every-tome · 2 years
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honjitsuno1mai · 1 month
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vanillastopbath · 1 month
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3874 Chicago, IL 08/09/2024
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theriverbeyond · 2 years
judith's bits at the end of the paperbacks are so funny because in the first one it's like oh okay cohort files profiling the house heirs, she seems the most objective one out here & this is a fun bonus feature :) but then you read As Yet Unsent and then reread the cohort files and it's like OHH. ok. this bitch is deluded.
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damnfandomproblems · 2 years
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I don’t care what people have to say, but as someone who does not care about Harry Potter anymore and someone who does not like J.K. Rowling for the things she said, if you think doxxing people for playing the basic looking Hogwarts Legacy game makes you the good guy, you’re very wrong.
You’re endangering someone’s life by doing this.
You don’t know any of these people! They could have the worst mental health issues, they could be living in a rough city, hell, they themselves are probably transgender and wanted to play the game or support the developers, I could go on.
All it’s going to take for the so called “good guys” in this stupid controversy is someone actually getting physically harmed. That’s what I think is going to happen. All. Over. A. Dumb. Video. Game.
I witnessed someone I follow get told to kill themselves for posting something related to the game, and I was angry. When I saw it happen to two people break down in tears because of the harassment, I got even more angry.
Sorry for the rant, just needed to put this out there because it’s becoming less about defending Jewish people and Transgender people and becoming more pro-harassment.
TL:DR, Harassment over fiction is never EVER okay and trying to justify it makes you look like a monster.
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historyofhyrule · 9 months
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New Scans: The Light and Dark World Maps from A Link to the Past
The Legend of Zelda Triforce of the Gods World Guidebook, 1992 | ゼルダの伝説, 神々のトライフォース, ワールドガイドブック| ISBN4-8033-3874-4, Published by Taishubo Co.
I 2400dpi scanned and repaired this really awesome set of maps from an old Japanese strategy guide. While someone had posted low quality scans of the whole guide on archive.org at one point; I can no longer find them so I bumped scanning it up on my to-do list. The maps themselves have never been repaired or placed in an online gallery before either so this is probably the first time most people are seeing them.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Like Beta Fish Do Part 21
wc 3874 Masterpost
“I’ve got nothing else to add,” Jason said as he turned from closing the door behind Danny. He refused to let his boyfriend miss any more classes because of him. He understood yesterday, but he was up and moving now and it wasn’t like Dick was going to leave any time soon.
Dick who obviously still had questions.
Questions Jason didn’t want to answer.
He wasn’t ready to tell his brother he was still dead.
“Jay…,” Dick sighed, setting the plate he’d just finished washing carefully on the towel where the others were drying. It was careful in a way that told Jason Dick had half wanted to throw the plate across the room. “You’ve got to understand… I didn’t look into Danny. No one has looked into Danny. I ignored my instincts and my training and just let you have this because you trusted me. And then I come into that…”
“I do trust you, Dickie,” Jason forced himself to say. It was easier to admit than it used to be. “Don’t you trust me?”
“Jaybird, you know I do,” Dick said as he crossed the room. He rested his hands on Jason’s cheeks, brushing his thumbs under those green tinted eyes. “But you scared me.”
“I get that. I’m not…” Jason huffed out a breath of air and let his head thud back against the door. Why did finding the right words still have to be so hard? “It’s not wrong that you were scared. I’m not trying to… this isn’t me invalidating that. But I’ve… haven’t I been happier, big bird?”
“You have,” Dick whispered his assurance.
“Then trust me,” Jason pleaded. “And trust that I trust Danny. I’m happier because of him. Not just… not just because I care about him. I promise, Dick, this isn’t my heart clouding my head. I was taking the ectoshots before my heart got involved, and they are helping. I feel… it’s so much easier now, Dick, so much easier just to feel.”
Dick slumped forward, his head rested against Jason’s chest. Jason let him, wrapping one heavy arm around Dick’s shoulder’s. He didn’t miss how his brother’s ear was pressed right over his heart.
“Will it go away? The Pit rage?” The question caught in a hitched breath, like Dick was afraid to ask it.
“Completely? I don’t know— we don’t know.” Jason said honestly. He had to swallow his own unsteady breath back. “I don’t think so. I think it’s too far burrowed into my bones to ever go away. I think it’s stained my soul. But I think… I think that a lot of the active parts of it are being washed away. I may always be stained by it, but I don’t have to live by it.”
Dick sighed. His shoulders slumped as he let himself lean almost boneless against Jason. “And he makes you want to live.”
“He does.”
“Alright, Jay, I’ll trust him. Because I want you to keep wanting.”
Jason dropped a kiss to the top of Dick's head, murmuring into his hair, “Thanks, big bird.”
“You’ve been quiet, Danny,” Sam suspiciously pointed out.
It was their monthly ‘is everyone still (mostly) alive’ video chat, as Tucker named it. Which normally Danny enjoyed; it was great to be able to check up with the others. It’s just that right then was really, really bad timing.
Because he did have things to tell and they were going to flip.
“He has been,” Val agreed, leaning forward. “What are you hiding?”
Danny rubbed at the back of his neck. “Well, um, I’m just getting ready to go to the Realms?”
“On ‘is everyone still, mostly, alive’ chat day? Dude!” Tucker said, clutching a dramatic hand to his chest. “How could you?”
“Oh come on— Sam and Val made plans first! We always had a hard cut off,” Danny defended himself.
“Oh excuse us for wanting to support our friends and go see the play they’re in,” Val said.
“I’m not— I’m not the one with the issue!”
“No— don’t let him get off topic,” Sam said, throwing her arm in front of Valerie. “He’s trying to distract us.”
Rude. It was true, but rude.
“Right, so um, Jason?” Danny started. He had gotten permission from Jason to tell them, but it was still a struggle to start.
“Your ‘friend’,” Sam said, with air quotes.
“Who could kill you with his thighs,” Val added.
“And who you won’t let me stalk,” Tucker sulked.
“Yes, him.” Danny rolled his eyes. He tried to not let the nerves get him and continued right into it. “So he’s, well, um, sorta a halfa?”
Danny practically lunged to turn down the volume on the call as everyone shouted at once.
“Everyone shut up!” Sam eventually yelled. “Danny, what the fuck do you mean he’s sorta a halfa?”
“I, um, well, I mean that he died and came back, but his ecto was a little messed up so he didn’t really form fully? Like, he felt like a ghost but he doesn’t— didn’t have a real core. We’re pretty sure it’s forming fully now, which is why we’re going to the Far Frozen to get him checked out.”
“Dude,” Tucker said.
Danny managed a crooked smile. “I know, right?”
“How?” Val stressed.
“I’ve been giving him ectoshots. Sorta like a transfusion? It’s jump starting things,” Danny said. “He had his third one just the other day.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell us,” Sam said, crossing her arms. “And he doesn’t want to kill you?”
“Look, it was his secret! I couldn’t just tell people—” Danny cut himself off at a knock on his door.
“Is that him?” Tucker asked, leaning forward. “Dude, bring him in!”
“Well will you look at the time! I guess Sam and Val have to get going!”
Sam scowled. “Danny, don’t you dare—”
“And he’s totally not trying to kill me!” Danny said loudly over her. “Since we’re, you know, dating. Bye guys! Have fun at the play!”
He hung up over their renewed shouting with a grin. That would come back to bite him, but he couldn’t regret it— not when it got him out of that conversation for now.
Danny’s smile fell into something uneasy as he opened the door. “Hey, come in.”
They had talked since that night, of course, but they hadn’t seen each other. Danny raked his eyes over Jason, as if just by looking he could tell how the other was doing.
“Hey fish, I’m alright. I’m healing well thanks to you,” Jason assured him.
Danny almost bristled. It was what he wanted to know, of course, but he didn’t want to be coddled. “Good, because we’re going into the Infinite Realms and they can be dangerous. So you’re going to stay close to my side and you’re going to listen to everything I say and we are going to see Frostbite to make sure you didn’t permanently injure your core getting stabbed as it was coming in! Because you were a reckless idiot and were out fighting crime while going through a transformation of your very being!”
“Are we talking about this now?”
“Don’t get cheeky—”
“I’m not,” Jason insisted. When Danny just scowled, Jason stepped forward. He cradled Danny’s face gently. “I’m not. I just want to make sure now is when you want to talk about this. I don’t want to push you.”
Danny swallowed around the lump of tension in his throat and gave a nod.
Jason let out a little breath. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry. You’re right, and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been out like that while this was going on. I was just— you know the first time I got sick from the ectoshot? The family was bugging me for weeks about it. They were…” Jason paused as if turning the words around in his head. “They were worried, I guess— no, I get now, because I had missed a few patrols, because I never miss patrols. I’m used to going out there and doing what I need to do no matter what’s going on or what state I’m in. I’m used to not having anyone… no, I’m used to not relying on anyone because I feel like I can’t. Because the Pit lies. It makes it feel like… I’m used to feeling like I don’t have anyone. Even though I have my family and you… I’m still trying to get used to that idea without the Pit in the way. So you’re right, and I’m sorry.”
“You could have died,” Danny choked out.
“I know.”
Danny shook his head. “You could have died and would I have even known? Would Dick have thought to tell me? And even if he did what lie would he have given? I would have just felt you… you would have just been gone, Jason! You would have died and shattered apart and you would have been gone! And I never would have known how—”
Jason yanked Danny against him, holding him so tightly that it was almost hard for Danny to breathe.
He pressed in closer.
“I know, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
They stood there, clinging to each other, and Danny let himself fall apart a little— like he had been putting off since that night. Jason carded gentle fingers through Danny’s hair as Danny shook in his arms.
“Great. Now I’m crying,” Danny said with a pathetic sniffle when he felt worn out by his emotions.
“That’s okay,” Jason murmured.
“I didn’t mean to make this about me.”
“That’s okay too. You’re allowed to be upset, fish.”
“I’ll feel better once we get your core checked out,” Danny admitted, finally pulling back, wiping at his face.
“I’ll listen to everything you say,” Jason promised.
“You better,” Danny said, trying to sound firm. “First off, wear this.”
Danny shoved an absurdly thick coat at Jason, but he took it and put it on without comment. He really did seem like he was going to listen to Danny. Danny just tossed his own ectocase around his shoulders and let the white rings wash over him, transforming into Phantom.
