#28 clothing promo
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louisupdates · 5 months ago
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28 Clothing via Instagram story [1.10.2024], linking to jazz ensemble ezracollective’s post, where trumpeter Ife Ogunjobi wears an as-yet-unreleased 28 football top.
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daisiesonafield-blog · 1 year ago
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28 Clothing is sending out PR gifts to influencers 👀
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elceeu2morrow · 2 years ago
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28 Clothing via Helen Seamons IG story [8.28.23]
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statementlou · 7 months ago
hey some very smart people (my babes @captainrayzizuniverse and @goldcrumble) have cracked a 28 Clothing pattern check this out: Drop 1 and Drop 2 came out August and November last year and were both Collection 01 (labeled on the clothing tags); Drop 3 (this July) is Collection 02...
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...which suggests a possible pattern of one collection consisting of two drops close together late in the year per year, which feels consistent with teasing items from the next drop in the promo for this recent one; so we would see Drop 4- the second half of Collection 02- in October or November, and then another long wait until the second half of next year for more?
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taekooktimeline · 7 months ago
July 9, 2024 -
One of the photos in Tae’s “Type 1 Photobook” is this one of him posing next to a “Hello Kitty rainbow plushie in bear costume.”
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It’s the same plushie we’ve seen in Jk’s home, in GCF Budapest.
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https://youtu.be/gJ1Hknhs1Ys?si=C4p2ZtBJrpdXz8le, :20-:28
And what’s super cute is it looks like Taekook own the biggest plushie of the three options -
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CT to @angel_HeMaYa on TW for the above info on the plushie and last two pictures
And it’s exclusively available in America only (remember, Jk was in America quite a bit for Golden promos) -
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I’d also like to archive some of Tae’s choice in clothing in his photo shoots. In the first photo, he’s wearing a “love my way” t-shirt by allsaints. The brand launched a collection theme with people expressing their own perceptions of love, celebrating different love stories.
This t-shirt’s name references the Psychedelic Furs' song “love my way.” The song is dedicated to people struggling with embracing their own sexuality amid social pressures. More specifically, Richard Butler, who penned the song, said, “It’s basically addressed to people who are fucked up about their sexuality,” and says, ‘Don’t worry about it.’ It was originally written for gay people.”
The song is also featured in the movie “call me by your name,” which we all know is a movie near and dear to Tae’s heart, as he’s repeatedly referenced it multiple times over the years.
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Info on the song -
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CT to @PeachesMinty, @jjkofvante, @allissur and @prettiestV95 on TW for the above photos and information.
Lyrics -
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Tae CMBYN references:
June 9, 2019 with Hobi, and on May 31, 2019 when he played the OST for the movie on the piano - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2019/625212551783907328
June 9, 2020 - reading Elio’s fathers speech during pride month - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2020/625387601649713152
September 4, 2023 - an article on Weverse notes that Tae’s song “Rainy Days” is a nod to the tomato girl summer trend which was inspired by movies like CMBYN - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2023/727548456756035584
Other notable clothes worn I want to archive (and you can decide relevancy) - “personal freedom, make love not war” -
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Shut the F U nobody cares what you think” (side note - I really want this shirt 😆)
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therealcocoshady · 1 year ago
Recovery - Chapter 28
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Eminem x FemReader Fanfiction
Summary : Em and Reader just got back together and Paul presents her with a NDA.
Tags : Fluff - Angst ?
When you woke up, you were alone in bed. Marshall’s bed. You almost had to pinch yourself to believe it : after all this time, you got to wake up next to him again. Well… Almost next to him. The bed was empty. Still, you were surrounded by his scent, wearing his clothes… It was enough to make you smile. You got out of the bedroom and into the rest of the penthouse suite, searching for Marshall. You found him sitting on a couch, listening to music in his headphones. You greeted him but his eyes were closed and you obviously couldn’t hear you. You stared at him for a second. He looked adorable, all focused. You couldn’t help but plant a kiss on his cheek. He jumped and let out a gasp, absolutely startled. 
Hi there, you giggled. 
Oh fuck, I nearly had a heart attack, he chuckled. How did you sleep, my love ? 
Like a baby, you said with a smile. I think the company might have something to do with that. 
Oh, am I good company ? He mused. 
Absolutely, you replied. I always slept better with you by my side. 
Good, he said firmly. Because now, you’re not getting rid of me. 
You chuckled and joined him on the couch, curling by his side. He gently cupped your face and kissed your lips. You cuddled for a while, exchanging sweet love words. 
What do you want to do today ? He asked. 
Aren’t we supposed to hang out with your daughters ? You reminded him. 
They said we can do whatever we want, he shrugged. We can do that, though, if that’s what you want. 
I wouldn’t mind exploring the city, you said with a smile. I haven’t been here in a long time. 
Great then, he said with a smile. I’ve been here a couple of times already, but I haven’t had too much time to visit. Except some weed shops and the red lights district, of course. 
Why am I not surprised ? You giggled. 
Come on, it was twenty-five years ago, he chuckled. 
Did you really go to the red lights district, though ? You couldn’t help but ask. 
I’ll plead the fifth on that one, he replied with a smirk. Let’s order something to eat, shall we ? 
You chuckled and he called the room service, ordering almost everything that was on the menu for breakfast. Meanwhile, you grabbed your phone and took a quick selfie in Marshall’s tee-shirt to send to Talia, letting her know that everything was perfect. 
You’re into morning selfies now ? He chuckled. 
No, you said embarrassed of being caught. It’s for Talia. Just letting her know I’m ok. And that we’re ok.
Give me that thing, he said with a smile. 
He grabbed your phone and took you in his arms before kissing you on the cheek, taking a selfie at the same time. 
I think this one’s better, he said with a wink. I think she’ll get the message if you send it to her. 
You can take a good selfie, you playfully commented. 
Well, I wasn’t going to use promo shots for my Tinder profile, now, was I ? He shrugged. 
