#3. Sports by Region or Popularity:
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A world-building list. Enjoy! :)
1. Geography & Environment
What is the physical geography of the world: (continents, oceans, mountains)?
Are there any unusual natural phenomena or landmarks (e.g., floating islands, glowing forests)?
What is the climate like, and does it vary across regions?
How does the environment affect the lives and behaviors of the inhabitants?
Are there specific resources the world is known for?
What's the weather like?
2. Culture & Society
What are the main cultures or civilizations in the world?
How do people express their cultural identity (e.g., clothing, festivals, music)?
What are the major languages or dialects, and how do they influence communication?
What are the social hierarchies or class systems?
What role do gender roles, traditions, or taboos play?
3. Politics & Government
What are the dominant forms of governance (monarchies, democracies, councils)?
Who holds power, and how do they maintain it?
How are laws created and enforced?
Are there any significant political conflicts or alliances?
What role do religion or philosophy play in politics?
4. Religion & Beliefs
What are the dominant religions or belief systems?
How do they explain the creation of the world or existence?
Are there gods, spirits, or other supernatural entities worshipped?
What religious practices or rituals are common?
How do belief systems shape daily life, morality, and culture?
5. Economy & Trade
What is the primary currency or barter system?
What industries or trades dominate the economy?
How do people make a living?
What goods are exported or imported between regions?
Are there economic disparities or poverty?
6. Technology & Innovation
What level of technology does the world possess (medieval, steampunk, futuristic)?
Are there any unique inventions or discoveries?
How has technology shaped warfare, communication, or travel?
Is there a reliance on magic, science, or a mix of both?
Are there limitations or dangers associated with technology?
7. Magic & Mysticism
Does magic exist, and how is it accessed or controlled?
What are the rules or limitations of magic?
Are there magical creatures, artifacts, or phenomena?
Who can use magic, and is it regulated or feared?
How does magic influence politics, economy, or daily life?
8. History & Mythology
What are the major historical events or turning points?
Are there legendary heroes, villains, or mythical stories passed down?
How do different cultures interpret history or myth?
Are there ruins or relics of past civilizations?
What lessons or warnings do people derive from their history?
9. Inhabitants
What species or races inhabit the world?
How do different groups interact or coexist?
Are there unique traits, abilities, or traditions among species?
What challenges do they face in their environment?
How do they adapt or evolve over time?
10. Conflict & Change
What are the major sources of conflict (political, religious, resource-based)?
Are there ongoing wars or rebellions?
How do natural disasters, diseases, or other calamities shape the world?
What changes or innovations threaten the status quo?
How do ordinary people perceive these conflicts?
11. Transportation & Communication
How do people travel (roads, ships, airships, portals)?
What is the fastest or most efficient way to get around?
How is information shared across regions?
Are there any special navigational challenges (storms, voids, magical barriers)?
Do certain regions remain isolated due to transportation limitations?
12. Food & Daily Life
What is the staple diet of various regions?
How do people prepare and share food?
What is a typical day like for different social classes or species?
What sports, games, or hobbies are popular?
How is leisure time spent, if at all?
13. Art & Literature
What forms of art are celebrated (painting, music, dance, poetry)?
Are there famous artists, authors, or performers in history?
How do different cultures view or value art?
Are there shared myths, epics, or tales that unite people?
How is history or knowledge recorded (books, oral tradition, carvings)?
14. Science & Medicine
What is the state of medical knowledge or healthcare?
Are there known cures for diseases, or do plagues persist?
How do people approach science—curiosity, fear, or reverence?
Are there ethical debates surrounding scientific progress?
How do medicine and science interact with magic, if at all?
15. Relationships & Identity
How do people define family or community?
Are marriages, partnerships, or unions celebrated?
How is identity expressed (names, clothing, tattoos)?
Are there rites of passage marking maturity or status?
How do people honor their dead or remember ancestors?
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Actually, thinking about the Pokémon timeline a bit more, I feel like Gens 8 and 9 have to take place way after the other games, because like, the world feels very different in those games
For starters, the technology's vastly improved in these two games compared to the others. The Rotom Dex was like, a very new thing in Gen 7, but by Gen 8, Rotom phones are just a part of the typical experience, and they're used to do things like power bikes and such; Rotom tech has become far more advanced. Portable PC boxes are now a standard thing. There's far more expansion in things like sponsors, at least with how it pertains to the average starting Trainer
Not only that, but the Leagues feel completely different, like they've gone through a massive overhaul. The Gyms feel like a far bigger thing than in previous games, with the Galar one basically being a popular sporting event, with massive stadiums and crowds. Heck, you need a sponsor to join the Gym Challenge in the first place, and getting more sponsors is a thing normal for top tier League trainers like Leon. And while I'm not as familiar with Paldea's League (nor do I remember the entry process), it again feels far bigger and more elaborate than previous iterations, and "Champion" not simply being the strongest Trainer in the region, but a title one achieves by beating the Elite four and the Top Champion. I also wouldn't be surprised if paperwork and application was necessary to compete in Paldea's League either, I just don't remember
In Galar and Paldea, you can't just wake up one day and decide to do the Gyms, and you're going to be far more known for taking the challenge than in any other region, where the most recognition for it is in your badges themselves
Alola was the only one semi close to how the League is in the new games, but the Trial Challenge system was not invented by the Pokémon League, it's a long established Alolan tradition with their customs. The League was only just formed in Sun/Moon, and from what I can gather, it's only the Elite Four and Champion, and for people who've completed the Trial Challenge
So like, how far in the future from Sun/Moon, which mind you are themselves 20 years after Gens 1 and 3, and 17 years after Gens 2 and 4, are Sword/Shield and Scarlet/Violet? How has technology in the Pokémon world expanded so much? And what caused this restructuring of the Pokémon League and Gym Challenge system?
I mean I know IRL it's just because the developers wanted to expand the world of Pokémon from what they had before, and good on them for that. But I just want to know, what caused all these changes in-universe?
#my mind's coming up with the idea that potentially the integration of Alola into the League led to the restructuring#like maybe seeing Alola's unique system led to the Pokemon League instead trying to change their own#to be more like Alola's rather than giving Alola their standardized form#and maybe with that line of thought it started allowing regions to be more unique in their structures?#because Galar and Paldea do not have the same systems#these Leagues also seem far more aware of the age of the players and rivals and such as children#and I'm half wondering if the lack of true villain teams in both regions has to do with anything#bc Yell and Star are a hype team and school bullies respectively#they're both jerks but they aren't stealing Pokemon or anything#the League itself seems more involved with the region and keeping it safe as well#I want to say integrated with their government but idk how government works in the Pokemon world#and while yes the Unova Gym Leaders were either integral to their communities or influential people#the Gym Challenge itself wasn't as important there as Galar and Paldea#I don't know I just find all this interesting now that I think on it#what happened here in universe?#pokemon#pokemon league#gym challenge#gen 8#gen 9#gen 7#galar#paldea#questions
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The siblings have done their time in prison… and now… they are released back from where they came… the under belly of Rageous. Life is different down here. More struggle, more loneliness… all they have is each other now. But their struggles follow them as they learn someone up top is still after them. And now the thug bosses of Under Rageous are all after them…But being poisoned by the Troll makes life a little harder.
