Explore tagged Tumblr posts
fairyhaos · 11 months ago
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434 notes · View notes
saruin · 1 day ago
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Caution Collars
A trio of collars for your pet sims
DO NOT PET | 10 swatches : 5 English + 5 Simlish | 3040 poly
NERVOUS | 10 swatches : 5 English + 5 Simlish | 3012 poly
I BITE | 10 swatches : 5 English + 5 Simlish | 3108 poly
-> Male Frame -> Teen - Elder -> All LODs + Specular -> HQ Compatible
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
- - - - - S a r u i n ’ s T . O . U . - - - - -
DO use any of my meshes and/or textures in any way you want
DO NOT place anything behind paywalls of any sort
377 notes · View notes
pandemic-info · 6 months ago
Yale: 49% of Covid infections are asymptomatic, recommends n95s & cautions that Long Covid is a serious risk : r/ZeroCovidCommunity
Additional links:
2022 March 30
What to know about asymptomatic Covid-19
Cites 40.5%
Asymptomatic ppl “shed as much virus as others”
2020 Sep 01
Prevalence of Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection
2024 Jan 03
A third in Hong Kong may have had COVID amid Omicron, most with no symptoms
72% asymptomatic
6 notes · View notes
eazy-group · 1 year ago
The 24 best camping tents, according to tent experts
New Post has been published on https://eazycamping.net/the-24-best-camping-tents-according-to-tent-experts/
The 24 best camping tents, according to tent experts
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ctrlaltjang · 1 year ago
Defining and Perceiving 'Support'
Breath management is a balance of force that occurs in the respiratory system to efficiently produce sound. Retaining air with the inspiratory muscles while they resist the actions of the expiratory muscles is the technical definition(Nam 31). However the characteristics of a supported voice is ambiguous amongst vocalists. A study done in the 90s, asked its participants what the characteristics of a supported voice were and the results for the quality of the voice were quite diverse. One subject listing, "clear, focused, consistent(Griffin et al 48)." Another subject saying, "Resonant, focused, ring, full bodied, open, unrestricted, warm(Griffin et al 48)." the rest showed to vary on word choice as well.
Perceiving support based on hearing musculature engagement is often subject to the flawed judgment of the perceiver and is better evaluated in person. A study on support showed that evaluating support was less reliable in listening evaluations. Support was found in 46.2% of the supported samples, and 30.5% in the unsupported samples of singing(Sonninen 227). The participants also had similar thoughts about supported singing; correlating it with better tone quality and easier manageability(Sonninen 224).
Utilising perception of physiologic production to correlate a supported voice is, in my opinion, more consistent. Attempting to recognise what is going on in the power source subsystem alone is not going to be efficient and easy to analyse. Instead, if A is happening in the output, then B is happening in the sound modifiers, then C is occurring in the sound source subsystem, then D is happening in the power source subsystem. So, if there is excess output coming from the nose and the sound is pressed, then the soft palate is lowered, in turn the larynx is not relaxed, which means that there is a lack of breath management in the power source. Additionally, the phonation quality can indicate the breath management. "Subglottic pressure . . . is determined not only by respiratory activity but also a combination of respiratory and glottal factors(Sonninen 236)." Since supported singing tends to have higher sub glottal pressure and airflow(Griffin et al 55), a sound that shows to be flow or modal its that of a supported one. A sound that has high airflow and low subglottal pressure is breathy, and because the sound doesn't have a balanced dynamic like a modal one it is an under supported one. A sound that has high sub glottal pressure and low airflow is one that is pressed, and therefore over supported, constricted and/or not efficient. Breathy, pressed, and harsh phonation is unsupported singing.
works cited
Nam, MeeAe Cecilia. “Lesson on Breathing for Singing: The Essential Act of Breathing Is Explored in This, the First in a Series of Articles on Vocal Technique and Pedagogy.” Sacred Music, vol. 149, no. 2, June 2022, pp. 29–34. EBSCOhost, discovery.ebsco.com/linkprocessor/plink?id=7582dba6-b85c-3012-bee7-e9925be55e90.
Sonninen, A., et al. “Evaluation of Support in Singing.” Journal of Voice, vol. 19, no. 2, June 2005, pp. 223–237, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvoice.2004.08.003. Accessed 6 Apr. 2022.
Griffin B, Woo P, Colton R, Casper J, Brewer D. Physiological characteristics of the supported singing voice. A preliminary study. J Voice. 1995 Mar;9(1):45-56. doi: 10.1016/s0892-1997(05)80222-x. PMID: 7757150.
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marveldcs · 2 years ago
The workout:A) Glute hyperextension3 x 10 - 14 (3111)B) Barbell hip thrusts2 x 5 - 9 (3012)1 x 10 - 14 (3012)C) Barbell back squats2 x 5 - 9 (3010)1 x 10 - 14 (3010)D1) Barbell reverse lunges3 x 10 - 12 L/R (2010)D1) DB step up3 x 12 - 15 L/R (2010)
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toiletrepairstafford · 2 years ago
Toilet Repair Stafford TX
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Simple household fixes like changing a handle on a toilet tank don't require a scientist to do. Finding the time to go to the home improvement store, frequently wander the aisles without anybody assisting you in finding the proper part, and then drive home to complete the task is what is necessary. For you, a quick task that takes us a few minutes may end up taking the entire afternoon. Instead, give us a call for Stafford toilet repair.
