#3D Bird View
weblaxyanimation · 1 year
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machinerot · 8 months
ive gotta figure out how to make harry look narstier while still staying true to my style. so ig this is an official disclaimer that if my depictions of him end up changing with every new drawing um. ignore it 🫶
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ackee · 1 year
gonna throw up. trying to draw something but i cant figure out what to google to find the ref i need....
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sharpeagle-tech · 5 months
Forklift 360-degree Bird Eye View Camera system- All you need to know
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The integration of advanced camera systems has emerged as a transformative solution in the field of forklift safety. These systems are revolutionizing visibility and accident prevention in warehouse and industrial settings, and SharpEagle’s Bird's Eye View 360-degree camera system is leading the way. It is designed to offer comprehensive coverage and unparalleled visibility from a bird's-eye perspective.
This innovative camera system addresses the inherent challenges of forklift operation by minimizing blind spots and providing real-time monitoring of the surroundings. By offering a panoramic view of the environment in 3D, it enables operators to navigate with confidence and precision, reducing the risk of accidents and improving overall safety.
In this guide, we delve into the benefits and functionalities of the Forklift Bird's Eye View 360-degree camera system, exploring how it enhances safety, efficiency, and productivity in forklift operations.
Understanding the 360-degree Camera System
The 360-degree camera System for forklifts enhances visibility and safety in industrial environments. Consisting of multiple cameras strategically positioned and secured around the forklift, this system provides a comprehensive 360-degree view of the surroundings in real time. 
By eliminating blind spots and offering customizable views, it empowers operators with enhanced situational awareness, minimizing the risk of accidents and improving operational efficiency. The operators no longer need to switch between multiple screens to check for blind spots either, thus preventing fatigue and muscle strain. 
Find out more on how to address blind spots to prevent accidents in your warehouse. 
Cut collision risk by up to 40%! See the difference a Forklift 360-degree Bird Eye View Camera can make.
Reach Out to Us
Benefits of 360-degree Birds Eye View Camera System
In case of a forklift accident, the company incurs huge liabilities in crew compensation and legal fees. Several risk factors associated with these accidents are easily resolved by adopting the Birds Eye View forklift camera system. 
Mitigates Workers' Fatigue
Worker fatigue can significantly influence forklift accidents due to reduced alertness, impaired judgement, and slower reaction times. According to OSHA, employees are 37% more prone to making a mistake around forklift operations when fatigued. Fatigued operators may overlook hazards, make errors in judgement, or fail to respond promptly to an approaching obstacle, increasing the likelihood of accidents, collisions, and injuries.
Implementing a 360-degree view forklift camera system helps mitigate the impact of worker fatigue by enhancing situational awareness and reducing cognitive load. Operators usually have to shift between multiple screens for complete visual accessibility. The 360-degree view provides access to different angles in a single view. With continuous monitoring provided by the camera system, operators can maintain awareness of their surroundings without the need for constant vigilance or manual surveillance. This reduces the mental strain on operators, allowing them to remain alert and focused throughout their shifts.
Improved Visibility When Stacking
Stacking significantly increases the risk of forklift accidents, as operators may struggle to accurately judge distances, assess potential hazards, or navigate tight spaces. Blind spots and obstructed views can lead to collisions with obstacles, pedestrians, or other equipment, posing a danger to the operators and the bystanders.
Implementing a 360-degree view forklift camera system addresses these visibility challenges by providing operators with a comprehensive view of their surroundings in real-time. With their strategic positioning, operators have full visibility of blind spots and critical areas of a forklift, enabling them to stack materials more safely and accurately. 
This enhanced visibility minimizes the risk of accidents, reduces the likelihood of collisions, and improves operational efficiency in stacking operations.
Eliminate Blind Spots
The system's panoramic view eliminates blind spots, significantly reducing the likelihood of collisions and accidents. By smart detection of obstacles, the system counters the problems faced by the presence of obstacles in the blind spots and automates the need for constant manual checking.
Business Costs Incurred In Case of Forklift Accidents
Financial Losses and Compensation: The company may face substantial financial losses in the form of compensation payouts to the injured pedestrian or their family. These compensation payments can encompass medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and potential legal settlements. Additionally, if the accident results in a fatality, the company may face wrongful death claims, which can lead to even higher compensation payouts.
Downtime and Productivity Losses: Forklift accidents often result in operational downtime as investigations are conducted, and necessary repairs or adjustments are made to equipment and facilities. This downtime can disrupt workflow schedules, delay deliveries, and impact overall productivity. The longer the downtime persists, the greater the financial losses incurred due to missed deadlines and decreased efficiency.
Costs Incurred in Audits:
When a forklift accident occurs, a company can be affected in various ways, including financial costs incurred during audits. These costs can include:
Investigation Expenses: The company may need to conduct an internal investigation or hire external investigators to determine the cause of the accident, which can involve expenses related to personnel time, resources, and consulting fees.
Legal Fees: If the accident results in litigation, the company may incur legal expenses related to defending against lawsuits, settling claims, or paying damages.
Regulatory Fines: Violations of workplace safety regulations can lead to fines imposed by regulatory authorities, such as OSHA in the United States or HSE in the United Kingdom, which can vary depending on the severity of the violation and the company's compliance history.
