#25 days of christmas ocs
cute-and-spooky-girls · 10 months
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Wild and playful all Candy wants to do is play. If you don't like her and her brother's games, maybe you should have behaved.
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firstdivisiongirl · 9 months
Day 24: Smoker - Stop Being Such a Grinch
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Christmas was such an important time for you.  Especially this year because it was the first Christmas you and your boyfriend, Smoker, were hosting.  You were so stressed.  You had been working on decorations, planning the dinner, picking out an outfit since Thanksgiving.  Smoker, though he would never say it, was worried about you.  You had become so engrossed with Christmas that he started to hate it.  So he talked to Tagishi about what to do.  She told him that he should act like he hates Christmas, then maybe you would stop worrying and just stop all your Christmas craziness.  So when he got back to your home, the place looked like Santa threw up on the place.  There were red and green plaid pillows on every chair, there was a huge green tree with what seemed like thousands of glittery green and red ornaments.  And don’t even get him started on the tinsel.  After seeing the house, he knew it was time to get Operation: Stop My Love to commence.
“Take these all down,” Smoker said as he started to take down all of the tinsel inside the house.
“Oh stop being such a Grinch!” you yelled back, trying to put all of the tinsel back on the beautiful wooden mantle.
“No!  I am sick and tired of Christmas.  Everyone treats it like the best time of the year, but it isn’t.  Everyone is stressed out, annoyed and I can’t stand it!”
In his fit of rage, he knocked over the Christmas tree that you worked so hard to put up.  Hot tears started to roll down your face.
“Fine!  If you hate Christmas so much, leave!”  You ran out of the living room.  After seeing this fit of sadness.  He was starting to feel really bad for doing this.  He was also very mad at Tagishi.
He grabbed your wrist as you tried to walk away from him, “Hey, I’m sorry.  You seem just so stressed and I thought maybe if you thought I really hated Christmas that you would stop stressing about it.  Okay, for the record, I asked Tagishi for advice and she said to be a Grinch.  Last time I ever ask her for advise.”
You looked at him and kissed him on the cheek, which was now changing to a bright red, “Thanks babe. That’s really sweet of you to worry.  If you had just said something about me stressing too much, I would’ve just calmed down a little.  I just know Christmas is super important for everyone.”
He chuckled, “not really.  I think Christmas is stupid.  It’s just another excuse to spend too much money on others when in reality they just put on a fake smile then bash you behind your back.”
“What happened to you?  Do you want to talk about it?  Do you really hate Christmas?”
“No.  But for you, I’ll pretend to love Christmas.  I’ll even wear an ugly sweater.”  And that’s exactly what he did.  When your parents came over, he was the best Christmas loving boyfriend ever, ugly sweater and all.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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rebelliousstories · 10 months
Pine Cone
25 Days of Ficmas
Relationship: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader
Fandom: Top Gun: Maverick
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1,336
Masterlist: Here
Summary: Jake rdecides that he is going to show his girlfriend the lovely Seresin family holiday tradition of making a pine bonfire in the backyard.
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You would think for a southern state, Texas does not get cold during winter, but you would be wrong. No, they do not have blankets of snow, but it is still cold. And there are many different ways of keeping warm on those cold nights. You could bundle up or stay indoors, but not the Seresin family. They had a rather enjoyable family tradition.
“Trust me, you’re going to love this. We’ve been doing this since we were kids, babe!” Jake exclaimed as he drove his truck down the gravel road to his family home. The woman in his passenger seat giggled as she watched her boyfriend get excited about visiting his family for the holidays. Getting the leave from the navy to do this was difficult enough, coupled with the fact that they had several wrecks and events that prolonged the already long drive from California to Texas, she was just glad to see the house in view finally.
“You really think they’ll like me?” She wondered, eyes fixated down onto her hands that were fidgeting. Once they were parked, Jake turned in his seat to grab his lover’s hands. He forced her to look in his eyes instead of away, and held her.
“Of course. I especially know my mom will love you. You have nothing to worry about. And if anyone says anything to you about it, just let me know. We can leave anytime you want.” His words were so sincere that she had no other choice than to believe him. She leaned over and pecked him gently on the lips, which made him smile. However, he chased after and pressed a longer kiss to her. She could not contain her giggles as they sat there for several moments. Jake pressed his forehead against her own.
