#2 piece cricket balls
icarusredwings · 3 months
Partically inspired by @giddyaunt425
Went to the pool today and had some thoughts (because I can't escape the brain rot sooo)
What I think everyone would be doing at the
☆Incarnation and Co Pool Party☆
For regulation reasons, only those who are available are attending, including all of the past incarnations due to some sort of freak accident at UNIT that im too lazy to think of right now.
(Feel free to add what else you think these lunatics would be doing! Use the tag #Incarnation pool party)
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1 is laying under an umbrella half asleep and complaining that he's going to get a sunburn if he falls asleep.
('But if Susan was here, she wouldn't let me get burnt')
2 has been given a beach ball and is honestly just happy to be playing in the water. He told 1 that he would keep an eye on him, but let's be honest - he already forgot.
(And he missed Jamie. He probably would have mentioned Atlantis.)
3 and Delgado! Master are over in the sand pit, bickering on how their sand castle should look.
(3 says it shouldn't have that many windows, Delgado disagrees, making more windows and claiming that they need the natural lighting.)
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4 is in nothing but his scarf and his trunks taking a nap on one of the sun bathing chairs.
(This is probably the best sleep he's had in a long time, but... He pprroobbaallyy has a sunburn now. This is what 1 was worried about.)
So is Yana!Master, who was lucky enough to be prudish enough to only show his forearms and shins, which are now also burnt.
(Despite Donna's constant shouting about sunscreen and how 'You blokes are too pale to be out here with nothin' but your longjohns!' But he is still infact the Master. Which means, of course, denying authority)
5 is in the field portion trying to teach Dhawan! Master, Dan, and Martha how to play cricket. (but is getting visibly frustrated. Seriously- who signed him up to babysit?)
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Tegan is watching 5 trying to understand Dhawan's nonsense from the sidelines, smirking.
(She signed him up to babysit)
6 has the most ridiculous looking one piece known to man, sitting on the edge of the pool at the deep end.
(He's kicking his legs in the water and cheekily splashing 7 and Mel)
Mel is on 7s arm in a frilly two-piece, giggling at the fact 7 refuses to take off his hat despite the water being up to his chest.
(He's asking Ace not to drown him, Ace responds, 'No promises, professor' and proceeds to dunk him, which gets them the whistle for roughhousing. His hat is now soaked.)
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Graham is talking about processing grief with 9. (The name Grace has come up at least 30 times already.)
9 seems weary of the water. (Sometime later, he's found hugging 10 and telling him about the beach they took Rose to.)
8 is on the other side of the pool, slathered in SPF 80° with a book and regretting his seating choices. He's trying his darndest to ignore his neighbors.
(While also evesdroping each time he hears the name 'Grace')
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His neighbor in question is Donna, who is already four margaritas in and keeps shouting at various things at people over the very loud party music that's playing from under her chair's radio.
(Sometimes threatening to drown a specific someone if they didn't stop terrorizing Ainley!Master, who kept hissing for getting purposly splashed)
From 'Do a flip!' Towards Simm!Master, who keeps hogging the diving board, demanding that 10 watch every single jump and challenging him to make bigger splashes than him.
(Donna told Simm that 10 needs babysat and 15 told 10 that Simm needs babysat so now they are both simultaneously babysitting each other)
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To 'WOOO! Get'em!' At the game of Chicken going on between a team of 11 and 13 VS 12 and Missy.
12 is complaining that Missy is heavy and Missy accuses him of insinuating something, which in turn leads to 13 insulting 12.
(That he was 'just weak and couldn't afford the upgrade because she can carry 11 just fine'.)
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14 is next to her and can't stop laughing at her shenanigans. Sometimes, he tries apologizing to 8 and Roberts! Master (who keeps covering his ears from such loud music and shouting) but, unfortunately, is SEVEN margaritas in.
(So was otherwise just as- if not more- noisy and is now attempting to dance)
S10 Saxon!Master has rolled his eyes at least a billion times by now at the others' antics (smirking at the sight of their hiddeous dancing) and keeps finishing off 14s half drank margaritas.
(You would need a drink too if you had to deal with all this bullshit)
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All the way across the pool, Ruby and Yaz are gossiping about their time with the Doctor and their past incarnations. (They're heavily trying to figure out what the Masters deal is too, Seriously- why are some of them chill, some creepy, some insane and some flat out an ass? They had a list as follows;
The sensitive master: Chill + Creepy
The girl master: Chill + Insane
The grandpa master: Chill + Chill
The bitchy master: Ass + Ass
13s master: Creepy + Insane
The master with rabies: Insane + insane
The one master who apprently knows a lot about sand castles: Chill + Ass
The master that kept hissing when you splash water on him: Creepy + Ass)
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15 is sat on a life gaurd tower, whistle around his neck, sonic in hand and in an orange speedo, watching everyone like a hawk so that his past selves can heal and enjoy themselves.
(Oh, and did I mention Donna confiscated everyone's Sonic's/Lazers except for 15s?)
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katenepveu · 11 months
Museum for Art in Wood (Part 2)
I'm going to call this the "enjoying the beauty of wood itself, and admiring impressive skill" post about my visit to the Museum for Art in Wood. It will, like the prior post, be fairly long, but with many more pictures and much less ranting.
Black/White Pair by John Jordan: I love the way you can see the similarity of the grain.
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Ball-Box, Turned Broken Through by Hans Joachim Weissflog: just mesmerizing.
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Two pieces by M. Dale Chase, who has a considerable number of other works in the collection. On the left is an incredibly intricate boxwood box; on the right, an elegant cricket box.
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Study in Flower Form by David Pye: I love the shape and how the wood grain works with it.
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Solar Storm by John H. Williams: the shapes!
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Magahomapleny, Bowl #46 by Max Krimmel, in full and with my hand for scale (not touching, I promise!). Look at how small some of those pieces are!
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Kingwood Vase by Addie Draper: so amazingly thin.
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Two Bracelets by Gord Peteran; the website says, "A wood product (#2 pencil) was placed in the headstock chuck of the lathe. A cutting tool (pencil sharpener) was then applied to it. The resulting waste was then glued end to end forming these two circles." I would love to see a video of the process.
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Miniature Goblets #3 by J. Paul Fennell: look how tiny!
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Flower Turning Process by an unknown German artist: look how delicate!
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I'm pretty sure these were both carved from single pieces of wood? Babel II, Purple Heart, both by Alain Mailland.
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Next up: some of the museum's actual attempts at curation.
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keyh0use · 11 months
Kinktober Day 14: Degrading Kink
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Dacryphilia Part 2 Trust me they have a safe word, it's all consensual. Hitting, spanking, mouth spitting, penetration, (brief) piss kink, degrading names, daddy kink. Please don't read this if you don't like this shit. Please.
After Rafe's little disobedient act, Barry dove head-first into punishment, giving the boy the exact treatment he'd been begging for since they arrived on the uninhabited island. It had started off with another ass beating until Barry noticed some of the previous markings were starting to turn dark, mottled skin so beautiful the older man couldn't help but stare in awe. His balls were aching so in one swift movement, Rafe went from bent over his knee to lying on the ground with a groan, and ordered to make him come. Only Barry didn't allow that to happen, not exactly.
Rafe did suck his cock, sloppily and noisily, just the way Barry likes it until the boy started mindlessly humping against his heavy boot.
It wasn't long until Barry was fucking a desperate Rafe from behind, slow and deep to make sure he really felt it, tear-stained cheek pressed into the dirt as he was used. There was a lot of name-calling, a lot of spanking of his already sore ass and a whole lot of mocking. Afterwards, Barry had done the best he could to clean Rafe up, but ultimately not much could be done with a couple paper towels and a bottle of water. Though neither of them seemed to really care by the time they collapsed inside the tent, resting their exhausted bodies and falling fast asleep to the sound of crickets. Morning brought perfect weather for a hike—according to Barry. Supposedly there was a hot spring located up the steep incline, and off into the deep of the forest, heard a friend of a friend. Whether that was true was to be decided, Barry determined to do everything the lonely island offered.
So Barry awoke earlier than his boy—as usual—and made breakfast, eager to get the journey started. Twenty minutes or so later, Rafe rolled out of their makeshift bed with a blanket wrapped around his slim frame and sat bundled on a camping chair, the two sharing food and laughs and smiles as the sun rose high above the sea. Until Rafe tried to get dressed. "Uh-uh," tuts Barry with a warning glint in his eye. "Ain't too rough out there, boy. You ain't at risk of fallin' or anything." "Okay but the sun," counters Rafe, going as far as to gesture to his overall fair skin. "Bugs!" Hauling a red t-shirt over his head, Barry offers a shrug and says, "I think you'll be fine, you arguing with me?" Rafe gives nothing an exasperated huff in response, settling back down in his chair while he waits for Barry to finish getting ready, hands instinctively covering his exposed cock. "This is humiliating," mumbles Rafe thirty minutes later, one hand still shielding himself from the elements and the other tightly held in Barry's. The only piece of clothing he's been granted to wear are socks and shoes, and he's thankful despite blushing in embarrassment because with every step tiny pebbles slide down the steep trail. His whole damn body is sore and worn, bruised and cut-up from multiple tumbles on the uneven ground.
