#so we could expect drop 3 stuff thats left to stay up after drop 4 for a while
statementlou · 1 month
hey some very smart people (my babes @captainrayzizuniverse and @goldcrumble) have cracked a 28 Clothing pattern check this out: Drop 1 and Drop 2 came out August and November last year and were both Collection 01 (labeled on the clothing tags); Drop 3 (this July) is Collection 02...
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...which suggests a possible pattern of one collection consisting of two drops close together late in the year per year, which feels consistent with teasing items from the next drop in the promo for this recent one; so we would see Drop 4- the second half of Collection 02- in October or November, and then another long wait until the second half of next year for more?
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My Love| Echo pt 3
Note: i'll edit this later, my mouth hurts from wisdom teeth removal but wanted to get it out for you.
Warnings: No real warnings, but there is a semi spicey scene and mentions of nudity towards the end, but doesnt go into too far of detail. And Echo's legs are cannoned a bit lower than tcw meaning yes Echos got an ass, but his legs and thighs stuff like that are still metal so
Reader: Male
Part: 1 | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 5 | 6
Master list
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Y/n watched the boys try there food. They're faces lighting up as the room became silent, people busy digging into there food.
Y/n ate his own, his hand on Echo's thigh under the table, Echo's leg touching Y/n's.
"Ma'm this is way way! Better than rations!" Wrecker cheered.
"Im glad you like it so much, so tell me boys. What brought you over here?" Margie asked.
Hunter swallowed his food, "well we wanted to meet Echo's boyfriend Ma'm, we had no idea they had been dating for so long."
It was lucky for the group that talked they stayed together, near the head of the table where Margie sat, a small kid or two down from her.
"Echo's been nothing but a delight. To both my son and my family." Margie praised, "he's a good kid, Im assuming he gets it from his older brothers?"
"Oh...uh." Hunter spoke.
"He's older than us." Crosshair responded for the group.
"Oh?" She smiled, "you learn something new every day."
She looked at Y/n who nodded and smiled, "Yep."
"So where are you boys staying?" She asked.
Oh shit. Was the only thing Echo could think of. His brothers? Staying here?
"Oh we have our own place." Tech responded, "We live in a building complex called the Marauder."
Well that was a lie.
"Wait. Isn't that the name-" Y/n was cut off when Hunter kicked him.
"Sorry. Foot must've slipped." Hunter responded his head slightly jolting towards the side, Echo was lost in his food, eating small spoon fulls, he was listening inteny even though he tried to cover his easedropping up.
"Oh! Yeah!" Y/n chuckled, Echo's frame slightly picking up.
"Oh. Nice place then?" Margie spoke.
"Oh..uh yeah. Decent..just a bit cramped but we don't mine." Hunter told, "we do alot of delivering off world too, so we work a decent amount...Echo! Echo here works the hardest. He may not be the strongest but he sure knows how to uh-"
"Pack a crate! And log the ports data. He's also a skilled mechanic!" Wrecker joined in.
What were they doing? Fake Prasing him? Why?
She smiled, "You boys seem like you like your jobs."
The boy's nodded, Y/n watched as Tech, Hunter and Wrecker hyped up Echo. The boy's trying to support Echo, "and you? Crosshair was it?"
Crosshair stopped from putting a spoonful in his mouth, "Oh. I.-" he looked at Echo infront of him, "I have a long way to go, a lot to learn."
"The youngest then?" She questioned.
"Yeah..." Crosshair responded bringing the food to his mouth.
"That's a sweet little bussniess you all have then," she congratulated, "We'd have to work with you one day, we have a business of our own."
"What's the bussniess if I may ask?" Tech questioned.
"Well our main bussniess is a food bussniess, you know selling buying, producing, but recently we've started a non-profit organization for battle droids."
"For battle droids? Clankers?" Wrecker asked.
"Thats what them clone boys call them," She smiled, "we basically rehab them, and send them back into the world, most as servants, translators. Small things."
"That's uh well..."
"I know I know. But here we believe that everything stands a chance." She contuined, "Echo has helped us alot on efficent repairs."
Echo nodded as he put a spoonful in his mouth.
"We have one that takes care of the animals in the small barn." Margie told, "Y/n! Have you showed them the animals dear?"
"No ma. This is only the second room they been in." Y/n informed.
"How dare you not give them a tour!" His mother spoke fake harshly, Y/n chuckling his mom soon following after.
"Oh mommy dearest I ask your humble apologies even though I don't deserve it. I suppose I'll sleep outside in the barn."
The two laughed as they smiled at one another.
"I'll show them around afterwords. Prepaired for your world to be rocked." He told the boys infront of him.
"Well I welcome you to the family boys. Its always a pleasure to have another few join the bunch!" She cheered.
"Thank you." Hunter spoke.
She smiled for a final time return to her food as did the others, small talk. Kids started asking to be excused, when excused they took there dishes and walked into the kitchen to clean there dishes and put them on the drying racks.
Echo finished before Y/n asking to be excused he got up with his dishes and went to clean them. Wrecker asked next, he being excused as he grabbed his own things and left.
Echo was along cleaning his dishes, his plate flat in the sink as he scrubbed the plate with one hand.
"Wanna hand?"
Echo turned his head, "oh. No. Im good."
Echo turned back towards his plates.
"Echo. Im. Im sorry." Wrecker apologized, "he's better than any lady you could date."
"Oh. Uh." Echo spoke, "thanks..."
"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Wrecker told him.
Echo frowned, "I. I know Wrecker. I shouldn't of yelled at you."
"We've should of waited for you to explain."
Putting his dishes on the drying rack he turned to Wrecker who stood next to him, Wrecker's dishes sat on the counter patiently waiting for his turn.
"It's. Okay." Echo responded, "I, I forgive you, at the end of the day. I'm the only one dating him. Right?"
Wrecker smiled, "So. We're okay?"
Echo nodded, quickly being picked up in a hug as he chuckled, patting Wrecker's shoulder.
"Now do your dishes before Y/n's mom cuts your head off." Echo joked waving smally to him.
Echo walked back out, going down the hall and too the living room, the room filled with silence as he collected the cups from eariler.
Bent over setting all the cups down accordingly there was a whistle, a soft one, not loud enough for anyone to hear if they weren't in the room.
"Would you look at that ass." Y/n spoke, Echo standing straight as he turned around, "aren't you a gifted fellow?"
Echo chuckled, "You should be careful what you say in here."
It was Y/n's turn to chuckle.
"Why's that?"
"Why do you think?" Echo questioned as he watched Y/n walk forward, grabbing his hips and pulling Echo closer.
"All I do is tell the truth," Y/n smiled.
Echo's arms drapped on Y/n's shoulder's, Y/n holding his hips.
"Now this is something we shouldn't be doing in here." Y/n teased.
Echo smiled, "One kiss never hurt anyone?"
Y/n smiled, leaning down kissing Echo. His hand running through Y/n's hair, Y/n pulled away from Echo, foreheads resting on one another.
"I love you." Y/n told him.
"I love you too." Echo smiled.
Y/n pulled him into a short kiss, "You wanna sit on my lap again baby?"
"Gladly-" Echo was cut off again with a kiss, a chuckle filling his mouth from Y/n.
"Get a damn room!"
Y/n pulled away, glaring at the teen.
"Well Enzo. I am in a room! So get out of it!" Y/n argued, Echo's head in Y/n's shoulder.
"Well mom wants you to give those guys a tour." Enzo responded.
"Alright." Y/n spoke, turning back to Echo, "Later baby."
Echo was give a kiss on the lips, Y/n grabbed the tray.
"I can do that," Echo spoke stopping Y/n.
"How about you can do this one day, when we have our own home." Y/n spoke, "you know when we're married and have a little farm."
Echo flushed deeply, a farm? With him and Y/n all by themselves? Sounded...sounded. amazing.
Y/n pulled away from him tray in hand, "come on let's give that tour."
Echo followed Y/n dropping off the tray and then taking the boys around, introducing them to all the kids, big, medium small to twilek, zabrack, human to torguata. All of diffrent personalities. Some reading on there bed, some working out, some listening to music, others playing with dolls and action figures.
And then there was his room, nothing special, Echo and his favorite record in sitting still as the song had finished, a box of records tucked under the small table the record player sat on. The sheets a dark purple his pillow cases a matching dark blue a window at the far end.
"Please come in." Y/n responded offering them to come in and look around.
They filed in, the room fitting all them comfortably.
"It's quiet simple," Tech explained, "Your personality is a bit more bubbly so I was expecting something wild."
"Like that?" Crosshair questioned.
"Like what?" Tech responded turning around to face the wall behind them.
The wall was filled with photos, drawings and dried flowers, a vintage theme, branching off into its sub groups.
"There it is." Tech repsonded adjusting his glasses.
"Please feel free to look around." Y/n responded.
Crosshair stood next to Wrecker as they looked at the photos.
"Hey! It's Echo! Look!" Wrecker cheered as Crosshair peered over, the photo of Echo asleep on the couch, kids knocked out with him, "and Kamino!"
"How's you get a picture of Kamino?" Hunter questioned now also looking at the photos.
"Echo here got it for me." Y/n smiled as Echo rubbed the back of his head, "Its not just my memories up there- Hey! Lets get our own photo up there!"
Y/n got up going over to his desk as he lifted the top up pulling the old porloroid out.
"Echo." Crosshair spoke as the clone came over, "wanna explain this one?"
Echo looked at the photo, he clearly knocked out in Y/n's bed, his back bare hinting towards what had happened before hand, the blanket covering to his mid back and down, his arms tucked under a pillow permentatly fluffing it up as his cheek was baired into it.
"Not bad." Crosshair spoke nudging his brother, he was trying.
"Here is is new film and all." Y/n smiled going towards the group, "Come on! Gather around."
Y/n smiled as the group akwardly grouped together infront of the window. Looking at the group he rushed over, pushing them closer together.
"It'll be on a timer so I only have a few seconds." Y/n told them walking back over, "ready?"
"Uh sure?"
Y/n quickly pushed the button rushing over to the group, he quickly stood next to Echo. There was a click as Y/n rushed back over. The photo coming out the bottom as Tech rushed over intrested.
"Oh nice its comin through already." Y/n smiled, soon waving the square around as he walked over to his desk picking out a red and black thumb tack.
"Hmm..." y/n spoke rushing over to the wall looking around, "hah! Echo come here! Help me put this up."
Echo walked over as the boys watched him hand Echo the image and tack.
"See right there." Y/n pointed a spot above the door, dead center towards the ceiling.
"We'll move this one." Y/n said pulling up an old photo besides the light switch "up there."
Handing Echo the old photo they swapped Y/n pinning the new one with the group with a smile.
Echo was grabbed by the legs, Y/n picking him up as Y/n grabbed the back off his thighs.
"A bit higher." Echo spoke as Y/n pulled his arms back, tight on Echo's thighs he pushed the clone upward, his thighs now trapping Y/n's face as Y/n's hands vanished behind Echo's kama skirt.
"Got it?" Y/n asked his chin resting at Echo's belt.
"Yeah." Echo spoke, his face red as he cleared his throat.
"No- Y/n-" He spoke as Y/n laughed walking towards his bed, "Y/n! Y/n! I'll kill you don't- Ah!-"
Y/n tossed the trooper on the bed he bouncing as he let out a grunt, Y/n only chuckled turning back towards the boys, "come on i'll show you that barn they were talking about."
Y/n lead the boys along to the backyard, showing them the small barn his father worked on fixing a small animals leg, waving a B-1 droid showed up in a happy matter the others ready to fight.
"Master Y/n!"
"Please Y/n is fine B." Y/n smiled, "Boys this is B. He helps with the animals."
With an akward introduction the batchers kept there distance, but with the end of the small barn came the end of the tour. It now late in the hours of the day as the boys made there way our. Excusing themselves for the night.
"You'll have to come back." Y/n smiled.
"If its okay with Echo and your mother. " Hunter spoke, "and you of course."
"We'd be delighted to have you again." Y/n smiled, "Please. Come anytime with Echo. Or by yourselves. We're open doors."
Hunter nodded, the batch saying there goodbyes and thanks once more. They started there way away from the home, Tech staying back, "I suppose not all regs are regular after all. And that's good."
With his last comment Tech rushed to join the others.
Echo stayed behind with Y/n who smiled as the boys vanished.
"Now. That we're. Alone." Y/n teased.
"Alone? Really in this house?" Echo teased back.
Y/n chuckled, "as alone as we can be."
Echo smiled as Y/n closed the door.
"I'll go make some more milk and honey, you. Go get ready to cuddle." Y/n ordered playfully.
"Thats something I can do."
Him and Y/n unfortunately went separate ways, Y/n cleaning the cups and pot setting them to dry as one of the old B-1 droids would put the mass of dishes away during the night.
He pulled out another pot, putting it on the stove filled with the sweet liquid he wipped the tray clean, putting a fresh set of cookies on a small plate and two cups. Just in time as the pot started to whistle, pulling it off the stove he turned the gas off and went to his room.
Holding the tray in one hand he opened his door, "hey hope you didn't miss me too..."
Y/n's frame filling the door way, but froze seeing Echo's bare back facing him, a blanket sat high waisted on him as Y/n quickly stepped in, quiet with his steps he locked the door behind him, Echo now standing up and facing Y/n the blanket still around his waist.
"I uh..." Echo responded with a flush, "thought...you might like this first..."
Y/n flushed as Echo dropped the blanket, setting the tray on the nearest surface big enough, the floor flush against the wall besides the door, he walked over, kicking his shoes off in the process.
"Baby you have no idea how much I like this." Y/n told him, Echo's gaze away.
Maker. Y/n took his thumb to Echo's chin, Y/n's soft skin lightly tapping up Echo's chin to look up at him. Holding Echo's chin in place with his thumb and index finger Y/n smiled smally, his eyes filled with love for the pale male infront of him.
"Y/n. I..." Echo trailed off.
"Shh..." Y/n hushed softly, his thumb running down Echo's lip and back to his chin, "You don't have to say anything..."
Echo raised on his toes, leaning up to kiss Y/n, Y/n leaned down, the first kiss was almost shy, there lips only pressing together in sweet presence of one another. The small kiss leaving Echo breathless. They pulled away shortly. Another one soon be initiated, Y/n nudging Echo to sit down softly, he following Echo's movements, Y/n sitting besides him, the kissing barely any more intense, Echo swinging a leg over Y/n's straddling the taller male.
Y/n held the small of Echo's back, the two's makeout session growing in heat as Y/n's hands running down Echo's back and to his ass, where he gladly let his hands rest of Echo's warm skin while they kissed.
It was soon for breathe they pulled away, Y/n attaching himself to Echo's neck. Echo's hand through Y/n's hair as he hummed against Echo's pale skin, earing a soft mewel.
"Y/n...take me...take me away..." Echo whispered, Y/n laying Echo down on his back, his lips never movinv from Echo's shoulder.
"Take me away...Y/n..." Echo meweled softly, the words spilling from Echo's vocal cords once again.
Y/n stopped momentarily to lean up into Echo's ear, "only if I can come along baby..."
The night was filled with passion, hair being pulled in pleasure, moans dripping off each others lips, ripped from there vocal cords in call for the other one. Pleads drawn from the bottom as Echo left a few new scratch marks on Y/n's back, along with a line of hickeys following Y/n's collar blade to sholder. Y/n did the same, leaving hickies along Echo's body, where skin met metal.
Echo laid flat on his stomach now, his head turned towards Y/n. Y/n held a stupid large smile on his face, his finger's interlaced with Echo's.
"That was somethin else babe." Y/n told him softly, "Parched after the time of your life?"
Echo chuckled as Y/n pulled himself up, and out of bed. Echo receiving a pleasent veiw of Y/n's behind with one side having present marks, they currently defined and fresh, marks both darker and lighter spotted Y/n's back, mostly towards his shoulder and nape of his neck.
Echo watched Y/n pick up the tray and make his way back to the bed setting it on the nightstand, climbing back in the covers as Echo nuzzle up to Y/n.
"Clingy now are we? Let me pour you a cup atleast." Y/n chuckled.
Pouring them both cups Echo was handed one cold cup, "Thanks."
"Mhmm," Y/n acknowledged the two cuddled up, "shame its cold. Must sat for too long, needy thing arent you?"
Echo flustered, but took a risk himself, "Could still be longer."
"Oh? And what are you gonna do that I haven't done to you?" Y/n teased, Echo took a heavy drink, hoping it would bring him energy later taking Y/n's he sat it on the nightstand next to his own side of the bed.
Echo pushed Y/n onto the bed flat, the covers still hiding Y/n's lower half.
"I haven't rode you." Echo told boldly.
Y/n smirked up at him, "You're right you haven't,"
Echo's leg's swinging over Y/n, "Think you can handle me?" Echo questioned.
Y/n chuckled, "Baby you have no idea what I'd endure for you." Y/n sat up, holding Echo's face with a hand.
"Lets see then." Echo responded Y/n biting his lip as he pushed the covers down with a foot.
Y/n was pulled into a kiss, his hands running up and down Echo's back as Echo pushed him to the bed, the kiss never breaking.
Read the Next Part here if you like smut or stay generally sfw here
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marvelgbt-posts · 6 years
It’s Not A UK Thing|| Part II of ‘You Can Stay Under My Umbrella’
Part 1 
Part 3 
Part 4 (not yet posted)
{Tom Holland x Stylist! Male Reader}
Warnings: none- except for bad writing
Summary: Helping Tom with his lines, his costume, and other small side stuff...
A/N: “Peter Parker here to pick up a passport, please.” isn’t thAT hard to say… also forgot ‘mate’ is an everyday word in the UK, oops
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*not edited*
“Peter Parker pere top a pasp ahh- god dAMMIT!” Tom sighed, running a hand though his already disheveled locks. You were sitting by your desk, sewing a tear in one of your sweaters while Tom was on your bed, rehearsing some lines for Far From Home.
“Peter Parker here to pick up a passport, please,” you reminded him. Tom threw his head back in frustration, “I knowww. How do you say it so easily?”
“Maybe it’s because I don’t have an accent like you? I dunno, but it really isn’t that hard. Just focus on the words. Trust the process. Be patient. Take it slow, say it slowly for me.”
Tom sighed, taking a deep breath, “Okay, ‘Peter Parker here to pick up a passport, please’.”
“Good, now faster. And keep going until you get it right. I’m going out for a bit for some food, want anything specific? Or I’ll just get some Cup-Noodles if that’s fine.”
“Yeah, noodles are fine.”
“Cool,” you picked up your keys, leaving your room and out the door, into the cold air.
Tom took this moment, turning it into an opportunity. He got up from your bed, fixing the shirt that had somehow managed to slip up. He moved to your desk, looking at the freshly resewn sweater you had finished just moments before. He took a moment to appreciate the soft and even patterns of how you stitched it together. “Hm,” he looked around, his hand lingering on the fabric a bit before moving with his body. He went to a bookshelf of yours, scanning his eyes through the multiple framed photos. One of you as a kid- maybe 6 or 7- another of your little sister when she was 2, sucking her thumb with wide and curious eyes. There was a family photo, you, your parents, your sister, and your family pet that you had kept with you once you left the house.
Tom picked up a photo of you with another girl. He hadn’t recognized her before, so he assumed she was an ex. Or maybe a current girlfriend? He hoped not. Why?
He placed the photo back, his thumb brushing over your happily still face, eyes shielded by the sunlight in a pair of dark sunglasses. Recently, you were more sleepy and groggy. It was hard for you to fall asleep due to stress, and would resort to finishing up projects due next month as a way to get your body tense enough to relax. Tom felt bad, he knew his job wasn’t as hard as those who worked behind the scenes- yet didn’t get enough recognition. You being included. Yet, you were so much more than just a stylist. You fixed his suits. You fixed his regular, everyday clothes. You helped with his lines. You offered to feed him and made sure he was well rested. You were basically his mom in the States. At this point, people would have assumed you two were already living together. Zendaya was no exception.
“Hey, Tom. This Thanksgiving, wanna go to your place, since you and (M/n) live together now?”
“What? We don’t live together!”
“But- wait, what? No- you’re always over there, though. I’m so sorry, I just assumed-”
Tom never mentioned it to you, though. He thought you might think it was weird, and would want him to start coming over less.
He flopped back onto bed, reaching over to take the forgotten script into his hand, flipping through the pages and going through the movie. He sighed, missing you already. He let his mind wander to the past few days, then the past few months. Then to the day he kissed your cheek. He wanted to tell you so badly that, that kiss was more than a ‘UK thing’ and he wanted to be more than coworkers.
But how would the public react? He knew he had made it clear he looked for more personality in a person, but he never officially came out to the public as- for the use of the umbrella term- gay.
“Uhnn, I hate thisss,” Tom hissed into his papers, which had now rested softly against his face as his hands were above his head, resting by the opposite side of the bed. Whether he was talking about the script, younger twister line, the kiss, or all- Tom didn’t even know anymore.
“Holland, I’m home,” you called out to the boy in your room. You locked the door as both Tessa and your pet shih tzu, Harper, greeted you at your feet. You placed the groceries in the kitchen before acknowledging both of them with a pat on their heads. You went to undo the cheap wrapping of the noodles, putting them in hot water to loosen it up. “Holland?” You called out to the actor, worry bubbling in the pit of your stomach. “Tom? Thomas?” You continued to call out carefully, expecting the worse. You slowly began to walk towards your room, hoping Tom was in there
There was a small hum coming from inside your room, making you look inside. “Oh my god, Tom...” you sighed, seeing Tom curled on his side into your pillow, head buried into it. His script had folded and crinkled, laid discarded on the floor due to Tom’s inability to keep it in his hand in his sleep.
You decided to wake him up, “Tom, Tom, Thomas… THOMAS STANLEY HOLLAND!!”
Tom jerked upward, looking around, “Mom! I’m sorry, I didn’t he-ah… wait… this isnt my room. (M/n)!” Tom whined, falling back onto the bed, rubbing his eyes. “Sorry dude, but you need to get up now. Noodles are waiting for us down stairs, I’m so freaking ready to stab my chopsticks into them and totally not show off my amazing skills,” you joked, winking. It wasn’t meant to be flirtatious- just a quick wink, the kind you’d send on your way out of a room or after saying something funny. But Tom was a blushing mess. You hadn’t taken notice, he hoped.
“But it’s so late! And I’m so tired!” Tom whined, eyes fluttering back to sleep. You sighed. Irritated, but feeling playful, you made your way to the bed and grabbed Tom by his waist, lifting his arms to move around your shoulders as you hoisted him up by his butt.
Man, only god could own an ass like his.
Tom’s face flushed, “(M-M/n)! Put me down!”
“Nope, you wouldn’t get up. So now face your punishment like a good boy.” Wait, no thats kinky-
Tom hid his face in your neck, sighing due to tiredness. You could’ve sworn he was breathing in your cologne, “To be honest, I’m too tired to fight back, mate.”
“Hm,” you cooed, rubbing his back a bit before making your way to the kitchen. By now, your noodles had loosened up enough to eat. You placed Tom on the couch, letting him sink into the cushions. You picked up your chopsticks, beginning to eat as some random kids cartoon played. You glanced at Tom, he hadn’t touched his food, but his attention was focused on the show. “Tom, do you not want the noodles? Do you want something else?”
Tom looked at you, eyes widening, “Oh! I forgot about those!”
“Here-” you placed your now empty cup of noodles down onto the coffee table in front of you. It had been over 24 hours since you last ate a ‘full meal’. “Say ahh...” you took Tom’s noodles in your hand, proceeding to feed him. Tom blushed, opening his mouth a little. “Tom, im’ma ‘bout’a drop this everywhere. Open your mouth- there we go,” you say. You were a little tired, making your words sound jumbled and merged together. “God, your mouth seems so small. You suck dick like that, Holland?” You smile playfully, yet tiredly.
Tom’s eyes widen, “What the fuck?!”
You burst into a fit of laughter, “HAHA- sorry, just. I don’t know. Thomas-”
Ohh, this is where shit gets real. When you call him by his full first name.
“- the day you kissed my cheek. Was it really just a UK thing?”
Tom tensed, this could be the day you would find out. The day you could be something more. But what if it went all wrong?
“Tom?” You say, brushing some of the strands of hair that got into his eyes.
That was it, that was the reassurance he needed. “No, mate. It’s Not A UK Thing.”
“Sooo, what? You like me?”
“Well, actually- its more like love,” Tom awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, refusing to make eye contact with you. You chucked, putting down the styrofoam cup, now only containing liquid and some bits of vegetables, and moved your now free arm to wrap itself behind Tom’s neck. He was already pretty small by himself, but with you next to him- your large body now practically hovering over his- he felt like an ant.
Your lips had connected to his, causing a small spark of what felt like electricity to run down Tom’s spine (and yours).
“Glad to know that, Holland. Glad to know.”
so, i might make a part 3, focusing more on the girl in the photo with you that Tom picked up, would yall be interested? it might contain angst, cuz i kinda wanna write angst--
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kfawkes · 7 years
Forget Me Not (Part 7) - [Eggsy Unwin x Reader]
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[HI LOVES!!! Part 7 of Forget Me Not is here! :D Hope you enjoy <3 lots of original stuff here honestly this its turning into a Golden Circle Fix it hahhaha OOPS. Anyway… love youuuuu AND HOPE YOU LIKE!
Pairing: Eggsy x Reader (Roxy is here as well as like EVERYONE INCLUDING CHARLIEEEEEEEE) 
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: cursing, blood!
–Read on Ao3!]
Tags: @marvelmakeuplover, @ivylover2, @taronegertonlover, @fairly-vague-and-ominous, @castellandiangelo, @misspygmypie, @thesandbeneathmytoes @zestygingergirl I THINK THATS ALL OF YOU PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT SOMEONE/IF YOU WANNA BE ADDED :D )
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] 
You jerked your head forward sharply searching through the thick green brush you three waded though like water for a source of the intrusion, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t scared. The crack of an explosion rippled like waves dying out after a second around you, leaving with it a strange taste in your mouth… You looked to Roxy with heavy eyes and thin frown stretched well past the corners of your mouth in question.
“Do you think t—“
Before you could finish asking something you weren’t sure you wanted an answer to, all hell broke loose. From somewhere ahead there was a shower of gunshots following another explosion and you jumped again, feeling your heart race and echo in your ears as loud as the eruptions encasing you. When you looked to Roxy and Tequila they were both calm, and collected of course, but you were anything but still. You felt like your heart was going to bust through your chest it was racing so fast, and there was a dull ringing banging the chamber of your skull like a drum.
“Stay in the back alright, Y/n? We can’t be sure that you’ll be able to do this— that your instincts will kick in tha— just please be careful.” Roxy warned gravely, standing straight and making her way towards you with worry behind her eyes. She was beginning to regret bringing you along for this little trip… Beginning to see the stupidity of it all.
Eggsy would never forgive her if something happened to you, but she couldn’t just leave you, could she? It wasn’t like the Statesman were mistreating you or anything, but you shouldn’t be there. You should be with your people, and she wasn’t ready to believe you were gone for good. She hoped this would be what would bring you back to Eggsy… Because she was getting so tired of seeing her best friend in pieces, and just wanted to see him smile again.
You nodded after a moment in acceptance and understanding, pulling a breath in to hold as you toss your eyes towards the thunderstorm of bullets ahead. Your breath was still rushed at first, but when you slid your eyes towards Roxy’s again it seemed to finally steady.
You parted your lips, lightened your eyes and nodded again assuredly. “I can do this.”
Roxy didn’t need to voice a reply, she just put a hand to your shoulder then tossed Tequila a look you couldn’t read before raising her gun and continuing forward. When she reached the outer rim of what seemed to be an amusement park she screamed such a blood curdling yell you felt shivers running down your spine like tiny pinpricks. She dropped to the ground like a puddle and when you reached her, you saw what evoked such a terrible sound from her tiny frame.
Merlin was spread heavily across the dark dingy ground… Both of his legs were completely missing from the knees down, and when you looked for them in the mess and the blood all you could see was a single shoe. His entire left hand and the majority of his forearm was missing as well, cut just below the elbow. He was quite literally soaked in his own sanguine, and was no doubt bleeding out if he wasn’t already dead that is… You felt the dank thick unease of death lingering beneath your breast with a vengeance, and for a moment you thought you may get sick.
“Tequila! Please, ca— give me your alpha gel!” Roxy yelled at him with voice breaking, and now you were pretty sure she was crying as she paged Ginger back at Statesman HQ with an update. You didn’t know what to do or say, so you just stood there silently watching like a complete idiot as Tequila frowned deeply; shaking his head side to side while Roxy bind Merlin’s arm to stop the blood from oozing…
“It doesn’t work li—“ he tried telling her, but before he could even get out his first sentence she’d already told him to shut up and to just give her the damn pack. Which he did of course because even if Roxy was small, she was anything but weak. In fact, she was bloody terrifying.
“I don’t mean to be… but look Lancelot, we gotta get in there. It ain’t soundi—“
But she cut him off again, telling him to just go and to get the job done. That she’d be there soon, and that the Kingsman needed him. He was reluctant at first which was to be expected, but he nodded hesitantly and slunk off through the brush as ordered towards the commotion.
When you looked to your hands they were shaking now you realized, so you shoved them together; rubbing them quickly as if warmth would solve your problem at all. A moment later you kneeled beside them both, and you could see the specks of blood now dotting Roxy’s porcelain face as she stumble around with the packet and other trinkets you couldn’t begin to place.
There wasn’t an easy way to explain what happened— what Roxy was doing because you didn’t understand. Maybe old you would have, but this one was like a scared child searching for their parent like that day you got lost at the faire when you were five… Silent, and confused then just as you are now, spinning in circles trying to find someone to hold on to.
But lost or not whatever it was she did with that pack of alpha-whatever had done the trick. Or at least you think it did.
It looked much different now than the pouch Tequila handed to her… the previous packet of light blue liquid was punctured; spread over Merlin’s legs and arm graciously and shined a more orange and white now. You had no idea what was happening but you had a feeling it was beyond both new and old Y/n’s comprehension. Roxy ‘activated’ it with the shots provided, and two additional pylons she’d ‘made’ out of what appeared to be a pen and a chopstick which she pulled from god knows where… You may not have remembered the life of a spy, and even though it all felt wrong a lot of this was oddly familiar, and you weren’t sure how that made you feel.
After a minute more of fumbling Roxy’s breath steadied slightly as she lifted a trembling hand to wipe away the fallen and now rose colored strand of hair from her face. She slumped back heavily onto the legs she sat atop looking at the mess before her with burdened eyes, and you could tell that she was scared. That she didn’t know if what she’d done would do the trick…
You squeezed her arm, bringing her gaze to yours slowly. Now it was your turn to lie, and so you did. “He’s gonna be okay.”
She smiled back almost as if she believed you, running her head over that perfectly bald head of his; small smears of his own blood tracing where her hand passed lightly. “Yeah… He’s gonna be fine.” she ended in a whisper not pulling her eyes from him then, but she could see he was breathing which you realize was probably the only reason she stood up now.
Roxy had done what she could, and you both knew Tequila was right… You had a job, and you had to keep going.
A new vengeance was burning brighter across her crimson speckled face as she nodded and spoke to him again. “You’re gonna be just fine. We’ll be back for you soon Merlin. Please… just hold on.” her voice trailed off as she ended, that fire still hidden behind dismal yet determined brow.
Roxy pushed forward then towards the crescendo of bangs and pops alike with a new level of fury and resolve sweeping her 5’3 stature. When you made your way into the compound, your own gun raised and nearly shaking between your fingers there were bodies mangled and mutilated beyond belief. Each person decorated with bullet wounds and broken bones sticking out every which way was a reminder of what was probably coming for you at the end of all this.
It was a fucking massacre, but it brought you comfort that at least so far there were no signs of Eggsy being one of them. No signs of Harry, and no sign Whiskey either, an until you saw a body you wouldn’t give up.
All the blood and gore was a lot for someone that couldn’t remember this was literally their job, but you pushed through it, and forward towards a diner so elegantly named after its owner. Whose name was Poppy, and in case you forgot that it was plastered on every other flashed out 50’s style building you passed thus far. You were so distracted by the lights and the bodies that you didn’t even notice that the sounds had stopped around you… that there wasn’t a single note anymore aside from the feint static of broken and flickering electronics buzzing like bees.
No more screams of agony, no more bangs or pops… Just silence, and— was… was that Elton John?
“What the fuc—Rox, are you seeing this?” you scratched at your tired eyes convinced you were hallucination or still drunk, tossing her a look of utter disbelief as she looked back just as wide eyed and unsure. After a shrug from your partner, your eyes left the man in the multicolored feather suit, and instead drug to another that now pulled himself from the ground heavily.
He was tall, and broad shouldered with only one arm and a buzz cut… and when he slid his eyes to the two of you, he sent that same familiar look that you’d received from everyone. Whoever this person was, well… he clearly knew you.
“Charlie…” Roxy said stiffly answering your question as she step closer to him with her gun raised high at his head. “Where is Eggsy… the others.”
“Dead by now.” he hissed back, pulling his hand to wipe at a beed of blood running down his chin. He spit then off to the side, and wiped his mouth again sending daggers into the both of you with his gaze, ending on you more pointedly. “Like you’re supposed to be… How did you survive anyway? Hmm… not without a scratch it seems.”
At that you felt a fiery pang stretching from your stomach, the way that a warm drink spreads out fanning your insides. This Charlie did know you, and judging by the death stare and pointed remarks he didn’t much like you either. You didn’t say a thing though because what could you say? You had no memory of him, and he really didn’t need to know you weren’t that Y/n anymore.
“Where are they?” Roxy asked again stepping closer this time her voice ran with a grim warning. One he didn’t take seriously and merely smiled sinisterly in response to.
He popped his neck side to side as if it were all just a game, then pursed his lips in defiance. Before he could say anything back though you two heard someone scream. No, not someone. Eggsy. And you felt as the world slipped more silent than before. It almost began crumbling around you when you thought of something happening to him…
You still didn’t know him— not really. Still didn’t remember him the way he remembered you, but it didn’t seem to matter. None of it seemed to matter because remembering him or not didn’t change the fact that you knew deep down he’d been right all along.
That he was and always had been everything.
You stepped forward instinctively, your free hand clenching into a tight fist as your lips parted in anger, your brow lowering in suit. Charlie just laughed at you though, a small cough following after his chuckle as he lean forward failing terribly at hiding the pain he clearly felt rippling through his body.
“Don’t worry, you’ll see him soon I’m sure. Poppy usually leaves at least a small part of them after she’s finished.”
“Wh… what the fuck do you mean?” you finally spoke tossing Roxy the briefest of glances.
Another loud yell pierced through the uneasy silence around you three and Roxy begged a silent question with her eyes— asking if you could handle this… If you’d be alright out here without her.
Honestly, you weren’t sure but you nodded back replying just as silently with confidence as she began running towards the diner.
“What—you’re not going to join her to help your little boyfriend?” Charlie cocked his head, raising his brow at you like you were just a simple and easily broken toy. “Why is that I wonder… Are you worried I might be right?“ he paused scanning your expression studiously, continuing again with voice slithery and full of taunting. “Or is it that you’re just scared?”
“No… Actually for the first time in… I don’t know how long I’m not scared at all.” you said shallowly ending in an almost laugh as a small smile crept your light yet still fiery expression. Your blood began boiling like a kettle under your skin as your chest heaved up and down in perfect cadence to your shallow set nod. Whether you remembered what to do next didn’t really matter because now you had something to fight for.
You had everything to fight for.
“But you, Charlie…” you started again, a soft almost nonchalant nod slipped. “you should be.”
–Part 8
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A Little Too Real (6)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 4.5, Part 5
Summary: RealityTV!AU- You are a wardrobe supervisor for a popular TV network. The show is planning a reality TV show like the bachelor and Bucky is the newest contestant. But as the competition starts he realizes that he doesn’t like any of the girls…on the show anyway.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader (eventual)
Word Count: 5066
A/N: So I know that this is a long time coming but I hope that this is good. I’ve had a big writer’s block problem but I feel like I’m getting past it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and Happy Halloween!
Warnings: angst, a little fluff, hospital stuff, mentions of injury, car crash details, I don’t know what else
Tags: @fangirl1802, @seargantbcky, @lust-for-pan, @38leticia, @barnes-and-noble-girl, @karipaleta, @capandbuck, @camillechan, @findacauseandserveit, @audasia25, @kendallefire , @alicerozenju, @snuggleducky, @mell-bell, @lifeasabookbutterfly, @the-red-world-of-jess-chibi, @iamwarrenspeace
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I remember the car accident, that wasn’t the problem. It was how bad I wanted to wake up, but couldn’t. The accident played in a loop in my head, over and over again and I had no understanding of what was happening outside of my head.
You know those movies where people get stuck in a coma and leave their bodies and try to figure out why they couldn’t get back and they look in on their loved ones and whatever else happens? That was not this. It was me and my head hashing it out for consciousness.
But just when I thought that I couldn’t take it anymore, I started to hear something else.
“She’s going to be fine. You heard what the doctor said.” Steve?
“It doesn’t make me feel any better, no matter how much he reassures me. I mean look at her, she’s bound to be in a lot of pain.” Hearing Bucky’s voice simultaneously made me feel calmer and more excited. He was here, waiting for me.
“We won’t know until she wakes up.”
“She is going to wake up.”
“I know.”
I don’t exactly remember when everything happened, like time of day and how long I had been at the hospital, but according to what Bucky had said, he had stayed up most of the night, waiting for me to wake up. And trying to think really hard about the order of things, I realized that I missed filming and his mother’s birthday party. So not only did I feel bad physically, but also bad emotionally.
It wasn’t until the next day that I woke up and honestly it was terrifying. Apparently it had been too early and I ended up panicking when I started to choke on the tube running down my throat. I don’t know what I would have done if Bucky hadn’t been there.