Part 2 || Part 3
Security left them at the elevator. This was the only way to the underside of a Rageous… where the lower class… the nobodies lived. Those on top hardly batted an eye on what would happen down there. Each region had its own laws. Since Velvet and Veneer were originally from the under side of Rageous, well, they were being sent back… the laws there could deal with them.
The elevator door slid open.
The siblings stood there in the silence. The sounds and lights of upper Rageous illuminated the darkened under Rageous cities… but it still wasn’t enough. They cautiously stepped out of the elevator… it closed behind them and went back up…. Here they were, back in square one.
All they were allowed to bring back down were a few belongings, and that was it. The siblings were completely de-glammed of their fame persona. Velvet still sported her high ponytail. Instead of her glittery outfits she settled for a red, oversized hoodie she wore over a skin tight black mini dress. Her heels were gone, instead she sported some black combat boots. On her wrist a pink crystal bracelet Veneer had gotten her years ago that the upper atmosphere of Rageous allowed her to keep.
The only one who seemed pleased to be out of his glimmer and glammed persona was her brother. Veneer still had his famous swooped up green hair. Like his sister, he also wore a red oversized hoodie and skinny wavy pants with black combat boots. He wore a purple beanie over his green hair… before their rise to fame, he’d always love to wear beanies… Velvet always hated it.
They stared into the dark silence of Under Rageous. Music and laughter could be heard far away. Velvet pulled up her hoodie and began walking in the direction they had instructed them too.
“Hey Vels wait!” Veneer called out as he grabbed his duffle bag running after her. She had ignored him all those months at the Mount Rageous Detention Center… she was still continuing to ignore him now.
“Vels….Velvet! Come on sis, how long are you going to keep ignoring me?” He called out as he followed close behind her. They walked into the main streets… still empty, voided of people.
“How about forever?….. Traitor.” She replied.
“That’s not fair! I had to do it.” He told her.
“No you didn’t you moron!” She pulled back her hoodie and turned round look him directly into his eyes. “We had everything Veneer! We were at the top!” She gestured to the lights above them…Mount Rageous. “Now we’re back where we started!”
“Just because we were on top doesn’t mean it was right. Didn’t you see yourself Vels? You were going mad! And our manger didn’t do anything to help us. She had us torture Floyd!” Veneers expression saddened… he missed the little Troll… unfortunately he never came to visit them… he never returned his letters. Veneer never blamed him, but he still felt hurt.
“And what now? We’re better off out here!” She exclaimed.
“No. But I have an idea. Maybe we could reach out to Floyd!” He said happily.
“You think he’ll have us back after what we did! What? You want to be a happy family gain?” She teased.
“… we could.” Veneer responded.
The sound of metal hitting the ground sounded in the distance…
“Maybe we should keep it down and just get home.” He said.
“Whatever.” She turned to keep walking.
She walked straight into someone.
“My bad.” She said. Velvet looked to the see suspicious stranger she ran into. Pale skin, fawxhawk stringy black hair. When he smiled, he bared his sharp teeth… a popular cosmetic procedure done in Under Rageous… made them seem more menacing.
“Hey there gorgeous.” He hissed in a snake like voice. “Where you two headed?”
“Oh! We’re just going home- OOF!” Veneer began to speak until his sister elbowed him in the ribs.
“We’re just walking through. So excuse us…” Grabbing her duffle bag, she turned her brother around to walk the opposite direction. But in there way stood another Rageoun, same pale skin with dark pulled back green stringy hair. He wore some cyber type specks around his eyes….the two Rageoun thugs surrounded them. Veneer instinctively got in front of Velvet.
“Were they going to send us escorts?” Veneer turned to ask Velvet. She shook her head.
“We know who you two are. Heard who you were before your rise to fame, and now, well definitely somebody of high value now.” The sharp tooth Rageoun smiled.
“Didn’t you hear, we were frauds. Not really somebodies are we.” Velvet replied.
“Yeah well despite that, word is, someone up there is still interested in you two. They told my boss that they pay a really good price if we found you and brought you to them. Of course my boss says he’ll pay us double who ever found you. And what do you know, here you are.” He smiled a toothy grin.
The other thug grasped Veneer firmly by his arm, dragging him away from his sister. He struggled, trying to pull away. A dark vehicle was awaiting for them at the end of the street.
“Hey!” Velvet cried out as she reached for her brother. The sharped tooth Rageoun blocked her way.
“You can come peacefully or not. They didn’t care what condition we brought you in, so long as you were alive…. Kind of.” He laughed. He grabbed a Velvet by the arm pulling her along with him. Looking frantically about she grabbed the nearest thing that came in her grasp… a metal pipe.
She hit the thug behind the head. He cried in pain releasing her. Velvet quickly moved away. She ran towards the other thug who still held Veneer.
She hit the thug upside the head knocking him unconscious.
“You okay?” She asked as she helped up her brother.
“Well that’s a nice welcome isn’t it.” He said sarcastically.
“Let’s get our bags and AH-“ She was yanked by her ponytail and pulled backwards. Velvet smacked the light post hard, knocking the wind out of her, sending a pain down her back and head. Through blurred vision she could see her brother struggling with the sharp toothed thug. The thug was bigger, stronger… he had Veneer pinned to the ground. Velvet could see him pull something from the side of his boot…. A knife.
“I wonder how much that face will be worth if I marked it up a bit.” He said gliding the knife across Veneers face.
At that instant something overcame Velvet. Her eyes began to glow pink…. A sudden rush of anger…
“VENNIE!” Before she knew it was behind the thug.
She hit him.
She hit him again.
“DONT YOU EVER TOUCH HIM AGAIN!” She screamed as she kept beating the thug with the metal pipe.
“Vels!” Veneer screamed. But she couldn’t hear him… she was in a blind rage. “Vels! Please stop!… VELS IM OKAY!”
She stopped. Her breathing was heavy. As she calmed down, the pink around her eyes faded away… it was then she could see what she had done.
“…oh…my….god.” She murmured…. The thug lay there…beaten up… and motionless.
“Is he…Oh my gosh!” Veneer began breathing quickly, tears forming in his eyes, his anxiety kicking in. Velvet turned to her brother to try and calm him down.
“I don’t know what came over me… he was… he was going to hurt you Ven…. I couldn’t stop.” She turned back to look at the guys lifeless body…wherever they to came from, there had to be more.
“Veneer look at me. Veneer!” She grabbed his face looking him dead in the eye. “You’re going to have to trust me. Let’s get our bags and run. Just follow me.” She threw the metal pipe she had and grabbed her duffle bag. “Ven please come on!”
It took her brother a moment to recollect his thoughts… she was protecting him… that’s all she was doing… right? He quickly grabbed his duffle bag and took his sister’s hand. They both ran off deep into the under parts of Rageous.
They were alone. They didn’t know where to go, where to hide…and they were in trouble.
#dreamworks trolls#trolls 3#trolls band together#velvet and veneer#velvet trolls#trolls veneer#fandom#veneer#velvet#velvet and veneer trolls#fanfiction#fanfic#oneshot#short story#au#trolls#trolls au#trolls 3 veneer#trolls 3 velvet#veneer trolls#trolls velvet#trolls fanfic#under rageous#fanfic writing
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Australian Pokemon
Another set of Fakemon from my Goorda region based on a mix of Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. Previous posts in this series: misc 3, single stages, non-natives, regional standards, creepy lines, regional variants, birds, early-game standards, misc 2, misc 1, starter variants, starters.

