#2019-2021 there is nothing up to date
notisland · 2 years
i hate doing subtitles i literally have no fucking idea how to format them why do i like this
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starkwlkr · 1 year
annoying little brothers | f1
female driver x f1 drivers (platonic) (same age as daniel so 33)
part 2 part 3
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The video starts of with a press conference from the United States Grand Prix. Y/n was seated with Charles, Pierre, Daniel and Sebastian her being in the middle of all the men who she considered her brothers.
She was listening to all the questions the men were receiving from how they thought they were going to do, how’s the team doing, etc. But when a reported finally asked her a question, she completely blanked.
“Sorry, I was just thinking about my son. We were supposed to get breakfast together and he hasn’t texted me back. I haven’t seen Lando all day.” Y/‘ said making the drivers and reporters laugh.
“When did you adopt Lando? I wasn’t aware.” Daniel played along.
“2019. He was actually lost when I met him. It was during the Australian Grand Prix, his first f1 race. I found him and we did the Melbourne walk together and I’ve just kind of adopted ever since. So if any of you bully my son, I’m coming after you.” Y/n explained.
“He’s probably texting you right now saying ‘stop embarrassing me, mom!’” Sebastian went on.
“Wait, he’s over there!” Pierre spotted the Brit rushing towards their direction.
“He’s alive!” Charles cheered.
Finally, Lando arrived to their interview area with a box from a a bakery in his hand. “Sorry, I have to drop this off. We’ll get breakfast tomorrow. I got you pastries.” Lando gave Y/n the box and a hug then he was off since he was late for his interview.
“You’ve raised your son well.” The reporter joked.
“That was all me, I needed no help.”
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The next clip was a fan video from 2021. Y/n had just finished her date with a guy and now she was signing autographs and taking photos with a group of girls. The girls had just finished their meals at a restaurant when they spotted the f1 driver leaving with a guy. The politely asked for a photo, which y/n was more than glad to take. Her date stepped aside to give them a moment.
“Sorry to interrupt your date.” A girl apologized for her and all her friends.
“Nothing to be sorry about, honey. I’m actually nervous because I don’t know how the date went. I’m horrible at first dates so this is kinda making me less stressed.” Y/n admitted. The girls laughed as y/n signed a girls phone case.
“Has he met Lando?” Another girl asked knowing how close y/n and lando are.
“Not yet. I’m afraid that Lando might scare him off. Everyone on the grid might, especially seb. He will definitely give him one of those ‘treat her right or I will run you over’ speeches.” Y/n signed another phone case.
“Does he knows you’re famous?”
“Oh god, no! I told him I was unemployed and that a sugar daddy was giving me money. I’m surprised he still agreed to come on this date with me.” Y/n chuckled.
Months later, the guy ended up being y/n’s boyfriend. He even attended the British Grand Prix where he finally met Lando, who was actually the one to tell him to treat y/n right or he would run him over.
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The next clip started off with the intro to grill the grid. The challenge was to guess the driver’s numbers, something that y/n was semi confident about.
“So we start off with my man, Danny, number three.” She wrote down on her clipboard. “Four, my son, Lando. Also ever since I met Lando I’ve been seeing the number four quite often. It’s scary actually. Can’t decide if Lando put a curse on me or not.”
“Would he do that?”
“He shouldn’t,” y/n raised her voice slightly. “Anyways, next is … oh! Seb! I don’t know why I couldn’t think of him right away. Then we have latifi at number six then kimi at seven.” She continued writing down the names.
“Nine ….Mazepin.” She fought the urge to roll her eyes since her and the driver were never on good terms.
“Ten, my favorite frenchie well one of, we treat everyone nice here, gasly.” Y/n winked at the camera. “Eleven, the mexican minister of defense, Perez. And then we have me! Thirteen!”
“Do you think Lando got your number right?”
“I don’t doubt him ever.”
“Thirteen, my mother! Everyone better get that right.” Lando pointed at the camera menacingly.
“Fourteen, Alonzo. Sixteen, Leclerc Charles. Eighteen, stroll and twenty two!” Y/n sang the number in the tune of taylor swift’s song. “Yuki! Thirty one, Esteban, my other frenchie. Thirty three, max does he have a middle name verstappen.”
“Have you noticed that you haven’t gotten any wrong yet?”
“I’m just the best, that’s why.” Y/n laughed. “Forty four, the seven time world champion, sir lewis hamilton. Fourty seven, mick mick mick. I love to say his name.”
Y/n had completely forgotten she had to be writing the names down. She was having too much fun.
“Fifty five, carlos smooth operator sainz jr. sixty three, the man with two first names, russell george.” Y/n said as she looked down at the numbers on the paper.
“Do you know his middle name?”
Y/n gasped. “Is it another first name?”
“I believe it’s William.”
“Three names!? It sounds so british.” Y/n chuckled. “Um, seventy seven valtteri, right?” Y/n saw the interviewer nod. “I was getting worried my streak would be broken. And ninety nine, antonio!”
“You got all of them!” Everyone in the room cheered.
“Did anyone else get them all?” Y/n asked.
“Daniel did.”
“Of course. He’s good with numbers.”
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The next clip was from the same grill the grid video but it was a blooper. Lando had arrived right as y/n finished filming and handed her a water bottle.
“Did you get my number?” Lando asked curiously.
“Yeah, ninety five, right? Cause you’re a McQueen fan.” Y/n teased as she grabbed the bottle from lando’s hand.
“Yeah, you remembered!” Lando played along “how did she really do?” He asked.
“She got them all right.”
“Really? I’ve got a smart mother!” Lando high fived the woman.
“It’s because I’ve got a photographic memory.” Y/n nodded with the most serious face on.
“Do you really?” Lando asked. He was surprised to hear that.
“No, I just love to lie.”
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The next clip started with Daniel and Lando standing next to boards with their 2022 rankings. As predicted, Daniel and Lando’s part of the interview was mostly filled with them drawing over each other’s pictures.
Daniel them knocked over Lando’s rankings to the ground. “That’s how I feel.”
“That was the worst timing ever. Y/n is walking this way.” Lando told Daniel, who immediately picked up the board.
“Are those your rankings?” Y/n asked as she approached the duo. She then noticed that the setup and quickly apologized to the camera man. “Sorry, I’m just curious now.”
“Are you proud of me?” Lando asked, standing next to her and throwing his arm over her shoulder.
“When am I not? Wait, except that time you pushed me into my birthday cake.” Y/n pinched his side. “Can I see the pen?” She asked the guys, Lando gave her his.
“She’s adding to our masterpieces. This piece will be worth millions years from now.” Daniel said.
Y/n then scribbled little stars around Lando’s head and then signed it at the top. “Actually you both look great in your pictures. Did they use photoshop?”
“Excuse me, this is all natural.”
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“Y/n! Hi, hello. What’s going on here?” Martin brundle asked the woman as she walked with her mom and pr manager, Lucy.
“Martin! It’s been a while, nothing much. How are you?” Y/n hugged the former racing driver. “This is my mom, she’s been wanting to meet you.”
“Mrs. l/n, hello. Welcome, how are you?” Martin greeted the older woman.
“Great. I’m here supporting my girl. It’s been a wonderful weekend.” Y/n’s mom smiled.
“Are you aware that you have a grandson that drives for McLaren?” Martin asked making all three ladies laugh.
“Yes, Lando is a very lovely young man.”
“How does it feel to have a daughter and grandson in f1?” Martin asked in a serious tone.
“Amazing. I’m super proud of both of them.”
“Thank you ladies for your time. Have a wonderful day.” Martin smiled at them, but before he could leave, y/n gave him a hug goodbye.
“Take care, Martin!” Y/n waved to the man and left with her mom and Lucy.
“She wins everything. Give her all the trophies. Everything is hers.” Martin said to the camera.
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The final clip was consisted of y/n after a race getting interviewed.
“Do you often see your father?” Someone asked from the back.
“No, actually we’re just good friends.”
“What’s your opinion on the president of the United States?” Asked the same person.
“I don’t think about him.”
“What’s going on between max verstappen and lewis hamilton?”
“I don’t know, I just work here.”
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futfemfantasies · 4 months
Tillie teasing \\ Mapi Leon x reader
Stepping off the plane in Barcelona, the heat immediately hits you in the face. After clearing customs and collecting the many bags you've brought, a woman holding a sign with your name and the Barca logo under it waves you down. You find out she's the assistant manager and that the team sent. After anxiously fiddling with your fingers, the car turns into Barca's training centre. Backpack in hand, you follow the assistant manager as you meet all the behind the scenes people.
When meeting the team, you look eyes with who you believe is 'Maria'. She smiles at you and holds her hand out for you to take. When someone starts speaking to the both of you, your hands drop and a subtle blush both of your cheeks. You nod as you got the basics of the conversation, something about you and Mapi and an apartment. A soft nudge in your ribs turns you towards the brunette. She holds out her phone and you see google translate on.
Looks like we'll be seeing more of each other beautiful. They are putting us in the same apartment.
You smile and point to her phone as to say you want to type something. She nods and you type away.
Can't wait gorgeous :)
After the flirty interaction, you both move to the locker room and field to check it out. Since you both don't have to participate in this training, coach says you can go home and rest. The same driver from the airport takes you and Mapi to the apartment.
Throughout the 2018/19 season, you, Alexia and Mapi become the Aussie/Spanish trio no one needed but everyone loved. You taught them English and they taught you Spanish in return, allowed Barca to organise more media interviews in the 2nd language. Alexia noticed over the last couple of years how smitten you both are with each other so she decided now is the time to meddle.
"Hola y/n/n, are you free tomorrow at 7?" Alexia asks as she swings an arm over your shoulder.
"Yeah, why?"
"Maps, are you free?" Alexia ignores your question as she turns to Mapi on her other side.
"Great. I'm not so enjoy your date chicas!"
You and Mapi look at each other before laughing at what had just happened. You and Mapi walk to the car talking about who should plan the date.
Safe to say the date led to both of you confessing your love for each other and the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
Before anyone realised, the world was shit down due to covid. You were extremely anxious the first few weeks as the area in Australia where your family and friends live got Covid first. Then you and Mapi saw how fast it was spreading in Spain. Mapi had been your rock through it all. She always was there to distract you from the news from outside. Since you were in lockdown with the rest of the world, you couldn't see your best friends from the Tillies so you all had to resort to Zoom calls.
"So y/n/n, what's up with you and Mapi?" Macca teases as she wriggles her eyebrows in a playful way.
"Nothing is go- hola bebé" Mapi leans over and kisses you quickly before you realise how she's dressed.
"Nothing going on my ass!" Sam yells out, focusing you back on the call.
"Okay we're dating but you cannot tell a single soul. I mean it"
"Oooh protective y/n/n"
Early in this year, the Tillies had a camp in Australia for the Olympics qualifers for Tokyo. Spain had a break during this time so Mapi though she'd come and support you and you girls (but you didn't know that). Currently; you, Sam, Macca, Caitlin, Steph and Alanna are eating breakfast when the woman of the hour calls you. Macca looks at your phone and her eyes go wide at the name.
"Hola bebita"
You stand up and move away from the table to escape their teasing, oh how wrong you were. When you come back the girls are making kissy faces at you and you shush them before anyone sees.
"How's lover girl?" Sam asks with a mouthful of banana.
"Fine, bored without me I think"
"Yeah, I bet she is" Macca mumbles before being elbowed by Caitlin.
A few hours later, you all arrive at the stadium for teh game against China. You are in the starting lineup alongside Sam and Caitlin. For some reason you are nervous, even though you shouldn't be. You receive a text from Mapi of her decked out in your yellow jersey and dark green shorts.
Maps 🔥: not sure which one you're wearing so I'll wear both :) good luck out there mi amor, go qualify for the olympics <3 p.s. i love you princesa 😘❤️'.
You: we're wearing the yellow so your pants need to come off now? 😉 Thank you for watching mi amor, it means a lot ❤️ p.s.s. i love you too. talk after xx
With a boost of confidence, you walk out with your team and made sure you win. After the first half, Australia was still goalless, sam eas China. Going back on the pitch, everyone gives it their all then disater struck. China got a goal. 1-0. You gave Sam and Caitlin the look and you all work in overdrive. Meanwhile in the stands, Mapi was stressing. She knows how important this game and any Matildas games are to you. Normal game time finished and 4 extra minutes were added. You look up and see the extra time and yell to the girls. Within 2 minutes of that, you get a through ball from Caitlin and non one is around so you take a shot. You know it's going in but you check anyway and start running around like a crazy person. Alanna pushes you down and starts a dog pile. The game quickly restarts and then the whistle blows for full time. You wave out to the crowd and see the familiar neck tattoo. You run over to your mismatched girlfriend and hug her tightly.