His reply left you a bit puzzled. You weren’t sure whether or not he was serious. The reasonable part of your brain was telling you it didn’t matter and that, after all, the two of you were back together. The other part, however, was freaking out. Still, you thought it would be a bad idea to let it show. Breakfast arrived and you went to the dining room area. Marshall seemed famished but you weren’t. You weren’t used to eating too much anymore. 
You’re not eating, babe ? He asked after a few bites. 
I’ll just have orange juice, you said with a smile. 
Should I be… worried ? He asked carefully. 
About what ? You asked innocently as you took a sip of orange juice. 
He stared at you and sighed before taking your hand in his. 
Am I supposed to pretend not to notice you’re like half the weight you were six months ago ? He asked with a raised eyebrow. 
Well, I did lose a little weight, yes, you said in embarrassment. 
A little ? He repeated. 
Well, about fifteen kilos, but… 
How much pounds ? He asked sternly. 
You stared at him silently. You knew just how bad you looked and you weren’t about to play this little game with him. If he was unable to convert weights, it wasn’t your problem. 
How much ? He asked as he stared in your eyes. 
Thirty, you whispered. 
That’s not a little weight, Y/N, he said sternly. That’s a lot. 
You lost weight too, you pointed out. 
Not as much, he shrugged. And I don’t look like a corpse. 
Why, thank you, Marshall, you said as you got up and back to the bedroom. 
You sat on the bed and groaned. Last night, he was telling you how beautiful you were and now, he was telling you you looked bad ? Way to talk to a woman… You sighed and buried your face in a pillow. Marshall entered the room and sat next to you, gently stroking your back. 
I’m sorry, he whispered in your ear. That was insensitive. 
You think ? You groaned. 
You have to understand, baby, I’m just worried, he pleaded. I just want to make sure you’re ok. Did you do that on purpose ? 
I didn’t, you sighed. I just… Wasn’t hungry anymore, you know ? And then, I got back to France and moved in with my Dad and he kept on pointing out that it’s good that I didn’t put on too much weight in the US, so… I didn’t stop eating on purpose, but I didn’t go out of my way to eat either, I guess. Being depressed doesn’t help in that department either, I guess. 
I see, he hummed. I just want you to be healthy, my love. 
I know, you said. I’m sorry I snapped. 
Try and eat a few bites for breakfast, ok ? There’s pancakes, I know you like these. 
I like your pancakes, you clarified. 
I promise I’ll cook for you when I get the chance, he chuckled. In the meantime… 
Fine, you sighed. I guess I can try and eat that pathetic excuse of a croissant. 
Snob, he giggled. 
You tried to humor Marshall and ate a few bites of croissant. It wasn’t much but he seemed satisfied. Besides, it meant there was more food left for him, which seemed like a good thing given the fact that he was guzzling everything that was on the table. 
I need to eat, he explained. Performing takes a toll on the body. You’re losing water and burning calories. If I don’t eat, I lose thirty pounds in a month of touring. 
You’re like an animal on stage, you pointed out. 
You should have seen the shows years ago, he chuckled. That was something. At the beginning of my career, I could do like three shows in a night. 
I wish I could have seen that, you chuckled. That must have been good. 
I guess, he said. Although I was on a lot of drugs and booze, so I’d say I’m a better performer now. 
Is that why you don’t tour so much anymore ? You asked. 
It is, he confirmed. Besides, I never liked touring too much. Performing, yes, but never being home, not seeing the kids grow up, the constant opportunities to fuck around, drink and do drugs… Not my thing. 
I’m glad you did this tour, though, you said softly. 
Me too, he said. I’d do a thousand tours if that’s what it took for you to be back in my arms. 
You sat on his lap and nuzzled his neck as he kept on eating. You stole a few bites of fruit from his plate, making him smile. You made small talk and researched fun places to visit in Amsterdam before getting ready for the day. As you were getting dressed, you heard a knock on the door and Marshall went to open. It was Paul. 
Hey man, Marshall said as he let him in. You know today’s a day off, right ? 
I know, but I needed to see you, the managed said. I have paperwork. 
Sure. Let’s get this done quick though, we were just heading out. What do I need to sign ? Marshall asked as he sat at the table. 
It’s for Y/N, actually, Paul clarified. 
You stared at him in surprise. Paul acknowledging you was enough of a surprise but him having paperwork for you was definitely new. 
What’s up ? You asked. 
Well, seeing as the two of you are together now, we have to take some steps, he said. You know, usual precautions. 
As in… ? You asked, not understanding. 
I’m having you sign a non-disclosure agreement, Paul explained. 
He handed you some paperwork as Marshall groaned. 
Are you serious ? Marshall groaned. You’re seriously asking my girlfriend to sign a NDA ? 
The last ones did, Paul reminded him. 
Man, we just got back together. 
Well, you didn’t provide me with the details, Marshall, Paul sighed. It’s just my job as manager to ensure everything’s taken care of. You can never be too careful. just a quick signature, Y/N, if you don’t mind. 
Let me have a look at it quickly, you said. What is it about ? 
This is a standard non-disclosure agreement, designed to protect Marshall’s privacy and public image. Basically, it’s restricting the disclosure of any personal information regarding him and his family, or any sensitive matter, Paul explained. 
Ok, you hummed. So, basically, you guys can… sue me in case anything happens ? 
Well, if you disclose anything confidential or publicly slander Marshall or his family, yes, Paul said.
You stared at him in disbelief, a bit insulted by the implication that you would hurt Marshall on purpose. If you were temped to slander anyone here, it was the manager. Marshall was staring at you with an annoyed expression on his face. Clearly, he wasn’t at ease here. You squinted and took a deep breath. 
Paul, can I ask you a few questions before I sign ? You asked. Just so that I actually know what I’m signing. 
Of course, he said as he took a sit. 
You’re a man of law, correct ? 
I am, he confirmed. I am an agent and manager, but also a lawyer.
As a man of law, would you agree to the premise that a relationship, in and of itself, is an agreement ? You asked. 
I would say that all relationships are contractual, yes, if that’s what you’re asking, he replied calmly. 
