#2019 Ford Mustang Gt Interior
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Rear Window Louver for Ford Mustang 2015 2023 Windshield
Rear Window Louver for Ford Mustang 2015 - 2020 ABS Gloss Black Carbon Fiber Texture Windshield Sun Shade Cover in GT Lambo
GREAT FITMENT: Perfectly fits for 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Ford Mustang GT all except convertible. Get this classic and trendy rear window louvers to give your Mustang A Retro Muscle Car Inspired Styling.
UPGRADE DESIGN: This window louvers designed in aerodynamic shape style with modern Gloss Black with Texture coated. No visibility issue, improvising more private space to make feel passengers more comfortable and free.
EASY TO INSTALL: Easy to install the louvers with great stickiness self-adhesive 3M tape , press in place at least 1 minute, no drilling or cutting. Please use lighter or hairdryer to heat the 3M automotive adhesive tape slightly, the installation effect will be more better.
SUPERIOR QUALITY: Made of high standard quality ABS construction greatly resists impact and deformation with superior toughness and durability, protecting the rear windshield from road debris and increasing the interior privacy.
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Comenzando con un poco de historia, Bullitt es el nombre de la película que protagonizó Steve McQueen haciendo el personaje de Frank Bullitt, un detective que está en un caso protección a testigos. Lo que hace memorable a esta película, es la persecución en las calles de San Francisco entre un Mustang GT 390 Fastback de 1968 y un Dodge Charger R/T.
Tanto fue el impacto que generó esta película que Ford decidió lanzar una edición especial haciendo tributo al segundo protagonista, el Ford Mustang. La primera edición especial del Bullitt fue en el 2001, esta edición resalta el color verde “Dark Highland Green” y los rines de 5 puntas en color negro. La segunda edición de Bullitt llegó en el 2009 con el diseño tipo fastback, ofreciéndose en dos colores, el verde “DHG” y en negro, los indicadores del tablero tenían un estilo retro además de que en esta edición cuenta con la característica de tener un sistema de escape que asemeja el sonido del Mustang 68 de la película.
Con la versión más reciente del Mustang, la edición del Bullitt luce mucho mejor que nunca, más ancho, agresivo y potente. De inicio resalta el color verde “Bullitt” (ya no es el “DHG”) y los rines de aluminio de 5 puntas de 19 pulgadas con acabado negro, incorporando llantas 255/40 R19 al frente y 275/40 R19 atrás, con este ancho, las llanta sobresalen de los rines dándole un aspecto retro. A pesar de que la llanta es de perfil bajo, podemos ver que tiene suficiente cuerpo para soportar las irregularidades del camino.
Al frente, tenemos una parrilla de panal lisa, ya que no cuenta con las molduras que vemos en el actual Mustang GT, además, tiene un delineado en cromo haciendo resaltar su diseño retro. Desde esta perspectiva podemos notar las “caderas” del eje trasero. En la parte de atrás no tendremos el pequeño spoiler trasero, dándole un diseño más limpio a esta línea fastback. En la parte de atrás resaltan las luces traseras de LED con “animación” al momento de poner las direccionales o intermintentes. Una de las mayores características que se nota en el Mustang Bullitt, es que no tendremos el emblema del pony en ninguna parte del auto con excepción en los rines (muy pequeños), este mítico emblema de la parte trasera se sustituye con una diana y las letras Bullitt al centro. Una de las satisfacciones que tendrás es que sin importar en donde dejes estacionado el Mustang Bullitt, obtendrás una gran postal.
Con la llave de presencia, sólo es cosa de acercarse a él para ingresar, al momento de abrir la puerta tendremos en las luces de cortesía proyectando el emblema de Mustang en el piso. Al acceder al interior, podemos ver las vestiduras en piel de color negro con las costuras en verde. Los asientos delanteros tienen ajuste eléctrico de varias posiciones además de calefacción y ventilación. Aunque no lo parezca, el Mustang es vehículo de 4 plazas, en una configuración 2+2, tendremos asientos traseros, pero por cuestiones de espacio, no hay muchas posibilidades de que alguien pueda ir atrás cómodamente y de alguna manera esos asientos traseros preferimos considerarlos más de adorno que funcionales.
El panel de instrumentos del Mustang Bullitt cuenta con la novedad de que es totalmente digital, el clúster de 12 pulgadas nos permitirá ver las funciones de este auto, además del velocímetro y tacómetro, podemos seleccionar los indicadores de temperatura de aceite, transmisión, diferencial, consumo de combustible, modos de manejo, presión de neumáticos, ajustes del vehículo entre otras más.
Por si esto es poco, este display te permite mostrar tres modos:
Normal: Muestra el velocímetro y tacómetro en dos “relojes” grandes.
Sport: El tacómetro se vuelve una combinación de “análogo” y de carreras.
Pista: Los “relojes” cambian por un tacómetro tipo auto de carreras y el velocímetro se vuelve digital con números grandes.
Para poder interactuar el panel de instrumentos, el volante de tres brazos rectos y profundos con su estilo retro tiene tantos botones que prácticamente no tienes que soltar el volante para realizar cualquier ajuste. Dentro de las funciones que podemos operar son: controlar el sistema de infoentretenimiento, contestar y colgar llamadas, configurar el panel de instrumentos con la computadora de viaje. Una de las funciones que cuenta este volante es poder configurar comportamiento del Bullitt con un botón que tiene la imagen del pony.
El tablero asemeja a ese estilo retro que hemos visto en los primeros Mustang, en el lado del copiloto tendremos una placa conmemorativa que, hasta donde sabemos, indica el número de unidad para esta edición. Hay que mencionar que en México se ofrecieron 150 unidades para venta del Bullitt 2019. Al centro del tablero, en la parte superior entre las ventilas del aire acondicionado, tendremos dos medidores, uno es para la presión de aceite y el otro indica el vacío para el motor, ambos dando ese aspecto de performance como un auto de carreras. Debajo de estos indicadores tendremos la pantalla touch de 8 pulgadas con el sistema SYNC 3, este gran sistema de infoentretenimiento incorpora radio AM/FM, auxiliar, conexión Bluetooth, USB con Android Auto y Apple CarPlay. Para complementar el info-entretenimiento, tendremos un sistema de audio Shaker Pro con 9 bocinas incluyendo SubWoofer para amenizar el interior con tu música favorita, aunque en mi caso nada mejor que escuchar el V8 naturalmente aspirado. Debajo de la pantalla touch tendremos los controles del aire acondicionado de doble zona y los botones para calentar o ventirlar los asientos y en el inferior del tablero tendremos el botón de encendido acompañado de unos interruptores del modo de manejo, dirección, control de tracción de estabilidad y las intermitentes.
Uno de los pequeños placeres de la vida sin duda es encender el motor V8 de 5.0 L que tiene el Mustang Bullitt, este motor Coyote incorpora un sistema de Inyección Dual generando 480 Hp y 420 lb/pie de torque que se manifiestan en un característico y hermoso gorgoreo. A pesar de que este auto sigue la tradición de ser “ruidoso”, el Bullitt cuenta con un sistema de escape de válvulas activas que permite controlar la intensidad de estas notas que emite el motor a través de “el botón del pony” que se encuentra en el volante. Las opciones van desde lo más civilizado en el modo Silencioso con las válvulas cerradas, Normal donde ya escuchamos el característico gorgoreo, Deportivo y Pista dónde con las válvulas totalmente abiertas permitiendo escuchar la mejor sinfonía del Coyote de 5.0L.
Si de por sí ya es muy especial este Mustang Bullitt, algo que los verdaderos puristas amarán de este auto es que viene con una transmisión manual de 6 velocidades, permitiéndonos a nosotros disfrutar de un manejo más “purista” al tener esa pequeña sensación de control total al conducirlo. Para hacer más placentero los cambios, se puede activar la opción Rev Match en la que al momento de hacer cambio de velocidad el Bullit subirá las RPM’s del motor para que este no pierda “ritmo” entre una relación a otra, esta “asistencia” se nota más cuando haces un retroceso de velocidad causando una gran emoción de escucharlo gruñir.
