#2020 Cadillac XTS Changes
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enginerumors · 5 years ago
2020 Cadillac XTS Redesign And Refresh
2020 Cadillac XTS Redesign And Refresh
2020 Cadillac XTS Redesign And Refresh– The enthusiasts of Cadillac along with other auto enthusiasts need to be capable of wait until another early 12 months to see the 2020 Cadillac XTS about the local sellers. For you that are probably incapable of delay any longer and need to find out how it seems and what has been altered and current from this new XTS, this pursuing details about an…
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headslow · 6 years ago
2020 Cadillac XTS: Coupe, Changes, Release date, Photos, and Price
2020 Cadillac XTS: Coupe, Changes, Release date, Photos, and Price
2020 Cadillac XTS: Coupe, Changes, Release date, Photos, and Price. 2020 Cadillac XTS might likely receive a few updates and changes, which will should closely follow those it already received for the 2019 model year. Some of the expectations that we expect should include potential powertrain updates and subtle changes to the exterior color options.
Other than the aforementioned, we largely…
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noah44jacob · 7 years ago
2020 Cadillac XTS Changes, Design and Price Rumor
2020 Cadillac XTS Changes, Design and Price Rumor – The 2020 Cadillac XTS will be one of the primary opponents of the European car models. For these particular some years, it gained reputable placement around the market. It is a premium sedan in all elements. It will come not only with outstanding convenience, and also with a fashionable look and amazing performances. For following year company…
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blogueericdescarries · 5 years ago
Toyota Camry Hybride XLE
Le 10 juillet 2019
Si vous suivez le marché de l’automobile, vous savez déjà que la tendance est aux VUS compacts. De plus, vous avez certainement lu que les ventes des berlines, surtout les intermédiaires, sont en baisse constante. Il fut un temps où les voitures les plus vendues (outre les pick-up) étaient surtout la Toyota Camry et les Ford Fusion. Toutefois, voyant que la demande pour de tels produits était en sérieux déclin, de grands constructeurs comme FCA (Chrysler) d’abord puis Ford se sont mis à mettre en veilleuse la production des berlines (en Amérique). FCA a donc éliminé sa toute récente Chrysler 200 et sa plus petite Dodge Dart de ses lignes d’assemblage alors que Ford a déjà annoncé le retrait de ses Focus, Fusion et Taurus de ses catalogues de 2020. GM suivra sous peu en terminant la production de plusieurs véhicules semblables dont les Chevrolet Cruise, Impala et peut-être même Malibu, la Buick LaCrosse et même la Cadillac XTS (soulignons ici, encore une fois, que ces décisions ne s’appliquent qu’à la production nord-américaine). Toutefois, certains constructeurs japonais comme Nissan et surtout Toyota croient toujours qu’il y aura des acheteurs de berlines et espèrent ainsi s’approprier le marché de la berline intermédiaire. Chez Toyota, cela représente une belle occasion de faire profiter sa lignée de Camry.
Toyota nous a présenté une toute nouvelle Camry l’année dernière. Je vous en ai d’ailleurs fait l’analyse dans ce blog. C’était alors en hiver. Cette fois, je vous reviens avec la Camry mais en version Hybride. Pourquoi en version à  motorisation hybride? Parce que je crois nettement plus à cette forme de motorisation qu’à la voiture électrique. Il n’y a pas si longtemps, je vous avais décrit la Ford Fusion en version PHEV, soit une voiture hybride rechargeable (enfichable). Cette configuration permet au conducteur de parcourir une certaine distance (une trentaine de kilomètres) en configuration électrique seulement et lorsque la batterie se retrouve déchargée, l’auto se transforme en hybride qui est une combinaison du moteur thermique combiné au moteur électrique, Cette formule ne veut pas dire que le véhicule ne coûte rien en essence. Cependant, sa consommation en est fortement réduite et il devient alors plus facile de faire des pleins à 25$ ou 30 $ par semaine plutôt que 70$ ou 75 $. Ce n’est peut-être pas la solution idéale mais c’est, à mes yeux, une solution pratique à un prix plus abordable. Car une berline intermédiaire hybride, c’est moins cher qu’une voiture électrique! (Notez que ce sont les HYBRIDES RECHARGEABLES qui sont admissibles aux rabais gouvernementaux).
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La Toyota Camry Hybride XLE possède une immense calandre qui fait penser à la plus grande Avalon. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Me fiant à mes expériences passées avec les Ford Fusion Hybrid et Energi, j’entrevoyais ma semaine au volant de la Camry Hybrid comme un exercice intéressant. Au départ, je dois vous spécifier que la version Hybride XLE de la Camry se présente avec une calandre différente des autres Camry. En fait, en la voyant, j’ai d’abord cru que c’était une Avalon! L’énorme calandre avec une grille horizontale peut surprendre à prime abord. Elle peut même paraître un peu grotesque, voire même caricaturale. Toutefois, on finit par s’y habituer au point où je la préfère à l’avant de la Camry courante qui met trop en évidence le logo de la marque. Le reste de l’auto demeure une berline effilée aux lignes modernes mais sobres. Toutefois, le toit est un peu bas ce qui demande aux occupants de baisser la tête pour grimper à bord (plusieurs personnes âgées me donnent cette raison pour justifier leur choix d’un VUS aux portières plus hautes!). L’arrière de la voiture est aussi bien profilé (on reconnaît le déflecteur sur le capot du coffre de la version XLE) mais, on aime ou on n’aime pas, c’est selon le goût de chacun. À vous donc de décider.
