mother of Hamoud and wife of Ayman Olwan. $4409 USD of $50,000. Vetted here.
Abdel Muti Al-Habil - Father of Juri and husband of Shaima. €8110 of €50,000. Vetted here.
Mahmoud Khalaf - has 8 members of his family that need evacuating. €20,957 of €30,000. Verified here, #151.
Mahmoud Alkhaldi - Fiancé to Sajood, brother to Mohammed (married) and uncle to Yasser. $9,158 USD of $50,000. Vetted here.
Noureddine - Father of two and husband. $7,025 USD of $45,000. Vetted here.
Ehab Ayyad - Has 20? members of his family that need evacuating. €699 of €50,000.
Ahmed Abu Al-Rish - Recent high school graduate. Wants to attend university. $4,340 USD of $10,000. Vetted here.
Haya Alshawish - family of eight: parents, wife, and six children. €68,907 of €100,000. Vetted here.
Mohi & Family - Has six members of family. $12,380 USD of $31,000. Vetted here.
Safa'a Abd - wife and mother of two. €26,459 of €50,000. Vetted here.
Ashraf Alanqar - husband of Widad Issa and father of Bakr. €17,183 of €20,000. Vetted here.
Munna Tashmali family - has 5 children, including Rima, Salah, and Lina. £12,940 GBP of £30,000 goal. Vetted here.
Sohaib Asfour - has several members of family that need evacuation, including two teens. £682 GBP of £6,000.
Shymaa Taiser - wife of Deaa and mother to four, including Amal. $10,788 USD of $50,000. #141 on vetted fundraisers.
Muhammad Atalla - injured by IOF, needs bone graft and home rebuilt. 4 adults and 10 children will get remaining proceeds. €10,983 of €82,000. Vetted here.
Mohammed Hijazi - displaced with his parents, injuries. €8,663 of €20,000.
Ahmed Al-Habil - displaced physiotherapist with wife, parents, and two children, including Joan. £1,431 GBP of £81,000.
Aseel Asad - mother and father need medical attention. $8,360 USD of $20,000. Vetted here.
Alaa Al Khateeb - an engineer with a husband and two children. £26,629 GBP of £56,000.
Bilal Abdul Hadi al-Saqa - displaced from Khan Younis and Rafah. $23,210 USD of $25,000. (Donations have stagnated.)
Abdulkarim Al-Madhoun - college student with a family of five. €14,238 of €20,000.
Mahmoud Al-Balawi - has five siblings and five nieces/nephews in need of aid. €33,397 of €50,000
Youssef - has a sick father being treated and a younger brother ill from hepatitis. $2,417 USD of $15,000. Vetted here.
Mohammed Shurrab - medical doctor with at least 12 family members in need of aid. €3,454 of €100,000.
Bilal Salah - needs to evacuate at least 20 members of his family. €95,730 of €100,000. (Close to completion.)
Asmaa Majed - computer engineering student in need of evacuation. $2,877 USD of $50,000. Vetted here.
Osama Al-Anqar - has a wife, Rana Raed Al-Anqar, and a small daughter. £105 GBP of £50,000.
Ahmed Jehad - married and has a baby daughter. $907 CAD of $40,000. #32 of vetted fundraisers under prenatal/perinatal section.
Ezzedine Salem - needs evacuation with family. €43 of €25,000.
Kefah Rizq - widow with six children whose husband was a nurse. $585 of $40,000.
Ghada - wants to evacuate with her husband and daughter. €80 of €30,000.
Amal Ashour - master's student with a wife and daughter, Maryam. €24,563 of €30,000.
Mohammed Hassouna - has a wife, Reham, and three daughters: Toleen, Wateen, and Rateel. £1,269 GBP of £35,000.
Hossam Saleh Mohamed El Bardawil - needs to evacuate with nieces and nephews, and their mothers. $7,414 CAD of $20,000.
Osama Basil - web developer who needs funds to rebuild his living in Gaza. €245 of €15,000.
Ayah - has a cousin and cousin's wife, Lina, and his two young children, Saif and Sidra, in need of evacuation. €33,270 of €45,000. Vetted by Lina's friend Mohiy here.
Nada Al-Farra - needs evacuation with spouse and four year-old son. €268 of €20,000.
Shadi Sameer Ashour - needs evacuation with two children. €45 of €50,000.
Tahrir Rezq - mother who needs to be evacuated with six children. $10 USD of $65,000.
Rana Hassan - mother of three children, one of whom has Down syndrome. €170 of €25,000.
Mohammed Almadhoun - needs evacuation with ten family members, including four minors: Sarah, Yomna, Massa, and Misk. €5,014 of €50,000.
Yahya Ahmad - pharmaceutical student who needs funds for his sick father and brother. $1,228 USD of $50,000.
Ola Ferwana - mother of three children: Yamen, Qusai, and Mira. Husband got stuck in Egypt because of Oct. 7. €1,924 of €35,000.
Mohammed Helles - needs aid for himself, his wife, and children. €140 of €45,000.
Abdallah Mousa - needs to be evacuated with family. $909 USD of $30,000. Vetted here.
Mohamad - medical student in need of funds for tuition because father is trapped in Gaza. $791 AUD of $12,000.
