#4 (caiman)
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literally the perfect protagonist 
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dual-ies · 2 years
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sorry for posting 1 thing and then running away i have a very good explanation (i got nervous and didn’t check this account because i’m scared.)
anyways. 4 and neo 3 bestieisms
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4 different creatures meme with Mars Bars (left) and Nemesis (right)! First square (top left) of each is a little species swap
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frindoka · 2 years
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this cat can recite the entire script to goncharov: here’s how
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the-ancient-dragons · 1 month
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Observe the final Overcomplicated Pyrrhian tribe, the NightWings!!
As always, Joy and Tui already did an amazing job, I'm just adding my own flair.
Details and explanation below.
Next week I have something special... See you then!
More overcomplicated dragons.
The NightWing took me forever. First with school, and then because I picked the most annoying references. It was perfect, at least I thought it was, until I had to draw scales over the entire thing. THE ENTIRE THING. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
First, I modelled the main anatomy after the komodo dragon. A really uninspired choice but I saw how Morrowseer tracked that albatross in book 4 and said hold my 2 mL of beer. I recently did a few alterations because I felt I was following the komodo anatomy too much. I think I've got a nice balance now, but I might change it later when I do the full body.
Next is the elephant in the room, that fact that there are way too many small scales, especially over the areas that look like large scales. That comes from the caiman lizard. In the references I had their body scales had folded in the EXACT pattern of NightWing scales. As soon as I saw it I knew I needed to use them. You can also find their influences around the mouth with those large "lips" and the silver scales along the neck.
Lastly I used european starlings for the glossy scales. Not every NightWing would have blue and green and purple on them, but it would be a possibility, and I wanted it on this one to show that. Depending on the angle you look at them you would see a different colour. Some starlings also have lots of white spots on their underbelly, which I thought would look perfect for the underbelly of a NightWing. Again, not every dragon would have this, but it would make sense. If the underside of their wings are star-spangled then their necks, stomachs, and tails might as well be, no?
I really had a lot of fun with this. I mentioned something special next week and I think it's something you'll really like (if you liked this series so much). No spoilers though! Until next time >:)
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herpsandbirds · 7 months
Apologies for the reblog spam, reptiles and crocodilians make me very very happy
feel free to spam and reblog away!
if they cant handle it, the fuck em!@!!
hejjjj, i heard you like reptiles...
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Northern Caiman Lizard (Dracaena guianensis), family Teiidae, Peruvian Amazon
Aquatic, feeds on large snails
This huge lizard grows to a length of up to 4 ft (1.2 m) and weigh up to 10 lb (4.5 kg).
photograph by Andres Novales Aguirrezabal
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centrally-unplanned · 2 months
Very cool 90's anime-futurism art exhibit "Memoria" by illustrator Yo-Co at one of my favourite Tokyo exhibition spaces, Space Caiman in Chuo:
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Tokyo gallery merch continues to be hilariously superior to offerings anywhere else of course. "Nautilus" (image 4) and the titular work (image 1) are my faves, the use of depth of frame is great and the suspended ones are double-sided in very cool ways.
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lanaevyssmoved · 10 months
OC + Random Associations
tagged by @cetra , @sleepsvessel & @bootheminiaturegiantspacehamster thank you ^_^
Afhiri sea slugs, isopods (dairy cow and zebra), geckos and other various reptiles, cats, small birds, musteloids (particularly raccoons and red pandas), viverrids, japanese raccoon dogs, opossums Candor lions, various eagles (wedge-tailed, golden, crowned), hawks, swans and geese, bighorn rams, crocodillians, sea turtles, elephants, animals that use sun compass orientation Cirok corvids (raven, crow), dogs (rottweiler, doberman, pinscher, greyhound), venomous black snakes, scorpions, spiders (particularly trapdoor spiders and sicarius), bats, black caiman, sharks
