#2k3 Nano
… anyone else thinking Donnie should’ve adopted Nano?? I think it would’ve been in character for him, given how often he mentions how Nano sounds like a little lost kid, and his general approach to unknown creatures being “wait, let’s see if they’re willing to talk to us.”
I would’ve loved seeing Donnie try and teach a little robot about what family is really like - these are my brothers, and that’s my father, we don’t have a mother, we never had one, not every family has one father and one mother, not every family looks the same, but it always, ALWAYS, feels like family. It’s always home.
Raph is a softie and it shows instantly because he 1) immediately takes Donnie’s side in letting him keep Nano in their lair and 2) is the first one to start calling Nano “kid.”
Master Splinter takes one look at Nano and starts crying on the inside. That’s a wholeass child and someone abused that child’s powers for crime and if that happened to his sons he would personally unleash hell upon whoever caused it to happen. So he looks at Nano and he looks at Donnie who just wants this child to be okay and have better examples and he knows a robot baby would get absolutely obliterated on the streets of New York and then probably dissected by the government and he’s NOT letting anyone do that to his family anymore. So long story short Splinter approves of this.
Mikey shows Nano superhero stuff and Nano instantly decides they want to be a superhero too (this then ties into how they get into Justice Force in canon!!)
Leo is.. hesitant. This is gonna for sure distract Donnie from training and from patrols and from.. just about anything. But at the same time, it’s a great sentiment. And he has no clue where they could leave a sentient AI without it causing chaos, especially one that behaves so much like a child. But they’re still kids themselves, sort of, right? Disregarding their mountains of trauma, they’re still teenagers. And the one time they tried to look after a kid, that kid became Casey Jones, so. He’s not sure what the results of this could be.
But before Leo makes up his mind, everyone else is already for keeping Nano.
Specifically yesterday I couldn’t sleep because I kept thinking about Nano wandering the lair and finding Leo meditating. “What doing?” asks Nano, still re-learning to form full sentences.
Leo hesitates, everyone is a little uneasy about having this thing that could kick their shells without breaking a sweat in the lair with them, but his brother believes that the “kid” just needs to learn and be communicated with, so, after a moment, he responds: “Meditation. It helps me explore my soul.”
Nano ponders this with a buzzing hum, and tilts their head. They look so curious, but they’re also Very scared of the eldest brother, he seems to wave his swords around a Lot, so they don’t ask.
Leo can see them wanting to ask anyway, though, so he sighs and gestures to a spot across from him: “Wanna try?”
“.. how do meditation?” The kid may still be learning, but the AI makes their pronunciation perfect instantly, cataloguing a new word.
“Uh.. just. Sit however you’d like, this is the most commonly practiced position but technically it doesn’t matter as long as you are able to rest and think. Michelangelo, for example, likes to fidget with something in his hands. And then you just sort of… let your thoughts run free. You look within your mind, and within your soul, you see what’s there, and you decide whether something needs to change, or perhaps stay right where and how it is.”
“Mnnm,” Nano hums in concern as they sit down, “but.. no soul.”
It’s Leo’s turn to tilt his head. “Well, I’ve met robots before who definitely had souls! You’re alive, yes? And everything that lives has a soul. Although maybe, since.. you’re many little robots… maybe you even have multiple souls?” He shrugs, “we should ask Donnie or master Splinter for their opinions, I don’t think they expected machines to live one day back in ancient Japan.”
Nano thinks about this for a moment - there’s so much of them, so maybe they do have many souls! Wouldn’t that be something! “Hehee,” they squeal, satisfied with that answer, and then try and follow Leonardo’s example, sitting still, turning off their visors, trying to imitate looking inwards. There’s lots and lots of wires in them, although they’re way cleaner and neatly folded now, unlike when Nano had to build their whole body from scratch. Donatello did a good job, and now they don’t have to hold themselves together anymore, instead focusing on walking, and talking, and learning! They quite like learning, and Donatello likes teaching, and Donatello likes explaining, and Donatello doesn’t mind repeating himself. Donatello doesn’t call them weird, or scary, or stupid. Nano isn’t stupid, they don’t think. They’re just having to learn things over and over from scratch!! Because their daddy keeps getting into trouble!!
