#2020 volkswagen truck concept
foodandbeverages · 1 year
USA Food Service Industry Informative Data: Trends, Challenges & Drivers 2023 to 2033
By 2033, it is anticipated that the USA food service industry would be worth US$ 1995.0 billion. By 2023, it is projected to reach a valuation of around US$ 985.5 billion.
The market is anticipated to increase significantly between 2023 and 2033, with a CAGR of 7.3%.
About 26.3% of all food expenses in 1970 were spent on eating out. That proportion had increased to 43% by 2012.
Demand for food service in the USA is anticipated to be driven by increasing number of two-earner households. High earnings, small-sized families, ease of accessibility, and availability of affordable meal options are also key factors that would influence expansion.
Download our comprehensive PDF sample report today and gain valuable insights into this thriving industry. Download Now! https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-17045
Rising spending on advertising and promotions by the nation's top food service businesses will also increase demand.
During the pandemic in 2020, a number of restaurants in the country were forced to close or operate at a reduced capacity. It happened as a result of supply-chain disruption brought on by orders to stay at home, company closures, and social distance regulations.
These factors might have influenced how customers bought food, favoring meals prepared at home over food consumed away from the house.
Growth is also being aided by millennials' conscious avoidance of eating out. This can be attributed to their perceived risk of contracting a virus and the advent of online grocery shopping.
According to the USA Department of Agriculture, food purchases made away from home made up 55% of all food expenditures in 2021. This indicated a return to pre-pandemic levels.
Modern consumers are increasingly choosing not to eat on the go due to their busy schedules. During the projected period, it is anticipated that a number of key market trends, including rising popularity of food trucks, would favorably affect the food truck industry.
The USA is becoming more accepting of vegetarianism. American consumers are increasingly following this eating pattern, which is boosting demand for food services.
Expanding popularity of eating out has also contributed to expansion of the restaurant and food service industries.
Key Takeaways from USA Food Service Industry Report
The USA food service market is expected to     showcase growth at 7.3%     CAGR between 2023 and 2033.
The USA catering service industry is     anticipated to flourish from US$     76.7 billion in 2023 to US$     138.2 billion by 2033.
The USA food service industry is set to     rise at a CAGR of 7.3%     from 2023 to 2033.
The USA food service industry exhibited a     surge of 6.7% from     January to June 2022.
The USA catering service industry is     expected to elevate at a CAGR of 6.1%     from 2023 to 2033.
 “Rising food service digitalization is one of the key forces driving the business since clients find it simple to make bookings and payments online. Developing systems for online payments, takeaway and delivery services would also provide significant opportunities to players in this market.” – Says a lead analyst.
Competitive Landscape: USA Food Service Industry
In the past, product portfolios were less globalized. However, as time has gone on and customer appetite has increased, significant businesses are putting more of an emphasis on the development of new services.
Uber Eats, Zipline, UPS, Matternet, Wing, Flytrex, Zing, Amazon, Wingcopter, Elroy Air, Joby Aviation, Volkswagen, and Wisk Aero are just a few businesses that are beginning to expand their service offerings and market reach.
For instance,
In April 2023, At its location in La Mirada,     California, Yoshiharu Global, a USA-based restaurant operator, planned to     introduce its brand-new Yoshiharu Ramen & Izakaya concept. The     operator, who is well-known for serving Japanese ramen, soft-launched the     new idea on April 7 and will hold a formal opening on April 14, 2023.
Its capacity to keep up with contemporary restaurant trends would be demonstrated by the introduction of an unusual idea at the La Mirada site. It would also enable the restaurant to provide really authentic Japanese eating experiences that are tailored to the changing tastes of its clients.
Get Valuable Insights on USA Food Service Industry
Future Market Insights (FMI), in its new offering, provides an unbiased analysis of the USA food service industry presenting historical demand data (2018 to 2022) and forecast statistics for the period from (2023 to 2033). The study divulges compelling insights on the demand for USA food services based on restaurant & food service industry (service type, delivery method), catering service industry (catering type, end user), and country.
Information Source: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/usa-food-service-industry
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perryvonvicious · 2 years
2022 End-Of-Year Survey
I used to fill one of these out every year, and with my re-adoption of tumblr, why not bring it back?
1. How did you ring in the new year for 2022? I was probably asleep. Otherwise, I likely wished my wife a Happy New Year, as we would have been just sitting in the living room, doing nothing.
2. Who did you kiss at midnight/your first kiss in 2022? My wife.
3. What did you do in 2022 that you'd never done before?: Lots of stuff... I took a picture with Grave Digger for the first time. I also wrestled in Tennessee.
4. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don't make new year's resolutions.
5. Did anyone close to you give birth?: None that I can think of, but I'm only really close with my wife, my wrestling friends, and my parents, so there's not a lot of options there.
6. Did anyone close to you die?: Gallagher
7. What places did you visit?: Tennessee, Cleveland, Disney World, Indianapolis, Erie Pennsylvania
8. What would you like to have in 2023 that you lacked in 2022?: Big muscles and a sick tan. (Maybe a power wheels monster truck.)
9. What dates from 2022 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?: I don't remember dates very well.
10. What was your biggest achievement of the year?: I was invited by John Hodgman to be a part of his holiday stage show with Jonathan Coulton and many other notable celebs. I also removed a room from our house. I also did a very bad moonsault.
11. What was your biggest failure?: Probably the aforementioned moonsault
12. Did you suffer illness or injury?: I had a few bad colds. Also probably some mental illness.
13. What was the best thing you bought?: My 3D resin printer, or our 1981 Volkswagen Rabbit Pickup.
14. Whose events required celebration?: My wife did a crazy good job with our garden.
15. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?: A few of my former coworkers.
16. Where did most of your money go?: Either house projects or buying our truck.
17. What did you get really, really, really excited about?: I learned to love wrestling again. We also went to Disney World, and that always gets me excited.
18. What song will always remind you of 2022?: Tiny Tim's "Livin' In The Sunlight"
Compared to this time last year, are you: a) Happier or sadder?: Happier.
b) Thinner or fatter?: Fatter.
c) Richer or poorer?: Richer
19. What do you wish you'd done more of?: Working out, eating right.
20. What do you wish you'd done less of?: Stressing out about my jobs.
21. Did you fall in love in 2022?: I fell in love in 2007.
22. How many one-night stands?: My wife and I have two night stands... one on each side of our bed. Mine has a lamp on it.
23. How many people did you kiss? My wife.
24. What was your favorite TV program?: YouTube.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?: I don't think so.
26. What was the best book you read?: The Residents: A Sight for Sore Eyes: Vol. 1
27. What was your greatest musical discovery?: Math The Band
28. What did you want and get?: 3D resin printer, table saw, impact driver, Grave Digger-themed wrestling gear, 1981 Volkswagen Rabbit pickup, trip to Disney World.
29. What did you want and not get?: Mental stability.
30. What was your favorite film of this year?: Weird: The Al Yankovic Story.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?: I turned 38. I started a new job that day... so, I worked.
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?: Better-managing my stress levels... and working out WAY more.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020?: Pajama pants and novelty tank tops.
34. What kept you sane?: Nothing.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?: I enjoyed learning more about Tiny Tim.
36. What political issue stirred you the most?: Probably a few, but I'm not interested in discussing that.
37. Who do you miss?: I don't know. Probably lots of people.
38. Who was the best new person you met?: O'Shay Edwards. He's a fantastic wrestler, and a delightful person to spend time around.
39. Who were your closest friends in 2022? In no particular order: Torres, Rip, Delmi, ZPB, Levi, Anton.
40. What are you doing to ring in 2023? Typing these answers.
41. Who do you plan on kissing to ring in 2023? My wife.
42. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2022: Don't hesitate to just quit a job, when it becomes a burden on your mental health. There's always other jobs.
0 notes
gruntydiecast · 4 years
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Candid Conversation: HW Special Features
Special features are pretty rare on Hot Wheels nowadays; they’re now mainly reserved for anything in the Experimotors series, and that’s a shame. But a few years ago... that was a completely different story. Today, I’m going to go through as many special features there are on Hot Wheels cars as possible. I may have missed some.
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Opening hoods
This was a bit of a no-brainer. The Hare Splitter acting as the header image kind of gave it away. Opening hoods have been with the Hot Wheels lineup since 1968.
Examples '67 Camaro (1982 — Present, removed in 2017) ‘69 Dodge Charger (2004 — Present, removed in 2010) Classic Cobra (1982 — Present, removed in 2020) ‘80s Corvette (1983 — 2016, removed in 1996) Countless others
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Hidden headlamps
Something not a lot of people know is that there was a Hot Wheels car with hidden headlamps. I have handled one of these before, courtesy of a friend.
Examples Peeping Bomb (1970 — 1973, Redline)
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Sliding doors
And now we get some ridiculous features such as side-sliding doors. Two Hot Wheels cars have had this feature, and both were activated through pulling something on the rear.
Examples Side Kick (1972, 1998 — 2012) Slide Kick (2019 — Present)
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Opening rear hatches
These have also been a staple of the Hot Wheels lineup. The first car with one of these rear opening hatches came out in 1969 I believe; the Chaparral 2G.