He turned away from Jason, taking a moment to gather himself, before he ripped open a portal to the Realms.
“I know you told me yetis, but still,” Jason said with a motion at the village around him.
“Something to see, isn’t it?” Danny asked with a little grin. The smile was still a little shaky looking, but it was far better than how Danny had looked in his apartment.
Jason felt horrible for how he had worried Danny and Dick. He had been stupid, and it had been people he cared about that had paid for it. He would take any smiles that Danny could muster right then, even shaky ones.
“So how does it work, having a yeti as a doctor when you’re human?”
“I mean, I’m not right now, am I?” Danny said, motioning to his stark white hair. “I’m a ghost and all ghosts are just a core surrounded by an ectoplasmic form. That form can look like a human or a yeti or an evil plant with a chip on its shoulder—”
A what?
“—but, like, that’s just the appearance of the ectoplasm. With enough effort and will we can completely change that appearance, but most beings stick with something close to their living form, at least for those of us that were alive. Frostbite has explained that because the form we had as the living is basically imprinted on our core, so it’s the easiest and the most natural form for our ectoplasm to take. Minor changes like hair and clothing are easy, because we changed those all the time when alive, but bigger changes take more effort and a level of upkeep.
“You and I are a little unique as halfas. We’re in flux in a way that other ghosts aren’t. My from has pretty naturally aged up as my human half has, for example, though Frostbite thinks that I could still very easily revert back to the age I was when I died if I wanted too, since that’s part of the original imprint.”
Not for the first time, Jason couldn’t help but dread what his ghost form might be. If he was lucky, he’d simply change into an inverted Red Hood. But when has he been lucky like that? There was a far too certain part of Jason that knew he’d come back as he had been in the warehouse: a scared kid who had been murdered.
A Robin.
He didn’t know if he could stand to be back in that uniform.
Jason did his best to push the thought aside. If he worried about it, he’d just let it consume him. He didn’t want to be in that mindset— especially not when he was in an unknown place; not that Danny would let anything happen to him.
Besides, there was too much to look at to be lost in his own head.
“Frostbite!” Danny called out suddenly, rushing forward towards a large yeti with a crystal arm.
The yeti smiled. That was… a lot of teeth. “Great One!”
Great one?
“Are you unwell or simply here for a visit? How are you handling the lack of haunt? Come, we should look you over anyways.”
“Frostbite, I’m fine, really, but I want you to check over Jason. There was a little… incident,” Danny said. He turned to motion to Jason and waved him over. “Frostbite, this is Jason, the other halfa I’ve told you about. Jason, this is Frostbite, chief of this village and my physician.”
“It is an honor to meet another friend of the Great One,” the Chief said with a pleasant smile.
“Thanks,” Jason said, shooting Danny a look at the ‘great one’ title. Danny just rubbed at the back of his neck bashfully. “Danny’s told me how you both worked out the idea for the ecotshots for me. I appreciate the help.”
“Of course! I am always here to help a halfa with their health. There are so few of you, it is the least that I can do to offer my aid,” Frostbite said with a little half bow. “Come, we should head inside where we will have some privacy.”
“Thank you,” Jason said, aware that he was getting more than a few looks from the residents. He bundled a little deeper into his coat as they made their way inside to what was clearly a medical room, despite the wholly unusual architecture.
Frostbite motioned for Jason to take a seat on the medical bed. “Now, are you alright with King Phantom being in the room for your examination?”
“Yes,” Jason answered quickly, swallowing back the words that he’d much rather Danny be there than not. “He’s been involved so far anyways.”
“Very well,” Frostbite said and shut the door behind Danny. “There was an incident I am told?”
Jason gave a little nod. “Danny thinks it was my core coming in finally. But I was in the middle of a fight. I, ah… help protect my city. It threw me off and I got stabbed. It was a pretty bad wound.”
Danny scoffed. When Frostbite looked his way he crossed his arms with a scowl. “He could have died. I gave him an ectoshot, third one, but I’m still worried that getting hurt that badly when his core was properly forming hurt something.”
“Ah, well, we can certainly look into that, hum?” Frostbite pulled on something that seemed to be a stethoscope of some sort connected to a pitch tuner. He gestured with it for permission and Jason nodded. “What did your core feel like?”
“Burning,” Jason answered. “Is… that a bad thing?”
“Not if it is a core that is meant to burn,” the yeti said with a rumbling chuckle as he pressed the stethoscope to Jason’s chest. “Now, think a happy thought.”
“Really? What is this, Peter Pan?”
Danny covered a snort of laughter.
“Not a reference I know,” Frostbite admitted.
“They, ah, think happy thoughts to fly in the story,” Jason explained awkwardly.
“Well, as ghosts can fly and our cores are heavily responsive to our emotions, perhaps not a bad analogy,” Frostbite said. “Now, happy thoughts, please.”
Closing his eyes, Jason took a breath and let it out slowly as he grasped for something happy to think of. It was… easier than it used to be. Meals with the family, tea with Alfred, and Danny. Danny smiling in wonder in the planetarium. Danny whooping as he dashed through the waves. Dancing with Danny in the town square.
Kissing Danny.
“And there we are,” Frostbite murmured.
“How is it?” Danny asked anxiously.
Now Jason felt anxious.
“Such worry,” Frostbite said as he pulled away with a chuckle. “The core is a bit quiet, perhaps, but it is still young. I do not hear any cracking or strange reverberations. The humming was strong for the age of the core. You have not transformed yet?”
“No,” Jason said, trying not to let that fear grip him about that.
Frostbit nodded. “It would be best to not yet do so. One more ectoshot at least before you try, perhaps two. There would be no harm in having another one soon to help with the growth.”
“Can you top us off?” Danny asked as he wiggled the case he’d brought at Frostbite.
“Of course, we will see to that before you leave. While you are here, Jason, would you wish to find out what type of core you have?”
“Yes, of course,” Jason said, both curious and wanting to make sure the burning was something he was supposed to feel.
“I will be right back then,” Frostbite said.
Once the yeti had left, Jason glanced over at Danny. “Feeling better?”
“Yeah. I’m glad it’s nothing, but I needed us to check, you know?”
“Hey, fish, I get it. I don’t mind having come. Who gets to say they’ve met yetis?”
“You will plenty, he’s your doctor now too,” Danny pointed out. “Oh, and I want you to take this ectocase and store it somewhere Dick can get to it if you’re hurt again, alright?”
“Sure, fish,” Jason said. He’d give Danny that little bit of security. “I’ll have it stored in the Cave and tell Dick about it.”
“Okay, good,” Danny said, letting out a tense breath.
“Hey, come here.”
When Danny stepped close, Jason tucked Danny to stand in between his lefts and gently cupped his face. “I’m going to do everything I can to be safe. I’m not going to go out on patrol right now. I’ll work with Dick to find an excuse until my core is solid. I’m sorry I scared you. I didn’t think about how this would affect everything else. But I promise you, I’m going to do everything I can to be safe now that I get it.”
“Sorry I’m worrying.”
“None of that, you’re allowed to worry,” Jason said, brushing his lips against Danny’s forehead. “Just also trust me to do my best. I just got you, I’m not going to leave you.”
“Okay,” Danny said with another measured breath. “I trust you, I do.”
“Ah, should I return in a moment?” Frostbite asked softly from the doorway.
“No, it’s fine,” Danny said, pulling back from Jason. “Really. I want to know what Jason’s core is also.”
Frostbite gave a little nod and opened the case he was carrying. In it, cradled in soft velvet, was a glass ball. Or, at least, what looked like a glass ball to Jason. It was slightly cool when Frostbite set it in Jason’s cupped hands.
“Now Jason, this will show us what your core is by projecting the appropriate imagery into the sphere. You must close your eyes and focus inside yourself. It may be harder for you in this form, but attempt to feel that burning again.”
Jason did as he was told, thinking back to the feeling on the night he was stabbed and the little flares of heat he had sensed since. He could feel it, just barely, as this heat inside his chest. It was this faint, churning ball of warmth sitting under his sternum.
“Oh,” Danny breathed. “That’s beautiful.”
“Yes,” Frostbite rumbled. “Stay focused, but you may open your eyes.”
Jason paused. He was almost afraid to know. This was the first real thing— the first proof that he was still half dead. But he had to face it.
He opened his eyes.
The sphere was glowing so brightly orange it was almost hard to look at. The light spilled through cracks and fissures of an ashen black surface that split and shifted and formed.
“Lava,” Frostbite confirmed. “A powerful force. It can be destructive. It can spread across the land, decimating everything in front of it.”
Jason’s breath hitched. Of course he was a force of destruction and death. Of course he—
Frostbit’s large hands gently surrounded his, partially shielding the light from the sphere. “But it can also be creation. It can make whole new islands. And the earth left behind by a lava flow is incredibly rich— life blooms from it. It is a duality. Very fitting, I would think, for a halfa.”
The next breath shuddered through Jason, right to his center where that warmth sat. He swallowed heavily against the lump in his throat. “I… yeah.”
Frostbite carefully took the sphere from Jason’s hand, the lava flared once before it the sphere was clear again. Frostbite turned around to put it away, and Jason was pretty certain it was all so that he could have a moment to compose himself.
He didn’t even realize he was crying until Danny stepped close to wipe the tears away. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, sorry. I just…” Jason cleared his throat. “I guess it was just a lot suddenly, seeing that.”
“I meant what I said, it was beautiful,” Danny said.
Jason smiled. He was sure it was more than a little watery, but it was an honest smile. “Thank you.”
“Now, do you have any questions about your core?” Frostbite asked.
Jason took a moment to think about that. “I won’t… there’s no way for me to hurt Danny, is there? With him having an ice core.”
“No,” Frostbite said with another one of his chuckles. “In a normal situation, you would have an advantage in a fight, should you use your elemental powers, but King Phantom has a way of assuming the powers that he battles against. He has very few weaknesses in that manner. And you will be of no harm being simply near him. In fact, it may be a nice balance— he runs cold and you warm. If one was being poetic, one could say you are made for each other.”
“You’re talking like it’s fate.”
“With the Great One, it’s never wise to rule anything out,” Frostbite said with a chuckle. “Come now, let us see to getting you ecto and let you go on your way. I am sure it has been a long day.”
It really had; long, but not bad.
Not bad at all.