"What are you doing here?"
"Wanted to surprise you princesa"
You respond by kissing her and pulling away before too many teammates saw.
"I fly out tomorrow. Are you coming with me?"
"Of course, I'll change the flight tonight"
"Meet me at the hotel and you can stay with me" Mapi nods and gives you a quick kiss before moving back for the fans to meet you.
Little do you know, your best friends were watching the whole interaction. You walk back to your friends and they start making kissy faces so you walk away, making them look like idiots.
Back at the hotel, Mapi is waiting texting you every minute if you're here. You get inside and spot her instantly. Mapi feels two arms go around her waist and a kiss on her cheek, she relaxes instantly.
"Ready for bed?"
"Let me get my bag from my room and I'll come?" You nod before telling her the room number. A small peck and she's off towards the elevator.
You feel a sharp slap on you back and you look towards Macca, giving her a death glare.
"I'll stay with Lani tonight"
"Thanks Macca"
After going up to your room, you see Mapi waiting outside. You sneak up on her again and she give you a hard glare. The door unlocks and Mapi walks in, dropping her bag at the foot of the messy bed. Since you showered at the stadium, you get straight in bed signalling mapi to join you. You quickly change Mapi's flights and she's now on the same flight back sitting next to you. You cuddle up to the Spaniard and try not to fall asleep.
"Bebé?" Mapi whispers.
"I want to post us" You open your eyes and look confused and the heavily tatted woman.
"You want to announce us on Instagram?" You confirm and Mapi nods. You show Mapi the photo that one of the staff had taken and sent to you. Mapi agrees and you post it.
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liked by stephcatley, samanthakerr20, caitlinfoord, mackenziearnold, marialeonn16 and 56,843 others
ynyln: goals and surprises… best day in the office 🤩🥺
view all 8,901 comments…
marialeonn16: te amo princesa x
Ynyln: my baby ❤️
samanthakerr20: it’s about damn time
Ynyln: stfu
Mackenziearnold: no more secret keeping… yay! Happy for you xx
Ynyln: love you xx
caitlinfoord: so you both can visit now?
Ynyln: we will, promise!
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Liked by alexiaputellas, marialeonn16, alannakennedy, mackenziearnold and 104,723 others…
Ynyln: six years later… can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together… te amo mi amor ❤️
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drvscarlett · 3 months
Sweet Nothings (1)
Carlos Sainz x pageant queen! reader
Summary: All that they ever wanted was sweet nothings but everything changed like midnight rain? Who knows.
Sweet Nothings: 1, 2, 3. 4
A/N: Idea hits me because I remember how AD 2021 was at the same time as Miss Universe 2021. Its supposed to be a one shot but then there was a limit for the photos lol so stay tune for pt2
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YNjpeg (2016)
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Y/Njpeg me being so excited about my first grand prix while carlos is sitting and getting his hair done lol
CarlosSainz55 have to look good when you are the most beautiful woman in the universe
YNjpeg stoppppppp, you're making me blush CarlosSainz55 its the truth
User5 is this how he gets his hair so good after the race?
Y/Njpeg i think so, its a very long process
User6 Y/N you have been so excited and so nice. Hope to see you in more GPs.
User7 i met her too, she was so nice to talk to! User8 oh to be in a grand prix and meet her
User10 she isn't even that pretty
User11 i bet they won't last long User12 get a life!!
Maxverstappen1 is this why he is late to our meeting?
CarlosSainz55 get off her instagram and leave us alone Maxverstappen1 Y/N, he is fighting me again YNjpeg boys please play nice CarlosSainz55 i love you mi amorr YNjpeg love you moreeeeeee Maxverstappen1 cmon even on instagram???
CarlosSainz55 (2017)
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CarlosSainz55 a day off and mi amor joined me!!
YNjpeg always the happiest when he is on his vroom vroom
CarlosSainz55 incorrect. always happiest when im with you YNjpeg really?? you are so sweet
User6 even during his day offs, carlos still goes karting
User7 carlos looks so happy thereeee
User8 is carlos competitive when karting?
YNjpeg yes he is. bro thinks he is in f1 User8 omg lol HAHAHHAHAA
CarlosSainz55 (2018)
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CarlosSainz55 Race day shot. Photo taken by the most beautiful girl in the universe
YNjpeg will always be rooting for you!
CarlosSainz55 i love you User16 lord i want what they have
User7 Vamos Carlos!!
User11 Goodluck for todays race Carlos!!
User19 look at his eyes, he is so in love with the photographer
CarlosSainz55 its because Y/N is my photographer User2 LOOK AT CARLOS BEING SO WHIPPEDT
CarlosSainz55 (2019)
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CarlosSainz55 recharging the batteries with the most beautiful girl in the universe
YNjpeg who is that extremely handsome man?
CarlosSainz55 your boyfriend YNjpeg am so luckyyy
User10 the visuals in this photo
User11 they look so good together!!!
User12 i dont know if i wanna be them or date them
User15 same
YNjpeg (2019)
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YNjpeg where the sky meets the sea
User27 its just a silhouette but why is it prettier than me?
YNjpeg don't say that, you are beautiful sunshine User5 Y/N has always been the sweetest wag ever
User6 enjoy your vacation Y/N
YNjpeg thank you!!
LandoNorris wow no photo credit??? YNjpeg stop stealing my boyfriend first LandoNorris excuse you, that's my husband
User8 I hope Carlos and Y/N stays together forever
User9 right?? they are such a power couple
CarlosSainz55 (2020)
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CarlosSainz55 its day 14 of lockdown and i found some old treasures
YNjpeg wait, where did you get that photo of me???
User7 just imagine if they have kids in the future
User8 the genes of the kids User9 omg i can imagine them as parents
LandoNorris mate please make children already
CarlosSainz55 you muppet, it doesn't work like that LandoNorris cmon im gonna be the best uncle CarlosSainz55 i highly doubt that LandoNorris RUDE!
CarlosSainz55 (2021)
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CarlosSainz55 attending the first party with Ferrari and I have the most beautiful woman in the universe
User6 ohmygod!!!!! the looks
User9 name a more stunning couple than Y/N and Carlos
User10 its so fun to see that Y/N has been with Carlos during his Toro Rosso days till Ferrari
User11 we love a supportive couple User12 i hope they stay strong
User13 break up with her, she isn't even that pretty
User14 thank god someone finally said it. she just has too much make up on User16 can you both shut up. your opinions are irrelevant
YNjpeg (2021)
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YNjpeg i can't believe that it's finally me and you, and you and me
Just us, and your friend Steve #ForeverThirdWheel
LandoNorris Know your place
YNjpeg sidechick Charles_Leclerc fight him Y/N
CarlosSainz55 you know that you are my only one
YNjpeg see that LandoNorris ??? LandoNorris what about us?? what about everything we've been through
User5 Carlos and Lando's friendship is so wholesome
User6 no matter what team they are in, they are friends
User7 loving the banter between Y/N and Lando
User9 Y/N realizing in 2019 that her biggest competition is not Carlos' fangirls but rather Lando Norris User8 its so entertaining hahaha
YNjpeg (2022)
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YNjpeg homebodys for date night
User6 gorgeous couple!!
User7 anyone noticing how Carlos seems serious?
User8 Y/N is all smiley and Carlos is also serious, is something happening User9 would you just chill out??
CarlosSainz55 the most beautiful girl in the universe
User10 we can all calm down, Carlos commented!
User55 if they break up, i will literally cry
CarlosSainz55 (2023)
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CarlosSainz55 you will always be the prettiest girl in the whole universe, I'll miss you.
LandoNorris so dramaticcc
YNjpeg not my fault, you aren't a romantic LandoNorris he is mine first YNjpeg he has been mine since 2016 beat that! LandoNorris you suck
YNjpeg i love you. always grateful to have you around mi amor
CarlosSainz55 i'll always be here just like you have been with me YNjpeg am currently running to hug you
User7 I made the mistake of looking at the comments
User8 It feels like a good day to lie down in a highway
User9 same girl
User15 why are they being so cryptic?? where is she going???
User16 i dont wanna say it but they may be breaking up User17 breaking up?? they have been together for years User18 maybe they are getting tired of each other
F1Gossips just posted a photo.
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F1Gossips we cant help but notice the absence of Carlos Sainz's long term girlfriend Y/N in the paddock for the past few grand prix. Source says that Y/N has not been spotted after she attended the Suzuka GP 2023. Is this the end of the couple?
User1 Say sike right now.
User2 Its april fools,don't believe anything that they are saying
User3 honey its already april 2
User4 I fear that we have come to an end.
User5 No,this is cant be. How can you drop an 8 year relationship like that???
User6 Right? Im not believing anything till they say something. User21 Don't you realize that they don't have any responsibility to say anything to us about their private life, jeez.
User7 poor carlos,losing his trainer then losing his seat and now losing his girlfriend??? man has a hard year
User8 I never liked her anyway
User9 right??? she gives weird vibes User10 just say you are jealous of her and go
Y/Njpeg just posted a photo
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YNjpeg This year is a period of growth and change. Its difficult but I think I like her a lot better.
User2 Mom what is this cryptic posts???
User4 Im not ready for them
User5 You look beautiful Y/N
LandoNorris i miss you!!
YNjpeg miss you more muppet. Eat your fish! LandoNorris I don't miss you that much
User7 She is glowing and stunning!!! Is this the post-break up effect?
User8 Can we just be happy how happy she looks???
User9 Man, she fumbled real bad
User10 yeaah like how can you break up with Carlos? User11 ohmygod you two are delusional.
ChiliUpdates just posted a photo.
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Liked by YNjpeg and 678,900 others
ChiliUpdates Carlos Sainz is having a brilliant year with weekly podiums and race wins. He is now closing the gap to Verstappen by 4 points. Carlos WDC 2024???
User4 carlos driving like a man without a seat
User5 girl he literally has no seat for 2025 User4 oh my bad. i forgot!!1 this was supposed to be a joke
User6 im so proud of carlos,he deserves this
User7 but you know what I miss seeing Y/N's face when Carlos wins. He would always wink at her and point at her when he is up there.
User8 we are a child of divorce User9 and the fact that Y/N is in the likes User10 heartbroken so many times
User11 carlos is really challenging max this year
User12 agree,its been more and more exciting. User88 Im so glad Ferrari and McLaren are finally catching up on that rocketship of Max User24 RIGHT?? WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT
User13 I hope Sainz wins this year.
PageantQueens just posted a photo
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PageantQueens Presenting the candidate of the Philippines, Miss Y/N Y/L/N. What do you think about her?
User2 she is gorgeous!!!
User45 not only gorgeous, her interviews made her sound eloquent User28 yes QUEEN!!!
User3 im from netherlands but miss philippines is my queen
User4 crown her already
User6 wait hold up that's Y/N as in Carlos' Y/N
User11 okay i just remembered how Carlos used to call her the prettiest girl in the universe, he manifested this
User36 what??? User84 and now its not only carlos calling her the prettiest girl in the universe but everyone User44 please dont make me cry rn
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leclerc-s · 2 months
you're honor, i am innocent. HE is the guilty one!
series masterlist
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isabella perez imagine getting called out by jimmy fallon on national television. could never be me.
lando norris fuck you, your third wheel is literally an influencer.
bailey winters listen, nothing will ever beat the grammys
george russell and in his defense he now has a win.
max jones-verstappen he can now enter the reputation era he threatened back in february
ollie bearman rip lando nowins 2019-2024 you will be dearly missed.
gael perez welcome lando onewins 2024-???
lewis hamilton ollie has clearly been spending too much time with the perez siblings. get him away from them.
dulce perez no can do sir hamilton, he's one of us now. white boy is an honorary mexican.
ollie bearman i can't handle spicy food but YEAH!
bailey winters listen, my third wheel is lando's best friend, whom i happen to like more than lando.
lando norris nah, that's some bullshit.
bailey winters max has never sent me away to spend time with carlos.
carlos sainz how many more times do i have to apologize for that? bailey winters so many times sainz. so many.
zoya torres you people are such shit stirrers. i love it.
rhys jones should change the group chat name to that.
fernando alonso i think the one now is more accurate
esteban ocon rip multi-21, you were iconic while you lasted (almost 2 years)
sebastian vettel please don't start this up again.
daniel jones-ricciardo please do, it's been far too long since we've had a multi-21 inchident.
charles leclerc oh my god.
bailey winters pray for lando, we're hanging out with max again.
max jones-verstappen no, we'll pray for you.