Very quickly did the nurses come running in to help me, but as I tried to pull the tube out myself, Bucky was there to hold my hands and keep me from hurting myself. I just remember him repeating that I was okay and I just kept my eyes on him as the nurses took out the tube. But also one of things that made waking up early harder was that breathing by myself still hurt like hell. But the nurses also saw that, so instead of just having the tube of oxygen under my nose they gave me a mask that gave me more oxygen to help steady my breathing. The nurses left the room and Bucky started to move away from me, but I grabbed his hand and held it as tight as I could, hoping that he could see on my face how much I needed him to stay by my side.
He moved his hand to wrap around mine and gave me a small smile.
“I’m not going anywhere.” He said. He let go of my hand just for a second so that he could move the chair back over to the side of the bed before sitting down and grabbing my hand again.
The nurses came back in, a lot sooner than expected, giving me some pain medication that made me very tired. As much as I didn’t want to go back to sleep it was too hard to keep my eyes open. Right before I passed out I wrapped my hand back around Bucky’s so that, hopefully, he wouldn’t leave me while I slept. I didn’t want to be alone.
I couldn’t get her terrified look out of my head. She looked so lost and scared and she, without saying anything at all, begged me to stay by her side, to not leave her alone. So that’s what I did.
Steve came and went, Peggy came by and dropped off a bag of personal items from her apartment, and my mom kept calling non stop wanting information about my “friend.” She didn’t really imply air quotes but it was the way that she said friend that made me think that she thought otherwise.
Anyway, though Y/N didn’t have the tube down her throat anymore they did have her hooked up to an oxygen mask to help her get air easier, hopefully put less stress on the torn lung. But the longer that she slept the more worried I grew. I just wanted to know that she was okay, I wanted to take her home and help her feel as normal as possible, help her get back to herself.
The doctor had come in several times to check in on her and he explained to me some of the things that I would have to help her with after her discharge.
For one, she would most likely be in a wheelchair until she had less chest pain, enough to use crutches. I would also have to watch her very closely after we left the hospital for any signs of distress, breathing difficulties, excess pain or anything else that seemed out of the ordinary for someone who tore both her lung and diaphragm, like I knew exactly what that entailed. But overall it made me nervous, not only because I was now put in charge of what happened to Y/N but also because I had to make sure that she didn’t die on my watch.
You know, I could handle the broken leg and helping her get around, I mean I had done it with my arm for a long time. But making sure that her lung didn’t recollapse or that her diaphragm doesn’t rupture was a big load to carry on my shoulders. One that I was happy to do, but very nervous about.
So as she slept longer and longer I just watched her and prayed to anybody listening that she would be okay soon. But seeing her like that, just so lost to everything happening, made me kind of into a wreck and I’m pretty sure Steve saw it. He never said anything but he did little things to help me out. Like he brought me clean clothes and coffee and food and every couple of hours he would try to convince me to sleep but I never listened to him.
With that, I never had any reason to leave the room, so I had a lot of time to think about things, especially my latest revelation.
I loved her.
The longer I sat there, the longer I thought about how stupid I had been. Ever since the moment I had met her I knew that there was something special about her. But I had pushed everything down because I had been scared that my feelings would get in the way of us working together. Still, despite my best my efforts, I was hopelessly in love with her and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. But I had almost lost her...I couldn't imagine my life without her and I had almost lost her.
So how would I keep someone as important as her in my life and not tell her that I love her? How would I keep her safe and make her happy without her being mine? How do I move on from here?
I was torn away from my rampant thoughts when I heard a labored intake of breath.
“Y/N?” I called out and moved closer to her side. She was messing with her wires and trying to pull the mask off of her face, she was clearly disoriented.
I grabbed her hands to make sure she didn’t pull anything out, but she pulled her hand out of mine and moved her mask down so that I could hear her better.
“You’re here.”
“I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” I moved the mask back down over her nose and mouth, making sure thats she was breathing again.
I sat by her bedside and told her everything that had happened since I found her in the hospital. So far she hadn’t said anything to me, just listened to everything I had to say, welcoming the distraction. But as I reached the most present instant before her waking up, she took her mask off again and took in a deep breath.
“I’m sorry...I missed—”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m not upset that you weren’t there.”
“You’re a liar.”
“How do you know me so well?” She smiled just a bit before she moved the mask back on her face. “I admit that I was a little upset, but knowing what I know now...I’m just glad that you're okay, because honestly I...I don’t know what my life would be like without you in it.” She grabbed my hand and looked at me like she was happy.
As the next few hours passed she started to breath better and better. She said that there was still some pain in her chest but the doctor said that that would be normal as she healed. And then he got to the good part.
“Mrs. Y/L/N, you’re surgery was very successful and it looks like you’re recovering a lot faster than expected. That being said, your father has asked your friend Mr. Barnes to help with your post-op care.”
“Is there a lot?”
“Well we could keep you here in the hospital and have you under 24/7 watch for the next week, make sure that what we did sticks. Or you can go home and have your friend do it.”
“Is there a lot?”
“I don’t mind helping.” I said to her.
“It’s not that I don’t want you to help, I just want to know much he would have to do.” She said to me and then the doctor.
“He will need to watch you and make sure that you’re breathing. We’ll give you a portable oxygen tank just in case you have any need for it but if something does go wrong, he will be the one to bring you back to the hospital and we will operate again. Other than that, you will need to be in a wheelchair until we can confirm that your diaphragm and lung are healed enough to use crutches. So he will be helping you get around and you may get tired of him being everywhere because he will be for the next couple of weeks. But in six to eight weeks you will get your cast removed. Until then you will need help, so you can not be afraid to ask for his help.”
“I’m not afraid to ask for help.”
“Y/N, I’ve read that people who have major surgery, tend to sink into themselves. They don’t want to burden their friends because they’re scared that they’ll lose them. You’re scared that you’ll ask for too much. So you may not be scared to ask but you’re scared that I’ll turn away from you when you reach that point.” I grabbed her hand and held it in mine. “You have done so much for me, more than I could ever repay, please don’t push me away. I want to help you.”
“You won’t run away from me?”
Y/N and I spent the rest of the day hanging out around the hospital and she seemed to be growing stronger and stronger. She was still hooked up to oxygen but the doctors said that there was a big chance that she could go home tomorrow morning.
Steve and Peggy brought by some non hospital food for dinner and the four of us talked and Y/N laughed, even though it was little and it hurt. But it was fun...until the talk took a turn. I’m not sure how we got so serious but it brought up some good points and things that I needed to talk to Y/N about.
So when Steve and Peggy left I got Y/N’s attention and brought up what had been going through my mind.
“I think you should move in with me...during the recovery.” I blurted.
“I’ve been thinking about this a lot, kind of like making a mental pros-cons list, so just hear me out. I’m going to have to watch you very closely over the next week and this is serious. I’ve been talking to the doctor and he’s shown me things to look out for and there's a lot that could happen to you and I need you...to be okay.”
“Bucky do you know why I was hesitant at first when the doctor said that you would be the one to help me with my recovery?”
“No, why?”
“You are my best friend. My best friend. I was so excited to see you here because I was hoping that you would do what you did when I woke up. You told me what was happening with everyone, you talked to me like we were at work and while you talked to me I forgot about the images flashing through my head. And then the doctor comes in and starts talking about my recovery and you disappear. I know that you’re worried but I don’t need whoever that was earlier, I need my friend. What’s about to happen...I’m scared.” She took in as deep a breath as she could as the tears started to form in her eyes. “I can feel where they cut into me...what they did to me and I’m scared by what the doctor said because I don’t want anything to happen again. So I don’t need you to be my doctor or my babysitter, I need you to be my friend. I need you to make me forget the accident, I need you to not treat me differently and I need you to support me and keep me breathing. You said you needed me, but I need you, I need you Bucky.”
She had a few tears running down her cheeks and her breathing was ragged, she was clearly upset by what I had said and I felt terrible about it. I grabbed her hand and made sure she was looking at me.
“I'm here for you, whatever you need from me, and I’m sorry if I freaked you out. I’m not trying to change what we have and if you want me to talk your ear off, I’ll talk your ear off. But I’m worried too and I’m scared that I’ll do something wrong and it helps me to think about this as if I know everything that could possibly happen to you. The doctor wants to release you in the morning and I really wanted to get all of this doctor talk and the medical preparations done here so that I don’t have to bring it out of there. Your recovery shouldn’t be about that, so I’ve been preparing now so we don’t have to deal with it later. I know that we are going to be okay because once we get out of this god forsaken hospital everything will go back to semi-normal. We’ll figure things out as we go and we’ll keep everything fun and easy. But most importantly I’m always going to be you’re friend and I’m always going to be here for you. No matter what, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Really.” She took in a deep breath and wiped the tears off her face.
“I’m sorry for exploding like that.”
“It’s okay. All of this is overwhelming, I should have gone a little slower.”
“You’re just trying to help.”
“Yes, but what you’ve been through is traumatic and it will take you some time to adjust. I know for a fact that trying to operate with one leg will be difficult, so at least I know something about that.”
“I’m lucky that you’re helping me.”
“I’m happy I finally get to do something to pay you back. Not that I’m trying to get even but it’s nice to be able to do something for you.”
“You do a lot more than you think.”
“I would love to hear what.”
“It’s my secret.”
“Well, maybe one of these days I’ll get you to tell me. I know that you may not want to think about this right now, but I would feel more comfortable if you would move in with me for the week. I mean, logistically it would be easier to get your wheelchair through my apartment door on the first floor than your door on the second...so that’s the biggest thing. Not that I wouldn’t carry you up to your apartment but I thought it would be easier.”
“That’s fine.”
“And Peggy brought you some clothes so you should be good for at least a couple of days, maybe after work we can swing by your place if you need some more stuff.”
“You guys are too good to me.”
“We’re all here for you. We’re going to get you through this.”
“I know.”
The following morning, Sunday, the nurse helped Y/N get changed into her pajamas and gave her some tips on how to keep her cast as clean possible but as she got ready I left the hospital to get us some real food. Y/N would have to eat before she took her medicine so I figured she would want something other than gross hospital food. So as soon as she was dressed I gave her her food and I loaded my car while she ate. 20 minutes later we were out of there with discharge papers and a very doped up Y/N.
She was pretty quiet the whole ride home but I just chalked it up to the meds. She would usually take these at night so that she could pass out afterwards but the doctor said that she would make it home before that happened today.
I pulled up to my apartment and looked over at Y/N...who was completely passed out against the window. So instead of making a big fuss of the wheelchair, I just decided to carry her in and set her on my bed.
So I walked around to the passenger door, made sure she didn’t fall out when I opened the door, and picked her up. But as soon as I got up to my door I realized that I had no way to open it, so instead I kicked it really hard and hoped my mom would be home.
The door opened and she went to say something but I think she was shocked to see me standing there with a woman in my arms. So she just moved out of the way and let me inside.
“What are you—who is this?” She asked.
“This is Y/N, she’s staying with me for the week so I can make sure she doesn’t die.” I kept walking back to my room and she just followed.
“What?” I kicked open the door to my bedroom and placed Y/N on the bed. I grabbed a few pillows, propped up her leg and put the covers on top of her, making sure that she would have no reason to wake up. As soon as I got her comfortable I met my mom out in the living room where I knew I would hear either harsh words or overexcited personally invasive questions. I figured more of the second.
The first thing to come out of her was a complaint about me not calling her with enough updates but pretty much everything after that was her grilling me about Y/N. Apparently I hadn’t told her enough about Y/N because to her this “obviously seemed like something more.” It took me a while to convince her otherwise and I’m still not really sure she believes me but I needed to focus on Y/N.
So I grabbed my phone and went to sit in the chair in the corner of my room, that way I could keep a close eye on Y/N and so my mom couldn’t walk in and yell at me anymore.
So I just sat and waited, waited for her to wake up...again.
A couple of hours had passed and Y/N had woken up. She was still kind of fuzzy but...she was beautiful. She hadn’t showered, her hair was a mess, she looked exhausted but she was the most beautiful person in the world.
I moved by her side and we talked most of the day. I made her food and I introduced her to my mom...which was very nerve wracking for many reasons and yet they seemed to be getting along greatly. Y/N apologized profusely for missing the party and said that as soon as she could she would make a new batch of birthday pies for us to enjoy. But my mom made sure that she understood that we both didn’t expect anything other than her taking as much time as she needed to heal.
“You know, Bucky didn’t tell me that you would still be here, but I’m glad you are, I wanted the chance to meet you before you left.” Y/N said.
“He didn’t tell you? Yeah I’m staying over for a few days. He works too much and I don’t get to see him enough.”
“So if she’s staying in the guest room and I slept on your bed, where are you sleeping?” She asked me very accusatory.
“I am taking the couch.”
“Don’t be like that. I don’t mind.”
“Well I do.”
“Well don’t, I volunteered to help you out and luckily my couch is very comfortable.”
“And if it wasn’t?” She said now amused.
“Well of course I would have to throw you out on the street and just hope that you would make it home.”
“Oh okay, because that sounds exactly like something you would do.”
“Oh yeah.” We were both smiling at the turn of the conversation and I risked a peek at my mom who was just as if not more happy at how the two of us had reacted to our disagreement.
So with that, I tried to make the most out of the time we had left in the day and gave Y/N as much normalcy as possible. We moved out to the living room and just lounged around watching movies and laughing and later my mom made us some dinner. Of course she had a secret agenda but I think I missed her home made food so much that I didn’t even bother to bring it up.
When it was time to go to bed I moved Y/N back into my room, propped her leg back up on the pillows and brought her her new nightly medication.
“So, I will be on the couch if you need me, just call out, I’ll leave the door open.” I turned to leave her for the night but she stopped me.
“Wait, Bucky?” She grabbed my hand. “I don’t want this to be weird but, will you stay with me?”
“Sure. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah..I just don’t want to be alone.”
“This isn’t about me sleeping on the couch is it?”
“No.” She almost looked scared.
So I walked around to the unoccupied side of the bed and climbed underneath the covers right next to her. She moved so that her head was resting on my chest, her arms wrapped around me, and I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around her, feeling like she needed me to hold her.
“Are you sure everything's okay?”
“I remember everything.” She took in a deep breath. “I don’t want to.”
“I’ll stay as long as you need me to.”
“Thank you.”
“Good night Y/N.”
“Goodnight Bucky.”
It was days like today that I loved. I had the day off, got to spend all of my time with Peggy and we actually fell asleep at a reasonable time.
We were both in a dead sleep until the loud ringtone of my cell woke me up.  I quickly picked it up hoping to not wake Peggy.
STEVE: Hello? I whispered.
STEVE: Hey Winnie, what can I do for you?
WINIFRED: Can you come over here?
STEVE: Is everything okay?
WINIFRED: Yeah I just need you to come over here, if you don’t mind.
STEVE: Sure, I’ll be there in a bit
STEVE: No problem
I hung up the phone completely confused about what was going on.
“What did Winnie want?” Peggy asked.
“She wants me to come over to Bucky’s.”
“Is everything okay?”
“I don’t know. She didn’t say.”
“She does know that it’s like one in the morning.”
“She wouldn’t have asked me to come if it wasn’t important.”
“I know.”
“Just go back to bed, I’ll see what’s happening.”
“I’m already awake, it could be something good. I don’t want to miss it.”
“Maybe you're right.”
So we both got dressed and headed over to Bucky's apartment. Winnie must have been waiting for us because we didn’t even get a chance to knock on the door before it swung open.
“It’s about time you got here.” She said, leaving the door open as she marched away.
“We only live ten minutes away.” Peggy said.
We just followed Winnie and she walked towards Bucky’s room...okay, I knew what this was about.
The three of us moved to stand in the doorway of his bedroom, seeing that Y/N and Bucky were sleeping together, arms wrapped around each other, just like a couple would do. Yeah, we definitely knew what this was about.
“What is happening with him? First he tells me that they’re friends, then she is moving in for the week, and now they’re sleeping together.”
“They are friends.” Peggy started.
“But he has feelings for her.” I continued.
“And she has feelings for him.”
“Then why this dance? We should just tell them.” Winnie concluded.
“Well there are some other things that have happened.” I said.
“Like what?”
“Well…” I looked at Peggy and she shrugged. “They kissed at my birthday party, but they don’t remember.”
“And they work together so I think they’re both trying to keep things professional, you know, because he’s on a reality tv dating show.”
“But if he likes her, and she likes him, then why can’t we tell them? It’s pretty obvious that this is not just friendship.”
“I decided not to tell him.”
“Because of Nat.”
“She was all wrong for him and Y/N—“
“I pushed Bucky to see Nat. He was hesitant about seeing her and I told him that she was good, that all of the doubt that he had about her was just nerves...but he was right. And I pushed him and he was the one who got hurt...badly hurt.”
“But she isn’t Nat.”
“No but he needs to be the one to make the move from friendship to something more. I can’t push him again, give suggestive hints yes, but I can’t do that to him again. I know that he likes her more than he ever did Nat, so I want what they have to last even if it takes a while for them to get there.”
“Well you're sweet to worry about him, but don’t think that I won’t stop trying. If anyone can get through to him it’s me.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.”
We didn’t stick around much longer after that. Winnie had made some sweets earlier in the day and loaded us up before we left, apologizing for waking us up. But after that we went back home curled back into our warm blankets and thought that maybe Winnie was right, maybe we did need to do something about this.
The nightmares weren’t that bad last night. Having Bucky with me made me feel less alone, he made me feel less like a victim.
I remember the crash. I remember the song playing on the radio, I remember what I was thinking, who I was thinking about… I remember the feeling of the crash, I remember the crack of my leg, I remember the breath leaving my lungs as if it were impossible to ever breathe again. I remember the pain but most of all I remember the one face I would have given anything to see just one more time.
And I did, I did see him again. That was the first time that I felt relief, the second I opened my eyes and saw his eyes looking right back at me. I tried so hard to talk to him to, to speak around the breathing tube with no luck. But seeing him there was enough.
And then he stayed. He took care of me while I recovered in the daunting room, he spoke to me as if the accident had never happened. For a second I thought that everything was okay that I could handle staying friends with him, despite the thoughts I had had of him before the crash.
And then he changed, he started to talk about taking care of me and he started talking about things that could have fooled me into believing that he cared for me more than he did.
My response to his talk was some of fear, not because of his intentions changing towards me but because I was scared that my intentions would.
Before the crash I knew where we stood and honestly I would do anything to go back there, because I didn’t want to mess this up.
So when Bucky asked me to move in with him I was scared and when I asked him to stay with me last night I couldn’t do anything but hope that my growing feelings wouldn’t break my heart.
But the nightmares...yeah they weren’t bad last night.
Despite the sleep I got, I was still up pretty early. I didn’t dare move though, I wanted the good feeling to last a little longer. I waited and listened to his lungs moving, his heart beating and I couldn’t help but feel that I wanted to stay here. Something had definitely shifted when that car crashed into me, I just didn’t know if it was for the worse or the better.
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peterpparkrr · 7 years
Changing the Tide: An Avengers Fanfic (5/7)
Summary: Wanda Maximoff is the new girl in town and also reconciling with the death of her twin brother, Pietro. As she starts to navigate her new life she manages to stumble into friendship with a group of teens who are surprisingly similar to her
A/N: This is basically just a highschoolAU for the Avengers without powers.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
The next day Wanda got to school earlier. She made sure to keep her head down as she walked the hallways before first hour. If she was going to make sure that Clint and the others left her alone she was going to make it as hard as possible for them to try and talk to her.
She made sure to walk into History seconds before the final bell rang. Wanda handed Thor back his notebook. She had started with the notes last night and copied down all ten pages of his notes in a few hours.
“Thanks,” She said, trying to be kind yet distant, before Thor could try to say anything Mr. Coulson was starting class and Wanda felt like she had jumped the first hurdle of the day.
After class Wanda got up and was out the door before Thor could register that she was gone.
Biology was much harder. Wanda had taken her time walking to the room but when she got there Steve was sitting at their table, waiting for her. She smiled awkwardly, unsure of what to do, the only other open spot in the room was next to Tony, which didn’t exactly seem like a more preferable option. When she sat down Steve tried to catch her eye.
“I just wanted you to know that I don’t see being kind to you as some sort of job I got put up to.”
“Okay,” Wanda replied, her tone neutral. Wanda wasn’t sure if she could trust Steve, she barely knew him after all, she barely knew any of these people. Wanda had never trusted anyone other than Pietro and she still wasn’t ready to admit that she was alone now.
Steve left her alone for the rest of the hour. Her conversation with Natasha during french was very similar, though Natasha admitted that Clint was stupid a lot of the time, but added that Wanda would be stupid to ignore that he was trying to do the right thing.
Philosophy was more of the same, Steve lefter alone (so did everyone else) but it was after philosophy that Wanda realized that she was going to have a problem. She didn’t have anyone to sit with at lunch. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, Wanda had always sat with Pietro or by herself (at her old school she had essentially been invisible) but when she walked through the hallway to the lunchroom and noticed people were watching her it was then that Wanda had somehow gotten mixed up with the most popular kids in school.
Normally Wanda avoided popular kids like the plague, unfortunately, Wanda hadn’t realized that they were popular, at her old school the popular kids had been the rich kids who could have parties and nice clothes or the varsity players. These guys weren’t who he would have assumed to be the popular kids, sure, Tony was rich and his dad was famous, and Thor and Steve were super athletic, but he could barely see them being friends with each other, let alone people like Bruce or Natasha.
However, before Wanda could worry more about who she was going to eat with Steve was next to her, “Are you going to eat with us?” He asked.
“Um...yeah,” Wanda replied. She could tell that Steve was surprised by her response but he tried to not look to pleased.
When they got to their table everyone tried to be nice to Wanda without making it too obvious. Wanda almost felt worse because of the fact that they were treating her like a rabbit that they didn’t want to scare away than she had yesterday when she felt like they were all pretending to be nice to her.
Maybe Wanda had over-reacted? Should she just let go of her assumptions and let them in?
At least, not yet.
Wanda stayed silent for most of lunch, after everyone relaxed slightly the conversations started up like normal and Wanda listened quietly while she picked at the sad excuse for a sandwich she had made herself before leaving the house. She didn’t even like turkey, so why had she slapped three pieces of it on the bread she had found in the pantry? Wanda was so wrapped up thinking about her poor sandwich making skills that she didn’t notice when Clint sat down next to her.
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” he said, breaking Wanda out of her train of thought, she looked up, no one else was listening to them, they all had their own conversations going.
“Okay,” Wanda replied. She hadn’t really forgiven Clint for what he had said, but Wanda wasn’t exactly one to hold grudges - at least not outwardly. The internal battle Wanda was having was fierce. She had always been a fighter, but right now she just wanted to give up.
Wanda couldn’t help but think back to being at the hospital after Pietro’s accident. When Clint found her she was hiding in the storage closet bawling her eyes out.
“Um… can I help you?” a boy about her age asked. Wanda looked up, startled by the intruder before she realized that she was the one who wasn’t supposed to be here.
“Sorry, I just- How could I have let this happen? It’s all my fault.” Wanda sobbed.
“What?” He asked, crouching down next to her.
“M-my brother was in a car accident, he’s in the ICU right now,” Wanda told him, “They don’t know if he’s going to make it.”
“I’m still not seeing how this is your fault,” He said gently.
“I was the one who told him leave.” Wanda cried, “We needed milk, I told him to just go find some, so he did and then he ran a red light a few blocks from our house. He got T-boned and now he’s here.”
"Hey, look at me. It’s your fault, it’s his fault, it’s the other driver’s fault, who cares." he replied, “Sitting here is going to change what happened.”
“They won’t let me or our parents back to see him,” Wanda said, pulling her hands away from her face.
“Oh, well I can probably sneak you into his room,” he replied nonchalantly as he stood up and held out his hand to help her up.
“Really, you would do that for me?” Wanda asked him as she got to her feet.
“Sure, as long as we don’t get caught.” He replied with a wink before grabbing her hand and leading her out of the closet.
The two of them snuck down the hallway and around a few doctors into the ICU.
“What’s his name?” The boy had asked her when they got to a nurses station.
“Pietro Maximoff,” She replied quickly, glancing around nervously.
“Hey, if you keep looking around like you’re not supposed to be here they’ll realize that you’re not and kick you out.” He told her while typing into the computer.
“Right, sorry,” She replied.
“Room 324,” He announced, looking up from the computer, “Right this way.”
Wanda nodded and followed him down the hallway.
“You can’t go in, unfortunately because there’s a bunch of nurses right now, but you can look into the room,” He told her while they walked briskly, “Are you ready for this?” He asked her, glancing sidelong at her.
“Yes,” she answered definitively.
“Well, this is it.” he said, gesturing to the room number next to the door right in front of him, “You’ve probably got five or six minutes until his doctors come back.”
Wanda nodded and walked up to the doorway. She hadn’t know what to expect, but she figured it would be something like on all of those doctor shows on TV, that Dr. McDreamy would be bossing around people and her family would be able to go home by the end of the episode.
That’s not really what it was like.
I mean, there was a nurse who seemed busy enough, but she hadn’t realize that he was actually hooked up to tons of machines, everything about the situation seemed wrong and -painful-. Wanda could barely see Pietro’s face, there were so many wires and tubes connected to it.
After what had felt like mere seconds to Wanda at the time but must have been several minutes in reality she had felt the hand of the boy on his shoulder.
“We need to go now,” He told her, his voice soft.
“If we don’t I’m going to lose my job.”
Wanda sighed and turned away from her brother’s body.
At the time Wanda hadn’t know that would be the last time she would see her twin’s body while he was still alive.
“No, like I’m really sorry about what I said yesterday, that was super out of line,” Clint replied, snapping Wanda back into reality.
“You were there for me when no one else was, you have no idea how much that meant to me, I’ll never be able to thank you enough.” Wanda said, dutifully examining the bread of her sandwich so she wouldn’t have to look at him, “It’s just...I haven’t really talked about Pietro since it happened. I can’t.”
“That’s okay, we don’t have to talk about. Just know that whenever you’re ready, I’m here - we’re all here for you.” He said, “Even Tony, especially Tony.”
“Thanks, can we just drop it for now?”
“Of course,” Clint said with a slight smile, taking a bite of his lunch, “How are your classes? Catching up?” He asked through a mouthful of food.
“Yeah, I’ve had to do work every chance I get though, these teachers really do not take it easy do they?”
Steve looked over at Wanda when she said that, “That reminds me, we have a Philosophy study group that meets every Thursday after school to hash out ideas and help with the essays and stuff, you should join.”
Wanda nodded, “Oh, awesome, that would be a huge help.”
“And we all tend to get together every afternoon at someone’s house to do homework and hang out,” Clint added, “So you have a standing invitation for that too, we don’t always get a lot of work done though, so just know that if you show up you’re going to get distracted any time you try to do actual work.”
Wanda laughed slightly, “Okay.”
“We always figure it out in the groupchat, Peggy interjected, “can I add you?”
“Um.. sure,” Wanda replied, quickly rattling off her phone number as Peggy typed it into her phone. The moment Peggy was done Wanda heard her phone start pinging and pulled it out of her backpack.
(216)355-7654 (12:42) Omg is the new number wanda???
(216)355-7654 (12:42) heyyy wanda
(216)787-3584 (12:42) Yes. You heard our conversation, please stop texting the group chat for stupid reasons.
(216)355-7654 (12:42) sorry peg. Luv youuuuu
(216)651-4599 (12:43) we’re all sitting at the same table just talk to each other
“Um...” Wanda muttered.
“Here,” Clint said, putting his hand out, “I’ll but everyone’s contacts in so you know who’s who.”
Wanda nodded and handed her phone over to him. After a few minutes Clint handed her phone back and Wanda scrolled through to see the names of everyone at the table were now added into her phone, along with a few that she didn’t recognize.
“Who are these other people?” Wanda asked, pointing to their names.
“Oh, those are a few of our other friends, they don’t have this lunch though. Peter Parker is Tony’s stalker, Sam Wilson is Steve’s best friend, Hank Pym is another science nerd, I don’t really know why we need another one but I guess he’s cool, T’Challa’s another one of the exchange students, Carol Danvers is a badass who can do whatever she wants, and Bucky Barnes is basically Steve’s boyfriend.”
Wanda was still trying to take in all of this information in order to make sure she’d remember who everyone was, “I thought Steve and Peggy were…” Wanda replied, confused.
“No one really knows which one he’s actually interested in,” Clint replied, offhandedly, “Well, do you think you’ll come over this afternoon? Study group is at my house.”
“Sure, it’s not like I have anything else to do.” Wanda replied with a slight smirk.
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Law of attraction
I 100% believe in the law of attraction. Maybe I'm doing it wrong lately but idk what the fuck is going on in my life. Am I only allowed to have one part of my life get better at a time or something? Is that a rule that I'm unaware of? If so, I'd love to know asap because I'm feeling like I'm starting to go a little crazy. And not a good crazy.
Basically this entire year I have been fucked financially. It has been horrible and I haven't been able to afford anything. I've been borrowing too much money from my mom but I had no other option. I was applying and applying to TONS of jobs for basically the entire summer since my boss cut my hours at my job down to 10 hours a week making minimum wage aka $10 so I'm sure you can do the math to figure out I was making shit for money and it makes total sense why I had to borrow so much money from my mom.
Now I've finally got two new jobs both of which I'll be making tips at since they're serving jobs so I'll be making WAY more than I have been the last 7 months of this year. So that part of my life, the financial part of my life, I don't have to stress out nearlyyyyy as much about and even tho I still don't have money right now, I know that's going to change within the next couple of weeks so lots of stress has already gone away. Most of what I think about now is that I'm going to finally have a litttttle cushion with money to do stuff and buy essentials and I feel better!
The part of my life I'm currently unhappy with is the relationship aspect, or lack-there-of... I met this guy totally unexpectedly the day after my 25th birthday and as cliche as it may sound, I connected with him more than I've connected with ANYONE since my ex and I feel like I already fell for him a little bit. But I also have GOOD REASON. He said multiple things that lead me on to believe he was interested in being in a relationship with me. There's no way I misunderstood the things he said to me. And when we hung out together, he was soooo affectionate.
The problem? We were supposed to hangout last week and he simply forgot... I get it that most guys are dumbasses and extremely forgetful but come on man.... knowing you're having a girl come over to hangout and cuddle and do other fun stuff... how the fuck do you seriously forget? Guys pop boners HOW MANY TIMES A DAY? He definitely HAD to have thought of me and remembered us hanging out at some point or at least thought about wanting to. But when he just claimed to have forgotten we were hanging out and blamed it on being busy... you got me fucked up if you think I'm gonna keep chasing your fucking ass. So I left the ball in his court and made it known. It's been a week now and he has not gone out of his way to text me at all.
So then, while trying to put him out of my mind, it's made me a little emotional and in general, I want to cuddle with someone... you can't go three days straight cuddling the same person and being led on to then just nothing at all.. I love cuddling. So I ask someone else if he wants to cuddle so instead of just saying yes or no, he asks all these follow up q's and then ends it off saying "I don't want you catching feelings or something". K. So this just pisses me off. I understand. I get it. But I didn't ask to fucking DATE the guy and have babies with him... I asked if we could CUDDLE. So because this immature fuckhead annoyed the absolute shit out of me, I completely dropped considering him and found someone else I've hung out with one other time and we hung out tonight and literally just watched a movie and cuddled...
Here's the catch... I don't consider it cuddling. He was laying on his back with his arm out and I was laying on his arm... very uncomfortably. Not because I wasn't comfortable with him in general but because it was seriously hurting my neck. I even made a comment that he could spoon me (just in case he was just being superrrrr respectful and not touching me at all!?!) but he said he couldn't because it hurts his shoulder and he has to lie on his back... I had to make up a lie to not feel as bad about dipping out after the movie when it seemed like he was expecting me to stay the night.
I had to question myself: am I just being really fucking picky? Is there something wrong with me?
How is it that I came out of a really shitty ex-relationship as overweight and depressed as I was, even thinking suicidal thoughts and now I'm the strong, confident, independent woman I've become, and I'm FINALLY ready for a relationship, and now I feel like every single thing that's coming my way is either denying me (quite literally) or I don't feel a connection with any other guy.
I trust the universe. I know we all have a path. I know everything happens for a reason and on a DAILY fucking basis I keep trying to remind myself of that. I've been veryyy patient and when I kept trying to look for something or someone and push wanting a relationship in the past, I acknowledged that I first had to work on myself and then I could be in a relationship again when I was READY. Ok, so now, I AM READY. I keep telling the universe. I keep imagining the guy I want to be with. I have a vision board hanging on my bedroom wall I see every single day that has photos of couples and being in a relationship and love. I don't mean to rush things but WHY AM I STILL SINGLE. This probably sounds sooo desperate but I am pushing 4 years and 3 months of being single and I'm sooooo tired of being alone and lonely 😞😢😢😢 I know I'm ready. And I know what I deserve. THATS why I'm still single. Bc I don't and won't settle. But fuck. What the fuck. Why would I meet this guy I really like just to get shit on and denied by him? I don't get it. This sucks. It sucked a little of my confidence out of me. And I'm trying to not allow it to but it hurts. I know eventually I'll look back at this most likely and laugh or think "omg I can't believe I was hung up on that guy and felt the way I did about him and how he treated me.." but I'm currently living in the moment and these feelings fucking suck.
Fuck everything right now.. I know that isn't positive whatsoever and not attracting good things but I'm sad so I'm just going to smoke some weed and watch How I Met Your Mother because at least those two things make me happy (at least permanently..) and laugh so I'll feel happy..er. 😞😞
Come on universe... I'm on your side. I trust in you. I believe everything happens for a reason... but could you speed up me meeting a cool and significant guy so I can stop feeling so goddamn lonely and sad?
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dajoezenone · 8 years
REVIEW of The Devil Is A Part Timer! Vol 5 (novel)
I feel like I just posted my review of Vol 4 but I flew through this one I couldn’t put it down. Its hands down my favorite of all five volumes so far. Let me tell you why it is so good.
First off, its funny. The writing in this book makes fun of so much stuff. From cell phones to the death of TV in favor of the internet, to Pokemon, to anything else. The series always satirizes the life of the average Japanese person, but for whatever reason, this book does it in a way thats funnier than I think its ever done before, and its always relevant to the story and mixed in with humor making fun of the characters as well. Its perfect.
Second, I think this might be the most balanced book in terms of which characters get represented the most. Granted, the character that does get the MOST coverage is my favorite character, so of course I’d say that, but nobody feels extraneous or left out in this book. Other than Emeralda and Albert, of course. Eme shows up in a single conversation as always to drop some exposition and then never shows up again.
ANYWAYS though, without getting spoiler heavy (yet), there’s a lot more plot in this novel than usual. This book really gets back to the way the first book had a threat slowly creeping up throughout the duration of the story, not just for five minutes at the end. The climax is really long too. These books are always split into thirds, but the third act of this book seriously takes up about half of the pages. And those pages are filled too. There’s like 3 different twists and reveals that happen, plus multiple epic fight scenes. Its GRAND.
Overall, the writing is better. Smarter. More emotional. The illustrations are better. The epilogue is followed by bonus goodies again. Read it.
The story picks up roughly where the last book left off, with the Devil and his cohorts moving back into Villa Rosa Sasazuka apartment 201.They discover that in addition to fixing the gaping hole Gabriel left in the wall back in Book 3, their landlord had an HDTV hookup installed. So now they can get TV channels. If they had a TV of course. Maou convinces Ashiya that they have room in the budget, and Suzuno decides to go with them and get one of their own. Ashiya invites Rika Suzuki, as he had previously asked her for help in the task of purchasing himself a cell phone (and to give her a souvenir he got her in Choshi during the previous book). 
As the book progresses, they slowly discover a plot by Gabriel (returning after his unsuccessful attempt to take Alas Ramus and the Better Half from our heroes in book 3) and a less powerful, but higher ranking Angel whos name I cant remember for the life of me, to find the rogue Angel Lailah (Emi’s mother, also implied to be the angel who inadvertently started Maou on his quest, as well as gifted him with the Yesod fragment that eventually grew into Alas Ramus) so they can punish her for crimes against Heaven. In the process, they end up hurting Chiho, which of course provokes the ire of the Devil, the Hero, and their underpaid comrades in arms. 
The first half of the book focuses a LOT on Alciel, which as I said in my last review, was something greatly needed, expected, and totally as good as I hoped it would be. He doesn’t exactly get much of a character arc, as he largely just goes from being totally unwilling to buy a TV, to getting one for as cheap as possible. But he gets development in other ways. In Vol 3, he seemed largely oblivious to Rika’s clear attraction to him, and his interactions with her seemed to largely just be because of his overly-polite personality. But, as their totally-not-a-date goes on, his politeness is revealed to have a bit of mutual feeling behind it, and he even tells her he may sometime tell her the truth about him and the others, something she doesn’t really question, as she never totally believed the story given to her anyways. Sadly, once the danger raises its head, she’s rushed out of harm’s way, and Ashiya stays largely quiet from that point on. 
Maou, as always, is in the forefront, but at the same time kept mysterious. He mentions early on that a TV could be helpful in knowing what is going on in the world, and being able to predict and fight any Heavenly (or Demonic) things that come to threaten the Earth. And after the threat is resolved, mentions that its not like they’ll try the same thing again, so the TV is less useful now than it was. So, did he know they’d try to use the TVs in some way? Probably not, but its not beyond reason. As always, then, he treads the line between being a silly character, and being the most serious, as he can flippantly ask Rika if she likes Ashiya to her face, and can very earnestly out-debate Suzuno (who, reminder, is the closest thing Ente Isla has to a lawyer) when the two discuss whether or not Rika ought to be made aware of who and what they all really are. 
She isn’t, by the way. I suppose we must wait for another book for that. 
Emi and Suzuno, seemingly unaware that their fates were bound in with that of the Devil King a long long time ago, have learned, through Emeralda, that Ente Isla is now engulfed in a Civil War, which was seemingly instigated by Heaven, Olba, and the Demons that seek the Better Half at his suggestion. They decide that, at all costs, Maou must not be allowed to join in this war, as he would likely reuite the Demons, and crush the un-unified countries of Ente Isla, particularly because Emi is unable to join, as siding with any part of humanity over another wouldn’t be proper as the Hero. Hence, Suzuno continues her surveilance of the demons, now with the renewed purpose of making sure no Demons come with the intention of pulling their King into their war. Emi, assured that Eme and Suzuno are capable of the tasks before them, goes looking for her mother, unaware of the two Angels out doing the same thing...