AN: This chapter fought me with my poor health, but here we are! And we finally figure out what Jason's core is! I hope everyone likes the choice~
And things also continue to settle down a little. Though Danny is going to be hounded by his friends for sure!
Stay delightful, darlings!
I no longer tag people. You can instead subscribe to be notified at the masterpost!
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maybemewlyn · 4 months
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The Lovers.
[Inspired(?)/redrawn after The Lovers (1928) by René Magritte. The background in my drawing is one of the corners of the greenhouse from the manor.
I love the idea of Melly never ever taking her mask off and Norton just vibing with her quirks. 💚 She has like 3874 spare masks around. She's the cutest strange weird girl fr. /affectionate]
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novamirmirsblog · 2 years
Steven's Mom
Genre: fluff/angst/smut +18
Pairing: Natasha x reader
Word count: 3874
Request: no
Warnings: poorly written smut, cheating
A/n: This literally took me a good month to write, so I think it's safe to say this may be a little bit shit. If the punctuation seems off, it's cause Grammarly keeps being weird and making suggestions -_- BUT ENJOY! Cause I'm not sure when the next fic will be finished XD Yes, smoking is bad but holy shit is it hot when the right people do it.
Masterlist Natasha Romanoff masterlist
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That word has always scared you.
Your friends would talk about their recent boyfriends and how they were going on cute group dates and where was your boyfriend Y/n?
Your answer was always that there was no point in settling down with one person when you were yet to try them all. Especially seeing as you had only just reached your 23rd birthday.
Sure, some may have seen that as 'flighty behaviour' and yes, perhaps you should have gotten a therapist when you were a lot younger - but you were always told you were going to be a heartbreaker and the long trail of flings you left in your wake was testimony to this.
Perhaps heartbreaker was a strong word. You were sure that only going on a few dates with a guy hardly led to their hearts being broken but you were pretty and could accentuate your almost forgotten accent which made all the boys fall into a line.
You had moved to America with your family when you were 16 but due to your desire to fit in, you had worked extremely hard on switching your native accent for an American one. It felt as if you were betraying your family but it was too late to break that habit 7 years on.
Using people as a means to an end is never a good plan. Especially when that person was a friend but when Steven had asked you out, you couldn't help but see a goldmine of opportunities.
Steven was sweet. He was the kind of all-American guy that was shoved down the western media consumer's throats. He played baseball throughout his school career and taught the little leagues on weekends. He had the body of a god and the heart of a saint.
For all intended purposes, Steven was perfect.
Steven would be your salvation.
After 3 weeks of non-stop dating, your university friends wanted to see the boy who had managed to keep the notorious serial dater interested for more than one date. You decided to introduce them all, telling your university friends that Steven was a friend from high school.
Obviously they all swooned.
You truly were living the 'American dream'. However your American dream all came crashing down one Tuesday night.
It had been two months since the first date and Steven had invited you over to his house after seeing a movie. You took your shoes off and hung up your jackets before you both made your way to the kitchen. Steven backed you up to the kitchen counter, kissing along your neck using too much tongue. You were a strong believer that neck kisses should be mostly teeth. The tongue was reserved for other acts. The sound of heels filled you with relief. You liked Steven but he needed to work on his game. It seemed that Steven was too engrossed to realise his mother was standing in the doorway.
You locked eyes with her and let out a soft gasp. You thought you saw her left eyebrow twitch but you couldn't be sure because as she took a step towards you, the trance broke and you pushed Steven away.
She cleared her throat and Steven spun on the spot, his jaw dropping in a comical way before closing again as his face went red. "I can explain..."
"No need to explain Stevie, just don't do it in my kitchen please."
"T-this is Y/n, Y/n, this is my mom."
"Natasha." She extended her hand for you to shake.
"It's nice to meet you Mrs Romanoff." You shook her hand.
"Please dear, I've been divorced for years. It's Ms now."
"Of course. Sorry." You apologised, the urge to wipe your boyfriend's saliva from your neck was growing the longer this conversation went on.
"No need to apologise lyubov."
"Well, we're just gonna go up to my room now..." Steven gave his mother a kiss on her cheek before leading you out of the kitchen.
You stayed the night with Steven but when you awoke, you were in an empty bed. To say you were disappointed would be a lie but you were a little offended that Steven had left you to wake up on your own. Just because you weren't utterly infatuated with him didn't mean he could leave you in his house without so much as a goodbye.
You debated whether or not you should wear the clothes you had from yesterday or steal one of Steven's many, many hoodies. You decided on the latter. One benefit Steven bought was the fact his hoodies absolutely engulfed you, the bottom of the jumper comfortably resting just above mid-thigh.
You crept out of the house, not realising a pair of eyes followed you the entire way down the drive, cigarette smoke obscuring her view.
You didn't see Steven till the following weekend. Personally, you felt it was too soon to be seeing him again, but you had put him off for longer than he would have liked, so you indulged him. The two of you decided to get milkshakes before going on a walk about the local park. It was a predictably mediocre date, and your mind drifted from Steven's blonde hair to a deep auburn. You weren't sure why you were thinking of red hair till you remembered that was the colour of Steven's mum's hair. You hadn't even realised Steven was talking to you till you saw him looking at you expectantly.
"Sorry babe, what was that?"
Steven laughed "Are you ever here Y/n? I was asking if you wanted to come back to my place?" He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in.
"Sure. I wanna drive though." You smirked at him, knowing there was no way he would let you behind the wheel of his precious baby.
"Ha ha." Steven mocked "Get your pretty ass in the car."
The first crack in your perfect American dream life happened when Steven left you alone.
Steven had forgotten he was supposed to be at baseball practice. You were flicking through Netflix, Amazon and Disney+, unable to choose anything, when you heard the front door open and close. You assumed it was Steven coming back, but the slender fingers that slid down your shoulders made you tense and turn around. You strained your neck, looking up at Natasha, her hands still resting on your shoulders.
"No Steven?" She asked, her eyebrow gently raised.
"He" You cleared your throat before continuing, hoping to focus on something other than her hands.
"He..." Natasha prompted you to continue, her thumbs gently creeping up to where your top exposed your neck.
"Had to do something with the little leagues." You rushed out, trying to stop the heat in your cheeks.
"And he left you all on your own, poor thing." Natasha said, drawing shapes along your shoulders as you tried to suppress a shiver.
You weren't sure who the 'poor thing' was. Whether it was you, or Steven.
"You know, I hide my accent too." Natasha said, her lips felt dangerously close to your ear as she let her Russian accent coat her words. "How about you let me hear your real accent too?"
You watched as she moved around the sofa, coming to stand in front of you.
"Um, I mean, I don't know what to say..." You said, your own voice sounding foreign to you as you spoke in your native accent for the first time in years. Not even Steven had heard your true accent.
Yet here you were, showing it to a woman you had met twice.
"krasivaya" Natasha reached under your chin, tilting your head up at her.
"It means beautiful."
You swallowed, unable to move as she let her fingertips run down the front of your neck.
"Yes, sweets?" She responded, her eyes held a gleam that her words did not reflect.
"I don't think this is appropriate."
"What isn't appropriate?"
That made you pause. You weren't sure what made this interaction inappropriate, but you were certain it wasn't. The way your heart pounded in your chest in a way it never did with Steven confirmed that idea. Although your words said that this was wrong, your body didn't want this to stop. With every movement Natasha's nails made against your throat, more goosebumps erupted.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"What was that?"
"No." You said with more confidence than before.
"That's what I thought." Natasha bought her fingers back up to your chin as she leaned in, closing the distance between the two of you till your lips crashed. She moved to sit on the sofa next to you, and you put your leg over hers, moving closer to her. You sat on her lap, fiddling with the top of her mom jeans as she ran her hands through your hair, getting lipstick all over your lips. You rested your arms around her neck as she ran her hands under your top, making you moan into her mouth. She shuffled under you, making your hips bump against each other. You bit her lower lip, and it was her turn to moan, the sound travelling down your throat. She pulled away after that, resting her forehead against yours, her eyes still closed as you opened yours.
You weren't sure how long you sat there with Natasha underneath you, but it was long enough for the sun to dip below the horizon. The two of you didn't say anything, but you didn't need to. It was a kind of peaceful silence you never had with Steven.
Your phone buzzed, breaking you out of your peaceful bubble.
It was your brother.
"Fuck. I've gotta go." You stood up, instantly noticing the lack of warmth you suddenly craved. You grabbed your coat and left the house, shouting a hurried goodbye to Natasha.
You received a text later that night from an unknown number. The only thing that gave the identity away was the sign-off, 'сладких снов'. You looked it up.
It was Russian.
Natasha had wished you sweet dreams.
There was something off with you, and Steven was beginning to notice. Steven usually hated his name; he was named after his mother's close friend. A close friend that had led to the breakdown of his parent's marriage. He hated it until he heard you say it. It sounded like peaceful autumn afternoons. In fact, you often reminded him of autumn. To begin with, it was your sweet laugh that reminded him of warm autumn colours, but as time went on, he realised while you were like autumn, he was summer. As often as he wished it wasn't true, Steven knew the thing he had with you could never last.
Steven knew something was wrong. He just couldn't quite put his finger on it.
Natasha came to your student accommodation on a chilly night in October. The two of you had been texting non-stop in a way you had never experienced with anyone else you had met. She was like an addiction you didn't want to quit.
The two of you wasted little time undressing, and you found yourself hitting the bed with the back of your legs as Natasha ran her hands through your hair, kissing you fervently. She placed her hands on your lower back, easing you onto the bed as she climbed on top of you, legs slotted between yours comfortably. Your neck burned as she kissed her way down it, letting her teeth graze against the soft skin.
"No marks." You panted out, pushing your chin to the ceiling so she could get better access to you.
Natasha made an almost growling sound, the frustration clear as she shoved two fingers into your wet core with little warning.
"Just wait till you're completely mine, printsessa. Everyone will know who gets to leave marks on you."
All you could do was moan, the sound brushing over Natasha's ear.
"Shhh, printsessa" She took the fingers that weren't currently pumping in and out of you to your lips, "we don't want your roommates hearing. They'll wonder why you're enjoying it so much." Natasha scoffs before adding, "There's no way you sound like this with Steven."