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baileywinters posted new stories
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hanging out with weens are you tired maximus? will never understand brits, especially ones who wear hoodies when it's warm
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maximus bailey, please come and get this man.
american (derogatory) i'm in the studio.
maximus that is a fucking lie!
one win wonder carlos wouldn't treat me this way.
american (derogatory) maybe you should date carlos instead.
maximus she is a singer lando, she will destroy you if you piss her off.
american (derogatory) up until a week ago i couldn't of written the alchemy about him because he'd never won a race.
one win wonder and at least i made it to f1
american (derogatory) BOOOO!!! GET THIS GUY OUT OF HERE!!! HE SUCKS!!!
maximus and to think you could've had a win since 2021 but you fucked it up.
one win wonder CARLOS WOULD NEVER!!!
american (derogatory) GO BE WITH CARLOS BITCH!! WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE!!
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bailey winters i'm giving one boyfriend away to carlos sainz. please come pick him up. let it be known he comes with baggage (his gaming shit)
lando norris I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT!!
max fewtrell YOU RAT!
penelope trevino what the hell is going on?
lando norris they (bailey and max) were bullying me so i said carlos would never do that to me and now they're mad.
max fewtrell you're so fake lando.
carlos sainz i would never bully him. i love him.
penelope trevino oh my god. not this again.
lando norris you will never be able to separate true love
bailey winters match made in hell.
penelope trevio soulmates those two.
max fewtrell i have never known peace since they met.
carlos sainz we are not that bad. you people are just haters.
bailey winters famous last words sainz.
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taglist: @burningcupcakefire @arkhammaid @applopie @sunflower-golden-vol6 @lorarri @bb-swift @thewannabewriter @mypage-myfandoms @stopeatread @hobiismyhopeu @lilsiz @alessioayla @niniluvsainz @au-ghosttype @six-call @justtprachisblog @nichmeddar @landonorizzz @unluckyyoshi @cool-ultra-nerd @kami10471633 @1nt3rnetgf @fernandoswarcrimes @arieltwvdtohamflash @brekkers-whore @natcha888 @camdensreg @mycenterfold @dear-fifi @georgeparisole @dan3avocado @nikfigueiredo @namgification @jensonsonlybutton @weekendlusting @trouble-sistar @lesliiieeeee @leclercsluv @33-81 @theseus-jpg @sarah-thatstings-ann @minmira95 @casperlikej @formulaonebuff @hopenshaw @ijustgomessitupx @hwalllllllelujah @doodlehunz @prongsvault
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¡leclerc-s speaks! missed a day because i genuinely had no idea what i was going to write for this part.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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alittledizzy · 14 days
this a big ask and feel free to ignore but you seem like the right person to come to.
can you give like a dnf overview for those of us who know almost nothing but are sooo curious (minecraft? face reveal? queer?)(i follow for dnp lol)
Okay so... I'm gonna try and do a bullet point overview and for the purpose of not getting in the weeds I am not going into the controversies. I'll be happy to discuss that part - OFF anon.
Dream and George met on a Minecraft server when Dream was 16, George was 18/19 and became best friends.
When Dream decided to start youtube when he was 18, he asked George (and Sapnap) to come along with him. They both said yes.
In 2019, George started talking about moving to America. At the time Dream lived with his girlfriend, though they broke up by 2020. (George and the girlfriend did not get along. But that's also a whole other can of worms because she fucked Dream up pretty badly with consistent cheating and verbal/physical abuse.)
Plans for George to move to the US got more concrete and at some point over 2021 became him moving into a house with Dream and Sapnap.
Dream also came out multiple times in this general period of time. He came out in a post on reddit, on twitter, and on a stream. He does not explicitly state that he's bisexual, but he does explicitly state he isn't straight.
Sapnap had already moved in with Dream for Dream's protection since he was being swatted pretty regularly. Dream had plans for a face reveal but people were stalking and harassing him both to 'reveal' him and also because at this point the Kiwi Farms targeted attack on him had gained a lot of steam.
Speaking of: George used face cam pretty regularly, but Dream did not face reveal. Based on things he's said it seems pretty clear he was trying to lose weight but at some point set the goal of face revealing once George was in America because he wanted George to see his face before anyone else.
George applied for his Visa and would have had about a 6-9 month wait, and then was denied. He had to apply a second time, and wait another extended period of time, which put it September 2022 when his visa finally was approved. This means they'd known each other for seven years and he'd been trying to move to the US to live with Dream for three years at that point.
George arrived in the US and Dream posted his first video with a face camera on. George posted a vlog meeting Dream irl for the first time, which is a great starting point for a watch.
In terms of the ship stuff: they've always had a heavily flirtatious relationship and Dream is open about how attractive he finds George. They've acknowledging having a conversation about if they'd date or not.
Once in a while Dream will reiterate that they're not dating, and we know he spent 2023 having a variety of hookups but no confirmed relationships. (Which lines up with his long history of women that flirt with him complaining he'll be great to them and make them feel good but always says he doesn't want a relationship.)
2023 was pretty wild for them in terms of nonstop travel, events, and making very little content besides Dream's music. So far in 2024 we've seen a complete 180 of that and Dream and George have noy traveled at all, staying at home in Orlando together. (Sapnap has traveled and spent time in LA, but alone.)
This is partially due to controversy, I'm sure, but also seems to be just in line with a rededicating of themselves to Minecraft and content impending. They're working on a project that hopefully will come out soon.
Right now in terms of what they've publicly told us, they're just in the category of Super Not Normal About Each Other. Here are a few of the Not Normal things that are just fun from a shippy pov:
Before George moved, they were open about living most of their life on a call together. This includes sleep calling and staying on the phone while taking showers.
One of Dream's early videos was gifting his friends money to thank them for supporting him. He gave Sapnap and another friend $500 each. He gave George $5000.
Dream took 'am I in love with my best friend' quizzes on stream twice with George on the call and neither treated it quite like a joke.
Dream sent George an oversized Dream hoodie which George has worn repeatedly and even admitted to spraying with cologne before he'd put it on. Dream took pictures of George in the hoodie (a private call, not one fans were in on) and then later shared them saying they were the cutest pictures of George ever.
The first time we really got to see them interact irl at length was a stream they did around Christmas. Here's a supercut that just really shows the vibe between them.
Initially in late 2022 Dream was wearing a very specific chain. At some point in January 2023, George started wearing that chain (the specific one Dream used to wear) and has not been spotted without it since.
At one of his concerts Dream described George as a friend he just met a year ago that he's so in love with.
The entire song Spotlight which everyone immediately associated with George, to George's embarrassment and pride.
And there's obviously way more... but I feel like this is a good starter kit for Them.
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mostlyfate · 6 months
Would it be okay to ask you for jdrama recs? Coming from someone who hasn't watched a single jdrama in their life 😊 Kind of a jdrama starter pack please? ❤️
*sweats nervously once again* bc as I said before I honestly don’t like to rec things bc I think my taste is all over the place... 😂 and I'm not one who really pays attention or think about the faults of dramas. I just watch and enjoy (most of the time) lol. It also has only been almost four years for me with watching jdramas so I feel like I'm still pretty new to them haha. but I will try~ and what I mention is honestly more of ones I enjoyed the most watching and can remember!
okaaay! if you want to start out v short and sweet w some 🦋's i have two favorite drama specials 💘
— Tadashi Koi no Hajimekata (2023) | episodes: 01. genres: romance, youth. » there's only one episode but with two different versions! the name mentioned above is the first version and then tadashi koi no hajimekata: horoama? horoniga? date hen is the second version. it basically the same but shows the perspective of the two male leads with additional scenes! i just loved the pairing of mako and eita and their chemistry was soo good and fun. i am still v sad it wasn't an actual full length drama 😭 and the song that played at the end of date version was on repeat for months! 10/10 reccomend ✨
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— An no Ririkku: Sakuragi An Haiku Hajimetemimashita (2021) | episodes: 02. genres: drama, youth. » i remember enjoying this one a lot it was definitely one of my favorite watches in 2021! since this one isn't the freshest in my memory (i have the worst memory fr) i can't say much but i swear i was obsessed w this special and the leads back in 2021!! 😆
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before i get into mentioning actual full-length dramas i'll mention my two favorite jmovies that i actually physically own :)) so if you're interested in watching a movie before diving into dramas 💐
— Murder at Shijinso (2019) | duration: 2hr. 0 min. genres: horror, mystery, thriller, youth. » i love this dumb (affectionately) silly movie so much!! it might also be because i love the main actress hamabe minami but it's definitely just a fun murder mystery to watch :D
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— You're Not Normal, Either! (2021) | duration: 1hr. 38 min. genres: comedy, romance, drama. » i enjoyed this one a lot!!! obviously since i also went out of my way to own it haha. but yeah my reviews for literally everything i like is "i enjoyed it" 😅 but seriously i did 🙇‍♀️
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now for dramas!! i'll mention my two all time faves then ones i remember enjoying the most! 💐
— Talio Fukushu Daiko no Futari (2020) | episodes: 07. genres: comedy, law, mystery. » it's been three years since it aired and i'm still crying about it 😭 it's the one drama i never shut up about and think about all the time. it's my favorite drama of all time like nothing throughout the years has had a hold on me since!! (what i've previously said about it~) | the way both leads played off each other and their chemistry was just- a++ the soundtrack for the drama was also such a treat and the vibes matched it so well! the vibes of the whole drama though!! I think it was also shot beautifully. and the consistency (!!! the way they kept things going even the smallest details !!!) throughout was something i really appreciated and looked forward too :’) i really be missing it everyday... </3 | i literally have a talio collection that i finally completed a few months ago 🥹 i have the dvd, cd, vinyl, and the magazine the leads were on the cover of 🫶
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— Itsuka, Nemuri Ni Tsuku Hi (2019) | episodes: 06. genres: fantasy, friendship, supernatural, youth. » this one still makes my heart hurt whenever i think about it and i just simply love it to pieces. it really has left an lasting impression on me. short and bittersweet. 🖤
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dramas that are romance focused 💓
— Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko Made mo (2020) | episodes: 10. genres: comedy, medical, romance. » ahh so i think this was my first jdrama i watched!?! i honestly cant remember if i watched any before this bc this was the first jdrama i actually made gifs of so i'm going off of that as it being the first haha. but if you want something nice and fun to watch with romance at the forefront this is for youuu! bc i feel like most of my recs aren't romance heavy! and i just remember being obsessed with the leads and pretty sure it's what made me continue to watch jdramas 🫣
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— Animals (2022) | episodes: 08 (+ 2 specials). genres: business, romance, drama. » loved loved loved this drama! one out of the five favorite dramas i watched in 2022!! great friendships, great message, funny and sweet moments, lovely lead— umi-chan i miss youuu. 🤧
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— Oshi ga Joshi ni Narimashite (2023) | episodes: 12. genres: comedy, drama, romance. » definitely one of the funnest and sweetest drama i watched last year and suzuki airi (female lead) it's just such soo good, love her acting! she's also the lead in the drama animals i previously mentioned! pure rom-com with great chemistry!! ✨
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— Kieta Hatsukoi (2021) | episodes: 10. genres: comedy, romance, youth. » high school setting with romance/friendship being the focus!! all the characters are so likable and it was such a cute and fun watch!!
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— Ore no Kawaii wa Mousugu Shohikigen!? (2022) | episodes: 09. genres: comedy, romance. » easy fun and cute watch with great leads!!
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dramas with all other kinds of genres (w hints of romance) ✨
— Bishoku Tantei Akechi Goro (2020) | episodes: 09. genres: comedy, food, mystery, thriller. » ooh i was obsessed w the leads of this one as well LOL. idk i really had so much fun watching this one and i loved main female lead a lot. 😭 also it had some really funny moments 😭
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— Toki wo Kakeru Bando (2020) | episodes: 10. genres: comedy, music, romance, sci-fi » #wasnt expecting any crying to happen going into this drama 😩 #miura shohei's performance though?? AMAZING #he had me in tears every time #ryo i love u #not that it's similar but this reminds me of itsuka nemuri ni tsuku hi 🤧 | tags from a post i posted when i watched yeah 😂
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— Dr. White (2022) | episodes: 10 (+ 1 special). genres: comedy, drama, medical, mystery. » also another favorite from my five favorite dramas watched in 2022! even though it wasn't finished being subbed until last year i still very much enjoyed what eps i watched back then! like i really looked forward to every episode and soo grateful the subber decided to finish it and subbed the special as well! i might be bias because i love hamabe minami who's the female lead (and is in two other things i mentioned above lol) but all the characters are v likable and they all have great chemistry together! plus i enjoyed the v subtle hint of romance between the two mains like it isn't really there but it is and i was quite satisfied with the ending. 🫶
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— Ryosangata Riko: Puramo Joshi no Jinsei Kumitate Ki (2022) | episodes: 10. genres: business, drama, life. » i adore the lead so much, she's the cutest! i find this one to be such a fun and relaxing watch! and there's a cute little hint of romance which was soo good to me and wish we got more of them. 😭 there's also a second season: Ryosangata Riko: Mou Hitori no Puramo Joshi no Jinsei Kumitate ki / with same cast members but set in a new universe that just aired last year!
