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scullyscatholicguilt · 15 days ago
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prolonged shoulder touch
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renegadesstuff · 3 months ago
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sp00kyactionatadistance · 3 months ago
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The X-Files • 2Shy
“When you look at me you see a monster. But I was just feeding a hunger. 
You’re more than a monster. You didn’t just feed on their bodies. You fed on their minds. 
My weakness was no greater than theirs. I gave them what they wanted. They gave me what I needed. 
Not anymore.”
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dashalbrundezimmer · 6 months ago
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streetart // liège
liège in belgium is always worth a visit. among other things, the city is full of graffiti, murals and other street art. despite long walks through the city and burning soles, we only managed to discover a fraction of it.
as far as i could research the artists, i have named them.
liège in belgien ist immer einen besuch wert, unter anderem ist die stadt voller graffitis, murals und anderer street art. trotz langer durchstreifungen der stadt und brennenden Fußsohlen haben wir gefühlt nur einen bruchteil entdecken können.
soweit ich die künstler*innen recherchieren konnte habe ich diese benannt.
soke, michael nicolai
jérémy goffart, olivier sujukowski, michaël nicolai
pso man
kaer, didier gosset
spray can arts
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x-files-polls · 4 months ago
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Holly McClain: I don't know if anyone remembers her—she's only on screen for a minute, mostly dominated by digs at her appearance—but she has always stuck out to me because even though she still ends up murdered, she fought back against her attacker and gets critical dna evidence in the process
Chantara: So iconic for a character who's face we never even saw
Don't like this propaganda? Reblog it with your own or send some in my askbox
To jog your memory, here are the episodes they're from:
2Shy: Meeting insecure women through an online service, a serial killer seduces his prey with the right words. However, Mulder and Scully determine these killings are far from ordinary by the presence of a strange substance coating the victims, a substance which seems to digest the fatty acids in flesh.
X-Cops: A filming of an episode of COPS gets in the way of the collaborative effort between the FBI and the local police department. Mulder later finds out that the monster feeds on fear. While Mulder embraces the publicity, Scully is not so sure of it. The episode was filmed as if it were an authentic episode of the TV series COPS.
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stars-multifandom-den · 5 months ago
I have been crazy hyped by the 2Shy episode of The X Files. It was so gross and batshit insane. I loved it!!!
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | Season Three Master Post
We’ve come to the conclusion of a momentous season! From some of the most iconic episodes to some of the most beloved characters, season three was full of intense chapters!
Check out this thread to see all the characters we got to meet!
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3x01 | The Blessing Way - The Well-Manicured Man (@fridaysat9
They were all living on the precipice of the end of the human race, but they were only concerned with jobs, school assignments, and playdates.
Life, as it should be.
3x02 | Paper Clip - Victor Klemper (@monikafilefan)
The offspring of a rebel syndicate member unearthing truths Victor has spent decades trying to bury beneath buttercups and begonias has marked him for certain death.
3x03 | D.P.O. - Darin Peter Oswald (@gaycrouton)
His friend was scared of him, and it made Darin feel powerful.
3x04 | Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose - Clyde Bruckman (@fridaysat9)
A funny thing happens when you see your own death. At first you try to make sense of it– what could it mean, why the tears, why her? Then you try to change it.
3x05 | The List - Dr. Juan Ullrich (@monikafilefan)
Juan fidgets with an evidence bag, trying not to blatantly stare at the agents holding an entire conversation with their eyes while systematically categorizing every sway of their bodies, every touch of her hands.
3x06 | 2Shy - Lauren MacKalvey (@gaycrouton)
2SHY > You have no idea how beautiful I think you are. I must confess… I feel inextricably drawn to you. I can’t stop thinking about what you said the other day… You don’t deserve to feel lonely, Lauren.
3x07 | The Walk - Leonard 'Rappo' Trimble (@admiralty-xfd)
Every night, he walks again. And every morning he wakes in the same bed with the same phantom pain. Every day he wishes he’d just died; that explosion that didn’t quite kill him cost him his life, anyway.
3x08 | Oubliette - Lucy Householder (@monikafilefan)
She has to go. It’s all so clear now. She has to go back. Through the woods, through the house — into the dark. Maybe she was never meant to leave it at all.
3x09 | Nisei - Penny Northern (@gaycrouton)
It was the strength of these women that got her through those experiences, and it was the strength of these women that would help her embark on this dark path they were all destined to walk.
3x10 | 731 - First Elder (The Well-Fed Man) (@admiralty-xfd)
The one thing that can be manipulated more effectively than any other is her fear of the unknown… of what happened to her last year.