Afhiri pastels! pink, yellow, orange, green, blue, white, black Candor changes depending on form but in general purple, blue, red, yellow, orange, gold, brown, white, black Cirok black, grey, white - absolutely no Colour (thanks to booboo i now think of like toxic waste green when i think of cirok too)
Afhiri September Candor August Cirok November
Afhiri tapi tapi - tempura kidz fear. moe shop and fun - sir sly. sir sly's vibe is way off for afhiri but the lyrics were written for her Candor a sun coloured shaker - yndi halda and (spring) this was your place - sunlight ascending Cirok jouska - evenS (probably favourite song of all time btw) and i come with knives - IAMX
Afhiri two/2 Candor three/3 Cirok four/4
Afhiri celandine, sunflower, pink tulip, daisy Candor bay tree, gladiolus, heliotrope, rose Cirok chives, anemone, begonia, deadly nightshade
Afhiri fresh morning, grass, dirt, cotton candy, bubblegum Candor cedar, musk, sandalwood, the ocean, burning  Cirok decay, death, rot, overwhelmingly of resin
Afhiri tugtupite Candor meliphanite Cirok magnetite
Time of day
Afhiri sunrise Candor midday Cirok night
Afhiri summer Candor summer Cirok winter
Afhiri taverns, meadows, by rivers and lakes Candor monasteries, temples, places of worship Cirok the dank, cold and forgotten, the forbidden
Afhiri sweet things, nothing good for you Candor warm meals Cirok raw meat
Afhiri sugary sweet drinks, energy drinks Candor various teas (green, oolong, herbal, black) Cirok piping hot black coffee
Afhiri air Candor fire Cirok water
Afhiri garlic, ginger, cinnamon Candor paprika, turmeric, bay leaves Cirok dried chives, cloves, saffron
Afhiri the most beautiful sunny cloudless summer sky Candor a colourful golden orange, red, and purple with light cloud cover Cirok stratus clouds, grey, calm and quiet
Afhiri warm day with lots of sun and a gentle breeze Candor blazing hot summers day with minimal to no wind Cirok cold winters day with fog and light snow
Magical power
Afhiri manipulative magic that makes someone act against their own will, anything that makes them laugh or dance. also the magical power of Insults Candor holy smites, blinding lights and divine energy Cirok phasing into the realm of the dead to walk partly as a ghost
Afhiri shortsword and dagger combo, dual hand crossbows Candor mace and shield, longbow, floating/flying greatsword Cirok dual daggers, throwing knives, poisons and venoms
Afhiri cotton candy, bubblegum, and i designed her with fruit salad in mind! Candor spicy roasted pecans, maple roasted sweet potatoes, sea salt dark chocolate Cirok liquorice, black jack, toxic waste
Method of long distance travel
Afhiri roadtrip in a classic volkswagen camper van Candor flying Cirok underground trains
Afhiri impressionism, abstract expressionism, street art, dadaism, CoBrA and fauvism Candor baroque and classicism Cirok optical art and minimalism
Afhiri of the self, of emotional pain, of returning home Candor of imperfection, of failure, of not being worthy Cirok of being seen, of death, of vulnerability
Mythological creature
Afhiri azeban, mujina, nymph Candor chalkydri, phoenix, psychopomp Cirok tsuchigumo, black dog, gargoyle
Piece of stationery
Afhiri a childs box of crayons, dairy Candor fountain pen, ruler Cirok ink, letter opener
Three Emojis
Afhiri 🤡🍀🪈 Candor ☄️🎇🪽 Cirok 🕷️♟️🔪
Celestial body
Afhiri the moon Candor the sun Cirok black dwarf
THIS TOOK ME FOREVER GUYS... TWO DAYS. I WORKED ON IT FOR HOURS. i hope........ its worth it <3
tagging @cetra @dekariosgale @courierseis @euryalex @hibernationsuit @jerichoes @vanoefucks @captaintiny @gwynbleidd @arduath @rcpunzel @avallachs @fuckitwebhaal @hexdruid @sovereign-spaw @galesgrandad @thefathersbride @dandeyrain @doggybone @swanfey @voerman @full---ofstarlight @chaos-storm @covenscribe @raphaelsboudoir @simtalics @kymal @graynstairs @neonbutchery @hungryblackbird @moxley @thlix @isayashai @darlinghowl @astarionsfordf150 @moon-jun @lovaboy @ratscrap @picklepals @crazy-lazy-elder-sims @rigaudon @neosunbrella @sternenstaub28 @centipisde @kirkwall @lusus--naturae
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propaganda for chesed
propaganda for caiman
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Oo, fun.
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Jaguars are actually the cat with the strongest bite relative to their size, strong enough to crush the animal's skull that they're hunting without much effort. Even scarier, they choose to just kill and eat caiman because they're abundant in their ecosystem. You know, this thing.
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Because they like to snack on caiman, it would be obvious that they're not adverted to water. In fact, they love it and use it often to cool off. They like it more than tigers, who are often known to also hang out in water sources.
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'Black panthers' are actually just a jaguar with melanism. They're not a separate species of big cat, though it's commonly mistaken. Leopards with melanism are also called a black panther. Again, it's still just a different coat pattern mutation.