"Yeah, it is," replies Barry with a grin.
The sun is beating down relentlessly, not a breeze despite it being late October, and the wildlife is buzzing with life. The surrounding ocean is shimmering and beautiful and takes Barry's breath away—just like every time he glances over at Rafe.
When they're nearing the top of the hill, Barry stops to look around and spots an odd looking rock, marked with a line of blue spray paint. Without offering an explanation, the two are heading off the path and into the thick of the forest. Shadows surround them and it's a relief, cooler amongst the trees as Barry leads them through a poorly marked trail, lines of the same blue paint sprayed on scattered trunks.
Rafe moodily says, "We're gonna get lost and die." "We're fine," dismisses Barry with a reassuring squeeze to the boys hand. "Keep ya' safe." "From a bear?" replies Rafe, brow cocked in challenge. With a pointed eyeroll—that the boy is meant to see given the responding huff—Barry tells him, "Ain't no fuckin' bears here, country club." "Right, 'cause you're the wildlife expert who knows everything."
"I thought—" starts Barry, abruptly turning and advancing on the kook with sure steps until Rafe is forced to stumble back into a tree. "You were behaving yourself."
Rafe's eyes widen and he's nodding dumbly, neck still sore from being dragged across the clearing last night. "I am," he insists. "I'm sorry, I'm—"
"Gonna be a good boy?" Barry sucks his teeth and counters, "I doubt it. Seems like if you go too long without your holes stretched you forget your place."
"That's not true," mumbles the kook.
Barry let's a heavy hand rest on Rafe's shoulder and while shoving him to his knees says, "Don't worry, baby boy, I'll remind ya'." Then Barry's tugging the waistband of his basketball shorts down to hook beneath his balls, warm air hitting his already heated skin. "You don't talk back to me, make jabs at me," reminds the older man sternly.
For half a second, Rafe wears a look of total confusion. Blonde brows are pulled together and he's chewing his lip, gaze slipping from the soft cock in front of his face to look up at the man standing over him, sunlight filtering in through the canopy of leaves making the gold piece in Barry's mouth glint.
Then realisation sets in and Rafe is squirming nervously, bare knees pressed into the cool soil. His dick stirs without permission and Barry must notice, sending down a mean grin.
They've talked about doing this many, many times. Rafe has had a sort of fascination with being covered in Barry; his sweat, his spit, his come.
Then Rafe had held Barry's cock while the dealer pissed. It was funny, they giggled and joked about it but the kook couldn't get the feeling out of his fucking head—what would it feel like to be used like that? That question played on a loop in his mind until he got the guts to confess, and Barry was all for it. No hesitation.
But it seemed any time they were in a position to go through with the experiment, they would get distracted.
"Do it," whispers Rafe, leaning back until his shoulder blades press against textured wood, body on display.
Barry doesn't need to be told twice. Grabbing his dick by the base, he angles the tip down towards the boys chest and takes a deep breath, forcing himself to relax.
The first spurt comes out in a spray, starting to pool in the crevices of Rafe's abs. Barry's staring down at his boy with immeasurable amounts of love and lust, barely able to wrap his head around the fact that Rafe is happily letting the dealer piss on him.
A steady stream travels down to Rafe's lower belly, warm liquid wetting his clean-shaven pubic hair and flowing around his stiff cock, twitching and throbbing.
Dragging a tight fist from base to tip, Barry milks every last drop like he normally does with his come. And like all those times Rafe is leaning forward to suckle greedily at the head, satisfied little noise coming from him at the taste.
"Did you just drink my piss?" says Barry in disbelief, face fallen in shock as he watches the boys tongue poke out to lave over the slit. "Fuck," he groans when his cock is swallowed halfway, unbelievably hard in such a short amount of time.
Barry feels drunk or high, or both. Overwhelmed with how much he wants—wants to cram his dick down Rafe's throat, wants to throw the boy down and fuck him, wants to smack the bitch around and tell him how pathetic he is.
"Desperate little cocksucker," Barry forces out. "You're fucking disgusting, y'know that?"
Rafe moans around the older man's length at the degrading comments, blue eyes blinking up as he flattens his tongue against the otherside, drool dripping from the edges of his stretched mouth.
Attempting to starve off an orgasm—the goal to only finish in Rafe's ass, make him nice and messy before they leave the island—Barry forces himself to look away from the boy in favour of scanning their surroundings before spotting something in the near distance.
Twisting fingers in soft tawny hair, Barry reluctantly drags the skilled mouth from around his cock. "Get the fuck up," he orders gruffly, pulling Rafe up by his hair.
The boy stumbles a couple steps before finding his footing, pain erupting in his skull momentarily where his hair had been harshly pulled.
Barry guides them through the trees until they're standing on top of a small hill, a natural pool carved into the side of the decline with tuffs of rolling steam floating up. The water is milky-white with warmth and looks inviting, the dealer letting out a short sigh of relief at finding it.
"You're filthy," states the older man, nodding at the water. "Go wash off."
Rafe doesn't put up a fight, he lets shaky legs carry him down the hill until he's standing on the ledge, dipping his toes in to test the temperature.
Meanwhile Barry watches, dark eyes roving over every inch of bruised and dirty skin, cock still hard as he undresses and leaves a pile of clothes on the grass by the treeline.
Barry slips in beside Rafe, sitting on a natural shelf made of stone, submerged chest deep. The boy is trembling where he sits, scooting closer to cling to his man's side without a word.
The touch is welcomed, Barry slinging an arm around his baby's shoulders. It's like the calm before a storm, preparing for the inevitable; Barry stopped to pace himself and to make Rafe wait in anxious anticipation, but they both know what's going to happen.
Using the hand not clasped around Rafe's shoulder, Barry splashes warm water onto the boys chest, washing away all the dirt and bodily fluids.
"Come here," the older man orders.
Rafe whines, "No, not yet," and burrows in closer.
"Rafe," Barry warns. He doesn't need to say any more, the kook knows better than to mouth off.
Allowing himself to be moved and positioned, Rafe grits his teeth as he's lowered onto the older man's fat cock, filling him up until he feels like he could burst. Taking Barry's prick is always too much, everytime, no matter how often they fuck or how well prepared he was beforehand.
That was something Rafe was glad hasn't changed as their relationship grew, the sex was always satisfying and left him craving more, looking forward to the pain of being stretched around the girthy length at the end of every day.
The sound that tears out of the kook is somewhere between a moan and a scream, choked off by a hand circling his splotchy throat, covered in marks from Barry using him. Rafe is pulled back until his back is flush with the dealer's chest, dick crammed as deep as possible inside his oversensitive hole.
"Feel good, baby?" asks Barry, voice sweet as honey. The kook whines mhmm with a weak nod, head falling back to rest on the drug dealer's shoulder. "Yeah, 'course it does. You feel how easy it was to sit down on my prick, how I slid right in? That's because you're gaping, pretty boy, still fucked open from taking me again and again."
Barry's all over Rafe, fingers tweaking his nipples before rough palms slide down over the tense planes of his abdomen, squeezing his thighs before coming back up to repeat the process. The boy does feel stretched out and it's so good, even with the sharp pain in his hips and lower back every time he shifts, maybe that contributes to the pleasure.
"Daddy," the boy whimpers when timid fingertips graze against his sore rim, Barry's arm pressed firm to his dick where it reaches between his spread thighs.
"Fuck, you love this, I know you do," Barry whispers in Rafe's ear, breath hitching when the boy starts to hump against his forearm, mindlessly fucking down on the big cock inside him. "Look at you, nothin' but a come craving, dick starved whore degrading yourself, just a dumb set of holes for me to use, huh?"
Rafe tucks his chin down to stare into the murky blue water, ripples spreading out from where they're rutting together. He feels delirious, so fucked out it's hard to think about anything other than how good being full feels.
Barry watches as Rafe works himself into a frenzy, squeezing his balls and asks, "You close, pretty baby?" But he already knows the answer, cock getting choked as the kook tenses up.
The glide is dry in the peculiar way fucking while submerged always is--the very reason they never go at it while taking a bath together—but the uncomfortable edge only seems to spur Rafe on, grinding down in his man's lap as he chases his high.