Drolladrong, the Lungfish Pokemon, Ground or Water-type. Drolladrong live simple lives burrowing through dried-up billabongs and seasonal streams. They are considered by most to be a dull and forgettable Pokemon. However, when the rainy season comes, Drolladrong metamorphoses into a majestic form and swims freely through the water to attract mates and lay eggs before the dry season returns.
Drolladrong is normally in Dry Form, a slow, defensive ground-type. If rain starts, it will shift into Wet Form, a speedy glass cannon. It has a unique ability called Seasonal Rains that causes this. Drolladrong is based on lungfish, which are famous for their ability to survive on land during dry seasons due to having lungs. The name comes from "drought" and "billabong" (seasonal wetlands).

Yowookee, the Hooligan Pokemon, normal-type. Yowookie are too small to participate in the rough games played by their evolutions, so they stand on the sidelines and cheer and holler to encourage their team. They paint their faces and leaves with berry juice to further show their support. Yowookee from opposing teams sometimes get into fights and they will throw wild parties if their team wins and riots if their team loses.

Yowookee evolves to Champowie, the Athlete Pokemon, normal-type. Champowie live in groups that act like sports teams. Different team play games against each other with the goal of getting a ball (made of giant seedpods) through the other team's side. These games are very rough, involving tackling and wrestling. To protect themselves, fur on the arms, legs, and chest has developed into thick padding. The best player of a team is the leader. As the ball is used, it sheds seeds, helping spread the parent plant population.
Yowookie and Champowie are based on sports fans and athletes. Yowookee is based on overenthusiastic fans like the football hooligans from the UK, with the decorated leaves being like flags and banners. In a game, members of this line from different routes would have different paint colors to represent the different teams. Champowie are the athletes and I based the game they play on rugby, which is popular in Australia. The padded fur is based on protective pads worn in sports like rugby and American football. They are also based on the yowie, a creature of Australian folklore said to look like an ape man. Basically, Australia's Bigfoot. The names come from "yowie", "rookie", and "champion".

Sepiliar, the Familiar Pokemon, psychic/poison-type. These rare Pokemon live deep in the forest and move through levitation. Each one carries a stick that it uses as a focus for its psychic powers. They are sent out to collect ingredients from throughout the forest and bring them back to their master. People in the past belived them to be spirits of the forest.

Sepiliar evolves to Sorsuttle, the Forest Witch Pokemon, psychic/poison-type. Sorsuttle lives in the deepest part of the forest and heads a coven of Sepiliar that are sent out to gather ingredients. It hollows out a boulder and uses it as a cauldron to brew potions. These potions are stored in hollow, dried fruits. Legends say that people who protect the forests may be gifted with potions from a Sorsuttle, while those who harm the forest will be attacked with poisons.
Sepiliar and Sorsuttle are based on witches, familiars, and the flamboyant cuttlefish, the only venomous cuttlefish. Naturally, they live in Australia. The reason they live in forests instead of the ocean is I had a dream involving flying cuttlefish in a forest. Yeah. Sorsuttle brews up potions like witches do and its reclusive nature as role as a protector of the forest drawn from various stories of witches and pagans. The blue rings on both stages are a reference to the blue-ringed octopus, another venomous cephalopod that lives in Australia (Because where else would it be?). Their names come from "Sepiida" (the taxonomic clade of cuttlefish), "familiar" (an animal-like servant of a witch), "sorcery", and "cuttlefish".
#pokemon#fakemon#original pokemon#oc pokemon#australia#aotearoa#new zealand#lungfish#yowie#sports fans#athlete#cuttlefish#flamboyant cuttlefish#witch
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hey. if splatoon 3 is your first splatoon game and you are genuinely upset by this splatfest i want you to listen to me. look right at me okay?
Every Single Game Is Like This.
Theres always one idol that becomes the early "favorite" that wins a bunch of matches in a row and everyone complains its because they are hot or the devs always gives them the best option or whatever. This is always the case. And people always will complain theres just More Of it now because the games are a LOT more popular than they ever have been before. And no not even going back to regional fests are going to make that much of a difference, and even if they were theres no way to definitively say that it would make a difference in the favor of your specific team. Its fun and fine to get playfully into it like a real sport but if you are feeling genuinely upset about it please understand that getting worked up over this is just gonna ruin your enjoyment of the game because this is just how splatfests are and its much better to just get into the party mood and goof off than it is to be bitter about who picked what team and and why and win streaks.
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Worldbuilding Headcanons #3
contests and contest spectaculars! (hoenn specifically, sorry sinnoh)
contests were started in hoenn, in fallarbor. it was a community bonding activity for the small, agricultural town. the format was a bit different from modern contests. there was just the talent round, and it was a knockout format. people would be put into groups of four and use a move. whoever got the most applause would go on to the next round until there were only two people left.those two would then compete for five turns. whoever won best out of five was the ultimate winner.
it started off small, only between the people of fallarbor, but a few travellers spread word of this fun show and it grew into a whole spectacle people came from all over hoenn to watch. unofficial contests started popping up across the region, though none were as big or popular as fallarbors.
after a few years, someone stepped forward and made a committee to keep track of all the contests happening across the region and standardize the rules and prizes.
the former format continued for a while, but a major problem began to arise. it'd been known for a while after the initial boom, but ignored: the knockout style competition simply took too long for one sitting. it was fine for a small town or for a big once a year competition, but it was not as fun to sit all day for something more casual.
the contest committee got together and hashed out an entirely new way of doing contests. there wouldnt be just one free for all category, but five: cute, beautiful, tough, cool, and clever. people would have to tailor their moves to the category they were competing in. there would also be two rounds--the appeals round and the talent round.
the talent round was similar to the original format with four people using moves to impress the audience over five turns. the appeals round meanwhile was brand new and perhaps made to take advantage of the fact that contests were going to be filmed for tv. in the appeals round your pokemon (and later, it would be common for the trainer to join in as well) would perform a routine meant to embody their category to a panel of judges. it was the first round and only the best four would move on to the talent round.
this format worked well for a handful of years. too well, perhaps. their gamble with showing contests on tv was a huge success creating a second, even larger, boom in interest in contests. at the next committee get together, they announced the formation of four ranks: normal, great, ultra and master. if you won a ribbon in one of the ranks you'd be able to move on to the next for that specific category.
this has ended up being the basis of modern contests. however, a few of the top coordinators were unhappy. they were the big stars, the ones who had their own merchandise and fanbases. they didnt like how mundane even a master rank contest was. any contest hall (and nearly every major city and town in hoenn had one by this point) could put one on and any casual could win a master rank ribbon. they found it offensive to them, the ones who were trying to make coordinating into a full career.
thus, the contest spectaculars were born. they had the same format as a regular contest but were meant for professionals. unlike regular contests that were held whenever the contest hall wanted, contest spectaculars had a season like with sports. you needed to compete in specific contests over the course of the season in order to attain a decent enough regional ranking in order to participate in the grand festival at the end of the season. the winner of the grand festival would then win the title of hoenns top coordinator.
this separated the casual coordinators, the ones doing it for fun, from the professionals who made it a job. while it was difficult to get all the necessary ribbons, making it all the way to the contest spectacular level easily could make you rich and famous. lots of coordinators at this level also have jobs as idols or actors, adding even more to the image of a coordinator as something glamorous.
however it also attracts a lot of attention. paparazzi, invasive journalists, and rabid fans are a huge problem. this is especially a problem as a lot of major coordinators are minors. the contest committee does its best to minimize any contact between known gossipy reporters and minors but they cant do much if things happen outside of a contest hall. still, it's a common goal for kids and teens to become a top coordinator.
and of course, contests have spread from hoenn to other regions, becoming a worldwide phenomenon. sinnoh was one of the first and added several twists to the hoennian formula. most other regions adopted one or the other styles, hoennian or sinnohan. theres a bit of a rivalry between the two regions, even if coordinators from hoenn will regularly participate in sinnohan contests and vice versa.
in the end, contests are the most popular form of pokemon based entertainment in hoenn, even more so than professional battling in most years. the two's seasons even overlap a bit (contest spectaculars running from late august to early february and the professional battling circuit running from late january to early july) creating more of a rivalry. however, contests always seem to win out in hoenn, if only because it was started there.
