#2nd Continental Light Dragoons
tallmadgeandtea · 2 years
Turnsgiving 2022: Day 4
What If?
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After doing more research for both SS&SP and my own college project, I definitely think Turn should’ve included more or Benjamin Tallmadge’s military escapades, which were with his regiment, the 2nd Continental Light Dragoons. They were active in the important battles of the Philadelphia Campaign and then there were raids led by Tallmadge in New York throughout the rest of the war against the British for their supplies and territory. They also served as part of General Washington’s life guard. Turn showed a couple these at The Battle of Stony Point and the Battle of Fort St. George, but on a lesser scale. I could say a lot more, but I’ll refrain from going full military history nerd at the moment. In my opinion, it wouldn’t have derived too much of the “spying” from the show’s plot because one of the Dragoon’s jobs was reconnaissance- patrols to get enemy troop numbers, camp locations, and amount of weapons and supplies they had. Cavalrymen were respected because of the ability they had to have as horsemen, shooters, messengers, and scouts. One of their other key roles? Filling space in General Washington’s guard. Showing more of Benjamin’s cavalry duties would’ve shown how intelligent he was and why he was capable of being Washington’s spymaster.
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little-desi-historian · 11 months
The world turned upside down
On this day in history: October 19th, 1781. Charles Cornwallis surrendered to the combined troops of George Washington and the patriots French allies. Symbolically raising a white handkerchief and giving up a sword to Washington as a sign of civil surrender. Famously when the sword was offered to the French, they refused saying, “we are subordinate to the Americans now.” Famously, Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens had stormed the the English silently by force the previous night. Amongst other heroes, holding position in case Laurens and Hamilton need retreat, was the 2nd continental light dragoons, better known to some as “Sheldon’s horse” or “Benjamin Tallmadge’s unit.” Famously, ill or humiliated, all the English showed up to formally surrender, expect Banastre Tarelton and Cornwallis himself. Legend has it, though the historical records never say, the English played the famous folk song (dating about to 1646) titled “When the King enjoys his own” perhaps more aptly titled in this scenario “the world turned upside down.”
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Yorktown: PBS.
Mount Vernon: Yorktown.
Siege of Yorktown by Henry Freeman.
Hamil-film: Yorktown.
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meerawrites · 1 year
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I had a lot of spare birthday money and the seller also conveniently had a sale, so, I got a continental army lapel coat. I also found a mini ish 2nd continental light dragoon flag on sale for $30 so. *eyes emoji*
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So what the hell is a 2nd Continental light dragoon? (By @jackyfalahees / @tallmadgeandtea )
Re: the flag of the second continental light dragoons.
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melpomeneprose · 1 year
Tagged by: myself.
Tagging: @withinycu, @adrienne-lafayette-official, @johngravessimcoe, @cavalrylad, @musenssang, @philip-hamilton-official, @sharp-teeth-and-wide-grins, @virgosjukebox. 💙
✧・゚   𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄.
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Name: Benjamin Tallmadge.
Alias(es): Ben, Major Tallmadge, 2nd Continental Light Dragoon, Tall-boy, & Captain Tallmadge. “Beagle tilting his head.” (Creator of Washington’s spies tv).
“Beagle” “Washington’s hunting dog” (affectionate & derogatory, from both sides)
Gender: male (he/him).
Orientation: not your business.
(Bi, repressed and ashamed about it, but bi, in my personal portrayal and reading/headcanons, having read his memoirs & letters, but the truth is… as with Alexander Hamilton, we’ll never know). Age: 22-24.
Date of birth: February 25, 1754
Place of birth: Setauket or Brookhaven, Long Island, NYC.
For simplicity he’ll say, New York, sometimes.
Spoken language(s): English, Latin, trying really hard for French thus far not succeeding. Do code books count?
Occupation(s): soldier, spymaster, congressman, statesman. (au: lawyer) (modern verse: law student).
Eye colour: blue, the kind you can drown in, it’s his most attractive feature, according to popular opinion.
Hair colour: dirty blonde.
Height: 6’0” (tall by 18th century standards).
Other: rarely ever seen out of uniform.
Has anxiety & PTSD, should probably touch grass. Deserves a hug and deserves better.
Colour: red, white, gold and blue, neutral black that suits everything or gray works to.
Song: Benjamin’s playlist.
Food: bread, salt, cheese, or fish.