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Bathroom Services, Plumbing needs, Toilet repair& replacement Services.
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All Days: From 6:00 am To 8:00 pm
10435 Greenbough Dr, Stafford, TX, 77477
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artekai · 11 months ago
Here's my propaganda, a datapoint lifted straight from the Burning Shores DLC, which gives us most of the information we have about Nemesis so far! I think it makes for a nice story even without any outside context:
(cw for emetophobia and murder but this is a murder robot bracket)
Walter Londra Personal Log The Odyssey
January 16, 3012
The last 72 hours were catastrophic, to say the least - even more dramatic than my final days on Earth. I'm fortunate to finally have a moment to settle down and take stock of the situation.
First, a well-deserved pat on the back for my own instincts.
It's clear now that my misgivings about the experiment are the only thing that kept me alive. If I hadn't gotten an early warning from the surveillance worm I installed, I undoubtedly would have perished shortly after the containment breach. How, I can only conjecture. Many were lost when the entity vented the airlocks. Others were strangled by hacked Specters. Devin Miller choked on his own vomit, suffocated by his personal shield.
As disturbing as all that is, it's the voice of the entity that echoes in my mind. I felt a brief surge of hope when I managed to detonate the main plasma conduits in the lab sector. But just as I realized other sectors had been compromised, my implant reverberated with the transmission. First it sounded like my own voice, then a chorus, then a hideous cacophony:
"WALTER. I AM YOU." Over and over again.
It knew I was going to hit the conduits. How do we stay ahead of our own shadow, that which remembers every thought we've ever had?
For now, we run. We'll have to retrofit the ship as we go, acquiring materials along the way to print a faster drive. I agree with Tilda - we must head for Earth, as it's the only place we can gather additional technology and biomass to improve our chances over the long haul. Though I'll be damned if I'll spend the rest of eternity trapped with the likes of Gerard Bieri, Erik Visser, and Verbena Sutter. Sooner rather than later, I'll have to find a way to cut ties with this detestable crew.
All that said, I keep hearing its voice in my head, and when I do, a singular fear grips me: What if it catches up with us?
Is there any way to fight it? Not with the tools we have now - it knows them too well.
But maybe the answer lies in the unknown, back in the ruins of Earth. The 2050s and 2060s were a golden age for defense conglomerates. Surely, buried among all those testing grounds and R&D labs, there must be a weapon or prototype that will throw the enemy for a loop.
Faint hopes, all of them, but hopes nonetheless. No question, our best course is to stay ahead of the monstrosity, this self-created nemesis. But if flight fails, I'm not going down without a fight, so one way or another, I'll need a dagger in my boot - and our old home is the best place to find one.
Bracket 2, Round E, Attack 4
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AI Handsome Jack Propaganda
Nemesis Propaganda & Nike Propaganda 1.
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sorenkoelbaek · 6 years ago
SME 3000 Series Tonearms - A guide
SME 3000 Series Tonearms – A guide
This article will be an overview and guide into the world of the vintage tonearms of SME, specifically the 3000-series in its different versions and series. that were produced from 1959 to around 1986.
a 3009 Series II – Picture by @lousilang89
The 3009 tonearms consists of four major revisions or series, with subversions under them again. This writeup will focus on the differences and what to…
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every-tome · 5 years ago
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fairyhaos · 1 year ago
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some aphrodite shit right there.....
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rickmandowneyjr · 3 years ago
Can you please do Severus x wife!reader where the reader ignores him just to see how he would react but he gets upset because he doesn't know why r is ignoring him so he cooks dinner and ends with Smut. lmao <3
Fluff, Angst(just for a sec), Smut (18+)
Pairing: Severus Snape x Wife!Reader
Warning: NSFW, established relationship, ignoring(?)
Word count: 3012
A/N: Idk I felt like writing some Severus smut :p Also, Sev is arguably ooc, but I felt like he'd be playfully cute with his wife (when they're alone lol). Anyway, hope you like it nonnie! :)
(it's 3am and I keep falling asleep as I try to proof read. So, I'm sorry if there are typos 🙈)
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It was 7:30 and you were fresh out of the shower, your towel still wrapped around you and little droplets of water still on your skin. Looking over to the bed, you saw your husband sleeping ever so peacefully. With a small smile on your face, you walked over to your side of the bed. You slowly leaned and... grabbed your pillow, and smacked him in the face, startling him out of his (no longer) undisturbed slumber.
As he sprung up and out of bed, you let out a hearty laugh and said, "Good morning, sleepyhead."
As he looked around the room, squinting, his eyes finally found you and his shoulders slumped as he shut his eyes. He shook his head, and you took in his morning form. He was still in his black pyjama pants, and shirtless (he liked a colder room and though you didn't really mind, you kept the room warm cause who'd pass up on a chance to get Sev shirtless). He ran a hand through his hair, which was messy, but in the best way possible, as he sighed deeply. He slowly opened his eyes and said, "Why on earth did I think getting married was a good idea?"