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Jaguars are one of the 4 cats that can truly roar. Others, like cheetahs cannot do this because the hyoid bone is completely ossified. With jaguars, leopards, lions and tigers, their epihyoideum is stretchy and allows them to roar, though it revokes their ability to purr. (whereas it's the other way around in other cats) They're also near threatened, very close to being on the endangered species list because of habitat destruction and poaching. Hope this was as fun for you as it is for me! Images have links to their sources.
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minami-no-shima · 1 year
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画集『風の中』発売に合わせ、space caimanにて個展を開催します! パイ インターナショナルより発売予定の画集『風の中』をこちらで先行販売いたします。(画集についてはこちら:https://pie.co.jp/book/i/5765/)
また、個展にて新しいグッズなども色々作っていただいたりしております! サイン会やイベントも予定していますので、ぜひお越しいただけたらと思います。
会期: 2023年9月2日(土)~2023年9月24日(日)
休廊日:祝日を除く火・水・木 開廊時間:12時〜20時  最終入場19時45分 入場料:無料 会場:space caiman 東京都中央区日本橋本石町4-5-15 門倉ビルB1 最寄駅:JR神田駅 南口より徒歩5分
詳しくは以下にてご確認ください。 https://space-caiman.com/special/2023_minahamu/ よろしくお願いします。
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Fire Hits Animal Sanctuaries in the Brazilian Wetlands, in Scenes that Repeat the Tragedy of 2020
Folha returns to a farm in Serra do Amolar where a charred howler monkey became a symbol of destruction 4 years ago
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Jaguars, agoutis, monkeys, tapirs, snakes, caimans, among other animals, have once again suffered from the fires spreading across the Pantanal. The scenes of charred animals now repeat the tragedy of 2020—a memory that still haunts those who witnessed the situation that year, considered the record for destruction of the biome.
This week, the report traveled to places where wildlife species were recorded charred four years ago, such as the Santa Tereza farm in Corumbá (MS). It is located in Serra do Amolar, a region on the border with Bolivia that is among the most preserved in the Pantanal.
Continue reading.
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dual-ies · 2 years
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hi, this is @frindoka ‘s Squid Blog! ☝️ here’s Some of my guys (all agents, i have some other ones too), i made this primarily to just post about my ocs for fun lol. short blurbs are under the cut !
my splatoon oc universe is some sort of convoluted weird splat3 au, but hey, i’ll make it make sense one day. contains splatoon 3 spoilers as well
new/neo agent 3 (ari): they/them
very airheaded and spaces out a lot.
named their lil buddy “fortnite” because they thought it would be cool (they found a super beat up copy buried somewhere and thought of it as ancient treasure or something. lol)
kind of stumbled into the sewer on accident and was immediately appointed to agent despite having no fucking clue what’s going on. is fine with it.
sibling of adonis- still reeling from the fact their sibling has been working for the new squidbeak splatoon for a While before they joined. explains the random disappearances.
autistic! doesn’t pick up on most social cues, and has a resting blank face. very friendly though!
fortnite is their best friend if you say anything mean about fortnite they WILL cry and then bite you and then cry again. in that order
chin scar from banging their chin on the edge of a table when they were younger. very embarrassed by this
internet friends with 4/caiman since caiman lives in THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING NOWHERE? and ari in splatsville. they visit each other sometimes though.
agent 3 (anchor): they/them
Also autistic (can u tell i’m projecting.), stone-faced and threatening looking, actually kind of a dork and a loser and is pretty nice. doesn’t speak to most people, if they have to it’s in whispers and short sentences. not cause they’re mean at all though
definitely weird and strange and off putting. eats rocks for fun, will shovel the snow from alterna in their mouth if they were dared to do it.
that sanitization scar is still there uh oh
fond of fortnite. Fortnite is Not Fond of them. also ari thinks they have cooties from ripley/8. anchor doesn’t have cooties (promise)
lots of scars that they’ll insist are from cool battles but they literally just. trip and fall a lot. a few Are from fights but most of them.. are from clumsiness.
agent 24 …..
agent 8 (ripley): he/she
got her nose scar during the fight with 3 while they were sanitized. 3 feels real bad about it still
generally very kind and caring and has a smooth voice, welcoming yet weary around strangers- takes a bit for him to warm up but he’s like the nicest person you will ever meet otherwise
likes nudibranchs. fond of those little beasts!!!
really fuckin good whenever she decides to participate in turf war it’s Kind Of Scary. primarily uses snipers or sloshers.
has visited splatsville a few times. seen fortnite once. she loves him he is her pal!!! her buddy!!!!!!! fortnite is indifferent.
agent 4 (caiman): he/she/they
transed gender. (tbh all of them are but like. most explicitly obvious) named themselves after caimans cause they bite people too.
