#21st nome
cryoverlife · 9 months
Carter Kane Headcannons
I mentioned before in an earlier post but he’s literally the only character in the riordanverse that cares about the rules (despite the many he’s broken) and can spell (you don’t dyslexia to be a bad speller, can not tell me Magnus or Sadie are good at spelling)
There are three people at the Brooklyn house that are capable of getting everyone to listen to them, everyone does not include Sadie. Carter, Walt, and Zia. Like they’ll walk into a room and everyone’s like ‘gotta pay attention’.
Has zero time. This poor kid has so much stuff to do it’s a shock he even has a chance to breathe. There is school, training a bunch of kids, running a nome, plus more.
terrible sleeping schedule. He was constantly woken up to get on flights and most of the time he was sleeping on in airplane or in an airport. Never got a chance to adjust to Jet lag either.
the more you get to know him, the more awkward he gets. He has been trained to interacts with strangers, but when he hangs around you for multiple days he just shuts down, like ‘oh no, I actually know this person now what do I do.’
carter did not realize Bast would make them go to school and therefore had a large freak out over it when Bast randomly brought it up. Like he wants to go, but he has no idea how to function.
terrified of kids. Doesn’t hate them it’s just when one of them to come to him he just doesn’t know what to do. He is weirdly good with them though.
he is the epitome of seems calm, actually always panicking.
he’s like an old man when it comes to technology. Sadie thinks it’s hilarious because she the queen of technology.
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cleoreadsbooks · 1 month
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I'm Cleo (she/her) and I read books.
I'm a magician from Rio de Janeiro. I currently live at Brooklyn House (21st Nome) and I follow the path of Thoth.
I'm in charge of the library. I like it even thought somebody *cought* Felix *cought* thinks it's a good idea to use it as an abitat for his penguins.
People I know:
Looks like Sadie's boyfriend: @nico-sees-dead-people
Jaz, but he's a Greek boy: @dr-flipflops
Sadie says she's cool: @wisegirl-1618
Carter says he's annoying: @seewead-brian
(Ooc: I really like Cleo, but I keep forgetting she basically doesn't have a canon personality... oh well, I'll make up something)
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mooonylvr · 5 months
something i've been thinking about the kane chronicles adaptation is that if after pjotv's success disney took tkc too and adapted it into a series as well, it'd be so cool to have one or two introduction episodes, where all of the things from the beginning of the book happen and where they set the scenes about what's gonna happen in the next five days, and then have an episode dedicated to each of the demon days, like "episode 3: osiris' demon day" or smth like that for all 5 days, it'd be sooo cool
bonus points if in the end as a bonus scene, like the one with turning gabe into stone, we get how the two new trainees (walt and jaz) join the 21st nome, i personally would EAT THAT UP
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voidwritesstuff · 8 months
Amos Kane Headcanons
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->Amos Kane HCS. General/life pre! Tkc/post Tkc.
->I myself im not black, I am latine. If I got anything wrong or if you have anything to add about Amos being black please tell me. Always Open to learn, just be polite!.
->Hcs for other tkc characters are Open,I dont write x reader but I Will happily make general hcs for any character.
->This post is so Long. Eat up yall. I Will make my own amos kane content HE DESERVES IT.
->reblogs are appreciated.
->moodboard made by me.
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Bisexual, fight me/hj.
Got his love for Jazz from his mother (Clementine Kane), she listened to Jazz while she cooked and cleaned,and when Amos was old enough,she took him to his first jazz bar.
He was often times compared to his older brother by his family,not on purpose (sometimes though his father would compare him to julius who was a Straight A+ student) but it did make him harbor a slight resentment to his brother. He got over most of it when he was a little older.(key Word,most of it)
In highschool he was your average student,brilliant but he was fine with just having a C or a B.
Julius got all the dates,he wars the popular kid. (Look at him and tell me im wrong),Big nerd too but there was something about him. Amos was semi popular by proxy,however he kept to himself.
That did not stop the fact that he got his own little fan club (women and men alike) but he always found it a little weird.
Didnt date much in highschool, he was charming and a total Lady/Man Killer once he opened up though.
He decided to learn how to play the saxophone during his sophmore Year,his mom and dad were saving to Get him a tenor saxophone for his birthday.
Amos got to practice music in his highschool's band/music club and once he got a job he could afford classes.
I think their family was pretty middle class,so his parents were saving up for both of their kids college. Hence why Amos had to get a job.
His first job was a record store! And since he knew a lot about jazz and Music in general he got to Open the shop to more of an older demographic. Which brought in more costumeres
Both him and Julius grew up in the house of life as well, I think they lived in the 21st nome up to their early/mid 20s.
Another point of comparison for Julius and amos is that as we know,julius was better than amos in magic. Which just fed at the slight envy Amos had.
Amos still loves his brother very much,always did. But there has been a few times where his scorn has gotten the best of him,especially during fights between him n his brother.
But going back to his life outside the house of life...
Amos got a small appartment with his own money (..and magic) and he was the chillest neighborg you could ever Ask for. He had made sure the walls are insolated so he can play as loud as he can
Always took his trash out, always said hi when someone passed by. Chill ass dude.
He sometimes played on his balcony when he needed to get out his feelings and a lot of the neighborgs and passerbys would just sit and hear him play
The reason why Amos moved out,was becuase he needed to separate himself from his family and find who he was. Cheesy maybe but hes always been in his brothers,his family's, shadow.
Despite that,he did follow some rules of his family.
Always dressed the best he could, making sure he looks perfect (as Julius told Carter, being a black Man in the USA makes it so that you always have to act and look a certain way to not get in trouble/be considered at the same level ) . Was always polite (even if he had to swallow his anger), had to always speak perfectly (barely could use any AAVE, or slang).
It pissed him off, and rightfully so. Having to perform a way and whitewash himself just to be "accepted". However he only ever complained about this to his Friends,
And speaking of Friends,around them the Real Amos came out, hes hilarious and charming, incredibly kind and so very loving and protective.
Hes the designated driver most of the time, he is the one that his AFAB Friends have given him the rights to guard their drink (hes got a MEAN RBF AND WILL INTIMIDATE SOMEOME INTO RUNNING AWAY IF NEEDED)
Most alive on the dancefloor,mans can DANCE.
Has gone to an incredible ammount of gay bars, hes seen Julius in some of them and both have laughed it off. (I hc Julius as pansexual,theres nothing Straight in that whole bloodline)
He orders those fancy ass drinks, he loves them.
Those glasses he uses are actually sun glasses,helps Him with his light sensitivity (theres also nothing neurotypical in that whole bloodline either)
As stated in a previous hc in this list, he studied music. Balancing magician studies and uni PLUS WORK had Amos seriously seeing himself with grey hairs even before julius ever even thought about it.
Hes gotten a few pets in his life, a few cats,birds and dogs.
The first cat he ever got on his own was a little black cat he rescued from the streets on a stormy night when he was walking back from a late uni class.
He heard the cat meowling cuz it was cold and he grabbed the sweet kitten and put it underneath his suit jacket without previous thought.
He named the cat Amunet. (He knows its very egyptian of him,he finds It hilarious)
Amunet was his quality control with ppl,for some reason the cat was incredibly good at sniffing out ppl who werent the best company.
Iskandar took Amunet in when she got older and a lot more fragile, Amos was fine with it since he knew she would be in good hands.
And before I change subjects here lemme add this:
Amos always dresses in suits,that doesnt mean he doesnt have any normal clothes. He does,but he uses them indoors or when hes getting groceries.