“Ready?” He whispered, closing his eyes and enjoying his time alone with his lover.
“Ready.” She confirmed, allowing her eyes to close as well. After a moment more, the couple made their way out of the truck that was parked in the gravel by the side of the house, and up to the front door. Jake grabbed her hand in his, and knocked with is free hand. A set of loud howls sounded shortly after the knocks, and that was the last warning before chaos ensued. Once that door opened, two large dogs bolted out of the home, and jumped straight onto Jake. He let go at the last minute to catch them, making sure that his girlfriend did not also fall over by the weight of the hounds.
A coonhound and border collie sat their wagging their tales over the body of her lover, licking and jumping over him in pure excitement. Hangman kept laughing and petting the dogs as he allowed them to get their excited energy out. As soon as the dogs eased up though, the man was still not safe. Several small children crashed into him as he tried to stand back up. However, unlike the dogs, he simply picked up as many of them as he could before walking into the home where his family was.
“We’re here!” He called out, dropping the children safely on the ground. They all ran to do something else expect for one little boy who just wanted to stay near Jake the entire time. Said man was met with lots of hello’s and people coming up to wrap him in hugs. Hangman turned around with his nephew on his back and beckoned his lover over.
“Everyone, this is my girlfriend.” His introduction prompted everyone to turn their attentions to her instead. She was greeted with open arms, literally. Everyone took the time to learn her name, and provide her with theirs, and genuinely seemed to take interest in her. Slowly, but surely, her anxiety dissipated from her thoughts until she was genuinely comfortable with everyone there. Food was passed around and stories were shared. No one made any out of line comments or made her feel unwelcome; she did not know what she was afraid of in the first place.
It all passed so fast for her, that before she knew it, she was tucked into Jake’s side on the couch nursing a drink in her hand. With her lover next to her, she fell into conversations easily with those around her. And even though she was still wearing her jacket and shoes, the cold slipped in between the layers of fabric. Jake noticed and tried his best to keep her warm, but it was just one of those nights. Those kinds of nights where cold seeps into your bones and will not leave. It seemed that a lot of the other people around were trying desperately to stay warm, but failing too.
“Momma, I think it’s time.” Jake called out as his mom tried to stoke the fire bigger. She sighed, and relented, knowing he was right. But the girl tucked into Hangman’s side was utterly confused.
“What’s going on?” She whispered as her boyfriend stood up, and pulled her to him. He placed his beanie on her head and dragged her to the back door.
“Seresin family tradition, dear. You’ll see.” And with that, the whole Seresin clan took off into the woods that encompassed their back yard. Yet, she was still confused. She did not know what they were doing out there or what she was waiting to see. Jake took her hand and led her to a large pine tree, where he stood with a large smile.
“Jake, what is going on?” She pestered. She was cold, and tired, and wanted to be warm. But Jake started to pick up pine cones and needles in his large hands.
“Grab some. Come on!” He looked like a kid in a candy store as he ran around picking up more materials. Even though she did not understand, she joined him anyways. They worked for a few minutes picking up fresh needles from branches that were low, and dried old needles from the ground that had already fallen and turned brown. Making sure the pine cones that grasped were also dry, the couple went back to where the rest of the family was slowly, but surely returning.
As everyone approached, they dumped their armfuls of tinder into the fire pit that she was now noticing. She joined Jake in dumping their own armfuls, and then he pulled her back a ways. Momma Seresin came up shortly afterwards with a lighter, and then, poof. The pit had erupted into flames as the pine caught the fire that was there. Soon enough, smoke was filtering upwards as the fire roared on, but the comforting smell of pine drifted into her nose. She watched the bonfire burn and pop as they continued on with their night. Even though they were outside, the whole family felt warmer than ever. She turned in Jake’s arms from where they sat in front of the pit, with a confused expression on her face.
“When we were kids, my siblings and I would burn the excess pine in the yard cause we didn’t need it in the compost. We’d spend the whole night out here, burning stuff, playing around, even sleeping when it got late enough. Eventually, the adults saw what we were doing and joined us. So now, it’s our little tradition. When it gets cold enough, nothing warms you up like a pine fire.” His eyes stared longingly at the fire before them, and his grin told her that he was reminiscing about his childhood.