Drink: brandy or wine.
★  ⸻   HAVE THEY...
Passed university: Yale college, top of his class!
Had sex: not your business.
Had sex in public: no.
Gotten pregnant/someone else pregnant: wants kids, but not that way, and not at this exact moment. Given the war.
Kissed a boy: no. (Yes) Nathan Hale.
Kissed a girl: yes.
Gotten tattoos: no.
Gotten piercings: no.
Been in love: he’s not sure if it counts, to be blunt, but for reason of answering, yes.
Stayed up 24+ hours: for the cause, yes.
★  ⸻   ARE THEY...
A virgin: not your business, also a construct society cruelly and hypocritically only applies to the fairer sex. (No).
A cuddler: yes.
A kisser: circumstantially.
Scared easily: most certainly not!
Jealous easily: yes!
Submissive: switch.
Dominant: none of your business.
In love: verse/thread dependant.
Relationship status: I am married to honour and the revolution until this is over. (Single).
TW for self-harm/suicide mention.
Have they harmed themselves: not unless you count accidentally falling in the Delaware river.
Thought of suicide/ideated: under the pressure of war, atrocities, violence and bloodshed. Yes. But rarely.
Attempted suicide: only if you count a Protestant martyr complex, as the son of a preacher it runs in the family.
Wanted to kill someone: side eyes Simcoe.
But he didn’t enjoy the killing in question.
Have/had a job: Washington’s staff.
Fears: death, abandonment, losing control, not being enough, losing the war, tyranny, his own capacity to help vs harm and the moral dilemma of mundane human existence and soldiering.
Samuel Tallmadge.
William Tallmadge.
John Tallmadge.
Isaac Tallmadge.
Parent(s): Susannah Tallmadge (née Smith)(deceased)/Rev. Samuel Tallmadge sr.
Children: verse/thread dependant.
Children In history:
Frederick A. Tallmadge
Maria Jones Tallmadge
William Smith Tallmadge
Harriet Tallmadge Delafield
Benjamin Tallmadge Jr.
Henry Tallmadge.
Significant other(s): Nathan Hale (deceased), Sarah Livingston (ex lover, kinda, sorta, it’s complicated & traumatizing).
Significant other(s) in history:
Mary Floyd (1784 to 1805).
Maria Hallet (1808 til death in 1835).
Pet(s): he should like to have a beagle, or grey hound, but, none presently.
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Benjamin’s Wikipedia.
Benjamin’s memoir.
In canon: TURN.
Culper ring.
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brassandblue · 2 years
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(By liking this post, you are indicating interest in plotting with this character, and are OK with me sending memes/prompts to your inbox!)
NAME: Benjamin Tallmadge
ALT NAMES: Major (Benjamin) Tallmadge, Major, Tallboy, Bennyboy, John Bolton
FACECLAIM: Seth Numrich
AGE: Late 20′s
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: American / caucasian, white
HEIGHT: 6′0″
BUILD/BODY TYPE: He’s a fit, fuzzy twink with a cavalryman booty.
HAIR: Dark honey blonde
EYES: Blue
Per the Turn Wiki here,
Major Benjamin Tallmadge (born February 25, 1754) is an officer for the Continental Army and the 2nd Continental Light Dragoons that went on to become a spy for them during the American Revolutionary War. Joining together with childhood friends Caleb Brewster and Abraham Woodhull, the three formed what would later become the Culper Ring.
The organization received the aid and assistance of various others, including Abe's former lover, Anna Strong. The organization would report to Commander-in-Chief, George Washington. Tallmadge was a Captain until the official founding of the Culper Ring in 1777 and was promoted to Major soon after.
It's clear through his actions that Benjamin Tallmadge is a strong, loyal soldier and a leader with honorable intentions... most of the time. He isn't afraid to bend rules when absolutely necessary, but can sometimes be led too far by his emotions and his own personal sense of justice. Duty and honor are extremely important to him, as are loyalty and trust and the value of his friends; those things he places above all else. He takes his duties very seriously, and there are times he might come off as just an innocent preacher’s son from a backwater fishing village... but he is so much more.
