#2022 prompts: december
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[ID: Five wooden dreidels laid on top of a pile of multi-colored paper confetti, which are also on top of a wooden surface, in daylight. The wood surface is beige with many dark brown, and sometimes almost black, stripes of the grain running vertical. The dreidels are a warm light brown and they sit at different angles. Two of the dreidels have the sides named as well as the letters; one shows hay in purple and shin in red, and another shows nun in green and shin in red again. Two other dreidels show the letter nun in bright blue and one shows the letters hay and pe in dark blue. The confetti is round and comes in pale yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, green, turquoise and dark blue. /END ID]
Prompt for - Friday 23rd December 2022
This week’s Femslash Friday word prompt is: celebrate
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deity-prompts · 2 years
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Slipping on something wet
“Please don’t give me another book.”
“Injured again?”
Catching a cold
Shade matching
“I could go on forever.” “Then do.”
“The one thing I asked for was a dress.”
Behind the scenes
“That’s it? That’s how it ends?”
Two-faced neighbours
Physical touch
“I know the way like the back of my hand, okay? Trust me.”
Poster child
Fashion show
“It’s subliminal messaging. They’re in your head.”
Mascara tears
“What are you not telling me?”
Stumbling at the finish line
Stomach ache
Also see:
2021 December writing challenge
Writing challenge masterlist
Prompts masterlist
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pwh3 · 2 years
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Hello December (Wollman Rink, Central Park)
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dj-wifi-december · 2 years
DJWifi December 2022
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It's time for DJWifi December!
Starting December 1st, tag us (@dj-wifi-december) in your DJWifi-centric fanworks to get a reblog here, or join our AO3 collection!
Ways to participate:
Make a fanwork for one of the daily prompts or weekly themes
Make a fanwork for the daily generated prompt (more to come on that later)
Make any DJWifi-centric fanwork - no prompt needed!
General Guidelines: Keep content focused on DJWifi. No salt or bashing toward any characters will be reblogged. Don't tag one of the other DJWifi December blogs, not because it's bad but because we won't see it. You do not have to participate every single day.
For more information, go to our info tag!
It's important to recognize the way that Alya and Nino's Black identities impact their fandom perception, so we've compiled some anti-racist resources to help people portray them respectfully.
PNG and text version of the calendar under the cut!
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DJWifi December:
Day 1: Movie Day 2: Book Day 3: TV
Week 1: Superhero
Day 4: Kwami Swap Day 5: Patrol Day 6: Love square Day 7: Reveal Day 8: PRPR Day 9: Defeat Day 10: Interview
Week 2: AU
Day 11: Fantasy Day 12: Enemies Day 13: Wings Day 14: Flower shop Day 15: Soulmate Day 16: Criminal Day 17: History
Week 3: Future
Day 18: Roommates Day 19: University Day 20: Pet Day 21: Career Day 22: Found Family Day 23: Proposal Day 24: Graduation
Week 4: Holiday
Day 25: Gift Giving Day 26: Feast Day 27: Tradition Day 28: Music Day 29: Surprise Day 30: Cleaning up Day 31: Fireworks
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dramatic-squirrel · 2 years
Daminette December Day 16- Square
Damian x Marinette
“Damian!” Jon waved to him from across the cafeteria. “Let me introduce you to someone I just met.” As Damian walked up to the table, he saw someone who could have been Jon’s twin. “This is Marinette, she’s an exchange student from France.”
“Bonjour.” The smile she gave him was bright enough to light the entire room, she held out her hand. Damian stared at it, not moving, until Marinette slowly lowered her hand, hiding it in her lap. “Sorry, I thought handshakes were how Americans greet each other.”
“In general, you are right. However, I prefer it when others stay away from me.” Marinette went still and Jon started panicking.
“Um… before you take that the wro-” he was interrupted by Marinette abruptly standing up.
“It was nice meeting you, Jon. I’ll take my leave now. I wouldn’t want to make others feel uncomfortable.” She quickly walked away, not bothering to look back.
Jon sighed as Damian took a seat at the table. “While I’m not exactly sure what happened, from your reaction it seems I may have misspoke.” Jon placed a hand on Damian’s shoulder.
“You’re so lucky I’m such a caring and understanding friend. I’ll try to clear up the misunderstanding, that you're just naturally abrasive to everyone and everything.”
“She did seem like a decent person. She seems like someone tolerable to be around.”
“Wow… such high praise for Marinette. You didn’t even try to kill her first. I am offended Damian.” The hurt expression on his face was clearly fake, so Damian didn’t feel bad about pushing him out of his seat. And also because it would take a lot more to actually hurt a kryptonian.
“That was a different point of my life.”
“No. That’s just how you show affection.”
Robin x Marinette
It was a mistake. She knew immediately that it was a mistake yet, she did it anyways. The light from the street lamp flickered on and off, just barely hanging on, several feet behind her, Marinette could hear the sound of footsteps following her. Next time, she made a mental note to herself, she wouldn’t go out in Gotham at night.
She tried to remain calm, slow her breathing and wait. There was still a chance that they were innocent people simply walking in the same direction as her. That hope was shattered as the footsteps began approaching quickly. Her first instinct was to book it, and as she ran as fast as she could manage, the approach of the people behind her could be heard. They were nearing her so she was left with one last option, fight. Normally, she preferred less violent methods but that wasn’t an option here.