Mohammed Naser Ayyad - seventeen year-old high school student who needs to evacuate his seven siblings and mother. €1,702 of €38,000.
Ahmed Hassan Al-Sir - needs to be evacuated with wife Lubna, and sons: Mohamed, Hassan, and Yazan. €395 of €50,000. Vetted here.
Mohammed Abu Zour - father of three with a pregnant wife currently suffering from pre-eclampsia. One son was tortured by IOF along with Mohammed. €981 of €30,000.
Ghazi Younis - needs help evacuating family from Gaza, including an elderly aunt named Alan. $3,619 USD of $50,000. Vetted here.
Mohammed Alanqar - needs to evacuate with wife, Walaa, and children: Zina, Salma, Omar, and Batoul. €35 of €50,000.
Hazem Shawish - needs to evacuate with sixteen members of family. €1,492 of €50,000.
Samar Saed Kamel Saed - the brother of @90-ghost, Ahmed, who has been working tirelessly to verify fundraisers. Ahmed's family is still in Gaza.
Hamdi Al-Shaltawi - small business owner and college student who needs help evacuating. €660 of €20,000
Oday Alanqar - needs to evacuate with his family, including his five year-old sister Rafif. €2,307 of €50,000.
GoFundMes from Sudan
Khartoum Aid Kitchen - fundraiser to feed people from Sudan undergoing genocide. £395,198 GBP of £400,000.
Asjad - needs to be evacuated with 2 sisters, a brother and her parents. $17,311 USD of $20,000.
Abeer - needs aid for her extended family, including 15 children, 2 babies, 10 women, and 5 elders with chronic conditions and in need of medical attention. $23,262 USD of $50,000.
Refugees in Cairo - need funds for meals due to poverty in Egypt. $6,465 USD of $25,000.
Musab Eltayeb - raising funds for students displaced during current crisis. €1,586 of €350,000.
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skz-bibi · 1 year
( 📰 ) ... [092923] ⁀ ALLKPOP ARTICLE ࿐ !
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posted by allkpopstaff, september 29, 2023
after months of waiting and anticipation , dior has finally announced that stray kids bibi as their new global ambassador…
after being seen in dior at many events , including the recent vmas , fans began to speculate if the girl had scored herself as a deal with luxury brand , and after a long wait , their suspicions were confirmed.
the ceo and chair man of dior came out and made a loving statement regarding the girl joining the brand:
[“we met at a fashion show about a year ago , and we’ve been in touch ever since , we’re so excited to be working with her and have her in our dior family”]
let’s all congratulate bibi !
how does this make you feel?
[+1534, -232] finally, we’ve been waiting for so long.
[+242, -2443] once again dv1 and their favoritism , she doesn’t even deserve this🙄
[+4542, -173] i’m so proud of her!!!
[+2023, -12] she deserves this so much👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
[+200, -3432] wow jype really has favoritism…
[+2000, -94] she’s perfect for dior , she suits them so much…
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cocogrrrl · 1 year
hanahaki: south park's main three
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hanahaki isn't something that everyone experiences. unfortunately you, yn, have been cursed with such a condition. (all scenarios have drastically different plotlines! don't expect them to be the same 😅)
kenny mccormick : daisies
you find yourself growing close and eventually developing feelings for kenny—a guy you met at a party. you develop hanahaki because of it as well. now, what are you gonna do? (wc: 5064)
kyle broflovski : daffodil
you had grown up liking kyle from a comfortable distance, never thinking about making possible wounds. you, however, only just figured that out right now. unfortunately, you're overcome with the hanahaki disease likely because of it. (wc: 5121)
stan marsh : amaryllis
you have hanahaki disease, and you're trying to find out who it is you like. it couldn't be your best friend, stan, right? (wc: 4542)
76 notes · View notes
To the Shadows that Cry Witch /// Chapter 23
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WELCOME TO PART 3!! AHHHH I'm so excited that we've finally reached the actual hobbit storyline. It's been almost 3 months since I uploaded the last chapter, but I've made it worth it by returning with a double chapter package, so I hope you're around this weekend for when I post chapter 24! Enjoy! <3
Summary: When two girls fell into Middle Earth, excited at the prospects of living through their all time favourite novel, they find things are not as they seem. Something is watching them, as if they're being dared to reveal their secrets. How will they survive the challenges of the journey, dealing with the darkness that follows them, alongside certain two princes who are fascinated at everything they do, and a brooding, grumpy king who begins to suspect that they aren't telling the whole truth.
Where were they from, really? They did take the rabbit hole down, after all.
Tags: Kili x oc/reader - Fili x oc (POV to be written soon) - Thorin's company × ocs/reader (platonic) - fluff - angst - EXTREME slow burn - crack - Bagginshield
Word Count: 4542
Warnings: Swearing.
Taglist - comment or message to be added!
Want some background music? Check out my Soundtrack Playlist!
Now available on Wattpad and AO3 (please let me know if links aren't working)
< Chapter 22 // Chapter 23 // Chapter 24 >
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Part 3: Chapter 23 -
The Shaquille O’Neal of Improvisation.
Oneirataxia (Definition): The inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality.