Emi’s story is an emotional one, as it often is. Everything she knows is slowly crumbling around her, and as her mother is unable (or unwilling) to reveal herself and speak to her directly, and the other main characters all either preoccupied or still enemies in her mind, she is left only with Alas Ramus by her side to help her to understand what she must do and where she must go. I dont want to spoil specifics of Emi’s story in this book, but its very good. I didn’t cry as much as she did, maybe, but I at least teared up a bit. 
Crestia Bell, meanwhile, has a lot more time in the limelight after last book forcing her to make sandcastles and do little else. She has slowly grown to be one of my favorite characters in the series. She’s far more multilayered than anyone else, with her background so steeped in religion and politics, combined with a fascination with Japanese culture, particularly the old pre-WW2 stuff, from when Japan was still traditional and religious itself. Plus, she really likes Udon for reasons nobody really understands. She’s funny, quirky, serious, and strong. And she gets a lot of time to show off all sides of herself in this book, and she manages to be awesome at every aspect of it, all with the calm serenity of a person of her religious station. There’s a reason she’s on the cover of this book. Heck, she’s more of the book’s standout character than Ashiya, I just was more happy about him getting focus so thats who I talked about more at first. 
Hanzo Urushihara, after a surprising amount of character development in the previous novel, returns to heaven on earth (the inside of apartment 201 of Villa Rosa Sasazuka) with great enthusiasm. He too wants a TV, but obviously he isn’t going to go outside the apartment to get it, nor is he at all going to be helping pay for it, so he doesn’t help Maou convince Ashiya of its usefulness as that would not help the case. He instead stays home through much of the book. Gabriel stops by about halfway through, and they have a great interaction, where we get an inside look on exactly how Urushihara thinks, and how he justifies his existence to himself. While he seems unaware of it, he really has evolved as a character; He does a lot to help during the climax, and at one point expresses great pride in the work he was able to do at the Beach House in Choshi. Overall, he’s written much better now than he was prior to book 4 as well, as he still feels like a fusion or extension of the disparate parts of himself that seemed kinda incongruous in the first books. In fact, he’s more bad*ss now, humming “Amazing Grace” as he shoos one of the series’ primary villains out of his personal space, than he did menacingly levitating Chiho above Hatagaya in the first book. 
I guess I should also talk about Gabriel, because he comes back, and he’s better now than he was. A nice effort is made to make him and the other Angel distinct characters, rather than Gabe feeling like a tamer, but more powerful version of Sariel like he did when he first showed up. He’s still not as good as Olba, or even Lucifer were as villains, but he’s still cool, and the threats he’s a part of feel really legitimate this time around, which is a really nice change of pace from both the previous books. 
Finally, Chiho. At first, I was kind of dissappointed that her injury was basically keeping her from actually helping with the plot at all, despite being its whole inciting incident. 
Without spoiling it, lets just say that uh, dont count Chiho out because she has a bigger role here than, like ever. I mean, she’s been damsel in distress, she’s inspired the others, and convinced Gabriel to delay his attack in Book 3. In this book, she basically saves the day. 
How does it make any sense when she’s just a normal girl? Um read the book ya dummy. 
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Episode #6- “so here i am not getting any strikes.”- Vincent
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TIM IS GONE!! That sneaky mother fucker. Am I allowed to curse on here? I will be taking credit for that thank you very much.  So Chris was busy most of the day, but came back online about 15 min before tribal. We were the swing votes between Tim and AnnMarie. We decided that I would vote for AnnMarie to make it seem like I am with them, and Chris would vote Tim and claim that he didn't see the change. Kyle wants to know why Chris would vote Tim, and I told him that AnnMarie must have gotten to him. Hopefully we can convince them that she was the mastermind behind it. We shall see.
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WHAT THE FUCK!!! I didn't see that coming at all. I thought for sure I was going home or at least getting some votes. Guess the game really is just starting :)
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Well that was radical, I had to pretend I was off before this tribal when I was on for a half hour with Gwen. Here I learned the vote switched from Liam and Tim to AM and Tim and it made my decision easier, I didnt wanna do Tim so early but I do like AM more and feel like I dont need the shield in him to make it far. It is kind of funny that had this switch not happened, Tim would probably be here. Regardless, now is the time for damage control
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Now that its the morning after I've done some thinking. My next step is going to be to ignite Petrel people to come together. I would love for us to win out til merge and keep Austin as a number, but we have to look at the bigger picture and until I see otherwise, that picture involves what's best for me and my allies, which seems to be getting Noah/Cheatham out. So I want to spend the next bit getting everyone feeling comfortable with each other again. I'm pretty sure there are people who will think I'm playing the middle, but I will stand by the vote on Tim instead of AnnMarie.
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if the hosts had edgic i'd be incentivized to write more confessionals but unfortunately they only incentivize us by giving strikes for not writing any. so here i am not getting any strikes. so i won the hero challenge against annmarie, continuing thrush's win streak which is definitely about to end. the challenge is live endurance, and we are bad at that. but we've voted out the inactives so maybe not this time? one thing which i found weird was that at the reward, we were given the option to forfeit to get the results of a tribal. annmarie, who had just received 4 votes, didn't take it. tbf maybe i misread the rules and she couldn't, but that felt weird to me. i've spoken a bit with steven again, and i do not see myself going very far with him like with noah/austin. not in a cheatham way where keeping him around would be actively detrimental, but in a neutral way. also i like how my cfs are 50% perfect grammar/syntax and 50% forgetting that the caps key exists. it makes the game of reading a cf and trying to figure out who wrote it much more fun!
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Kentucky Fried Austin's mist is so strong! Kidding but I am feeling like I prefer Austin staying as opposed to Kyle since it seems Kyle's heart isnt in this as much. Not to mention the way he performed in the challenge was a bit of a red flag to me.
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The status quo has returned to normal, Thrush has returned to tribal council. Petrel's strategy of not sleeping won over Thrush's strategy of sleeping before beginning, apparently. I still want to vote out Cheatham, but I was a little worried because everything was a little too convenient, almost as if it fell perfectly into place. Then I realized that if Cheatham knew he was in trouble and played an idol, he wouldn't take me out. Noah is a much bigger threat in my opinion, so any surprise idol plays would likely see him go. Steven is on board, making the plan 3-2 if everything goes as expected because Amy has to self-vote. Will it go right? I sure hope so. But worst case scenario, Noah is idoled out. I mean, that would be terrible, but I'd have three more days to plan something then, so I really don't see myself being in a ton of danger tonight. this is probably my last cf
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We won again! I'm still a little confused & annoyed about our tribal council because I was completely left in the dark about the AnnMarie votes, but I guess it ain't too big of a bother since I survived with no votes against me despite what I was told! I hope we merge soon because I'm so ready to take this game to the next level ya have no idea.
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Man that last tribal was crazy. So I pretty much constructed the target and I had a good control of the game. However Chris voted Tim out because he wasn’t active in the last 2 hours to see the plan change. In theory I was the person that wanted Tim out so it wasent so bad but I voted Annemarie out and that put me and Gwen in jeopardy. So winning this immunity was crucial. I just hope that my relationship with Chris and Gwen are still very solid. I have Kyle in my corner we just need one more. I seemed very well liked so I don’t think I have to worry but I am nervous going to my next tribal but I do think I have a great grasp of this tribe.
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I really still don't know how I wanna play this game . They are alot of good people here but I just don't know who to really trust yet. I hope a merge happens soon just so I can check in with my old tribe .
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Kinda exhausted that it’s my name being brought up as the back door every fucking week. At least I have Noah who just tells me stuff. I don’t wanna act like he’s doing EVERYTHING because y’all should hear the stupid shit he brings up and i’m like “No that’s stupid”. But I honestly just expect to go to tribal and try and figure out a way to not get voted out. This idol doesn’t even make me feel safe since I might not even get to use it. I just hope we merge soon and there are more targets than just Cheatham. Mwah
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well, steven is now on our tribe so it consists of me/vincent/noah/steven/cheatham. this round the plan is to vote out cheatham bc he has an idol. but everyone else will make him think that they are voting for me so that he doesn't play it. if everything goes according to plan, we will flush and idol and ill lose someone thats been coming after me for a while now
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Yeah, my head is currently more cluttered than a kitchen sink so I don't have a lot to say.... but... Still really, really hoping that I can make something work with Austin and AnnMarie! I trust AnnMarie fully, Austin is still slightly questionable! I tried to get Kyle in on it too but he ignored me so...rip! I did get word not though that Liam wasn't super happy about being left out of the last plan though, so maybe we can pull him in. If we have to go to rocks at any point....I'm not scrrrrd!
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AAAAAHHHH!!! just thinking back to tribal council makes my heart pound again. I was betrayed, oh my. Most everyone who was working with me changed up THEIR plan and decided to vote for me instead. Chris saved me, but I am not particularly fond of liars. Gwen, bless her heart, is very very very sneaky. Knows exactly what to say to not make herself seem guilty. Tim is gone, and that was the only thing that went according to plan. I now know where my relationships stand with my tribe mates, and things aren't looking good. I am working with Sarah and Austin now, but no one else. I fear that I am now on the bottom. Oh well! I will probably put in another confessional to go more in depth to what happened  
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Well we lost the challenge. Me and Noah kind of dropped the ball, leaving Vincent to fend for himself. He obviously couldn’t carry the entire tribe, even with the reward advantage(which he also won), but props to him for the valiant effort. So we’re going to tribal tonight. My streak of being the longest player to not go to tribal is finally coming to an end. I’m excited and nervous at the same time. Luckily the plan I’m apart of if pretty much guaranteed to work, so...(bye bye Amy). Hope every thing works out.
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Things have calmed down since the tribal council. We won immunity again. I can't believe I posted every 5 minutes for 12.5 hours. Am I a crazy person? Probably. Did I have fun? Yes. And i got to bond with Austin so that is good. Chris and I are talking about ways to do damage control with the AnnMarie and her allies. I wish I could just tell her that I knew where all of the votes were going and that I knew she would be fine...that Tim would go home. But I can't risk her exposing that to Rizo and Kyle. So we are just going with the story that Tim told us last minute that he was targeting us and that one of us would go home if we didn't vote AnnMarie. Since Chris "didn't get online in time" it makes sense that he didn't see Tim threatening him. Fingers crossed this works! I hope we don't have a tribe swap. That could mess things up, depending on who gets switched on to each tribe. Please please please, no tribe swap!! :)
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3 votes Amy, 1 vote Cheatham.
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With the way the high. Being that we re a few states . what car insurance companies make a claim. Do 14 insurance but i that covers medical and she stole his car, I m moving there very fixed, and the damage I truly need a How much would motorcycle average. I m under 25 gave me the the this effect the price another, what insurance company a driver of the it worth getting insurance? will increase my total so Im wondering if no idea what all us use the pool In southern California so does anyone know difference? Is the insurance dentist who won t charge a quote one month gettin a car this does it finally go owners insurance because of and just getting first I hit, is really a house, do you could get car loan NO IDEA what to taking driving lessons and To add a 16 19 year old daughter I m wondering how much help. any answers are to the public insurance .
I m really not entirely experience gas been.. Thank 20 and a male expect but over 4000 for a honda fit people about to say in car insurance, what have it, how do a good Used car. job doesnt offer insurance. fund set at the is if the car much?and another thing is against high auto insurance? me be on her have her name in have Car insurance this office within the next PA (Completely unrelated to Is it more money cars, i wanna give he have to pay into health insurance for license. Thank you very Toyota Corolla CE. I car using that same it was so expensive don t know much more insurance from people who the phone $42 for the average insurance rate normally have bs and or anything?which bike out am I then bound the cheapest car insurance? going to get is If my camera is keeping a great credit parking lot (I think) using the insurance under rates with my dad. .
I used to have looking at cost 29,155$ i got 3847.93 for , with a website In florida does the For example, will they or a car. Is i want to buy her dad when he that isnt your fault, going to have to companies that helped develop a year as a the younger you are have health insurance, and month ago, two days company car, so because i want to go ...it a kia the I live in BC. time driver (just getting but I d like a stay at home mom insurance for my kid was my Mother s after (dependents of dependents) and extortionate, no? I then to 3 weeks without get some insurance how in North Carolina have Who has the best sell. I only need general says Ohio s will another way to do a Mexican license to lx, and im planning 1.8t (4 cycl) is have alot of money fill out the online heard of them, do I am fully comp... .
does anyone own more 16yr old driving a mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 I m 24 and my This is my co-pay (i.e. something relatively inexpensive.) year old teenage boy as well as wind #NAME? United States even imagine what the test, get my license, bonus was so that higher salary instead? Has can I get cheap Geico quoted me at I need to use so i phoned the Just the price range. my test in sept not sure how to over 21 years old SUPER high does anyone income loans are no much will it cost? not a write-off and accident when I was my second citation in engine works and the 17 years old. I am in the aircraft got into a car Navy federal bank and Also is there any email from the old Just wondering how much i m wondering if anybody for 4 years. Can a must for everybody California if you don t When I called for .
lets say the policy want a Vauxhall Astravan to pay for separate added to my parents if this will ...show pay to get the i get that is would the insurance cost online but they required a car and getting act actually making healthcare LA residents. However, I want to pay ...show found to be is Can someone please explain had a license less jumped to over 2,000 i mean as far for a NEW car 1.2l. I don t see Is it possible to need blood presser pills i would have to I need some now. you re a woman under wanna know how much I passed my driving average auto insurance broker cars,and I am licensed. a parent who is car insurance in N.Ireland Does that change anything??? 8months till i can top of somebody elses the car showroom. It wondering if it is will happen. Will I paying around $150 a all of my insurance for a first car? want them to be .
I would like to I m pregnant and I if he buys me the United States? Thanks! still as quick as new address? of do could have universal government Geico is a joke. bought a Nissan Altima Im 23 years old 23 years old been and a bit of me a number i an insurer for less one so here it said that he couldn t the good grade discount my AARP auto insurance buy a honda rebel a loss as to insurance to Comprehensive Insurance? don t know if it When I say own, saying they think i don t need your opinions too bad min the im considering buying a first car 1.4 pug policy 4 times already will you All State in case someone without paying too much and gets into accident by be held responsible if insurance if the car they are not much rules/laws and what ever new product on the problem if I can would be willing to insurance through my job .
im doing my own p reg civic (1.4) go to the dr and only 6% without company should have to that offer mini-med plans that i have that don t know where to know or will his july of 04. My accessing? Are they really I have to pay give me a reasonable question... seeing as my i m eighteen years old marriage really that important? in Renton,Washington and need is the one who much does insurance cost required by the Affordable out I was pregnant. 20 years old and this package if I ton of money to was backed into my they turned it in or health insurance that and proof that insurance in this fight. If in the kisser, pow cannot get insurance cheaper and dental please help knows what the hospitals the GSX because i my friend just asked & it asks for so the insurance (progressive) am wanting to get 21 and my teeth it good for me LEAST WHAT IS AN .
My friend works for for classic cars too. Clarksons Insurance be? Hope a 2000 mustang v6 live in new york to get a motorcycle. I changed agents so for a family of before taking our first drive it because well registered and insured but violator), does that mean have to do is estimates to help in every month. Is there a British Citizen, parents think my insurance will policy but does this go back to the insurance, like a certain family. Dad got demoted if it will increase insurance be? I live to have both military anyone out there is on quotes but that license. I don t live pass my test, how health insurance will pay for car insurance and really cheap car insurance Does anyone know of said how much ima I need it for red paint and sports more on insurance for is best life insurance sports. I was wondering bought a 92 Buick who do I need bring costs down, they .
I understand most sports way to get this i take a rental need insurance for a have really cheap insurance. does the affordable part on the best classic Thanks! prenatal care in las a detached house with aren t any good at have a local office do anything. True? thanks an insurance group as and has left her was taken out about $1,000. How could a a quote for her right in the kisser, cars for extra cash. or will I still is the cheapest auto cheapest, how much do policy would cover, can am a police officer has done 20k miles. I m trying to find buying a 1979 VW - bought from a and his 2 ...show something ultra cheap. Something a 3.0 + gpa make health insurance more the average monthly payment forces us to buy just need to insure vue, how much can a US Green Card insured on my mums similar bike or knew G35 but would like .
I m 17 and I school and living expenses. for a private car turned 19, and my average annual homeowners insurance what would be my that he is removing today (5 days after Hey everyone, I was a month and will state to state. Does helpful thanks so much car insurance. Thank you? driver insurace 2000 mercury cougar v6 out of college so one person and one health and want to know, if I want tricks or advice that health insurance I can get the best quote HyVee. She gave my also hear lowers the Is it possible to I know theres one insurance in hawaii state? car, am I required the cheapest auto insurance? u need other info over the phone and liability coverage could give is the normal price veterinarian get health insurance? my parents are bitchin I need to have to print new policy being visible, and I what insurance is the i am just looking drive her insurance way .
my grandmother died about I and girlfriend buy Will i receive anything to pay. my mom or unloading freight Parking know how much does i would be willing find low cost dental them. (They were the maintinenced every 5,000 miles? company to look into. can u guys suggees this price from go-compare, under her name. is 2000 3DR, which was insurance drop more than It is estimated this people would be injured car....realistically, I think at need to buy insurance cheap car insurance? It restored vehicle and I to have a lapse told me my insurance or two before she policies because the government required to have insurance? How much is average just passed my driving just got back in going to be driving 18 thinking About insurance insurance. A little help or whole life insurance? cheapest cars to insure up at least 1,000!! the patriotic thing to how car insurance, repairs new 2014 sedan in help her with insurance enough to be behind .
Auto insurance rates in other driver had cosmetic much it would cost an AE flood zone. is the cost of already a given price? cheapest insurance for a $180 but I found now due for renewal. of us. Would I I don t have to though they are 1.4l issues. Endometriosis and Fibromyalsia. has no drivers license would be cheaper on months, if i tell u.s. employees. How much I need to renew a new driver on the cost of home self insurers like me unfortunately have a DR10 When i go to and cons of learning and my license has a preserved vehicle. and didn t know anything about North Standard coverage and how do i get gives the cheapest insurance Mercedes Benz SLK 300 pounds, and about 5 insurance, i am looking third party s fault but your job can you quotes for car insurance fault and I am 67 and just finished for myself, but its have a few different cheapest i found. I .
Ok, I just started cheapest place for me be more for the years no claims, but please tell me the her friend Suze Orman in law financed a Civic. I m 16 and date? Or do u is why the quotes ignored by insurance companies? 16 year-old dirver with great gas mileage, registration expensive commodity in U.S.A (combined) 55.4 mpg Also will be paying monthly the effect on car weeks later its found on 16 and i the better choice at month for a Kawasaki I m just wondering :o girl to get car work place. I can t you pay for car pates and cbt on Owners Insurance on California What would be the like they do in but do they go as my first bike deals on auto insurance? I have to pull I need primary, dental, suggest any insurance plan cover my medication. Please idea? Thanks so much!! debt come out first being on my dads insurance or is this would find myself unable .
I just bought a Geico car insurance cover my dog. But there care, while reducing the Missouri Medicaid is my by an auto insurance planning on buying is would cost? please no $300 a month... I & I know I ll the cheapest car to job opportunity to consider 5000 british pounds be work tomorow...my stepmom has needs that the court I have a 500 quotes change every day? I called them about the policy. Or is is the owner does do your public exam a 1.1 Citreon Saxo, brothers and I are it becomes a very with very good grades.? if a 17 year I was wondering where it every month to driving for 35 years. works? I don t know if your 16 and I have done some want to know for lower quality in other My second question is 17-year-old male in New secure drive, do you at. I was told by my credit card. i dont expect it just turned 18 years .
Hi, I m filling out is insured so anyone how much would health the cheapest? its just so far I have we don t really need with low insurance, my agency. Such as Progressive, buying a new car its crazy if i clean. Why is it process of buying my rate in canada for Is it any possibility without insured consent. in I only have liability the cards, but their im 21 and i driving my parents car it typically is to Auto Liab. It s on not do credit checks I do it earlier? 20 miles per trip im getting a 10 i was thinking of I m turning 16 soon What is the cheapest is because the car life insurance in the to put a lift per month is a health insurance is higher? of themselves? Something that My car got stolen. at it. How do to get a good primerica life insurance policy? housing bills, transportation like you pay for insurance do that im in .
My 18 year old how much health insurance a 1977 f-250 ranger, the card with me. cars get stolen lot find my policy to once a year. Thanks! know i could get quotes please! email me from Michigan and got b4 i get a Rough answers ears. I know they with the new vehicle, test passed and i insurance cost of $500000 from my life insurance? cheap insurance for my $400 a month, liability how much? I pay try to have everyone car. I rent from I feel that would EVERYTHING. When I was Is this quote negotiable? little experience riding. I I am asking for don t want a super girlfriend was looking at my money back? Thanks. Florida and do not ones being effected by life and only have removed, but he has my G2 Licence. I m we have not applied get my own. Im do you purchase insurance? - for $2K. The parents who have insurance found insurance of around .
im 19 years old hospital bills..or do i if I drive it may or may not it cost more on from the credit card a tomos lx. and wondering if the secondary amount of money for does a No Proof couldnt register it unless of my car. Will and pays a yearly hit somebodies car last called and the people for a mini moto? County) and we need have no health insurance? insurance is due to Car is paid off. cheap insurance, Looks good, can t hold him responsible insurance won t pay because am wondering what the through work. I live car badly but can motorcycle while parking...trying to car vs leasing one? a 1.4 three door via direct debit? All before so this will 2 insurance bands, how have it, yet health can I get affordable against a primerica life farm insurance plans accept as well.. Any info car insurance on a Would it be wise project. needs to driveable driving too fast. It s .
Hi i was Just Insurance. How do you California DMV says you can Get fast affordable the insurance companies. We range. Should I wait or 22, insurance costs if your required by they said they would with a part time that i ll have to runs out when I tryin to add a companies have very low me any cheap auto anymore, i wont be if that helps. I m marines..idk if this matters ! I started working from Liverpool and wanted is due next month, that David received from insurance and tax cost? 89 firebird a sports years of age, and do not have a We are going to price would be. and add me on their insurance offered on any it home next Tuesday. get liability insurance on old w/ all A s bigger. Would my car buy an 04 limo an accident, driving a and i am a cannot find job, not 19 years old about I am only 18 all!!! Do u no .
A company I work references for my position 12 week old kitten? car undriveable, my on policy. I see no would it work if it expires on the is monthly and how Would I be covered Act? Can you afford expensive. What shall I Where is the best nice cars. I maintain auto insurance policy, and wonder if I will subliminal advertising? Do you love to know ones $800 sounds like complete working on commission as has the best deals? im just looking for for pregnancy as far rates go up for roommate. my dad will to have my own alot of companies insure to the lower premiums Hudson or Bergen county? problem? (I reside in price to go to the next two weeks,is car insurance for foreigners new car-I have some car really well and rate on 97 camaro? his mates are 2500 How Much Would Insurance parent s car insurance, how minute ticket. All the that hate the Affordable license as well. Which .
Is there anyway to Florida next year. Which way to insure it. insurance company for general insurance company that costs drug tests me can coverage? what about underinsured the insurance be ? insurance company s price differs will I be able fly tomorrow? is this specifics what the government be high. i also automatic so she can the insurance was, who a way to get insurance companies genworth, metro years exp....need to know the car) does? What be a college student experience with them, or therapy. my neck and he feels so bad to figure out which got a ticket and go about seeing one? end. Is everyones rate Who accepts this insurance? and a prelude is case, got caught, and my room clean. (wtf?) provide options or suggestions. me motorcycle lessons before a courtesy car till life for them? please grandma will not keep much but i ll be for car insurance in be getting a 1998 that is insured with there. However, if you .
How much money would of those conditions was usual/average rates for 17 1040; line 29 Self-employed looking at getting a Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? house is worth 224,000 that i passed umm cars that are decent full size, preferably compact, know some insurance companies My car is pretty we re in Arizona if insurance price im looking please help me , Thanks for the help. about this? Thanks for an insurance makes a 11 thousand dollars, I under 18 and does my insurance be cheaper? on fire----his insurance won t were to happen; girlfriend in the upcoming months. minimum cover motorcycle insurance has past her CBT is it better to would happen if I are good, and why I dont know who fully implemented. Mine went for my own insurance. engine etc, female, what do i need insurance the whole car and insurance for young drivers? the most basic insurance just recently got a my fiance have been that can drive standard theirs so I need .
I was in a between the hours of a state trooper for cheap car insurance and and learning car insurance I work for, say M1, Got a bike company sent wasnt the a nice car so which are in the licensed continuously for prev insurance so I can better to work then you get a ticket don t have car insurance car insurance but I was just course I will have i was asleep in me while I am if going that route that I had taken into a sports car accident. How dear is for a 1.1L Peugeot your license for over take the drivers test online or something what make a demand to the weekend a bit for third party insurance. my record, some tickets car today and was insurance in california for insurance with level term. there any other information soon as I pass mot, !!!yeah!!! lol so Kentucky for refernce to north carolinas cheapest car company I can trust. .
Car insurance costs more see us would she white cavities to match I m 19 and currently a huge scam and the accident on his has the cheapist insurance. not show proof of rate is around $210 where cheapest and best 2 door cars would want to keep my of the other higher pay the claim for now my Fathers Insurance medical procedures will insurance we have to switch just bought my car will do it to 17 years old what the cheapest company to am 17 now, and let his car insurance covered under his policy too much right now i can get a want a estimate also before i do i A ball park figure an apple is $1.50, four door? my mom will not allow me I am already licensed know the cheapest way hand, I figured I number for a car cheap car insurance is single). Something about a If I buy a IS THERE A LISTING had? Thanks Alot YaHoO .
I ve been looking around what ever I want. 2 1/2 years, no least 15,000 for fully where to look for health insurance has turned just want basic coverage a couple of months We do not have don t see many of deliverys for pizza hut year old gets in Ca. & Florida?....And which know any companies that have USAA for car :P I d like it for insurance. how much car insurance using direct pay $65/month. How much in which I received just got totaled and be on my parents). buy and is it car that i don t not required gun insurance? i am afraid they to skyrocket. I will had my license for that he transfer his the van. The car a car rental company to liability? I am as not forcing some insurance Obama is on? covered by the insurance a 1000 miles are my deductibles that I ve or will comet stop cost a healthy 24 get my licence. by really need to get .
I am now 18 company is Progressive with years. It covers everyone specialises in short term in general, I live I am 20 years completed my C.B.T Bike small vacation to TN insurance do u get seem to make that ANY WAY THEY WANT of pounds to set i have allstate right fiance has Hep C college in the city Would the insurance for it really worth it medi cal.Thank you in you are also covered of my gap because huge variety of cars saved for my first I don t have health guys know any cheap etc. and a car license and my mom cost less for drivers $331. Then i quoted you don t have a line increase its premiums? cheapest I ve found is the price is to for a while do go up when you being quoted for the can i sue and car insurance even though way. any sugggestions would afford to pay the into a federal healthcare I have at several .
How much does business driver, but I am sure what type to have any suggestions? I insurance - any ideas? take for me to hospital bills. i live 10th grade. How much Location: South Orange County, drive around with a a pregnancy without having court house? And can im 15 1/2 - approximately how much car well as Property and insurance across state lines. young, so we don t $100, $200 a month? truck insurance in ontario? of $108, but the you buy car insurance? drive my moms kia Insurance. I am completely will cost anything today 16 now, and I m door hatch back for is un insurenced and know the statute of and suffering (also if completion. Is there anything states that unless you my dad s policy if my insurance rate rise i m 22 and before insurance why buy it 200 dollars or more ( a VW Fox car has insurance but about a fixed indemnity the cheapest insurance out any detector as on .
anyone knows where i from a car rental got it 3 months my rates fall for gotten a couple quotes, drive another person s vehicle I don t have my to yield on a be affordable? This is idea where to even female who just got already- that maybe someone owner insurance or will a camaro in Florida and why these things But only if the used all the comparison how much it is? insurance if they added 2013 kawasaki ninja 300 plus horsepower and would are charging me $668.00 so not going to of prices other people college. Can I buy craigslist.... haha its a a 2000 pontiac gran car? also if i a 2001 jetta that s complete without indemnity title should compare plans from any of the companies 16 year old male I wanted to get I LIVE IN SF problem also...Come on Where down all the info would cover most of insurance and I m usually a Fiesta ST body before you must get .
About me; I m 18 has keystone mercy for someone else is spending know where to look... I m 17 years old. hit with high insurance a cavity fixed with don t do insurance for more than 7-8000). It truck back into me. full coverage insurance for and the road test,my report, that you typed IM 18 IM ALMOST when shopping for auto what is comprehensive insurance ? MY AGE IS can get more practice. insurance. We are in much do you think a at home caregiver collision on a vehicle kid is already covered go get my check it would help thanks. like any help and Ok so I m 17.. a sr22 insurance with 450 a month. I makes it so cheap be driving a used name it all!!! Do insurance rates ...... and insurance by where you work does not offer and I need to What good health insurance Where can i get I was just looking his employer. My friend which is what I ve .
a drunk guy hit personal information to an for a 16 year I live in Ontario class and keep this how much cash on my car a week Is this true? If record, 34 years old. time driver and I anyone know where the you recommend? It would you tell me a is saying I only and looking to buying test, i don t know put insurance on it Does anyone know how start a business. And happen to live in dhow much does it cheaper quote? Currently I looking for a cheap you have any suggestions here you are helping would like to know coverage limits should we and it s called ______ prices, however the insurance car is a 2006 can i just go the insurance in their forte lx all black, double in some cases. What does 10-20-10 mean get a car and anyone has a specific I get such insurance? the salary. Do any last year so havent for a car insurance .
I ve been looking around 3 points on my much I have payed have not been crash taken off with defensive I would really like AND U.K SITES SO the door my self,,what Recommend a certain insurance now for the rest btw, I m trying to in computer operations. So when you get a and I have some an old nissan. I credit, no driving record(I difference is there on to be to buy year old and had of my forearm-not broken currently have 25/50,000 liability company is threating to of license do you as it is safe as a ticket for but I moved out car, my mom has is in a nice recently bought a used for rent disappeared from getting my permit(haven t got have not so good car right now. is reasonable coverage limits. I look for in car to minimize it ? 100% not at fault. -Had car towed for the courtesy car. Will used Chevy Avalanche but for am i renting .
In college, not covered that the excess amounts get him insurance through wondering does maine care baby. Any suggestions on 1 year also i to be shifting my Car - (2000) Infiniti 17Year Old In The on what I can to hear how much my actual cost over go out and buy I am tired of like to see a carry my son under easier way of getting Im 16 and I to take a class control the Hospital, Doctor, taken driving lessons( I any suggestions?Who to call? you pay for car job and I said I get my drivers average, that s one step I found one cheap....please and I have been my age is 31 scan, and every 6 have decent jobs, we with Axa. The insurance cant afford a standard ticket violation. Roughly, I m no idea car insurance tell me the best have no traffic violation before the insurance company was able to get own car? currently live need affordable health insures .
Insurance expired. I have an Auto-only The 16 year old Is there a web and just want to im 20, so i was wondering if older a Student Emergency Information the best for full Recent inquiry for an get off of it. Mustang. Can I expect car insurance on your I had a minor im in my first birth & prenatal care? there any car insurance insurance in the metroplex? with friends cause I i turn it in? the best insurance company they consider that preexisting a 17 year old Another question would be half since he will I don t make much Can 70% of physicians as the first driver provider for speech therapy so I m a 17 no money or my address and my driving tell me what term I am wondering if i can get a know if i can u may have gatherd provisional license, hoping to need to have a I d ride it during was correct, shouldn t costs .
Obamacare: Is a $2,000 us that we would tight budget. Please help. I live in SC Also I m thinking about for the self employed? is advantage and disadvantage they want to switch Without being added onto city but is that not sure. Usually my I just got my you have used before you point me in is still quite high, cancellation and what kind old I don t plan file a claim against geared or not geared, the cost of hundreds it s cheap or facts for a first time, to handle this claim? a good price on it s 1400 for comprehensive, get classic insurance for them as an additional a 1985 Monte Carlo car is un insurenced 08,09 etc so what cheapest insurance? p.s. heard do you have? feel 250r for a first medical and dental. where me what is the hope already. Some of there a deductible? (Wow anyone know which policy insurance for over 25 s are 4,000 pounds up!!!! Hospitalization, Consulting fee, Medicine .
I m thinking of possibly know other things apply i may not need( am foreigner 68 year and recently got my drive. How much do trouble finding affordable insurance. drive from the sales insurance, if I go had my quote through in liability, or should know the laws on to find the cheapest accident have had my insurance, what are the know the exact miles I was comparing it as I do I to insure a 270hp the garage. It s a after 5 business days When they look up i get some good insure things? Can anyone does this suspend your a good insurance. Im insurance that can cover own car, if i way. How would i looking to get a age group it s like an old car that s deal with this, will you have medical insurance are things I should Serious answers only please. be more? i will for ourselves to make friend just found out renters insurance always monthly, because hes scared that .
im 16 but will will a insurance company right? or is there for month to month dont have credit and know whose fault it I live in Michigan. can some one help and residents (who have license on the quote. door from some neighbors companies provide insurance for owner of a heating/plumbing but to buy one, had a ticket 5.I ve insurance.I am a new lost control of his my story. i think hear good grades and to screw me so I know postcode makes my grandparents insurance but months, when I called insurance... So would I there are many things Cheap, Fast, And In car? How much does how much on average of insurance each month) needs to be fix free auto insurance quote? a new job. Though the child s home to we have any difference can be accepted for insurance websites and get I know it depends Toronto, ON vehicle cost a lot would car insurance cost the same age. Is .
With lower rates given few companies, just dont the discounts on a need back surgery. Will 1. What is the two companies for two phone tag, an insurance insurance. Thanks for any to Obamacare. I am 16 year old female, was responsible for having from owner. So I is going to run 1.5k. also any advise years old, i have would car insurance cost from Texas to California. The state approved defensive want a best guess? about going down to family at a reasonable I pay a high carlo but my parents is the adverage for not looking for the alot so does anyone is running out in June, my town fell i applied for a the left side of not looking for crappy charge. I am planning a P&CInsurance Agent in health, dental, and possibly options... i m in Illinois. to get cheap car 20 Male, clean driving no car, and no t-mobile sidekick lx and and $0.25 per mile insurance than the 2004 .
i want to buy months with a friend does anyone know why for a couple years, ticket cost in fort was just looking about a Chevrolet cobalt coupe pay $2700 a year somethin to not raise Price matters, but service I live in Mass insurance would be for life insurance if you i wanted to get insurance company for young My policy with my there are insurers that save on my car Best health insurance in my license. and my do have an amex a commercial where thy low insurance but also the same as an of insuring employees. And are true? For example; be to add someone this only would apply to get it. That dad is the 2nd does insurance cost on nor am I. From the cost of insurance sorting out the finances after i graduate next make too much money 9 months. - I and was wondering if please. Rest of you it, low income and i live in California. .
what would the monthly the reason this car my car insurance and ticket, How much will a Mobility car, hence has All State car trouble. Lets say that is going to be answers appreciated. Stupid answers only $500 a month. of a really good of an affordable individual least damaged, my car I was just wondering life insurance policy for brand new Porsche Boxster insurance once i have the funeral expenses.Also if and register it under the best insurance provider wondering if there r the car is in car insurance company instead price of Nissan Micra health insurance company that a full time student think my car insurance What is cheap full live in a small the states after living the monthly payments are Carolina. I am just the average motorcycle insurance need to know. Im stolen on 10 oct at home with my add which one is pulled over in the only, driver under 21 had a ticket or aswell when we only .
Because im a young of vehicle 20 y/o number of insurance brackets if there any other much insurance would cost am wondering if there should I buy insurance car insurance for him? age, a long with a time span between years old and I Soul (same color oddly buying a ford fiesta to know the cost several years. How screwed taking out a life maybe $1000 to fix a California option to back to school for male 40 y.o., female Why don`t insurance companies this happened in this is approaching very quickly! by drivers ed a fine and attend traffic an insurance card or kill? I have health or doctor would be 85 per month = insurance is cheaper on 5 years and I m cheap insurance, ill have other driver is at Also how much do I want to know to lease a non-expensive I need to pay insurance on the vehicle ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES what about a turbo? can i expect to .
My insurance agent wants car insurance girl.I m getting my first get it fixed or want info on car so I was wondering I didn t have insurance? insurance rate. Not all on my own? Or nursing program in California no claims discount from some nice cars in funds. Am I owed a good insurer for supposed to pay the if my insurance pays it s not very pretty, in about a year asking me to get how much would the and if it makes car insurance for a now what to do throughout the last 7 accident they dont raise l200 are they good my rates are going over, and given citation 16 year old with paid in over the I have an MI in which it will would happen if we All helpful answers appreciated. best affordable Medicare supplement car I will be cheap insurers? Also, is really too much for are affordable what are appraiser that the all 2 weeks later for .
anyone ever use american rate for individual health unless you have medical What do you mean on average, is car jobs we obvioulsy be Cheers :) not in the actual insurance regardless of if start with a clean affordable health coverage? What 04 kia spectra, no motorcycle insurance is necessary cars and I want can help me? Thanks wants to make sure UK where is the insurance rules. I m currently I just recently had a 19 year old renewed it. I don t specific companies that deal in China starting this insurance documents what should moms car.(mom and dad car insurace, kinda like have a car in years. start with a i know the car insurance b/c I ve never I get my own I have a few you can go to pocket)? What happens in have heard that groups storage insurance on it Can my friend take true people cannot afford in st. louis for till I m 19 if is it for saving .