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— Okaeri Mone (2021) | episodes: 120. genres: life, drama, romance. » the number of episodes might scare you but this drama is an asadora (morning drama) which is only 15 minutes per episode! so if you're looking for a longer watch about life with a bit of romance i 10/10 recommend checking it out!! yes hello i always miss them 😭
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what i'm currently watching ☕️
— Uchi no Bengoshi wa Te ga Kakaru (2023)| episodes: 11. genres: comedy, law, mystery. » i totally have a thing for law and mystery dramas lol. but i've been enjoying this one a lot and recommend if you want something fun but somewhat serious to watch! and if you just like law dramas like mee 😂
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— Nanyobi ni Umareta no (2023) | episodes: 09. genres: drama » this one is keeping me really interested and is definitely a type of drama i haven't really watched much of?? it's engaging, surprising and the actors are great! i feel like most dramas i mentioned are easy going ones to watch besides a few so this one is the latter!
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+ special mention if you wanted to watch something base on an manga w anime-like feel ❈
— Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai (2020 - 2022) | seasons: 03, episodes: 03, 03, 02. + a movie Rohan au Louvre (2023) genres: horror, fantasy, mystery, thriller, supernatural. » i had been watching since the first one came out in 2020 and i didn't think we would be getting a season every year since and then even a movie! definitely check out if you're in the mood for creepy mystery with pleasing visuals + great outfits!
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yeaaah that's it from me! ✌️ i feel like this isn't much of a starter pack-friendly list since it's kind of all over the place sorry 😭 but hope even just one peaks your interest!!
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mars101 · 5 months
5 Reasons To Love Lee Juyeon
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☆ PAIRING = juyeon x reader
☆ GENRE = established relationship, pure pure fluff, i love love so much :<
☆ WARNINGS = reader is shorter than juyeon, eating, one use of y/n (i tried not to use it for once :<), pet names included: sweetie/sweetheart (to reader) & hon/honey (to juyeon)
☆ WORD COUNT = 3k?? or 2.9k??? one of those
★ SYNOPSIS = "What made you love me?" a question not usually asked when it's your eighth year together. but juyeon was just so curious, so here's five reasons why (and how) you fell in love with lee juyeon.
★ RELEASE DATE = 02.14.24
★ AUTHOR’S WELCOME = happeeee (late) juyeon day !!!! i love you juyeon ☹️☹️ ok now its happy valentines day !!! lolol i was supposed to post this for his birthday but it was still a wip 💀 so now happy vday juyeon !! ok bye enjoy this pls (NOT PROOFREAD OR BETA READ BTW)
Date: Feb 14th, 2024
“What made you love me?”
Juyeon’s sudden question made you stop mid-bite into your food. His tone makes you think he's playing around but when you look up at his face, he has a serious but curious expression displayed.
“So suddenly? Uhm…”
His eyebrows raise in curiosity as he awaits the answer. Mouth parted while he nods gesturing you to go on.
“You're you.”
“I love you because you're Lee Juyeon”
The male pouts as a blush paints his cheeks, “I wanted to hear specifics. Like, like… you know!”
You chuckle at your lover's reaction and caress his hand on the table. “I'll give you specifics then, alright?”
“More than alright”
“Hmm let's see…”
No.1: “Lee Juyeon is a caring man.”
Date: Feb 14th, 2019.
Valentine's Day 2019. The day you weren't able to go on the date the two of you had planned for weeks because you had a fever.
The two of you have been calling each other all day, hearing the sound of his voice made you feel better each second.
During the whole call you heard rustling in the background but decided not to comment on it until you heard him walk out his house and enter his car.
“Juyeon..? Where are you going?”
“….Nowhere.. where are YOU going…?”
Once he returns the question back to you, the two of you say nothing. The voice of Juyeon’s gps tells you everything you need to know as you hear it say your street name.
“Juyo.. You shouldn't come over, I don't want to get you sick”
“Who said I'm coming over? I'm not coming over, just going somewhere..” He continues to act clueless the whole car ride, dodging questions and comments as he makes his way to your house.
Even as you watch his car pull into the driveway next to your mom's car, Juyeon still tries to act like he isn't at your house.
“Sweetheart, I don't even get what you're saying. I'm at home, is there another handsome, tall, kind, sweet, and did I say handsome man you're seeing?”
The phone hangs up as the doorbell is rung. Outside the window, you can see Juyeon on the steps to the door. Red roses hidden poorly behind his back.
“Oh! Didn't think I'd be seeing you here hon”
“This is my house.”
You sigh as Juyeon happily skips his way into your house, ignoring the sniffles of your nose and coughs escaping your mouth. “Juyeon you really shouldn’t be here. Even if it’s Valentine’s Day.” Opposing to your words, you shut the front door behind you.
“But if I wasn’t here, how could’ve I brought you these flowers?” He pulls out two bouquets of roses from behind his back, “One’s for your mom, because she's so sweet for having to deal with me here everyday”
Juyeon opens his arms with a big smile, “A small cold isn't going to stop me from showing my love for you” Your engulfed in his hold as he rests his head atop yours. “Sadly, I don't think anything will stop you Juyo.”
“Nope!” He pulls his head away just to come back and plant a kiss on your forehead. “Whether you're healthy or sick, I'll always be here beside you.”
No.2: "Lee Juyeon is a romantic man."
Date: Feb 14th, 2021.
Everybody knows what happened this year, no need to explain it. Juyeon was thanking the gods for the fact that the year prior, he came up with the idea for the two of you to move in together.
But there was one problem this Valentine's Day. He couldn't go out to get flowers this year. To him, it's the most important part of the gift. He didn't need to go out to get your gift because he got it a year before. But the flowers! What's February 14th without the surplus of flowers in the air?
A day before Valentine's Day, Juyeon did the last thing he thought he would be doing. Googling last-minute gift ideas for Valentine's Day.
It took an hour for him to find something to replace the missing flowers and it was perfect. Especially since they were easy to personalize. He's lucky they're easy to make too as he finished them while you were sleeping and hid them in his bedside drawer.
“Good morning, Juyo Honey~ Happy Valentine's Day!” You softly kiss his cheek, and he rustled awake at the warm feeling.
He blinks his eyes open and squints as he takes in his surroundings. Once his eyes land on you, they widen, and a soft smile makes its way onto his face.
Juyeon’s hands lay on your cheeks as he brings you closer to him for a soft kiss. “Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart. Sorry I didn't make you breakfast in bed this year, I stayed up making you something last night.” He yawns and does a big stretch.
“Hon, you don't have to apologize.. I'm happy just staying here with you for hours- Wait made? Don't tell me… You made another giant card filled with pictures and glitter??”
“No! Come on, sweetie, you know I try not to repeat gifts. It's something even better,” He turns to his bedside table and reaches into the bottom drawer to get the first gift for you.
A gasp leaves your mouth as you lay your eyes on a bundle of paper flowers made by the man next to you.
“Juyeon! What- I- When did you make these? And how long? Oh my” You sit up, and the bundle is placed on your lap.
“Made it last night after you fell asleep. Only took me about… three hours?”
“I fell asleep at ten… You stayed up till one to finish these?”
“Well yeah, I was missing only the flowers this year. I had to find a way to have them for the day.”
Your face drops at his words, “There’s more..?”
“We're baking a cake together, I got the ingredients delivered.” Juyeon pauses before glancing towards the closet door, a common spot for hiding gifts in the household. “And there's a giant card…”
“Oh no…”
“It's confetti, not glitter this time! So there's a difference!”
No.3: "Lee Juyeon only has eyes for you."
Date: Feb 14th, 2016.
”sent to lee juyeon”
”For: lee juyeon”
”can this go to juyeon?”
Your school was doing a cute Valentine's Day event, pay a dollar or two to send your crush or lover or friend a simple carnation rose. Seems cute on paper, doesn't it?
Yes... But all the work of delivering flowers on Valentine's Day is as stressful as staying in class for the whole day. Who knew flowers could start so much drama?
People coming to the busy student council room and yelling at you because their flower wasn't sent first, couples sending flowers to other people and confessions. Way too many confessions.
Someone at the center of a majority of these confessions is Lee Juyeon. Last year his friends, Younghoon and Hyunjae graduated so now it's like all the confessions piled onto him.
“Flower delivery!” You knock on the classroom door, and the teacher inside gasps at the amount of carnations you and your fellow council member were holding.
“Oh my! Is there one for every student? Why is there so much?”
“All for Juyeon.”
“We'll be back here don't worry.”
Valentine's Day was never your favorite holiday, why show all your love for someone on one day when you can do it every day?
The door to the student council room slammed open before you could even touch it, another annoyed and entitled student bursts out. Your friends inside sigh at the outburst.
“Oh Y/n! There's something up with this one flower” Yunjin beckons you to the table with notes and letters. “Did you plan on confessing to Juyeon today? Because if so, you made a mistake on the form.”
“Confessing on Valentine's Day? I thought you knew me by now. Let me see this.” Before you can take a look at the note, it's snatched out of Yunjin's hand.
“Eric?!? What the??”
“Oh uhm… I'll go and deliver this flower, hold up.”
“But you're on writing duty! Your handwriting's the best-”
“There’s two piles done!”
Eric runs out the door with the note, grabbing a red carnation to complete the set.
“It's everyday with this kid.. Sorry Y/n but, do you think you can go and bring him back. Easy way to get a small break from delivering flowers”
Yunjin looks at you with a pleading look on her face, and you send a nod and a thumbs up her way as you head toward the door.
Luckily Eric didn't wander far and good thing his voice carries across the hallway as you were able to find him quickly. Oh! He's talking to Juyeon..
“Dude! You're lucky I got a hold of the note before they did-"
“Eric? You keep on running off. What's the excuse this time.”
“Uhhh….” Eric's like a deer caught by the headlights as he thinks about what to say, “This is my excuse” He pushes Juyeon towards you and runs back to the student council room.
“Hi Juyeon, don't worry, all of your flowers were delivered. You don't have to go home with like three piles of flowers-”
“This is for you,” The boy in front of you holds out the red carnation. He looks away from you with blushing cheeks and shy eyes. “Happy Valentine's Day, Y/n.”
"What the fuck???"
After the initial shock fades away, you find yourself softly smiling at the surprising actions of Juyeon. Hands reach out towards the flower in his hands, “Happy Valentine's Day, Juyeon. Are you free after school?”
“What?!?” His head flinches to your direction and his eyes widen, “Me? I mean, I think so.”
“Juyeon, do you want to go out on a date with me?”
He's left speechless at your boldness, his face almost as red as the flower in your hand.
“Of course!”
No.4: "Lee Juyeon always knows what you need."
Date: Feb 14th, 2022.
“Are you sure you can drive yourself back home?”
“Yes, hon, I'm sure. And I'm already halfway there!”
“Okay okay, just making sure..”
You were currently on your way home from work. Yes, you were working on Valentine's Day, unfortunate, right? Plans had to be rescheduled due to the sudden schedule changes your boss made without warning.
A bouquet of roses rested in the passenger seat next to you. Waiting to be gifted to your lover, “Juyo, When I get home, do you think you can-” Through the phone, a loud crash is heard, followed by a faint ‘oh no!’, “Juyeon.. Are you okay?”
“Sweetheart.. Why are the suitcases on the highest point of the closet..?”
“Because we never go any…where….”
“Oops…” Juyeon hangs up the phone right as you pull up to the house. Your keys rattle in your hand as you unlock the door, roses in the other hand.
Juyeon is nonchalantly sitting on the couch like nothing happened, “Oh hey! How was work?” He gets up to embrace you and plant a kiss on your forehead.
“Hon you can't just ignore what you hinted at just now.”
“Hinted?? What did i hint at? Ha.. Oh, wait! What's that over there??” Juyeon points to a random object behind you, and foolishly, you turn. The bouquet is snatched out of your hand, and Juyeon bolts into the kitchen.
Laying across the kitchen table were rose petals. They formed a heart around an envelope and your passports. Inside the envelope was confetti and a printed out paper conforming the plane tickets of Juyeon and you to Italy.
“Don't worry, I contacted your boss for the days off. He's actually weirdly nice, asked me if I wanted a job.”