(Noun / Origin: Derived from the Greek word 'oneiros', meaning dream and 'taxis' meaning arrangement / one-er-tax-ea)
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Bag End, Hobbiton, The Shire – T.A. Monday, 25th April 2941 of the Third Age (Monday, 5th Thrimidge, 1341 in Shire-reckoning)
Our eyes widened, a silence falling over the both of us as we stilled. Staring at each other, we remained frozen like statues, listening for the words we had been desperately anticipating for the past 19 months.
And just like that, our prayers were answered.
“What do you mean?” Grumbled an oh-so familiar voice, and I felt the hairs on my arms stand on end. “Do you mean to wish me a good morning, or do you mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not?” The two of us practically scrambled onto our hands and knees, hovering our ears near the bush to catch every word. “Or, perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning, or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on?”
I leant up on my knees, ignoring the sharp sting of a random thistle that Bilbo had forgotten to meticulously weed out. Grasping Kay’s shoulder, I held my breath, preparing for what was about to be revealed in front of us. Something we had been waiting an eternity for.
Slowly raising my head, my eyes immediately locked onto the tip of a pointy, grey hat, and I felt my heart drop to my stomach in nerves and excitement as I rose up further, the hat entering my view inch by inch until it revealed the person wearing it beneath.
Kay grasped my wrist that was still latched onto her shoulder, and I felt myself practically shaking as Gandalf the Grey himself finally came into view. I was almost back in my living room, watching the original scene play out, the shot from the TV coincidentally lining up with the view that was in front of me.
My eyes darted between Bilbo and the tall wizard in front of him, and I felt a tiny bit of relief at the sight of someone taller than me for once. But that didn’t last much longer as the initial shock silenced my spinning mind, taking in the two once-fictional characters with rigorous intensity. Kay and I refused to budge an inch, determined to catch and absorb every second of this moment and keep it seared into our minds for the rest of eternity.
Eyes as wide as owls, our gazes flicked to Bilbo as he squinted up at Gandalf.
“All of them at once, I suppose?” he muttered, waving his wooden pipe around slightly to emphasise.
At this point I could practically hear the soundtrack, the happy Shire tune shifting to one of uncertainty. Gandalf’s expression morphed slightly as he grasped his staff with both hands. Furrowing his brows at the hobbit, he regarded him with a disapproving look, a grumbling hum of unsatisfaction escaping his throat as Bilbo continued to stare up at him in bewilderment.
A moment of silence passed as the two continued their glaring contest, until Bilbo’s usual lack of patience for odd manners got the better of him and broke the quiet.
“I’m sorry, can I help you?” He sputtered out, blinking profusely as if that would help him grasp the situation.
Gandalf’s expression and stance hardly changed as he replied. “That remains to be seen.” He half-muttered, his cryptic wording confusing the poor hobbit further. “I’m looking for someone to share in an adventure.” He explained slowly, and we waited patiently for Bilbo’s reply. That was, until Gandalf’s piercing eyes snapped over to where our heads were peeking over the bush, sending a jolt up our spines. “And it’s been rather difficult to find anyone.” He exclaimed, voice raising slightly, almost causing us to cower.
Bilbo continued to squint up at Gandalf, his pipe dropping from his half-open mouth as his brain caught up with what was said. Soon enough, he noticed Gandalf’s gaze had wandered elsewhere, and he glanced over his shoulder, his eyes landing on us. “An – an adventure?” He guffawed, turning back to Gandalf, and his toned shifted to a rather snarky one. “Now, I don’t imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures.” Desperate to do something that would get himself further from the wizard and closer to us, he stood up from the bench and stepped over to the letterbox. “Nasty, disturbing –” He reached inside, grasping the letters. “– uncomfortable things. Make you late for dinner! I can’t think what anybody sees in them.” He exclaimed before shoving his pipe between his teeth, absentmindedly sorting through the letters and envelopes in his hands as he made some odd noises to try and convince the wizard his interests were elsewhere. He spared Gandalf a brief glance – though it was more of a glare – and noticed the wizard’s eyes were still on us, observing without saying a word. Stepping in front in an attempt to block his view, Bilbo stuck his thumb behind his braces, opened his mouth to continue, but hesitated, instead giving a curt “Good morning.”, and quickly turned towards the door, where he motioned stiffly with his arm for us to follow suit.
Kay and I glanced hesitantly at each other, before rising to our full heights. I found myself unable to move, continuing to stare at the robed figure stood tall at the tiny gate as he returned it with his own scrutinising and wholly unsettling gaze. Though it barely lasted a second as his gaze shifted to one of frustration as he looked over at Bilbo’s retreating figure.
“To think that I should have lived to be good-morninged by Belladonna Took’s son,” he called out, raising his voice. “as if I were selling buttons at the door.”
Bilbo’s head swivelled round, his body following not long after with a startled look upon his face. “Beg your pardon?” he sputtered.
Gandalf let out a huff, switching his staff to rest in one hand as he spoke. “You’ve changed,” he breathed, a reprimanding tone of disappointment underlining his words. “and not entirely for the better, Bilbo Baggins.”
Bilbo’s brows furrowed, leaning forward slightly as he seemed to properly take in the wizard’s appearance for the first time. “I’m sorry do I know you?”
I felt quite awkward, standing by the door fiddling with my hands whilst witnessing the exchange, watching with bated breath as Bilbo desperately tried to end the conversation, then also for one to say something that would set the other off. And if my guesses were correct, that was going to happen relatively soon.