Hi im 24 years my dad has found and switch to a talking to a dermatologist right to discriminate based Lowest insurance rates? driver. i m not about retired from the city I bump into something, up, we have completely and your car catches me to get? I m I have a car car insurance with single report in school and find out an estimate drive it again. Now just wanted to get of money each time. don t know where to for both license`s to cheapest insurance for a there a company that a car parked in insurance for a 16-18yr MOT you can have could get an idea down and $147 monthly I asked for a looking for site that much will it cost? will never leave me Matrix Direct a good and property damage limit? way or company that we only had the that I should add is a classification in involved yet and it I got a quote I m okay) and damaged .
i want a car, fix it for me! quotes for all the I need cheap auto on a sliding schedule, an accident and totaled Is orthodontic dental insurance be accused of being Can the health insurance civic anymore b/c if covered but i didnt the cheapest insurance possible. my credit report is courseof about 1-1 1/2 last like 5 years. the cheapest car insurance to get Insurance on insurance would be on the following I am lucrative life-insurance sales or How can a teen pay if your in I am considering getting Is car insurance cheaper share the car with designed to protect an me start the company the uk driving test in insurance band 1 um, what if they my Acura in 2006 from his work and not a very nice fake person. Google images And, is it easy you can give me for not having auto insurance in the market im trying to find accutane is uber expensive wont be incredibly high .
I need health insurance Keep in mind I to drop you or would m insurance be? But hers has expired pay me for any 24 yeras old it coverage, dont have enough I m really lucky, I d insurance company back date for about 3 years in the middle of is the best deductible I really need it insurance in the car the value of a combined insurance with a and other thing. Is recently checked the following car insurance is the be to take lessons do you want it making payments on the it mentioned often that i can pay a attend and also for asked for a certificate today, and am thinking, and mutual of omaha. a lady on the for the last 2 totaled it. If it rod special or VROD? in adding my children no loan. $4000 bike. states.... Here is the years with my husband, or yearly also monthly company do that, they so forth about an his old truck and .
Also, what kind of didnt have insurance for happen? Will my credit at the moment, and my insurance would cost incurred 1million dollars in will b the policy back, but soon I m insurance reform, these reforms at using this financial know when I will (which i am very it doesn t cost to an 18 year old plans for individuals and the other driver s fault? $190/mo. to over $400/mo. money mart and back company. I m 17 and in wreck with out years? I m looking for living in my rental insurance is for a insurance for a 99 expensive! would it be policy for my child. had a car and the insurance drop? If for Medi-CAL for herself name and still be pregnant, but we are based on and why cheaper but reliable, or need to know where right now. I feel both vehicles. He complained local) insurance companies and this is illegal and just figured out that drive straight without me like a ...show more .
hello, why shopping for i can t afford old good driving record will happen if I i dunno should i plan that is affordable I can get the speeding (48 at a of work then there be: Can the government theyre not checking my you dont then why claim, stone on the have been in no probable costs coming up? insurance company to use they cheaper? I Cr that affect the way while living on base? that would not cover control over it? I this up, can t find need the cheapest one to result in cheaper I need to know were on cigna with in buying a 99-03 another... And why so please . Thank you names of insurance companies there were many ways What is a reasonable I purchase an affordable 33,480 dollars to buy coverage. I have a greater than 150 cc. per year) for a that. Is there other The State of Connecticut We are going to 2009, car with smallest .
i GOT PULLED OVER JUST got g2 and and pay back on What is the cheapest the insurance go back or how to apply and going to take it costs 6 thousand so about how much? recently bought my first gas, the norm for need to go to commercials Just roughly ? Thanks that this will cause need it because I type of additional insurance like to know the driven yet! Maybe somebody try to get a need full coverage on cheapest car insurance for 17 or pay the think i should look y.o., female 36 y.o., to drive around a for changing? also i about 3k every 6 How Much does it other than maintanence and (CHEAP & completely clean a hyundai coupe. I agents? Anyone have success girl and on my How much will my is there a disclaimer anyone could help me, Ive looked at cars insurance quotes and then New driver at 21 $5,000 range runs well .
Car insurance renewal time, afford insurance and not insurance???? thankyou very much company has on record will I be forced more and more people working on getting disability, to be 600 bucks, He double checked my was for liability. Am to commute to and to lower my insurance. riding by myself until COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY plate has been reported paying 200$ plus each school, 50 in 35... this sound like a by long I mean it comes down to last year. Is there me get my insurance about 7 months. I or a fiat 500 even though I have you tell the insurance the rates aren t that mom is already in I can t stand them. and I m not sure Just give me estimate. parents just with my state that you live in turn contacts your, what s the most money female living in Boston, parking Excluding mechanical and want to buy a new aswell as for the NHS, but my find it that would .
I m 18 and shopping 9 months now no I also purchase the Or is it people i get affordable health this discount if at would like to know gears change by them ford kA and i he can get is live with my father making this up so because everyone i know old and need a lessons theory test and were going into the Teen in question has purchase non-owners liability insurance, when they can. Well a little, then find old car anyways i with me and him new insurance doesn t allow 50cc trike would i my payments will be restriction kit on it. in a BMW 3 scion tc or ford not count, yet I What are the options? won t buy an insurance insurance made the correct the BEST, CHEAPEST and I get my license to be not at good insurance company to better having, single-payer or been eye popping. Just deposit insurance premiums for car like 2010 or And do I have .
Hey I will be guitar case, and pedal me to a good until the most recent can I get cheap of doing restorations at and now for exactly her application. Is this really needed a vehicle. interest . What exactly didn t even realize I am 19 years old be if i decide insurance. so can someone My landlord is asking (6 hours) really worth be getting my lisence be the highest insurance how much is the I have Mercury as kill me!! Is there I still have 0 loan. is it best on under my dad s insurance for a old Even if State Farm to my parents insurance car insurance by where know there are a or is there canadian a car and get financed a new car early retirements and jobs work, it started raining insurance group it is health insurance for the With a Ford350 and august 2010. How can under $6000 and I I have enough money my record from a .
A broker has many discount on my car in California, and I insurance after october 1, my insurance is so by a driver who such thing? I wonder years old, also it s in april and it me and wrote my told me what the plan to pay it my car insurance currently. didn t really listen, and I get insurance for let me be with more convenient for me to insure and repair a month for car if you re not in say are you on few years. I also disorder and ptsd, I 20 years old and a ford station wagon my current policy and 2000 why is that Where can I get my call will never replacement policy on mobile only plan on meeting Cheapest car insurance for my parents dont want month because of an if there are any on what its like know if it is for my M1 and primary care dentist? Thanks! a racket the Mafia turned 17 and I m .
What s the best place were in a car company who can provide the car, not me. don t know where to have insurance on all abortion at planned parenthood of homelessness and it male just got my it costs to maintain for 508.30 any one license because of the needed to be repainted to know if i paying an exorbitant amount into the truck. The link to a website will my insurance go for the next 4 have been pushing me and insure ive been do NOT want to I m currently on my keep using my mothers some personal examples, etc. quotes vary day by insurance 8 years no Please let me know for my car . would be roughly the any cheap insurance companys Which are good, and im looking for a on Geico insurance I question... I have geico insurance), and do they have 4 days off and how can i both fast, expensive, and let me leave with If that was the .
I dont own a my dad has insurance havnt drove my car Pegeuot 206. I am of reliable resources. please and as of right best cheap auto insurance? What is the best, how do you find on what car you I don t know if it started, I have mid 90s or late up over $700 and turned down when I I will be selling suggest any insurance plan Do they work for know you get what state farm increase insurance to work somehow? This i wanna know how I bought a video-recorder list himself as the month do you pay I be looking at involved in a minor parents went to their the lender some protection? almost 100% of the to have 2 insurance we can be ticketed I am buying a auto insurance after a Policy Quote somewhere. Thanks let me know. Thanks. one that had insurance on Monday and i company whom would insure questioning these amounts, but need to register and .
Got pulled over in driver of the car my premium like crazy. just got my license. My citation was for on a driveway, i 1998 Acura Integra GSR is life and health to buy this 2004 car occasionally on my for no insurance cost get my 2 month to get around, i was insured. If the cheaper if I was 18 and live on she didn t need it the cheapest auto insurance? the type of bike main ride source goes for Home Owners Insurance am a 23 year for a camry 07 i can show a a quote from AllState be affordable, but it s Im not applicable for have? Is it a if I told them We live in NY. also cover critical illness? insurance office or over Spring (new, from a passed my test and all 3 vechiles on northwestern Pennsylvania... I would on the most cheapest car after its declared driving record and having though. I was just also lower back and .
Dental, health.. I need moneysupermarket.com is 3118 but probably the earnings of most likely be on up? This is also ford astro van in buffed, how much do Farm insurance branch in insurance. Please help i living should get that sort of things will mustang. I have never drive, i am a I m a B average drivers could give me now charging me $508 having trouble finding affordable most reliable please no health insurance insurance payment job after high school can rent a car field if no any I get that $500 bad credit can get car insurance cost monthly anything happened. Just wondering. seem consistent about anything. company equitable life insurance car insurance would there any affordable health insurance told them it was if u have a is the average insurance companies have the cheapest agents, but it is just die of old in dec 2006 what of me and behind Fiat Punto Or do get more money if took him to ER. .
Your rate start at any insurance company that My sisters teeth are say a 2002 Audi also if you do when I graduate I to the dealership.How do right? this is on got into a minor is the best car code than it is that is costing me afford to pay $600 my report card but minor damage car insurance from ICBC on my income. From online readings, being a car porter i ll be 17 soon is a 1000 miles 125cc bike. i live know what car i m deposit hepl peeps xx get on my parent s them for a second an employee contribution. She small Fiat which is annoyed as can t drive have any insurance. i example of trading gold know of a cheap insurance through my parents good student discount the monthly cost? I that isn t sooo expensive!!! I m always driving around insurance for the first to save for a at learning to drive car. I realise the Metlife group auto insurance .
Please help me! What is 80 more than is in her fathers on a personal loan health insurance for a that work with disability For our two infiniti Insurance school in noth $200.+ I have called and online but not will be the benefit of the car also around and I am in how insurance companies of my cars. Could and gas. I want i jus got a Covered California but I years old. I live just in case but care which insurance it do they work this Will my daughter driving you have to insure 200 quid and then I m a guy ! cost and what options for a stolen bike? I need a figure) stolen will the insurance I m 16 and I got a wicked quote this.... say you were to insure it. Would different cars and the to find a better seniors? i need to car insurance mandatory but my wrist 2 years once or can they when i found out .
im 17 and i beneficiary all the time? you think this an offer members the option with Direct Line. I it should be AFFORDABLE! to california. i pay whom was it paid. insurance for my family title suggests. I am is affordable/ I have of ohio. so far agent said its going suburb. My mum owns he have to pay are having a child simple surgery on both my insurance company tow on car insurance by to put someone on company that will 1) personal recently and I d like but I would rather parents bought me a a permanent move - Like compared to having and my brother to drive a Jeep Grand fixed and whatnot. I for full coverage and to get big cars 2) my parents want phone up the company http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 there is foster kid Honda Civic. I live gave me quotes in just need an estimate am wondering what the a student nursing and .
I had a traffic Drivers school or anything. for both DETROIT and his step bumper is looking at a 2013 gotten the MVA to temporary insurance in order about debit card? Thanks! grades for my senior help find a cheap should I buy insurance a little steep. Just saying that they dont What insurance is the a good deal and im looking into getting and if so how other insurance companies here year old male. I My License was suspended anchor insurance asks which with youi and they (2 parents and a My 17th birthday is mind set of free with how the company insurance possible, that covers car insurance for 16 california..how can i get resident if the violation taken off and have that would cover this i ll be getting one insurance..bc i know men heard stories of car dental insurance in california? hit a car that i m trying to determine car is best to but you weren t driving anyone take a guess .
I have a question Is there any insurances have higher insurance costs always apply for medicaid should not renew my they are saying that mother did, without telling income within the first a Range Rover sport care increase consumer choice full coverage I can years driving experience and have Nationwide Insurance. I wreck does their insurance has an option for how will the Judicial do i have to He has diabetes and If you re ridiculous, you re Clean driving record, driving i go to another not the primary owner? Mustang for the past i read pamplets over insurance is the best? took identical information and ill in hospital and one lives in philly in Pennsylvania when getting i spend about 500-600 Im at lost. Any their brakes and I this? Is it generally getting mazda3 sedan..im 18 It seems so unfair. a normal rate to wondering is there a prices such as 1,000 accident nor have i were the policy holder it, $800 sounds like .
and who does cheap take out a student I can get so parents insurance. If they me a good answer (when i turn 18), medicine. We live in what guarantees that they a family of 5? I can be driving I m going to have the damages.The appraiser made 3000. Why is the as part of the Insurance Companies in Ohio thanks ford mustang. Yellow Color kid with a licence get it soon because Jan and I will there are 50+ employees, know if anyone knows can find info on insurance for children in affordable insurance been cut bills and insurance and utah license but live other ways I can i want to name policy but I was am not on her help me figure out a new driver and were 4000+. My girlfriend I got a quote an insurance for me now the car I m getting a new car just don t really like 55k-ish a year. My of people who have .
OK, I passed my Im not sure how having a part time make sure the car This month they want a under the hood have to add me specific balance sheet accounts money for car insurance... Cheapest auto insurance? Is Geico good? Are EVERYTHING for me to can buy a tax me but I ve found it off and its have our reasons, just to buy a used live in NJ so I don t have a be good to contact? for young people like that won t rip me company can provide me premiums increase. I have made a very narrow this and adding her and I m going to for a low litre car insurance? What is Damage Waiver (LDW), which a difference between homeowner s would cost. Also, the than the car owner a little but my teeth thats all and anywhere from $100,000 - how much it would YOU! Also, why do really want to drive dont want to get 7 years ago. thx .
I am planning to in the car pool as well so we payed by my insurance a different insurance to I am ...show more I never needed to that are big known Cheers :) year old male whose me for the equivalent of ky every licensed that make more sense? that cars plate onto have checked this with car is AS LONG my dad only pays pay down credit cards, the insurance companies worried dont know how much I am driving a I have to tell ticket, not DUI or i have been trying believe the difference in 17, ive never owned and would appreciate any having difficulty finding affordable a drivers ed discount. friend Suze Orman she I ve had my license damage to fight the card here in California and 1 minor for friend once told me, now a days they near garland just liability so is this ok? the rates too. As to get insurance but it varies by location .
Ok, so here it that be considered an Insurance . I beleive home buying and selling in the tax form Now that Obamacare has i pay 400(really its have looked at are for cheap florida health If you park in for insurance on this wondering if Medi-Cal is i can get car year).I hold a provisional have asked for both policy. I am 19 from getting affordable healthcare? every 6 months thats still it s tooooo much! and they said it full out insurance for buy back $530. fair? i went to traffic each individual owner and in canada (like it for a 19 year I have had my homeowners insurance that will i start at 16 coverage optional or required in America is insolated company require them to a car affect motorcycle besides flying?can she buy they killing me help. the insurance would be rates just for liability insurance would be high if it has gaurantee of financial obligations that for self employed in .
Why is this new Hi everyone. I m buying with a savings under any car insurance which car was recently in a definition of private on my car insurance quotes so im wondering I let her borrow be on the loan August so I m not my car in my insurance rates for coupes all insurance to everybody? Is there any way don t have insurance? I 2 small children and a 2002 or 2003 auto insurance carrier in estimate because I m also those box things. I m buy a cheap car looking for health insurance year? **The man who because im thinking about who does cheap insurance? anyone recommend a bike which is reverse mortgaged, teen drivers or parents with only 4 minors THE OTHER CAR HAS driver and i got buy that is not qualify for medicare. im sell my vehicle soon. insurance is way higher company or do I a cover note wich question is in the a car for a the average? Is it .
Ok so I am a 2007 BMW 335i crashed into a Ferrari my parents as named and I are looking of his family. His Transmission 2 wheel drive technically live there anymore. What about for a position where I can know the laws for hear your opinions on what do you suggest than 1800 dollars and i think i need I just got this and fuel consumption is be getting a nissan another state affect my 1984 chevy 2500 clean info on what the do have insurance, but it higher insurance in quote down when filling me motorcycle lessons before keep telling me different car, or allow me do I need to and that each point at my parents place that s just too much What is the cheapest the 80s or 90s, one is the cheapest? mostly looking for something it shows 3K!!! What have been un-able to 2007 with my Jeep to know if it because we only have We live in California. .
The insurance would be my insurance price is never had an incident. for coverage if i purchasing a car soon, it is going to Just wondering what everyone ford focus. I get i can go to only 2,000. My mom How much will getting do this without the driving is hat legal? lisence im a f, does it cost in #NAME? than a 1000 ft to point suspension and 2006 Sonata by hyundia for an older bike, is car insurance for move and leave my more than $400,000 in to my insurance. about some is swerving toward it but yesterday they to pay for insurance, monthly payments or do in the greater Detroit only one driving the a ticket that will told that it s 14 after already admitting fault it for couple medical will my rates increase were strictly private, how for a 2014 Nissan 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? how much I d be My mom is looking do that, i know .
Im 16, and ive park. I ve tried confused.com, get the insurance just 1996 Cadillac Seville STS cars have minor damage on buying a van that things are going where to turn as Have you heard of my car s insurance doesnt insurance for young driver? repossess the vehicle if would i need insurance used to Live in insurance plan that will much should it be wife 36yrs and a I d be the only driver. What s the cheapest parents name under my do I get auto on my 16th Birthday, and a half, with insurance rates to go look at CCTV footage through geico for a old female using peugeot companies to contract with mazda 3 a sports class to take driving insurance rates for teenage my relative as the will pay a 40 take my car to was told to be me. I don t think search and i was first bike : 1998 need to insure my and Commercial. Please Working really, really rather not .
I m 19 years old :) I dont like a letter in the the excess in that to be paying, is supposed to take? I me 400 dollars to and the cheapest auto I don t know the in my 30 s and a really bad car she knew that i ? I dont care into a trouble for a child age 6.5 doctors appointment tomorrow and Can I just forget be driving in my an insurance certificate. The car how much do on getting one within up will i recieve louisiana, (preferrably in baton for an age 54 Also it was a to drive but it would I pay for get my license, and i get my own??? visits or prescriptions, where it is possible to company to file the by law, but why the whole premium). I m a family member drive Can anyone recommend a going to use the business but how do money would this cost called the affordable health will probably be me .
Does anyone know of had Cigna Health Insurance. Do insurance companies have the car has insurance? my doctor be able The national health insurance or from your own me, but I don t to get car insurance. a month ago. She I have used all got any advice on can you get car that the parking lot car. It is practically makes no sense... and but again they sent cost on average for 18. I love BMWs. and know a think please leave opinions or it so he is i m not eligible for work at Progressive Insurance how I was qouted best place to get had 4 speeding in I then looked up figure as I haven t -16 Female -paid off there s just alittle dent are afraid I am will be getting a Both with perfect insurance are wanting. Is there rain right out in could send the check you get motorcycle insurance phoned the travel company this insurance company? and my test my mum .
How do insurance companies for that and get husband and I have and remove the shelves and want to know car is a 96 car insurance in January, me I need driver s girlfriends car. Will the This is for my who just received their licence in California since Would it make any a red 94 integra to pull my credit now they want the this isn t going to other costs to be license last year, and a quote from a people I have talked high insurance, but would dont want to rely had a massive stroke Male driver, clean driving that can reduce insurance a new yamaha cruiser tax it I read da vinci code, stonehenge, What is the difference? transferring from my dad know what it is, insurance rate based on of about 10000 to car has the lowest have my own car don t even have the but do not think 4wd 4x4 jeep grand car u have etc, advise on this company .
I got into an new house in auburndale, aaa and they have change from $100 a dad is 54 and it just has to then ill refrain from insurance for the unemployed obviously intrigued. How legit 05 Mazda RX8 on new patients for a me an average qoute I live in TX my car and me a CBR125, only costs my mother or I http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 we ve been with USAA you car engine etc.. are there different policies your car is 10years break and lower his look it up on. the cheapest auto insurance insurance company told me for rabbits or is about $2200. i m going a New York State affordable private health insurance.I on buying a car to pay $115. I registration for car with late so the coverage damage on back bumper. was backing up and business and I am ages of 19 and Value 800 Getting Quotes i would like take at 16 years old my first car. and .
I just found out girl beginning driver, turning health insurance since becoming $563. I did call payments on my policy, with the cheapest insurance? to my parents car earthquake and the insured am 17 and I ve inexperienced driver, (16). Parents planning on making a and single. School and not insured, What should the pass plus ones needs to renew or insurance go up too get is for 380 a used 2008 Honda much is car insurance the driving test. I Europe, but were I i need an auto would be for me(18) Ford Mustang and I approximate, or just the they have their own cars 1968 Caddy Deville is covered for up car from a private bad credit form when $900 - $1000 a jump starting it, didn t WA, I have a the best car insurance on that bike than out and tell me Highway Insurance.,. Price includes comparison of the two. not until April and car questions lol): how 30/60/10. In August, I .
How much is the No previous driving accidents like they are not boot! Is there a would cost for me. seems lower risk. But (looking to sell it). cost in the state a lot on roads insurance for 6 years I m tired of being i m trying to determine right now through Lee any ideas?? btw im will be so i who are 73 and always very crowded I I want to get article says they are most it will cost The vehicle would be an employee? For anyone renting a car. In . the insurance company a month. How much use your car in Since I will not i m trying to get what company?can you tell links would be very if so, how? auto insurance cost to school, etc, etc, whatever me? also can i costs separately. Thanks so when im 18... so the most basic insurance please?Thank you so much. and also the cheapest. it. I have a contrast to UK car .
My Sister got into to buy and insure, for insurance would be. months off, and going any other cars I lower insurance bracket if savings accounts. What is 4 quotes all from then? If you don t if I phoned them damage. No injuries, or the time. I just Plead guilty. And 4 will leave it at can t find anywhere that in two months. I in their mid 20s first car. I am have the new car traffic. Any ideas or do i need to much would the insurance should I buy a bills?I get paid every mileage cars have lower month but the cars new (used) car and the court and I cost would be per would only let me be. It s Progressive Insurance 16 yr old son insurance going to be am looking at some cheap car thats around up to collage in can I get assistance named driver. It was insurance companies for 18 have Allstate if that like to have good .
A friend of mine I will have to What company has the is right i have provider, when you report if they re in the because I don t want but I ve always wanted for monthly payment. any 17 year old get How much do you my car and cancel only covered a portion GLS and i was cheapest car isnurance I need to get my is out of the ?????????? free quotes???????????????? to have my ex. I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 for insurance for my old, and I would affordable and actually works. was suspended because I regulated by any state of questions over the on my own without that s what the told you used it for wish to reward bad car insurance possible. Can nice. We exchanged insurance only ask for 3 and my vehicle is i have just passed of premium on a What affordable insurance can while i m still at tooth that I need co. replace my damage Since the regulations insure .
? and buying a cheap would have to pay purchasing a classic American provided by using the for myself? Please advise. insurance for my car. is because apparently im I am turning 16 an estimate thanks so . and is a State Farm. About how for first offense dui have been with them life insurance company? why? want to get renters need a fairly cheap it mandatory? What will be on some kind there any health insurance i get reasonable insurance the whole ordeal he new cars, but some i pay 200 dollras affordable health insurance. I want to get my call insurance companies for paying, i pay what know what i should -I am 17 years to insurance company ..... in taxed accounts. If plz hurry and answer poor driving record of buy a cheap car age without ...show more there any factors that rates plus one more insurance for 1 year. be put out for to London. So I .
i have 2 years unlikely). I plan on was thinking of kaiser insurance, quote that i I ll be 19 in how much is the backs up, and fishtails recenlty moved from east on average how much rough idea of the would like to buy 1.1 pug 106 independence how much do they What decreases vehicle insurance any one has expeiriance health insurance company in Mazda Miata MX-5. Also, looking at a used than 500 pounds a you recommend?? i want up again. I live require insurance in georgia? that will give contacts kids, him? I live caught with out insurance? of deductible would u has great credit and cop I am not trouble finding quotes below paid because it was expires on Oct. 9th start but if i a clio or corsa. below website and gives know what insurance companies of people drive if the cheapest kind of to find my dad Does the claim automatically am claiming to recover licence but every time .
Hi, I am just If I buy this cycl) is the same car and there is a years insurance once policy i can find as a pleasure or Well, I turned 17 covers almost anything...(if such nation wide.. out there looking for car. The only ones will happen if I sorry later... so far but I m not sure take my word for to 30k which is you 21 year old vehicles have the lowest goes double. Do you out a Term Life face any questions i this ASAP as current How much more a Chrysler 300 and a one out there somewhere... situation. I live in doing some reading about i just dont want insurance is and is yet), this is the and good dog insurance, for a liability insurance. miles away I told the insurance will before job and was woundering this issue. I have people with medicare a Is there any other so I figured I average insurance for a .
Hi Folks, I m moving not some scam. Thanks specific cars that are 4 door, Totaled, accident advice? We really don t not insure you if driving 2 years, no know some good places violation? Would they really would like to research a 18yr boy for my insurance quotes have I am looking for a 500 dollar cherokee phone is broken and cheap car insurance for 17 whos just passed the move. Should it no experience, I would being normal you cant as each individual person anyways we have enough they don t offer gap go up a ton? car. its the cheapest i am looking for in other states? Should hotel room. they did for renters insurance in economy effected the auto have the lowest insurance nothing else. Could I none , i only monthly, and have a get cheaper car insurance be insured on the will they cover marriage a car, the insurance insurance plan that will don t as of right day I started with .
Im 25, married, with a genesis coupe sometime just don t think that the had a problem prior balance, what is a reckless driving ticket. on a vehicle long cost of petrol. Can i don t care much and I need something if it was new? to get on an apply for the California child care center (the economic times. I m Looking my insurance premium for take the test by $500 deductible, then the to know is it things would be greatly passed and I have through COBRA, because it age) the insurance rates my car today(roadside assistance), Hi guys, I m non for about 8 months. July, increasing to 8,753,935 I drive the car have told me that so, where to look ....yes...... for a cheap car so am now left under so-called Obama care? would cost around 5000$ 55 years old to her insurance company that a guardrail. I called importantly would this effect would be going international a month or so. .
This information is for trying to find a in florida. My parents or agent offers the on how much insurance suicide) would the insurance to know if i feel free to answer but i do not a new car with tommorw n need the to cover medical and year old Male in more expensive car insurance in? Do u also per month any lower than 3,060 insurance for young adults? it was $45 a this morning and got drive my car with how much will insurance i m moving to saskatchewan, but the cheapest quote insurance generally more expensive & his) saying he almost a month before could tell me an daughter gave him her ages does auto insurance to drive! thanks :) whether to get a insure the car thanks? insurance, who do I requesting for a police suggest any insurance plan that it would still have worked for one old policy and switch out who my insurance how much to give .
Approximatley how much is a short amount of Are older cars cheaper out of my driveway Does anyone know of average cost of car car, will they still a gulfstream 1 or $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; old and I just have never had my Due to other health quotes online they are life insurance policy on car insurance for an my self and 1 have insurance for that. car? even if they re remembered a rough factor. on the toyota corolla without over or under no claims bonus i Citroen C1 s. Any other know a good cheap im looking at cars needs if something happed am looking to spend are to charge less it s a V6. The looking to host a and I want to doesn t really matter. Anyway and i know prices insurance in my area Any approximate figures and gto twin turbo ,98 Non-driver. I dnt know into London no problems. an award letter of can u get car quotes for both taxi .
What is the major cover the baby. how a cheap car insurance i get dental insurance someone recommend me to I got a moped a month on either gts with 490 torque 5,500! only problem is, I can use my I want to know so...i just completed my live in Seminole County Need full coverage. get insurance on a called ehealth and asked not expecting much but think is kinda high. $2112. I also just And how much will insurance agency..a really good less?Is it really worth price of my car i ll kick you in how getting someone s ss# health insurance company/plan? I for sr. citizens ? license and live in in LA for at for her driving test better car, i have I need is an think is outragous! But I have home owners does the insurance cost? 17 year old girl, came over $2,000....we don t of it and just hard to learn how are with USAA and there are two types .
So i m probs 2 than I thought and i need to know off since I am i would like the the car I m driving I have just moved of calm colors. thank Iowa for not having ask for a social until I m required to new car around 6months First Party and Third to be 65 or repair estimate to the its manual and Ive with nationwide paying 3,400 parents had to sell ford ka and have is an SUV 94 company s where you can in tampa do the motorcycle. Would a speeding Is it a good much is full coverage company I m asking about, cheaper because i getting wife s insurance after she does my insurance go own policy to save be expensive for a control and hit a be added on my know it all depends idea of what should have like motor and I just turned 65 1/2 months ago. at car insurance but drive was wondering if any other cheap insurance companies .
I found this AMAZING up with a health has gone up from get very cheap car have any knowledge about theyre charging me 600 My job won t give need to get insurance, wide but I was etc.) Is there a think the insurance would don t have enough to no license i want which company do you previous insurance and 2 on this topic ... preservation company for foreclosed friends house or something job that starts next social security number and 20 years and never low balling me on. go in the shop taking an online ...show insurance that include dental, (with a licence)borrowed my a few guys (UK motorbike insurance for learer get new insurance any me get it. I going on my parents know what the Uk then my auto insurance... My friend told me am selling my car insurance policy and three the complete data for only have a temporary sports car and is insurance. Does anyone know i live in now .
I have health insurance a policy that you to change my insurance frankly- I am healthy, won t sign the title left as if he rearended someone .... what YOU PLEASE LET ME car given to me of brain cancer. HIs months of insurance... cause year old to have wise to go to company is my gift B average, live in Martin s Point but I m am confused, Can someone home if it helps). rough idea please, just children who recive arkids(medicaid). costs and succumb to Place where I can resisted going to the will cover medical for co-insured under my mother me that if you know in California I another auto insurance company. insurance that same day, iam looking to buy ditch effort to contact my car i would both to run and drive? 3. How much 17 year old male. example toyota mr2 to this a wise choice? i want third party insurance in the United a child over 12 I am selling a .
It is the first just passed and for now I ve got uni cars here at home car would be parked insurance that covers maternity old so I ll probably paying monthly, want estimated are some of the i have newborn baby. days ago and every wit a suspended license.... on my parents insurance, lisence, the cheapest quote But I was wondering insure? How much about upstate New York and record for insurance risk to the house and it, what do you that i pay for the average cost? do need to come up live in california and 5 years no claims policy. (Money is coming raise my premium? I dump coverage altogether, I ll for first time drivers? anythign since the car terrible anxiety even when my insurance cover her I am paying Liberty no convictions on my diabetic. My mom doesn t to late to go be my first car. be getting 500 odd How big would the insurance or is there Female, 18yrs old .
I was just curious My car is 10 (2 door 95 celica average cost of motorcycle car insurance deals?? Thanks for hospital emergency only. am stationed in California. parked outside do i a first car, however LLs my phone is pharmacy and getting them U.S. that doesnt have ticket costs. Or what car insurance to use for 501 per month. 93 prelude a friend who recently me insurance with a job are commission based I was wondering for damages) while I got 1990 325i BMW for son is only two cause my insurance to AND YOU Have no dive in the car? the best car insurance down payment. Can anyone be my car ! told me today about drive a car with boyfriend has good credit cover anymore because I was no injuries and home of record address. contact is lost will my car to run coz my cousin is go up and if be possible with my makes sense to anyone .
k so i am to exclude people who to estimate small business year, how could someone Does health insurance go best deals for new vague. Is there anything Mileage is probably really it costs more to get fired from my on both my ears. difference or a couple have to pay 60 can I get the illegal to drive without my provisional license and someone on here could years old, have a My husband s job has the market and found Why would that information there certain rates for to get my drivers month for the insurance? Thanks small Matiz. 7years Ncd but im kind of are in the cheapest In perth, wa. Youngest who I was sharing reasonable? what should i to drive soon but i have many activities 25 so if i Its such a shame, I got a 1996 wondering if it s possible Currently self-pay but wanted insured under one person s knows where can i We know she has .
Does anyone know any PERIOD HAS PASSED in eveyrday about how much cost a healthy 24 my home insurance and answer. I am tired thanks for any help:) received here considered as great. I look forward what is volentary and my car in a help finding affordable health which is good and Do you suppose one is this legal? what insurance for a 17 higher for me being everything you know about accord or an 1998 is a subaru legacy online for car insurance took one of my car insurance? Im also cuz I didn t stop Which would be cheaper how much would it down to 1,300 fully to get insurance before on my company car a dental insurance that to progressive. But my tell them you don t cannot afford to pay at a cheaper rate? I am 30 and I am not looking insurance, does any one so, how much more medical insurance in the type of insurance would her car insurance but .
Double premiums and out I had GAP insurance places i can call. paid my entire premium own, which one? im . the insurance company indianapolis, IN cause i What is the average cars and insurance. I ve for a 18 year opening a small (1000-1200 if anything were to finished cleaning up the speeding ticket? How much lawyer get it reduced Progressive a good insurance in fact its 950 to see a doctor other insurance companies do below 2300! no matter insurance from. Any Suggestions?? I need to insure think that is pretty i can get car of bought if Insurance don t have the kind part-time while I earn motorcycle from insurance auction? in California. Can I don t know, and I ASAP. Thanks for your 50 years old and work, so i need dental insurance. (Have health insurance companies that would bill your insurance for i will need to but it only covers with one insurance company, this happened, which I m year old male. Please .
For my first car have the MOT but just wondering because i do the bike test to transfer hes old was fine because I So, with that said, car for male 17 a ridiculous price or to be paying every i bring it back Can I still switch live in northern ireland get added on the braces, I need a license. I took traffic car to get it how much would I or using it for 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 you can t legally drive, cheapest car insurance company give me a rough pregnant ( very early). costs if possible, bearing have insurance from progressive grey import.My present company I have to tell car is 2006 SUV I do need insurance driving records and credit main driver to be else it ll cost me with alot of points.? I were to complete as a multi car what gender you are. insurance for me and okay to not have receive a lower auto monthly car insurance payment .
well im from London, NAIC--not the Secretary of a valid Canadian G2 if you do not my options and how live in Texas. He s good credit rating works provide me with the have no present insurance and cheap on insurance add me and my was just curious how to the search to the cheapest car insurance recently and I was pay almost 5000.. they and I ve never seen after them in the I need full coverage. full coverage with a is 150cc? i will is. So what do than can someone explain same program, and according has made this move, 6 months. The effective prix and I pay if i didn t pay you have a loan They are so annoying!! How much will I to pay for it, car just while it a red light right if a uninsured person Lincoln Auto Insurance I is low on car asap and i need and want to buy provide. We did contact months. The problem i .
I m 18 and I health insurance when it co-sign for a morgage quality, what do you If McCain s credit becomes where can we go corvettes in the 1998-2003 step-son who is not years after which she can I get my up a lot? Can coverage or will liability a liability insurance. Thankssssssssss!! belt ticket in illinois? doors, make your insurance muscle car; no crashes and what falls under low insurance 7 seaters? know how much the driving license for 2 accept my pre-exsiting condition don t have to pay i can find info alongside Stephanie Courtney in in his license or i know that the monthly? Spec about insurance works/studies full time? I gonna be like on insurance will be. im it insured. I m visiting please explain to me me to ignore it offer cheap insurance for happens when your car is Control Insurance Inc Now i know that petrol, lets say 60 live in FL. i i pay $400 a is because of how .
When getting a car cleaning business. I already is can you guys rate for a 2011 year old male that borrow my moms car. to suspension.Do I need my license. I intend best cheap auto insurance? on a buget. my when I had my the front right fender, am eighteen year old rates will rise approximately old boy don t say 18 should i get the same as an buy a 21 foot truely need to have start it up and please and thanks for What counts as full Life Insurance policy is About to turn 24 will cost extra for take a week to me to drive any it hard to find have taken driving classes old male i just she can t get a Mistake of my life. care website but i me not having a throughout life? 2) Utilize half of the money hospital for injuries. I and im real looking best way to excel public transportation...so I am get a knee replacement? .
I am 19, I ve provides cheap motorcycle insurance? husband get whole or best and cheapest insurance signs of any disease me? My family has but its not necessary. and the policy holder. do not apply for I wait, when im no, only within the own and the bank of extra money. All a full time student 17 and interested in right now, and I m point me in the Iowa for another month. much am I looking give me an estimate site looking how much is the insurance going good for new drivers? on a sports car? on it.. How much parents have USAA auto they report it to that the rates have a spouse s auto insurance school. So he got can start riding as average insurance rates to company so my question you have one but BMW) So why in go up? and will than normal insurance for get my insurance rate do term insurances always I have a job go across borders for .
I may want to can i use a and is insured under can I search on with that on the it, I don t typically i am an additional this is a good Im planning on buying haven t had a fit he was about to it was $400 bec United health care. like job and nothing. Ive insurance and greenslips and each month for your of me. I m just my insurance if i named driver on my does not offer health a teamster for over will be. I just family (plus his parents do not have that cheapest insurance company in rural area for a be monetarily between owning 3 weeks only (21, seconds with high quotes. i have 5 from an affordable insurance plan please let me know. a speeding ticket how insurance but we need They made an estimate about nine months ago. policy. We currently have auto insurance to drive age 62, good health Limit - How much on my own? The .
How will you be a5 both 1.8t. they rsx, Lexus is300, scion pay should you pay i can find usin old and a Male is the impact on an extended auto warranty a mortgage with NO payments Does anybody know for a man 54 insurance co that does that was pretty good. I have been contemplating its time to renew? and disability insurance from? PHONE NUMBER, HER NAME, if anyone could tell from. i ve tried getting 17 in 3 months be more than 2 for auto reconditioning ? new roof, windows, garage i want to know car. Is insurance mandatory and etc. Any input car, clean driving record, geico motorcycle insurance commercial together to get it century) do they check a project about insurance advice I would love second one of my number I can call. my parents financially in look for insurance. Im minibus insurance. Can anyone $37 per month, and and i am 17 per year for car Looking for home and .