“You.. booked us a flight to Italy…”
“Yeah, sweetheart you've been working so hard these days. You were literally just on shift not even an hour ago, and it's Valentine's Day. My love needs a break, I know there's a bunch of stress bubbling inside that pretty head of yours.”
Juyeon pulls you closer to him, his hand stroking your head, “You've been doing so well, sweetie. I'm here whenever you need me.”
You bring your arms around his waist as you bury your head onto his body. “I don't know what I'd do without you, Juyo.. Every year, you always manage to show me up on Valentine's Day, though.”
“I think it's because I'm better, haha!”
“I'm throwing my luggage at you later.”
No.5: "Lee Juyeon loves you."
Date: Feb 14th, 2024.
“Why'd you ask me that question?”
Juyeon’s eyes start to waver across your face, his hands resting beside him as he leans back into his chair.
“No reason, it's just.. did you notice it yet? The flowers..”
Your eyes land on the flowers sitting on the side of your kitchen table. A mix of red and pink roses fill the vase. One flower sticks out from the rest, a red carnation.
A soft smile appears on your face, and fingers reach out to softly caress the flower. “The first flower you ever gave me.. How sweet” Your hand softly grabs a hold of the flower, pulling it out of the vase.
“No wait!-” Juyeon was cut off by the sound of something falling off the carnation's stem. His hands were quick to grab the object before you noticed what it was. “Uhm…”
“Juyeon… What fell from the stem?”
“What fell from what? Haha.. More like, what's that over there?!?”
“I'm not falling for that again.”
Juyeon sighed and mumbled under his breath, “You know what, I was going to wait till after we finish eating, but why wait any longer.”
He stands up from his seat and makes his way around the table until he's right by you. The male grabs ahold of your hand as he takes a seat next to you. His lips softly make contact with your knuckles, and his eyes lock onto yours.
“Juyo..? What.. What is this..?”
“Something I've wanted for years, a romantic dinner in the house I share with the person I love the most.” Juyeon says with a soft smile, his thumb caressing your hand. “Can you believe it's already been eight years since I confessed to you?”
“Eight years already? That's so weird. It felt like only a few years ago. Maybe it's because when I'm with you, you always make me feel like a high school student with a crush.”
He chuckles at your words, “Valentine's Day has always been a special day for us, hasn't it? I can’t wait to spend more and more years with you.” Juyeon pushes himself off the chair and onto the ground on one knee.
“Your shoelaces are untied-”
“Juyeon I'm not wearing…shoes..”
Your words trail away from your mouth as Juyeon looks up at you and reveals the object he that hid from you, a ring. In his hands lay a sparkling and beautiful ring.
“What the fuck?? Juyeon?-”
“Ever since I met you in senior year, you've been the only person on my mind. My mornings start with you, my nights end with you, and my days are all about you.” His shaky hand comes back to your own, and he holds on tight.
“You are the light of my life, and I knew you were my one true love since you made that same reaction when I confessed to you. So… will you let me spend a lifetime with you by saying yes?”
By this point, both of your eyes are watery, but the love in each other's eyes is visible through the blury tears.
“Will you marry me?”
“Get out! Of course I will!!”
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★☆★ AUTHOR'S GOODBYE = technically, its still valentines day… so i made it before the deadline hehe anyways thank you for reading i love yall and shout out to all the hotties out there mwah byebye
☆★☆ TAGLIST = @sanasour, @boomhoon, @loonaluvz, @deoboyznet
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taylortruther · 4 months
Did it feel like her songs about Joe were starting to get redundant? By the time Midnights came out I was surprised we were hearing another two songs about the breakup/make up period in the beginning, another song about the beginning when they were falling in love, another three songs about how the relationship is great if the world stays out of it, another song about the Afterglow I-thought-he-cheated moment, and another song about how it wasn't supposed to work but it did. It really struck me that the Joe parts of Midnights were dedicated to not giving us any kind of update or really new information. It was all either about their beginnings again or 'everything's perfect except for the media nothing to see here.' She found a couple new angles on it, like Mastermind, but she was mining the same ground she'd been sifting through for four albums already. At the time it struck me as odd that she was deliberately avoiding any real update, but I thought she was just committed to privacy and refused to go into any other part of their relationship that wasn't already known (which is entirely her right). But obviously it turned out to be much more complicated than that and the mysterious gap makes perfect sense now.
i noticed the beginning was really fertile ground for her, but it didn't really strike me as unusual or concerning. the 2016-2019 period of her life was HARD. it was obvious, to me, she was probably processing that stuff all the time because for her, it never went away.
additionally, folkmore's fictional narratives and midnights' reflections on the past still reflect her mental landscape at the time of writing (tolerate it, coney island, bejeweled, champagne problems, hoax say hello.) so i'd argue she was treading new ground and writing about some of their issues even if it wasn't strictly autobiographical.
plus, as super fans, i think we get caught in the minutiae and don't see the big picture. let's pull back and look at the story her albums told about their relationship, in stages:
2016: joe and taylor meet and fall in love 2017: reputation is released and, among other things, it's about joe being sexy and wonderful and not caring that she was "crazy" or cancelled 2019: masters situation happens also 2019: lover is released and it's about taylor recovering from the cancellation, fighting her demons, admitting she self-sabotages, but we also get songs implying they want to get married! makes sense, it's 2-3 years of dating now. we also, notably, get a song about her wanting to step back out into the world! 2020: pandemic! sorry, daylight! also 2020: folklore and evermore are released and are about, among other things!, how she fears her life is too big for joe to handle but she is still planning a future with him (peace, the lakes, which both feel more present to me.) makes sense, they have obviously talked marriage and KIDS, things are getting very real. but, to your point, evermore in particular reasserts that they were lucky to find each other in the beginning (clm, lss, evermore.) 2021: renegade discusses joe's shit - we now understand that he has his own struggles and clearly describes a very recent/present conflict ("timing") 2022: in midnights, we get songs about the early honeymoon phase (lavender haze), and about how he is still a respite from it all (sweet nothing, mentions a recent trip to wicklow.) 2023: ylm drops (written in dec 2021), we also get the alcott - both implying conflict and a couple trying or failing to reconnect. makes sense, it's been like 6-7 years! couples go through shit!
...no, this isn't the WHOLE story. but it feels like a satisfying one, and not one where she was simply recycling topics. to me anyway.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
It looks like Meghan may be test-driving yet another narrative to handle the criticism about her failure to royal: it's all Harry's fault.
This started last week when reporters and journalists were speculating whether the Sussexes, had they stayed in, would have been able to help KP squash all the noise about Kate's condition and help BP squash the nosie about the royal family's bench strength by stepping up royal work. Hugo Vickers more or less said "no, because the Sussexes are only in it for themselves. Meghan wouldn't step up unless she personally benefited. She would have seen nothing in it for herself and would refuse to work."
So cue Esther Krakue, who appeared on Sky News Australia today. She agrees with Vickers that the Sussexes wouldn't have stepped up, but says it's because of Harry. Not Meghan. And the way she lays the blame squarely on Harry, she plays to both sides of the royal fence:
For the squaddies, she says "it's Harry's fault Meghan was a terrible royal because he made her start working before she was ready and willing."
For the rest of us, she says "Meghan lacked the temperament to be a proper royal because she wanted to be in charge and it's Harry's fault because he should have prepared her better."
That she speaks to both sides is making it a little harder to see whether this is Meghan setting up for a divorce narrative or whether this is an olive branch PR.
A quick disclaimer. I've no idea where Krakue falls in the royal reporting spectrum (is she a Sussex mouthpiece? Is she a straight-shooting royalist? Or does she go where the paycheck is?)
For me, I come down on "well, this feels like pre-emptive divorce narrative." Mainly because Meghan has been laying groundwork since 2017 for a domestic violence-based divorce narrative and "Harry forced Meghan to work" not only plays into that, it also implies he threatened Meghan.
Anyway. Here's the story.
And by the way, did you know this is the 11th time Meghan has tried to rewrite the story of her royal career? Let's review them!
#1. While they were dating/pre-engaged (2016 - late 2017): I’ll be the bestest duchess to duchess, better than Kate.
#2. While they were engaged (late 2017 - mid-2018): I’m going to hit the ground running and everyone will be so impressed The Queen will make me her heir.
#3. While “in” for 72 days (mid-2018 - late 2019): I’m only supporting my preferred charities and best friends, how dare you *coat flick*
#4. While Megxiting (late 2019 - March 2020): I don’t need the royals to do good work. They’re old-fashioned anyway. Watch me hit the ground running and being the bestest duchess to duchess.
#5. During the pandemic (March 2020 - March 2021): I’m not bound by the code of ethics the royals are so I can volunteer and support my most passionate causes, politics and political issues.
#6. While sobbing to Oprah (March 2020 - late 2021): I can’t do anything because Waity Katie gets all the help, attention, and money. I’m just a young black mother.
Next, Meghan loses control of the narrative as everyone shows up for the BRF after the Oprah interview, and even more so after Philip passes away. This collective effort establishes the narrative of Meghan's royal career as actually scornful "I should be getting paid for this" contempt (as summed up by Bower in 2021's Revenge). Meghan tries some things to backtrack over this but she just digs herself in deeper and deeper, leading to three competing narratives over Meghan's work--
a) “No one from the palace helped us, we had to do it all on our own because William and Kate were jealous and refused to let anyone help us.” (Sussexes)
b) “It’s your own fault. Harry should have better prepared you for the realities of royal life and actually, HERE ARE THE RECEIPTS, WE DID TRY TO HELP but you wanted your LA teams to do it instead.” (BRF and Royal Rota)
c) “She never wanted to work, she just wanted the fame and fortune, come on you people, it's so [bleeping] obvious." (The public and most royal watchers)
This lasts until the end of 2021 when Sunshine Sachs/Netflix/Spotify finally dig Meghan out through a few rounds of Olive Branch PR and Jubilee and Hollywood manifestations, leading to...
#8. While finally launching her Megxit career (end of 2021 to September 2022, The Queen’s passing): I’m finally doing the work I was promised I could do by the royal family. Look at what you could've had.
#9. After The Queen’s passing (October 2022 to end of 2022): I just wanted to work but they wouldn't let me do anything because they're jealous.
#10. During the Charles era (2023): I couldn’t do anything because the royals are racist.
And now, #11. Royal Health Crisis (January 2024): I never wanted to be a working royal, Harry made me and he didn’t prepare me appropriately.
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moony-mari · 1 year
Isn't it strange - Charles Leclerc
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charles leclerc x fem!reader summary: loosely based on strange by celeste warnings: Angst, fluff a/n: my first fic… I have so many more ideas. This was just a warm up! 
It was a huge cliche the way you and charles met way back in 2019. It was his first day at the ferrari factory and he was running late. Coffee in hand he ran towards the building entrance failing to notice the girl walking out of doors, spilling everything onto her ferrari polo. 
He was completely frozen before he snapped back into reality reaching for his ferrari jumper to dry the shirt. Apologies spewing from his mouth continuously but all you did was stop him and  tried to tell him it was alright and he should head inside for his meeting as he was already late he gave you his jumper and ran inside one thought playing on his mind. He never got your name
 He never saw you again until the next race you spotted him and made your way over returning his washed and dry jumper as you were about to turn around he asked you if you would like to get coffee as a thanks. You laughed and told him to promise he wouldn't spill it on you again his eyes lit up and he joined your laughter. 
The rest was history. 
One coffee date led to many many more until he finally asked you to be his girlfriend after his win at monza all of a sudden it was your 1 year anniversary and you couldn't be happier. Charles was the sweetest most considerate boyfriend you’d ever had. He put all his effort into making you happy when he was not racing. He took you on dates that no one could compare to, he made sure you were always safe and comfortable when in public and most importantly he supported you in your career as you worked through the ferrari engineering internship.  
So when you got a job offer to work at Mclaren for the 2021 season as their main engineer you thought he would be happy for you as this was not only a massive step in your career but also for women in engineering and motorsport. How wrong you were. 
You opened the door and walked to the kitchen bursting to tell him the news. That was until he shoved the letter across the countertop with a look of betrayal on his face. Your smile dropped as you saw the mclaren logo at the front. 
He shook his head and began to laugh in disbelief. You tried to explain that you’d still be in the paddock but he wouldn't have any of your answers. He claimed you going  to mclaren  wasn't necessary as they were not doing well and ferrari was better, he even told you that you didn't need to work at all and he could provide for you saying engineering wasn't meant for women and how mclaren only hired you to make them look good.