Con frenos de disco en las 4 ruedas y enormes cálipers delanteros Brembo de 6 pistones pintados en rojo, son lo suficiente para detener el galope de este Bullitt, este sistema de frenos cuenta con sistema ABS. En seguridad, este Mustang cuenta con varias asistencias que te permitirán divertirte con él sin llegar a correr un riesgo. Dentro de las asistencias vamos a tener el control electrónico de estabilidad y de tracción Advance trac con diferentes modos: Normal, Nieve/Lluvia, Deportivo y Pista, los cuales controla la respuesta del motor, la sensibilidad del acelerador además de la distribución de la potencia a las llantas traseras. Una de las asistencias que facilita su manejo es la asistencia para el arranque en pendientes ya que así no terminarás acabándote clutch por si aún se te dificulta la maniobra. En el interior tendremos 8 bolsas de aire (2 frontales, 2 laterales, 2 tipo cortina y 2 para las rodillas del conductor y pasajero) además del sistema de anclaje LATCH para las sillas para niños.
Manejar el Mustang Bullitt es una experiencia muy satisfactoria, con los tres pedales te da una diferente perspectiva de conducción al tener 480HP a tu disposición y tratar de controlarlos con tu pie izquierdo. Teniendo entendido que este auto está pensado para divertirte ya que cuenta con el Track App (aplicaciones para su uso en pista que puedes medir aceleración, frenado y bloquear el eje delantero para “quemar llanta” sin castigar los frenos) se comporta muy bien en la ciudad, una de sus cualidades es que la suspensión tiene con una configuración independiente tipo Mac Pherson al frente e independiente de enlace integral atrás, a pesar de ser deportiva, tiene cierto confort para andar en la ciudad, lo cual se agradece yendo en caminos en mal estado. Parte de este confort en la conducción también lo proporcionan los asientos, así que andar en el Bullitt no es tan desgastante para este tipo de auto. La posición de manejo es algo que también sobresale, teniendo un buen espacio en el interior la altura del asiento te permite ir lo más bajo posible para generar un centro de gravedad bajo (para el conductor). El volante tiene la opción de ajustarse en altura y profundidad para tener una buena posición de manejo. Es tan bueno el diseño que cuenta este interior que puedes “darte el lujo” de hacer los cambios de velocidad recargándote en el descansa brazos, “como patrón”.
El Mustang Bullitt está planeado para que lo configures a tu gusto, en el interior, comenzando por el tablero y sus tres modos de proyección, también le puedes cambiar las combinaciones de colores, tanto así que hasta puedes “crear” tu color y verlo reflejando en el panel de instrumentos. Otra configuración será la iluminación del interior, ofreciendo, a diferencia del tablero, sólo con algunos colores como el azul, rojo, verde, morado entre otros para darle ambiente. Pasando al desempeño, también te permitirá ajustar el Bullitt conforme a tu modo de conducción, comenzando con la dirección si la quieres suave o deportiva, el sonido de los escapes, la respuesta del motor.
En el tema del rendimiento de combustible, el Bullitt no nos sorprende, con un tanque de 60 L podemos tener una autonomía estimada de 320 km. Teniendo la ventaja de la transmisión manual, podremos buscar el modo de hacer un poco más rendidor el consumo conduciendo en 5ta o 6ta velocidad además de tener el modo Lluvia/Nieve activado para bajar las revoluciones del motor. Debido a que nuestra prueba fue más en ciudad y en caminos con pendientes, el rendimiento estuvo entre los 5.5 km/l, una cifra considerable para un motor de 480HP, haciendo un estimado en condiciones más favorables, podemos considerar que pueda llegar hasta los 7 km/l y probablemente de 9 hasta 10 en carretera a una velocidad constante. Pero de lo que puedes estar muy seguro es que sin duda valdrá cada mililitro de combustible que consuma este pony.
Algo que notamos conduciendo el Mustang Bullitt es que es muy difícil encontrarle a simple vista defectos a este auto deportivo, primero porque te enamoras de él al primer contacto, además, para este tipo de auto sabes bien de sus carencias, ya sea en el consumo de combustible, visión dentro del habitáculo o pequeños detalles en los acabados (como en los interruptores a lado del botón de arranque que siguen sin convencerme). Algunas sugerencias que podrían considerar para este auto sería la integración de sensores de proximidad al frente, ya que, debido al largo cofre, se puede complicar la percepción y en cierto modo llegar a golpear la fascia. Otra sugerencia, aunque ya sería más como capricho, los frenos traseros no fuesen “convencionales” porque si le resta estilo después de ver el cáliper delantero. Otro detalle podría ser que la llave y en las luces de cortesía llevara el emblema de Bullitt en vez del pony, total, lo hicieron en todo el auto y les quedó muy bien.
En conclusión, el Mustang Bullitt, con un precio para la versión 2020 de $1,040,000 pesos, es el verdadero ícono americano primero, porque es uno de los autos más queridos y respetados en la industria y por otra parte porque es un tributo al protagonista de la película que todo aficionado a los automóviles debe de ver. El encanto del Mustang Bullitt es que te hará sentirte en las calles de San Francisco y cada vez que estés en el asiento del conductor y si te encuentras un Dodge Charger negro en el camino (como me sucedió) querrás iniciar una persecución.
Texto y fotos: Alejandro Gelista L.
Mustang Bullitt, el verdadero ícono americano. Comenzando con un poco de historia, Bullitt es el nombre de la película que protagonizó Steve McQueen haciendo el personaje de Frank Bullitt, un detective que está en un caso protección a testigos.
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2019 Ford Mustang GT Horsepower, Price, Release Date
2019 Ford Mustang GT Horsepower, Price, Release Date
2019 Ford Mustang GT Horsepower, Price, Release Date – The 2019 Ford Mustang GT is America’s muscle tissue auto. Reachable with some or 8 compartments, in a roadster or convertible car body, and bragging a keep track of-well prepared Shelby version, this two-entranceway, increase push sign hikes into 2018 with a few delicate design upgrades, new transmission and suspensions contain, an electronic…
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2019 Ford Mustang GT Interior, Engine, Price
New Post has been published on http://fordrumors.xyz/2019-ford-mustang-gt-interior-engine-price/
2019 Ford Mustang GT Interior, Engine, Price
2019 Ford Mustang GT Interior, Engine, Price – It will always be interesting to find out which versions of renowned muscle mass automobile Mustang are getting into the current market. Except Mach 1 additionally, there is GT model some of the most popular. Nevertheless, it is not very easy to update the auto because of so many supporters and bait their interest apart. So, the latest 2019 Ford Mustang GT has to be specific.
2019 Ford Mustang GT Price
Under the hood and design will give you a few things which are unavailable in the typical model. On the flip side, employers in Ford realize that charges added. However, to hold with some other companies and rivals, specifically Chevy, they may have hardly any other solution but to shell out.
2019 Ford Mustang GT Powertrain
2019 Ford Mustang GT Engine
What might become the engine for the latest 2019 Ford Mustang GT is the topic of talking. Fans and industry experts want some beast, and that is possibly what they can get. However, it continues to the unknown which displacement may come within the hood from the GT Mustang. Some records are saying that technicians will downgrade V-8 powertrain to a 4-cylinder engine. Even so, you will find turbocharger to improve energy productivity to around 250 hp. There is an option with all the tuning of 3.7-l V-6. Nonetheless, EcoBoost inline-4 should be able to give you the finest fuel economy, but it is questionable just what is the primary concern for developers and technical engineers.
2019 Ford Mustang GT Design
2019 Ford Mustang GT Horsepower
From whatever we found thus far, there is significant chance for 2019 Ford Mustang GT to go through mid-period revise. The exterior is not going to consider too many alterations, while the virtually full interior is entirely new. The infotainment system updates are significant.
2019 Ford Mustang GT Interior
Dashboard, controls, and chairs are getting redesign and change. On the flip side, safety is better with additional features. A new era of Mustang is originating probably in 2020, so significant exterior changes usually are not so particular. Designers will abandon nearly all of their techniques for the following model.
2019 Ford Mustang GT Price & Release Date
2019 Ford Mustang GT Release Date
2019 Ford Mustang GT Date of Release and the cost are still unfamiliar. All gossip in regards to the automobile are lacking established confirmation from the organization. Nonetheless, there are many spy images, professing that GT is about them. However, beneath weighty camo, we can say for sure it is new ‘Stang.
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2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt Specs, Price
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt Release
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt Review – Ready to go on sale in the summer of 2018, the new Mustang Bullitt follows in the footsteps of its predecessors. It is based on the Mustang GT, has a number of unique features inside and out, and has a subtle appearance. But under the skin, the Bullitt has a little more strength than the GT and offers better performance. If Steve McQueen was still here, I’m sure he would have taken a house and maybe even use it for a continuation of the iconic movie. But unfortunately, Steve is gone, so we’ll have to settle for the Ford, a great Ford inspired by Bullitt, made for the car.