At this point Gandalf’s demeanour had shifted from quiet, obvious frustration to one of exasperated amusement. “ Well, you know my name, although you don’t remember I belong to it. I’m Gandalf!” He practically cried. “And Gandalf means…” he gave the hobbit a small but endearing smile. “..me!”
Recognition flashed across Bilbo’s face as his eyes flickered over the tall wizard, and a smile slowly grew on his face. “Not… Gandalf, the wandering wizard who made such excellent fireworks! I remember those! They used to go up like great lilies and snapdragons and laburnums of fire and hang in the twilight all evening!” He emphasised with a few friendly jabs of his finger. “Hah! Old Took used to have them on Mid-Summer’s Eve!”
From where he was stood almost next to me, I watched as he paused, looking Gandalf up and down. Realising what he was about to say next, I side-eyed him with a warning glare, but he took no notice, his attention far too fixated on the wizard.
“I had no idea you were still in business.” He regarded with a frown, and I let out a small sigh of disappointment. Looking off into the distance for a moment to spare myself the second-hand embarrassment of the exchange to come, I glanced back at Gandalf, only to find he had been staring at me the whole time. My eyes widened, and I suddenly found the grass under my feet extremely interesting.
Feeling the burning intensity of Gandalf’s eyes shift elsewhere, I looked back up to find him giving Bilbo a rather scathing look. “And where else should I be?” He demanded, giving the hobbit a small fright with his tone.
Bilbo stiffened. “Well…” he sputtered, blabbering a few more half-words as he gestured around him with his pipe awkwardly, eyes wide. Trailing off, he decided to instead stuff the pipe back in his mouth, finishing his sheepish parade of sounds with a loud clearing of his throat, taking a deep heave from the smoke.
“Well, I’m pleased to find you remember something about me,” Gandalf regarded with another sigh. “even if it’s only my fireworks.” His expression shifted as swiftly as he passed his staff between his hands. “Well then, that’s decided. It will be very good for you all!” he exclaimed with a grin, wagging his finger at us and the rapidly paling hobbit. “And most amusing for me. I shall inform the others.” He concluded with a small, amused bow of his head.
“Wait, us-?!”  I exclaimed, almost stepping forwards in shock.
“– Inform the who? What? No! No, no!” Bilbo interrupted my sudden exclamation, storming back up the steps to the circular door. “We do not want any adventures here, thank you!” he cried, jabbing at the ground with a thunderous look. “Not today! I suggest you try somewhere over the hill, or across the water!” He continued, waving his finger in every direction that would take the old man far away from his home. Grasping the golden door knob, he swung around, about to yell something else, before deciding to end his tirade early. “Good morning!” He half-cried, and he stormed into the house.
Apart from the usual sounds of the birds and rustling leaves, silence blanketed the front steps of Bag End. Kay and I were leaning forwards slightly, having bent over to watch the hobbit storm through the doorway. However, the noise of someone clearing their throat had the two of us shooting up, straightening our backs as we turned to the wizard still stood expectantly by the gate.
“And here I was wondering about the day I would come across the two of you.” He proclaimed, settling where he stood as he finally spoke to us.
As if waking from a trance, I let out a loud “HUH?”. All Kay could do was lightly whack me on the shoulder as Gandalf blinked in surprise.
“Though…” he trailed off, flickering his grey-blue eyes between us. “You are not entirely what I expected.”
It was Kay’s turn to act confused as she made an odd noise in the back of her throat, and Gandalf swiftly went to reply.
“You look at me as if I am as familiar as an old cousin, yet I only recognise you by your faces alone.” He began, changing the subject. We only got more confused.
“Have you seen us walking around or something?” I blurted whilst my face scrunched in bafflement. Unconsciously, I took a glance around, as if I was about to spot a hiding place that the wizard could have sprung out of.
“No, no.” He chortled, taking his time to admire the scenery around him with a fond eye. “I haven’t been here in quite some time, I’m afraid. But it seems you both have certainly settled in.” He gestured up and down at us. “The last time I experienced a dream where you were present, you were wearing some awfully odd clothes.” We both glanced with wide eyes at each other, and Gandalf raised a brow. “Sometimes you were here, other times in a very strange place – otherworldly, in my opinion.”
All I could do was stare. There was a weird mix of emotions floating around inside me – a mixture of shock, excitement and suspicion. The latter not so much, because this was Gandalf we were talking about here. Except for the dream part, that weirded me out a little. In the end I barely managed a small shrug. I was at a loss for words.
Though that was broken when Kay piped up next to me. “… Youuu could say that.” She replied with a few light nods. Suddenly her face contorted to one of alarm. “Wait, you dreamt about us?!?!”
At this reveal, Gandalf narrowed his eyes. “Why are you here? If I may ask.” He interrogated firmly, avoiding Kay’s question.
I took a moment to consider my next words – and figured only the truth was the best way. “…Honestly? We could ask you the same thing.” I answered, albeit the nervousness in my voice was quite prominent as I wondering if I had done the right thing. “We didn’t really have a choice, nor did we know this would happen. We just, you know, appeared out the blue from the sky.”
