#33 1/3 Revolutions Per Monkee
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davidtennantpussydimension · 29 days ago
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get his ass
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monkee-mobile · 3 months ago
A thing… i just made for no reason
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radarsteddybear · 8 months ago
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savebatsfromscratch · 4 months ago
Whump... I'm having thoughts...
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I don't know what thoughts they are but I'm having them.
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savebatsartedition · 4 months ago
Some doodles with some songs. :)
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"So tell me Mr. TV Man just where you make your moral stand?"
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"I'm gonna buy me a dog! (A dog? A dog.)"
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"Me and all I did you you, I'm sorry now, what can I do?"
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fleetn-crab85 · 4 months ago
Hello and welcome to a episode of...
Crab Over Analyzes "Naked Persimmon" from "33 and 1/3 Revolutions Per Monkee!"
Where, like the title says, I'm going to go through Mike's fantasy because there's a lot I want to unpack.
Now for context, at the 13-ish minute mark in 33 & 1/3, the mind control guy says (and I quote):
“Hm, interesting fantasies they have. Fixation, Withdrawal, Schizophrenia, Regression.”
Let's get this started because it's going to be long:
In the mind control guy's list he puts Mike at being “Schizophrenia". My first thought is, why? What about Mike’s fantasy screams “schizophrenia”? Is it because there’s two distinct versions of himself? Is it because he's singing two different styles of songs? Is it another reason?
The scene begins with a high energy, pretty standard Monkee sounding tune (and by Monkee sounding tune I mean it sounds like the Beatles). We see that the woman from before is shooting at a wanted poster with Mike’s face on it (Figure One). It seems he is wanted for 25,000 dollars for the crime of fraud. The poster is also split in two, one side that’s faded in black and white while the other is saturated with color. (Forgive me for the screenshot qualities I'm not working with much here)
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Figure One, The Wanted Poster
We also see, perched on top of the image of himself, Mike clad in his nudie suit! (Figure Two) He also jumps when the woman shoots at him like she narrowly missed his head. While cowboy Mike is dealing with that, another Mike climbs up next to him. He’s dressed in more "modern" clothing, something right out of the first episode of the Monkees TV show (Figure Three).
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Figures Two and Three, Cowboy and Monkee Mike
The Monkee Mike begins to kind of speak-sing,
Now it’s quite a while ago that I had a strange intuition Something was wrong with my gold record situation
Then, the Cowboy Mike cuts in,
Why do they say with so much adoration?
Then the other Mike angrily responds,
Well I can’t see that it makes it right!
Then out of nowhere Cowboy Mike starts strumming his guitar and changes the style of the song entirely. It’s slower with an audible old-sounding piano.
So for a while, I’ll just play my guitar And I’ll play a couple of tunes And I know that it may not get me too far But it’s the only thing I believe that’s true
During this part, Cowboy Mike encourages the audience, or rather the other Mike, to “sing along!”. Monkee Mike begrudgingly accepts and starts harmonizing with the Cowboy (Figure Four).
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Figure Four, The Mikes Singing Together
Then Monkee Mike looks around, as if he knows someone is watching, and starts strumming his guitar to the same style as before,
Well the devil incarnate was runnin’ music supervision Put me in a state of catalytic euphemism
But Cowboy Mike butts again,
Someone’s preaching about the wonder world of communism
Then the other Mike continues, a little more defeated than last time,
But me I don’t understand it all-
And back to Cowboy Mike taking the song back over!
So for a while, I’ll just play my guitar And I’ll sing a couple of tunes And I know that it may not get me too far But it’s the only thing I believe that’s true
Monkee Mike, of course, doesn’t let this go much longer and takes the song back,
Well tell me Mr. TV Man, where do you make your moral stand? Which way, say, do you take your pay? Do you walk straight up? Or do you face the other way?
Then he holds out a long “woah” before screaming something into Cowboy Mike’s face. I’m not entirely sure what it is because the audio on the video isn’t that great (and I should also say the lyrics may also be wrong I'm working with very little here). Cowboy Mike then takes the song back to the slower tempo, but Monkee Mike doesn’t try to really fight it this time,
For a while, I’ll play my guitar And I’ll sing a couple of tunes And I know that it may not get me too far But it’s the only thing I believe that’s true
After they finish the last line, Monkee Mike gets shot (probably the woman) offscreen and falls over, presumably dead (Figure Five). Then Cowboy Mike hesitantly repeats the last line and is then promptly shot as well.