Engine Intercooled Turbo Premium Unleaded I-4, 2.3 L EPA Class Subcompact Cars Style Name EcoBoost Fastback Drivetrain Rear Wheel Drive Passenger Capacity 4 Passenger Doors 2 Body Style 2dr Car Transmission Transmission: 6-Speed Manual -inc: reverse lockout pull ring
Vehicle EPA Classification Subcompact Cars Weight Information Base Curb Weight (lbs) 3532 Interior Dimensions Front Head Room (in) 37.6 Second Leg Room (in) 30.6 Passenger Capacity 4 Front Hip Room (in) 54.9 Front Leg Room (in) 44.5 Second Shoulder Room (in) 52.2 Passenger Volume (ft³) 84.5 Second Head Room (in) 34.8 Front Shoulder Room (in) 56.3 Second Hip Room (in) 47.4 Exterior Dimensions Width, Max w/o mirrors (in) 75.4 Wheelbase (in) 107.1 Track Width, Rear (in) 64.9 Height, Overall (in) 54.4 Length, Overall (in) 188.3 Track Width, Front (in) 62.3 Cargo Area Dimensions Trunk Volume (ft³) 13.5
Fuel Tank Fuel Tank Capacity, Approx (gal) 15.5 Mileage EPA Fuel Economy Est – Hwy (MPG) 31 (Est) Fuel Economy Est-Combined (MPG) 25 (Est) EPA Fuel Economy Est – City (MPG) 21 (Est)
Engine Displacement 2.3 L/140 Engine Order Code 99H SAE Net Torque @ RPM 350 @ 3000 Fuel System Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Type Intercooled Turbo Premium Unleaded I-4 SAE Net Horsepower @ RPM 310 @ 5500 Transmission Trans Type 6 Third Gear Ratio (:1) 1.67 Final Drive Axle Ratio (:1) 3.31 Drivetrain Rear Wheel Drive First Gear Ratio (:1) 4.24 Sixth Gear Ratio (:1) 0.70 Trans Description Cont. Manual w/OD Fourth Gear Ratio (:1) 1.24 Seventh Gear Ratio (:1) NA Trans Order Code 44X Second Gear Ratio (:1) 2.54 Reverse Ratio (:1) 3.84 Trans Description Cont. Again NA Fifth Gear Ratio (:1) 1.00 Eighth Gear Ratio (:1) NA Brakes Disc – Rear (Yes or ) Yes Brake ABS System 4-Wheel Drum – Rear (Yes or ) NA Front Brake Rotor Diam x Thickness (in) 12.6 Disc – Front (Yes or ) Yes Rear Drum Diam x Width (in) NA Rear Brake Rotor Diam x Thickness (in) 12.6 Steering Steering Type Rack-Pinion Turning Diameter – Curb to Curb (ft) 36.5 Tires Spare Tire Order Code NA Front Tire Order Code NA Spare Tire Size NA Front Tire Size P235/55WR17 Rear Tire Order Code NA Rear Tire Size P235/55WR17 Wheels Spare Wheel Size (in) NA Front Wheel Size (in) 17 X 7.5 Spare Wheel Material NA Front Wheel Material Aluminum Rear Wheel Size (in) 17 X 7.5 Rear Wheel Material Aluminum Suspension Suspension Type – Front (Cont.) Strut Suspension Type – Front Strut Suspension Type – Rear (Cont.) Multi-Link Suspension Type – Rear Multi-Link
Safety Air Bag-Frontal-Driver Yes Air Bag-Frontal-Passenger Yes Air Bag-Passenger Switch (On/Off) No Air Bag-Side Body-Front Yes Air Bag-Side Body-Rear No Air Bag-Side Head-Front Yes Air Bag-Side Head-Rear Yes Brakes-ABS Yes Child Safety Rear Door Locks No Daytime Running Lights No Traction Control Yes Night Vision No Rollover Protection Bars No Fog Lamps No Parking Aid No Tire Pressure Monitor Yes Back-Up Camera Yes Stability Control Yes Other Features AdvanceTrac Electronic Stability Control (ESC) ABS And Driveline Traction Control Side Impact Beams Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Seat-Mounted Side Airbags Forward Collision Tire Specific Low Tire Pressure Warning Dual Stage Driver And Passenger Front Airbags Curtain 1st And 2nd Row Airbags Airbag Occupancy Sensor Driver And Passenger Knee Airbag Restricted Driving Mode Outboard Front Lap And Shoulder Safety Belts -inc: Pretensioners Back-Up Camera
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt Exterior
In front of the outside, we can see a new grid with a honeycomb pattern, black mesh. There is no pony logo, but Ford has added subtle chrome accents to the top frame. On the sides, we can see the usual Torque Thrust wheels, also based on the original car and seen in previous Bullitt iterations. In this car, they measure 19 inches and are made of aluminum. Behind them, Brembo brake calipers painted in red add a touch of color.
At the rear, the Bullitt is equipped with the revised diffuser with the Premium group standard, a circular false-gas cap with the Bullitt logo on the rear bumper and new Black NitroPlate exhaust tips. Speaking of colors, the new Bullitt can be ordered in just two exterior paintings. There’s Dark Highland Green, a modern, metallic version of the shadow of the original car, and Shadow Black.
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt Interior
The interior is more or less standard GT with additional standard features and some unique bits. The vehicle is equipped as standard with the Premium Package, which adds leather, a larger screen for the infotainment system, ambient lighting, aluminum pedals, an aluminum satin brush on the center column, an improved audio system, control of adaptive speed and wipers.
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt Interior
Ford also offers a heated leather-wrapped steering wheel as standard, as well as a fully digital 12-inch board of the 2018 Mustang facelifted. The specific features of Bullitt include green seams on the dashboard, door panels, center console, and seats, as well as a white shift knob as a nod to the original car. . The infotainment system has a single green start screen with an image of the car instead of the pony.
The list of options includes a set of leather-trimmed Recaro seats and Bullitt Electronics Group. The latter includes seats and mirrors with memory for the driver and a blind spot information system with Cross Traffic Alert that can, among other things, draw the attention of customers about vehicles detected in difficult places to see.
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt Engine Performance
The new 2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt gets its juice from an updated 5.0-liter V-8 GT. The natural vacuum unit has won some revised inmates for improved performance and remains exclusive to this special edition. The revised engine develops 480 horsepower and 420 lb-ft of torque. That’s 20 horsepower more compared to the standard GT, while the torque is the same.
The V-8 is coupled to a manual transmission only, with no option for an automatic. Ford has also added an active valve performance system, while the exhaust has been readjusted to give the engine a unique signature. Other improvements include an outdoor intake system, an 87 mm intake manifold with Shelby GT350 throttle bodies and a recalibrated powertrain control module.
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt Price and Release
The new 2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt starts at $ 46,595, not including delivery and destination fees of $ 900. This is a premium of $ 7,405 on the GT Premium model on which it is based, which makes sense considering the additional features and standard performance package. The Bullit falls just between the Mustang GT Premium and the Shelby GT350, $ 10,645 less than the performance model.
The post 2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt Specs, Price appeared first on 2018AutoReview.Com.
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Car & Driver 2019 10Best "Inadequacies:" Quick blurbs on the cars that didn't make the 10Best list this year via /r/cars
Car & Driver 2019 10Best "Inadequacies:" Quick blurbs on the cars that didn't make the 10Best list this year
In the print edition of Car & Driver, January, 2019, they dove into the year's 10Best cars list. They also had a small section in the margins of the 10Best feature called "Inadequacies." In this section, they gave a quote for each car that was up for 10Best contention, but didn't make it, briefly summarizing its shortcomings. Lots of interesting insight, if you ask me! Remember that Car & Driver has a full set of tests they run to select their 10Best cars, many of them on a track, so it's not just a group of editors sitting in a room and picking which ones they like best. So, here they are:
Audi A6: "Way more luxury than sport here."
Audi A7: "It's like Audi tried to make a Tesla Model S out of a gas-powered car. Needs more sound and fury. But I guess that's what the S7 is for."
Audi RS5: "The RS5 used to have a howling V-8 and gobs of personality. This one feels sedate in comparison."
BMW i3s: "Even in its marginally sportier guise, the BMW i3 continues to be as far as you can get from the experience of driving a car while still driving a car."
BMW 640i xDrive GT: "Drives like a hockey arena."
Buick Regal GS: "The name vastly oversells its performance."
Buick Regal TourX: "Less than the sum of its parts, attractive though they are."
