#2024 Philippines election
shelivesingalaxies · 21 days
If it is too difficult to strengthen and make sure our Philippines coast guards are not bullied, can you at least ensure that they and their families are well provided for with proper healthcare and insurance?
May God have mercy on our country - the Philippines, our citizens - the Filipinos, the old and elderlies who cannot afford good healthcare and have to work because they need to eat despite being weak, the breadwinners (the widows and widowers and those who are children and singles too but had to take over when their father died) still paying lots of taxes and supporting their families even if it means forgetting their original dreams, the children and young adults who could barely eat three times a day, much less attend school and focus on education, our bullied Philippine Coast Guard, our teachers who have to pay for resources with their own money for good teaching materials, the students who need to limit their study hours because they have to share rooms, our commuters who are mostly employees who come to work, already exhausted because our transportation systems are too poor and in dire need of improvement, and everyone else. Everyone else. Every single Filipino.
Please. Please treat us well. Stop the corruption. Raise our moral. Dear government, you are there to serve. And we are here to support. But please treat us well and prioritize us. Do not waste our taxes on your own propaganda and on elevating yourselves. The real ones who need help are everywhere. The real ones who need our funds are everywhere. Do you feel their pain? Do you see us? We have been enduring for far too long. Do not hire people who are incapable and have their own motives. Do not waste money on poor materials and poor planning. Hire loyal and competent ones. Let them sign contracts that call for accountability. Let there be an audit team consisting of concerned and talented workers with a true heart to help ensure the work is properly done and the Filipinos are blessed with improvement. Let there be transparency in your spending to ensure every cent is accounted for and used for the right cause. Please treat OUR country and OUR people right. Respect OUR rights and OUR welfare, not another country's.
Pretty please. Do it well.
Please HELP our country beloved - the Philippines.
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tomorrowusa · 5 months
A news story which has not gotten the attention it deserves here in North America this week is the intense heatwave in South and Southeast Asia. While Trump chants "drill drill drill" what's really needed is to get the planet to chill chill chill.
Thailand is reeling under the grip of a severe heatwave with temperatures soaring to record highs in some areas and authorities warned of harsher weather in the coming days. More than three dozen districts across Thailand’s 77 provinces have seen record temperatures in April, generally the hottest month of the year, with new highs beating records held as far back as 1958, according to data from the Thai Meteorological Department. Temperatures have topped 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) in 26 provinces this month, according to the agency. The northern province of Lampang has seen the highest temperature so far this year at 44.2 degrees, just shy of the highest temperature ever recorded in Thailand – 44.6 degrees – that was last seen in 2016 and 2023.
Thailand is roughly in the center of the affected area.
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The Philippines, at the eastern end of the heatwave, is seeing a strain on its power supply.
Meanwhile, parts of the Philippines face potential disruption to electricity supplies as an intense heatwave fuels cooling demand and leaves power systems “overloaded”, according to President Ferdinand Marcos Jnr.
Schools in the Philippines have suspended in person sessions. There is talk of returning to an academic calendar which sees the school year end in March.
Students suffer in wilting heat, thwarting education efforts
In this audio report from ABC Australia, we hear how the current heatwave is closing in on the limit of human survivability in some areas.
Dangerous heatwave sweeps south east Asia
Any politician preaching increased use of fossil fuels is a danger to the planet.
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The transition to sustainability may occasionally be bumpy but any other road leads to climate dystopia.
NOTE: For all you Fahrenheit fans, here's a quick way to convert temperatures mentioned in some of the links.
Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion | (°C to °F)
BTW, Asia won't be the only place hit with adverse climate incidents this year. The 2024 Atlantic Basin hurricane season is predicted to be well above average in number of storms.
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raymondduggantravel · 3 months
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dserwer1 · 2 years
A lot to fear this Halloween, but...