The sound of your boyfriend's name leaving her mouth felt wrong, but you didn't have time to feel guilty when you felt Natasha's tongue licking long stripes along your clit. You fell into bliss as you bit your lip hard to stop Natasha's name from escaping. The tinge of metal that spilled onto your tongue made you almost cum again. Natasha looked up at you, her hair beginning to stick to her forehead as she winked.
You panted as she kissed her way up your body.
"How about you make me feel good, darling."
It was your turn to slide down the length of her body till you got to her hot core. Your limbs were heavy, and while you wanted to lie peacefully, you wanted to make Natasha cum more. You had a feeling it wouldn't take long, judging from the way her hips bucked ever so slightly as your breath tickled over her. You grazed your teeth gently over her clit, making her moan before leaving a hickey on her inner thigh.
"Hey!" She let out breathlessly, digging her nails into your scalp and pulling you away by your hair. "What makes you think you can leave marks on me."
"But you look so pretty with them." You pouted for a beat, seeing her expression stay stoikly unimpressed, before adding "Mommy." Her pupils blew even more, and you could have sworn she let out a whimper. Her grip tightened momentarily at the title and you took it as a sign to continue.
You continued to lick and suck, putting two, then three fingers in. You watched as she arched her back and moaned out your name. When she was finished, You took your fingers out, licking them clean as the two of you refused to break eye contact.
You lay there in her arms as she drew patterns across your back and gently scratched your neck. "It's late."
Natasha hummed in agreement.
"You should probably stay the night, right?"
You craned your neck to try to see her expression. Natasha put a finger under your chin and leaned down. "That's probably a good idea." She said, her cocky grin stayed on her face till she gently captured your lips.
That night the two of you slept more peacefully than you had in years.
You lay stomach down on the bed, Steven's voice echoed through your room. He smiled through the screen.
"Baby, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7:30 for dinner." he grinned. He knew something was off but wanted to hold on to the dream for a little longer.
"Yay! I can't wait!" You were lucky the American accent made just about anything sound enthusiastic
Natasha stirred, turning in her sleep, rustling the sheets gently as she re-adjusted.
"Who was that?" Your boyfriend asked.
"Oh, just one of my friends staying over." You rolled onto your back, accidentally giving Steven a glimpse of silky hair. The movement gently jostled her, disturbing her sleep, causing her nose to scrunch up as she began to wake.
"Okay baby, I've got to go now. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Love you, see you tomorrow." You hang up the FaceTime just as you felt a gaze burn into your skin.
"Morning." She grumbled out, sleep making her voice husky.
"Good Morning." You smiled at her as she rubbed her eyes, waking up fully. "We have to tell him."
"Hmm." She closed her eyes again, you were half convinced she had gone back to asleep.
"Not tomorrow though." Her plump lips seemed even fuller from both last night's activities and sleep. "Tomorrow, you have your date." Her mocking tone did not go over your head. She searched the nightstand for the pack of cigarettes she had left there. However, she quickly gave up, settling back down in bed and closing her eyes again.
"Are you jealous?" You asked, a smirk twinging your lips as her eyes snapped open to look at you.
"Of course not. I just didn't think my son was the romantic type, that's all." She said, before kissing you softly.
These early morning kisses were your favourite.
Date night arrived. Or at least it was supposed to. The booking Steven had made got cancelled, so he drove you back to his house, much to your dismay.
You looked hot. Your hair was up, accentuating your long neck and your red lips contrasted beautifully with the black dress that hung lightly off your figure. You were underdressed for autumn, but the previous night with Natasha made you feel beautiful and powerful, and that dress was begging to be worn.
You were confident when you chose that dress but going to Steven's and the thought of having to see Natasha in said dress filled you with dread.
It wasn't that you didn't want Natasha to see the dress; you just didn't want her to see the way Steven looked at you.
You were right to be worried.
It was Natasha who answered the door just as Steven was about to put his key in. The gasp was audible but she played it off as shock that the two of you were back rather than how she felt about you looking like that with him.
"Hi mom. The booking got cancelled." Steven said, his shoulders hung low.
"That is a shame sweetie." She said, rubbing his arm and ushering him into the kitchen. "Good job I just finished cooking."
You and Steven sat opposite each other as Natasha bought the plates of food out. Once everyone had a plate in front of them, she sat next to you. You bit your lip and refused to look up from the plate.
You bit into what looked like a little square pasty and suppressed a moan. Letting out the sound you wanted would only cause more problems than needed. "Wow, this is delicious."
"Thank you krasivaya. They're Pirozhki." Natasha said, her accent bleeding through in a way you knew was deliberate.
You tried to cover up the growing heat in your face by shoving more food in your mouth. Your leg jumped as you felt Natasha's hand on your thigh. You glanced up from your plate, your eyes meeting Steven's as regret punched you in the gut. He was so sweet and didn't deserve what you were doing to him.
This was wrong.
You wanted to move your leg, not wanting to be a cheater. Not in front of the man you were supposed to love. The only thing that stopped you was the wet patch growing in your panties from the way manicured nails traced along your skin.
You let out a sharp sigh, disappointed in yourself and feeling incredibly guilty about how you found out you liked girls. You were hurting an innocent man.
"You okay babe?" Steven asked, his voice full of concern.
Tears pricked at your eyes, and you couldn't take it anymore. You looked at Natasha, and the concern in her eyes was as clear as day. You just hoped she wouldn't hate you for this.
"Stevie, I can't do this anymore." You looked at his beautiful eyes. Eyes that should have been the ones you felt giddy about.
Steven smiled gently "I know."
A sob got caught in your throat. You weren't sure why you were about to cry; whether it was from relief or sadness that you couldn't be what Steven needed, you couldn't tell.
"How..." You trailed off, not sure what you wanted to ask or even how to ask it.
"You've been acting off Y/n. You have been for a few months now. Someone else has caught your attention and that's okay. I just hope they make you happy in a way I couldn't." Steven stood, most likely getting ready to go for a drive.
Tears rolled down your face freely now. The incredible guilt was ten times worse now. He truly was the sweetest man you knew.
"I just need to know, who is it?"
You froze, not wanting to tell him it was his own mother who stole your gaze.
For the first time throughout this entire conversation, Natasha spoke. "Do you really want to know?"
Steven pulled his eyes away from you, his expression turning steely. His jaw clenched, and fear flashed through you briefly. "I can't believe you."
Natasha's nails dug into your leg slightly, the only indication that she was nervous.
"Steven," You desperately let out. You weren't sure how to make this better. It wasn't like you were fucking his friend. This was his literal mother.
"No. No. I, I need to go. I can't stand to look at either of you right now."
Just like that, Steven left your life.
"Well, that went just about as well as could be expected." You sighed, glad that everything was out in the open, but a heaviness still weighed in your chest.
Natasha was standing on the back porch, leaning over the rail, looking into the darkness of the back garden. You had gone out to join her after you had collected yourself.
"Yeah." Natasha said quietly.
"I'm sorry." You weren't sure which bit you were apologising for. Was it the way you strung them both along for so long? Or was it the fact that you had broken a mother and son bond? There were countless crimes you had committed and not enough time in the world to apologise for them all.
Natasha sighed. "It's not your fault. I knew this would happen eventually."
There was a pause before you spoke, you weren't sure if you wanted to hear the answer to your question. "Do you regret it?"
She opened up her cigarette pack, lighting it and taking a drag before she answered. "No." She blew the smoke out from her nose.
"Those things will kill you." You said, watching as her plump lips crawled up into a smirk before blowing a particularly large smoke ring at you.
"Not if you kill me first sweetheart." She closed her eyes and allowed the moonlight to ease away any stress she was holding.
"Do you want to stop this? Before I kill you?" You knew the answer to this question before Natasha even began to speak. Her thoughts hadn't been a mystery to you for a long time now.
"Don't even ask that Y/n." She said, the panic slipping into her words. "I adore you."
"I adore you too."
With one last drag, Natasha snuffed out her cigarette, closing the box and throwing them over the railing into the bin below. She stepped towards you, trapping you between her and the railings. She kissed you harder than she had ever kissed you before, with more desperation than you had ever known.
"Why did you throw your cigarettes?" You asked, shocked that she would throw away the thing that had always been with her.
"I don't need them anymore. You're my new addiction."
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sexylonestar · 1 year
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Nylon # 3874
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imthefemalemonster · 2 years
Hey honey! i just read this and gosh definitely one of the hottest things i've read in the last few days🥵🥵🥵🥵 With that being said i was wondering if i could get a soft Dom! Daemon x sub fem!reader x sub! Aemond with whatever kinks you want. Just Daem being good and taking care of his subs, with some fluff and aftercare please? (bonus if the 3 have an established relationship with each other)
Hello love ♡ Thank you so much for your sweet words, I put all my insanity in it (!) Like I said I haven't written much xreader in my life but I recently become obsessed with this threesome so I'm DEFINITELY writing more, I tried something with your absolutely amazing prompt with some of my favorite kinks sooo, I hope you like it. ♡
Daemond x Female!Reader - Daemon Targaryen x Aemond Targaryen x Female!Reader (Threesome smut - Dom/Sub)
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⸻ Summary: Battles and wars rage outside, but the one in bed with your lovers, King and Prince are more important than the rest of the world.
Tags: Established relationship, Shameless Smut, Threesome F/M/M, PWP, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Soft!Dom - Sub, Armor / Sword / Mommy / Breeding kink, Orgasm, Aftercare, She/Her reader
⸻ Read on Ao3
Notes: I’m now obsessed with this pairing so offering you more Daemond x Female!reader - This is soft!dom Daemon and sub!Aemond and reader, I put some of my favorite kinks in here so read at your own risks. (read tags!) Requested by anon on Tumblr, hope you like it. ♡
Tumblr for ideas/requests: @imthefemalemonster
Smut prompts: here & here
⸻ Words: 3874
The cold air of the morning mercilessly hit your body as you were standing inside the tent, on your knees, waiting. You were ready, just like you were asked to be once the sun would set. Your lovers had yet to arrive. The battle was raging near, everything you hoped for was seeing them come back. Often you were coming with Daemon and Aemond. Because Daemon was possessive, dominant, because it’s the way you built the relationship. He would not let his lovers, his pets, his sexual partners away for long. He craved you both near him, at all times, despite the risks. All three of you were living for the risks, it only made things better.