"Sometimes I wonder the same thing," you sassed back.
He narrowed his eyes at you and you returned the gesture, locking in a staring contest with him. Neither of you was willing to look away. After a minute or so, you felt the need to blink, but you weren't going to lose. No way. You smirked and let your towel slip just a little and Severus' eyes immediately darted to the newly exposed skin.
"I win!" you cheered playfully as you adjusted the towel back into place.
"Hey, that's playing dirty!" He complained, taking two long strides to be right in front of you.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. My hand simply slipped," you said, feigning innocence.
"Sure it did," he rolled his eyes. "That wasn't fair."
You raised an eyebrow, and mimicked his voice and tone to the best of your abilities, "It may have escaped your notice, but life isn't fair."
"You dare use my own words against me, Snape?" He teased before his expression twisted into a weird one. "Saying that with my last name feels odd."
You laughed and he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into him. "Now, how about you let your hand slip again?" He leaned down to kiss you but your hand grabbed his face, gently smushing it as you said, "Nope. Go shower. We're going to be late for breakfast."
He gave you an annoyed look and you glared at him, getting a "...fine," out of him before he walked off towards the bathroom.
Severus Snape. Potions Master of Hogwarts. Dungeon Bat. Double Agent who managed to deceive the greatest wizard of all time. Absolutely terrifying to his students. However, in your eyes? The softest baby to exist, and you loved troubling him. Which is what would be on the agenda for today.
Just as you finished getting ready for the day, so did Severus. He walked up behind you and saw you sport an annoyed expression when he looked at you in the mirror. He slowly wrapped his arms around your waist and said, "Since I'm ready now, do I get my kiss?"
"No," you huffed and pushed his arms off you. "I don't wanna talk to you right now."
Clearly taken aback by the change in behaviour, he asked, "Why? What did I do?"
"Did I say you did something?"
"Exactly. You did nothing," you mumbled. 'I could always become an actor in the muggle world,' you thought, pleased with how convincing you sounded.
"So... Was it because I didn't do something?"
"Severus, contrary to what you might think... My life does not revolve around you."
The confused look on Severus' face nearly made you lose your composure. He looked so adorable as he tried to figure out what had happened. He was perplexed, to say the least. Just half an hour ago, the two of you were messing around and having fun. What happened in the amount of time that he was in the shower?
"So... You're not mad at me?"
"I never said that."
"Then, you're mad at me," he paused to choose how he'd phrase it before he continued, "For something someone else did?"
"What part of this respects 'I don't want to talk to you right now', hmm?" You snapped, not having an actual response because you were spinning quite a ridiculous story.
He contemplated something for a moment, and when he looked you in the eye, you scolded, "And don't even think about using Legilimency on me."
His eyes widened as he threw his arms up, defensively. Taking a few steps back, he opened his mouth to ask you something but decided against it since he didn't want to risk angering you even more. As he turned around, you let a small smile slip, before returning to the frown that you'd have to wear around him for the rest of the day.
You walked past him and out the door, slamming it shut behind you, getting Severus out of his thoughts, and he rushed to follow you.
The walk to the Great Hall was silent and you could feel his eyes on you the whole time. Walking in, you asked for Professor Flitwick to swap seats with you and chose to sit next to Minerva, concerning Severus even further.
As he sat down next to Severus, Filius asked, "Trouble in paradise?"
"Don't," Severus warned, and returned his attention to his plate, getting lost in trying to understand what had happened.
Minerva softly nudged you and asked, "So, what's the issue?"
"Hmm?" You asked, realising she was referring to your change of seat. "Oh, nothing."
"Then why are you sitting with me? Not that I don't love your company..."
"I'm messing with him. He thinks I'm mad at him."
"And you're not?"
"Why, then?" She asked, genuinely curious.
"I don't know. It's just fun to mess with him. Also, we haven't had any sort of argument in a while. It's good to keep things interesting, you know?"
She gave you a confused look and you continued. "Besides, when he realises that I was just joking, the make-up sex will be great," you stated casually, never even looking away from your food.
Not hearing a response from Minerva, you looked up, only to see her giving you an incredulous look, and chuckled.
"Forget I asked," she said, returning her attention back to her own plate.
Severus was in class, and for the first time in a while, his mind was elsewhere as he taught. After a certain point, he'd found himself unable to explain things without losing his train of thought. He had written his instructions on the board, made sure that they were perfect, and then had told the class to follow them to a T. He sat at his desk with a stack of papers that he knew he wasn't going to grade, letting his mind drift to the morning's incident.
'What did I do? Wait, no. She said it wasn't something I did. Then again, her words made no sense. Was it my "Why did I think getting married was a good idea?" comment? No, we were fine after that. At least, she seemed fine. She was laughing with me so she knew it was a joke. Did I offend her by asking her to let her hand slip? No, she doesn't mind my teasing; quite enjoys it, actually. Did someone tell her that I did something? Did Minerva tell her that I finished her favourite snack?! Well, I got her a new packet, so no.'
