#2th Hour
byneddiedingo · 2 months
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25th Hour (Spike Lee, 2002)
Cast: Edward Norton, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Barry Pepper, Rosario Dawson, Brian Cox, Anna Paquin, Tony Siragusa. Screenplay: David Benioff, based on his novel. Cinematography: Rodrigo Prieto. Production design: James Chinlund. Film editing: Barry Alexander Brown. Music: Terence Blanchard. 
Spike Lee's 25th Hour is a "day in the life" movie, and a very good one. The day is the last one of freedom for Monty Brogan (Edward Norton) before he goes to prison for seven years. He spends it with his girlfriend, Naturelle (Rosario Dawson), his friends Jacob (Philip Seymour Hoffman) and Frank (Barry Pepper), and his father (Brian Cox), and also makes a visit to the Russian mobsters who got him into the business of pushing drugs. It's also one of Lee's best films, less celebrated than Do the Right Thing (1982) or Malcolm X (1992), but worthy of being mentioned in their company. The only reservation I have about the movie is that Lee doesn't let his powerhouse cast bring their solidly written characters to life without indulging in a few distracting cinematic tricks. He and his longtime editor, Barry Alexander Brown, can't seem to resist techniques like freeze frames and moments in which the action is repeated from a different angle. There are showy montages and tour de force episodes, some of which work, like the "fuck you" episode in which the embittered Monty anathematizes almost every racial, social, and economic group in New York City. And the film ends with a beautifully realized sequence in which Monty's father proposes to help him escape and imagines the life he might live. But other episodes don't quite work, like the long take in which Jacob and Frank talk about their friendship with Monty, a scene that must have involved careful preparation on the part of Pepper and Hoffman, But it's staged in front of a window in Frank's apartment, which somewhat improbably overlooks Ground Zero, where crews are clearing away the rubble of the World Trade Center. I couldn't help being distracted by the scene outside the window instead of concentrating on their dialogue. Still, the movie, which was planned before the 9/11 attack and completed and released afterward, beautifully integrates that event into the theme and tone of the film, which deserves to find the audience it never quite did when it was released. 
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deepvelvet · 1 year
Composite moon through houses p1
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1th: this couple can be absorbed in each other. There is an ease in regards to the inner world of the other. Their reactions to the world and one another are relatable. Similar instincts. Compatible emotion expression. They suport each other and can turn to be very dependable of that dynamic. They can have a preference to deal with the world as a team. It can be hard to want to operate outside of the relationship. Creates a deep bond between two people. After separation one or both of them can feel desorganized in personal life and the act to become an individual again because of the habit of doing everything with the other person. The feelings are in the surface, they are visible to the other person and to people outside the relationship. They know you love them, they can feel it. People around you feel the love you two have for each other.
"I didn't say it yet, but i feel this person knows i love them deeply"
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2th: the emotional, the sharing are happening in areas of life that we have material security. This couple has a sense of physical safety with each other and this connection. They can feel the emotional bond is getting deeper when they do physical activities together. Or when they do activities with long term goals. One or both of them may feel like money and possessives play a part in their emotional response. Buying gifts can be a form to show their feelings and the other one can feel the gifts as a love statement. Share pleasure in what makes them feel security and stability.
"what about we start a fitness program together and work in that for one year?"
"maybe i wouldn't do it by myself, but i want that for a long time"
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3th: shared mental activities and hobbies. They can have similar opinions in a lot of topics they found important. They learn things in similar ways and have similar meanings to things that are happening around them, How they interpret the world. They love to have conversations and in order to achieve the emotional security this couple will need to really know the other in every aspect of them. They understand each other well and its a Very happy placement in every day life, because they will, If the moon is well aspected, have an easy time organizing their daily hours and mastering the companion ability.
"hey babe im not in the mood of going out tonight i hope that's ok..."
"me neither, i want to stay home and watch movies with you, too"
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4th: Shared background experiences that makes life seems more familiar. We can depend on each other, they find easy to settle in a domestic routine. In to agree at what home life should be like. We are looking to experience similar things together. If this moon hás hard aspects it can actually increase them between the chart and the other planets involved.
