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tinypaperstar · 5 years ago
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my excuse to draw Felannie on a date and in matching jackets
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nyeongsuni · 5 years ago
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aramashi · 5 years ago
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beergeek-sola · 5 years ago
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家飲みね…こんなご時世ですからね… いつも通りだけどw これ美味しいわぁ! パイナップル感もあるし苦いし。 また売ってたら買おっと。 #goldcliffipa #konabrewing #solabeer #beer #beerstagram #ビアスタグラマー #20200411 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-13KtnpItO/?igshid=pomhvk192vqd
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snotion0116 · 3 years ago
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#20200411 🌸🌸🌸 꽃구경 꼭 구경 가야하나? 올해의 꽃구경도 집에서. #홈스윗홈 #벚꽃놀이 #대자연농원(대자연농원에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcMwV97PeaF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gosotopo · 5 years ago
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⠀⠀운수나쁜 날 ⠀⠀ 어제... 거의 10년만에? 처음으로 자전거타다가 나혼자 나자빠짐. 옷찢 살찢 맴찢 저녁운동 나서기 전부터 뭔가 징조가 이상했었더랬다. 엄니가 화장실에서 생전 안깨뜨리는 화장품을 깨뜨리질 않나 나오기전에 머리가 아픔. 바깥바람 안 쐬서 그런거니 함. 운동하러 갈라고 문 열어보니 저녁��� 온다던 택배가 뙇 택밴 일단 방에두고 운동하러 나왔는데 이어폰을 안가져와서 다시 집. 이어폰 끼고 나왔는데, 쓸라했던 모자 안쓰고 나와서 떡진머리. 집 앞에 카카오바이크 없어서 저... 10분냄짓 걸어서 탐. 가보니 카카오바이크가 쓰러져있음. 세워서 타보니 앞 바구니가 덜덜거려서 굉음급 소리남. 타고 따릉이 대여소로 가는 길에 신호란 신호 다 걸림. 따릉이타고 가는데, 평소 가던길이 공사중. 끌바 2번. 그러다가 방지턱 옆으로 지나가려는데 뭔가 쇠 끌리는 소리가 나더만 자전거가 휘청 균형잡으려고 어어 그러다가 결국 도로 복판에 슬라이딩 ㅡㅡ 사고 충격으로 오른손 살, 왼팔 팔꿈치 부근 까졌고 왼쪽 허벅지랑 오른쪽 무릎 아래가 시큼 왼쪽 어깨랑 오른쪽 팔목도 밤부터 살짝 아프구 + 택배... 는 노트북 모니터 보안필름이었는데 (3M꺼) 내컴 / 회사컴 2개를 질렀는데 (51000여원씩) 둘 다 붙였다가 내컴에서는 도로 땜 ㅡㅡ 생각보다 너무 어둡고 필름 거치대? 부착으로 모니터 주변부가 지저분해지는듯 해서 굳이 내컴에 보안필름 쓸 일도 없을듯 하고... 그래서 다시 때서 예비용으로 고이 모셔두긴 했는디 돈 날렸네... 오늘 운동은 글렀고 드라이브나 가까? ⠀⠀ #운수나쁜날 #월급날 #자전거 #나자빠짐 #맴찢 #보안필름 #후기 ⠀⠀ ℹ#사진 #photo 📸#노트8 #Note8 📅#20200411 #토요일 #Saturday #오후 #afternoon 🗓#4월 #April #봄 #Spring #2020 📍#송파 #Korea 💭#일상 #daily #photooftheday #picoftheday 🙌#follow4follow #맞팔은댓글 #like4like https://www.instagram.com/p/B_YQlEFlXkV/?igshid=a7spadbjg0gc
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theheadlesshearseman · 5 years ago
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miquisteps · 5 years ago
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🖍Manel Fontdevila #ManelFontdevila #20200411 #vinyeta #cartoon #dibuix #illustració #drawing #caricature #art #grafisme #artgràfic #graphicart #illustració #illustration #ninotaire #covid19 #coronavirus #PedroSánchez #PSOE #PSC #Podemos #EnComú #Comuns #IBEX #monarquiabananera #règimborbònic (at Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-6TRaMJEdj/?igshid=syumtbk1zzoq
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bird2231 · 5 years ago
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#whatiateinoneday #今日食咗啲乜嘢 #lunch #黑豚丼 #porkrice #日味道 #japanesecuisine #dinner #腩肉小鍋米線 加 #大腸 #porknoodles #港味道 #kongcuisine #20200411 (at Asia/ Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-3vZT4AkOW/?igshid=1tjmorr55grbe
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beckysioux · 5 years ago
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Saturday night grocery shopping and new masks. My mask is made from fabric I’ve been saving for a special occasion. And what’s more special than a pandemic? His mask is made from my favorite bed sheets. Unfortunately a few years ago the fitted sheet got a nasty tear and was irreparable. Et voila, lots and lots of mask material. I’m super glad I never tossed the sheets. Both fabric pieces are 100% cotton. The fronts are tightly woven cotton and the backs are muslin. #20200411 #102of366daysof2020 #washyourdamnhands https://www.instagram.com/p/B-3RZtvHjP6/?igshid=er9xlvaf9pp
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pascalrenardartwork-blog · 5 years ago
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Démarche: Une recherche image journalière est réalisée sur le moteur de recherche écosia à partir d’un mot choisi au hasard. Une production technique libre est effectuée à partir d'une des images proposées par écosia sur une durée de 45 minutes environ. Les productions sont ensuite postées sur divers réseaux sociaux et blogs afin les réinjecter dans le big data et ainsi boucler la boucle. #20200411 #ecosiasearch #ballade #encre #ink #instaart #contemporaryart #dessincontemporain #contemporarydrawings #dessindujour #pascalrenardartwork #reflet #mer #sea #plage #chien #dog https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2SdZ2IIeV/?igshid=y87f0f5boooo
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caltonlee · 5 years ago
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#神山麵屋 #黑神山叉燒拉麵 #20200411(在 神山麵屋) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2EtB4h5N6/?igshid=180scinek7hih
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mystar19 · 5 years ago
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🎂🎉Happy birthday dear PACO🥳💖 いつの間にやら12歳。長生きしてくれてありがとう😭😭 最後はお兄も一緒に🐶🐶 #cutestdogintheworld #paco #happybirthday #maltese #myangels #20200411 #maltesegram #お誕生日おめでとう https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2BRsDg9WY/?igshid=90vzgo8dvwsg
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crush-industry · 5 years ago
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#동백꽃질무렵 #filming_date #20191118 #up_load #20200411(Seogwipo에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-19kQHjYK8/?igshid=106rynh78qkvh
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gosotopo · 5 years ago
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⠀⠀간만에 오른 뒷산에서 만난 ⠀⠀ 산 친구 ⠀⠀ #다람쥐 #Squirrel #뒷산 #산책 #구공이 ⠀⠀ ℹ#사진 #photo 📸#캐논90D #Canon90D 📅#20200411 #토요일 #Saturday #오후 #afternoon 🗓#4월 #April #봄 #Spring #2020 📍#청량산 #남한산성 #위례 #Korea 💭#일상 #daily #photooftheday #picoftheday 🙌#follow4follow #맞팔은댓글 #like4like(위례, Wirye에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-21fgrlqBI/?igshid=1lncw2oxn9glp
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2020ablak · 5 years ago
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2020. ápr. 11.
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