One of his neighborgs knocked on his door to ask for something and they found Amos wearing a black shirt with a jazz bar's logo and some blue plaid pants.
That outfit had no bussiness fitting him that well and that neighborgs had to leave from how red they were.
I also hc he does his own hair, he uses bonnets And that hes got a whole routine for his hair.
Seeing amos in a bonnet is a treat
I also hc his "barrel chest" body comes from his father,Amos barely works out, and hes fine with being a little chubby. Adds to his charm.
During And after the events of TKC.
Amos loved ruby, they were really good Friends with eachother. And was devastated when she died.
Was fuming and furious when Iskandar forbid him from seeing his family.
He loves his niece and nephew with a passion,def was the cool uncle. He was so angry that he could see his family.
Partially the reason why he move back into the 21st nome. He felt like he needed to be close to his family somehow (I hc their parents died or retired somewhere before the events of the saga and left the 21st nome)
He sometimes would sneak to london to make sure sadie was okay, it pissed him off to see her being bullied or seeing her grandparents not take care of her hair (I want curly haired sadie)
He was devastated when the whole Julius-osiris thing happened. He blamed himself for not doing something more to stop Julius (even if there was nothing he could do)
Set's possesion fucked him up obviously,Set would taunt him with all the mistakes hes done in his life, his feelings of inediquacy or his own minor inferiority complex.
He obviously dealt with PTSD afterwards, he had vivid nightmares and would wake up crying and screaming. He couldnt even stand the color red or the deserts or any mention of magic for a good while.
He could barely eat and let alone shower or get out of bed. His hair was a GODDAMN MESS and sometimes Carter and sadie would help him out (he didnt like the kids doing that but theyre as stubborn as he is)
He couldnt do magic for a while,so he couldnt help in restoring his house.
He missed his family dearly after he went to heal to the first nome.
During book 2 he slowly rediscovered himself, he met a therapist that was part of the house of life and she gladly took him in as a patient.
He started making contact with Set during book 2, Henc why set looked the way he did in russia.
It started off as small things,practicing "chaos" magic. Set slowly appeared in his dreams, first he was an ass and then he...started to warm up to Amos.
Which means Set low key fell in love with Amos. Because have you seen him? (Dark mlm story do go brr)
Set and Amos fucked,Amos topped. Dont ask me, I just know it.
During book 3 he never in his life imagined himself as the chief lector. But he saw this oportunity as a way to make change.
He followed the path of set, and hes damn good at it. Set could never step out of line with him ever again, and it was the closure Amos needed.
Some of the qualities of set rubbed off on him, he started having a darker/more sarcastic sense of humor, has done some harmless pranks and his flirting game has improved,theres some smooth/dark suaveness about him now.
Hes bootycalled set at some point I think. Set doesnt speak of it and Amos finds it hilarious.
His nightmares arent as horrible as they used to be, he barely has them now. But on the off change he has them, he Will Walk around the first nome to clear his head, play his saxophone and go back to bed.
The kanes have big parties for the holidays, the whole family comes to these cookouts they hold (yes,even julius and ruby! )
During these cookouts the kids get to see their family loosen up, ruby,amos and Julius act like college kids around eachother. They share 1 braincell
Its a sight to behold. Truly.
Once,Julius and Amos got into a playfight (as siblings do) and both ended up In the pool,making Sadie and Carter both flabbergasted and with New blackmail material.
Ruby was laughing so hard, she also told the kids of the brothers misadventures. The never saw their dad and uncle the same way since then (un a good way)
More hcs that idk where to put them
When ppl ask how he got KHUFU he always gives everyone a different story just to fuck with them. But truth is that he doesnt know or remeber how he got them
Philips of Macedonia was actually Amunet's first toy. It was an alligator, so then when iskandar took the cat in,Amos started to toy with the idea of making him a shabti.
He is a flirty drunk, he also laughs a lot more.
As chief lector he doesnt get days off,but oh he does take them sometimes. He spends the time to reconnect with his college buddies, have some fun around brooklyn,that kinda thing
Teaches sadie how to take care of her hair,takes her to black salons in brooklynn.
Very good chef. Very good,better than julius (he holds it over his brothers head a lot)
Sometimes when Julius and Amos bicker,neither know if its bcs of them being siblings or bcs set and osiris are siblings. Or both.
He has gotten a parental attachment to Walt as well, both are happy w it but they dont know if theres not some god fuckery going around.
Hes terrified of spiders,so is Julius. Both Will either jump on things to avoid it or fireball it to oblivion. When asked about it both Will vehemently deny it.
He took a love for horror after he made his peace with set. He thinks its bcs of well, the whole shebang with set.
Was really close to fireball someone after that someone tried to touch his hair after he had freshly taken care of it. He maintains that it wasnt an exageration (And I support his desicion)
Knows spanish,dont ask how. He knows it
(This is me proyecting but im sure hes got a weakness for latine people. I myself im latine so!!!!!! I can say what I want on it!!!!!)
Hes amassed costumes from around the world, little tricks when cooking or dance moves or even little things like leaving his shoes at the door.
Hes the quiet chaotic type, as in he Will be plotting about all the little seeds of chaos he can plant for weeks on end. Theyre harmless, really.
Loooves spicy food. Its cannon that he couldnt help but laugh when Carter couldnt handle the spice.
Avoids the news like the plague, he does read the newspaper sometimes if hes really bored.
He also follows some music magazines and news channel.
Hes gone to some concerts and has taken Sadie and Carter to some (I hc sadie as a big Sleep Token fan)
He took Carter and sadie to the same jazz bar his mom took him
Played happy birthday on his saxophone for his niece/nephew's bday.
Doesnt want to have kids,and hes fine with it.
He had dumb petty fights with Julius when they were kids.
Their rooms were Next to eachother in the 21st nome. So imagine the Shenanigans
They did grow up in the 21st nome, it was their family's house after all. However they couldnt really invite non magicians over. They never brought anyone home
Ruby was the first ever outsider to set foot in there.
Clementine and the brothers father absolutely ADORED Ruby.
Uncle was the kids god-father. Always made sure the kids had everything they needed.
Bent over backwards for his nephew/niece. Always Will.
Big family Man, obviously
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artemx746 · 10 months
Can u imagine if Al just wound up at the 21st Nome. He would vibe there so much.
Bonus if Annabeth goes to visit Sadie and find Alabaster motherfucking Torrington.
Bonus Bonus if Bast notices that Al’s clearly got some godly related trauma and starts to take care of him.
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Bast adopts Twin Greek Deities + 1 Demigoddess
Just a random piece of crack I just thought of:
Artemis tries to stop Zeus from turning Apollo mortal. She also gets sent to Earth as a mortal as punishment. The injured, traumatized teenage ex-gods get Meg McCaffrey as their “master,” but while they are trying to get to Percy Jackson’s house they take a wrong turn and end up near the 21st Nome.
The Egyptian cat goddess Bast is hanging around in cat form, sees them, and seeing their injured, bedraggled forms, her Mama Cat instincts are activated and she basically adopts them. The four of them end up going on a nearly year-long adventure so Artemis and Apollo can free the Oracles and regain their Divinity, with frequent side-trips on the Egyptian side of things.
By the time they defeat Python and the Twin Archers regain their Divinity, Bast has been named “Second Mom” by the Twins and Meg, and she decides to start a custody war with Zeus and Demeter.