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Malgré sa ligne fuyante, la Camry a des portières arrière qui permettent un accès facile. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Vu que cette Camry qui me fut prêtée par Toyota Canada était une version XLE relativement élaborée de plus de 40 000 $, on pouvait s’attendre à un intérieur plutôt somptueux. Toutefois, en ouvrant la portière, je me suis retrouvé dans un environnement chic mais sobre. Il n’y avait aucune ornementation kitsch ou superflue. La sellerie noire était élégante mais pas éclatante. On voit sur les photos que la broderie en pointe de diamant se marie bien avec la finition générale de l’habitacle. Le tableau de bord est, lui aussi, d’un dessin assez modeste, discret. L’instrumentation avec messagerie au centre est bien lisible alors que le grand écran central illustre bien les informations de la radio et de la navigation (qui a été facilement consultable).  Bel ajout, on peut maintenant combiner son téléphone Apple avec le tableau de bord de la Camry grâce à la connexion Apple CarPlay (mais pas Android Auto). Il faut mentionner le volant, assez fin et surtout pas trop embarrassé de commandes redondantes.
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Le tableau de bord est d’un dessin sobre mais il est bien aménagé. (Photo Éric Descarries)
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Le design des sièges est agréable à l’œil. (Photo Éric Descarries)
La console entre les sièges d’avant (confortables avec beaucoup d’espace) contient non seulement le levier de changement de vitesses mais aussi des commandes permettant au conducteur de passer du mode «Normal» au mode «Eco» qui enlève un peu de puissance mais qui aide à une meilleure économie de carburant. Le mode «Sport» change le passage des rapports et donne un peu plus de piquant aux performances de l’auto. Il y a aussi d’autres commandes dont une qui dit «EV» et qui permettra au conducteur de se déplacer en mode électrique seulement mais qu’à très basse vitesse (comme lorsqu’on cherche une place de stationnement dans un centre commercial, par exemple). Les places arrière sont généreuses aussi avec beaucoup de débattement pour les jambes. Et même avec le toit ouvrant, il y a suffisamment de place pour la tête…à moins d’être un géant! Et malgré le toit fuyant, on réussit à se glisser facilement sur la banquette arrière.
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Les places arrière sont généreuses. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Si l’on parle du coffre, c’est ici que la Camry Hybride gagne des points face à sa concurrence. Les ingénieurs de Toyota ont su placer les batteries de façon à ce que le plancher du coffre soit relativement plat. Et si le besoin de plus d’espace utile se fait sentir, il n’y a qu’à abaisser les dossiers de la banquette arrière (ce qui ne se fait pas chez plusieurs concurrentes!) et voilà, le tour est joué!
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Le coffre présente de bonnes dimensions. (Photo Éric Descarries)
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Malgré que ce soit une voiture hybride, il est possible de rabattre le dossier des sièges arrière pour agrandir le coffre. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Décrire les éléments techniques de la Camry Hybride demande un peu plus de détails. Le moteur de la berline est un quatre cylindres de 2,5 litres qui fait 176 chevaux. Mais, combiné au moteur électrique, la puissance totale passe à 208 chevaux. La seule boîte de vitesses disponible est une automatique à variation continue (CVT) qui envoie la puissance aux roues avant. Notons que la nouvelle plateforme introduite l’année dernière possède une suspension plus évoluée (bras multiples à l’arrière)  qui permet une meilleure tenue de route malgré le poids plus élevé de cette Camry. Blâmez les batteries au nickel-métal hybride. Les versions LE ont droit aux batteries lithium-ion qui sont plus coûteuses mais qui retiennent mieux la charge. La direction est assistée électrique.
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Tous les éléments techniques sont cachés par des couvercles de plastique. (Photo Éric Descaries)
Sur la route
Avant d’attaquer la route, il faut se rendre compte qu’il ne s’agit pas ici d’une voiture de course ou même d’une voiture de sport. Toutefois, la grande berline de Toyota est vraiment destinée aux longs trajets. Les sièges sont assez confortables (ceux d’avant sont chauffants mais sur le modèle d’essai, ils n’étaient pas ventilés ce qui aurait été apprécié en route vers les Cantons de l’Est!). Les accélérations ne sont pas foudroyantes mais je dirais qu’elles sont bien à la hauteur de la situation, tout comme les reprises d’ailleurs. L’auto ne souffre pas de son poids élevé au point de vue des performances. Cependant, la tenue de route tient plus de la berline très confortable et malgré un comportement respectable, il ne faut pas s’attendre à suivre une Porsche à vive allure sur une route sinueuse. La direction est tendre mais relativement précise alors que le freinage pourrait surprendre les non-initiés quand celui-ci décide de récupérer de l’énergie pour les batteries. En passant, cette XLE avait un affichage de la vitesse par réflexion dans le pare-brise (HUD) que j’aime beaucoup. Si vous êtes partis pour un long voyage, activez le régulateur de vitesse et appréciez le paysage (car la visibilité y est aussi très bonne). La douceur de roulement et le silence dans l’habitacle y est appréciable. Seul remarque à mentionner, les pneus qui équipent cette auto, des Hankook Kinergy, sont créés pour des voitures électriques et hybrides. Ils produisent moins de résistance au roulement ce qui est bon pour l’économie d’essence mais qui leur enlève un peu d’adhérence sur la route. En d’autres mots, ce ne sont pas des pneus de performance et ils peuvent être même un peu glissants sur le pavé mouillé.
En situation urbaine, la Camry en surprendra plus d’un. Ses déplacements à basse vitesse peuvent se faire qu’en mode électrique seulement (comme mentionné plus haut) ce qui économise le carburant. De plus, la boîte de vitesses CVT ne m’a pas agacé. Elle a fonctionné comme une boîte auto régulière (ou du moins, c’est ainsi que je l’ai perçu!). Le fonctionnement hybride pourrait être un peu différent en hiver mais cet essai s’étant déroulé en pleine canicule, j‘ai au moins eu le plaisir de profiter du climatiseur!
