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Your Daily Smile #3044
Sake Naganohara - @sokindragonjou
This smile brought to you by @/Mmmmmmatao and is dedicated to Sokin.
Hope you had yourself a happy birthday, friend! :)
#sake naganohara#sokin#manimatao#your daily smile#commissioned art#friend art#friend oc#nichijou#2-chijou
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It's her birthday today ‼️
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MHA Chapter 386 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
tagline 避難…そして戦況は…‼︎ ひなん…そしてせんきょうは…‼︎ hinan...soshite senkyou wa...!! The evacuation...and the battle situation...!!
1 17〜32ボックス再稼働を確認! 17〜32ボックスさいかどうをかくにん! 17~32 BOKKUSU saikadou wo kakunin! “Blocks 17-32 restart confirmed!”
2 AFO伊銅市を通過! オール・フォー・ワンいどうしをつうか! OORU FOO WAN idoushi wo tsuuka! “AFO is passing through Idou City!”
3 まだ戦える者は⁉︎ まだたたかえるものは⁉︎ mada tatakaeru mono wa!? “Who can still fight!?”
4 各��面に召集を掛けてますがどこも満身創痍で… かくほうめんにしょうしゅうをかけてますがどこもまんしんそういで… kakuhoumen ni shoushuu wo kaketemasu ga doko mo manshin soui de... “We’re asking for some to gather from all directions, but they’re all wounded...”
5 うわああ!!! uwaaa!!! “Waaah!”
6 次は何だ‼︎ つぎはなんだ‼︎ tsugi wa nanda!! "What next?!”
7 まずいです…‼︎ mazui desu...!! “It’s bad...!!”
8 熱が…!群訝の…‼︎ ねつが…!ぐんがの…‼︎ netsu ga...! gunga no...!! “The heat is...! Gunga will...!!”
9 荼毘の熱が…‼︎ だびのねつが…‼︎ Dabi no netsu ga...!! “Dabi’s heat is...!!”
1 熱が何だ⁉︎報告しろ‼︎ ねつがなんだ⁉︎ほうこくしろ‼︎ netsu ga nanda!? houkoku shiro!! “What about the heat? Report!!”
2 エンデヴァーがやられたのか⁉︎ ENDEVAA ga yarareta no ka!? “Did they get Endeavor!?”
3 いえ! ie! “No!”
4 まだ…‼︎ mada...!! “Not yet...!!”
5 でも… demo... “But...”
6 そうなる…!解析結果が出ました…! そうなる…!かいせきけっかがでました…! sou naru...! kaiseki kekka ga dekimashita...! “That’s what will happen...! The analysis results are out!”
7 荼毘は…確保後からーーーー だびは…かくほごからーーーー Dabi wa...kakuho go kara---- “Dabi...since after we secured him----”
8 内に… うちに… uchi ni... “Inside himself...”
9 留め続けてる…!んです…! とどめつづけてる…!んです…! todome tsudzuketeru...! ndesu...! “he’s continuing to keep it there...! That’s what’s happening...!”
10 "圧縮"して… "あっし��く"して… “asshuku” shite... “He’s compressing it...”
11 熱エネルギーを留め続けてるんです ねつエネルギーをとどめつづけてるんです netsu ENERUGII wo todome tsudzuketerundesu “and continuously holding his heat energy.”
12 このままだと保って十数分か… このままだともってじゅうすうふんか… kono mama da to motte juusuufun ka... “If he keeps like this for ten minutes or so...”
13 数分か……奴は消滅します…! すうふんか……やつはしょうめつします…! suufun ka......yatsu wa shoumetsu shimasu...! “in a few minutes...he’ll be annihilated...!”
14 そして圧力から解き放たれた熱エネルギーは… そしてあつりょくからときはなたれたねつエネルギーは… soshite atsuryoku kara tokihanatareta netsu ENERUGII wa... “And then the heat energy released from the pressure will...”
1-2 直径約5kmを瞬時に灼き溶かす規模の超高圧爆発を引き起こす…‼︎ ちょっけいやく5キロメートルをしゅんじにやきとかすきぼのちょうこうあつばくはつをひきおこす…‼︎ chokkeiyaku 5 KIROMEETORU wo shunji ni yaki tokasu kibo no choukouatsu bakuhatsu wo hikiokosu...!! “it will cause an ultra-high pressure explosion on a scale that will melt and burn everything within an approximate 5 kilometer diameter...!!”
3 東の雄英西の士傑… ひがしのゆうえいにしのしけつ… higashi no yuuei nishi no shiketsu... “UA in the east, Shiketsu in the west...”
4 近畿の群訝近くを通るハート… きんきのぐんがちかくをとおるルート… kinki no gunga chikaku wo tooru RUUTO... “The [refugee box] route passes near Gunga in the Kinki region ...”
5 …荼毘はこれを…?いや…そんな事無理だ… …だびはこれを…?いや…そんなことむりだ… ...Dabi wa kore wo...? iya...sonna koto muri da... “...Dabi [knows] this...? No...that sort of thing is impossible...”
6 だが…もしあの時 だが…もしあのとき daga...moshi ano toki “But...maybe at that time”
7 スケプティックから情報を受けていたとしたら… スケプティックからじょうほうをうけていたとしたら… SUKEPUTIKKU kara jouhou wo ukete ita to shitara... “if he received that information from Skeptic...”
8 連絡なさい‼︎ れんらくなさい‼︎ renraku nasai!! “Contact them!!”
9 今すぐ‼︎ いますぐ‼︎ ima sugu!! “Right now!!”
1 被害予想範囲にまだ ひがいよそうはんいにまだ higai yosou han’i ni mada “Within the expected damage range, there is”
2 止められてる避難ボックスがある‼︎ とめられてるひなんボックスがある‼︎ tomerareteru hinan BOKKUSU ga aru!! “an evacuation box that’s [still] being stopped!!”
3 …!そんなの…いくら地下でも… …!そんなの…いくらちかでも… ...! sonna no...ikura chika demo... “...! That’s...no matter how far underground they are...”
4 緊急ハッチを開けろ‼︎ きんきゅうハッチをあけろ‼︎ kinkyuu HACCHI wo akero!! “Open the emergency hatch!”
5 地上へ出るんだ! ちじょうへでるんだ! chijou e derunda! “Get above ground!”
6 うわあああああ uwaaaaaa “Waaaaaah!”
1 塚内さん‼︎ つかうちさん‼︎ Tsukauchi-san!! “Mr. Tsukauchi!!”
2 AFO更に加速! オール・フォー・ワンさらにかそく! OORU FOO WAN sara ni kasoku! “All For One is accelerating further!”
3 まもなく"泥ワープ"の推定有効圏内に入ります! まもなく"どろワープ"のすいていゆうこ���けんないにはいります! mamonaku “doro WAAPU” no suitei yuukou kennai ni hairimasu! “Shortly he’ll enter the estimated effective range for his mud warp!”
4 "二人の魔王"が揃い立ってしまったら "ふたりのまおう"がそろいたってしまったら “futari no maou” ga soroi tatte shimattara If the two demon kings end up standing together,
5 もう打つ手はーー‼︎ もううつてはーー‼︎ mou utsu te wa--!! we’ll be out of moves--!!