Barry's free hand comes up to turn Rafe's face, licking hotly into the boys moaning mouth.
They aren't really kissing. Rafe is whining while Barry sucks on his tongue, it's dirty and sloppy and when the older man tastes a slight twang that could only be from whatever tiny amount of piss he consumed, Rafe practically gets bucked off as the older man's hips start thrusting up.
Letting go of the boy's sack, Barry wraps a strong arm around Rafe's trim waist and plants his feet on the stone floor, driving his cock inside the tight heat with newfound fervor.
Barry pries Rafe's lips open with his tongue and teeth, hauls back and spits directly into the kooks mouth, who eagerly swallows it.
"You'd let me do whatever I fuckin' want to you as long as you come, huh? Needy little bitch," Barry rushes out, stomach muscles pulled taut.
"As long as you come," corrects Rafe. Every sound coming out of him is loud and shameless, moans and cries reaching every corner of the little clearing on the cliff side.
In a series of quick movements, Barry hooks his hands under the back of Rafe's thighs and spreads the boy open, bouncing the boy on his dick, biceps bulging with the effort.
Barry rushes out, "Yeah? You just a cocksleeve for me, baby? Gonna make me come?"
"Yes, yes, yes!" cries Rafe, head thrown back.
Barry won't remember what the fuck he's saying, babbling on about how good Rafe makes him feel, how badly he wants to fill the boy up to the sound of wanton moans.
His cock pulsates and then he's spilling, fucking Rafe on his thick length and milking every last drop. Barry's so overwhelmed by his own release he misses Rafe's, prick bobbing beneath the water as he shoots ropes of come out, mouth hanging open with a sound he can't quite choke out.
Once they've come down from the high and have taken a while to relax in the warm pool, Barry carefully helps Rafe out and up the hill. Slipping on his basketball shorts, Barry decides to let the boy wear clothes on the way down and helps dress him in boxers and a T-shirt.
"You being obedient now, huh?" jokes Barry, reaching down to squeeze Rafe's ass hard.
Rafe gives a shy smile in response, fingers playing with the hem of his man's shirt, fully trusting Barry to guide them back home.
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Tagged by my fav moots who I'm not even sure are real cause they're too good to be true @mebiselfandi @thesupermegahell
rules: share the first lines of your ten most recent fanfics and tag ten people. if you have written less than ten, don't be shy and share anyways.
Okay so... while I have written more than 10 fanfics in my lifetime, very few of them are Neymessi, because I've only recently started writing about them. So I'll share lines from those, along with the link and name and pairing, but if I find any other excerpts from fanfics I've written for different fandoms, and they make sense without context, I'll just dump them here without any additional information. Fair warning though, a few of my fanfics are poems, a format people usually don't use for fanfics, so bear with me.
1. you put me on and said I was your favourite — Neymessi.
2010. A friendly against Brazil's biggest football rival, Argentina. Yet, that was the farthest thing from Neymar's mind, as it was currently occupied in its full capacity by the player, or as he'd describe, the magician of his dreams, Lionel Messi.
The man was a miracle, and, as always, Neymar was mesmerised. Messi's pale cheeks flushed red from the sun, his long hair swinging with every swift turn of his, his legs changing directions at lightning speed, the ball glued to his feet as if in reverence. Neymar couldn't believe a mortal had it in them to be so beautiful. Football was already art to him, but Messi's existence, perhaps, was his final bit of proof.
2. Wait for me, will you? — Neymessi.
Rolling river, running stream
I'm a helpless rock on top of a hill
Your current draws me swirling in
Yet I push against its way.
What will other people say?
3. Exile — Neymessi.
Neymar had never put much stock in the inner workings of the colour white. He could vaguely recall from sixth standard, learning something about white light falling on a prism and exploding in rainbow hues. Neither was he the one for academics, nor was his family the one for rainbows, so all he had known, all he had ever seen with those iridescent eyes of his, was life in black and white. The patterns on his childhood football, the one true love of his life, were drawn in the same twin colours. Then why was he, in that one wretched evening, finding the same opposing tints holding his throat so brutally to a knife?
The 30th of June, 2017.
4. 3 times Anto sees the flower blossom (+1 time she waters the plant :)) — Neymessi.
Antonela is standing, unsuspecting, on the sidelines of the Barcelona training ground, calmly enjoying the spring breeze, when a football hits her smack on the face.
Her vision turns black and her legs give away in a wobbly fashion for the slightest moment, before she locks eyes with her offender while still face down on the ground.
"Leo, you bobo, watch where you're hitting!"
Leo jogs up to her and gives her a hand, but Anto slaps hard on his palm, and gets up on her own.
"Not my fault if you're standing in the way, I'm just trying to play football."
5. It was dark.
The inherent calm of the misty night air was turned restless by the buzzing sound of crickets.
Festive lights had been switched off, so had the lamps in every room of the household. Hardly anyone, however, had been able to fall asleep. Only one tiny bulb shone downstairs, in the guest room, where two police officers clad in uniform sat upright in a chair and on the bed, cautiously sipping water from soiled steel glasses. <name redacted> presently stood with a tray in her hand, waiting for the men to return her their tumblers.
"Thank you", they said unanimously while placing their glasses on the tray.
"Thank you my foot", she mumbled under her breath on her way out of the room.
6. Fuck. I was hearing voices in my head again. The lines between truth and fallacies never felt more blurred. And here I was, caught between them both, trying to pick up the last pieces of my crumbling self esteem behind the closed doors of an empty washroom.
I looked at myself in the mirror. Face full of badly done make-up, smeared with tears; one eyeliner wing looking way different than the other.
7. Long before I knew you
I had gotten used to life in an armour.
Living in a tower, all bricks and concrete
No paint, no lawns, no light, no wind.
All alone.
"Alone's good," I had convinced myself,
Betrayal not likely in a one man army...
But then, I met you.
8. Breaths were coming in short gasps as our faces were inches apart. His black eyes were gleaming blue under some tinted light.
What were words? My head wondered.
All I could see were his soft lips, all I could feel was the prick of his light stubble under my fingertips.
"<name redacted>... I think I love you."
A teardrop or two brimmed on his waterline. A few more creases formed on his forehead.
Just as my right hand dropped from his face, I felt a loss of grip on my waist.
Sooner than I could process, his hold on my left hand tightened and his other hand grabbed me by my shirt.
He stood on his tip toes and planted his lips on mine.
I THINK THAT'S ALL I'LL DUMP HERE! Not tagging anyone because I'm late to this challenge as it is, so all my dearies must have already made this post if they wanted to. But if you didn't yet and you're seeing this, you're tagged! Thanks for reading, hope you had fun. I know I certainly did🧚‍♀️
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kunalverma0 · 11 days
Leather Cricket Bat: The Classic Choice for True Cricket Enthusiasts
Cricket has always been a sport deeply rooted in tradition, and one of the most iconic pieces of equipment is the leather cricket bat. While modern innovations have introduced new materials and designs, leather cricket bats continue to captivate players due to their durability, superior performance, and classic appeal. Let’s explore why a leather cricket bat remains a favorite among players.
1. What Is a Leather Cricket Bat?
A leather cricket bat typically refers to a cricket bat made from English or Kashmir willow, designed specifically to strike a leather cricket ball. The term emphasizes the traditional nature of the sport, as the leather ball has been used for centuries. These bats are crafted with great precision to handle the impact and power required when hitting a leather ball, making them an essential tool for serious cricketers.
2. Why Leather Cricket Bats Are Different from Others
Unlike tennis ball bats or those designed for soft balls, leather cricket bats are constructed to withstand the heavy impact of a hard leather ball. They offer a large sweet spot, excellent rebound, and enhanced stroke play. This makes them more suitable for competitive matches and high-performance players who aim for longevity and control over their shots.
3. How to Choose the Right Leather Cricket Bat
When selecting a leather cricket bat, several factors come into play:
Material: Bats made from English willow are generally considered the best due to their superior quality and performance. Kashmir willow, while more affordable, is a great alternative for beginners.
Weight: The weight of the bat is crucial. Heavier bats offer more power, while lighter bats give more control.
Grain Structure: The number of grains on the bat’s surface indicates the maturity of the wood. More grains often mean faster knocking-in and better performance over time.
Handle Type: A bat’s handle can be round or oval, depending on the grip and comfort preference of the player.
4. Maintenance of Leather Cricket Bats
Leather cricket bats require proper care to maintain their performance and extend their lifespan. Regular oiling, knocking-in, and avoiding exposure to extreme conditions are essential to keep the bat in good condition. Many players also opt for toe guards and bat covers to protect the bat from damage during transport and play.
