#2 on prom; 3 on gladio; and 1 on iggy
heartlessfujoshi · 11 months
flufftober day 26: promnis 'no stakes'
Title: No Stakes Chapter: 5 of 6 Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Promnis (Prompto Argentum x Ignis Scientia) Rating: Teen (Subtle Flirting - Fluff - Ep Ignis V2 - Minor Angst - First Kisses - Feelings Realization) WordCount: ~2,400 Prompt: Fireplace
Read: Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4
A/N: I had hoped that day 25 would have worked for this story, but it did not :( so, happy belated birthday to Prompto. :) Please enjoy!
Prompto knew that they had to move fast. There wasn’t enough time. There was never enough time. Ripping off the bracelet he wore on his right wrist to hide who he truly was, he shoved it under a scanner, which opened a locked door for them with no problem. 
“How did you…?” Noctis asked, but Prompto shot him a look. “Later. Sorry.” Noctis said nothing else, Prompto leading his way through to an unarmed area. 
The pact with the Hydraean had been a total disaster. Not only had Niflheim come with their army, but there had been other forces at work there. He’d been separated by an explosion from Ignis, who had landed in the water and had said to make sure that the Prince was all right. Luckily, he hadn’t been alone when that happened - he had been with both Gladio and Ignis when they’d become separated, leaving him alone with Gladio. 
They had found the Prince, but hadn’t found Ignis. It was through a network of whispers that he’d found out that Ignis had gone with Ardyn to Gralea. While it had been tragic that Noctis had lost his future bride to the chancellor, they had to find Ignis. There was no telling what the madman was going to do to him. 
“We have to hurry.” Prompto begged his friends. “He could be in bad trouble.” 
“Ignis can handle himself.” Gladio reminded him, as they made their way towards an elevator. “He’s had years of training. Remember - they said he went with him willingly, Prompto.” 
He came to a stop. “Are you calling Ignis a traitor?” His eyes were wild with rage, unable to stand the fact that this man was saying such ridiculous things. “Gladio, you can’t be serious!” 
“I never said that!” His voice bellowed loud, echoing in the small chamber of the elevator. Prompto winced, backing away from him. “He must have had a plan to come here.” 
“You and I both know that he would do anything to save Noctis.” He pointed to the Prince, who had a solemn expression on his face. “Your Highness?” 
“I’m fine.” Noctis shook his head. “I know what needs to be done.” 
His shoulders dropped as he sighed. “Noct, it isn’t that drastic. We need to find Iggy. Once we find him, everything will be okay.” 
“It won’t.” Noctis shook his head. “But it’s okay, Prom. We’ll find him. I know you care for him a lot.” 
He looked down at the floor, the elevator coming to a stop at the top floor. “You have no idea.” 
“I think I do.” Prompto wasn’t aware that Noctis was looking at Gladio, the two holding a longing gaze before the elevator doors opened up. “Come on - here’s hoping he’s up here.” 
They could hear a fight happening as they made their way down the corridor. Prompto began to book it, needing to find Ignis before something awful happened to him. “Prompto! Wait!” Gladio shouted at him, but he ignored him. His feet moved fast, coming to a sudden halt when there was another locked door in front of them, preventing them from getting to where the fight was being held. 
Holding his arm up, the barcode on his skin - the barcode that proved he was an experiment from Niflheim - worked like a charm, opening the path towards the cacophony that they heard leaving the elevator. He saw Ignis, and felt his heart stop in his chest. 
He was wearing the ring. The same ring that Nyx had worn, and now here was Ignis, wearing the ring that belonged on Noctis’ finger, and was using the power of the Gods to put Ardyn in his place. He felt Gladio and Noctis come up behind him, all three of them frozen in fear as they watched Ignis battle Ardyn as if his life depended on it. 
The Crystal was nearby - so close that Prompto could see it with his own eyes. Ignis fell to his knees and screamed, dark purple flames coming from off of his eyes, the sound going straight to Prompto’s heart. He rushed forward, not at all carrying if he was about to die. He couldn’t bear to listen to Ignis be in that much pain. 
Ardyn retreated, leaving the four of them alone with the Crystal. Prompto kneeled down next to where Ignis was now laying, and carefully picked up his head, resting it on his lap. His skin was ashen, fractured as if broken apart by the power of the ring. Silver ran rampant on his skin, making him look almost ethereal, if he didn’t look like he was already on the edge of death. Upon first seeing him, Ignis’ eyes had been glowing, much like Noctis’ would glow when he harnessed the power of Ramuh. 
“Please, lend me your strength. Protect my friends!” He can hear Noctis speaking to the Crystal, Prompto cradling Ignis’ head on his lap, his lover unaware that they are with him, due to his eyes being taken from him. 
A blinding white light fills the area, drawing the breath out of Prompto’s chest. All of the silver scarring on Ignis’ body was slowly disappearing, leaving no trace of the fight he’d just had with Ardyn. But before they could celebrate, Noctis was approaching the Crystal. 
“Take care of each other.” Noctis looked back at them, a sad smile on his face. “I’ll be back soon. Wait for me.” 
“We will.” Gladio said, standing his ground. 
Ignis was now leaning against Prompto, after sitting up to receive the healing power from the Crystal. “Go, Your Majesty.” Ignis’ voice sounded raw. “We’ll be fine. We’ll take care of Your kingdom.” 
“I know you will, Ignis.” Noctis stepped into the Crystal, and disappeared. 
Prompto felt Ignis’ hand hold tight to his own. “Come on, Iggy. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.” 
“I would have to agree, darling.” 
The three returned to Tenebrae, Ravus welcoming them back with open arms. He had been the one to help get them to Gralea to rescue Ignis, as he was the one that had seen him leave with the Chancellor. Gladio went with Ravus, while Prompto stayed with Ignis, not wanting to leave his side ever again. 
It was quiet in the castle, almost unnervingly so. It was much cooler here on the continent than it was over on the Lucian side of the world. The fireplace crackled, plenty of firewood burning, keeping the room quite toasty. He felt Ignis stirring next to him, and felt him grasp tight to his arm. He winced, but knew that it was better to let Ignis wake up on his own, not wanting to startle him out of whatever dream, or nightmare, he was currently experiencing. 
Green eyes soon were staring into his, the grip on his arm loosening as Ignis slowly came to recognize him. “W-Where are we?”
“Tenebrae. The Nox Fleuret castle.” 
“Ravus.” Prompto reached for Ignis’ cheek, and carefully caressed it. There was no trace of any scarring, except for two new fresh scars that were a reminder of what he’d done to use the ring. “How are you feeling?” 
“My body is very sore.” Ignis closed his eyes, and pulled Prompto into his arms. “But I’m doing much better with you so close by.” 
“I’m sorry we didn’t get to you sooner.” He whispered, tears beginning to collect in his eyes. He didn’t want to cry, but it seemed his brain had other ideas. “You should have waited for us, Iggy.” 
“I had to do what I had to do.” A soft sigh left his mouth. “Is Noctis…?” 
