#28 rajab
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fluffy-appa · 1 month ago
Righteous Deeds Are A Sign Of Eemaan
From Abu Musa from the Messenger [ﷺ] who said:
«من سرته حسنته وساءته سيئته فهو مؤمن.»
❝Whoever is pleased by his good deeds and is saddened by his evil deeds then he is a believer.❞
[Narrated By Tabraani | Authenticated By Albaani In ‘Saheeh al-Jama‘, (No. 6294)]
Ibn Rajab [رحمه الله] said:
«وإذا كان الإنسان تسوؤه سيئته ويعمل لأجلها عملاً صالحاً كان ذلك دليلاً على إيمانه.»
❝If a person was saddened by his bad deeds and does good deeds due to this, then this is an evidence of his Eemaan.❞
[Fath al-Bari, (3/28)]
Shaykh ul-Islam [رحمه الله] said:
«كل من حدثته نفسه بذنب فكرهه ونفاه عن نفسه وتركه لله؛ ازداد صلاحاً وبِرًّا وتقوى.»
❝Anyone who reflects upon himself about his sins and hates them and tries to negate them from himself and leaves them for Allaah’s sake, then he increases in rectification, goodness and piety.❞
[Majmoo al-Fatawa, (10/767)]
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dizzymoods · 3 months ago
Since Palestine —no not the Levantine one the midwestern one— we have been saying the dems are gonna lose in 2024.
Then we said that unless biden puts an end to the genocide ON 7 oct the dems would lose in 2024
then when biden started talking like an adult character from the Peanuts, well before the first debate, we said the dems were gonna lose.
then we said kamala is not a good candidate bc of her historically awful run in 2020 but if she signals to the left (ie walz over shapiro) and she started talking about an arms embargo she might have a chance.
then when she went right on the border for some inexplicable reason, courted republicans, and said no arms embargo we said it’s a lock for trump.
so when she loses it will be her own fault. literally for a year and a half ppl have been begging the dems to move an inch left and they ran a mile right. again and again ignored the margin they will lose by in favor of the Bush neocons who are using them like useful idiots to complete their war on terror Iran project.
One cannot even take pleasure in their loss bc they have no—not even shame— it’s like the person who has beef with everyone and can’t recognize the common element as the problem: them.
and so predictably they will blame the muslims and the green party —who isn’t even going to be the spoiler; the martyrs are. People have already written in Sinwar, Rajab, and Alareer.
but in the slim chance she does win… well if you get elected now by capitulating to neocons and trump doesn’t run in ‘28 then the most milquetoast republican will do 1980 reagan numbers. smh
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workersolidarity · 1 year ago
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🇮🇶⚔️🇺🇸 🚨
The Islamic Resistance of Iraq issued a statement Sunday on the conducting of drone and missile strikes targeting four U.S. Military bases in Syria.
The four bases targeted include the Al-Shaddadi base, Al-Rukban base, Al-Tanf base, and the fourth one the Zebulun naval base in the occupied Palestinian territories.
The statement issued translates as follows:
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful
“Permission is given to those who fight because they have been wronged, and indeed, God is Able to grant them victory.”
In continuation of our approach to resisting the American occupation forces in Iraq and the region, and in response to the Zionist entity’s massacres against our people in Gaza, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq attacked at dawn today, Sunday, January 28, 2024, using drones, four enemy bases, three of which are in Syria. (Al-Shaddadi Base, Al-Rukban Base, and Al-Tanf Base), and the fourth is inside our occupied Palestinian territories, which is the Zevulun naval facility.
The Islamic Resistance confirms that it will continue to destroy enemy strongholds.
(And victory is only from God. Indeed, God is Mighty, All-Wise)
Islamic resistance in Iraq
Sunday 16 - Rajab - 1445 AH.