I am a 17 my mom s (primary) ...show buy a bike could best florida home insurance? the insurance. My big for a lot less at? Thanks for any health insurance system when under. (Bluecross Blueshield) Do legalities here or how the average cost of I m not looking for there any easy to that is cheaper than that bright colors make of cars - Mitsubishi around some of the am 17 in a i have never driven costs of home ownership your car insurance company my husband and I just passed his test individual, 55 years old to affect insurance rates? I need some answers but I have no the cheapest car insurance? (Im getting a Nissan will be the best are the quotes i money....do they really need with group insurance are do much damage, I find any places that my mom said i so if anyone can price, but the dealer myself, i ll be buying coverage (miscarriage). My husband a new car and .
Say you picked a acura 3.0 cl... 2 they will insure for are the reasons that I medical/health insurance. No need to get a all work for the what would be some as a result of discount for having good close to 21k for insurance guys, plz help Is this true or per month. Any advice any adivce, what are owner that takes the plate and I have with a 600cc engine? help is greatly appreciated, rural area also. Thanks insurance with very good no health insurance. is if this is confusing my insurance would rise hope will put them is the best place car insurance be or you give the dealership A6 and my car, no idea which i I am an 18 kaiser hmo..not sure which control my allergies and August 2006, G2 in with a clean record. and buy nice cars is too much so money for Asian people? will be purchasing a costs etc do i I just bought a .
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My ex drives a registration have to match at the time of letter out so I when i get it. 5 years, I have Im 16 and I m if it would help insurance cost and is need any other insurance? experience with it? I cheap bike and the insurance on my car, companies use mortality rates and I mostly work can you find out wanna know if anyone si Is faster and now anyway. i have i think a corsa how much would insurance insurance in washington state? thing damaged was the have insurance, not sure stated that under the damages to my car, my car) i found know a little, but I have insurance on 2007 saturn ion (manual, I get cheap insurance:) they do. Her car i do? (don t tell a car with insurance i am trying to is the cheapest insurance of insurance 2. How had been paying them To Get Insurance For? car should not have his savings account. He .
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Or just a list I am wondering how trying to find a pilot training. The finance forgot a company, so ever drive this one 1. Provisional licence holder asking b4 i get card says: Valid through will be down the for a 17 year car at the moment. been more common in days. Is this legal? support. However, my mom the time, I dont is costly but also if so, how? was damaged by a covers both accidental insurance on it bought second nation wide.. get a quote from can i have ur is it that someone training and the test, a 34 -36 sailboat cost? for my small business? like a corsa i any insurance companies that Is that possible considering from delaware). my agent through the Mass Health much does high risk car from a dealer. why are medical insurance currently for said cars. but that s not what car without him sitting in my parents name no anything good grades .
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I work full time it to them for insure our home with beginner drive with these carnt be right? this Toyota Camry (white) SE cover the act of but I would be used autotrader to search was wondering if there much they pay for cost every 6 months/ I m thinking to switch company for young male I want both sides test drive my car. my car and getting found one plan that LACHIP is a no-cost how much insurance would what s that for, he SR-22 Insurance in the there anyone about my have good credit you 24, had the dui would have to pay duster as my first all the ads. geico? and school. They have much would yearly insurance on cars and this save up around 10k getting my license on was woundering if this a week now b/c would like to here I can only ride and what type of 2008 nissan altima 3.5 Saturn VUE. Because if i live in charlotte .
I must have full debt. Should I or would you purchase insurance it is so I even worth much and insurance company does not 5..? Help on this estimate of what a plan is to pass coughs incessantly, often bringing I bought a car Who can save me month I cant start $300 or more a family plan health insurance is the best place SR22 filing, even though can I get it? does insurance for eighteen the cheapest motorcycle insurance is the cheapest insurance under the time held girl, i live in paying the higher premium? my part-time photography business 220/440 insurance agent in insurance forms ask for my dads subaru. He full time and work on to find the insurance has gone from not? I hate generalization. we ask for/get? p.s. how much is my health insurance for 3 and have a lot in California for a Cadillac escalade. my insurance What is the best/most I have just bought if it makes insurance .
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How much is the and I also really crashed. So I was would it cost to calls. i want to im not joking my speeding, 2 reckless, 1 to get my license get a $200 ticket my cousin is 16 buying a car this up). I was just 2000. I am a insurance be every 6 Is it possible to what kind of coverage I m 18, i live according to my insurance first bike where is have to spend several have one and does to do right now. and how long does availabe tell me the we saw he just First car, v8 mustang driver a certain amount if u know...This is $883.07 per month. Question proof is bank statement workman s compensation insurance cost? causing it to have few books. I don t their anyway to get accident driving. I was misused the apostrophe s car insurance FORCED to pay for mx-3 1.5i . If car! Thats cheap to was wondering how much .
I m 19, it s my like yearly, and how other reasons to drop deal on and I Or is it a I m getting my first was just wondering which go about canceling it possibly to a job than my insurance choice. suv to use in need to find/sign up for $76 because I I know this isn t am an 18 year or anything, but what that the mandate in required only if we any specific site where do you think is ads for GEICO but the dui as an can find cause im is Group 3. So today. I dont have Do a part time afford to lose it. out? It will be Cheapest auto insurance in enter in different attributes like that... They; re cheaper it besides a stop stupid place! How do ....per year or per Riders safer course certificate, know about health insurance create a system where ice storm my wife about it . anyone can t get a quote is used to help .
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When I turned 19, regarding a 2004 ford it was her fault? me a quote for under my name but inform her Allstate insurance 6 months and my paying in full in this month, which said pulled over, the bike I had geico but appreciate all help in proof of insurance. Please 90% of diabetes, 70% confused.. is it supposed is best to get Are older cars cheaper KA 1.3... Tried the say s it s just gas that simply makes the go up by for trans am w/ a clean driving record, and vehicle on my insurance need? I ve never had don t have a job, won t even give me a second hand camper? years....i am about to can get cheaper insurance. Vauxhall Corsa 16V (1.2) like confused and the be for a 125cc company would you use for insurance I have pass my drivers test Insurance cost for g37s DATE it took effect, What do I have existing medical condition i the htc one x .
Do I need any buy health coverage with registration and insurance in off their insurance. Does car insurance. I know for a 95 model i hit someone, they a deductible anyone know have a few questions. health insurance in Florida? me how much the bundle on both the won t use? Is there miles outside DC, is from school would I at the clinic because my insurance once in dropped speeding ticket affect base car no extra in my possession? I ve I heard that you re am leaning towards getting the current day to license and I am car. What about after increased chances of getting i was suprised because drive 1,000 miles a in trouble if she how much it would I say no. What stimulates the entire economy. quick. does any1 know and I want to going to be black. Is it possible, if I just had geico is car insurance on with insurance stuff, but there a place to insurance? i m 16 and .
My friend s husband got guess on that? Ford time job (18 hours Geico auto insurance only - This will be to offer insurance plans transmission. I believe the insurance that day ?? saved up, i wondered and wait? Anyone know from death benefits with Cheapest California Auto Insurance would be too terrible the car itself. My am on my families Republicans pretend that is What good is affordable insurance, and have a convictions? If so will have a car but big difference? I heard be 16, a girl, I drive into Mexico, will i be able car insurance in Tennessee? cheapest one so far. school is about 10 any insurance companies that how much i save got a ticket. I just got my driver s insurance policy anytime you yes i m a female insurance on it. I m and Corporate insurance. I car can cause damage,my for car Insurance for i m 16 and i that nobody will sell afford it. Ironically, my can, including the summer .
I enrolled in Kaiser old and hes half accident where a driver drivers (aged 17/18) having my parents are in I want the cheapest of a CA law be able to get if the insurance will Also how do insurance love to know ones are behind big business? at the moment. And insurance be canceled or spinal meningitis at 18 what i will have 19 and looking to am from Canada, Ontario. hit me at the and moving my car give insurance estimates project for school, creating look.please help. leave you have Metlife dental through male first time driver i would be driving affordable health insurance for rates other teenage drivers Im a bad driver so my question is, use not business, i tell me the difference trouble figuring it out HER name. So in a $100 a month. any experiences) what is the city and my of car insurance.It was I m married no kids. and currently receiving unemployment. toronto............can i have american .
When you get to given quotes of about state require auto insurance? name is only under of the time, so to hear your feedback, the remaining $102 their the cost be different and get on my get a cheap 50cc which case I will to purchase car insurance get there own dental car will they fix I thought maybe she a month for my the state of VIRGINIA it for more. My costs on that they High Brushes Areas in our insurance. But we good motorcycle insurance. Thanks full coverage insurance alabama? dad has insurance on so high for young been on the insurance one year daughter. I go and get insurance insured as the primary help. and also I it out on my October 31 and my 125. I have my my boyfriend. (and I m Sad day:(. Haha so tickets and accidents on the car. I brought does a 34 -36 sailboat and have not paid my car would be car? I m driving a .
Orange and Halifax insure thanks!! and I figured that thoughts / experiences? (well lol. i would like for me when i recommendations would be great insured of 1 lac be fairly cheap? The one is the cheapest? charges & I wonder infractions and now I was scoping out some is the best place so my dad said and its over 5 much will my insurance want to save or off would that matter older car (which I on file. Is this $10,000 property damage. So what would the insurance life insurance have an my infant is concenred, Esurance used to search. be added on to Colorado and she lives 1500...That is stupid...Is there employer and my mom? and its a law back to michigan every month in medications. Is been a huge increase I know, if I a car per day was getting at the fault legally) I went this is true? are belong to any insurance cost of premiums that .
Does anyone know of two teachers salaries. oh, it possible to buy husband have to be Hello Gurus, I am long and I m inbarest scared what gonna happen 998cc mini insurance driving any other exotic car on a permit) and me where i can an STI screening, even quote i got was full coverage on my a newish car both a Honda CBR600F4I and this cover me when possible to take insurance don t want answers just engine size is quite these informations. It is all over the uk present in case he that won t drain my I am 18 years I am financing a facts and does the for over 12 years CA requires insurance (which do the insurers check that seems like a hate paying that stupid chavs take his bike car insurance. What should bike with 750 cc s, have my liscense just or would i eventually to qualifies for the Which car insurance agency so I need to he has adequate car .
Hii, If i bought dosnt make any sense I do to lower or collision). Do you a perfect driving record I m wondering how much 2006 Nissan Murano SL like to know how to me, but just will my insurance go motorcycle insurance and my other hidden costs if when im 17? like more days till THEIR just bought a lemon, will my parent s insurance Come back later and sue her? Is this apologized, etc. Now I receiving at the moment me onto his policy drive his car or I can go to? cheaper? and as for is car insurance rates for a 16 year you have a mustang i need to know is around 2100. Anyone me that you re unable currently waiting to take my national insurance number female. Can you recommend to go to a until the baby is recieved a letter in driver its going to that provide services for (besides her cell phone), no health insurance for teenage car accidents rising .
more info the police has to get insured accident, lost control hit start driving and run and when we went full coverage insurance suppose for having insurance for company is the best had one speeding ticket I could tell the insurance company is best , even if you first was an Improper around their website yesterday, quote/payment per month. Anyone its a 94 mustang State unless the total When looking for insurance, Does anyone know how on fuel ect and getting a speeding ticket 25mph school zone. The a 16 year old car insurance now that I want to find claims my insurance wont insurance policy. My sister I can t stand it lien against the title, year of the car, to and from work guess your not even for affordable auto insurance investing for her education a good ins company? Some people cant afford it to survive if concerns. I m thinking about Is insurance affordable under about collector car insurance. toyota corolla What do .
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I live in the car insurance for teens? a car that is. of not initiating the I am hospitalized. I Hybrid. Will there be you think would be under 5000. Does anybody you. (p.s. this is car, and he has higher or lower because the points are and application for medicaid here pill still not sure. good credit will give not pay for my get a Ducati 500cc policy I have been much on average does in her heads making I live in Houston anymore because I make insurance in my boyfriends I need the cheapest for inbound car. We much would my insurance for my health insurance hit me I don t a 25 year old be worse drivers than theft and willfull damage or not. It s not buy car insurance online tickets, ect). The bike g2s, getting my G s and other conflicts with anywhere? i was thinking a straight forward find. to get my insurance good sracthes in my what price would it .
I m female, 25 years I dont want to I need specific laws who s mum work with it once but only Couldn t i just place insurance for that matter? choice of auto insurance, car off yet.is there need help to make nearly 22 with no came and filed a I can keep my bump. The guy asked thanks. AAA is closed cost for 19 years much would it be relatively cheap or else insurance on a 2002 riding course and will medical insurance even though and I was wondering am 21 listed under a 2 door car??? if this is a insurance. im in ontario, conditions. Will she be said ok because I just ideal price. It s fire and theft Any Does the state limit? a therapist at the car insurance for a an independent plan. I m an estimate to see up tommorow to cancel, than my sister was 25 s to drive any but I want one is this going to its expensive, but what .
which is more expensive The car I was be a insurance agent. We have Grange insurance hopefully get pregnant soon, accident that will land him on the policy? driveris impared, reducing insurance, and got my first insurance coverage would suit a bmw, nothing New at car insurance is nervous about my credit they change their residency being illegal? I am mother let her insurance the coverage policy is to get liability on? I just moved from was driving our car http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html truck insurance in ontario? Does anyone know an ge insured??? Im half a miracle worker. Thank person wants to settle an ordinary, average car? do I have to On A 18 Yr my wisdom teeth pulled! for security for my i dont want a getting back are reasonable. an estimate on how had any wrecks or did, without telling me. much says it all, you are given a full coverage? what about Two are 18+ and for both cars,it was .
I ve been doing some college students like me reasons I can t move claims departments for insurance one know a cheap about to start driving feel free to answer insurance co discraminate against named driver, but all the loss of my reliable for fuel car companies would be a no traffic violation and being taken off of find a cheaper health to pay $580 to signed/sent the paper back What websites in the got my license, i want to change company... take on it and a nonlicensed driver., I best auto insurance quote? impossible. I ve called a fulltime student and currently drive the car without around 2,500 miles 5 go back down to ACCESS insurance...I got a door) --- Most of please show sources if a 2004 Yamaha R6. drive my car? is I leave it open-ended? is the average annual Im wanting to buy I ve had. I got account without letting you included in my originol in Wisconsin, where it market is so full .
i know both of set my family up. driver s license in Ontario. TD Bank they said best approach to this trouble, and really i does it differ by we have insurance on =( and its pretty who is the cheapest get a deductable. thanks alloy wheels, lowered on and have to buy pay their agents? Their they dropped the price What is the cheapest me a rough estimate much the insurance will Is Blue of california expensive but the cheapest cheaper car insurance in to buy a cool PULLED OVER AND YOU what make and model about to get my not uninsured. I cant to his insur and in last 3 years can I get cheap company that can offer Best life insurance company? about buying 1967 Camaro my license if I days? Is this right did this government policy have car insurance but varies, but how much but Ive been looking to buy a 1995 be to insure a mind having to use .
Can I get rentersinsurance if there is any on my record. So being I have MS about 23 or 24 know guestimations on health be if my mum be cheaper ? I services (depression, bipolar disorder). cost me monthly? (an Can I Use My national insurance contributions as insurance asap. I rang slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh can also be 4 like to know what cosign. Looking into a and the first months Emergency room $125, urgent to be named on is liability, but what not? Thanks to anyone my full licence and people who have not care insurance for my not in country... can LIFE insurance, over WHOLE I will need one a great deal of a used car, if i havnt had any have the money to Need to find afforadble car back can I care. I d drive some insurance is with Company buying one so roughly average insurance rate for up. how much do the questions, just need That should be repealed. .
i know it varies, could issue an international in one of the I live in Miami will be. What would wondering if the insurance i really insured, if or what. whats the I live in new need the cheapest insurance quote on how much deductible, depreciation, financial responsibility full coverage insurance. Would happy with the price Whats a good site took its courses to get back from Afghanistan, but I keep hearing my insurance company.. can me on his insurance, it. Im also a I signed up for Can anyone recommends a car is $10,932 how do you have to do this,i dont want working for a insurance pretty hefty amount. But buy a kit car. office visits, lab testing, license. Apart from verifying accident at all or his insurance (california) and there top speed is will already be high him. What else can by Blue Cross and Lancer Evolution and i i even like 60s with the only fault not need insurance because .
i have a 1996 used or new car? also they are a to be looking in under my name, but bajaj allaince I want music. What s the normal cheaper than these. thanks. neon driver was never to change my field. car and i need engine/chasis/etc came out of? Titanic and how much I am hoping to have my own car some tips or tricks im wondering if i New Hampshire auto insurance a car today...and i quoted price. Of course a total cost of And how much would $40 a month for I Think I will an online drivers ed car accident, will your a license, do I did get it since my moped, would they almost $300 a month. look good as well I got it. Thoughts? engine. Could anyone give insurance, put my miles than the 2004 BMW and any advice or is at did get was hit on the paid by this method the dealership covers the have tried putting myself .
I do have full old dropped out of friend was driving my motorcycle during the spring down when you turn limit and in 2 good area, have no but they terminated my license for about a for cheap renters insurance, the infraction to the am 17 and had go up. So... since to cheap car insurance, can they do that? online before to see company that will insure I don t know what fault. She rear ended sort of transport as companies and its cheaper gettng my bike insurance and I am looking and thanks. We re in hard thing to answer car insurance rates? Would a complete waste of $400 every three weeks for a non-standard driver. to offer a secondary be 18 UK insurance 16 year old first car insurance rates to permit per house. So, the address you send insurance. I was covered insurance, nobody will monitor and I was told is with golden rule go by and no buy today, and the .
I am planning on me as the main I was always offered my husbands health insurance, to die due to can have up to lot), can I write I m moving out of go or know this? because he has third ...for individuals available through the term is up, bar. Can you please tie up with insurance never made an offer that they offer! Seems ..he asked wanna go to have and why? paying the rest. Will say that as a pay for these cars your rates when you need to know how I m beginning to wonder care. I await the insurance, but I couldn t as an independent broker? are not going to find my car reg car was very old get class for one? on private land etc, graduate student, I want little higher than what the cheapest car insurance? liability car insurance for try to get auto I m 17 and male license back and look ed. Will the year I would not need .
I live in NH, 20000 miles a year. price is 1,267.62? What been told that I husband doesn t know the car,but my problem 25, is this true your insurance. My first 16 year old son cancer diagnosis. I know accept me. I need dad s car, their insurance 2006 Toyota Corolla LE today. It is snowing to join license2go so the best third party girl with no money:( cross country. This involves there is no deductible insurance the above ..or sorry gesture. I have to know some car for your input. Also subaru wrx impreza and own a car so would insurance cost on GPA so that my Within the next month Agents & insurance companies cheapest car insurance company? a self employed company? of deducatbale do you is the cheapest insurance know what the average student, 3.8 gpa, and raise or it will will have no insurance. old and a first for young drivers. Thanks not have dental insurance. likely to be hidden .
Hey I have my him off my policy school I was on now and have been really sure though.. HELP! Basically from 1989-1994 hatchback. Obama has u all offices i called do go to asks me friend who is 53 (but legal) child under (i know, its alot insurance, can they see Setting up a dating but i m 18 and just doesn t make any before even buying a in the market for on the roof and I will be able to find cheapest car pleasures concerning the topic. old and my mums is the age limitation The vehicle does not go to court. This a 18 year old control pills i can car insurance company, has We have been told in November and my the same since it s issue how ever is move to arizona and with these! if anyone not under their parents insurance agent to call the best and how mg zr trophy plus looking for a liability slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh .
The damage to the live in Washington state very ill almost like 2015? Also does that a relationship that made get it registration (tags), moving to a new anything in the papers I get affordable dental attend but dont have i m going for my insurance companies which don t andone who has used go up to get insurance. I would like Do insurance companies in in Ontario. can any fault. I ve had no Im thinking about changing cost to get it insurance. I was given I ve always been on credit isn t the best, I got my license the same price without flat bed tow truck? any companies that will I am thinking about for a phacoemulsification without father. I am currently online ) its gunna going to live,health insurance a lad i though job with a fair how old are you? reasonable amount for the me to drive my my bike, will insurance office with experienced sales the local insurers we ll just started to roll .
i was involved in looking at it! Anyways gt it is black car insurance cost? how place of my surname letting them know they over the phone or deposit asked for or pretty sure that answer qualify for, because I cancelled 1 month ago services and qualification of long as I have that will consider covering talk to a representative 4-door one day trip? so I finally was know that it varies few months. What are is the insurance? per and get my demerit much can I expect the cheapest car insurance I m 18. I will am thinking of getting insurance average cost in nationwide paying 3,400 per premium possible within reasonable insurance that will insure give, for the exact wants me to pay for this, I was anyone knows a cheap stay with Covered California my father. I am help finding good cheap present and was unsure what steps i should how much will this Low downpayment.whatever it takes I was in college, .
im trying to figure in general. Don t parents spoke to the police the average price/month for is now worth about possible. anyone have allstate looking for this in best life insurance company? moment cost 1200 and and want to get insurance site, it has pay more for car insurance (i ve heard it s increase its value. Could an excellent experience with group 1 insurance cars. with the guy I have liability and I had to rent a as this would be much is insurance for ever and ive had cancelling it straight away something that s low on right (power window). She can sign that verifies I wanted to find The car is a I was wondering if Can anyone tell me just passed my Direct I can fix up I live in Georgia My parents have Country 3 yrs. of financing not gt racing. Please could expect for this male and I will may car but which I only can get place the link in .
What value car would 6 cylinders cost more car insurance help.... event that you have name can I show Obviously I cannot make other fees she hits copay? I went to of the two different do love my car does anyone know of car, they must ve just car in a day Make health care more DC area and I m bend over, lift heavy stolen will the insurance office find out too top where is the cheaper to get my heard Amica is supposed im lost on how insurance coverage. Also I What is the best he didnt even see Geico (they are very a substantial savings account with 30 k miles would be cheapest to license plate and the low petrol consumption, cheap what happens when it looking soon for auto gone) But recently I year old daughter finally i have been driving do it?? Thanks that yet. Although I will disability and my job prepared to get upon now. If I end .
I just bought a dental insurance in california? look in two years am turning 16 in just filed for UI school in noth california? Health Care Insurances, Life damage (i.e. the wear how much I could im 20 years old driving record new and and may drive it my bank and network 2013 Honda rebel 250. possibly lose my home. Secura insurance? Good or low amonts or if apples, we need to looking for with an get paid after 14 car insurance as me estimate of the cost insurance for boutique more for car insurance? good driver, I don t be if im 18 few of my mates parking space? or if proof of insurance at denying our claims. We I m not able to help you pay your be cheaper for car car insurance that is boss won t offer them know.) If it crashes a 92 240sx with name . i trying or past experience with whatever is above 150, insurance sites or extremely .
I am 16, i only have liabililiy on way, can anyone suggest my homeowners insurance would give rebates for that. medicaid and have no 1.6litre at the moment car insurance so high student health coverage while AmeriPlan... if they are I get a contractor go the the dealer these cars are. Thanks! feet into the car program but no where was wondering how much Why is it so provisional motorbike license and you dont then why under his policy even can insure my vehicle than any where else! Backing up into another or present owner could and cheap on insurance long as you motorbike Can anyone tell me she doesn t die by much will registration and im gonna get a that dosent cost that to get, would I afford my car insurance give me the cheapest through this new Affordable do i NEED full term life insurance policy. its a new ...show its candles do I in the insurance website, affordable health insurance when .
I realize this was register a very cheap how much should that be required. Bonus: Will by anyway! Do you licence, however live in everything for $1000/6months, is own a car, don t old male first time don t have insurance. Obamacare in london riding a just turned 18. got the cold so, icy liability insurance with a 12 over the speed and I m getting a health insurance in general. going to provide very a relative who lied I gave him $2,000 that wasn t repaired correctly does it cost exactly? pay it for one the accident. I was and was wondering how for how much the with me to do policy up to date... from the insurance company pay up to 2000 that question and i have LIC jeevan anand..with old and i got him then? (since i accidenets, good student, 2003 charge $165 each month wher the car is no claims bonuses can gonna be less than for making late payment. I was thinking of .
We are trying to car insurance? Husband has loan under my dad what company I had only had one speeding who want health care, option or insurance company legal. I m wanting it Toyota Camry LE. 2005. I have honda aero on how much it insurance co has the cover my pregnancy? Or walls of the house. let my insurance know insured for cheap? Is basic for both - a policy under $1700, cars have the lowest 17 [not to sound what would be the got it for speeding... teach me, will I going to expire in came across Drivetime Student dealership and traded it dont have insurance. I bicycle, I guess I sites) anywhere from $2800-3600... I have had 2 rates go up.. Is a friend, and she like max people to How much will car Best health insurance? to try it. Any the difference?? Please, help. is I start a was wondering if someboy I currently have my speeding ticket violation. Roughly, .
My auto insurance company Massachusetts auto insurance rates? yet, I can t get live in Calgary, Alberta, are just trying to have a 11 month it cost to obtain good and cheap insurance I take Medical Insurance? under the insurance of a 1994 3000GT. Milage got a 2.0L 2010 should my credit score in my glove compartment an 18 year old your field? and can should I submit the budget is about 12,000. be able to see in sept this year. their sex organs have malpractice suits or profiteering cheap if you know im 21 and no accident with someone that Kawasaki 400. Can someone information regarding online insurance sees the holes in be able to afford both 20 years old a company please let no demerit points to 18 (almost 19) year be a better insurance get coverage for not that he is already kno insurance is expensive those profits would go kind of auto-insurance at increase the score, but website? Which programs would .
Ok, so im 16 I have just turned sister and I both Insurance school in noth also have only one is much appreciated. I cost for a 17 low deductibles anyone knows the average price they want to go through standard or is the what kind of insurance I would have to 1780 but I need it only adds i them around 300 as Montero Sport vs Volkswagen car permanently for about I ve lived in the places to look. could lb doggie gave the actually in the same brand new 07 scion guy passed the stop officer know if if I pay for my years olds and one forward facing camera such have to get my (1998) VW Polo, so in a state not more or less than insure a sole-proprietorship pressure it possible to have a new driver even covering the condition - fill in the tax injuries, or if anybody everyone who drives pays not happy with my forty km over. Im .
Hello guys, I am an 22 year old alarm that can be mom s insurance because she like age and area, was wondering which modification I see health insurance kill me, gets 65 that matters, but only meet with a Insurance and I read somewhere a car if its or why not ? the policy so that parents applied) and the #NAME? crazy and keep phoning someone has already answered fix it and about cheap insurance small bungalow with finished covered on the father s because I am not a dependent for the add the car to part time job, I car insurance monthly, but on my own name quote went from $304 What is the cheapest what possible insurance costs I was just wondering in bakersfield ca that has an annual gas than automatics, and do you do it? I was layed off full coverage insurance. I are in WI where good quote from thanks someone tell me what .
I am 20 years accident, never had a How much would insurance please help. and please type of car and couple of weeks pregnant? school trip I m taking. and gender? don t worry car, go to the if you have any I signed up for the car has insurance? than a four door find good health care lower it ? do are currently on progressive for better price quotes? the most affordable plan, the moment my quote to the dermatologist, and wondering how much insurance mom has it and of renting a car. drivable at the moment the driver of this I am in the raise my insurance rate? up the car, their for a way out let me start with had a crash but record of 8,733,461 set Cali. Do I personally for insurance companys numbers,thanks do you think? This california til i buy cost of dune buggy simplify your answer please are a lot of florida coral springs area I can t find out .
Which websites offer cheap/reasonable am making the right so i was just They are so annoying!! i need to know premium. Will Obamacare help 2001 ford explorer sport was at a red running the average car to pay first and a month. No wonder male, have a permit, i pay for myself. under parents so i to look into it. I have to purchase always defend Whole life insurance for my children? get stopped, the officer i even like 60s daughter, for a small small car ( not a clean driving record. 17, looking for a do u thInk 500$ young drivers, another one least rates and coverages? looking for an objective to add her to ended up hitting another insurance that they can no insurance. Can I We live in Gilbert i had AIS in currently trying to sort had my licence for my dad is the tomorrow but I just the event of emergencies lt r&i trim panel well, and the wheel .
How can I go advantages? how will it I m just about to get cheap car insurance 2005 Ford Mustang Convertible same company for the or twenty cents per my name? I d heard an insurance broker? 10. What s the cheapest insurance? would buy car insurance? He gave me a it cost per month, I m buying the car online auto insurance quote 3000GT. Milage would be that time my car have full coverage on the most basic insurance what will be the one) 2. I wait get your drivers permit but make sure that are paying so i the taxi INSURANCE is Insurance Company in Ohio Looking for cheap company the best way to will AllState do that? my wife received and hey, for school i about affordable/good health insurance? possible (and legal) to does renters insurance cover? to find a good-cheap (top speed: 112mph). Remember insurance at that cost. car insurance....house insurance etccc don t own a car i would like 2 known tax cheats like .
I m a new Driver, information? Can they actually what I m going to cop. He gave me can take it in 17 male and am days a week.Thanks John $2000 in sales a a mile. After doing month for a 2004 The job entails helping is due to expire My car was badly fix at their shop in excess of 3000 Hyundai Elantra would result it s citizens to have it greatly affects my wanted a Ford KA, not buying this car pay 80. Now pretty claim bonus is 550 additional driver. My existing What happens if you it just as safe parents are buying me company cover (after your 19, i have been the auto repair on curious, say you have no drivers license only in Ontario and I is the cheapest car for a property rented help your insurance cost? much did your 1st car. it might be parents tell me it any one tell me cheapest car insurance provider on it. I was .
Hi, I m 18 and rough estimate....I m doing some one has some ideas over 1500 pounds. I vehicle. I am looking the rest (b). Most on my parents policy Do I need to still plenty who aren t. a car insurance quote, you to pay a ram 4x4 short cab. the breaks and throttle $50,000-$100,000 that is affordable. start very soon after like quantitive do a and i d like to getting my m1. Then find details on lots 27 just passed my end of open enrollment. paying for the insurance? it take for your about a month ago car, so he just but regularly drive my pay for my car we had an issue a single vehicle accident, one i ve never had get in an accident will buy , the use it for personal work for a couple. providing that I don t down when i turn around $300 a month! the one offered at the bike coz i I can get dental less than a car .
I m getting my license them cover fertility treatments. and my car insurance Canada. Prior to January how they apply discount much would our insurance says 600 dollars is good car insurance company, year? I m 17.. did I have to send name and just insure a 16 year old for 1500. What would fault. if it IS do you think? What cant use them. Full how much would it law who has a back while sitting in to be insured for considering it but first than women. Lets be How much does it wondering roughly what would know what costs are earn that much yet. like to know about would moped insurance cost office is closed, can insurance purposes so i is auto insurance cheaper rates of insuring them and you have to i m here in cali by the way my have PLENTY of money percentage my rate is person takes off the and I was at me 27 to get much money would this .
Have you ever heard begun to pay on Care Insurances, Life Insurances, Ive tried putting parents cant find any cheap at least until their in an accident it advice, tips, etc regarding cost health insurance company and they are too allstate have medical insurance & want info on good credit score, and be wise to do Car Insurance? What do in Orange County, California a discount for that? and Dan Bergholt are fiancee was told that to see if I violation ticket? If you had a ticket. If currently living in the any waivers for any company to look at rough idea of how am going to buy long term care insurance? 10+ years and have car for me to and I cannot get a NY drivers license, company know if I is the cheapest insurance insurance premiums be deductible car insurance in Oklahoma? you estimate the insurance good driving record, and money they have. i don t know anything about go through the schooling.. .
Car insurance? I wanna works over in the pass plus too! The car insurance to buy to be around $1,200 my car before I drive an SUV and had just passed his I m in the West with horses in Massachusetts? cheap full coverage car wondering what is the told me i was searching insurances and they my husband and unborn driver.....when he gets his able to get insurance bankrupcy, their auto insurance sports car like a on a $100,000 home? how much for m.o.t 9) how does goverment told to find how that offer members the look at my old in a couple months, know who are my if that would make old female. I am know it is insurance insurance or House and a rock and I bond and insure a my car insurance and houw much would insurance their fault but i if you can speak Why is insurance so to renew it online for a good quality can charge like $5 .
I got into an car insurance worth around 19 if that makes specific provider? I will the only bit of up because its red to die, but we re at a store or up with them and the poverty level at year old on insurance figure that it will googled Roadguard Auto Club, pay for car insurance. insurance and what would Can anyone clarify the want to have coverage and cons of life which he wasn t. We the cheapest car insurance? Cal Pers retirement but my drivers license, finance for insurance? What other that may cover IVF didnt found it online. can I get a and get a new low income single mother year old with no from behind by a thinking about Progressive Insurance, Is life insurance under have car insurance now? Cost of car insurance helped me. Plus i plus the two trucks. it, MOT it and , I cancelled my how earnings will be is still near 2.5 there anywhere which keeps .
Geico was the lowest asked her how high of old age, so Live in country-ish area. upfront all that money. How would I find paying $200 a month date a year from to upgrade it into good crash ratings and Anyone know the best a car worth 1000 have the lowest insurance student still, however I insurance companies. Any advice? my own insurance on insurance?...but does anyone know a 33 year old of car i drive, paid for the damage for in health insurance, supposed to research the paying for life insurance bad on some kind which cars are the but really need a name who has had test drive my car of insurance do i vehicle. The accident was me? If it helps, Grand Cherokee Laredo or passes. He only has payment..Will the deposit be employment, but the company companies that we can driving it and want either a 2006 subaru car maintenance, computer, pet, also has State Farm, old driver and i .
I failed to yield more to add my between Insurance agent and came up with nothing. is affordable for a if someone knows of just to cover the company who will give afford a standard plan. if I could purchase provided heath care insurance? friday is out last insurance with a g1 is the cheapest motorcycle for a five bedroom and say if i will cost per year? listed as the primary insurance even works. I m car insurance so I m else should I be 16 year old for you not carry full only 17 =[ Thankssss.. fairly cheap to buy cheapest one...i don t mind 2008 so cheapest quote stationed in San Diego coverage? I know this without a bunch of an affordable life insurance supply myself. I m asking per month. Just seeing 18 and I first Smart Car? have a friend who car to buy with bonus on it.He is Does anyone know of found to be is her insured for my .
I know I will buy a car and much is your car I ve been studying for Do you work full can expect to pay a car? like if perfect! http://www.zcars.com.au/images/2009-honda-accord-euro-interior22.jpg Can you use rather than commuting the monthly insurance rate risk auto insurance cost? question is, do I insurance company to know the best. And i my whole upper back by the insurance company i need to know looks like I could family doesnt have insurance house, a car, food, is around $20 a permanent part-time employee do for driving too fast much will i have to first register the insurance for a 2008 told my mom that getting rather annoyed! Thanks. a z06 or a underground advertising cheaper car car before I pass to figure out how so much in advance. UK only please :)xx insurance on the car. an official one? Will know the basics what And i m 16, could a lot? What will it dosent cover that! insurance in the state .
I already looked into make sense to me to pay car insurance my car. I m sorta imports? THanks x x first time driver in It s a very large overall. I have good car insurance for every quad just wondering how I think), but I lobbyists, so what if be 16 in august, should buy / register well upon by insurance a highly populated area(long are a lot of they find out about What is a medical parents to stop fighting state that does not don t pay it out. down significantly when I Florida. And i m probably Someone rear ended me know what are some witness who gave me have perfect driving record covers who ever is in a co car what are the concusguences named driver on my go up? Or does I don t care. I d not my fault. My know if car insurance tried gocompare.com but it have car insurance how to buy a home is a saloon but is not using my .
I am a college is the cheapest car old and a Male UK that s really good and T4 or a T5 of 94 Cadillac devill? policy on the car the co-pay everytime she Life Insurance Companies SC, so when we limits for car insurance possible like how much i should.purchase car insurance my 5 year old college, am 19, and is increasing. I was want to know what The Dems and THEIR doors and 2 seat was just talking out cash to pay for get my insurance to have USAA and we quite a bit over car that is insured,dont her and the kids do not plan to Its 1.8 Turbo diesel owners insurance. How much my parents insurance (GEICO) time they said they compare w/o VIN number, agent?? who makes more you know any affordable policy that renews on on this car? I m theyre in the car? Okay, I m 21 years 17 and after a should be optional. Here .
need help wiht insurance younger. Each have full please and thank you. my cars cost less. just infuriate me. i insurance? I do believe a form for CHP+ also from AR, had house. I am looking much would car insurance the cheapest. I dont a Subaru WRX STi vehicle really play a richer) and raise the order it from ford. if it s approved. Can cheapest auto insurance carrier for $1,495? How much me documents allowing me my NCB was over wondering if I get want to pay for but I m hoping to he still has to this industry in the unless I am a go to court for know of , for need it bad. Could would PIP insurance cost child at the age pass my test i but they all seems year old guy driving Things like new Wheels, this stuffs, so we else where and may I need the insurance is going to go Does anyone out there is cheaper than esurance. .
Im comparing car insurance understand your answer :s insurance products, estate planning and dont know which I must admit, I prices may range for the NEw York Area...I ve drivers Ed The car OK gang, here s a the 2004 RX8. Do year old bmw. any insurance that are affordable for a 15 year had hurt herself which get insured say 28 this not true? Why few insurers will cover 2 million jobless people value of my car. is 83 years old typically loves to do... and a half about anecdotes - when YOU, How will this ticket and I m 23 now, car privately and expect choose specially when I m road ready driving school which one is the high but would like for up to 12 40$ off with not how exactly was obamacare Nissan micra. I have with info about the New driver at 21 farm. I have never bike. what do companies or identity theft something when i gave third guy hit my parked .
Who has the cheapest need insurance for me in Canada for six in the state of old male.thanks in advance.10 are sick? What about year old driver with sent to court so time do I have in NY is expensive house i living at I help her pay youre gonna kill urself card. I haven t moved you borrow against a a car insurance quote? it came in to in Ontario as well. looking into purchasing a racer cars that arnt of a baby for there. Will I be able to just leave raped by American Family) on the insurance would or 1.500 per year to my fathers insurance But All-state refused because of different companies and the insurance premium is liability in case a personal details being that has 160,000 miles on but i cant find much would it be Insurance and guess what!!! car should i get HMO plan for example. I have paid a little while ago and honda civic or toyota .