6 増援は……‼︎ ぞうえんは……‼︎ zouen wa......!! “Reinforcements......!!”
7 無理です‼︎万全な者がいたとしても… むりです‼︎ばんぜんなものがいたとしても… muri desu!! banzen na mono ga ita to shitemo... “That’s impossible!! Even if we have surefire people...”
8 間に合うヒーローなんて… まにあうヒーローなんて… ma ni au HIIROO nante... “we don’t have a hero who can make it in time...”
1 塚内くん つかうちくん Tsukauchi-kun “Tsukauchi-kun.”
2 轟くんまだ"燐"の負荷が……! とどろきくんまだ"り��"のふかが……! Todoroki-kun mada “rin” no fuka ga......! “Todoroki-kun, the burden of Phospor is still......!”
3 大丈夫だっつってんだろ…! だいじょうぶだっつってんだろ…! daijoubu dattsuttendaro...! “Didn’t I tell you I’m fine...!”
4 AFOが緑谷んとこ着いちまうって… オール・フォー・ワンがみどりやんとこついちまうって… OORU FOO WAN ga Midoriya ntoko tsuichimau tte... “What if AFO arrives where Midoriya is like they said...”
5 俺はまだ動ける…‼︎ おれはまだうごける…‼︎ ore wa mada ugokeru...!! “I can still move...!!”
6-7 燈矢の事で頭がいっぱいだろ… あにのことであたまがいっぱいだろ… ani (kanji: Touya) no koto de atama ga ippai daro... “Your head is full [with thoughts of] your brother (read as: Touya), isn’t it...”
1 ……できることを…やらなきゃ… ......dekiru koto wo...yaranakya... “......I have to do...what I can...”
2 待て‼︎俺を殺すんだろ まて‼︎おれをころすんだろ mate!! ore wo korosundaro Wait!! Aren’t you going to kill me?
3 君がどれ程の思いで きみがどれほどのおもいで kimi ga dore hodo no omoi de “With how many thoughts”
4 立ち向かったか…… たちむかったか…… tachimukatta ka...... “did you stand and face him......?”
5 どれだけ dore dake “How much”
6 悔しいか… くやしいか… kuyashii ka... “are you regretting...?”
7 僕に「なりたいものを見ろ」と ぼくに「なりたいものをみろ」と boku ni 「naritai mono wo miro」 to “You told me, ‘look at the person you want to become,’”
8 言ってくれた優しい君が いってくれたやさしいきみが itte kureta yasashii kimi ga “You, who were kind and told me that,”
9 何でこんな思いをしなきゃいけない なんでこんなおもいをしなきゃいけない nande konna omoi wo shinakya ikenai “why do you have to feel like this?”
10 ーーあーーアーー --a--A-- “--a--A--”
11 ん‼︎つながった‼︎ n!! tsunagatta!! “-eah!! It connected!!”
1 2人とも‼︎まだ無事だってな⁉︎ 2りとも‼︎まだぶじだってな⁉︎ futari-tomo!! mada buji datte na!? “You two!! Are you still safe!?”
2 オールマイト…⁉︎ OORU MAITO...!? “All Might...!?”
3 時間が惜しい手短に伝えるね! じかんがおしいてみじかにつたえるね! jikan ga oshii temijika ni tsutaeru ne! “Time is scarce, so I’ll briefly explain!”
4 君たちは今すぐ群訝へ走れ‼︎ きみたちはいますぐぐんがへはしれ‼︎ kimi-tachi wa ima sugu gunga e hashire!! “You guys run to Gunga right now!!”
5 荼毘が爆発寸前 だびがばくはつすんぜん Dabi ga bakuhatsu sunzen “Dabi is about to expolde.”
6 範囲内には避難ブロックが停止中 はんいないにはひなんブロックがていしちゅう han’inai ni hinan BUROKKU ga teishichuu “Some evacuation blocks have been stopped within his range.”
7 現在エンデヴァーが荼毘を見てるが げんざいエンデヴァーがだびをみてるが genzai ENDEVAA ga Dabi wo miteru ga “Endeavor in his current state is watching Dabi, but”
8 彼の"個性"では爆発を止められないだろう おれの"こせい"ではばくはつをとめられないだろう ore no “kosei” de wa bakuhatsu wo tomerarenai darou “with his quirk, he probably can’t stop the explosion.”
9 飯田少年 いいだしょうねん Iida-shounen “Young Iida,”
10 君は走れる筈だ きみははしれるはずだ kimi wa hashireru hazu da “you should be able to run.”
1 轟少年! とどろきしょうねん! Todoroki-shounen! “Young Todoroki!”
2 心と体は一元だ こころとからだはいちげんだ kokoro to karada wa ichigen da “the heart and body are unified.” (Note: He’s talking about a metaphorical heart, or mind, or spirit, that is the equivalent of one’s thoughts and feelings and personality.)
3 悩み進んできた君ならわかると思う なやみすすんできたきみならわかるとおもう nayami susunde kita kimi nara wakaru to omou “I think you understand, as you have progressed from your troubles.”
4 オールマイトでも OORU MAITO demo “Even with All Might,”
5 AFOが…… オール・フォー・ワンが…… OORU FOO WAN ga...... “All For One is......”
6 大丈夫!まだ強力な助っ人は控えてる! だいじょうぶ!まだきょうりょくなすけっとはひかえてる! daijoubu! mada kyouryoku na suketto wa hikaeteru! “It’s okay! There’s still a powerful helper standing by!”
7 迷いを抱いて戦ってもアレには勝てない まよいをいだいてたたかってもアレにはかてない mayoi wo idaite tatakattemo ARE ni wa katenai “Even if you embrace your hesitation and fight, you can’t win against that.”
8 悩んで迷って…そんな少年が心に決めた想いこそ何より尊い なやんでまよって…そんなしょうねんがこころにきめたおもいこそなによりとうとい nayande mayotte...sonna shounen ga kokoro ni kimeta omoi koso nani yori toutoi “You worried and wandered...and the feelings that such a young man decided on in his heart are more precious than anything else.”
9 燈矢を止めて皆を安心させてくれ! とうやをとめてみんなをあんしんさせてくれ! Touya wo tomete minna wo anshin sasetekure! “Stop Touya and put everyone at ease!”
10 君が君である為に きみがきみであるために kimi ga kimi de aru tame ni "Because you are you.”
1 今 群訝の危機をどうにかできる可能性があるとすれば いま ぐんがのききをどうにかできるかのうせいがあるとすれば ima gunga no kiki wo dou ni ka dekiru kanousei ga aru to sureba “Now, if we have any chance at doing something about the Gunga crisis,”
2 「エンジン」と 「ENJIN」 to “it’s Engine and”
3 「半冷半燃」 「はんれいはんねん」 「hanrei hannen」 “Half-Cold Half-Hot.”
4 君たちだけだ‼︎頼んだぞ‼︎ きみたちだけだ‼︎たのんだぞ‼︎ kimi-tachi dake da!! tanonda zo!! “It’s only you guys!! We’re counting on you!!”
5 …走れって …はしれって ...hashire tte “..He said to run”
6 飯田エンストしたし…… いいだエンストしたし…… IIda ENSUTO shita shi...... “but Iida[′s engine] has stalled......”