“Well, when we get our new house, I’ll make sure we have a bonfire pit. I’ll even find somewhere to get us some pine cones.” She commented, watching his face intently. Jake chuckled lightly and turned back to the woman in his arms. He kept laughing as he pressed a kiss to her forehead and pulled her in closer. Something told her that she was about to have a lot more bonfires to sit around.
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jonasiapie · 9 months
Day 15: Me:)
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minimooberry · 1 year
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the skyline falls as i try to make sense of it all
anya at four major points in her life
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tintreach-cleite · 9 months
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I figured I’d draw something from a world im making!
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
kinkmas | black moon | day twenty-five
chapter title: “eros”
pairing: alex skolnick x fem!oc
tags: voice kink
ao3 link | kinktober/sister piece “eclipse”
minors dni, and merry christmas!! ❄️💋❄️💋
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“Chris... Christine...”
She opened her eyes only to see the gray morning light that washed over the ridge above the roof of their tent. They were still pitched out on the side of the mountain with the look out to the desert, and as far as she knew, a bit of snow had fallen over the top of the tent and all around the ground outside of there: she raised her head a bit, and she squinted her eyes to find a dusting of snow up on the ridge. She then turned her head again for a look at Alex and his deep eyes, as clear as the blue sky outside of there.
“Yes?” she asked him in a broken voice. He cleared his throat.
“You’re lying on my arm.”
Christine lifted herself up a bit so he could slide his arm from underneath her body: he tucked his arm closer to his chest, and then she lay back down again, and she brought herself even closer to his body. She put her arms around his hips, and all the while, she could feel something soft and plush in her hands.
“Hmm... you feel softer than normal,” she whispered into his ear.
“I am soft. Look at me.”
She looked down on the inside of the sleeping bag to see his body nestled up next to her. His waist seemed a bit fuller and rounder than before, even with the slender shape of his body still very much intact.
“Ooh, yeah... I'm looking.” She glanced up at him and puckered her lips at him. “And I like what I see.”
“You do?” he asked her with a little raise of his eyebrows.
“I do, yeah. You look so cute and so healthy.” She put her arms around his slightly full waist to feel his softness and his warmth. Christine nestled her head underneath his chin to better take in his warmth. So warm, and he smelled so good as well, as if he had just climbed out of the shower at some point right before she woke up. She ran her left hand down the shape of his ass, and then back up to the small of his back: it was only a few pounds, but his body stayed so slender, and yet he felt so plush.
He cleared his throat and pressed his lips to her forehead out of nourishment.
“This is so good,” he said in a slightly louder voice. “So very good.”
“How good are we talking?” she asked him with a raise of her head for a look into his face.
“Good as hell,” he replied as he closed his eyes and showed her a sweet smile. His cheekbones were full and round, like little apples. Christine gently pressed her lips onto his right one, as if she was kissing the ripest apple from the tree branch. He was so soft, so gentle, so boyish, and all he needed was a slight nudge.
“I don’t want this feeling to ever go away,” he confessed to her. “I don’t ever want to leave this spot here. I don’t ever want to leave your arms, Christine. I want to lie here forever.”
She reached up for another kiss on his soft lips, two little cherries from the next tree over. All the while, she ran her left hand over his hip and then onto his waist to feel his soft flesh some more.
“Could you say my name again?” she suggested to him as she ran her index fingertip around the rim of his belly button.
“Christine. In fact, you know what? I like saying your name, if I'm honest. Christine—Christine—sweet Christine. The sweetest angel who seduced me and loved every inch of me when it felt as though no one would ever do such a thing.”
She buried her head against his chest once again, that time to hear his heartbeat in there.
“Just when I believed that no one would ever love me...” His voice trailed off. She raised her head again, that time for a gentle kiss on the side of the neck.
“Just when I thought... that I was unlovable.” With his voice down low, Christine thought of the finest wine straight out of the best bottle from the highest shelf over her head. Indeed, she thought about the full, deep sound of his voice and the way he lowered it whenever he spoke to her: it was as if he was telling her about a secret for the ages, and right over the top of the pillow between the two of them. Like a fine wine, or the freshest, wildest honey straight out of the beehive: with the words of poetry included in there as well, it sounded as though he spoke with the feeling of velvet inside of him.