Évidemment, c’est la consommation qui devrait être mise en vedette ici. Selon mes calculs à la pompe, cette Camry XLE Hybride aurait eu une consommation moyenne de 5,02 litres aux 100 km (pour des déplacements urbains et autoroutiers dépassant un total de 500 kilomètres). Je suis un grand «fan» des voitures hybrides (et même des VUS, VUM et des pick-up), plus que des véhicules tout électriques. Le choix d’une auto hybride me paraît très logique surtout que l’autonomie d’une telle voiture peut varier entre 800 à 900 kilomètres (ça, c’est un aller-retour de Laval à Ogunquit avec le même réservoir). La Camry Hybride ne connaît pas tant de concurrentes (du moins dans ces dimensions et configurations), la plus intéressante que je verrais étant la Ford Fusion Hybride ou Energi ou encore la Honda Accord Hybride. Quant à la peur de la batterie, jusqu’ici, il semble que les propriétaires des plus anciennes Prius (qui ont plus de dix ans) n’aient pas encore connu de difficulté. En ce qui a trait au prix, la Camry Hybride XLE n’en affiche qu’un seul : 40 790 $. Ajoutez-y les 100 $ de la (toujours aussi stupide) taxe d’accise pour le climatiseur, les 20,70 $ de frais de gestion environnementale des pneus, le 1$ des frais pour les filtres, les 10 $ des frais de COCVA et les 1745 $ de frais de transport et de préparation et la facture finale sera de 42 666,70 $ (plus taxes, bien entendu!).
Éventuellement, il se pourrait que plusieurs automobilistes reviennent de leur VUS à de grandes berlines. À ces gens, je leur suggérerais de considérer la Camry Hybride. Ce serait, à mes yeux, un des meilleurs choix!    
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crarsports · 6 years ago
Quiz: How Much Do You Know about New Cadillacs For 18? | new cadillacs for 18
18 Cadillac CTS – Pictures – CarGurus – new cadillacs for 2014 | new cadillacs for 2014
Photo Gallery: 18 Models: Cadillac | Wards Intelligence – new cadillacs for 2014 | new cadillacs for 2014
Driven: 2014 Cadillac XTS Vsport – Winding Road – new cadillacs for 2014 | new cadillacs for 2014
Cadillac Has Big Plans Between Now And 2020 | Top Speed – new cadillacs for 2014 | new cadillacs for 2014
New study reveals the Cadillac Escalade EXT is the most popular … – new cadillacs for 2014 | new cadillacs for 2014
All-New 18 Cadillac Escalade Colors | GM Authority – new cadillacs for 2014 | new cadillacs for 2014
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Video: Meet The 18 Mile-Per-Hour, 18 Horsepower CTS-V, The Fastest … – new cadillacs for 2014 | new cadillacs for 2014
2014 Cadillac ELR – new cadillacs for 2014 | new cadillacs for 2014
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Next-Generation Cadillac XLR Imagined In New Rendering | GM Authority – new cadillacs for 2014 | new cadillacs for 2014
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Slam’d Lac – Eric’s Stunning 1966 Cadillac – Slam'd Mag – new cadillacs for 2014 | new cadillacs for 2014
2014 Cadillac CTS: Should It Spawn A Four Door Coupe? | GM … – new cadillacs for 2014 | new cadillacs for 2014
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from WordPress https://flyinghamster2.com/quiz-how-much-do-you-know-about-new-cadillacs-for-18-new-cadillacs-for-18/
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heaaaaather · 6 years ago
2019 Cadillac Xts Rumors, Concept, Images, Changes & Specs
2019 Cadillac Xts Rumors, Concept, Images, Changes & Specs
The 2019 Cadillac Xts continues to offer top safety scores, remarkable space inside, and all-round versatility; it’s still one of the best small SUVs, and a good value for money.
2019 Cadillac Xts Specs
The 2019 Cadillac Xts isn’t close to luxurious, but it’s hard to beat for interior space to hold both people and their gear. The 2019 Cadillac Xts offers a pleasantly high driving position, lots…
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enginerumors · 6 years ago
2020 Cadillac XTS Price, Specs, Interior
2020 Cadillac XTS Price, Specs, Interior
2020 Cadillac XTS Price, Specs, Interior – The entire enthusiasts regarding Cadillac, as well as other vehicle fanatics, should have the ability to hold back until the following early on the calendar year to discover the main 2020 Cadillac XTSabout the nearby sellers. To suit your needs who happen to be definitely struggling to wait around any longer and wish to find out how it seems and just…
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smoothshift · 6 years ago
Did The American's Miss The Boat on Sedans? via /r/cars
Did The American's Miss The Boat on Sedans?
With Subaru unveiling the new 2020 Legacy in Chicago, and the a plethora of other Japanese sedans all getting updated within the last two years, I feel like the American automakers really missed the boat by jumping out of the sedan market entirely (Malibu, Charger and 300 withholding).
When Ford announced they were cutting the Fusion from their lineup, I thought it was so interesting, because they were still producing roughly 200,000 of them a year. I can understand them cutting the Taurus, because the Explorer has been doing a lot better as a Police Interceptor, and mass-market appeal, but the Flex is still set to remain in production until 2020, for some reason.
I'm just trying to figure out why the Americans, with their aging sedans, chose to cut them entirely, instead of making them competitive. The Accord, Camry and Altima each got redesigned within the past two years, with plenty of new technology and they're still selling tremendously well. On top of that, Nissan and Toyota redesigned the Maxima and Avalon, two large sedans that both sell well, but Chevrolet chose to cut the Impala.