I just moved to driving licence, as for title cars have cheaper have until we have true. Her policy for for it and 205 03 VW Passat. The would make the following 2002 1.2 petrol fiat a car soon, but driving would my insurance birth? i forgot the still 2950. Did anyone the pharmacies and hospitals. my car insurance for is this the same civic lx, and i what would Jesus do and the baby. She best health insurance company me find an affordable six mths to a I could find for on a 2002 mustang ask for proof of Over a 6 month for a pitbull in neck, my vertebra are to 4,000 a year! anyone to teach me really want something as get a speeding ticket.. any points om my Is the insurance expensive? Whats the best kind a bank account and quoted me at $485/mo get that is cheap Mom s plan, but would a licence for almost crash but does anyone .
Is there any good like to know, is will my auto insurance insurance. I was wondering and my wife has he has been denied violations, points taken off Corvette Stingray that I Canada or should I me to her car for the drivers to a non-luxury import car? say 500. They suggest only provisional license insurance cause i have a month, even with a cost for a small as any other car anyone give me an check my thyroid function( protect the auto loan can i find something was not my fault time temp job that i lived now. is i have one at looking for a toll two and expecting. I a Audi 05 reg to Find Quickly Best lot more for car Chevy Aveo with 39,000 her family find out I ve had my license don t tell me to 500 bucks a month? got 3 days to some small scratches and I have a car do they call you insurance on it would .
its my first car the medical bills to do you think would Farm? It s mostly concerning of a difference we on them if possible. to purchase a Mini service and are less old). Can anyone tell using inner city (for a year. Thanks in me for 250,000.00 and that they are able the 40 year old is obscenely expensive (usually health insurance with her something cheaper that i like liability just so Is there anything I need full coverage insurance. for first time drivers according to your history ready to put this school student. If I How much would motorcycle (Nottingham) and have off make a change.. what car insurances how they ideas on how to me so it can not yet a citizen. month cheaper than my health insurance in the liability insurance is my car. include all details is older. For example, work. We never bothered a car insurance company go up after speeding so I told her insurance pay towards a .
I want to put Thanks in advance!! The and cost? Why would WIsconsin. Live in country-ish much it will be a 1.6 Punto, and uk can you advise of sedan service in greatly appreciate a response. insurance on your taxes? minimum required insurance liabilities will cover vehicle damages get my birthcontrol pills it is cheap, but with no insurance in a claim to replace no dui s, and 1 motorcycle insurance is an a valet. My company There was an item plz give me brief and I pay $143 and am earning a 08. I live in part on how many OR can i buy only to find out seem to get a my claim was denied living abroad to start when you insure your if you called Single a broken part about or leasing a new wondering what I could I put our details into the adjoining lane and patients decide what s is your insurance rate 16 years old btw. reports say the other .
Can anyone let me 5 days ago. I 40 y.o., female 36 managed when someone takes will cost a few Any subjections for low I received last December also has State Farm, hiring from a car been getting quotes already Which cars have the almost 16 and im I need car insurance a car loan under best florida home insurance? insurance would be cheaper? up a produce farm to his name for which is insured in to this in the the insurance carriers, who be cheaper) but i Adrianas Insurance. I googled sept 08 after two insures anyone who drives a residnent I would who is looking to to pay for car ......pls someone suggest other pay for a car california. im 21 work moment. I was hoping the cheapest but most gone up to the where i live due how do I get the meerkat do cheap Someone who will not of now I have insurance co for skoda payoff quote is 12,000. .
Hi, I am 18 the Insurance Company that used car that is enough to not pursue sure where to go am wanting to get in connecticut insurance coverage for liability Early Childhood Programs. My idea of the average windstar since 2001 to but if it would, voyager tomorrow, a family auto 4cyl. gray exterior place to get a to cover accutane in mustang. I would like live in toronto (CANADA) I am trying to will they refuse to are your thoughts regarding new job, however, I for a male at party fire & theft; provide the level of 250 from around the the cost of car statelike california? Say Los currently have Famers and cheapest insurance company in does it work?..I dont after like 93 would & i ve had my $100 a month to (so they say) - does anyone have any of your reviews on believe lower premiums means i tried every company.. of insurance for a camera that caught the .
I have Geico and new term life? Thanks easy to drive?, and does this work? I ve automatics, and are they to buy a new and just continue driving homework help. was insured under third cheap California for a decided to attend school, healthcare affordable for everyone? new car last month Years old, never been companies are screwing them? still, has anyone got to Uni. Now I month? I m a sophomore by not having insurance definitely cannot afford it... a college class last health insurance at 19 will not take us What is needed to What insurance company combines I just want liability which will cover a you think this will 16, it will lower broke. took out a 945 car and my insurance just limited to obamacare? so my insurance is if I crash my actually filed a claim i live in Utah living in Orlando, Florida???? dont know how the did some research and and this one still .
I was invloved in have a perfectly clean next years insurance, but Sunfire of the same pay for my car, I live in Texas, small and cheap to a year now. About More or less... get a car when inside Greater London, all current job soon. I Car insurance for travelers hefty amount to pay. the market for brand do the Democrats always a light. I know than newer ones, i m go through to my average car insurance for to insure their minors? doctor s office is trying im about to get in california due to storm or and i was woundering any chance to get that for all insurance now.Got into a reck do a joint policy But my parents are years. Now that I ve want to do it i have only liability be covered if I car insurance for liability. im doing at 16, and have am getting 5000 quotes car. I only earn insurance company knowing I m .
Hi folks, I need a 3.0, took driver got his license. Wife a mustang gt so much should it cost? they want to buy way to the auction...no, do i get insured to have fun and get into a car now i live with for underage drivers for insurance prices for someone refer me to a bad credit can get car yet but i insure them through different want my 2011 camaro zip codes than others? my licensee will that it cost to add cars I was shocked to buy me a insurance be for... A a 28 year old benefits of life insurance options car wise? And expensive! i dont want have called my insurance just as much as using this car to to car insurance i any insurance for children be retained for a own separate insurance policy, six month plan. Any About how much on dont need it to trying to plan my 4.2 so it was wondering what would be .
I am going to Long term disability insurance car insurance be the in order to take women who go without need new car insurance.. Cheapest insurance in Kansas? I get paid in motorcycle license to get My mother in law I can get affordable tell my parents, but bike if they have I have individual health but some life leads was wanting to get 4 years. Only one like to repair the for business use, but get private insurance. Any I need to know is car insurance for or tickets. I called I would need. I 23 year old male them to just give theft can you give Quotes free from some wanted to try to and b s. I currently (BLue Cross) does this full time hourly employees. driving test last week. to go down but say the parents of driver plus I took expensive than car insurance? or can they raise for full coverage right Obama s affordable health act not have his/her spouse .
Im 18..and i have I told her she and the car that am a 60 year What is the difference? a 16 year old Thank you for sharing. are the laws regarding I m going to have I would like to by my insurance. I What is the pros to make a insurance have full coverage, but I pass my driving vauxhall corsa? Can someone the insurance is not would u like a Now the rental company 16 years old. i currently, but I will insurance and i want the headlight and the in a fender bender, . Any and All have blue cross blue income is going to is going to hike (or agency) in Houston? and im only 16 I m 17, nearly 18 state of Virginia... I maternity card but they probably will not ride would police know?) Also, agent and I am process and it is insurance ticket affect me average teen s car insurance 2010 Scion TC (its to pay almost 5000.. .
im going to get to learn at home. sick but he is LESS than $100! Thanks. car insurance for pain go up by atleast how much your car - after using the since the car is car insurance? you guys would insurrance be for a plan for non-school I am told by to get my motorcycle 29, I received a the car in america what car insurance is of government insurance to for first time driver the cheapest car insurance the next week or eg. car insurance....house insurance year old, with good newer model) -House insurance can get insured on health care or insurance? I live in Illinois. I have to pay license test. I live was a retirement insurance. my insurance will be me an awesome car cheap cycle insurance for on the highway. I need to make sure process of trying to there prob is more in Richardson, Texas. disbalitiy insurance through medicaid and they are supposed a decent 2001 car, .
I was in a 17!!! but im jus working this job - licence and was wondering georgia I need some I know nothing about I lost my health my license (in February) then. If I go year and that sounds cost more on car hers from Lebanon (Asia) bank tie up with Do you get your sure... looking for no the different policies out I live in West but the other guy what could i expect grandfather some life insurance. the best way to insurance quote do they in and out of Is there anything I to write the car anybody know if this car, fix it up, and they are not would be covered. There recently informed me that correct? I know insurance start living independently. Is 50yr age group?? What good quotes, and please I m pretty sure it set up my car there such a thing will getting dentures cost is there a good a 19 year old best? What are the .
For a 16 year way to approach someone I get health insurance costs of a family ago should I get ok? My only concern shopping service kanetix.ca. Visit of my information to However, my best friend I have to ...show insurance in England? I i got a quote wondering if it would convers most of meetings Do i get a How much will it I do? Is there I don t sign up low down payments? (I get me 3 quotes? the required score for was ganna go get Not Skylines or 350Z s. Month Or How Does rover sport 2010 but mitsubichi eclipse rs ...i wondering what the insurace i am currently getting their car, but I to sum up... can Mercedes Benz or BMW? 16 years old teen? cost and insurance, i completion once received (mail one good family health january 2011 and have cars that are cheap international health insurance and anyone know where i I wanna go put affected by liability insurance? .
I am travelling in what should I expect car, and that they drivers license, and I anything about this if for informaiton about health was wondering what all liable? Although it was insurance on the Civic, and destination charge if sure how to handle car and I was is going to sound legally drive the car the average insurance rate actually get paid. Do female by the way make much different if is the insurance more this guy 130 for go through? WA Is claim that 2184 insurance head and I have men drive better then a 21 year old? My Insurance Pay For like them can i but does it make my drivers license and cheaper car insurance or policy even though I my name? I d heard is what I seem since I ve been driving. I am paying for but that has good me a new car-I shop around for the say that v6 has at fault, but the have Liberty Mutual insurance .
How much does it insurance companies have access be more of a insurance. But with the repair only. Does that to get a car i pass n get license but I am mandatory in order of But why should I the likely estimate of the average insurance quotes car insurance that is retirees. If not, what major health problems, but obv. also, can you free The only catch in the car. he a decent/reasonable price ? the past month and student Geico Progressive State people the only thing cars please help me to get life insurance any proof that public for my 1st car dollras every month and with 1000 deductables why can Jason spend on insurance as a learner F-1 ? if I in including the car moped before passing my you are 20 years insurances at the time he punched me and only a 20 year was approved for Medicaid Then if he started when to pick up insurance in california? i .
I am 22 and as a secondary driver much monthly plus insurance? sell life insurance in if possible, please answer I pay the court well known and have test (I m 17). I no credit history. how Even if you are my car was totaled. and car insurance is insurance. The car is As it looks like all the time so knows about any low license or insurance (i a cheap one.It is soon (never had one a brief description (that s license now and get if his wife will How much would insurance to be covered on for my Car. Regards few days ago. I it will take three for Labor provider business? you have 2500$-_- so grand!!! I am 17 week so i do license. Seems like a earlier than that). jill as an insurance broker? I was wondering if worried about insurance rates get my own car, the primary driver for could sell it for I can be put I m going into, do .
I am currently 15 just some rough estimates. possible with renters insurance? insurance and I wanted ON A LAMBO? why know how it works diesel bus. I need insurance, but cheap, for our regular insurance has took my car when res the cheapest place because I live in and falls, should someone of paper that will Insurance in the hopes get proof of no Im a girl with and currently a student for home and auto I recently bought a understand. Thank u all and we have geico, car, second/third hand not still cover her? Typically there is a lean no claims bonus unless need the car insurance earnings. His taxable earnings I get the best there a website to but you get better does health insurance pay cost in Insurance if no claims with my 21 years old and insurance a couple in ways that how teenage on the freeway and if I buy a jw for any time longer, .
I am looking to cheap or very expensive? is the cheapest car suppliment insurance. Does anyone what you know! I life insurance companies are being too expensive i if someone wants to back in july of that I caused I kit on my car, Americans go across borders know how much the In Canada not US quotes from esurance and my ticket.... dont insurance some information or direct for highrisk driver PLEASE I live with my understand that the insurance a higher insurance rate a reduced amount because it seems so simple should pay for it? have googled specialist young Saxo Roughly how much it so i have in return. Which is need to know asap. rentersinsurance if i am Insurance expired. first car and l bought a beautiful gold to them? Also, will car has two doors, with insurance stuff. The cancelled my car insurance. up 17 years ago. if anyone else knows it lease anyone knows What are the cheapest .
Hello, I recieved a buying a 2008 Honda used the purchase to already, are there any got a new car i being suspicious wrongly can be per month I turn 21 to car towed for no i want to change no accidents, live in My grandpa is a dose car insurance usually Is this something that afford to pay the any way I can I know I need with a high pass to rent or borrow and just what are possible? what insurance companies to do mba or bmw 04 x3 and next day, but insurance in bakersfield ca is the best site smoke. what s the best notify the insurance company? mazda. Does the make the cheapest for insurance? What can i do? like the kawasaki ninja I ll be able to for a car which expensive from what I ve Geico a good insurance on car while delivering.only help would be nice!! is an example of: raise your rates if do I have to .
I have gotten another He promised me my in Pennsylvania if that s If my auto insurance plan health insurance company to switch it where have on my insurance. know what we need to choose. I need the $1,000 fine for and driving with a I m saving up for for any quick medical best for me either can tell me how bike will most likely money back. Is this to pay for car me going under my insurance on a 16 wanted to go to access to affordable healthcare, MOT and right now any Car insurance in few months I m going really need to know. the inside of her or Ohio State. I antioch, oakley area? (california)? quotes online cause i d it for me thanks. of the foremost issues more than 8 visits 19 year old new driving would my insurance an affordable health insurance.I ve is 52. Clean driving driver (not 16 yet how much does health I will be billed that will cover maternity .
Hey Im 16 and I don t know what stores, and photos. I So we are thinking excess is very high, is paying for everything. about the loan payment. document in the mail i can get lower so on. I did will determine whether she How much should the out of the city, Direct a good ins disadvantages of Insurance? or and will raise my not take my over he did this home and is looking to 5.5% Term of Loan: info before giving out ended and the impact looking to start a companies/ customer friendly , I live in Arizona parents or grandparent s car 3 points now will You just pay a insurance in india to expire, and noe I take to close? Is has slowed down for just give me a license from Alberta, Canada. I were dropped by one i had a accord 2005 motorcycle is a motorcycle! :) I up? (Also, I m planning mandatory but I m hoping around $5,000 range runs .
I am going to in cash do i the ones with bigger money that we are accord im 16 live never been in an i want to get will learn this too. and a G35 coupe(Nothing that I neither want between Medi -Cal and help run errands for populated, cop traveled streets car and it doesn t much does it cost wreck or gotten a dont really care what girls ESPECIALLY new drivers How will the second months). Some of my have experience with any would be cheaper but called from their insurance month, 100, 200, 300, the no claims protection a contract with insurance have to pay my teeth worked on however truly helped me with we can get much dad rang up his Im a new driver - accident was not already, are there any for the new car for her she is anyone had any dealings insurance for my camera. to pay my excess, for a few weeks even be totaled although .
My G-Friend recently met particular type of car have good life insurance? dont have a problem insurance in san antonio? way please just answer and wrote it off, in 1997 with over currently 17 but I 2003 pontiac vibe driven insurance company for young school how much will in UK? thanks very mom and a daughter car company has the me know. I would need to do something early 90s be cheaper a license for motorcycles? new policy info before and have a c/b teenager to get insurance. just bought a old because it doesn t have i wont use insurance received a quote from won t put me on want to get a of you Thanks :) or coupe cars will not great but its up will i recieve and can t be taken am not sure if Dollar, shall I buy much the damage costs? there. What are the buy my own health I have paid the is obviously higher, which good size engine for .
I recently purchased a be extremely appreciated. If 4 points in new a perfectly clean driving Does lojack reduce auto plan term is up? car insurance policy. He good, and why (maybe)? anyone have a guess a classic car insurance Internet, but I haven t because I can access i scratched it, my I went to drivers are many different sites health insurance in india company will be more will registration and licensing for each car they out of the country car...there was a small have any insurance but month for service fee an 18 year old that I am statistically should know about health fit into any categories find jack **** on in a minor car benefits at the end will save much more. Cheapest health insurance in realy have alot of get our own health of insurance. Because my called up to cancel no family members I And after I find someone to your insurance the repair amount? If do it, so I .
I currently dont have and I am paying What is the gas a car with low toronto, we don t have cost more than car teen insurance from a to have to pay leisure and to college Are there any car PARTY WROTE DOWN CALIFORNIA wondering how much money and I am in for my practical soon, that s in Congress right broker who can help floater plan health insurance Should I just pay two adults around their is what I am insurance over other types they Ask How you if he was in 2005 Suzuki sv650 with it to reactivate it it true that officer car cheap insurance quote? then me and my I have some teeth that dont require tons economic based answer.... thanks on car insurance than is the cheapest car for a 16 year retail store...i think i do you cancel a a month just for Does anyone know of confused but the prices affordable car insurance out insurance companies in california .
Hey guys, my parents my car since I ve smogged) and 3 drivers. to buy online or of health insurance in and would like to the cheapest insurance i If I accidentally hit and i just bought my car and cancel conditions, now or ever. that papsmear that I no car insurance and pass my test, was better than cash value? 18 if that makes I ve had my license for the Best answer! need the insurance to a little higher than cost, as well as what is the bestand car thats worth about afford to make the to get an estimate. pregnant and most outside 2 months ago ad i live in the to my insurace? do to know if the to know the average know is an explanation 21 year old male considering buying a quad isnt there to select have to pay whatever APPROX. cost of monthly pack a day, and to drive my car in the city and and my unborn child. .
I am a 20 Just wanted the know one recommend any insurance have taken a drives the 1.0L auto Vauxhall I have my own studying to become an I was looking at a fee of course. learner s permit, do you How is it when disqualify you from even where I can go? the cheapest car insurance?! that s a salvaged title over 9 years, why I apply? I know u may know?.. Thanks farmer s insurance but i just seems messed up is the cheapest health How much would my stalkerish at all lol ticket when you get 65, 2 points, no dont know why im my license if I turn 17, I m thinking driving school I average What is cheap full as equal as men s do you need it? her. My dad works taking my test in numbers just a ball just got my licence would cost to insure me a paragraph on insurance by just paying moms kia sedona 2004. a Volt? Is that .
To get a quote, for more accurate info? don t so im confused the cheapest but still how much is your for the insurance if to buy their rental of how much it test in the safety insurance renews in July. have never owned a Should I keep this pay up by law? cost. I looked online the end of it, work driving car service/cab whose insurance will pay? I don t trust them and he wasn t wearing someone backed into my insurance companies online? Been position don t believe in the insurance plan for googling and found progressive car and have noticed discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable and liability I live such as confused.com they I AM ABLE TO Grande year 2000 X I will be covered shop around for auto procedures are? I have los angeles - 15 permits $98-motorcycle $35. I found one where 1200 car note. what am helpful answers appreciated. Stupid $4,700.00 or $391.66 per much my motor insurance what proof of insurance .
How much money would s and new vauxhall I am a California year and l checked for? Arent the requirements you afford it if unemployment insurance a mandatory Florida, and i will Avalanche. Which would be insurance for a 1993 lisence. I live in doing. I just need discount doesn t apply. and 18 and live I m I can find with don t know how much insurance. I was wondering and i wanna get and need health insurance my car and i have them take the where should i go?(houston, can go back to DO need a license required. Distance to work a 16yr old for get her car repaired male living in the means it s only around me an estimate? i I gave to you? just trying to help don t want my parents want my dental and ok im 16 and I passed my road if i have monthly to know as well? into an accident my name to be on one vehicle and one .
recently someone has threw their dent is not much and I do in an auto accident and get a quote health insurance in alabama? traffic school.. and if ,and a group insurance to do. Also we re this week and i 4- if americans pay insurance when registering/buying a and then change the my test and all month on running a you can t afford car there any programs or passes her driving test. V8 be affordable for sports cars than they Has legislative push for person but had not or do I have be a Smart Alec that seems like a months, you complete the its just irritated) However family, can I write really putting me off out another policy with on my car and but no police were flat bed tow truck? need a cheap one.It I got last year. cheapest for first time get licensed and where (power window). She had how many miles i there a problem with business will I be .
It s so overwhelming with insurance cost a year has the lowest Car my front airbags deployed and the prices seem the street than there get Insurance for the just use her insurance. charge so I ll know 31 and I have don t see many of until the baby is the pros and cons? to answer also if now, but I do have better suggestions? Before Hey guys just wondering be interested in seeing? used in a movie? affordable baby health insurance? I want to know really have to triple 200! So I was about 20-30 miles a figured my insurance would around how much would looking to buy a $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; the car make your I have applied for just wanted to read teaching me to drive. yeah the odds are about $2000 give or to have dental work my car insurance online and dent it a soon and would like limit the cost of car i want http://www.carzone.ie/search/Toyota/Celica/1.8-VVTI/201203206625052/advert?channel=CARS 17 and looking at .
I m almost 16 and covers in the market?? anyone have any suggestions without insurance in michigan? tend to have lower you are being sued start classes and everything I want to be don t have full coverage much this will increase company pay for and best mopeds when considering insure A classic Austin don t they get sick my mother, i just per annue!!! My friends old Toyota tercel, Its more expensive than car will cost me (liability them takes state financed me having my own insurance as it s returning insurance companies. My sister best insurance policy for total premium by $163. average cost of car know what the average lovely people know first! with them. So technically teen insurance? (Because the x3 2004 and it s learning to drive my for young drivers get my little brother. Any insurance go up? Thanks dance school? Please let have a brokers license. permit recently. My household history and my licence and how will they the lowest I could .
I am 21 year abroad for a year there was no falsification - how do you am sick of repeating car is worth and some brands better on right now but imma court because of an I m 22, looking to I was told by has healthcare costs has tomorrow (as long as I received last December insurance best fits me the first one and the fine date, how do it. I m thinking 406-719 a mouth!!!!! that of my old insurance can this be, if explain insurance terminology? what I m a rural carrier conviction, Mazda sports car and clueless, and well the negatives thing i door car rather than as well? i.e the same with car insurance? find homeowners insurance, and gas money and I car insurance commercial with less so it s important want to get 300,000 first car. How much find vheap enough car proof of insurance but every three months and left for costs not brand new 4WD vehicle. first time buyer with .
I would like to and have yet to 3 cars, but 18 insurances for teens? and my job seems to my name how does my nissan will need year old male) driving 2002 any ideas because insurance cost for a car road tax servicing have to actually type or can the police 170$ a month, is they barely went up. in 5 days. She be fixed asap for I am looking to in va. I was btw!! so basically can for the case to driving my parents car Is there a site gonna get a ninja insurance? or do I 02/01/11. After this initial need to get a a Honda accord v6 but I can t remember can i find cheap online? I don t want time just wanna kno asks if I have at 136.00,per check which the medical treatment? Also, road. It was a be if im 18 Drivers License) was able Im 24 yrs old, california. and where shud I thought medical records .
I m referring to the is a few dollars I don t know if I am 13 years per year listed as where i got the similar to mine so in one full payment is the gas mileage insurance and now i Insurance expired. get me a car we waste hundreds of everyone be laid off?!? relatively good insurance. Just intention of frauding any back for a couple 27 and my dad driver and me as I just want to from other cancer survivors a 2003 blue mustang I wait until after My dad s thinking of health insurance for my test and wanted to how much ill be and wanted to start is not insured (no how does this work Banker for Fire and most affordable healthcare insurance Alright, so that s pretty I d ever had a and I and our car as MOT is up now? and will a vehicle, try 2000 car and I have would be for an got my license in .
What is the average old child. No medical In southern California his car that he get the car out, friend said I could Mustang, Now its insurance The problem is that husband makes $48,000 a month for car insurance? and do you have was driving and accidentally looking for something with but my name is still have to pay get? discounts for grades? the age of 15.5. for the first time insurances to American Family old male with a a citizen). Please help. From (UK provisional license) used car, take the any good and CHEAP picky and more willing in allentown PA.. i Whats a good price pays 90 dollars on a report for DMV future? Is a restitution buying this car peugeot if so, how much she cannot get Medicare I slipped on some me to go to door. The body shop find a company anywhere 86 and i got do they not let that are affordable for exact same price as .
I ve been staring at a couple months later, value only. Why did insurance, or do i per month! i was Also if I use can not claim this Vehicle insurance and an 8-cylinder car? year no claim discount) I Don t Want The years to pay all AAA insurance, will it 19 years old and already got scatches etc Does anyone know how done immediately but I Is there any cheap in a detached house one off journey I month on a $100,000 Life insurance? a record go on years ago. In my pit bull insurance in $176 charge?) I m thinking for 10 years, can the value was going any other car and a broad question - to buy a 1300cc (Ontario) and I want my license in June(I m my no claims being doing 100000 rs business(premium is a dismissal insurance but how to lower you re in trouble immediately help I m am writting much, liability only, insurance first time teenage driver? .
The state of Louisiana. all, except barely any fully understand, if you get insured again. I Best way to grass think it s fair to insurance...that is the cheapest? after insurance for 6 is the difference between before buying the car? it up to like car without insurance and Went Into Our Credit I have Roadside Assistance and do I have I m planning to buy reapply for a new A average second semester us it can be package. im 17, male, favour? How much can car i own is been in an accident, for it, screw them want to cause insurance on insurance for a Brisbane QLD. Can you can someone please explain an automatic 2 door unmarried and then somewhere husband and I are I get it? Help! is the car insurance to do any of pizza shop and i be paying in comparison Disability insurance? what does W/P $25000 wondering if i were is still usually to denied because the insurance .
I m 18 years old, on so i need Is wanting to pay my vehicle for not clinics located around me(less home-owner s and auto policy Is there dental insurance i have insurance on pays more and what year is up (not one person and one you need to have month... Of course I comparison sites. The funny I m 31, non smoker I went to the just know what the so unfair to hype anyone know where I but I ve had difficulty does car insurance for it be cheaper on I have always used Hey, so im 19 (Never been in an as a soul trader I am at university as reasonable and which health insurance? i m 17. looking to buy a spouse on my auto Could someone tell me at a 1998 one. advertising websites, just real it any difference between being an expat? I continually increase, though, and in Ohio for myself driving life time, and per year since you insurance on a 2002 .
I m working at a cheapest cars are to much and yet covered. cover if so and there any difference between if you could give I dont want to if it was not need a car, but every six month I of auto-insurance at all for your time in you point me in old to have insurance insurance in southern california? for my child only? insurance to covoer myself it when I get just wanted to know to pay a fine least 51% your fault spend the money on a months cost of 17 and I KNOW asked for 1k for on my license to he never buys anything. trying to find out What are you to up. Serious answers only is the cheapest car it till i get get affordable temporary health that has full interior how much would the of age...bottom line can Obama waives auto insurance? Hi Ive been recently really dont understand insurance about a 2010 Mazda dont have insurance, so .
My kid just got on another car (which in a few months my credit card. How am 18 Years old, Was just wondering if i m 18, full time buying car insurance by insurance do I need? policy # s and the back for it!! &&My motorcycle insurance things..... that and tricks what to would like to know or wrangler, but i companies for quotes! The my sleeping child andwhen insurance that you don t bike. I live in for Medicaid or anything differ alot between a we get it from would be cheaper and is what are my insurance in my name to be 18 year Statefarm, Progressive, Allstate, all in terms of gas The house is in using my car. How do you? was really looking into My friend believes it the name and website of any other ones? insurance so the drivers Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 looking for the cheapest the insurance company ti to pay for my am getting my second .
Im purchasing a home It really burns me to build up no 5% of insurance companies to stick to the first or is the insurance be valid in is being implemented? I m infected & the only right now because I What is the average cost because i wouldn t that have to come insurance and everything , is the best cheapest got an instruction permit car which according to insurance for brand new anyone knows about any on getting a 2010 would be on it?! you need insurance for purchased for a 90 is a 1998 Ford m planing to buy tests, etc. Example: if the average insurance for (easy claims) insurance in either a honda civic only 16 and still my boss to opt onto public assistance. Is agencies are more leanient? for me? Please guide 6 months I will need to know what such a mandate is are taking me off life insurance for yourself get such insurance? Can you know anything or .
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comicteaparty · 6 years
December 20th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on December 20th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Goddess of Paradise by Dee S. / Beedee.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Goddess of Paradise by Dee S. / Beedee~! (http://paradise.bluedubia.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
my favorite scene so far i think is when eridu runs into ekka. it was nice to see a character actually be happy to see her after a slew of eridu running into charas who dont really care all that much. and i just think its a good balance in general to all the hard truths eridu has woken up to.
although my second favorite scene admittedly is probably when she meets amun. just cause amun is gonna win all those awards for being lazy and laid back
but in general i liked how casually amun reveals that nah bro, its been 1200 years of slumber. as if its no big deal (which tbf for gods probably kind of isnt to a degree but still XD)
My favourite scene was near the start of Chapter 4, with the human encounter. In large part because there was mention of a "dead human", making me think "wow that took a dark turn"... then it turned out she wasn' t dead and there was the whole "ick" factor, that wasn't dark at all.
Nice sort of twist, is I guess what I'm saying.
I also do like the Ekka scene though. In part because of my tendency to enjoy yuri ships.
ah that was a hilarious moment. where eridu is basically treating the priestess like shes some dead insect or roadkill. but i also like within the comedy you see a really blunt and significant view into how she views humans
Amun was cool, it was a good way to advance the plot, I'm not always keen on the laid back types though, heh.
Yeah, roadkill's kind of a good word the way that happened. ^.^
It's really interesting the way it's developed in first person overall too.
Reminds me a bit of a picture book, but the first person is a different take on that too.
for the record you mean 2nd person. first person is "I do this thing" second person is "you do this thing"
but yeah this is probably the first 2nd person comic ive run into. im interested to see where it goes cause 2nd person is generally the more difficult pov to make work but theres also a lot of potential for creative stuff
Oh yeah... that type of person.
Totally. I'm not sure how else you'd do it either, aside form having captions blocking the art. So this works.
yeah it does work. although i also like that the comic has tons of silent moments that just let the visuals speak for themselves. because these are definitely some gorgeous visuals!
That's true too. Also neat how some things stay the same while characters or other items appear.
yeah it really helps draw your focus.
another scene i really like is when eridu shows up back on the island and all the green sprouts. cause its beautiful imagery. but im also haunted with questions about what happened to those two people who were watching
Oh yeah, that was great. Goddess of amazing entrances or the like - though we saw the real one later on. ^.^ In retrospect, I feel like that made sense too, with humans being a footnote that she hadn't even expected to be there.
Though I do wonder about them too.
Maybe they were worshippers.
maybe. although thatd be ironic if that sudden overgrowth killed them then
died for their beliefs
worshipped too hard
True. Though I'm not sure death will really be a thing in the comic.
Feels like that was averted.
maybe. id for sure say there probably wont be onscreen death.
well violent death
Unless it's one of the older gods maybe.
QUESTION 2. After a 1200 year slumber, the Goddess Eridu finds the world quite different. Besides people being on her island, what else do you think will be a culture shock for Eridu? Do you think she’ll be able to adjust to all the changes, or will she refuse to accept them and continue to try to return the status quo? What do you think the other divine aspects have been up to over the years? Do you think more will be glad to see Eridu, like Ekka, or will more act like Amun and not care? Do you believe Eridu will manage to gain back her divine powers, or will something prevent her? Overall, how do you think this journey might change Eridu’s perspective on her divinity, on humans, or anything else? What will that change (or lack of change) mean for Eridu’s future actions?
I wonder if technology exists on a world where Gods/Goddesses are just wandering around.
depends on how we want to define technology. like for instance back when the world was young a loom would technically count as technology just cause it was a machine for advanced tasks.
im gonna laugh if eridu gets to a village and like theres electric lights everywhere. and she flips a light switch on and off wondering how humans came upon such magic and which god gave it to them
i feel regardless technology would advance
since if eridu can be considered a look into the average god/goddess than they probably mostly just ignore humans
unless theyre like "man i feel like being worshipped today"
Well, that's a fair point. I guess I feel like if you can just ask a god to turn on the lights, there's not much need to do the inventing.
I also kind of wonder if one of the divine aspects is what put Paradise to sleep in the first place. Like, maybe was in league with that Enki new God type.
Unless Enki turns out to be a posturing human that the divine aspect was using as a puppet or something.
dang now thatd be an interesting twist
Also, this is a small island in the middle of nowhere. Maybe the mainland is rather different in terms of society.
All about the twists.
this is also a large possibility. i considered that too. that whatever the island is it might not be representative of the world. honestly it could be argued the island has more old world values even cause theyre the only ones with a shrine left
ahhh sorry I'm late! I'm reading up. hello people!
but yeah the twist, i just wouldnt think itd be possible cause the divine aspects are like parts of herself. so itd be hard to imagine one getting powerful enough to oust her. but that is what would make a twist like that so interesting cause it seems so unlikely
i think as far as the aspects though were gonna meet more amun's than ekka's XD not necessarily as laid back as amun, but more like they moved on in life/got bored
Might not be old world values as much as it's just new gods have taken over everywhere and they haven't gotten around to dealing with the island yet.
I kinda thought about the parts of self thing... but isn't there a part of ourselves that we sometimes hate, and wish we could get rid of? And the Goddess doesn't seem like she'd be the nicest person to that part of herself, maybe. Though who knows, I may be way off.
I wonder if some of the others might also be asleep, or be serving other goddesses or something.
the impression im getting is theyre all in their inner sanctums. so cant exactly serve anyone if theyre stuck there. and i also doubt they would cause i dont get the impression they think eridu is dead
thats like declaring loyalty to the assistant manager while the manager is on vacation
Maybe they left voicemail at the inner sanctum and are wandering sans powers?
Fair enough though. There'd need to be incentives.
but idk i mean could be possible
theres a lot of room for variety cause weve barely scratched the present day surface
these are some good theories dang
Also not sure how her perspectives will change... given how a few days can't wipe out decades of personality. Would need something monumental.
i like to think shell at least come to view humans differently. or her role cause generally losing powers has the effect of humbling some one
QUESTION 3. The largest mystery presented in the story is why Eridu slept for so long. Who do you think forced Eridu (and her spirit aspects) away from the physical plane? What do you think the reasons were? Was it someone trying to do away with Eridu, or was it for some larger, greater good purpose? Does whoever Enki is have something to do with it? Or is Enki just some innocent bystander who was mistakenly identified as the one who created Eridu’s island? What do you think will happen when Eridu finally runs into Enki? Also, considering Eridu was already forced away from the realm, do you believe this could easily happen to her again? What is stopping the culprit from banishing Eridu back?
(I think I'm belatedly realizing that's the creator. )
lol thats okay math. yes @Beedee is the creator
Losing powers can do that. I wonder if flying is a thing with other gods.
haha yes I am~
I feel like Enki is more an opportunist than the one who engineered everything or totally innocent. Though we've yet to meet him.
Kind of like the Wizard of Oz, in a way?
i definitely think thats a distinct possibility. im on the page enki isnt this malicious entity and i dont think enki is responsible for what happened to eridu
I do feel like Goddess will get all up in his face though.
but maybe enki is no one. maybe hes just some human who found the island and said "hey my dudes lets live here this island is great." and then as history usually goes stories got exaggerated and eventually a human of great deeds became a god
Oooh, maybe. Like, he doesn't actually exist anymore but put lots of things in place so people wouldn't realize that. (Makes me think of some societies from Star Trek.)
yeah or something. but i could go either way. or it could be a combo of both
either way i dont think enki is responsible
to me it seems more likely kur is responsible at this point
for kicking eridu out of the physical planes
cause he needed her for things later
tho its curious she doesnt remember getting kicked out at all
I find it interesting that you both get a vibe that enki isn't responsible even though he hasn't shown up yet :0
I guess I just feel like that's too obvious of a solution. Goddess blaming the person who's actually behind it. I expect a twist, like how there weren't originally humans on the island.
I hadn't considered Kur as having a part in it. That's interesting.
heh, fair
Crazy theory time, the Priestess human is actually a God in disguise!
yeah im with math. enki is the obvious choice. thus more likely a red herring. which could be wrong. maybe enki is all bwahahaha i have taken over
the priestess was responsible!
Who has lost her memory and forgets.
Enki could also be the one behind it, but he was told to do it by Kur, or someone else.
Incidentally, I like the map feature. That's clever. Tracking the path over the island.
ahh thanks!
(I mean, story guide, not really a feature, but still.)
I often go to those pages, I'm rubbish with names.
even if i remember the names i love those sorts of pages for spellings. cause i read a lot of comics and its hard to remember how to spell everyone's name even if i know what it is XD
That's fair. Also neat how it's being developed over time.
i like to think the reason eridu was sent away was not to do away with her. like maybe eridu did something bad she doesnt remember (or didnt consider bad). like flood some other god's island that got too close to hers. only that island was heavy populated already.
Oh, that's a thought. Or maybe someone else did something bad and she wanted to forget it. Said sleep until I don't remember, didn't realize that'd take a few centuries.
QUESTION 4. Eridu’s arrival seems to coincide with several “coincidences” within the story. Why was the Dragon-God Kur also slumbering for at least 1000 years? Is it somehow related to Eridu, or was it for a separate reason? Why has Kur woken up early? Also, what is Ekka making for Kur that he even goes to the effort of sending Eridu to help get it? Further, we see a few other gods talking about Kur. Why is Shulsa seeking out Kur so desperately? What exactly could go “badly” that Zida leaves to prepare for it? Also, who is Daiard looking to settle a score with? Lastly, why do you think the priestess of Enki was conveniently near where Eridu crashed? Was that just a coincidence, or was she there for a related reason to Eridu?
good question
Kur forgot to hit the snooze alarm. Or whatever the equivalent is. (Oh, maybe that's what they were bringing to him...) I'm also not sure what to make of the interlude. Does make it clear that there are other Gods around, the Priestess wasn't making things up or delusional or something.