"i think we could start our reform by the kitchen, its a place we use a lot and i feel it's not ideal for us right now"
"i was actually gonna tell you the same"
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5th: Very casual and enjoyable place. They love make each other laugh and have fun together. One or both of them can find It hard at the beggining to make the relationship serious. They love each other companies. If we have a more serious undertone about the relationship its that party on couple, really playful. They can want to have children together or being in company of children. A couple with moon in 5th house can raize children together very well, they have compatibility in that area.
"i think our daughter needs us to act that certain way right now, as parents"
"I think you are right, she needs it, let's do it"
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lablim64 · 5 months
Guess I'm bored and wanted to make some little lores
So I make that old incer mental hospital owner an oc
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I tried to make her look like the one I drew-
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I were have no idea how she can look like so I just drew this shet, but now her re design is was gorgeous and even have a lore lol
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Cassie Berino were an grown lady who owns the incer mental hospital, she were always loved to be an hospital owner due to her trauma about losing her father cause of his mental breakdown (he su!c!de after cause of it), she always wanted to help the once who's mental broken and heal them, that's why she study doctor, she were a sunshine person, always try her best to make everyone happy, and Dr Albert were her last victim of it, ever since they met, Cassie always try to make him laugh, no matter what he says she never leave him, and soon they become closer and one day Cassie didn't showed up, Cassie were having horrible lung pain and barely able to breathe, her mother take her to a hospital and she found out she has lung cancer, that broke her badly, when her friends find out, they start to get away from her, everyone expect Albert, Albert were also find Cassie's actions annoying but also felt bad that a sunshine like her got cancer, he and her start to hangout more and Albert try his best to help Cassie about her healthcare and beat her cancer, months pass and they both open their hospitals, they celebrate it with a picnic, it was nice, they were took out a radio and dance together, then Cassie thinks, and she got an doubt, she told Albert that what if she didn't survive till too long because that was killing her, Albert told her to not say those words and told her that everything will be fine and she will beat her cancer, then Cassie asks Albert "if something happens..can you take care of my hospital for me? And if something happens to you..ill take care of yours" that make Albert chuckle, he were fully believed that Cassie will beat the cancer but he kept the promise, after some days, it was the 2th anniversary of Cassie's hospital open so Albert wanted to surprise her with a rose, he when to her house and her mother greets him, she were not so healthy but seem alright, Albert realize that Cassie didn't woke up yet so he decided to surprise her in the bed, he go to her room and see her laying on her bed, he lean closer and whisper to her to wake up, Cassie didn't answer, so he thought "hm..you really like to make me embarrass myself, aren't you?" Get lean close and kiss her in the check, maybe she'll shock and woke up, but she didn't move at all, Albert start to get worried and shake her gently, calling her name, bit when his hand get to her chest, he didn't felt a heartbeat at all..Cassie were not breathing, Albert panic and carry her to the hospital, some hours later the doctors told him that she were died during her sleep, that hit Albert badly, he promised her that she will beat the cancer, but lung cancer had other ideas, after that day, Cassie Berino passed away, and like Albert promised, he took care of her hospital, no one know what happened to the body, Albert didn't tell anything about that, to be honest that so..weird, But he probably had some ideas for her, since he's like a scientist, you know what that mfs do.
I also draw them, look!
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Their last dance ✨
I want what they had-
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Damn, that series gave me insane lore ideas, I'm glad I created that series
Dr Albert Morgan belongs to @weirdsillycreature btw-
Hope you like the lore and the arts brah :3💖💖💖💖
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foxlightwill · 20 days
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i wish i lived here why do i have relatives with this much money who have never given me a dime. whatever at least they’re letting me stay here so i only have to drive ~1 1/2th hours to my concert instead of five. it’s a beautiful morning tho
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krviiror · 23 days
!! An@ diaries ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。
28 August 2024, 11:44 pm.
• trying to fast as much as possible..
• alternating between fasting n 300 cals max (volleyball)a day /week
Goal day reach:: 1st October 2024.