“Gone.” He still was trying to accept the fact that Noctis was no longer around. “We have to keep the kingdom safe for him.” 
“We will. I promised we would.” Ignis hugged him tight to his chest. “I’m really glad you’re here, Prompto.” 
“Don’t be.” He snorted. “I have something I need to tell you. Before Gladio does.” 
The arms around him stop holding him with the strength that he’d grown to love over the last couple of months. “What’s the matter, Prompto?” 
“I’ve been keeping a secret.” He lifted his arm up, and showed Ignis his barcode. “Guess I’m not really a Lucian, am I?” 
Ignis took his arm, and brought the barcode up to his lips. The tears he’d been holding back began to fall, as Ignis left little kisses against the permanent scar on his skin. “You are a Lucian. Maybe not by blood, but by everything else, it is who you are. Never doubt that, Prompto.” 
“I got us to you.” Prompto whispered, too afraid to speak as his eyes were still shedding tears. “Who knew that I would be the one to help get to you, all because I’m from Niflheim?” A dry sob left his mouth, as he pitched forward. 
Strong arms wound themselves around his body as he sobbed hard against Ignis’ shoulder. “Shhh, don’t cry, darling. You are perfect as you are. You did save me.” 
“No, Noctis did.” 
“But he wouldn’t have, if you hadn’t found me.” 
Prompto knew he was right. He knew that he had helped save Ignis, in a way. Much like he’d saved him, time and time again. “I figured I owed you one.” He tried to joke, but a soft sob left his mouth afterwards, defeating the purpose of his comment. 
“Oh, darling - you never owe me anything. We save each other when we can.” 
“When it matters most.” 
“Quite right.” 
Rather than sit on the bed, Prompto built them a little cozy resting place in front of the fire. Ignis laid against his chest, Prompto’s arms tucked under his arms to hug him closer. They both stayed like that for a long time, neither saying much of anything, as there wasn’t much to say. Prompto wanted to ask Ignis what possessed him to put the ring on, when they knew how much power it took out of a person to use it. He wanted to ask him why he thought he could take on Ardyn by himself, when they should have done it together. Maybe one day Ignis would tell him, or maybe he wouldn’t. 
The fire was a quiet comfort - it almost reminded Prompto of the late nights at Noctis’ apartment, during the cold months when Ignis would light the fire for the Prince to be comfortable. Thinking back to those days before all of this began, Prompto could remember how much he had liked Ignis back then. He had always found him attractive, but always figured he had no chance of getting to be with him like he was now. And boy, was he glad he was wrong. 
“Iggy?” He spoke softly near his ear, not wanting to startle him. “Would you like to lay down now?” 
“I think it might be wise, or else we might fall asleep on this hard floor.” 
Laughing quietly, Prompto helped Ignis up off the floor, and got settled with him under the covers. “Are you okay, Iggy?” He asked, the two of them now facing one another, their noses close. 
“I’m as good as I can be, darling. Don’t worry about me.” Ignis’ hand touched his face with a gentle stroke of his thumb, Prompto sighing in contentment at the familiar touch. “You have nothing to worry about.” 
“I do, though.” He kept his eyes closed. “Gladio hates me because I lied. Noctis is gone for who knows how long. You almost died. I’d say I have a lot to worry about.” 
Ignis kissed him softly, quelling any fear inside of him that was bubbling back up. “Gladiolus does not hate you. He may be upset, but he’ll get over it. Noctis will return when he is ready. And I did what needed to be done. But I am still here.” 
“What if Noctis hadn’t asked the Crystal to heal you? Would you have been happy if you had your eyesight taken away?” Prompto felt awful asking him these questions, but he had to know. “Would you have been okay with never seeing any of our faces again?” 
Two warm hands touched his face, his eyelids falling closed at the intimate touch. “I would have died if it meant that you would be safe.” 
“Me? Or do you mean all of us?” 
“You, Prompto. I would die to protect you.” He held his breath, as Ignis continued. “I chose to fight Ardyn because I needed to be sure that you were safe. That you kept the Prince alive.” 
“I did a bad job.” He whispered, hating that he had failed. 
“You did not. You were perfect. Sometimes the choices we make have their own consequences. I chose to use the power of the Six, agreeing to sacrifice myself in order to beat Ardyn.” 
His stomach dropped. “Ignis.” 
“But, I am still here.” A kiss touched his lips. “You’re with me. Yes, our King is gone, but he will return. And when that happens, I will get my revenge on Ardyn.” 
“Oh, Iggy.” He leaned forward and kissed him hard on the lips. “I love you. Please, never do anything this stupid ever again.” 
“I will try not to, darling. But do forgive me if I do.” Ignis’ promise was good enough for him. 
They laid together in bed, holding each other close. It was strange to think that the last time they had done this, it had been almost seven days ago. It felt like a lifetime ago. So much had changed since the pact with the Hydraean had gone so terribly wrong. Prompto snuggled closer to Ignis, needing to be as close to him as physically as possible. Thankfully, Ignis seemed to feel the same way, as they both struggled to get closer to each other under the sheets. 
Who knew how long it would be until their King returned. Prompto knew that whatever Noctis was going through, they were going to have just as much difficulty as him. Night was coming. They had to get Lucis into a position where the everlasting night wouldn’t be so awful. They needed time to heal first - Ignis from his fight with Ardyn, and both himself and Gladio from the fight in Altissia. 
For now, though, he was going to stay with Ignis in this bed for as long as possible. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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triggerdance · 5 years
princecaelum replied to your post: (20/22 threads are not my turn! Whoo! Bless me...
Damm. You’re on a roll cranking out all those replies
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(I try not to get behind. I actually had peace and quiet in the hospital room so I just put on music and uber focused.)
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noirbriar · 3 years
FFXV AU: The Lion, the Coeurl and the Cub (8)
A dragon and a kingdom in fire and darkness. Gladio and his father are too hard to write and fight scenes are a mess.
And yes, finally justice is served and peace awaits.
PART 1   PART 2   PART 3   PART 4  PART 5  PART6  PART 7
(possible crossover of FF lores ahead in this AU.OOC-ness and plotholes are all on me.Do I know what I’m doing?NOPE.)
-Gladiolus remembers their first meeting, the fidgety chocobo that greeted him cautiously from behind Noct after he found (caught) them at the arcade. Who gradually warmed up and joined him on working out when invited, and sharing a waffle stack afterwards at that one diner at the park’s corner on weekends. 
He was unsure about how the foreign looking kid was always hanging around Noctis so much. Though seeing Noct open up and having a friend outside him and Iggy, their originally solemn trio, was quite a relief really.The terrible first meeting aside. Gladio had not much expectations about Prompto, he was a normal schoolmate. At least, until the attempted kidnapping of Noctis. He should have suspected then. The fact that he was the son of The Immortal and the Hero of the Kingsglaive? Nope,didn’t see that coming at all. Although, it also kinda explains why the Marshal and Nyx had thrown him down during practice for 2 weeks straight after their first meeting.