Examples Chaparral 2G (1969 only) Porsche 917 (1971 — 2011) Ferrari 512M (2006 — 2013) Ferrari F40 (1988 — 2014, removed in 2014)
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Opening doors
This feature was fairly standard from the mid-’80s until the early ‘90s; it is now very uncommon for castings to have opening doors.
Examples Nissan Custom “Z” (1990 — 1997) Nissan 300ZX (1984 — 1996) Blazer 4×4 (1984 — 1996) Split Decision (2006
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Opening tonneau covers
I’m pretty sure only one casting has this feature.
Examples Dodge Ram 1500 (2007 — Present, removed in 2017)
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Flip-out wheelie bars
These are often made of either hard plastic or a flexible plastic. Most of these have been removed.
Examples Nitro Doorslammer (2007 — 2011, removed in 2012) ‘49 Drag Merc (2010 — 2015) ‘41 Willys (2000 — 2014) Torpedoes Willys Coupe (2006 only)
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Tip-up bodies
Found mainly on funny cars. Some may flip open in other directions, like Lakester.
Examples ‘97 Firebird Funny Car (1997 — 2014) Probe Funny Car (1990 — 2004) ‘04 Mustang Funny Car (2004 — 2011, retooled into ‘10 Mustang Funny Car) ‘71 Mustang Funny Car (2004 — Present, removed in 2019)
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Detachable bodies
These are usually attached through tabs through the front and back. These castings don’t appear too often, and most castings with this feature have since had their bodies nailed down.
Examples Mini Cooper (2000 — Present, removed in 2015) Hyperliner (2002 — 2013, removed in 2014) Volkswagen New Beetle Cup (2002 — 2016, removed in 2009) Scion xB (2006 — 2016, feature still on Color Shifters car)
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What may be surprising to some is that suspension for Hot Wheels cars has been around for a long time. Since 1968, in fact.
Examples Most Redlines from 1968 — 1977 ‘70 Dodge Charger (2017 — Present) Dune-A-Saur (2018 — Present) Hyper Rocker (2019 — Present)
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Adjustable suspension
This one though... only came recently.
Examples 1969 Chevy C10 (2019 — Present)
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Opening trunks
Another highly uncommon feature. Opening rear doors will also be included in this section.
Examples ‘55 Chevy Panel (2006 — Present, removed in 2016) Armored Truck (1996 — Present, removed in 2013) Ambulance (1989 — 2003)
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Functioning tow hooks
Another thing to increase playability for kids, too. These usually work pretty well. There are two types I can think of: the “rivet” type (hooks onto the rivet) and the “fender” type (hooks onto the bottom of the fender).
Examples Tow Jam (1998 — 2012) Repo Duty (2013 — Present) Heavy Hitcher (2019 — Present)
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Pivoting/rotating parts
Especially common on fire trucks. May be found on certain construction vehicles
Examples Flame Stopper (1988 — 2010, pivoting and rotating hose) 5 Alarm (2009 — Present, pivoting ladder) Volkswagen Drag Truck (2004 — 2015, flip-up panel) CAT Wheel Loader (1980 — 2014, operating bucket, removed in 2010)
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Other spinning parts
These can range from propellers to cement drums and other things.
Examples Dogfighter (1996 — 2007, propeller) Oshkosh Cement Mixer (1992 — 2002, spinning cement drum) Fathom This (1998 — 2007, turbines)
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Spinning fans
As far as I know there are only three castings with this feature. This feature has generally not been very common.
Examples Whip Creamer (1971 only) Whip Creamer II (2003 — 2011) Mega Thrust (2006 — Present)
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Opening canopies
There are a number with this feature, though this feature has generally been somewhat uncommon.
Examples Road Rocket (1996 — 2015, removed in 2015) Power Rocket (1995 — Present, removed in 2015) Preying Menace (2006 — 2015, removed in 2015) Sky Dome (2017 — Present)
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Removable roofs
Fairly common around the ‘70s and ‘80s but slowly fell in popularity soon after.
Examples ‘31 Doozie (1977 — 2003) Mercedes-Benz 540K (1982 — 1999)
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Twisting bodies
As far as I’m aware, there’s only one casting with this feature. Later toolings have this feature removed.
Examples XS-IVE (2001 — 2009, removed in 2010)
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Functioning ramps
These ramps often slide around and can be pretty easy to lose since they are snapped on.
Examples Cabbin’ Fever (2000 — 2012) Back Slider (2010 — 2014) Fast-Bed Hauler (2014 — Present) The Embosser (2017 — Present)
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Adjustable splitters
These only came about rather recently to combat some issues that came about around 2014 or ‘15 when it came to realistic castings being made with front splitters that curved upwards to allow them to clear loops. This was rectivied starting from 2016. The splitter could be set downwards for a more realistic look or upwards to clear loops.
Examples 2005 Ford Mustang (2016 — Present) El Viento (2017 — Present) Track Ripper (2018 — Present) Gruppo x24 (2019 — Present)
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Tipping beds
Currently somewhat uncommon.
Examples Ford Stake Bed Truck (1983 — 2001) Ford Dump Truck (1983, 2010) Peterbilt Dump Truck (1983 — 2003) Dumpin’ A (1979 — 2012)
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Folding wings
Now this is where things start to get ridiculous.
Examples Jet Threat 4.0 (2007 — 2016)
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Functioning clip
Yes, Hot Wheels cars do have some use too.
Examples Fast Cash (2011 — Present) Clip Rod (2020 — Present)
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Some of these may function as multi-tools, but I have not tested out the wrench function. I will also need to find a Speed Driver so I can confirm stuff.
Examples Tooligan (2010 — Present) Speed Driver (2020 — Present)
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Extending body
I’m pretty sure only one casting has this feature.
Examples Spector (2007 — 2018, removed in 2015)
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Again, it’s likely that only one casting has this feature.
Examples The Embosser (2017 — Present)
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These castings have something that moves as it rolls. The concept has been around for a long time but Hot Wheels only adopted it fairly recently.
Examples Crate Racer (2016 — Present, engine shakes) Shark Bite (2016 — Present, mouth moves) Gotta Go (2017 — Present, toilet cover moves) Rockin’ Santa Sled (2020 — Present, rider bobs up and down)
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More shameless product placement is good... right? (other brands of interlocking building blocks are available and should also be compatible)
Examples Fig Rig (2013 — Present) Let’s GO (2015 — Present) Bogzilla (2018 — Present) Pixel Shaker (2020 — Present)
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Rolling upside down
Okay, this was probably unintentional on Hot Wheels’ part.
Examples Nitro Scorcher (2007 — 2014)
...bottle opener?
Okay, I’m done. Nothing will ever top this.