Tears fell down your face as you looked at him in disbelief. A scoff escaped your lips as you brushed passed him to gather all your things from his apartment. charles not understanding why you were leaving despite telling him multiple times. Once you got to the door charles was still so sure he didn't do anything wrong so you left and never looked back.
Radio silence. Nothing from charles. All of your messages were left on delivered. The season has ended and you were officially announced as lando’s main engineer. Praise came from the whole team and from across the whole paddock. Everyone except the one person you wanted praise from. 
The last straw was when he brought another girl with him. It was like a knife stabbed you in the heart as you saw them walk past the mclaren garage. you always thought you’d get back together. A tap on your shoulder brought you back to reality, when you turned around you were met by lando who smiled at you “don't worry love you’ll find someone who appreciates you now come on smile for me i can't have my main girl being sad now can i?” he asked  as you smiled for him and laughed when he cheered unnecessarily loud. 
Unbeknownst to you charles watched the whole interaction bitterness filled his heart as he watched you laugh with someone else he knows he's to blame for losing you but he can't quite grasp it yet his eyes finally breaking away from the mclaren garage as he walked away 
You had just finished debrief and walked out of the mclaren garage, suddenly your shirt was wet as you looked up, your eyes locked with his. He offered you his jumper but this time you declined, smiling at him pulling a mclaren hoodie out of your bag. It truly was the end
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pandorasword · 1 year
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS
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Love interests - 2015 to present
A summary of dating, rejections and any romantic interaction between Chaeri and others
The night market - april 2013
In which Chaeri and Jungkook sneak out of the dorms during the trainee period
Chaeri and Jungkook as babysitters - march 2017
In which a little girl is asked to keep Chaeri and Jungkook's biggest secret
Isn't it wrong so good? - April 2017
In which Chaeri and Jungkook need some time alone
A love letter - summer 2017
In which Chaeri and Jungkook have a sneaky little date
Red gardenias - october 2018
In which a bouquet of flowers can be worth more than a thousand words
Chaeri's Bodyguard Betrayal - early 2019
In which we learn why Chaeri's bodyguard betrayed her
Silver lips 1/2 | Silver lips 2/2 - november 22, 2021, American Music Awards
In which Chaeri has an incredible urge to be the first to kiss her ex-boyfriend, Jungkook, who has just had his lip pierced
2 a.m. decisions - december 2021
In which a kiss leads Chaeri to a forced hiatus and, when she returns to Korea for New Year's Eve, Jungkook decides to visit her
A look through Chaeri and Hoongjoong's relationship - 2022 to present
Chaeri and Hongjoong first times - january/february 2022 to june 2022
Hongjoong and Chaeri caught in intimate moments - june 2022
In which Chaeri and Hongjoong end up on the front pages of local gossip papers
Fire mouth - june 2022
In which Hongjoong finds himself addicted to something he dislikes, only because he tastes it from Chaeri's lips (+ a video about them parenting Ateez)
The Price of Love in the Public Eye - july 2022
In which Hongjoong experiences being in a public relationship as a kpop idol
How Hongjoong and Chaeri's relationship broke all the logics of the KPOP industry - second half of 2022
In which Hongjoong and Chaeri break all the logic of KPOP by being overly public with their relationship
When night comes - July/August 2022
In which Chaeri stays overnight at Hongjoong's for the first time
If by Chance - august 2022
Snippets of Jungkook's perspective on the relationship between Hongjoong and Chaeri
Checkered Flag for Love - september/october, 2022
In which Chaeri takes Hongjoong to a GP
Trip Vlog - Stockholm - october 2022
In which Chaeri and Hongjoong go to Stockholm for a vacation
Jungkook's 03.03.2023 live - live moments recalling January/February 2023
In which fans, during the live, notice obvious references of Chaeri and Jungkook during January and February 2023
Jungkook's 14.03.2023 live - live moments recalling January/February 2023
In which Jk's live on 14.03.23 is nothing more than a summary of his time with Chaeri at the beginning of the year
Eden's wedding - late january, 2023
In which Hongjoong cannot help but notice the way Jungkook looks at Chaeri
Calvin Klein 1/3 | Calvin Klein 2/3 | Calvin Klein 3/3 - march 2023
In which posing for Calvin Klein turns out to be a more challenging job than she'd ever thought it would be
Seoul Love On tour 1/2 | Seoul Love On Tour 2/2 (Two Ghosts) - march 20, 2023
In which Harry Styles' post-concert doesn't go as planned for Chaeri, as Jungkook has something to tell her
Calvin Klein Event - may 10, 2023
In which fans receive informations about Chaeri and Jungkook's argument
A Break-up? Speculation and theories - june, 2023
In which medias speculate about a possible breakup between Chaeri and Hongjoong
K-talk: More speculations about a possible Break-up - july 2023
In which a podcast talks about a possible breakup between Chaeri and Hongjoong
Seven - july, 2023
In which Chaeri is the guest star in Jungkook's new MV
You came - december 11, 2023
The night before Jungkook's enlistment
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1americanconservative · 2 months
Patrick Bet-David Noticing Some Amazing Coincidences With These College Protests, Things Like Both Election Year Protests started around the same time: The George Floyd BLM riots happened in May 2020 Now in May 2024, College Protests are happening The media is repeating the exact same lines, “If one student dies” David “If one student dies, it's as if they want this” “The date is May 26th, you can Google this, 2020, when George Floyd died and all they needed was a story like that. They need chaos. Today is May 2nd. We are roughly a little over three weeks away from that date with George Floyd.” Now Breaking Down The Money Trail: Do you know what percentage of the revenue that Harvard got in their endowment in 2021 came from actual tuition of students trying to get a degree from Harvard? Tuition, degree, Harvard. What do you think it is? A lot of people say, well, $60,000, $70,000 a year. $80,000, that's how they make their money. Really? Only 10% of their endowment came from actually doing their job, educating students. Do you know 39% came from donations? Do you know 10% came from gifts? Do you know nearly 49% of the money Harvard got in 2021 is from donations and gifts? Only 10% is from students. So let me ask you a question. Let's paint a picture here. Let's just say, let's just say the professor of Harvard, the dean, the president of Harvard, of Columbia, their assistant says, Mr. President, we have two people waiting for you on hold. Line one is, your number one student's parents. How much money did they give us last year? I think outside of the tuition, around $300,000. Who's on line two? George Soros. Oh, oh, tell Mr. Jackson, the number one student's parents, I'll call him back. Please put Mr. Soros through. Hello, Mr. Soros. How can we help you? Oh, because you gave so much money and da-da-da-da-da and all these other endowment money being given to them. FYI, let me go a little bit deeper for you. Do you know China, since 2019, 2018, they've given roughly $400 million to universities in America. Do you know what university they gave the most money to? 70 million went to Harvard. Who's Harvard's number one customer? Students? Or these people that are giving massive donations to them, who's their number one customer? It's very strange when you sit there and you ask yourself, why are they doing nothing about it? Why are they okay with Palestine flags going up and not America's flag going up? It's because we're not asking the right question. The moment we find out who the number one customer is, that gives the most money, it gives you a lot of perspective to realize, if you ran A, you do construction, you're a general contractor. You have two clients. One of them gave you $50 million of business to big buildings last year. The other one gave you $10 million. Which client is more important to you? So why are people confused? These professors, these professors that we're all trusting our kids with who hate America, we're supposed to spend that kind of money and send our kids there that are being controlled by the people that are giving the donations who hate America, and we're supposed to be okay with that. Yeah, I think we're naive. I think we need to start exposing and talking about some of this stuff. I'm going to put the link below for you to watch. But I wonder. Who do you think, from all the stuff that I just said to you, who do you think is their number one customer? You? The students? The parents? Or those people that are giving the most donation to these guys? I don't think it's a tough question to ask, but I want to ask you, what do you think? Comment below.” This is a summary of what’s being said, there’s much more good details in the video.
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tiannasfanfic · 1 year
Eddie Munson x Reader (Angst)
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| Eddie Munson & Steddie Masterlist |
Summary: If you want to stay up to date on celebrity gossip, GossipWeb is the site to subscribe to! Monday’s Weekend Roundup for July 17 has an update on Corroded Coffin, and you should totally check it out!
Author Note: Modern Rockstar!Eddie AU. Reader not mentioned in this first part, but will be in future installments so I went ahead and labeled it as an x Reader fic. Written in the style of a gossip column.
CW: Mentions of divorce; mentions of alcoholism and drug addiction; mention of a fistfight.
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(The following is an excerpt from the July 17, 2023 edition of The Weekend Roundup, a gossip column posted every Monday afternoon on GossipWeb.com and the GossipWeb app.)
Wedding bells are in the air for model Chrissy Munson and nature photographer David Greggs. The pair have officially announced their engagement on Sunday via social media, confirming recent rumors.
The happy couple shared the news on their respective Instagram accounts, showing photos of the two happily embracing on a beach at sunset. In one, Munson is holding out her hand to show off the huge sapphire and diamond engagement ring now sitting on her finger.
“I said YES!” Munson captioned her photo while Greggs captioned his, “She said YES!”
The pair first made headlines back in 2021, when they were spotted having dinner together just a few weeks after Munson filed for divorce from Corroded Coffin’s frontman, Eddie Munson.
While “Irreconcilable differences” were listed in the official court filing, representatives for both Eddie and Chrissy have declined to comment further on the matter. In the social media post announcing the divorce, Chrissy took a diplomatic path, stating, “Sometimes our plans in life just don’t work out the way we want them to. Unfortunately, this is one of those times. I wish Eddie nothing but the best and wish nothing but happiness for him. While our marriage may be over, he will always hold a special place in my heart.”
But, while her words made it sound like the split was an amicable one, many have their doubts it was that simple.
Rumors had been circulating regarding her ex husband’s hard partying lifestyle for years. Insiders have come forward to provide accounts of escalating drug and alcohol abuse, and extremely irrational and erratic behavior from the rockstar. Shortly after the divorce filing, it was reported to multiple news outlets that an intervention was been staged for Munson just a few days prior to the court filing, but it had failed.
In related news, the former members of Corroded Coffin are continuing to stay busy and are enjoying far more laid back schedules.
Following a highly successful album with their band Fallen Shadows, Jeff Richards and Grant Lee have announced a small, twenty city tour that will occur early next year. While the dates and cities are still to be determined, the two are looking forward to getting back on the road.
“It’s been awhile, but we’re itching to get back out there,” Richards stated in a Facebook post. “There’s nothing like bringing our music out into the world and sharing it in person with the fans.”
But Gareth Emerson hasn’t been so eager to return to the spotlight.
Following a successful stay at the Betty Ford Center, which he entered in December 2019, Emerson says he has done a lot of thinking about his life and who he wants to be, both as a person and an artist.
“The stress I was constantly putting myself under was ultimately my downfall,” he explained in a Facebook post full of self reflection. “And one of the biggest stressors for me was the constant need to promote myself, to sell myself basically. I stopped feeling like a person and started feeling like a piece of meat. In this business, it doesn’t take long before you start getting treated like a machine and you start looking for ways to cope. And, usually, you find yourself coping by turning to drugs. Now I don’t have to just cope because I refuse to put myself back in that stressful position.”
Emerson continues to write and record new music, which he releases on iTunes under his own name. While he’s leaning heavily into experimental sounds, his new style seems to be gravitating towards a blend of classic rock n’ roll, folk and heavy metal. It’s not a combination you would expect to hear from a speed metal drummer, but Emerson clearly has hidden talents he’s only just starting to show the world.
As for the frontman and lead guitarist, Eddie Munson, unfortunately, there’s not much can be said.
The statement from Corroded Coffin announcing their hiatus came in late 2019 just a few days after Munson and Emerson’s very publicized fistfight at the UK Music Video Awards. While he virtually dropped out of the spotlight as a musician in the following months, Munson was frequently in the news due to his excess partying and rowdy behavior.
Then, in 2022, he unexpectedly disappeared from the LA party scene, only to resurface a few months later in his old hometown of Hawkins, Indiana.
Representatives for Munson have declined to comment, so the true reasons for his returning to Hawkins are still unclear. The rocker has yet to make any return trips home to California within the last eighteen months since his departure. This adds credibility to a more recent rumor we reported on last week that Munson is in negotiations to sell his Malibu home to a private seller.
Perhaps the rockstar has finally turned over a new leaf?
Some signs point to yes.
Earlier this year, Gareth Emerson’s wife, actress Kim Simmons-Emerson, sent well wishes to Eddie in a heartfelt Instagram post. She posted an old photo of Munson and Emerson from high school with the caption, “Today marks a new beginning for old friends. We’re so proud of you. We knew you could do it.”