Just as they reached her and she prepared to perform a spinning hook kick, a new sound entered the dark night. A body dropped right behind her, and the sound of fighting could be heard. As soon as she recovered her bearings she turned around to see what was going on. 
Behind her, one of Gotham’s vigilanties was battling against five thugs, two of them had knives. Marinette just barely made out the dark shades of red, green, and gold from her savior, confirming the identity of Robin. It barely took Robin five minutes to defeat the muggers, and Marinette watched in awe of his efficiency and skill. 
“Are you ok, miss?” he addressed her.
“Yes. Thank you so much for saving me.” heat flooded her cheeks when he turned his attention on to her.
“I doubt it was necessary. From what I saw you know how to defend yourself.” He was talking about how she almost kicked someone and she turned a brighter red at the praise. 
“Thank you? I guess, I mean, it’s not a big deal or anything. I just know some moves.” Her classic habit of rambling was rearing its ugly head.
“Regardless, you shouldn’t wander Gotham at night. Take care in the future.” With that he was off. Marinette supposed that most people would ask for an escort home, but she was grateful that he was taking his job seriously and on his way to help others.
Ladybug x Robin
“What are you doing in our city?” The accusation stung a bit, but Ladybug tried to brush it off. 
“That has to do with my civilian life, so unfortunately, I can’t disclose that. As for why I’m acting as a hero, I figured I could help out while I was here.” She sent him a smile. “There’s always so much crime in Gotham that another set of eyes wouldn’t hurt.”
Robin scoffed at her statement. “Real help would be appreciated. You rely on magic to accomplish the job, and unless it is magic related we don’t need that kind of help.” 
“Well, you may think that, but I can prove my abilities are my own.” Robin didn’t reply. After glancing at her with narrowed eyes, he swung away. Ladybug was an unknown, a magic user, and far too friendly to be able to properly deal with Gotham’s crime. He planned to keep an eye out before she ended up hurting herself.
Ladybug x Damian
Out of every crisis this was the worst one. Being forced to accept help from Ladybug of all people. Damian needed to escape so he could come back as Robin and help out, but the only way to do that was to accept help from an amateur. 
Ladybug’s thoughts were along the same premise. Being forced to help Damian Wayne, the arrogant, pompous jerk. He never apologized, or tried to be polite. The only reason she tolerated his presence at school was because of Jon. But, as a hero, she knew she couldn’t leave a person behind.
“We need to evacuate quickly, so don’t complain too much about this.” Without warning, Ladybug scooped up Damian into a princess carry. There was a brief squawk of protest before he went silent and didn’t complain. It surprised her, Ladybug expected Damian to prefer death over humiliation, but his calm reluctance was far from the image she had of him. When they finally made it out of the building, she set him down. “Get medical help from an ambulance,” then she rushed back in.
Damian had to admit, grudgingly, that Ladybug was braver than he gave her credit for. Perhaps, she wasn’t a completely useless ally after all. But that thought didn’t stop Damian from suiting up and pointing out her every error once the crisis was resolved.
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
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A/N: are people still reading for nope lol? Decided to kick my winter prompts off with this broody intelligent handsome man so here we are! The goal this year is to keep them short and sweet (which is always a challenge for me for whatever reason lol) so let’s hope this plans out well! Just know drabble for me never really equals out to that unless it’s shorter than my usual work 😉 in my mind that makes sense okay?! + Reader is always written with black OR POC in mind but not fully descriptive in this one.
Prompt: #6. “If I have to listen to Michael bublé one more time…” + #5. “it’s too early for this Christmas shit.”
Night time has fallen quite quickly once daylights savings hit. The shift in the amount of light the world received in a day hardly bothered you. You were one of the lucky ones.
You enjoyed the early sunsets and cruising at night; night time cruising was much different in Agua Dulce and you enjoyed every moment of it. It also helped that majority of time you decided to hit the streets at night, you had a partner right beside you or driving you. Tonight you were the driver and took the thirty-five minute drive to your boyfriend’s job.
Angel Torres was not the usual “type” you went for but you found yourself easily falling for him after he didn’t judge you for breaking the shit out of your Mac desktop. It’s actually the reason why, “Breaking Dishes,” By Rihanna was your signature ringtone whenever you called him. Yes he still had specific ringtones for certain people, shut up.
You were newly neighbors and seen him around with this 5’11 girl that looked like she walked runways with Bella Hadid. The both of you never spoke since he always looked so preoccupied with the girl, yet you remembered catching his eye one time leaving the laundry room as you chatted with your then-boyfriend on FaceTime.
Before you could be neighborly to offer a wave with both hands full, he was gone from your sight—like he couldn’t be bothered.
You didn’t take it personally.
It wasn’t until that pollen-filled day in April that the both of you held your very first conversation. Angel had the day off and was just coming back from picking up some lunch when he saw you, three doors down, screaming from your apartment as you ran out, desktop held up over your head—it also looked beat up already before you launched it over the railing and down into the courtyard.
Your chest heaved as you flicked your beaded hair behind you, the plastic clacking against each other as you did so. Taking deep breaths with your eyes clenched shut, fingertips pressed together, you opened your eyes to meet Angel’s.