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catdotjpeg · 1 year ago
On 26 October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health released the list of names of Palestinians killed since 7 October. Among them, from the Maarouf family, are: 
Yahya Saleh Ahmed (60); 
Manal Salem Salama (56); 
Imad Muhammad Ali (54); 
Khalid Muhammad Sultan (52) and his children Mira Khalid Muhammad (13) and Ola Khalid Muhammad (5); 
and his brother Mazen Muhammad Sultan (41) and his children Arwa Mazen Muhammad (10), Roua Mazen Muhammad (9), Rahaf Mazen Muhammad (7), Abdul Rahman Mazen Muhammad (5), and Rafif Mazen Muhammad (2);
Nazik Noman Ali (50); 
Tariq Omar Salama (50);
Raghda Ali Zaki (36); 
Islam Abdullah Youssef (25);
Jamila Adnan Muhammad Taher (32); 
Rula Rififan Nouri (28); 
Alaa Tariq Attia (22) and her sister Sarah Tariq Attia (15); 
Usama Imad Ahmed (16); 
Alia Juma Rajab (13) and her siblings Ali Juma Rajab (12), Dunia Juma Rajab (8), and Amir Juma Rajab (4);
Rashid Othman Mahmoud (13);
and Iyad Muhammad Hassan (2).
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and here.
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uniibii · 9 months ago
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Catatan 2
Menjaga Ketaatan Setelah Ramadhan
Apa yang menyebabkan ramadhan dijuluki sebagai bulan ketaatan? Karena pada bulan itu kita dikondisikan untuk taat. Lingkungan mendukung kita untuk taat.
Semua orang sadar dan tahu bulan ini bulan yang berkah, "La'allakum tattaqun" artinya agar kalian bertaqwa, karena itulah semua orang berlomba-lomba untuk mencapai tingkat taqwa pada bulan ini.
Tapi apakah ketaatan itu hanya untuk satu bulan saja? TENTU TIDAK. 11 bulan lainnya haruslah terus dalam ketaatan.
Dalam Quran surah Az-Zariyat: 50 yang artinya" Maka segeralah kembali kepada (menaati) Allah. Sungguh, aku seorang pemberi peringatan yang jelas dari Allah untukmu"
Imam Bisyr bin Al-Harits Al-Hafi pernah ditanya tentang orang-orang yang sungguh-sungguh dan rajin ibadah hanya di bulan Ramadhan , maka beliau menjawab,
بِئْسَ الْقَوْمُ لاَ يَعْرِفُوْنَ للهَ حَقاًّ إِلاَّ فِي شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ إِنَّ الصَّالِحَ الَّذِي يَتَعَبَّدُ وَيَجْتَهِدُ السَّنَةَ كُلَّهَا
“Mereka adalah seburuk-buruk kaum, karena tidak mengenal Allah kecuali hanya di bulan Ramadhan. Sesungguhnya hamba yang saleh adalah yang rajin dan sungguh-sungguh dalam ibadah dalam setahun penuh.” (Lathaiful Ma’arif, Ibnu Rajab al-Hambali, 313)
Bukankah kita membutuhkan rahmat Allah ta'ala baik di dalam maupun di luar ramadhan? Maka kita perlu menjaga tugas besar, yakni menjaga ketaatan kepada Allah walaupun ramadhan telah berlalu.
Tips Menjaga Ketaatan Setelah Ramadhan
[1] Memohon Keteguhan Iman Kepada Allah Ta'ala
Hati manusia selalu berbolak balik dan iman manusia selalu naik turun. Maka mohonlah pertolongan Allah dengan berdoa:
يَا مُقَلِّبَ القُلُوْبِ ثَبِّتْ قَلْبِي عَلَى دِيْنِكَ
Yaa muqollibal quluubi tsabbit qolbii 'ala diinik
Artinya: "Wahai Zat yang Maha Membolak-balikkan hati, teguhkanlah hatiku di atas agama-Mu)." (HR. Tirmidzi, no. 3522 dan Ahmad, 6:315).
Teruslah memohon selalu diberi hidayah dan keistiqomahan, selalu luruh pada agama Allah yang lurus.