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northoftheroad · 1 year
Dick Grayson reading in Rebirth and forward
In the last few years, there have been several comics where Nightwing is guest starring that I haven't picked up, so maybe I have missed some smashing comics in here; just saying. As usual, take this list for what it's worth – my personal interpretations and reflections. (Please note that there is a difference between cover date and when a book is actually published, and I might have mixed these dates in the list. I mostly use them to help my own thought process.)
I gather DC lets their creators play in any sandbox/Earth/continuity they want, which means it's a fool's errand to try to understand what, if any, stories from Dick's past are supposed to have happened in the current continuity. But I never claimed to be quite sane, did I...? Here is me, trying to piece together stories chronologically story-wise:
Nightwing vol 4 # 82. Flashbacks to pre-Dick John and Mary Grayson.
Batman vol 3 # 54. Has some flashbacks from when Dick was new in Wayne Manor. He has nightmares, climbs a chandelier, questions why Bruce took him in, and apparently doesn't know Bruce is Batman: nothing special but a few nice pages.
The Precedent. In Detective Comics # 1000 (2019). Bruce's hesitation before he lets Dick become Robin. Unclear if it's supposed to be in the current continuity.
Robin and Batman # 1–3 (2021-2022). A three-issue story that takes place in the days around Dick's twelfth birthday. It's about how Dick eventually chooses not to be "the dark" like Batman, but something better – the light, Robin. Not in the main continuity, but another version of how Dick became Robin (also a first meeting with the other original Teen Titans - in this version, they already had suits and code names when Dick first became Robin).
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Batman: Urban Legends # 23
Hot pursuit. In Batman: Urban Legends # 23 (March 2023). Cute short story; Robin drives the Batmobile for the first time (his second year as Robin).
Batman One bad day: Mr Freeze. (2022) Probably not set in the main continuity, Robin is small and wears a winter suit.
Batman/Superman: World's Finest vol 1 (2022). One of my favourite books from the current era (written by Mark Waid). It has a different tone than other in-continuity books (in a good way), but it is connected; the first story arc is a prequel to Batman vs Robin and the Lazarus Planet event. Dick has been Robin for a few years in the book except for a few panels. My favourite issue is # 6, when Dick is lost in the past, works in a circus and solves a mystery.
Batman/Superman (2019) # 16–21 and Annual 2021 # 1 is an outstanding story with DickRobin, albeit not the main Earth version.
Nightwing vol 4 # 78. There are a few pages of flashbacks, what might be Dick and Barbara's first meeting, fighting bullies at school. The bully, Shelton Lyle, will later turn out to be the villain Heartless – Nightwing fighting him is a story that keeps getting set on hold.
Batgirl vol 5 # 14–17 (October 2017– January 2018). Guest starring Nightwing, including flashbacks to when he was Robin and Dick and Barbara were in High School. Nothing special.
World's Finest: Teen Titans (2023). New book about the Teen Titans (the original five plus Bumblebee) when they're starting, also written by Mark Waid. One issue has been published so far; Robin is struggling with combining Batman's distrust with leading the team.
Nightwing vol 4 # 92. Another couple of flashback pages, from Dick's time as Robin, when he took on more than he could chew and got hurt saving a guy's life. Alfred refuses to let Bruce into Dick's bedroom unless he removes the cowl "and leave your disapproval at the door".
"A little nudge". In Robin 80th Anniversary Special (2020). It's probably not the latest official story about how Dick left Robin to become Nightwing, but I wouldn't mind if it were. Dick leaves Robin by his own choice; Bruce is a bit of a jerk because he's not emotionally mature enough to say, "I know you've grown up and should move on; I'll be fine without you."
Nightwing vol 4 # 79. Flashback page of Dick leaving the Manor, saying, "He fired me, Alfred" (he's eighteen at the time). So evidently, Tom Taylor goes with that version in his writing.
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Nightwing vol 4 # 39
Nightwing vol 4 # 39. Flashback to when Dick was a student in Blüdhaven, after leaving Robin and before he became Nightwing. He goes out to look for a murderer dressed in old workout clothes that looks a lot like his original Nightwing suit. Part of the best story arc of Nightwing vol 4, so don't miss it!
Red Hood and the Outlaws vol 2 Annual # 1. A team-up issue with Nightwing with a flashback to when Jason saw the Flying Graysons. And to their first meeting at Wayne Manor, which didn't go well because Alfred decided to give newcomer Jason Dick's bedroom because the Manor evidently suffers from a shortage of beds... <insert rolling eyes emoji here> Eminently skippable issue...
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Nightwing Annual 2021
Nightwing Annual 2021 (2022). Part of the book is a flashback story. Dick, who lives at the Titans tower, talks about how Bruce fired him and got a replacement. But when Alfred asks him to visit (calling Bruce his father), he comes to see Jason, who complains about how it's impossible to live up to the standard Dick set as Robin. They take the Batmobile (with Alfred's blessing) and head out. It seems to be their first meeting, which makes RHATO vol Annual 2 # 1 obsolete.
Nightwing vol 4 # 89. A team-up with Jon Kent/Superman, starting with a few pages flashback to their first meeting when Jon was getting his powers. Dick is wearing his red New 52 Nightwing suit.
Titans (2016–2019). I think the series was pretty meh, though Annual # 1 and Special # 1 have badass Nightwing moments.
DC Rebirth Holiday Special (2016) # 1, has a nice Titans story but nothing of further importance.
Rebirth Nightwing # 1. Dick returns to being Nightwing after the Grayson run, all set to pretend to work for the Parliament of Owls (see Robin War, part of New 52).
Nightwing vol 4 # 1 (September 2017) – # 4. Better than Batman. Nightwing is working undercover with the Parliament, partnered with the new character Raptor who, it turns out, loved his mum and has a personal vendetta with Bruce Wayne because he took Dick from his roots.  
Monster men. A storyline with the villain Professor Hugo Strange in Nightwing # 5-6, Batman # 7-8, Detective Comics # 941–942 (and some more books I haven't read). Dick is temporarily transformed into a monster and later saves the day by jumping into a monster to administer some antitherapy. Nothing of future importance but some nice panels regarding how well Dick knows Bruce.
Nightwing vol 4 # 7–8 (January 2017). Rise of Raptor. Nightwing discovers that Raptor has been stalking Dick Grayson since childhood. Raptor abducts Bruce Wayne and puts him in a death trap, but Nightwing saves him when he jumps. I quite enjoy the Raptor stories, I have to say.
Nightwing vol 4 # 9 (January 2017). A team-up with Superman, who was not a guy he knew at the time since this Superman had come from the pre-Flashpoint universe and somehow merged with New 52 Superman (no, I still don't understand it). It mostly takes place in Dick's dreams. Known for a quote from Superman: "Of everyone I've met here, you're the least changed from the version I knew. Always confident, always kind, always cool. Dick Grayson – the multiversal constant."
Nightwing vol 4 # 10 (February 2017) – 14 (April 2017). Dick moves to Blüdhaven (I think people got their memories or stolen time back at some time in Rebirth, which would explain how he was new in the city here, but had lived and been a cop there (as in Nightwing vol 2) later in vol 4.) He volunteers for a program for teens at a community centre, where he meets Shawn Tsang/Defacer, an "art terrorist" Batman and Robin once fought back in the day. Nightwing works to prove she and Gorilla Grim aren't murderers.
Batman vol 3 # 16 (April 2017) Has a fun couple of pages with Bruce and Dick, Jason, Damian and Duke at Bat Burger; Bruce warns the boys to stay out of Gotham and out of Bane's way, which Dick, Jason and Damian, of course, disregard. The issue ends with Batman finding them hanging by their necks in the Batcave. In # 17, we see they survived, and Bruce has left them frozen with Superman at the Fortress of Solitude for safekeeping.
Nightwing vol 4 # 15 (April 2017). Dick and Shawn Tsang/Defacer start dating. Interlude with many guest stars whom Dick talks to about his new life in Blüdhaven.
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Nightwing vol 4 # 20
Nightwing vol 4 # 16 – 20 (July 2017). Nightwing Must Die. Nice if you want to see Dick and Damian together again. Shawn is abducted while having a pregnancy scare, and Damian follows Dick to save her. (He went to Blüdhaven because he was upset people counted on Dick to become the Batman after Bruce's retirement, but later confesses he was unsure what his place in Dick's life was now.) Dick is cut with a knife made from the nth metal and see visions of himself from different realities. Villains: Professor Pyg and Doctor Simon Hurt, both from Dick and Damian's time as Batman and Robin.
Nightwing vol 4 # 21 (July 2017). Nightwing and Flash (Wally West) hang out, fights criminals and save each other's lives.
Nightwing vol 4 # 22–25 (August – September 2017). Blockbuster, the villain whose death in Nightwing vol 2 was a huge deal, is suddenly alive and   menacing Blüdhaven and Nightwing again. Dick is job-hunting and ends up taking a job as a blackjack dealer to keep an eye on Blockbuster, who had earlier sold him out to Tiger Shark, a villain Dick fought as Batman in Black Mirror. # 24–25 has a pretty badass fight, Nightwing vs a boatload of villains, and he also saves everyone by hotwiring a contraption to expand a bubble that freezes time. Shawn breaks up with Dick.
Nightwing vol 4 # 26–28 (October – November 2017). Spyral. Huntress/Helena Bertinelli, whom Dick met during the Grayson run (New 52 era), turns up. They work together on a case, ending up at the Spiral headquarter, and start a relationship. 
Batman vol 3 # 33–35 (December 2017 – January 2018). At Wayne Manor, Alfred tells Dick, Jason, Damian and Duke that Bruce intends to marry Selina while the latter two are on some mission in Khadym. Damian is upset because his mother is in Khadym, and Dick accompanies him there in the following issues. Some nice moments here and there, but I've never cared for Tom King's (the writer) grand Batman arc.
Dark Nights: Metal. Storyline 2017–2018. (including Nightwing # 29) where Batman discovers a Dark Multiverse.
Nightwing vol 4 # 30 – 34 (February 2018). Raptor's Revenge. Raptor gets involved in Nightwing’s fight with Blockbuster. Helena/Huntress breaks up with Dick. # 32 has flashback to Dick and Raptor at the circus and the death of his parents. 
Batman vol 3 # 45–47 (June - July 2018). Booster Gold goes back in time to save Bruce's parents as a wedding gift. This completely alters the past, and for some reason, Dick becomes a Batman who fights a city of Jokers with lethal violence. Some amusing wackiness about what has happened to different characters – Selina is a serial killer, Tim has a menial job, and Jason has invented tires that give tire thieves a deadly shock of electricity, but nothing of future importance.
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Nightwing vs Hush
Batman: Prelude to the Wedding. Nightwing vs Hush (2018) is a great issue for a Nightwing fan. Nightwing and Superman are taking Batman for a bachelor’s party, but Hush attacks them and he and Dick are transported to another universe (where Hush perishes, which hasn’t stopped him from turning up back in the main universe). Robin vs Ra's al Ghul has a tiny Nightwing as Damian's "good angel" on his shoulder, which is a fun but minor detail.
Batgirl vol 5 # 25. Takes place just after the failed wedding between Bruce and Selina. Barbara needs a friend; Dick takes her to the empty honeymoon suit. They talk as close friends about love, and Dick comes across as quite the romantic. Quite a nice story, in my opinion.
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Nightwing vol 4 # 35
Nightwing vol 4 # 35–41 (February – May 2018)The Untouchable. My favourite arc of vol 4 so far, written by Sam Humphries (I'm sure he was supposed to stay longer because he talked in an interview about wanting to bring back Dick's Uncle George from Batman vol 1 # 22, but he only wrote the one arc). Includes some flashbacks to Dick’s time as Robin, and when he was a student post-Robin. He starts a new business, Grayson cross train studio.
Nightwing vol 4 # 42 (June 2018). Enjoyable one-shot. Damian tells his pets about how Dick saved him from capture in Tokyo. They pick up a dragon on the way.
Nightwing vol 4 # 43 (June 2018). Another enjoyable one-shot, with Dick, Damian and Roy Harper/Arsenal, bickering and fighting bad guys.  
Nightwing vol 4 # 44–47 (July – October 2018). The Bleeding Edge, a story arc with malevolent virtual reality and the "dark web". Feel free to skip it.
Nightwing/Magilla Gorilla Special # 1 (October 2018). As a crossover with a Hanna-Barbera character, presumably not set in the usual DC universe... But I rather enjoyed it; it was a nice little murder mystery and lots of thinking about the circus and Dick's parents. Though I wouldn't personally rush to the cinema for a movie about The Flying Graysons with gorillas as actors...