-Yet now, his friend glows in the light Etro, ephemeral and extruding pure unadulterated power, this was a different Prompto. He summons a double Ultima effortlessly to clear the first wave of Red Giants for the armies to charge through Insomnia’s borders and began the battle against the daemon horde. Gladio has to be beside Noct as support and defence like his father for Regis. Cor is focusing on protecting Prompto while Nyx coordinates the joined army’s assault with Ravus and Arenea.
-There were just so many daemons. As if Insomnia is now an endless abyss of darkness.The boulevard he used to walk to the Citadel, the cafe he had lunches with Iggy, Prom and Noct’s arcade, Iris’ favourite shops…now rubble and decay.
-And also when did Ifrit have damn pet dog?! The thing is sleeping smack middle of the square like it owns the place and is no pushover. Even with Noct attacking all three heads, it still stays sharp and keeps dodging around the buildings.Cerberus then takes a leap and dives aiming at Prompto who is focusing on healing and support for some of the glaives, Cor grabs him and ducks out of the way as Nyx tries to warp over to assist after dealing with a psychomancer. In a blink of an eye, a shadow suddenly swoops in to carve a hole out of the demon dog from hell, slamming it into the department store and releasing a roar in show of smug victory…
- Okay.He sees it clearly now.Thats like a lion.Thats a DAMN BIG CROSS OF A ZU AND A CAT AND ITS A FLYING FELINE, oh shit,Prom and Iggy weren’t kidding then. 
But the creature doesn’t linger for long, leaving as soon as it appears, a pleased rumble echos from Griever after a small nod of acknowledgement from the Marshal. Griever pushing off with a flap of his wings, retreating into the air as it fades out into fragments of light. Gladio himself and some of the soldiers are shocked stiff at the sudden intervention and loss of their enemy but hey, he’ll take it.
-Meanwhile the Infernian is mad but Ardyn still had to be a snarky asshole.
“He~llo~ my old friend! Such a warm adoring welcome you have graced us with!” 
Annnd now the Astral is even more pissed while trying to make a giant bonfire out of Insomnia, his burning blade taking a swipe at everyone trying to warp nearer. The Niflheim division manages to get the Omega weapon to get some damage in luckily, allowing the Kings to do the rest.Three Armigers is nothing to scoff at, but if Luna suddenly marches forward, her dogs paving her way forward like the fierce queen she is? With Gentiana who turns back into Shiva, freezing the burning mess? By all means he isn’t complaining. 
Even as Titan, Ramuh and Leviathan manifest, pushing down the daemon Astral into submission. Prompto then finally calls for Gilgamesh and the undead souls to push back another wave of daemons to clear the area around the Citadel. Things look to be running smoothly until a giant sword slams down and pins Leviathan’s fins into the ground, screaming.
- “So you have come to meet your end.” The draconian’s voice echoes from the top of the citadel, soaring overhead. Well, screw you too Bahamut. 
-The 3 generation of Kings come forward and faces off the Draconian,summoning their royal arms as the kings of yore materialises. Ardyn casually takes his spot on the mystic’s shoulder, Regis stands with the Wise and Noctis graciously allowed to perch beside the rogue queen. 
Ifrit takes this time to trash and free himself, releasing a burst of hellfire in mad defiance, which the Draconian simply waves away the flames and grabs the insane astral in a chokehold. 
“Futile are your efforts.Now, fulfil your purpose forced upon you by mankind, the same beings you have adored once just as she did.The same creatures you have granted your fire and love.They are your downfall.But this is your blessed redemption, grant me your powers and the darkness, my brother.I will recreate the world in which you have dreamt.” 
The starscourge and fire then flows into Bahamut who revels in the energy, its almost an act of cannibalism, Gladio thinks. This was the god that they had worshipped. A truly heartless, wretched being.
The other Astrals attacks but are blown back by his bladed wings, smaller Bahamuts shaped by light emerges from him, before diving down to attack the army.Even the Omega Weapon ended up in smithereens in the shockwave of energy.
“To lie and to betray your kin, I am sensing a pattern here, Bahamut~!” Ardyn comments coolly. The Mystic remains silent. The founder Kings began their attack just as Leviathan recovers decides to have her revenge, hurling herself towards Bahamut who casually throws down the now almost fading Ifrit at her.She screeches in the language of gods back at him. (“Ohhh, my, I never knew that was a possible curse!”Ardyn.Not now.)
-Noctis and the Rogue cuts down more daemons, letting Regis join Ardyn in the assault, when Prompto asks for cover as he skids over in effort to make it closer to the Ifrit. Cor lets Noctis take over and goes to help Nyx and Ignis against a rampaging Behemoth King. He warps over and lets Prompto do his thing as he arrives by the fallen Infernian’s side.His eyes bright as he places a hand by his face, the shadowy vines of death dances wildly and lets the fragile astral breathe again. Shiva approaches, hovering by her old love quietly. 
Noctis then rejoins his father and Ardyn in their attack on the accursed Astral. Bahamut deflects while readying his tetraflare, the ability finally reaching its peak and achieving what he set out to do 2000 years ago.
”Shh.My dear flame who once shared my love with mankind…There will be time for amends.”
A humbled Ifrit gets up and kneels before Etro, who gently pats his horn. Garuda appears, floating nearby, ever his loyal messenger in the days of old.The other Astrals wanders closer alongside their messengers (the dogs pattering around Shiva, and to Noct’s amazement, Carbuncle appears by his feet before rubbing itself against him, and bouncing off to join the other gods.) 
All of them had gathered around the Goddess’ side.The Eyes of Etro then turn to address the wayward dragon. 
“Etro. Your interventions have been pitiful.”
”And yet I am here now, Bahamut. I ask you only once. Will you cease and return to your calling as my Eidolon?”
”My calling is to be the almighty.”
”Then I pity you.” Etro closes her eyes as she relays her command in the language of the Gods. 
“Bring him into the beyond and I will bring Salvation upon Eos. Let these souls balance the scales of Life once again! With this, penance has been made, wrongs have been made right. Now, purge the land of darkness and may it flourish for the Living!”
-Bahamut roars and proceeds to cast the boosted tetraflare but the astrals attack deflects and intercept the blow, thus causing the magic to backfire into a mighty blast. The divine beings scream as the light expands out across the ruined Insomnia, before constricting into a contained orb of pure light in the darkness. Phantoms of the Astrals and the messengers remain, containing the impact as the gigantic orb pulses in rhythmic waves, piercing through the endless miasma of darkness and burning daemons into ash.
-The Kings of Yore fades out as the daemons vanish and burn in the blast, the souls of the dead flicking and flittering towards the light, they have completed their duty to Etro. 
The army of Eos stops in bewilderment. The air is no longer heavy but darkness still remains. 
-Ardyn wanders up to Etro.
” He’s in there isn’t he? His spirit.”
”Its his domain. A place he selfishly carved and reside away from his other kin.The astral plane.A space between the living and the beyond where time does not exists.Where the essence of Gods can be found. 