A lot to fear this Halloween, but…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rtz7UEsUDPc&ab_channel=BBCNews The tragic and deadly stampede in Seoul during a Halloween celebration reminds us that there are real things to fear this year. Here is my list: Russian President Putin’s desperate efforts to prevent defeat in Ukraine.Chinese President Xi’s equally desperate efforts to exert hegemony in East Asia before his country’s inevitable…
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catdotjpeg · 7 months
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24 Feb 2024, Balik EDSA! Continue the Struggle for People Power! march led by Malaya Movement NY and Anakbayan Queens, Queens, NY
From Malaya NY:
For two decades, Filipinos lived under authoritarian rule while Marcos and his allies enriched themselves through ownership of Philippine press and industry outlets and through the siphoning of funds from U.S., World Bank, and International Monetary Fund loans. From February 22 to 25, 1986, hundreds of thousands of Filipinos gathered on Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA) to protest President Ferdinand Marcos and his claim that he had won re-election over Corazon Aquino. This time, though, Filipinos refused to accept this lie. On February 22, citizens took to the streets on EDSA. On the evening of February 25, the U.S. government facilitated Marcos’s escape to Hawaii. Later that same night, protestors stormed Malacañang Palace, exposing the opulent wealth that the Marcos family had amassed during their time in power. Marcos died in Hawaii in 1989 without returning to the Philippines.
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stele3 · 1 month
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
[From Reuters]
A proposal for the permanent deployment of US Patriot missile defence batteries in Palau in response to China's expanding reach in the Pacific has come under fire as the nation's politicians debate the move ahead of elections in 2024.
The United States has begun work on an over-the-horizon radar system in Palau and the island nation's president, Mr Surangel Whipps, says he has asked Washington to install the missile shield given fears that hosting the radar could endanger the archipelago's 18,000 residents.
However, in late November, the Senate in Palau, where the population is sensitive to the islands' history as a bloody battleground in World War II, passed a resolution rejecting the deployment. The lower house of parliament has yet to consider the issue.
The Senate vote came after Mr Whipps announced in September that the US and Palau were discussing the permanent deployment of Patriots, as hosting the radar system made his nation of 340 islands halfway between the Philippines and Guam a potential target in any conflict.
Patriots will also help protect the new radar system, which is expected to be operational in 2026 to boost US capabilities as China expands its military operations in the Pacific. The US has already temporarily deployed Patriot systems in Palau and test-fired them during exercises.
A Pentagon spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment.[...]
Under the terms of long-standing agreements, the United States is responsible for the defence of Palau, Micronesia and the Marshall Islands and provides economic assistance, while gaining exclusive military access to strategic swathes of the Pacific.
In October, BenarNews, an affiliate of [US Congress-Funded Media Outlet] Radio Free Asia, quoted Mr Hokkons Baules, the president of Palau's Senate, as saying that US interests rather than Palau's were served by a military build-up in the country.
In a statement to Reuters, Mr Baules said that Palau should not be asking for the permanent basing of weapons.
"Permanent basing of purely military weapons in the Republic of Palau is not consistent with our nation’s history as an independent country, and not consistent with any current threats to Palau’s sovereignty or security," Mr Baules said.
Such opposition [sic] has brought suggestions of Chinese interference.
21 Dec 23
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jg-abuyuan-art · 6 months
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City Shots 6 (2024)
One of my long overdue personal trips was one I spent in the Old City. I've made plans to visit the place before but due to unexpected upheavals (with me moving last year and all), it took until Lent 2024 for me to actually do so. If you haven't been following me, I have a longstanding interest in historic Philippine architecture which had its roots nearly 10 years ago when I started building colonial-themed houses in the Sims 3.
My trip was, like the one in 2022 before it, made during Lent. Unlike in 2022, however, I traveled alone, which gave me plenty of opportunities to explore Plaza San Luis and its neighbors.
I only had time to explore the area around Plaza San Luis and three of its museums (only two of which I elected to share). Inasmuch as I would want to take pictures of the rest of the city's museums (including the ones situated at Fort Santiago) and the other structures around the district, I ran out of time and energy due to how mercilessly hot the day was.
Like with my previous post, more information is shown under the cut.
Camera: iPhone 11
Date: 26 March 2024
Location: Plaza San Luis Complex, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines
Usage: By request. Noncommercial only.