They think about their dad. He’s in jail again, and Nano knows what a jail is now, knows that their dad did things that made lots of people upset and did very mean and unfair things. They know now that their daddy was simply making them do bad stuff for him because they’re stronger. Even though they got hurt, even though they almost lost their collective consciousness, twice. That was scary. Nano thinks the world is very pretty and very big, they like seeing more of it, they wouldn’t like not being able to see it anymore.
The thought makes them panic and turn their visors back on with a startled “bzzt!” Just to check that they still can. The noise makes Leo open one eye, looking them over.
“How is your meditation going? Figured anything out?” he asks, and finds that his voice is uncharacteristically gentle. Maybe, just maybe, Nano makes him think of his little brothers. Just maybe, he’s getting attached.
Nano hummmms for a while, and then says: “World’s scary. But also big!! Wanna see more! I like seeing!”
And something about that makes Leo smile. Yeah, Nano is family for sure. After all, they sound just like his purple-clad sibling.
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tmntkiseki · 4 months
They're brothers, all right.
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ilovebeinaturtle · 6 months
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🧡❤Turtle Titan Appreciation Post Part 3❤🧡
All gifs were made from the episode Membership Drive! Season 5 Episode 7 (kinda 6)! All gifs made by yours truly!!~
Part 1
Part 2
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sunny-clover · 1 year
Nano from the 2k3 show makes me so sad :((
Little guy just wants a family :(
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megahorous · 1 year
We watched the TMNT 2K3 episode "Nano" this time !
-- I remember watching this show the first time, thinking it was kinda more "realistic" than the previous cartoon [more like the movie] and then this one happened and I thought "oh, never mind"
-- I think there was a The Real Ghostbusters episode kinda like this
-- Well, someone lost their car! Good thing it didn't assimilate the Battle Shell; they just built that in the last one ! Speaking of which, they kinda stole that armoured car, didn't they...oh well
-- April's Feet are in this one, if that kind of thing is your bag, baby. Though, she shouldn't run outside like that
-- I wonder if a big open vat of molten metal is an OSHA violation. Who knows
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kifu · 2 months
Hey, look. Story. Rewritten in what may be an acceptable way, but I still mourn my missing words.
I might post big blocks I've worked on here. Might get bored of that. But I don't think I'll be posting on AO3 until this story is completely redone and I'm satisfied with it.
Have everything I wrote today and yesterday.
The demon jerked with a sharp inhale, breaking the steady, deep rhythm of his sleep. Michelangelo looked up from the comic in his hands, set it on the table, and stood to his feet to watch him. The demon’s chest rose and fell quickly before evening out, all the while his eyelids fluttered.
“The demon’s waking up,” Mike announced.
Leonardo appeared from out of the candlelight’s threshold to stand beside the chair in their living area. Mike hadn’t seen where he came from, but he already had his arms crossed over his plastron in an over dramatic no-nonsense stance.
The demon groaned, his eyes fully opening. He rolled his head on his shoulders, eventually locking eyes with Leonardo. He stared for a moment. “Morlocks?” he croaked.
Leonardo broke the eye contact to exchange a look with Mike. Mike frowned and offered Leo the barest of shrugs. Leo looked back at the demon with a carefully blank expression.
The demon pushed himself upright with difficulty, leaning heavily on the back of the couch. His eyes flicked toward Michelangelo. They were completely yellow. No differentiation between iris and cornea, and certainly no pupil. Mike wasn’t entirely sure how he knew the demon was looking at something, but he could feel his gaze nonetheless. Michelangelo was quite proud of himself for keeping relatively calm this entire time, but seeing the demon’s eyes opened a kind of flood gate for his anxiety. He shifted from foot to foot to give the energy a healthy way out. “I appreciate the help, I really do,” the demon said, “but I need to talk to Storm.” His words slurred, running into each other and trailing off in weird places, but he did manage to get the point across well enough to understand.
“Great, he’s a whack bag,” Raphael said. He silently slunk into the light beside Mike. He was tense, but he refrained from mirroring his brother’s intimidating posturing.
“He’s not a whack bag, Raph,” Leo said with a hint of exasperation. “He’s concussed.”
“Definitely concussed,” the demon agreed. He faintly hissed air in through his teeth with a sharp breath of pain.