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Examples Carbonator (2008 — Present)
- Grunty
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taevisionceo · 4 years
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TAEVision Engineering 's Posts - Wed, May 27, 2020 TAEVision 3D Mechanical Design Machinery Agriculture Automotive Tractor WaterTank Trailer Ford F250 PickUp OffRoad Trucks MercedesBenz XClass Pickup Trucks OffRoad Volkswagen VW Tiguan Sport OffRoad SUV Construction Mining Automotive CAT Caterpillar CarterMachinery AsphaltCompactor Ford Trucks OffRoad CAT Caterpillar 740 trucks 01 - Data 035 Machinery Agriculture Farm Farms Farming Tractor WaterTank Trailer ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 02 - Data 261 Automotive Agriculture Farm Farms Farming Ford F250 PickUp OffRoad Trucks ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 03 - Data 411 3D Design Applications Automotive Agriculture Farm Farms Farming MercedesBenz X-Class XClass Pickup Trucks OffRoad Concept (2) ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 04 - Data 441 3D Design Applications Automotive AUTUMN DREAMS Volkswagen VW Tiguan Sport OffRoad SUV ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 05 - Data 324 Machinery Construction Automotive 'Works on rural road Suffolk County NY' CAT Caterpillar CarterMachinery VibratoryAsphaltCompactor AsphaltCompactor Compactor (View Camera A) Ford Trucks OffRoad ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr 06 - Data 391 Machinery Construction Mining 'CAT Dreams' CAT Caterpillar CarterMachinery 740 trucks 740Trucks Articulated Dump Truck ▸ TAEVision Engineering's Post on Tumblr
I just updated my Pressfolio: TAEVision Mechanics - Global Data - May 27, 2020 ▸ TAEVision Mechanics's Online Portfolio
Global Data - May 27, 2020
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Prince Carl Philip of Sweden visits Volkswagen
: HRH Carl Philip, Prince of Sweden, is signing the Volkswagen guest book. From left: HRH Carl Philip, Prince of Sweden next to Andreas Renschler, CEO of TRATON SE and a Member of t
HRH Carl Philip, Prince of Sweden, is signing the Volkswagen guest book. From left: HRH Carl Philip, Prince of Sweden next to Andreas Renschler, CEO of TRATON SE and a Member of the Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft Board of Management    Visit centered on Volkswagen’s e-mobility strategy and test drives in the Volkswagen Group’s latest-generation electric vehicles    Sweden is one of Europe’s largest markets for electric vehicles – Passat GTE1 is the best-selling electric car in Sweden    With Scania, the Volkswagen Group is one of the largest industrial investors in Sweden – €2.4 billion invested in the country in the last ten years    Prince Carl Philip met with Swedish startup entrepreneurs at a Volkswagen event on innovative manufacturing technologies and Industry 4.0 Sweden is the Partner Country of Hannover Messe 2019. During his official visit to Germany, Prince Carl Philip was welcomed by Volkswagen Group representatives in Wolfsburg and found out more about the company’s e-mobility strategy. The Swedish Prince was one of the first to test the Group’s new generation of electric cars, including models from the Volkswagen ID. family. Sweden is one of Europe’s largest markets for electric vehicles. Andreas Renschler, CEO of TRATON SE and a Member of the Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft Board of Management, said: “Sweden is a role model in the area of climate protection. Today, more than half of the electricity generated already comes from renewable sources. That is an essential prerequisite for making e-mobility sustainable for passenger cars as well as trucks and buses.” He went on to say: “We have several innovative e-mobility projects in Sweden, for example, Scania will soon begin testing self-driving electric buses for Stockholm’s public transport system.” Sweden is one of Europe’s largest markets for electric vehicles and therefore an important sales market for the Group’s electric models. With reference to Prince Carl Philip’s test drives, the Volkswagen Brand Board Member for Technical Development, Dr. Frank Welsch, commented: “Prince Carl Philip of Sweden is a talented racing driver and an expert on cars. He was a successful participant in the Porsche Carrera Cup Scandinavia from 2008 to 2011. And he visited the Rally Sweden and the Volkswagen Motorsport team. I am delighted that an acknowledged specialist is one of the first to test our new generation of electric vehicles that will hit the market from 2020. Sweden will be one of the major sales markets for our ID.” His Royal Highness Prince Carl Philip met with 34 Swedish startup entrepreneurs in Germany for Hannover Messe 2019 on his visit to the Volkswagen Smart.Production:Lab in the IT:City, Wolfsburg. These selected startups participated in an Innovation Day at Volkswagen where concepts and innovations such as electrically-powered automated transport concepts and virtual reality solutions as well as machine learning and artificial intelligence software tools were presented. The event was designed to intensify Swedish-German cooperation in the field of innovative manufacturing technologies and Industry 4.0. The Volkswagen Group is one of the largest industrial investors in Sweden. Scania invested €2.4 billion in Sweden in the last ten years. Scania produces trucks and buses in Europe, South America and Asia and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of sustainable transport solutions. 96,500 trucks and buses were delivered to customers in 2018 – 19,000 of which were built at the Swedish plant in Södertälje. 20,700 of Scania’s total workforce of 52,100 are employed in Sweden. In early 2018, Scania invested €10 million in the battery manufacturing company Northvolt. The collaboration concerns the industrial scale production of battery cells. A joint research consortium called European Battery Union led by Volkswagen and Northvolt was announced recently. The consortium is applying for funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy to finance the research, development and industrial scale production of battery technology. Furthermore, the Volkswagen Group is one of the largest car manufacturers in Sweden. 103,000 passenger cars and 16,700 trucks from the Group were registered in Sweden in 2018, accounting for a 27.4 percent share of the passenger car market and a 30 percent share of the truck market. The Volkswagen Golf, Passat and Tiguan are among the top ten passenger car models in Sweden’s registration statistics, putting Volkswagen in second place behind Volvo. Electric vehicles accounted for a market share of eight percent in Sweden in 2018. The Volkswagen Passat GTE Leslie Bothge- photos Volkswagen
02.04.2019 / MaP
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Ford Sponsors 30 Team SA Athletes for Special Olympics in Abu Dhabi
•    Over R1-million sponsorship provided by Ford for 30 special needs athletes•    2019 Special Olympics Summer World Games takes place from 14 to 21 March•    SA National Team will compete in football, futsal (five-a-side female soccer), table tennis, equestrian, bocce, open-water swimming,
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Who said this industry was a man’s world?
•    Women are behind several innovations that have shaped the automotive sector•    Lane markings, turn signals and rear view mirrors all have the hallmark of a female creative mind•    The industry added most of these inventions as standard equipment even though they were rarely paten
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Audi A3 Sportback g-tron available to order beginning on March 7
Starting the New Model Year with a Longer CNG Range Noticeable power boost thanks to new engine with 131 metric hp        Tank concept enables pure CNG range (WLTP) of around 400 kilometers (248.5 miles)  
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Audi Now Ranks 1st and 2nd in Endurance Test by “Auto Bild”
New Evidence of Top Quality:    The A4 Avant 2.0 TFSI covered a distance of 100,000 kilometers without any problems and performed outstandingly, achieving a grade of 1        Audi places first and second in &l
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Audi installs used lithium-ion batteries in factory vehicles
The brand applies used batteries from electric cars in its own production plant        Testing of second-use concept at the Ingolstadt site  A second life for batteries from electric car
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Opel Corsa 120Y Special Edition
Extra Styling & SpecificationsOpel's core brand characteristic is to always offer customers more than they expect in the respective vehicle class.In celebration of our brand's solid reputation and OPEL's 120 years in the vehicle i
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The Ferrari F8 Tributo is revealed
A tribute to the most powerful V8 engine ever Ferrari F8 Tributo, the new mid-rear engined sports car that represents the highest expression of the company's classic two-seater berlinetta. Its name is an homage to both the model's
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McLaren poised to redefine the rules of Grand Touring
   McLaren announces intention to introduce a new Grand Tourer    Announcement made by CEO, Mike Flewitt, during McLaren’s Geneva press conference    Image released of a camo
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Leading photographer presents "Phantom off Duty"
Witnessing the ‘Gentleman’s Tourer’ at the Geneva motor show, automotive culture photographer, Mark Riccioni, voiced a desire to capture this significant motor car in a fashion befitting of its spirit: disruptive, imperious and unapologetically contemporary.  
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Axel Andorff, new SEAT Vice-president for R&D
   As of 1st March he will be replacing Dr. Matthias Rabe, who will lead the new Technical Development Operations area at the Volkswagen brand following 8 years as member of the SEAT Executive Committee    The new Vice-president has close to 20 years’ experience at Daimler    He will be responsible f
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Lighting Technology for Everyone: Opel Astra Turns Night into Day
120 Years of Opel Automobile Production     Anniversary offer: Astra “120 Years“ special edition at attractive prices    Making cars since 1899: Best lighting has a
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Selezione Lamborghini Certified Pre-Owned
Automobili Lamborghini launches Selezione Lamborghini Certified Pre-Owned, a new, comprehensive certification program for pre-owned cars sold through the authorized Lamborghini dealer and service center network worldwide. Selezione Lamborghini p
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The day the Popemobile was spared
The history of a brand    A fire in SEAT’s factory in Barcelona jeopardised the brand’s historic car collection    Swift action taken by SEAT personnel and fire-fighters prevented damage to the vehicles    The collection features gems such as a Popemobile, the second last 600 e
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superautoreviews · 6 years
2020 Volkswagen Truck Interior, Price, Exterior, Release Date
New Post has been published on https://www.vwcartrend.com/2020-volkswagen-truck-interior-price-exterior-release-date/
2020 Volkswagen Truck Interior, Price, Exterior, Release Date
2020 Volkswagen Truck Interior, Price, Exterior, Release Date – Even though Volkswagen functions very well with the mid-size Amarok pickup truck on the world-wide market, the Sports utility vehicles are the fabric in which this manufacturer develops in the US. Nonetheless, right after VW unveiled the American flavour, mid-size Atlas, the 2020 Volkswagen Truck Concept debuted at the Nyc Auto Show as well as introduced the coming of a different unibody truck to the US. VW declared that the development type is not in the prepare, but the company wishes to sense the pulse of the consumers.
2020 Volkswagen Truck Exterior
The Tanoak Concept is based on the few-row Atlas SUV and other than the colourful exterior design, it borrows a lot from the SUV model. With the Pilot- SUV-centered Ridgeline truck and Hyundai’s assurance to take the unibody pickup truck by the end of the decade, the Tanoak Concept-primarily based truck would start an additional unibody building and the SUV-like-driving a vehicle mid-size pickup truck on the road. No concerns that when VW would start the 2020 Volkswagen Truck before long, the company would implement the similar recipe as Honda did having its unibody Ridgeline truck. The Ridgeline makes use of the Pilot SUV-derived platform and working devices, and the Tanoak Concept is according to VW’s MQB platform that underpins the Atlas SUV.
2020 Volkswagen Truck Exterior
2020 Volkswagen Truck Interior
And despite VW states, it has a lot more room for development in the SUV range in the US the pickup truck variation would bring new prospective buyers and open up a new income-generating niche for the manufacturer. And extraordinarily, VW would not need a lot of work to transform the concept model to the manufacturing-completely ready kind. So, regardless of that no signs from VW that the new truck comes, how could it seem and carry out if this arrives at the 2020 Volkswagen Truck.
2020 Volkswagen Truck Interior
2020 Volkswagen Truck Engine
The Tanoak concept makes the best with Atlas’ 3.6-litre V-6 engine. This engine in combination with the 8-speed auto transmission can produce 275 hp and torque of 266 pound-toes. The Concept type is also the four-tire push model, and VW claims 60 miles per hour in 8.5 secs because of this gear. The creation version would, of course, offer the two-wheel generate in lower marks and a 4-cylinder engine obtainable in the Atlas SUV also need to be in the products checklist. This 2.-liter turbo-three engine in the Truck application form provides 235 horsepower and 258 pound-ft of torque.