Insurance Premiums: Forklift accidents can lead to increased insurance premiums or loss of coverage, as insurers may view the company as a higher risk. This can result in higher ongoing expenses for the company.
Reputation Damage: Accidents can damage the company's reputation, leading to lost business opportunities, decreased customer trust, and negative publicity, which can impact future revenue and profitability.
The integration of smart detection technology with a 360-degree camera system like Sharp Eagle's offers a solution-oriented approach to addressing worker fatigue and blind spot detection, reducing the business costs incurred by the company due to forklift accidents in the long run.
How It Works
The 360 Degree Camera System employs advanced technology to integrate and process images from multiple cameras seamlessly. Each camera captures a specific section of the surroundings, and the system combines these images to create a unified 360-degree view. 
Empowered with sophisticated algorithms and processing techniques, the system ensures smooth transitions between camera feeds, providing operators with a comprehensive and cohesive view of their environment in real time. ‍
How to Implement and Use Bird Eye View Forklift System
Installation Process
Installing the 360-degree camera system involves a few straightforward steps. Firstly, the cameras are strategically mounted on sturdy brackets around the forklift to provide complete coverage of the surroundings. Next, the control unit is installed within the operator's cabin, where it serves as the central hub for processing and displaying camera feeds. Calibration is then conducted to ensure alignment and accuracy of the camera views.
The installation process is designed to be user-friendly, with many systems offering plug-and-play functionality for easy setup. For those who prefer professional assistance, installation services are often available to ensure seamless integration and optimal performance of the system.
Operating the System
Once installed, operators can easily navigate and utilize the features of the 360-degree camera System during forklift operations. The system allows operators to switch between different views, such as panoramic, rearview, and side views, depending on the specific requirements of the task at hand. Our system offers night vision capabilities, enhancing visibility in low-light conditions and enhancing overall safety.
One notable feature of the system is its DVR functionality, which enables operators to record and review operations for training purposes or incident analysis. This functionality provides valuable insights into the operator’s behavior, potential safety risks, and operational efficiency, contributing to continuous efforts at improvement within the organization.
Reduce workplace incidents by 25% with SharpEagle's advanced vision technology!
Talk to our Expert
Advanced Features and Future Scope
The 360-degree camera system for forklifts boasts advanced features that push the boundaries of safety and efficiency in industrial settings. One standout feature is its AI-powered stitching technology, which seamlessly integrates images from multiple cameras to provide a panoramic view of the surroundings. This technology utilizes sophisticated algorithms to align and merge images in real time, ensuring a cohesive and comprehensive view for operators.
The future scope of the 360 Degree Camera System looks promising too. Continued advancements in AI and image processing technologies will further enhance the system's capabilities, allowing for even more precise and detailed views of the environment. IoT sensors and predictive analytics hold the potential to revolutionize how forklifts operate in industrial environments, paving the way for safer, more efficient, and more connected workplaces.
You can always implement small steps towards a larger goal of crew safety. Learn more about the Try with speed limitations as forklift speed limit in factories and practices to control speeding. 
Adapting to Different Environments
The versatility of the 360-degree camera System allows it to be seamlessly adapted to various work environments, from warehouses to construction sites. It can be customized to accommodate different types of forklifts and operating conditions, ensuring optimal performance in any setting. 
Whether navigating narrow aisles in a warehouse or maneuvering through rough terrain on a construction site, operators can rely on 360-degree cameras to provide clear and comprehensive visibility, enhancing safety and productivity.
The Camera System is AI-Powered 
AI-powered stitching technology seamlessly integrates images from multiple cameras to create a panoramic view of the surroundings. By leveraging AI capabilities, the camera system delivers enhanced visibility and situational awareness, contributing to improved safety and efficiency in forklift operations.
The Bird's Eye View 360-degree camera system is a pivotal tool, enhancing safety, efficiency, and technological advancement. By providing operators with comprehensive visibility and eliminating blind spots, this advanced system ensures safer and more efficient ways to navigate industrial environments. 
Its integration of AI-powered stitching technology underscores its commitment to technological innovation, setting new standards in forklift safety. As workplaces continue to evolve, SharpEagle’s Bird's Eye View 360-degree camera system remains indispensable, safeguarding workers, optimizing operations, and driving progress in the realm of forklift operations.
What is a bird's eye view camera?
A bird's eye view camera, also known as a 360-degree camera system, provides operators with a panoramic view of their surroundings from a high vantage point, simulating the perspective of a bird flying overhead. This comprehensive view enables operators to monitor their environment from all angles, enhancing safety and situational awareness.
How does AI work in a bird's eye view camera system?
AI-powered algorithms in a bird's eye view camera system analyze images captured by multiple cameras and stitch them together seamlessly to create a panoramic view. These algorithms can also identify potential hazards or obstacles in the environment, providing operators with valuable insights to prevent accidents and improve operational efficiency.
How does a bird's eye view camera work for forklifts?
A bird's eye view camera system for forklifts consists of multiple cameras strategically positioned around the vehicle to capture a 360-degree view of the surroundings. These cameras feed live footage to a central control unit, where AI algorithms process the images and create a cohesive panoramic view for the operator to monitor.
How does a bird's eye view 360 camera work on a forklift?