#pokemon headcanons#pokemon#pokemon worldbuilding#hoenn#pokemon contest#pie has hcs#*squints* i think thats all my headcanons for contests
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Neighbours - Josh Dun x Reader
Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader and Tyler Joseph!Best Friend x Reader
Warnings: None! Super fluffy <3
A/N: This is my first writing post ever! This came from a writing prompt where the reader ends up with Tyler but I was having a Josh day when I wrote it so it's more focused on Josh! Hope you enjoy and feedback is appreciated!!

It was early winter, two weeks from the end of the school term and our short winter break. Driving to and from school were some of my favorite moments during the week. I got to listen to anything I wanted as loud as I wanted to, which included some of my friends’ music. Parking outside the house, I got out and unlocked the door, letting my dog out. A small golden cockapoo who always jumped up on me whenever she saw me.
“I missed you too Liberty,” I laughed and grabbed her leash, heading out to take her for a walk. My neighbor and classmate Josh always met me and took his dog Jim for a walk with us. Liberty led the way as we walked over to his house, but before we could knock on the door a white car drove past us.
“Hey!” It was Josh, running late from school. Josh was almost never late but looking close at the car I noticed another boy was in the car, a basketball player in their year above us.
The car parked and Josh got out running over and giving Liberty a good cuddle. The other boy got out of the car, he was wearing a white basketball jersey with red writing on it, number 3.
“Oh yeah, this is Tyler,” Josh turned back to look at the boy. Tyler. He gave me a shy wave. I’d heard about him through the grapevine, he was one of the best highschool basketball players in the region.
“How did you guys meet each other?” I asked, knowing full well that Tyler was probably trying to use Josh for his grades. While Josh was considered cool by the jocks, he would never be seen hanging out with them.
“Tyler came up to me in homeroom and showed me a demo he made a few weeks ago. He wanted me to play something on the kit for him.” Of course it was a music thing. Josh couldn’t pass up an opportunity to play music with people, even if the person was a jock. “I’ve actually got to set up the kit inside. Tyler, do you want to go around the block with y/n?” Tyler nodded and Josh went inside.
“Josh has told me a lot about you,” Tyler looked forward at Liberty as she led the way.
“Oh really?” I mutter.
“Yep. He told me you hate jocks,” Tyler tugs on the collar of his jersey. Of course Josh told him that. It wasn’t that I hated jocks, I just didn’t trust them. Tyler was no exception. “You do know I only started playing basketball because I had no one to hang out with, right? I’ve always liked music. I’ve seen you and Josh hang out together at the music store before, you’re both so talented.” He was trying to make me like him. Tyler was a quiet boy. Yes, he was popular and a great sportsman but there was something different about him. Music was that something. Tyler wasn’t the tallest of the basketball players at our school, he didn’t have the average build, nor did he have the normal haircut of a basketball player. I’d seen him in middle school with grown out hair before he buzzed it off once he became a senior. The buzzcut worked for him, to some extent.
“I’ve seen you too. You’re a good player Tyler, not that I care much about sports.” He laughed at that. We turned the block and started to walk back towards Josh’s house. I was alway tired the moment I got home from school. Josh and I normally talked out the day together, I wished he was there with me.
“Thanks, y/n.” We turned into Josh’s driveway and I waved goodbye.
After a couple months of Tyler spending Fridays and weekends at Josh’s place, we’d all become good friends. Even Tyler and I had spent some time alone, Tuesday lunchtimes we hung out in the library and worked on our projects together.
“Y/n! You won’t believe this,” Josh ran into the library with Tyler following close behind. Josh had picked me up and spun me around in excitement.
“What?” I laughed once I felt my feet back on the ground. This had to be good. Tyler had caught up to Josh and stood next to him with a smile on his face. They both stayed quiet.
“What?” I urged further.
“Do you want to tell her?” Josh turned to Tyler.
“Hmm, do you?” he responded.
“Just tell me!” I laughed, shoving Josh away as he wrapped his arms around me once again.
“We got a record deal,” Tyler beamed.
“No. No way!” I looked up at Josh, who was still holding me and smiling down at me. “I told you Tyler, I told you you’re talented!” I could feel the happiness flowing through my veins. “What are we gonna do to celebrate?”
“I’ve got work tonight but you and Ty should definitely do something together,” Josh suggested. Ty had a basketball game after school which would probably end around five and Josh started working at 4:30. The plan we’d made was for me to hang with both of them at different times that day and the next we’d all get together and listen to their tracks for their sophomore album. The perfect plan. We all sat down for lunch, hiding the food under the table so we’re not caught by the librarian, and worked on our assignments.
“Wait, so are you guys going to drop out?” I asked Josh. Tyler was playing his game while Josh and I were sitting in his car.
“I don’t think so. We’ll just record during the semester and then once we graduate we’ll probably tour,” he responded. Josh and I were sitting in the back seats, before we met Tyler that was where we ate lunch, in Josh’s car in the school parking lot.
“I’d miss you if you went on tour Josh,” I sighed. He ran a hand through his curly hair and looked at me with a look I couldn’t entirely understand. “What?”
“You’re beautiful. You know that right?” I still didn’t understand what was going on. “Come here,” Josh opened his arms and I moved so I was sitting right next to him. “No matter what happens with this record deal, I will always be here for you. But I promised myself that if anything ever happened with my music I’d tell you how I really felt about you.” I stared blankly up at his hazel eyes.
“I like you too,” I grinned before he could say anything, “if I didn’t like you I wouldn’t have let you hug me like you do.” He let out a sigh of relief and rested his forehead against mine.
“Good. I’m gonna kiss you now.” I nodded as he placed his lips gently against mine. They were soft, warm. He cupped my jaw and tilted my face up towards his so he could reach down and kiss me. I placed my hand around the back of his neck and tangled my fingers through his curls. He groaned when I pulled away, “I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.” Me too Josh, me too.
“Games over!” Tyler opened the passenger door to find us still cuddling in the back seat.
“Did you win?” I asked, still leaning against Josh.
“Yup,” Tyler grinned.
“Of course you did,” Josh laughed as we both got out of the car hugged, him sneaking a quick kiss on my shoulder. We’d agreed to wait till the next day to properly tell Tyler what was going on, let us enjoy it for a wee bit. Ty and I walked to his car, he threw his bag in the trunk and got in the driver’s seat.
“Where you wanna go?” he asked, pulling out of the parking lot.
“The lookout?” Tyler and I had our own spot in Columbus, a little lookout about 10 minutes away from school. Ty nodded and handed me the aux cord.
“So, what was up with you and Josh?” He asked as I scrolled through my phone to play some music.