[2] Istiqomah dalam Beribadah
Istiqomah= konsisten dan konsekuen
Batas istiqomah itu bukan hanya sampai pada idul fitri, tapi sepanjang hayat. Dalam Quran surah Al-Hijr: 99, "Sembahlah Tuhanmu sampai datang kepadamu kepastian (kematian)."
Ayat ini merupakan peringat, bahwa pembatas manusia dengan ibadah hanya kematian.
Ibadah-ibadah yang sudah dikerjakan selama ramadhan teruslah berlanjut pada bulan-bulan selanjutnya. Bukan ramadhan berakhir, amalan pun berakhir. Bukan ramadhan berakhir, kebaikan pun berakhir. Namun, jagalah ibadah-ibadah kita kepada Allah ta'ala.
“Wahai sekalian manusia, kerjakanlah amalan-amalan sesuai dengan kemampuan kalian. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak bosan sampai kalian bosan. Dan sungguh, amalan yang paling dicintai oleh Allah yaitu yang dikerjakan secara terus menerus walau sedikit.” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim).
Ada motivasi bagus dari moto hidup dari salah seorah sahabat nabi, Bara' bin Malik :
"Ingat Allah, ingat syurga"
Moto hidup yang luar biasa
Note: kita tidak hanya menjaga ibadah-ibadah kita saja, tapi juga meningkatnya
Teteh Ratna
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butiranembun · 1 year ago
Karena wanita-wanita terbaik sepanjang sejarah dunia serta akhiratnya dikenal dengan khidmah mereka kepada para penyeru kebaikan.
Ya Rabb, jadikan hamba menjadi salah satunya.
Cirebon, 28 Rajab 1445.
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brookston · 2 years ago
Holidays 1.30
Bloody Sunday (a.k.a. Bogside Massacre Anniversary Day; Northern Ireland)
Cash Register Day
Change Your Voicemail Greeting Day
Congressional Brawl Day
CTE Awareness Day
Day of Azerbaijani Customs (Azerbaijan)
Day of Saudade (Brazil)
Denise D’Ascenzo Day (Connecticut)
Draw A Dinosaur Day [ website ]
Escape Day
Festival of Peace
Fred Korematsu Day (California, Florida, Hawaii, Virginia)
Hi-Yo, Silver Day
Inane Answering Message Day
International Day of Electronic Technicians
Ka Moloka’i Makahiki (Hawaii)
Martyrdom of Mahatma Gandhi
Martyrs' Day (India)
National Escape Day
National Flirt A Little Bit Day
National Maxwell Day
National Write to Congress Day
Primate Day (Indonesia)
School Day of Non-Violence and Peace (Spain)
Season for Nonviolence begins [thru 4.4]
Social Media Day (UN)
Teacher’s Day (Spain)
Women Peerage Day (UK)
World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day
Yodel For Your Neighbors Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Croissant Day
5th & Last Monday in January
Aukland Day (New Zealand) [Monday closest to 29th]
Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day [Last Monday]
Independence Days
Republic of Westland (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Adelelmus of Burgos (Christian; Saint)
Aldegondes (Christian; Saint)
Anthony the Great (Coptic Church)
Armentarius of Pavia (Christian; Saint)
Barsimaeus (Christian; Saint)
Balthildes (Christian; Saint)
Charles, King (Various Provinces of the Anglican Communion; Martyr)
Exercise Your Brain Day (Pastafarian)
Februalia begins (Purification Festival; Ancient Rome) [through 2.2]
Fox, Chicken & Bear (Muppetism)
Hippolytus of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Hyacintha Mariscotti (Christian; Saint)
Ice T Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Martina (Christian; Saint)
Matthias of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Mutien-Marie Wiaux (Christian; Saint)
Pax (Ancient Roman Festival of Peace)
Saraswati Day (Goddess of Knowledge; Bali)
Savina (Christian; Saint)
Three Holy Hierarchs (Eastern Orthodox)
Tyrtæus (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because Hitler was elected.)