5. The Rise of Custom Leather Cricket Bats
Many players now seek custom leather cricket bats that match their exact specifications. From handle size to weight distribution, customization allows players to get a bat that suits their playing style perfectly. Whether you're a hard-hitter or a precise stroke player, a custom bat can enhance your performance on the field.
Conclusion: Why Leather Cricket Bats Are Still a Top Choice
While cricket equipment has evolved over time, the leather cricket bat remains a symbol of the sport's heritage and quality. Offering unmatched performance, durability, and a sense of tradition, it’s no wonder that serious cricketers still favor these bats. If you’re looking for a bat that enhances your game and delivers consistent results, the leather cricket bat should be at the top of your list. Choose wisely, maintain it well, and enjoy the timeless appeal of this classic piece of cricket gear.
0 notes
cricketbatblogss · 16 days
The Essential Guide to Choosing the Right Batting Gloves for Every Cricketer
Batting gloves are an indispensable part of any cricketer's kit. They offer much more than just protection; they are crucial for enhancing grip, comfort, and overall performance on the field. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, selecting the right pair of batting gloves can make a significant difference in your game. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of batting gloves, the different types available, and how to choose the best pair for your needs.
1. Why Batting Gloves Matter
Batting gloves are essential for several reasons. Firstly, they provide a secure grip on the bat, which is crucial for executing powerful and controlled shots. Without gloves, sweat and moisture can cause your hands to slip, leading to mistimed shots or even losing grip on the bat during a swing. Gloves also offer cushioning that protects your hands from the constant impact of the ball, reducing the risk of blisters and injuries. This protection is particularly important during long innings or intense matches where the hands are repeatedly exposed to impact.
2. Types of Batting Gloves
There are various types of batting gloves designed to meet different needs and preferences:
Traditional Leather Gloves: These gloves offer excellent durability and a natural feel. They provide a strong grip and are often preferred by professional cricketers. However, they may require a break-in period to achieve maximum comfort.
Modern Synthetic Gloves: Made from synthetic materials, these gloves are lightweight and often feature added ventilation for breathability. They are easier to maintain and generally more affordable than leather gloves, making them popular among amateur players.
Hybrid Gloves: Combining the best of both worlds, hybrid gloves feature leather palms for grip and synthetic materials for flexibility and comfort. These are a great option for players who want the benefits of both leather and synthetic gloves.
3. Key Features to Look For
When choosing batting gloves, consider the following features to ensure you get the best pair for your needs:
Grip: The primary function of batting gloves is to provide a secure grip on the bat. Look for gloves with textured or padded palms to enhance your grip, even in sweaty conditions.
Padding: Adequate padding is crucial for protecting your hands from impact. High-quality gloves will offer multi-layered padding to absorb shocks and prevent injuries.
Fit and Comfort: A snug fit is essential for maintaining control, but the gloves should not be too tight. Ensure there is enough room for your fingers to move freely without causing discomfort.
Ventilation: Breathable materials and ventilation holes are important to keep your hands cool and dry, especially during long matches.
Durability: Investing in a durable pair of gloves will save you money in the long run. Check for reinforced stitching and high-quality materials that can withstand the rigors of regular use.
4. How to Choose the Right Pair
Choosing the right pair of batting gloves depends on your playing style, level of experience, and personal preferences. Beginners might opt for synthetic or hybrid gloves that are easier to break in and maintain, while experienced players may prefer the feel and durability of leather gloves. It’s also important to try on different pairs to find the right fit—gloves that are too tight or too loose can negatively impact your performance.
Batting gloves are more than just a piece of protective gear; they are essential for maximizing your performance on the field. By providing superior grip, comfort, and protection, the right pair of gloves can help you play with confidence and skill. Whether you’re facing fast bowlers or playing long innings, investing in quality batting gloves tailored to your needs will ensure you perform at your best. So, take the time to choose the right pair, and you’ll see the difference in your game.
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quality-choices · 2 months
The Evolution and Importance of the Cricket Helmet
Cricket, known as the gentleman’s game, is a sport that combines strategy, skill, and athleticism. While it is revered for its elegance and tradition, it also involves high-speed balls and physical challenges, making player safety a critical concern. Among the various protective gear used in cricket, the moonwalkr cricket helmet stands out as one of the most essential pieces of equipment. This article explores the evolution, significance, and key features of the cricket helmet, underscoring its importance in modern cricket.
The Evolution of the Cricket Helmet
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The introduction of the cricket helmet revolutionized player safety. Before the 1970s, cricketers played without any head protection, which often led to serious injuries. The need for head protection became evident as fast bowlers began to dominate the game, delivering balls at speeds exceeding 90 mph. This prompted cricketers and equipment manufacturers to develop a solution that could offer effective head protection.
The first cricket helmets, introduced in the late 1970s, were rudimentary in design. They consisted of simple protective caps with minimal padding. Tony Greig, an England all-rounder, is often credited with being one of the first players to wear a helmet in a professional match. Over the years, the design and materials used in helmets have evolved significantly, driven by advances in technology and a growing emphasis on player safety.
Importance of the Cricket Helmet
1. Safety First: The primary purpose of a cricket helmet is to protect players from head injuries. Fast bowlers deliver balls at high speeds, and a well-placed bouncer can cause serious harm. The helmet is designed to absorb and distribute the impact, reducing the risk of fractures, concussions, and other severe injuries.
2. Enhanced Confidence: Wearing a helmet boosts a player’s confidence, allowing them to focus on their performance without the constant fear of injury. This psychological advantage is crucial, particularly for batsmen facing aggressive fast bowlers.
3. Versatile Protection: Modern helmets offer protection not just to the head but also to the face and neck. The grill or visor shields the face from high-speed balls, while additional neck guards provide coverage for the vulnerable neck area.
Key Features of a Modern Cricket Helmet
Modern helmets are engineered with several key features that enhance safety and comfort:
1. High-Quality Materials: Contemporary helmets are made from durable materials such as high-density polyethylene (HDPE), carbon fiber, and fiberglass. These materials provide a strong outer shell that can withstand significant impact.
2. Impact-Absorbing Padding: Inside the helmet, impact-absorbing padding made of foam or rubber helps to cushion the head and reduce the force of impact. This padding is often adjustable, allowing players to achieve a snug fit.
3. Ventilation: Playing cricket can be physically demanding, and excessive heat can be a concern, especially during long innings. Modern helmets feature ventilation holes that ensure adequate airflow, keeping players cool and comfortable.
4. Adjustable Grills: The grill or visor is a critical component of the helmet. It protects the face while allowing clear visibility. Many helmets come with adjustable grills that can be customized based on the player’s preference and the level of protection required.
5. Neck Guards: Recent designs have incorporated additional neck guards to protect players from injuries caused by rising balls or deflections. These guards are detachable and can be adjusted for comfort.
Choosing the Right Cricket Helmet
When selecting a helmet, players should consider several factors to ensure optimal protection and comfort:
1. Certification and Standards: It is essential to choose a helmet that meets international safety standards. Helmets certified by bodies like the British Standards Institute (BSI) or the International Cricket Council (ICC) are tested for their ability to withstand impact.
2. Fit and Comfort: A well-fitted helmet is crucial for effective protection. Players should ensure that the helmet fits snugly without being too tight. Adjustable padding and chin straps can help achieve a secure fit.
3. Weight: The weight of the helmet is another important consideration. While heavier helmets may offer more protection, they can also be cumbersome. Players should look for a balance between weight and protection.
4. Visibility: The grill or visor should provide clear visibility without obstructing the player’s view. Adjustable grills allow players to customize the helmet according to their visibility needs.
For players seeking high-quality head protection, the moonwalkr cricket helmet is an excellent option. Known for its advanced design and superior materials, the moonwalkr cricket helmet provides robust protection while ensuring comfort and visibility.
The helmet is an indispensable piece of equipment that has significantly enhanced player safety in the game of cricket. From its humble beginnings to the sophisticated designs of today, the cricket helmet has evolved to meet the demands of modern cricket. By providing crucial head, face, and neck protection, the helmet allows players to perform with confidence and reduces the risk of serious injury. As the game continues to evolve, so too will the design and technology of the helmet, ensuring that cricketers can enjoy the sport safely and securely. For those looking for top-tier protection, the moonwalkr cricket helmet stands out as a premier choice in modern cricket gear.
For more Information about Cricket Protective Gears visit our Website — moonwalkr
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uneeqboxx · 2 months
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Cricket Ball Speaker: The Ultimate Fusion of Sport and Sound
For cricket enthusiasts, the joy of the game transcends the boundaries of the field. It’s about the thrill of a well-placed shot, the tension of a tight over, and the camaraderie of celebrating a win with friends and family. Imagine enhancing these moments with a gadget that not only reflects your passion for cricket but also delivers high-quality audio. Enter the Cricket Ball Speaker — a device that merges the excitement of cricket with exceptional sound performance. In this blog, we’ll explore how this innovative speaker is transforming the way fans experience their favorite sport and why it’s a must-have addition to any cricket lover’s collection.