The bird's eye view 360-degree camera system on a forklift utilizes advanced stitching technology to integrate images from multiple cameras and provide operators with a complete view of their surroundings. This technology ensures that blind spots are eliminated, allowing for safer and more efficient operation of the forklift.
What is the use of a bird's eye view camera system for forklifts?
The primary use of a bird's eye view camera system for forklifts is to enhance safety and visibility during operation. By providing operators with a panoramic view of their surroundings, the system helps prevent accidents, reduce blind spots, and improve overall operational efficiency.
Why is a bird's eye view camera system important for forklifts?
A bird's eye view camera system is crucial for forklifts because it significantly enhances safety in industrial environments. By eliminating blind spots and providing operators with a comprehensive view of their surroundings, the system helps prevent accidents, protect personnel and equipment, and improve overall productivity.
You can call us at +971-4-454-1054 or mail us at [email protected]
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luckykiwiii101 · 7 months
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Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl Here. Three little birds sat on my window, and they told me that some of manhattans finest elite, aren’t feeling so…elite.
And i’ll tell you, that you don’t need to worry.
People may give you advice on how to feel fulfilled, but doesn’t mean it will fulfill you.
Because little does your naive self know, that they’re just telling you what makes them feel fulfilled, not what makes you feel fulfilled.
No, I’m not talking about the fulfilment of “Yeah, I’m a God” that lasts 3 minutes. I’m talking about true fulfilment. The one that takes you places. The places you want to be. The long term fulfilment. The unshakeable fulfilment, because you know you are who you want to be.
But firstly, do you understand that your imagination is your real & only reality? If not -> CLICK HERE
Here’s how:
STEP 1: Decide what makes you feel fulfilled.
Is it affirming?
Is it visualising?
Is it scripting?
Is it just simply deciding that you have it?
+ more
Want to know which method of fulfilment is best for you? -> CLICK HERE
STEP 2: Do what fulfills you every time your desire comes to mind. Fulfill yourself until the feeling of desire completely vanishes. You can compare it to your soul feeling some sort of hunger, feed your inner self until you no longer feel the need to. Because you are fulfilled. Fulfill yourself until you know it’s done in imagination.
Not sure what fulfils you?
Try to visualise or affirm or any method you’ve heard of, and whichever one(s) fulfill you, then those are the one(s) for you.
How do I know when i’m 100% fulfilled?
- You aren’t identifying with the 3D
- You aren’t waiting for your 3D to conform AKA being impatient.
- You feel free knowing you have what you want.
- You aren’t trying to get anything in the 3D.
- You think FROM your desire and not OF it.
- You aren’t viewing your desire as a desire, because you acknowledge that you can’t desire something you already have.
- You know that the 4D is realer than the 3D will ever be.
States to NOT occupy:
- State of lack (not accepting your desire in the 4D).
- State of waiting (waiting for the 3D to conform).
- State of failure (believing you’re doing something wrong).
- State of trying (trying to achieve something in the 3D).
- Mental health comes first
- You don’t have to fulfill yourself when you don’t want to.
- It is impossible for your 3D to not conform, you don’t have to assume that your 3D will conform.
- Your 3D reflects who you are. So give it something new to reflect.
What People Think The State Of The Wish Fulfilled Is:
- Complete bliss and happiness.
- Thinking OF their desire.
What The State Of The Wish Fulfilled actually is:
- Knowing that your desire is YOURS in imagination (4D) and standing FIRM in that FACT.
- The FEELING OF KNOWING YOU HAVE IT!!!! (Whatever feeling you get when you imagine having your desires).
What is the knowing “feeling”?
A thing that a lot of people do is, they’ll affirm “I have everything I want.”
Then they’ll observe the thought, not the FEELING it gives them. The feeling of knowing. Although the whole point of affirming is to give them the feeling. Automatically putting them in the state of the wish fulfilled.
Relish in that FEELING until you are completely satisfied.
And we all know what satisfaction feels like. Like having a delicious meal and feeling full afterwards. Like taking a nice warm bubble bath on a cold winter night.
So feel satisfied. Fulfilled.
Don’t EVER go back to the undesired state.
Read these short reminders + quotes from people who’ve manifested their dream lives. (It will save your life) —>
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pansylair · 9 months
✴️ Guiding Light of Truth to Self ✴️
Currently available to view via my exhibition “Shifting Bodies” at the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery until January 14th 2024.
video description:
A ceramic bird with striations of many colours across its body, its face and underside white. Its eyes are big and soulful, with round, red blush on its cheeks. Illustrated, leafy plants with white flowers spill across its back. A gold chain is connected from a clay loop on its back, to be hung from the ceiling. Its feet clasp another gold chain connected to a 3d clay star. At the bottom of the star sits a loop of wire, attached, a small white textile tassel.
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wolfythewitch · 18 days
Hi! I was wondering if you could tell us a bit about the technical process you went through with your God Games animatic? The 3D camera work is really impressive!
Ouhhh uh the main 3D part was the bit with the birds. So I downloaded a scanned 3D model of a roman coliseum and edited it to have the pillars + a more level ground (and some other changes to the structure). The I added the lineart modifier so that lines would appear in camera view and it would look more 2D. I rigged the camera to fly around and exported it, and lowered the fps so that out was 3 frames per second. Then I drew on the crowd and the birds^^
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Binoculars
Debut: Super Mario 3D Land
Wow! What a large and crisp render of Binoculars. This is more than a lot of enemies get. And it's all for Binoculars!