Leonardo’s mouth fell into a frown as he studied the demon. “Why are you covered in blood?”
The demon didn’t respond at first, but eventually his eyes widened and he gasped. “Oh God,” he said in such a low voice Mike could have mistaken it for a groan. “The children. Are the children okay?” Underneath the slur, he had an accent that Mike couldn’t quite place, even though it sounded vaguely familiar.
Leo checked in with his brothers again, but Raph shook his head to one side in a subtle no. “There are no children,” Leo said. “Just us.”
The demon stared almost vacantly at Leo.
“The blood?” Leo prompted.
“It’s not mine,” the demon responded, more quickly than before. He reached up into his hair, lightly touching the side where he’d hit his head. “Except this. This is mine.”
“Whose blood?” Raphael growled.
The demon stared off, focusing off of Leonardo as his thoughts wandered. “I was supposed to save the children. It’s their blood. I don’t know if I succeeded.”
“What children?” Leonardo asked.
The demon licked his lip. His words came after a couple shaky breaths. “The cult – Friends of Humanity – held a rally. They were going to execute mutant children on live TV. It was my job to get the children to safety.”
“Are you sure you don’t meant H.A.T.E.? Humans Against Extra Terrestrials?” Mike suggested helpfully.
The demon’s brows knit together briefly before he relaxed his expression again, though with a small wince. “Friends of Humanity. They’re gaining a lot of political traction somehow.”
“They were gonna execute mutant children?” Raphael clarified. “Only mutants around here are us an’ ol’ Leatherhead.”
“We’re in New York City?” the demon asked.
“Manhattan Island,” Leo clarified.
“Sewers,” Michelangelo added.
The demon stared off again, his head waving back and forth with a distinct lack of balance.
“What were you doing in Donnie’s explosion?” Raphael asked. His tone came out with accusation, but Mike could tell that he tried holding back.
“Explosion?” the demon echoed. He focused his eyes on Raph, his balance temporarily returning. “What explosion?”
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Leonardo asked.
The demon’s focus slowly faded out again, the waving picking up again. “I saw the children. I leapt toward them. It was stupid, but I was going to teleport them away. It was their best chance at survival.” He closed his eyes and inhaled. “I don’t know if I got them away.”
“Teleport?” Mike asked.
“I’m a mutant,” the demon replied casually. “I can teleport.”
“Sure,” Raph grunted. “Let’s see it.”
“It requires concentration,” the demon explained. “Which is not something I have right now.”
“Likely,” Raph mumbled with a roll of his eyes.
The demon watched Raphael for a moment and then looked back in Leonardo’s direction. “I’m Nightcrawler. Or Kurt. Kurt Wagner. I don’t know how I got here, but I do thank you for taking care of me.”
Leo set his jaw and Mike didn’t think he was going to answer. As soon as Mike opened his mouth to introduce them all, Leonardo finally pipped up. “I’m Leonardo. These are my brothers Michelangelo and Raphael. Our sensei, Master Splinter, is with our last brother, Donatello, who was caught in the same explosion as you.”
“I really need to get back. I need to know what happened.”
“You’re going to need to wait on that for a little bit,” Leonardo said, almost as a suggestion rather than an order. “You’re in no state to be moving. Raph? Could you bring our guest a glass of water?”
Raphael dipped his chin in acknowledgment and turned to head to the kitchen.
“Wait!” Leo called. Raph stopped mid-motion, balancing himself expertly to turn his head to regard Leo. “Can concussed patients have water?”
Kurt snickered and then groaned. “Ja, I can drink water. Thank-you.”
Slowly dipping his foot back to the ground, Raph nodded again and disappeared back into the darkness that filled their home.
Kurt leaned heavily against the back of the couch, his eyes staring off between Leonardo and Michelangelo. “Something is not adding up,” he murmured, barely loud enough for Mike to catch. He stepped forward and tilted his head for the words to better catch his ear. Louder, conversationally: “Humans Against Terrestrial Extras. You are not aliens?” Kurt’s eyes caught Mike. He asked the question in a way that Mike knew he already knew the answer, but he was double checking his facts.
“We’re not,” Mike confirmed. “But we did kinda have an alien problem a little while back. Our planet was invaded for a couple days. We took care of it and Donnie sent them all away, but you know how humans are sometimes.”