When Daemon would come back, you would both heal his wounds if needed, ease his pain, and most of the time please him until your bodies couldn’t take it anymore. Never would he let you get hurt, but never would he let you disobey either. It was a relationship of power and strengths, he possessed both, you were his, as was Aemond.
The relationship had started only between you and Daemon. He had once conquered your castle, then your mind, your heart, your body. A love soft and dominating. Daemon never hid how he considered your relationship, he wanted you to be a good, submissive wife, he would treat you well, love you, protect you, and you would obey, you would give away to all his desires. It satisfied you both. But as time had passed, you met with several people, some you never cared about, some who interested you. Both Daemon and you were not against another person joining, but no one ever lived up to your desires or expectations, until you met with Aemond. It has never crossed your mind before meeting him, fiercely fighting, showing off at the training ground, but who else than a younger, as arrogant and clever, as strong and brave as Daemon, could fit better? Daemon read your mind like an open book when you started to show interest in his nephew. It both surprised you, but Aemond never hid his obsession for long with you both. So it started, Aemond and you, the Rogue Prince’s lovers, little pets, Prince and Princess like he loved to call you. He was not your Prince, not the Slayer or the Rogue, he was your King.
Relief filled your heart and body when softly, Aemond entered the tent, breathless, but alive and well at first sight. You both exchanged a soft smile, no words needed, work was to be done. If he was there, Daemon wasn’t far. Aemond lost no time, he moved toward you, you were kneeling next to your King’s chair, which was facing the tent’s entrance. You stood still at the left side while Aemond was removing his armor, clothes in a sensual haste. Brushing some part of his skin, torso and arms with a fabric, he kneeled in front of you when he was done. His hair loose, eyepatch off as the dark lilac contrasted with the bright blue. He risked a move, brushing your chin with his fingers, a gentle motion to indicate, without words needed, that all was fine. The battle went smoothly, another victory, which would only mean that the man would come back eager, ready and hungry.
“Don’t fucking touch what’s not yours.”
The voice, guttural, but with a soft tone to it, a threat, but which felt more like an invitation. Aemond withdrew his hand, head down as he faced toward his uncle. The man fierce, standing at the tent’s entrance, the smoke and light of the day outlining his impressive armor and posture. A threat and a treat.
“My Princess”, he whispered, advancing toward the chair. When he reached your body, knees on the floor, a smirk was born on his lips, satisfied, pleased, burning with anticipation, with need. You were wearing the short silk dress he loved so much, outlining perfectly your body, breast, hips, waist. Your legs nude for his lustful eyes, collarbone and neck ready for ruination. Head tilting, you looked up to him, your name was a signal, you were authorized to look up.
Eye on the floor, Aemond breath was quiet and regular, almost inaudible. Daemon went past him, standing in front of his chair, turning back to face the tent’s entrance, both his lovers at his feet. He softly caressed your head, thumb running circles in a gentle but controlling manner, you were waiting for any orders, anything that would please him, the usual or not.
“Aemond. Look at me.”, he turned his head to his nephew, who raised his eyes immediately, “Clean Dark Sister’s hilt. Let’s play with it a little today.”, he grinned. Aemond only nodded, catching the long and heavy sword, hands shaking. It was both an honor, and mysteriously menacing too. The younger Prince did as he was told, fabric in hand, carefully cleaning his uncle’s sword. While he was working, Daemon turned his attention back to you, the vile smirk still on his lips. Wrinkling your eyes, soft smile on your face, cheeks reddened but body shivering at the cold, you looked perfect, naive, innocent, ruinable, a body to manhandle as he wished, the one he loved to desire, to hold, to take care of.
“Take my pants off, sweet Princess”, he breathed, voice low, like it danced on the wind, “I’ll keep the top, I know my sweetheart will love to rut against it while Aemond has some fun with his new toy.”
Head tilting, resting on your shoulders, you smirked. So it has begun, the game. You nod, still on your knees as you advance to carefully take him off his armor, only the bottom part, then the pants, the underwear, freeing the large and angry shaft resting inside. Heart racing, you bit your lips at the sight, how impressive he was, both in armor and with his cock out. Mouth salivating, you withdrew your hand from his crotch, waiting for more commands. Aemond had moved back next to the chair as Daemon sat on it, with enough space next for you.
“At my side Princess, mouth open and ready.”, he rasped. You stood up, like a feline, crawling at his side, both hands on his armor, painted with blood, dirt and other substances unrecognizable. Still on your knees, breast squeezed against the hard material, sensitive and hard nipples burning hot against the cold. He hummed, lips brushing yours as you clung to his armor, fingers inside the collar.
“Aemond”, he called, turning his head to his nephew, standing between his opened legs and visible member, ignoring your needy lips as you pouted, “You’ll take care of that hilt will you? Lick it till it’s clean and it shines. Maybe then you’ll deserve to choke on my cock.”
Aemond lips slightly parted away as he met your excited gaze, both you and Daemon staring down at him. He obeyed, raising his body a little to reach for the top, holding the heavy blade still while his tongue assaulted the hilt. Daemon watched as the younger Prince’s mouth moved around, saliva dripping, noises loud and wet while sucking the top on his mouth. A hand behind your back, holding you close, your breast was languidly rubbing against the hard armor. You sensed his fingernails digging in the frail fabric against your skin, a signal you understood immediately as you leaned in, lips closing around his left earlobe, teeth nibbling at the rough skin.
“You look so good beneath me, little Prince.” Daemon raised his hand, a message for Aemond to stop, “Good boy. Never been cleaner.”, he laughed darkly, “Now get over here, suck my cock and give us a good show.”
Aemond happily obliged, moving closer, a hand resting on his thigh as the other reached for the hardened base, gripping the cock in full hand. Your lips left Daemon’s earlobe, focusing on his cheek, Aemond in your peripheral vision, shyly licking the top, tongue circling around, playing with the precum dripping at the head. The sight had you shaking, thighs squeezing as your core burned, absolutely wet when Aemond lowered his head, bobbing on the large cock, moaning when it reached deep inside his throat.
“Is this making you wet?”, rasped Daemon against your cheek, skin shivering at the words. You whined when his hand left your back to travel to your waist, then the inside of your thighs, Aemond gagging noises, fast pace having you desperate, cunt aching, begging for any touch. You weren’t wearing anything under the silk dress, as Daemon commanded. His fingers painfully scratched the skin, reaching for your slit, a grin on his face as he savored having you waiting, unable to beg or ask for friction. You will wait, endure as he pleases.
Aemond moaned loudly, his uncle’s body tensing, as he gagged, taking his dick faster and deeper, stroking the cock as its base, pushing it inside mercilessly. A hand in Aemond’s loosened hair, Daemon finally let his fingers slide needily against your burning core, your wetness as lube. He pressed two fingers against your lips, parting them as his thumb aggressively assaulted your clit, drawing whines and sobs out of you as your hips rubbed against his harsh digits.
“Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
You moaned, no words allowed yet, head nodding, erratic, hot, burning. No thoughts, only Daemon fingers teasing your insides.
Swallowing back saliva, some drops dripping on your chin, you stared into his dark lilac eyes.
“Y-yes.” He raised an eyebrow, waiting. It was hard to focus, Aemond moans and wet pop in your ears as Daemon’s cock left his mouth, face red and lips swollen, “I nee-need you - your fingers.”
“In-inside me.”, you whined.
He grinned. ‘Good girl’. Finally he entered, two fingers at once, no mercy, only chasing his own pleasure as he watched your face, your body and cunt melting around him. Hips rutting, meeting the harsh trust of his digits, lips collapsing together as he grabbed your chin, eating your mouth as everything he ever owned depended on it. Nipples scratching against the fabric and his armor, Aemond observed your blissful figure, from your legs shaking, hands lost on Daemon’s hair, loosening them, the shape of your breast showing through the clothes. He waited, cock hardened, painful against his own pants, drunk into the sinful sight of his King and Princess.
You screamed when Daemon split his finger inside, scissoring you open, his wrists’ motions rough against you clenching walls. You were close, so close he could feel it too, and as he knew, he paced faster and faster, nails scratching inside. You felt like your hole would eat him whole and never let him leave, your core taking the shape of his digits forever. Stomach aching, your body ablaze, vision fading to black as you came on his fingers.
“Fuck”, moaned Daemon, the both of you breathing heavily, “All that only from my fingers Princess?”, he smirked, “What will it be when you sink on my cock?”
You smiled, overwhelmed but satisfied, thinking you could ride him instantly despite the orgasm, mind hazy with lust only. Daemon turned his attention to his nephew, his knees as painful as his cock, still watching you, stroking him the best he could through the fabric.
“Open”, ordered Daemon, pressing his fingers full of your juices against Aemond eager lips. He opened, taking his tongue out, circling it around the older man’s digits, drinking it like a nectar offered by the gods themselves. Daemon grabbed your neck with his other hand, squeezing it slightly. “Dress off, and get on the bed, pretty girl.”
You obliged as he let you go, walking the best you could the few centimeters separating you from the bed, crawling onto the mattress and drowning into the soft sheets, legs spread, back against the cushions. Daemon abruptly stood up, you could see in him the patience growing thin, his cock sucked but still too neglected for him, he needed a release inside one of you, possibly both if the man could do it. Aemond watched him as he undressed, the rest of the armor and the clothes hitting the floor in grand nonchalance. He moved toward the bed, hand signaling Aemond to follow him.
“Take your pants off”, he rasped toward his nephew, “You are riding me first, be good and I shall let you cum.”
Aemond nodded, licking his lips, exchanging a quick excited glance with you as you took out your tongue in a childish gesture, a silent but arrogant laugh on his face. Daemon approached you, caressing your cheeks, fingernails scratching the skin in a possessive manner.
“You’ll mount that vigorous cock too, pretty Princess. But now your King desires that sweet whorish-breast around his lips.”, he paused, “So be a good girl and spread your legs.”
Your submission aroused him you knew, so slightly parting away your lips, humming, legs spread, elbow bend, hands withdrawn around your face, you waited for him to take you, possess you whole. He sat on the bed, mattress shifting under his weight as he rested his back between your legs, head on your breasts. Aemond followed, swift and silent as usual, shaft hard and leaking, hiding his arousal at the idea of finally riding his uncle behind his perfectly played submission to his elder. The younger Prince climbed on top of Daemon, the older man losing no time as he grabbed his thin waist and hungrily sank him down on his cock, hole dry and unprepared.
