#21st lancers
hippography · 2 years
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Object description: Men of the 21st Lancers entrain their horses at Wadi Halfa in preparation for the journey south to join Kitchener's forces.
Creator: Gregson Francis ? War Correspondent
Catalogue number: HU 93866
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Back in Brainiac (dp x dc)
"Great Expectations!" Mr. Lancer exclaimed and Danny's eyes slid open as he prayed to every god he'd ever heard of it wasn't another ghost attack, only to find himself looking at an unfamiliar blonde boy sitting on Mr. Lancer's desk, looking as surprised as the teacher himself.
Now, randomly appearing teens were strange enough on their own, but randomly appearing teens with their green-tinted skin were even more so.
The whole class was alight with buzz as everyone started talking and squirming in their seats trying to get a better look at the boy.
"Another ghost attack?" Sam said quietly from behind Danny, but the half-ghost boy shook his head.
"My ghost sense didn't trigger."
"What is it then?" Tucker asked as he held his PDA up to record the scene for future reference.
Danny shrugged. "Beats me."
The green boy slid down from the desk and the chatter died down to an almost perfect silence.
"What century is this?" the boy asked and Danny saw his friends perk up.
"What did he say?" the halfa heard Kwan ask.
"He wants to know what time it is," Star answered.
"Can't he read a clock?" Kwan huffed.
The chatter grew again, and Danny sighed.
"The 21st century," Danny announced loudly enough to cut through the noise and a few of his classmates turned towards him at the sound, but he was barely aware of it as the green boy's gaze came to rest on him.
"You're in the 21st century," Danny repeated as the other boy's eyes seemed to scan every single part of himself with laser focus.
Then, the boy inclined his head in the half's direction. "Thank you," he said, and then turned towards the classroom door and walked out.
The class stood silent for a second or two before devolving into even more chaos. Even Lancer's "quiet down!" did nothing to mitigate the noise and Danny took the opportunity to turn to his friends.
"Well, that happened," Tucker said as she looked towards the open door the guy had walked through.
"Something tells me we haven't seen the last of him," Sam pondered as she clasped her hands together in front of her.
"No kidding," Danny answered with a sigh.
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sjofn-lofnsdottr · 5 months
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— B A S I C S
Name: Bellinor Lanverlais
Nicknames: Dusk, which is the name he goes by in almost all circumstances. The vast majority of people don't know his actual first name.
Age: 39, I'll tick him over to 40 when Dawntrail starts. Happy birthday?
Nameday: 21st Sun of the Second Umbral Moon
Race: Elezen, Wildwoodishgardian
Gender: Dude
Orientation: Pansexual, polyamorous
Profession: Gunbreaker, will still do DRK and DRG things occasionally. Also a carpenter.
— P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
Hair: Blondie blond blond with some white highlights that he doesn't want to think about but luckily blend in pretty well. He also has a beard. He will never shave it.
Eyes: Dark Green
Skin: Light skinned, but does look like he goes into the sun occasionally. He promises he goes into the sun occasionally.
Tattoos/scars: Nope!
— F A M I L Y
Parents: Extremely alive. His father is named Bernon, and he was a pikeman in the Ishgardian military until he and his wife deserted left, and he is currently a maverick Wood Wailer who should probably hand in his badge. His mother is named Gwenolie, she was a chirugeon in Ishgard, which is how she met Bernon in the first place. She retired completely upon reaching Gridania ... as far as Gridania knows, at least.
Siblings: His twin sister, Orianne. Her nickname, of course, is Dawn. She's a botanist most of the time, unless she feels like the Scions are not doing a good enough job keeping an eye on her brother. Then she's a lancer who recently picked up reaper, since it's hard to feel like you're pulling your weight when your brother and his boyfriend bro are both extra special dragoons, you know?
Grandparents: ALSO VERY ALIVE, although they're all getting on in years. Gwenolie's parents are Lionnet and Aurelle Tirauland. Lionnet is a (mostly) retired chocobo trainer, Aurelle is a retired knight. Bernon's parents are Ciceroix and Iliette Lanverlais. Ciceroix was also a pikeman in the military (now retired) and Iliette is a retired archer.
In-laws and Other: It's kinda funny this asks for in-laws but not ... partners? Farron is Dusk's almost-husband, which makes Farron's semi-adopted dad, Bjalla, Dusk's almost-father-in-law. Farron also has two kids, twins, named Sverre and Kara, who seem keen to adopt Dusk. The twins live on the First. It's a whole thing. And Estinien is ... <waves hand vaguely>.
Pets: Dusk and Farron are currently raising two amaro babies, which probably count. Their names are Eo Lad and Sul Lad, and they're adorable. There's also Duck, of course, but he's not a pet.