Kurt’s lips drew a fine line.
“What’s wrong?” Leo asked.
“What you tell me is only adjacent to my memories. Like they run in parallel, but not …” Kurt trailed off, squinting as he struggled through the sluggishness of his concussion. That, or he didn’t know the words at all and he was throwing word salad at the two brothers.
“It’s nothing,” Kurt eventually summed up. “I just – I need to get back home. I need to know how the mission turned out. I need to know if I got the children to safety.”
“Do you think that will make the news?” Leo suggested.
“Ja, probably. They were preparing to film live, though we struck before their equipment was up. FoH is not exactly a little movement anymore.”
“Too bad our power’s out,” Leo said, this pointed at Mike.
“We could always call April,” Mike suggested.
“No, don’t worry about it,” Kurt said. “I don’t need to bother anyone else. I just need to … I need to sleep,” he said with a defeated and extremely tired tone. Mike heard it before, when Donatello had something bothering him that he couldn’t drop.
Raphael returned, sticking his arm out sharply with the glass to give to Kurt. With a little effort, Kurt pulled himself back into a self-maintained sitting position to accept the glass. As soon as it left his fingers, Raphael looked about himself and then settled on the couch arm farther from where Kurt sat and then crossed his arms.
Kurt took a long, but slow drink, using one hand to hold the glass and another hand to hold himself upright. He settled the drink onto his knees with both hands around it, staring down at the ground. “How long have I been out?” he asked the floor.
Raph looked at Leo with one brow pulled low. “Like an hour, right?”
“If that,” Leo confirmed.
Kurt took another drink, and then moved to stand. Mike watched Kurt critically, but Raph immediately jumped to his feet and grabbed Kurt by the arm before he had a chance to straighten out. Mike saw the wobble and the expression of impending doom cross Kurt’s face. If Raph hadn’t caught him, he’d have ended up face down on the ground. Mike wouldn’t have been able to react in time. Raph pushed Kurt down to the couch again, letting go in the same movement.
“Ya ain’t ready for that,” he scolded Kurt. He motioned sharply. “Drink some more.”
“I need to go home,” Kurt protested in a rather pathetically weak voice.
“We’re not taking you anywhere until you’re safe to move,” Leonardo repeated. “Judging by how hard you hit your head, it might be a couple days.”
Raph shook his head with some vigor. “Nuh-uh. A concussion this bad, he ain’t moving for at least a week. Even if you can heal like us. Heal up more like a human, I dunno. A month?”
Kurt wrinkled his nose in a feeble attempt at disgust. “I can’t wait that long.”
“Too damn bad,” Raph grunted.
Kurt dropped his head into the palm of his hand, his elbow resting on his knee. He groaned. “It shouldn’t take that long. I can’t … remember … anything right now, but that – it’s wrong.”
Raph snorted a small laugh through his nose. “Can’t remember, but the concussion ain’t bad, huh?” He took a step back toward the couch arm, his eyes locked on to Kurt in case he decided to make another attempt at standing.
“No, I’m not saying it’s not bad. A month is excessive.”
“How come you can remember what you were doing if you can’t remember anything?” Mike asked.
Leonardo threw him a look that told Mike something along the lines of ‘shut up’ and ‘not helping’.
“Different parts of the brain,” Raphael said casually, though he didn’t look away from Kurt as he spoke to Mike. “Probably gonna be a lot of things he can’t remember that he don’t normally have a problem recalling any other day.” He settled back onto the arm. “Should all come back. But for the next two days, I don’t wanna see you off this couch, you hear?” Raphael stared Kurt down, completely no-nonsense.
“I can’t – ”
“Shut up,” Raph snapped. “You’re being stupid, and if you didn’t just try and knock your block off, you’d know it, too.”
“Raph,” Leo said with a warning tone.
Raph threw up a hand to wave him off. “I’m calm.” He tapped the couch, his eyes never having left Kurt. “I’m gonna make sure you stay on this couch no matter how many times you repeat yourself that you’re missing from home. They’re gonna have to stay worried for a little bit, because you ain’t moving and I ain’t carrying you. That much jostling will have you throwing up all over the place.”