Honda Clarity PHEV: "As far as the effort to remove all sensory traces of dynamic motivational activity under the hood goes, this thing is a champ. The ultimate anodyne driving experience."
Honda Insight: "What to buy when you really want a Prius but can't bear to look at one."
Hyundai Accent: "There's an awful lot of competence here for the money. Not necessarily much joy but an awful lot of competence."
Hyundai Veloster: "The N splits the difference between a VW GTI and a Civic Type R without being better than either. And like all Velosters, this one is still burdened by its economy-car ethos and weird design."
Jaguar XF Sportbrake: "It's handsome as all get-out, but the interior isn't as nice as it should be, the powertrain is not as refined as it should be, and the chassis isn't as fun as it should be."
Kia Forte: "Manages the strange trick of looking cheaper than it actually is."
Lexus ES/Hybrid: "Was the dashboard designed to win a bet? It is more terraformed than styled, with various vintages of switchgear and instruments."
Lexus LS: "I'm startled by how removed from the driving experience this car has become. Like changing lanes from your bed."
Mazda 6 2.5T: "Very refined but doesn't feel sharp. This has me worried that Mazda is starting to walk away from sportiness in favor of luxury."
Mercedes-Benz C-Class: "Much improved but still not as satisfying as the E-class."
Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class: "No longer better looking or handier than the E-class, so I fail to see the point."
Nissan Altima: "Rental-car desk agents should see a dramatic decrease in arguments with disgruntled customers."
Nissan Leaf: "A car that is crying out for automation to remove the irksome requirement to operate it."
Porsche Panamera: "Breaks Porsche's rule of functional design. Who thought that air vents that can have their direction changed only through a touchscreen was a good idea?"
Subaru WRX STI Type RA: "A relic from Subaru's Brutalist period, it's the antithesis of what 96 percent of its customer base values: It's loud, harsh, and busy. It's also incredibly fun, especially on gravel."
Toyota Avalon/Hybrid: "It exists for cruising the mega-slab, but there are no interstates on the 10Best loop."
Toyota Corolla Hatchback: "Good enough to make the 10Best list -- in 2008."
Volkswagen Jetta: "If the Golf is the sibling that lives in the suburbs, pulling down good scratch and maxing out its 401(k), the Jetta is the poor relation sheltering under a cardboard box at the bus station."
To clarify, there were a couple other vehicles that didn't make the list, but were close enough that their acknowledgements were less... mean. The Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio was well-loved by nearly everyone, but had so many issues that needed to be serviced when they had one long term, it was basically out of the running. The Tesla Model 3 Performance did very well too, but since it starts at nearly $80k, it was very hard to justify its value vs competitors. The Audi RS3 was on the 10Best list last year, but this year there was no way they were picking it over the M2 Competition, which has better performance and an improved ride vs its non-Competition predecessor, leaving C&D to look at the RS3 less as a threat and more as "a really expensive, really powerful VW Golf with a really small trunk." Harsh words. The Kia Stinger GT almost made the list last year, and the Kia Stinger 2.0T almost made it this year, but the Genesis G70 better captured the hearts of the C&D editors. The Camaro was bumped from the list by the newly-refreshed Mustang, not necessarily because the Mustang is the clear winner, but because Chevy's 2019 "refresh" of the Camaro gave each trim a new grille and not much else, preserving issues with livability in the cabin in the name of exterior design. And finally, Dodge brought some Challengers to the 10Best competition, for the third time in five years, but all they've done each time was add more power to a car that hasn't been fully redesigned in about 10 years.
Finally, here's a reminder of the 10 cars that did win this year:
BMW M2 Competition
Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport/Z06
Ford Mustang GT/Bullitt
Genesis G70
Honda Accord
Honda Civic Sport/Si/Type R
Mazda MX-5 Miata/RF
Mercedes-Benz E450/AMG E53
Porsche 718 Boxster/Cayman
Volkswagen Golf Family
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The record was broken multiple times during the COVID-19 pandemic, taking advantage of a reduction in both road users and law enforcement presence.
In April 2020, an anonymous crew traveled from the Red Ball Garage on the east side of Manhattan to the Portofino Hotel in Redondo Beach, California—a total of 2,825.3 miles (4,546.9 km)—in 26 hours 38 minutes. The team averaged 106 miles per hour (171 km/h). The record was completed in a 2019 Audi A8L with additional fuel tanks in the rear storage.
In May 2020, Arne Toman and Doug Tabbutt set the new cannonball record of 25 hours and 39 minutes during the COVID-19 pandemic in a modified 2016 Audi S6 disguised to look like a Ford Taurus police interceptor. Police-evasion modifications included brake light kill-switches, radar detectors, laser diffusers, CB-radio, and a roof-mounted thermal camera. Performance modifications included a trunk-mounted 67-gallon auxiliary fuel cell sourced from the car used in Toman and Tabbutt's 2019 cannonball run, modified turbochargers, an upgraded heat-exchanger, and custom ECU tuning that allowed for engine-mapping to be changed on-demand to suit either 91 or 93-octane fuel; allowing the car to generate an estimated 600 horsepower. The run achieved an overall average speed of 110 miles per hour (180 km/h) for the entire run, with average speeds upwards of 125 miles per hour (201 km/h) across some states, and which at no time exceeded 175 miles per hour (282 km/h).
In early June 2020, as reported by Road and Track, Fred Ashmore, completed a solo run in 25 hours and 55 minutes. Ashmore, driving a rental Ford Mustang GT equipped with a 5.0 Liter Coyote V8 and 10-speed automatic transmission, replaced the seats and interior of the vehicle with fuel tanks capable of holding approximately 130 gallons of gasoline, which allowed him to make only one fuel stop. Since the vehicle was a rental car, the modifications were made as covertly as possible as to leave no visible damage and allow them to return the vehicle to its original condition upon return of the vehicle to the rental company. Ashmore was able to achieve approximately 12 mpg (19,6 L/100km) with a moving average of 109 miles per hour (175 km/h), recorded on the GPS app Glympse as opposed to using dedicated tracking software like previous record holders.
Sub-24-hours is possible. (insert SummoningSalt monologue on frame rules)
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this is the only reason i get news notifications on my phone
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First Look: The 2019 Mustang Bullitt
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of iconic movie “Bullitt” and its fan-favorite San Francisco car chase, Ford introduces the new 2019 Mustang Bullitt.
The Bullitt’s upgraded 5.0-liter V8 engine that will deliver at least 475 horsepower and 420 lb.-ft. of torque, pushing the new Bullitt to a top speed of 163 mph – an 8 mph increase versus the latest Mustang GT.
It will be equipped with a manual transmission, and the gear shifter features a white cue ball shift knob as a nod to the original. The vehicle packages all Mustang GT Premium and Performance Package content into a vehicle that maintains the original Bullitt’s understated persona.
An active valve performance exhaust system is standard with new Black NitroPlate exhaust tips, and retuned to give the car a signature burble, as well as new Open Air Induction System and Shelby GT350 intake manifold with 87mm throttle bodies & powertrain control module calibration for optimal performance.
Other standard equipment includes a heated leather steering wheel and a 12-inch all-digital LCD instrument cluster, identical in function to the cluster introduced on 2018 Mustang, but with a unique Bullitt welcome screen that starts in green with an image of the car rather than the pony.
Exterior paint choices are limited to Shadow Black and the classic Dark Highland Green – as worn in the movie. Other features that pay tribute to the car McQueen drove are subtle chrome accents around the grille and front windows, classic torque thrust 19-inch aluminum wheels, red painted Brembo™ brakes, and a unique black front grille. Inside and out, the vehicle uses minimal badging; only the circular faux gas cap Bullitt logo on the rear center is visible on the exterior.
The leather-trimmed interior features unique green accent stitching on the dashboard, door panels, center console and seats.
Aside from the two exterior paint choices, Mustang Bullitt buyers are limited to three factory-installed options:
Bullitt Electronics Package includes navigation, driver memory seats and mirrors, upgraded sound system and Blind Spot Information System with Cross-Traffic Alert that can alert customers of vehicles detected in difficult-to-see places
MagneRide semi-active suspension system optimizes driving performance
RECARO black leather-trimmed seats
That reputation was born after a Mustang GT fastback played a prominent role in the 1968 movie, and most notably in a chase scene that set new standards in filmmaking. The film’s nearly 10-minute-long sequence followed McQueen chasing down two hitmen in his Mustang through the streets of San Francisco.