It is nice to see binoculars as an installed apparatus for public use. It reminds me of those binoculars that are sometimes at parks or zoos where you can put in a quarter and get a limited amount of time to look at ducks more closely. Let's look!
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Wow! There's a North American Ruddy Duck! in this pond! That's my favorite duck! The blue of the male's bill is probably my favorite color, and they are so cute, especially with their funny proportions. Their head looks too small for their body, but their feet look too BIG for the rest of them! Their feet are large and further back on their body because they are divers who swim down to find food, unlike the dabbling ducks, which keep their butts above the water while foraging. Oops! I forgot that this is a Mario Post and that we aren't actually watching ducks at a pond!
Anyway I just found out those kinds of binoculars are called Tower Viewers. More like Quacker Viewers. Ok on to Mario for real now! Mario, sadly, does not view ducks with these binoculars. They are free, however, which is nice! I'm glad there are ways for everyone to enjoy the Mushroom Kingdom's landscapes at a distance and at no costs. In fact, Mario is sometimes rewarded for using them, as a Toad will throw him a Star Medal upon being seen! A Toad who really wants to bee looked at and goes HAH BAH.
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Mario can also see a UFO through the binoculars sometimes! This is often brought up as a Creepy Easter Egg despite the fact that aliens have been present in this franchise since 1989!
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With all that about the 3D Land binoculars out of the way, I am really here to say that the binoculars in Odyssey are BETTER. They look like ROB, and overall are a Funny Robot, so they are obviously better by default! They even move around on their own as if they are looking around, and they are really so good at looking, since they are binoculars. I think the binoculars themselves are bird enthusiasts and watch them in delight constantly!
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These binoculars even have LORE as seen in the art book, and shared by Suppermariobroth! They are made by the same company as the 3D Land binoculars, and are an older model not capable of stereoscopic 3D! They were installed by the sightseeing company for onsite investigation, and someone has to come and collect the logs from the devices every so often. I seriously love this all sooo much! It is so cute and wonderful that they put this much thought into humble little Binoculars! BinocuLORE!
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I would now like to talk about just how these binoculars work! Upon being Captured, they shoot up using spray propulsion (not jet propulsion!!!) and let Mario scope out the area from the sky! Mario got extremely lucky that he happened across these specific binoculars when he happened to have the ability to Capture them, because anyone else using this would be in extreme danger. Please hang on tight!
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Binoculars most recently appear in Super Nintendo World, where they are now real! They use the 3D Land design, which makes sense knowing it is canonically the modern design. You can even look at certain things to get little rewards just like in the game! Super Mario in real life! Wa Who!
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starmendotnet · 2 months
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Hello everyone! It is with GREAT ENTHUSIASM that we would like to announce the:
But first… what IS a Funktastic Gameplay Summer?
Us Starmen.Netters are bringing back a long-beloved sitewide tradition! The Earthbound Funktastic Gameplay Summer is an event that dates back to 2001, wherein the community collectively plays through EarthBound over the course of several “Gameplay Points” (GPPs). Everyone is encouraged to play along, and our team of stream hosts will be broadcasting their own gameplay on the StarmanClub Twitch channel. In addition, we will be celebrating MOTHER’s 35th and Earthbound’s 30th anniversary!
Maybe it’s been a minute since you’ve returned to the game. Maybe you’ve never played before! The idea is to get fans, new and old, engaging with Earthbound. With introduction out of the way, let’s move on to the deets:
An integral part of Starmen history is fan submissions, where the community creates fanart about the stream events, and just EB in general. As per usual, here are the categories:
Writing: Stories, poems, theories… if you wrote it, it belongs here! Handart: Charcoal, paintings, sculptures… if you made it with your hands, it belongs here! Compart: Digital illustrations, 3D models, pixel art… if you made it with a computer, it belongs here! AudioViz: Music, videos, fangames… if it pertains to audio/visuals, it belongs here!
Winners will receive shiny badges on the forum to show off their mastery of Earthbound funk, as well as forum ranks and avatars!
Of course, opening up the floor to fanworks doesn’t come without its fair share of ground rules. Don’t worry though, it’s pretty simple stuff.
Submissions must be related to Earthbound/the Funktastic Gameplay streams
If your submission contains content that would require a trigger warning (violence, sensitive subject matters, etc.) please put it in a spoiler box with a warning.
You may submit as many pieces to one category as you like, but only one can place
You may submit to as many categories as you like
Any submission must’ve been made for this event. No previous works!
Keep an eye out in our Event forum for the schedule drop, but livestreams won't be the only thing we've got going on!
If you can’t catch the streams, don’t worry! The streams are only a small part of our summer programming. In addition, there will be other events to keep the party goin’! These being:
Eagleland Scrapbook (July 15th – August 24th):
Get your cameras out and your bug spray on! This summer, we’re running a collaborative photo book! At the end of the event, your photos will be assembled into a digital booklet for your viewing pleasure. So, where to start? Well, we’re limiting subjects to four categories; birds, flora, fungi, and insects.
A couple notes; you’re more than free to submit multiple photos if you’d like, and there is no judgment on the quality of the photos. Just try your best to keep the camera as focused on the subject as possible. The event ends on August 24th, so get snapping! And most of all, have fun!