— S K I L L S
Abilities: He has an excellent memory for names and visuals. He is an excellent carpenter. He's also usually pretty good in social situations.
Hobbies: He enjoys woodworking, playing piano or cello, or painting when it's Hobby Time.
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Traits: Kind, determined, resilient.
Most Negative Traits: Sore loser, has a very difficult time telling concise stories, tends to hide when he's Not Alright from most people.
— L I K E S
Colors: Greens and blues.
Smells: Sawdust, and the way super cold, crisp air smells.
Textures: I have never thought about this question, and I do not intend to start. He probably likes when he runs a hand over something he's sanded and it feels perfect, though. Does that count?
Drinks: Likes finding new teas to try. Also a closet wine snob.
— O T H E R D E T A I L S
Smokes: Not tobacco! :D
Drinks: As mentioned, he is into wine. He usually stops drinking once he feels himself getting tipsy, but ... not always.
Drugs: don't worry about it
Mount Issuance: His chocobo Pike, of course. He also has an amber draught chocobo named Lance.
Been Arrested: Uhhh unless that one time in Ul'dah counts, nope!
I was tagged by @alixennial, thank you! I don't want to tag every single FFXIV mutual I have, so uh ... if you're one of them, do the thing if you want. :P
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commodoresigma · 7 months
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[original drawing date: 7th, 16th, 20th, 21st Oct, 2nd Nov 2023]
Some character portraits for a Lancer campaign I'm currently running where the PCs are a Department of Justice and Human Rights Libration Team. It's been a blast running it, kinda wanna play in a campaign though lmao
In order:
Watcher (Deeja Sharvanoceda), an NHP Specialist who joined a DoJ/HR Liberation Team. DMPC. A huge dork.
Holographic form of ISHTAR, Watcher's custom NHP partially designed using her neural architecture. Caring and motherly, but willing to fight to protect those she protects (mostly Watcher)
Ronin (Rhosen Haruka), an allied DoJ/HR mech pilot who helps the team sometimes. Quiet and withdrawn, rarely seen. Does not speak Union Common.
Baldur (Hadrian Lasher), a flash-cloned soldier from a secretive facility only known as The Daycare. One of the PCs. Sounds gruff and soldierly, but is kind of a weirdo who picks up random hobbies.
Huntress (Selene Montoya), an ex-cop outlaw from a distant frontier Diasporan world. One of the PCs. A bit of a violent oddball, who enjoys streaming her mech combat fights.
Duke (Stephan Winterwoods), a prince from a monarchistic Diasporan world who escaped one of his siblings' murderous bids to power. One of the PCs. Shy and paranoid outside of the mech, bold and confident within.
Siren (Moira Dante-Lehrmann), a former celebrity from the Core world of Chenoliv. One of the PCs. Confident and charming, and designated combat leader, but seems to enjoy giant cannons a bit too much.
Siren belongs to @badgerthethirteenth
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fantastictyphoonpeanut · 11 months
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21st (Empress of India's) Lancers 1887-1921
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faythian · 5 months
Thinky Thoughts about Sanson
Thinky thoughts about Sanson Smyth:
SquareEnix told us he is "in his twenties" for his age. I refuse to believe he is younger than Guydelot, listed as 22 as of Heavensward. I believe he is 25 when we first meet these two lovely idiots.
Personal HC for Sanson's age:
He joined the Lancer's Guild at about 15-16 years old. Historically, this would be the age any marshalate would take on apprentices/squires/students in a medieval world.
Ywain mentions at the end of the lvl 70 bard quest that Sanson used to train at the Lancer's Guild & was a part of them. This leads me to believe he was poached by the Adders & joined the Red Otters Contingent. He became very skilled as a lancer & was poached by the Order of the Twin Adders when he was roughly 19. This would give him about 3-4 year to build up the muscle, skill, & experience to be poached.
A year later would have been sent to the front lines of Carteneau, when he would be around 20. It takes an army MONTHS to mobilize, & the 1.0 timeline suggests the Grand Companies were re-established about a year prior to the Calamity. It would make sense to send their best fighters to the front lines, i.e.: the Red Otters & Yellow Serpents, & sending 18-20 year-olds to the front line is very common, even in the modern 21st century.
Sanson shows initiative & receives a non-commissioned officer rank of Sergeant shortly after. This would give him about 4 people to command (a team). He would probably spend the next 4-5 years gaining increasing leadership positions. After a year or so as a Sergeant, he would apply for a commissioned officer rank: 2nd Lieutenant. From there, he could rise to the relatively low commissioned rank of Captain. He would be about 25 by this point. In the US Army, the average age for a Captain is 24-27 years old, so keeps well inline with this head cannon.