2020 Volkswagen Truck Concept
2020 Volkswagen Truck Release Date And Price
VW has not commented on the rumours about the 2020 Volkswagen Truck. The model can have equivalent starting up the price as the new Truck model around $30,000.
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myautowallpaper · 3 years
Get 42 Awesome Worst concept cars Picture
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Icona Nucleus Is A Driving Enthusiast S Worst Nightmare Carscoops Car Interior Sketch Design Concept Cars
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Kia Electric Suv Fresh Kia Futuron Concept Anticipando Un Suv Coupe Electrico Concept Cars Kia Automotive Design
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50 Worst Cars Ever Made Yeah Motor Three Wheeled Car Concept Cars Cars
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The 50 Worst Cars Of All Time Time Concept Cars Good Looking Cars Motor Car
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The Best And Worst Concept Cars Of 2019 Top Speed Concept Cars Design Futuristic Cars
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Captur Concept Car Volkswagen Concept Cars Cars Automotive Design Concept Cars Car Volkswagen Bmw Electric Car
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Best And Worst Truck Concepts That Were Never Built Motor Trend Concept Cars Concept Cars Vintage Ford Ranger
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Best And Worst Truck Concepts That Were Never Built Motor Trend Concept Cars Cool Trucks Concept Car Design
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Icona Nucleus Is A Driving Enthusiast S Worst Nightmare Carscoops Geneva Motor Show Concept Cars Concept
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Tesla S Cybertruck Is Perhaps The Most Advanced Worst Designed Truck In Modern Automotive History Tesla Trucks Concept Cars
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anthonycalascione · 3 years
Ever go to an event where all the cars were the same color?
When cars and trucks are being produced, there is an early stage known as the “body in white.” The phrase applies to completed body shells as they head into the paint shop for color to be applied. 
Perhaps taking the concept of “body in white” a giant step further, 
Guglielmo Miani, who heads Italian fashion brand Larusmiani, thought it would be great fun to stage a road rally, but only for cars wearing white paint, and thus the inaugural Fuori Concorso was held in the California desert early in 2020, with a second was later in the year on the Italian island of Sardinia.
It’s not unusual for red cars to dominate at Ferrari events, or black cars at a Model T club gathering, but what would you think about staging a car show or driving event exclusively for cars of a certain color? 
Or here’s an alternative: A car show where cars are parked neither at random nor by marque or model or model year, but by color? 
British Motor Show launches robot competition
These robots are made from car parts
Did you miss World Recycling Day? It was held recently and the British Motor Show used the occasion to launch a Car Robot Competition as part of its “Crazee Creations” category. 
So how does it work? 
“The Car Robot Competition will see showgoers able to create their own battle-style robots using old car parts, ahead of the show, to fight head-to-head in an arena, which will form a central part of the Show’s Crazee Car Corner, where you will find the weird and the wonderful, from monster trucks to modified cars,” motor show organizers announced.
“Participants are invited to design their very own robot, static or mobile, using recycled car parts. The robots will then be judged for style and creativity before a winner is announced… Teams are invited from schools, colleges, companies, or just groups of friends and individuals.”
The show’s Crazee Car Corner will feature a display of “modified cars, mental motorbikes, oddball caravans, upcycled automotive art and extreme machines. If you like the unusual, you’ll love the Crazee area.”
“The British Motor Show is about cars of all ages, shapes and sizes – it’s a celebration of cars in all their forms and the Crazee Corner is where those are taken to the extreme” said Andy Entwistle, the motor show’s chief executive. “That makes it the perfect place for visitors to create their own car robot creations and let their automotive imaginations run wild – and there’ll be some cool prizes on offer, too.”
The show is scheduled for August 19-22. For more information, visit the show website.
Beaulieu’s ‘Simply’ shows launch May 23
The 2014 Volkswagen XL1 was a diesel-electric 2-seat hybrid vehicle. Only 250 of the $130,000 vehicles were scheduled to be produced
British home computer producer Clive Sinclair also produced 1-person electric-powered tricycles called the Sinclair C5 but sold only 5,000 of them
The British National Motor Museum at Beaulieu opens its series of “Simply” car shows on May 23 with Simply Electric, a showplace for electric and hybrid cars and motorcycles and bicycles.
Organizers are particularly interested in any vintage electric vehicles and in classics that have been converted to electric powertrains.
The event will be the first of 15 such one-marque or one-type of vehicle shows scheduled to be staged this year at the British museum.
For more information and a full schedule, visit the museum website.
2 Jet Z Hot Wheels car set for Carlisle Imports show
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2Jet Z won the national Hot Wheels competition held at the 2018 SEMA Show in Las Vegas | Larry Edsall photo
2 Jet Z, a home-built creation that became a Hot Wheels toy, will be among the vehicles featured May 14-15 at the annual Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals at the Carlisle Fairgrounds in Pennsylvania.
Built by Luis Rodriguez and powered by 630-horsepower version of the 2JZ engine from the Toyota Supra, the car looks like a fighter-jet cockpit on wheels. In 2018, the car was selected as a grand national champion of such full-scale Hot Wheels cars and was shrunk to 1:64 scale to become a real Hot Wheels die-cast toy.
In addition to 2 Jet Z, Rodriguez will show his newest creation, Scorp*lon, a car inspired by one of Syd Mead’s vehicles in the movie Thon.
The Import & Performance showcase also will feature a Volvo celebration, 20 years of the Honda K-Series, 30 years of the Toyota 2JZ engine and 50 years of Opel Manta.
Forest Grove concours postponed
The 48th annual Forest Grove Concours d’Elegance has been postponed until July 17, 2022, the organizing committee has announced. The event is held on the campus of Pacific University, which has become a coronavirus vaccination site.
2021 car show and concours calendar
The following are dates currently set (but subject to change) for a variety of concours d’elegance, car shows and driving tours scheduled during 2021:
10 – Meadowbrook Park, Prairie Village, Kansas; 16-18, Goodguys at Scottsdale, Arizona; 19-22, AACA Southeastern Division Chain of Lakes Tour, Florida; 21-25 – Spring Carlisle, Pennsylvania; 23-25 – Goodguys North Carolina Nationals, Raleigh; Derbuy GT tour, Belgium; 24 — Carolina Cruise, Kannapolis to Concord, North Carolina; 25 – Simply Aston Martin, Beaulieu, UK; 30-May 1, Darryl Starbird’s National Rod & Custom Show, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
1 – Big Displacement Showcase, Seal Cove, Maine; McPherson College CARS Club, Kansas; 1-2 – Keels & Wheels, Seabrook, Texas; 9 – Mother’s Day, KC Auto Museum, Olathe; Simply Vauxhall, Beaulieu, UK; 14-15 – Carlisle Import & Performance Nationals, Pennsylvania; 15 – Vintage Travel Trailer Rally, Hickory Corners, Michigan; 15-16, Goodwood Members’ Meeting, UK: 16 – Simply Audi, Beaulieu, UK; 20-23 – Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance, Amelia Island, Florida; AACA Founders Tour, Davis, West Virginia; 21-23 – Goodguys Salt Lake Nationals, Utah; 23 – Simply Electric, Beaulieu, UK; 28-30 – Goodguys Nashville Nationals, Tennessee
2 – GM on Display, Macungie, Pennsylvania; 2-6, Retromobile, Paris, France, AACA Eastern Divisional Tour, Cambridge, Maryland; 4-6 – Carlisle Ford Nationals, Pennsylvania; Street Machine Nationals, DuQuoin, Illinois; Goodguys All Star Get-Together, Fort Worth, Texas; 5-6, Friends of Steve McQueen, Chino Hills, California; 6, Albuquerque Lowrider Super Show, New Mexico, Simply Porsche, Beaulieu, UK; 8-10 – London Concours, UK; 12 – Drop Top Showcase, Seal Cove, Maine; Oddballs & Obscurities, KC Auto Museum, Olathe; 12-13 – Cincinnati concours, Ohio; E-type 60 years, Shelsley Walsh, UK; 13 – Mini Cooper Day, Beaulieu, UK; 17-19, AACA Eastern Spring Nationals, Saratoga, New York; Simply VW, Beaulieu, UK; 18-19 – Micro-Mini Car World, Hickory Corners, Michigan; 19 – All Air-Cooled Gathering, Hickory Corners, Michigan; 20 – Father’s Day, KC Auto Museum, Olathe; Blackhawk Museum, Danville, California; Hot Rod & Custom cars, Beaulieu, UK; 25-26 – Carlisle GM Nationals, Pennsylvania; 25-26 – Congress of Motorcars, Hickory Corners, Michigan; 26 – Miles through Time, Clarkesville, Georgia; 27 – Oldsmobiles & Orphans, Hickory Corners, Michigan; Simply Jaguar, Beaulieu, UK
Have an event to add? Email details to [email protected].
The post Ever go to an event where all the cars were the same color? appeared first on ClassicCars.com Journal.
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connorrenwick · 4 years
The Coolest Modern RVs, Trailers and Campers
Whether you’re an occasional camper looking for something small to pull to your next campsite or you want a top-of-the-line, no-expense-spared Xpedition vehicle, we got you covered. We scoped out some of our favorite recreational vehicles that do away with the typical aesthetics they’re general known for and focused on the modern variety that have been popping up more and more as people look to get away. Take a look at six of our favorite modern RVs, XVs, campers, and caravans.