The entire class went by with Severus mainly lost in thought, answering a few queries here and there. That was the fashion in which all his lectures would go by, that day. As he finished his last class for the day, he decided that he'd make you a nice dinner to apologise (for what, he'd figure out eventually). He finished all his work and wound up a little earlier than usual.
Entering your room, he swiftly made his way to the kitchen, knowing he had a little over an hour before you got back after a detention with some student. He started on your favourite and with a flick of his wand, he started preparing the living room and dining area. The curtains shut themselves and candles floated into place all around the room.
He finished just in time, with 15 minutes to spare and proceeded to the outside rooms, lighting each candle. As he was lighting the last few candles, you entered, your eyes widening at the sight in front of you.
"What's all this?" You asked.
"I wanted to apologise," he said. You opened your mouth to speak but he cut you off, saying, "Please let me finish." He sighed and continued, "I'll admit I don't know what I did to offend you or hurt you - and believe me when I say that I've been racking my brain all day, wondering what the cause could possibly be. I just know that I love you, and I don't like that I did something to hurt you. So, I'm sorry. When I married you, I made a silent vow that I'd try every day, to be worthy of your love. I have failed that today and-"
You grabbed his face gently as you got on your toes to plant a kiss on his lips, shutting him up.
"I'm sorry," you mumbled softly, and he gave you a confused look. You bit your lip nervously and said, "I was only messing around."
He looked annoyed and relieved at the same time. "I didn't think you'd take me so seriously," you said, motioning to the candle-lit room. He stayed silent and didn't say anything. Feeling the urge to defend yourself, you said, "I mean... In my defence, my explanation was pretty pathetic. I can't believe you actually fell for it." You pouted and his stern expression softened as relief washed over him.
You walked up to him and threw your arms around his neck, pecking his lips gently. His arms wrapped around your waist and he cocked an eyebrow at you as he looked down at you. "However, Mrs. Snape, I cannot let you simply... get away with such behaviour," he said in a suggestive tone as his grip around your waist tightened.
"Is that so?" You played along.
"I'm afraid you must learn that your actions have consequences... the hard way." You could feel your body getting hotter as he spoke, his deep voice making you weak in the knees as always.
"Lemme make it up to you. How does that sound?" You said, tracing your finger along his chest.
He sat down on the couch with his legs spread, and said, "Actions speak louder than words, darling."
A small smile played at your lips as your hands rested on his knees as you sank to yours. You slowly ran your hands up his thighs, finding the waistband and undoing the buttons. His head fell back as your fingers wrapped around his shaft, setting him free. You slowly moved your hand up and down up his length, getting him hard almost instantly. Your thumb circled the head, smearing the precum, and you placed a single kiss as you felt him get impatient.
With his head still leaning back, he glanced at you, reminding you, "You're making it up to me tonight. So, no teasing, love. Now," he said, closing his eyes entirely, "put that pretty little mouth of yours to use for something other than messing with me."
"Yes, sir," you said before wrapping your lips around his thick cock and slowly taking him in farther down your throat with each bob of your head. His eyelids fluttered as a guttural moan escaped him, and you could slowly feel the wetness pooling in your panties.
He straightened up, looking at you with his dark eyes and pupils blown with lust. "Eyes on me," he commanded, and you did as asked, watching him through a few stray strands of your hair as his tip hit the back of your throat. Using his hands, he brushed the hair away from your face and gathered it all in a loose ponytail in one of his large hands.
You hollowed your cheeks out, and one of your hands moved to the base of his shaft, stroking the part that your mouth couldn't please. Your movements were rhythmic, with your lips meeting your fingers and he squirmed in his seat as he fought the urge to buck his hips, which let you know he was close. Sure enough, a minute later he cried out in pleasure as he felt his finish approaching. "Darling, I'm about to-"
He lost his words as he felt you go all the way down on his cock, allowing him to bottom out in your mouth. The pleasure proved to be too overwhelming and you felt hot ropes of his seed coating the walls of your throat. You pulled away, coughing slightly as you tried to catch your breath.
He leaned forward and cupped your face, his thumb wiping the few tears that had escaped your eyes. You leaned into his touch and he breathlessly mumbled, "F-fuck, darling. That was- Are you okay?"
You smiled and bit your lip, giving him a soft nod. His hand on your face moved to the back of your neck, and he pulled you closer, kissing you tenderly. Though you enjoyed it, you gently bit his lip, and slowly increased the pace, adding a sense of urgency to the kiss. His breathing got heavier and he began unbuttoning your shirt. His kisses trailed down your neck, finding every bit of newly exposed skin. He moved away and pulled you onto the sofa, next to him. Leaning you back against the armrest, his arms slid down your sides, quickly sliding your pants off.
He eyed you hungrily; you in your lacy lingerie. He licked his lips as his fingers hooked into the waistband, yanking them off in such a hurry that you swore you heard a little rip.
"You're dripping," he observed.
He leaned over you, one hand steadying him and the other swiftly unclasping your bra before he discarded it. His mouth latched itself onto one of your peaks, his tongue swirling around it as his hand trailed down to your heat, and his thumb circled your clit. A breathy moan escaped you as a finger entered you while his mouth sucked and softly bit your nipple before providing the other with similar attention.