1. A New Era of Cricket Fandom
In the ever-evolving world of sports merchandise, fans are constantly seeking new ways to express their enthusiasm. While jerseys, caps, and memorabilia are staples, the Cricket Ball Speaker represents a fresh and exciting category of fan gear. This speaker goes beyond conventional merchandise by offering a functional and stylish product that enhances both the visual and auditory aspects of your cricket experience.
The Cricket Ball Speaker is designed to look like a real cricket ball, complete with its distinctive stitching and glossy finish. This attention to detail makes it a standout piece in any cricket fan’s collection. But its appeal extends beyond its appearance. It combines the thrill of cricket with modern technology, delivering a product that is both aesthetically pleasing and practically useful.
2. Exceptional Sound Quality in a Playful Design
At first glance, the Cricket Ball Speaker might seem like a novelty item, but it packs a serious punch when it comes to audio performance. Don’t let its playful cricket ball design fool you — this speaker is engineered to deliver rich, clear sound that brings your favorite music, podcasts, and radio shows to life.
Rich and Clear Audio: The Cricket Ball Speaker is designed with advanced audio technology to ensure a high-quality listening experience. Whether you’re blasting energetic tunes to celebrate a victory or listening to a calming podcast while winding down, the speaker’s clear and balanced sound quality ensures that every note and beat is delivered with precision.
Bass and Clarity: One of the standout features of this speaker is its ability to produce deep, resonant bass without compromising clarity. This means you can enjoy the full range of your audio content, from the thumping bass of your favorite tracks to the nuanced tones of spoken word.
Immersive Listening Experience: The Cricket Ball Speaker is crafted to create an immersive listening experience. Its design and sound technology work together to make you feel like you’re right in the middle of the action, whether that’s a live cricket match or a concert.
3. A Statement Piece for True Cricket Fans
The Cricket Ball Speaker is more than just a high-quality audio device; it’s a statement of your cricket fandom. Featuring a realistic cricket ball design, it’s a unique piece that reflects your passion for the sport.
Conversation Starter: Imagine having this speaker on your desk or at a party. It’s not just a conversation starter; it’s a centerpiece that draws attention and sparks discussions about cricket. It’s a perfect way to show off your love for the game while enjoying top-notch sound quality.
Pride and Passion: For many fans, cricket is more than just a sport; it’s a source of pride and passion. The Cricket Ball Speaker allows you to celebrate your love for the game in a stylish and functional way. It’s a piece that resonates with your personal connection to cricket and adds a touch of flair to your surroundings.
4. Portable Entertainment for Every Occasion
One of the key advantages of the Cricket Ball Speaker is its portability. Designed to be compact and lightweight, it’s easy to carry and perfect for on-the-go entertainment.
Compact Design: The Cricket Ball Speaker’s size makes it easy to slip into your bag or backpack. It’s small enough to be convenient but large enough to deliver impressive sound. This balance of portability and performance ensures that you can enjoy high-quality audio wherever you go.
Ideal for Various Settings: Whether you’re heading to a picnic, a tailgate party, or just a casual hangout with friends, the Cricket Ball Speaker is a great companion. Its portability ensures that you can bring your music with you and enjoy it in different settings.
Easy to Carry: The lightweight nature of the speaker means that you won’t be burdened by additional weight. It’s designed to be as easy to transport as it is to use, making it a practical choice for fans who are always on the move.
5. Seamless Wireless Connection
The Cricket Ball Speaker is equipped with Bluetooth connectivity, allowing for a wireless audio experience that eliminates the hassle of tangled cords.
Effortless Pairing: Connecting your device to the Cricket Ball Speaker is a breeze. With Bluetooth technology, you can pair your smartphone, tablet, or laptop quickly and easily. This means you can start enjoying your music or podcasts without any complicated setup.
Stable Connection: The speaker’s Bluetooth connection is designed to be stable and reliable, ensuring that your audio experience is uninterrupted. You won’t have to worry about dropped signals or interference, allowing you to focus on enjoying your content.
Versatile Compatibility: The Cricket Ball Speaker is compatible with a wide range of devices, making it a versatile addition to your tech collection. Whether you’re streaming from your phone or playing music from your laptop, the speaker is designed to work seamlessly with various devices.
6. Long-Lasting Battery Life
One of the standout features of the Cricket Ball Speaker is its long-lasting battery life. This ensures that you can enjoy hours of continuous listening without needing to constantly recharge.
Extended Playtime: The Cricket Ball Speaker is designed to keep the party going with its extended battery life. Whether you’re at a long outdoor event or just enjoying a day out, the speaker’s battery ensures that you have ample playtime.
Convenient Charging: When it’s time to recharge, the process is straightforward and convenient. The speaker’s battery is designed to be easy to maintain, allowing you to quickly get back to enjoying your audio.
Reliable Performance: The long battery life means you can rely on the Cricket Ball Speaker to deliver consistent performance throughout your activities. You won’t have to worry about running out of power at a crucial moment.
7. Perfect for Every Cricket Fan
The Cricket Ball Speaker is not just a gadget; it’s a versatile and practical addition to any cricket fan’s lifestyle. Its combination of design, functionality, and performance makes it a standout choice for those who want to blend their love for the sport with modern technology.
Gifting Made Easy: If you’re looking for a unique gift for a cricket fan, the Cricket Ball Speaker is an excellent choice. It’s a practical yet stylish gift that combines functionality with a personal touch, making it a thoughtful present for birthdays, holidays, or special occasions.
Enhancing Game Day: The Cricket Ball Speaker is perfect for enhancing your game day experience. Whether you’re hosting a viewing party or attending a match, it adds an extra layer of enjoyment with its impressive sound quality and cricket-themed design.
8. How to Get the Most Out of Your Cricket Ball Speaker
To ensure you’re getting the best experience from your Cricket Ball Speaker, here are some tips and tricks:
Placement Matters: Position your speaker in a location that allows it to perform optimally. Avoid placing it in enclosed spaces where sound may be muffled. Instead, choose open areas where the audio can flow freely.
Regular Charging: Keep an eye on the battery level and charge the speaker regularly to ensure it’s always ready for use. Avoid letting the battery drain completely before recharging.
Proper Pairing: Ensure that your devices are properly paired with the speaker to maintain a stable connection. Follow the pairing instructions provided to avoid any connectivity issues.
Explore Settings: Take advantage of any audio settings available on your device to enhance your listening experience. Experiment with different settings to find the perfect balance for your preferences.
9. The Future of Cricket Fan Gear
The Cricket Ball Speaker represents a new direction in sports fan gear, combining technology and passion in a unique and exciting way. As fan expectations continue to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative products that blend functionality with fandom.
Technological Advancements: The integration of advanced technology into fan gear is likely to become more prevalent. Expect to see more products that offer enhanced audio, interactive features, and personalized experiences.
Personalization Trends: Personalized fan gear is on the rise, with products that cater specifically to individual preferences. The Cricket Ball Speaker is an example of how personalization can enhance the fan experience, and future products are likely to continue this trend.
Expanding Categories: The success of the Cricket Ball Speaker may pave the way for similar innovations in other categories. From sports-themed gadgets to interactive experiences, the future of fan gear looks promising and full of possibilities.
The Cricket Ball Speaker is a game-changing addition to the world of sports fan gear. It combines the excitement of cricket with high-quality audio performance, making it a must-have for any cricket enthusiast. Its playful design, exceptional sound quality, portability, and wireless connectivity make it a standout choice for enhancing your cricket experience.
As fan gear continues to evolve, the Cricket Ball Speaker represents a glimpse into the future
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Cricket Kit in Mumbai: The Ultimate Guide for Cricketers
home to some of the finest cricket equipment stores. Whether you're an aspiring cricketer or a seasoned professional, finding the right Cricket Kit in Guwahati is essential for enhancing your performance on the field.
This comprehensive guide will take you through the essentials of choosing the perfect cricket kit in Mumbai, ensuring you make an informed decision.
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Why Choosing the Right Cricket Kit Matters
Cricket is not just a game; it's a passion that demands precision, skill, and the right equipment.
The right cricket kit can significantly impact your performance, providing comfort, safety, and confidence.
In a city like Mumbai, where cricket is a way of life, having top-notch gear is a necessity for every player.