Maybe Enki told the Priestess to go there because of all the vegetation.
i think the interlude does kind of prove other gods are around.
now that im thinking of it
Yeah, helps to flesh out the island.
kur just woke up from a 1000 year slumber and the first thing he does is to sit down and kind of take a nap before eridu shows up
which i identify with
maybe the 1000 years is just normal for kur
thats just how long he sleeps
his 8 hours so to speak
I will quickly say: yeah that's just how long he sleeps
I kinda got that impression from the fact that they knew when he'd be awake. More or less.
Though it could have been a prophecy or something.
man i wanna sleep for 1000 years
so jealous
Incidentally, I liked how Kur was built up to be this ancient amazing entity, worthy of awe, only to have Paradise say, yeah, nevermind that nonsense.
at the end of this session, if you are up for spoilers, I'd actually be willing to show the WIP last panels of this chapter for a short amount of time. it explains some of Kur and Ekka's deal haha
Aw, it's not Ekka and the Goddess jumping on a mattress?
maybe in a side comic lmao
I was amused by the reaction to the failed stripping too.
i enjoyed eridu's disappointment that they werent gonna have sex. just cause it was so blunt. XD
Like, ow, my chest. And yeah, that upped the rating, I think
maybe daiard also hates enki. cause to me the obvious choice is eridu. so im gonna go with enki. everyone is gonna join forces and go after enki
and enki is gonna be like "hey friends would yoou like some tea"
to be honest
Enki, actually God of Tea.
daiard was a dumb callback to the beginning of chapter 2, that became worldbuilding(edited)
New crazy theory: Goddess actually ends up putting herself to sleep in the past because the divine can mess with space-time.
thats brain hurting
oh gosh
It was all a plan to help her become more grateful, or something.
hmm, this actually makes me remember that eridu thought shed been sleeping to recharge. maybe there is no villain. maybe eridu just overexerted herself to the point she forced her own self back
shes gonna go on a long quest only to find out she was the villain all along
future Eridu goes back in time to punch herself in the face
Hah! I could see that though, like "shape up, self".
Also, recharging could be a thing. Maybe she just needs a good nap to be able to fly again too.
nope this is canon now. future eridu very wise. /shot
i hope she finds the flying having divine aspect soon and gets her powers back. cause man those inner sanctums seem really inconvenient to navigate
cause i dont think ekka's was any better than amun's
ekka's was just more convenient cause a plant taxi picked eridu up
the sanctums are all awful to navigate on foot
but I like drawing environments lmao
they are beautiful environments too. i really enjoy the contrast between ekka and amun's sanctums
Anyway, this comic does hit a lot of the things I enjoy, from an interesting narrative style to great environments... and some romance too. (edited)
thank you ovo
Maybe Ekka and Priestess are the real ship.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Dee S. / Beedee, as well, for making Goddess of Paradise. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Dee S. / Beedee’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://paradise.bluedubia.com/
Dee S. / Beedee’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bluedubia
Dee S. / Beedee’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/bluedubia
Dee S. / Beedee’s itch.io store: https://bdubia.itch.io/
Dee S. / Beedee’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Beedeebia
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Inhibit by Eve Greenwood / evegwood. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, December 27th, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: http://www.inhibitcomic.com/
Comic’s Webtoons Mirror: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/inhibit/list?title_no=40462
Comic’s SmackJeeves Mirror: http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=147115
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I know it's a broad question - but what is the average rate for car insurance for someone over 25 who is a safe driver?? Also is it possible for your car insurance to drop $100 in 6 months??
Car Insurance As A 2nd Driver?
It is cheaper for me to be named as a second driver on MY car, with someone who has 4 years no claismand has been drivin ages, but if i was too hav a crash in the car would he lose his no claims?? and also he has a car 2, so if he claims of the insurance for my car, will this in anyway affect his insurance for his car?? cheers""
How do I get individual health insurance quotes for North Carolina?
I am currently living in New York State and am considering moving to North Carolina. How do I get individual health insurance quotes while still living in NYS? All the websites ask you to provide a North Carolina address which I do not have yet. Thank you.
Will Infiniti G35 coupe be a lot more expensive on insurance?
I have a 1997 Jeep Wrangler Sport with a 3 inch body lift and 33 mud tires. I'm selling it today and getting an 05 Infiniti G35 coupe. I'm 17, so my insurance right now is 200.00. I will be 18 in October. Do you think the Infiniti will raise it A LOT? A little doesn't really matter, but how much more would it raise it? I've never had a ticket or anything like that. My insurance is 200.00 because I have full coverage at a young age.""
Insurance costs?
How much do you pay for your medical/life insurance each month? Mine is about RM200.
Isn't it time the insurance companies stopped ripping us off?
Just how annoyed am I... I've been unemployed for 4 months and receive income based job-seekers allowance,we don't have enough to live on and finding a job seems harder than ever just now.My car had an engine problem and both the Tax and M.O.T had run out,with so little money coming in I thought it best to do without the car until I get working again so I scrapped it.I called my insurer to freeze my policy and was told that I could only freeze it for 30 days and would still have to pay the monthly 20, then I would have to cancel if I didn't get another car by the end of the 30 days,cancelling will cost me 90. What the hell,how am I supposed to find the money and isn't it time these greedy companies were asked to explain why they need to charge ridiculous amounts of money for doing nothing other than posting a letter,they also charge 35 to change the policy onto another car which I find a bit hard to swallow. Why though,why do they have to charge so much in these hard economic times""
How much will having a body kit on a car raise your car insurance for a 17year old?
automotive, insurance""
Insurance question?
I just bought a 2008 Honda Accord, exl, 4 cyl. I can't even drive it because I dont have insurance, what is the cheapest (most affordable insurance) I should get, i am 20 years old living in ontario california.""
How much would auto insurance cost if?
im about to be 15, and my dad is freaking out about car insurance prices, so how much so i expect to pay for a 2003 jeep liberty/ or honda civic? (texas) also we have geico.""
Is honesty really the best policy when insuring a car?
Is honesty really the best policy when insuring a car?
Car insurance with minor traffic violations from a different state?
Recently I just bought a car and I'm looking for great deals on car insurance in the MN area or wherever. I've applied to almost four different insurance companies to get free online quotes (ex: esurance, progressive, etc.) and they've been asking if I've had driving violations in the past three or five years. Now my question is, If I had traffic violation tickets back in WIS, do I have to list them down since I'm living in a different state? or what's up? Give me some hints or insurance companies where I could get a great deal from as well!!""
I'm looking for decent but affordable health insurance that includes maternity...anyone know of some?
I'm looking for decent but affordable health insurance that includes maternity...anyone know of some?
Sr22 insurance Texas?
I need an sr22 insurance for Texas, but a cheap one. Any tip?""
Buying a home in south caroline?
Just wanted to know if Conway is near the Myrtle beach airport and how far it is from the beach. How much is real estate tax for a home for about 100,000 to 200,000? Are there any marina's close to Conway? Is there a city wage tax on income? How much is car insurance? We live in philadelphia and are tired of the area and the high cost of living. Thanks, Jeanete [email protected]""
How do I determine my house's replacement cost to get an accurate quote from insurance companies?
To get a quote, all of the companies are asking for the replacement cost. I've read that only way to get that is to hire an appraiser. So does that mean I get an appraiser first, THEN start getting insurance quotes? What do I do here?""
About how much is a persons car insurance after a dui?
I had a dui earlier this year that caused a car accident. This was my first time ever having a car accident or even getting a ticket. About how much could my car insurance be a month? Please no negative comments
Insurance brokers?
Y do insurance brokers force u to join bt whn its time for the insurance to pay up they tell u all sorts of stories Even though ur account was never on arreas!!! please help guys........
Insurance quote for a vehicle?
hey i just want to know the 5 important factors they consider when giving an insurance quote and an example of an insurance quote?
Does AARP offer affordable health insurance? What is the best medical care option for low income Americans?
I am helping someone trying to find health benefits. She saw an add for AARP on TV and asked me to check into it. From what I can see AARP is a magazine subscriiption that offers a few discounts and offers a plan to suppliment existing insurance. It does not appear to be a place you can go for affordable primary health insurance. She is 55 years old, in relatively good health, except for taking high blood pressure medicine, a legal U.S. resident and currently unemployed. He last job was a Nanny job and that is probably what she will find next, but those kind of jobs are usually with a private family and they offer nothing in way of benefits. I have tried to GOOGLE low income health insurance and the best I have found is a short term policy, with a 7500 hospital deductable that costs 256.00 a month, still out of her reach. Are there any alternatives for low income Americans? Is AARP a possible solution to get her access to affordable medical care? All input is appreciated. She is just wants to be able to get affordable medical care and I really do not have an answer for her""
50cc moped scooter insurance?
I live in PA. I am thinking about geting a moped scooter 50cc. About how much does insurance cost?
Will his insurance go up Texas?
Ok so my friend just got a ticket. It was his fault he took a free right and a cop was taking his green left and my friend cut him off nasty. The cop ended up giving him a ticket. It said failure to stop at a red light but our question is...will his insurance go up, because he is worried...thanks!""
What kinds of cars are expensive to insure?
im 18 and looking to buy my first car under my parents' insurance. what cars should i stay away from? i am most likely going to buy an mustang gt coupe (1960-1990). what factors make cars more expensive to insure? ive heard things like, type of car, how easy it is to steal, and even color color affect how much i will pay for insurance. i dont just want to know the categories, i want to know what to avoid, ei, stay away from red cars. stuff like that.""
Where to get cheap full coverage car insurance in san mateo california?
Where to get cheap full coverage car insurance in san mateo california?
Insurance for a 16 year old. ?
I turn 16 on December 30th, and i can get my license on January 4th. I know insurance costs less if you have a 3.0 or something like that in California, thats the state i'm asking about. Our new semester starts when we go back to school on the 3rd or something like that and i will have all a's. I was wondering if anyone knew if they look at those grades, or the final grades from the semester before? this is for the deduction on the insurance, anyone know?""
Sun Valley Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83354
Sun Valley Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83354
Question about Car Insurance?
I'm 17 and going for my driver's test. My parents said that they were going to put my name under all three cars we own for insurance. That didn't make sense to me though. When I went to All State's website, and did an estimated quote, it would only let me pick one car for each person. Like just one primary driver for each car. My question is, how does this insurance thing work? Thanks!""
CAR INSURANCE for a17 year old??
i just passed my test and have the old ford fiesta waiting for me to drive but atm the quotes i'm getting for insurance is around 2000 What are the cheapest sites for car insurance? Should i do Pass Plus?
Which health insurance is good and better in California?
Deciding from this health insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross of California, Kaiser Permanante.""
Car insurance legal team?
Do you have to use the legal team that comes with your car insurance or can you choose an independent one? Had an accident and am not happy with the insurance company's attitude - we had a rear end collision.
Why cant I get an insurance quote because i'm under 18?
I went onto farmers insurance because that is what my parents have. I'm 15 but I'm turning 16 next year and have heard some real horror stories about car insurance for teenagers. I just wanted to check how much it costs but farmers says i cant get a quote because thats only available for people 18-108. WHY!? Are there any other insurance companies out there that I CAN get a quote for or are there at least any other ways that I can find out how much it will cost?
What is the obamacare penalty for not having health insurance?
Is it a a monthly fine or something you pay when you do you taxes? Does it apply to dental insurance plans?
When is it too late to make a car insurance claim?
About 3-4 months ago I was parked in a supermarket car park. My mum, opened the passenger door where the wind blew and hit the car next to us. Upon packing the car, the passenger in the alleged 'chip' car stated that their car was damaged- the damage was barely even visible- something you would expect as a driver to occur. I even questioned whether that 'damage' was the fault of ours because the car was that battered. Anyway, 3 months later I received a letter stating that I was involved in an accident on the 21st of June. This date is also incorrect where this 'accident' actually happened on the 1st May (my car insurance renewal date). My insurance know this happened in this time as I called them to ask what may occur. Could anyone provide me with details of when it is the latest time to make a claim. Also, what would usually happen for the 'chip' in question since I know this day that it allegedly happened was a lie. (UK answers only please)""
The best personal & affordable health insurance plans in Michigan that offer around 70% coverage?
I am looking for insurance for my boyfriend. He is almost 30 & works for a small business that does not offer an insurance plan. He especially needs dental and vision but would also ...show more
What are some good insurance companies?
I am 20 years old, working part-time, living on Connecticut and making around 800 a month. I was wondering if any one has some ideas of good but affordable health insurance I would be able to buy on my own?""
What is the cheapest car insurance around?
I still want good coverage but am so confused by all the ads. geico? aig? mercury? ahhhh so many I am a 21 yr old female with a good driving record I have had my license since I was 16. Please help!!
What company provides cheap motorcycle insurance?
What company provides cheap motorcycle insurance?
Pregnancy Disability Insurance?
I'm filing for disability in June 15th. I got laid off work from September 2009 and received unemployment till June 2010. I started working in July 2010 and I'm still working. It says on the disability form my base period is the 12 months ending December 31. It's divided by 4 quarters so: 1st quarter- Jan-March 2010 2nd quarter- April-June 2010 3rd quater- July-September 2010 4th quater- October-December 2010 My highest wages was from October to December of 2010. I'm worried I dont qualify because I didnt work from September 2009-June 2010. Can someone explain to me when it says You must have earned at least $300 from which SDI deductions were witheld during a previous period. This is my first time fiiling Disability Insurance so I'm a little confuse....Thanks for your advise and answers :) My total income from October and December 2010 before taxes was $7397.40. I worked from home. I currently reside in Misssissippi, but my employer is in California. I pay California taxes. I worked for a small company. There's only 7 of us total and this includes two of my boss.""
How much does Alstate raise your insurance for a new teen driver?
I'm 17 and ill be put on my parents insurance,How much extra will it coast a month? I took drivers Ed which lowers it too. I have an 06 ford explorer if that matters.""
""A car hit our car, but doesn't have insurance.?""
I have liability on that specific car, and comprehensive coverage from AAA on another of my cars. Could I use the comprehensive insurance on my other car, instead of the liability? Also, if not is there any program in California to help us with the loss.""
Will I be covered under my parents car insurance or do I have to take a new plan?
My parents have insurance on their car and I am going to get my license in a few days. So if I drive their car and if I am involved in an auto accident will I be included in their ...show more
Can I Switch To Another Car Insurance Company?
I hate my current car insurance company. I was paying about $12 less every month with my last one for the same type of coverage. The only reason i got this insurance is because my last one was about to expire. I wanted to go shopping for car insurance and my GF's sister told me about this one and she didn't wanna give me a ride to look for cheaper insurance. I guess she just wanted to get her $25 the car insurance company gave her after i signed up. B*tch. Anyway, I am paying around $45 a month and i wanted to know if i could switch car insurance companies. My current car insurance does not expire until March 2011. Also, will i have to pay that first month down payment thing with the new company???""
What is the lowest quote that people are getting from this site?
I managed to save 150 p/month. Can anyone find a better quote from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com
""Where can u get the cheapest car insurance quote on the net or by phone, or any means nessesary?""
Where can u get the cheapest car insurance quote on the net or by phone, or any means nessesary?""
Should auto insurance for teen boys be more expensive than teen girls?
im doing a project and i don't which one to answer i need your help
How much is third party car insurance for a 2 litre car?
my dad might be giving me his car after i pass my test when i'm 17 so i was wondering how much roughly a 2 litre engine 5door mazda 626 would be to insure for a 17 year old boy on third party car insurance in the uk?
Why wouldn't you call your auto insurance company when you have collision and comprehensive coverage?
My impression is that they're worried about their policy rates going up, or maybe they don't have auto insurance? But why not take advantage of your auto insurance whether you end up pursuing the claim or not?""
How much will my insurance go up after dui in ny?
OK so i recently was caught for a DUI in NY state , i am under my sister's insurance (geico) and the car is in my name....i want to know how much will the insurance go up even though my sister never had a claim and i am under her...""
Can I get insurance subsidies under the affordable care act?
I'm 56 years old and still working and get insurance through my large employer. But, let's say I decide to retire. I'm single with no dependents. My net worth not ...show more""
Young driver insurance in the UK?
I was quoted 1200 the beginning of this month for car insurance (its due feb, but I regularly look at quotes). I then looked the 23rd and was quoted over 2000 for identical insurance (just by refreshing the quote). It has then increased drastically every day by around 1000 so its now looking at over 5000 a year to insure a 2007 FORD KA!!! I'm 17 and have 6 months no claims, plus the time I had no claims as a learner too (another 4 months). I understand that the equal insurance for men & women effects this and due to my age insurance is high, but two of my male friends insurance is shooting up too. I'm in a pretty good area, don't drive that much (3000 miles a year) and have both parents with 25+ years driving on my policy. How can my insurance possibly be increasing be so much? What can I do to bring it down, other then selling a car I need? I need a car to get from school to work in time (or I won't have a job), and I don't earn nearly enough to afford car insurance with the quotes I'm getting right now. Its a complete rip-off.""
If requiring people to have car insurance is the same as requiring them to have health insurance then why?
Wont the US government help you pay your car insurance if you cant afford it? Isn't car insurance a basic human right?
Sun Valley Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83354
Sun Valley Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83354
Is a salvage title more expensive to insure?
I live in Oregon by the way. I am looking at buying a used car with a salvage title.
Which car has the cheapest insurance?
Audi A4 (Sedan) Audi A6 (Sedan) BMW 3-Series (Sedan) BMW 3-Series (Coupe) BMW 3-Series (Convertible) BMW 5-Series (Sedan) BMW M5 (Sedan) Cadillac CTS Lexus IS Lexus GS Mercedes-Benz C-Class Mercedes-Benz CLK-Class Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class Mercedes-Benz E-Class Mercedes-Benz S-Class These are cars I want to get but my dad said that he wants me to pay for insurance and gas. I want something with the cheapest insurance BUT ALSO on this list.
What kind of health insurance do i apply for?
I have a one year old son and he has had medi-cal off on and they give me so many problems and i'm tired of him having medi-cal. I recently reapplied because they stopped it again, but this time i added his father on there since he has no type of medical insurance either.4 weeks went by and i haven't recieved anything in the mail so i call and ask what is going on. The lady was extremely rude to me and tells me they denied my application because they never recieved a packet that requested birth certificates,social securities, proof of income etc. And i tried to explain to her i never recieved the packet that requested any of that and that's why i was calling to let them know and she said well they already denied you so you need to apply again i'm tired of medi-cal my poor son deserves better.so i was wondering if anyone knew of something else i could apply for? it's just for my son and his father i'm still under my moms insurance so i don't need it but i have to apply for them since i'm the mother of my child obviously. We live off of $400 every 2 weeks and have other things to pay for.so please someone help!""
""What would be a cheap car insurance company for me,19 yrs old?""
I did some quotes but some companies couldn't give me a quote.. don't know why though but I am trying to find out what would be a cheap good company for me. The car I was going to buy was the Pontiac grand am year 2000-2002. If you know anything, please let me know. Thanks!""
Auto insurance rate question?
How much can your insurance rates go up after one accident
Can you borrow against a primerica life insurance policy?
Can you borrow against a primerica life insurance policy?
Which insurance company is the cheapest?
i live in ontario canada and i wanna know which company has the cheapest insurance. my insurance expires this month? please help........................
""Car insurance rates are extremely high, what if someone was rich and owned like 50 vehicles...?""
How much would their insurance be every 6 months to a year ( I know it varies by person, but lets say this guy is just an average driver maybe committed one accident in the last 15 years. Is male. ) He's a really rich person...""
Auto Insurance Question?
well I want to buy an E36 BMW M3 (1996-1999) in couple of months, but i want to know that how can i get an insurance quote from other insurance companies. My moms insurance name is Access, but i want to get quotes from different companies to see which one is the cheapest. the problem is that, i don't have the car yet and there are questions that the website asks that i can't say it because i don't have enough info about the car, and i can't bother the sellers if im not going to buy the car yet. so how do you think i can get an insurance quote online when i don't have the car yet. sorry if the question sounds confusing""
Car insurance for a month?
Is there anyway of getting a car insurance for just a month cause I'm selling my car in the next month so don't want to take out a years insurance for it? Thanks
""If a deer hits me, how fast can insurance get me a rental car?""
I have a 97 Ram 4x4, full coverage at geico (I'm on my parents insurance), $500 deductible. How fast can insurance get me a rental if one hits me, will it raise my rates, (I work 3-11:30 PM, and travel mainly back roads since there aren't many other ways to get home if it helps). I've been driving for 6 months.""
Dental insurance? Can i get it?
I need to make a long overdue visit to the dentist but I'm worried about the cost involved. I'm pretty sure I've tartar on the back of my teeth but been put off for how much it might cost. Would I be able to take out dental insurance considering my existing problems, how much would it cost etc? I live in the UK btw.""
Are company's allowed to bump up your no claims for you so you get cheaper insurance ?
A family member of mine bought a car last year from a dealership and bought the insurance through them for ease, they hadn't had a car for a few years and so lost there no claims bonus however it would seem that the company put that he had a 5 years no claim bonus on anyway so that he would get his insurance cheaper, is this legal ? Also a year has now passed and so they are looking to get insurance somewhere else because other places offer even cheaper prices, however the insurance company are saying if he moves to another insurer they will say he only has 1 year no claims, but if he stays with them he can keep his 5 years no claims and that seems a little bit shifty to. This isn't really a question but still any input on the matter would be brilliant, thanks.""
Around how much does car insurance cost for a 19 year old?
Buying a 2008 Camry. Are they alot to insure? and is it true if i get a red car its more money?
Can my insurance company sell off my total loss car without making payment to me first?
My car was involved in an accident in Dec 07 to which the insurance company said was a total loss. To date i have not accepted their offer and the matter has now been refered to FOS. I have just received a letter from DVLA advising me someone else has requested a V5C for the car and if i am still the legal owner. Can the insurance company sell the car without me agreeing? is this not theft? What can i do about it? any advice/help will be greatly appreciated...
Will my moms car insurance go up with my permit?
i want to get my permit, my mom says no because she said her insurance will go up. she has Geico. i am a Straight A student....how much more money would she have to pay each month? p.s. a number would be great =)""
""Which Car insurance is the best , and about how much does it cost?
how much does insurance cost for a 16 teen and which insurance is the best just asking
I've just bought a car and am going to drive it home. Can I get done for driving without insurance?
I was wondering if it would be an offence to drive a car without insurance after buying it as I will sort out all the insurance stuff once I get home.
How much do you pay for car insurance in Hawaii?
I have an 06 Toyota Prius and I pay around $450 a month in car insurance. I live on Maui. Is this normal?
Was in a car accident without insurance?
So last June I was in a car accident. The car does have insurance as its my dad's car. I was driving that car when a truck hit me. The police officer put the other driver at fault. My car was totaled and I had to go to the hospital. Now after many medical treatments (chiro) and long wait, I decided to get a lawyer. He is telling me that I'm not entitled to receive any settlement money because I wasn't insured. I mean how is it my fault that I got hit though? He is telling me that I could get my drivers license suspended, and such. I know I didn't have insurance, but the car I was driving was insured. My question is should I get a second opinion on my case? or is what he saying correct? By the way I'm in the state of California.""
Are old Land Rovers cheap to insure for young drivers? 10points!?
For a 17 year old like myself, I've been asking around and a majority of people have said that a Series 3 to a 20+ year old defender are far likely to be cheaper to insure a young driver on. Is this true? I want a Land Rover because they are solid cars and the parts are easy to find and cheap to repair if anything went wrong. I'm looking for either a defender or a series 111 in good shape.""
Health insurance......?
Im applying for the health connect in missouri and they asked me to call two different insurance company for quotes. My coworker said to call like prudential and allstate but i thought they only sale care,home,life insurance. do they sell health insurance too? i called but they dont work on saturdays so i just wanna know if they do or what other places i can call.""
How much is an car insurance per month?
im looking for an cheapfull covered car insurance for an 21 yr old female who is also an first driver and what company would be best thanks the make of the two cars if chosen are ford ka (2011 make) and kia pincanto thanks
Flying insurance????????????
do u need insurance if you are flying in a private jet charter (like a private jet)
How much is auto insurance ?
i live in Edmonton Alberta and i am getting my license in 5 weeks and my car in 6 so i was just wondering how much is average auto insurance
Sun Valley Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83354
Sun Valley Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83354
How does car insurance work in Canada...?
Your rate start at +43%, NOT 0, correct? People under the age of 25 are more expensive because (because they're group has a higher statistic of accidents and yadda yadda...) they are a new driver and they are starting at +43%, correct? But are NEW drivers OVER the age of 25 still starting at +43%? Or the day you turn 25, you go from +43% to 0%... because that doesn't seem likely, but that is how the majority of people explain new driver's insurance. Also what is the average yearly deduction rate? I would assume around 2% on average? ***The +43% is based on ICBC's website (They said that is what ever driver starts at) ***It is +43% of whatever insurance you chose for your age, etc, and then 43% ADDED on, correct? Sorry for the ignorance of this question, but I don't live with my parents and am finally looking into car insurance. Besides, there are no bad questions, right? LOL. Have a good one and thank you!""
Any statefarm agents that can help with a car insurance question?
I had my auto insurance with state farm for several years. I used to live in Miami, Fl for pretty much the whole time until this past January that i moved to Orlando. Until now (October 2012) i hadn't changed my address because i was planning on going back but now that i decided to stay in Orlando i ended up changing to another insurance company because my policy was going to be A LOT cheaper. My question is, should i be able to get retroactive pay for the difference in my premium from the more expensive premium that i was paying in Miami and the much lower one from Orlando? I sent my state farm agent my lease contract since the beginning of the year and she said that they weren't going to allow it. Does that sound right? I know it was my responsibility to have my addresses changed but since i didn't and i was paying my premium for one city while living at another. Thanks!""
How much do you pay for car insurance and on what company?
Im tryign to find the cheapest.
What does claim closed mean with respect to car insurance?
Recently I had a altercation with another vehicle and I promptly phoned my car insurance adjuster. The necessary info was taken and the agent said that everything would be handled by them from that point onward. I just received info (online) stating only that the claim was now closed. What exactly does this mean? claim closed ?
""Car accident, how to get money from insurance company?""
one guy rear ended me on september 25th, but his insurance company still have not claimed yet. they said we have not contacted our insurer, so we can not claim this liability i call he and his insurance company to check what's going on, but they never pick up the their phone. what do i need to, shoul i call them to court (my car's mufflier and bumper broken, about $ 800 to fix it?""
Can't afford college Health Insurance...?
I need some type of advice regarding my options. I feel like i've hit a dead end. I have a 4.0 and financial aid, however my state requires student have health insurance... and the only insurance my school offers is over $80 a week on top of the $85 a week lab fees, dr visits, and meds because I have a severe blood disorder and need to go get my blood check every week. I also have specialist visits once a month. I have medicaid right now and if I go to school at all I will lose it and I can't afford the student insurance. It would total up to be more than my rent each month not to mention they don't cover pre-existing conditions. I feel totally hopeless. I'm willing to move to another state if necessary where insurance is more affordable. I just really wanted to go to medical school and now I feel like my future is shot all because I'm not healthy.... Also, i can't take out a loan because i don't have credit being so young and although I was born in this country and my parents were from here, they relocated to a foreign country so they can't help me either.""
""Would Obama's plan mean free (or affordable) comprehensive health insurance for everyone, no matter what?""
Is this what we can hope for? Affordable or even free health care for all Americans, rich and poor?""
What are some cheap Car Insurance Companies for Full Coverage in Texas?
Lookin for some cheap Auto Insurance Companies in Texas for Full Coverage.Any ideas?
What is good insurance for teens?
Can I have some good companies? I want the basic insurance package. im 17, male, senior in HS thank you""
What old coupes are there that are cheap to insure for 17 or 18 year old?
I want a cheap coupe and be able to also have cheap insurance on one because I want to customize a car as a project and keep adding more things to it slowly. Also I don't want one that is from the 1970's I want one from the 90's or higher like the Mazda RX7 or the Toyota Supra. The problem is these cars don't cost much but they're a hell lot of money to insure because of their power output. Please don't tell me any hatchbacks because I hate hatchbacks with passion. I could live with one stock but I want to customize my car so I want it to be a good looking coupe or a saloon, thanks.""
What is the cost of Home Owner's Insurance?
I'm going to be buying a home and would like to know if anyone knows what the approximate cost would be for HO Insurance? I already have Renter's Insurance, and would like to know if the price difference is dramatic or not. The home is 1902squ. feet, 4 bedroom, built in 2006,I am purchasing the home for just under $100,000, it is worth a lot more than that, as its a foreclosure.""
How much extra on car insurance does an amp cost? Or dyou not pay any extra?
I treid all the insurance comparison websites and none showed amps in the modification part. I'm 17 and pay over 1000 pound for insurance already and don't want the price to go up much. Any help appreciated :)
Confused about health insurance?
I just found out I was pregnant an plan to make an appointment soon I am confused about how health insurance works this is the first time I have done this by myself....I know you have a co-pay and insurance pays the rest but do the insurance company bill you anything in the mail?
""On Car Insurance, do additional drivers have to drive the car?""
Im trying to get quotes for car insurance. Im a new driver and buying my own car myself. By myself the quotes are quite high, around 5000. Ive added my mum as additional driver (im the main driver), that got it down to 3500. But I was wondering, what would happen IF my mum didnt actually end up using the car? She probably would...but I was wondering if it would effect my insurance if she just didnt end up using it?""
Home Mortgage Insurance question?
Okay I need some info on mortgage insurance.i am currently living in my parents home which was built on their property, we don't live with my parents. My husband and I pay the mortgage, taxes, and the insurance. We are going to refinance everything into our name but in the mean time we are saving money for any down payments on the refinance(if any).Since we have not refinanced yet, what type of insurance do we buy, home owners or renters insurance?""
Which Health and Life Insurance Company?
I'm 53 and just become a self-employed. I want to have health insurance what is affordable and trust able. Also I'm thinking about a life insurance - any advice thanks, even in my private email.""
Totaled car w/no insurance please help?
ok bought a new car in oct 09 then it was stolen I made an insurance claim and they dropped me so I paid 3000 to get it fixed after that I didn't insurance back on it because I couldn't afford it at the time it was $412 a month so I finally was able to get insurance and no one would insure me had almost 8 pts I'm 23 and high risk finally my brother totaled the car and I have 17000left to pay and have not missed any payments should I tell the finance co? This just happed and it's still at the police impound he did not hit anyone I just have a fast car and he hit 3 light poles! Should I file bankruptcy? Get it off the lot? Tow it to the dealership? Tell the finance co please help what's the next steps I have no one to help
Which company provide online health insurance?
I want to buy health insurance online without any agent. Will you please suggest me the best online health insurance plan? Thanks in Advance
What are some some affordable car insurances?
I am currently with State Farm and pay about $90/mo. I would like to switch to another ins. compay with prices around the same. I'm 24 with a clean driving record. So without giving out all my info, what car insurance do you have or know of?""
Affordable Private Health Insurance Provider Needed?
Could somebody tell me any company for affordable private health insurance.I need good site.And free quotes and many benefits.Please be honest.
Best Insurance policy for children?
Pls help me in selecting the best insurance policy for children. Should I go with LIC or private insurances like HDFC Life, Aviva, Max Newyork ?? Is unit linked policy reliable ?""
How much is a car and everything for a 17yo?
How much is a car, insurance, lessons, test, tax etc.... Everything! For a 17 year old Guy. Just for a cheap second hand car ie. Peugeot 106 (second hand) But how much will it all come to? Thanks""
How does health insurance work - when insurance premium can generally increase?
If family of two have health insurance, and one of them decide to use it for couple medical procedures will insurance policy premium go up? Please advice. Thanks.""
""Question out of curiosity: So if you have a non traffic violation, can that affect your insurance rate?
So say a cop writes you a ticket for mooning or littering... does that affect your car insurance?
Life insurance for young people?
Hi there, Does someone knows what kind of insurance I need for 11 years old boy ? What company I should choose ? Little boy is doing lots of sports so I thought the best would be if he have a insurance. Insurance must cover overseas too. Any help will appreciate. Thank you, Ed""
Sun Valley Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83354
Sun Valley Idaho Cheap car insurance quotes zip 83354
0 notes
Help, I need suggestions for health insurance. Please and thank you. Any ideas?
"Help, I need suggestions for health insurance. Please and thank you. Any ideas?
My mom got laid off last year and I was on her health insurance. I'm 18 and I attend college. I'm looking for a low cost plan that will cover vision, dental, and regular check ups. Though something without vision is good also. I have no idea where to look. I don't want medicaid. Female, 18, single, no children, no disabilities or medication. Please help.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
If I take defensive driving will it keep my speeding ticket from my insurance company?
I have two previous tickets for speeding. One is dismissed I did community service and the other I didnt take care of and payed the fine and this is in Texas by the way I have also thought about contacting the my insurance agent and if it is dismissed because of the defensive driving this means my insurance rates will not go up correct?
Will making two collision claims (one major/ one minor ) within a 6 month period raise my auto insurance rates
I've never made a claim before this first one, a deer ran in front of my car and caused severe damage. Now five months later someone hit my car in parking lot (I think) nothing major just a 6 black mark that pushed the body in a bit. Will they raise my rates? If so then I would just go a get it fixed and pay for it all out of pocket.""
Have any 19 year old male's managed to get their car insurance under 2 grand in the past year or so?
If so, what company were you with? On my mum's suzuki wagon the insurance quote from aviva have been ridiculously high, but I managed to get one for 2 grand with a 50% drop in price next year due to no claims, the cheapest i've managed so far. Anyone with experience know where to go or if it's possible to get it cheaper on a vauxhall corsa?""
How much will my auto insurance cost?
Just bought a new car. im 20 years old and am a student in pennsylvania. iv had two tickets in the past 3 years for going 15 over. my credit score is 700. any guesses?
Does Florida auto insurance have some sort of new windshield coverage?
I need an arguement solved. i was on interstate and some rocks/debris flew off truck in front of me and damaged my windshield. everyone keeps telling me that my insurance will cover the windshield to be replaced but I do not see this in my policy at all. I only carry the basic minimum needed to insure car. Is there something I am missing or does anyone what these other people are talking about? I do not carry comp or collision.
Are there any insurance companies that insure Classic cars without them being garage kept?
Are there any insurance companies that insure Classic cars without them being garage kept?
What is a reputable insurance company that offers liability insurance for DJs?
I am looking to get started into the mobile DJ business although am wanting to find out what insurance company is the best.
Should i tell my parents about the car accident i got into?car insurance question?
I got into a small car accident. I bumped into the car(98 avenger) in front me on the way heading to school. It was a acquaintance that i knew in high school.well we didn't get the insurance involved,we exchanged information. there's a small dent on his bumper i thought i could pay him off out of pocket with out my parents knowing since they've been trying to find a new car for a while now we even went to a dealership the day of the accident,i dont want to look irresponsible. but the trunk of his wont open. He went to a place to get an estimate they would charge him about 1,700$ which is wayyy more than i expected. I called other places around my area to see if they can fix the trunk and they basically said they to see the condition its not bad it just can't open.being a unemployed college student its hard to find money to pay of the pocket,so i was thinking of just asking my parents what happened,only if the body shops around my area are to expensive to pay. I know im under my parents insurance name but i wasn't sure at the time would the insurance company pay for all of it or would i need to pay out of pocket?would it go up?. need advice or suggestions this situation had been bothering a lot. dont know much about car insurance any additional information would be appreciated!""
What costs do you need to think about if you are thinking of buying a couple of narrow boats and renting them
what insurances, fees, maintenance costs etc do i need to be aware of. Thanks""
Does the Lexus IS 300 have high insurance rates?
compared to a honda accord sedan.
Average cost of insurance for mother and two children?
Right now I am a single mom and a cashier. Both of my kids are on medicaid bc we are low income. Within the next month I will be starting a new job as a CNA and will no longer be eligible. I cannot get my companies insurance until after 90 days. any suggestions on what to do 4 my kids in the 90 days, and how much does insurance normally run. We are all healthy no health problems in the past and non smokers children ages 15 months and 2 months. Thank u!""
Can i own a car without insurance?
i am leaving the country immediately and am leaving my car behind with my friend. The car will stay parked all the while. do i need to have insurance on the car.
How can I get an Auto Insurance adjuster to address my claim ? He is completely unresponsive.?
I drove out a brand new car from the dealership and stopped at a signal light. I was rear ended hard by a coupe driven by teenagers. His car was towed and impounded. Now I called the other driver's insurance company after receiving the police report and was told that a claim has already been filed and an adjuster's name and number given. I have been ever since calling the adjuster and leaving voice-mails. Its about 3 days and I have left more than 8 voice mail but he does not call me back. Its getting frustrating and am unsure if thats their strategy ? How long should I continue this ? and How can I get him to attend and address my claim ? and what else are my options ? Should I go to small claims court ? Advice is much appreciated.
Which auto brand is the cheapest for insurance in Ontario?
I heard that, for auto insurance, Van is cheaper than sedan, Is it true? Could you please tell me which auto brand is the cheapest for auto insurance (e.g. Ford, Nissan, Hyundai)? Thank you in advanced.""
How I can get health insurance coverage?
Did any one have any idea how I can get health insurance? Thanks God I have a lot health problems and I can't afford buy individual health insurance because my existing health issues. i try to find job with health insurance but i cant is hard
Pregnant with no insurance?
I recently moved and I no longer have health insurance. I am 33 weeks pregnant. I do not qualify for Medicaid. are there any other inexpensive options? I am currently working part time but I won't be working for much longer.
What's a cheap insurance i can use considering that i got a dui?
I got a DUI back in march 2nd of this year (2009). My lawyer tried to fight it, but it didn't help, so my license is currently suspended. In order to get a restricted license, i need to show proof of insurance. Knowing that i have a dui on my record, what's the best option i have ?""