Sanson Smyth is 25 years old when we first meet him in the Heavensward bard quests.
Captain in the Army =/= Captain in the Navy.
An Army Captain is roughly equivalent to a Lieutenant Junior Grade in the Navy, so fairly low ranked but still a commissioned officer, not enlisted.
Included pic of the Twin Adder so ppl could see where the different groups fall.
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copyspaghetti · 1 year
Tenegaru (twit), honeypotluck (ao3), an anonymous secret 3rd person and I talked about a Mob Psycho X Undertale AU and I made art for it
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[ID: Pixel art of Reigen Arataka reimagined as an anthropomorphic foxlike monster in an undertale AU. He sits in a mostly barren office, with a table, a laptop, a printer, a potted plant in the corner, and a window with the blinds half drawn. The ambient light is red-ish. He is backlit by the yellow window. Reigen has one arm behind his head, is reclining in his chair, and has the other paw lifted up with the pointer finger and claw stretched out. The left text box reads "* Welcome to Spirits & Such * I'm Reigen Arataka * Greatest PSYCHIC of the 21st CENTURY" and the right text box reads "Buy", "Sell", "Talk", "Exit", "3G", "2/8". The talk-option is selected by the red heart. /End ID]
AU notes under the cut
Anon: Okay I haven’t left yet. But I would love to see an UT/DT style Spirits&Such shop for him.
Lucky: tbh him being some kind of trickster that follows frisk!Mob around in a UT au. literally everybody knows reigen is full of shit, but Mob is so trusting lmao. somehow all of the shitty things Reigen sells Mob along the way actually end up being useful in wacky ways.
Tenegaru: weird buffs, good heals.
Anon: That would be neat! I can see him as maybe a foxlike monster or even a Boss Monster w shit stats lmao. God what would his voice clip sound like??? 🤔
Tenegaru: aa aaa aaa aa a a a a a ae e e e e ee ee æ ee.
Anon: Just any clip of Sakurai screaming and just take a sample and repeat it.
Me: Shit stats yesss but he has his special moves and they're the stupidest ever but he keeps winning.
Anon: *This is one of Reigen’s signature moves.
Tenegaru: salt splash rains salt.
Me: A single flake of salt rains through the screen. He's like oops running out, anyway.
Lucky: "ask this magic 8 ball special questions and it will always show you the right path to take! and that'll be a gazillion gold, kid" *mob literally is never lost and thinks it's because the 8 ball has all the the right answers after all, but it's just that he's extraordinarily lucky*
Me: XD excellent choice, Mob.... The blue flowers all say stuff about how Reigen is a fraudster like negative reviews.
Lucky: "it's not nice to lie" - mob, defending reigen's honor. he refuses to listen to anybody about the fox lmao. 😭 imagine it actually makes reigen feel bad.
Me: I think Ekubo would be a monster he meets like the Mad Dummy.
Anon: He’s a ghost that takes the form of a ratted dummy and he’s just walking around, leaving fluff around everywhere lol.
Tenegaru: i dunno maybe he’d be like lancer and start out as an enemy but join the team like he does in canon lol.
Anon: Mixing both UT and DR together forgive me. [Referring to the party of Kris, Ralsei and Susie vs. Solo Frisk (with inner Chara)]
Lucky: eku joining the party and kind of quietly keeping mob out of trouble is sweet.
Anon: How would timelines be into play? That’s another question 🤔 Ekubo would show up from time to time on the title screen. He says you’re doing good in leading Mob in the right direction when you’re a Pacifist. But if you so wanted, you could reset everything….. or switch your current route up and start killing. Who knows.
Me: My vision: Mob runs into a weird dummy in the junkyard that is being worshipped by small random monsters and the dummy comes to life and it's Ekubo and then he follows Mob around. One of Ekubo's moves is making a little minion attack you.
Anon: Ohh please! That’s adorable. They try to make you laugh too.
Me: Do they tell horrible punny jokes in style with the original UT?
Anon: Oh god yes! We need that ROFL random humor in there too.
Me: Mezato, what would she be?
Anon: Honestly, I haven’t thought about it yet. I was mainly thinking about the main party like in DT and how they’d function. But I do know Mob would be the only human fs.
Me: I think maybe Mezato is a mini fox, same kind as Reigen, but Reigen insists that he's the only real fox around so clearly Mezato is something else XD you know how there are lots of dogs like lesser dog ? This time there's a lot of foxes.
Anon: Maybe a fennec fox?
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drunkenskunk · 3 months
Meanwhile, back in an existential crisis...