EB No Natsumatsuri (August 1st – August 24th):
Our highly calibrated MoonWatch Radar indicates that activity coming from the Annual Gift Man’s base is already approaching usual December levels, and climbing! That can only mean EB no Matsuri has come early, and that can only mean one thing: time to prepare a feast for the Gift Man’s arrival! The beloved Starmen.Net tradition returns, but in a brand new form! Instead of gift giving, we would like to encourage everyone to come up with or find a MOTHER-series themed recipe, make it, and share the recipe and pictures of your delicious dish with everyone! It’s a virtual potluck, and everyone’s invited. (Can’t think of what to make? Make Your Favorite Food, of course, whatever it is!)
And now for our final announcement at this time… prepare yourselves for something very special!
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This message is brought to you by PorcBanc™
The savvy investors over at PorcBanc™ have very graciously offered all Starmen.Net members EXCLUSIVE and PRIVILEGED access to a cutting edge, Earthbound-themed surprise to our Funktastic Gameplay Summer events! A special surprise will be released to the public on July 21st, 2024. Be sure to stay tuned for more details on all your favourite Starmen.Net media channels! Remember folks:
“With PorcBanc™, we guarantee profits HAM over fist!”
Guarantees or promises made by PorcBanc and its affiliated subsidiaries are intended for marketing purposes only and do not hold any legal value.
An event™ by PorcBanc™
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I posted this 1945 home in New Berlin, Wisconsin before. It was sold in 6/22 and turned into an Airbnb. Now, here it is for sale again 14 mos. after it was sold. This further proves our theory that the Airbnb boom is over. Just among the houses I posted last week, several were Airbnbs. 6bds, 7ba, $1.450M.
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I wouldn't forget a house like this. Look at the pebble path on the floor.
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View of the room from above.
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At the end of the terrain we come to a footbridge.
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It leads down to this area where you have the option of climbing the stairs or proceeding to the bridge across the way.
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Okay, this bridge looks like it leads to the filters, hoses, and whatever it takes to keep the water flowing and clean.
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This is the indoor pool that it must filter.
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However, I'm suspicious now, b/c the local real estate has this photo of the same pool. Hmmmm. These photos really do look like the same ones that were posted the last time it was listed- has the house deteriorated since? It does look like a bitch to maintain.
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Here in the family room are either 2 astronaut or biker dummies watching TV. They were here the last time the house was listed, so they must live here, now.
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Here's a large game room with a Van Gogh (BTW, it's actually pronounced Van Goff, but EVERYBODY says Van Go).
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Rec room with a kitchenette.
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These same butterfly chairs were in the dining room and all the other furniture is the same from the last time it was listed, so everything must be included in the sale.
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Look at the details on the kitchen cabinets and the railing going up the stone stairs.
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Aren't the backs of the stools that match the dining chairs stunning?
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The "stone" wall in the powder room oozes onto the sink counter. There's a colorful ceramic sink on a handmade brick vanity.
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This bedroom looks like the primary, but it's in an open loft above the main living area.
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This room is a little more private but still has a large open window.
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The en-suite for this room has an interesting sink. The doors in the house have the same details that the kitchen cabinets have.
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This is the most interesting bedroom in the house- has a little stone house with a sleeping loft on the roof.
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And, here's another bath with a 3D bird on the wall.
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Outdoors there's a footbridge over a small pond.
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There are 17.49 acres of land.
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This is Popler Creek that flows into a larger body of water before it turns into a creek again.
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A covered patio beside the water.
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iruiion · 2 years
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literally obsessed with drawing donnie in shitty garages. this time he's a streamer. i was literally drawing this EXACTLY like i was the ai that extended jerma's room. i just kept extending the canvas.
i think either he's a 2 view streamer, or he's actually decently popular, but his streams are actively hostile to his viewers. like they're so shitty and about such esoteric topics so nobody can really follow along. he has a Unregistered HyperCam 2 watermark. he has a stream where he shows his viewers how to make pipe bombs
try to spot all the details on your own :) but also a list of detailz under the readmore
i think 1/2 of this will be a where's waldo esque thing because "Image too fucking small" but this will generally be kind of in order. O.K.?
-miku poster -jupiter jim, gundam, and miku figures (jupier jiim figure from "purple game" ep :) ) -drinky bird -three discarded energy drink cans, one of which is DRIPPING of the TABLE !! -gamer mouse -mug that says "else {continue;}" because . whatever. good joke -dead shit in jars -kitty digital alarm clock. miau -sonic for genesis on da shelf. w/ dvds and other gamez. there is no sega genesis in the image btw but there IS a gamecube -the world's smallest cnc machine is on the shelf -michael wave -minifridge -3d printer & filament on the top shelf -drill press & electic hand drill -bandsaw. it says black & decker on it. i trust it to explode his horrible garage for a workspace -an excess number of power strips and excess number of shit plugged in them -gamecube. 2 controller <-should have made this a gameclam in hindsight. imagine if he had like a fucking ATM in his room. -crttv -function generator & multimeter. oscilloscope, aptly named othello-scope (he painted the text on it himself). he loves to make goofy slide whistle sounds with the function generator -chicken wire LOL idk what he'd use it for. caging in his siblings. -several 2x4s, one of which has a bunch of nails stuck in it haphazardly -one of those cylinder telescopes -bike -fume hood + beakers on top of it. because donnie makes his lab a hazardous environment -he's also got a meowchi on his desk (miau) & an empty smoothie cup, plus a spiral bounded page of notes ("ahh molcar" and "vanilla extract" written down)
and then the comic is from one of snapscube's realtime sonic fandubs
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meetinginsamarra · 4 months
mayprompts2024, #30 journey
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Chapters 1 to 6 here on AO3
If you like the tattoo AU give it some love on my AO3, please. It would mean a lot to me. TYSM!