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thatartiststudios · 10 months
Just finished Chapter 4 of my fic, but for now, here's the first snippet of Chapter 2
As Leo led the group on a tour of the Argo II, they arrived at the section where the rooms were located. The rooms were comfortable and spacious, each one tailored to meet the needs of its potential occupants. As Leo showcased the first room, Rayla’s eyes widened in disbelief.
“Wait a minute,” Rayla said, her voice filled with astonishment as she stepped into the room, her eyes fixed on an elegant weapon stand. There, mounted in a place of honor, was her Bowblade, its moonlit metal gleaming softly in the room’s ambient light. She reached out, her fingers brushing the familiar contours of the weapon.
“How is this possible? I didn’t have this with me when we were knocked into the rift.”
Across the hallway, Callum’s eyes widened in a similar mixture of surprise and confusion. Inside the second room, his mage staff stood tall, leaning against the wall as if it had always belonged there.
“This doesn’t make sense,” he said, his voice echoing Rayla’s disbelief. “I left my staff in my High Mage’s office. How did it end up here?”
Carter furrowed his brow in thought.
“Maybe The Collector somehow brought them here, in case they were needed,” he suggested, his tone laced with uncertainty. “But I can’t imagine how that’s possible. It’s like they just... appeared.”
The others exchanged bewildered glances, the impossibility of the situation hanging in the air like a lingering mystery. The presence of their cherished weapons raised questions that seemed to have no logical answers. It was a peculiar puzzle, one that added yet another layer of enigma to the challenges they were about to face.
As they continued their exploration of the ship, the unspoken question remained: How had their weapons arrived here, defying the laws of reality? The Collector’s influence seemed to stretch beyond what anyone could comprehend, leaving them with a profound sense of unease as they grappled with the inexplicable events unfolding around them.
The meeting room exuded warmth and welcome, its ambiance enhanced by the soft glow of lamps that cast a gentle light across the polished wooden table. Around this table, the group gathered, their faces illuminated by the subtle luminosity, a diverse assembly united by fate and The Collector’s enigmatic challenge.
As they settled into their seats, Leo initiated the discussion, outlining the ship’s functionalities. Laughter and friendly banter filled the air as they exchanged stories, sharing intricate details about their respective worlds.
Jason, Piper, and Leo reminisced about Camp Half-Blood, sharing tales of mythical creatures and the strong camaraderie among demigods, including their recent mission to vanquish the earth mother, Gaea and ending the rivalry between Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter.
Carter and Sadie, with their magical exploits, told intricate narratives of adventures with Egyptian gods and goddesses as well as the task of training an entire group of initiates in the 21st Nome in Brooklyn.
Callum and Rayla described the wonders of Xadia, painting vivid images of the challenges they faced, the extraordinary beings they encountered, including Rex Igneous and The Dragon Queen. While they touched briefly on Aaravos, they kept the conversation surface-level. Delving deeper into that dark chapter was a topic reserved for another time, a time when wounds were less raw.
However, amidst the jovial conversation, a shadow eclipsed Rayla’s eyes. Sadie’s accent, reminiscent of her mentor and surrogate father Runaan’s voice, stirred a deep melancholy within her. Merely months ago, they had liberated him and her biological parents from the magical coins that had imprisoned them for years. Now, she found herself leaving them again, and the weight of this separation burdened her heart.
Callum, ever perceptive, sensed her distress.
“You okay?” he asked, his voice tinged with concern as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
“Yeah, I just…” She rose quietly from her chair. “I need a moment; the rest of you can continue the meeting.” Rayla’s voice caught in her throat as she made her way up on deck, her steps echoing in the empty corridors.
She needed a solitary moment to grapple with her emotions.
The room fell silent, a brief pause before Jason spoke up.
“Is… she going to be okay?” he asked cautiously.
Callum looked down, immediately understanding Rayla’s emotional turmoil.
“I– I think it’s your accent, Sadie,” he explained, glancing at the younger Kane sister. “I know you mentioned it’s because you grew up in England, but where we come from, different types of elves have distinctive accents. Yours is remarkably similar to her father’s.”
Sadie blinked, absorbing the revelation.
“Oh,” was all she managed, unsure of what more to say.
“Well, not her biological father,” Callum clarified, “but one of the elves who raised her while her parents fulfilled their duty as Dragonguard for The Dragon Queen. Just less than a year ago, we managed to free all three of them from some Dark Magic prison of sorts. I think Rayla is just apprehensive about leaving them again.”
Understanding dawned on the faces of the others; the explanation provided clarity to Rayla’s sudden departure.
Callum stood, intending to follow Rayla, but Leo’s voice halted him.
“Callum, didn’t Rayla suggest we continue?” Leo questioned.
Callum met Leo’s gaze for a moment before decisively making his way up on deck, his concern for Rayla propelling him forward.
He found her leaning over the railing, her white hair shimmering like strands of silver in the moonlight. Concern etched his features as he approached her.
“You didn’t have to follow me,” Rayla said softly, her voice carrying the weight of her thoughts.
Callum shrugged, a warm smile on his lips. “I know, but I wanted to. Are you okay?”
She turned to him, her eyes, once filled with determination, now clouded with worry.
“Callum,” she began, her voice hesitant, “it’s just... I can’t help but think of Runaan. Hearing Sadie’s voice, it’s like a haunting echo of him. We’ve only just freed him, and now I’m leaving him again. And my parents... I haven’t even spent enough time with them to truly understand what it means to have a family again. And what if we fail? What if we can’t get back home?”
Callum listened, his expression one of deep empathy, as Rayla poured out her fears, her voice carrying the weight of her burdens. He reached out and gently took both of her hands, his touch grounding her in the present moment.
“Rayla,” he said, his tone unwavering, “I understand your fears, I really do. But you’re stronger than you think. You’ve faced incredible challenges, and you’ve come through every time. And you’re not alone in this. We have each other, and together, we can overcome anything.”
Rayla looked into his eyes, seeing not just reassurance but a profound understanding of her struggles. The vulnerability in her gaze mirrored his own, forging a connection that went beyond mere words.
“But… what if I’m not strong enough?” she whispered, her voice barely audible above the rustle of the night breeze.
Callum smiled gently, his thumbs brushing over her knuckles as he spoke. “Ray, strength isn’t about never being afraid. It’s about facing your fears and pressing on, even when it feels impossible. And you, my A mhuirnín, are the bravest person I know. I believe in you, Rayla, even when you doubt yourself.”
Her eyes softened, touched by his unwavering faith in her. In that moment, the stars above seemed to twinkle with a promise of hope. She leaned against him, her head resting on his chest, finding solace in his presence.
“Thank you, Callum,” she murmured, her voice filled with gratitude.
“Nothing to thank me for, love.”
They stood there, under the canvas of stars, their worries momentarily forgotten. The night seemed to hold its breath, the world quiet and still around them. In each other’s arms, they found comfort, their shared vulnerabilities creating a bond that no challenge could break. Together, they gazed at the stars, the vastness of the universe reminding them of the endless possibilities that awaited them.
Next Part
Quick authors note: I got the idea for the nickname A mhuirnín from Noodlandia's fic "Battle Scars" on AO3, I thought it was adorable and had to use it but wanted to give them credit.
Here's the link to it so you can check it out if you want.