“You guys were acting all funny in the backseat,” he raised an eyebrow.
“No we weren’t.”
“Dude yes you were!” Tyler laughed, “I know he likes you Pip.” Damn it Josh! Of course you tell Tyler everything!
“He kissed me,” I had to bite my lip to avoid smiling like an idiot.
“No!” Tyler reacted like a teenage girl, “I knew it!!” I nodded excitedly as we pulled into our usual spot. “I knew you guys would end up together.”
“Sure you did Ty. But you can’t tell him I told you because we were gonna wait till tomorrow to tell you.”
“I can’t believe he held himself back from bragging to me,” he scoffed. Tyler’s reaction was better than I thought it would be. “I can’t wait till you guys name your son Tyler.”
Please submit any requests y'all have! I love to write so let me know if you've got any!
#josh dun#twenty one pilots#fanfic#joshua dun#josh dun imagines#twenty one pilots imagines#josh dun imagine#twenty one pilots fan fiction#josh dun x reader#tylerjoseph#tyler joseph#tyler joseph imagine#tyler joseph x reader#skeleton clique#clancy#masterlist
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I don't know how popular an opinion this is, but I wish Pokemon contests got more focus in games. Not just because they're a fun concept but it feels like, as the games get more advanced, they could do more fun stuff with them. Like, I can EASILY imagine Galar has Pokemon contests that are these huge, celebrity style things.
Hi there l-egionaire! I wouldn't say it's unpopular opinion. I've seen more than one person mention they wished contests (and just other modes of playing with Pokemon) had more focus in the games especially as we jumped to 3D. Myself Included I have to mention even though I've been into Pokemon since I was 5 (in the Kanto days of the anime), I didn't actually get to play a mainline game until gen 3. So Gens 3-5 have a huge impact on how I view the franchise from the gameverse side of things and I have to admit one thing that has bothered me since the jump to 3D (and especially the jump to open world formats) is the lack of game modes that use Pokemon in ways like Contests, Musicals, Pokeathlon and Pokestar Studios do. As a kid I would often spend time doing the contests in both Emerald Diamond and I spent many hours playing in the musicals and Pokestar Studio. I even got SoulSilver a couple years back and I've played a lot of Pokeathlon.
I will freely admit that I don't always enjoy the Switch games as much as I did previous games because everything is centered on Complete League, Shiny Hunting, Raids and Pokedexes. I have completed the Pokedex once (for Swsh and will do it complete Legends Arceus) but I will be candid I hate the idea of completing the Pokedex. I don't care for the majority shinies (if I see one in the wild randomly I will catch it) so shiny hunting out. They've done a piss poor job at handling raids I legitimately wish they either heavily rework it (I'll get into this a bit more later) or just scrap it for gen 10. And well the league is the only thing I still enjoy but even then I like having something else to do other than beat up on the gym leaders/elite four/champion all the time.
Contests definitely rank up there as one of my favorite traditional sidequests both from the games and anime so I would've love to have seen it in be expanded beyond Hoenn and Sinnoh. However I disagree that Galar would've been good place to expand on it just because the very theme of Galar really is centered on battles. Unless they were going to pull from the anime where the Contests had a Battle Portion I don't see the Contests having a big footing in Galar just because of how the worldbuilding is set. I do think if we were talking about a region that could've had a huge celebrity focus on Contests I think it would be Kalos. A lot of the theme surrounding Kalos as a region is different ways to define beauty and Contests bring out beauty in both an inner and outer sense. I would think Kalos would be a good place to have bigger contests (as well as a Pokemon racing feature because it was sad that we had out mom in the games be a Rhyhorn racer yet not racing mini-mode where we could've even competed against her). Now going back to the Dynamax Raids...I do think it would've been cool if lore-wise doing the raids was a popular side sport in addition to the behemoth that is the Galar League. Like maybe it's how gym leaders practice to keep their major division ranks or move up from the minor league (something I do implement in cactusverse). Could be that people join teams to see who can raid the most dens in a given time limit (with BP being the prize for finishing 1st, 2nd or 3rd). Perhaps Macro Cosmos hosts teams to go in and collect the Watts to help power Galar. Maybe some people (like say the opposite gender protagonist) are really interested in catching G-max forms (sidenote this is something I do with Victor in cactusverse). I think by adding more lore to it as a popular side sport
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Eeveelution Squad Journeys (My ES AU)
Hello everyone. If you saw on my introduction post I mentioned having an ES AU called Eeveelution Squad Journeys and I'd like to talk about it here. Hope you guys enjoy my first ever post about it here on Tumblr since I've talked about it before on other sites like reddit and Discord.
History I feel like before I explain what my AU is I need explain how it came to be so here's the backstory!
Way back in 2021, I was first introduced to the Eeveelution Squad comic from the dub and then found the actual comic and began reading it myself for the first time. While I was reading it a lot of stuff bothered me like Speed being stupidly overpowered, complex lore that I could not process, shipping moments being shoved down my throat every 3 pages, and more. I kept up with the comic till it ended and I was sad as I saw the comic could've had potential specifically with the characters but it didn't do anything with most of them.
After the comic ended I began thinking how I would write ES while fixing a lot of the problems I had with it. I dug through EV's account and found that ES was originally supposed to be about the cast as a Rescue team instead of living together. Around this time I was watching the Pokemon anime and while watching it I thought what if Eeveelution Squad was like the Pokemon anime. What if they were an actual squad, an actual team that would actually bond with each other by going on adventures like in the anime. It was at that moment that my AU was born. After developing it for a bit and sharing this AU idea with some people in the ES Discord Server (Now known as Astral Treehouse) with it receiving positive feedback, I would continue developing it for myself as it was fun developing and for what ES could've been with its missed potential. I decided to name the AU "Eeveelution Squad Journeys" after a friend suggested in the name in the Discord Server.
Premise So this AU is basically what if the Eeveelution Squad were a competitive battling team in a humanless mainline Pokemon world where they would take on the regional leagues and go on adventures as they bond and strive to become the greatest team ever.
The AU takes the series in a more action/Shounen approach rather than the Slice of Life or whatever the hell the Vacation Arc was trying to be. It takes inspiration from some animes I've watched like Pokemon and Fairy Tail.
While making the AU I have these goals in mind for it:
Have the characters be used to their fullest potential. A lot of ES' characters either had very little or nothing at all and after scrounging through the comic and certain journals I knew they had so much potential and I want to use them to their fullest.
Make the main cast actually bond. To me, the main cast in the comic had no real bond, they didn't feel like a squad, or family, or roommates. Also the title does not fit the comic with its story or genre. I want the main cast for my AU to actually feel like a team and make the "Eeveelution Squad" in the title actually make sense.
Don't make the AU stupidly edgy or confusing. Pretty simple with this goal.
Don't prioritize romance. Characters with their development and building bonds comes first.
Don't let anyone influence my AU. I'll listen to feedback and criticisms but I will not listen to someone who tries to change my AU into something that's unrecognizable. Toxic fans and shippers can go away if my AU isn't for them.
AU Changes
The World ES Journeys takes place in a humanless mainline Pokemon world where competitive battling is the most popular sport in it. The world has the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, and Galar regions only so no Paldea as well as some anime locations like the Orange islands. Rescuers are still a thing in this AU but they're part of the police. Because this AU has a more modern setting, there's no such thing as Wild Pokemon. Technology in this world is not as stupidly advanced as the comic so no Iron Man suits or other junk like that (I hated ES' technology), only modern technology like computers and stuff we have today.