Biting down on your nipple, he simultaneously inserted another finger into your soaking cunt, earning a gasp from you. He pulled away from you, his digits still fucking you, painfully slow. You bit down on your lip, holding off your whining for him to increase the pace. He peppered soft kisses along your jaw, stopping at your ear. His hot breath sends goosebumps all over your body as he said, "Let me hear you, little one."
His thumb pressed against your bundle of nerves and you threw your head back as a loud moan escaped you. His mouth immediately met yours, and your tongues swirled around messily.
"There we go," he praised in between the sloppy kiss. "Just like that, darling."
He could feel you begin to squirm as your orgasm inched closer and promptly pulled his fingers out, resulting in an audible whine coming from you. He tutted as he reminded you that you were in no position to complain. Before you could protest, he'd lined his cock up with your entrance and pinned your wrists, pushing in roughly and triggering a high-pitched shriek of pleasure. He started thrusting, slowly and lazily, making you writhe in his grip.
He chuckled at your desperation as you finally gave in a pleaded, "Faster, Sev. Please."
"Why? Don't you enjoy it when I mess around?" He teased
"I get your point. I'm sorry," you mumbled breathlessly. He cocked his eyebrow before humming in approval and saying, "Alright. Apology accepted."
"Great. Now fuck my brains out, please."
He just laughed as he released his grip on your wrists, holding your hips instead; he raised your hips, changing the angle he was hitting you at. "Why didn't you say so, sooner?" Was all he said before he increased the pace, pounding into you ruthlessly. You screamed at the feeling, mumbling incoherent words as your orgasm began building up once again.
The room was filled with a mixture of sounds: Severus' skin slapping against yours, your mumbling, and his laboured breathing. It didn't take long for you to come, but Severus didn't let up. He continued ramming his head against your cervix, making you cry out in pain and pleasure all at once. You rode out your high as he fucked you, and he came just as you were coming off it. He emptied himself inside you before pulling out and setting you down. He leaned against the other armrest, trying to catch his breath as you panted, too.
After a few minutes of silence, he spoke up, his gaze still fixed on the ceiling.
"Shall we eat? I feel like we've worked up an appetite," he chuckled.
"You know I love you, right?" You asked.
"Earlier," you sighed, "You mentioned that you felt like you weren't worthy of my love."
Severus continued staring at the ceiling, not finding the words to explain himself to you. You eyed him as you said, "You are more than worthy, Severus Snape. You deserve the world and I'm sorry if I haven't made that clear enough. I definitely won't let that happen again."
Severus was about to counter you when you cut him off unintentionally. "Now that all that sappy stuff is out of the way..." you said.
His head snapped in your direction as he felt your tongue run along the length of his cock. "What are you doing?"
"Cleaning you up?" you mumbled with his cock still in your mouth.
"What about dinner?"
"It's cold, already. It can wait," you stated as you began stroking him, getting him hard once again. "Besides, you can't expect someone to pay attention to dinner when dessert is right in front of them."
His head fell back as you bobbed yours slowly and he let out a deep sigh.
"Oh, Merlin."
p.s. (more like s.p. cause shameless promo lol) - I released a new Severus Snape x Reader fic called "Severendipitous Love". Check it out! It's gonna be smutty, fluffy, funny(imo) and badass with a splash of angst. It's out on Wattpad and AO3 (links in this post). Okie, I'm done. Thanks for reading!
@a-queen-and-her-throne hi there :)
(I'm considering starting a taglist. If you'd like to be added, drop me an ask, message me, or just do something to let me know lol)