Key Components of a Cricket Kit
A complete cricket kit in Mumbai comprises several essential items. Let's delve into the details of each component:
1. Cricket Bats
The cricket bat is the most crucial piece of equipment for any cricketer. Choosing the right bat involves considering factors such as weight, balance, and willow type. In Mumbai, you can find a wide range of bats made from English willow and Kashmir willow. English willow bats are preferred for their superior performance, while Kashmir willow bats are more affordable.
2. Cricket Balls
Cricket balls come in various types, including leather, synthetic, and tennis balls. Leather balls are the standard for professional matches, offering durability and a consistent bounce. It's essential to select high-quality balls that adhere to the regulations of the game.
3. Protective Gear
Safety is paramount in cricket. The protective gear in a cricket kit includes helmets, gloves, pads, thigh guards, arm guards, and abdominal guards. Investing in high-quality protective equipment ensures maximum safety while playing.
4. Cricket Clothing
Comfortable and breathable clothing is vital for peak performance. Cricket whites, jerseys, trousers, and caps are standard attire. Look for moisture-wicking fabrics that keep you cool and dry during intense matches.
5. Footwear
Proper footwear enhances grip and agility on the field. Cricket shoes with spikes are ideal for turf pitches, while rubber-soled shoes work well on synthetic surfaces. Ensure your shoes offer good ankle support and comfort.
Top Cricket Equipment Stores in Mumbai
Mumbai boasts several renowned cricket equipment stores. Here are some top recommendations:
1. SG (Sanspareils Greenlands) Showroom
Known for its high-quality cricket gear, the SG showroom offers a wide range of products, from bats to protective equipment. The staff is knowledgeable and can assist you in selecting the right gear based on your requirements.
2. Nike Sports Mall
Located in the heart of Mumbai, Nike Sports Mall features an extensive collection of cricket equipment. The store offers personalized fitting services to ensure your gear is tailored to your needs.
3. Decathlon
Decathlon is a popular choice for affordable yet reliable cricket equipment. Their wide range of products caters to both beginners and professionals. The store also provides in-store demos to help you make informed decisions.
4. Champion Sports
Champion Sports is renowned for its specialized cricket gear. The store stocks products from leading brands and offers customization services for bats and protective gear.
Factors to Consider When Buying a Cricket Kit
Selecting the right cricket kit involves more than just choosing the best brands. Here are some factors to consider:
1. Budget
Determine your budget before you start shopping. Mumbai offers cricket equipment at various price points, so it's essential to find gear that fits your financial plan.
2. Skill Level
Your skill level influences the type of equipment you need. Beginners may opt for more affordable options, while advanced players might invest in high-end gear for better performance.
3. Personal Preferences
Consider your playing style and personal preferences. For instance, some players prefer lightweight bats for faster shots, while others might opt for heavier bats for powerful hits.
4. Brand Reputation
Reputable brands like SG, Nike, and Kookaburra are known for their quality and durability. Investing in gear from trusted brands ensures you get value for your money.
Maintaining Your Cricket Kit
Proper maintenance of your cricket kit prolongs its lifespan and ensures optimal performance. Here are some tips:
1. Regular Cleaning
Clean your gear after every match to remove dirt and sweat. Use mild soap and water for bats and gloves, and ensure they are completely dry before storage.
2. Proper Storage
Store your equipment in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Use bat covers and padded bags to protect your gear from damage.
3. Timely Repairs
Address any wear and tear immediately. Replace worn-out grips, repair damaged pads, and re-string your bat if necessary to maintain its performance.
Choosing the right cricket kit in Mumbai can significantly enhance your game. By considering the factors mentioned above and exploring the top stores in the city, you can find the perfect gear tailored to your needs. Invest in quality equipment, maintain it well, and enjoy the thrill of the game with confidence and safety.
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techtired · 2 months
India National Cricket Team Vs New Zealand National Cricket Team Match Scorecard
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In cricket, a game isn't just a show of skill; it's also a story of planning, toughness, and the kinds of moments that make sports what they are. One of these stories happened during a recent One-Day International (ODI) between New Zealand and India. It was a mix of brilliant strategy and exciting turns. This piece details New Zealand's performance and their brave effort against a strong Indian bowling lineup. India National Cricket Team Vs New Zealand National Cricket Team Match Scorecard New Zealand's innings started in tough conditions when opener Devon Conway, who is known for being tough, was caught early by Mohammed Siraj's precise line and did not score. With nine balls, he stayed at the crease, and Shreyas Iyer caught one. This made things very tight. After Conway, Will Young tried to keep things stable, but he only scored 17 runs before Mohammed Shami's deadly swing took him out, leaving New Zealand at a dangerous 19 for 2. India National Cricket Team Vs New Zealand National Cricket Team Match Scorecard: The Ravindra-Mitchell Cooperation Thanks to a great combination between Rachin Ravindra and Daryl Mitchell, the innings then underwent a radical change. Renowned for his graceful stroke play, Ravindra made a strong 75 off 87 balls to accentuate his innings with six fours and a six, so guiding the innings with a strike rate of 86.20. On the opposite side, Daryl Mitchell scored an amazing 130 from 127 deliveries, therefore playing what could only be considered as the anchor's job. With nine boundaries and five sixes, his knock not only corrected the ship but also helped New Zealand to adopt a competitive stance. India National Cricket Team Vs New Zealand National Cricket Team Match Scorecard: Middle-Order Misfortune New Zealand's middle order could not fully capitalise on the outstanding third-wicket partnership that dramatically changed the momentum. Though Glenn Phillips and Tom Latham, the skipper, had brief cameos, they were unable to translate starts into significant numbers. Trapped by Kuldeep Yadav and Phillips, caught by Rohit Sharma off Yadav once more, Latham left the Kiwis battling to increase their run rate in the vital overs. India National Cricket Team Vs New Zealand National Cricket Team Match Scorecard: Reduced Order Collapse New Zealand's batting lineup's tail swiftly came apart against India's aggressive bowling assault. Shami kept his great form, destroying the lower order and ending with a five-wicket haul. Except for the top and several middle-order batsmen, the remainder of the lineup collapsed under pressure, which helped to produce a final count of 273 all out in 50 overs. This autumn underlined the crucial part top-order batsmen play in laying a foundation—a lesson New Zealand discovered the hard way. Also read - New Zealand National Cricket Team Vs India National Cricket Team Match Scorecard India National Cricket Team Vs New Zealand National Cricket Team Match Scorecard: The Bowling Puzzle Led by Mohammed Shami's 5/54, India's bowling combined control with aggression. Shami's ability to whip the ball both ways and his talent for striking at pivotal intervals were crucial in stopping New Zealand's advancement whenever a duo appeared dangerous. Maintaining strict lines, Jasprit Bumrah and Mohammed Siraj assisted brilliantly by each grabbing a wicket but more importantly, they stopped the run flow. Though costly, Kuldeep Yadav proved his value as a strategic alteration in the bowling attack by grabbing vital middle-order wickets. India National Cricket Team Vs New Zealand National Cricket Team Match Scorecard: Strategic Exchanges and Decisions The game also included a tactical application of the Decision Review System (DRS), which was very important on several pivotal occasions. Early in his innings, New Zealand utilised their reviews sparingly, effectively reversing a crucial decision against Rachin Ravindra, so enabling him to build his notable score. India National Cricket Team Vs New Zealand National Cricket Team Match Scorecard: New Zealand Batting Scorecard Batsman Dismissal Runs Balls Minutes 4s 6s Strike Rate Devon Conway c Iyer b Mohammed Siraj 0 9 16 0 0 0.00 Will Young b Mohammed Shami 17 27 41 3 0 62.96 Rachin Ravindra c Shubman Gill b Mohammed Shami 75 87 133 6 1 86.20 Daryl Mitchell c Kohli b Mohammed Shami 130 127 192 9 5 102.36 Tom Latham (c)† lbw b Kuldeep Yadav 5 7 16 1 0 71.42 Glenn Phillips c Sharma b Kuldeep Yadav 23 26 36 0 1 88.46 Mark Chapman c Kohli b Bumrah 6 8 11 0 0 75.00 Mitchell Santner b Mohammed Shami 1 2 3 0 0 50.00 Matt Henry b Mohammed Shami 0 1 1 0 0 0.00 Lockie Ferguson run out (†Rahul) 1 5 12 0 0 20.00 Trent Boult not out 0 1 1 0 0 0.00 Extras (b 3, lb 5, w 7) 15 - - - - - Total 50 Overs 273 - - - - 5.46 RR India National Cricket Team Vs New Zealand National Cricket Team Match Scorecard: India Batting Scorecard Batsman Dismissal Runs Balls Minutes 4s 6s Strike Rate Rohit Sharma b Ferguson 46 40 44 4 4 115.00 Shubman Gill c Mitchell b Ferguson 26 31 53 5 0 83.87 Virat Kohli c Phillips b Henry 95 104 154 8 2 91.34 Shreyas Iyer c Conway b Boult 33 29 32 6 0 113.79 KL Rahul † lbw b Santner 27 35 43 3 0 77.14 Suryakumar Yadav run out (Santner/Boult/†Latham) 2 4 8 0 0 50.00 Ravindra Jadeja not out 39 44 63 3 1 88.63 Mohammed Shami not out 1 1 2 0 0 100.00 Extras (lb 1, w 4) 5 - - - - - Total 48 Overs 274/6 - - - - 5.70 RR India National Cricket Team Vs New Zealand National Cricket Team Match Scorecard: Bowling Figures Bowler Overs Maidens Runs Wickets Economy 0s 4s 6s WD NB New Zealand Trent Boult 10 0 60 1 6.00 33 6 2 1 0 Matt Henry 9 0 55 1 6.11 31 7 2 0 0 Mitchell Santner 10 0 37 1 3.70 32 1 1 0 0 Lockie Ferguson 8 0 63 2 7.87 22 11 0 2 0 Rachin Ravindra 9 0 46 0 5.11 28 3 2 1 0 Glenn Phillips 2 0 12 0 6.00 3 1 0 0 0 India Jasprit Bumrah 10 1 45 1 4.50 34 5 0 0 0 Mohammed Siraj 10 1 45 1 4.50 34 3 1 4 0 Mohammed Shami 10 0 54 5 5.40 32 6 1 0 0 Ravindra Jadeja 10 0 48 0 4.80 28 2 1 0 0 Kuldeep Yadav 10 0 73 2 7.30 25 3 4 3 0 Conclusion New Zealand's inability to capitalise during the late overs cost them even with a great start and a spectacular middle-order effort. With a disciplined approach and deliberate field placements, the Indian bowlers controlled a lineup that may have exploded. This game is evidence of the unpredictable and strategic depth of ODI cricket when stages of brilliance have to be pieced together to create a winning story. Though not winning, New Zealand's innings showed tenacity and a tale of what might have been should the bottom order have struck. The knowledge gained from such interactions transcends the scoreboard and feeds into plans for the next challenges in the always-changing game of cricket. Read the full article
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food-256 · 4 months
What is the shape of a Women’s cricket pitch?