It's not like large sedan buyers are gonna go quietly into the night, they're not just going to buy a crossover. The Impala outsold the Avalon almost 2:1 in 2018. The Maxima sold 18,000 units less than the Impala in 2018 as well, so a redesign would've realistically proven more effective. In that same respect, the LaCrosse and Cadillac XTS could've been cut and replaced with a higher trim level Impala and that would've still proven more effective than cutting the line entirely.
I feel like we also need to address the fact that FCA's Charger and 300 have gone on relatively unchanged for the last 6 years or so, and still push about 120,000 units per year (70/30 split between Dodge and Chrysler). How do they manage to sell so many sedans that were designed and tooled up over a decade ago? Sure there have been upgrades throughout the years, but the chassis and overall style hasn't changed much at all.
Then on the small car end of the scale, Ford and Chevrolet were still selling about 100,000 units per year each of the Focus and Cruze. This is nothing compared to the 300,000 Civics and 280,000 Corollas per year, but it still beat out Subaru and Mazda. Nissan sold about 200,000 Sentras for 2018, for reference. Plus, there was a redesigned Focus on the way, and a face-lift for the Cruze for 2019. I can understand getting out of the small car market and staying in the full-size market, but cutting out entirely just seems strange to me.
Lastly we arrive at the Chevrolet Malibu, the last mainstream competitive mid-size sedan from a US automaker. Which only managed to sell 144,000 units in 2018. I imagine this number will only go down for 2019 as well, but why would the Malibu be left in production, amidst all of the sedan cutting? Honda outsold it with the Accord 2:1, Toyota outsold it almost 3:1, even Nissan's Altima outsold the Malibu. So why is GM keeping the Malibu around if it isn't even the best seller in it's class?
Nearly a million sales now hang in the balance, either to be thrown into crossovers from the Americans, or stolen by the Japanese automakers and their sedans, and with no real battle plan from the Americans, I feel like this isn't going to bode well in the long-run.
What are your thoughts on this, let's talk this out.
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joshjailbait · 6 years ago
2020 Cadillac XT5 Turbo Specs, Rumors and Release Date
2020 Cadillac XT5 Turbo Specs, Rumors and Release Date
Ever since its arrival, Cadillac XT5 keeps impressing. The 2020 Cadillac XT5, soon we could see bigger and smaller models.The oldest Crossover Touring model (XT stands for this) will see a facelift. We can see models for every year, at least with modest changes.Spy shots are available and these confirm the changes on the 2020 Cadillac XT5 are on the way. Interior updates are certain, while the…
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simonconsultancypage · 6 years ago
GM's Planned Cuts Require Action by Its Suppliers
In the face of what General Motors’ CEO Mary Barra calls a “fast-changing market,” this week General Motors announced its plans to end the production of certain vehicles, reduce its North American work force by more than 10%, and idle five plants in the United States and Canada. General Motors also announced that it plans to cease operations at two additional (but not yet identified) plants outside of North America by the end of 2019. The moves are intended to save General Motors $6 billion by the end of 2020. While the market reacted positively to the news — shares in General Motors were up 4.8% to close at their highest closing price in recent months — this action by General Motors will no doubt have an impact on its suppliers, as well as sub-suppliers within its supply chain.
Barra made the announcement Monday, which was followed later that day by a “Supplier Notice” sent by General Motors to its many suppliers. In that communication, General Motors said that it was “continuing to take proactive steps to strengthen our overall business performance and become more agile, resilient and profitable, while the company and economy are still strong.” In order to do that, the company plans to align its manufacturing capacity with market demand. This action by General Motors comes in the face of a slow-down in new car sales, shifts in consumer demand for pickup trucks and sport utilities instead of smaller vehicles, and increased focus by General Motors on electric vehicles and self-driving technology. “In addition to dealing with capacity and leverage challenges, we are expecting suppliers to face a softening of volumes over the next 18 months. Furthermore, transformation of the existing production capabilities to those suited for alternative vehicles will be a key challenge,” according to Laura Marcero, industrial practice leader and head of the Detroit office for Huron Consulting Group.
Approximately 3,300 production workers in the United States, and approximately 2,500 production workers in Canada, are expected to be affected. In addition, General Motors plans to reduce its salaried staff by approximately 8,000 (only 2,250 of its white collar workers recently accepted a voluntary buyout, so additional cuts must be made to reach the 8,000 target). By the end of 2019, General Motors plans to idle three assembly plants — Detroit-Hamtramck, Lordstown (Ohio), and Oshawa (Ontario). In addition, General Motors plans to idle two propulsion plants — Baltimore Operations (Maryland) and Warren Transmission Operations (Michigan).
General Motors’ announcement to its suppliers includes the following specifics regarding affected programs and end of production dates:
PLANT END OF PRODUCTION PRODUCTS Detroit Hamtramck Assembly* March 1, 2019 June 1, 2019 Buick LaCrosse, Chevrolet Volt
Cadillac CT6 and Impala *Staggered approach
Lordstown Assembly March 1, 2019 Chevrolet Cruze Oshawa Assembly Q4 2019 Chevrolet Impala and Cadillac XTS Previous gen Silverado/Sierra (K2 Trucks) Warren Transmission August 1, 2019 6-speed transmissions (for XTS, Impala, Malibu, Volt, Acadia) and the Global Front Wheel Electric (GFE) (for Volt) Baltimore Operations April 1, 2019 Full-size pickup transmissions (T1 and K2) Note: (Other impacted locations; but these plants will continue operations) Ramos March 1, 2019 Discontinue Cruze hatchback production for U.S. Market Brownstown March 1, 2019 Lithium-Ion Battery for Volt: plant will continue to build other products but will see significant downside volume impact
Importantly for suppliers, General Motors announced that any “applicable claims” should be submitted within 90 days. These include termination and due diligence claims, and obsolescence or prototype. For example, termination claims apply where a supplier has not yet shipped parts to General Motors but has incurred development costs. Due diligence claims involve suppliers affected by the acceleration of volumes and the end date for production. Both allow suppliers to pursue recovery of certain development costs such as tooling and ED&D. Suppliers also may submit obsolescence claims to recover for inventory and WIP through General Motors’ standard procedures for submitting an obsolescence claim.