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The DROPLET is a compact teardrop trailer decked out with a light-filled, insulated shell that fits a queen size bed for a good night’s sleep. The large windows are perfect for stargazing or if you’re looking for privacy, the shades come down for added coziness. A sheltered kitchen is on the back of the trailer making it easy to fix meals while still enjoying everyone’s company outside. The DROPLET is lightweight enough to be towed by a MINI Cooper or Volkswagen Golf, so there’s no need to upgrade to a truck or SUV to haul it to your next destination.
Airstream Basecamp 20
New for 2021, the Airstream Basecamp 20 trailer is an upgrade from the top-selling Basecamp 16 with additional room and added features for those seeking to venture onto more rugged terrain. The new model separates the sleeping and eating spaces allowing the rear bed to remain setup during the day while still having room to dine in the front. The dinette easily converts to an extra sleeping space for kids or guests. There’s also the option to get the Basecamp 20X that’s off-road ready with 12 inches of ground clearance and front stone guard protection.
Airstream Basecamp 20
The all-mighty EarthRoamer vehicles are not like any other – they’re the true baller of a modern RV. In fact, they’re considered XVs – Xpedition Vehicles. They’re hand built in Colorado with the highest quality materials and a real attention to detail. They’re durable, all-in-one packages with everything built right in, including the Ford truck that drives it. While the EarthRoamer is made to handle tough, off-road adventures, they’re like luxury apartments on wheels that will probably make you never venture into a tent ever again.
The Mehrzeller, which we fell in love with back in 2010, is probably unlike anything you’ve passed on the road with its faceted exterior that will probably make you wonder what in the world is happening inside it. In all actuality, it’s a customizable, multicellular caravan that’s a step up from the Airstream or your typical campers. The same faceted surfaces show up on the mostly white interior making this a great option for people who don’t want to leave their modern aesthetic back at home. Unfortunately, we think this is still a concept, but we hope it happens soon!
Happier Camper
Happier Camper adds a touch of nostalgia with their travel trailers that have a distinctly classic, retro-modern feel. If you’re looking for affordable adventures, these ultra-light campers might be your thing. Each one features their Adaptiv
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modular interior so you can customize it when you’re out on the road for camping, hauling, or as guest quarters, in a matter of minutes. They also have a ton of features you can add-on, like shower fittings, digital heaters, iPad/tablet docking station, solar panels, and a lightweight air conditioner. Despite its compact size, the modern RV sleeps five!
Happier Camper
Safari Condo
Canadian-based Safari Condo’s teardrop camper is another lightweight alternative to the larger variety. While it’s a compact teardrop design, their Alto R models feature electric, retractable roofs giving more interior space when parked. The aerodynamic exterior will help keep gas costs low without compromising the extra living space larger, heavier campers offer. With the option to sleep 3-4 people, along with the typical comforts most trailers offer (toilet, dinette area, kitchenette), the interior boasts a clean, modern aesthetic.
Safari Condo
Limited Edition Pendleton® National Park Foundation
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Airstream® Travel Trailer
Definitely one of the most recognizable brands out there, the Airstream, with its sleek silver exterior, is the longest-tenured recreational vehicle manufacturer in North America. The iconic brand partnered with another well-known American company, Pendleton Woolen Mills, for a limited edition Airstream in 2016. With just 100 made, the Limited Edition Pendleton® National Park Foundation
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Airstream® Travel Trailer, paid tribute to our nation’s parks and all the great adventure possibilities out there. The 28-foot trailer slept six and was outfitted with a lodge-like feel with national park-inspired Pendleton decor and bedding, all geared around enhancing the outdoor adventure experience. Despite the fact that it’s long since sold out, we still love the design.
Limited Edition Pendleton® National Park Foundation
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Airstream® Travel Trailer
via http://design-milk.com/
from WordPress https://connorrenwickblog.wordpress.com/2020/09/07/the-coolest-modern-rvs-trailers-and-campers/
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esytes69 · 4 years
Hottest cars of 2020 that turned cold due to Covid-19
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A total Ferrari production halt on March 14 included production of the 611-horsepower, V8 Roma, which was supposed to roll into dealerships toward the end of the year. By Hannah Elliott and Kyle Stock At least three years and about $1 billion. That’s roughly what it takes to make a new vehicle, from drafting table to dealerships. Car companies live and die by that long-range gamble—but every once in a while, the bet coincides with an economic disaster. The coronavirus pandemic and its attendant recession may be the worst time to launch a car since, well, since we’ve had cars. Selling a Model A was a tough task during the Great Depression, but at least dealerships were open and some assembly lines still humming. The global auto industry of 2020 is witnessing an unprecedented, near-instantaneous drop in demand as potential customers steer clear of car lots, and dealers close up shop to comply with public health mandates. Volkswagen, Honda, Hyundai, and Mazda each reported a more than 40% decline in U.S. sales last month. For the year, S&P expects global auto sales to plummet almost 15%. For sales of the most anticipated cars of 2020, the timing couldn’t be worse. In a normal economy, the first few months for any shiny new machine are relative magic. Overeager customers clamor for the fanciest, most profitable versions, and dealers seldom have to offer discounts or incentives. Now, every sale (done online or over the phone) will be considered a coup. What’s more, the newest machines aren’t just grocery getters—they’re the result of product decisions made during one of the industry’s hottest streaks—the fruits of bull market research and development. Many are bold bids for incremental business, niche cars that might not have received a green light in a shakier economy. Among them are a few futuristic electric vehicles, which suddenly must contend with some of the lowest gas prices on record. Others are six-figure speed machines that were banking on Wall Street bonuses and swelling stock markets, neither of which seem likely in 2020. What follows are some of most needle-moving whips rolled out in years—all for a pre-coronavirus world. With would-be buyers now focused on the grave crisis at hand, this is less a preview of automaker glory than a wistful look at what might have been. SUVs The much-anticipated new Land Rover Defender launches this year with the historic brand’s manufacturing sites shuttered. While the vehicle’s release remains on schedule, the first media test drives planned for April were predictably canceled. The good news for the British automaker though is that the off-road rig, a stalwart of British royalty for four decades, got a fair amount of publicity last year: The Defender’s official debut took place at the 2019 Los Angeles Auto Show, and it has been making the rounds on Instagram ever since. Along with the Defender, the reborn Ford Bronco is one of the most hyped vehicles in years. In 1996, Ford parked the Bronco name (which dates back to the mid-1960s) after O.J. Simpson provided the worst kind of publicity. In subsequent years, the seminal SUV became a design icon and collector’s item as Jeep took over ownership of the off-road adventure market. We were supposed to see the new Bronco on April 2, but its debut has been delayed. In North America alone, the pandemic is destroying $12 billion in potential sales each week while scrapping 331,000 vehicles that would otherwise have come off of assembly lines, according to Bloomberg Intelligence. Still, U.S. automakers like Ford hope the second half of 2020 will allow them to make up some lost ground. Crosstown rival Chevrolet has turned to Trailblazer, a nameplate that’s been defunct in the U.S. since 2009, to carry its newest, small, crossover SUV. With an optional three-cylinder engine and a sticker price below $20,000, the little rig is aimed at young, outdoorsy folk. Chevrolet, however, already has three smallish SUVs to sell. Moreover, Kia is aiming for the just-right-size SUV market with its new Seltos, another middle child in a big family. The Seltos began selling in the U.S. in February, before the coronavirus shutdowns began in earnest. For now, the machine is coming from factories in Korea, which are still running. Aston Martin’s make-or-break DBX, another latecomer to the luxury SUV game, is the first of its kind from the 107-year-old brand. The automaker first showed the 542-horsepower DBX at the L.A. Auto Show in November 2019; media drives were planned for May. Those have been postponed and production at all the company’s manufacturing sites halted. Meanwhile, Aston Martin doesn't have working capital and still desperately needs the SUV to deliver drivers. The global crisis and its effect on demand may leave the company in a very bad place. Spokesman Nathan Hoyt says the vehicle’s U.S. launch remains on track for the second half of the year. In the more opulent tier, the upcoming Mercedes Maybach GLS 600 SUV will compete against Bentley's Bentayga and Rolls-Royce’s Cullinan. It has a V8 engine that churns out 550 horsepower and 538 pound-feet of torque, plus a 48-volt “EQ Boost” system that helps smooth out all that power. The machine was scheduled to go on sale in the U.S. in the second half of this year. But with Mercedes manufacturing at a standstill, it’s too early to say if that will remain the case, says a Mercedes representative. Electric Vehicles When it comes to futuristic electric vehicles designed for an $80-a-barrel world, Tesla products remain at the forefront, though the company has remained tightlipped about timing, given current events. The all-electric flatbed Cybertruck that almost broke the internet when it debuted last year is one hanging in the balance. The Blade Runner-style vehicle boasts driving