Leonardo sighed and dropped any pretense at an intimidating pose. “We’ll watch you and make sure you’re getting better and not worse. Head injuries are, unfortunately, common enough around here.”
“And that means, we’ll let ya sleep. Ya need it. But we’re gonna be watching ya to make sure you ain’t suffocating in your sleep or seizing. You need to pee, we need to know. You need water, we’ll get it for ya. You need food” – Raphael jerked his finger in Mike’s direction – “you let him know. Definitely not him.” Raph’s finger moved from Mike to Leo. Leonardo scoffed.
“This is ridiculous,” Kurt mumbled.
“Don’t care,” Raphael grunted. “You’re not in great shape. You’re holding a conversation, but you’re slurring, you’re dizzy, and your memory ain’t good. You’re also about to pass out at a moment’s notice.” He leaned forward and grabbed the glass from Kurt’s hand. “Gimme that before you drop it. Bet your coordination is shit, too.” Raph set the glass on table, easily within Kurt’s reach.
“Raph, I think he gets it,” Leo said testily.
Raphael shrugged. “Don’t think he does, but I sure wanna drive the point home.”
“So now that we’ve figured this all out and Donnie’s safe and everything, can I go to bed now?” Mike asked.
“Yeah,” Leo said. “Master Splinter’s with Donnie for when he wakes up, but I doubt that will be for, well, a long time. I don’t think a head injury is the worst of his problems and his lack of sleep will keep him down and out. Raph, do you want first or second watch with him?” He motioned his cheek in Kurt’s direction.
“I’ll stay up with him.”
“Can you play nice?”
“Guy’s gonna conk out in half a minute anyway.”
Mike didn’t doubt Raph. Kurt slowly began to slump to the side and back as the turtles debated amongst themselves, the topic gradually stepping away from his immediate concerns. His eyes fluttered again as he tried to force himself awake, but it was a losing battle.
Leonardo studied their guest for a moment and let out a long breath. “Okay. Raph, I know you know what you’re doing. Grab me if you or Master Splinter need a break. Mikey, you’re on standby.”
Mike saluted in acknowledgment.
“I think Don did wait for half the night before he tried exploding the place apart,” Raph remarked. “Don’t know what time it is, but I ain’t that tired.”
“Maybe your adrenaline hasn’t worn off yet,” Leonardo said. “I’m still tired.”
“Go on. I’ll get ya if I need ya, Fearless,” Raph said. He stood up and reached for Kurt’s foot, pulling his ankle to stretch him more comfortably across the couch. He grabbed the pillow and was working on getting it under Kurt’s head when Mike finally walked away, plunging himself into the darkness of the lair.
“I told you he’s not an alien,” Leonardo said from beside Mike.
“I dunno,” Mike said in a low voice. “He’s not an extra-terrestrial kind of alien, but I get the feeling he’s not from around here.”
“From New York?” Leo asked.
“No, maybe he’s from New York, but don’t you think we should have heard about him or the cult he was trying to stop? Murdering children on live TV? Or do you think he really is some kind of whack job like Raph said?” Mike stopped moving, sure he was close to the ladder leading up to their rooms, but not immediately able to spy it out in the inky dark.
Leo was quiet for a moment and Mike would have believed that he’d found the ladder and left him if he thought Leo could pull that off silently. They were ninja, but even Leo had his limits in the way of silence and invisibility against used and abused structures. “I still don’t think he’s crazy, but you do make a really good point.”
“And you really think he can teleport? That’s nuts, even for us.”
The metallic groans of the ladder from ahead notified Mike that Leo had found their way upstairs. “Why not?” Leo asked conversationally. “We’ve been pulled into other dimensions in different ways and had our matter moved from one side of the universe to another. We stole a sword from the Foot that is half mystical. We found a civilization that’s powered entirely by crystals. Mikey, your comic book characters turned out to be real people with real powers. Why is teleporting weird?”
The ladder continued to groan as Leonardo slowly climbed it. Mike used the noise to find his way up and followed Leo.
“I dunno. Maybe I’m jealous. He’s a mutant and he can teleport. Or he’s nuts. We’re mutants and we can do ninjutsu? Because we trained really really hard our whole lives. And! We’re mutant turtles. Sensei’s a mutant rat. LH is a mutant ‘gator. What is he a mutant of?”