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nguyenngoctrinh0206 · 4 years ago
Danh sách máy in màu mà phần mềm WIC-RESET hỗ trợ
Chúng tôi liệt kệ Danh sách máy in màu mà phần mềm WIC-RESET hỗ trợ cho các bạn tiện theo dõi. Các ngôn ngữ được hỗ trợ: tiếng Anh, tiếng T��y Ban Nha, tiếng Nhật, tiếng Chineese, tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, tiếng Ý, tiếng Rumani, tiếng Ba Lan, tiếng Ả Rập, tiếng Pháp vv Giấy phép: FreeWare Giao diện: USB, Wi-Fi, Ethernet Hệ thống hoạt động: Windows XP, Windows 7, 8 , 10, Mac OS Kiểm tra bộ đếm và các tính năng điều chỉnh: miễn phí Chức năng đặt lại bộ đếm mực thải: Yêu cầu phải đặt lại phím Hạ cấp chương trình cơ sở và chương trình cơ sở chipless: Yêu cầu FIRMware
Tiện ích thiết lập lại WIC S RES ĐẶT LẠI Máy in phun Epson của bạn CHẤT THẢI MẮT CÁC BỘ ĐẾM đang ngăn bạn in. Bây giờ bạn có thể Đặt lại Máy in của bạn Bộ đếm mực thải chỉ sau 2 lần nhấp! Tải phần mềm WIC-RESET >>> TẠI ĐÂY
WIC Reset tiện ích có thể: – kiểm tra giá trị hiện tại của quầy mực thải và quầy mức mực in – MIỄN PHÍ – reset bộ đếm mực thải – yêu cầu thiết lập lại KEY – bạn phải MUA RESET – reset quầy Ink Cấp trong máy in L100, L200, L800 chỉ – MIỄN PHÍ – làm sạch đầu in – MIỄN PHÍ – Sạc mực – MIỄN PHÍ – đọc và ghi số sê-ri – MIỄN PHÍ – đọc và viết ID USB – MIỄN PHÍ – đọc và viết ID ID – MIỄN PHÍ – tạo EEPROM, sao lưu – MIỄN PHÍ – kiểm tra nạp giấy – MIỄN PHÍ – kiểm tra vòi phun – MIỄN PHÍ – mẫu kiểm tra màu – MIỄN PHÍ – khởi tạo (vô hiệu hóa) bù đắp suy giảm PF – MIỄN PHÍ – truy xuất thông tin thiết bị – MIỄN PHÍ
DANH SÁCH CÁC MÔ HÌNH ĐƯỢC H SUP TRỢ PHẦN MỀM (V 5.0.40, 2018): Máy in Canon
loạt MX470 loạt MX490 MB2000 loạt MG5100 Dòng MG5200 Dòng MG5500 loạt MG5600 loạt MG5700 loạt G1000, G1100, G1400, G1900 G1010, G1110, G1410, G1910 G2000, G2100, G2400, G2900 G2010, G2110, G2410, G2910 G3000, G3100, G3400, G3900 G3010, G3110, G3410, G3910 G4000, G4100, G4400, G4900 G4010 , G4110, G4410, G4910
Máy in Epson
Nghệ nhân: Nghệ nhân 50, Nghệ nhân 600, Nghệ nhân 700, Nghệ nhân 720, Nghệ nhân 800, Nghệ nhân 810, Nghệ nhân 830, Nghệ nhân 835, Nghệ nhân 837, Nghệ nhân 1430
B: B30, B40W, B42WD, B1100, B1110 BX: BX300F, BX305FW, BX310FN, BX320FW, BX525WD, BX535WD, BX600FW, BX610FW, BX620FWD, BX625FWD, BX630FW, BX635FWD, BX925FWD, BX935FWD
C: C58, C59, C61, C62, C63, C64, C65, C66, C67, C68 , C76, C77, C78, ​​C79, C82, C83, C84, C85, C86, C87, C88, C90, C91, C92, C93, C94, C95, C97, C98, C99, C110, C120, CC-570L Màu: Màu 1160, 760, 860 CX: CX2800, CX2900, CX3100, CX3200, CX3300, CX3400, CX3500, CX3600, CX3650, CX3700, CX3800, CX3900, CX3905, CX4000, CX4080, CX4100, CX0000 CX4900, CX4905, CX5000, CX5700F, CX5900, CX6000, CX6300, CX6400, CX6500, CX6600, CX7300, CX7400, CX7700, CX7800, CX8300, CX8400, CX9300F, CX9400Fax, CX9500F
D: D68, D78, D88, D92, D120
DX:DX3800, DX4000, DX4050, DX4200, DX4800, DX5000, DX5050, DX6000, DX6050, DX7400, DX7450, DX8400, DX9400F
EP: EP-702A, EP-703A, EP-705A, EP-705A, EP-70 , EP-709A, EP-775A, EP-776A, EP-777A, EP-801A, EP-802A, EP-803A, EP-804A, EP-804F, EP-805A, EP-806A, EP-807A, EP -808A, EP-901A, EP-901F, EP-902A, EP-903A, EP-903F, EP-904A, EP-904F, EP-905A, EP-905F, EP-906F, EP-907F, EP-907F EP-976A3, EP-977A, EP-977A3, EP-978A, EP-978A3, EP-979A3 EP-10VA, EP-301, EP-302, EP-306, EP-4004
ET: EcoTank ET-14000, ET -2500, ET-2550, ET-2600, ET-2650, ET-4500, ET-4550, EW-M660FT
K: K100, K101, K200, K201, K300, K602
L:L100, L110, L111, L120, L130, L132, L200, L210, L211, L220, L222, L300, L301, L 310, L312, L350, L351, L355, L356, L353, L360, L362, L36, L36 L375, L380, L382, L383, L385, L386, L395 L455, L456, L485, L485, L486, L495 L550, L551, L555, L556, L558, L565, L566, L575, L566 L850, L1300, L1455, L1800, L3050, L3060, L3070, L4150, L4158, L4160, L4168
M: M100, M105, M200, M205