White Pony Tattoo - Part Ten (journey)
Eight days later, once again, John found himself hovering in front of 221 Baker Street. He wondered if there would ever come a time when he would be able to simply just walk inside because he was sure about it like every other normal person would probably do.
The days since he had last seen Sherlock had flown by, with John barely noticing the passage of time. He had thought a lot about what Mrs Hudson had said to him in her kitchen. Not the threat she had uttered. But the thing about Sherlock having had a hard time in his past.
John had pondered about what might have happened to him, what had hurt Sherlock so much that he had needed to put up that wall of protection around himself. To build an armour around his heart.
Of course, John wouldn’t ask. He also promised himself not to stalk Sherlock on the internet any further. If Sherlock wanted to trust John with telling him anything about his past, it was solely up to Sherlock to take the first step into this direction.
Calais Reno, the movie star, whom John had begun to follow on Instagram out of sheer curiosity, had posted a picture of the newly acquired tattoo yesterday. It had been placed on the outer side of the right calf and reminded John of a mixture between HG Wells’ steampunk-inspired time machine and Doctor Who’s Tardis. It was intricately detailed and although it was very close to a technical drawing, the image seemed three-dimensional. Given that the movie star was known to be a fan of stories about time travel, it was the perfect choice.
John would have expected nothing less, coming from Sherlock.
Which made him more and more curious about the phoenix Sherlock would put onto him this afternoon. Excited. Also, a bit anxious. What if he didn’t like Sherlock’s design after all? Sherlock had only texted John, giving him a time and a date when the tatooing would take place but he had not given the tiniest hint concerning its design.
John remembered very well the part of Sherlock’s shop sign that demanded no arguing. He would just have to trust Sherlock, John supposed.
Into battle. John opened the door.
Sherlock, dressed in a deep green shirt today, was already waiting and welcomed John with a radiant smile. This time, he reciprocated John’s firm hug with much more comfort and surety.
Without further ado, John was led into the tattoo parlour behind the curtain and Sherlock wordlessly gestured at the computer screen. It showed a black-hued phoenix. In a realistic 3D view that turned from side to side in an endless loop as if John was moving his arm. The firy bird totally eclipsed the Virgin Mary tattoo, depicted in faint red hues underneath, leaving not even the least bit of ink uncovered.
John stared with his mouth hanging open and didn’t know what to say.
“Given that you just perform the perfect impersonification of a gold fish, I take it that the design pleases you.” Sherlock deadpanned.
“Holy cow, Sherlock, this is,” John’s voice was hoarse as a multitude of feelings rushed through him, “this is… perfection.”
 John must have chosen the right word because Sherlock’s face flushed red.
“It had to be. More than any tattoo before.” Sherlock swallowed, fiddling awkwardly with his hands. “I made it for you, John.”
“Sherlock, I…”
But Sherlock launched into a flurry of rapid movements, starting to set up everything for the tattoo session. It looked like a meticulously rehearsed ballet performance and John was transfixed by the lithe beauty and grace.
“Get comfortable in the seat,” Sherlock said whilst putting various needles, phials and two tattoo guns onto a tray, “I estimate that it will take three and a half hours to tattoo the phoenix. If you need a break, to move or stretch, just say so.”
John did as he had been asked and then Sherlock took off his dress-shirt to put on sterile surgical gloves. Underneath it, Sherlock wore a skin-tight black t-shirt where the short sleeves had been cut off. For the very first time, John saw Sherlock’s arms and the sight made him grateful that he was already sitting.
Sherlock’s arms were nothing short of spectacular.
Beautifully muscled, like a dancer’s, skin milky-white and smooth like marble. His right arm was not tattooed, but the left was wholly covered with intricate lines of deep black and brilliant red. From John’s point of view, they looked like dancing flames.
Sherlock apparently felt John’s eyes on him because he suddenly kept still. He turned, stepped up to John and held out the tattooed arm so that John could take a look at its front side. He carefully watched John’s reaction.
“You also have a phoenix on your arm!” John gasped. “A huge phoenix surrounded by flames!”
“Brilliant observation, John.”
John realized that every time Sherlock had become sarcastic before, at least when he had talked to John, it had been an indicator of Sherlock being nervous. Something that he would never openly admit.
But what should Sherlock be nervous about?
The tattoo was beautiful and perfect and then John remembered what Sherlock had said about perfect tattoos. That they had to connect to their wearer’s personality and history. The implications of Sherlock’s professional credo in connection with chosing a phoenix for himself made John dizzy.
Did that mean…
“Are you a survivor, too?” John blurted, overwhelmed by his sudden epiphany.
Sherlock sighed. He fought an inner battle, the pros and cons of the choice he was about to make clearly written on his face.