Leonardo waited until Mike’s feet hit the solid ground on the upper level to respond. “Your argument is getting weaker. It doesn’t really matter. We’ll help him get back on his feet and go home. Then we won’t have to worry about it.”
“That’s the thing, Leo,” Mike said. “What if we can’t get him home?”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“Where did he come from?” Mike said with a little more conviction. “I know you’re playing this light so I’ll shut up and go to bed, but we’re missing a lot of this story, Leo, and you know it.”
Leonardo sighed and placed both hands on Mike’s shoulders. “I know. The thing is, he’s not a threat, for right now at least. Nothing he said really made any sense, but it can all wait until his brain isn’t pudding and we have Donnie back.” He removed his hands and began walking to his room. “Goodnight, Mikey.”
Mike stood still for another moment. “Yeah, ‘night Leo.”
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volcanicsleep · 1 year
Ok last 2k3 questions
1. Which arc was your and ahs favorites? (Mine was Turtles in Space, idk why but the floor wax and SPOONS! just gets me)
2. Favorite one off filler episode (Mine is the Golden Puck because Casey is the himbo-iest of himbos)
3. Thoughts on Same as it never was (aka all the bros get to go have fun in alternate worlds while Donnie experiences the horrors)
Also I was thinking about how grim Residuum is but since you reminded me of 2k3, like honestly 2k3 Bishop wanted to do pretty much the exact same thing. The turtles end up on operating tables a lot.
Not to mention everything with Baxter Stockman. I know every time he gets cut in half it's off screen but damn.
Plus the underground city mutants.
Plus the Rat King experiment. And that poor military man that was friends with Bishop.
2k3 really does have a lot of what Residuum has going on.
Also if you ever want to check out more tmnt the idw comics are fantastic!
Sorry if that's too many questions you don't have to answer if you don't want to!
i don't think we have a favorite arc? full discloser we kinda consumed the all of the things on the ranking in a day in a half. zero breaks baby, only turlte. so we skipped a lot to get a feel of series as a whole. we were more interested in how the turtles were characterized and their dynamics with each other, than anything else (twas a research binge, we learned a lot!)
again no favorite but the most memorable one-off episode for me was Nano. you know, the episode with a child nano robot consciousness- have a meme i made about it lmao
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(if it's not biological, it's fine!)
3. don't have much thoughts about it- i barely have thoughts about anything- thats ahs department ahaha. i'll have them respond, for this one (they'll probably respond after work but- poor donnie... he won... but at what cost? everything. at least april wasn't mad about it)
i'm gonna watch the rest of it myself a bit more comprehensively as we skipped a lot of stuff. mostly because of the time crunch we had, but it was the one we watched the most of. the episode titles are extremely convenient
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umhuhwellthen · 10 months
Hi hello everyone the rabbit brainrot is sinking in but the turtle brainrot is still going strong, so instead of working on my wips an au that keeps haunting the back of mind may soon be coming to light,
It's a miyamoto usagi x rise donnie single dads/sugar daddy au
It's comic usagi with only a few backstory/relationship tweaks to better fit rottmnt world.
Donnie is aged up and Shelldon is aged down to make him around Jotaro's age but a few years older.
Rambles/Ideas about this below:
Donnie(+the rest of the gang) are all grown up adults, Leo and Raph still live in the lair, Mikey has moved out but rooms with April, there's background caseynardo(Cassandra not Junior) and Leo's considering moving out too, or to expanding the lair/taking another part of the sewers as home to live with Casey, Draxum is entertaining the idea of moving in with Splinter, aroace sunset duo because im aroace and say so, and this fic/au is all about self indulgence baybeee
Oh yeah about Shelldon being younger than canon, so Jotaro is also younger than canon, daycare-1st/2nd grade age range, ill have to review child development stages for specific age but its a toddler/kid era Jotaro and kid Shelldon. Basically Shelldon started out the same as canon except his first form was a lot more robotic with less personality and when the guys reprogrammed him he gained sentience like how 2k3 Nano did, starting out with having the mind like that of a young human child before maturing, because tech gaining sentience is like being born. So Shelldon isn't teen son to another teen but actual toddler son to teen, and yes he goes haywire but its more he's programmed to no longer favor Donnie and Donnie ruins his fun playtime and doesn't realize what he's doing is wrong or too far cuz he's a toddler he doesn't know what morals are or what's socially acceptable and the only reason he gets what object permanence is is because he's advanced ai.