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edenslice · 1 year
is it cheating if I ask about both den of dens and with or without you (but also, please!)
with or without you, i'll get over fine
evidently i'm never posting this and it's never going past the Outline Stage so might as well dump it all here
(ps if anyone wants to make an actual fic about this PLEASE DO!!! just credit me for the idea and the rest is all yours)
was planning to make it a ToA/TKC crossover! so it goes:
nico di angelo, feeling a strong sense of Wrongness with apollo's disappearance (he'll never call it death, gods no) and olympus's incompetence, takes matters into his own hands
hades is no help to nico because a god has never actually died before, so the greco-roman underworld is out of the picture
so that only leaves: tartarus. FAR out of hades's domain. nico does not want to go to tartarus. and so he searches for other options.
enter: meg mccaffrey (worried sick and plagued with nightmares), and rachel dare (worried sick because she's NOT plagued with nightmares; apollo's essence no longer within her)
rachel suggests they head to brooklyn after remembering the strange cesspool of non-greco-roman demigod energy she felt back when they raided nero's tower
but before that—
enter: sally, whom nico, rachel, and meg go visit when they've run out of Other Options (nico is Very Embarrassed. rachel is overcompensating. meg is just happy to eat more 7 layer dip)
sally says that percy once mentioned meeting another demigod from another pantheon—carter kane
hc that the 21st nome and rachel go to the same school (brooklyn high), so while rachel doesn't know a carter kane, she's heard of sadie
insert oddly sickening parallels to piper, meg, and lester entering a school illegally to find jason and rachel, meg, and nico entering a school illegally to find sadie
and the rest is. idk. i had nothing else planned for this
ultimately i wanted to explore the concept of lester's body rotting in tartarus but his godly essence stuck in the duat, in the same nursing home (??) sadie and carter found ra in
den of dens
ok. this one i KNOW is gonna be really fucking long so most of this will be under a readmore
what you need to know:
genres: slice of life. mystery. domestic horror. psychological horror. whateva the fuck type of horror house of leaves is....cosmic horror maybe???
the story is divided into four parts; 1979, 1980, 1981, and 1982. it's a mixed media project (ie chapters/comic/manuscript/animatic/podcast etc) because
a) i want to test my abilities as an artist
b) i wanna emulate the thing memories do: not everything is remembered animatedly. some memories are blurry, some are like words we've read in books, some are simply voices, fragments of everyday life
there are 5 protagonists;
kamil kara, the core of the story. teacher. patriarch of the kara - agbayani - rosas household. whether you'd like to see him as judas iscariot or as his own person is up to you.
manuel cagadas, deutaragonist. architect. black sheep of the cheung family. whether you'd like to see him as jesus of nazareth or as his own person is up to you.
liesel kara, tritagonist. kamil's bold-hearted daughter. she has her own story outside of kamil's complicated narrative in which she stars in.
ramona agbayani-kara, tetartagonist. kamil's wife and matriarch of the kara - agbayani - rosas household. surgeon, specifically in the ob/gyn department. like her daughter, she has her own story outside of kamil's narrative.
alyosha trinidad, pentagonist. liesel's best friend and kamil's top student. an angel in disguise, he serves as the initiator of many of the important events.
kamil and manuel are lovers; their messy relationship is what drives the stories forward
by the time dod begins, kamil and ramona have fallen out of love completely. liesel doesnt know jackshit about her parents' falling out because they'd rather die than let their daughter see them argue or fall apart
kamil's relationship with manuel may drive the stories forward but its kamil's (and everyone else's) love for liesel that keeps it grounded and steady. if that makes sense
liesel is so so so loved. more than she will ever know. ← keep that in mind
manuel has known of his past life ever since he was old enough to think. he doesn't retain actual memories but he does have the same otherworldly powers as the son of god did
meanwhile, kamil only discovered his past life after having his first conversation with manuel
and that's when everything fell apart
alyosha is a literal biblical/abrahamic angel btw. he took the name "alyosha" because it sounded pretty and he rebirthed himself to a family of five indebt to him
most if not all of dod would not have happened if alyosha didn't make his choices around the original jesus and judas
kamil and manuel are 42, ramona is 43, alyosha is 13 and arwen is 12 in 1979
manuel is a trans man! very important for his arc
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On November 21st 1835 James Hogg, the poet known as the Ettrick shepherd, died in Ettrick.
It’s quite sad that some poems by the likes of Hogg and  Robert Tannahill are often mistaken for Burns, Scotland has a rich vein of great poets through the centuries. Whilst Burn’s wrote in the Scots vernacular, Hogg wrote in both Scots and English. As a young man he worked as a shepherd and farmhand, and was largely self-educated through reading earning himself the nome de plume The “Ettrick Shepherd”, a nickname under which some of his works were published, and the character name he was given in the widely read series Noctes Ambrosianae, published in the subject of a post yesterday, Blackwood’s Magazine.
James Hogg’s talent for writing was discovered by Sir Walter Scott, to whom he had sent poems for The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. Hogg came to Edinburgh in 1810, and made his reputation in poetry with The Queen’s Wake. He established friendships with Byron, John Murray, Wordsworth and Southey, and was asked on to the editorial board of the aforementioned Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine.
James Hogg was born in 1770 at Ettrick Hall, at the top of the Ettrick Valley. The second of four sons of an impoverished farmer, he left school after six months’ formal education. Aged seven, he began to work on the lowest rung of the farming ladder - as a cowherd.
But he had learned, at his mother’s knee, the great oral tradition of ballads and folklore of the Borders. And her father, “the far-famed Will O'Phaup” was reputed to have been the last man to converse with the fairies. In his mid-teens, James Hogg taught himself to read and write, and to play the fiddle, and entered the skilled profession of shepherding. He began making songs and verses for local gatherings. The other young people of the valleys called him “Jamie the Poeter”. His career had begun.
At the turn of the eighteenth century, Hogg was working as a shepherd on the farm on Blackhouse in Yarrow for the Laidlaw family, who opened their hearts and library to the young shepherd poet. It was at this time that Walter Scott, the newly appointed sheriff of Selkirk, was roaming the Border Valleys in pursuit of the disappearing ballads of the Borders. Through the Laidlaws, he met James Hogg and his mother who had a rich store of the ballads. The two young men were almost exact contemporaries. They began a friendship that was to last, despite many tensions, throughout their lives.
After the failure of his farming ventures in Dumfriesshire and Ettrick, James Hogg moved to Edinburgh in 1810, determined to make his living as a writer. He founded a weekly magazine, The Spy, of which he was the main contributor. Its style proved too earthy and robust for the fastidious Edinburgh readership, and it folded after a year. His next venture was an educational society, The Forum, which ran weekly public debates on such subjects as Whether the hope of Reward or Punishment tends most to the preservation of good order in Society? Throughout these years, he barely scraped a living, but his skills as a writer were being honed all the time.In 1813, the publication of his cycle of ballads, The Queen’s Wake, brought him the recognition he yearned for. It was critically acclaimed, not only in Edinburgh but in London and America. His reputation as a leading poet of the age was firmly established, and though still a poor man, The Ettrick Shepherd was now a celebrity.
In 1815, the Duke of Buccleuch granted Hogg, rent-free, the farm of Altrive in Yarrow. He divided his time between capital and country, between writing and socialising. More major volumes of poetry followed The Queens Wake, including The Poetic Mirror , which parodied the leading poets of the time including Scott, Wordsworth, Coleridge - and himself. His marriage in 1820 to Margaret Phillips brought him more firmly back into Yarrow. He took on the lease of the neighbouring farm of Mountbenger, which proved financially disastrous. Although he claimed to have had a run of bad seasons and low prices, and to be encumbered by a high rent, the fact was that his farming was never more than a poor second to his literary career.