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚Day 1...
September 1st,2024
• umm so.. my unlucky ass got my period the day after I was gonna start fasting 😞
When I get my period it's so hard for me to not binge because I start craving food even if I'm not hungry so I binged the whole day and failed ... Tomorrow ill try to fast since my period never affects me on the 4th day !! And it's also Monday so I find it easier for me to "schedule" my fasting and omad yk😓 but anyways I'll try do to my best to prevent myself from eating and since school started its been getting much more easier since im busy the whole day,yippie!!! But anyways bye babes I'll update tmr!🤗
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ Day 2...
September 2th,2024
• ok so..Today there was no school because it was Labor Day! So preventing myself to eat was a lil harder😓 But I guess I did ok today! For breakfast at around 8:45am I had 2 croissants which I had NO idea it was almost 300 CALORIES EACH. So I def had a lil moment of regret after eating it🤗🤗 but it's wtv I guess🙄 luckily I was occupied for the rest of the day deep cleaning my room so I didn't eat anything except chew on sugar free gum😛
at around 2:30 I went to play beach volleyball with my friends which we played for like 4 hours straight so I ended up burning most of the cals I got from the croissants!!! After we got tired we went dep and I tried monster for the first time!! It was the white sugar free one and it was only 10 cals so I was very happy abt that!! I didn't really like the flavor tbh.. but it's still a good "safe food" when I'm eating less than 300 cals ! After that I walked home so I was able to burn a lil more calories and my mom made pasta so I had a plate! And that's all for today🤭
Since tmr I'm going back to school I'll be able to fast/ eat less than 300cals for the week! That's all goodnight guys!:)
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚Day 3...
September 3th,2024
... I actually wanna kms😞
So I had volleyball tryouts/practice today and I had this plan to only eat a small meal for lunch so I can atleast have some energy for volley... and that's what I did! I had one hotdogs which was able to fill me up for the day and I was able to burn it all out during volleyball! So I decided to starve for the rest of the afternoon and when I came home my freaking brother bought like a whole ass feast for the both of us and I was trying sooooo hard to resist but I felt bad bc he used his miney and he's always so kind to me and I couldn't lie to him bc ik he knows yk😞 so my fatass ate a freaking cake and shawarma thinking if I drank a 100 cal smoothie during it would make a difference but no it did not🤬🤬 u honestly feel so guilty and disgusting bc I just CANNOT PREVENT MYSELF FROM EATING. AS HARD AS I TRY I JUST CANT I END UO GIVING IN☹️☹️ and I'm honestly so done with saying "oh I'm gonna fast the whole day tmr I won't eat anything and catch up" like no girl why you lying😞 please if u guys have tips to avoid and YK HOW I FEEL PLEASEEE HELP A GIRL OUT💔💔
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streetfighter2001 · 2 months
just woke up n had this insane dream. ok so i lived in this big ass building it was like a 5 stars hotel then suddenly there was a fire n everybody needed to evacuate the building until it was known what caused the fire (the firefighters were there already n etc the fire was contained). for a while we couldn't go to our apartments so everyone was just so confused ??? at first i was coming home n when i was near i saw all the confusion outside the building, the firefighters, the thing that removes corpses, etc. i was mesmerised fr. the corpse remover was for this elderly couple that was scared n died prob from a heart attack.