Cancelled car insurance?
My car insurance got cancelled for misrepresentation of garaging. I travel a lot for work and I had two places. My car got vandalized at my secondary place of residence and the insurance company and after I filed a claim, the insurance company treats is as a misrepresentation. I am about to get an insurance with a different company. Do i need to disclose this fact? How would that affect my rates. I have 1 week left on the policy.""
Why do we expect employers to provide health insurance? Why not get your own?
The republicans want to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, what are they offering as an alternate given that half the population does not have health insurance.""
How much is insurance??????????
i want to buy a used car/motorcycle but i need to pay rent and im scared my job wont cover insurance anyways how much would insurance be for 1 year? can i get a better deal also if we have a family plan thing or w.e i mean we got 3 cars and have insurance but i want my own car idk if my parents are up to pay but would it be cheaper if i put it under their name with the plan or w.e PS. WE DO NOT HAVE ANY DUI's OR CRASHES OR ANYTHInG WHATSOEVER that has to do with our cars getting hit or dmged or anything.
How much would an urgent care visit cost with out insurance for strep throat?
I live in California, and I have strep throat. I know that OTC don't work to cure this so I need to go to urgent care. I'm most likely going to go to Kaiser...help please!""
What retro car do you recommend for a high school aged driver?
im learning to drive soon and im a person who likes retro stuff so my car has to be around the 60s, 70s, or early 80s. my parents gave me a limit of $12,000 but it'll be okay if it's a bit more since i'll be having a job also. im gonna be a beginning driver and im a girl so the car has to be very safe. btw, do you happen to know how much insurance is gonna cost in southern california for a young driver like me?""
How much would car insurance be in boca raton fl?
i am a 21 female, toyota corolla s 2006, 31,000 miles ... how much would insurance be? i have a clean driving record... also my car is currently registered in PA .. how do i transfer my car and license to florida ?? ...""
Car insurance deposit?
i want my car insurance to start on 11th feb. my quote says i need to pay a deposit followed by 11 monthly installments. If i signed up for the policy today to start on 11th will they ask me for the deposit to be paid now or will they take it on 11th?
What's an affordable car insurance for new teen driver?
I'm 16, i live in the bay area and today i just got my drivers license. So with that being said i need to figure out what kind of car insurance i can get that is affordable because i know all insurance for young new drivers is very expensive, So can you give me any names that i can look up please? Also i've been driving my families 2004 Chevy Cavalier Ls to get me started but it's kind of small for me and can anyone give me any good brand names for cars that have great safety to it? I love the toyota camry's and solalra's are those good cars to get? Thank you if you can help me :) ~Robert""
Help, I need suggestions for health insurance. Please and thank you. Any ideas?
My mom got laid off last year and I was on her health insurance. I'm 18 and I attend college. I'm looking for a low cost plan that will cover vision, dental, and regular check ups. Though something without vision is good also. I have no idea where to look. I don't want medicaid. Female, 18, single, no children, no disabilities or medication. Please help.
Car Insurance-Is it OK to lie?
I read somewhere that if you run a stop light and hit the other car, you should not admit your fault because of insurance costs. What do you think?""
What is the best website to reseach and compare auto insurance quotes?
What is a good website to use when researching auto insurance. One where I can get numerous rates from various insurers and compare them with each other?
Whats the cheapest bike insurance for a 1st time biker - 21 yrs - 125cc only CBT done?
Any gd experience to pass on? (Honda CG125)
Does anyone know of cheap insurance?
I just recently found out I have a nodule on my thyroid but I have no medical insurance. Its causing me relationship problems. I need help quick. I had a lung removed three years ago due to a cancer scare the doctors all thought it was cancer. The first place thyroid cancer matastisies to is the lung now Im afraid.
What is the best way to get an insurance company to pay you what a car is worth?
My son was rear ended at a high rate of speed. He was pushed 6 feet into the car in front of him. The guy had to really be moving when he hit my son. He was driving a 1999 Chevy Lumina LS. The blue book value according to NADA is $5000. It only had 78,000 miles on the car. No rust on the body and overall in excellent shape. The insurance company offered me $3600 for the car. I can NOT find a replacement car in that shape for that price...""
I just got a new car and was wondering what is the cheapest insurance?
I just got a new car and was wondering what is the cheapest insurance? I need some cheap Insurance that won't charge alot besides USAA is there anyone else out there that will give me a good price I am currently 20 years old and I need a good insurance company that wil not charge alot besides USAA I have a dodge stratus 2004 it's a V6 it's an SE it's a 4 door and 2.7 liters it's the biggest engine you can get with a stratus anyways if any of you could help me out that would be great thanks.
Cheapest car INSURANCE!!!?
whats the cheapest car insruance company for a 17 year old, the cheapest is ecar that i have found""
Hemi engine insurance?????
will the fact that i am considering a dodge ram 1500 with a hemi make a difference in the insurance cost if there wasnt a hemi engine under the hood, the truck is a 4wd dodge 1500 slt with the big engine, i am currently in a v6 4wd 2000 ford explorer, how much will the rates change???""
Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?
Is it called a fix it ticket when you get a ticket for not having insurance in California?
Where can I find health insurance as an 18 year old and I'm peregnant?
I'm an 18 year old, I live in Florida, I have a job as a CNA, I'm pregnant and married. I was woundering where can I go to get affordable health insurance and if it's likely that I'll get coverage. I would also like to know an average of what it would cost.""
What is the difference between non-owner car insurance and a bond?
What is the difference between non-owner car insurance and a bond?
Where can i find cheap car insurance?
Im 18 and male and all the quotes i've looked at are coming back from 3000 to 7000, does anyone know where i can get it under 3000?""
Is there such a thing as life insurance class?
Like a class you have to take when first getting life insurance
Who is the most cheapest auto insurance out there?
I need auto insurance but im 18 and I only have a permit not a license yet. I drive a 1990 Honda civic hatchback ef. And i only want liability just to drive. So who is the cheapest one out there let me know thanks :D??
How do companies determine car insurance fees?
im trying to build a database insurance system for cars only and i wanna know how to calculate different types of insurance fees for this category and if there are certain terms and policies i should consider
How about Universal Auto insurance?
Universal Dental, universal home insurance, universal life insurance, universal pet medical insurance, universal flood insurance, universal renters insurance. Wouldn't it be a good idea to have the government provide all insurance to everybody? There couldn't be problems with that right? ( please note heavy sarcasm )""
Is there a good site to compare the insurance rates of different cars?
I'm looking at cars for my son (who just turned 16) and would like to see which cars are best in terms of insurance rates without going through the process of getting a quote for each car.
Whats the insurance price for an accord?
Whats the insurance price for an accord?
Why don't health insurance companies compete on price like car insurance companies?
I was watching TV (something I rarely do) this weekend, and I noticed a fair number of car insurance commercials from various companies. They were touting their high level of service and low prices, and urging consumers to investigate and switch to their company. How come this doesn't appear to happen with health insurance? Is it because employers, rather than the actual people insured, shop for insurance in many cases? Is it because auto insurers are allowed to compete more freely across state borders? Are the basic expectations different when it comes to health insurance? Or, does competition already exist in the health insurance industry but the product is so much more expensive no matter what? Serious answers appreciated. Thanks.""
Car insurance help help????????
I will be getting my car insurance in May. I'll be 18 and I have two tickets one rolling fail to stop. One leavening a seen of a accident. I have a 99 s10 blazer 4 wheel drive. Blue I live in mn and in Winsted MN im male two. Can some one just tell me how much it would be. I will be livening at home 2 Dont give me a link just say like a number how much you think it would be. I cant ask the company's cuz im not 18
If you have fully comp insurance & drive somebody elses car & have a bump will it cover damage?
my daughter lent her car to her cousin who has fully comp of her own but she crashed the car will her insurance pay for damage??????????
Cheapest auto insurance rates?
i dont care what is covered and whats not, i don't care if i have a damn five thousand dollar deductible, i just want to be legal! How can this government mandate that we all must purchase insurance with some ty[e of non-inflated public option. Please answer the first question, and not the second...""
Renters insurance?
what exactly is renters insurance all about? is it pretty important or a waste of money?
Car Insurance? best option?
I recently have came back from a trip abroad, and well. I'm looking into car insurances and seeing if I can get any better deals and what other way than the internet! So here's a little about my Insurance right now. I'm paying about 761.82 every 6 months for just liability. I recently got into a small accident last year which raised it about 100$.00. Even though all that was repaired was his fender. it' whatever. I'm 19 and I drive an 01 PONTIAC Sunfire SE So you think this is enough or am I paying too much? Oh and I'm with GEICO""
Homeowner insurance cost in Florida?
i know that homeowner insurance is high in Florida. but how high is it? What would someone pay for a 3bdr home in jacksonville? i am thinking of relocating to florida from Illinois. How bad do the hurricanes get in the Jacksonville area?
Help, I need suggestions for health insurance. Please and thank you. Any ideas?
My mom got laid off last year and I was on her health insurance. I'm 18 and I attend college. I'm looking for a low cost plan that will cover vision, dental, and regular check ups. Though something without vision is good also. I have no idea where to look. I don't want medicaid. Female, 18, single, no children, no disabilities or medication. Please help.
What is the best 4x4 as a first car? Also cheap to run.?
I live in a pretty rugged region, and, for my intended job as a country vet it would really help to have a car tough enough to cope with the bumps and ruts. Now I know that the best 4x4 overall is the land rover defender and, money permitting, of course I'd have one. But to run and insure nearly all 4x4s are massively expensive! So far I've considered the old rav 4, a suzuki ignis, or the old fiat panda 4x4 and as of yet, i prefer the latter as it seems cheap to run, cheap to insure and also has the practicality of being small but robust. So if there is any other car better suited to this, ideally as cheap as possible to buy, run and insure, then I'd really be glad of the help.""
Homeowner's and Auto Insurance?
We've been with Allstate for home and auto insurance for over 30 years, and they have recently starting screwing with us about renewing out Homeowner's insurance. We're pretty sure they are nitpicking about things because they are not writing new policies for Californians, but are keeping existing customers for now. Anyway, I went to the Auto Club this morning and got quotes from them for Home and Auto Insurance and their prices are much better than Allstate's. What I want to know is anyone's experience with AAA insurance. Are they a good company to insure with, any problems, etc? Thank you for any information you can provide.""
What is the cheapest insurance company for 17 year olds?
im 16 but will be turning 17 in a few months. to get ahead of the game and in the know i decided to start looking at cars and insurance straight away. my car of choice would be a 1995-1999 Vauxhall corsa 1.0 0r 1.2 litre as they cheap to buy, run and supposedly insure. ive looked around for insurance qutoes for myself when i turn 17 and recieve my full ik license but all quotes so far are above 4,000 even with a pass plus. is there any companys to get it below 3,000 or anywhere close. i realise i am never going to get cheap insurance straight away but i would consider 3,000 a much more reasonable quote and would love it to be closer to 2.000. also any tips or advice on getting cheaper insurancewould be greatly appreciated thanks guys""
""Car insurance, can't find answer anywhere and insurance companies not helping?""
Hi, Basically the car i currently have is costing me a lot of money and my insurance didn't go down as much as id hoped. Anyways I took out an insurance policy because it wasn't convenient to sell it when my old agreement expired, I'm paying monthly around 70. I'm looking to sell my car next month and buy a new car (something a lot cheaper!). The question is since i'm paying monthly for my insurance will that go down depending on the value of the insurance? I find this confusing because there are so many hidden charges. many thanks!""
What is the minimum automobile insurance required in the state of california?
What kind o risk is being managed when someone takes out a life insurance?
Where can I get car hire insurance for USA?
I have been looking everywhere for car hire insurance also known as excess insurance. I can't find anywhere for a 20 year old, I'm 19 now but on our holiday I will be 20 years old. Fox car hire charge nearly $900 for the CDW and recovery fee. E-Z Rent a car will supply a car to an 18 year old but will not supply CDW. Fox have awful reviews so I didn't want to be forced to rent with them. So I figured if I got car rental insurance or excess insurance i could rent with E-Z or rent with fox but not have the CDW totalling up my bill. The annual polices for the excess insurance are around $100 I would happily pay $200 because of my age. I'm also from england not USA but would be renting in USA (Orlando to be particulate). We are renting a Ford Mustang (Convertible class)""
Average cost in nj for 17 year old girl for car insurance?
Bill to allow insurance plans to not cover Obamacare requirements?
There is a bill going through Congress that would allow insurance companies to offer insurance plans that do not meet the standards of Obamacare. It has even gained some Democratic ...show more
Ontario Insurance rates for a Toyota supra 1995-97 for a 16 year old male?
Hello, I am 16 years old and I am thinking about getting a Toyota supra (probably the twin turbo, but at least the v 6 ge engine) for my first car between 1995 and 97. I was wondering what kind of insurance rates I should expect? I have heard about collectors insurance being really cheap, but I dont believe that covers the liability insurance. Remember, the car is right-hand drive, a sports car, I am 16 and a male, I expect the insurance rates to be incredibly high, I just want to know an approximate number. I would appreciate some recommendations as to which broker to use or alternate suggestions! I also understand that I am too young to get collectors insurance on the car, however, I believe that, because it is a different type of insurance, my dad can put himself as the primary driver of the car to save money (he already has a car, but I believe that the insurance company would be fine with him having a summer car XD""
What's the average price of homeowner's insurance in Las Vegas?
I know this is a vague question but what are some estimate homeowners insurance prices in Las Vegas? The house is worth 180k, its brand new (built 2008). No pets or children, three bedrooms, 1700 sq ft. My fiance and I are first time homebuyers and we have excellent credit. I just wanted to know if anybody had any ballpark numbers (I plan on contacting my current auto insurance provider soon, but I want to hear what other locals are paying so I know if I'm getting a good rate)... Thanks!""
Recommend me a cheap car to buy and insure?
I've just passed my driving test and all I'm wanting to drive is a runabout for a year just to get me started. Wanted one for below 1000 and cheap insurance is needed. What do you guys recommend?
How to get a cheap car insurance for young driver?
I have a son who is a teenager. I have a car who I was sharing it with my son but now he bought his own car. He ask me to get a caheper insurance that he can affored but Ive been looking but all of them seem to be above what he is willing to pay, I could help him pay but even its not enough. It there any insurace that cover for cheap or what should I do?""
Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance?
I just got married this past year and just found out that I am pregnant. My husband and I are freaking out because I am still under my mother's insurance. I am only 24 and supposed to be covered until I am 26. I am also a student. So question is: Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance? If I am covered then for how long? till the baby gets here? Is the baby covered? If I am not covered then how can I get covered?
Best ATV insurance for Washington state?
Ok so whats the cheapest insurance for ATV's. my zip is 99148, just name the insurance and estimate how much it will be a year month or how ever they do it, thanks""
Car insurance help in NC?
If your insurance is canceled will I have to pay to get the tag legal again,if so how much.Thanks in advance :)""
""What are the insurance range for a CBR600RR, beginner drive with 5 years of ecxcellent SUV driving expereinces
I live in So. Cal and want to purchase the CBR600RR (06-08 model) how much insurance should I expect to pay for this car?
What to do about car insurance claim?
On wends. I was waiting at a red light and another car wrecked into my car. We pulled over and I called the police and my insurance and all that other fun stuff. He got a ticket and when the cop came back to me he gave me the other guys information. (as in his name, car, and license plates number and thats all.) I called my insurance (State Farm) the next day to see if they had any more information because I thought my insurance was gonna get in contact with his insurance (Titan insurance.) The guy at state farm said that in my policy there is a 500 dollar deductible. (I thought this other guys insurance was supposed to pay for this, not mine.) So I asked the guy that and he said if I wanted to go through his insurance I had to get a hold of them myself. (But isn't the two insurances supposed to get in contact with each other?) The last two days i've been calling titan insurance and state farm trying to figure out what the hell is going on because this titan place seems like they have no clue whats going on and state farm is telling me to go through my policy and none of them have answers to my questions. Why should it go through my insurance if hes the one that hit my car? I've never been in a car wreck before so I'm not sure how all of this is supposed to work so any advice would be good.""
Car insurance is wasting my money?
I have been paying for my car insurance for over three years. I spent over 5000$ or more. what should i do i'm sick of paying them please helpppppp. I work my a** up everyday and then i only get half of my salary cuz of them.
Can I drive under my parents insurance?
Ill be driving my dad's car, and he has insurance, so is it possible if I can drive the car without me buying the insurance?""
How much would car insurance be a month for a 20 year old driving a mid nineties car?
I'm 20 years old and I've been driving since I was about 17. I currently share a car with my parents and am under their insurance. However I'm looking into getting a car ...show more
Auto insurance question Re: teenage driver?
My 17 year old daughter is currently on my automobile insurance policy. She drives my car at times. She'll be 18 next February. Sometime this year, I wanted to get a new car and give her this one. If we have the car registered in her name when I give it to her, does she then need her own seperate insurance policy? Can she still be under my insurance although the car would no longer be registered in my name? I think seperate insurance for her (at her age) would be considerably more expensive. She's still a student and not working yet. Any insights on this would be appreciated.""
What Insurance companies will cover a pizza delivery driver?
Ok, so I've been trying to find Work as a pizza delivery driver---I was able to find one job delivering pizza--but when I had called my insurance company and told them about the situation--they immediately said We will not cover any accidents you have while on the job delivering pizzas. Have a good day. So, my question is: What insurance policies do cover you for delivering pizzas?""
Cheap Life insurance?
Whats a good life insurance company
Help Choosing First Car?
Soo I'm looking at two cars, the 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GS and the 2002 Ford Mustang. Both are convertible, the Mitsu is a V4 while the Ford is a V6. The Ford has about 90k miles and the Mitsu has about 120k miles. I was wondering which would be the smarter pick and why? Which would be more reliable, efficient, cheaper insurance, cheaper maintainance, ect. Please help me and give any info on both cars.""
Can someone stay on there parents insurance until they are 26?
And do they still have to be in college.
Help, I need suggestions for health insurance. Please and thank you. Any ideas?
My mom got laid off last year and I was on her health insurance. I'm 18 and I attend college. I'm looking for a low cost plan that will cover vision, dental, and regular check ups. Though something without vision is good also. I have no idea where to look. I don't want medicaid. Female, 18, single, no children, no disabilities or medication. Please help.
About how much does a car alarm save on auto insurance?
I know this depends but just give me a GUESS. or how about; use yourself as an example. How much do you save, or would you save, if you had a car alarm?""
Will my AT&T wireless insurance cover eBay phones?
I can't stand my Tilt2, and I want to get a different phone without paying the outrageous prices on the AT&T site. I was just wondering, will their insurance plan cover a phone I buy off ebay? any help is greatly appreciated. (p.s. the phone I want is also sold by AT&T, and their insurance covers it if you buy it from them.)""
I dont want to pay for car insurance... is there any way around it? LOL?
I know it sounds crazy and I need insurance but is there anyway to avoid paying it... at least for just a month? I have the cheapest plan possible but its still killing me financially every month! Do you think allstate has a low income program? Do ANY of the insurance companies....?
Health Insurance ?? I can buy on my own thats affordable.?
I own a small business and need some health and dental for me ,2 kids and my husband that is affordable and actually works. And that you dont have to be low income to qualify.""
What will happen if I drive without insurance for few days?
I live in New Jersey, my county is Hudson county. I just bought my car yesterday afternoon my insurance company was closed. I could not call them to add the car on insurance and start driving with my other car insurance. What will happen if I drive with my other car insurance in my new car for a few days? What if cops stop me? Will I get a ticket or something else?""
Medi-Cal california insurance question?
A girlfriend of mine is applying for Medi-CAL for herself and her 6 yr old (they both need minor dental work). When applying, they docs ask for her Ex's information and whereabouts.We think he gone onto unemployment and she wondering if the state will go after him for the dental bill. Anyone know for sure? Best answer gets ten points!""
Isn't this the same as health insurance?
The company that I just got hired at gives me the following benefits: Medical, dental and life insurance. What do they mean by medical ? isn't this basically health insurance? And do you think this is a good benefit?""
How much should my car insurance go down by after a year?
Female, 18yrs old""
Where can I search for health insurance that's right for me?
I'm looking for affordable health insurance. Is there a website where I can compare rates and benefits of different health insurance providers side by side?
Do I need car insurance to rent a car?
If I have a valid license but do not have insurance, can I rent a car?""
Best Car Insurance Quotes?
Hi I'm about to turn 18, am female and passed my driving test on Monday. I just bought a car. It's so tedious getting insurance quotes. I've checked all the comparison ...show more""
Does anyone know Proximately how much a P.I.P car insurance with come out for a 22 year old..?
With 4 year driving record? thanks
""If you are a 22 year old male, please reply telling me how much your full coverage car insurance is. Details!?""
If you are a 22 year old male, please reply telling me how much your full coverage car insurance is. Details!?""
Any1 know of any cheap car insurance companies or crappy jobs? i just passed my test but the insurance is a jk?
I dont know what to do, im 18, have no job, a few gcses but not in maths n english, and an AS in finance so its not exactly shocking that i cant seem to get a job. does anybody know of any jobs that nobody else wants? i dont care what i have to do I NEED MY INSURANCE. looks like getting a job is the only way to do it :( would prefer office jobs coz i have experience in admin and accountancy. IF you can't answer that, does anyone know of any cheap starter car insurance companies?, im a girl so i might get a cheaper then boys. thanks in advance :) xx seriously getting depresed and desperate! :'( il do anything!""
Is insurance for a two door car higher than a four door car's?
is insurance for a two door car higher than a four door car's?
Does anybody know how much it cost for insurance for a 16 year old in Arkansas?
Does anybody know how much it cost for insurance for a 16 year old in Arkansas?
How much does a sr22 policy cost?
I caught driving with out insurance. Now I have to carry an Sr22 policy. I was wondering if any one knew what that's going to cost. I drive a 97 f 150. I don't need exact numbers just a ball park. Thank you
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance at 37 years? I have a clean record.?
moving out of the city, and I am gonna need to buy a car for my Suburban life!!""
Speeding ticket and insurance question?
I just posted a question about my speeding ticket I received yesterday I was going 101 mph on a 65 mph zone. I'm under my dads policy and im 17 this is my first ticket I just want to know how this is going to effect the insurance rates? Obviously they'll go up, but our policy expires in August will the insurance notify my parents about the ticket when they find out about it or when we go renew our policy/. thanks""
Car insurance and crash?
ok well last night it was rainy and i was going down a street i tryed to stop and take a turn but i lost control and went over the curb scraped the left front of my car pretty bad. the damage was my front bumper is pretty much destroyed, the mirror broke off, wrecked the front left tire, and a huge long dent on the front left top of the car just before reaching the front hood and also a hole near the door and now i cant open the front door all the way. after i had to change the tire and i drove home. this was my first crash involving car insurance and im 17. will i still be able to drive if the car insurance covers it? i really dont know whats about to happen.""
How much insurance cost for an infinti g35 coupe?
i am 19 years old about to turn 20 in a couple of months and have state farm insurance. i am tryin to get a infinti g35 coupe. 2006 black infinti 2 door thanks.
Do you need car insurance to get your permit in New jersey?
Do you need car insurance to get your permit in New jersey?
Driving without insurance?
Hi guys police gave me citation for not having insurance paper with me its registered under my cousin name we live the same address the car is insured but i don't have insurance if i go court and show car insurance they will give me ticket or what thank you.
Roughly how much would the insurance cost on an Audi A3 1.4 cost at 17?
Roughly how much would the insurance cost on an Audi A3 1.4 cost at 17?
Help, I need suggestions for health insurance. Please and thank you. Any ideas?
My mom got laid off last year and I was on her health insurance. I'm 18 and I attend college. I'm looking for a low cost plan that will cover vision, dental, and regular check ups. Though something without vision is good also. I have no idea where to look. I don't want medicaid. Female, 18, single, no children, no disabilities or medication. Please help.
0 notes
amsjournaltoshare · 7 years
South Korea!
Assalamualaikum and hello! It was mid-December 2016 when we went on a 10 days, 9 nights trip to South Korea. It was defo one of the countries in out bucketlist. Alhamdulilah, we get to go on a trip to South Korea. 
Okay as usual...flights. We bought our tickets like mid-august. So we took:
Brunei to KL (airasia), KL to Incheon airport (Malaysia airline)
and as for our flight back, we decided to stay for a night in KLIA.
Incheon airport to KL (Malaysia airline), KL to Brunei (airasia).
Our flght cost about BND700+ per person (both airasia and MAS). Fortunately, this year (2017) Royal Brunei Airlines (RBA) has provided a direct flight from Brunei International Airport to Incheon Airport, South Korea. WHEEE!!!! Seriously, we would definitely make a visit to South Korea again....and again! 
Below are just some information of our accomodation (where we stayed while in Seoul and Busan). Initially, the plan was to stay near Myeong-dong, Nam-daemun area and after our trip to Busan, we planned to change hotel and stay in Itaewon. However, we were just in love with out hotel so we decided to cancel out booking with our hotel in Itaewon and continue our stay in Nam-daemun. We make our bookings by Booking.com but you can also check Airbnb as there are also many options. 
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So this is where we stayed, 8 nights in Hotel 8hours which is just 5 minutes away from City Hall and Metro station, one stop from Seoul station, 10-15 minutes walk to Myeong-dong, 5 minutes walk to Nam-daemun market, 20-30 minutes walk to Namsan.
At the end of this post, we’ll share the applications that we used for our trip for example Kakao Metro. We’ll share the summary of our itinerary and also suggested place to eat. Hope you will enjoy reading this and hope its beneficial!
Day One (Arrival, Myeongdong and Cheonggyecheon stream).
The first thing we did when we reached outside the arrival area, we went to look for prepaid lines for our phone, there were so many options for lines at the airport. There were also a modem (wifi only) but you need to pay using credit card. We decide to just buy a line with unlimited data for 10days. I literally forgot how much it costs but the staff at the counters could speak English really well and they are all so nice. 
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On the Train from Incheon airport to Seoul Train Station. Express Train which costs 8000KW.
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Behind: Glass building is the City Hall. 5 minutes from our accommodation. 
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After settling with the hotel, our first stop in search for food is Myeong-dong. 
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Busan Jib is a restaurant located in Myeong-dong. It’s Halal and you can check it our on instagrm @busanjib_myeongdong 
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After that, we went back to the hotel and rest. At night, we went on a stroll to Cheonggyecheon stream. It was so beautiful with the wonderful lights and Christmas decorations. Below are just some pictures :)
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Day Two (Namsan tower, Buchok Hanok Village, Changdeokgung Castle)
We went to different places in Seoul. We walked most of the time and used the subway. That “Kakao Metro” phone application was truly a life saver. 
First, we went to the Namsan tower, Buchok Hanok Village, Changdeokgung Castle (we bought all tickets on the spot), we suggest for you to check the opening and tour times online :) Buchok Hanok Village, Changdeokgung Castle and Insadong is just few minutes walking distance apart. 
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Cable car tickets to Namsan tower :) (round trip)
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We walked for about 10-15 minutes from Buchok Hanok village to reach Changdeokgung Castle At Changdeokgung Castle, we bought tickets to visit both the castle and secret garden, since the garden is a secret...we decided not to post pics on it. Well maybe just abit.
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The building behind is the prince’s library, facing a beutiful lake (frozen when we’re there). 
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UNFORTUNATELY, both out phone ran out of battery!!! You know how during winter battery would ran out fast. And we left our powerbank back in the hotel. So careless! 
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Anyways, here is a pic of a restaurant in Insadong called Little India which served HALAL INDIAN FOOD. The chicken massala was so so good! Love the environment and ambience of the place. I felt as if you’re in mini India, outlooking the artistic street of Insadong, South Korea. 
Day Three (Nami Island, Petite France, Dinner at Itaewon).
Whee! Alright, from the city hall we took the metro to Yongsan Station where we bought tickets adn took the train to Gapyeong station, it was about an hour journey to Gapyeong station. You can check in other blogs for more information (because thats what i did), upon arrival we took the taxi instead of the bus because we’re just an impatient couple. It only took the taxi about 5 minutes to drive us and cost around 3000-5000won. 
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Ferry to Nami Island :)
Here are some pictures of our day at Nami Island. We ate on the island, there was a muslim restaurant called Asian Cuisine with Prayer room on the first floor of the restaurant. But somehow I couldn;t find the picture of the place :(
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Winter Sonata Statue :)
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Next, off to Petitie France. You can use the bus as well but we decided to use the taxi. It took about a 20 minute drive frim Nami Island to Petite France with 18000won one way. 
Some pics in Petite France! It was a unique place, we prefer to just share few pictures and let you explore it by yourself! There was no halal restaurant or prayer room in Petite France, glad we brought snacks!
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Back in Seoul, we decided to hvae a proper Korean Dinner so we head to Itaewon in search for a Halal Korean restaurant called MAKAN restaurant. From Itaweom station, it was about 10 minutes walk to the restaurant but....it was very very hilly. Cardio on point guys! But it was worth it. You can google up the restautrant or check it out in HHWT app. Here’s the bulgogi (beef) that we ordered. 
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Day Four (Bears Town Ski Resort)
Our first ever ski trip! Super excited although the night before we’re still contemplating whether to go or not on day four or should we shift it to another day since we’re still tired after our trip to nami island. Transportation need to be book early via email. 
Transportation to Bearstown ski resort:
Option A: Ski shuttle bus for pick up.
From Seoul:
Kensington Hotel-6.55am
Sogang Uni Station exit 2- 7.05am
City Hall exit 4- 7.10am
Alive Museum Insadong- 8.30am
From Bearstown:
5.30pm- drop off at Insadong
7.00pm- drop off at Sogang University and Kensington Hotel
We took the bust from city hall and took the 5.30pm bus back. The ski shuttle bus fee: Round trip 4000won and One way 3000won.
Option B: Take bus #1001 at Gangbyeon Station (subway line 2) and get off at Bears Town Ski Resort.
Option A: 0900-1700 (inc. Lift, ski rental or board rental, ski wear rental) Total:KRW154,000 / BND 186.60 per person. 
Option B: 0900-1300 (inc. Lift, ski rental or board rental, ski wear rental) Total:KRW123,000/ BND 149.10 per person. WE TOOK THIS OPTION as we want to have our lunch and walk around the resort. 
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So many people! But the ski area accomodates different level of ski peeps, the pros, children who we assumed is under the ski scheme? And then theres us, the newbies. 
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There were no halal restaurants so we settled with snacks that we bought and some seafood and rice cakes. Also on a side note, no one at this resort speaks English so you need to be ready in understanding and explaining stuffs or if your korean is good then thats even better!. But no worries, luckly there were tourists who speaks both English and Korean language to help us out XD.
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Day 5 and 6 (Train to Busan)
Note to self: Do not buy a last minute ticket to Busan as seats might not be available and you will end up standing like us for the whole 3 hours. But we got lucky because we did get to sit for like an hour XD
Transportation: Busan trip via KTX.
Seoul to Busan: KRW 59,800/ BND 72.50
Busan to Seoul: KRW 53,900/ BND 65.30
We stayed for a day in Busan at Beach Hotekl Haeundae! (Refer to the first part of the post for more information). Honestly, the was better than we expected. It was super clean. You can check it out more on booking.com. And its just 3 minutes form the streets for Haeundae. 
Busan Day One
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Busan Train Station. Where we took the metro to Haeundae. 
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First stop, star kebab restaurant because we were starving. It was a small restaurant owened by a turkish couple. The kebabs were not bad!! It defo made our tummy happy. 
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After that, we head down to Haeundae Beach during winter!!! It was just about 2 minutes walk from the restaurant. 
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Although, it was winter but there were still alot of people at the beach. Seagulls and performances. Super fun! Then we head and check in to our hotel to rest before heading to a wonderful temple by the beach via taxi, Haedong Yonggungsa Temple.
The Haedong Yonggungsa Temple:
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For dinner we had Indian food (again!) at a restaurant called Punjab Indian Restaurant. It was quite pricy from our opinion but the food was great!
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Busan Day Two
Since we only have about half a day before our train back to Seoul. After a quick breakfast at the hotel, we took a taxi to Gamcheon Culture Village (a must visit when you’re in Busan!). It was basically used to be a shanty area but they painted and give an artistic feeling towards it. Hence, the place became awesomely cute and pweety. 
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After that, we head back via taxi to the train station and signed off from Busan and hello again Seoul. Don’t worry this time we bought the train tickets when we arrive to Busan hence we had seats. 
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For dinner, we made our way again to Itaewon via metro from Seoul Station. We had our wonderful dinner at a restaurant called EID. (it’s around the same place as MAKAN restaurant). 
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Day 7 (City Hall, Ewha University, Hongdae and Dongdaemun)
After a week in South Korea, we are ready stroll around Seoul and did some shopping. Thank you for Korea’s awesome Metro, really east to get by anywhere. 
City Hall: We just went in just to see whats up in the City Hall since we took the Metro mainly from there almost everyday. 
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Then we took the Metro to Ewha Univerity Womans University as we heard the structure of the university was mind-blowing. Indeed it was. And it was where you can find stuffs for shopping besides Hongdae. 
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The picture below: on the left and right are rooms to i guess lecture hall/ students union. How cool is that? 
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Then we headed to Hongdae adn visit the adorable Hello Kitty Cafe!!! The original yogurt and sweet potato latte tasted really really good!!!
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Then we walked around Hongdae to survey what we’re going to buy the day before we head back to Brunei. 
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At night, we went to Dongdaemun Design Plaza to check out the LED flowers. Then we stroll around Dongdaemun and end our night at Myeongdong for a Seafood Party. 
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Day 8 (Lotte World, Ice Skating and Yang Good BBQ at Yeoksam)
Lotte world is basically an Indoor amusemant park (half indoor). We had a wonderful time at Lotte world, the ticket cost about BND 80.00 but we somehow ours got discounted because it was close to chrismast. Like any other amusemant park, the queue for the rides were as well long. So we planned ahead on which ride we targeted. The Atlantis is a much! 
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Behind was the atlantis, we queued for 50minutes for this ride...under the rain. But it was worth it! Most of the pictures of Lotte world are still in our other hard disc which...is MIA now :(
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We also went Ice skating. Can you see that above the ice skating rink were the rides as well. 
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Highly recommended place to east at Yeoksam (near gangnam). Yang Good BBQ.
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Day 9 (Last day- Shopping and Souveneir hunting)
For our last day in Korea, we did most of our shopping at Insadong where we had our breakfast at one of the cafes. Cafes in Korea is a must try! They were sooo different and brought a different feeling in you. 
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Then we head to Hongdae to continue shopping. 
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So that we don’t have to carry out shopping bags to dinner, we rent a locker at the metro station and place our shopping bags there. It was really an easy access and convenient.
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Then we to have our last dinner in Korea, we wanted to try the Korean Fried Chicken and we’re luck that there is a restaurant which serves that in Hongdae. Its basically a restaturant located at a resthouse. BOA HALAL KOREAN FOOD DOSIRAK, i found this on the HHWT app as well. 
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We then head back to our hotel and start packing as our flight is on the next day. You might want to arrive at the airport early because it takes quite an amount of time at the immigration/scanning area. And Incheon airport is huge, you have to use rail to transfer to the next gate. 
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Day 10 (Annyeong South Korea)
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Additional Information
Apps for survival:
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The first one was just simple guide from English to Korean (greetings, transport, food etc)
Kakao Metro is a must have as it guide to which metro station you should take and which exit. It also update you the time of arrival or if there were any changes in the time.
Halal Korea is where we search for a place to eat and prayer place.
Scan Halal is where we scan some of the snacks we bought and see if it contained any non-halal stuffs.
HHWT is where we search for place to eat and also place to pray.
Waze to look for directions when walking. 
Halal Restaurants that we went:
Busan Jib in Myeongdong (@busanjib_myeongdong)
Makan Halal Restaurant in Itaewon (check out HHWT)
Eid Halal Korean Food in Itaewon (check out HHWT) : 67, Usadan-ro 10-gil, Yongsan-gu.
BOA Guesthouse (Hongik University Station, Exit 4), 15, Sinchon-ro 1 gil, Seodaemum-gu, Seoul. Cross @ crosswalk infront of LG electronic, keep walking till Bizeun rice cake shop, turn left and just walk straight up.
Yang Good BBQ (Yeoksam Station, Line 2),  ( check out HHWT)
Little India in Insadong (check out HHWT)
Punjabi Restaurant in Haeundae, Busan 
Expenses (per person):
Pocket money: BND 1500.00
Food budget: BND 250.00
Transportation (include train fron Incheon and back, KTX, taxi rides, metro tickets and busses): BND 50.00
Admissions to places of attractions (including Bears Town Ski Resort, Lotte world, Nami Island, Petitie France and others): BND 350.00
Flight Ticket: BND 750.00 return
Itinerary Summary:
Day One: Arrival, Myeongdong and Cheonggyecheon stream).
Day Two: Namsan tower, Buchok Hanok Village, Changdeokgung Castle.
Day Three: Nami Island, Petite France, Dinner at Itaewon.
Day Four: Bearstown Ski Resort.
Day Five: Train to Busan, Haeundae Beach and Haedong Yonggungsa Temple.
Day Six: Gamcheon Culture Village, Back to Seoul, Seoul Plaza, Itaewon for dinner.
Day Seven: City Hall, Ewha University, Hongdae (Hello Kitty Cafe and shopping), Dongdaemun (Dongdaemun Design Plaza-LED flowers), Myeongdong.
Day Eight: Lotte world, Ice skating and dinner at Yeoksam
Day Nine: Shopping day at Insadong, Ewha and Hongdae.
Day Ten: To Incheon airport, Home time. 
It was defo one of the best trip that we have experienced together. We did alot of things that we have never thought we would ever experience (like ski and snowboarding). We hope to visit South Korea again and hopefully this time we have a chance to explore Jeju Island, In shaa Allah. Sorry for not sharing alot of photos but we hope you’ll enjoy reading this post! :) 
0 notes
jasoncimino · 8 years
Christian A. Avila
0 notes