By now he was turning more and more to prose - short stories and novels. In 1833 Hogg had an accident while curling, falling through the ice, causing a serious illness. In 1834 his biographical work Familiar Anecdotes of Sir Walter Scott was published in the United States, while a pirated version published in Edinburgh led to a break with Lockhart. Hogg mended his relationship with Blackwood in May, but Blackwood died at the end of the year. Hogg published his masterpiece Tales of the Wars of Montrose at the beginning of 1835.
James Hogg died on this day 1835 and was buried in Ettrick Churchyard, close to his childhood home.
A Boy's Song
Where the pools are bright and deep, Where the grey trout lies asleep, Up the river and over the lea, That's the way for Billy and me. Where the blackbird sings the latest, Where the hawthorn blooms the sweetest, Where the nestlings chirp and flee, That's the way for Billy and me. Where the mowers mow the cleanest, Where the hay lies thick and greenest, There to track the homeward bee, That's the way for Billy and me. Where the hazel bank is steepest, Where the shadow falls the deepest, Where the clustering nuts fall free, That's the way for Billy and me. Why the boys should drive away Little sweet maidens from the play, Or love to banter and fight so well, That's the thing I never could tell. But this I know, I love to play Through the meadow, among the hay; Up the water and over the lea, That's the way for Billy and me.
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howhow326 · 2 years
What if I made a TKC/Riordanverse self insert? Haha jk... Unless:
Name: Timothy Howard
Meaning: It's my first name and my middle name switched, stop asking questions decade old oc template!
Ethnicity: African-American
Age: 16
DOB: June 28
Height: 5'7
Weight: 127 pounds
BMI: idk
Zodiac: Cancer
Birthplace: Maryland, USA
Current residence: 21st Nome
Good Traits: Curious, Clever, Patient
Bad Traits: Secretive, Stubborn
Habits: Staring off into space
Hobbies/Pastimes: Reading, Video Games
Fears: Spiders
Dreams: become a scientist
Goals: master magic!
Favorite Color: Dark Blue
Favorite Food: anything sweet
Favorite Scent: Wut? Umm, flowers???
Favorite Song: He dosen't have one
Mother: His mom
Relationship: Positive
Father: His dad
Relationship: Positive
Siblings?: 3 of them
Relationship: Positive
Closest Friends: oof
Boy/Girlfriend?: Carter Kane- jk! Unless
Build: Scrawny, but has strong legs
Hair color: Black
Hairy type: Coily
Hair style: Side Fade
Eye color: Dark Hazel
Primary magic: Animal Charming (Primates, Owls)
Secondary Magic: Divine Words
Magical item/s: Staff and Wand, everything else in the Magician starter kit
Following the path of… Thoth
Blood of the Pharaohs?: Kandake (don't bother me with how it's not 100% historicly accurate, I'm trying to be special)
Godling? - no lol
Avatar? - no lol
General magical capabilities: Timothy is really good at the magic he specializes in and really bad at the magic he dosen't. While he prefers to charm the two animal types listed above, he can work with pretty much anything that's not a spider. He's also an expect at transformation and transmutation, and turning his staff into a bleeding-heart baboon is his battle go to move.
■■ Timothy knows the Divine Words "Ha-di" (destroy), "Maw" (water), and "Se-kebeb" (make cold) by heart and uses them whenever he can't Animal Charm himself out of a problem. Although he isn't particularly good at reading Hieroglyphs.
■■■Outside of those two specialities, Timothy can also use water and wind magic, but he's so bad at it that it's like the dollar store version of elemental magic. He can't do anything else lol.
Crazy story really - the day Timothy found the Djed amulet in his locker was the same day some Greek monster snuck into the school to eat some random halfblood.
Before he got to said unnamed halfblood, the monster noticed Timothy could see his true form and attacked him thinking he was prey. A satyr plant at the school saved him, and spirited him away to Camp halfblood without an explanation.
The whole time Timothy was there, everyone and there grandma kept saying "yep, your definitely a child of Athena" and Timothy kept pushing back because his favorite greek god was Poseidon and he took the rivalry thing seriously.
Eventually Mr. D takes a look at him and goes, "i think you might be in the wrong place" and sent him over to Brooklyn. Hilarious right!
Anyway, Timothy spends his time being Felix's found family big brother and having a platonic crush on Carter. Whatever that means.
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brookston · 3 months
Holidays 6.15
Arbor Day (Costa Rica)
Cagayan de Oro Charter Day
Corban Bairam Day (Sudan)
DACA Anniversary Day
Day of Valdemar (Denmark)
Dia del Arbol (Costa Rica)
Engineer’s Day (Italy)
Festival of Neon Decadence
Fire Service Workers’ Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Flag Day (Armenia, Denmark)
Fly a Kite Day
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Day
Global Wind Day
Husband Caregiver Day
International Day of Latex
International FrontRunners Day
International Justice Day for Cleaners & Security Guards
International Level Crossing Awareness Day
International Women in Mining Day
International Working Animals Day
Irish AIDS Day (Ireland)
Justice for Janitors Day
King Valdemar’s Day (Denmark)
Kiss a Wookiee Day
LGBTQIA+ Equal Pay Day 2022 ( website )
Lion King Day
Magna Carta Day (UK)
Mangaia Gospel Day (Cook Islands)
National Book Day (Argentina)
National Bug Busting Day (UK)
National Electricity Day
National Foam Party Day
National License Plate Frame Day
National Man Day
National Marina Day
National Megalodon Day
National Salvation Day (Azerbaijan)
Native American Citizenship Day
Nature Photography Day
Raja Sankranti (Odisha, India)
Rice Seedlings Transplant Day (Korea)
Separation Day (Delaware)
615 Day
Smile Power Day
Sneak a Kiss Day
Spill the Salt Day
Thisbe Asteroid Day
Verbena Day (French Republic)
Vulcanized Rubber Day
World Dengue Day
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (UN)
World Meat Free Day
World Snail Day
Worldwide Day of Giving
YMA Day (Mizoram, India)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Key West Conch Fritter Day
National Beer Day (a.k.a. Beer Day Britain; UK)
National Big Boy Day
National Knish Day
National Lobster Day [unofficial, also 9.25]
National Papaya Day
National Prune Day
Pork Rind Day (Peru)
Potatoe Day
Independence & Related Days
Arkansas Statehood Day (#25; 1836)
Cagayan de Pro City Charter Day (Philippines)
National Salvation Day (Azerbaijan)
Opol Day (Philippines)
Pinang (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Reunion Day (Denmark)
Valdemar Day (Denmark)
3rd Saturday in June
Badger Day [3rd Saturday]
Bawming of the Thorn (Appleton Thorn, England) [3rd Saturday]
Dog Dad’s Day [3rd Saturday]
Father’s Eve [3rd Saturday]
International Day of the Swimming Pond [3rd Saturday]
International Surfing Day [3rd Saturday]
Madam Lou Bunch Day (Old Flop House Celebration & Bed Race; Colorado) [3rd Saturday]
Mermaid Parade (Brooklyn, New York) [3rd Saturday]
National Dog Dad Day [3rd Saturday]
National Hollerin' Contest (Spivey's Corner, NC) [3rd Saturday]
Polar Bear Swim (Nome, Alaska) [Saturday closest to 21st]