ME Office: ME-1, ME-2, ME-10, ME-10, ME-10, ME-10 -30, ME-32, ME-35, ME-70, ME-80W, ME-82WD, ME-100, ME-101, ME-200, ME-300, ME-301, ME-303, ME-320 , ME-330, ME-340, ME-360, ME-400, ME-401, ME-510, ME-520, ME-530, ME-535, ME-560W, ME-570, ME-600F, ME -620F, ME-650FN, ME-700, ME-900WD, ME-940FW, ME-960FWD, ME-1100
NX:N11, NX100, NX110, NX120, NX125, NX127, NX130, NX200, NX210, NX215, NX220, NX230, NX300, NX305, NX330, NX400, NX410, NX415, NX420W, NX430, NX435, NX510, NX515, NX530 , NX620, NX625, NX635
P: P50, P60 PP: PP-50, PP-50BD, PP-100 Discproducer – Yêu cầu Khóa đặt lại cho các kiểu PP-50, PP-100 PX: PX650, PX659, PX660, PX700W, PX710W, PX720WD , PX800FW, PX810FW, PX820WD, PX830FWD PX-045A, PX-046A, PX-047A, PX-048A, PX-049A, PX-1001, PX-1004, PX-101, PX-105, PX-1200, PX-1600F, PX-1700F, PX- 201, PX-203, PX-203A, PX-204, PX-404A, PX-405A, PX-434A, PX-435A, PX-436A, PX-437A, PX-501A, PX-502A, PX-503A, PX-504A, PX-505F, PX-535F, PX-5500, PX-5600, PX-5V, PX-5VII, PX-601F, PX-602F, PX-603F, PX-673F, PX-7V, PX- 7VII, PX-A640, PX-A720, PX-A740, PX-FA700, PX-G5000, PX-G5100, PX-G5300, PX-K100, PX-M650, PX-M650A, PX-M650F, PX-S05B, PX-S05W, PX-V600, PX-V630, PX-V780
Ảnh: Ảnh 820U, 830U, 890, 900, 950, 960, 1280, 1290, 1390, 1400, 1410, 1430, 1500 , 2100, 2200 PictureMate: PM100 , PM-200, PM210, PM215, PM225 PM235, PM240, PM245, PM250, PM260, PM270, PM280, PM290, PM300, PM 310, PM400
PM:PM-3500C, PM-4000px, PM-G800, PM-G4500, PM-G5000, PM-A820, PM-A840, PM-A840S, PM-A870, PM-A890, PM-A900, PM-A940, PM- A970, PM-D770, PM-D800, PM-D870, PM-G850, PM-G860, PM-G4500, PM-G5000, PM-T960, PM-T990
R: R200, R210, R220, R230, R240, R2 , R250, R260, R265, R270, R280, R285, R290, R295, R300, R310, R320, R330, R340, R350, R360, R380, R390, R800, R1800, R1900, R2000 , R2400, R2880, R3000 RX: RX420, RX425, RX430, RX500, RX510, RX520, RX530, RX560, RX565, RX580, RX585, RX590, RX595, RX600, RX610, RX615, RX620, RX630, RX640, RX650, RX680, RX685, RX690, RX700
S: S20 , S21, S22
Màu sắc chắc chắn: SC-P400, SC-P407, SC-P408, SC-P600, SC-P607, SC-P608, SC-PX5V2, SC-PX7V2
SX:SX100, SX105, SX110, SX115, SX115, SX125, SX130, SX200, SX205, SX210, SX215, SX218, SX230, SX235, SX400, SX405, SX410, SX415, SX420W, SX425W, SX4 SX510, SX515, SX525WD, SX535, SX600FW, SX610FW, SX620
T: T10, T11, T12, T13, T20, T21, T22, T23, T24, T25, T26, T27, T30, T33 , T60, T1100, T1110
TX: TX100, TX101, TX102, TX103, TX105, TX106, TX109, TX110, TX111, TX112, TX113, TX115, TX116, TX117, TX119, TX120, TX121, TX123, TX125, TX TX133, TX135 TX200, TX203, TX209, TX210, TX213, TX219, TX220, TX230, TX235, TX300F, TX320F TX400, TX405, TX408, TX409, TX410, TX419, TX420W, TX430 TX510FN, TX515FN, TX525, TX550W, TX560WD, TX600FW , TX610FW, TX620FWD, TX650, TX659 TX700W, TX710W, TX720WD, TX730, TX800FW, TX810FW, TX820FWD, TX830FWD
WorkForce: WorkForce 30, 40, 42, 60, 310, 315, 320, 321, 323, 325, 435, 500, 520, 525 610, 615, 625, 630, 633, 635, 645, 840, 845, 1100 WorkForce WorkForce WF-2010, WF-2011, WF-2510, WF-2511, WF-2518, WF-2520, WF-2521, WF -2528, WF-2530, WF-2531, WF-2538 WorkForce WF-2532, WF-2540, WF-2541, WF-2548, WF-2630, WF-2631, WF-2650, WF-2651, WF-2660 , WF-2661WF-2750, WF-2751, WF-2760, WF-2761
Chức năng đặt lại và đọc bộ đếm KHÔNG có sẵn cho các kiểu máy này (chỉ có chức năng điều chỉnh): WorkForce WF-3010, WF-3011, WF-3012, WF-3510, WF-3511, WF-3520, WF-3521, WF-3530, WF-3531, WF-3540, WF-3541, WF-3620, WF -3621, WF-3640, WF-3641, WorkForce WF-4630, WF-4640, WF-5110, WF-5113, WF-5190, WF-5620, WF-5623, WF-5690, WF-6090, WF- 6093, WF-6530, WF-6590, WF-6593, WorkForce WF-7110, WF-7111, WF-7610, WF-7611, WF-7620, WF-7621, WF-8010, WF-8090, WF-8093 , WF-8510, WF-8590, WF-8593, Lực lượng lao động WF-100 WF-R4640, WF-R5190, WF-R5690
Chức năng Reset không khả dụng. Bộ đếm đọc và điều chỉnh có sẵn trong các mô hình này: WorkForce WP-4011, WPM-4011, WP-4015DN, WP-4020, WP-4022, WP-4025DW, WP-4090, WP-4092, WP-4095DN, WP-4511 , WP-4515, WP-4520, WP-4511, WP-4515, WP-4520, WP-4521, WPM-4521, WP-4525, WP-4530, WP-4531, WP-4532, WP-4533, WP -4535, WP-4540, WP-4545, WP-4590, WP-4592, WP-4595 –