“Out of the blue?” Gandalf repeated amusedly, then glanced up at the cerulean sky. “Quite literally, I take it.” He hummed, and gestured to the door with his staff. “Does he know?”
“He does.” I replied, nodding firmly. “We figured it would be a bit unfair hiding things from the one person who kept us alive and has looked after us this whole time. We kinda owe him our lives.”
Nodding with a low hum, Gandalf seemed satisfied. “And what do you know?”
That caught us off guard.
“What do you mean?” Kay questioned, puzzled but wary.
He tilted his head as he looked at us. “You know who I am, despite us having never met in person. And I am yet to reveal what this journey entails, yet you seem calm and I dare say prepared for this. And along with the vague visions that were conjured as I dreamt, I am therefore led to believe,” He levelled us with a look. “that you may know more than you let on.”
My mouth bobbed open and shut, not to similar to a fish as I absorbed the reality of Gandalf’s statement. ‘He knows.’ Was all my mind managed to conjure. ‘Of course he knows, he’s Gandalf, for Christ’s sake!’
Blinking, a moment passed as I attempted to get a word out, until my throat decided to conjure the oddest sounds as I tried to put together the words. “Mmmmmmmnnyyeeeaaaaahummmhaaawwww-HURK!!!” Kay had elbowed me in the ribs – hard.
“The answer isn’t hum and haw, though we may have an overall idea.” Kay stated as I keeled over with a groan. “But we can’t say much without our throats literally closing up.”
Gandalf squinted at her, his free hand reaching up to absentmindedly stroke at his beard. “You cannot say a word?”
“Barely.” I wheezed with a cough, attempting to straighten up despite the protests of my now-sore ribs. “I mean, we’ve managed to say a few things, but most of the time we can say it as long as we don’t think about it too much – if we prepare to tell anyone, it seems to alert something that doesn’t want us saying anything that might change things. But it’s really random and hard to explain without it sounding like there’s a thousand plot holes.” My mouth was moving a mile a minute as the words tumbled out.
At this point I was practically ready to tell Gandalf everything, the words explaining my theories having been ready to spill out of my mouth for months.
“We keep seeing things.” I carried on without a thought, almost relieved at the fact that I could tell someone who had the ability to possibly understand whatever the hell we were saying. “Getting chased by weird creatures, I threw a pillow at a literal shadow creature – that’s appearing more often than not lately – an-and I just want to know what’s going on.” I pleaded, shoulders slumped as I felt the exhaustion of dealing with the last year and a half’s events catch up with me.
The wizard stared. “Intriguing.” He muttered. “You truly haven’t got a clue?”
“No!” I groaned, the frustration of everything flowing over. “And we want to find out why.”
He continued to stroke his beard with a low grumble. “I must say, this is something I cannot leave behind.” He stated, seemingly almost speaking to himself. “But whether I’ll be allowed to take you both with me to figure out why, is an answer we must leave until tomorrow.” He explained with a pointed look, that I thought I somewhat understood.
From deep within Bag End, Kay and I heard our names echo throughout, reaching our ears to the still-open front door. Cringing slightly, we both looked inside at the sound of footsteps drawing closer.
“Well I must be off.” Gandalf announced, and we turned back to watch him readjust the front top of his robe slightly, before gripping his staff. “We’ll see what happens soon enough.” He suggested cryptically, before Bilbo’s frustrated face appeared at the other end of the hallway.
Desperate, I quickly spun towards the wizard. “Can we come?” I breathed, the words escaping quicker than I could think. “We’re not useless despite what they’ll think! There’s a lot we could bring to the table if you just give us a chance?” I pleaded.
Hissing our names, the hobbit strode forward, grasping the door as he hurriedly beckoned us in whilst regarding the wizard with a wary but thunderous look. The wizard paid him no mind, deeply furrowing his brows as he regarded my words with a suspicious glint in his eye.
“We shall see.” Was all I got in response before a raging hobbit seethed my name, Kay already having retreated to his side.
Seeing that this was a battle that wasn’t going to be won, I reluctantly followed, disappointedly glancing at Gandalf before turning our backs. Bilbo called out about the wizard coming for dinner some other time – the two of us figured he was barely aware that he was doing so, and with that, the green door swiftly slammed shut. Bilbo fumbled with the bolt as he slid it into place with a snap. Finally achieving so, he turned to rest his back against the wood, eyes closing with a relieved sigh whilst he leant his head back.
A moment of silence passed, the hobbit settling as he seemed to be in the clear, until a muffled scraping noise near his feet filled the quiet hallway. Moment disturbed, Bilbo’s eyes immediately snapped back open, the tenseness straightening his spine once again. He jerked away from the door, almost like he had been prodded with a hot iron, as he stared down at the source of the jarring noise.
Ears wiggling slightly, he leant over, his back to us, before he shot back up with a furious glimmer morphing over his features. Storming over to the small circular window to the right of the door, he stood up on his toes, peering through the panes to try and catch a glimpse of the assailant.
He got his answer soon enough, when the silhouette of Gandalf sprang into view, casting a shadow into the hobbit hole. Stumbling back in surprise, Bilbo was caught in the arms of Kay before he would send himself sprawling onto the floor. All three of us stared at the window, a hush washing over us as we peered at the distorted image of Gandalf’s face as his gaze glowered through the glass. His eye twitched once, and with a flurry of robes, he vanished from view.