“Sorry you had to see that neighbor.” You spoke first, straightening out your baby-tee underneath your shacket.
Angel lifted his shoulders, “you did what you felt was right in the moment for you. It’s whatever.”
Letting out a cackle, you bent over with your hands pressed into your ribs.
“Although…that Mac,” Angel started as he stepped forward and leaned over the railing to look at the crushed object, “looked like it was in pretty good condition still. What was wrong with it?”
Was this guy forreal? Did he really want to talk to you about computers instead of the fact that you just tossed it out into the sun without a care?
Standing up straight you crossed your arms, “it is—or rather was. My ex got drafted into the NBA back in December before the holidays and bought me that for Christmas. Ever since then he’s been giving me the runaround except for last month when he came out to celebrate my birthday and spring break with me. Now I know why.”
Angel carefully took in your words. He kinda knew how you felt, he was suspecting himself that his high-school sweetheart, Martina Villaba was growing distant. Ever since she decided to drop out of college sophomore year and started going to parties more without him, Angel could feel a breakup coming soon. For what reason? That he did not know. He never thought Martina was cheating on him, since she had her own personal issues with her mother cheating on her father with her co-worker at her law firm. So Angel never thought that of his girlfriend…however he definitely felt some anxiety about where their relationship was going next.
Swallowing his projections, Angel asked, “why?”
“He deleted all of my sims data. ALL of it, shit that I took the time to create! Shit that I get paid for as extracurricular activities.” You placed your hand on your chest, feeling it began to race again, “so far the CC is going well and if I can keep this graphic design gig going for myself, just maybe I can quit my god-awful job that has nothing to do with my upcoming degree.”
So you played the sims, made CC for it, had a boyfriend who was athletic and didn’t take your interests seriously, took your frustrations out on the one object that allowed you to actually participate in your hobby, and you lived three doors down from him? Why has Angel never met you before?
“I could have taken a look at that for you,” Angel replied, “I’m sure you had backup files for the game. It should have been a simple fix, just had to do some searching and restoring then the actual game and your mods should still be there. Despite what he did.”
He could literally see your eye twitch from where he stood.
“I work at Frye's Electronics…computers, VR, drones, you name it, is kinda my thing. What I’m good at.” Angel continued as you began massaging the space in between your brows.
It was silent for a moment and Angel honestly considered slowly backing away to his apartment at this point. He was sure he wasn’t making this any better for you but he felt like it was the neighborly thing to do, offer some assistance if you wanted.
“Wish I would have known that there’s a tech guy living near by.”
“Yeah, just three doors down actually.” The bleached blond peeked at your ajar door to confirm.
“I’ll have him send me another one, then I’m breaking up with his ass.”
Angel widened his eyes, “that’s not exactly going to fix the—do you have a flash drive at all?” He suddenly picked his words carefully.
“What’s that?” You tilted your head to the side as Angel dropped his mouth before picking it back up and rubbed at the back of his neck as if it pained him to hear this, “I’m kidding! You just reminded me that I have some old but solid work on that shit and I love you for that…I just have to look for it.”
“Great! Let me know when you find it…” he paused as he glanced over the railing once more, “do you actually mind if I take the desktop?”
Turning your eyes into slits you stated, “you’re not about to do something freaky to it are you?”
“What do you possibly think I can do with—I’m going to see if I can take it apart to get to the hard disk, to see if it’s still salvageable just in case you don’t find that flash drive.” Angel informed you as you slowly nodded your head, as if that made sense.
“Have at it, Dexter’s laboratory.” You waved him off, getting ready to head back into your apartment, “just don’t let me find out that you hacked into my personal information or something.”
Angel scoffed, “I promise you I’m no stalker…” he trailed off in search of your name.
Raising your brows you pointed, “see look at you trying to guess my name, it’s giving Joe Goldberg.”
Angel rolled his eyes, “please do not compare me to that psychopathic narcissist. But if you want, I’ll just call you ‘you’ whenever we meet next.” He dryly joked.
You snapped then pointed, “What about, ‘hey neighbor!’?”
“Have you played that game?” Angel was curious.
“Hello neighbor?” You guessed, “I have, I actually like the second one a lot better—never mind that! What’s your name?”
“Why should I give you my name if you don’t want to share yours, neighbor?” Angel stared at you.
Scrunching up your nose you said, “Oh, you thought you ate.”
“No…” Angel was confused, “I’m actually waiting to by having this entertaining conversation with you.”
You pointed at his bag of food, “Is that from the new Filipino/Mexican spot up the block?”
“Yes it is.”
“They have excellent nacho bowls with Adobo.”
“Oh yeah, that’s what I got!” Angel gave a small smile.
“Did you really?”
Angel snickered, “No.”
“I’m leaving now.” Your gasp turned into annoyance as you realized you were done dealing with this sarcastic dude for the day, “Bye Mr. turd tech who lives three doors down.”
“Farewell Ms. Coo-Coo for sims who Breaks computers.” Angel gave a bow.
And a middle finger went his way, which he reciprocated with a laugh escaping his lips.