Underneath the pomp and attempts at restraint is a young man who can be hot-headed and stubborn, mischievous, even playful. There are a lot of emotions pent up behind his officer's restraint--a boy trying to become a man, to live up to the image of a gentleman and an officer who carries the burden of command and of the guilt of fallen friends, comrades, and family. All of those ideals and baggage and the burden of caring about so many things and so many people can really weigh on him, can cause him to be short-sighted, restless, irrational. He’s trying--he’s trying to keep himself together, trying to keep the Culper Ring together, trying to run a spy network, trying not to get his friends killed, his dragoons killed, himself killed. As he goes through the war, he grows and becomes disillusioned in some things--namely, Washington himself--but despite everything, he continues to push ever onward for the cause and most importantly, for his loved ones.
WARNINGS: RPing with this character will involve sensitive topics such as mental illness/depression/PTSD, violence/gore/injuries, crude/early surgical and medical topics, amputation, racism/colonialism/imperialism/nationalism, slavery, socio-economic issues past & present, homophobia past & present, possible discussions of cannibalism & definite discussions of war & murder.
By liking this post and indicating your interest to engage in RP with this character, you are accepting the above warnings and have read the rules posted here on this blog.
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seadcgs-a · 10 months
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NAME: Charlotte Anne Brewster
NICKNAMES/TITLES: Charlie, Lottie ( VERY select people; namely the Washingtons ), Annie (by her papa, sometimes), Mascot of the Continental Army (by everyone in camp), Brat (by Bradford, Arnold, a few others in camp)
AGE: 15, (mainly playing younger)
GENDER: Cis Female
DATE OF BIRTH: 8 July, 1778
NOTE-WORTHY ABILITIES: hatchet throwing, musket firing, embroidery, cooking, horseback riding
CURRENT RESIDENCE: The Continental Army camp, Setauket (Post War, briefly), Connecticut (Post War), Mt. Vernon, Virginia (during winter months)
OCCUPATION: Does being the middle child count? (Thinks shes the oldest, for a while)
AFFILIATIONS: The Continental Army, 2nd Continental Light Dragoons, the Patriots
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, French, Latin, a few words in Iroquoian
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good
ASSETS: switchblade, tin whistle
FLAWS: Naiveté, quick temper
LIKES: going barefoot, the wind in her hair, playing in the woods around camp, spending time in sackett's tent/shop, time on the water with her papa, her younger sister georgie, older sister kaia (eventually), playing hide & seek with uncle robert, playing soldiers with uncle nate, the smell of the salty sea air, campfires, worn leather
DISLIKES: the british, simcoe, arnold, sitting still in one spot for a long period of time, washing laundry, cleaning things, homophobia, transphobia
FEARS/PHOBIAS: fear of abandonment, letting her family down, getting kidnapped, getting hanged
FAMILY: Caleb Brewster (Papa), Benjamin Tallmadge (Dad/Dada), Georgia "Georgie" Lynn (younger sister), Kaia Elizabeth (Older sister), Nate (uncle), Anna Strong (Aunt), Abraham Woodhull (Uncle), Mary Woodhull (Aunt), Thomas Woodhull, Jr, "Sprout" (calls him a cousin), General Washington (surrogate Grandfather, calls him Gampa ), Martha Washington (surrogate Grandmother, calls her Gamma ), Nathaniel Tallmadge ( biological Grandfather, calls him Grandfather), Nathaniel Sackett ( surrogate Grandfather, calls him Pops (learned it from Caleb, he hates it but he can't tell her no), Robert Rogers (Uncle), Robert Townsend (Uncle), Edmund Hewlett (Uncle), Akinbode (Uncle), Abigail (Auntie), Cicero ( sort-of cousin)
FRIENDS: Georgia, Kaia, Nate, Sprout, a few other children in Setauket, New York & Connecticut; her stuffed bear, Bubba
ROMANTIC INTEREST: none, yet, but she grows up to be bisexual, so she has a lot of options, and what with being a Congressman's daughter & the Presidents (sort-of) granddaughter, she has a lot of opportunities for suitors--male, female & non-binary alike.