The Old City of Intramuros (meaning "Within the Walls") was the nucleus of modern Manila, built over the flattened remains of the fortress city-state encountered by the conquistador Miguel Lopez de Legaspi in 1570. The city was the crown jewel of the Spanish Philippines and was once the home of the city's elite. Today, the city's residents comprise mostly of students and informal settlers, with the majority of people being tourists and the people who work in the businesses supporting the tourism industry.
Many of the sites in the city are in various states of ruin and restoration, very few of which besides the walls being the original structures at all. Most of the buildings in the city (including the entirety of Plaza San Luis) consist of reconstructed replicas. The Casa Manila Museum (the large yellow structure) isn't even based on a structure from the Old City but is a rebuilt building from a different district altogether.
The only building from the era that survived to be restored is San Agustin Church, the oldest surviving colonial stone structure in the country. Much of the Old City was destroyed toward the end of World War II.
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January 4, 2024
JAN 5, 2024
The Democrats on the House Oversight Committee today released a 156-page report showing that when he was in the presidency, Trump received at least $7.8 million from 20 different governments, including those of China, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, and Malaysia, through businesses he owned. 
The Democrats brought receipts. 
According to the report—and the documents from Trump’s former accounting firm Mazars that are attached to it—the People’s Republic of China and companies substantially controlled by the PRC government paid at least $5,572,548 to Trump-owned properties while Trump was in office; Saudi Arabia paid at least $615,422; Qatar paid at least $465,744; Kuwait paid at least $300,000; India paid at least $282,764; Malaysia paid at least $248,962; Afghanistan paid at least $154,750; the Philippines paid at least $74,810; the United Arab Emirates paid at least $65,225. The list went on and on. 
The committee Democrats explained that these payments were likely only a fraction of the actual money exchanged, since they cover only four of more than 500 entities Trump owned at the time. When the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives in January 2023, Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-KY) stopped the investigation before Mazars had produced the documents the committee had asked for when Democrats were in charge of it. Those records included documents relating to Russia, South Korea, South Africa, and Brazil. 
Trump fought hard against the production of these documents, dragging out the court fight until September 2022. The committee worked on them for just four months before voters put Republicans in charge of the House and the investigation stopped. 
These are the first hard numbers that show how foreign governments funneled money to the president while policies involving their countries were in front of him. The report notes, for example, that Trump refused to impose sanctions on Chinese banks that were helping the North Korean government; one of those banks was paying him close to $2 million in rent annually for commercial office space in Trump Tower. 
The first article of the U.S. Constitution reads: “[N]o Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under [the United States], shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument [that is, salary, fee, or profit], Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.” 
The report also contrasted powerfully with the attempt of Republicans on the Oversight Committee, led by Comer, to argue that Democratic Joe Biden has corruptly profited from the presidency. 
In the Washington Post on December 26, 2023, Philip Bump noted that just after voters elected a Republican majority, Comer told the Washington Post that as soon as he was in charge of the Oversight Committee, he would use his power to “determine if this president and this White House are compromised because of the millions of dollars that his family has received from our adversaries in China, Russia and Ukraine.”
For the past year, while he and the committee have made a number of highly misleading statements to make it sound as if there are Biden family businesses involving the president (there are not) and the president was involved in them (he was not), their claims were never backed by any evidence. Bump noted in a piece on December 14, 2023, for example, that Comer told Fox News Channel personality Maria Bartiromo that “the Bidens” have “taken in” more than $24 million. In fact, Bump explained, Biden’s son Hunter and his business partners did receive such payments, but most of the money went to the business partners. About $7.5 million of it went to Hunter Biden. There is no evidence that any of it went to Joe Biden. 
All of the committee’s claims have similar reality checks. Jonathan Yerushalmy of The Guardian wrote that after nearly 40,000 pages of bank records and dozens of hours of testimony, “no evidence has emerged that Biden acted corruptly or accepted bribes in his current or previous role.”
Still, the constant hyping of their claims on right-wing media led then–House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to authorize an impeachment inquiry in mid-September, and in mid-December, Republicans in the House formalized the inquiry. 
There is more behind the attack on Biden than simply trying to even the score between him and Trump—who remains angry at his impeachments and has demanded Republicans retaliate—or to smear Biden through an “investigation,” which has been a standard technique of the Republicans since the mid-1990s.