range estimates of up to 500 miles and a zero-to-60 mph sprint of 2.9 seconds. Production is tentatively slated to begin in 2021, and Tesla is already taking deposits, but all this could change. Though initially unwilling, Elon Musk eventually shut down his California factories last month. That shutdown also applies to Tesla’s Model Y, a compact electric SUV the company started delivering to customers in March, but has yet to be seen in the wild in significant numbers. Rivian Motors set out to do for SUVs and trucks what Tesla had done for electric sedans. It promises its R1S will be able to travel 400 miles on a single charge, drive through three feet of water and zip up to 60 mph in three seconds, all with Costco-capable cargo space. Rivian was planning to deliver its first SUV late this year; at the moment, its facilities ate shuttered, including the former Mitsubishi plant in central Illinois, where it was mapping out assembly lines. Ford has also been hustling to finish its Mustang Mach-E, an all-new, all-electric vehicle whose November debut won broad praise for checking three critical boxes: good looks, long range, and performance specs that best gas-powered pony cars. Now, dozens of early versions are cycling among the world of Ford engineers, who disinfect each before continuing work. Pre-coronavirus, Ford said that the number of deposits for the machine was sizable, with a greater-than-expected share from drivers who had never owned a Ford. An additional electric offering has experienced unlikely progress: Against all odds, the fastback Polestar 2, Polestar’s second vehicle and first all-electric car, started production on March 23 at Zhejiang Geely Holding’s plant in Luqiao, China. First unveiled in February 2019 as a fierce potential rival to Tesla, the Polestar 2 produces 408 horsepower and 487 pound-feet of torque, with an estimated range of 292 miles. It remains unclear, though, how many units will be produced or when deliveries might begin. Last month, BMW “e-revealed” the BMW i4 Concept, which had been slated to premier at the since-canceled Geneva Auto Show. The company has yet to show the production version, but it’s expected to be an all-electric sedan that uses an 80-kilowatt-hour battery to get 530 horsepower and 372 miles of driving range. Despite the current closure of BMW production plants, the i4 is expected to start selling toward the end of 2021. Says spokesman Thomas Plucinsky: “We don’t anticipate any delays.” Sports Cars Spurred by a heady stock market, super expensive, super fast sports cars were enjoying a moment until March arrived. Porsche had big plans to roll out the 640-horsepower, muscle-y 911 Turbo S version of its franchise machine with group media drives. Instead, the company delivered the 640-horsepower machines one by one via fleet drivers prepped on disinfection and social distancing. Porsche’s German manufacturing plants in Zuffenhausen and Leipzig have been silent since March 21, and Porchce Experience  Centers in L.A. and Atlanta, where the Porsche-curious take test drives and track lessons, sit empty. The $225,000 Ferrari Roma super car debuted in November in, of course, Rome. But a total Ferrari production halt on March 14 included production of the 611-horsepower, V8 Roma, which was supposed to roll into dealerships toward the end of the year. Ferrari hopes to eventually make up for the lost production with additional shifts. “No material impacts on deliveries and waiting list are foreseen at the moment,” a spokesperson says. Over in England, the $1.7 million McLaren Elva super car packs a punch: 804 horsepower on a V8 engine and rear-wheel drive. It’ll do zero to 124 mph in just 6.7 seconds, which makes it faster than its sibling, the track-suited Senna. McLaren had planned to build just 399 of them, each one customized through the company’s special-ops MSO division and delivered at the end of 2020. “We will continue with all possible design and engineering activities that we can at this stage,” says Roger Ormisher, vice president of communications at McLaren. The carmaker will “then finalize physical development once staff are back at MTC, with the plan to deliver Elva into production as close as we can to Q4 2020.” Finally, Lotus is trying to piece together its first new vehicle in more than a decade. The machine, dubbed Evija, is stunning—and costs $2.1 million. Shaped like a spaceship with trimmed sides and massive wheels, it boasts nearly 2,000 horsepower generated from four electric motors, as well as a zero-to-60 mph sprint of fewer than three seconds. Only 130 will be built by the legendary U.K. automaker. As for when they will be built, that will be determined later. Production has halted at Lotus’s Norwich headquarters while engineers continue tweaking designs from home. “The vehicle development process is as it was—just not in the offices,” says Rob Borrett, a company spokesman. Super car architects, it turns out, are just like the rest of us. They Zoom. Read the full article
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perksofwifi · 5 years
In Photos: 2020 Geneva Auto Show Mega-Gallery
The 2020 Geneva Auto Show didn’t happen at the Palexpo convention center in Switzerland—thanks, coronavirus!—but most automakers didn’t let that stop them from showing off their wares virtually. Some, like BMW, staged livestream press conferences to debut their cars, while other companies simply shot photos and information into the digital ether. While a few new cars, SUVs, and concepts originally planned for the Geneva International Motor Show (GIMS) may still yet break cover, there’s plenty to see right now. Scroll on for a list of the “Geneva debuts,” hit the links to read more about each car, and then slide into the gallery to see all the new rides in high-res glory. And when you’re done, don’t forget to see which vehicles our staff picked as the best of “show” as well as those we think are the most significant. Did this digital event portend the future of auto-show coverage? Time will tell, but for now enjoy everything the 2020 Geneva Auto Show had to (or was supposed to) offer:
2021 Alfa Romeo Giulia GTA
2021 Aston Martin V12 Speedster
2021 Audi A3 Sportback
Automobili Pininfarina Battista Anniversario
BAC Mono
2021 Bentley Mulliner Bacalar
BMW i4 Concept
Brabus 800 XLP G63 AMG Pickup Truck
Bugatti Chiron Pur Sport
Citroën Ami City Car
Cupra Formentor
DS 9 Luxury Sedan
DS Aero Sport Lounge Concept
Hispano-Suiza Carmen Boulogne
2021 Hyundai i20
2021 Hyundai i30
Hyundai Prophecy EV Concept
Koenigsegg Gemera
Koenigsegg Jesko Absolut
Mansory’s Usual Abominations
2020 McLaren 765LT
McLaren GT Verdant Theme by MSO
2021 Mercedes-Benz CLA- and GLA-Class Plug-In Hybrids
2021 Mercedes-AMG E53 Sedan
2021 Mercedes-Benz E-Class
2021 Mercedes-Benz E-Class All-Terrain
2021 Mercedes-AMG GLA 45
2021 Morgan Plus Four
2021 Porsche 911 Turbo S Coupe and Cabriolet
2021 Volkswagen GTD and GTE
2021 Volkswagen GTI
Volkswagen ID 4 Electric SUV
The post In Photos: 2020 Geneva Auto Show Mega-Gallery appeared first on MotorTrend.
https://www.motortrend.com/news/photos-2020-geneva-auto-show-mega-gallery/ visto antes em https://www.motortrend.com
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Europe and the U.S. Share a Lot, Except When It Comes to Cars
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The 2020 Geneva International Motor Show is over before it began. A victim of Covid-19, manufacturers have retooled to unveil new releases “digitally.” We Americans may shrug our shoulders because unlike viruses, many European cars and brands can’t cross continents.Sure, the new Kia Sorento, Volkswagen Golf GTI and Mercedes E-Class that were scheduled to debut on the Geneva show floor will be coming to America, as will the BMW i4 electric sedan that was to be shown as a concept. But the new Seat Leon hatchback and Renault Captur Hybrid will be no-shows here in the United States. There are many reasons there will be no Dacia Dusters in Delaware driveways.First off, Americans are not starved for choices. As the second-largest automotive market in the world after China, the United States has dozens of brands to browse.“As attractive as the U.S. market is, it’s saturated,” said Stephanie Brinley, principal analyst for IHS Markit. “In the States, consumers are confused with all of the choices; it can be overwhelming.”True enough. In the past 25 years or so, Suzuki, Daewoo and Daihatsu have left our shores. Scion, Geo, Saab, Eagle, Plymouth, Mercury, Saturn, Pontiac and Oldsmobile have joined Studebaker on that great off ramp.For some European brands, coming to the United States means new dealerships and parts distribution. That’s expensive. Vehicles must pass our government emissions, safety and lighting requirements. That’s very expensive. And how does a company market an expensive product to consumers who are loyal to existing brands? That’s bottomless-money-pit expensive.Even with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles’ existing network of Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep franchisees, it has struggled to get Americans to fully embrace the Fiat and Alfa Romeo brands. A newcomer to the U.S. market would need a Caddy full of euros to introduce a brand. And by Caddy, I mean the Volkswagen Caddy, which is a small van used for deliveries and family hauling. And no, we don’t get it either.People of each continent use their vehicles differently. “Americans like large vehicles and S.U.V.s that do 100 percent of everything,” Ms. Brinley of IHS said. “We plan for the most extreme-use case, while Europeans are more comfortable squeezing things into a small space.”While traveling in Slovenia recently, I met the musician and Wudisban Records executive Marko Kocjan, known as Emkej, who drives a Skoda Octavia wagon, a VW product the size of the Golf SportWagen (that just left our market because of sluggish sales). In Ljubljana, Slovenia, the Octavia is a popular, though larger, choice.“Me and my fiancée, Ajda Perme, came to the conclusion we needed a safer car and wanted extra room in the back for snowboarding and transporting music equipment to concerts. I love its space.”American musicians would probably find the Octavia wagon far too small to haul keyboards, guitars, drums and amps. But like many European buyers, Mr. Kocjan makes the Skoda work.