The Lore ES Journeys does not focus on the Timeline Lore or Berserker Virus Lore because they do not exist. These two things should not have been in the comic but did because one comment said ES was boring which made EV add them. 90% of people either do not understand it or don't care about it. The only lore in this AU is backstory on characters.
The Cast While ES Journeys does have all 9 main characters (10 counting Axel) they're not going to be together right at the beginning. The reason I made this decision is because giving focus to that many characters right at the start of the story would be difficult to pull off. I want each character to get focused on without another one hogging it up like how Speed, Flare, Lazuli, and Silvia did in the comic. With the cast starting off small, focus can be put on them and when the characters join the main cast over time, focus moves on to them. The cast starts off with just Speed, Crystal, Flare, and Sunshine but when the group are in a region where the other main characters are they join them like how Ash gets new traveling companions when he arrives at a new region. So... yeah. That's Eeveelution Squad Journeys with what is had and how it came to be. Does this sound interesting or is this a stupid AU idea? I might make posts on my AU about the characters or story in the future. If y'all have any questions about the AU, feel free to send me an ask and I'd be happy to answer. Well until the next post that's all I have to say so bye everyone!
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Happy Earth Day. Xiphias gladius, better known as the swordfish or the broadbill, is a species of large predatory fish, and the sole living member of there family Xiphiidae. These fish can be found throughout the atlantic, pacific, and Indian oceans from the surface to depths up to 9,442ft (2,878m). This highly migratory species typically moves towards colder regions during the summer and warmer regions during the winter, feeding upon a wide range of pelagic fish, cephalopods, and crustaceans. Swordfish are not a schooling fish and often travel alone or in loose congregations, they may cruise at some 22mph (36km/h) and rely on there speed to catch prey, reaching up to 60mph (100km/h) in short bursts. Contrary to popular legend they do not stab there prey but rather slash at it with there sword. Swordfish are themselves occasionally preyed upon by killer whales, pilot whales, shortfin mako sharks, and possibly giant squid. Reaching around 10 to 15ft (3 to 4.55m) in length and 500 to 1,500lbs (230 to 680kgs) in weight, with female swordfish are slightly larger than males, they sport elongated and rounded bodies with tall fins and a distinctive sword like bill. Swordfish first hatch with scales and teeth but end up loosing both by adulthood. The breeding season varies according to the location, typically occurring in spring and summer in temperate zones and year round in tropical climates. During spawning a single female swordfish may lay 1 to 29 million eggs. Under ideal conditions a sword fish may reach sexual maturity at 4 to 5 years of age and live up to 16.
#pleistocene pride#pleistocene#pliestocene pride#pliestocene#cenozoic#fish#swordfish#ocean#marine life#deep sea#animal#animals
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hello! are there any playlists on spotify with catalan music that you know of? or just podcasts in catalan? thanks :3
You'll find many playlists of music in Catalan on Spotify. You can look at the account Musicat Memes, it started as an Instagram account for memes about Catalan bands but it evolved into more things including a Spotify account where they keep updated playlists classified by genre.
The Spotify account Música Catalana - CATLLISTES also keeps updated playlists.
Long time ago, I also posted some playlists: a pop one here, and 5 traditional genres here, but I don't update those.
I think you can find many more playlists, are you looking for any particular music genre?
For podcasts, again there must be hundreds of them on Spotify. Do you need a podcast for beginners (since you're writing to me in English)? If you search for "learn Catalan" on Spotify you'll find a few podcasts for learners, including Easy Catalan (the same ones that run the YouTube channel with the same name) and Learn Catalan with CouchPolyglot - Your morning sip of Catalan (also from the YouTuber CouchPolyglot). There are more but I don't know the people who made them.
If you're looking for any podcast in Catalan made for Catalan speakers, there are many podcasts (or radio shows uploaded as podcasts) that are very popular but again it depends on what you're interested in. Here's some of the popular ones atm:
El búnquer: humour show. It's done from a bunker where every day they explain the biography of a historical person and then people have to vote whether they're allowed in the Bunker to get saved from the Apocalypse or if they leave them out to die. Prepare for a lot of tuberculosis and a lot of cheering for people's deaths. To be fair, the biography is only an excuse and they often get carried away taking about other things.
La competència (not recommended for beginners, their characters use very dialectal and colloquial words): a bunch of characters talk about current events. There's no way I can explain what this is and be true to what it is lmao. Actually it's 2 guys doing voices to play all the characters, but they're very funny about it.
La sotana: a very funny humour talk show about sports.
Tor, tretze cases i tres morts: journalist Carles Porta explains the set of murders he investigated years ago in a village in the Pyrenees and their links to contraband. True crime.
Crims: Carles Porta's most famous true crime, it was very successful so it inspired the Crims TV show on TV3, which again has been one of the most successful TV shows of the last years.
Hotel Palestina: journalists who have been war correspondents in different parts of the world talk about their experiences. They're very respected journalists and experts on their regions of the world who have often risked their lives.
Les dones i els dies: they talk about women's history and different topics that affect women nowadays, always with experts in each topic.
Gent de merda: interviews with trendy people of the moment.
Fans de l'Alcover Moll: analysing song lyrics.
L'autoestopista: interviews with writers, talking about books.
Mòbil, cartera, claus: podcast made by a trans man beginning when he started his hormonal treatment for transition, documenting all his changes and talking about various related topics or things that worry him at the time.
El silenci dels telers: this is only 1 long episode because it's two actresses reading the script of a theatre play about women in company-towns / mills in Catalonia. (I saw the theatre play and I recommend it)
Pòdcast.cat de Núvol: this is a collection of podcasts hosted by the culture magazine Núvol. There's a lot of stuff about literature and broader discussions of culture and current events from a more philosophical point of view.
Maximum Clatellot: I've asked some more people and I've been recommended this one. She described it as "four old punks chatting about all kinds of stuff".
And many, many more. If there's any particular kind of podcast you're looking for, I can see if I know any like that. Otherwise, you can browse them by topic at podcasts.cat.
I hope this helps! And as always, if anyone wants to add more in the comments, you're welcome to do so.
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My Hero Academia (2016) 僕のヒーローアカデミア
Director: Kenji Nagasaki / Tomo Ōkubo / Masahiro Mukai / Naomi Nakayama Screenwriter: Yōsuke Kuroda Genre: Adventure / Science Fiction Country/Region of Production: Japan Language: Japanese Date: April 3, 2016 Number of Seasons: 7 Number of episodes: 169 Single episode length: 22 minutes Adaption: Appropriation
My Hero Academia is set in a world where about 80% of the human population has gained superpowers called "Quirks" (個性, Kosei). Quirks vary widely and can be inherited. Among the Quirk-enhanced individuals, a few of them earn the title of Heroes, who cooperate with authorities in rescue operations and apprehending criminals who abuse their Quirks, commonly known as Villains. In addition, Heroes who excel on their duties gain celebrity status and are recognized as "Pro Heroes" (プロヒーロー, Puro Hīrō). Heroes are ranked in popularity, with higher ranking heroes receiving public appeal, although it is not uncommon for rookie heroes to gain popularity as well.