The Americans (TV Series; 2013)
Around the World in 80 Days (Novel; 1873)
Blue Suede Shoes, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1956)
City Lights (Film; 1931)
The Darktown Strutters’ Ball, recorded by The Original Dixieland Jazz Band (Song; 1917)
The Double: A Petersburg Poem, by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Novel; 1846)
Great Expectations (Film; 1998)
Honey, recorded by Bobby Goldsboro (Song; 1968)
I Fall to Pieces, by Patsy Cline (Song; 1961)
The Lone Ranger (Radio Show; 1933)
Outrageous Fortune (Film; 1987)
Red Hot, recorded by Billy Lee Riley (Song; 1956)
Rooftop Concert, by The Beatles (Live Concert; 1969)
Taken (Film; 2009)
Today’s Name Days
Gerd, Gerhard, Josef, Valerius (Austria)
Tvrtko, Valerije, Zdeslav, Zdravko (Croatia)
Zdislava (Czech Republic)
Valerius (Denmark)
Valmo, Valter (Estonia)
Valtteri (Finland)
Gildas (France)
Gerd, Gerhard, Josef (Germany)
Varsamia (Greece)
Adél (Hungary)
Aquilino, Costanzo, Valerio, Vitale (Italy)
Aivars, Valērijs (Latvia)
Aivaras, Girkantas, Valerijus, Žibutė (Lithuania)
Herdis, Hermann, Hermod (Norway)
Franciszek Salezy, Gilda, Hanna, Walerian, Waleriana, Waleriusz, Zdzisław (Poland)
Ignatie (Romania)
Gašpar (Slovakia)
Valerio, Valero (Spain)
Diana (Sweden)
Gilda, Goldie, Sheldon, Shelley, Shelly, Shelton, Ophrah, Oprah (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 30 of 2023; 335 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 5 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Jia-Yin), Day 9 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 8 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 8 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 30 Aer; Lastday [30 of 30]
Julian: 16 January 2023
Moon: 71%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 2 Homer (2nd Month) [Tyrtæus)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 40 of 90)
Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 9 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years ago
Holidays 2.7
Ballet Day
Beatles Hit America Day
Charles Dickens Day
Colin Kaepernick Appreciation Day
Constitution Day (Mexico)
Daniel Boone Escape Day
”e” Day
Hug an Addict or Alcoholic Day
International Clash Day
International Start a Blog Day
Laura Ingalls Wilder Day
Love Your Robot Day
National Black Grandmothers Day
National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Foreskin Appreciation Day
National Homegating Day
National Jack Day
National Periodic Table Day
National Run-For-Your-Life Day
National Signing Day
Northern Territories Day (Japan)
No Talk Day
Rose Day
Send a Card to a Friend Day
Star Wars Podcast Day
Violet Day
Wave All Your Fingers At Your Neighbors Day
The Weekend Day (Canada)
Who Shall I Be Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Fettuccine Alfredo Day
1st Tuesday in February
African-American Coaches Day [1st Tuesday]
Safer Internet Day [1st Tuesday]
Independence Days
Grenada (from UK, 1974)
Feast Days
Alfred E. Neuman Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint) 
Augulus, Bishop of London (Christian; Saint)
Blessed Eugénie Smet (Christian; Saint)
Chrysolius (Christian; Saint)
Colette of Corbie (Christian; Saint)
Day of Selene (Goddess of the Moon; Ancient Greece)
Egidio Maria of Saint Joseph (Christian; Saint)
Everyman’s Day
Feast of Mulk (Baha’i)
Ictinus (Positivist; Saint)
Just Another Day Day (a.k.a. No-Day Day; Pastafarian)
Luigi the Ice Cream Wolf (Muppetism)
Pius IX, Pope (Christian; Blessed)
Richard the Pilgrim (a.k.a. Richard, King of the West Saxons)
Romualdo, founder of the Order of Camaldoli (Christian; Saint)
Theodorus (a.k.a. Stratilates; Christian; Saint)
Tresain of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [9 of 32]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 6 of 60)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [9 of 57]
Birds of Prey (Film; 2020)
Blazing Saddles (Film; 1974)
Breathless (Film; 1961)
The Color Purple (Film; 1986)