“Then it is time to finish this curse, wouldn’t you agree? Come along, my dearest nephews!” 
Regis and Noctis simply return a deadpan stare.
”Rude! Somnus will hear of this! His descendants, simply terrible!” 
And with that Ardyn saunters his way into the light, as the other 2 Lucis Caelums follow in with their retainers. Luna nods to Ravus who lets her go as she marches forward, determined to see the end with her own eyes. They leave Crowe, Pelna, Libertus, Arenea to help look after the remaining troops and Iris, Dustin, Monica to help the wounded.
-Cor and Nyx noticed that Prompto has not moved from his spot, his eyes no longer bright with Etro’s power, but simply gazing at the gateway of light silently.The exhaustion clear, but something else was beneath the facade as well.Their son reaches to hold onto his fathers’ hands. Right as they were about to address anything else, Prompto looks up brightly and tugs them along.The others are awaiting.
-There in the vast crystalline space, they face off the weakened Bahamut’s spirit and revenge never felt better. 
The Kings of Yore manifests and one by one, they run their weapons through the broken Astral. Until only 3 remain. 
A strike, from a father forced to let his son die. 
A slash, from the boy who has yet to live. 
A stab, from a man wronged and forsaken by all.
The Draconian groans in resignation, his body dispersing into fragments of light.The Lucis Caelums and Nox Flurets were finally free as they watch the glittering pieces become lost.
Without Bahamut, the Astral Plane darkens and dims like a dying star, leaving the light from 2 points. The living and the undying realms. The team tiredly began to make their way to the exit back home in relief. The taste of freedom feels so delightful-
Until Prompto grasps Noctis’ wrist and the prince looks back at his friend in confusion.
Everyone turns and notices the boys falling behind them.
”Prom?” Prompto doesn’t reply, his head hanging low.
Something feels…off.
-“I..I don’t know how you did it Noct. Being in that crystal for 10 years.I don’t think I can myself haha…but,it shouldn’t be too bad…right?”
”Prompto, what are you-“
”I saw so many things you know? So much deaths and loss. His majesty, Lord Amicitia, my baba, Luna, Iggy, Ravus, Ardyn…you. I saw all the doors. I saw all the ends.”
“I wonder, if you know of the truth, would you all hate me for ignoring the sacrifices you, Luna, Iggy, and everyone have made for my selfish wish?”
“Wha-No way, Prompto I-“
“I just-I wished-no.I’m just happy I got to see you guys again. I’m glad no matter what, in all the universes, we still met.“ 
Prompto quietly summons his gun and pushes it into Noctis’ hand before backing away slowly. More floating souls of the dead gather around them. The unearthly vine like tendrils of darkness from the Beyond began to curl around Prompto in an eerie embrace.The tattoo on his wrist now growing, morphing, as he looks back at his love ones, the pain evident in his posture.When he finally looks up shakily, Gladio feels a chill run down his spine as he sees crystals bursts from various parts of his friend’s skin.
The Eyes of Etro stares back at them from the darkness. A tear. A smile.
“I’m sorry. Thank you.”
A snap resounds in the back of Gladio’s mind, and the line of magic between Noctis and Prompto shatters. 
“PROMPTO!” -----
I lied. Its not really final fantasy without a final final boss isn’t it? FINAL PART 
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mewbell-moved · 3 years
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so here are headcanons based on what @inscmnus​ and i plotted today !
1. just like her canon she has crushes on a dark-haired character and a blonde character ; aka noct and prom 2. noct and ichigo are nap buddies and fishing buddies 3. iggy and ichigo are cooking buddies ( and even when he looses his sight none will go hungry bc she will cook ) 4. gladio is the only one she can and will get mad at . the other can do no evil 5. she can run circles around gladio ( bc based on my headcanon about her animal abilities the fastest she can run on 2 legs is 25-30mph then on 4 legs it’s 55-60mph ---- she’ll give him a chance by slowing herself down to 15mph but he can’t keep up with her animal stamina ) 6. the fact above makes noct laugh 7. the bois are hella protective of her and super sus of any guy who tries to hit on her or ask her out 8. she’s the group scout . bc of her speed and agility she can run ahead and around the area to check for any dangers or anything useful 9. she’s the group healer during battles 10. the first time the bois hear her cuss is when she’s insulting ardyn 11. she hides any negative emotions for their sake but noct knows when she’s upset and often goes to look for her when she goes off on her own to cry and get those emotions out 12. she’s a space heater when she’s asleep and only noct and prom get to sleep next to her to cuddle for warmth 13. bc of her 6th animal sense she can sense smth bad will happen if they get on the boat 14. she can’t return to her own world so most of her negative emotions range from her insecurities and her missing what friends she had and her family . it’s conflicting bc she misses them but she knows she’s far more useful in this world with the noct and the others 15. she’s with iggy when he’s blinded and she’s unable to bring his sight back hen she heals him. this leaves her blaming his loss of sight on herself and thinks it’s all her fault
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breezy-cheezy · 5 years
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SUPER FLUFFY doodles, prompts from Berba, thanks dear! 1. Prompto and Noct are arguing because both aren’t in enough of the pics. They’re each other’s fans LOL.
2. Tie troubles and some de-aged Prom and Noct using Gladio as a jungle gym X’D
3. Talking about moms....Ignis comes to mind. It’s silly but it was cute!! I hate drawing Iggy’s hair tho!!! OTL
ALso I’m laughing because I have no trouble drawing Noct, because I just draw Riku-ish and color in more black I’m—-
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saurix5 · 4 years
There She Is series giving me feels Promptis- There She Is au
Step 1: Prompto sees Noctis at the vending machines. He falls in love and pursues Noct. Noct tries to get him to stop b/c it's not acceptable for Lucians and Niffs to get together. Prom dont care. Noct eventually gives in
Step 2: It's Prom's bday, and he and his friends are waiting for Noct. Noct is trying to deliver the cake in one piece, but faces hurdles. He runs into a small gang of Niffs, one of them tells the leader that he has seen Noct with Prom. That the Lucian is hurting the poor Niff. They chase Noct all the way to the cafe. He arrives the cake is ruined. Prom enjoys it anyways and shows affection to Noct. They all get kicked out of the cafe.
Step 3: It's their first date. Noct is reluctant at first due to people staring at them in shock. He returns affection towards the end of the date, and asks Prom for a second one, and they share their first kiss. A rock is thrown through Noct's window.
Step 4: Tensions rise b/w the pro & anti Lucian/Niff couples advocates. Prom gets attacked, so Noct ends things in fear of Prom's safety. Prom goes home and pulls out a pair of boat tickets to Altissia. The leader of the Niff gang member tries to get some sense into Noct, but a riot starts. Felling alone, Prom packs his stuff and heads out for Altissia.