The “square” is right next to the pitch where the main game happens. Women's Cricket Pitches can be made anywhere on the square.
Then there is the outfield, which is the area outside the square. Even though people talk about the square and the outfield a lot, they don’t affect the game’s rules. Something interesting about the square is that the grass there is shorter because it has been used in previous games. Because of that, the ball tends to roll faster when it rolls over the square.
And just like in men’s cricket, women’s cricket also has the same square and outfield setup. So, whether you’re watching men’s or women’s cricket, you’ll hear about the square and the outfield, but they’re less important than the pitch where all the action happens!
In women’s cricket, various areas on the pitch play important roles in determining the course of the game. Let’s break down these areas into easy-to-understand terms.W
1. Creases:
Bowling Crease: This is where the bowler delivers the ball. It’s marked by a line perpendicular to the pitch’s length and where the stumps are placed.
Popping Crease: Positioned in front of the bowling crease, this line serves multiple purposes, including marking the batsman’s safe zone and determining front-foot no-balls.
Return Crease: Two lines parallel to the bowling crease and perpendicular to it. These are located on either side of the wicket and are crucial for determining wides and no-balls.
These creases serve as essential markers on the pitch, ensuring fair play and adherence to rules. They play the same role in women’s cricket matches as men’s.
2. Wickets:
Stumps: Each wicket consists of three stumps, the vertical posts placed at each end of the pitch. These stumps total six in quantity, standing on both sides of the pitch.
Bails: Two bails, which are smaller wooden pieces, lie atop the stumps to maintain their balance.
The wickets are the ultimate target for both the bowler and the fielding team, as their removal signifies the dismissal of a batsman.
Understanding these areas is crucial for players, umpires, and spectators alike, as they govern the flow and outcomes of the game. Whether the bowler is aiming for a wicket or the batsman is trying to stay within the crease, these elements shape the dynamics of cricket matches. In women’s cricket, the significance of these areas remains the same, contributing to the excitement and strategy of the game
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kesaronlinecricketid · 10 months
Top Features to Look for in an Online Cricket ID Provider
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Cricket is not just a sport; it's a passion that brings millions of fans together. Whether you're a player, coach, or just an avid follower, having an online Cricket ID can greatly enhance your cricketing experience. An online Cricket ID allows you to access a wide range of cricket-related content, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and stay updated with the latest news and events in the cricketing world. But with so many options available, it's important to know what features to look for in an online Cricket ID provider. In this blog post, we will explore the top features that should be on your checklist.
1. Comprehensive Player Profile
A good online Cricket ID provider should offer a comprehensive player profile feature. This allows you to create a profile that showcases your cricketing skills, achievements, and statistics. It should provide space to upload pictures and videos of your performances, making it easier for scouts or fellow players to discover your talent.
2. Match Scheduling and Notifications
Having the ability to schedule matches and receive notifications is a crucial feature for any cricket enthusiast. Look for an online Cricket ID provider that offers a user-friendly interface to create and manage matches. The platform should provide automated notifications for upcoming matches, reminders, and any changes in the schedule.
3. Seamless Team Management
If you're part of a cricket team, having a seamless team management feature is essential. A good online Cricket ID provider should offer tools to create and manage teams, add or remove players, track performance statistics, and communicate with team members. Look for features like creating team profiles, managing player availability, and sending group messages.
4. Community and Networking
Cricket is all about connecting with fellow players, fans, and experts. Look for an online Cricket ID provider that offers a vibrant community and networking feature. This may include features like creating or joining cricket groups, forums for discussions, private messaging, and the ability to follow and connect with other cricket enthusiasts.
5. Live Score Updates
Stay on the edge of your seat with live score updates. Look for an online Cricket ID provider that offers real-time scorecards, live streaming of matches, and ball-by-ball commentary. Being able to stay updated on the latest scores and match events is a must-have feature for any cricket lover.
6. News and Articles
Keep yourself informed and entertained with a platform that offers a dedicated section for cricket news and articles. This feature should provide the latest updates, analysis, interviews, stories, and opinion pieces from the cricketing world.
7. Training and Coaching Resources
For aspiring players or coaches, having access to training and coaching resources is invaluable. Look for an online Cricket ID provider that offers tutorials, tips, drills, and coaching videos to help you improve your skills.
8. Seamless Mobile App Experience
In today's fast-paced world, a seamless mobile app experience is essential. Look for an online Cricket ID provider that offers a user-friendly and feature-rich mobile app, allowing you to access all the functionality on the go.
Choosing the right online Cricket ID provider can greatly enhance your cricketing experience. By considering these top features, you can ensure that you choose a platform that provides a comprehensive suite of tools and resources to cater to all your cricketing needs. So, whether you're a player, a fan, or someone passionate about the sport, go ahead and find the perfect online Cricket ID provider that will take your cricketing journey to new heights.
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jfbuckley · 10 months
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My football correspondent has produced his customary masterpiece of journalism. His appreciation of United playing well for once is palpable, and very good to see.
He makes a different point to me about us being only 3 points behind city. He is 100% correct of course, and will probably finish many more than 3 points behind. My comment is just a little tongue in cheek, but I do think that some of the doom mongers should take it to heart. If they think of how we performed in season 1973/74 they will have a much clearer idea of what “poor play” and “crisis” REALLY means.