3x11 | Revelations - Owen Lee Jarvis (@fridaysat9)
He gave of himself, abandoning what little life he’d had, to honor God’s words and do as he had been called.
3x12 | War of the Coprohages - Dr. Bambi Berenbaum (@gaycrouton)
Bambi felt a flush spread across her chest as his hypothesis brought a smile to her face. Hearing that he hadn’t been merely indulging her earlier was a refreshing change of pace.
3x13 | Syzygy - Detective Angela White (@admiralty-xfd)
Detective White stops as Agent Scully finally glances over at her, somewhat defensively. And then she gets it. Everything about the way she’s been treated since the agents arrived makes perfect sense.
3x14 | Grotesque - Agent Bill Patterson (@fridaysat9)
Patterson figured that Mulder might have a theory about a potential copycat killer, but no; he’d been researching gargoyles and goblins. Monsters recorded in dusty old tomes pulled from the library shelves.
3x15 | Piper Maru - Kimberly (@monikafilefan)
Kimberly Cook is good at her secretarial job. So when the man she’s been working closely with for two years is troubled, she refuses to let him file the feeling away like some confidential case in his cabinet.
3x16 | Apocrypha - Luis Cardinal (@admiralty-xfd)
The Scully woman is not simply angry, she’s unhinged. And there’s a small part of him that understands; it’s the part of him that, prior to working for the Smoker, had never been asked to shoot an innocent woman before.
3x17 | Pusher - Agent Frank Burst (@fridaysat9)
Frank doesn’t care if he has to tell him his mother’s maiden name and his favorite breakfast cereal if it means getting his location.
3x18 | Teso Dos Bichos - Officer (@monikafilefan)
He doesn’t get paid enough for this shit.
3x19 | Hell Money - Hsin Shuyang (@gaycrouton)
The gods might not be listening, but the devil was waiting for him down the street, ready to play a game with all the men whose American dreams had turned into nightmares.
3x20 | Jose Chung's From Outer Space - Detective Manners (@fridaysat9)
That's a bleepin' dead alien body, if I ever bleepin' saw one.
3x21 | Avatar - Carina Sayles (@monikafilefan)
She can tell he doesn’t do this. Doesn’t drink alone in a bar, letting a stranger slowly seduce him.
3x22 | Quagmire - Queequeg (@gaycrouton)
Queequeg was loved.
3x23 | Wetwired - 'Doctor' Stroman (@admiralty-xfd)
Another town, another test, another shitty motel room… but always the same boss.
3x24 | Talitha Cumi - Teena Mulder (@monikafilefan)
If only Bill had known back then that the untrustworthy person he was referring to would sleep with his wife and father his son.
Stay tuned for more perspectives coming in Season Four!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
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x-files-scripts · 2 years ago
The X-Files - “2Shy”
Written by Jeffrey Vlaming
September 1, 1995 (BLUE)
In this early draft, Detective Cross’ sexism was a little more on-the-nose...
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The case had a more challenging affect on Scully in these cut lines...
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Scully defeats Virgil single-handedly...
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Alternate ending:
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california-112 · 7 months ago
Back at the Erlenmeyer Flask dockyard, love me a good location reuse
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stylearche · 1 year ago
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renegadesstuff · 3 months ago
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faequeentitania · 4 months ago
Also, turn on the freaking lights?? You just busted the door down, I think the element of surprise is lost, why are y'all fumbling around in the dark??
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detournementsmineurs · 1 year ago
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Parcours Street Art “Rimbaud” avec " L'Eternité" de Miguel do Armaral Continho, “Le Coeur Supplicié” de l'artiste Ardif, "Départ" de l'artiste Olivier aka 2Shy et “Sensation” de l'artiste Damien Auriault (2019) le long de la Meuse à Charleville-Mézières, septembre-octobre 2023.
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x-files-polls · 4 months ago
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Ricky: He was so scared, I really felt bad for him.
Lauren Mackalvey: deserved better :(
Don't like this propaganda? Reblog it with your own or send some in my askbox
To jog your memory, here are the episodes they're from:
X-Cops: A filming of an episode of COPS gets in the way of the collaborative effort between the FBI and the local police department. Mulder later finds out that the monster feeds on fear. While Mulder embraces the publicity, Scully is not so sure of it. The episode was filmed as if it were an authentic episode of the TV series COPS.
2Shy: Meeting insecure women through an online service, a serial killer seduces his prey with the right words. However, Mulder and Scully determine these killings are far from ordinary by the presence of a strange substance coating the victims, a substance which seems to digest the fatty acids in flesh.