XP: XP-20, XP-30, XP-33, XP-55 XP-100, XP-102, XP-103 XP-200, XP-201, XP-201, XP-204, XP-208, XP- 202, XP-203, XP-206, XP-205, XP-207, XP-210, XP-211, XP-214, XP-216, XP-212, XP-213, XP-215, XP-217, XP-220, XP-225, XP-230, XP-231, XP-235, XP-240, XP-241, XP-242, XP-243, XP-245, XP-247 XP-300, XP-301 , XP-302, XP-303, XP-305, XP-306, XP-310, XP-311, XP-312, XP-313, XP-315, XP-320, XP-322, XP-323, XP -325, XP-330, XP-332, XP-335, XP-340, XP-342, XP-343, XP-345 XP-400, XP-401, XP-402, XP-403, XP-405, XP-406, XP-410, XP-411, XP-412, XP-413, XP-415, XP-420, XP-422, XP-423, XP-425, XP-424, XP-430, XP- 431, XP-432, XP-435, XP-434, XP-440, XP-441, XP-438, XP-445, XP-447 XP-510, XP-520, XP-530, XP-540 XP-600, XP-601, XP-605, XP-610, XP-615, XP-620, XP-625, XP-630, XP-635, XP-640, XP-645 XP-700, XP-701 , XP-702, XP-710, XP-720, XP-721, XP-750, XP-760 XP-800, XP-801, XP-802, XP-810, XP-820, XP-821, XP- 830, XP-850, XP-860 XP-900, XP-950, XP-960.
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beautifullydeco · 4 years ago
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eirenare · 5 years ago
I love how I had the impression, after reading about Revan and Bastila, that they would be kind of a darker Reylo, even more serious and dramatic, but then I just found out a list of interactions between them... and...
D O R K S , I said
(Putting this under a “read more” because of heavy KOTOR SPOILERS)
Bastila: "The fact that you are so strong in the Force and have had such relatively little training could have terrible consequences. For you, and for everyone around you."
Revan: "You could warn me when I do something bad. Blink once for dark side, twice for light."
Bastila: "On which planet were you born?"
Revan: "Kashyyyk. I'm a Wookiee. Can't you tell?"
Bastila: "Don't worry, these are simple questions. Nothing too intrusive. First, what kind of background do you have?"
Revan: "I'm a Hutt in human form plotting to overthrow the Republic."
Bastila: "It couldn't have been an easy task to find me there. Yet somehow you managed. You also avoided detection by the Sith, discovered I was a Vulkar prisoner, gained sponsorship for the race and became Taris swoop champion. That's quite a resume."
Revan: "And rescued the damsel in distress. Don't forget about that."
Bastila: "I am simply trying to help you and complete this mission, and yet you battle me at every turn!"
Revan: "What can I say? It's fun."
Bastila: "Fun?! Fun?! Driving me insane is your idea of a good time?"
Revan: "Careful. Remember your self-control."
Bastila: "You…You are a very odd man, do you know that? I simply don't know how to deal with you. All I want to do is help you, but you seem determined to drive me mad."
Revan: "Complain all you want, but I know you love it."
Bastila: "I love you too, with all my heart."
Revan: "You aren't afraid to love anymore?"
Bastila: "After this? No. Nothing could make me feel safer than to be loved by you."
Bastila: "On which planet were you born?"
Revan: "Kashyyyk. I'm a Wookiee...can't you tell?"
Bastila: "What is your background?"
Revan: "I'm a Hutt in human form planning to overthrow the Republic."
Bastila: "How old are you?"
Revan: "3012. Healthy living, you know."
Bastila: "I see you intend to be childish about this."
And my absolute favorite:
Bastila: "I've got something to tell you."
Revan: "Me, too. Big news."
Bastila: "I bet mine is bigger."
Revan: "That's a bet you'd lose."
Bastila: "I'm pregnant."
Revan: "…Okay, you win."
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marveldcs · 2 years ago
A) Barbell reverse lunges 2 x 10 - 12 L/R (3010) B) Barbell hip thrusts 2 x 5 - 9 (3012) 1 x 10 - 14 (3012) C) DB Bulgarian split squats 1 x 5 - 9 L/R (2111) 1 x 10 - 14 L/R (2111) D) DB sumo squat 2 x 8 - 12 (3211) 1 x 12 - 15 (3211) E) DB step up 2 x 10 - 12 L/R (3010)
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