“U-uncle!”, the yell only annoyed Daemon who dug his fingers deeper into Aemond’s waist, bruising the skin. You sensed his body shift as he pushed you deeper into the cushion, you stood on your elbows trying not to get crushed under his weight, his back broad against your sensitive breast.
“Did I tell you to talk?”
The Prince shook his head, breath heavy, head inside him, scratching painfully at the entrance.
“That’s how you call me?”, questioned Daemon, voice low, filled with a mix of lust and menace, “Is that how I told you to call me?”
“N-no.”, stuttered Aemond.
“Behave.” Daemon’s jaw clenched.
Aemond placed both hands on Daemon belly, his whole body tensing, cock filling him up to the brim. He was used to this cock, his whole adapting fast, but the burning sensation was surprising at first, explaining the sudden yell. But he was good, always, so he took it. Lowering himself completely he moaned loudly, immediately
“Louder”, ordered Daemon, “Louder boy, you can be louder can’t you?”
Aemond nodded, raising his legs, a sinful gesture before sinking back down again, mouth open, tongue out, fucking himself open on his uncle large cock. Each thrust felt like it reached deeper, it opened him larger and larger, walls clenching around Daemon as the older man grunted at the sensation.
“Tight”, he grunted, “Still so tight after taking so much dick up his ass.” Daemon’s comments only made Aemond’s pace faster, more desperate, erratic, his own cock leaking, bouncing against his belly as he worked himself on top of Daemon. Letting his nephew fuck himself on him, Daemon turned his head to you, your burning core against his back, fingers playing with your sensitive nipples as you watched Aemond moans and ride his uncle’s cock. Your body shivered as you felt a hot, wet sensation, observing as Daemon had slightly moved to your right side, head resting under your breast, pressing kisses and biting the soft skin. Right hand firm on Aemond waist, his left hand moved to grope your left breast, vigorously massaging it, palm full of it as it rubbed against the sensitive bud. His mouth found your right nipples as your arm held his head close in a nurturing gesture, fingers smoothing his hair. His lips closed around the pink bud, sucking it noisily in his mouth as he bited it repetitively. He broke contact, catching his breath as he eagerly licked long stripes.
“When you’ll be full of me”, he mewled against you, words going through you, his breath penetrating deep, “I’ll feed off you little Princess. I’ll be hungrier than you for my cock and mouth around and in that sweet pussy.”
The idea had you moaning, accompanied by his harsh tongue assaulting the bud. Full of him, swelling with his child. It wasn’t a desire, it was a need. Both for your future child that you couldn’t wait to hold and love, but for him too. What he had loved first with you was your motherly gestures, your mother-like personality, your maternal embrace. You didn’t know much about his, but the instant you got intimate, you knew he needed control as much as reassurance in the arms of the women he loved. You never refused him, if he wanted to be cradled in your arm, you would oblige. It made you feel whole, happy, content. The sexual appeal to it only made it better.
You were taken out of your thoughts as you felt Daemon shift, leaving your breast wet and sweaty, cunt still dripping wet and needy. He must have felt it considering the way he stood up. Aemond had not stopped thrusting but had gotten slower and slower, approaching release, but his uncle had other plans in mind.
“No cumming for you yet. Get off my cock.”, grinned the older man. Aemond obeyed, not without letting a sob out when he felt empty, cock hurting and burning as he grabbed it, knowing he couldn’t stroke himself but trying to hold on to it and focus. “Remember your place.”, breathed Daemon, a finger going from Aemond’s base to the top, digit pushing against it playing with the precum as his nephew cried out, silently begging.
“You turn, Princess”
You moved aside, letting him move back into the cushion. You were surprised when he didn’t let his back fall on them, instead he stood still, legs spread and slightly bent, steadying himself on one hand.
“Turn me on love.”, he breathed, the other hand stroking his cock gently, slow but harsh motions, breath heavy as he wouldn’t hold long his release.
Moving above him, wet and shaky, he let go of his cock to grab your waist, not pushing you on his length, waiting for you to guide his cock inside, your soft fingers on his burning member ripping a dark guttural groan of him. He wouldn’t hold a few thrust before coming.
“Come here my slutty Prince”, he voiced toward Aemond, the boy lost in his thoughts, hand still at his hardened base. He moved Daemon’s right side, on his knees, still gripping himself so hard he thought he could sever his own cock.
“Kiss.”, the Rogue Prince ordered. You hesitated no second as your lips crushed against Aemond’s, mouths and tongues meeting in each other, loudly, desperately fucking each others lips.
“Come pretty boy, all over us.”, commanded Daemon as his nephew was painfully stroking his member.
The motions of your lips, the noises and deep kisses, tongues massaging one another were enough for Aemond as he aggressively fisted his cock between his two lovers, yelling incoherently as he came, hips jerking forward, breaths erratic.
“Good boy.”, grunted Daemon, his hands now on your waist, pushing you down on him, hips meeting yours at an harsh, irregular pace as your legs and breast were bouncing in a synchronized and mesmerizing rhythm in the full view of the two hungry men. You wanted to scream, yell as you moved up and down Daemon’s shaft, his cock, veins, every details scratching open your inside, walls clenched so tight it overwhelmed you in pleasure, eyes closed, only focused on your pace. With each thrust now, accompanied by Daemon’s animalistic grunts, you could feel him hitting spots deeper and deeper within you, his motions feeling like he wanted his seed so deep it would reach your stomach, even your throat, your whole and entire body if he forced hard enough.
“Fuck, fuck!”, shouted Daemon, grabbing Aemond’s hand which rested on his own knee, fingers meeting, like he needed his support, like he wanted him to join. You three were connected as he spilled inside, as waves crashed through you, like ships on the uncompromising, violent sea. “Take it all pretty. All my seed. Want you to swell with our child soon. Want to breed you so good you’ll ask again and again.” You wrapped his cock, milking him to the last drop, making sure none would go to waste as you rested on his legs, needing both the men’s physical support not to simply faint on the bed, overwhelmed by the orgasm.
A few minutes passed. Breaths steady, Daemon motioned toward you with his head, a silent message for Aemond to hold you until you could move on your own. The younger Prince moved his hand around your waist, laying you down on the bed above the sheets, resting at your side, slightly above you as he caressed your head. Daemon had stood up, moving inside the tent away from the bed.
“It didn’t hurt love?”, he questioned, looking toward Aemond.
“It w-was just…surprising”, smirked Aemond, shrugging his shoulders.
Daemon laughed, reaching for the table, wetting a cloth.
“I know you can take it”, said Daemon, raising his eyebrow, it was not a question but a fact, “I know you love it too.”
Coming down from your high, eyes partly opened, you smirked looking at Aemond as he smiled back. There was always complicity between the two of you, maybe the link between, two dominated who knew each other all too well.
“Both of you want to make me mad don’t you, little slutty things?”, husked Daemon, hand gesturing toward the both of you, “I wonder who plays with who sometimes.”
“Hm. A little menace… disobedience makes you fuck even better”, whispered Aemond, hand brushing yours in a loving gesture.
“It’s the flame in your eyes”, you murmured, fingers intertwined as Daemon approached again, the wet cloth in hand, “A little threat makes us a bit more aroused, even more submissive.”
“I can see that”, commented Daemon, delicately washing your core off the sweat and wetness, “But I mustn't go too far.”
You shivered at the friction, Daemon’s touches leaving you to help clean Aemond, the men exchanging a quick kiss and caresses. You bit your lips, he wouldn’t hurt you, ever. He liked control, he liked the submissive bond you both had with him, your motherly breast and touch, Aemond’s likeness to a younger him he loved to dominate, to conquer.
Done with you both, Daemon joined you in bed, his broad body next to Aemond’s who rested his head against his shoulder and scars, eye closed, already meeting with sweet dreams. Nobody said anything anymore, it was time for silent love, unsaid words and delicate touches, you climbed on top of Daemon as he brushed the back of your neck, legs resting between his, head facing Aemond’s. You closed your eyes, full of your King, soon his child you hoped, soothed by the noises of the wind dancing outside and the breaths of your lovers.
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Lying to Herself
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Summary: Being an Immortal witch you see and do a lot. This can make relationships rather intimidating. However with a chance meeting all that could change.
Pairing: Agatha Harkness x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut and angst
Word count: 3874
a/n: This is my second time ever writing smut. My first time was on Ao3 and I’ll probably remaster it soon. But since this is only my second time writing smut please read this with a grain of salt. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
Agatha sips on her drink hearing a creak in the bar stool next to her. “I’ll have what she’s having.” The bartender gives a quick nod placing a fresh wine glass onto the table neatly pouring the dark red drink into her glass. The woman next to her takes a sip, “You’ve got good taste.”
Agatha turns in her seat facing the other woman, “And who are you exactly?” The other woman puts out a hand smiling smugly. “Y/n, Y/n Y/n/l.” Agatha gives Y/n an amused smile shaking and kissing the top of her hand. “So what do you do for work Y/n?” Agatha asks leaning an elbow against the bar table.
“I’m a historian.” Agatha raises an eyebrow, “Why not something more-”
“Useful?” Y/n interrupts taking another sip of her drink. Agatha lets out a quick laugh, “I was going to say something more practical.” Y/n shakes her head smiling to herself, “I actually work at a museum about an hour from here. It pays pretty well.”
Agatha leans in closer to Y/n, “Oh really?” Her voice being so sultry and powerful makes Y/n lean in close too. “My apartment is a lot closer though. We could head over there and talk more. And I could get a better look at you outside this bar's dim lighting.”
Agatha’s eyes linger over Y/n looking at her carefully, “I like the sound of that.”
Stopping in front of the door of her apartment door Y/n fumbles through her keys finding the right one as Agatha leans against the door frame. Finding the right key Y/n slips it into the lock as Agatha leans at an angle partially blocking Y/n from opening the door.
Taking it as an opportunity Y/n leans in kissing Agatha. Following suit Agatha finds a grip on Y/n’s hips turning her to have her back pressed against the door. With the soft gentle kisses starting to heat up Agatha pulls away taking a breath, smiling smugly.
“How about you open that door and we continue this inside?” Nodding along Y/n quickly turns around unlocking and opening the door to the apartment. Immediately after entering the apartment, Agatha’s hand traced up to Y/n’s waist pushing her back against the door hard making her let out a soft groan before wrapping her arms around Agatha’s neck.