Scrambling to his feet, Bilbo dashed into the parlour over to the larger window, the two of us following suit, bending over to squish our heads together as we all tried to peer out at the wizards retreating back. His humming flowed through the air as he leant down to swing the miniature gate open, strolling down the path with a happy tune, until the edge of his cloak and the point of his hat disappeared round the bend.
I backed up until the ceiling was high enough, and stood to my full height, the events of the last five minutes hitting me full force as I stared blankly at the chandelier hanging in front of my face. Kay was the same, and we watched as Bilbo stared at the windowsill, scrunch his nose up with a loud sniff, then storm off into the kitchen without a word.
As soon as he disappeared, I practically deflated. With a roll of her shoulders and a few clicks of her back, Kay shuffled over to the armchairs that sat by the unlit fireplace, flopping down on it with a loud huff.
“I think I need to lie down.” She half muttered with a groan, barely glancing up at me as I collapsed on the chair opposite. “I cant believe we just met Gandalf.”
Nodding, I remained silent, staring at the small fraying threads of the rug beneath my feet as my mind raced through what just happened. I felt Kay’s eyes on me at my lack of an answer.
“What is it?” She questioned, and I figured she had seen my face cringing at the floor.
Glancing up at her, my eyes filled with worry. “Do you think he heard those weird noises I made?” I asked apprehensively.
She deadpanned. “Yes.” She stated. “I’m pretty sure the most prominent thing he’ll remember from our first meeting is you attempting to sound like every animal on Old McDonald’s farm.”
I groaned loudly, my whole body cringing as I brought my knees up, shoving my face into them as I slapped at my head.
“I mean, you could always Obliviate him once you learn how to?” She offered jokingly.
“I can’t do thatttt.” I whined, voice muffled as I shoved my face further into my knees, not caring if the pressure would leave my face red for the next few minutes. “What if the Middle Earth equivalent of Jesus appears and puts me in Jesus-prison for accidentally completely wiping the memories of one of their mini-gods??”
Kay huffed, unable to contain her laughter as she chucked a cushion at me, the object bouncing off the top of my head as I raised it, watching the projectile ricochet onto the floor.
Hair ruffled and sticking about after being assaulted by the cushion, I squinted with bleary eyes at Kay as weird shapes danced in my vision after being pressed to the bones of my knees. A thought came to mind, and I opened my mouth, before the thuds of large feet sounded through the wooden floor, Bilbo storming through the archway from the kitchen not a moment later.
“…nd what on Earth did I ask him to tea for!” he muttered to himself as he stared at the floor, flushed cheeks puffed out slightly as he chowed down on a seed-cake. Stopping in the middle of the room in front of us, he scoured the room, not acknowledging us in the slightest as he twisted and turned on the spot.
Darting his eyes across our forms, he flinched slightly as he seemed to only then notice our presence, before continuing on his search.
“You haven’t seen my Engagement Tablet anywhere, have you?” He asked, headspace still elsewhere as he marched into the entrance hall. “I need to write everything down before I forget.”
“Can’t you just use the calendar?” I called out, leaning over the arm of my chair as I tried to spot the hobbit behind me. My eyes landed on him, observing as he stopped in his tracks to swivel towards the calendar we had him nail to the wall when we had found it just this morning.
He flailed a bit, raising his arm up and down whilst pointing a finger at it, scanning the paper rapidly before shaking his head distractedly. “No, no.” He muttered, turning away to stride back into the parlour whilst taking another ferocious bite out of the seedcake. “All plans are on my tablet, I need my tablet.” He rambled to himself as he entered the kitchen. Coming to a stop in front of the straw basket that he was yet to empty, he let out a grunt. “Oh, for Yavanna’s sake I forgot the fish! Forget it I’ll go tomorrow. My head’s far too full to run into that damned wizard again.”
Once again, Bilbo frantically disappeared as he ranted to himself, going further this time – presumably to his bedroom, where the sounds of rustling, thuds of things being dropped and drawers being pulled open vibrated through the walls, along with frustrated complaints about Gandalf thrown about as he continued his search.
Kay and I looked at each other, and a moment passed between us, before we scrambled to our feet. Stumbling into the middle of the room, I tried not to trip over the cushion that still laid on the floor. Facing Kay, we both nodded at each other, and swiftly vanished to our respective bedrooms.
Swinging the door shut behind me, I grabbed the last few remains of my belongings that I had left out as to not rouse any suspicion from Bilbo as to why it looked like we were spontaneously moving out. Hauling out the large backpack that I had shoved to the back of my wardrobe, I swung it onto the floor, unclasped the straps and lifted the lid open, loosening the leather drawstring holding the opening together wide enough for me to fit down the steps that looked like they led into the floor.
Once fully opened, I clambered to my feet, and began pulling the clothes the bag had been hidden behind from the hangers, their wooden edges clattering against the back panel of the wardrobe they swung against as I speedily pulled each piece from them, before chucking it all into the awaiting entrance of my bag.
After hearing the thump of the final piece hit the bottom of the steps, I proceeded to scour my room, pulling open drawers and using my wand to light up the underneath of any furniture that something could have rolled or been stored under.