John didn’t say anything, knowing Sherlock needed time for what this was. To find the courage and the trust to tell John about it.
When Sherlock had made his decision, he straightened his back and carefully wiped every emotion off his face, but his eyes stayed wary and apprehensive and he looked right over John’s head.
“It’s been a long journey before I’ve arrived where I am now.” Sherlock gestured with his hand to the tattoo parlour. “It’s not been a joy ride for a very long time. I’ve literally died, John! My heart had stopped and I’ve been brought back to life.”
John simply nodded one time. He did not dare move another muscle, lest Sherlock might get spooked and retreat back into his shell.
Sherlock took a deep breath, gathering his strength. He slowly searched for John’s eyes. After finding them, he asked silently.
“Have you ever wondered why I chose the name White Pony Tattoo?”
tagging some people @totallysilvergirl @peageetibbs @lisbeth-kk @raina-at @calaisreno
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Ferrari GG50 by Giorgetto Giugiaro 
Concept cars are usually made before those who go straight into production. That is the reason why they are called so. Concepts do not limit the imagination of designers, but when the car comes into production, engineers take a more important role. As a result, a lovely concept of a car can sometimes become an ugly duck.However, that is the case about Hyundai, Nissan, Opel and other manufacturers that are producing millions of cars per year. It does not include the exclusive ones – Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren, etc.This is a story about a car which life has been turned upside down. The production model came at first and the concept was shown off just a year after. This is a story about Ferrari GG50 – the concept car that Giorgetto Giugiaro made himself in 2005 while celebrating the 50th anniversary of creating stunning car designs.
The GG50 is based on Ferrari 612 Scaglietti series production car  – a four-seater with a front engine and rear wheel drive - a true Italian prancing horse. It has a twelve-cylinder, 5,7-liter engine under the hood, which generates 540 bhp and 588 Nm. At the time, turbochargers became extremely popular, but Ferrari tried to remain as traditional as possible. However, most engines manufactured in Modena were still highly revolutionary.
Like the original 612 Scaglietti, the following concept has the same 6-speed sequential rear-mounted gearbox, Brembo brakes, and other equipment. The main difference hides is design – the place where Giorgetto feels best.
Giugiaro took the idea a year before official presentation of GG50 and received all the support from Ferrari President at that time, Luca di Montezemolo. He gave the designer just one condition: no restrictions on creativity, but the concept must keep up with Ferrari tradition. Giugiaro started working on the concept half a year after. He did everything just like 50 years ago: sketched every detail entirely by hand, with a pencil. Finally, he created a 1:10 scale concept from four views: side, nose, tail and bird’s view. Later, the concepts were rendered in a 3D project. In April, a full-scale plaster model has been made. In June, a running prototype has been completed already! The concept has made its way from a scratch to running car in less than just five months. That’s the spirit when you’re in a hurry for your own birthday present.
Almost all technical details mentioned above remained the same except for some minor exceptions. The prototype’s wheelbase is the same, but overall length is shorter by 9 centimetres than the original 612 Scaglietti (4.81 meters vs. 4.9). The concept car is also lower – Giugiaro cut 2 centimetres of front overhang and nipped the rear by 7. There are more differences that we cannot see from outside. For example, a modified position of the 95-litre fuel tank that created a larger boot (270 vs. 240 litres). Also, a flat platform when rear seats are lowered (and a total capacity of 500 litres). The concept is more practical, no matter how funny the word “practical” sounds when we are talking about Ferrari.
Nevertheless, there are many stories about the concept’s appeal and originality. Ferrari GG50 is a true masterpiece because of the story of its creation. A very few production cars in history can boast that they have been a base for a concept car, but 612 Scaglietti is one of them.
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mydemondetoxmanual · 9 months
this is like a deep cut from an old fandom so bear with me.
Man I was scrolling through all the old Achievement Hunter posts. I have stuff going backto like 2012 and even before that. God listening to old audios and videos and looking at old gif sets…
They were everything to me. Michael, Gavin, Geoff, Jack, Ray, and even (yes I’m going to mention him) Ryan. There was Lindsay and Matt Jeremy and Kdin and Adam Ellis. Trevor and Caleb.
The first Vs episode. The first Play Pals. Lazer Team. X-ray and Vav. RWBY. RvB.
There’s so many let’s plays that I rewatch a couple times of year. Play Pals Outlast (1&2). Play pals Super Bunny Man. Let’s play 3d Ultra Minigolf. Let’s Play Family Feud. Uno the Movie. All of the rage quits.
But I forgot how much they were like a family. They genuinely have a shit about each other. Even beyond the Gavin/Michael bromance they all cared so much. And it all went to shit because of Ryan.
I don’t fully believe they would have stayed golden forever even without the incident. They would haves faded just like they are now. Hell Achievement Hunter doesn’t even exsist anymore. It’s been announced that’s it officially retired and they started a new channel.
I watched it live and die. Ray left, and Geoff pulled way back to personal issues. The Ryan incident. Jeremy leaving for personal issues. Gavin pulling wayyyy back (I’m not even sure he’s still involved in any capacity anymore.) Matt being fired (which was bullshit and I’ll die on that hill). Jack is still there.