“Just when I thought that there was no way that my body, my heart, my everything... could be genuinely loved.”
She pressed her lips onto his own once again. “I love your voice,” she told him in a hushed voice. “God, I love your voice so much. I'm so madly in love with your voice.”
“Okay, that’s interesting,” he confessed.
“Interesting in a sense that—it's kind of turning you on a bit?” Indeed, she could feel him up against her thigh. The mere mention of it gave him a bit of something, something that she wondered if he had felt before in his life, in his life before she arrived.
“I guess you could say that that’s true, my snow bunny,” he replied with a slight shrug of his shoulders and a raise of his eyebrows.
“By the way, there’s something that's been on my mind lately,” she started.
“Go ahead.”
“What is it that you wanted to tell me at the start of all of this?”
He swallowed, and she raised her gaze to his face once again, and that time, he showed her a thoughtful, almost pensive expression plastered on his face. He looked almost on the brink of tears all the while as well.  
It was eating away at him: it was one of those things that she couldn’t exactly look away from, and it was one of those things that she could feel in her bones as well.
“I think I'm in love with you,” he confessed to her in the huskiest voice by far. “I’m in love with you, Christine. I'm so in love with you. I don’t think I'll ever love again with you here with me.”
“Oh...” She clasped her hands to either side of his face, and she brought her lips to his for the biggest kiss by far. Her tongue slithered into his mouth for a taste of him, for a deep feeling of him, the deepest and softest feeling by far that came with Alex.
“I want you to always take good care of yourself,” she whispered to him. “I’m so glad that you’re away from her.”
“I’ve never felt better when I'm away from her,” he whispered back to her. “I don’t want her anymore. I don’t need her. I came to a point where I wanted to break it off with her and so—I did. I learned a little respect for myself.”
“Your silky, sexy voice definitely doesn’t need her,” she assured him. “Not another breath wasted on her gross, worthless ass.”
He kissed her again, and that time around, his hand slithered onto her chest for a fondle of her bare breasts.
“Feel the desire inside of you, Alex,” she whispered to him in between kisses. “Feel it. Don't ignore it. Don't you ever ignore your heart’s truest desires.”
His fingers caressed her nipples, which in turn made her gasp.
“You know what? Just for that—” Christine moved her hand down to his crotch for a good fondle for him. He parted his lips and let out a low whistle from the sensation.
“Hey, guess what?” he started again, that time with a little excited tone to his voice.
“It’s Christmas.”
“Aw.” Another press of her lips onto his own and she showed him a little smile. “Merry Christmas, my baby. I love you.”
“I love you more than anything in the world,” he lowered his voice down to a whisper, and he brought his hand to the small of her back. To never let her go, and for to never let him go as well. She could help him heal, that is if he was more than willing to let her help him. The sweetest love that no one would ever have to know about, not even when asked about it.
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toloveawarlord · 2 years
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♥ Pairing: Natsuki x Kazutora
♥ Event: 25 Days of Christmas 2022
♥ Prompt: "If you don't have gloves, you can just hold my hand."
♥ wc: 1.2k
♥ a.n: This is meant to take place when Kazutora, Natsuki, and Baji are 11/12.
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Meeting after dark wasn't unusual for them. Natsuki worked at a small, underground club until the early hours of the morning. It had been Baji who met her at the corner of the alley, insisting on seeing her back to her foster home safely, but recently, a certain golden eyed, timid tiger had been joining their late-night outings.
"We've been standin' out here forever, freezing our asses off," Baji complained, blowing into his hands in a poor attempt to warm up his frigid digits.
Natsuki shivered as the breeze of wind tickled the bare skin of her thighs not covered by the thigh-high stockings. Snow had begun to stick to the ground, making it a dangerous time to be without sturdy boots. "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you alright?" Her words pointed at the quiet boy beside her longtime friends.
"Yeah, I'm fine-" Kazutora's breath caught in his throat when the girl bounded up to him, her pretty face inches from his. Blue irises gazing at him with affection and concern. He wasn’t used to a girl’s attention, let alone a girl gushing over him without restraint.
“Why the hell ain’t you worried about me?” Baji asked, kicking an empty can that sent a puff of white snow into the air. It was colder than balls out here and he was itching to do something.