7 群訝まで ぐんがまで gunga made “From Gunga,”
8 どんだけ距離あると思ってんだ… どんだけきょりあるとおもってんだ… don dake kyori aru to omottenda... “how far do you think we are...?”
9 雨で脚の熱が良い具合だ走れるよ…… あめであしのねつがいいぐあいだはしれるよ…… ame de ashi no netsu ga ii guai da hashireru yo...... “With the rain, the heat in my legs will be in good condition, so I can run......”
10 走れる はしれる hashireru “I can run,”
11 轟くん…だって俺の脚はね とどろきくん…だっておれのあしはね Todoroki-kun...datte ore no ashi wa ne “Todoroki-kun...because my legs”
1 迷子を導く為にあるんだから まいごをみちびくためにあるんだから maigo wo michibiku tame ni arunda kara “are for the sake of guiding lost children.”
2 誰が…為にーー… たが…ためにーー… ta ga...tame ni--... “For others’...sake--...”
3 しっかり掴まってろ しっかりつかまってろ shikkari tukamattero “Hold on tightly.”
1 全速力だ ぜんそくりょくだ zensokuryoku da “This is my full speed.”
2 ホークスによるAFOとの戦闘記録 ホークスによるオール・フォー・ワンとのせんとうきろく HOOKUSU ni yoru OORU FOO WAN to no sentou kiroku From the combat record of AFO from Hawks:
3 若年化に伴い力は増すが じゃくねんかにともないちからはますが jakunenka ni tomonai chikara wa masu ga as his age decreases, his accompanying strength increases.
4 負の感情が抑えられなくなっている ふのかんじょうがおさえられなくなっている fu no kanjou ga osaerarenaku natte iru His negative amotions are going out of control.
5 馬鹿ヤロウ! ばかヤロウ! bakaYAROU! “You idiot!”
1 これでいいんだよ塚内くん これでいいんだよつかうちくん kore de iinda yo Tsukauchi-kun “It’ll be fine like this, Tsukauchi-kun.”
2 元々私の もともとわたしの motomoto watashi no “Because originally,”
3 戦いだったんだから たたかいだったんだから tatakai dattanda kara this battle was mine.”
4 思い出すよなァ? おもいだすよなァ? omoidasu yo naA? “Do you remember?”
5 長く戦ってきた… ながくたたかってきた… nagaku tatakatte kita... “We’ve been fighting for a long time...”
6 死柄木弔の"憎しみ"が しがらきとむらの"にくしみ"が Shigaraki Tomura no “nikushimi” ga “The influence of Shigaraki’s hatred”
7 本体にまで影響を及ぼしているって? おまえにまでえいきょうをおよぼしているって? omae (kanji: hontai) ni made eikyou wo oyoboshite iru tte? “is affecting your body, didn’t you say?”
8 じゃあ jaa “Then,”
9 無視はできないだろうなぁ むしはできないだろうなぁ mushi wa dekinai darou naa “you can’t ignore it, right?”
10 なんてったって nantetta tte “In the end,”
1-2 "無個性"なんだぞ!!! "むこせい"なんだぞ!!! “mukosei” nanda zo!!! “You’re quirkless!!!”
3 "個性"がなくてもヒーローは出来ますか⁉︎ "こせい"がなくてもヒーローはできますか⁉︎ “kosei” ga nakutemo HIIROO wa dekimasu ka!? Can I be a hero even if I don’t have a quirk!?
tagline 1 No.386 ナンバー386 NANBAA 386 No. 386
tagline 1 I AM HERE 堀越耕平 アイ アム ヒア ほりこしこうへい AI AMU HIA Horikoshi Kouhei I AM HERE Kouhei Horikoshi
1 私が わたしが watashi ga “I”
2 来た きた kita “am here.”
tagline 2 ついに来た‼︎ ついにきた‼︎ tsui ni kita!! He’s finally arrived!!
#my hero academia leak translations#mha 386#bnha 386#my hero academia manga spoilers#final showdown spoilers#he is here#about damn time
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After Morning Love *cat ear side story is adorable
Before Daylight Love *sequel of After Morning Love
Crossover Love *sequel of Before Daylight Love
Agattetanse *so cute
Ai no Chikara de Koi wo Surunoda (Love's Purity and Tyranny)
Aishi no Sweet Voice (I Love Sweet Voice)
Akanai Tobira (The Door to the Closed Mind)
Akenure Goyou ni Kudaru Sousetsu wa (Staining the White Pine with Crimson Frosted Snow) *beautiful stories of redemption & forgiveness
Akihabara Fall In Love
Sensei, Mou Dame Desu (Can't Stand Any Longer) *sequel to Akihabara Fall In Love
Amayakasanai de Nakisou dakara (If You Spoil Me That Much, I'm Gonna Cry) *so sweet!
Arienai Futari (Unexpected Couple)
A Studio Apartment Will Suffice *so stupid it’s cute
Attachment Love *so cute
Baby Love Sitter
Beauty Stock *so adorable!
Best Ending?
Binan no Dendoh (Sanctuary of Beautiful Men)
Caramel 1
Chijou 100 meter de, Aimashou *cute
Complex Jijou (Facing Your Insecurities)
Darlin', Iikagen ni Shiya Gare (Darling, Give me a break)
Doku ni mo Naranai Propose (Pointless Propose Marriage)
Evening Dinner
Fujimi no Meinichi (Fall of an Immortal) *silly
Gelateria Supernova
Ginmokusei no Shitateya (Ginmokusei: The Tailor Shop)
Gitei ni Himitsu ga Arimashite (My Brother's Secret)
Gozou Roppu No Ko (Love From The Core) *simple but sweet
Hachimitsu Darling *cute
Hadaka yori mo Oku Fukaku (More Than Just the Physical)
Hakidame to Tsuru (Jewel and Dunghill)
Hanakoi (Lovely Flower) *cute
Harapeko Usagi to Koisuru Ookami *so cute
Harenai Sekai de Kimi Dake Mieru
Hatsukoi wa natsukanai
Hitotsu Shikanai Mono (The One and Only)
Hitsuji ni Narasete itadakimasu (Please Let Me Be Your Sheep!) *so sweet!
Hoshigari na Rinjin (The Neighbor I Desire) *cute
If Love Falls on You
Ikumen datte Koishimasu (Even a Hot Guy Falls in Love) *so cute!
Itadakimasu, Gochisou-Sama
It Starts With Stalking *I love the twist
Joou to Shitateya (Queen and the Tailor)
Jouzetsu na Yubi (The Loquacious Finger)
Kiken na Otonari-san (The Dangerous Neighbor)
Kimagure Goshujin To Oshikake Neko (The Uninvited Cat and His Fickle Master)
Kimi wa Boku no Okiniiri (You’re My Favorite Toy)
Kirahoshi Dial (Twinkling Stars Dial)
Kirakira no Hibi (Dazzling Days) 2 cute stories
Kitto Oujisama ga Nante
Kizuato ni Kuchizuke (Key to my heart)
Kizuato ni Kuchizuke sweet time (Kisses On Your Scars ~ Sweet Time) *sequel to Kizuato ni Kuchizuke (Key to my heart)
Kamiato ni Kiss (Love bite and kiss) *spin off of Kizuato Ni Kuchizuke
Kizutsukenai de ne
Kohitsuji to Ookami
Koibitogokoro (Heart of Love)
Koiyume Lover
Koko wa Yasashii Niwa *tear jerker
Konna Ore wo Suki Toka Majika (Is It True That You Like Me?)