Peppering kisses all over Y/n from her lips going down to her neck Agatha rides up Y/n’s shirt feeling her bare waist griping at it firmly. She leans in right next to Y/n’s ear her voice breathy, “Take your shirt off.” Not wasting any time Y/n eagerly takes off her shirt.
Agatha hooks a finger into the waistband of Y/n’s pants pulling her just a little bit closer. “How about you show me your bedroom.” Y/n grins, “Gladly.” Making their way to the bedroom Agatha eyes the queen size bed. “You wanna unzip my dress?”
Y/n gives Agatha a quick kiss as confirmation pulling the zipper on the older woman’s back letting the dress fall flat onto the floor. The black lacy bra and underwear hugged Agatha’s body so perfectly that Y/n could barely keep eye contact with the woman.
However, Agatha snaps her back to reality placing a hand on her shoulder pushing her to sit on the edge of the bed before sitting on her lap. Tangling a hand in Y/n’s hair Agatha quickly pulls the hair back making Y/n let out a soft whimper. Agatha looks deeply into Y/n’s eyes using her free hand to gently caress her face.
“You look so cute like this,” Agatha smiles at the blush across Y/n’s face. Keeping her hair pulled back Agatha beings kissing Y/n deeply on the lips. As she tried to pull away to take a breath though she pulled back in with Y/n’s hand on the back of her neck keeping her in position.
After managing to finally pull away Agatha takes a deep breath nearly panting, “Such a needy little thing huh?” Agatha pulled back the girl's hair again one more time forcing out a small gasp this time. “I’ll take that as a yes,” Agatha says with a proud smile. With that Agatha pushes Y/n on her back, her kisses starting to linger from the lips to Y/n’s jaw.
But she takes her time on her neck making sure to leave a few marks to remind Y/n of her while gently rubbing her knee against Y/n’s pussy through her jeans. Agatha flashes her smile, “I made sure to leave you some keepsakes of tonight.”
“Th- thank you,” she can hear Y/n stutter cutely, encouraging her to make her way lower. “Arch your back a little sweetheart.” Agatha’s voice stayed calm but still held a commanding tone which made Y/n follow suit swiftly.
As Y/n arched her back Agatha reached her hand under her unclasping the bra Y/n was wearing tossing it aside before giving her tits the attention they so rightfully deserve. Latching on to one nipple Agatha uses a free hand to play with the other one occasionally flicking her tongue on the hardened nipple eliciting a muffled moan from Y/n.
Agatha moves her mouth from Y/n’s perky tits to her mouth kissing her once more. Pulling away she caresses her face again seeing how flustered she is. “Don’t be afraid to make some noise sweetheart. I want to hear how good I make you feel.”
Seeing Y/n give a quick nod Agatha tsks, “No. I don’t think that’ll do, use your words, honey.” Y/n gulps trying to form the right words so distracted by the heat building up in her core. “Ye- yes. I will. I won’t quiet myself.” Agatha kisses Y/n again smiling, “Good girl.”
Agatha slowly kisses down Y/n’s stomach using one hand to gently rub Y/n’s inner thigh building anticipation. Agath keeps a hand on the button of Y/n’s pants, “I need to taste you. Now. Are you sure you want to keep going?”
“Y-Yes!” Y/n blurts out in a moan, “I need you, Agatha.” Taking the confirmation Agatha begins to unbutton the pants with Y/n helping kicking them off. Agatha admires the wet splotch very obvious in Y/n’s underwear. “Already so wet for me baby girl?”
Y/n cocks her head back as Agatha slowly kisses her inner thighs her hips starting to buckle up in excitement. Agatha finally slides Y/n’s panties off tossing them to the side to admire the soaking wet mess she had helped make.
“Mm, you taste so good.” Lapping up the juices not immediately going straight for the clit. But with Y/n’s hips start to buckle more it forces Agatha to stop. “Do you need help staying still?” Agatha asks sternly, Y/n nods desperately not being able to form any coherent words.
Agatha puts both legs over her shoulder gripping Y/n’s waist firmly holding her down to prevent any movement continuing to lap up all of Y/n juices. As Agatha’s tongue starts to circle her clit Y/n lets out a loud moan tangling her hands in Agatha's curly hair tugging at it making Agatha let out a soft moan herself.
As Agatha’s pace starts to speed up Y/n can feel herself come to a climax, “I’m- I’m gonna cum!” Y/n wines. Agatha pulls away for a moment grinning, “Whenever you’re ready do it. I wanna feel you dripping off my tongue for me.”
Immediately Agatha gets back to work swirling Y/n’s clit in circular motions with her tongue. Letting out a loud moan Y/n’s legs tighten around Agatha’s head as she reaches her climax. “Yes. let it out, sweetheart. You’re such a good girl.” Y/n moans out a few more times at the praises slowly but surely reaching her decline her legs becoming limp.
Agatha moves Y/n’s legs to the side scooting up to lay beside her. Agatha kisses her a few times on the lips and cheek beginning to play with Y/n’s hair. “You did so good sweetheart.” As Y/n catches her breath she presses her head against Agatha’s chest her heart rate starting to slow.
Once Y/n has fully winded down Agatha gets up and starts to look for her dress. “What are you doing?” Y/n asks. Agatha keeps her gaze on the bedroom floor, “I’m looking for my dress, I don’t do sleepovers.” Y/n glances at the clock on her nightstand before looking back at Agatha.
“Agatha, just stay the night. It’s late and dark out. I don’t want you getting hurt.” Agatha begins to put her dress back on, “I can handle myself hon, I’ll be fine.”
“Agatha, please.” Agatha looks back up at Y/n in all her sleepiness and admittedly, beautiful nakedness. She drops the dress back to the floor joining Y/n on the bed. As Y/n pulls some blankets over the two of them she pulls Agatha closer to her tucking Agatha under her chin as they both fall asleep.
Waking up the following day Agatha blinks herself awake turning to see the woman next to her. She’s lying on her stomach, back exposed to the air the blanket low enough to cover her waist down. The morning sunlight seeping in from the windows lighting Y/n beautifully makes Agatha appreciate her so much more.
Overcome by the want to touch Y/n Agatha gently begins tracing shapes onto Y/n’s bare back with her fingertips. The small motions rouse Y/n from her sleep though as she shifts awake. “Moring,” she says giving Agatha a sleepy smile.
Agatha props herself up with her elbow admiring the woman next to her continuing to draw shapes on her back. Y/n nuzzles her face into her pillow slowly getting up, “I’ll get breakfast started.” Agatha cocks her head raising an eyebrow, “Oh, you don’t need to do that honey.”
Y/n simply shrugs making her way to her closet slipping on some shorts and an oversized t-shirt. “No, I insist. Plus I’m a great cook. You can borrow some clothes if need to, so you don’t have to wear a going-out dress so early in the morning.”
As Y/n makes her way to leave the bedroom Agatha stops her, “And how do you suppose I give you the clothes back after I’m done using them?” Y/n smiles suggestively, “I figured we could make this a regular thing, meeting up here or at your place every once in a while,” Y/n fake pouts, “unless this was only a one-time thing?”
Agatha's eyes Y/n up and down again like she did in the bar. She grins, “I wouldn’t mind doing this again.”
From that morning forward the two message each other whenever they need each other's company, only physically though. Admittedly there was some shared I love you’s. But they were never supposed to hold any meaning. They were never supposed to make either of them feel anything besides pleasure. Sometimes things don’t go as planned though.
Agatha pulls out her phone lying in her bed, she clicks Y/n’s contact. I’m feeling lonely, after typing out the message she looks at it for a moment before immediately deleting it. 'I want to see you tonight'. She stares at the message again, feeling satisfied with it she clicks send.
It doesn’t take long for Agatha to feel a quick buzz from her phone. ‘Just got back from work not so long ago, you should come over!’ Reading the message happily Agatha texts back a quick ‘Will do.’
Entering Y/n's apartment Agatha quickly skims the place finally finding Y/n in the bedroom Agatha hadn’t often seen Y/n in her work clothes but the out did something to her.
She wasn’t sure if it was the white button-up itself, or the way the top few buttons were already undone with the shirt still being tucked in. Or maybe it was the black dress pants cinched neatly with a belt.
She’s leaning up slightly in her bed a book in her hands legs sprawled out. "Hey, what's-" Y/n gets cut off by Agatha kissing her on the lips before being straddled by Agatha. "What are you doing?" Agatha asks, her voice sultry as her hands wander the curves of Y/n's hips. "Uh- ahm. Just reading."
"What are you reading?" Agatha asks her hands wandering down to Y/n's belt and the hem of her pants. Y/n quickly puts the book on her nightstand, "Okay what are we doing here?" Agatha giggles, "Darling, I think it's pretty obvious what we're doing here," she says starting to unbuckle the belt Y/n is wearing.
Y/n rests a quick hand on top of Agatha's pausing her before wrapping her own hands on Agatha's waist. "No I mean what are we doing here as in the two of us? You have a key to my apartment but we barely talk or do anything together."
Agatha hands begin to start unbuckling the belt again, "Oh sweetheart, we can talk as much as you want." Y/n's grip on Agatha's waist tightens moving Agatha to the side before cirss crossing her legs. "No, Agatha." Agatha furrows her eyebrows, "You said to I should come over."
Y/n sighs deeply, "I meant to talk. Or just enjoy each other's company without sex for once. I want a real, personal conversation with you." Y/n scoffs, "I want a real relationship." Agatha bites her tongue, "I don't do relationships."
Agatha begins walking out of the bedroom making her way out of the apartment with Y/n following her. "Why not Agatha? Why can't I love you?" Agatha's grip on the doorknob tightens. She doesn't bother looking back at Y/n, she knows if she does what she's about to say will hurt a lot more.
"Well I don't love you Y/n, I can’t love you. And I don't do relationships." With that, she immediately walks out the door feeling Y/n slam it behind her. And for a moment something keeps her there, staring at the door from the outside, something drawing her back in. But when hearing the sobs from Y/n on the other side of the same door she knows the damage is already done.
As Agatha makes her way down the street she feels tears start to well up in her eyes. It’s then she finally realizes she wasn’t just upset because she hurt Y/n. She was upset with herself for hurting Y/n because she loves Y/n.