Saturday of Souls, Second (Eastern Orthodox)
Solennität (Switzerland) [Saturday closest to 22nd]
World Juggling Day [Saturday closest to 6.17]
World Martini Day [3rd Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 16 (3rd Full Week)
Northern Arizona Monsoon Season (thru 9.30)
Festivals Beginning June 15, 2024
Alabama Blueberry Festival (Brewton, Alabama)
Arcata Bay Oyster Festival (Arcata, California)
Beer and BBQ Stroll (Westminster, Maryland)
Beer, Bourbon & BBQ Festival (Jacksonville, Florida)
Brews on the Bricks (Hays, Kansas)
Cajun Fest (Purcellville, Virginia)
Clayton BBQ & Brews Festival (Clayton, California)
Colorado Renaissance Festival (Larkspur, Colorado) [thru 8.4]
The Freshtival (Rohnert Park, California)
Hampton County Watermelon Festival (Hampton, South Carolina) [thru 6.22]
Highland Realm Blueberry Farm Bash (Hampshire, Mississippi)
International Vinegar Festival (Roslyn, South Dakota)
Lake Dillon Beer Fest (Dillon, Colorado)
Monterey Wine Festival (Monterey, California) [thru 6.16]
Mumbai International Film Festival (Mumbai, India) [thru 6.21]
Nashoba Rock N Brewfest (Lancaster, Massachusetts)
North Beach Festival (San Francisco, California) [thru 6.16]
Oink & Ale (Leaksville, North Carolina)
Ojai Wine Festival (Ojai, California)
Pleasant Grove Strawberry Days (Pleasant Grove, Utah) [thru 6.23]
RC Cola and Moon Pie Festival (Bell Buckle, Tennessee)
Sip-N-Shop Wine Walk (Eagle River, Wisconsin)
Slocomb Tomato Festival (Slocomb, Alabama)
Squeal On The Eel (Logansport, Indiana)
St. Louis Bourbon & Brews Festival (St. Louis, Missouri)
StrawberryFest (Sun Prairie, Wisconsin)
Strawberry Festival (Middlefield, Connecticut)
Summer Brew Fest (Denver, Colorado)
Sun BBQFest (Uncasville, Connecticut) [thru 6.16]
Taste of Chicago Rogers Park (Chicago, Illinois)
Taste of Redwood Valley (Calpella, California)
Trooping the Colour (London, UK)
Venice International Theater Festival [Biennale Teatro] (Schwarzenberg, Austria) [thru 6.23]
Wine and Vine Fest (Nicholasville, Kentucky)
Wine Time at the Colony (Saxonburgh, Pennsylvania)
Feast Days
Abraham of Clermont (or of St Cyriacus; Christian; Saint)
Albertina Berkenbrock, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
Alice (a.k.a. Adelaide or Aleydia) of Schaerbeek (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Augustine of Hippo (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Bad Joke Day (Pastafarian)
Bardo (Christian; Saint)
Bernard of Menthon (Christian; Saint)
Bourdaloue (Positivist; Saint)
Brian Jacques (Writerism)
Clement Vismara (Christian; Blessed)
Crescentia, Modestus, and Vitus (Christian; Martyrs)
Daisy Spell for Overcoming Indecision Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Edburga of Winchester (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Evelyn Underhill (Church of England and The Episcopal Church)
Germaine Cousin of Pibrac (Christian; Saint)
Gregory Lewis Barbadigo, Cardinal Bishop of Padua (Christian; Saint)
Guan Sheng Di Jun Dan (Taoism)
Halum (Muppetism)
Hesychius (Christian; Martyr)
Howard Hughes Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hugo Pratt (Artology)
Landelin (of Crespin or of Lobbes; Christian; Saint)
Media Ver IX (Pagan)
Modesto’s and Crescentia (Christian; Martyrs)
Neal Adams (Artology)
Nicolas Poussin (Artology)
Orsiesius (Christian; Saint)
Pearl the Pika (Muppetism)
Rising of the Nile Day (Ancient Egypt)
Saul Steinberg (Artology)
Tatian Dulas (Christian; Martyr)
Trillo (Christian; Saint)
Vance A. Larson (Artology)
Vaughe (a.k.a. Vorech), Hermit of Cornwall (Christian; Saint)
Vestalia ends (Ancient Rome)
Vitus (a.k.a. Guy; Christian; Martyr) [Czech Republic]
Vladimir (Christian; Saint)
Islamic Lunar Holidays
Day of Arafah [8-9 Dhu al-Hijjah] (Islamic) a.k.a. ... 
Arafat Day (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Libya, UAE)
Wakfet Arafat (Egypt)
Youm Arafat (Djibouti)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [12 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [23 of 53]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [20 of 32]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Lucky Day (Scandinavia) [4 of 4]
All the President’s Men, by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward (True Crime; 1974)
The Apartment (Film; 1960)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Animated Film; 2001)
Bao (Pixar Cartoon; 2018)
Batman Begins (Film; 2005)
Blackadder (UK TV Series; 1983)
Bleach, by Nirvana (Album; 1989)
A Bridge Too Far (Film; 1977)
Bull Durham (Film; 1988)
Cock-A-Doddle Deux Deux (The Inspector Cartoon; 1966)
Dick Tracy (Film; 1990)
The Dirty Dozen (Film; 1967)
Double-Cross-Country Race (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1951)
Duran Duran, by Duran Duran (Album; 1981)
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (Film; 2007)
The Gifts of the Jews, by Thomas Cahill (History Book; 1998)
Gravity Falls (Animated TV Series; 2012)
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (Film; 1990)
Heartburn, by Nora Ephron (Novel; 1983)
Hercules (Animated Film; 1997)
The Hick Chick (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1946)
Holiday (Film; 1938)
Home is Somewhere Else (Animated Film; 2022)
Hungarian Goulash (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
The Incredibles 2 (Animated Pixar Film; 2018)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, by Jack Finney (Novel; 1955)
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (Film; 2001)
Let’s Get It On by Marvin Gaye (Song; 1973)
Like a Rolling Stone, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1965)
The Lion King (Animated Disney Film; 1994)
Little ’Tinker (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1948)
Medal of Honor, by Allen Mikaelian (History Book; 2002)
The Offspring, by The Offspring (Album; 1989)
Operation Sawdust (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1953)
Pink Pull (Pink Panther Theatrical Cartoon; 1979)
Pyramids, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1989) [Discworld #7]
Rendezvous with Rama, by Arthur C. Clarke (Novel; 1973)
Rocky II (Film; 1979)
Russian Doll (Film; 2001)
Slow But Sure (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
Star Wars: Conviction, by Aaron Allston (Novel; 2011)
Summertime (Ub Iwerks ComiColor Cartoon; 1935)
Supernatural, by Santana (Album; 1999)
Tag (Film; 20189)
Unknown Pleasures, by Joy Division (Album; 1979)
Wax Works (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
Woodpecker in the Moon (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1959)
Yesterday and Today, boy The Beatles (Album; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Gebhard, Lothar, Veit (Austria)
Čedomil, Toma, Vid, Vito (Croatia)
Vít (Czech Republic)
Vitus (Denmark)
Guido, Kuido, Viido, Viit (Estonia)
Moona, Viena, Vieno (Finland)
Germaine (France)
Bernhard, Gebhard, Lothar, Veit (Germany)
Afgoustinos, Avgousta, Ieronymos, Livyi, Monica, Ortansia (Greece)
Ariana, Jolán, Vid (Hungary)
Enrica, Everardo, Germana, Modesto, Vito (Italy)
Banuta, Benno, Vilija, Zermena (Latvia)
Bargailė, Krescencija, Tanvilas, Vitas (Lithuania)
Vigdis, Viggo (Norway)
Abraham, Angelina, Bernard, Jolanta, Leona, Leonida, Nikifor, Wit, Witold, Witołd, Witolda, Witosław, Wodzisław (Poland)
Amos (România)
Vít (Slovakia)