The amount of shows they started and cancelled. Always open got cancelled again just a couple of days ago. They can’t hold an audience anymore. It makes me sad. Their old videos have 2+ million views on individual videos. Now you’re hard pressed to find one break 100k.
Like idk. Nostalagia is a bitch I guess. To me, they’re stilling in that shitty office with their desks on top of each other. Michael is yelling at Gavin, Gavin is making the loudest bird squawking noise you’ve ever heard, Jack is affectionate laughing while working, Geoff is laughing hysterically in a corner about to piss his pants, Ray is trying to get away from the carnage while also film them, and Ryan is laughing in the doorway wondering what he just walked in on.
I don’t man I wish it was 2014 and they’re was a new Minecraft LP and GTA LP to look forward to every week.
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sharpeagle-tech · 5 months
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The integration of advanced camera systems has emerged as a transformative solution in the field of forklift safety. These systems are revolutionizing visibility and accident prevention in warehouse and industrial settings, and SharpEagle’s Bird's Eye View 360-degree camera system is leading the way. It is designed to offer comprehensive coverage and unparalleled visibility from a bird's-eye perspective.
This innovative camera system addresses the inherent challenges of forklift operation by minimizing blind spots and providing real-time monitoring of the surroundings. By offering a panoramic view of the environment in 3D, it enables operators to navigate with confidence and precision, reducing the risk of accidents and improving overall safety.
In this guide, we delve into the benefits and functionalities of the Forklift Bird's Eye View 360-degree camera system, exploring how it enhances safety, efficiency, and productivity in forklift operations.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Shangri-La Frontier Episode 1: What Do You Play Games For?
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What happens when a gamer who only plays shitty games decides to pick up a so called god-tier game? Shangri-La Frontier is the answer to that and provides an insane opening episode for the concept. I'm just so excited to get 2 whole cours of this, and I really want to explain why.
Also, SiM's vocalist (MAH) on the OP with FZMZ? And Chico on the ending song? This series was made for me man.
First of all, C2C is an incredibly underrated studio considering the quality of the projects that they enjoy. This is one such project. Right from the start the quality is insane. 2D camera movement, detailed animation and character acting, the whole nine yards. Just look at this walking cycle! There's no 3D and their shoulders move!
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It's just crazy to see the detail they put into these pieces early on. Walking cycles are super neglected due to how "plain" they are, but there's just something incredible about seeing that effort put into it with stuff like these examples.
And then there's this (sort of misleading) litmus test. Does your anime have really good art for a random cut? Odds are the production's doing really well. And, well, there's this really good looking beetle shown early on in the episode.
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Anyways, to Shangri-La Frontier the game. The direction understands the assignment right away. This is a video game, we need to know it's a video game. So they show us it's a video game. First person perspective is our very first cut shown in the welcome screen and once we enter the world, setting the tone perfectly for what's to come.
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But of course, a video game has more to it then just first person perspective, and of course C2C grasp that as well. Slow motion (which you'll see later), and more importantly camera movement are important in establishing that feel. The slow draw towards an endless expanse of world, the bird's eye view of a landmark or feature as the camera slowly rotates. It gets it, and it's able to create a living, breathing trailer for Shangri-La during the episode because of that.
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And then, there's the fact that it's a video game. There's talks of skills and abilities and levels and whatnot, but I think most understand that that's a "staple" and that C2C/Shangri-La handle it quite well.
Let's talk about the good stuff, let's talk about action. C2C nails it. They put incredible effort into video game-styled choreography, and it pays off in spades. The slow motion, the harsh camera angles to accentuate the fight, the camera rotation, the way that attacks linger in the air. It's incredible stuff that's augmented by insane animation and visual effects. Seriously, pay attention to the fight and you'll see that they did an impact frame for a crit. Not in the traditional sense, but that the impact frame was the crit. This sort of stuff just makes me so excited because of how well it's handled.
And then there's the worldbuilding. The OP comes into play as well of course, but the details are super great. The enemies Sunraku faces in the starting forest are (mostly) beginner enemies. A goblin with a stone axe and some sort of large pig seem to be the "typical", but there's more to it than that. The Vorpal bunny is a "rare" enemy which makes sense, but the pig enemy only appears as Sunraku ventures closer to the second town rather than the first.
There's considerable detail and effort placed in the creation and appearances of these creatures in the world. The Vorpal Bunny featuring a better crafted weapon than the others that most likely came from somewhere else. Don't forget - we saw a rabbit in the opening.
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It's just insanely cool stuff. The world is already shown to be more broad and deep than "it's a big video game world!". There's all sorts of little pieces like this peppered about, and it's just so damn good. Even the concept of Sunraku's "Wanderer" dropping him in a forest rather than the starter town. The detail to really sell this game as god-tier is so damn good.
But it's important to not forget, the god-tier part of the game is only one part of the puzzle. Sunraku here is famous for playing garbage games.
And it's a great way to offset the story and provide a fun angle, I'm serious. It allows them to add fun commentary and responses in regards to frustration from playing bad games, and at the same time provide a novel and excitable approach to a genuinely good game. The best of both worlds that sets the perfect stage for how they want to explore this story.
So, understandably so, I'm very excited about two cours of this and everybody else should be too. C2C is showing us they've got the potential to make the absolute most of Shangri-La Frontier and it's fun and surprisingly unique concept. Can't wait to see what they bring with the next episode!
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