Initially the people who volunteered to do their heroic duties without permission were recognized as "Vigilantes" (ヴィジランテ, Vijirante). Students who have acted as vigilantes are not allowed to work as heroes due to Quirk restriction laws managed by the Hero Public Safety Commission (ヒーロー公安委員会, Hīrō Kōan Iinkai). While the act of vigilantism is inherently illegal, the vigilantes themselves represent a gray area. The Hero Public Safety Commission originally enlisted vigilantes to do their dirty work until they became too organized for the vigilantes to properly deal with, so they abandoned the idea and instead focused on recruiting Pro Heroes. Some vigilantes wear costumes, but since they do not have access to support companies like heroes do, they are made out of regular clothes and everyday items.
There are two types of internships that offer the opportunity to become a Pro Hero. The first type is the Hero Agency Internships in which the Pro Heroes can send a request to students whom wish to work under them, such as in the aftermath of the Sports Festival. It involves a student shadowing a Pro Hero, listening to their advice, and watching them in action for a week. Since the students are unlicensed, they cannot legally work as heroes. The second type is the Hero Work-Study, where, after a student acquires a Hero License after passing the Provisional Hero License Exam, they are treated as real sidekicks, which allows them to participate in relief efforts during emergency situations. This also allows them to gain experience and can help them get noticed by other Pro Heroes who might hire them as full-time sidekicks once they graduate.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Hero_Academia
Link: https://kissanime.com.ru/Anime/boku-no-hero-academia-training-of-the-dead.54299/
#My Hero Academia#僕のヒーローアカデミア#jttw media#jttw television#television#animation#appropriation#inspiration#sun wukong inspiration#sun wukong
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The Unique Charm of Broomfield, CO
Uncover the Unique Appeal of Broomfield, CO
Broomfield, Colorado, combines the charm of a close-knit community with the conveniences of modern living, making it a truly exceptional destination in the state. Positioned perfectly between Denver and Boulder, Broomfield offers scenic Rocky Mountain views, abundant outdoor activities, and a thriving business sector. Whether you're planning a visit or considering making it home, Broomfield’s distinctive qualities will leave a lasting impression.
1. Breathtaking Scenery and Outdoor Adventure
One of Broomfield’s defining features is its natural beauty, with sweeping mountain views and lush green spaces. Home to over 8,000 acres of open areas, parks, and trails, the city provides countless ways to explore the outdoors. Locals and visitors alike enjoy popular spots like Broomfield County Commons Park and Interlocken Trail, where mountain vistas and tranquil landscapes make for ideal hiking, biking, and picnicking locations.
In winter, Broomfield’s proximity to the Rocky Mountains means you’re just a short drive from world-class skiing, snowboarding, and other winter sports. No matter the season, Broomfield is a haven for those who appreciate the great outdoors and year-round recreation.
2. A Flourishing Hub for Tech and Innovation
Broomfield has become a significant player in Colorado’s tech and business scene. With major companies like Oracle, Level 3 Communications, and Vail Resorts headquartered here, the city’s Interlocken Technology Park has developed into a bustling center for innovation. This thriving business environment attracts entrepreneurs, professionals, and tech enthusiasts, providing ample job opportunities and fostering an entrepreneurial culture.
Thanks to its strategic location near Denver and Boulder, Broomfield has emerged as a convenient base for professionals looking for both career growth and a balanced lifestyle. The city’s business-friendly atmosphere and dynamic corporate landscape make it a magnet for those in the tech industry and beyond.
3. A Welcoming, Family-Oriented Community
Broomfield consistently ranks as one of Colorado’s best cities for families, and it’s easy to see why. Known for its safe neighborhoods, excellent schools, and family-friendly amenities, Broomfield creates an environment where families can thrive. The Paul Derda Recreation Center offers diverse programs for kids and adults, making it a popular spot for community activities and fitness.
Broomfield’s dedication to fostering community spirit is evident in its year-round events, including holiday parades, summer concerts, and seasonal festivals. The city’s strong commitment to education and safety makes it especially appealing to families looking for a supportive and enriching place to live.
4. Arts, Culture, and Entertainment
Broomfield has a vibrant cultural scene with something for everyone. The 1stBank Center hosts major concerts, sports events, and performances, bringing in well-known artists and entertainers. For a more local touch, the Broomfield Auditorium offers theater, music, and art exhibits, showcasing the talents of the community and creating a gathering space for residents.
For history buffs, the Broomfield Depot Museum provides insights into the city’s journey from a small agricultural town to a thriving suburban community. FlatIron Crossing, a nearby shopping and entertainment hub, combines retail therapy with great dining and entertainment options, making it a favorite for both locals and visitors.
5. Ideal Location and Regional Accessibility
Broomfield’s central location is one of its greatest assets. Nestled between Denver and Boulder, it offers quick access to both urban experiences and mountain adventures. Residents can easily enjoy the cultural and recreational offerings of nearby cities while returning to the tranquility of Broomfield’s neighborhoods.
Denver International Airport is about a 30-minute drive away, making travel convenient for residents and visitors alike. The city’s location and access to major highways make it a prime spot for those who want to experience all Colorado has to offer without sacrificing convenience.
6. A Focus on Sustainability and Open Space Preservation
Broomfield places a high value on environmental sustainability, dedicating significant resources to conserving open spaces and promoting green initiatives. Its well-connected network of parks, trails, and greenways encourages residents to walk or bike, reducing their carbon footprint while enjoying the outdoors.
The city’s sustainable initiatives include energy-efficient building codes, recycling programs, and tree-planting efforts. Broomfield’s commitment to environmental stewardship resonates with eco-conscious residents and visitors, making it a great place for those who prioritize sustainability.
7. Diverse Dining Scene and Local Breweries
Broomfield’s culinary landscape offers a mix of dining experiences to satisfy all tastes. FlatIron Crossing and its surrounding areas feature a wide variety of restaurants, ranging from cozy family diners to upscale dining establishments. Food enthusiasts can explore a selection of flavors, from classic American to international cuisines.
Local breweries are also an integral part of Broomfield’s culture. These establishments, often featuring handcrafted beers and seasonal specials, offer a cozy atmosphere where locals and visitors can relax and socialize. The food and drink scene in Broomfield highlights the community’s diverse tastes and commitment to quality.
8. Strong Community Bonds and Volunteer Opportunities
Community spirit is one of Broomfield’s most valued qualities. The city fosters a warm, welcoming environment through numerous community events, volunteer programs, and local festivals. Broomfield residents are known for their friendly, supportive nature, and newcomers quickly find opportunities to connect through volunteer programs and community gatherings.
From park clean-ups to helping at local non-profits, Broomfield encourages people of all ages to get involved, making it easy for residents to build meaningful relationships while contributing to the community. This emphasis on community bonds makes Broomfield feel like home for both longtime residents and newcomers.
9. Perfect for Exploring Colorado’s Front Range
Broomfield’s location is ideal for exploring the Colorado Front Range. Just a short drive from Denver’s nightlife, Boulder’s outdoor activities, and scenic mountain towns like Estes Park, it serves as the perfect base for adventure seekers. Whether you’re interested in outdoor recreation, arts and culture, or simply enjoying the region’s scenic beauty, Broomfield’s location makes it easy to explore the best of Colorado.
The city’s proximity to Denver International Airport further enhances its appeal, offering convenient travel options for residents and visitors alike. Broomfield’s central position allows for easy day trips and weekend getaways, giving you the freedom to enjoy all the region’s highlights without the long commute.