#Mustang Bullitt#cars#ford#news#first look#naias#mustang#Bullitt#ford Mustang Bullitt#american#usa#muscle cars#ford mustang
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Ford Mustang GT Premium 5.0 V8 Ano 2019 16 mil km Vitrificação de pintura higienização de interior e motor 💰305.000 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJpTcnqsusu/?igshid=1qk2fzvblp6h8
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The Cars Aren‘t Always Better On the Other Side
When the news broke that Europe wasn't getting the long, long-awaited new Nissan Z-car, it felt weird. There have been so many enthusiast cars that they get and the U.S. doesn't that it felt weirdly good for a change. We're the ones getting the cool car? There was a brief moment where I wanted to spike the cheese I was holding on the ground like a football and yell "'MERICA!" across the kitchen table. I didn't do that. I feel bad for everyone who's been waiting for 12 years to finally see a new Z-car, only to be denied when it shows up. Goodness knows, I am more than familiar with what it feels like to have so many cars that you want, but can't buy. It's an annoyingly long list for the United States, egged on by regulations that are just different enough from the rest of the world's and a much-hated 25-year rule for importing non-USDM cars. As a small car fan in a nation that's more eager to sell me a crossover, it sucks.It's so easy to fetishize what we don't get. The phrase "the grass is always greener" exists for a reason, Thinkcar ThinkDiag. and personally, that reason is a rear-wheel-drive manual BMW 1-series hatchback. But the Z is a good reminder that sometimes it's good to step back and appreciate what we do get.Case in point: the 2019 Hyundai i30 N-Line I tested out in Germany last year. It was a great little car that was perfectly suited to the nice, twisty roads by the Nürburgring. They wouldn't let me take it on the track, sadly, but I sort of made up for that by stuffing it absolutely full with three weeks' worth of road trip crap. Even then, there was space to spare provided we didn't cram someone super tall in the car. (We ran into that issue with a friend who's a bit over six feet tall.)The pedals and steering felt a little lighter than I prefer, and the sound quality from the stereo wasn't the best, but it was comfortable. The interior controls were easy to use, it didn't have any truly annoying driving qualities like excessive torque steer, and it even handled a torrential downpour like a champ. It's a car I could plausibly see myself owning as a sensible daily. The only real complaint I had was the relative lack of torque down-low. I know that's something you get used to after you get over the initial "this isn't my car" round of stalls, but on the numerous parking lots and hilly intersections, I would've appreciated a bit more lower-down oomph. The little turbocharged 1.4-liter engine was good for 138 horsepower in total, which was adequate for the small i30. Its boost came on smoothly and gradually once you got going, but it didn't offer much help to get you get going. How would I fix my biggest issue with the i30 N-Line? By buying one at home. The United States' version is the Elantra GT N-Line, which features a slightly larger 1.6-liter turbo four-cylinder good for 201 horsepower. That's right: We get the more powerful version with a bigger engine. (Thankfully, it it comes with a manual here, too.)These aren't the only cases where we here in the U.S. get the better stuff, either. We didn't get the faster, better Ford Fiestas for many years, but Europe lacked the Mustang for much of that time, too. Newer laws are quieting down a lot of the cars in Europe, too. Every now and then on Nürburgring industry pool test session videos, you'll hear or read someone assume that the really good-sounding car must be the version destined for America by sheer merit of loudness. That's not even getting into the neat USDM things that are more common here, particularly larger trucks and cars. and make it a hell of a lot easier and more comfortable to do things like fetch project cars. This was the land of the land yacht, too, if big, comfy broughams are your preferred road tripper of choice. As with the Elantra GT N-Line, bigger engines tend to be the norm over here. Not everywhere got the 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine that's in my current daily driver, a 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer GTS, yet it is a huge improvement over the smaller engines that were offered worldwide. The next time I bemoan the fact that I couldn't buy a Toyota GR Yaris or a Honda E, tell me to stop for a second an...
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2019 Ford GT Review, Release and Price
2019 Ford GT Review, Release and Price
2019 Ford GT Review, Release and Price – If you stick with all upgrades relevant to 2019 Ford GT, an individual will realize that Ford released its newly designed notion at 2015 Detroit Motor vehicle Provide. It is made like a supercar utilizing the significant performance using the powerful EcoBoost engine. It might be now also created at present in this day time and invigorating design…
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10 Electric Vehicles to Watch
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This was the year that Tesla’s lock on high-end all-electric vehicles began to break, with Audi and Jaguar sending electric S.U.V.s out into the world. They joined more workaday E.V.s from Chevrolet, Honda, Hyundai, Kia and Nissan.So 2019 was, finally, the year of the electric vehicle. Right?Sales of electric autos were double those from the year before, but they were still dwarfed by their fossil-fuel-powered brethren. With a slew of new models promised for next year and beyond, and with charging station infrastructure still being built out, the tipping point for electric autos is still in the future. But automakers are betting big on that future, and how quickly the industry takes off depends not just on choice but on a shift in customer expectations. Hurdles to a breakout include higher prices, the end of federal tax subsidies for some models and a paucity of charging stations — even though the industry argues that most charging will be done at home at night. That, especially, can be a deterrent given electric cars’ shorter range. Even so, as Mark Reuss, the General Motors president, recently wrote, “just as demand for gas mileage doesn’t go down when there are more gas stations, demand for better range won’t ease even as charging infrastructure improves.”That infrastructure is growing, nonetheless. More than 21,000 locations in the United States, with some 57,000 hookups, offer Level 2 charging, which can add maybe 20 miles of range per hour. These are fine for parking at the office or overnight, but useless on a road trip. For charging to roughly 80 percent of a battery’s capacity in about a half-hour, there are 3,300 DC Fast Charging locations with 12,000 charge points. Many of these are proprietary Tesla chargers, however.A traditional car, of course, can fill up at 168,000 gas stations across the country in the time it takes to buy a Slim Jim and a Coke.The evolution toward electrics has given carmakers freedom to play with design — picture Tesla’s jagged-edge pickup — while others are sticking with tried-and-true sedans and crossovers, simply swapping out the drivetrain. Here’s a look at some of the electric vehicles that are just reaching the market, will soon be available or are expected to arrive in 2021.Audi e-Tron Sportback: A four-door coupe version of the full-size Audi e-Tron sport utility vehicle, introduced last spring, the Sportback is expected to be available this spring. Designed to look and handle like traditional Audis, the e-Tron models will feel familiar to anyone who knows the brand.The all-wheel-drive e-Tron S.U.V. charges to 80 percent of its 204-mile range in 30 minutes with a commercial fast-DC charger. Improvements in aerodynamics and battery efficiency should modestly increase the Sportback’s range.BMW iX3: BMW will start production of its electric S.U.V. next year at its plant in China. The rear-wheel-drive vehicle is expected to provide 286 horsepower and a 273-mile range, according to the European test cycle, which is more optimistic than its American equivalent.Ford Mustang Mach-E: Ford enlisted its Shelby designers to create a traditional-looking electric S.U.V. that would echo its iconic Mustang sedan. Its first version, a 332-horsepower all-wheel-drive model, will be available late 2020, with a 459-horsepower GT version expected 18 months from now.The biggest changes, beyond fuel, are inside. A new version of the much-criticized Ford Sync connect service will feature over-the-air updates. Artificial intelligence will monitor a user’s habits and suggest appropriate actions. For example, it may ask if you want to call your mother at a certain time if it notices you typically do that each day.Natural language comprehension will allow users to state commands in various ways, such as “Take me to Santa Monica” or “I want to go to Santa Monica.”Mileage will range from an expected 210 to 300 miles, depending on the model. In the “frunk,” or front trunk, the space usually occupied by an engine will offer space designed to hold ice for tailgating; a drain plug will be included.Mercedes EQC 400 4Matic: Originally expected to arrive in the States next year, the first purpose-built all-electric Mercedes will be delayed until 2021, the company recently announced. It blamed demand in Europe.The all-wheel-drive vehicle, starting around $70,000, will feature its screen-based MBUX infotainment system now used in a number of new Mercedes models. To optimize the