Now, wouldn’t you say that the basic term of this contract should be mutual trust and respect ?
Indeed, he said, but…
I hope you don’t mind me asking, you said with a smile as you cut him. I’m just confused because I don’t really see the trust and respect, here. 
You have to understand that you’re in a relationship with a celebrity, Y/N, he stated sternly. It comes with obligations. I don’t mean to doubt your intentions towards Marshall, of course, but he is not only my friend. He is my client and it is my job to protect his image.
I’d say it’s a little rich considering that I’ve known him for a while and I’m the one whose image has suffered the most, you pointed out. You might have forgotten about that diss track but I haven’t. 
You heard Marshall chortle softly. Paul looked at him sternly before turning back to you. 
I don’t suppose there’s any clause protecting me, in that NDA ? You asked. 
No, but you have to understand that Marshall would have absolutely no benefits slandering you or divulgating information, Paul replied. 
Right. It’s true that it’s unlike him to write tracks based on his personal experience, you said sarcastically. 
Hey ! Marshall said. 
Sorry, babe, it’s for the sake of the argument, here, you said softly. My point is, I trust you and I would never ask you to sign a contract promising that you won’t slander me, because it doesn’t even cross my mind that you would. We just got back together and I would appreciate going on at least one real date before we get paperwork involved. 
She’s right, Marshall told Paul.
If you want me to sign an NDA, I’ll do it, you told Marshall. But the request has to come from you, not Paul. And if we do this, I might have a few addendums of my own. 
Really ? Paul asked sternly. 
Oh yes, you said as you crossed your arms. At least two : one about potential diss tracks that Marshall may write about me, and another about your team’s duty to protect me. 
I will let the two of you talk about it, the manager said as he looked at Marshall. But I will get back to you on that matter. 
Wouldn’t expect anything else, you said sarcastically. 
Have a good day, Paul said. 
You too, man, Marshall said as he tried hard not to laugh. 
Paul left the paperwork in front of you and left the room. As he closed the door, Marshall looked at you and smiled as he shook his head. 
You are one feisty woman, he pointed out. 
No one gets to insult me in the morning, you replied. I know Paul doesn’t like me, but that’s a low blow. Seriously, Marshall… a NDA ? 
Well, yeah, that’s his job, he replied apologetically. I didn’t even think about it. Of course I trust you, baby. 
If it means that much to you, I’ll sign it, you said. But I’m a little hurt by the implication. 
Don’t think about it, he said. Let’s just enjoy our day, alright ? I’ll talk to Paul. But you standing up to him… that was something. 
You liked it ? You giggled. 
Are you kidding ? Little you putting that grown-ass man in his place by using his legal slang ? That was hot. 
So I take it that you like women with a temper ? You joked. 
Well I do, he chuckled. But smart women with a temper are even sexier. You are the hottest thing, right now. 
Is it the use of the word “addendum” that has you all hot and bothered ? You chuckled.
Maybe. Let me show you just how sexy you are when you’re feisty, he said with a grin as he took your arm and led you to the bedroom. 
A few hours later, you joined Hailie, Alaina and Stevie for a visit of the city. You even managed to get Marshall to tone down the security thing, arguing that it was Europe, Amsterdam of all places, and that having bodyguards would only draw more attention to him. You only had one security guy with you, dressed casually, and Marshall was dressed unassumingly. He seemed a little nervous at first, but when he realized you were right, he started to relax. You went to Museumsplein, enjoying the architecture and heading to the Van Gogh museum. The girls seemed happy to spend some time with their father and were ecstatic that there wasn’t a ton of security. 
Someone’s relaxed, today, Alaina pointed out. 
Must be old age, Marshall joked. Seriously, Y/N, you were right. Amsterdam is chill.
It’s one of my favorite cities in Europe, you said. 
Do you come here often ? Hailie asked. 
Not really, you said. Obviously, I’ve lived in Detroit for the last five years but back when I studied in France, I took a couple of trips here to… enjoy. 
Meaning drugs ? Stevie teased. 
Yes, you chuckled. I smoked my first blunt here when I was nineteen. My last one, too, actually. When I was twenty-one. 
Did you try anything else ? She asked. 
No. I’ve never been too attracted to drugs, you shrugged. 
Aren’t you in recovery, though ? She asked, visibly puzzled. 
Steve, maybe leave her alone ? Marshall interrupted. 
It’s fine, you said with a smile. I don’t mind. 
You let her ask you a few questions about your journey and your recovery and you answered them truthfully. The others were listening, too. You didn’t mind the curiosity and you thought you’d rather have them ask you questions directly than to assume the worst. Marshall was holding your hand as you walked around the exhibit. 
Now that we’ve filled our brains with culture, how about some shopping ? Alaina suggested. 
We still have a few days here if we want to do shopping, Stevie pointed out. 
How long do you plan on staying here ? You asked. 
About three days, Marshall said. 
Then, Dad planned on flying to Paris to see you, Hailie recalled. 
You girls know about that ? He asked surprised. 
Yes, they replied in unison. 
And I thought I was being discreet with my plans, he chuckled. Well obviously, the plan has slightly changed. 
I would gladly enjoy Europe for a while, Hailie said. I’d love to visit Paris, go to Italy… 
That would be a nice family vacation, Alaina agreed. 
I guess, Stevie shrugged. Although I can’t wait to see my boyfriend.
They just moved in together, Hailie explained. They’re still glued to each other. Kind of like you and Dad, she added with a smile as she stared at his hand in yours. 
We can chill in Europe for a while, Marshall said. I have about three weeks off anyway. 
Seriously ? Hailie asked in excitement. 
Sure, he shrugged. You can even fly your boyfriends, fiancés, whatever, in. It’s going to take a bit of logistics, but I guess we can make that work. 
You are the best Dad ever, Stevie said as she hugged him. 
I’m on it, Alaina said. I don’t have to work for the next two weeks. I will organize the best family vacations for us. 
The girls were excited and Marshall was all smiles. Obviously, making them happy made him happy as well. They talked about their plans while you stared at a couple of paintings. 