Elvis and Me (TV Mini-Series; 1981)
Hannah and Her Sisters (Film; 1986)
Lady Jane (Film; 1986)
The Lego Movie (Animated Film; 2014)
Letterkenny (TV Series; 2016)
Locke & Key (TV Series; 2020)
Manufacturing Consent, by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman (Book; 1988)
Mickey’s Birthday Party (Disney Cartoon; 1940)
Norse Mythology, by Neil Gaiman (Stories; 2017)
Orpheus in the Underworld, by Jacques Offenbach (4-Act Opera; 1874)
Pinball Wizard, recorded by The Who (Song; 1969)
Pinocchio (Animated Disney Film; 1940)
Please Please Me, by The Beatles (Song; 1963)
Taxi Driver (Film; 1976)
Troilus and Cressida, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1603)
Today’s Name Days
Ava, Richard (Austria)
Držislav, Julijana, Maksim, Rikard (Croatia)
Veronika (Czech Republic)
Richard (Denmark)
Richard, Riho, Riko, Riku (Estonia)
Rikhard, Riku (Finland)
Eugénie (France)
Ava, Richard, Ronan (Germany)
Parthenios, Parthenis (Greece)
Rómeó, Tódor (Hungary)
Eugenia, Teodoro (Italy)
Daunis, Nelda, Richards, Rihards (Latvia)
Jomantė, Ričardas, Romualdas, Vildaugas (Lithuania)
Riborg, Rigmor, Rikard (Norway)
Romuald, Ryszard, Sulisław (Poland)
Partenie (Romania)
Vanda (Slovakia)
Ricardo (Spain)
Dick, Rikard (Sweden)
Teofil, Teofila (Ukraine)
Beau, Beaumont, Beverly, Bo, Boe, Jace, Jacey, Sinclair (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 38 of 2023; 327 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 6 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 17 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Jia-Yin), Day 17 (Bing-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 16 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 16 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 8 Xin; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 25 January 2023
Moon: 96%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 10 Homer (2nd Month) [Ictinus)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 49 of 90)
Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 18 of 30)
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vague-humanoid · 16 days ago
Brazil Tries to Arrest IDF Soldier, Israel Panics. Will Gaza War Criminals Finally Face Justice?
On The Freedom Side LIVE, Thursday, 1/09  at 3pm ET/12pm PT,  hosts Rania Khalek and Eugene Puryear are joined by special guests:
Haroon Raza, co-founder of the Hind Rajab Foundation (HRF), joins the show to discuss Brazil’s historic arrest warrant for a vacationing Israeli soldier accused of Gaza war crimes, following a complaint issued by the HRF. Raza explains how HRF’s global campaign to hold individual IDF soldiers and their accomplices accountable for the Gaza genocide has Israel panicking.
Ashish Prashar, Political strategist and former advisor to the Middle East peace envoy, joins the show to expose FIFA's glaring hypocrisy over Palestine. Despite Israel killing 368 Palestinian footballers since the start of the Gaza genocide, the world’s governing body for soccer refuses to ban Israel from international matches—yet it swiftly banned Russia over the Ukraine war. Prashar unpacks this double standard and the rising global call to kick Israel out of FIFA.
Kurt Hackbarth, host of Soberanía: The Mexican Politics Podcast, joins the show to discuss the New York Times's latest article supposedly showing fentanyl production in Mexico—published just weeks before Donald Trump, who has pledged to invade Mexico to fight cartels, takes office. Hackbarth will discuss how the debunked article fits into a long history of the corporate-owned media pushing pro-intervention narratives.
John Russell, Emmy-nominated ‘dirtbag’ journalist, will discuss the 2024 organized labor surge, highlighting the major strikes from Amazon, Starbucks, longshore, hotel workers, and more that delivered significant wins for working-class Americans. As union membership rises after years of decline, can the labor movement maintain its momentum under the looming Trump presidency?