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Figure Five, Monkee Mike is Shot
Now what does this have to do with schizophrenia? Well, I believe this is just the movie’s way of saying Mike is split into two-ish personalities.
(I also may be wrong about this, but I believe 33 & 1/3 is trying to say something about dissociative identity disorder, not schizophrenia, but I genuinely can’t tell)
The Cowboy Mike represents his desire to be his own person separate from the Monkees. In this persona, he’s his own musician. He's fully embraced his Texas roots and happily sings songs about playing the guitar. However, I still believe this Mike is some sort of facade since the nudie suit and song are so over-the-top country it’s comical. I would even say the Cowboy Mike's part of the song farcical. Mike is still forced to put on an act even when he’s trying to be true to himself due to that inherent desire to perform.
The Monkee Mike, on the other hand, is obviously tied down to his life as a Monkee, even when his true self tries to shine through. This Mike also isn’t afraid to ask questions and combat topics that the Cowboy Mike may want to but can't due to his "non-celebrity status" (I personally am interpreting Cowboy Mike to be an vision of Mike that never became famous but he still sings). Monkee Mike is an idealization of what Mike wants to do with his status as a Monkee but can't due to continually being "cut off" by producers, directors, or even his own fears.
The Monkee Mike also being shot first represents, to me, the death of the Monkees after their heyday. His celebrity status as a Monkee will be the first to go, then his other fabricated self. After that, there’s not much Mike left. He’s a fraud either way. The “only thing [he] believe[s is] true” is his music, not himself.
If you made it this far, Thank you for reading this! I'd love to hear your thoughts and/or comments about it in the tags, replies, or whatever!
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dandylion420 · 2 years ago
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Happy slightly late anniversary, 33 1/3 Revolutions <3
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chaoticdesertdweller · 11 months ago
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mrsarcadian · 2 years ago
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jokerlennon · 9 months ago
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monkee-mobile · 2 years ago
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My contribution to the age old argument of “but the Monkees don’t play their own instruments!!” yadda yadda, and the little Head-fueled speculation of whether or not all of it is real at the end of 33 1/3.
I saw the meme, and immediately Peter came into my head.
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theriverpointace · 6 days ago
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feeling chill and normal things about mike nesmith tonite ✌🏻
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radarsteddybear · 8 months ago
I left out "Listen to the Band" because, given that it shows up on just about every single "greatest hits" Monkees albums, I think it would be the clear winner here.
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genericruleroftheflies · 1 year ago
Say what you want about 33 1/3 Revolutions per Monkee I LOVE the part where an announcer is introducing them on stage and the the camera pans over to the band being let out of a cage.
Like yo that’s epic. I wish that was in Head somewhere.
Also that whole 50s number is great!
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qupritsuvwix · 2 months ago
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doublydaring · 6 months ago
Do you have anymore monkees killjoy lure??
-Shorty is beloved by all the sleazy bartenders and restaurant managers in every zone because his parents were a lounge singer piano player duo and brought baby shorty to all their gigs
-Carlisle is such a good shot because he was in scarecrow training program, think marines, he kept his head down and was very disciplined. He was a good marksman but really struggled in other areas, couldn't put on weight, absolutely abysmal lung capacity, and a total loner. Hated his superiors and hated his peers. Needed to get out of there.
-Love has the opposite experience, gets marked as a troublemaker the second he entered school and was in juvie programs soon after, he's an absolute nightmare for BLI and he spends a lot of his teen years semi-sedated to keep him docile. Witnesses a lot of violence in juvie, and is responsible for a lot himself. This puts him off it for life.
-Dee is basically a walking jukebox, when they first find him he has a very limited catalogue of BLI schlock with corny little routines to go along but they figure out pretty soon how to program their own tunes into him and teach him a few more dance moves before he loosens up and starts doing his own choreo.
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