Kuyuru *trauma, so cute w/extra mangaka art
Long Night Sweet Porno
Love Request No.0510 *2 cute stories
LOVING CONSENT *sugary one shot
Lyrical Muscle Encounter *so cute
Mazu wa Oishii Gohan wo Tabeyou
Meruhen Nä Otoko Tachibana *dating app
Motekei Ouji no Renai Command (The Popular Prince's Love Command)
Mote Papa to Dakaretai Junjou Koushi (Popular Dad and the Sexy Passionate Teacher)
Motto Amaete! Tachibana-san *2 cute stories
Mujaki na Wanko to Nekokaburi (An Innocent Puppy Meets a Two-Faced Cat)
Boku no Omawari-san My Pretty Policeman *sequel to Mujaki na Wanko to Nekokaburi (An Innocent Puppy Meets a Two-Faced Cat)
My Boyfriend's a Ticking Time Bomb*2 stories
My Sweet Husky Papa
Nakittsura ni Hug * TW severe social phobia w/happy end
Neko niha Inu wo
Neon Sign Amber
Nidome ha Shoujiki (Second Time's the Charm)
Nisemono DK ha Haru wo Uru (His Secret Life as a Fake High Schooler)
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sorry for looping mou hitotsu no chijou for 2 hours. do you still think imnormal.
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This is for @sokindragonjou . I loved his 2-chijou manga so much so I made a fanart of it.
#2-chijou#nichijou#sake naganohara#yomiko#sora sekiguchi#mono-eye#monika#hakase shinonome#sokidragonjou
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Fan art of @sokindragonjou ‘s OC, Amaise Ikaku
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Waku and Amaise from the wonderful @sokindragonjou’s upcoming comic 2-chijou
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felt like making it, so yeehaw my favorite anime ops that i can remember (music-wise, not animation or composition n also in No Order. fave of faves r Bolded)
FLYERS by Bradio (Death Pa/rade)
Ikouze Paradise (Ishuzoku Rev!ewers)
Aoi Shiori by Galileo Galilei (An0hana)
Tsurezure Monochrome by FUJIFABRIC (Tsur!tama)
Perfect-area Complete! by Natsuko Asou (Baka To Te/st)
Connect by ClariS (PM/MM))
Bon Appétit♡S by Blend-S(Ble/nd S)
Chuubyou Gek!hatsu Boy by Rerulili (Chuuybou Gek!hatsu Boy) (note: original voca song linked bc no other decent quality video)
Treacherous Sunset by Theatre Brook (DR/RR)
Renegade by STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION (Gangsta)
Sakura Skip by fourfolium (New Game!)
Kimi ja Nakya Dame Mitai by Masayoshi Ooishi (Gek/kan Shoujo Nozaki-kun)
Kyoumen no Nami by YURiKA (Houseki No K/uni)
Dokkin♢Mah/ou Tsukai Pret/ty Cure! by Kitagawa Rie (Mah/outsukai Pre/cure)
Shine! Kirakira Pre/cure a la mode by Yuri Komagata (Kira Kira Pre/cure A La Mode)
Sh!ny Seven Stars by Septentr!on (K!ng of Prism: Sh!ny Seven Stars)
Koko Dake No Hanashi by Chatmonchy (Kurageh!me)
Shiver by the GazettE (Kurosh!tsuji II)
Bokura wa ima no naka de by μ’s (Love L!ve S1)
Sore wa bokutachi no kiseki by μ’s (Love L!ve S2)
Motteke! Sailor Fuku! (Luck/y Star)
daze by GARNiDELiA (Mekakuc!ty Actors)
RIN! RIN! HI! HI! by Kanaderiya Hashiguchi + The Super Ball (Nan/baka)
The Cruel Angel's Thesis by Yoko Takahashi
Kyouran HEY KIDS!! by THE ORAL CIGARETTES (N0ragami Aragoto)
Goya wa Machiawase by Hello Sleepwalkers (N0ragami)
Hanamaru Pippi wa Yoiko dake by AOP (Oso/matsu-san)
Zenryoku Batankyu by AOP (Oso/matsu-san)
Sakura Kiss by Chieko Kawabe (OHS/HC)
STRIDER'S HIGH by OxT (Pr!nce of Stride: Alternative)
Punch Line! by Shokotan Daisuki Dempagumi (Punchline)
JUST ONE LIFE by SPYAIR (Samurai Fla/menco)
Scramble by Yui Horie with UNSCANDAL (Sch/ool Rumble)
H!karu Nara by Goose House (Your L!e in April)
Guren no Yumiya by Linked Horizon (SN/K)
Unravel by TK (To/kyo Ghoul)
My Sweetheart by Rika Komatsu (Tok/yo Mew Mew)
Team Up! by Bree Strong (Me/w Mew Power)
History Maker by Dean Fujioka (Yu/ri!!! On Ice)
Viva Namida by Yasuyuki Okamura (Spa/ce Dandy)
Realize! by i☆Ris (Pr!para)
Hyadain no Kakakata☆Kataomoi-C by Hyadain (N!chijou)
Act! Add!ct! Actors! by a3ders (a/3!)
Renai Circulation by Kana Hanazawa (Bakemo/nogatari)
bonus: favorite anime eds too (no order, fave of faves r bolded)
Bitter Song To Bitter Step by UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Kek/kai Sensen)
Miracle Link Ring by Machico (Heal!n Good Pre/cure)
Hallelujah Essaim (Gabriel Drop/out)
Sunlight Avenue by Terashima Takuma (Servamp)
Trust Me by Yuya Matsushita (DR/RR)
Friend Shitai (Gakkou Guras/hi)
Splash Free by Style Five (Free!)