Who knew it would take you breaking a computer that your old boyfriend got you for Christmas a year ago would result in this? You ended things with the pro-athlete after he replaced your computer in May, he took the 2-year warranty off in retaliation and decided to show his ass with his new groupies on his Instagram stories. Not only that, he made it a big deal to showcase his new lifestyle without you, hanging with Devin Booker and other ball players, while dragging your name online but felt it was appropriate to cry to you over texts whenever he got drunk and lonely.
You had better things to do with your time. You were trying to build something for yourself and you never felt like he supported that. You didn’t wish him well but you wished he stopped trying to be something he wasn’t. So breaking up with your boyfriend was a thing, becoming closer with your neighbor happened, quitting your job to become fully self-employed was next, being there for Angel during his breakup that June was also a experience—he took it hard, and then life continued to get a little strange with something white and foreign gliding through the sky…
That could have been a death sentence and you really didn’t want to talk about it—but felt thankful that it brought you two new friends and Angel who you didn’t expect to call your boyfriend months later.
It kinda happened sporadically but when your life is threatened to be sucked up into the sky, you realize things you know—no Kylie Jenner. Of course this didn’t happen over night despite what your friends from outside the group thought. You and Angel were friends first, yet you just had to kiss him when you found him on the haywood ranch, badly limping over to him who happened to be wrapped in barbed wire and a blue tent. You thought you could escape that conversation later at the apartment but Angel couldn’t let it go.
He can be very persistent when he wanted to be.
Which led to, “it was stupid and it shouldn’t have happened. Sorry for kissing you when I know you’re not over Martina. It didn’t even mean anything! I was just happy we both didn’t die.”
Angel felt like your words were honestly bullshit. He listened to you ramble in his apartment as you badly paced his living room and honestly, he just wanted you to sit the fuck down to refrain yourself from further injuring yourself and making his head spin.
You were on his mind, been on his mind from the very moment he thought he lost you. How you slipped from his grasp and disappeared into Jean jacket. You should have been dead but he didn’t dwell on it, it didn’t matter.
You were here and you kissed him.
“Don’t tell me how I feel. You have no idea.” Angel’s words interrupted you, which got you to stop moving yet you kept bleeding on his carpet.
And he got to his feet and yanked you to his body, which obviously made him groan due to his own injuries, making you began to scold him until he shut you up with his own lips.
You found yourself thinking about that time often, smiling to yourself until you got caught. It had been five months since operation: Jean jacket went down and it seemed as if you and OJ Haywood were the main ones trying to put it behind you.
Emerald Haywood was living for the new found attention, although she tried to downplay it whenever she was around you three—not wanting to trigger any of you but she had changed a bit too.
None of you were exactly the same after the white species came down from the sky. How could you be?
Angel chose to continue to work at Frye's Electronics, which made no sense to you or Em but given what happened only inspired Angel further with electronics. He told you occasionally someone would come in to get further entail on what happened despite the numerous of interviews you all went on. At this point, you told Angel to just start his own podcast and you would help him since you had your own successful channel.
He thought about it but was brainstorming towards a different angle. He was thinking about creating a team to explore unexplained creepy, strange places around the world and you wanted to support it but you also wanted the guy to not unalive himself round two. Which he understood and agreed with to a extent but kept it as option b. He could start off just discussing those places for now, he had the channel but just didn’t fully execute it. The work load at Frye’s increased thanks to his presence being there.
A knock on the glass instantly had you reaching for your taser, firing it off as you were pulled from your thoughts. Once your eyes settled on Angel who raised his hands in surrender, breath floating into the night air, you sighed, unlocking the door as he shuffled in.
“My bad, baby.” Angel apologized as his hands went immediately to the vents to warm his fingertips.
Turning the headlights back on, you locked the doors behind him, and waved as Nessie walked across to get to her parked car.
“How was work?” You glanced at the clock on the dash to see that it was 9:52pm.
Angel let out a low whistle as you started the engine, waiting for him to put his seatbelt on before exiting from the back of the store.
“Slow at the start of the shift but definitely picked up after lunch,” Angel answered, reaching over to grip one of your hands to hold, “Also if I have to listen to Michael bublé one more time…”
A snort was followed by his response making Angel give you the side eye while he held onto your hand. Oh the joys of working retail where the customers are so entitled, lazy managers, and the heavy rotation of soundtracks that seemed to only know maybe ten songs.
You felt for your boyfriend and why you encouraged him to quit. Yeah you were that person, telling people to quit their jobs and dump their significant others—if it would bring them happiness then you were all for it!
“There’s nothing wrong with Michael bubbly.” You defended as you halted at the stop sign, “I’ve never paid him much attention before but his voice is actually nice.”
Angel scowled, “oh god, I can’t believe I have a traitor for a girlfriend. And it’s boo-blay not bubbly.” He told you before frowning to himself, “I don’t know why I know that.”
You laughed, squeezing his hand before returning it to the steering wheel so you could make a left turn. “Face it you like Christmas music and you can’t just listen to Lil Uzi Vert, Steve Lacy, Omar Apollo, and Hotel Ugly all day.”
“Yes I can,” Angel argued as he put the seat back to get more comfortable, “if I really wanted to I could control the soundtrack from up front. I have my ways. Nessie and I’ve talked about it already.”
That didn’t surprise you.