Benilde, María, Micaela (Spain)
Margit, Margot (Sweden)
Krystentia (Ukraine)
Alice, Alicia, Alisa, Alisha, Alison, Alissa Allie, Allison, Allyson, Alyce, Alyse, Alysha, Alysia, Alyson, Alyssa, German, Germain, Germaine, Jermaine, Vidal, Vito (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 167 of 2024; 199 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 24 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 10 (Geng-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 9 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 8 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 17 Blue; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 2 June 2024
Moon: 65%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 26 St. Paul (6th Month) [Bourdaloue]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 89 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 26 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 7.15
Arbor Day (Costa Rica)
Cagayan de Oro Charter Day
Corban Bairam Day (Sudan)
DACA Anniversary Day
Day of Valdemar (Denmark)
Dia del Arbol (Costa Rica)
Engineer’s Day (Italy)
Festival of Neon Decadence
Fire Service Workers’ Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Flag Day (Armenia, Denmark)
Fly a Kite Day
A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed Day
Global Wind Day
Husband Caregiver Day
International Day of Latex
International FrontRunners Day
International Justice Day for Cleaners & Security Guards
International Level Crossing Awareness Day
International Women in Mining Day
International Working Animals Day
Irish AIDS Day (Ireland)
Justice for Janitors Day
King Valdemar’s Day (Denmark)
Kiss a Wookiee Day
LGBTQIA+ Equal Pay Day 2022 ( website )
Lion King Day
Magna Carta Day (UK)
Mangaia Gospel Day (Cook Islands)
National Book Day (Argentina)
National Bug Busting Day (UK)
National Electricity Day
National Foam Party Day
National License Plate Frame Day
National Man Day
National Marina Day
National Megalodon Day
National Salvation Day (Azerbaijan)
Native American Citizenship Day
Nature Photography Day
Raja Sankranti (Odisha, India)
Rice Seedlings Transplant Day (Korea)
Separation Day (Delaware)
615 Day
Smile Power Day
Sneak a Kiss Day
Spill the Salt Day
Thisbe Asteroid Day
Verbena Day (French Republic)
Vulcanized Rubber Day
World Dengue Day
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (UN)
World Meat Free Day
World Snail Day
Worldwide Day of Giving
YMA Day (Mizoram, India)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Key West Conch Fritter Day
National Beer Day (a.k.a. Beer Day Britain; UK)
National Big Boy Day
National Knish Day
National Lobster Day [unofficial, also 9.25]
National Papaya Day
National Prune Day
Pork Rind Day (Peru)
Potatoe Day
Independence & Related Days
Arkansas Statehood Day (#25; 1836)
Cagayan de Pro City Charter Day (Philippines)
National Salvation Day (Azerbaijan)
Opol Day (Philippines)
Pinang (Declared; 2018) [unrecognized]
Reunion Day (Denmark)
Valdemar Day (Denmark)
3rd Saturday in June
Badger Day [3rd Saturday]
Bawming of the Thorn (Appleton Thorn, England) [3rd Saturday]
Dog Dad’s Day [3rd Saturday]
Father’s Eve [3rd Saturday]
International Day of the Swimming Pond [3rd Saturday]
International Surfing Day [3rd Saturday]
Madam Lou Bunch Day (Old Flop House Celebration & Bed Race; Colorado) [3rd Saturday]
Mermaid Parade (Brooklyn, New York) [3rd Saturday]
National Dog Dad Day [3rd Saturday]
National Hollerin' Contest (Spivey's Corner, NC) [3rd Saturday]
Polar Bear Swim (Nome, Alaska) [Saturday closest to 21st]
Saturday of Souls, Second (Eastern Orthodox)
Solennität (Switzerland) [Saturday closest to 22nd]
World Juggling Day [Saturday closest to 6.17]
World Martini Day [3rd Saturday]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 16 (3rd Full Week)
Northern Arizona Monsoon Season (thru 9.30)
Festivals Beginning June 15, 2024
Alabama Blueberry Festival (Brewton, Alabama)
Arcata Bay Oyster Festival (Arcata, California)
Beer and BBQ Stroll (Westminster, Maryland)
Beer, Bourbon & BBQ Festival (Jacksonville, Florida)
Brews on the Bricks (Hays, Kansas)
Cajun Fest (Purcellville, Virginia)
Clayton BBQ & Brews Festival (Clayton, California)
Colorado Renaissance Festival (Larkspur, Colorado) [thru 8.4]
The Freshtival (Rohnert Park, California)
Hampton County Watermelon Festival (Hampton, South Carolina) [thru 6.22]
Highland Realm Blueberry Farm Bash (Hampshire, Mississippi)
International Vinegar Festival (Roslyn, South Dakota)
Lake Dillon Beer Fest (Dillon, Colorado)
Monterey Wine Festival (Monterey, California) [thru 6.16]
Mumbai International Film Festival (Mumbai, India) [thru 6.21]
Nashoba Rock N Brewfest (Lancaster, Massachusetts)
North Beach Festival (San Francisco, California) [thru 6.16]
Oink & Ale (Leaksville, North Carolina)
Ojai Wine Festival (Ojai, California)
Pleasant Grove Strawberry Days (Pleasant Grove, Utah) [thru 6.23]
RC Cola and Moon Pie Festival (Bell Buckle, Tennessee)
Sip-N-Shop Wine Walk (Eagle River, Wisconsin)
Slocomb Tomato Festival (Slocomb, Alabama)
Squeal On The Eel (Logansport, Indiana)
St. Louis Bourbon & Brews Festival (St. Louis, Missouri)
StrawberryFest (Sun Prairie, Wisconsin)
Strawberry Festival (Middlefield, Connecticut)
Summer Brew Fest (Denver, Colorado)
Sun BBQFest (Uncasville, Connecticut) [thru 6.16]
Taste of Chicago Rogers Park (Chicago, Illinois)
Taste of Redwood Valley (Calpella, California)
Trooping the Colour (London, UK)
Venice International Theater Festival [Biennale Teatro] (Schwarzenberg, Austria) [thru 6.23]
Wine and Vine Fest (Nicholasville, Kentucky)
Wine Time at the Colony (Saxonburgh, Pennsylvania)
Feast Days
Abraham of Clermont (or of St Cyriacus; Christian; Saint)
Albertina Berkenbrock, Blessed (Christian; Saint)
Alice (a.k.a. Adelaide or Aleydia) of Schaerbeek (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Augustine of Hippo (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Bad Joke Day (Pastafarian)
Bardo (Christian; Saint)
Bernard of Menthon (Christian; Saint)
Bourdaloue (Positivist; Saint)
Brian Jacques (Writerism)
Clement Vismara (Christian; Blessed)
Crescentia, Modestus, and Vitus (Christian; Martyrs)
Daisy Spell for Overcoming Indecision Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Edburga of Winchester (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Evelyn Underhill (Church of England and The Episcopal Church)
Germaine Cousin of Pibrac (Christian; Saint)
Gregory Lewis Barbadigo, Cardinal Bishop of Padua (Christian; Saint)
Guan Sheng Di Jun Dan (Taoism)
Halum (Muppetism)
Hesychius (Christian; Martyr)
Howard Hughes Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hugo Pratt (Artology)
Landelin (of Crespin or of Lobbes; Christian; Saint)
Media Ver IX (Pagan)
Modesto’s and Crescentia (Christian; Martyrs)
Neal Adams (Artology)
Nicolas Poussin (Artology)
Orsiesius (Christian; Saint)
Pearl the Pika (Muppetism)
Rising of the Nile Day (Ancient Egypt)
Saul Steinberg (Artology)
Tatian Dulas (Christian; Martyr)
Trillo (Christian; Saint)
Vance A. Larson (Artology)
Vaughe (a.k.a. Vorech), Hermit of Cornwall (Christian; Saint)
Vestalia ends (Ancient Rome)
Vitus (a.k.a. Guy; Christian; Martyr) [Czech Republic]
Vladimir (Christian; Saint)
Islamic Lunar Holidays
Day of Arafah [8-9 Dhu al-Hijjah] (Islamic) a.k.a. ... 