Falling asleep in her own bed, alone, unlike how she planned Agatha clutches a pillow to her chest missing the warmth of someone else. Someone she could no longer have.
In the following days, Agatha caught herself messaging Y/n again attempting to resolve what she had done, what she had said.
‘Darling, please call me.’
‘Please message me back’
‘How do I make you forgive me?’
‘I miss you’
Agatha would often check her phone hoping for a reply but there was never one. If she was lucky she would see that Y/n read the message which was a lucky occurrence. Soon enough Agatha feels like she should give up but it’s late at night and more the minutes pass the more she is tempted to try and call one last time.
Giving in Agatha clicks the contact, letting the phone ring expecting to be sent to voice mail she gets her last monologue ready but to her surprise Y/n answers. “Y/n?” Agatha sat up in her bed shocked Y/n replied this late at night.
“S- stop calling me. I dont wanna talk to you.” Her voice was winey as she was slurring her words. Concern starts to rush to Agatha’s head, “Y/n? Are drunk? Where are you.” She hears Y/n sniffle over the phone, “Mm not drunk. Just at that bar hanging out.” Agatha’s anxiety heightens, “What bar Y/n?”
“You know what bar.” While Y/n mubbles her reply there’s still some bite to that stings Agatha. Still worried though Agatha throws on a long coat putting on some shoes quickly. “Stay there alright? I don’t want you going home alone.”
Rushing out of her apartment Agatha hails over a taxi the bar being too far from her apartment unlike Y/n’s. While the drive isn’t far it feels like forever for Agatha, her heart starting to race like it was about to burst out of her chest worried about all the things that could happen.
Finally stopping in front of the bar Agatha quickly pays the taxi with cash rushing into the bar to see Y/n pased out on a bar table. Taking a relieved breath Agatha carefully walks over to Y/n brushing some hair out of the girl's face.
“Not drunk huh?” Agatha wraps one of Y/n’s arms over her shoulder beginning to lift her up to make their way out the bar. “Mm not drunk,” Y/n mubbles her eyes nearly closed. Agatha moves one hand to Y/n’s waist keeping her balance steady.
“Whatever you say hon.” Y/n wiggles away for a moment overwhelmed. “No don’t don’t ‘hon’ me,” she sniffles again, “I don’t want what we had again.” Agatha still keeps her firm hold on Y/n buzzing into the apartment building.
“Trust me I don’t either.” Once outside the apartment door, Agatha retrieves the key copy she had carefully unlocking the door while holding onto Y/n. Getting to the bedroom Agatha carefully sets Y/n on the bed they used to share.
As Agatha slips off Y/n’s jacket leaving her in a tanktop and jeans Y/n looks up at Agatha deadpaned, jaw clenched her eyes getting misty.
“You hurt me y’know? A lot.” Agatha bites her tongue remembering what she said that night, “Yeah, I know. I know.” Brushing a few more hairs to the side Agatha leaves Y/n alone for a moment retrieving a cup of water and aspirin knowing she’ll need it in the morning.
Coming back into the bedroom Agatha leaves the items on Y/n’s nightstand seeing her already passed out lying on her back. “Come on,” Agatha whispers pulling on Y/n’s shoulder. “You need to lay on your side in case you throw up.”
Y/n begrudgingly complies as Agatha tucks some pillows behind the girl's back to ensure she sleeps safely. Leaving the Apartment she locks the door behind her, she wants to stay of course. She wanted to hold Y/n like she used to. But not like this.
It had been about two weeks since Agatha had walked Y/n home, after that night she stopped messaging Y/n. Not because she didn’t want to, she did want to message Y/n but she knew she needed space. But her own want, to even just hear her voice overcame her.
‘Can we please talk sometime?’
After sending the message Agatha did anything and everything to get her mind off the text she sent. But when she heard the loud ping from her phone it was like time stopped as she read it.
‘Fine, I have a break in about an hour. You can meet me at the museum.’
Remembering back to the first time they talked Agatha leaves as fast as she can knowing an hour should be just enough time to get her there and not be late. Finally getting a taxi Agatha thinks to herself about how she finally has a chance to apologize for everything, to admit everything she had been keeping from Y/n.
About ten minutes from the museum Agatha could see the rain start to pour outside the car window fairly the opposite kind of mood she was going for but it didn’t matter. She’s close to possibly having another chance and that’s what matters to her.
Paying for the taxi Agatha waits outside the museum at the bottom of the steps. With practically no one in sight due to the weather, it was somewhat peaceful having the sounds of rain mixed with the busy streets.
“Hey!” She hears someone holler at her. Turning to look up at the top of the steps she sees Y/n black umbrella in hand. She walked up a few steps not getting too close to Y/n, she didn’t want to push too hard. “You’re soaked Agatha, you didn’t bother to look at the weather first.”
Agatha shakes her head shivering, “I wasn’t worried about the weather.” Agatha could see Y/n bite at the inside of her cheek. “Why are you here Agatha?” Y/n’s tone was blunt and serious, she was hurting so Agatha couldn’t blame her for it.
“I just want a chance to talk Y/n. About how sorry I am, about how much I know I screwed up, about how much I hurt you.” Y/n moves down the steps getting closer to Agatha, the small umbrella partially covering Agatha now.
“You said don’t love me, Agatha, you said you couldn’t love me. Do you really know how that made me feel? It made me feel unloveable.” Y/n’s tone was painful enough to make Agatha hurt at that moment.
“I lied alright? I lied about saying I don’t love you.” Agatha's voice was soft but her words brought no comfort to Y/n it just made her angry.
“Okay so?! Why would you lie about something like that?” Agatha runs a hand through her wet curly hair trying to build up the courage of what she had wanted to say for so long. “Because I was afraid Y/n, afraid of loving. And I was afraid if we had a relationship I’d hurt you more than how I did that night.”
Y/n inches closer to the woman, “Why couldn’t you just tell me that Agatha? I could have helped you. We could have talked about this together.”
“I know, and I’m sorry for lying to you Y/n. But if you just give me another chance I’ll show you how good I can be. I’ll tell you everything, about my life, about how I feel about you, I won’t lie anymore.”
Unknowingly Agatha had been inching closer and closer to Y/n, “Can you really promise me that?” Agatha moves only a little bit closer to Y/n their lips only a whisper apart now, “Yeah, I can promise that.”
“I wanna kiss you, Y/n.” Y/n leans in her lips practically grazing her lips with Agatha’s, “It’s a good thing I want you to kiss me then.” Instantly Agatha pulls Y/n in by waist kissing passionately. Caught up in the moment Y/n drops her umbrella wrapping her arms around Agatha’s neck.
The two kiss in the rain taking a chance on real love.
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ellenya · 2 days
One day, one rhyme- Day 3874
Cold blooded reptile with long tail
Has the best headwear not for sale,
Would suit a sorcerer with cat:
A lizard in a wizard hat.
7 notes · View notes
peacherweasel · 2 months
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Elite Scavenger - ID 3874 -- Someone I found on an Artificer Expedition, had to spawn them in arena.
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kabutoraiger · 4 months
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"is yokai prince junior actually noted jdrama actor endo kenichi's best role?" - the longest thread in the history of forums, locked after 3874 pages of heated debate
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martassimsbookcc · 2 years
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• .package • Base game compatible • Collection file included • • 𝔻𝕆𝕎ℕ𝕃𝕆𝔸𝔻 • Ad-free as always at my website! 🤍𝕂𝕠-𝕗𝕚 𝕥𝕚𝕡𝕤 𝕛𝕒𝕣  | ℙ𝕒𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕠𝕟🤍
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【 ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕤 】 Mesh and textures: @ts4novvvas​ | Original Sims 4 post: ⚪
• Polycount, buy category, price § and more useful information ↓ •
* Bedframe: 208 verts | 124 faces >> Found under Beds | 750§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Blanket: 5182 verts | 9381 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 120§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Book Open: 1425 verts | 1829 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 60§ >>> Not recolorable - 1 preset
* Books: 9316 verts | 8647 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 150§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Boucle Armchair: 3418 verts | 5587 faces >> Found under Living chairs | 480§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channels
* Candle: 1680 verts | 2727 faces >> Found under Table lamps | 80§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Ceiling Lamp Long: 29119 verts | 16569 faces >> Found under Ceiling lights | 220§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Ceiling Lamp Short: 29119 verts | 16569 faces >> Found under Ceiling lights | 220§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Dry Palm Leaf: 8380 verts | 9015 faces >> Found under Plants | 105§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Headboard: 1152 verts | 752 faces >> Found under Beds | 290§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel >>>> 10 slots for Small/Medium/Large objects
* Mattress Deco: 6088 verts | 8365 faces >> Found under Beds | 580§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Mirror: 3874 verts | 2075 faces >> Found under Mirrors | 290§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Olive Tree: 23220 verts | 13872 faces >> Found under Plants | 390§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Pillows 1: 6386 verts | 11557 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 60§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Pillows 2: 5820 verts | 9351 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 60§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Plaster Art 1: 691 verts | 605 faces >> Found under Paintings and posters | 150§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel >>>> Can be moved up/down on wall
* Plaster Art 2: 165 verts | 101 faces >> Found under Paintings and posters | 120§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel >>>> Can be moved up/down on wall
* Plaster Art Leaning: 1125 verts | 991 faces >> Found under Sculptures | 160§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Rug: 20 verts | 10 faces >> Found under Rugs | 500§ >>> Not recolorable - 15 presets
* Schefflera: 12469 verts | 16279 faces >> Found under Plants | 390§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Sideboard: 10189 verts | 4920 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous surfaces | 480§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel >>>> 45 slots for Small/Medium/Large objects
* Vase: 29800 verts | 21500 faces >> Found under Plants | 105§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Wall Decor: 31968 verts | 18788 faces >> Found under Miscellaneous decor | 130§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel >>>> Can be moved up/down on wall
* Wardrobe: 1890 verts | 2252 faces >> Found under Dressers | 670§ >>> Recolorable - 2 channel
* B U I L D   M O D E
* Plaster Wall: >> Found under Rock and stone walls | 4§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Wooden Wall: >> Found under Paneling walls | 5§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Parquet: >> Found under Wood floors | 9§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
* Door: 2040 verts | 3500 faces >> Found under Doors | 200§ >>> Recolorable - 1 channel
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