has gotten into a LOT of fights and has tripped and fallen a LOT, resulting in near constant bruises and scrapes and a few scars. anchor tries to get them to be more careful despite being on the same level of clumsiness…
loud and doesn’t shut up but like. real funny, cracks a lot of jokes but sometimes doesn’t understand the right time to make them.
loves fortnite. fortnite is fond of him. they’re pals!
caiman knows about ari’s agent work and vice versa (he let it slip on accident over a text and ari was horrified cause they work there too)
onto the. Not “Canon” Agents who r just originalll ocs
agent 6 (amaranth): she/he
friendly! excitable! very overwhelmingly positive person, sunshine pours out of him like a faucet and leaks into others hearts… even adonis’
had no friends before the squidbeak splatoon- her overly excitable behavior annoyed a lot of people she was around (those people sucked anyways help) , and they basically all abandoned her. gives her lots of Issues, but she’s healing.
relatively new recruit? has been there for a year ish at most. lives with adonis and ari & is in the Love w adonis lol (they’re dating!)
good at baking.
fortnite kind of scares him
agent 5 (adonis): they/it
was once kinda like amaranth (loud n excitable) before trauma hit them like a truck and now they’re super closed off and bitter. they learn how to be more open with amaranth and ari’s help and care.
former friends with agent X (tehyre divorced. squid divorced.) before X turned out to be working with Bad Guys (tm) - adonis ends up shooting/splatting them when their backs turned and feels a LOT of guilt over it
pays the rent for its apartment but sometimes ari and amaranth chip in
fun fact me making ari and adonis look similar was completely accidental, but i made them siblings to explain their similar appearances lol…
secretly really likes fortnite. it sneaks out salmon eggs from its side job @ grizzco to feed to him.
agent x (nobody knows! not even me!): they/them
mad scientist archetype.
works (worked) with mr grizz to create the fuzzy ooze after they respawned in a … completely random place. (with both their communicator + little respawn machine thing all broken) ended up a test subject for grizz to see if the fuzzy ooze worked before he scattered it about, and now the ooze is slowly overtaking their entire body.
generally a nuisance but not dangerous unless they want to be. kind of like deep cut but they show up way more frequently in random areas to bother adonis specifically.
what’s a fortnite?
generally feels a lot of resentment towards adonis but also mr grizz cause of the fuzzy ooze thing, but he’s their boss + he promised to reverse the effects… Eventually. Maybe.
they uh. they fcuking die btw like since their respawn thing is all broken (basically inklings/octolings have respawn machine things? attached to clothing/backpacks/whatever in order to respawn safely, specifically during turf wars, so they don’t end up just. Dying… but since X’s is broken and barely got them to respawn randomly in the first place, they die as soon as they get pushed into the water in alterna. rip bozo)
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hiii I’m doing this draw yourself/fursona as 4 different creatures meme, if you have any creatures you’d like to see Mars or Nemesis as lmk!!! Leaving the template (made by heresvix) for anyone else who wants to do it
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sinosauropteryx--prima · 11 months
National Fossil: Brazil
Last time Argentinosaurus won the title of Argentinas National Fossil (not surprising) and Argentavis came in second (kinda surprising; I didn‘t know you guys liked big-ass birds that much). This time we‘re looking at some Brazilian fossils!
Once again, you get to vote on which one should represent the nation. As always, it could be a fossil that is just exceptionally well preserved and beautiful, had a huge impact on paleontology and our knowledge of the past, is very common/representative of the area, is beloved and famous in the public eye, is just a very unique and interesting find, or has any other justification.
Here are the contestants:
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Tupandactylus/Tapejara (Art by Gabriel Ugueto): There are no big-ass bird competitors this time around, but I can offer you the next best thing: Pterosaurs! There have been many pterosaur species described from Brazilian fossil sites and they have greatly improved our understanding of these creatures. I picked Tupandactylus/Tapejara (there is some dispute about naming/species) to represent this group, because their big creasts make them some of the most visually interesting pterosaurs and with a wingspan of up to 4 m they also reach quite impressive sizes.
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“Ubirajara“ (Art by Bob Nicholls): Next up is a small theropod dinosaur. The fossil has been found in Brazil, but then was smuggled out of the country (allegedly) and found its way to Germany. A lot of legal dispute and campaigning later, the dinosaur became a bit of a symbol against colonialism in paleontology. Just this year the fossil finally found its way back home, and probably will be re-named soon, since the original paper about it has been retracted.