General Motors’ requirements for the submission of claims are extensive, and may be subject to specific terms of the supplier’s contract with General Motors. Suppliers also should review their agreements with affected sub-tier and material suppliers to ensure compliance with any notice and termination requirements, as well as other obligations such as union contracts, leases, and other contracts that may be impacted by the closures.  The resolution of submitted claims is often the result of extensive negotiations between General Motors, its suppliers, and affected sub-suppliers.
GM's Planned Cuts Require Action by Its Suppliers published first on http://simonconsultancypage.tumblr.com/
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migrately · 6 years ago
GM's Planned Cuts Require Action by Its Suppliers
In the face of what General Motors’ CEO Mary Barra calls a “fast-changing market,” this week General Motors announced its plans to end the production of certain vehicles, reduce its North American work force by more than 10%, and idle five plants in the United States and Canada. General Motors also announced that it plans to cease operations at two additional (but not yet identified) plants outside of North America by the end of 2019. The moves are intended to save General Motors $6 billion by the end of 2020. While the market reacted positively to the news — shares in General Motors were up 4.8% to close at their highest closing price in recent months — this action by General Motors will no doubt have an impact on its suppliers, as well as sub-suppliers within its supply chain.
Barra made the announcement Monday, which was followed later that day by a “Supplier Notice” sent by General Motors to its many suppliers. In that communication, General Motors said that it was “continuing to take proactive steps to strengthen our overall business performance and become more agile, resilient and profitable, while the company and economy are still strong.” In order to do that, the company plans to align its manufacturing capacity with market demand. This action by General Motors comes in the face of a slow-down in new car sales, shifts in consumer demand for pickup trucks and sport utilities instead of smaller vehicles, and increased focus by General Motors on electric vehicles and self-driving technology. “In addition to dealing with capacity and leverage challenges, we are expecting suppliers to face a softening of volumes over the next 18 months. Furthermore, transformation of the existing production capabilities to those suited for alternative vehicles will be a key challenge,” according to Laura Marcero, industrial practice leader and head of the Detroit office for Huron Consulting Group.
Approximately 3,300 production workers in the United States, and approximately 2,500 production workers in Canada, are expected to be affected. In addition, General Motors plans to reduce its salaried staff by approximately 8,000 (only 2,250 of its white collar workers recently accepted a voluntary buyout, so additional cuts must be made to reach the 8,000 target). By the end of 2019, General Motors plans to idle three assembly plants — Detroit-Hamtramck, Lordstown (Ohio), and Oshawa (Ontario). In addition, General Motors plans to idle two propulsion plants — Baltimore Operations (Maryland) and Warren Transmission Operations (Michigan).
General Motors’ announcement to its suppliers includes the following specifics regarding affected programs and end of production dates:
PLANT END OF PRODUCTION PRODUCTS Detroit Hamtramck Assembly* March 1, 2019 June 1, 2019 Buick LaCrosse, Chevrolet Volt
Cadillac CT6 and Impala *Staggered approach
Lordstown Assembly March 1, 2019 Chevrolet Cruze Oshawa Assembly Q4 2019 Chevrolet Impala and Cadillac XTS Previous gen Silverado/Sierra (K2 Trucks) Warren Transmission August 1, 2019 6-speed transmissions (for XTS, Impala, Malibu, Volt, Acadia) and the Global Front Wheel Electric (GFE) (for Volt) Baltimore Operations April 1, 2019 Full-size pickup transmissions (T1 and K2) Note: (Other impacted locations; but these plants will continue operations) Ramos March 1, 2019 Discontinue Cruze hatchback production for U.S. Market Brownstown March 1, 2019 Lithium-Ion Battery for Volt: plant will continue to build other products but will see significant downside volume impact
Importantly for suppliers, General Motors announced that any “applicable claims” should be submitted within 90 days. These include termination and due diligence claims, and obsolescence or prototype. For example, termination claims apply where a supplier has not yet shipped parts to General Motors but has incurred development costs. Due diligence claims involve suppliers affected by the acceleration of volumes and the end date for production. Both allow suppliers to pursue recovery of certain development costs such as tooling and ED&D. Suppliers also may submit obsolescence claims to recover for inventory and WIP through General Motors’ standard procedures for submitting an obsolescence claim.
General Motors’ requirements for the submission of claims are extensive, and may be subject to specific terms of the supplier’s contract with General Motors. Suppliers also should review their agreements with affected sub-tier and material suppliers to ensure compliance with any notice and termination requirements, as well as other obligations such as union contracts, leases, and other contracts that may be impacted by the closures.  The resolution of submitted claims is often the result of extensive negotiations between General Motors, its suppliers, and affected sub-suppliers.
GM's Planned Cuts Require Action by Its Suppliers published first on https://medium.com/@888MigrationServices
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mikemortgage · 6 years ago
Consumer demand and competitiveness: Why GM closed its Oshawa plant
General Motors didn’t blame a trade deal or government policies for its decision to eliminate nearly 3,000 jobs at the assembly plant in Oshawa, Ont. Instead, the culprit was a dramatic drop in consumer demand for cars, a shift that Canada’s entire auto sector must grapple with as it vies to remain competitive in a global industry.
These days, consumers want crossovers, sport utility vehicles or trucks – if they’re buying vehicles at all. In Oshawa, workers built sedans.