ENEMIES: simcoe, the british navy, other queens rangers, traitors to the cause, richard woodhull
OTHERS: none atm
FACTS AND TRIVIA: she says she was born in setauket, if anyone asks, but she was actually born in a small barn on the outskirts of the continental army camp. she loves wearing hats, especially her papa's. usually has her hair in two braids or loose, trailing down her back. the only time she has her hair up and (semi) neat is if she's at an event with her grandfather(s), church, or at whitehall. (richard wouldn't allow her in otherwise)
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✧˖°. Muse Status: Open for interaction
✧˖°. Historical setting: 18th Century
✧˖°. Faceclaim: (in process)
✧˖°. AUs: (in process)
𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒂
✧˖°. Name: William Dalton
✧˖°. Nicknames: Will, Dalton, Bill,
✧˖°. Birth: July 13th 1758
✧˖°. Gender: Male
✧˖°. Pronouns: he/him (usually)
✧˖°. Sexuality: Bisexual
✧˖°. Nationality: Irish-American
✧˖°. Mother Tongue: English & Irish
𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
✧˖°. Height: 5'11
✧˖°. Eye colour: Greyish blue
✧˖°. Hair: Curly Blonde
✧˖°. Ethnicity(?: Caucassian
✧˖°. Body type: Slim, slightly muscled.
𝑨𝒅𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
- Family:
Ryan Dalton (Father; 1730) & Adara Hayes (Mother; 1736)
Caroline Dalton (Sister; 1762 - 1768 in most AUs)
Extended Family
Cillian (Dalton) Smith (Cousin; 1752 - ?)
Cora Smith (Aunt; 1732 - 1758)
AmRev Verse
Lieutenant in the Continental 2nd Light Dragoons Regiment (1778-1781)
Graduated in Law from King's College
-About his life:
(To be edited)
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Benjamin Tallmadge walked so I could RUN
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cabbxges-and-kings · 2 years
The Abe sassy hand on hip stanceTM
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ladytp-annex · 4 years
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LOL - this was inspired by @flowerrights‘s great photomanip of Caleb in a blue uniform! So here’s Captain Caleb Brewster from the 2nd Continental Light Dragoons - all official and splendid in blue and gold (and yet retaining a touch of ‘Calebness’...) 😁
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majorxbennyxboy · 6 years
SamDown got his own post so now it’s time for some deets about Washington’s favorite drummer boy, Alexander Milliner!
He never knew his father; Milliner Sr. was an English goldsmith who came to Quebec as an artificer with James Wolfe’s army. He was assigned to special detail and, in September of 1759, he died of possible heatstroke after The Battle of the Plains of Abraham.
Almost six months to the day after Milliner Sr.’s death, in March of 1760, Alexander was born in Quebec. While he was a small child, his mother moved with him to New York. There, she met and married one Mr. Maloney, a wealthy mason.
Around 1776, Alexander was enlisted by his step-father. He was considered too young to serve in the ranks, and so was recruited as a drummer instead. He served in that capacity for four years in Washington’s Life Guard.
He became a favorite of Washington’s - according to Milliner, Washington would frequently come to him 'after the beating of reveille’ and ‘pat him on the head, and call him his boy’. He also states that on one cold day, he was personally offered a drink from Washington’s own flask. If Washington was fond of Alexander, Alexander certainly reciprocated in his recollections, describing Washington as, “ a good man, a beautiful man. He was always pleasant; never changed countenance, but wore the same in defeat and retreat as in victory.”
These sentiments extended to Mrs. Washington as well, calling her kind-hearted and motherly. Milliner had the following to say of Martha and George,
“ One day the General had been out some time. When he came in, his wife asked him where he had been. He answered, laughing, 'To look at my boys.' 'Well,' said she, 'I will go and see my children.' When she returned, the General inquired, 'What do you think of them?' 'I think,' answered she, 'that there are a good many.'  “
He also tells a story of being summoned by Washington and, after a parade and roll-call of the Life Guard, being instructed to play a tune on the drum, for which Washington paid him three dollars. Others paid him as well, and he ended up with fifteen dollars in total.
He used at least some of the money to obtain tea for his mother, who followed the army as a washerwoman in order to be near her son.
Speaking of Mrs. Milliner, Alexander described her as “English, high-learnt, understood  every language, having been a teacher”
In yet another George Washington anecdote, Milliner says,
"We were going. along one day, slow march, and came to where the boys were jerking stones. 'Halt' came the command. 'Now, boys,' said the General, 'I will show you how to jerk a stone.' He beat 'em all. He smiled, but didn't laugh out."
Alexander Milliner was present for the battles of White Plains, Brandywine, Saratoga, Monmouth, Yorktown, and others. During The Battle of Monmouth, he was shot in the thigh and nearly died of blood loss. By his description of the incident, he didn’t realize what had happened until an Officer called his attention to the wound.