ok so i go inside the building. first thing i see is a friend n her family getting out n immediately i go 2her n ask about all the fuss. then she says everything i already explained. so of course i run upstairs to try n localise my family. i do. everything's fine. but what abt my things?? my clothes?? objects?? n shit?? found sum info n if we waited a bit we could go 2our apartments n grab our things real quick. alright! i sit n wait but then i wanna go 2th bathroom n thankfully they made some emergency makeshift bathrooms. you had 2pay (50centz only) to use em but meh idc i grab my mothers pass card cuz mines not w me then i go 2the escalator (needed 2go down) n pay for it. the lady who was there to assist asks me "is the card yours" n im like "no thats my mothers" n she goes "alright but next time must be yours" n i dont even just cuz she was smiling n the time amongst the chaos n etc. i go down. alright. the bathroom is ... something. the curtains covering em were made of a black plastic like a trash bag but i didnt care again n just chose one. midway a cleaning dude talked to me how that shit would b terrible in the next hours (cuz it was rly clean n everything) n he was pitying the cleaning ladies on the newt shift. i agreed n entered a 'cabin'. i found a pair of converse hikes n considered grabbing em 4myself even though i already own a pair. i get out n go try n change clothes in the next room, but it was hella comfortable, had a bed n everything. i changed n laid for abt five minutes them boom some things started blooming from the bed n a warning appeared on tv saying "these r [forgot the name] and u can eat them like macaroni!" then the warning shifted to a red screen n said "but they're disgusting parasites". dude i got up so freakin fast, grabbed my clothes n then i woke up
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chillenby · 3 months
I woke up today and I just felt a spike of anger inside of me because I remembered my ex friend (for this story I'll just call her S). And I want everyone to hear this story
So me and S were really close in middle school like we did almost everything together. I was a bit dependant on her. Usually seeking her approval and shit like that.
So one day we were hanging out at her mom's work place (it was a small place where they printed stuff and it was the weekend so nobody was there) with our 2 other friends and we were having fun. Well after like 2 hours we started playing would you rather, you know as 4 girls do.
Well it was S's turn to ask someone something and she decided to ask me 'would you rather be friends with me for the rest of your life, but you can't draw or would you rather be able to draw, but we won't be friends?'. At that question I instantly said 'I can't choose both of it is really important to me'. At that age I wanted to become an artist and live of it and in my 12 year old mind I though Sarah would never be friends with me if I didn't have a job. Since I though art or nothing. She kept pressing me for an answer and then I finally chose art over her.
I left the hang out in 15 minutes because it was so quiet and Sarah was so quiet. And when I left I knew like physicaly knew that Sarah was shit talking be for my choice.
Then summer came and we barely hung out because I was busy with sports and travelling and when we all hung out they only talked about kpop. I tried to be involved and ask questions, but they ignored them or answered them vaguely. So I just stopped talking while we hung out.
Then at the start of the 8th grade her and my other friend gave me letters. In those letters they told me they don't want to be friends with me anymore because 'we used to be like sister and now we've changed. We have nothing to talk about'. It's fair, but of course we have nothing to talk about when all you 2 care about is kpop and how hot boys are. I mean H and I only talked about a few things and one of it was that we're gay. So yea.
I moved away from them and sat with one guy I'll call him 3 I thought was cool and smart (fun fact in 2th grade I 'married' that guy). So 3 and I became close since he was the chattiest mf alive and I wanted to listen to him even though for like the first two weeks I barelly spoke. And then I and 3 were added to a group chat with this weird girlv K and a friend I used to have beef with J. And now I'm close friends with J, 3 and I don't really talk anymore and I met another guy M who is fun (we call each other slurs, tell each other to kys and have the weirdest conversations imaginable, he's a great friend :) )
In conclusion I'm glad I chose art over S. Art truly makes me happy and if she were a true friend she would have been a much better friend in general and she would still be around. But she isn't. I hope she sees me and she realises how happier I am without her. I'm glad she blocked me in the 1st grade of high school. I hope she realises she was a bitch to me. I hope she thinks I hate her and don't have fond memories of her.
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soyouareandrewdobson · 11 months
Some late Halloween recommendation
(Seizure Warning)
Happy happy Halloween,
happy, happy Halloween,
fuck you Dobson!
Well, haven't talked for a long time, haven't I?
Things got busy again the last couple of weeks and with the sort of posts I am working on being rather long + spending my off time from work on other things than somethin Dobson related, I couldn't bring much to the table.
That said, next month something really big is in the making, starting from November 2th. Other than that, I kinda thought I want to do something small, non Dobson related for the holiday..
So in case some of you are looking for some Halloween related fun to spend the next 24 hours with, I thought I recommend some minor movies and other horror related things you may hopefully enjoy.