vehicle’s range, the MBUX system can calculate the most power-efficient routes and direct drivers to high-speed charging stations. Time to charge to 80 percent will be about 40 minutes with the fastest chargers.Porsche Taycan 4S, Turbo and Turbo S: The “entry level” version of Porsche’s first electric vehicle, the 4S will be available this spring, starting at about $104,000. (The imminently shipping Turbo costs about $151,000, and the Turbo S is $185,000.)The two current models — available with 522 or 562 horsepower — will accelerate from zero to 60 miles an hour in 3.8 seconds. The Taycan has a range of just over 200 miles, and it is one of the fastest-charging E.V.s around: A DC fast charger will juice it to 80 percent capacity in 22 minutes. The company expects that by 2025, half of its sales will be either fully electric or hybrid models.Volvo XC40 Recharge: To cut costs and time to market, Volvo is equipping its existing XC40 S.U.V. with an electric drivetrain. Expected at the end of 2020, for “under $48,000” after incentives, this is the start of a Volvo product road map that will bring out one new E.V. model each year.Over-the-air updates will be available for all vehicle features. The “completely rethought” infotainment system is based on the Android operating system, with Google Maps, Google Assistant and the Google Play app store embedded within the vehicle so they work without a phone. The 408-horsepower engine is expected to provide 240 miles of range. A high-speed commercial charger will fill the XC40 to 80 percent capacity in 40 minutes.Byton: Distinguished by many enormous wraparound screens, this Chinese-built S.U.V. will be sold in the United States, at a starting price of $45,000, beginning in the second half of 2021. Sales in its home country will start at the end of next year. Drivers can alter the screen display to account for whether the vehicle is moving or not, and whether the driver or passenger is watching. Artificial intelligence is combined with subscriptions to popular music and video services, and linked via facial recognition, so it will know your favorite artists. If the driver allows, the vehicle will have access to calendar events; knowing that you’re finishing up your spin class, the system could cool the car before you arrive.Available as a 225- or 300-mile range version, the Byton will be sold directly and through dealers, with its first company store to open in Los Angeles by the middle of next year.Canoo: One of several hopeful start-ups, Canoo plans to sell its namesake model at the end of 2021. Unlike several established marques, Canoo has taken advantage of the lack of an internal combustion engine to rethink the look of a vehicle.The symmetrical Canoo is positioned as “an urban loft on wheels,” the company says, with the rear seats arranged more like a sofa. To increase interior space, Canoo eliminates the traditional engine compartment and its protective firewall. The use of “steer by wire,” an electronic rather than a mechanical system, eliminates the need for various mechanical components, also allowing for more freedom in the placement of the steering wheel.Infotainment will be provided through a smartphone connection.The Canoo, with an anticipated 250-mile range, will be available only through subscription, the price of which (undisclosed as of yet) will cover the vehicle, registration, license and insurance. The subscription can be canceled or rolled over into another model when available, at any time.Faraday Future: Once left for dead after a splashy premiere three years ago, a planned Las Vegas factory that never got built, and a Chinese founder and funder who went bankrupt, the company is back with a new leader, the former head of Byton; new funding; and a rethought vehicle.Where once Faraday Future advocated the “bring your own device” approach to infotainment now promoted by Canoo, the current version of the large S.U.V. will sport 11 screens in its ultra-high-end FF91.The company claims that the FF91 will accelerate from zero to 60 in an astonishing 2.2 seconds (although it’s not clear why anyone would need to), and cost $150,000 to $200,000 when it comes out by September. If there’s demand, the company can build up to 15,000 units annually in a Hanford, Calif., plant that’s smaller than the ambitious one it abandoned in Las Vegas.The company says it will make money at that volume by selling its hardware and software to competitors. Plans for a smaller, more affordable FF81 exist, and the company hopes to enter “preproduction” by the end of 2020.Volkswagen ID4 Crozz: VW’s first purpose-built E.V., this compact S.U.V. is due in the States by the end of 2020, priced in the mid-$30,000s after tax credits. This will be followed in 2021 by a larger, Passat-size S.U.V., the Space Vizzion, and then in 2023 by the Buzz, Volkswagen’s electric version of its iconic bus. The vehicles will at first be imported and eventually built at the automaker’s factory in Chattanooga, Tenn.About the same size as VW’s Tiguan, the ID4 will have a range of 200 to 300 miles. Navigation commands will be shown in a windshield heads-up display, with arrows overlaid on the screen to show when to turn. Read the full article
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The Quickest Production Cars MotorTrend Tested in 2019
MotorTrend hit the drag strip over 200 times in 2019, burning rubber, gas, and electrons for the sake of speed. With our precision testing equipment attached, we launched all kinds of vehicles to get 0-60 mph acceleration data. This year a record number did the sprint in under 4.0 seconds, with some surprises joining the club. As the decade comes to a close, here are the 25 quickest cars we tested in 2019.
Read about the quickest cars we tested in 2018 right here.
25. Toyota GR Supra Launch Edition: 3.9 Seconds
The aptly named Supra Launch Edition launches from 0-60 mph in 3.9 seconds. Even with its controversial underpinnings it lives up to the Supra legend, besting some highly respected sports cars. The 2020 Supra may not yet have the legendary status of its predecessors, but there’s no question it’s far quicker.
24. BMW Z4 M40i: 3.9 Seconds
Don’t write off the Z4 as just a comfortable convertible cruiser—it has proper performance chops. It hits 60 in 3.9 seconds, and is pretty terrific on a twisty road, too. You gotta see how close its performance numbers are to its Japanese cousin.
23. Polestar 1: 3.8 Seconds
The Polestar 1 captivates with stunning looks, a gorgeous interior, and a powerful hybrid drivetrain—one that produces 619 hp and 738 lb-ft, to be exact. With a twin-charged 2.0-liter I-4 turning the front wheels and two electric motors driving the rears, the Polestar 1 accelerates authoritatively, launching to 60 in 3.8 seconds. Just don’t call it a Volvo.
22. Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye Widebody: 3.8 Seconds
Easily the most powerful car we tested in 2019, the Challenger Hellcat Redeye Widebody’s biggest issue is putting all that power to the ground. It’s a real challenge to come off the line without wheel spin, but our best effort produced a respectably quick 3.8-second 0-60 run. Starting in second gear seems to do the trick.
21. Jaguar F-Pace SVR: 3.7 Seconds
Think of SVR like BMW M or Mercedes-AMG: Established to turn everyday vehicles into insane performance machines. In the case of crossovers, SVR applied its touch to the lovely Jaguar F-Pace, fitting a supercharged 550 hp V-8 under the bonnet. 0-60 acceleration comes in 3.7 seconds, accompanied by some tire chirp and lots of muscular V-8 music.
20. Aston Martin DBS Superleggera: 3.7 Seconds
The DBS Superleggera isn’t the quickest car on this list, but it might be the best-looking. Outside it wears an aggressive interpretation of Aston Martin styling; the massive grille and elegant curves give it major presence. Underhood is a twin-turbo 5.2-liter V-12 with a whopping 715 hp. That helps it get to 60 mph in 3.7 seconds—if you can avoid lighting up the rear tires.
19. Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 Carbon Fiber Track Package: 3.6 Seconds
Hellcat who? The GT500 is the most powerful street-legal Ford ever, spinning 760 hp and 625 lb-ft from its supercharged 5.2-liter V-8. Equipped with the lightness- and downforce-adding Carbon Fiber Track Package, this mighty pony car launches to 60 in 3.6 seconds. Even without the CFTP it’s damn quick; the standard GT500 does the sprint in 3.7.
18. BMW M850i xDrive: 3.4 Seconds
It may not be a true M car, but it still goes like one. The M850i’s twin-turbo V-8 gives it ample thrust, and xDrive all-wheel drive helps power meet the ground. Unlike a real M machine, handling feels distant and synthetic, almost like a video game car. Nonetheless it looks good, sounds good, and goes good too.
17. Bentley Continental GT Coupe V-8: 3.3 Seconds
Even after a few hundred miles on roads and racetracks in our Best Driver’s Car competition, we’re not sure if the V-8-powered Conti GT is more sporty or luxurious. A 3.3 second 0-60 time secures it in the former category, but its simultaneous serenity proves it’s among the best in the latter.
16. Bentley Continental GT Coupe W-12: 3.3 Seconds
The more expensive and more powerful W-12 version of the Continental GT is no quicker to 60 than its V-8 counterpart. However, by the quarter mile it’s clearly ahead, dispatching the 1320 in 11.6 seconds at 120.8 mph, compared to the V-8 car’s 12.4 at 114.7.
15. Porsche Panamera GTS: 3.3 Seconds
Porsche GTS models seem to be the ones to get, packaging serious performance for a (relative) value. That’s no different with the Panamera, which in GTS trim does 0-60 in 3.3 seconds. At the same time it’s as stylish, luxurious, and high-tech as you’d expect a sedan of this caliber to be.
