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20 MAY 2020 || The Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William joined residents from Shire Hall Care Home in Cardiff for a virtual game of bingo.
#catherines style files#style files 2020#princess of wales#the princess of wales#princess catherine#british royal family#british royals#royalty#royals#brf#kate middleton#catherine middleton#royal#duchess of cambridge#british royalty#royal fashion#fashion#style#lookbook#lockdown engagements#20052020#shire hall care home residents bingo 20#lk bennet.#catherine zoraida.#fern drop earrings.#gold fern drop earrings.#cz fern earrings.
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[20200520] Wonpil’s IG update
The temperature has been fluctuating a lot Let's all be careful to not catch a cold!"
trans by fyjypnation
#day6#kim wonpil#wonpil#instagram update#wonpil instagram#20052020#era: the book of us the demon#selca
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[20200520] Youngjae’s IG update
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Remember 15 💙👑 우리는 ELF 어!! 🖐🏻 @superjunior #슈퍼주니어 #SUPERJUNIOR #너라고 #15thAnniv_WalkTogether #Remember15Photobook #달려온15주년_손잡고걸을까 #TheLastManStanding #ProudELF #ELF #0611 #20052020 #SJLabel #SUJUxELF https://www.instagram.com/p/CKVISXGDvaZ/?igshid=x16s7bu0kji7
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I want to get drunk or high and lie in parks at night, talking. It would be peaceful to have you next to me, talking, laughing or being silent. I would love to look at you, just to catch you looking at me too, chuckling softly, knowing why you catched me staring.
This will never happen. I try to stop my imagination. But I can't stop my dreams. I want to know how your lips feel on mine. This is gonna get hard. I should stay away, but I don't want to. I don't stand a chance.
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Istidraj Banyak kita saksikan muslim kaya raya, sehat dan segar, tetapi sayang sekali dalam menjalankan syariat Islam sangat minim. Bagi mereka hal ini dianggap wajar saja. Padahal kita sebagai muslim patut takut pada satu istilah yaitu istidraj. Apa itu istidraj? Istidraj secara bahasa bermakna berangsur atau mengulur-ulur. Sering dipakai dalam kosa kata penurunan wahyu secara berangsur (mutadarrij). Tetapi, dalam syariat Islam berarti Allah mengulur-ulur siksa dan bencana dengan kenikmatan dunia yang sesaat dan melenakan-malapetaka (niqmah). Dari contoh di atas tadi, kita takut bila Allah mengulur siksa dan cobaannya ketika melihat kita berdosa dan bermaksiat kepadanya. Seolah-oleh Allah memanjakan kita dengan jabatan tinggi, rumah mewah, harta berlimpah. Padahal itu semua semu dan menipu. Apalagi tatkala kita meraihnya melalui jalan maksiat dan dosa. Ada rahasia yang disembunyikan Allah dan bila hamba tidak segera menyadari hal ini, cepat atau lambat siksa Allah akan segera turun. Entah dalam bentuk hilangnya harta, sakit yang mendera, atau bentuk lainnya. Lantas bagaimana menghindari sikap istidraj ini? Caranya dengan senantiasa ingat bahwa segala yang kita dapat di dunia ini hanyalah titipan. Suatu saat akan diminta kembali oleh Allah plus pertanggungjawabannya. Dari mana memperolehnya dan ke mana kita habiskan nikmat itu. Kedua, sadarlah bahwa dosa dan kenikmatan itu dua hal yang bertentantan. Bila berjalan beriringan, tentu ada yang keliru, terutama dengan dosa. Segeralah sadar dan bertaubat kepada Allah agar siksanya tidak menimpa kita. Perbanyak syukur dan gunakan nikmat untuk beribadah kepada Allah. Begitu bahayanya istidraj, sampai-sampai Umar bin Khaththab pernah berdoa, “Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari menjadi mustadraj (orang yang ditarik dengan berangsur-angsur ke arah kebinasaan).” (Al Umm, Imam Sayfi'i, IV/157). Maka, waspadalah terhadap istidraj dan semoga kita senantiasa dijauhkan dari sikap istidraj. @muhamin25 #Ramadan1441H #Ramadanday27 #onedayonepage #dakwahdigital #20052020 (di Kanor, Jawa Timur, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAaHX4apmxT/?igshid=xl2o9uk42pfr
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20052020 - 17:31 - wednesday
17/100 days of productivity
these are my quick notes on the latest chubbyemu video: a student drinking 2 gallons of coffee in 3 hours! that sounds exactly like what i would do and now i know that i really shouldn’t do it ahahah
happy quarantine studying~! ☀️
#studyblr#studyspo#studystudystudy#student#studying#studysthetics#studyspiration#study motivation#study notes
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~Candlelight and letters~
last night, i wrote a letter to my best friend i havent met in many months at 3am under candlelight on a coffee stained paper using my favourite Fountain pen, while listening to classical music. i’m still in lockdown so i don’t know when i’ll be able to send it though.
@myhoneststudyblr‘s 2020 QUARANTINE CHALLENGE WEEK 9
Mon: Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous?
i WISH! im just from a simple family with roots in a small village. My grandfather went to the army and moved to the city with my grandmother.
Tue: What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Oh that would have to be confessing to my best friend after having a crush on her for more than 6 months . I was very scared but i wouldn’t take it back for anything.
Wed : Are you a clean or messy person?
It depends really. If i’m in a good mental health space, i like to keep my surroundings very clean. But if i don’t have the energy to do cleaning up (which is most of the times the case) , i can be VERY messy.