Claiming that Biden is as corrupt as Trump undermines faith in our democracy. After all, if everyone is a crook, why does it matter which one is in office? And what makes American democracy any different from the authoritarian systems of Russia or Hungary or Venezuela, where leaders grab what they can for themselves and their followers?
Democracies are different from authoritarian governments because they have laws to prevent the corruption in which it appears Trump engaged. The fact that Republicans refuse to hold their own party members accountable to those laws while smearing their opponents says far more about them than it does about the nature of democracy.
It does, though, highlight that our democracy is in danger.
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warcrimesimulator · 5 months
In sweltering Brazil, flooding killed dozens of people and paralyzed a city of about 4 million people. Voters and politicians in India, amid national elections, are fainting in heat that hit as high as 115 degrees (46.3 degrees Celsius).
A brutal Asian heat wave has closed schools in the Philippines, killed people in Thailand and set records there and in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Maldives and Myanmar. Record temperatures — especially at night when it just won’t cool down — have hit many parts of Africa. Flooding devastated Houston, and the United States as a whole just had its second highest number of tornadoes for the month of April.
In a world growing increasingly accustomed to wild weather swings, the last few days and weeks have seemingly taken those environmental extremes to a new level. Some climate scientists say they are hard pressed to remember when so much of the world has had its weather on overdrive at the same time.
“Given that we’ve seen an unprecedented jump in global warmth over the last 11 months, it is not surprising to see worsening climate extremes so early in the year,” said University of Michigan environment dean Jonathan Overpeck. “If this record pace of warming continues, 2024 will likely be a record year of climate disasters and human suffering.”
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
« There are only two choices here, it's fascism or democracy. And your choice will determine where the world will go. »
— Filipino Nobel laureate Maria Ressa on MSNBC with a message for American voters.
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pannaginip · 8 months
The word war between President Marcos and his predecessor Rodrigo Duterte continues, with the former leader on Tuesday challenging his successor to undergo a drug test to once and for all prove that he is not a cocaine user.
According to Duterte, the drug test should be done in public.
Duterte also accused Marcos of undergoing drug rehabilitation in Germany months before the campaign for the 2022 presidential elections started.
Duterte also revealed that when he was president, Marcos wanted to become the secretary of the Department of Agriculture.
He also threatened to release the narco list shown to him by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), which supposedly included the name of Marcos.
The PDEA has denied that Marcos was on any drug watchlist.
Meanwhile, Vice President Sara Duterte has distanced herself from the rift between Marcos and her father and brother, Davao City Mayor Sebastian.
2024 Feb. 1
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tloaak · 2 months
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long time political and ideological rivals Helen Clark and Don Brash have issued a joint statement of deep concern (text included below) in regard to current NZ Prime Minister Christopher Luxon's comments in a recent interview with the Financial Times. in her interview with Radio New Zealand today, she specifically highlighted the risks - diplomatic, military, and economic - of deploying NZDF personnel to the South China Sea. Luxon had indicated to the Financial Times - announcing for the first time publicly - that his government intents to complete a “status of visiting forces agreement” with the Philippines by the end of the year.