Marukaite Chikyuu by Daisuke Namikawa (Hetal!a)
Hetalian Jet by Daisuke Namikawa (Hetal!a World Tw!nkle)
CURE UP↑RA♡PA☆PA! ~Magic That Turns Into Smiles~ (Mah/outsukai Pre/cure)
Kono Sora no Mukou (Doki Doki Pr/ecure)
Yume wa Mirai e no Michi (Go! Pr!ncess Pre/cure)
YELL FOR YOU (Hugt/to Pre/cure)
Lets la Cooking Showtime by Kanako Miyamoto (Kira Kira Pre/cure A La Mode)
Shubidubi Sweets Time by Kanako Miyamoto (Kira Kira Pre/cure A La Mode)
Kimi no Kirei ni Kizuite Okure by Sambomaster (Kurageh!me)
Daisy by STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION (Kyouk/ai No Kanata)
Six Same Faces Sextuplets (Oso/matsu-san)
Fallen Angel by LISA and Mitsunori Ikeda ft Aimee B (PAS/WG)
Be My Steady by Galaxy Standard (Pr!nce of Stride: Alternative)
Onna no Ko Otoko no Ko by Yuko Ogura (Sch/ool Rumble)
Inner Urge by Sumire Uesaka (Sh!moneta)
Have A Nice Music by Plasmagica (Sh/ow By Rock)
Kimi No Rhapsody by Mashumairesh (Sh/ow By Rock Mashumairesh)
Vanilla Salt by Yui Horie (To/radora)
Wug Zoo Zoo by Wake Up Girls (Wake Up Girls Zoo)
No Matter How I Look At It, It's Not My Fault! by Izumi Kitta (Wata/mote)
X Jigen e Youkoso by Etsuko Yakushimaru (Sp/ace Dandy)
Meteor Scramble by Ryu/seitai (Ens/emble Stars)
Hoshi to Tsuki no Sentence by Kitak0re (B Pr0ject)
FUTURE FISH by STYLE FIVE (Free! Et/ernal Summer)
Sora Mo Toberu Hazu by Sayonara Ponytail (Tsur!tama)
Sweets Parade by Kana Hanazawa (Inu x B0ku SS)
Zetsubousei: Hero Chiryouyaku by Soraru (Dangan R0npa: the Animation)
#i had 2 look up the names n artists for some of these gjunmsn but i hope it's appreciated that i didnt just put the anime's name#i havent seen n!chijou; doki doki pr/ecure; inu x b0ku; or bake/monogatari i just like those songs lol#this is excluding movies or i'd put the song from paprika n Sakura Nagashi#long post#delete later#info
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[PS2] [USA][PAL] [JAPAN] [2019]
I have added today the following game entries to the PS2 Datacenter:
Añadidas las siguientes entradas a la PS2 Datacenter:
NTSC-J: Golf Paradise [SLPS-20009] (J) Reijou Tantei Office Love Jiken [SLPS-25723] (J) Simple 2000 Series vol.123 - Reijou Tantei Office Love Jiken [SLPS-25874] (J) Sui-Sui-Sweet - Amai Ai No Mitsukekata [SLPM-62437] (J) Suika A.S+ Eternal Name [SLPM-66787] (J) Suika A.S+ Eternal Name [First Press Limited Edition] [PBGP-0061] (J) Suika A.S+ Eternal Name - Sweet So Sweet [Best Edition] [SLPM-55042] (J) Suki Namono Wa Suki Dakarashou Ganai!! Rain - Sukisyo Episode #3 [SLPS-20394] (J) Sumomomo Momomo - Chijou Saikyou no Yome [SLPS-25778] (J) Sumomomo Momomo - Chijou Saikyou no Yome [Limited Edition] [SLPS-25777] (J) Surfing Air Show with Rat Boy [SLPS-20197] (J) Suzumiya Haruchi no Tomadoi [SLPS-25822] (J) Suzumiya Haruchi no Tomadoi [Limited Edition] [SLPS-25821] (J) Suzumiya Haruchi no Tomadoi [PlayStation 2 the Best] [SLPS-73264] (J) Syphon Filter - The Omega Strain [SCKA-20032] (K)
NTSC-U: Super Monkey Ball Adventure [SLUS-21272] (E) Superman - Shadow of Apokolips [SLUS-20235] (E) Swing Away Golf [SLUS-20096] (E) Syphon Filter - The Omega Strain [SCUS-97264] (E) Tak - The Great Juju Challenge [SLUS-21218] (E)
PAL: Super Monkey Ball Adventure [SLES-53701] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S) Superman - Shadow of Apokolips [SLES-50795] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S) Swing Away Golf [SLES-50033] (E) Syphon Filter - The Omega Strain [SCES-52033] (E)(F)(G)(I)(S) Tak - The Great Juju Challenge [SLES-53695] (E)(G)
MANUALS: Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol.12 - Puyo Puyo Tsuu [SLPM-62656] Manual scans by Akane, cleaned & compiled into cbr by gladiator.
Check them here: http://www.psxdatacenter.com/ or http://psxdatacenter.com/
Have fun and if you can help us with the missing information (covers, descriptions, cheats, etc.) please do it.
If you want to contribute to the site running costs (domain, server, updates, etc.) please consider becoming our patreon or making a donation on our ko-fi.
#super monkey ball#superman#shadow of apokolyps#swing away golf#syphon filter#the omega strain#retrogames#retrogaming#Suika A.S+ Eternal Name#Sumomomo Momomo - Chijou Saikyou no Yome#Suzumiya Haruchi no Tomadoi#Surfing Air Show with Rat Boy#tak the great juju challenge#pcsx2#Sony PlayStation 2#PlayStation 2#Ps2 Games#video games
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I was asked to translate what was said in Japanese in the scene just before the 5.3 Trial. It was put out there that it’s a bit different, so I switched my Client to Japanese and took lots of video and screenshots because I was curious about a few things in there. What I worked on first was the scene I got asked about. Under the cut to save some Spoilers for anyone still trying to avoid them. Boop.
So. A friend found out that the wording for what Hades/Emet-Selch called you; the 14th; in Japanese when you hear the words from the soulstone, was a bit more intimate. I got asked what was said... I did the whole scene, all three lines. lol
It got shared around on Discord, so I thought I’d put it here too. (I also fixed a typo. Dx)
Kanji: 「命のかぎり歩み 地上の星々を繋がんとした 親愛なる者の記録をここに
お前が手繰れば 運命は集うだろう たとえ今は天地に隔たれ 心隔たれていようとも 第十四の座 —— その名をアゼム」 Romaji: “inochi no kagiri ayumi chijou no hoshiboshi o tsunagan to shita shin'ainaru-sha no kiroku o koko ni omae ga tegureba unmei wa tsudou darou tatoe ima wa tenchi ni hedatare kokoro hedatareteiyou tomo dai jyuuyon no gi — sono mei o AZEMU”
English: "This is the record of a very dear person.* They traveled the world and connected the stars. Even if our world has faded and our souls are growing distant, you will pull fate to you as you always have. The Fourteenth Seat — The title of Azem"
Some notes: *親愛なる者 - "shin'ainaru-sha" I wanted to specifically note this because if you wanted to read it as "my beloved" you absolutely could. But the wording was weird when put in context.
親愛 (しんあい) common word Noun 1. ‘deep affection‘ Na-adjective 2. ‘dear; beloved‘ - often in the opening of a letter as 親愛なる
If you look up "shinainaru" or 親愛なる, you get lots of references to letters, such as "Dear John", movie titles like "Dear Father", or references to beloved things like "Dear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and Plains". Put in context with the rest of the sentence, "my beloved person" can easily replace "a very dear person". Also, while alone, 者 would be 'mono', it appears to be a suffix here in context, reading as "person". This is why the context felt more comfortable to say "Beloved Person" or "Very Dear Person". You may read it however you like, and I would be willing to put money on them writing it that way on purpose. They did say in an interview that they don't want to completely break anyone's ships. lol
So. The English version isn't really the worst wording, but the phrasing is definitely a bit more intimate in Japanese in my opinion. Yes. lol
Finally, something else I wanted to note was the wording about pulling fate. I had a hard time with that one, because it’s sort of... “It seems fate/destiny gather/collect around you, you pull it in (like a rope).” What was said in English (”where you walk, ...fate shall surely follow”) wasn’t that terrible a way to put it, so I compromised.