So let's start
Creepshow (1982) & Crepshow 2
I am a huge fan of horror anthology movies and Tales form the Crypt like stories (comics and tv show), so when I heard that Stephen King wrote a script for a comic like horror movie in the 80s, directed by George Romero, I was kinda hooked up.
Creepshow is something of a hidden gem people are becoming more aware of nowadays thanks to the internet, popculture and the fact, that on Shudder there has been a tv series based on the concept, that currently runs for 4 seasons. And while the quality of some episodes is varying, it is a lot of fun to watch. Particularly the one episode that is literally Bob Ross fighting the Deadites from Evil Dead.
As for the movie that started it all, separated in five little stories, the movie has something from everyone. From a multibillionaire finding himself attacked by cockroaches in his apartment, a zombie wanting cake for father's day, to a henpecked husband exploiting a weird monster to deal with his bickering tramp of a wife. I know the movie was once on completely for free to watch on youtube, but unfortunately I couldn't find it for this entry as quickly. That said, have the still good, though moref flawed sequel here
The Night of the living dull
still one of the funniest jabs at really awful fans, related to my favorite cartoon from the 90s. If you can find more of the Nightmare Ghoulery online, I highly recommend it.
It is still better animated and way funnier than the actual Tiny Toon reboot we got last month. As evident by that opening alone
Franken Fran
Imagine if Frankenstein created a slightly cute teenaged girl who is a masterful surgeon and biologist/genetic engineer, who tries to help other people with her operations. Only for things to go ever so slightly wrong for the people involved in it. Partly because Fran doesn't care for either good or evil, just science, partly because they kinda deserve their ironic fate.
For friends of horror anthology stories and people who want to laugh at Kamen Rider in a certain way, for free to read here
considering I am on tumblr, I don't think I have to introduce you to Helluva Boss. So let me just more or less out myself as a fan of it too. I may think it is in part flawed (the people behind it certainly love to overindulge themselves in musical numbers and gay fluff, while I just wished there was a bit more cartoonish killing), but I have quite a bit of respect for the quality of the animation and some of the ideas going into it. Plus, related to the linked episode itself, "2 Minutes Notice" really slaps and it is obvious, that Alex Brightman has a lot of fun here. So alone for that I recommend you watch the episode.
Imagine Evil Dead 2 mixed with your average youtube douchebag prankster getting his comeuppances. One of the best movies I watched last year, Deadstream is about Shawn, a failed youtuber trying to restart his career by spending a night in a haunted house. Only problem, not only is Shawn something of a slightly dumb piss ant who recognizes red flags way too late, the house really is haunted and the ghosts are certainly not friendly or in need of help at all. While "low budget" by certain standards, the movie has some really great practical effects and decent scares, but also some really great black comedy and slapstick mixed in, without ever really going into full on Scary Movie cartoon-esque antics. Also one of the few movies, where the concept of "livestreaming" is actually utilized extremely intelligently for the sake of the movie's style. As far as I know it is watchable on Shudder, so please. go see it
He is the terror, that schemes at the night.
to wrap this post up, a little still ongoing thing in the world of cartoon related comics. Currently published by Dynamite Entertainment in colaboration with Disney, Negaduck is a tie in series to the current Darkwing Duck comics, focused on one of Darkwing's most popular villains. His personal archrival (and I think multiversal evil counterpart, to me they were always a bit vague with that in my opinion) Negaduck. surprisingly well drawn, this comic manages to capture the cartoonishness of the cartoon in vibrant colors and makes Negaduck a lot of fun, when he tries to come up with an ultimate scheme and in his quest ends up going on a treasure hunt for King Midas' gauntled. You can read the first two issues of more hopefully to come here.