Arafat Day (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Libya, UAE)
Wakfet Arafat (Egypt)
Youm Arafat (Djibouti)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [12 of 24]
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [23 of 53]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [20 of 32]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Lucky Day (Scandinavia) [4 of 4]
All the President’s Men, by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward (True Crime; 1974)
The Apartment (Film; 1960)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (Animated Film; 2001)
Bao (Pixar Cartoon; 2018)
Batman Begins (Film; 2005)
Blackadder (UK TV Series; 1983)
Bleach, by Nirvana (Album; 1989)
A Bridge Too Far (Film; 1977)
Bull Durham (Film; 1988)
Cock-A-Doddle Deux Deux (The Inspector Cartoon; 1966)
Dick Tracy (Film; 1990)
The Dirty Dozen (Film; 1967)
Double-Cross-Country Race (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1951)
Duran Duran, by Duran Duran (Album; 1981)
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (Film; 2007)
The Gifts of the Jews, by Thomas Cahill (History Book; 1998)
Gravity Falls (Animated TV Series; 2012)
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (Film; 1990)
Heartburn, by Nora Ephron (Novel; 1983)
Hercules (Animated Film; 1997)
The Hick Chick (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1946)
Holiday (Film; 1938)
Home is Somewhere Else (Animated Film; 2022)
Hungarian Goulash (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1930)
The Incredibles 2 (Animated Pixar Film; 2018)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, by Jack Finney (Novel; 1955)
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (Film; 2001)
Let’s Get It On by Marvin Gaye (Song; 1973)
Like a Rolling Stone, recorded by Bob Dylan (Song; 1965)
The Lion King (Animated Disney Film; 1994)
Little ’Tinker (Tex Avery MGM Cartoon; 1948)
Medal of Honor, by Allen Mikaelian (History Book; 2002)
The Offspring, by The Offspring (Album; 1989)
Operation Sawdust (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1953)
Pink Pull (Pink Panther Theatrical Cartoon; 1979)
Pyramids, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1989) [Discworld #7]
Rendezvous with Rama, by Arthur C. Clarke (Novel; 1973)
Rocky II (Film; 1979)
Russian Doll (Film; 2001)
Slow But Sure (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
Star Wars: Conviction, by Aaron Allston (Novel; 2011)
Summertime (Ub Iwerks ComiColor Cartoon; 1935)
Supernatural, by Santana (Album; 1999)
Tag (Film; 20189)
Unknown Pleasures, by Joy Division (Album; 1979)
Wax Works (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1934)
Woodpecker in the Moon (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1959)
Yesterday and Today, boy The Beatles (Album; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Gebhard, Lothar, Veit (Austria)
Čedomil, Toma, Vid, Vito (Croatia)
Vít (Czech Republic)
Vitus (Denmark)
Guido, Kuido, Viido, Viit (Estonia)
Moona, Viena, Vieno (Finland)
Germaine (France)
Bernhard, Gebhard, Lothar, Veit (Germany)
Afgoustinos, Avgousta, Ieronymos, Livyi, Monica, Ortansia (Greece)
Ariana, Jolán, Vid (Hungary)
Enrica, Everardo, Germana, Modesto, Vito (Italy)
Banuta, Benno, Vilija, Zermena (Latvia)
Bargailė, Krescencija, Tanvilas, Vitas (Lithuania)
Vigdis, Viggo (Norway)
Abraham, Angelina, Bernard, Jolanta, Leona, Leonida, Nikifor, Wit, Witold, Witołd, Witolda, Witosław, Wodzisław (Poland)
Amos (România)
Vít (Slovakia)
Benilde, María, Micaela (Spain)
Margit, Margot (Sweden)
Krystentia (Ukraine)
Alice, Alicia, Alisa, Alisha, Alison, Alissa Allie, Allison, Allyson, Alyce, Alyse, Alysha, Alysia, Alyson, Alyssa, German, Germain, Germaine, Jermaine, Vidal, Vito (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 167 of 2024; 199 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 24 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 10 (Geng-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 9 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 8 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 17 Blue; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 2 June 2024
Moon: 65%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 26 St. Paul (6th Month) [Bourdaloue]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 89 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 26 of 31)
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frankloko · 2 years
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🇺🇸 Denzel Hayes Washington Jr. (born December 28, 1954) is an American actor and filmmaker. Known for his performances on the screen and stage, he has been described as an actor who reconfigured "the concept of classic movie stardom". He is also known for his frequent collaborations with directors Spike Lee, Antoine Fuqua, and Tony Scott. Throughout his career spanning over four decades, Washington has received numerous accolades, including a Tony Award, two Academy Awards, three Golden Globe Awards and two Silver Bears. In 2016, he received the Cecil B. DeMille Lifetime Achievement Award, and in 2020, The New York Times named him the greatest actor of the 21st century. In 2022, Washington received the Presidential Medal of Freedom bestowed upon him by President Joe Biden. -------------------------- 🇧🇷 Denzel Hayes Washington (Mount Vernon, 28 de dezembro de 1954) é um ator e produtor norte-americano. Denzel Washington já recebeu dois Oscares: Melhor Ator Coadjuvante por Glory (1990) e Melhor Ator por Training Day (2002); um Prêmio Tony, um SAG Awards, dois Globos de Ouro e um outro pelo conjunto da obra. Filho de um pastor protestante e de uma esteticista, foi batizado com o nome Denzel em homenagem ao médico homônimo que o fez nascer. Foto: Internet Info: Wikipedia Colorização: @coresdopassado1 • • • • • #denzelwashington #denzel #denzelwashingtonquotes #denzelwashingtonmotivation #denzelwashingtonspeech #denzelwashingtonedit #denzelwashingtonmovies #hollywood #hollywooddreams #hollywoodactress #hollywoodstudios #colorization #coloring #colorizedhistory #colorização #color #photooftheday #photoshop #coloring #colorización #restauraçãofotográfica #brasil #brasil🇧🇷 #brazil #portugal🇵🇹 #germany🇩🇪 #italy🇮🇹 #france🇫🇷 (em Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkzerLYjGj3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Per Variety, the Kane Chronicles trilogy is in development by Rick Riordan as feature films for Netflix! Adapted first as graphic novels by yours truly, I’m super excited to see what gets cooked up. Check out The Red Pyramid, The Throne of Fire, and The Serpent's Shadow graphic novels in full color at your favorite book vendor. Or, Amazon: Book 1, Book 2 and Book 3.
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thefinalzombie · 4 years
One thing i find funny about the kane chronicles is that it’s so clear that she is written by an american who thinks they know how the british talk but actually have no idea. It's just the constant “hullo”’s which no one in england says and a few other things that make me laugh and go “oh you have so never been to england”
Also do americans seriously not have ribena? 
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matveiplatovthebold · 4 years
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Retour au jardin des os (A Kane Chronicles fanfiction)
OCs: 68. Julius Kane the Elder (21st Nome, New York)
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