Final Step: Noct sits next the vending machines where they met. He sees a baby chocobo, reminds him of Prom. He races to the docks before Prom leaves for good. He is helped by Iggy, Gladio, & the Niff gang. Noct makes it, but there are pro & anti advocates are there too, yelling at them. Noct ignore both sides and runs into Prom's arms. They go home leaving hope for the future
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charlottedabookworm · 5 years
For the prompt thing,,, Noctis and Prompto (couple or besties your choice) run away (or are kidnapped?) as teens and they aren't found for years (but like, they got away if kidnapped but couldn't go home for some reason) AU?
1) they probably shouldn’t have skived off work and meeting to go to the arcade that day
Iggy and Gladio were gonna kill them
2) in their defence, they didn’t think they’d kidnapped
3) so, turns out, cults? are a lot less funny in person. especially cults that somehow have access to magic suppressing tech
Noct does not like.
Prom does not like.
4) oooooo gun
Cult does not like
5) they make the mistake of (accidentally) blowing up the cult headquarters before they realise where they are
what sort of people set up their hideout on a island in the middle of nowhere?
(a cult that doesn’t want to be found, Prompto says dryly as Noct screams at the air)
6) when they blew up the hideout, they blew up the docks
and the food
and the shelter
they look at each other and sigh before digging through their brains for everything they know from survival courses and random books and tv shows
maybe they could build a boat?
7) they could not build a boat
8) by the time rescue shows up 3 years later, prompto and noctis may or may not be married
turns out, when they blew up the hideout? they didn’t blow up the alcohol
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niansue · 6 years
Selkie AU Part 15
Partner in Crime~ @ever-at-your-side-15
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10,
Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14
Ko-Fi ~ Commissions ~ Redbubble
As Noctis regains conciseness he tries to remember what exactly happened. 
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He doesn’t need to think about it for long because Ardyn quickly makes his appearance and introduction with Prompto in tow. He explains that Tenebrae’s been taken over and that Lucis is also Nif territory now. Noctis making quite the racket in the tribe is what left it so weak and easy to take over. It turns out Prompto really was a traitor and while Noctis wishes it wasn’t true Prom doesn’t say anything against it. 
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While Noct is left with his thoughts he thinks about if what Ardyn said was true or not. If it is true than that means his dad is either in trouble or worse. Before his mind spirals even more Noct hears the sound of dogs coming towards his cell. 
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And not just any dogs but Iggy and Gladio! With the help of them Noct is able to get out of his cell and they all search for a way out fo the building. 
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On the lookout they find an open vent that appears to lead to the outside. 
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Once free they make a run for it in the direction of the tribe. If it really was taken over than that means they need Noct’s help more than ever.  
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However, along the way, Noct thought some things didn’t add up with Prompto so he quickly makes a u-turn back towards the building in order to at least talk directly to Prom himself. 
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Movie Chat
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): Final Fantasy XV - Ignis Scientia feat. the Chocobros
Rating: PG/K+
Original Idea: Sometimes group chat fics are fun. Came up with this in the shower XD
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) This is half chat fic, half normal fic.
Prompto has made a group chat with Gladio and Noctis.
Prompto has changed Gladio to Cup Noodle Man.
Prompto has changed Noctis to Prince Of Darkness.
Prompto has changed Prompto to Trick-shot Master.
Prince of Darkness: Okay 1) What’s with the Specs impression? 2) What’s this about? And 3) What did you do to our screen names?
Trick-shot Master: 1) Getting to that. 2) Getting to that. 3) I changed them in case Ignis hacks into any of our phones so he won’t know who’s scheming.
Prince of Darkness: Oh yeah -_- that’ll fool Ignis.
Cup Noodle Man: You think this isn’t too obvious?
Cup Noodle Man has changed Cup Noodle Man to Gladio.
Gladio: Can’t fool Iggy anyway. Too much effort to try.
Prince of Darkness has changed Prince of Darkness to Noct.
Noct: What’s this about, Prompto?
Trick-shot Master: You guys are no fun.
Trick-shot Master has changed Trick-shot Master to Prompto.
Gladio: To the point?
Prompto: Okay, listen. I can’t stand it anymore, okay? I can’t stand the PINING and the LONGING GAZES. So I’ve come up with the perfect plan to finally get Glasses and Princess on a DATE!
Noct: … I'm listening.
Gladio: Same.
Prompto: Okay. Here’s the idea: we all go to the movies together as friends, right?
Prompto: Wrong.
Prompto: We reserve tickets in advance and put the princess and specs together on their own, while the three of US either go to another movie altogether or sit, like, five rows down.
Prompto: But we don’t let them KNOW that. We send then in first to sit down while we “get popcorn”,
Prompto: *them
Prompto: and THEN when the trailers start, we sneak in. ‘cuz y’all know that she’s too interested in the trailers to pay attention to everyone else coming in.
Prompto: Then BAM! They’re on a date.
Noct: … Is it bad that I think that might work?
Gladio: How do we keep Ignis from figuring out that we’re not sitting together when distributing tickets though?
Prompto: C’mon, man. you know that the five of us have an assigned order at theaters. It’s all based on who eats the most popcorn. Me, you, Noct, princess, and Ignis. And we get there before him to have it all figured out.
Gladio: Before IGNIS? Sure that’s possible without showing up 2hrs early?
Noct: Ig averages abt a half hour early to important things. 15-20 mins for less important things.
Gladio: …
Prompto: …
Noct: What? I’ve been around him my entire life. I notice things.
Gladio: Okay. Whatever. Anyway. Sure this will work?
Prompto: Pretty sure, yeah.
Noct: Let’s do it. I'm sick of them pining for each other too.
Prompto: On it!
Prompto has left the chat.
Noct has left the chat.
Gladio has left the chat.
Prompto has made a group chat with Noct, Gladio, Ignis Scientia, and Star Princess.
Prompto: GUYS! Movie this weekend! Who’s down?
Noct: I'm down.
Gladio: Same here.
Ignis Scientia: I believe I will be available. I'll be there.
Prompto has made a group chat with Gladio and Noct.
Prompto: See that? He only agreed to go AFTER she did!
Noct: Saw it.
Gladio: Same.
Prompto: Told ya guys. This is gonna be great!
Prompto: Cool! I’ll work out all the deets and let y’all know, okay?
Star Princess: Sounds great! Lemme know if I can help!
Prompto: I think I got it but will do!
Ignis Scientia: If you need my assistance as well I will gladly offer it.
Prompto: I'm good for now but I’ll let you know!
Star Princess: I am SO excited! It’s been forever since we went to the movies together!
Ignis Scientia: It does seem like it’s been a rather long time since the last time we went on a recreational outing. I'm looking forward to the break as well.
Noct: Same.
Gladio: Assuming His Highness doesn’t fall asleep in the theater.
Noct: What can I say? It’s dark in there and the seats are pretty comfy.
Gladio: You’re only saying that because you fit in them.
Star Princess: Prom, make sure you get Gladio an aisle seat so he can stretch his legs XD
Prompto: Noted!
Prompto: I'm excited guys!
Star Princess: Me too!
Ignis Scientia: As am I.
Noct: Yeah same.
Gladio: Yup.