“It is a car we can afford, plus the tax rate and fuel costs are in our range,” he said.Many European countries tax vehicles on size, weight, engine size and fuel consumption at a far higher rate than our states.So while there’s a more powerful 2-liter engine, Mr. Kocjan’s Octavia is driven by the smaller, more efficient 1.6-liter diesel with a five-speed manual transmission (rowing your own gears is much more popular in Europe).Americans would find that powertrain pokey and inconvenient. It might be more appealing to Missourians — who pay around $2 per gallon, according to AAA — if they had to pay triple the price. That’s what Italians pay when filling up. You’re more likely to see Bigfoot sipping espresso there than a thirsty Chevrolet Tahoe.And size matters to both continents, just not in the same way. No one needs to point out that America likes its trucks. Ford’s F-150 has been the best-selling vehicle (not just pickup truck) in America for over 30 years, but it is not officially sold in Europe.With low fuel prices, we’re more likely to pick something larger and more comfortable to cover that ground. “We have a lot more room to spread out,” said Ray Telang, U.S. automotive leader for PricewaterhouseCoopers. “The U.S. market is filled with buyers who value size, they want S.U.V.s. The footprint of the U.S. has more rural areas. We are not as constrained by space.“The European buyer drives narrower roads, pays a lot more for fuel and has to find a place to store the car in more crowded cities. Smaller works better there.”But Mr. Telang also said the tastes were merging a bit. “As crossovers become more fuel efficient, the demand is accelerating in Western Europe, just not to the same level as in the U.S.”Hatchbacks and wagons have always been popular choices overseas, and it can be argued those are close cousins to crossovers when it comes to usability and practicality.Generally, European S.U.V.s are smaller than three-row models such as the Chevy Traverse, Honda Pilot and Toyota Highlander that we buy in droves. Ford is a popular brand in Europe, but there are few Explorers there. And you will see far more Jeep Renegades overseas than Wranglers.The huge VW Atlas that’s built in Chattanooga, Tenn., has been rebadged the Teramont in many foreign markets. And even though VW makes the midsize pickup Amarok, it’s not sold in our truck-loving country.And then there’s design. In the home of the brave, we’re timid when it comes to styling.Our roads are crammed with Honda Accords, Toyota Camrys and Nissan Rogues that roll with safe designs.We would rather be seen in a Pontiac Aztek than the Fiat Multipla, which is best described as the only transportation device with a muffin top. A Citroën Berlingo would be roomy enough for our market, but the sheet metal would probably be ostracized.Europeans are often willing to try different things, like the old three-wheeled BMW Isetta and Reliant Robin. The elfin Smart car made a noble stab at our market, but is leaving it while remaining in Europe. The oddly cladded flanks of Citroen’s C4 Cactus crossover would probably not generate much U.S. interest.We don’t see Vauxhall or Opel cars circling cul-de-sacs, but the best of Europe’s automotive industries have influenced our cars in many ways. Volvo and Saab pioneered many safety technologies we now take for granted. BMW fundamentally changed the way cars performed with firm but comfortable suspensions.It forced Cadillac (which has a minor presence overseas) to abandon its soft floaty ride for a much crisper dynamic. Americans wouldn’t rule out Peugeots or Skodas because of the way they drive. On my last visit to Europe, I enjoyed the dynamics of a rental Renault Clio. The small four-door hatchback was comfortable on the highway and attacked curves with spunk. The small engine did not pack much punch, but I appreciated its efficiency after pulling into gas stations with fuel prices at $1.45 a liter. Yeah, remember, there are nearly four of those in a gallon.It’s human nature to desire forbidden fruit, but maybe it’s best we stick to what we have. Automakers know their markets very well.Mr. Kocjan of Slovenia said: “I wanted a Cadillac Escalade when I was a kid, but now I see how big they are and I don’t know. I would love to have a Mustang … for a few days.”Years ago, an Opel Insignia wagon cruising through Rome caught my wife’s eye. She was tempted to buy when the stylish machine ended up stateside rebadged as the Buick Regal TourX, but she did not pull the trigger. That’s what counts.After just a few years it’s been discontinued, partly because of, you guessed it, lack of sales. Read the full article
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123designsrq · 5 years
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Concept cars are a strange animal. Sometimes they’re purely designed for fun, like Jeep’s Easter time Safari selection each year. Other occasions, the cars really are utilized to produce a production model. Sometimes the main difference between your concept and also the production vehicle makes you feel just a little disappointed or completely surprised. Whenever there’s a car show, you are able to be assured Mitsubishi concept car is getting a brand new concept to have an Sports utility vehicle. Situation in point, the 2019 Tokyo, japan Motor Show may be the venue where Mitsu has unveiled today the significantly styled Mi-Tech, which mixes a questionable design having a complicated powertrain all obsessed with a little Sports utility vehicle package. The concept behind the idea would be to think of the buggy for the future, including a new interpretation of Mitsubishi’s bold “Dynamic Shield” front fascia with copper accents. The polarizing grille is between T-formed headlights delivering out a higher-tech vibe. The huge square wheel arches attract all of the attention when searching in the side profile, while the lack of doorways denotes the vehicle’s buggy-esque personality. The trunk finish formed just like a hexagon and also the taillights transporting exactly the same “T” theme lead towards the Mi-Tech’s striking appearance. Made to embody Mitsubishi’s concept car slogan of ‘driving your ambition’, the Mi-Tech was unveiled in the Tokyo, japan Motor Show like a indisputable fact that explores new limitations for future years consumer in addition to the organization. The little plug-in hybrid electric Sports utility vehicle includes a battery right underneath the passenger seat, or even a gas-turbine engine-generator rather of the traditional gasoline engine. This gas-turbine is exactly what sets the Mi-Tech concept apart, as it's not only power-efficient, additionally, it operates on quite a number of fuels, from gas to oil, to even flammable alcohol, based on what’s really available. It will all of this and keep a clear exhaust, answering any ecological concerns. Mi-Tech has a four-wheeled drive, a signature feature that’s part of Mitsubishi’s bloodstream, as well as features the MI-PILOT, a person-assistance technology that actually works not only on paved roads, but on off-road trails. 2020 cars and trucks 2020 suvs worth waiting for 2021 cars future cars 2025 2020 coupes concept cars 2019 2020 ford bronco new suv 2020 Read the full article
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jeffrey2garner · 5 years
2019 LA Auto Show: Six Star Cars
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With the 2019 LA Auto Show just a week away, now’s the perfect time to take a quick look at some of the new models set to be unveiled in the LA Convention Center. Below we’ve listed a half-dozen of our favorites, plus be sure to visit the CarGurus Facebook page and CarGurus YouTube channel during the LA Show press days on November 20th and 21st for updates.
Without further ado, here are six cars that have already piqued our interest.
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Ford Mustang Mach-E
Two things tell you all you need to know about the faith Ford has in its all-new and all-electric SUV. First, there’s the name—because you don’t call something a Mustang without also inviting intense scrutiny about its heritage, positioning, and performance. Mustang it is, though, albeit with an added “Mach-E” for good measure.
Second is the fact that Ford’s opening press surrounding the car hasn’t detailed its drivetrain or performance, but simply informed customers that it’ll be taking pre-orders (via a deposit) the moment the official unveil ends on November 18. Now that’s confidence.
Among the options for those pre-ordering a car will be to go for a lavish First Edition model, although Ford stresses that “timing will be critical” for anybody looking to secure a vehicle in this spec. Whatever Mustang Mach-E takes your fancy, it’s hard not to think that with the right styling and performance, this could be one of the hottest cars to go on sale in 2020.
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Audi RS Q8
It is unlikely anybody could come away from a drive in Audi’s Q8 and think that what it really needs is more power. However, the imminent arrival of the RS Q8 will provide precisely that, courtesy of Audi Sport’s twin-turbocharged 4.0-liter V8. With what is likely to be around 600 hp and 590 lb-ft of torque, the RS Q8 is expected to get from 0-62 mph in just 3.8 seconds and has already lapped the Nürburgring Nordschleife in 7:42:2. That—because we know you’re wondering—is a record for a production SUV.
The RS Q8 will be joined in LA by Audi’s latest RS 6 Avant, which is making its debut on US soil along with its five-door coupe sibling, the RS 7. Powered by the same V8 as the RS Q8, the RS 6 can get from 0-62 mph in just 3.6 seconds. Having never been offered in the US before, it’ll be interesting to see if Audi’s muscular estate is as well-received here as it has been with European buyers.
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Porsche 911 Manual
The debut of an old-fashioned manual transmission in a car that’s already been for sale for almost a year would not be normally deemed newsworthy. But when the car in question is a Porsche 911, things are a little different. To a non-car person the surprise would grow further upon learning that by gaining a manual, the latest 992-generation 911 becomes slower rather than faster; for that, thank the fact that Porsche’s dual-clutch automatics now change gear so quickly it’s simply not possible to match them when you throw human limbs into the equation. As a guide, Porsche is quoting a 0-60 time of around 4.0 seconds for the 992 Carrera S manual versus 3.3 for the PDK automatic.
However, speed is not everything in a performance car. What some buyers also crave is the tactile interaction that a manual offers, whether it’s the weighty feel of the clutch pedal, the precise throw of the shifter, or the joy of a perfectly executed heel-toe downshift. And these are precisely the people Porsche is targeting with the installation of its 7-speed manual in the Carrera S and Carrera 4S versions of the 992. Rumour is these cars—and that gearbox—will be on the stand in LA. Watch this space.