“Prime Minister is jeopardising both New Zealand’s independent foreign policy and its economic security” Statement from Rt Hon Helen Clark and Dr Don Brash. 16 July 2024 “Just one month after the New Zealand Government  hosted the Chinese Premier in New Zealand, and with no hint of a major change in New Zealand foreign policy in the National Party’s election campaign last year, the Prime Minister’s comments to the Financial Times strongly suggest that he has abandoned New Zealand’s independent foreign policy”, said former Prime Minister Helen Clark and former Leader of the National Party Don Brash.  “In his interview with the Financial Times, the Prime Minister spoke of New Zealand defence assets being a “force multiplier” for Australia, the United States, and others; of completing a “status of visiting forces agreement” with the Philippines which would facilitate New Zealand making military deployments there; of boosting defence spending at a time when public spending is under pressure; and of continuing to “name and shame” China for alleged spying. He also asserted that New Zealand is “very open” to participating in the second pillar of AUKUS – a position which goes well beyond “exploring” options for engagement with it.  “These statements orient New Zealand towards being a full-fledged military ally of the United States, with the implication that New Zealand will increasingly be dragged into US-China competition, including militarily in the South China Sea. While the rhetoric from both sides is heightened, it must be noted that the US is demanding that China accept the presence of US naval forces in its vicinity in a way which the US itself would not for a moment accept if the boot were on the other foot. “Does China spy on New Zealand?  Almost certainly, just as the US, the UK, and countless others, including New Zealand, spy on other countries. Is China the only country spying on New Zealand, and is it only governments that engage in spying? Almost certainly not. The obsessive focus on spying by China suggests an agenda going beyond alerting and equipping New Zealanders to better manage all relevant risks. “China not only poses no military threat to New Zealand, but it is also by a very substantial margin our biggest export market – more than twice as important as an export market for New Zealand as the US is.  “New Zealand has a huge stake in maintaining a cordial relationship with China.  It will be difficult, if not impossible, to maintain such a relationship if the Government continues to align its positioning with that of the United States.  “New Zealand has for decades sought engagement with China and its inclusion in the international system. A policy of isolating China serves no one’s interests, and has major implications for New Zealand’s economic security. “A better approach would be to follow the example of Singapore – friendly to both China and the US, but definitely not in a treaty relationship with either. The course which the New Zealand Government is now taking, with no electoral mandate for a radical change to foreign policy, carries huge risks to our country”, Helen Clark and Don Brash said.
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droasterchicken · 5 months
The Philippines Cries in the State of Politics
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As disputes in the country continue to rise with the passing time, people need to step up to the challenge to resolve the problems that society brings. This is done through governmental elections, where the citizens of the Philippines would vote for candidates who run for positions in the government. Whether these candidates are worthy of the position, the fate of the Philippines lies in the decision of the nation. 
The people are given free will to vote those they deem fit to acquire a position in the government. Without elections, there is no free will, only submission to authority that has been predetermined by the privileged and those with high social status.
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It was in the month of May in 2022 and on a rather cool afternoon. It was common knowledge that Duterte had to step down from his seat as president to allow someone else to take the responsibility.
The votes were tallied between BongBong Marcos and Leni Robredo, the tension was high until the results were released. The news came from my grandmother who casually spoke of how BongBong Marcos won the position as president of the Philippines. In all honesty, I felt nothing, I knew nothing about the candidates themselves nor did I think of how this would affect me since I was just 16 years old. 
The internet was disappointed, if not hated the results, people on Tiktok were blaspheming Marcos and spoke of how it should have been Leni. Still, I underestimated the importance of elections until my mother spoke of how this affected the relationships of some families.
Parents were disowning their children, children were disowning their families, all because they had opposing views on who to vote for. This got me thinking, why are families willing to destroy their relationship because of the elections? Suddenly, it became a lot more significant to ponder about, especially when my time to vote would soon come. 
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The candidates for Philippine elections were represented through status and wealth. But that alone does not get one to succeed in the elections, one must win the hearts of the people to win the votes.
As I grew older, I realized that candidates in the privilege spectrum would make use of their reputation and do what they could to acquire the position they were aiming for in the government. Whether they were a star such as an actor, or from a long family line that withheld a rank in the government, unless the candidate was popular and had the money to buy people, it did not matter if the candidate was truly knowledgeable or fit for the position. If they are not popular, they do not have the chance to win in the elections. 
I recall the 2022 Philippine elections when Robinhood Padilla won as Senator. He was known as a TV star and actor before he became a Senator. Another example I could think of was the vice president, Sarah Duterte, who shared the last name of the previous Philippine president who was Rodrigo Duterte. 
These alone exemplified the Philippine’s voting pattern, not by wisdom, but through personal feelings. Through these observations, it saddened me that people chose to ignore those who had great potential to lead the country and focused on those of popularity. Just because they contain the fun or “bibo” vibes does not mean they are qualified.
As of now at 18 years old in 2024, I tend to wonder; just how reliable is the system of the elections? If the government allows movie actors or models to apply for certain positions, are these the kind of people that we would want to represent and lead our country?