Satisfied that everything had been packed, I climbed down into the bag, hopping over the pile of clothes and random objects that had been thrown on top. The next thirty minutes was spent reorganising, making sure everything had its place.
Just as I was about to hang up the last skirt I had laying around, I jumped slightly at the sound of my name being called. Peering out of the tiny hallway leading to the two tiny rooms, I looked up to see Kay, who signalled with a thumbs-up that she was done and ready.
Giving everything a once-over, I returned the thumbs-up with my own, and held my hands out, catching the bag she chucked down, storing it in the corner of the main room for tomorrow.
Clambering up the ladder and out onto the floor, I sealed my own bag back up, before shoving it back into the corner of my now-barren wardrobe. With a final scan, I turned to Kay, and let out a breath as I gave her a nod. We were ready for tomorrow.
And honestly? I was fucking terrified.
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est-ce · 3 months
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damnfandomproblems · 8 months
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Fandom Problem #4542:
Okay, I replaced the information with music/things related to it, that's not what the the actual info, but I'm curious of people figure out the fandom anyway:
So... A show that more than a decade old exists:
The creator talks about an information about the story multiple times and that info gets hinted in like the third episode: "This character really likes music"
Character in the show: "These talentless hecks! They don't have any appreaciation for real music!"
"Put the banjo down! Unlike you I have experience."
Show airs its second season and gives us more information about it, we have the character shown with an instrument briefly in a flashback
Also character sees a guitar: "Oh, this reminds me of the old times"
Other character to the previously mentioned one: "I didn't became part of the band because of you ruined the audition, and I was forced to have a low-paid job, while you got hired to play! It's not fair!"
Somewhat later in the series:
Two other characters interacting: "Are you sure you wanna do this? You never played before! You don't stand a chance against him!" (referring to the musician)
Creator talks about the info again
"Yeah, the character is really good at music, not sure how many instruments he can play though."
Creator posts it on Twitter years later:
"He used to be a musician. He can play multiple instruments."
Fandom: "What a retcon! This was never mentioned in the series and neither outside the sourcematerial, the creator is just pulling a JK Rowling! He doesn't care about music, he said it himself, remember?"
Do you remember that he is a pathological liar, right? And he only said it, because it was nessecary for him to people not to get suspicious of him? Just because we haven't seen him actually do a whole performance, doesn't mean it didn't happen!
"But the network marketed him as musically inept!"
Because that network doesn't think a musician would be relatable to the audience, this is not the first show they tried to pull this sh*t up.
"Even if it was planned, it was only around the second season and now they act like we're supposed to accept that it has been there from the begginning!"
Creator recently posted concept art that was made before the show was airing about the character playing an instrument, and revealed that the series was originally would have been named "Little musician"
Fandom: Silence
Fandom later: "Anyway, don't listen to the creator, he is not a musician. That got scrapped. If the creator wanted to make it clear, the show should have made it clear."
What more confirmation you need? Does he need to stick an "I'm a musician" sticker to his forehead and sing a song about being a musician? It was not even the most important part of the show, more like a detail that added to who he was. Yes, the show works without it too for the most part, but without it, some of the scenes would have a different subtext. It had been there from pretty early on, even if you don't like it.
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Day #4542
The Once-ler fandom is still alive.
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canarytry · 2 years
Tumblr Bell Songs Compiled from the Notes on that One @Unpretty post
I @ everyone I grabbed from, some are probably repeats and some I def. missed but here’s what I got! Thanks to @unpretty for revealing to me the bells
Non-Christmas Songs:
concerning hobbits @fipindustries 1235321 3568753432 123532121 35666 66532321
"Lord of the Rings" @limulusamebocytelysate 1235321 35687532 123532121 356 (pause) 532 (pause) 1
Mary had a little lamb @prisma-the-spooktacular 6545666 555688 6545666 655654
Carry On My Wayward Son @parvasilvi 1358755654 13587532 1358755654 123211
smash mouth all star @snow4berry 4 86 6 54 47 76655 48665 44221 44 8665 5447 7665 548 866 5 45 2
M*A*S*H theme @heroofthreefaces 78787876 67676765 56565654 45454567 6767676 767676 3456787656
Do-re-mi: @prisma-the-spooktacular 1231313 2344324 3453536 4566546 5123456 6234567 7345678 876475 8532
(celine dion - my heart will go on :3c) @something-about-sunflowers 4 44 434 4 3 4 5 6 5 4 44 434 4 1 (x2) little off on this next part but 4 5 1 8 765 6 765 43432
Never Gonna Give You Up @bedheaddeadhead 1131665 1131554 113145 321 154
mr. sandman @foolishmortal 13 57 65 3 1 24 68 7