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ariverofsongs · 2 years ago
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(Tap for quality)
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | 2Shy (3x06)
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Trigger warnings: weight, eating disorders, disordered eating, diet
Her sister told her that happy people didn’t seek out companionship over the internet. Lauren was pretty sure the insinuation was that she shouldn’t be doing it, but that was based on the misguided assumption she was a happy person. 
She wanted to be happy, but what she wanted never seemed to matter.
Lauren wanted to be loved. She wanted to be pretty. She wanted to be skinny.
No— she wanted to be those things without having to be skinny.
Her weight had fluctuated her whole life, and she’d done everything she could to manage it. The Ornish Diet, Atkins, South Beach, Sugar Busters, FenPhen, shoving her fingers down her throat, substituting food for nicotine, for air… she’d tried everything.
When she thought of significant moments in her life, the first thing she thought of was her weight. She couldn’t recall what songs played at homecoming, but she could remember she felt like she was going to faint. She wasn’t sure if she told Grandma she loved her during the final visit; she could only remember her embarrassment when Grandma’s hands touched her back fat when they hugged.
At her lowest, she was miserable because of all the restrictions she was putting herself through. At her highest, she was miserable because she’d let herself down.
Sometimes she thought it would be easier to just accept her bigger body. She saw the feminists in her undergrad classes brandish their armpit hair and makeup-less faces like badges of honor, and she wanted to be that confident too. She wanted to hold all the parts of herself that took up extra room, the parts adorned with stretchmarks and dimples, and say “take it or leave it!”
Only, she couldn’t bear the hurt that came when everyone chose to ‘leave it’.
She didn’t want that to be the truth. Every body is created differently, and hers didn’t deserve to be loved any less because she carried her mom’s cooking with her or because the wine she enjoyed with her friends stayed on her thighs. Jennifer said there was more of her to love, but it seemed most men saw the extra weight as a burden they’d have to bear. 
Lauren joined the Big and Beautiful chat room because the men who instigated a conversation with her there already knew she was bigger. She couldn’t handle the idea of putting herself out there only to be met with stares of disgust when they saw her body. Well, if they saw her at all, that is. The last few dates she went on, she watched the men walk in and scan the crowd for their date, their gazes passing over her like a chill. It was as if their minds couldn’t even see her as an option, she was just a large body in the periphery. 
A pretty face doesn’t mean much when the rest of you is invisible.
Unfortunately, for a while, it seemed joining Big and Beautiful was a bit of an… overcorrection in the wrong direction.
SITONME > How big r u? 
LOOKING4BBW > Hey, did u open the image attachment? Like what u see?
The messages made her feel dirty. She wanted the men to appreciate her body, not fetishize it. Lauren was used to her personality being her redeeming factor, but these men didn’t seem to care to know her. 
Well, until 2SHY.
2SHY > Hello, Friend. What brings you to the Big and Beautiful chatroom? (35, M, Cleveland.)
After a few days, she began logging in only for him. His words were kind, and she desperately wanted to believe they were true. She felt torn between the desire to stay positive and her need for self-preservation. She could never quite tune out the voice in her head that screamed he was lying. Sometimes she felt like if she approached these things on the defense, when they inevitably found her repulsive, it would hurt less because she knew it was coming — they felt the same way about her that she did. 
What did it say about her that if a man showed interest in her, she couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong with him? Why was someone liking her a flaw?
Why was she so focused on protecting herself from other people when it was her own thoughts that hurt the most?
Despite her fears, he was perfect. For the first time in her life, Lauren felt what it was like to really be wanted. Not wanted for a body she had to kill herself to maintain, but for what she had to offer. It meant so much to her that she’d been putting off meeting with him out of fear she’d disappoint him.
2SHY > You have no idea how beautiful I think you are. I must confess… I feel inextricably drawn to you. I can’t stop thinking about what you said the other day… You don’t deserve to feel lonely, Lauren.
2SHY > I don’t want you to feel pressured. The company of your words alone warms me like an embrace. You’ve made me feel more worthy of love than I’ve ever felt before… to ask for more seems an insult to the immeasurable joy you’ve given me these past three months. But, I’d be lying to you if I denied how much my arms ache from the desire to hold you… and I could never lie to you, Lauren. Give me a chance. The Watermark Restaurant on Old River Road. 6 o’clock on Friday. I’ll be wearing a denim button-up and a hopeful expression.
Lauren exhaled slowly as she stared at the blinking space, anxiety creeping up her neck as she whispered her affirmations to herself. I am worthy of love. I am a nice person. I deserve to be happy. She gripped the four-leaf clover pendant on her necklace, indulging in the moment as she wished for the charm to imbue her with luck. Things will be different this time.
FRIEND > Sounds like a date.
Read all the chapters of All Eyes Lead to the Truth on Ao3!
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