Now with that said, I am off to a party with friends and playing some Luigis Mansion 3. HAPPY HALLOWEEN AND HAVE SOME CANDY
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bthebeachboi · 2 years
Listen, maybe because I love birds n OKs national bird is SO PRETTY, but bird Oklahoma, with pretty little wings, who was wild af in his early days, staying on trees n hunting while flying, just to end up tying them up to his back, in fear that people would take them away or laugh. (some AK x OK: Alaska learning about them and just admiring them because he loves birdwatching, looking softly how they move around, just to be caught by OK who doesn't know if he should be embarrassed or mad and just decides to do NY route and act like he didn't notice shit)
OK who, because of his "annoying and unhuman" nature as a young state would get hunted down like a rabbit, just to stay in the same place as his politicians, who could only hate him. (TX x OK: Texas jokingly asking him what duel he lost to get that specific bullet wound that left a scar and getting an answer like "oh no, it was when I flew up in the air n my 2th politician shot me, so I couldn't leave his house" and him going to Gov to ask if he's not fucking lying to him, because Gov's work was always protect the states and make sure they r doing their work)
South States being dirty in not sweat, but dirt under the nails way, only because they were living their whole life loving earth, just for others to make them love people. (at least TX compered to OK bc OK was way more about the land than TX, who was way more about people, just like CA)
OKs wings getting dirty and out of his reach, so he goes to Louisiana who also has a beautiful pair of pelican wings, his nails sharp yet delicate, brushing his feathers and making sure they are where they should be.
Also, some Florida x Louisiana (Winged Louie x Merman Florida AU):
LA after fighting with what felt like the whole world, flying away, just to stay somewhere in the middle of the sea, stomach aching from worry about what his people will be going trough, when Florida who loves him and knows him well, swims there.
He stays just with his head above the water, his tail doing all the work when after some time, Louisiana finally goes down, now being held in the arms of his best friend, his wings wet and tired, his voice rough from talking without any water for hours.
And he slowly swims back to land with his warm body in his arms and Louisiana probably sleeping silently. Because both of them are horrible with feelings.
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I feel like my face is falling apart, melting on the floor. My. History teacher asked if i was tired, the asst teacher if i was sick and this is just the 2th hour. My face is falling apart, i’m tired , I want to go home
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nikiniluna · 2 years
Opinions on Millard x Lily
Spoilers from “Map of Days” (4th book of “Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children”) and mention of “Hollow City” (2th book)
When I saw Millard liking Lily and she implying that she also likes him, I thought it would be like the movie “Mon ange”, in which Angel is invisible and falls in love with Madeleine, a girl who, being blind, doesn't notice Angel's invisibility. However, Ransom Riggs breaks expectations and reveals that Lily is not completely blind and that the remnant of vision she has is enough for her to be aware that Millard is invisible. I liked this revelation, because it takes away the impression that Lily's blindness is what allows Millard to be truly loved.
Another aspect I noticed is that, if we switch to Millard's perspective, the couple seems to be less happy. As we already know, Millard's peculiarity cannot be controlled, that is, he cannot stop being invisible. And that makes living in a society of normals extremely difficult for him. If he wants to be seen without his peculiarity being discovered, he needs to cover himself from head to toe, leaving no skin exposed. Therefore, his chances in love are much lower compared to other characters in the book. Even Jacob, on page 176 of “Hollow City”, says “But, after all, what chance would someone like him have with a normal girl?”! That is, Millard was only interested in Lily because he saw her as his ONLY chance at love, just as Jacob had said on page 336 of “Map of days”: “It was obvious that he liked the girl and did not want to abandon the fantasy he had fed in the last few hours - that he was just an ordinary boy who might, who knows, have a chance with her”. This makes Millard's love for Lily quite tragic indeed! And I think this tragic love would also be a problem in fanfics about Millard with an OC (original character) - especially if the OC has a peculiarity related to seeing invisible things or people -, unless it specifies in the fanfic that he already had other relationships before being with the OC or that there are or have been other characters attracted to Millard.
I wish they had explored this less beautiful side of Millard's love. It would be very interesting, don't you think?
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notthewizard · 2 years
A Guide for Harmonic Charts 🎇
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This is my first time writing a blog, so please be easy with me, I'm an antisocial mf that scream... but I love to write, so pardon my bad English.