#studyblr#dark academia#indian studyblr#itshannyb#thatbrandnewbindersmell#dark academia aesthetic#desistudyblr#2020 quarantine challenge#myhoneststudyblr#fountain pen#letter#dark academia latin#women of dark academia#dark acadamia aesthetic#DA#candle#coffee#coffee stained paper#3am
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pikiran-pikiran untuk umur yang baru
buatku, hari ulang tahun selalu jadi pengingat banyak hal. rapat kerja tahunan dengan diri sendiri, untuk diri sendiri. mengingat keputusan-keputusan besar, keputusan-keputusan bodoh, pun keputusan-keputusan yang kusyukuri. menertawakan kejutan-kejutan yang semesta kirim, sekecil apapun, sebesar apapun. aku bertumbuh, aku bertambah. tidak selalu ke arah kebaikan sesuai kata orang-orang, namun aku berusaha sebaik-baiknya. berusaha mencintai diriku seluruhnya, sambil mencintai orang yang mencintaiku, semampuku. akan selalu terasa kurang. dan itu tak apa. tapi, jangan berhenti berusaha. cinta selalu ada di sana ketika kau masih berusaha. terima kasih untuk teman, keluarga, dan siapapun yang selalu ada. terima kasih untuk diri sendiri. terima kasih karena selalu berjuang, bertahan, dan terus berjalan. percayalah kau selalu cukup untuk dirimu sendiri. percayalah setiap jatuhmu untuk bangun. percayalah untuk selalu memilih jadi orang baik. percayalah Tuhan selalu ada, pun Dia Maha Baik. selamat ulang tahun, aku! ❤ jakarta, 20052020 23:55
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[20200520] Dowoon’s IG update
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[20200520] got7withigot7’s IG update with our DJ Youngjae
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Finally got around to putting in some dedicated work on the printer. I implemented the full interface for the available ingredients, including the transferal prompt for the raw materials: the only thing left to do is to integrate the stored ingredients into the save/load system, which shouldn’t be too difficult as it’s basically just a stack of single variables. I’ll try to get that done tomorrow, and then start on the recipe page.
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ELF 💙👑 #슈퍼주니어 #SUPERJUNIOR #너라고 #ACNH #AnimalCrossing #15thAnniv_WalkTogether #달려온15주년_손잡고걸을까 #TheLastManStanding #ProudELF #ELF #0611 #20052020 #SJLabel #SUJUxELF #NintendoSwitch #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons https://www.instagram.com/p/CHR0hUbDrsX/?igshid=1iik1048r2f6h
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Pra não te ligar vou mandar mensagem aqui pq aí eu finjo que você viu. Sei que eu tô de TPM e é por isso que tô com fogo no rabo pra te ligar e perguntar se você tá aqui, sabe eu vi uma pessoa igualzinho você ontem passando numa rua aqui perto qnd eu tava indo pra clínica veterinária. A vontade era de saber na hora pq você estaria aqui sendo que eu tenho 0 a ver com isso. Enfim. O que tem me incomodado há muito tempo, desde que terminamos pra ser bem específica, é saber que por culpa minha de ter te expulsado daqui você paga um aluguel caríssimo que nem tá usando. E eu imagino que aí na sua casa não esteja sendo nada fácil, como na maioria das casas que eu conheço. Além de todas as outras coisas que me deixam mal pelo aquele dia ridículo em que terminei com você essa é uma das piores. Sinceramente, eu me sinto um lixo toda vez que lembro desse dia. Da um mix de sentimentos de angústia, raiva, frustração, decepção, mágoa...e todo dia eu oro pra que esses sentimentos ruins saiam do meu coração pq me fazem mal. E eu que acredito tanto em energia, sei que de certa forma te faz mal também. Eu não quero sentir isso pra sempre. Não te odeio, pelo contrário, odeio a forma como eu agi com você. E só queria me perdoar. Nossa, queria me perdoar por tantas coisas que te fiz! Você nem tem ideia. Coisas que eu achava que estavam perdoadas e guardadas com uma lição...Mas é isso. Pra não te importunar e também continuar seguindo em frente evito te procurar e saber de você de qualquer forma. Oro também sempre que possível pra que esteja bem, não só você mas sua família que eu tenho um carinho enorme e me lembro especialmente da sua mãe e tia Tereza, que espero que esteja bem e melhorando. Enfim. Toda vez que bate a bad eu sinto e deixo passar. Tem vez que demora alguns minutos, tem vez que só dormindo passa. Mas sempre passa, sabe? E é isso. Com o tempo esses sentimentos negativos, que dizem mais sobre mim mesmo do que de você ou do relacionamento que tivemos, um dia também passarão e vão abrir espaço para outros sentimentos bons ficar. Assim espero. É isso. Tchau. Esse texto eu te enviei no wpp, uma das várias redes sociais que pedi pra você me bloquear. Sabia que você não o veria. Acho que está na hora de apagá-lo de lá. Deixo aqui, para minha lembrança. 20052020
Só mais uma daquelas mensagens de sempre (HC)
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🗓️20052020, 21052020
โกต้าอัพ/รีโพสต์ไอจีสตอรี่โปรโมทซีรี่ส์ The Alienist: Angel of Darkness ค่ะ
แคปชั่นรูปที่ 1: ใกล้จะถึงเวลาของซาร่า ฮาวเวิร์ดแล้ว
แคปชั่นรูปที่ 2: เลื่อนขึ้นเพื่อดูเทรลเลอร์ตัวเต็มของซีรี่ส์ @thealienisttnt: Angel of Darkness ในตอนนี้ได้เลย! ออกฉายวันที่ 26 กรกฎาคมที่ @tntdrama นะ
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