“So I take Nessie isn’t a fan either?”
“She only knows one Christmas song and it’s a Ariana grande one.” Angel rolled his eyes, watching the hills of Agua Dulce as you merged onto the highway.
Laughing to yourself, you expected it to be Mother Christmas herself, Mariah Carey but you guess whatever Ariana Grande track made some sense. Ms. Ponytail made a great Christmas album once upon a time but you were definitely going to give Nessie some shit about it through text later.
[To: Nessie]
Ariana grande Xmas? I’m shocked
[From: Nessie]
Until PinkPantheress drops one then u can talk 🖐️
After driving for about five minutes on the freeway, you reached for the knob on the radio to let some music flow through the quiet speakers. You figured Angel was beginning to nap on the passenger side and needed a little music to keep you company while he did.
However the jingle of bells and the familiar voice that flowed through the speakers made him sit upright pretty quickly. Your eyes went wide from beside him, trying to focus on the road and ask what was up.
Before you could Angel commented, “I’m really beginning to think that you don’t like me like you say you do.”
“Angel,” you breathed as you glanced at the sign for the next exit you needed to take, “what?”
It wasn’t uncommon for Angel to need some reassurance due to his own trust issues in relationships…however this came out of the blue.
“The music, why are we listening to him right now?”
You went quiet, picking up on the song and the possible artist. Which made you shake your head, a smile playing on your lips as you plucked up your phone and plopped it into your moody boyfriend’s lap.
“I forgot I had a random Christmas playlist playing on Spotify on my way to you, it wasn’t intentional but it is a little funny how that worked out.” You commented, peeking at the boy who pulled the beanie further down his dark natural locks.
You had the privilege of dying his hair back to black, which did much more for you than the horrible blond. Angel promised he wouldn’t dye his hair again (until spring or next summer—which is when he usually got bored with it) after the good treatment he received after his hair was done ;) and if he got to help you decide your next protective style color in the summer—you honestly believed he just wanted to match with you.
Yeah he could be annoyingly cute like that sometimes. And other times…
“Yeah so funny haha, I think I’m gonna throw myself out of the car.” He latched onto the passenger side handle.
He can be so damn dramatic.
“You can’t,” you answered, “child safety lock is always on bitch!” You stuck your tongue out, laughing as you got off the exit.
Angel pulled on the handle for instance and huffed, “I hate your niece for this.”
“Whoa. She’s a baby dude, the fuck did she do to you?
“I took it too far huh?” Angel realized, regardless of the fact that your 3 year old niece liked to pull hair and stick Pennies in the window slot.
“Just a bit.” You stated, “just change the playlist if you’re gonna act like this. You’re supposed to be happy, it’s Christmas!”
It wasn’t.
Angel grumbled to himself, too involved in your phone to be aware where you were pulling up to. Now instead of Michael Bublé playing, he settled on Michael Jackson which you couldn’t be mad at.
Once the car was in park and you were unbuckling yourself, you waited for it to soak in.
“We can’t be home that fast, my little speed demon.” Angel finally looked up from your phone and complete dread settled on his face, “y/n, why are we at hobby lobby?”
You grinned leaning towards Angel who pulled away from you. Okay that was strike two since he decided to call you by your name and not, “baby.”
“‘Cause the dollar store closed at nine and we gotta get our places ready.” You stated as if it was obvious, “I even got you some brown sugar boba to give you that extra energy to shop until we drop.”
Angel completely missed the two drinks sitting in the cup holders. He was just ready to get off work, have some dinner, and stay cuddled up with his baby binge-watching Law & Order SVU until he fell asleep, was that so bad to have?
“Shop until we drop,” Angel repeated with a scoff of laughter that his smile lines appeared in his cheek, “maybe we should call em and she can be your buddy for this, while I nap with this lovely bubble tea in my hands?”
You were quick, snatching his drink and holding it out of his reach. “The tea was the reward you grinch. Em and I had our girls date for the week already, I’m just trying to spend this jolly season with you and only you.”
“Babe,” Angel was sure heart eyes were showing despite his slightly agitated demeanor, “…how can I say no when you’re looking at me like that?”
“Exactly, you love me so shut up, drink your tea and hold my hand while we get our shop on.” You held the tea out to the man who rolled his eyes, a small smile still playing on his lips.
You only planned to be in hobby lobby for thirty minutes tops and you knew Angel was most likely tired from work and hungry. You weren’t that inconsiderate and would probably hit up a drive-thru right after, you were just festive and couldn’t wait for Angel to be too at some point in the month.
He sucked it up just for you, his cold yet soft hand was intertwined with your much smaller and warm one. You swung your hands together as you walked along the sidewalk, Angel sipping at his tea as he peeked at the window of the store on your way by.
He groaned to himself that you thought he was going to fall to his knees right then.
“What is it? Is the caffeine giving you heart palpitations again?”
Angel could have lied to get his way out of this but he didn’t, not when you got so excited about decorating.
“No, I’m actually fine thanks though babe.” He kissed your forehead, “it’s just too early for this Christmas shit.”
Sucking your teeth you looked at the Christmas decorations through the window and bounced on your feet, “it’s December first honey. Keep up.”