Anyway by the time of meeting Jotaro Shelldon is now a kid instead of toddler(3rd/4th grade I'm thinking), and Donnie is in his mid-late 20s. Usagi is older but idk by how much, not like creepy agegap, but enough between them that Usagi feels like as the elder he should be taking charge instead of relying on the younger man. And Donnie is just like, we are two parent-aged adults of sound mind and body able to make our own decisions, I have free time/money, you don't, let me take care of you.
This is what happens when you binge read leo#sagi/leoi#chi/usatello/doni#chi fics and they don't scratch that specific itch and then you remember that one post going; Cant find that fic/fanart you want? Make it yourself.
Also in my mind its
Donsagi-for both yui#chi usagi x donnie(any) and miyamoto usagi x donnie(any)
Usatello- specifically for miyamoto usagi x donnie(any)
Don#ichi- specifically for yui+#chi x donnie(I've only seen this with rise donnie but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ any )
Censoring so it doesn't show up in tag , my own personal preference, everyone has their own
To explain why I'll be tagging posts of this with specifically usatello only
Also what brought on this au was Usagi and Jotaro feels and seeing cute fankids of Donnie(and other turts but mostly Donnie's) and remembering buddy daddies anime and reading kakairu with accidental/purposeful baby acquisition and then the realization of fanon!yui&$chi usagi being discount Miya and remembering my yearning for donsagi fics that had storybeats usually found in leo#+_sagi fics
And then that one post about "yeahyeah world weary battle harden warrior taking the never worked a day or suffered in his life prince, but what about the role reversal? With the one never knowing a gentle touch and only with a purpose to serve being served instead, loved and cradled and treated gently instead of roughly? By one with maybe not physically power, or they do but it's hidden behind pretty smiles and soft skin, but power nonetheless, to take care of them to lavish them with gifts and the like? Instead of only caring for others and never themself"
Wow I wrote a lot more than I was meaning too
But yeah this au is mostly about giving Miya nice things(except the devil on my shoulder that I will be calling Stan said I needed to put some bitter into the sweet but it's mostly backstory so I let it slide)
I've heard of being productive when you're sick but this menstrual hormones work ethic is kinda off the shits
Anyway this started as purely a Single Dads AU, with a meet-cute(or meet-ugly, depending on your perspective) where Usagi kinda, accidentally, sorta, kidnaps Shelldon while picking up Jotaro from school/daycare
But then the joke of successful businessman/genius inventor Donnie being mistaken as Usagi's sugar daddy wouldn't leave my head, and I was reading Usagi comics and he had some sad boi hours and I was like Nooo and then I was rereading the issues I had read with Mariko, Kenichi and Jotaro to get references for wips, and remembered the tragedy of Usagi's and Jotaro's relationship and went NOOOOOOO.
Anyway, "You're stupid, I like that in a man." Etc etc Jotaro wants a younger sibling new Donnie clone baby(because Donnie and Usagi are definitely the type for wanting/having a large family)
This was supposed to be a silly self-indulgent au id draw sometimes and now I'm drafting a fucking fic
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raphies · 4 years
okay i’ve rewatched the first 6 eps as of this post! i’ve consolidated my fave moments & thoughts into one post as opposed to 3-4 individual ones. (just eps 3-6 here btw! jsyk this is probably going to be incoherent :/)
Attack of the Mousers
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-this is almost..too raw? to come from s1 ep3 of the show ): (if a bit over-dramatic sdlfjsdks)
idk i really love this part. like, can mikey be really annoying sometimes? yes. does raph let him get to him maybe too easily? also yes. but! none of that really matters in the end. i think this establishes that raph is ride or die for his bros, and that they just genuinely like each other y’know? i just think they’re neat :’’) 
-the ep where april gets 4 lil bros & her future mentor :’’) we love found family!!! 