Natsuki ignored her longtime friend, instead her gaze fell to find her beloved Kazutora without any gloves. “Oh, aren’t your hands cold? If you don’t have gloves, you can just hold my hand, ‘Tora.” She didn’t give him a chance to respond, instead taking his cold hands between hers.
As if he could sputter out a response. His cheeks were burning as his heart flipped in his chest. Her hands were warm, and soft. Golden orbs were focused on her slender fingers wrapped delicately around his own. Kazutora lost all sense of being when she was around.
“No lovey dovey shit when we’ve got plans-” Baji wasn’t impressed by the scene. He’d known Natsuki to be friendly with everyone, but she’d gone full girlfriend mode with their newest member. It was as if no one else was on her radar. Which, he didn’t give a shit about, except when it was freezing outside, and he had to watch the spectacle.
“Ah- hey-” Natsuki protested, being tugged along by the back of her collar. She flailed, torn away from Kazutora and stumbling to keep up with Baji’s quick pace. “Don’t be rude-”
“Shut it, Tsuki. We’re late because of you.”
Kazutora followed, the only one not aware of the night's plans. Baji invited him to a special event, giving no details except that it would be fun as hell. And he really didn’t want to spend another Christmas Eve alone in his home.
“I was working.” Natsuki managed to twist out of his hold, slowing to match her pace with Kazutora. She claimed credit for inviting him, even though she had doubts that Baji had the same idea. Their duo had evolved into a trio, and it was nice to have a bridge between the two big, opposite personalities. “It’s the annual Christmas car bomb.”
“Christmas car bomb?” It sounded epic. Kazutora buzzed with adrenaline at the thought of what it could entail. His life was so empty before meeting them. Boring. Dull. Now, he spent his nights raging with Baji, and Natsuki made his heart flip in his chest every time she smiled at him.
Natsuki snickered, lacing her fingers with his to hold his hand. “Don’t get too excited. There’s no real bomb. Keisuke just sucks at naming shit.”
“Hey!” Baji shot her a scowl.
“I think it’s cool,” Kazutora replied, blushing once again with her small hand warm in his. He’d never had a girlfriend, never even had a girl look at him, but Natsuki was different from any other girl. He swallowed down the lump in his throat.
She was unbelievably pretty, dark blue eyes like the deep ocean, alluring and dangerous, but promising something far more amazing if one took the risk. Upbeat and wild. She wasn’t afraid to show her affection. He still vividly remembered her soft lips and the taste of her peach lip gloss the first time she kissed him. Natsuki’s gaze reflected genuine affection.
He’d no idea why she wanted to be some dull nobody like him.
“Let’s get this party started!” Baji howled, tossing Kazutora a baseball bat.
The junkyard was empty at this time of night, and the back fence was conveniently broken, giving the kids easy access.
The two boys trashed the car first, bashing in the windows and lights. Baji said it got the blood pumping. What better way to let out some rage than smash a car into bits and then light it on fire?
“So, you and Baji do this every year?” Kazutora asked, adrenaline still pumping through his tired body as he watched the ablaze car. His two new friends were so fuckin cool. He’d never have done something like this before meeting them.
Natsuki swung her legs, sitting on the hood of another junked car beside him. She swirled a candy cane in her mouth, savoring the taste before answering. “For the last two years. It’s way better than being alone on Christmas Eve, don’t you think?” She surely didn’t want to be in that tiny room in her foster home, with no heat and shrouded in darkness.
“Definitely.” He couldn’t agree more.
Kazutora thought her to be like a bright star, radiating this light that drew him in. As she stared up at the moonlit sky, he studied her profile. It was unreal how a girl so pretty was hanging out with Baji, let alone him. She didn’t fit into any mold, and he liked that about her.
“This is our first Christmas together, Kazutora,” Natsuki said, noticing his lingering gaze. He got this adorable expression from time to time, innocent and curious, like he didn’t understand why she liked him. It always made her want to kiss him, to show him that he was special.
So, she did. Only a little peck, but it was enough.
“Natsu-” Kazutora flushed pink, golden eyes darting away. He couldn’t escape, not with her hands holding his face. She’d tasted of peppermint. First Christmas... meaning that she wanted to spend more of them with him.