Nightwing vol 4 # 48–49 (November 2018). Harm's way, the conclusion of the Dark Web storyline. If you enjoy Nightwing on a motorbike and being a badass fighter, why not? I can't say the story made an impact or had consequences since Dick would spend the following two years (maybe half a year, in-universe) as Ric.
The Murder Club (in Batman: Urban Legends # 19–23, November 2022 – March 2023 ). Martha and Thomas Wayne turn up in the Batcave, apparently taken from the time before they were killed. The story has Bruce, Dick, Damian and Alfred and is good if one like the family feels. (Not sure if any story in Urban Legends is supposed to be "canon" for the current continuity, but time-wise, Damian is dressed in Robin colours, Alfred is alive etc.)
Batman vol 3 # 51 (September 2018). Dick stands in as Batman while Bruce is called for jury duty.
DC's Crime of Passion # 1 (February 2020), has some Dick/Barbara, nothing you can't miss, in my opinion.
Batman vol 3 # 54–55. # 54 goes between flashbacks from when Dick was new in Wayne Manor and apparently doesn't know Bruce is Batman and Nightwing trying to cheer up Batman after Seline dumped him. In # 55, Dick is shot in the head by KG Beast (just another of Tom King's plot points to make Batman as miserable as possible). In Batman # 56-57, Batman hunts down KG Beast. Again, these issues have some pleasant character moments. Still, I'm not a fan of the overall plot or the result for Dick (I've read that Tom King was open to healing Dick magically pretty much straight away, but someone wanted to "take advantage" of the situation...)
Nightwing vol 4 Annual # 2. Partly set just after Dick was shot. Bruce tries to jog his memory by showing him a video of when he was shot, further traumatizing him and leading to him storming out.
Nightwing vol 4 # 50 (December 2018) – 74 (November 2020). Dick lives in Blüdhave as "Ric" and has forgotten everything for approximately the last 15 years. He wants nothing to do with his former family and starts dating Bea Bennett. Meanwhile, four other people use his old suits to go out as vigilantes since the real Nightwing has disappeared. Besides the shot in the head, he is brainwashed (with the help of a magical crystal, if I understood correctly) to help his Talon grandfather William Cobb make him a Talon (he is, for a few issues). The Joker later gets hold of the crystal and makes Dick believe the Joker fostered him and that he is "Dicky boy". He fights the other bats before it's all over...
Nightwing vol 4 # 74 (November 2020). Dick starts to get his memories back.
Batman vol 3 # 99 (November 2020). Bruce gives Dick his Nightwing suit back after two years of suffering (for us readers) with Ric, Talons and Joker War, but not really worth reading for that.
Dark Nights: Death Metal. Reality-shattering, complicated storyline 2020–2021 with lots of evil Batmen. I have read very little of it, but Dick is newly back from "Ric". In Justice League # 53–57 (Doom Metal parts 1–5), he and some others are physically D&E-transformed while fighting. In Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last Stories of the DC Universe, there are some nice Titans moments (also, Batman performs a one-panel "wedding" with Dick and Barbara...)
Nightwing vol 4 # 78 – > (March 2021 and onward) The current run of Nightwing starts (writer Tom Taylor, art mostly Bruno Redondo). After the relaunch Infinite Frontier, parts of Dick's pre-Flashpoint history in Blüdhaven have been restored. He has, for instance, been a cop and lives in the apartment building he bought during Nightwing vol 2. In my opinion, the run is visually great and full of lovely moments between Dick and his friends and family, but it's overly sweet and kind of boring, though many people seem to love the writing too. 
Nightwing vol 4 # 78 (2021). Dick adopts a three-legged puppy (Haley/Bitewing) and is told he inherited Alfred's billions (he is currently richer than Bruce). He now lives in the block of flats in Blüdhave that was ostensibly destroyed in Nightwing vol 2.
Nightwing vol 4 # 80. Nightwing's first meeting with the villain Heartless, who steals hearts. That was 2021, and Dick still hasn't stopped Heartless or spent a lot of time chasing him because of so many interruptions.
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Nightwing vol 4 # 82
Nightwing vol 4 # 81–82. He discovers he has an older half-sister, Melinda Zucco, conceived before John and Mary were married but brought up as the daughter of Tony Zucco. She is sworn in as the new Mayor of Blüdhaven. A big part of # 82 is flashbacks to the Grayson's and Melinda's backstory. Blockbuster, who should already be dead if what happened in Nightwing vol 2 is canon again, turns up as an adversary again (is later killed in # 94)
Nightwing vol 4 # 83. Dick announces The Alfred Pennyworth Foundation to make Blüdhaven a better place for everyone. The first goal is to ensure that no one lives on the streets a month later, "because it's getting colder".
Without a net. Unpublished tales from the DC vault # 2. (2021) One shot that is possibly supposed to take place in the current continuity; there's at least nothing to contradict it. Dick takes on a task because he feels he's the most qualified to dive 30000 feet from a flying castle (?!) into a lagoon.
Robin vol 3 # 5 (2021). The four former Robins chase after Damian, who has temporarily left Lazarus Island and wants to discuss what's happening. He gives them the slip – except Dick, who catches up with Damian and gives him a birthday present. They talk a bit, and Dick lets him go, telling the others that they will tell Batman "That we trust Damian and have faith in him." So a nice issue if you're looking for a few pages of Dick and Damian interaction.
Nightwing vol 4 # 84–86. Part of the crossover Fear State, where Scarecrow wants to control Gotham City using fear gas.
Titans Academy (2021–2022). I was never interested in picking up the book, but I guess it happened parallel to the Nightwing book until the start of Dark Crisis.
Nightwing Annual 2021 (2022). A tale of two brothers, Dick and Jason, now and then (when Jason was Robin). Dick refuses to believe Jason/Red Hood is killing people again and helps him clear it up, combined with a likeable flashback with Nightwing and JasonRobin.
Nightwing vol 4 # 88 (2022). Dick Grayson is targeted at the ceremony for starting to build Haven. It's kind of a nice issue if you like seeing what a great guy Dick is and his friends rushing to his side. Dick gets a new Nightwing suit made by Mr Terrific.
Nightwing vol 4 # 89, Superman: Son of Ka-El # 9. A team-up with Jon Kent/Superman, starting with a flashback to their first meeting when Jon was getting his powers.
"The Director" (in Batman: Urban Legends # 22-23). A story with Dick and Barbara takes place in Blüdhaven; not really my cup of tea, but readable.  
Nightwing vol 4 # 90–91, Dick's building in Blüdhaven is blown up, Barbara is kidnapped, and a master assassain comes after Dick. Guest starring Wally West/The Flash, guest villain KG Beast, the gut who shot Dick back in Batman # 55.
Nightwing vol 4 # 96–97. I think it's fair to say Dick and Barbara are a couple at this stage.
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Nightwing vol 3 # 98
Nightwing vol 4 # 98 (2023). Dick gets his own imp from the Fifth Dimension, Nite-Mite. He ships Dick with Starfire but teleports friends and family in to wed Dick and Barbare. (Ok, I thought it was a rather fun issue...) Introducing Olivia, daughter of Blockbuster, who sold her soul to the devil Neron; Neron is on his way to collect her soul. Nightwing & Co save her.
Nightwing vol 4 # 99. Nightwing catches Tony Zucco, who is violating parole with attempted robbery. Melinda changes her last name to Grayson-Lin.
Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis # 1, Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths # 1–7 (2022). An event where the Justice League is presumed dead (Nightwing is sure they will come back), and super criminals attack en masse. Along the way, "the Great Darkness" tries to take Nightwing as its new host, but he fights it off. At the end of the event, the Justice League disbanded. I'm pretty fed up with big events (great art, though), but Dick is a central character, the first legacy hero, and the light in the dark for Batman. It sets him up as an important leader for the superhero community going forward.
Batman vs Robin # 3 (November 2022). Damian is possessed and recruits the four former Robins to fight Batman for him in this lead-up to the event Lazarus Planet. Dick gets the sword of sin, and Batman, waiting for him to attack, thinks, "Hand-to-hand, the toughest of them all". In the end, Batman pushes Alfred (or rather, some kind of replica of Alfred from the afterlife, as a spy for the demon Nezha) on Dick's sword to get him to hesitate so Batman can knock him out. (I should say I've only read this issue of the book. Damian and Bruce fighting got old a long time ago, IMO.)
Nightwing vol 4 # 100. Heartless stages a mass breakout from Blüdhaven's private prison, which is destroyed. Nightwing talks a lot of the escapees into changing sides. The Titans come to help. Guest villain again, KG Beast. Superman and Wonder Woman asks Dick to lead – not the Justice League, which currently is disbanded – but whatever kind of protection he chooses. Dick buys the destroyed prison to build a new Titans tower there. Dick and Bruce have a heartfelt talk by Alfred's grave, though it's debatable if "I love you, Dad" is in character for Dick to say.
Nightwing vol 4 # 101–104. The Titans work together to save Olivia from Neron. Including Dick getting superpowers like that of Superman, when Neron tries to tempt him. Back-up story of Nightwing and Jon/Superman, working a case at a circus.
Titans (2023). The adult Titans are working from Blüdhaven while the Justice League is (probably very temporarily ) disbanded in this new book. It's only been a couple of issues, but I've been enjoying it so far (though I have a hard time with the pairing Beast Boy/Raven, since I know them well from the NTT ear).
Books clearly set outside the main continuity
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Future State: Nightwing # 2
Future State: Nightwing # 1–2 (2021), Future State: Gotham (2021–2022) As far as I'm concerned, DC's Future State titles are stories from possible alternate futures that will never come to pass. But it was nice to see Dick written as competent and tinkering with inventions. The Future State stories continued in Future State Gotham, where Dick used the enhancing drug Brane to gain an edge in the fight against the Magistrate and assorted villains and, in the end, sacrificed himself. It didn't seem worth reading, from what I've seen.
Future State: Teen Titans # 1–2. Another possible future book, it’s not as good as the Nightwing version, IMO.
Batman Beyond (2016) vol 6. Dick is the mayor of Blüdhaven and has a daughter who becomes Batwoman in this version of Batman Beyond. To my knowledge, he is in a number of issues starting with # 25. 
Batman/Catwoman, a 12-issue Black Label miniseries (2021–2022). Yet another book set in a possible future (or maybe an alternate universe). Dick is the Police Commissioner of Gotham. I haven't read the whole series, but Dick has a minor role.
In the Dark Multiverse, you can see Dick as a Talon, die during the Judas contract or be murdered by Damian if you like. (Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Hush, Teen Titans: The Judas Contract, and Deathstroke (2016) # 50.)
Titans United (2021) and Titans United: Bloodpact (2022) was two limited series that was probably published to lure in readers that liked the Titans tv show, though it wasn't a tie-in. Pretty entertaining Titans stories with different team members. The digital-first Titans: Titans Together book (2020) also didn't connect to what's going on in other books but was all right reading.
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Posted on July 16, 2023. Time will tell if it will get edited/updated in the future. 
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tinogiehd · 1 year
or perhaps both dream and george are on the same page that this is all just a bit for the camera. like george acts crazy for the camera, dream acts in love for camera, we love it, they find it funny, it’s good content there’s nothing more to it😭
this has been an active bit since 2019, they sat down and scripted it since their first video actually.
dream went okay you gotta pretend like you’re into me and then you have to get Worse while I made offhanded to direct comments about you liking men nonstop. and george went alright I will act maddeningly in love with you for years before you show me any form of reciprocation and that reciprocation has to loosely align with the times that you start publicly questioning and addressing your sexuality. and dream went gotcha now I need to you to disassociate the fuck out of this am I in love with my best friend quiz. and george went okay sure now we need to take it up a notch in fall and winter 2021-22 to such an extent that to the whole damn fandom feels a shift in our behavior. and dream went great I’ll repeatedly call you my boyfriend and have our friends insist that you’re into men through tts on your stream. and george went no no that’s not enough you should come out on reddit and then immediately start liking romantic art of us on an account we gain zero profit from. and dream went cool we are going to have the world’s most obvious honeymoon phase and I will insist that I am your real boyfriend. and george went cool I am going to become so fucking soft like so fucking soft over the next few months and speak of you so fondly that it’s like love is radiating out of me. and dream went I’m going to come out on twitter three days after liking the first art of us kissing. I will continue to like art of us kissing. and george went okay so I had this idea that when I meet you my first direct words to you will be You Look Like A God With The Sun Behind You haha that would be funny. and dream went also we should go in for the kiss moments after meeting. and george went but what if you start touching me like I’m fragile and I suddenly become incapable of calling you an idiot or insulting you to the point where a previously everyday occurrence happens two or three times over two or three months. and dream went great idea I’m going to tell everyone that nurse thought we were dating lol
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