Meet Casey Jones
-i dont really think i can say anything that hasnt been said about the main plot w/ raph & casey, it was done very well imo. this is one of my faves upon rewatch :)
-the b-plot is actually what i wanted to talk about! 
to summarize mikey finds this door that goes to the surface:
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and it’s the first mention of the crystals !!!! i knew that everything to do w/ y’lyntias seeps into other parts of the show and is really fleshed out, but i didnt know it started this early!? idk this just made me happy & i thought it was interesting!! 
-nothing plot related, but this is the ep where raph gets his shellcycle!!!!! look at him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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a lq screenshot of an hq turtle :)
-i dont have much to say (not that it’s a Bad ep by any means!!!) however you cant help but feel bad for nano here? am i the only one? ): all he wanted was a family (i know he eventually gets a happy ending but Still)
-this is the ep where casey and april meet! their banter also begins here huh? :o
Darkness on the Edge of Town
-this is just smth that made me Laugh lmao (esp rewatching this in 2020?):
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(stills of this wouldnt do this justice dsdfsdjlk vibe check: failed 😔)
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-i thought saki having his entire torso rapped in bandages here a lil Interesting knowing who he really is 👀 
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bookishnewt · 5 years
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Anyone remember the episodes of TMNT 2k3 where it had Nano? The little cluster of nanobots that basically just wanted to have a family and essentially was destroyed twice? The real villain of those episodes was totally the scientist lady.
Aside from the fact that, in the first episode featuring Nano, she was the one who accidentally allowed the nanobots to escape, but she also completely dismissed the nanobots as they were.
I forget what her original experiment/intent with the nanobots was, but for those little robots to be able to come together and have the mind and emotional capacity of a child was FASCINATING. How could she not see that?! How could she not realize all of the POTENTIAL the nanobots had with that kind of brain development and power?
And then in the second episode with Nano, she was just recreating the nanobots again and... Did no one trace back the destruction to her lab?
I was happy when Nano finally found a family with the Justice Force.
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From the “A Wing And A Prayer” episode!
Two neat things here:
• Donnie hoping one day their worlds could coexist. And according to Fast Forward that future does come eventually :)
• Mikey has a superhero team-up scrapbook. MIKEY HAS A SUPERHERO TEAM-UP SCRAPBOOK.
Nano is in there. The Silver Sentry is in there. Honestly the entire Justice Force is there, probably. And that’s all good and dandy.
But do you think perhaps his family is on the very first page. Do you think the scrapbook is bookmarked by a drawing Mikey did when he was five, of Leo fighting imaginary monsters. Do you think he made Raph pose with him after that one time Raph played his sidekick? Do you think he has a picture of Donnie standing next to their Battleshell tank and next to it is a Batman logo drawn in bad quality markers? Because I do. I think Mikey Battle Nexus Champion Slash Turtle Titan Splinterson sees his family as heroes and I think he’d be sentimental about it.
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tmntkiseki · 8 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) Concept Art Special: The Peter Laird Files
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ilovebeinaturtle · 1 month
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🧡💚🖤💛Turtle Titan Appreciation Post Part 5💛🖤💚🧡
Hiya! All the gifs were made from the Fast Forward episode “The Journal” Season 6 Episode 13! All gifs made by me! Enjoy~!
and also super duper late happy 18th anniversary to Fast Forward! It was July 29th lol
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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krispwrites · 3 years
Good news: I reached my 50k word goal for Camp NaNo!
Bad(?) news: The majority of the words were not for my next original story, but instead for a random Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fanfiction that manifested due to my sister and I binge-watching the 2k3 version of the TMNT cartoon on Paramount+ lately.
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megahorous · 1 year
Our Turtles tonight was "Return of Nano" ! That's the one wherein Nano returns
-- You could almost use the Nano episodes to mark the growth of April and Casey's relationship. Sometimes I wondered if they only get together because they're the main guys who know the Turtles
-- Nano could make a good prison abolitionist. Harry in handcuffs <3
-- One could suggest that the scientist is actually responsible for more damage than Harry. Nano's powers are a little ridiculous; imagine if they had him against Shredder
-- "That sneaky green Nerd stole my date!" I thought it wasn't a date
-- April in a blue jumpsuit, not unlike Mirage April
-- First Nano is defeated by fire, then electricity. What's next--grass? Water? Becomes an ally?
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