“Oh is it? I couldn’t tell after hearing ‘last Christmas’ making my ears bleed as soon as I walked through the doors at work at eleven-thirty this morning.” Angel sarcastically countered.
You nudged his arm with yours, “don’t ever disrespect Wham! Like that again.”
“They disrespected me first.” Angel mumbled around his straw as you practically dragged him to the front doors.
As you got pass the two front set of doors, your eyes lit up as you scanned the store, unsure what direction you wanted to go first. It was Angel who tapped on the back of your hand to get your attention.
“Thirty-thirty five minutes tops.”
“For this store? Maybe $600. If it was the dollar store $100.”
Angel almost choked on his drink, “what do we need to spend $600 on?”
“We’re getting you a tree.”
“Where’d you get the tree thats strapped in the backseat?” Angel questioned.
You briefly thought about it, “oh no. Not that 18-inch miniature pine tree from bed bath and beyond, that just won’t do! You need a real tree for your apartment, those miniature trees are great for window sills, cars, counters or side tables. Things like that. And you can’t have my riding partner.”
“I can give you something else to ride if you pick three things under $100 bucks.” Angel grinned at you while you raised your brows.
This was the usual for you two. Whenever the both of you wanted to head into stores that you enjoyed spending time in, you gave each other a brief estimate of how long you’d be and what the budget was. Was it something you did at the beginning of the relationship before you each received your own cut of a settlement thanks to operation: JJ? No.
However you didn’t mind spending the extra cash especially if you were giving someone something whereas Angel was more practical. At the end of the day the both of you knew you couldn’t and wouldn’t control what you chose to do. You were both grown enough to make your own decisions…that’s for sure.
“That sounds very tempting,” you wrapped both arms around Angel’s neck who easily held onto your waist, “but you’d probably pass out before you really get up in it.”
Angel huffed, “that was one time! I had to work a double that day.”
Raising your brows you stepped back from his embrace, testing him.
“Okay, twice but at least I participated the second time.” Angel whispered as another couple entered the store.
Wagging your finger at the honey-eyed man you said, “Don’t mess with me, Angel. I’m getting you a damn tree and some extras. I decided we’re starting with your place first.”
And with that you spun on your heels, pleated skirt lifting as you did so—did you always have that on? As you yanked the carriage from its spot and glared at angel, nose up in the air as you circled around to charge through the store.
Have a holly jolly Christmas
It's the best time of the year…
Instantly Angel’s eyes clamped shut as the music began to play. He didn’t even realize he had his middle finger raised up directly at the camera and a simple, “fuck you Michael,” escaped his lips.
“Excuse me?” A voice asked.
That’s when Angel snapped his eyes open to meet the eyes of a employee who indeed had a name tag of: Michael written right on it.
“Oh shit man, not you. The song, well the artist. You’re doing a great job.”
Michael from hobby lobby just simply nodded his head almost in immediate understanding, “is there anything I can help you with?”
“See how can I possibly say fuck you to a employee that’s so helpful,” Angel grinned at the teen who just blinked at him, “right so…do you have snow ball machines by chance? I think it’ll be a great gift to use on my Christmas loving girlfriend.”
“…right this way.”
“Thanks man, glad you get it.”
“Yeah, you hate anything jolly.”
“Please,” Angel took a deep breath, “can we use any other word?”
“Happiness? You hate happiness.” Michael commented.
“That’s not true,” Angel opposed, “I think I just dislike Michael’s.”
“Yeah I got fired from there three weeks ago for stealing glue…and a heat press.” Michael informed.
Angel scratched at his brow not prepared for the answer he was going to get, “…why?”
“I had to get back at my sister. She embarrassed me in front of her friends so I charred her cheerleading uniform in the fireplace. Then put it in the heat press to put BTBB: Blair’s The Biggest Bitch on it and hot glued it to her face while she slept.” Michael shrugged his shoulders as he continued leading the way.
Angel nodded his head knowing the teen couldn’t see his reaction. As soon as teen Michael began to ramble about his hatred for his sister that’s when Angel decided to take his leave, silently.
He heard enough, appreciated the help but anything else besides that was not needed. He hoped Michael from hobby lobby got the help he needed since customers did not want to hear your problems!
Soon Angel found you near the Christmas trees which was the opposite direction of where Michael was previously taking him. Angel walked around the carriage to slip a arm around your waist, this time not making you jump while you were in deep thought about which tree.
“Hey, there you are.” You leaned into the olive skinned man’s side, knowing it was him, “didn’t find anything interesting to add to the cart during our little separation?”
Angel poked out his lips a bit and took a deep inhale, “uh nope. I’ve got all I need right here.”
“Aw. Look at you being sweet.” You kissed Angel’s cheek before turning back to your selection, “which tree screams take me home Angel.”
“There’s only one thing I wanna take home,” Angel honestly answered making you scoff as he circled back around to lean against the carriage, “but…I’m feeling that frosted one right here.”
“Yes!” You clapped your hands, motioning him to move the carriage back so you can see the price, “…I thought they said 50% off why is it still $1500?”
“Because companies are scammers and continue to be scammers while we’re in a recession. They want us to think they’re giving us a deal when in reality they’re still making a profit off you while you still end up struggling in the end. It’s false advertisement really.” Angel rambled while you dipped your head repeatedly, hearing this explanation before.