The Harmonic Charts speaks of the specific aspects of our lives and it's related closely with aspects. Like 1th HC with conjunctions, 2th HC w oppositions and then. It's like Persona Charts, but instead of the traits of the specific planet/asteroid/point it talks about the relationship between your natal positions.
It's kinda similar to the division of the houses in the vedic astrology, but this one is western and it shouldn't be used like with vedic divisions, since they don't share a same mathematical calculation. The meanings can be similar, but ABSOLUTELY don't use the vedic meanings for the Harmonic Charts. Don't even mix it up. We can always get inspired by it but NEVER apply it. We respect vedic astrology here.
I want to add that the Harmonic Charts are NOT interchangeable and the aspects won't work between Harmonic Charts UNLESS if you make a chart between a Harmonic Chart and Natal Chart, then yes it works. Note that kind of stuff is pretty much advanced, don't do that if you don't understand because shit's very confusing if you don't take a reference.
You can always change the number of the Harmonic Chart for some other number, even up to 100 or more, but it's harder to read it if you don't have an very accurate birth hour. In this case I recommend to not go higher than 15th Harmonic Chart. If you got two hour off your accurate birth hour, then you got the whole HCs changed.
Did I woke up your fear of having a wrong birth hour? Oh, it's not the End of the World, don't worry about that tho. Better to understand how it works than trying to understand it within your life. If you still don't resonate, then you have to experiment with your life and don't worry shit about what says yours HCs. Your life is absolutely more explainable to your Harmonic Charts.
You want to know how to make an Harmonic Chart? Right, there is the guide of how:
Go to astro.com,
to Extended Chart Selection
and you check the chart type, like this:
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Then search until you see Harmonic Charts, which you can find if you scroll all down, then click it.
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Now that we clicked it, we need to change the number of day in order to get the x number of harmonic you want to check out. So if we want a 4th Harmonic Chart, just write 4 in the day. Some number works too. Month and year are NOT needed.
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Then click show the chart and you'll see your 4th Harmonic Chart. You can change 4 for some other number that you want to see.
End of the Guide.
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weirdboi · 10 months
Lucifer lore|| This fanfic may include violence, blood, family murder ect. If ur uncomfortable with anyof these pls leave now
Enjoy :)
•The birth
Lucifer Black is born on September 6th. Her mother Monica was rushing to the hospital with her father Octavius. After 14 hours of trying to get the baby out Monica finally did it. Lucifer was born. While Monica was in her room with a baby, Octavius was in the waiting room talking on the phone.
"Hello? ... Um, yes it's me...
.... When.?
Alright...thank you." He said disappointed and hung up. The nurse got out of the room and told him he can check on his wife. He came in all moody and angry.
"Is everything ok hun?" Asked Monica
"Yes YES! Everything is fine... What fo they say about the baby?.."
"They are now going to go check on them. Oh Octavius, I'm so glad and happy right now. I know this mother thing will be hard but I'm willing for it!"
Octavius was just looking at her and nodded and smiled back. He can't believe that this shit happened on hus baby's birthday. After some check ups nurse finally brought the baby to Monica and Octavius. Octavius took the baby and all those angry emotions got out of him. He felt...all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Monica was so happy. When they got home Octavius was still playing with lil Lucifer while Monica went to sleep. While he was playing his phone rang. It said "Percy". He then remembered the phone call, became even more angry and ran to the kitchen leaving Luci alone. Later that night Monica and Octavius had a big fight. Octavius started hitting her and she tried to fight back. After the fight Monica went to see is Luci ok. Luckily, Luci was still peaceful sleeping.
"I really don't know what has gotten into him... I hope that he returns to normal tomorrow..."-she thought. But tomorrow Octavius was still same. All moody, mad and negative. Monica tried to talk to him, to seee what is up with him, but he would just rage out.
•Age 8
Luci was going to school, she was 2th grade of primary school. They lived in Serbia with mom,dad and dad's granma(Patty). Whenever Luci would come home she would lock herself in the room while Monica and Octavius would fight in the kitchen. One time they fought so bad that she heard a glass breaking from the kitchen. He knew that mom was done for and started crying really hard. But after few hours Monica came inside while Luci eas asleep. She woke her up and when lil darling saw her mother she was really happy.