Prof. Glenn Diesen at the University of South-Eastern Norway and author of The Ukraine War & the Eurasian World Order, will discuss Ukraine’s latest stalling counter-offensive as the US continues to block Ukraine from negotiating an end to the brutal proxy war. Diesen will unpack the catastrophic potential consequences of escalation and what the incoming Trump presidency portends for the conflict.
Zoe Alexandra, editor of Peoples Dispatch, reports live from Venezuela as the country prepares to swear in President Nicolas Maduro for a third term this Friday. Amid the US’ latest attempts to undermine the July 28 election, Alexandra will shed light on Washington’s intervention efforts and the Venezuelan people's fight to defend the Bolivarian Revolution and their sovereignty.
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ghurabaxnisa · 1 month ago
Righteous Deeds Are A Sign Of Emaan
From Abu Musa from the Messenger [ﷺ] who said:
❝Whoever is pleased by his good deeds and is saddened by his evil deeds then he is a believer.❞
[Narrated By Tabraani |Authenticated By Albaani In ‘Saheeh al-Jama‘, (No. 6294)]
Ibn Rajab [رحمه الله] said:
❝If a person was saddened by his bad deeds and does good deeds due to this, then this is an evidence of his Emaan.❞
[Fath al-Bari, (3/28)]
Shaykh ul-Islam [رحمه الله] said:
❝Anyone who reflects upon himself about his sins and hates them and tries to negate them from himself and leaves them for Allaah’s sake, then he increases in rectification, goodness and piety.❞
[Majmoo al-Fatawa, (10/767)]
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maximuswolf · 4 months ago
Haifa Wehbe - Rajab [Arabic pop](2005)
Haifa Wehbe - Rajab [Arabic pop](2005) https://youtu.be/HrxVZNFx_4M?si=p1KsIh307xbx-CS3 Submitted September 28, 2024 at 02:52PM by Major_Decision_7107 https://ift.tt/7SIx2Ep via /r/Music
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churropussy · 3 months ago
I actually wasn’t talking to you specifically, I was speaking generally. See, I can bold words too and pretend that makes a point more valid.
I’m sick of seeing you racist freaks yell about biased information as if Israel isn’t bombing multiple countries rn. I don’t care if you think I’m insincere, I don’t care what you think about me because you’re simping for a military who told Palestinians to evacuate to designated safe zones …. and then bombed the safe zones. Y’all are fucking cooked lmao
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So we are at Stage 2.
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btsiu · 6 months ago
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catdotjpeg · 1 year ago
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On 26 October, the Palestinian Ministry of Health released the list of names of Palestinians killed since 7 October. Among them, from the Awad family, are:
Mahmoud Abdul Fattah Mohammed (65);
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Magdy Zakaria Youssef (65), a disabled man who was martyred when occupation forces stormed Tulkarm, in the West Bank;
Nadia Ezzo Mohammed (61); 
Hamid Suleiman Younis (59); 
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Abdul Nasser Mohammed Abdul Rahman (58), a teacher in UNRWA schools described as a "man of noble character, loved by everyone" who realized his dream of praying in al-Aqsa mosque last July; and his children Dua Abdul Nasser Mohammed (28), a psychiatrist who had passed her exams only a month prior to being martyred; Ahmed Abdul Nasser Mohammed (21); and Israa Abdul Nasser Mohammed (19); 
Jihad Mohammed Abdul Rahman (55) and his wife, Khalidiya Rajab Ali (53), both described as “affectionate”, as well as their children Obaida Jihad Mohammed (28), an engineer; Nour al-Huda Jihad Mohammed (27), described as “kind and caring”; Mohammed Jihad Mohammed (25), who had just gotten married in the second week of October; and Jana Jihad Mohammed (12);
Yusuf Rushdi Yusuf (50); 
Hatim Sobhi Hassan (48), a paramedic with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society; 
Ahmed Youssef Abdel-Jabbar (46); 
Samah Mahmoud Khaled (42) and her son Muaz Ahmed Rajab (18);  
Rahma Abdul Rahim Mohammed (34) and her brother Mahmoud Abdul Rahim Mohammed (26); 
Abdul Rahim Ahmed Abdul Rahim (less than a year old); 
Mohammed Atef Mohammed (32); 
Noha Maher Abdul Rahman (31); 
Jawdat Ahmed Abdul (27), a scout leader with the Palestinian Scouts Association;
Muhammad Ramiz Jamil (27), a civil engineer and assistant lecturer at the Engineering College at the Islamic University, and his son Ramiz Muhammad Ramiz (1);
Ahmed Nafez Mohammed (21);
Khalid Nayef Mohammed (19);
Dima Jihad Ahmed (17); 
Mohammed Sobhi Mohammed (15);
and Siham Abdul Rahman Abdul Nasser (8) and her sister Eileen Abdul Rahman Abdul Nasser (7).