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Bollinger B1 and B2
Slab-sided and right-angle rich, Bollinger’s built-in-Detroit, all-electric, all-aluminum, all-black LA Auto Show debuts look less sleek than any other vehicles expected to hit the show floor. The B1 “sport utility truck” promises all-wheel drive, 10 inches of wheel travel, 15 inches of ground clearance, and a 200-mile range despite its 5,000-pound curb weight. With 614 horsepower, 668 pound-feet of torque, and a list of removable parts and off-roading angles reminiscent of the Jeep Wrangler’s, we can’t help but be intrigued.
The longer B2 electric pickup truck shares the B1’s powertrain, weight, range, and most of its removable parts, not to mention its full-length central pass-through, which in the B2’s case will accommodate cargo up to 16 feet long. Each of these trucks features air conditioning and 10 110-volt outlets (we can’t help but wonder how those will impact range). At $125,000 each, these vehicles aren’t intended for the masses, which is probably fine for now, as Bollinger hasn’t found a production partner yet.
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MINI Cooper John Cooper Works GP and SE
Featuring enough airflow-managing scoops and bulges to shame Ford’s buttressed GT in addition to a huge rear wing/spoiler, the third-generation MINI John Cooper Works GP aims to whet appetites for a limited-edition 3,000-unit high-performance 2020 model. The GP concept and its 301-horsepower turbocharged 2.0-liter 4-cylinder recently lapped the Nürburgring Nordschleife in under 8 minutes, making it the fastest MINI model ever produced. It should reach US showrooms in mid-2020 at a price of $45,750, including an $850 destination fee.
MINI’s stand will also feature the new MINI Cooper SE, an all-new EV based on the MINI Hardtop 2-door launched in 2014. The SE’s electric motor supplies 181 horsepower and 199 lb-ft to the front wheels, getting the car from 0 to 60 in 6.9 seconds on the way to a top speed of 93 mph. A full charge will be possible in as little as 4 hours at home, and charging to 80% can happen as quickly as 35 minutes at a public charging station. The SE should reach dealers in March 2020 at an MSRP of $30,750, including a similar $850 destination fee.
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Volkswagen ID. Space Vizzion Concept
Volkswagen’s fleet of ID. concept cars will welcome its seventh member at the Petersen Auto Museum November 19th with the world debut of the ID. Space Vizzion crossover concept. VW describes this new vehicle as combining the aerodynamics of a gran turismo with the spaciousness of an SUV in a zero-emissions car with a range of up to 300 miles.
Looking like a very long, low, streamlined station wagon, the ID. Space Vizzion, unlike the earlier ID. Vizzion, features a steering wheel and a very large but horizontal digital control panel on the dashboard. Using sustainable interior materials, the cabin features AppleSkin, a vegan alternative to leather that’s made with leftovers from apple-juice production. Volkswagen plans to release a production version in late 2021, with different versions available in North America, Europe, and China.
For more car news, check out these articles:
More Shoppers Consider Owning EVs, CarGurus Survey Finds
CarGurus’ 2018 Top LA Auto Show Cars for Every Lifestyle
Go Green with These Top-Searched EVs
The post 2019 LA Auto Show: Six Star Cars appeared first on The CarGurus Blog.
from The CarGurus Blog https://blog.cargurus.com/2019/11/15/2019-la-auto-show-six-star-cars via Car Gurus from Blogger http://jeffrey2garner.blogspot.com/2019/11/2019-la-auto-show-six-star-cars.html via IFTTT
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numberplates4u-blog · 5 years
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Hyundai Mulls V6 Engine For Production Santa Cruz Pickup
[See image gallery at www.autoguide.com] The Hyundai Santa Cruz pickup could be offered with a high-power V6 engine when it arrives in 2020. Speaking to Motoring, Hyundai Australia product boss Andrew Tuitahi expressed interest in a high power Santa Cruz with a  V6 engine of some sort. He referenced the Volkswagen Amarok’s diesel V6 engine and the 2.7-liter twin-turbo V6 that’s rumored to be offered in the upcoming Ford Ranger as inspiration for the potential V6 Santa Cruz, but stopped short of confirming such a product is in the pipeline. “It’s definitely a consideration,” said Tuitahi. “When we feed back [to Hyundai HQ] with key criteria, one of the elements is cabin appointments, another is engine performance.” “What we’ve seen typically is a four-cylinder diesel workhorse but we’re watching Amarok come with a V6, the Ranger Raptor with a 2.7-litre V6 turbo maybe.” SEE ALSO: Hyundai to Make Santa Cruz Pickup Concept a Reality Cost could put a stop to the performance-minded Santa Cruz, however. Hyundai’s lower pricing relative to the competition draws consumers to the brand, but a Santa Cruz with the 365 horsepower twin-turbocharged V6 from the Kia Stinger, for example, would be an expensive product. “Definitely it’s something we’re mindful of and we’ll watch that space and see what customer acceptance is,” he said, referring to the rumored 2.7-liter Ranger. “They’ll be quite pricey and we’ll need to see if people are willing to pay for those performance trucks.” Hyundai’s pickup is still a few years away, so they’ll have a considerable amount of time to watch the mid-size pickup truck space and see how consumers react to their model structure and pricing. [Source: Motoring]Discuss this story on our Hyundai forum.  The post Hyundai Mulls V6 Engine For Production Santa Cruz Pickup appeared first on AutoGuide.com News.
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VW will have a pickup strategy, and it may be to go where others aren't
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NEW YORK — In what is sure to be music to the ears of his U.S. dealers, Volkswagen Group of America CEO Scott Keogh says the brand will have a pickup strategy. He's just not yet sure what it will be.
Keogh, 50, who assumed the top job at Volkswagen Group of America six months ago after leading Audi, says he believes there is space for VW in the crowded and highly competitive U.S. pickup market. For the second consecutive year, Volkswagen showed a concept pickup at the New York auto show.
The Tarok was developed by VW in South America and is built on the automaker's MQB platform. It has two full rows of seating and a small, squarish bed with an innovative drop wall and folding seats that make for a bed length of more than 8 feet with the tailgate down.
Keogh says the brand has three options with a pickup:
1. Homologate a Ranger-derived, body- on-frame midsize pickup from Ford Motor Co. that will be sold as a replacement for the Amarok across the rest of the world.
2. Develop a unibody midsize lifestyle pickup based on the Atlas crossover, similar to the Tanoak concept VW showed at the 2018 New York auto show
3. Build a car-based, A-segment unibody pickup like the Tarok using the MQB platform in Mexico to keep costs down and import it to the U.S., where it might appeal to consumers who don't want to spend more than $30,000 for a body-on-frame midsize pickup.
The Tarok, Keogh says, "will be made for the South American market [in 2020]. The question we have is, could something like this make sense, with modifications, in the U.S. market?"
VW's history in the U.S. with small, unibody pickups may provide an answer. Forty years ago, the brand used its then-popular Rabbit as the basis for a small, bedded vehicle it simply called the Pickup.
The utilitarian, front-wheel-drive Pickup sported a single row of seating ahead of a 6-foot bed and was identical to a Rabbit from the doors forward.
Sales from its 1979 debut to 1984, after the end of U.S. production in 1983, were 77,512 vehicles, all produced at Volkswagen's former plant in Westmoreland, Pa. Notably, the design lived on in Europe into the 1990s and in South Africa into the mid-2000s.
While the Tarok concept of today and the Pickup of old have little in common, VW's bosses may find the trucks fill similar needs. For the Tarok, Keogh says, "the theory is quite straightforward: It's an A-segment sized vehicle. There's no pickup truck in the U.S. market that is quite that size at all."
While that means there's nothing similar that lets the company gauge potential sales, "there could be a space here," he said. "This is what life's all about."
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If Keogh approves a pickup for the U.S. — Volkswagen Group CEO Herbert Diess told Automotive News in October that the decision is Keogh's to make — entering a segment abandoned by the Detroit 3 may have an appeal.
"The positioning could be, when you extend the bed, in terms of what you can do with the second row, plus what you can do with the tailgate itself, you basically get the length of a B-segment pickup," Keogh said.
"So we kind of like this application where you have the everyday size of an A-segment in terms of parking and driveability and fuel economy — all those types of things — and for the 4 or 5 percent of the time that you engage it in a lifestyle, smart packaging to bring to the vehicle," he said.
Because the Tarok is based on the MQB platform, Keogh said, VW has "a whole host of engines that we could put in there" — up to 300-hp V-6s — so, "I don't think drivetrain is an issue."
If a pickup like the Tarok gets the green light, it would be built in Puebla, Mexico, where Volkswagen builds MQB-platform vehicles and could ship it to North and South America. With Golf production shifting from Puebla back to Germany, Keogh said "there's room" to build it.
Would a Tarok-like pickup be a gamble? Certainly, Keogh said, but that's fine.
"At the end of the day, there is no 100 percent decision in the world," he said. "That's the market receptiveness side of the equation. The other side is, of course, the business model. What does it take to produce it? What's the price point we can hit? What's the capacity? What's the utilization? What's the investment? How do we depreciate the investment?
"We think we can make that work, from our initial study. Now we've got to see what the market says."
[Fonte: Auto News]
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