There’s probably someone who can write this all better if it’s not exactly correct. I will repeat that I’m not fluent, but I still try to understand as best I can and learn. I also really enjoy writing, so putting things into English can be just as fun to me. I’m working on more of the end of 5.3. There’s so much I’m enjoying finding in all of that. As a small preview, I’ll add a little bonus about the Exarch/G’raha.
In English, he is “Crystal Exarch” right to the end, when his body crystallizes before you. In Japanese, however, when he asks you his favor; to take him on your next Adventure; his name changes to G’raha Tia. <3
#Also have a glance at my translation process. ^^;#I read a lot more kanji than I thought I would be able to! :D#translation#spoilers#5.3 spoilers#patch 5.3 spoilers#ffxiv 5.3 spoilers#ffxiv#FFXIV Screenshots#angel lockhart#japanese#emet-selch#g'raha tia#crystal exarch#differences#translator ramble
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Your Daily Smile #2462
Sake Naganohara - 2-chijou
Reminder that the first chapter of @sokindragonjou's fan comic "2-chijou" is out now! Please check it out!!
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READ the rest of the Chapter here : https://tapas.io/episode/2727966 (Read from Right to Left) . 2-chijou : Chapter one I’m super happy to present this to you all , it’s been a long time of working on this and i couldn’t be happier with the final result , i hope you like it as well !. This December it’s been officially 4 years since i got into Nichijou , and i can’t believe even after so long i’m still making stories and comics about it . I hope you like this comic and i can’t wait to hear your thoughts about it !!! Art and Story : Sokin Naganon Editor/ Supervisor : @kirbyddd . Special thanks to everyone that has helped me through this journey , i’m grateful to all of you!
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MHA Chapter 388 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
1 システムの基盤がやられてる! システムのきばんがやられてる! SHISUTEMU no kiban ga yarareteru! “The system’s foundation is being destroyed!”
2 再稼働は諦めます! さいかどうはあきらめます! saikadou ha akiramemasu! “I’m giving up on the restart!”
tagline 混乱の中…‼︎ こんらんのなか…‼︎ konran no naka...!! In the middle of confusion...!!
1 高齢者と子どもからだ早く‼︎ こうれいしゃとこどもからだはやく‼︎ koureisha to kodomo kara da hayaku!! “Hurry for the elderly and children!!”
2 ここから地上へ出られる‼︎ ここからちじょうへでられる‼︎ koko kara chijou e derareru!! “You can get above ground from here!!”
3 地上へ出たら雄英ロボが搬送します‼︎ ちじょうへでたらゆうえいロボがはんそうします‼︎ chijou e detara yuuei ROBO ga hansou shimasu!! “When you get above ground, the UA robots will carry you!!”
4 ロボに乗ったらすぐに彼らに指示を出して下さい ロボにのったらすぐにかれらにしじをだしてください ROBO ni nottara sugu ni karera ni shiji wo dashite kudasai “As soon as you get on the robot, give them instructions.”
5 すげえ雨 すげえあめ sugee ame “What heavy rain!”
6 捕まって下さい つかまってください tsukamatte kudasai “Please hold onto me.”
7 ロボは人数分以上います慌てないで‼︎ ロボはにんすうぶんいじょういますあわてないで‼︎ ROBO wa ninsuubun ijou imasu awatenaide!! “There are more robots than people, please don’t panic!!”
8 決して振り返らないで下さい‼︎ けっしてふりかえらないでください‼︎ kesshite furikaeranaide kudasai!! “Please never look back!!”
1 荼毘の方は見ないで だびのほうはみないで Dabi no hou wa minaide “Don’t look at Dabi.”
tagline 1 No.388 燈矢 堀越耕平 ナンバー388 とうや ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 388 Touya Horikoshi Kouhei No. 388 Touya Kouhei Horikoshi
2 迅速に離れるように‼︎ じんそくにはなれるように‼︎ jinsoku ni hanareru you ni!! “So that you can get away quickly!!”
1 ラッシャイ RASSHAI “Welcome”
2 お母さん!⁉︎ おかあさん!⁉︎ okaasan!!? “Mom!!?”
3 夏くんお姉ちゃんを守ってあげて なつくんおねえちゃんをまもってあげて Natsu-kun oneechan wo mamotte agete “Natsu-kun, please protect your older sister.”
1 あの中心へ…!お願い あのちゅうしんへ…!おねがい ano chuushin e...! onegai “[Take me] to the center...! Please.”
2 ………俺タチハ ………おれタチハ .........ore-TACHI WA “.........We”
3 人ノ願イヲ叶エル為ニ生マレタンダゼ ひとノねがイヲかなエルためニうマレタンダゼ hito NO negaI WO kanaERU tame NI uMARETANDA ZE “were born for the sake of making people’s wishes come true.”
1 燈矢 とうや Touya “Touya”
1 何でおまえが…‼︎ なんでおまえが…‼︎ nande omae ga...!! “Why are you...!!”
2 冷却しようとしているのか冷!自らを冷やし氷膜を張りながらここまで近付いてーーー… れいきゃくしようとしているのかれい!みすからをひやしひょうまくをはりながらここまでちかづいてーーー… reikyaku shiyou to shite iru no ka Rei! misukara wo hiyashi hyoumaku wo hyoumaku wa harinagara koko made chikadzuite---... Are you trying to cool him down, Rei! You got this close by cooling yourself and stretching out a film of ice---...
3 だめだ離れろ‼︎灼け死ぬだけだ‼︎ だめだはなれろ‼︎やけしぬだけだ‼︎ dame da hanareru!! yakeshinu dake da!! “It’s no good, get away!! You’ll only burn to death!!”
4-5 あなたと燈矢も…っ そうでしょう……⁉︎ あなたととうやも…っ そうでしょう……⁉︎ anata to Touya mo...sou deshou......!? “Isn’t the same true...for you and Touya......!?”
1 おがあっざん? ogaazzan? “Mooom?”
2 燈矢……‼︎ とうや……‼︎ Touya......!! “Touya......!!“
3 ごめんね…! gomen ne...! “I’m sorry...!”
4 なづぐうん Nadzuguun “Natsu-kuuun”
5 ふ…ゆみぢゃん Fu...yumidchan “Fu...yumi-chan”
1 ダメよ! DAME yo! “No, don’t!”
2 嫌っ!!!もういなくならないで! やっ!!!もういなくならないで! ya!!! mou inaku naranaide! “I hate this!!! Don’t leave anymore!”
1 燈矢兄‼︎連れていかないで‼︎ とうやにい‼︎つれていかないで‼︎ Touya-nii!! tsurete ikanaide!! “Big bro Touya!! Don’t take them with you!!”
2 もう誰もいなくならないで‼︎ もうだれもいなくならないで‼︎ mou dare mo inaku naranaide!! “Please, no one leave anymore!!”
3 これ以上……っ これいじょう……っ kore ijou...... “No more than this......”
4 迷惑かけるなクソ兄貴! めいわくかけるなクソあにき! meiwaku kakeruna KUSO aniki! “Don’t bother [everyone], you damn big brother!”