GM announced Monday it will shutter eight plants – one in Canada, four in the U.S. and three outside North America – by the end of 2019, a global restructuring that will slash 6,700 production jobs and save the company US$6 billion annually. It will invest that cash in electric vehicles and self-driving cars, industries of the future, instead of cars like the Chevy Impala that evoke memories of the past.
Oshawa’s assembly plant will be the largest closure with 2,973 job losses, followed by the plants in Ohio and Detroit.
GM to close Oshawa plant, four U.S. plants in massive reorganization
’They’re gone. They’re done,’ Premier Doug Ford says Ontario can’t save GM plant
USMCA not to blame for GM plant closures, but it's killing all hope of exporting from North America
David Paterson, General Motors Canada’s vice-president of corporate affairs, said the Oshawa plant has some of the highest quality production and insisted GM has “outstanding” support from the Canadian government. But he said it was particularly vulnerable since it made cars and operated at one-third capacity for the past several years. GM chief executive Mary Barra is not prepared to run plants at that capacity when it needs cash to invest in self-driving cars and electric vehicles, Paterson said.
“Right now the auto industry is being massively disrupted and we’re trying to get ahead of that,” he said. “If the company doesn’t take bold steps to move to the new technology, then there won’t be any jobs.”
GM will also downsize the number of salaried employees, contract staff and executives in the restructuring. It comes as auto production passes a peak in Canada and the U.S., said Doug Porter, chief economist at BMO Financial Markets.
U.S. auto sales topped out at 17.5 million vehicles in 2016, but production fell to 17.2 million in 2017. BMO estimates it will slide to 17.1 million this year. In Canada, production peaked at 2.07 million cars last year and is expected to slip just below two million in 2018.
“Those are still pretty healthy numbers but it reinforces that we are past the peak in this cycle,” Porter said.
The Oshawa plant, which made the Chevrolet Impala, Cadillac XTS and previous generation Silverado and Sierra trucks, contributed six per cent of total Canadian auto production. In Ontario, the auto industry accounts for about 2.5 per cent of the GDP without including spinoff industries, Porter said.
The news sent workers reeling, with some walking off the job Monday as their union, Unifor Canada, promised to fight for their jobs at the facility, begun a century ago.
“Unifor does not accept the closure of the plant as a foregone conclusion,” Unifor National president Jerry Dias said in a statement. “We will vigorously fight again to maintain these good-paying auto jobs.”
Closure has loomed over Oshawa before, Unifor noted, but GM invested $500 million into the plant so it could build trucks as well. It launched the Silverado and Sierra lines in February, but those will also be discontinued.
While industry watchers expected GM to reduce production at the plant, the complete closure of operations was unexpected, said Scotiabank economist Juan Manuel Herrera Betancourt.
GM production in Canada declined from a peak of one million units in 2007 to 330,000 projected for 2018, he noted, reflecting reduced auto demand and a shift of some production to Mexico. Plus, he added, consumers prefer SUVs.
“The plant has been underutilized for about three years, with production only at 36 per cent of max capacity this year compared to 76 per cent in 2014,” he said.
A General Motors worker attends an information meeting at Unifor Union Hall in Oshawa.
GM will keep its head office in Oshawa, where it will continue to employ about 2,000 people.
Dennis DesRosiers of DesRosiers Automotive Consultants was surprised by the timing of the decision, but said it was only a matter of time given the drop in production at the plant. He too believes Canada has passed its peak for car production.
“At its peak total, Canadian production across all companies was over three million units and lately we struggle to get two million units out of our remaining plants,” he said. “I am not saying that Canada will become Australia and eventually lose all its vehicle assembly operations, but there is more to come, I just don’t know which plants and when they will disappear.”
For Canada’s part, DesRosiers said it must invest to remain competitive in a global industry or it will see more closures. He doesn’t think the Oshawa plant will be saved, but said it’s worth a fight and called on the government to help the workers. He said the workers and the union aren’t to blame, given uncompetitive labour costs were sorted out with the near bankruptcy back when Canada bailed out GM and Chrysler a decade ago. (That left taxpayers on the hook for $3.5 billion.)
Still, he said GM needed to make this tough decision to avoid another bankruptcy like it faced in 2009, when governments bailed out the auto sector.
“Strangely, although this decision is devastating for the workers at the plant and the suppliers feeding the plant, it also shows the strength of GM in today’s automotive sector,” DesRosiers said.
Martinrea International Inc. is one of the 100 suppliers to the Oshawa plant that will be affected by the GM closure.
While the plant represented less than one per cent of Martinrea’s business (it reports revenue of about $3.5 billion to $4 billion annually), executive chairman Rob Wildeboer said 77 employees will be without work at its Ajax plant come 2020 unless something changes.
He’s saddened by the closure, but said it wasn’t surprising given consumers are more interested in SUVs. For instance, Martinrea recently increased the number of people working on parts for GM’s Chevrolet Equinox, a small SUV, to 500 people from 200 people at its Toronto facility.
At the end of the day, Wildeboer said Canada will attract and maintain assembly plants based on overall competitiveness, including taxes and research and development funding. The federal government’s announcement for accelerated depreciation is a good move, he said, but this comes after years of added costs to the sector.
“What the Oshawa closing shows is that there’s work to be done to make us more competitive in advanced manufacturing,” he said.
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theconservativebrief · 6 years ago
General Motors announced on Monday that it will lay off 15 percent of salaried workers and close five plants in the United States and Canada. The cuts will eliminate approximately 8,000 salaried workers, including 25 percent of executives, and an additional 6,000 hourly workers will either lose their jobs or be transferred, according to CNN.