“Fucking hell. I didn’t sign up for this shit.” Baji interrupted, returning from his quick trip to take a leak. He’d known Natsuki for a long time, and her general affection for all her friends was seen as strange to most. But he could admit that she’d changed after meeting Kazutora.
It was genuine. She truly felt a spark with him.
But that doesn’t mean he wants to watch.
Natsuki’s lips quirked up into a mischievous smirk. “Sorry, Keisuke. Did you want a Christmas kiss too?” She lunged at him, arms latching around his neck and clinging to him like a spider.
“Fuck no! Get off me-” Baji was never rough on her, but he was strong enough to pry the girl off. He kept her at arm's length, annoyed at her antics. But he was so used to it.
The fire burned on for quite some time, warming the kids as they talked and joked around, making Christmas Eve entertaining in their own way. None of them wanted to go home, not until the fire was gone and the sun peeked over the horizon to signal the start of Christmas morning. 
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princess-josie-riki · 10 months
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Day 8 - Berry (Rainbow Friends OC): Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas
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corrinnecreates · 2 years
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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! 🎄Kadeel is here to wish you guys a happy holidays!
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cute-and-spooky-girls · 10 months
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No.. She's not interested in playing your reindeer games. You should really go while you still have a chance. You're already on her naughty list.
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photo1030 · 5 months
oh!! can you recommend HH Arthur fanfics? without being modern.
Ooo, now this one is both easy and hard! There’s so, so many good things going on right now! So much material coming out daily. I’m such a pack-rat and will devour everything I get my hands on.
But here are just a few that I am obsessed with right now:
Of Love and Loss - @coltermorning
The Tie that Binds My Soul to Thee - @moeitsu (all about this one right now)
Your Ivy Grows - @roseghoul26
The Call of the West - @cassietrn (this one is interesting bc she has the same oc in various fic threads)
Dried White Roses - @pine4pple-b0i (this is a great early gang look)
25 Days of Christmas @zanazirafanfic (this one kills me, each chapter is a look at various gang members, all with winter scenarios)
I’m also a sucker for post-gang life bc I can’t handle the idea of Arthur’s demise.
Redemption Was Just the Beginning - @lacrymatoryao3 (this is simply amazing. A lot of characteristic Arthur inner turmoil that is beautifully done)
Second Chance for and Outlaw - @summerontatooine (I LOVE this one as a post gang look. There is even a second leg that goes with it but focuses on Charles - Ballad of Lonesome Heart)
These ones are older threads but still my all-time faves:
The Blue Side of the Mountain @sweet-by-and-by (post gang life and SO amazing)
Arthur!dad Series and Arthur!protector series - @queenxxxsupreme (this writer is one of the reasons I started writing my own fic. So much content on their list too)
And then there are some that just always put out amazing work: @rivetingrosie4 @shootybangbang @sixgunluvr
Hope this helps. Like I said, there is some great stuff out there and I know there are those that I follow and get tagged on that I am forgetting. But these are my ones that are the objects of my affections.
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seenoversundown · 4 months
For Death Or Glory Masterpost
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Female OC) New Chapters on Thursdays!
Workplace Romance | Friends With Benefits to Lovers | He Falls First
Summary: Jake has always been a hopeless romantic, heavy on the hopeless. He’s gone out with plenty of girls, but they never last. Tired of being told he’s “too sweet”, he tapped out on dating once he bought the bar. Just waiting for the right one to walk into the bar and steal his heart.
*This is an AU Series*
Warnings: Fluff, (eventual) Smut, Anxious Themes, Mentions of Death, Smoking, Drinking (a lot of the story will take place surrounding the bar) Teasing, Yearning, Eventual Smut, Romance, Silly Goofy Boys.
(Warnings will be updated along with the series & More Detailed Warnings will be listed at the beginning of each chapter)
Word Count: 85.8k
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25
One Shots:
Affirmation ⁂ - Jake x Charlotte (Fem OC) find themselves in an oddities shop where Charlotte has her tarot cards read, whether she believes in it or not.
White Christmas ☠ - Jake x Charlotte (Fem OC) have a million and one things to do on Christmas Day and Charlotte is already stressed by 6 am. Thankfully, Jake knows exactly how to calm her down.