“This one is yours,” Prompto said, handing me my ticket. “I already worked out our usual seating chart before you got here.” I laughed and tucked the ticket up the fabric of my jacket sleeve that covered my palm.
“Thank you,” I said. “So what’s this one about, anyway?” The theater was getting crowded with the Friday night/movie night people. Dates, families, friend groups like ours.
“Not really sure. It’s got great reviews though from the audience and it’s animated so I'm excited,” Prompto said, handing Noctis his ticket and Gladio his. They glanced at them briefly before the tickets got shoved into pockets.
Ignis came through the doors, top collar button undone and a few wisps of his spiked-up bangs falling onto his forehead. “I apologize for being…” He glanced at his watch. “No. I'm not late. How did you all beat me here?”
I shrugged. “I just drove these guys here when Noct told me to get going,” I said, gesturing with my thumb to Noctis and Gladiolus.
“I came pretty early so I could get good seats so the theater wouldn’t be sold out,” Prompto said.
Ignis’ lips pursed. “Hmm. Strange feeling, not being the first to arrive,” he observed.
“Yeah. Anyway. I'm guessing you two don’t want popcorn?” Prompto asked, pointing between Ignis and me.
“Not really,” I said.
“No thank you.”
“Okay. How ‘bout you two go in and find our seats? We’ll meet you in there,” Prompto said. “We’re gonna get popcorn.”
I eyed the concessions line. It was pretty long. “Okaaay,” I said. “Ditch it if the movie’s about to start and the trailers are over.”
“You got it, princess,” Prompto said with a mock-salute.
Ignis and I started weaving through the crowd. Ignis’ hand rested gently on my elbow to keep me from getting lost. That had happened a couple times—one jostle from a stranger and I was on the other side of the foyer and couldn’t find anyone else.
We handed our tickets to the usher, who tore them in the middle halfway and then directed us to the theater. We thanked him and went off to find our seats.
Ignis scrunched his eyebrows as we sat down. “I think Prompto forgot,” he said.
“Forgot what?” I asked.
“Gladio’s leg-room. These seats are in the center of the row. Prompto forgot to put us on the aisle.”
“Oh. Well… hopefully Gladio’ll be okay.”
We sat and talked for a long time. We’d arrived at the theater too early. Probably early enough for the other boys to make it through the concessions in time to make the movie but possibly miss the trailers. Prompto probably planned that. He could be pretty smart sometimes—when he applied himself and cared about something. And movie timing was something he cared about figuring out.
We didn’t talk about anything significant. Some small talk about the stuff Ignis had done that day around the Citadel and my training.
When the theater darkened for the trailers to start, I glanced at Ignis. “I hope Noc and the others are… okay,” I said. “They’ve been out there getting popcorn for a while.”
“Well… there are three of them and the line wasn’t exactly short,” Ignis reasoned. “I’ll text them. If they’re not back when the film begins… that’s their own fault, I suppose.” He pulled his phone out.
Ignis Scientia has created a group chat with Prompto, Noct, and Gladio.
Ignis Scientia: Everything alright? The trailers are starting and you’re still not here.
Prompto: Yeah! Everything’s fine. Almost through the line. Just like two more people in front of us!
Noct: Be there soon.
Gladio: Yeah.
Ignis showed me his phone. I read it and shrugged. “Their loss if they miss the trailers,” I said.
“Princess, I think you’re the only one who actually enjoys trailers.”
“What? I like to know what’s coming out! That way I can plan my life accordingly.”
Ignis chuckled. I went back to paying sharp attention to the first trailer—which was already halfway finished. Lucky me it was one I’d already seen. I could sense Ignis fidgeting out of the corner of my eye, but didn’t pay him any attention.
Surprisingly, our theater wasn’t terribly crowded. Probably because we were seeing a movie that had been out for a while and everyone else was swarming the multiple theaters showing something that had just come out and was supposed to be some blockbuster thriller I probably wasn’t going to see. Our theater just had a few families in it and a couple sets of friends—plus maybe a date or two.
For movies like the one we were about to see—an animated family film—our seating order was based around popcorn sharing. In complicated movies with difficult plots to follow, Ignis sat between Gladio and Noctis with me between Noctis and Prompto so Ignis and I could explain the plot to whichever side asked questions to whom.
Because apparently Ignis and I were watching an entirely different movie that contained more information than whatever Gladio, Noc, and Prompto were watching.
More trailers played and then the theater got extra dark. The movie was starting.
Noctis, Prompto, and Gladio still weren’t sitting next to us.
“They’re gonna miss the movie!” I hissed to Ignis, leaning really close so I wouldn’t bug anyone else.
“Oh no—they’re here,” Ignis said.
I looked down at where the entrance ramp spilled out into the main body of the theater. Then up the stairs on either side. “No they’re not,” I replied.
Ignis pointed several rows down.
On the aisle on the opposite side of the theater from the entrance ramp were three familiar heads. I’d recognize Prompto’s blond mess, Noctis’ bluish black porcupine spikes, and Gladio’s overlong, shaved-sides mane anywhere. “What’re they doing down there?” I whispered over the noise of the surround sound opener.
Ignis sighed out his nose. “They’ve set us up,” he said quietly.
“What do you mean?”
“They’ve set us up to be on a date.”
“Oh. My. Word,” I muttered. I pulled out my phone.
Star Princess has created a group chat with Prompto, Noct, and Gladio.
Star Princess: Setting me and Ignis up on a date, guys? Really?
Noct: Prompto’s idea.
Prompto: Yup! Now turn your phone off and let Iggy wrap his arm around you.
Star Princess: Shut up. I'm so going to beat the crap out of you in our next training session.
I shut my phone off and shoved it in my pocket. “Noc said it was Prompto’s idea,” I whispered to Ignis.
“Fascinating. I guessed it was your brother’s.”
There was a pause while the overlong opening logos section set to bright, spunky music played.
“Well, might as well enjoy the solitude while it lasts,” Ignis remarked.
“Good point,” I agreed.
We settled in for the movie. Prompto’s text was burned into the back of my eyelids. Let Iggy wrap his arm around you. I hoped Ignis hadn’t been looking over my shoulder when that came through. That would be so embarrassing.
That didn’t mean I didn’t want Ignis to wrap his arm around me. I wouldn’t have minded that.
I bit my lip and focused on the film. No time to get caught up in a crush I’d spent a dozen years ignoring.
“OMG,” Prompto complained in a quiet whisper to Noctis. “If I have to go up there and put Ignis’ arm around your sister’s shoulder myself I'm going to.”
Noctis shrugged. “I mean… knock yourself out,” he whispered back. “Assuming they don’t knock you out first.”
Gladio shushed them both.
“Prompto seems to be watching us more than the film,” Ignis whispered to me. I looked away from the screen to see Prompto peeking back at us.
“He’s waiting for you to put your arm around me,” I admitted.
“Is that right?”
“Yeah. It was in his text.”
Ignis looked from Prompto to me contemplatively. “Would you mind? It might get him to stop.”
“Sure,” I said.