You began to pout.
“Baby, I told you I don’t even want a tree so don’t worry about it.”
“Yeah I know, you need one.”
“Just get me one from the dollar store tomorrow or whenever you go shopping next.” Angel suggested.
“I’ll order you one from Amazon tonight so let’s go eat. I’m not in the mood anymore, fuck hobby lobby and their ridiculous prices.”
Angel kicked the carriage out of the way, “And fuck Michael.”
“Michael who?” You asked as you browsed the amazon site.
“Let’s not ruin the evening and figure out what we’re in the mood for tonight, huh?” Angel’s arm slipped across your shoulders.
“Ah, it’s your turn to pick.” You mumbled as Angel peeked at your screen full of artificial trees.
Angel cheered at that while you were too distracted by your phone screen, leaving him to do the honors of leading you back to the car, with you trying to find him the best got damn jolly tree.
[Continue along with my December anthology series here.]
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outerrimhours · 2 years
Fluffember Day 2
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Title: Uncertainty
Pairing -  Obiwan Kenobi X AFAB!Fem!Reader
Prompt - “Cry,yell, whatever. I’m not going to leave your side”
Word Count - 484
Warnings - Angst, but fluff. Also probably the worst thing I’ve written lol 
Song -
{Masterlist} / {Fluffember Masterlist} / {Taglist Form}
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"They can’t do this Obi-wan”, you sobbed, “the council can’t abandon me like they did Ahsoka.” Crying so hard, as if your soul could bleed an ocean, you pressed your hand against the glass pane of the window. The chill a striking contrast to the way your body burned. A devastating amount of thoughts overwhelming every sense, body shaking with the disquietude of the unknown. 
Obi-wan’s reflection a ghost in your peripheral as the rain outside pelted the glass harder. The agony that accompanied the fear of leaving the temple swallowed your breath and ability to breathe. You felt as if you would collapse against the floor.
“They will not abandon you, little one, I assure you”, he eased, trying to soothe the storm raging within you. 
“You abandoned her too, you know,” you choked, fingers gripping the railing until knuckles turned white. 
Obi-wan’s shame was brief, the faraway eyes, the heavy swallow, but returned his attention back to your own reflection in the glass. 
Surely, if you weren’t so consumed by your own anguish, you could feel his own torment through the force. The regret and sorrow he felt when Ahsoka left. He vowed he would not let the same happen to you, or his own padawan. Although he too wanted to cry, allow his own heart to break, he had to be the calm in your darkness. A soothing voice for your ears.
“We all could have done more”, he replied, as if trying to convince himself more could have been done to stop her.
Your face scrunched in an ill attempt to still the tears threatening to spill over again, whipping around to face the Jedi Master. When Obi-wan couldn’t meet your eyes, you felt an almost animosity. An emotion Jedi were not allowed to feel. 
“I hate them”, you seethed, throat burning, face raw with tears. Panic flickered over the man’s eyes, “Young one”, Obi-wan said sternly, “that is not the Jedi way.” 
“Will you abandon me, like you did her”, you shouted, desperate to make someone feel the pain you felt, invading his space until all that stood between you was the hatred you seethed. 
“No”, he shushed, hands reaching out to cup the swollenness of your cheeks, raw and aching from the bitter tears. 
“You will”, you gasped.
Obi-wan forced you into his chest, arms protective and assuring, robes smelling like everything he was. 
“Cry, yell, whatever! I’m not going to leave your side. I will not abandon you, little one.” 
At his words, he felt the way your body released, through the force, every emotion you felt dissipating until all that was left was worry. His chest warm against your face. You sighed, hands clutching the fabric of his tunic. In that moment you stilled, the world around you continuing except in the moment you both had created. Everything safe and warm wrapped up in his arms. 
Taglist: @acatalystrising , @the-good-shittt , @ummwhatwasthat
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onepintobean · 2 years
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coc day 7 | veil
before - Natasha // Lucy
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v-thinks-on · 2 years
Supper since eaten and taken away, Watson and I settled once more in our customary chairs by the hearth, soaking up the warmth of the flickering flames to stave off the chill of a winter evening.
“It is good to be home,” Watson remarked, leaning back in his chair with a sigh. “If I had known our little trip to the countryside would take us on such an adventure, I would have packed more warmly.”
I laughed and took a long drag upon my pipe, savouring the sweet, familiar aroma. “It is a pity the resolution is hardly worthy of your annals.”
Watson graced me with a wry smile. “There is no need to fear my attempting to document it even if it were; I know your feelings about my writings.”
“Do you, my dear Watson? You know I subsisted on little else in my time alone on the continent.”
“My blushes Holmes,” he intoned, but indeed his cheeks did colour with the warmth of the flames.
“Perhaps it is time I began to think about my legacy,” I remarked airily, with a dismissive wave of my hand.
“I would not dare to tarnish it with my romantic notions.”
“You are being obstinate, old fellow,” I said, taking his hand at last between my nervous fingers that I might impress upon him my sincerity. “It would truly be an honour to have you resume your services as my biographer if you find that you are so inclined.”
Watson regarded me with a piercing gaze, no less astute than my own for all of his modesty. “This is not another attempt to reassure me?”