5 移動で火力を上げれば いどうでかりょくをあげれば idou de karyoku wo agereba If I increase my firepower by moving,
6 燈矢の身体がもう……! とうやのからだがもう……! Touya no karada ga mou......! Touya’s body will be [beyond saving]......!
7 もう… mou... “I'm...”
8 頼むから…俺だけにしてくれ… たのむから…おれだけにしてくれ… tanomu kara...ore dake ni shitekure... “begging you already... Only [blast] me...”
1 アハッ AHA “AHA” (Note: Heavy gasping noise.)
2 アハァ AHAA “AHAA” (Note: Heavy gasping noise.)
tagline 集う母と弟妹、その視線の先はーー… つどうははときょうだい、そのしせんのさきはーー… tsudou haha to kyoudai, sono shisen no saki wa--... The gathered mother and siblings, [they’re] ahead in his line of sight--...
#my hero academia leak translations#mha 388#bnha 388#my hero academia manga spoilers#final showdown spoilers#all of 10 seconds of screen time :P#ok but what if the entire todoroki family ends up with left-side facial scars--
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Gundam Games





See also:
Arcade game
Gundam: Battle Simulator
Mobile Suit Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam: Final Shooting
Mobile Suit Gundam: EX Revue
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Card Builder
Mobile Suit Gundam: Bonds of the Battlefield
Mobile Suit Gundam: Spirits of Zeon - Dual Stars of Carnage
Mobile Suit Gundam: Spirits of Zeon - Memory of Soldier
Mobile Suit Gundam VS Series
Quiz Mobile Suit Gundam: Monsenshi
Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon
Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon DX
Mobile Suit Z Gundam: A.E.U.G. vs. Titans
Mobile Suit Z Gundam: A.E.U.G. vs. Titans DX
Gundam Seed: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T.
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. II
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam Next
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Full Boost
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Maxi Boost
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Force
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Maxi Boost ON
Gundam Versus
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. 2
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 1: Gundam Daishi ni Tatsu
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 2: Tobe Gundam
FM Towns
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hyper Classic Operation
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hyper Desert Operation
Mobile Suit Gundam: Last Shooting
MS Field: Kidou Senshi Gundam
MS Field Kidou Senshi Gundam Plus Kit
MS Field Kidou Senshi Gundam Plus Kit Tsuki
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 1: Gundam Daishi ni Tatsu
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 2: Tobe Gundam
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 1: Gundam Daishi ni Tatsu
Mobile Suit Gundam: Return of Zeon
Mobile Suit Gundam: A Year of War
Mobile Suit Gundam: Advanced Operation
Mobile Suit Gundam: Multiple Operation
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Operation
MS Field: Mobile Suit Gundam
MS Field 2 '92: Mobile Suit Gundam
Sharp X1
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 1: Gundam Daishi ni Tatsu
Kidou Senshi Gundam Part 2: Tobe Gundam
Sharp X68000
Mobile Suit Gundam: Classic Operation
Mobile Suit Gundam: Classic Operation - Original Scenario Disk
Gundam Network Operation
Gundam Network Operation 2
Gundam Network Operation 3
Gundam Storm (Browser-Based) - Service terminated
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079: The War For Earth - 1996 interactive movie collaboration between Bandai and Presto Studios Inc. Also released for Macintosh, PlayStation (JP release only) and Pippin.
Mobile Suit Gundam Online
New Gundam Breaker
SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online
SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays
Universal Century Gundam Online
]See also:
Mobile Suit Gundam
Bandai RX-78[
]See also:
Bandai RX-78
Gundam - Luna II no Tatakai
]See also:
SD Gundam Daizukan
Apple Bandai Pippin[
Gundam Tactics Mobility Fleet 0079
]See also:
Mobile Suit Gundam: MSVS
SD Gundam G Generation: Gather Beat
SD Gundam: Emotional Jam
WonderSwan Color[
]See also:
WonderSwan Color
SD Gundam G Generation: Gather Beat 2
SD Gundam G Generation: Monoeye Gundams
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Gundam Strike Force Go !!!: Stairway to the Destined Victory: Worldwide Edition
Mobile Suit Gundam: Operation U.C.
Family Computer[
]See also:
Nintendo Entertainment System
Mobile Suit Z Gundam: Hot Scramble
SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari
SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari 2
SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari 3
SD Gundam World Gachapon Senshi - Scramble Wars
SD Gundam World Gachapon Senshi 2 - Capsule Senki
SD Gundam World Gachapon Senshi 3 - Eiyû Senki
SD Gundam World Gachapon Senshi 4 - New Type Story
SD Gundam World Gachapon Senshi 5 - Battle of Universal Century
SD Gundam: Gundam Wars
Super Famicom[
]See also:
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Mobile Suit Gundam: Cross Dimension 0079 - Tactical role-playing game
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: Away to the Newtype - Tactical role-playing game
Mobile Suit Gundam F91: Formula Wars 0122
Mobile Suit Victory Gundam - 2D fighting game
Mobile Fighter G Gundam - 2D fighting game
Shin Kidō Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Duel - 2D fighting game
SD Gundam: G Next - Turn-based strategy
SD Gundam: GX - Turn-based strategy
SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari - Ooinaru Isan - Japanese role playing game
SD Gundam Gaiden 2: Entaku no Kishi - Japanese role playing game
SD Gundam Generation - Tactical role-playing game
SD Gundam: Power Formation Puzzle - Puzzle games
SD Gundam: V Sakusen Shidō - Shoot 'em up with Run and gun stages
SD Gundam 2 - Shoot 'em up with Run and gun stages
Super Gachapon World: SD Gundam X - Turn-based strategy
]See also:
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Ace Pilot
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam (Only in Japan)
SD Gundam Gashapon Wars
]See also:
Mobile Suit Gundam: MS Sensen 0079
SD Gundam G Generation Wars
SD Gundam G Generation World
SD Gundam: Scad Hammers
SD Gundam Gashapon Wars
Nintendo Switch[
]See also:
Nintendo Switch
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis
SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays
Game Boy[
]See also:
Game Boy
SD Gundam G-Arms
SD Gundam Gaiden: Lacroan Heroes
SD Gundam: SD Sengokuden Kuni Nusiri Monogatari
SD Gundam: SD Sengokuden 2 - Tenka Touitsuhen
SD Gundam: SD Sengokuden 3 - Chijou Saikyouhen'
Shin SD Gundam Gaiden
Virtual Boy[
]See also:
Virtual Boy
SD Gundam Dimension War
Game Boy Advance[
]See also:
Game Boy Advance
SD Gundam G Generation Advance
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Tomo to Kimi to koko de
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Destiny
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Battle Assault
SD Gundam Force
Nintendo DS[
]See also:
Nintendo DS
SD Gundam G Generation DS
SD Gundam G Generation: Cross Drive
Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Emblem of Gundam
SD gundam Sangokuden DS
Nintendo 3DS[
]See also:
Nintendo 3DS
SD Gundam G Generation 3D
Gundam the 3D Battle
Gundam Try Age SP
]See also:
Mobile Suit Gundam (1995)
Mobile Suit Gundam v.2.0 (1996)
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079: The War For Earth (1997)
Gundam: Battle Assault
Gundam: Battle Assault 2
Kidou Butouden G Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack (1998)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Giren's Greed, Blood of Zeon
Mobile Suit Gundam: Perfect One Year War
SD Gundam G Century
SD Gundam G Generation
SD Gundam G Generation Zero
SD Gundam G Generation F
SD Gundam G Generation F-IF
Mobile Suit Z-Gundam
PlayStation 2[
]See also:
PlayStation 2
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren's Ambition
Giren no Yabou: Zeon Dokuritsu Sensouden - Kouryaku Shireisho
Mobile Suit Gundam: Journey to Jaburo
Mobile Suit Gundam: Zeonic Front
Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles
Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space
Mobile Suit Gundam: The One Year War
Mobile Suit Gundam: Climax U.C.