wonderwall: @marghen 32121212 212121231 3212122 21221231 353556531 22231 8678 32121212212121231 321212221221231 353556531 22231 8678 78267826786 78267826786 8267826 632231 1123216 331— 717171131— 3451— 3343321—
twinkle twinkle little star: @unpretty 1155665 4433221 5544332 5544332 1155665 4433221
this old man: @unpretty 535 535 6543234 3451111 12345 5224321
“His Theme” (Undertale): @patema-introverted 1541334 141334 1541334 146545
Hanukkah Songs:
the dreidel song: @mishafletcher 535353 355432 424242 454321
Christmas Carols:
Joy to the world: @prisma-the-spooktacular 8765 4321 56 67 78 887655 43 887655 43 333345 43 2222 34 21 8765 4321
Ode to Joy! @ardatli 3345 5432 1123322 3345 5432 1123211 231 23431 23432 125 3345 5432 1123211
Santa Claus is Coming To Town @phlebasphonecian 53455 56788 345556544 35132421
The First Noel @phlebasphoenician 3212345 678765 67876 5678543 3212345 678765 6787656 78543 321345 87665 8765678543
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer- @incognito-princess 5653865 5656587 4542765 5656563 5653865 5656587 4542765 5656587 6676535 46543 2356777 8876542 5653865 565687 4542685 454578
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear @boomstab-papa 16 35421 21 12344565 16 35421 21 12 23214 66 11234 56 55432321 16 35421 21 12 23214
joy to the world @Unpretty 87654321 566778 88765543 88765543 3333345 4222234 321865434321
Jingle Bells @runawaymarbles @mhalachai 14321 1115432 25432 66535 14321 15432 22543 666 676521
333 333 35123 4444 43333 3223 2 5 333 333 35123 4444 4333 554 2 1
In Excelsis Deo / Angels we have heard on high: @vimpiritea 333 55 43 323 5 3 21 333 55 43 323 5 3 21 5 65434 54323 43212 55 1234 3 2 1
we wish you a merry christmas if you're willing to get a little creative with the octave @hi-my-name-is-dotdotdot 58828766 62232875 53343286 556278
feliz navidad / we wanna wish you a merry christmas @hi-my-name-is-dotdotdot 58786 72865 58786 4665555443 3333211666 2222166555 3333211666 587721
it feels like christmas: @beggars-opera 11112345 5653 33343234 4542 33212365 532155 11112345 5653 33343234 4542 33212365 532155 55 565534 4543223 343215 65 5655334 4543223 343215 11112345 5653 33343234 4542 33212365 532155 33212365 43211 34355 77788 34355
Adeste Fiedles is (roughly, the bells don’t have accidentals) @thenoonesenseofladypole 552562 767876 5542456 74311
The First Noel: @deseretgear 3212345 678765 678765 678543 3212345 678765 678765 678543 3212345 87665 8765678543
Silent night @castisteard 5653 5653 886774 556543432 556543342 6676536 6434321
The first notes of Good King Wenceslas @theyhaveacavetroll 4445441 212344
we wish you a merry christmas @alabaster-moon 1 4 45432 2 2 5 56543 1 1 6 67654 2 112 5 3 4 1 4 4 4 3- 3 4 3 2 1 5 6 55448 1 112 5 3 4
we wish you a merry christmas: @distant-daydreams 14454322 25565431 16676542 112534
little drummer boy: @distant-daydreams 12333 34343 112333 34343 234555 65432 234555 67654 6543 5432 12333 34343 2121
Good King Wenceslas @damnsmartblueboxes 5556552 323455 5556552 323455 8764543 323455 2234556 8764 5--7--5
Miniature Overture from the Nutcracker: @extra-magichours 1 4 3265 1 4321 3 2 1 4 3265 86543231
This is the chorus to my favorite Christmas Carol: @emberlark 2342665 1231554 234245321 154 2342665 1231854 234245321 154
Away. In a manger @saiiditallbefore 887665 44321 112115 32135 887665 44321 154352 23121
here’s feliz navidad: @capsie 14 342 25 421 14 342 1211111111 (can’t go lower :[) (repeat x times) 6666 544 222 5555 422 114 6666 544 222 5433 35 5 654 (repeat x times)
this is the best I could do for “greensleeves”  @runawaymarbles 234565421 23422 12311 234565421 345432123 8876531 12422 12311 8876531 234222123
Carol of the Bells @dracificia 3231323132313231 3231323132313231 888765554344453211 888765554344453211
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 months
Best Laid Plans
by SummerKnight717 This was not the way it was supposed to go. At all. But obviously, the Universe is allergic to the combination of Jason Todd and well made plans. Red Hood has elaborate plans for vengeance - psychological warfare against Batman, prove the Replacement's worthlessness, build up his empire, etc etc. But that was before a very ill-advised rescue and an apparently very concussed Nightwing. What even is his life. Words: 4542, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: DCU, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake Relationships: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Alfred Pennyworth, Batfamily Members & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Protective Jason Todd, Good Sibling Jason Todd, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is a Ray of Sunshine, Protective Older Brothers, and little brothers, Angst and Humor, Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Resurrected Jason Todd, Pre-Jason Todd's Attack on Titans Tower, Canon Divergence - Jason Todd's Attack on Titans Tower, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, I'll Care About Canon When DC Does, Alfred Pennyworth Knows, Jason Todd Loves Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson Loves Jason Todd, Dick Grayson and Jason Todd are Siblings, Dick Grayson is a Gift via https://ift.tt/1lRY4Qh
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weirdsatellites · 11 months
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Transmission #4542 from NROL-82 (TOP SECRET) 1. Elon Musk's Expo 2. Black Hole of Manifestos 3. Electric Rhizomes
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sexylonestar · 1 year
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Nylon # 4542
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