Ignis reached around and wrapped his arm around me, tugging me a little closer to his side. I let myself be pliable in his hands. So when he reached up and pushed my head to rest against his shoulder, I didn’t protest.
The next time Prompto turned to peek at us, I saw him jerk with a fist-pump, whisper something to Noctis, and whip back forward to watch the movie.
“Looks like you were right,” I whispered to Ignis. He hummed in thought. I felt it in his chest more than I heard it. Okay Prompto, I thought, maybe you had a good idea. Maybe I won’t beat you up the next time we train together.
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ffxvthingies · 6 years
The Bros + Gym Routine
You know he’s there ever day
rain or shine
#grindneverstops !!
Shows up in shorts and tank top (if he can get away with it: no shirt)
He takes about thirty minutes to warm up via stretches and a 15 minute jog to get his body going
AND AFTERWARDS!! You gotta stretch afterwards to have a lesser chance of sore muscles!!!
then the real shit starts
Most of the time he as headphones blasting some energetic music to keep him pump! Though sometimes he likes to not listen to music so he can Focus(tm)
those dudes at using the machines with the weights at like the highest setting
Every dude is jealous of his body and every girl is eyeing him
okay boys are also eyeing him but he’s a sweaty, gorgeous, god
Focuses heavily on weights, always making sure to hit all his muscles and for 3 sets with the appropriate machine
Loves the atmosphere of the gym and sometimes just stays after he’s done w/ his workout to look at all the people trying their best and being their best self!
Friends with all the other regulars (yes that includes the old man who comes in for like thirty minutes)
super nice to everyone and willing to spot/give tips/help with their workout in any way possible.
BUT! Will also protect girls from those assholes who think the gym is an excuse to be a perv
Will step between the guy and the girl and tell the dude to back the fuck off! She’s here to get in shape not to please you!
Not many dudes will challenge him due to his size
Those who do really regret it
Generally just that one chill Gym Bro who you actually like seeing at the gym
If he has something afterwards he’ll shower there, but most of the time he’ll just go home and enjoy his nice shower
Not a fan of the gyms
It smells of sweat and it all makes him uncomfortable thinking of the machines that weren’t whipped down
Will still go if Gladio asks him or if he’s got to go make sure Noctis actually works out
Outfit is either joggers with a tank top or running shorts with a tank top (really the only time he’ll not wear sleeves bc he hates the feeling of sweat on his clothes)
Warm up with stretches and running like Gladio, but his stretches are like some gymnastics shit and he runs very shortly because he hates running on the treadmills bc they hurt his feet with the hard surface!
His music is loud to block out the sound of everyone else, he does Not want to be acknowledged while he’s working out!
Light muscles, only focusing on the key ones that help him in battle (biceps, quads, etc) and mainly focuses on cardio and gymnastics
He runs outside and around the building to avoid the treadmills, it’s good because he knows the exact distance he runs so he can map out how long he’ll go
The gym has a small gymnastics room where he goes and works on all his insane flips (the other gymnastic girls are lowkey jealous)
Is much more calm when approaching Fuckboys who are harassing girls (ahem Gladio!)
Will kindly ask the man to leave the woman alone as she is just trying to work out like the rest of us
If the guy refuses he’ll do one of two things 1) go to the front desk and strongly request the man be thrown out or 2) stick Gladio on ‘em if he’s having a particularly annoying day and doesn’t feel like dealing with people
Will never shower in the locker room, will rarely even go in there
He always makes sure he has time to go home, shower, change, and return to wherever he needs to be early
Like Ignis, not really big on gyms
The guys are all intimidating and it makes him feel self conscious of his body
But after Gladio bought him a gym membership and went with him to the gyms the first couple times he’s gotten better with it!
Gladio showed him that no one really cares what you look at, we all know we’re here to improve on ourselves, so there’s rarely ever any judgement
Now he goes whenever he feels like he needs to work on muscles (will still run everyday you can’t stop him
Wears sweatpants and a t-shirt most days, running shorts and a tank if he’s feeling confident in himself
Stretches are not quite Ignis-level but they’re pretty good
Again, like Ignis he does not like running on treadmills, but will use them if it’s particularly too nasty outside to run
does like 2 or 3 of the machines, but will quickly stop bc he cant feel his arms anymore Gladio w h y
Will not be confrontational w/ fuckboys, too shy/scared
Will instead go up to the girl and pretend to know her (friend from school, girlfriend, whatever)
9 times outta 10 the girl plays along and he gets her away from the guy
Used the locker room once and saw so mANY OLD MAN-DICKS HE THOUGHT HE’D VOMIT
Refused to use locker room again
Unless he has to shower/change in which case he’ll make a b-line for the showers, eyes to the ground, do not look up Prompto!
What’s a gym?
That’s a gym?
Ew... no
Noctis for most of his life ^
Obviously didn’t need a gym when he’s the Prince and has private training rooms available to him
But Gladio dragged him to a gym once bc “being around all that sweat and adrenaline will do you good Princess”
Went with black sweat, black t-shirt, and a black hat just in case
People didn’t recognize him as the Prince because his face was like on the  mat the entire time
Just wanted to sleep but nooOOoOOoOo he had to get dragged here so he could work out around other people
Tbh not as weird/uncomfortable
people minded their own business and didn’t approach him or anything
Stretches were small, so was the running, and weights...
but you know at least he showed up?
Does actually work hard sometimes and will actually feel... good? afterwards?? (don’t tell Gladio)
but he is will do a thorough PT before and after, it’s the one thing he’s good at bc he wants his knee to like... actually work
Wants to stay back when there’s a confrontation, will tell Iggy, Gladio, or Prom to please deal w/ it bc he doesn’t want to get involved
There was one time where things got really outta hand b/w the body-builder type dude and Prom who looked scared outta his wits
Noctis simply walked up to the dude and stared him down
When the dude asked him what his deal was (obvi not really recognizing him) Noct simply said “As Prince of Insomnia I can not only take your job away from you but also have you registered as a sex offender. So it’s best you leave, now.”
The dude was quick to leave, and yeah maybe Noct did threaten to abuse his power a bit but a girl and his frIEND was in trouble!
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socialdegenerate · 6 years
Fanfic: You Say Your Love is Bona Fide 2/6
AKA XV Things I Hate About You, a 1999 teen movie cliche
Final Fantasy XV Promptis | Gladnis | minor RegClar SFW 2,594 words
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
“So,” Noctis said as soon as the lunch bell rang, pulling out the food Ignis had packed for him. He’d apologised for his behaviour the previous day and Ignis had forgiven him, but that didn’t mean that Noctis was going to let it go. “I had a thought.”
“Did it hurt?” Prompto asked, catching the piece of carrot that Noctis flicked at him and popping it in his mouth. “Sorry, what’s up?”
“I asked my dad about the dating thing, and he said I’m allowed to date if Specs gets a boyfriend.”
“That’s...kinda weird,” Prompto said, Noctis making a noise of agreement and nodding. “Is Ignis even interested in dating?”