I have wasted my entire sunday playing as Archaon the Everchosen in Total Warhammer 3.
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Probably because there was no Lancer game today, and due to Circumstances, there won't be another one till the 21st of next month.
But... I could've done anything else. I could've tried to draw something. Or write something. But instead, I wasted my day playing as the Warriors of Chaos. I'm like 200 turns in, and I've barely made a dent in that whole "ending the world" thing that Archaon is supposed to be about.
And this is on easy! I set it so the Ultimate Crisis wouldn't trigger until I hit the Long Campaign Victory conditions, which I am nowhere close to. It would probably take me another 400 turns to get there, and I'd probably get immediately vaporized when it happened.
Why am I doing this?
What am I doing with my life?
Why do I even care?
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mea-gloria-fides · 2 years
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21st (Empress of Indias) Lancers Officer, circa 1901-22.
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ariesgamesandminis · 6 months
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Restocks are in from Fighting Pirannha Graphics!
BattleTech 21st Centauri Lancers House Kurita - 1st Sword of Light House Kurita - 2nd Sword of Light House Kurita - Sword of Light House Marik - Marik Militia Kell Hounds Northwind Highlanders - Stirling's Fusiliers Rim Worlds Republic Wolf's Dragoons
Numbers Futura Numbers - 01-33 - White Futura Numbers - 34-66 - White Futura Numbers - 67-99 - White Gothic Type 1 Numbers - 01-33 - White Gothic Type 1 Numbers - 34-66 - White Square Numbers - 01-33 - White Square Numbers - 34-66 - White Stencil Numbers - 01-33 - White Stencil Numbers - 34-66 - White Stencil Numbers - 67-99 - White Swiss Numbers - 01-33 - White Swiss Numbers - 34-66 - White
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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17 July 1939 The Princess Royal leaving the church St. Margaret’s, Westminster, after the wedding of Pamela Cayzer, and Captain Chard Hamilton-Russell of the 17th/21st Lancers.
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panatmansam · 1 year
Churchill at the Battle of Omdurman
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I'm an American but I have always been interested in the history of the British Empire. I am not an admirerer. I do admire the British people but not the British class system. Nevertheless, I am particularly fascinated by the final wars of Empire in Africa against tribal peoples and various Islamicist groups.
In one of the final such battles, the battle of Omduran, in 1898, the Brits led their final cavalry charge. The romantic ideal of the cavalry officer mounted on a spirited mount known as a "charger" with saber drawn or a long spear known as a lance at the ready had been a staple of military glory since Roman times. It seemed that the soldiers sensed that times were changing and young officers pulled every string to be transferred into the understrength cavalry outfit known as the 21st Lancers. One such man was the twenty-year-old Winston Churchill. The 21st had never in 20 years of its existence been in a charge. This was about to change.
The commander of the Lancers saw a line of enemy soldiers armed with spears and swords along a ridge. Then, with no reconnaissance and with all of the self-confidence of the white man fighting the black man in 1898 he had the bugler sound the charge and the Lancer galloped forward toward the enemy. What they discovered to their horror was that the enemy on the ridge was just a portion they faced there was a hollow in the landscape FILLED with three thousand enemy soldiers who used their razor-sharp swords to cut the hamstrings of the horses and then to cut the dismounted British soldiers to pieces. Winston Churchill barely made it through alive. History might hare been very different if he had been cut down like so many others in the regiment.
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substantial-gains · 2 years
So what pick ups lines did olga get when she first met lancer cu.
The type that are weird, creepy, inconsiderate, yet oddly flattering. His type of romance doesn't really mesh well with the 21st century woman.
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moonvalecrossing · 2 years
I GOT MY LANCER PLUSH ALREADY! The tracking thing said I’d be getting it around the 21st BUT HE ARRIVED TODAY. THAT SHIPPING WENT SO FAST! I ordered it like... 3 days ago? Maybe 4.
I love it so much I have my good boy now. Very soft and huggable. Material is very soft and nice. 10/10 would recommend to everyone. THE BOY!!!
Now make a large plush version of King of Spades I will literally give you $100 dollars for it if I have to, Fangamer!!!
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nodogsairswimming · 10 months
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21st Lancers Officer Full Dress Uniform
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Lieutenant 17th/21st Lancers part of 6th Armoured Div successfully defending Kasserine Pass in Feb 1943 with heavy losses. Typical British desert attire includes; Black RAC beret, sun-faded, long jersey for the cold, Bedford cord trousers and suede 'chukka' boots for comfort. Plate from back-cover of a Greenwood & Ball model-soldiers journal 1972. (FTP)
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