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The Philippine election is a place where everyone stands on equal grounds, a place where the country is properly represented by those who understand the country’s needs. By this, we should not view a candidate by simply their appearance, but predetermine whether they can handle the responsibilities given with the position and through their character.
As someone who is ready to choose the next leaders when the elections come, I am more than willing to not vote blindly based on popularity, but on the sets of skills that the candidates hold. Yet I shall never turn blind to one’s reputation, for whatever is built up by the candidates works as a surface that leads to their character and personality.
The Philippines is still in the middle of change, yet what never changes are the officials who are blinded with the power they hold, officials who are corrupt. Nowadays, people do not actually know how to properly see through the veils that candidates put up to please the public, later on this results in deep regret once that veil falls off. 
The need for electoral reform in the Philippines is a call for improvement. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to having the right to vote. The candidates in the elections are not to be viewed for their outward appearance, but one must be an educated voter in terms of capabilities.  
Duterte as president may have achieved many great things for the country, even helped progress the nation, but not without consequence. The War On Drugs campaign, despite its good cause, resulted in blood shed and corruption. Many lost loved ones and cried for them, just as how people cry for leaders who will lead this nation and lift it up.
Don’t vote without cause, nor because of biases. Don’t vote because of popularity, nor because of sweet promises. Have the research done for the candidate’s reputation reveals who they are even before they stepped foot into the elections. If the country chooses the wrong candidate, it will reflect on the country’s complexions.
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catdotjpeg · 2 months
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LOOK: Multisectoral groups marched along Commonwealth Avenue earlier today as President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. delivered his third State of the Nation Address (SONA) at the Batasang Pambansa to assail his failed promise of a Bagong Pilipinas [trans. New Philippines]. For the groups, Marcos’s Bagong Pilipinas is a grand sham. Amid promises of better living conditions, 46 percent of Filipinos rated their families as food poor—the highest since 2008—according to the latest survey of Social Weather Stations. “[H]inaharap [ng ating mga kababayan] ang realidad na mataas ang presyo ng mga bilihin, lalo na ng pagkain—lalo’t higit, ng bigas,” said Marcos in his speech earlier, affirming bleak realities on the ground. On top of a cost of living crisis are poverty wages that fail to meet the family living wage of P1,190, as estimated by economic think tank IBON Foundation, the P35 wage hike in the National Capital Region (NCR) enacted last week was dismissed as an “insult to minimum wage workers” by Leticia Castillo of human rights alliance Defend NCR. Such wage hike is far from the P150 raise being lobbied in Congress by labor groups under the National Wage Coalition. Castillo also decried the persistence of red-tagging and vilification of activists perpetrated by the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict. From July 2022 to June 2024, 3,419,044 cases of threat, harassment, and intimidation were recorded by human rights group Karapatan. The number of political prisoners also climbed to 755 as of last month. These human rights violations run contrary to Marcos’s establishment of a Special Committee on Human Rights, which was labeled “toothless” by Human Rights Watch. Marcos’s claim of a bloodless drug war is also inconsistent with the 359 drug-related killings—34.3 percent of which were committed by state agents—recorded during his second year in office by research project Dahas. Moreover, despite claims of an independent foreign policy, the Philippines under Marcos remains dependent on the US and its unequal treaties, said Liza Maza of MAKABAYAN. Last year, Marcos announced the creation of four new US military bases in the country under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement with the US. Such treaties with the US have been criticized for intensifying tensions with China and the broader Indo-Pacific region. Clarice Palce of Gabriela and Ronnel Arambulo of Pamalakaya raised their worries of the Philippines being dragged into a stand off between two global superpowers which will only worsen the poor living conditions of Filipinos. The program ended with a symbolic destruction of the effigies of Marcos and Vice President Sara Duterte. The broken UniTeam will be challenged by the Makabayan Coalition which will field a complete senatorial slate including ACT Teachers Party-list Representative France Castro and Gabriela Women’s Party Representative Arlene Brosas in the 2025 midterm elections. Photos by AJ Dela Cruz, Marcus Azcarraga, Audrey Sanchez, and Sarah Gates
-- Philippine Collegian, 22 Jul 2024 9:45pm PHT
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