10. Quality Living with Modern Amenities
Broomfield combines modern amenities with small-town appeal, providing an exceptional quality of life. The city offers a wealth of services, from healthcare and education to recreation centers and libraries. The Paul Derda Recreation Center is particularly popular, featuring swimming pools, fitness facilities, sports courts, and family-friendly activities for all ages.
With its well-planned neighborhoods, low crime rate, and strong public services, Broomfield offers a comfortable and safe environment. This combination of modern amenities and a supportive community atmosphere makes it one of Colorado’s most desirable places to live.
Experience the Unique Blend of Nature, Innovation, and Community in Broomfield
In summary, Broomfield, CO, is a city that combines the best of Colorado’s natural beauty with the conveniences of urban life. Its dedication to sustainability, support for local businesses, and strong community connections make it a remarkable place to live, visit, or explore. Whether you’re drawn to its scenic landscapes, thriving economy, cultural events, or welcoming community, Broomfield offers an experience like no other.
With its ideal location, close-knit community, and stunning views, Broomfield stands out as a true Colorado gem, offering residents and visitors an inviting and enriching experience year-round.
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Why Is Negros Island a Popular Destination for Adventure Seekers

Negros Island, known for its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and vibrant marine life, has become a hotspot for adventure seekers from around the globe. Located in the central part of the Philippines, this island is more than just a tropical paradise; it offers a diverse range of activities that cater to thrill-seekers and nature enthusiasts alike. Here are some compelling reasons why Negros Island is a must-visit destination for those looking for adventure.
1. Diverse Outdoor Activities
One of the primary draws of Negros Island is its vast array of outdoor activities. From hiking up the majestic Mount Kanlaon, the highest peak in the Visayas, to exploring the beautiful waterfalls scattered throughout the island, there’s no shortage of adrenaline-pumping experiences. The scenic trails and breathtaking views reward hikers with a sense of accomplishment and connection to nature.
2. World-Class Diving Spots
Negros Island is home to some of the best diving spots in the Philippines, making it a haven for divers and underwater explorers. Places like Apo Island and Dauin are renowned for their crystal-clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and diverse marine life, including turtles, colorful fish, and even the elusive whale shark. Whether you’re a seasoned diver or a beginner, the underwater adventures in Negros Island are unforgettable.
3. Cultural Immersion
Adventure in Negros Island isn’t just about physical activities; it’s also about immersing oneself in the local culture. The island is rich in history, and visitors can explore historical sites, local markets, and traditional festivals. Engaging with the friendly locals and experiencing their customs and traditions adds a unique layer to any adventure.
4. Ecotourism Opportunities
For those who are passionate about sustainability and conservation, Negros Island offers numerous ecotourism opportunities. Many tour operators promote responsible travel practices, allowing visitors to appreciate the island’s natural beauty while contributing to its preservation. From bird watching in protected areas to participating in community-led conservation projects, adventure seekers can make a positive impact while enjoying their adventures.
5. Thrilling Water Sports
The beaches of Negros Island provide the perfect backdrop for thrilling water sports. Whether it’s kite surfing, paddleboarding, or island hopping, the crystal-clear waters and stunning coastlines are ideal for those looking to get their adrenaline fix. Many beach resorts offer equipment rentals and lessons, making it accessible for everyone to join in on the fun.
Negros Island is undoubtedly a gem for adventure seekers, blending natural beauty, cultural richness, and exciting activities. Whether you’re climbing mountains, diving into the depths of the ocean, or simply enjoying the local culture, Negros Island offers a unique experience that keeps travelers coming back for more. If you’re planning your next adventure, consider exploring the wonders of Negros Island—an exciting destination that promises unforgettable memories.
Author : Rod Dagan
Who We Are
Negros Island Business Directory is a comprehensive online platform designed to support and promote businesses on Negros Island. Our directory offers local businesses a free listing to boost their online visibility and connect them with customers across the region. We provide an automated Google review system that helps businesses collect and manage customer feedback, enhancing their reputation and search engine rankings.
In addition to the directory, we offer businesses access to valuable resources like downloadable business journals and spreadsheets tailored for local entrepreneurs, aiding in everything from financial management to growth planning. The business journals allow owners to document their journey, set goals, and track progress, while the spreadsheets provide essential templates for budgeting, expense tracking, and strategic planning.
We also run a free discount card program, where businesses can offer special promotions to customers, encouraging more local spending and fostering long-term customer loyalty. Customers who sign up for the discount cards gain access to exclusive deals, making it easier for them to support local businesses while enjoying savings. This program not only drives traffic to participating businesses but also builds a sense of community as customers actively seek out local offerings.
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i saw a post recently that made me want to state my opinion on something.
i do not hate doodles. in fact, i would say i'm pro doodle. as long as the doodle is bred or acquired ethically, i have 0 problem with them existing.
obviously doodles can have problems much like many other breeds. many. most of them. but that doesn't mean they shouldn't exist! and uninformed/uneducated buyers will unfortunately always be a thing. it doesn't mean that whatever they're buying shouldn't exist.
i don't anymore, but i worked in the animal industry (pet retail, shelter, and veterinary) for about 3 years. i NEVER saw a doodle that was as awful as so many people paint them to be. i'm not saying they don't exist! just anecdotally, i interacted with plenty of doodles that were totally fine. not my cup of tea as far as dogs go, but non problematic. in fact, most of the nervy messes i can remember were purebreds (looking at you schnauzers). that does not mean i think that schnauzers should not exist or that we should witch hunt the people who breed or own them.
in my experience working in rescue, i very rarely saw any dogs that could've been a poodle mix (think curls or furnishings) - and when i did, they wouldn't last more than a day there before getting adopted. people like doodley dogs! i understand this may differ regionally, but where i'm located, we don't have an overpopulation problem of doodles. we DO have a very clear overpopulation of pitbulls and bully breed mixes.
but back to the point. people hate doodles for all sorts of reasons - they're designer dogs, they're a fad, they're bred for money, their coats are bad, etc etc. okay fine, you're entitled to that - but you CAN'T hate doodles for those reasons unless you also hate all the other breeds or mixes (sport mixes!!!) that fall under the above criteria as well. doodles aren't special. they're not different. they're just another type of dog and people like them. popularity isn't a sin. lots of breeds have had their time in the spotlight and yet their owners aren't verbally flogged for having them.
i'm pro rescue and adoption. i'm pro ethical breeding. i have a rescue mutt from a shelter and i have a purebred dog from a breeder. and i believe that doodles fill a niche in a lot of homes that other breeds don't. hence their popularity. if you hate doodles, i think you should really try to think deeply about WHY. like, i'll most likely never own a doodle because they're not what i want in a dog - and if you groomed them and thought they were always annoying and you dislike them - fine! but when you think that every single doodle is the scourge of the earth and people should be ashamed for owning them, you need to sit down and think about that, because chances are you've fallen prey to some sort of anti-doodle propaganda without truly examining the facts.
#i'm happy to chat about this if anyone has questions on my opinion#like i'm not mad at anyone for hating doodles and i don't mean to come off as#holier-than-thou#i've just been around so much doodle hate that when i see it#i feel the need to clarify my stance on it#and ftr i don't plan on ever owning one so i'm not a resource for breeders or anything#just putting my 2 cents in generally#oh and DISCLAIMER#i'm located in USA#so i have like zero concept of how dogs are in other countries#so i can't speak to that at all#long post#dogblr#doodle discourse
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