I raised my proud chin. “And if it is? It is no less true for it.”
Watson squeezed my hand. “That is very kind, Holmes.” It took only a moment of silence for his gaze to become abstracted in thought and he remarked, “And I have often thought that if I were to pick up my pen once more, the Baskerville case would be worth a novel.”
“That’s my Watson!” I rubbed my hands together eagerly. “What could be more romantic than the lonely moor?”
He chuckled. “I can think of at least one thing.” The gleam in his bright eyes was an invitation which I could never refuse.
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nocturna-iv · 2 years
Winter Symphony 2022
[December Prompts]
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Fuck up the Friendship
Love me Less
Kill your Darling
I bet
Don't go yet
I'd Rather Die
Sweet Talk
Dancing with the Devil
Dry Spell
Lover & a Fighter
War of Hearts
When you say my Name
Not Dead Yet
Ayo Technology
Inside of You
Must be Love
What's love got to do with it
I've got my love to keep me warm
You make it feel like Christmas
Run Rudolph Run
Rockin' around the Christmas tree
What Christmas means to me
Santa Baby
Winter Wonderland
Let it snow!
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch
Real Mate
⬇⬇⬇⬇ Level up in difficulty: Prompt List with songs ⬇⬇⬇⬇
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Royalty by Conor Maynard
Fuck up the Friendship by Leah Kate
Love me Less by MAX
Kill your Darling by Cloudy June
I bet by Shuba
Don't go yet by Camila Cabello
Circus by Britney Spears
I'd Rather Die by TRAMP STAMPS
Sweet Talk by Poe the Passenger
Dancing with the Devil by Kitty Antix
Dry Spell by JORDY
Lover & a Fighter by Devil Doll
War of Hearts by Ruelle
When you say my Name by Chandler Leighton
Not Dead Yet by DEVORA
Ayo Technology by Milow
Inside of You by Hoobastank
Tantrum by Ashnikko
Must be Love by Christina Grimmie
What's love got to do with it by DNCE
I've got my love to keep me warm by Dean Martin
You make it feel like Christmas by Gwen Stefani
Run Rudolph Run by Chuck Berry
Rockin' around the Christmas tree by Brenda Lee
What Christmas means to me by Stevie Wonder
Santa Baby by Kylie Minogue
Winter Wonderland by Michael Bublé
Let it snow! by Frank Sinatra
Wintertime by Norah Jones
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch by Pentatonix
Real Boy by Lola Blanc
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[ID: A bright red wooden advent calendar with 4 columns and roughly 4 rows visible, counting up to 16 in gold lettering and small gold knobs above the numbers. The 6th drawer is open and has a little felt santa hat with red fabric stood upright in it. There is white ribbing around the bottom of the hat and a white bobble on the end, with the top part of the hat flopping over to the left. In the background to the right is a slightly out of focus dark green Christmas tree with white frosted tips on the foliage. There are small gold ornaments of snowflakes, rocking horses, angels, and tree shapes, and yellow bokeh effect from small lights on the tree . /END ID]
Prompt for - Friday 9th December 2022
This week’s Femslash Friday word prompt is: countdown
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icanonlyblamemyself · 2 years
DECEMBER PROMPTS I. the first day - 12/01/22 -- @nosebleedclub
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dessbian · 2 years
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Dess-ember, day 1. kicking the month off with a good ol’ fashioned missing poster
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Me: Maybe I'll make a winter words prompt list and do a different day for all of December!
Me: *makes list*
Me: ....Marcus Pike could literally be all of these
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elsanna-shenanigans · 2 years
December 2022-January 2023 Voting
With February already underway, it is high time to vote for the December-January stories. We proudly present a lineup of 9 Dreamy submissions. This time around we had one mandatory restriction (no Kristoff) and three extra restrictions (include a certain line of dialogue, senses-evoking descriptions and another romantic partner) for up to 3 bonus points.
You will have until Wednesday the 8th at midnight (Baker Island time, GMT-12) to vote for your favorite of the 8 eligible stories. Keep reading for the voting link and story list!
Don’t forget to fill in the additional feedback for your favorite stories! (This time around we are voting one favorite and ONE kudos, keep this in mind.)
Vote here. See how to vote here.
Lineup for this month: 1. you're the one thing (i can't get enough of) 2. Raise Your Voice 3. The Price of Being Queen 4. Umbra 5. As Above, So Below 6. The Lonely Princess 7. Sleep Fighter 8. Writing Us In 9. Isle of Windermere - story self-disqualified by the author, not included in the voting
Vote for your favorite story and give kudos to another story. Don’t give kudos to your favorite story - this will make the kudos vote not count!
Please reblog this post when you see it to make sure it reaches the fans that might want to read the stories but don’t follow our blog yet - due to tumblr’s linking policy, it's possible it will not to show up in the tag!
Visit us on discord if you have any questions, or want to discuss the stories/participate in our detailed review/feedback club for the submissions!
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December 2022: Whimsy
noun, plural whim·sies
1. capricious humor or disposition; extravagant, fanciful, or excessively playful expression: a play with lots of whimsy.
2. an odd or fanciful notion.
3. anything odd or fanciful; a product of playful or capricious fancy: a whimsy from an otherwise thoughtful writer.
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