The five plants that will close are the Oshawa Assembly in Ontario, Lordstown Assembly in Ohio, Detroit-Hamtramck Assembly in Michigan, Baltimore Operations in White Marsh, Maryland, and Warren Transmission Operations in Warren, Michigan. GM will also close two plants outside of North America, but those locations have not yet been announced. According to Huffington Post reporter Dave Jamieson, GM has set aside $2 billion to pay for layoffs and buyouts.
The restructuring, which will reportedly save the company $6 billion by 2020, will take the company’s focus off sedans, which have increasingly fallen out of favor in comparison to SUVs and hatchbacks. The plants closing either assembled or made parts for sedans; a couple of the facilities made trucks as well, but those trucks are also made in Mexico, according to CNN. Cars being discontinued include the Chevrolet Cruze, Volt, and Impala, along with the Buick LaCrosse, Cadillac XTS, and Cadillac CT6.
GM’s shuttering of plants is also a step toward its new focus on producing electric and autonomous vehicles; its new motto is “Zero Crashes, Zero Emissions, Zero Congestion.” In 2017, the company bought Cruise Automation, a San Francisco-based driverless car company. According to a press release, “resources allocated to electric and autonomous vehicle programs will double in the next two years.”
The exportation of work on small cars, like sedans, was a concern for some economists when the new US-Mexico-Canada trade bill was signed earlier this year. According to the Washington Post, there were also concerns “that automakers might not make as many cars in North America to export to China and elsewhere overseas because costs would be higher in the USMCA region than making the vehicles in Asia.”
The types of changes GM is making are not unique in the auto industry. In April, Ford announced it would end all production of sedans in North America. Newer companies such as Alphabet, Apple, Tesla, and Uber are also in the race, trying to build the cars of the future.
Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) expressed his disappointment in GM’s decision, tweeting that “Ohio taxpayers rescued GM, and it’s shameful that the company is now abandoning the Mahoning Valley and laying off workers right before the holidays.”
GM owes the community answers on how the rest of the supply chain will be impacted & what consequences its disastrous decision will have on the Valley & Ohio. My office stands ready to do everything we can to help these workers. This decision is corporate greed at its worst. -SB
— Sherrod Brown (@SenSherrodBrown) November 26, 2018
Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) tweeted similar sentiments, saying, “I’m disappointed w/ how the hardworking employees have been treated throughout this process.”
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted that “GM workers have been part of the heart and soul of Oshawa for generations – and we’ll do everything we can to help the families affected by this news get back on their feet.”
GM workers have been part of the heart and soul of Oshawa for generations – and we’ll do everything we can to help the families affected by this news get back on their feet. Yesterday, I spoke with @GM’s Mary Barra to express my deep disappointment in the closure.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) November 26, 2018
Unions from Canada and the US are also displeased. The Canadian union Unifor said it would not accept GM’s decision and that GM needs to live up to the “spirit of the agreement” made during 2016 contract negotiations. The plant in Oshawa has been open for 65 years and employs about 2,500 people.
The United Autoworkers Union chimed in, saying that GM’s decision “will not go unchallenged.” In a statement, Terry Dittes, UAW vice president and director of the UAW-GM Department, said, “This callous decision by GM to reduce or cease operations in American plants, while opening or increasing production in Mexico and China plants for sales to American consumers, is, in its implementation, profoundly damaging to our American workforce.”
The president of UAW, Gary Jones, also commented that “The practice of circumventing American labor in favor of moving production to nations that tolerate wages less than half of what our American brothers and sisters make, must stop.” The five plants mentioned in GM’s announcement are supposed to be unallocated in 2019.
Original Source -> General Motors is cutting 14,000 jobs and focusing on self-driving and electric vehicles
via The Conservative Brief
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2019 Cadillac CT5
New Post has been published on https://digitaltrendi.com/2019-cadillac-ct5/
2019 Cadillac CT5
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Reports are distributing that General Motors will dump a number of plates, perhaps the Buick LaCrosse and Chevrolet Impala and Sonic, to make space for crossovers. While GM did not comment on these reports, Cadillac employer Johan de Nysschen sets the record straight on his brand’s strategies.
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Speaking with Reuters, Nysschen said that a single new car called the Cadillac CT5 will change the existing XTS, CTS and ATS sedans. The 3 models, which will not have direct replacements, end their life process in 2019. The Cadillac CT5 is anticipated to be a new addition to the lineup sometime in 2019 or 2020.
2019 Cadillac CT5 Design
The 2019 Cadillac CT5 will be slightly smaller sized than the CT6, so it’s not unexpected that the CT5 changes the CTS, however it’s a little shocking that when the CT5 shows up, the smaller sized ATS and the Larger XTSs will exit the range when the life process of their existing versions ends. The ATS will not have a direct replacement, but there is a new smaller luxury sedan prepared in the near future that will be positioned under the CT5 in the brand name portfolio. In other words, while the CT5 and the new small sedan would not technically change the CTS, XTS and ATS, these three vehicles will not continue in a new generation while the CT5 and the little unnamed sedan will fill the slots under the CT6.
2019 Cadillac CT5 Price
CT5 and CT4 will be built at GM’s Lansing Grand River assembly plant, where STCs and STAs are being constructed. The CT5 will target sedan buyers in the variety of $ 35,000 to $ 45,000. And below $ 35,000, there will be CT4.
2019 Cadillac CT5 Engine
At the moment, it’s uncertain exactly what Cadillac has in mind in regards to engines and performance. In the mid-$35,000 range, the ATS features a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine producing 272 hp. A 3.6-liter V6 is likewise readily available with 335 hp starting from around $45,000.