"Mom Mom!" -she cried all happy.
"Shhhh there there my dear... Don't worry I'm here..."- Luci explained to her mom how she got so scared and thought Monica was dead and that dad killed her. That night Monica was sleeping in Luci's room. Tomorrow morning Monica went to discuss about the divorce for her and Octavius. But when she told the situation and her paperwork one of the ladies working said that Monica needs to first come here with Octavius and tgen they'll talk. When she got home she called her sister to ask about the their old house in German (cause that's where Monica is originally from) and sister told her that their brother sold the house. Monica was destroyed... She asked her sister could she stay at hers or brother's place but sister told her that they both left Germany cause of brother and his behaviour. For the rest of the day Monica was thinking how could she get out of Octavius' claws.
•The accident...
It was a cloudy and chilly day. In Luci's school all the children were outside and teachers were smoking cigarettes 🚬. But two children had a fight between each other and one threw the rock at another one. The other one yelled: "ROCK WAR!!!" and started throwing rocks. Soon rocks were flying all over the school. Luci knew this was gonna be terrible so they went to ask the teachers can they come in. But teachers told them that they cannot, so they had to try to survive the rock war. They put the book on their head so it could be protected. But then...
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One of the rocks hit Luci by their forehead. It was really bloody. The kids called the teachers and the teachers called hospital. Later when Monica arrived the teachers explained the situation and she was so mad. Doctors told her that Luci is in coma and don't know when will they wake up. Monica was crushed. Her inly child is now trying to survive just because of some idiots not paying attention. For next few days Monica was feeling so awful and cold, and Octavius sure wasn't helping. But one night night, while doctors were checking on Luci their puls went down
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They thought Luci was done for.
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ghost-of-you · 1 year
I’ll cry with you because they never go to the smaller Canadian towns and only ever go to toronto 😭
I really relate to Canadian in this point, cuz like a lot of people say "oh at least people go to Brazil" but they make one show in São Paulo (maybe one in Rio de Janeiro if we're lucky) and call it a day and we're the 5th largest country in the planet? One show is not enough? And it's a 9 hour drive for me to get to São Paulo so it's a whole event trying to go to a show and i feel like it's like that with Canada too, because Canada is what? 2th largest country? And sure, there's shows, but it's one show in Toronto and Vancouver if you're lucky? And there's no way in hell everyone that wants to see them can make it to these two places. Honestly makes me want to cry.
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seokka0o · 1 year
In my xdinary hours ig, but I just gathered some things I thought throughout the week!
1st - my bestie jooyeon is so cute with his long hair again, feeling like a true barbie 😔 but my head just takes me to sub!jooyeon who just like to have his hair yanked, and if you spit in his mouth???? The boy is gone, too hard to even have words in his mouth, just whimpering and crying in pure shame of the humiliation
2th - Gaon really is out there proving the brat that he is, isn't he? But I'm having a feeling, a really strong feeling that that would lean into him slowly learning how to take power from you, but he won't act until it's perfect, until he makes you cockdrunk enough that you aren't even questioning him. I'm saying like, chocking, putting his long fingers in your mouth and slamming his hips against you until you're a little sore to walk in the next day
3th - junhan is my beloved one, you know that! He's my vanilla ice cream that I just want to consume all, but these days??? I'm only thinking innocent!junhan who thinks that it's an absurd that he once had a wet dream about you and can't look you in the face, while you're here collecting his things like a maniac just to have a little piece of him with you all the time.
*gasp* yes please, this is on the point, omgggg
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bzrandomscribble · 15 days
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Make a Wish!
HAPPY 2TH BIRTHDAY MY BOY!! A little more until eventual debut! ...someday.
I haven't mentioned him or any of my Pokémon OCs at all here oh my god I could talk and draw about them for hours---
Here are they! From my working in progress comic series: Lost to the Journey
It's on indefinite hiatus until I figure out how the story actually going to go. Definitely going to post more about them here in the future for sure!
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