He served the American Revolution for six years all in all, and then five or six and a half  years in the navy during The War of 1812, three of them aboard The Constitution. At one point, he was severely wounded and captured by the French, after being held prisoner in Guadalupe, where he was reportedly harshly treated.
Milliner was eventually married and remained so for 62 years, having nine children. Once retired from military life, he became a farmer. By 104 years old, he could still play his drum, and was described as being a master of the instrument. He could also sing quite well.
Other bits:
He was described as ‘quite small, more-so than his picture would indicate’
At one point a bullet passed through the head of his drum, a close call.
He said that Charles Lee had an enormous nose and even told a story, “One day a man met him and turned his nose away. Lee exclaimed, “What do you do that for, you damned rascal?” the man, who also had a large nose, replied, “I was afraid our noses would meet.” Lee laughed and gave him a dollar.”
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tallmadgeandtea · 1 year
Turn Week 2023:
History Nerdery!
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Hello, and Happy Fourth of July! For today's Turn Week, I wanted to talk about Benjamin's regiment in the Continental Army. We all know he's a Connecticut Dragoon, but what does that mean and what did they do, exactly? I'm going to let you know! The Continental Cavalry is my favorite unit in the army, and I actually did an Honors Research Project on them last year for my college. WARNING: this is going to be LONG. I'm sorry. Kind of.
What is the Continental Cavalry?
The cavalry is the mounted troops in a military force, meaning they fight on horseback. At the time of the Revolution, the cavalry was considered an elite and necessary force for a proper military. Combat on horseback was dangerous- you not only had to avoid cannon and gunfire, but you had to attack other mounted troops with lances and sabers of their own.
There are two types of cavalry: light cavalry and heavy cavalry. The light cavalry had three primary duties. Scouting, which was to patrol enemy forces, movements, and the terrain surrounding camps and battlefields, which also played into reconnaissance. They also served as messengers to officers on and off the battlefield. On the other hand, heavy cavalry was troops used in action. Their objective was to lead charges and weaken the enemy’s unmounted troops, like going after their flanks. They also performed raids/ambushes or small skirmishes against the enemy. Their combat was on and off the battlefield.
Due to the near constant lack of funds for the Continentals, their Dragoons performed both light and heavy cavalry roles. A dragoon/trooper is a soldier who fights either on horseback or on foot, depending on the amount of horse available. They used weapons such as: a cavalry saber, a shortgun, and a musket.
Unlike the British army, which brought over cavalry forces, at the beginning of the war, there was not an official cavalry for the Continentals. Some state and organized militias had mounted troops- such as the Philadelphia Light Horse- but professional, commissioned troops had not seen action.
After seeing the performance of the British cavalry during the New York Campaign, General George Washington realized his army needed horses of their own. Writing to Congress in late 1776, “From the Experience I have had in this Campaign… I am Convinced there is no carrying on the War without them.”
What made up the Continental Cavalry?
In 1777, the cavalry's first year in action, there were four regiments of Light Dragoons.
The 1st Regiment of Dragoons- from Virginia, also known as Bland's Light Horse. Their uniforms were originally the "classic" Continental coat: blue with red facings, but they then changed the standard to brown with green facings.
The 2nd Regiment, also known as the Connecticut Light Dragoons, Colonel Elisha Sheldon and Benjamin Tallmadge's force, mustered from Connecticut, hence the name. Their uniform was blue with buff facings.
The 3rd Regiment, aka Colonel Baylor's or Lady Washington's Light Horse, in honor of Martha Washington. Their uniform was white with blue facings (one of my favorite uniforms in the army.)
And the 4th Regiment, led by Colonel Stephen Moylan. His troops originally wore red! coats, and this lead to some incidents of friendly fire. At Washington's order, the regiment changed to green with red facings.
How does this relate to Turn: Benjamin Tallmadge and His Dragoons.
Although the show does not get into heavy detail about Benjamin Tallmadge's battle experience, we know what battles he was present at with his regiment.
1777 the cavalry's first years as professional troops in battle. Both had very... different outcomes, let's say. Both were also mentioned or briefly shown in season 2 of Turn, and my research focused on this.
During the Campaigns, a set of troops from each regiment of Dragoons was stationed with General Washington in Pennsylvania, led by Bland, Moylan, Baylor, Sheldon, and Tallmadge.