My own feeling about the performance is this:
“Rushford and Martial were dropped to the bench. Neither were missed, and from what I have read - and seen on the highlights - the team were much more dynamic without them. I would be very happy if neither of them, together with their mate Sancho ever played for the club again. In my opinion, Pogba and Lingard were the spreaders of a laziness and bad attitude virus that has eaten away at the team - and cost the jobs of Mourinho, Solskjaer and Rangnick - they are gone now, so if we can also get rid of these three bone idle wasters, then I can see the team going places again”.
hi - this match used to be one of most anticipated games of the season between the 2 best teams guided by the 2 best managers - nowadays it is a battle between 2 okish sides who have spent a lot of cash without having much to show for it
that said i am pleased to report that this encounter turned out to be one of the most entertaining matches that old trafford has seen in quite a while with both teams deciding that the best form of defence was to attack - in the end united proved themselves better in both departments and deserved to win
after the lifeless non effort at newcastle the reds were bright, breezy, energetic and full of attacking intent - after 9 minutes united won a corner - fernandes was about to take it when the ref was called to look at the tv screen - nobody knew why as there had been no appeals - anyway it turned out that antony's foot had been trodden on by enzo fernandes - probably an accident but the ref pointed to the spot - bruno stepped up but his attempt lacked power and direction and was easily saved
undaunted united continued to press forward (in part helped by chelseas defenders passing the ball amongst themselves in their own area) and following a set piece garnacho pulled the ball back for maguire whose shot was parried out to mctominay who fired a left foot shot in for the opener
a short time later mctominay was allowed a free header from 6 yards -the first effort was straight at keeper sanchez and from the rebound mctominay again hit it straight at the keeper who gratefully dived on the ball
in the meantime chelsea tested united - mudryk hit the outside of the post and dragged a shot wide - sterling set up jackson in front of goal but onana came out to smother - just before half time the silky smooth palmer teased the united defence before eventually drilling a low shot beyond onana for the leveller
united maintained their drive in the 2nd half and after 69 minutes mctominay was found free at the far post by garnacho and the scots header made it 2 - 1 - as usual the celebrations were paused by a VAR check but resumed a minute or so later - shortly afterwards chelsea presented mctominay with an open net but the shot was screwed wide - i kid you not the man could easily had a hat trick and maybe even 4
as the end neared chelsea strove for a point - the ball flashed across the united goalmouth without a meaningful touch - a late header hit the outside of the post - but united deservedly hung on - they'd had 28 shots in total and were the dominant force
so united after 15 matches have 27 points - they've already lost 6 but because like test cricket they don't do draws anymore they are not far away from the top 4 - indeed if city are the barometer of succcess united must be doing alright because they are just 3 points behind last years treble winners - lies, damned lies and statistics
next up is bournemouth who are playing pretty well - which united will turn up ?- hopefully the one that played tonight and away in the champions league - we don't want a repeat of newcastle - by the way it is liverpool away soon - something to look forward to - not 7 again we hope
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newsworld-nw · 11 months
100 off 40 balls - Glenn Maxwell rewrites history books with fastest ton in ODI Cricket World Cup
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Australia star Glenn Maxwell rewrote the historical past books when he scored an ODI century off simply 40 balls towards the Netherlands within the Cricket World Cup match in New Delhi on Wednesday. In a supreme show of power-hitting, Maxwell tore the Netherlands bowling to pieces. Glenn Maxwell broke the record for the quickest century in an ODI Cricket World Cup set by Aiden Markram (49 balls), which was hit forward of the 2023 version in South Africa. It's the fourth-fastest century within the ODI format, bested by South Africa's AB de Villiers in simply 31 balls towards the West Indies in 2015. Maxwell's effort is the quickest century by an Australian in ODIs. "Feeling nice, I wasn't feeling nicely, I wasn't anticipating an excessive amount of immediately, and my head was clear. When Davy and Greaney acquired out, I needed to choose myself up," Maxwell stated after his supreme effort. "The patio was good. Even when they hit the wicket, I feel I've got sufficient time to go after it. And once they bowl quickly, my palms should be fast. Simply attempt to get past it normally. The infield. They have been excellent (Netherlands fielding); they saved sure boundaries within the first 25 overs. It was a tricky outfield, and so they did very nicely. The ball appears to be touring right here; hopefully we are able to get by the highest order and put strain on their center order. Additionally, underneath run-rate strain It is good to have the child right here; it has been a very long time." Glenn Maxwell scored the quickest World Cup century, whereas David Warner hit his second consecutive century to take Australia to 399 for 8 towards the Netherlands on Wednesday. Maxwell (106 off 44 balls) blew away the Dutch assault to deliver up his century in simply 40 balls, bettering South Africa's Aiden Markram, who scored 106 off 49 balls towards Sri Lanka on the identical floor on 7 October. Maxwell hit 9 fours and eight sixes in his whirlwind knock. Maxwell reached 50 runs off 27 balls within the forty seventh over. He then took 13 extra balls to achieve triple figures within the forty ninth over. Maxwell was outraged, as have been Paul van Meekeren, Bas de Liede and Logan van Beek. Warner scored 104 off 93 balls after Australia gained the toss and elected to bat. Steve Smith additionally scored a superb 71 off 68 balls, whereas Marnus Labuschagne scored 62 off 47 balls. Logan van Beek (4/74) and Bass de Lied (2/115) shared six wickets between them. Australia beat Pakistan of their final match. Subjects lined on this article #balls #Glenn #Maxwell #rewrites #historical past #books #quickest #ton #ODI #Cricket #World #Cup Read the full article
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finenews-247 · 1 year
The Role of Mobile Apps in Delivering Cricket News
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Mobile apps play a significant role in delivering cricket news to fans around the world. With the increasing popularity of smartphones and the convenience they offer, mobile apps have become an essential tool for cricket enthusiasts to stay updated with the latest news, scores, and match updates. Here are some key aspects of the role of mobile apps in delivering cricket news:
 1. Real-time Updates: Mobile apps provide real-time updates, ensuring that users receive immediate notifications about important cricket news and events. Whether it's a wicket, a century, a match result, or a player injury, mobile apps deliver these updates instantly, allowing fans to stay connected to the game no matter where they are.
 2. Live Streaming: Many mobile apps offer live streaming of cricket matches, allowing fans to watch the action unfold in real time. With just a few taps on their smartphones, users can access live coverage of matches, ensuring that they don't miss a single ball.
 3. Scorecards and Statistics: Mobile apps provide comprehensive scorecards and detailed statistics of matches, allowing users to track the progress of games and analyze player performances. These features give fans a deeper understanding of the game and enhance their overall cricket experience.
 4. Match Highlights: Mobile apps often offer match highlights, allowing users to catch up on the key moments of a game they may have missed. Whether it's a stunning catch, a crucial run-out, or a record-breaking performance, mobile apps provide users with bite-sized highlights that capture the essence of the match.
 5. News Articles and Analysis: Mobile apps deliver up-to-date news articles, analysis, and opinion pieces from renowned cricket journalists and experts. Users can read in-depth match reports, player interviews, expert analysis, and features that delve into the various aspects of the game. This comprehensive coverage allows fans to stay informed and engaged with the cricketing world.
 6. Personalized Experience: Mobile apps offer personalized experiences, allowing users to customize their news feeds based on their preferences. Users can choose to follow specific teams, players, or tournaments, ensuring that they receive news and updates that are most relevant to their interests.
 7. Interactivity and Engagement: Mobile apps provide opportunities for fans to engage with the cricketing community. Many apps have interactive features such as polls, quizzes, and comment sections where users can share their opinions, participate in discussions, and connect with like-minded fans.
 In conclusion, mobile apps have revolutionized the way cricket news is delivered to fans. With their real-time updates, live streaming capabilities, comprehensive statistics, and personalized experiences, mobile apps have become indispensable tools for cricket enthusiasts. These apps ensure that fans never miss a moment of the game and enable them to stay connected to the cricketing world wherever they may be.
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Choosing the Perfect Cricket Bat: A Guide 🏏⭐
A cricket bat is more than just a piece of equipment; it's an extension of a player's skills and style. With a myriad of options available, finding the perfect cricket bat can be daunting. Fear not, for we've got you covered with this guide to selecting the ultimate cricket store in california.
1. Know Your Style: Begin by understanding your playing style. Are you a power hitter or a touch player? Tailor your choice based on your strengths and preferences.
2. Size Matters: Ensure the bat's size suits your physique. Junior bats are designed for younger players, while adults can choose from sizes ranging from harrow to long blade. Pick one that feels comfortable and well-balanced.
3. Willow Wisdom: The type of willow—English willow or Kashmir willow—determines the bat's performance. English willow bats offer better quality, response, and power, while Kashmir willow bats are more budget-friendly.
4. Weighty Matters: Balance is key. Consider the weight distribution—whether you prefer a lighter or heavier bat. It should feel comfortable for stroke play.
5. Sweet Spot: Find a bat with a sweet spot that suits your playing style. High sweet spots are ideal for front-foot players, while low sweet spots are better for back-foot shots.
6. Handle Comfort: The handle's grip and shape are crucial for control. Experiment with different handle shapes and grips to find what feels right.
7. Brand and Model: Reputable brands and specific models are known for their quality. Research and read reviews to find trusted options.
8. Knocking In: Invest time in knocking in your bat properly. It's essential for longevity and performance.
9. Budget: Set a budget, but be willing to invest a bit more for better quality. Remember, a good bat is an investment in your game.
10. Try Before You Buy: Whenever possible, try out the bat in the nets. Feel the ball off the bat, check for comfort, and assess performance.
Choosing the perfect cricket bat is a personalised journey that combines your unique playing style with the right blend of craftsmanship and technology. So, step into the crease with confidence, armed with the knowledge to make the perfect choice. Choose your Cricket kit in California wisely. 🌟🏏
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