You can read more about the human lives lost in Palestine on the Martyrs of Gaza Twitter account and here.
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sassy324 · 7 months ago
這些來自東歐的可薩猶太人,是白人,祖先不是閃米特人,無希伯萊血統,祖先從未在巴勒斯坦定居過,從未見過哭牆。這些假冒的猶太人,作賊心虛,為了顯示是正統猶太人,遂把猶太教義極端化:自私、貪婪、野蠻、殘暴、無人性。 「智者拉比」和「摩薩德」是這些偽造猶太人的必然產物。他們顯出強烈的基因的力量。
2024年6月27日,以色列批准兩名巴勒斯坦醫務人員拯救6 歲的欣德·拉賈布(Hind Rajab) 的生命。 然後以色列轟炸了他們的救護車並殺死了他們。這是以軍的慣技,以前已發生多起此類事件,卑劣、殘暴無上限。
2024年6月29日,以色列Kan 11 頻道報道稱,作為報復,以色列軍隊故意殺害了哈馬斯政治領導人伊斯梅爾·哈尼亞的至少19 名親屬。 他們承認他們是故意針對他們的。上個月,先是定點殺害了哈妮亞的幾位家人,昨天又轟炸他的家,他的妹妹被炸死了。殺害無辜,株連家人,是可薩猶太人基因的一大特點。
他們不是為生存而仇恨,為生存而殺戮,為生存而血腥;而是為仇恨而仇恨,為殺戮而殺戮,為血腥而血腥。所以,在滅亡了巴勒斯坦後,其它阿拉伯鄰國將是他們的下一個目標,基督教、天主教也將是他們的下一個目標。西方國家給他們的“輿論問責特權”,令可薩猶太人的基因更加異端化,基因的力量更強大。 (加拿大司馬田2024.6. 谷歌翻譯fb:Markss Tang)
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realita-lampung · 1 year ago
Kapolri Cup 2023, Atlet Putra Putri DKI Jakarta Dominasi Zona III
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Pegelaran turnamen Bola Voli Piala Kapolri 2023 Zona III, tim ibukota DKI Jakarta mulai menunjukkan kesaktiannya dengan melibas lawan-lawan dengan meyakinkan dan sekaligus mantab berada dipuncak klasemen sementara. Seperti terlihat dari hasil klasemen sementara tim putra dan putri DKI Jakarta pada Sabtu 5 Agustus 2023. Pada pertandingan pertamanya, tim putri DKI Jakarta tanpa ampun melibas putri Bengkulu dengan skor 3-0. Set pertama Citra Azzahra cs menang mudah 25-16, dan di set kedua para putri bengkulu pun tidak bisa mengimbangi None-none Jakarta dan kalah 25-10. Set ketiga juga diakhiri dengan 25-18 oleh para putri Betawi itu. Dengan demikian sementara putri DKI Jakarta berada di puncak klasemen diikuti Lampung. Sementara dibagian putra, DKI Jakarta juga menang 3-0 atas Bengkulu. Namun kemenangan Alif Rajab Burrahman cs tidak diperoleh dengan mudah, karena perlawan putra-putra Raflesia itu sangat sengit terutama di dua set terakhir. Pada set pertama DKI Jakarta menang mudah 25-13. Dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama. Namun mereka terkejut dengan perlawanan Bengkulu yang salah satu bintang lapangan mereka Muhammad Rangga Pratama tampil prima dengan spike-spike mematikan dan banyak menghasilkan poin. Pada set kedua, Bengkulu terus membayangi DKI dengan angka yang ketat sehingga DKI harus berjuangan sampai satu kali deuce, dan skor akhir 27-25. Lalu di set ketiga lebih seru lagi, karena Bengkulu berkali-kali berhasil menyamakan skor dalam beberapa kesempatan. Sehingga pelatih DKI Jakarta harus memutar otak untuk bisa mengatasi perlawanan anak-anak “Benteng Malborough”. Set ketiga merupakan pertarungan sengit kedua tim ini, hingga beberapa kali skor sama sampai melewati poin 25. Dan akhirnya pada kedudukan 