Benjamin Tallmadge and his soldiers were present at both the Battles of Brandywine and Germantown.
At Brandywine, Washington first used the dragoons for only scouting, not combat. But as the British went after his insecure right flank, he frantically sent units of soldiers and cavalry to prevent the British from getting to the road along and to Brandywine Creek. The cavalry also acted as messengers to officers during this battle, but insufficient preparation and speed led to delayed reports. The cavalry did lead a charge that allowed Washington to retreat, but the day was lost. Afterwards, the British marched into the Continental capital of Philadelphia.
After Brandywine, Washington needed another battle to try and take back Philadelphia. With a night march, he decided to attack the British near their camp in Germantown, Pennsylvania, a small village outside the city.
Washington had four columns, 2 made up of Continental forces and two of state militias. Just as at Brandywine, his right wing was commanded by Sullivan, and his left by Greene. The Dragoons were now under their newly commissioned commander, General Pulaski. Tallmadge stated in his memoirs that, “if every division of the army had performed its allotted part, it seems as if we must have succeeded.”
Unfortunately, this would not be the outcome at Germantown. At the beginning of the battle, the Continentals were winning. Part of the camp was captured. A heavy fog and rain set over the battlefield, and the British used this fog to their advantage. They retreated into a local country house and created a stalemate.
Benjamin Tallmadge and his dragoons were first stationed with Sullivan’s division, close upon “the scene of the action.” As the battle turned against the Continental forces and the troops became victim to enemy and friendly fire, Washington ordered him to use his 2nd Dragoons to block any further retreat, to no avail. Germantown was lost.
Germantown was the last official engagement of the Philadelphia campaign. But on June 28, 1778, the Continental Army and the Cavalry engaged the forces at the Battle of Monmouth in New Jersey. Due to proper military training thanks to the Inspector General Baron von Steuben and six months of waiting at Valley Forge, the army emerged as a proper fighting force and prevailed against the British. The victory allowed the Continentals to take back their capital and keep Washington in as Commander in Chief.
Monmouth is the shown in the finale of season 2- Gunpowder, Treason, and Plot- with Benjamin leading his dragoons into the battle.
After the 1777 campaigns, Tallmadge and his dragoons would stay up north, particularly New York, to patrol and engage the enemy in raids. They also participated in the Battles of Stony Point and Fort St. George, which were shown in seasons 3 and 4 of Turn.
Sources (and further reading):
Memoir of Col. Benjamin Tallmadge : Tallmadge, Benjamin, 1754-1835 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Brandywine: A Military History of the Battle that Lost Philadelphia but Saved America, September 11, 1777 by Michael C. Harris, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com)
Germantown: A Military History of the Battle for Philadelphia, October 4, 1777 by Michael C. Harris, Hardcover | Barnes & Noble® (barnesandnoble.com)
Cavalry of the American Revolution - Jim Piecuch - Westholme Publishing
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majorxmaggiexboy · 6 years
i have so many headcanons about Ben’s dragoon troop that i keep catching myself forgetting they aren’t actually canon and the amount of Feelings i have about them is completely unreasonable.
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im-an-elf99 · 3 years
"Not all men!" You shout.
You're right. Major Benjamin Tallmadge of the 2nd Continental Light Dragoons, would never.
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Turn Week 2020, Day 7 
Favorite Historical Event
Historically the Battle of Fort St. George, which Tallmadge reportedly conducted successfully in under ten minutes with only one of his men wounded. One of the highlights of the historical Tallmadge’s military career, earning him accolades from Washington. 
I’m glad the show gives screen time to things like supply lines and provisioning which were just as or more important than lines of men facing off on a field. 
Also, from Wikipedia “Major Benjamin Tallmadge led a force of about 80 men (drawn from his 2nd Continental Light Dragoons) that crossed Long Island Sound in whaleboats from Fairfield, Connecticut...” Which, after reading Rose, seems like one of the few actual interactions Ben and Caleb might’ve had during the war. 
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brassandblue · 3 years
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♔ major benjamin tallmadge, 2nd continental light dragoons ♔
♔ based off his portrayal in AMC’s turn: washington’s spies & on the historical figure of spymaster & statesman Col. Tallmadge ♔
♔ multimuse, historical & modern ♔
♔ HOME ♔
♔ Semi-private, indie, very selective, multishipping.
♔ Open to AUs and cross-canon interactions.
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