It’s nice, you commented. You having family vacations with your grown-up kids. 
I’ve spent so much time touring lately, I’m happy to spend time with them, he said. 
You’re going to have a blast, you said with a smile. 
I hope so, he replied. What do you say, pretty girl ? Do you want to tag along ? 
I should just let you enjoy with them, you said. 
I want you with me, though, he said as he kissed your temple. 
One condition though, you said. I’ll stick around if they’re ok with me being here. 
That’s fair, he said. 
He turned to his daughters. 
Girls, we just said partners are allowed for this vacation, right ? He asked with a smile. 
Yes, Dad, Y/N is invited, Hailie chuckled. But we still want some time alone with you, though. 
You got it, he said with a smile. Thank you ! 
You smiled at them and mouthed a “Thank you”. You were happy they included you but you didn’t want to intrude. You got out of the museum and went for some shopping. Now that you were sticking around, you needed to buy a few more clothes anyway. 
We’ll have to do some shopping, just the two of us, Marshall whispered in your ear. 
We’re already shoppin nowg, you pointed out with a smile. 
Yes, but I can’t take you shopping for lingerie with my kids, he chuckled. 
Might as well hit some sex shops, too while we’re at it, you joked. 
I think I’m going to enjoy these holidays, he said with a smile. 
It was a joke, you quickly said. 
We do have six months to catch up on, he said seductively in your ear. I hope you’re not planning on walking too much because you might be disappointed. 
You blushed and giggled nervously, like a schoolgirl. He flashed a charming smile at you and went on to talk to Stevie, who was getting bored while her sisters were browsing the store. You were looking at a couple of items when Hailie came to you. 
Can I talk to you ? She asked. 
Sure, you said nervously. 
The two of you went outside of the store. Everything was good with Hailie, but you were still a bit nervous. She might be a girl your age, but she had definitely inherited her Dad’s charisma and the memories of the day she went off on you were enough to make you worry about what she had to say. 
What’s up ? You asked after a few seconds of silence. 
I just wanted to thank you again, she said. Dad seems really happy that you’re here. I haven’t seen him this relaxed in years. I mean, family vacations out of the blue and hanging out without tons of security usually doesn’t happen for us. 
Thank you for flying me in, you said. 
Also, I wanted to clear the air… Obviously, I disapprove of you cheating on my best friend to be with my Dad but I see how good the two of you are for each other. And since Josh is over you now, I don’t see a reason why I should keep on being mad at you, she said. 
Thanks, you sighed in relief. You know, I’m not a cheater… I’m not going to deny that I cheated on Josh and I know how wrong that was. Believe me, I still hate myself for it. But that’s not who I am. 
I hope so, she said with a smile. Because if you cheat on Dad or if you hurt him, I will be your worst nightmare. 
I don’t doubt that, you chuckled. But believe me, I will not hurt him. 
She gave you a small hug and you went back to shopping while making small talk. As the afternoon came to an end, you went back to the hotel and spent a bit of time there before going to dinner. You were getting ready for his birthday dinner. You got dressed and joined him in the living room area. 
You’re stunning, he said with a smile. 
You don’t look too bad yourself, you giggled. 
Next to you, I look like a peasant, he joked. I don’t know how I got so lucky. 
You look incredible, you said as you stroked his cheek. In fact, if we weren’t almost late for dinner, I would gladly show you how attractive I think you are… 
You’re such a tease, he groaned. 
And you love it, you chuckled. Come on, we’re going to be late ! 
I swear, the second we’re back in the room, I am tying you to this bed. 
The two of you went downstairs to the restaurant, as directed by his daughters. In the elevator, it was just the two of you and he took it as a great opportunity to make out. You loved having him all over you like this. It was the best feeling in the world. When you got to the restaurant, you were greeted by his daughters, his team and some other people who had flown in to celebrate him. He seemed genuinely surprised and happy to see everyone. As he was making his rounds and saying hi to everybody, you spotted Talia and Jamal. You immediately ran to hug them. After all, you hadn’t seen them in ages. 
My baby ! Talia shrieked. 
I missed you guys, you said as you took them in your arms. 
We missed you too, sis’, Jamal chuckled. 
It’s so great that you are here, you said in excitement. 
Of course, we wouldn’t miss Em’s birthday, Jamal replied. 
You know me, I could care less about this old man’s birthday, Talia joked. I came to see my bestie ! 
I heard that, Marshall grinned from behind you. 
The four of you giggled and he hugged them before grabbing your hand. 
Sorry guys, I have to steal her for a minute, he said with a smile. 
You better give her back, Em, Talia warned playfully. 
I just need to introduce my girl to a few people, he said. 
He grabbed your hand and took you to meet a few of his friends. This time, it did feel like something official. You weren’t used to holding his hand in public, but it was pleasing. You would have expected him to be more distant with other people around and, in a way, he wasn’t as touchy-feely as when it was just the two of you, but he was still extremely soft with you. 
Guys, this is Y/N, my girlfriend, he said with a smile. Y/N, this is Andre and Curtis. 
By “Andre and Curtis”, he was casually referring to Dr Dre and 50 Cent. Your hip-hop knowledge may not have been the greatest but you were still very much aware that you were in front of two legends. You felt suddenly shy. 
Nice to meet you, you said shyly as you shook their hands. 
Very nice to meet you, Y/N, Andre said. 
We didn’t know you had such a pretty girl, man, Curtis said with a smile. Kept her hidden ? 
Kind of, Marshall chuckled. 
So, what do you do, Y/N ? Dre asked. I mean, besides putting up with him, which is probably a full-time job. 
With lots of overtime, you joked. I’m actually a PhD Researcher in communications. 
A doctor, actually, Marshall corrected. 
Right, you chuckled. 
So what you mean to say is that she’s really smart and still puts up with you ? Curtis asked. 
I’m not too sure why, but I’m happy she does, Marshall grinned, causing you to blush. 
How did you meet ? Andre asked. 
In the studio, Marshall simply said. She put up with me while I recorded the album. 