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Irritator: This relative of the much more famous Spinosaurus got its name because of how frustrating and challenging the restoration of the fossil was: Fossil hunters had made a lot of changes and “repairs“ to the original skull to make it more appealing. Scientists then had to spend a lot of time undoing all those changes. But even after all of that, Irritator‘s skull is one of the best preserved spinosaur skulls ever found.
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Purussaurus: This relative of modern caimans lived during the Miocene epoch. With size estimates of well over 10 m it was one of the biggest crocodylians ever, rivaling even some of the biggest carnivorous dinosaurs in terms of size.
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Prionosuchus (Art by Thomas Sutton): You might be wondering why I‘m showing you yet another crocodile - you are mistaken! Prionosuchus is not a croc, it is an amphibian. It lived during the Permian, so it is older than all other creatures on this list. Some of the biggest specimen found suggest that it might have reached a length of up to 9 m, making it one of the largest amphibians ever.
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theanoninyourinbox · 4 months
The RealM Monster Maker Game
SO many years ago, when I was a wee artism child, I loved creature generators, mythological creatures, and rolling dice. So I made myself one, and for several years, would continue to use it to make Weird Critters, until my hyperfixations drew me elsewhere. I even gave the creatures a little backstory and world to inhabit - the RealM! (Real inventive, I know /sarcasm)
The Backstory
In 20xx, Humanity discovered a portal to another world, one with magic and medicines and technology that would greatly change and improve the world. The Guardians of this RealM were willing to share the fruits of their world, so long as humans came to visit, as their emotional energies would feed the RealM's magic, thus making both sides stronger.
But there was a catch...no Humans existed in the Realm, nor could they. For many ages ago, a Human had nearly destroyed the RealM, so Humanity was banished.
So the Guardians proposed that any Human who came through would temporarily become a denizen of the RealM, reassuming their Human form when they returned to the Earthside of the portal. Thus a deal was struck. What form will YOU take when you enter The RealM?
(I THINK I wanted to make this into a video game or a tabletop experience, but it's more fun as just an art game)
You need a d6 (six sided die), a paper and pencil/pen or a way to record your results, whatever your chosen art medium is, aaaand that's it!
There are six categories of changes - 1 Mammal, 2 Avian, 3 Reptile, 4 Amphibian and Fish, 5 Insect, and 6 Other. Each category was broken down into six more categories, and a few into six after that!
Mammal broke into Feline (which included mustelids), Canine (included vulpines), Rodentia (somehow bears ended up in here???), Hooved Mammals (even and odd toed), Seafaring Mammals, and Extinct Mammals. Sometimes I put Other Mammals instead of Extinct, which makes sense. Apes were in the Other Mammals category, and were supposed to be rarer in the RealM because of their similarity to Humans.
Avians were Predatory (owls, hawks, eagles, and the like), Seabirds (penguins too), Waterfowl, Songbirds, Pigeons (and doves), and Other Birds (like emus)! Not too much to say here, they could have been better put together.
Reptile was Lizards, Crocs/Gators (and caimans and gharials and so on), Turtles/Tortoises, Snakes, Other Reptiles, and Dinosaurs. I know science says they're closer to birds BUT I was little and needed another reptile category!
Amphibians had Frogs/Toads, Newts/Salamanders, Other Amphibians; Fish had Cold Ocean, Warm Ocean, and Freshwater. You could probably make each of those their own category of 6, but i NEEDED the Other Category!
Insect was Flies, Moths/Butterflies, Beetles, Mantises, Spiders (and anything in the arachnid family), and Other Insects (worms baby!).
Other is a Fun One - the categories were Other Animals (which also could include apes, but was mostly for echidnas and platypi, and octopi too), Mythological Creatures, Alien (literally just any alien from any media), Mechanical, Plant, and Missing! You could get a headless creature, and roll to place the face...buttface teehee...
If you roll a certain kind of creature, it's entirely up to you to pick what kind! You roll a feline - tiger or house cat? Roll a beetle - herculese or stink? You get the idea!
You could also roll for a color scheme instead of a feature - make your fella look like a monarch butterfly!
You could also roll for what part to replace, but I usually just went in this order anyway. The body parts for each roll are 1 Head, 2 Torso, 3 Arms, 4 Legs, 5 Hands, and 6 Feet. Hands and Feet could be switched out for upper/lower torso, wings, or tail!
I don't have time to draw a critter tonight but for old times sake, and the sake of this post, I rolled up someone with the head of a gecko, the body of a swan, the "wings" of a batfish, the legs of a lemur, the tail of a manticore, and the color scheme of a nudibranch! Wow that is...that sure is a critter...
Anyway, please feel free to make one of your own, and PLEASE tag me if you do! I would FLIP if someone did this!
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