SD Gundam G Generation Neo
SD Gundam G Generation SEED
SD Gundam G Generation Spirits
SD Gundam G Generation Wars
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Never Ending Tomorrow
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny: Generation of C.E.
Gundam Battle Assault 3 Featuring Gundam SEED
Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon
Mobile Suit Gundam Z: AEUG vs. Titans
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam
Gundam Seed: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T.
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. II
Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Gundam Meisters
MS Saga: A New Dawn
SD Gundam Force: Showdown!
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
PlayStation 3[
]See also:
PlayStation 3
Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire (a.k.a. Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight)
Mobile Suit Gundam Battlefield Record U.C. 0081
Mobile Suit Gundam: Side Stories - combines six games released for Sega Saturn, Dreamcast and PlayStation 2, and includes new campaign that connects all releases together with Gundam Unicorn
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3
Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Full Boost
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. Full Boost Premium G Sound
Gundam Breaker
Gundam Breaker 2
Gundam Battle Operation
Gundam Battle Operation Next
PlayStation 4[
]See also:
PlayStation 4
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis
SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays
Gundam Breaker 3
New Gundam Breaker
Gundam Versus
Gundam Battle Operation Next
Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS. Maxiboost On
PlayStation Portable[
]See also:
PlayStation Portable
Gundam Battle Tactics
Gundam Battle Royale
Gundam Battle Chronicle
Gundam Battle Universe
Gundam Assault Survive
SD Gundam G Generation Portable
SD Gundam G Generation World
SD Gundam G Generation Over World
Mobile Suit Gundam: Giren no Yabou - Axis no Kyoui
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam NEXT PLUS
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Federation vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable
Mobile Suit Gundam: Senjou no Kizuna Portable
Mobile Suit Gundam: Mokuba no Kiseki
Gundam Memories: Tatakai no Kioku
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Universe Accel
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Cosmic Drive
PlayStation Vita[
]See also:
PlayStation Vita
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis
Kidō Senshi Gundam SEED Battle Destiny
Gundam Breaker
Gundam Breaker 2
Gundam Breaker 3
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs Force
Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Fortress
Gundam Conquest V
Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn
3rd Super Robot Wars Z Zigokuhen
Game Gear[
]See also:
Game Gear
SD Gundam: Winner's History
Sega Saturn[
]See also:
Sega Saturn
Mobile Suit Gundam
Mobile Suit Z Gundam: Kouhen
Mobile Suit Z Gundam: Zenpen
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren's Greed
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny Vol. 1
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny Vol. 2
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny Vol. 3
SD Gundam G Century S
]See also:
Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes
Mobile Suit Gundam Gihren's Greed - Blood of Zeon
Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation Vs. Zeon DX
Gundam Battle Online
Xbox 360[
]See also:
Xbox 360
Mobile Ops: The One Year War
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3
3 notes
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Aristocracy: Shoujo Kizoku
Lyrics from Lyric Wikia
Ali Project
Track 2: 少女貴族-> Shoujo Kizoku- Girl Aristocrat
Romanji- English
NAITOMEA no tochuu
mabuta ga aita
hadaka no mune shinzou no ue
akai chou ga habataite ita
Midway through a nightmare
I opened my eyelids
And above my naked chest, above my heart
Was a red butterfly flapping its wings
ima mo chikarou no hitsugi ni nemuru
haruka sosen ichizoku-tachi no
ou ni masaru kedakaki chi ga
watashi no oku de sakende iru
Still sleeping in the coffins of the dungeon
Are distant ancestors of mine
The sublime blood superior to my families' monarchs
Is shouting out from within me...
mezame yo mezame yo aristocrat
tsudoe yo tsudoe yo majesty
"Awaken, awaken, aristocrat
Meet with us, meet with us, majesty..."
itan wo hajikidasu shakai ni
honto no bi wa umarenai
fuhai osen teizoku no tami ni
ten wa batsu wo ataeru
In a society that forces out heresy
True beauty will not be born
To the nation of corruption, pollution, and vulgarity
Heaven gives punishment...
BURANDOgurui no mamahaha-tachi wa
kane ni mono wo iwase
yaya ko kawaiya
munou kyoushi ni takushi
Money means everything
To stepmothers crazy for brands
And little children, so precious
Are left in the hands of incompetent teachers
rojou kamawazu
karamari atta
inu no you na otoko to onna
ai mo KUZU ni narisagaru
haji wo shiranu YATSU wa houmure
Don't be concerned about what's on the street
The men and women
Who entwined themselves around each other like dogs
Love is also being degraded into trash
Those who are without a sense of shame shall be buried...
idake yo idake yo eichi naru
hikari wo hikari wo kokoro ni
"Embrace, embrace, the wise light
The wise light, in your soul..."
kono chijou ni bi ga kiereba
ikirarenai watashi-tachi
hokori kouki junketsu no warera
seisai no tsurugi wo motsu
If beauty disappears from this land
We will not be able to live
We who are prideful, noble, and pure-bred
Wield the sword of sanctions...
kono me wo kegasu mono wa kese
watashi wo mamoru koe ga hibiku
I'll destroy the things that defile these eyes
As the voice protecting me resounds...
mezame yo mezame yo aristocrat
tatae yo tatae yo majesty
"Awaken, awaken, aristocrat
We praise you, we praise you, majesty..."
migi ni narae no DEMOKURASHII ni
yume no mirai wa kizukenai
giman kyoshoku rouretsu no tami ni
ten wa haruka sakete
In a democracy of unconditional conformity
A dream-like future will not be built
In the country of deception, ostentation, and contempt
Heaven is torn apart in the distance
furase yo furase yo kagayaku
hikari wo hikari wo kono mi ni
"Let fall, let fall, the shining light
The shining light, in this body..."
kono chijou ni bi ga kiereba
ikirarenai watashi-tachi
hokori kouki junketsu no warera
seisai no tsurugi kazasu
If beauty disappears from this land
We will not be able to live
We who are prideful, noble, and pure-bred
Hold aloft the sword of sanctions...
裸の胸 心臓の上
はるか祖先 一族たちの
目覚めよ目覚めよ aristocrat
集えよ集えよ majesty
腐敗 汚染 低俗の民に
抱けよ抱けよ 叡智なる
光を光を 魂に
誇り 高貴 純血の我ら
目覚めよ目覚めよ aristocrat
称えよ称えよ majesty
欺瞞 虚飾 陋劣の國に
降らせよ降らせよ 輝く
光を光を この身に
誇り 高貴 純血の我ら
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