And you’re still here, Y/N ? Curtis asked. We all know how that man can get when he’s in the zone… 
They all chuckled, as it was apparently generally accepted that Marshall could be an ass when he was in recording-mode. They got to talking about recording and some newly released albums that they thought were good and you listened. Hearing him talk so passionately about hip-hop was always fascinating. He also seemed truly at ease and relaxed. Obviously, they were good friends of his and there was a lot of mutual respect between them. 
At dinner, you sat next to Talia and Jamal, enjoying their company. You had missed them a lot and you were almost emotional. They told you how happy they were that you and Marshall were back together. At the end of the meal, dessert came : a huge cake with fifty-two candles. 
Make a wish, you whispered in Marshall’s ear. 
My wish came true yesterday, he chuckled. 
Another one, then, you giggled. 
He closed his eyes for a second and blew the candles in one breath as everyone clapped. 
Time for presents ? Dre asked. 
No need for presents, guys, Marshall shrugged. You guys coming is enough. Unless it’s a Lions victory for the Superbowl. Then I want that. 
He got a few great presents but the stars of the show were the plaques he was presented with, by Dre and Fifty, celebrating the album that was already certified platinum in the US, as well as Track 12, that was streamed more than 50 000 000 times already. 
I believe that deserves a speech, Curtis suggested. 
Fuck, Marshall said, visibly emotional. Uh… Ok. Obviously, I’d like to thank all of you for coming here and celebrating my birthday, especially while I’m on tour. I’m thankful for all of the surprises. I’m very grateful for everyone who was involved in planning the album and the tour. I know I’ve been a pain in the ass this year and I can’t promise I’ll be easier to put up with as time goes on but I appreciate each and everyone of you and…
He took a deep breath. 
This album means a lot to me. I’m lucky to have had an amazing run and I’m not sure I will put out a lot of albums in the future, but regardless, I can say that if this had to be the last, I’d be proud to end on such a high note. And as for Track 12… You guys know I don’t really care about numbers but this one holds a special place in my heart. It’s the last track we produced for the album. We made it in secret a few days before wrapping the project. Very few people knew about it and the fact that it turns out to be such a success is crazy to me. I have to thank my man Jamal for the beat, Skylar, of course, without whose voice I couldn’t have done it and… Y/N, he added as he looked at you lovingly. The track would not exist without you and you are an incredible lyricist. 
He kissed your cheek as he sat down and you couldn’t help but blush. Everyone chuckled and clapped before eating cake and over-indulging on champagne, for the most of them. The party went on for a few hours and you enjoyed yourself. It was really chill and you got to spend time with all the people you had missed since you left Detroit. Eventually, people started going to bed and you decided to do the same. The only problem was that Marshall was the one who had the key to the room and he was nowhere to be found. 
Have you seen Marshall ? You asked Royce. 
I think he’s outside with Tracy, he shrugged. 
You went to search for him and, indeed, you found him with her. You hadn’t seen much of Tracy yet. As far as you knew, she was a longtime member of his team, working as some sort of assistant. You had never met her before, but it wasn’t too surprising seeing as Marshall was in album mode back then. They seemed to be in deep conversation and didn’t even notice that you were approaching. 
Does she know about us ? She asked. 
Nope, he said. I don’t see why she should. It doesn’t matter. It’s in the past anyway.
I sucked your dick in your hotel room two days ago, Marshall, she said sternly. How can you say it’s in the past ? 
You unintentionally let out a gasp, causing the two of them to look at you. She covered her mouth with her hand, as Marshall stared at you with terror on his face.
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seasurfacefullofclouds1 · 3 months ago
is this adidas thing a big deal??
because i’m like meh
lol anything related to Louis is a big deal. Drop an Adidas x Louis collab right now, a basic white t-shirt, I guarantee you it will sell out in 5 minutes and raise globs of money for whatever they want.
If you mean whether this is good marketing, yes, it’s fantastic marketing.
First, Adidas is a huge global brand, just like Formula One and the Australian Open. Fans are driven and passionate, spread across the biggest social media platforms. Football is inclusive across every social strata and demographic— men, women, children, old people, rich, poor, in the biggest cities and the most remote areas. Football is the biggest sport in the world.
Second, it is on brand for Louis. Football is imprinted onto Louis’ backstory in numerous ways. His 28 Clothing is based in football culture. Numerous LT promo events, music videos, and songs feature football. Because of Louis’ love of football, his fans turn up in football gear to concerts even if they’ve never been on a football pitch. It is organic and fun.
Third, Louis’ recent marketing can be thought of as a foray into celebrity culture without touching his private life. This is important, maybe even vital, for expanding his audience, especially in Louis’ position of having to rely on promo entirely on his own charisma. I don’t think the Adidas cameo is a one-and-done.
Last— look at the state of One Direction fandom. No one makes the fandom come alive like Louis— I mean no one. Only one of them had 80k audience tuned in to a livestream in their first tour concert. Yeah, it’s always a big deal.
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frattweek · 4 months ago
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This blog is happy to announce FRATT WEEK 7 is starting on Monday!
From October 28 to November 3, this blog is hosting an entire week about Matt Murdock and / or Frank Castle, but their exact relationship is up to you - lovers, fuckbuddies, enemies, friends, partners… you pick! You can also do a Matt-only or a Frank-only work. OT+ (Fratt+) welcome as well!
All versions of Frank Castle & Matt Murdock are welcome: comics, TV shows, movies… All lengths and sizes, all types of fanworks welcome: fic, art, fibercraft, translation, podfic (don’t forget to check in with the original creator if you’re podficcing/translating!)… or a new chapter of a fic, an outtake from a series…
Halloween is also right in the middle of FW 7 so if you’re in the mood for a little spook… feel free to add bats, spiderwebs, or ghosts to all your Fratt content!
Each day comes with a theme: Monday 28: Blood Tuesday 29: Bar Wednesday 30: Trust Thursday 31/Halloween: Spirit Friday 1: Pray / Prayer Saturday 2: Bag Sunday 3: Free topic / Amnesty day if you couldn’t post before!