28-27 untuk DKI Jakarta, terjadi kesalahan yang dibuat anak-anak Bengkulu, yang akhirnya harus menyerah 29-27. Sementara tim putra Lampung harus mengakui keunggulan putra Banten dengan skor 3-0 langsung. Meskipun dalam kenyataannya, pertandingan set kedua dan ketiga berjalan sangat ketat. Tim Lampung di set pertama kalah mudah 25-19. Ini menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak Lampung belum padu dan langsung ditekan oleh putra Banten. Namun anak-anak Lampung bangkit di set kedua, setter Suhanda mulai mampu melakukan beberapa ide jitu dengan memberikan umpan-umpan akurat kepada Budi Prasetyo, Didi Firmansyah dan Opposite Hitter lainnya dan mampu mendulang poin disaat-saat penting. Namun demikian Lampung harus mengakui keunggulan Banten di set kedua dengan sekali deuce, 26-24. Dan set ketiga kembali terjadi pertandingan yang ketat dan keras sebelum akhirnya Lampung kembali takluk 25-23 dari Banten. Dengan pertandingan hari ini, putra DKI Jakarta mengumpulkan nilai 6, kemudian Banten dengan nilai 3 ditempat kedua sementara Lampung dengan point 2 di peringkat ketiga. Dan Bengkulu masih berada di dasar klasemen dengan nilai 1. Sementara di sektor Putri, DKI Jakarta yang menang 3-0 melawan Bengkulu hari ini berada di posisi pertama klasemen diikuti Lampung diposisi kedua meski dengan poin yang sama 3, dan Bengkulu di peringkat ketiga dengan nilai 0, dari dua kekalahan yang dideritanya. Dengan tidak hadirnya tim putri Banten, maka Lampung dan DKI Jakarta tinggal menentukan siapa yang akan menjadi juara grup pada pertandingan esok hari yang akan bermain di lapangan Bola Voli GOR Sumpah Pemuda kompleks PKOR Way Halim Bandarlampung. Ini menguntungkan bagi putri Lampung dan DKI Jakarta yang sudah dipastikan masuk ke babak kedua dari Zona III ini, dan tinggal menentukan siapa yang akan menjadi juara dan runner up saja. Karena keduanya akan lolos pada putaran kedua wilayah barat. Sementara bagian putra, Lampung harus berjuang memenangkan pertandingan Minggu siang, 6 Agustus 2023 melawan DKI Jakarta yang sudah dipastikan lolos ke putaran kedua. Meskipun perjuangan Lampung untuk menang atas DKI Jakarta sangat berat, namun tekat anak-anak Lampung sangat besar untuk membuat kejutan di zona III ini. Namun apapun hasilnya, itupun masih harus ditentukan oleh pertandingan antara Banten dan Bengkulu. Jika Banten memenangi pertandingan, maka pupuslah sudah harapan Lampung untuk melaju ke putaran kedua. Jadwal Besok, Minggu 6 Agustus 2023: Pukul 14.00 wib (Putri) DKI Jakarta versus Lampung, Pukul 16.00 wib (Putra) Banten versus Bengkulu pukul 18.00 wib (Putra) Lampung versus DKI Jakarta. (Rls/Don) Read the full article
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