Siren ⁂ ☠️ - Jake x Charlotte (Fem OC) get stuck at the bar on Valentine’s Day, but Jake makes sure to make it up to her after the bar closes.
Allure : Part 1 ⁂ | Part 2 ☠️ - Jake x Charlotte (Fem OC) Family Lake Day! Starts off with Charlotte longingly watching her sweet motherly boyfriend take care of everyone all day but ends with him making it up to her in the sweetest way.
Taglist Currently:
@gvfsstardust, @myleftsock , @mindastreamofcolours, @dont-go-home-without-me @literal-dead-leaf @lizzys-sunflower @mackalah @edgingthedarkness @writingcold @i-love-gvf @takenbythemadness @threadofstars, @earthgrlsreasy , @peaceloveunitygvf @musicspeaks , @gretavanfan @jazzyfigz @smoking-jakelane @anythingforjtk @woyayaofdreams @demonrat444 @hollyco @josh-iamyour-mama @wrldabomination @broken0mens @whereiskeara @gvf-luna @katuschka @ourlovesdesire @chloeshell1219 @becinabubblegvf @sanguinebats
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The Caravel Tavern Masterpost | Masterlist (One Shots / Other Fics)
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jonasiapie · 10 months
Day 11: Sam
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I almost forgot to post this lol
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thedrarrylibrarian · 5 months
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When I first started Happy Hour, @crazybutgood made me the cutest origami mug that resembles the foamy butterbeer in my Happy Hour image. I had been so nervous to try something new and write recs instead of just do lists and seeing that someone had enjoyed my rec enough to sit and fold paper into art was really touching to me. Since then, our whole fandom has been privileged to enjoy this unique and creative art that @crazybutgood has contributed. It's a joy to invite her to Happy Hour to give her own rec.
Thank you to @thedrarrylibrarian for this opportunity and for thinking of me!
The fic I’d like to rec is A Christmas Miracle by @sleepstxtic (E, 39k)
Draco is a world-renowned Magi-Diagnostician and Harry is a Cursebreaking Healer, both working in St. Mungo's. They're not- quite-friends, not-quite-lovers, who argue at work and have sex on the weekends. And they're both fine with it, thank you very much. But when a mysterious attack in the hospital leaves Draco trapped in a coma, Harry must do all he can to save him. All the while, an inexplicable, deadly, children's illness is spreading through wizarding London. Oh, and there's some Time Magic thrown into the mix.
A Christmas Carol with a Drarry twist.
Though this 25 Days of Drarry fic is set during Christmas, it’s a perfect read for any season. @sleepstxtic (Kat) uses her own wonderful take on A Christmas Carol to weave together a gripping medical thriller with Draco racing against time to save Teddy, after himself going on a journey of self-reflection as he travels through time with his Ghosts of Christmas. The scenes Kat writes for the time-travel are as emotional and gripping as the suspenseful case in the present, as Draco, moved by his eye-opening experience, navigates his duty – and expressing his feelings for Harry. The characters’ (including great OCs) dynamics, personalities – especially Draco’s growth – and dialogues are deliberate, on point, and a delight to read. Plus, Kat gives an especially wonderful snark and demeanour to Draco that are not only reminiscent of her inspiration of House M.D., but is also uniquely him. Of course, Harry too has his own sassy moments thrown in with his softness towards Draco.
Why I especially rec this fic (apart from Kat's brilliant writing that I always love) is that by December 2023, I had been on-and-off and down about a lot of things, including fandom. Though I wasn't sure where I stood then, one thing I knew was that I could always count on Kat’s amazing stories cheering me up. This one came at a time when I appreciated anything to rely on as an escape and a treat, and adding it to my list of subscriptions to daily updating fics last winter was a joy. The anticipation and thrill of following a daily WIP is something else; I eagerly read as the story unfolded each day, especially mulling over what might happen next after each cliffhanger, which Kat is infuriatingly good at. Her story is a wonderful unique blend of concepts and feelings of despair, fear, hope, and love, gelling into a plot that'll definitely have you hooked. Whether you choose to savour a chapter a day in your free time, or treat yourself to a late-night binge, I hope you enjoy unravelling the mysteries of the puzzling illness, what happened to Draco, and his and Harry’s future.
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
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tintreach-cleite · 10 months
Day 12
I think I accidentally made an OC with this one
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