You can participate as much or little as you want, it’s all up to you!
If you create art / graphic works, a description for accessibility purposes would be much appreciated.
Don’t forget you can already post in the dedicated AO3 collection earlier - one month before the start of the event, the collection will be set so that all new works are invisible! All newly posted works will be revealed on Fratt Week, so you can start as early as you’d like ^_^
On Tumblr, just @frattweek us and #frattweek in the first five tags :-) More info in the FAQ (open the link in a browser!) and if you can’t find your answer, send an ask or leave a message on DW!
@trackmarvel @fanwork-exchange-promos @thebigbangblogproject @daredevil-podfic-community @hells-kitchen-discord @nmcunyc
Above and beyond banner art by @nkeiiin !
Detailed ID under the cut, as well as extra ideas for the prompts!
Digital art of Matt Murdock and Frank Castle stand back to back on the left of a dark red grid background. Matt is in his red daredevil suit, hanging upside down and his head resting on Frank’s right shoulder. Frank is angry frowning and looking up. Two white lines form a tilted X are on the right side of the art. The text on top of the line is “Fratt Week 7 28th Oct - 3rd Nov”, the text at the bottom of the line is “Frattweek.tumblr.com”
1/ Blood – bleeding, family, kin, clan, spill, martyr, thicker than water, vampire, fake, communion… 2/ Bar – drinking establishment, bar exam, disbarred, rebar (construction worker!Frank, anyone?), ka-bar knife, to bar someone from something, things going fubar… 3/ Trust – trust fund, to trust, trust in god, mistrust, trusty (gun, fist, baton, friend/partner…) 4/ Spirit – ghost, alcohol, spiritual, spiritism, spirited, sprite… 5/ Pray / Prayer: religion, Madonna (Like A Prayer;-), misheard prey… 6/ Bag – under the eyes, heavy bag, grocery bag, to bag (a criminal?), baggy (clothes?), gym bag, duffle bag, bag over the head, bodybag, bagged a criminal…
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twopoppies · 3 months ago
Still not sure what happened to 28 clothing. It was so so extremely promising, but it never got any further. Wondering now if he got the chances choked off. But then the brand’s creative director (or designer, I’m not sure) is the same as polari polari’s and it doesn’t do much promo. It’s a pity really.
Yeah. I’m not sure what happened with that, either. Maybe it didn’t sell as well as he’d hoped? Maybe he’s restructuring it? It’s odd they didn’t do a drop for the holidays.
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louisupdates · 7 months ago
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dripfc Drip Watch: Highlighting the Latest Releases💧
Drip FC: The intersection of Footy, Style, and Culture On and Off the pitch 💧- Instagram 14.8.2024
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abelzumi · 2 days ago
Magic: the Crypticing
So I may have been turned on to Cryptic Crosswords by an old friend of mine. And I may or may not have gotten a bit obsessed with making them. It takes a certain angle of brainerating, but for those who are curious (or already initiated), here's a general rundown of how these things work.
I also love puzzle engagement which is why I've foisted this upon everyone I can at my LGS to little to no avail. Hopefully the internet fares better. Reminder that (X, Y) means two words, the first of which is X letters long and the second of which is Y letters long.
This puzzle requires both constructing and deconstructing MTG lingo, jargon, and card history, as well as a general knowledge of Cryptic clues, acronyms, abbreviations, etc. Enjoy!
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1. Promo for Kamigawa set: heretical sorcerer controls direction of plane. (3-4)
5. Change your mana after topping Wickerfolk's surveil. (7)
9. When mechanics first arrive, they appear to raise ethical question left unknown? (15)
10. Lands untapping cinches two points for Elves? (7)
11. Bottom-up sets anger rock singer. (5)
13. Belligerent takes arose? (6, 3)
16. Wildfire land sweep allows +2 from Chandra. (4)
17. Number after declaring Ascend could be zero? (2, 2)
18. Check legality of pitch sequence because fourth Force of Will could partner with Twin. (6, 4)
21. Landcycle Mardu finisher before Final Revels (5)
23. Toothed hunters sound doubly fishy? (7)
26. Only designer quality silver & diamonds top gown and royal handle. (7, 8)
27. Target changes east after red energy sweeper. (7)
28. Grounded still on a flyer? Victor wouldn't have... (4, 3)
1. By the way, I'm piloting Rakdos Tokens. (4)
2. Auras make draw power sound mid; brew with one who shuffles. (3, 12)
3. Odd Commander goal after long set-up, say. (7)
4. Glimmerwasp heresy within the bounds of New Phyrexia. (7)
5. Shreds of Sanity doesn't use any P1P1 Wandering Mind effects. (4)
6. Large birds supposedly equip tokens. (5)
7. Where there's time to study erotica, many a lad exploded. (8, 7)
8. How to (historically) empower a deer/pony hybrid? (3, 3, 3)
12. Some of these indicators take a second—left stranded? (4)
13. Big rogue belly-up wearing some hat and risque clothing backwards. (9)
14. Powerless power for brewing black? (4)
15. Cut when head replaces knight. (3) 
19. Valakut makes this Eldraine legend from OTJ take the resolution. (7)
20. Elenda fears dance moves while firing. (7)
23. Salty beginner affirms combo with a second-turn Plains after initial misplay. (5)
24. "Gitaxian Probe, Putrid Leech...no attacks?" (4)
25. Even Hatebears beginner uses 3/2 Mindsparker to sideboard. (4)
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elceeu2morrow · 2 years ago
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28 Clothing Newsletter / Discover the looks here [8.30.23]
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louisisalarrie · 11 months ago
Would Louis being tied to Harry’s name not be great promo? Harry’s a pretty popular and well known artist, so would that hurt to do denials about him once in a while to have their names tied together? Except it’ll only lead to more larries I suppose. Unless queerdenying will alienate the queer fans to the point where they stop being fans.