14. Porsche Cayenne Turbo: 3.2 Seconds
The Porsche Cayenne has always put the “S” in SUV, and the Cayenne Turbo might exemplify that best of all. It goes 0-60 in 3.2 seconds, and does so in an eerily calm and calculated way. Emotion seems to be the trade-off for the Cayenne Turbo’s relentless performance.
13. Jaguar XE SV Project 8: 3.2 Seconds
With its huge wing, massive fender flares, and insane decals, it’s almost impossible to compare the radical Jaguar XE SV Project 8 to the comfortable sedan on which it’s based. Jaguar’s engineers somehow shoved a supercharged V-8 under its hood, channeling its 592 hp to all four wheels for a 3.2-second 0-60 time. The sound it makes along the way is truly glorious.
12. Tesla Model 3 Dual Motor Performance Track Setup: 3.2 Seconds
In Dual Motor Performance trim with Track setup, the Tesla Model 3 is a silent thriller. It zooms to 60 in 3.2 seconds, with just a soft whir from its motors, a bit of tire and wind noise, and, in the case of our tester, some rattles from within the cabin.
11. Bentley Bentayga Speed: 3.1 Seconds
Bentley’s gargantuan Bentayga SUV weighs well over 5,600 pounds, and in Speed specification produces 626 hp. The result is a physics-defying 3.1-second 0-60 acceleration time, even quicker than the ostensibly sportier Continental GT.
10. Acura NSX: 3.0 Seconds
Combining the best of combustion and electricity, the Acura NSX shows what’s possible from a hybrid drivetrain when sporty performance is the goal. Thanks to its instant torque and twin-turbo V-6 power, it goes 0-60 in 3.0 seconds. Hybrids like this give us hope for the future.
9. Lamborghini Urus: 3.0 Seconds
Subtlety is the opposite of the Urus. With its angular supercar-on-stilts looks it’s a non-stop attention-getter, even if it’s not finished in one of Lamborghini’s crazy paints. Subtle doesn’t describe its acceleration, either, with a supercar-rivaling 0-60 time of 3.0 seconds.
8. Porsche 991 911 GT3 RS: 3.0 Seconds
This 911 is built to dominate road courses, but does just fine on drag strips, too. With its 4.0-liter flat-six shrieking and dual-clutch gearbox cracking off shifts, the GT3 RS hits 60 in 3.0 seconds. Around Willow Springs’ Big Willow race course, though, it’s just a blink behind the epic Porsche 918 Spyder.
7. Porsche 992 911 Carrera S: 2.9 Seconds
Porsche somehow improved the 911 formula with the new 992, making it a sublime sports car in every regard. Rapid acceleration was only one aspect of it winning our Best Driver’s Car competition, but a 2.9-second 0-60 time is extremely impressive. If the humble 992 S is quicker than the hardcore 991 GT3 RS, we’re even more excited for this model’s future.
6. Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S 4-Door: 2.9 Seconds
The AMG GT 4-Door epitomizes the Affalterbach-based performance brand’s mission. It blends Mercedes luxury with the bravado of AMG’s GT sports car, and has the numbers to back that up. With 630 hp and 664 lb-ft channeled through 4Matic+ all-wheel drive, the GT 63 S 4-Door launches to 60 in 2.9 seconds. With Randy Pobst at the wheel, it also set a sedan lap record around Laguna Seca.
5. McLaren 600LT: 2.9 Seconds
It’s something of a wonder that a V-8 engine even fits in the McLaren 600LT, but one does—and it’s a hell of a thing. With extensive upgrades and lightweighting over the 570S on which it’s based, the 600LT produces 592 hp and hits 60 in 2.9 seconds, the same acceleration as a different McLaren which costs over three times as much…
4. McLaren Senna: 2.9 Seconds
This million-dollar track-focused hypercar looks like it was beamed in from a different galaxy, and has the speed to make that a distinct possibility. The McLaren Senna rockets from 0-60 in 2.9 seconds—actually a bit behind the 720S we tested last year. Whatever. It’s much more about extreme handling, and is the all-time record holder around our figure-eight course.
3. Chevrolet C8 Corvette Stingray (3LT Z51): 2.8 Seconds
Our Car of the Year winner is a game changer. That a vehicle at this price point can accelerate so quickly has supercar manufacturers sweating. We got a 2.8-second 0-60 run from the 3LT Z51 C8 Corvette, which had an as-tested price of $88,305. Don’t think for even that long that it’s only good in a straight line, though.
2. Lamborghini Aventador SVJ: 2.5 Seconds
With wings, vents, and strakes galore, Lamborghini’s flagship supercar looks brutally quick—and it is. With 760 hp and 531 lb-ft, the Aventador SVJ rips to 60 mph in 2.5 seconds, V-12 screaming all the way. We’re still waiting for our hearing to return.
1. Tesla Model S Dual Motor Performance Ludicrous+ (Raven): 2.4 Seconds
We’ve known for a long time that the Model S is quick, but this year the quickest one we tested had the updated “Raven” powertrain. That’s comprised of the Model 3’s rear motor up front and the Model S’ motor driving the rear. With an estimated combined output of 690 hp and 824 lb-ft of torque, the Model S Raven hit 60 mph in just 2.4 seconds, making it the quickest accelerating vehicle of 2019. The Porsche Taycan has its work cut out for it
The post The Quickest Production Cars MotorTrend Tested in 2019 appeared first on MotorTrend.
https://www.motortrend.com/news/quickest-cars-motortrend-2019/ visto antes em https://www.motortrend.com
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CarGurus: Our Automotive Highlights of 2019
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Few could argue that 2019 has been a fascinating year in the world of motoring – but what are your automotive highlights of 2019? We’d love for you to tell us in the comments section below this article, or via the CarGurus Facebook page. To get you started, below our writers have put forward their own automotive highlights of 2019, from pickups to Porsches.
Chris Knapman, Editor, CarGurus UK
Will time show that 2019 was the year the electric car broke through? There’s certainly been no shortage of new products using battery power, from the Porsche Taycan and latest Nissan Leaf to the impossible-to-ignore Tesla Cybertruck.
Combine these new cars with an improving charging infrastructure and you’d expect the tide of public opinion might start showing signs of softening towards EVs. That was certainly the case according to our own research, which revealed that the number of consumers who consider themselves as likely to own an EV in the next five years jumped to 26% in 2019, up from 15% in 2018. This is most likely just the start, too: Who would bet against that number having grown significantly by this time next year?
Back in the world of internal combustion, my honorable mention for 2019 must go to the latest generation of Porsche 911, the 992. Not only does it masterfully update the legendary 911 format for this hi-tech age with its fabulous interior and ultra-sleek exterior, but in terms of performance, the 992 moves even the basic, non-GT or Turbo models firmly into supercar territory. In fact, if I had to narrow down my automotive highlights of 2019 into just one, fleeting moment, it’d be the surreal three-point-something seconds it took our four-wheel drive, PDK-equipped 911 test car to fire from 0-62 mph.
Electric vehicles might be coming, but internal combustion is still more than capable of taking your breath away.
Megan Hennessey, Editor, CarGurus US
I’m struck by the number of performance wagons and SUVs we saw introduced in 2019. Fans of the Audi S4 Avant rejoiced when the German automaker revealed it was bringing its RS 6 Avant to North America. It packs a 4.0-liter V8 that makes 591 hp and 590 lb-ft, hits 60 mph in about 3 seconds, and reaches a top speed of 189 mph.
Just as exciting was the introduction of the RS Q8, a performance SUV packing the same power as the RS 6 Avant. We had a chance to take a closer look at the 2020 RS Q8 at the 2019 LA Auto Show, and it adds plenty of features aside from the engine, like 23-inch wheels and an RS-specific gloss-black grille.
And in the EV space, electric trucks took center stage: Bollinger brought us a production-ready version of its B2 electric truck, Tesla unveiled its unique Cybertruck, and Rivian gets closer to its production-ready model of the R1T. But are truck shoppers willing to make the switch from gas-powered to electric? It’s hard to say. In our yearly Truck Sentiment Survey, we found that 70% of shoppers were willing to switch brands, which is good news for these startup truckmakers. However, their high prices may keep shoppers away.
Steve Halloran, Editor, CarGurus US
With one colleague celebrating electric vehicles and another performance wagons and SUVs, I feel obliged to mention one 2019 highlight they didn’t: Ford’s live-streamed debut of the 2021 Mustang Mach-E just before the LA Auto Show. Ford’s decision to put the name and badge of its mighty Mustang on an electric crossover generated controversy, of course, but a pony-equipped vehicle with up to 300 miles of range, usable seating for 5, almost 60 cubic feet of cargo room, and a 0-to-60 time of less than 4 seconds sounds great to me.