The CTS is presently used with a variation of the 2.0-liter turbo making 268 hp, in addition to the exact same V6 as the ATS. Prices begin at simply under $47,000 for the 2.0-liter and $55,000 for the V6. Nevertheless, a more powerful 3.6-liter twin-turbo V6 is offered in V-Sport models producing 420 hp that peaks at over $71,000.
Nothing authorities has been announced concerning the fate of the performance-oriented ATS-V and CTS-V, which start at just under $64,000 and $87,000, respectively. Both use track-ready performance from a 3.6-liter engine making 464 hp in the ATS-V and a massive 640 hp in its big bro courtesy of a 6.2-liter V8.
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cunt-punching · 6 years ago
2019 Cadillac CT5
New Post has been published on https://digitaltrendi.com/2019-cadillac-ct5/
2019 Cadillac CT5
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Reports are distributing that General Motors will dump a number of plates, perhaps the Buick LaCrosse and Chevrolet Impala and Sonic, to make space for crossovers. While GM did not comment on these reports, Cadillac employer Johan de Nysschen sets the record straight on his brand’s strategies.
Speaking with Reuters, Nysschen said that a single new car called the Cadillac CT5 will change the existing XTS, CTS and ATS sedans. The 3 models, which will not have direct replacements, end their life process in 2019. The Cadillac CT5 is anticipated to be a new addition to the lineup sometime in 2019 or 2020.
2019 Cadillac CT5 Design
The 2019 Cadillac CT5 will be slightly smaller sized than the CT6, so it’s not unexpected that the CT5 changes the CTS, however it’s a little shocking that when the CT5 shows up, the smaller sized ATS and the Larger XTSs will exit the range when the life process of their existing versions ends. The ATS will not have a direct replacement, but there is a new smaller luxury sedan prepared in the near future that will be positioned under the CT5 in the brand name portfolio. In other words, while the CT5 and the new small sedan would not technically change the CTS, XTS and ATS, these three vehicles will not continue in a new generation while the CT5 and the little unnamed sedan will fill the slots under the CT6.
2019 Cadillac CT5 Price
CT5 and CT4 will be built at GM’s Lansing Grand River assembly plant, where STCs and STAs are being constructed. The CT5 will target sedan buyers in the variety of $ 35,000 to $ 45,000. And below $ 35,000, there will be CT4.
2019 Cadillac CT5 Engine
At the moment, it’s uncertain exactly what Cadillac has in mind in regards to engines and performance. In the mid-$35,000 range, the ATS features a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine producing 272 hp. A 3.6-liter V6 is likewise readily available with 335 hp starting from around $45,000.
The CTS is presently used with a variation of the 2.0-liter turbo making 268 hp, in addition to the exact same V6 as the ATS. Prices begin at simply under $47,000 for the 2.0-liter and $55,000 for the V6. Nevertheless, a more powerful 3.6-liter twin-turbo V6 is offered in V-Sport models producing 420 hp that peaks at over $71,000.
Nothing authorities has been announced concerning the fate of the performance-oriented ATS-V and CTS-V, which start at just under $64,000 and $87,000, respectively. Both use track-ready performance from a 3.6-liter engine making 464 hp in the ATS-V and a massive 640 hp in its big bro courtesy of a 6.2-liter V8.
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danielasarahy · 6 years ago
2019 Cadillac CT5
New Post has been published on https://digitaltrendi.com/2019-cadillac-ct5/
2019 Cadillac CT5
Tumblr media
Reports are distributing that General Motors will dump a number of plates, perhaps the Buick LaCrosse and Chevrolet Impala and Sonic, to make space for crossovers. While GM did not comment on these reports, Cadillac employer Johan de Nysschen sets the record straight on his brand’s strategies.
Speaking with Reuters, Nysschen said that a single new car called the Cadillac CT5 will change the existing XTS, CTS and ATS sedans. The 3 models, which will not have direct replacements, end their life process in 2019. The Cadillac CT5 is anticipated to be a new addition to the lineup sometime in 2019 or 2020.
2019 Cadillac CT5 Design
The 2019 Cadillac CT5 will be slightly smaller sized than the CT6, so it’s not unexpected that the CT5 changes the CTS, however it’s a little shocking that when the CT5 shows up, the smaller sized ATS and the Larger XTSs will exit the range when the life process of their existing versions ends. The ATS will not have a direct replacement, but there is a new smaller luxury sedan prepared in the near future that will be positioned under the CT5 in the brand name portfolio. In other words, while the CT5 and the new small sedan would not technically change the CTS, XTS and ATS, these three vehicles will not continue in a new generation while the CT5 and the little unnamed sedan will fill the slots under the CT6.
2019 Cadillac CT5 Price
CT5 and CT4 will be built at GM’s Lansing Grand River assembly plant, where STCs and STAs are being constructed. The CT5 will target sedan buyers in the variety of $ 35,000 to $ 45,000. And below $ 35,000, there will be CT4.
2019 Cadillac CT5 Engine
At the moment, it’s uncertain exactly what Cadillac has in mind in regards to engines and performance. In the mid-$35,000 range, the ATS features a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine producing 272 hp. A 3.6-liter V6 is likewise readily available with 335 hp starting from around $45,000.
The CTS is presently used with a variation of the 2.0-liter turbo making 268 hp, in addition to the exact same V6 as the ATS. Prices begin at simply under $47,000 for the 2.0-liter and $55,000 for the V6. Nevertheless, a more powerful 3.6-liter twin-turbo V6 is offered in V-Sport models producing 420 hp that peaks at over $71,000.
Nothing authorities has been announced concerning the fate of the performance-oriented ATS-V and CTS-V, which start at just under $64,000 and $87,000, respectively. Both use track-ready performance from a 3.6-liter engine making 464 hp in the ATS-V and a massive 640 hp in its big bro courtesy of a 6.2-liter V8.
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