You’ve hit it on the head there, anon! Louis has a large queer demographic in his fanbase, as does Harry. That’s why Harry gets the queerbaiting hate, and Louis, with a larger amount of larries and a smaller fandom, gets the larrybaiting hate. Louis, by doing this, even for promo or whatever, is alienating larries, a lot of whom are queer.
This is a very large majority of his supporters, and every denial has just got him more hate (which i strongly disagree with), and more people unlarrying or leaving the fandom. Every damn time. And i know he hopes we stay and ride this out… but at what cost? A Larry denial actively gives antis and solos ammo to hate on us, and cause discourse in the fandom. It causes death threats, harassment, and everything in between.
And i would also argue if he wants to get bigger, instead of using Larry and Harry for a bit of clout, he needs to get a better team who know how to promote him.
There’s no reason he shouldn’t be having more success now than what he is. He came into a solo career with an established fanbase already, which is very rare. But he hasn’t grown it because he hasn’t had successful promo. His music is good, people like this stuff. He’s not done anything overtly problematic to the GP that would hinder people from being a fan of him. He’s touring and releasing music and hosting a damn festival. Why should he have to name drop Harry or 1d for promo? He shouldn’t.
His team is incapable, he’s not developed a niche or specific “look” or done anything groundbreaking, he’s not stunting with a woman far more famous than him (bc he doesn’t want to gain traction like that and further closet himself), they’ve tried somewhat to develop a brand through 28 clothing, but it’s just… nothing is taking off. Harry and Larry is a last resort, it’s a cheap shot.
But one thing I can’t figure out is how PR teams these days can’t fucking promote anyone without a god damn stunt.
It’s infuriating, the amount of ways Louis could be marketed. He deserves more than this. So does Harry. It’s horrible.
And stunting does the trick because the music industry is oversaturated as fuck and everyone has done almost everything, it’s hard to find a niche. But god damn there are ways to do it if you care about your client. It’s what you get paid for. And I have seen so many successful PR campaigns during my time that it’s just insane to me that you can’t do this properly when your client has an already established fanbase. It doesn’t matter if half of his fanbase are larries, get him to support a charity and do some work or support a big band on tour/a co-headlining tour, another collab with a big star, just fucking something else rather than using Larry as clout.
And Larrybaiting is a big concern since this denial, too. A lot of people now assume every larry thing he does is just bait, and not real. He’s unraveling support for himself, and for Harry, quick sticks. And more larries will go to Harry only. I’ve had people in my inbox say that.
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bizarrequazar · 1 year ago
GJ and ZZH Updates — October 22-28
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
10-22 → Gong Jun's studio posted a promotional video he did for Deeyeo, announcing a livestream on 10-25.
→ Gong Jun posted thirty-one photos from his trip to Paris. Caption: "Update is late but coming" He commented on this post, "I only had half a day to shoot the plog, so I won’t add it [the city] to my favourites. I’ll take more photos next time I go to Paris. 😁" He also posted six of these photos and one additional one to his Instagram, caption: "C’est la vie😀"
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→ 361° posted a video from their offline event with Gong Jun on 10-21.
10-23 → Tissot posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) They also later posted a promotional video spoken by him.
→ ELLE posted a video of Gong Jun touring Louis Vuitton's original workshop in Paris.
→ GXG posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun, announcing a livestream on 10-28.
→ The Instagram posted ten photos of "Zhang Zhehan" at the Louvre, proudly parading around Hewitt's fungus-infected finger.
10-24 → It was announced that Gong Jun's drama Rising with the Wind will begin airing on 10-30. This got on Weibo hotsearch.
→ Tissot posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. This was later followed by another four photos. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun posted four photo ads he did for Tangle Teezer. (1129 kadian) This was reposted by Tangle Teezer.
→ Rare posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Tangle Teezer posted a behind the scenes video from their photoshoot with Gong Jun.
→ The Rising with the Wind Douyin account posted a behind the scenes clip from the show. Caption: "Zhong Chuxi pulls Gong Jun's tie and fills the screen with sexual tension . At this moment, the ambiguity quietly grows…" This was later also posted to their Weibo account.
→ GXG posted two fansite photos of Gong Jun from that day, highlighting their clothing.
→ Fresh posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Net-A-Porter posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
10-25 → GXG posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ 361° posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun.
→ A music video was released for Rising with the Wind's opening song.
→ Gong Jun attended a livestream for Deeyeo. [full recording]
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted four gifs of him from the livestream. Caption: "The Si in Xu Si is a gentle Si 😎" [translation source]
→ Deeyeo posted four photos of Gong Jun from the livestream.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted eleven photos of him from the livestream. Caption: "Comfortable, simple, and casual. @ Gong Jun Simon lives cleanly and enjoys daily life."
10-26 → The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted three fancam-style promo videos. [1] [2] [3]
→ The Instagram posted a video ad for a photobook that the scam gang opened orders on earlier that day. The publishing website the book was being sold through is a Taiwanese site primarily used by sex workers; the owner of the site also has a history of working with scammers. The listing was deleted from the site barely a day later with claims of it being because of a "huge order amount," however, traffic records for the site showed less than a hundred views. 🤡
→ Weibo Fashion posted an interview with Gong Jun from the Tiffany event.
→ Gong Jun posted a third video of himself camping with a collie, this one of him cooking. Caption: "Listen to the sizzling sound in the valley 👂 Come and record #100 kinds of beauty of the motherland# with me!" This was reposted by his studio, added caption, "The final chapter of camping, @ Gong Jun Simon immersive barbecue ASMR (greedy Defu [the dog] version)", and 361°.
→ Deeyeo posted a clip from their livestream with Gong Jun.
→ Yangyang posted two photos of himself and Gong Jun from the livestream. Caption: "It was a happy chat with the spokesperson Gong Jun. Everything is ready, just waiting for the 'wind' to come~ Thank you Deeyeo🐧"
10-27 → The Instagram posted a promotional image announcing a fanmeet in Singapore on 11-26.
→ Li Keqiang, a recently retired major politician, passed away. The GXG livestream planned for the following day was postponed as a result, and there were worries that Rising with the Wind's airing would be delayed, however...