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But my 2019 highlights came from two automakers CarGurus has found compelling for years, Mazda and Subaru, in the form of strong new versions of proven models. The redesigned 2019 Mazda3 earned rave reviews from almost everyone who drove it, including George Kennedy, and the updated 2019 CX-5, which we sampled in the snow at the end of last year, also earned praise from a wide variety of reviewers.
A new version of our favorite Subaru model also arrived in 2019. We got a chance to drive the 2020 Subaru Outback back in September and enjoyed it quite a bit. The new edition of this wagon/crossover finally offers a turbocharged engine under its hood, which drivers living at high altitudes should particularly appreciate. Our recently published review of the 2020 Outback found it strong from functionality and cost-effectiveness standpoints, which we consider hallmarks of the Subaru brand.
Matt Smith, Editor, CarGurus US
This time of year, everyone’s talking about electrification and progress and the hot new thing. But as anyone with their eyes open can clearly see, 2019 was the year of the throwback.
First, Chevy resurrected the Blazer as a stylish, sharp, and sexy crossover complete with nearly $1,400 worth of 21-inch tires. Sure, the new 2019 Blazer had its detractors, namely those bemoaning its lack of off-road performance, but I, for one, welcome our new crossover overlords.
And it’s not as if 2019 didn’t bring us plenty of rugged capability, either. Carrying on with the throwback theme, both Ford and Jeep returned legendary truck nameplates to the market, with the 2019 Ranger and 2020 Gladiator.
Finally, the highlight of the year for this writer was the long-awaited return of the Toyota Supra. Partnering with BMW gave the new coupe a brilliant Bavarian heart and soul (or engine and chassis, for our more literal readers) to pair with its stunning exterior styling. Sure, the 2020 GR Supra’s interior might feel a bit familiar, and the lack of a manual transmission will cut it off some enthusiasts’ shopping lists, but it’s safe to say that no other car on CarGurus’ 2019 test-drive review roster received as much attention at gas stations, grocery stores, race tracks, or anywhere else we drove it.
For more car news, check out these articles:
2019 LA Auto Show: Vehicles for Every Lifestyle
The osCARS: CarGurus’ Top 2019 Test Drive Reviews
CarGurus’ Most Popular Cars of 2018
The post CarGurus: Our Automotive Highlights of 2019 appeared first on The CarGurus Blog.
from The CarGurus Blog https://blog.cargurus.com/2019/12/13/cargurus-our-automotive-highlights-of-2019 via Car Gurus from Blogger http://jeffrey2garner.blogspot.com/2019/12/cargurus-our-automotive-highlights-of.html via IFTTT
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Ford vai em busca do tempo perdido com o Mustang Mach-E
A Ford até que foi rápida quando começou a oferecer híbridos no mercado mundial. Mas estava atrás de outros fabricantes no tocante a modelos 100% elétricos. Agora descontou a diferença com o novo Mustang Mach-E que acaba de ser apresentado em Los Angeles, na Califórnia.
Mustang é uma marca icônica de cupês de alto desempenho. O modelo vendeu nada menos de 113.000 unidades no mundo em 2018, das quais 76.000 nos EUA. Aliar essa grife a um SUV cupê, e elétrico, pode configurar algo chocante. Porém a fabricante sabe que aquele cupê não é o único automóvel na garagem do comprador. O segundo modelo certamente é um SUV e a empresa confia em atrair interessados em sua própria marca e aquelas dos concorrentes.
[Vídeo] Confira a avaliação do Ford Mustang Coupé
Suas pesquisas apontam os principais receios de potenciais clientes: 64% acham que há poucas estações de recarga; 59% que o alcance é insuficiente; 51% apontam o longo tempo de recarga; 43% preocupam-se com escassez de oficinas especializadas. A Ford afirma ter atacado todos esses pontos. Até 2025 espera que 8% dos modelos novos nos EUA, 15% na Europa e 14% na China sejam elétricos somados aos híbridos plugáveis em tomada. Não fez estimativas para o resto do mundo.
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Ford Mustang Mach-E
Mustang Mach-E só estreia nos EUA daqui a um ano, fabricado no México e na China e previsão de 50.000 unidades/ano. Terá uma gama de cinco opções lançadas em etapas, com tração nas rodas traseiras ou 4×4, potências entre 258 e 465 cv, alcance de 370 a 480 km e preços de US$ 44.000 a 60.000 (R$ 180.000 a 250.000, conversão direta). Preços atraentes, dependendo dos equipamentos incluídos. Importação para o Brasil considerada certa.
Mede 4,72 m de comprimento e 1,88 m de largura, dimensões equivalentes às de um Porsche Macan. Visto ao vivo, o estilo do Mustang Mach-E é bem atraente, com teto pintado de preto que realça as linhas de cupê e uma traseira bem-resolvida.
A “grade” das versões de menor preço já não atrai tanto, à exceção da versão GT mais elaborada e com iluminação de LED do perfil do famoso cavalo selvagem galopante. Maçanetas externas são embutidas com comando elétrico por um discreto botão ou destravamento automático via aplicativo de celular.
Internamente a tela atrás do volante tem desenho retangular, de pequenas dimensões e apenas com informações básicas. Em compensação há um verdadeiro e estiloso monitor vertical, de 15,5 polegadas, multifunção, alta conectividade e tecnologia de ponta de autoaprendizado. Espaço interno é muito bom, inclusive para quem vai atrás e também colocação de objetos em nichos espaçosos.
Como ainda está em nível de protótipo, a versão GT tinha o interior inacessível no dia da apresentação mundial, mas promete se destacar nesse quesito.
Porta-malas traseiro, mesmo sem estepe, não é dos maiores, mas há um segundo na parte dianteira.
Também não foi possível dirigir o Mustang Mach-E, apenas acompanhar um piloto da Ford ao volante. Além de acelerações bastante convincentes, a prova de zigue-zague entre cones na pista não deixa dúvidas sobre o comportamento ágil e seguro de todo carro elétrico com baterias no assoalho.
Mustang tornou-se um nome tão forte que não seria surpresa transformar-se em marca independente no futuro.
Alta Roda
ONZE modelos e versões a GM prometeu lançar em 2019. Até agora foram oito e na próxima semana o nono, Onix hatch, de nova geração. Em dezembro duas versões do Equinox: Midnight e outra (a Coluna antecipa) de preço menor, motor turbo de 1,5 litro. Quanto ao novo Spin, no final de 2020, vai evoluir de minivan a crossover de 5 e 7 lugares, levemente inspirado nas linhas do elétrico Bolt.
DEPOIS de vários anos estagnados na faixa de 35% de participação, os motores de 1 litro começaram a avançar de novo na preferência dos compradores graças às versões de três cilindros com turbocompressor. Em setembro e outubro últimos subiram para 40%. Com lançamentos atuais e os próximos podem chegar a 45% em 2020. Em 2001 representavam 70% das vendas.
BMW Z4 M40i é um roadster (conversível de dois lugares) que carrega tradição e ao mesmo um conjunto mecânico bem acima da média. Nenhum motorista fica indiferente ao ronco do motor turbo, 6-cilindros em linha de 340 cv e nada menos de 51 kgfm. Comportamento em curvas passa total segurança e os bancos são perfeitos. Ótima vedação da capota de lona.
NOTÍCIAS da Argentina indicam que o SUV médio da VW (na faixa do Compass, Tucson, RAV4, CR-V e outros) ficou mesmo para 2021. Só que não se chamará nem Tarek e nem Tharu: nome por decidir. A picape concorrente da Toro, nome provisório “Tarok”, chega só em 2022. A empresa (ainda) não confirma que produção será no país vizinho. Mas será.
AÇÃO inédita da Peugeot oferece até o fim deste mês carros usados, adquiridos nas concessionárias, com garantia de fábrica por um ano. Atualmente, o prazo usual para modelos usados é de três meses e o vendedor assume a garantia. Iniciativa vale para veículos a partir do ano-modelo 2015 e no máximo 80.000 km rodados. A marca busca imagem de maior confiabilidade.
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O post Ford vai em busca do tempo perdido com o Mustang Mach-E apareceu primeiro em AutoPapo.
https://autopapo.com.br/noticia/ford-mustang-mach-e-tempo-perdido/ encontrado originalmente em https://autopapo.com.br
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