10-28 → The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a promotional poster shortly followed by a trailer, officially announcing the show's airing date of 10-30. Trailer caption flavour text: "No matter how difficult the road ahead is, even if the dream seems impossible, never give up! Win or lose, I will always be by your side!"
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→ Gong Jun posted the same trailer for Rising with the Wind. Caption: "Investors pay attention to taking retreat to advance. Xu Si enters the game and rises wind the wind on October 30th!" This was reposted by his studio with the added caption, "Lock on to iQiyi and Dragon TV from October 30th, and watch investor Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon strategize, grow the books, and rejuvenate the country."
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a promotional still of Gong Jun along with ones of the other main cast members. Caption: "The revival of the national trend is imperative. When we meet at the top, who can compete with us? Be online from October 30th"
→ Gong Jun's studio changed their Weibo header and icon to images of Xu Si, Gong Jun's character is Rising with the Wind, as did the Gong Jun Outdoor Office account.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video of a photoshoot for Rising with the Wind. Caption: "Shopping mall game, forge ahead. Investor Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon will be launched soon~ October 30th, lock on to iQiyi and Dragon TV, and rise with the wind together!" BGM is a slowed remix of Dilemma by Kelly Rowland and Nelly.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a fancam-style video of Xu Si. Caption: "The Elite Overlord Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon is not in his comfort zone, but his ruling zone. Come to iQiyi on October 30th, let’s meet Mr. Xu!" BGM is SexyBack by Justin Timberlake lol.
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted individual promo posters of the show's main cast. Caption: "People come and go, and ambiguity circulates. Turn against the wind and ride the waves."
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→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted two promo images of Xu Si. Caption: "I've started working 🫡"
→ The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a promo poster featuring Gong Jun and Zhong Chuxi with a countdown to the airing date. Caption: "We cuddle up affectionately and rely on each other. In the gutter, I am lucky to have you. There are still 2 days left until the urban inspirational emotional drama #Rising with the Wind# starts airing! ... Please look forward to Xu Si @ Gong Jun Simon and Jiang Hu @ Zhong Chuxi’s emotional performance!"
Additional Reading: → tacocat has begun translating the novel that Rising with the Wind is adapted from!
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seasurfacefullofclouds1 · 3 months ago
There’s a premiere of the documentary in London tomorrow, I wonder if Louis gonna attend it 👀
I saw!
I think if others attend, Louis will as well. Tomlinson x Bellingham x Beckham red carpet coming up…
I wonder how Louis came to be featured in the film? The film is presented by Soccer Bible x Adidas, and Louis did tour promo at Soccer Bible in 2022.
Since then, Soccer Bible has written about 28 Clothing’s drops (x, x).
I am still hoping for a 28 Clothing x Adidas capsule (perhaps a line of clothing x 28 exclusive shoe; the Wales Bonner collection is gorgeous).
So many possibilities. Let’s see if Louis turns up looking like an angel tomorrow. 9 PM CET is 3 PM EST.
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frattweek · 6 months ago
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This blog is happy to announce… FRATT WEEK 7 !
From October 28 to November 3, this blog is hosting an entire week about Matt Murdock and / or Frank Castle, but their exact relationship is up to you - lovers, fuckbuddies, enemies, friends, partners… you pick! You can also do a Matt-only or a Frank-only work. OT+ (Fratt+) welcome as well!
All versions of Frank Castle & Matt Murdock are welcome: comics, TV shows, movies… All lengths and sizes, all types of fanworks welcome: fic, art, fibercraft, translation, podfic (don’t forget to check in with the original creator if you’re podficcing/translating!)… or a new chapter of a fic, an outtake from a series…
Halloween is also right in the middle of FW 7 so if you’re in the mood for a little spook… feel free to add bats, spiderwebs, or ghosts to all your Fratt content!
Each day comes with a theme: Monday 28: Blood Tuesday 29: Bar Wednesday 30: Trust Thursday 31/Halloween: Spirit Friday 1: Pray / Prayer Saturday 2: Bag Sunday 3: Free topic / Amnesty day if you couldn’t post before!
You can participate as much or little as you want, it’s all up to you!
If you create art / graphic works, a description for accessibility purposes would be much appreciated.
Don’t forget you can already post in the dedicated AO3 collection earlier - one month before the start of the event, the collection will be set so that all new works are invisible! All newly posted works will be revealed on Fratt Week, so you can start as early as you’d like ^_^
On Tumblr, just @frattweek us and #frattweek in the first five tags :-) More info in the FAQ (open the link in a browser!) and if you can’t find your answer, send an ask or leave a message on DW!
@trackmarvel @fanwork-exchange-promos @thebigbangblogproject @daredevil-podfic-community @hells-kitchen-discord @nmcunyc
Above and beyond banner art by @nkeiiin !
Detailed ID under the cut, as well as extra ideas for the prompts!
Digital art of Matt Murdock and Frank Castle stand back to back on the left of a dark red grid background. Matt is in his red daredevil suit, hanging upside down and his head resting on Frank’s right shoulder. Frank is angry frowning and looking up. Two white lines form a tilted X are on the right side of the art. The text on top of the line is “Fratt Week 7 28th Oct - 3rd Nov”, the text at the bottom of the line is “Frattweek.tumblr.com”
1/ Blood – bleeding, family, kin, clan, spill, martyr, thicker than water, vampire, fake, communion… 2/ Bar – drinking establishment, bar exam, disbarred, rebar (construction worker!Frank, anyone?), ka-bar knife, to bar someone from something, things going fubar… 3/ Trust – trust fund, to trust, trust in god, mistrust, trusty (gun, fist, baton, friend/partner…) 4/ Spirit – ghost, alcohol, spiritual, spiritism, spirited, sprite… 5/ Pray / Prayer: religion, Madonna (Like A Prayer;-), misheard prey… 6/ Bag – under the eyes, heavy bag, grocery bag, to bag (a criminal?), baggy (clothes?), gym bag, duffle bag, bag over the head, bodybag, bagged a criminal…
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