Noctis shrugged, chewing through a mouthful of meat. “He says he isn’t, but I dunno how true that is.”
“So your brilliant plan is…?” Prompto asked, taking his own pre-packaged chicken salad out of his bag. It wasn’t quite as appetising as Ignis’ homemade food, but it was easy when he was running late.
“We find a guy so perfect for Specs that he can’t help but go out with him.” Noctis sounded so sure that it would work that Prompto couldn’t help but laugh, wondering if this was what happened when someone grew up without being told ‘no’.
He loved Noctis, but some of his ideas were...different.
“And if it doesn’t work?”
“Then we try harder.”
Raising his eyebrows, Prompto shovelled some food in his mouth so that he could think while he chewed. “Okay, so, you got someone in mind?”
“Well, it’s gotta be someone who’s into guys, first of all,” Noct said thoughtfully. “And someone who can keep up with Iggy’s brain.”
“Someone who won’t be jealous that he’s always with you,” Prompto pointed out. He could tell the exact moment that the pieces clicked together in Noctis’ mind, and he shrank back a little at the dangerously gleeful grin that broke out across Noctis’ face.
“Prompto, best bro of mine, I have the greatest idea.”
Prompto wasn’t exactly sure how he’d ended up being the one who had to approach Gladio first, considering that Gladio was Noctis’ shield, but he’d found himself sitting through an entire training session only to have Noctis shoot him a pointed look before he’d disappeared into the locker room.
“Sooo…” Prompto said, hopping up from the floor and cautiously approaching Gladio. “What’s up, big guy?”
“...Nothing much,” Gladio said, scrubbing a hand over his shaved head. “What’s up with you?”
Swallowing hard, Prompto tried his best to keep his body language casual. “I was wondering if you’re seeing anyone right now?”
Gladio’s eyebrows lifted and he turned his full attention to Prompto, his shoulders slouching so that he didn’t seem quite so big. “Sorry, Prom, but you’re not really my type. You’re a great kid, but-”
“No, no, nononono,” Prompto babbled, waving his hands in front of him. “It’s not for me, it’s for Ignis!”
“Ignis?” Gladio asked dubiously, crossing his arms over his chest. “Explain.”
For a split second, Prompto considered talking around the truth, but the intensity of Gladio’s stare had him blurting everything out on the spot. “King Regis says that Noctis can date when Ignis gets a boyfriend, and we kind of thought you’d be perfect for him?”
“So you want me to date Ignis so that Noct can get his dick wet?” Gladio said. He sounded utterly unconvinced, and Prompto sighed.
“I want Noct to be happy,” he said, fidgeting with his hands. “He wants to date, so…”
Gladio was silent for a long moment, and Prompto drew back further into himself. He knew this was a stupid idea, so why had he even bothered?
“You really like him, don’t you.”
“Huh?” Prompto said, his face shooting up so he could meet Gladio’s eyes. “Noct? No, I…”
“You’re not subtle,” Gladio laughed softly, clapping Prompto on the shoulder.
“Yeah, I like him,” Prompto admitted out loud for the first time after glancing at the locker room to make sure that Noctis was still away. It felt almost freeing to admit, especially with the way that Gladio was grinning at him. It wasn’t mocking, and although Prompto was expecting Gladio to tell him that it was never going to happen, it never came.
“I’d love to help you, kid, but Ignis isn’t interested in me. I know he’s not a heinous bitch like people think, but he doesn’t think I’m anything special.” He made it sound so matter-of-fact that Prompto couldn’t even argue, and he stammered for a moment until the sound of Noctis slamming back out of the locker room echoed through the gym.
“How’d it go?” He called out, and Prompto shrugged at him.
“No good.”
“Gladio,” Noctis whined as he walked over, lightly punching his shield on the arm. “C’mon.”
“He’s not into me, Noct.”
“Everyone’s into you,” Noctis scoffed. “Prompto, are you into Gladio?”
“Um,” Prompto said, but thankfully Gladio winked at him and steered the conversation away from Prompto’s tastes.
“Why are you so into dating all of a sudden, anyway? Won’t that cut into your precious sleeping time?”
“Like you’d understand, you’ve got a new date every week.” Prompto thought that Noctis’ pout was the cutest thing he’d ever seen, and he could feel Gladio watching him as he watched Noctis.
“I’m not the Crown Prince,” Gladio said, stepping forward to hold Noctis by the shoulders. “I know it sucks to feel like you’re alone, but you’re not. You have us, and we care about you more than some random kid from your school ever will.”
Prompto could sense that Noctis was up to something, but even then he wasn’t prepared for Noctis to pull out the full force of his puppy dog eyes, complete with a hint of shimmery wetness that Prompto didn’t think was at all real. “Gladio…”
It was obvious that even Gladio couldn’t stand up under that onslaught, and Prompto watched in shock as the mountain of a man crumbled under Noctis’ sad expression.
“Look,” he said heavily, leaning away from Noctis. “I can’t promise it’ll work, but I’ll try.”
“That’s all I’m asking,” Noctis said, his wobbling eyes replaced by a gleeful expression in a moment. “Let me know how it goes, okay?”
Grabbing the sleeve of Prompto’s shirt, Noctis dragged him towards the exit, Prompto managing to wave loosely at Gladio before they left the room.
Noctis was practically glowing as they met Ignis out the front and hopped into the car, and Prompto could barely look away from him the whole time. Things were beginning to get beyond desperate, but at least he managed to push it aside long enough for a night of video games and Ignis’ delicious food.
Ignis was running late.
Well, he wasn’t late yet, but he was running late to be early, and that wasn’t right. As such, he almost ignored the call of his name from behind him, but the thudding footsteps running up the hall behind him made it seem too urgent to avoid.
“Shit, Iggy, move any faster and you’ll be sprinting,” Gladio said as he caught up to Ignis, grinning widely. “What’s the rush?”
“Too many things to do, I’m afraid,” Ignis said, barely resisting the urge to check his watch. “Is there a problem?”
“No, no, just figured I’d say hi.” His hands in his pockets, Gladio’s obvious disregard for Ignis’ time made him frown, an irritated headache building up behind his eyes. He usually liked Gladio’s company, but not when he had a million and one other things to do.
“Hi, Gladio.” Actually checking his watch this time, Ignis made to walk off. A strong hand closing around his bicep kept him in place, though, and he whirled around to pin Gladio with a heavy stare. “Can I help you?”
“Man, you really aren’t afraid of me, are you?”
Looking Gladio up and down, Ignis knew exactly why people usually would be afraid of Gladio, but Ignis had known him since he was a child. In what possible universe would he be scared of Gladio? “Afraid of you? Why would I be afraid of you?”
“Well, most people are,” Gladio said with a wry grin, and Ignis blinked slowly as he realised that it had been a stupid joke. Usually he didn’t mind Gladio’s sense of humour, but he was stressed out and running behind.
“Well, I’m not,” Ignis snapped, harsher than he’d meant to be.
“Well, maybe you’re not afraid of me, but I’m sure you’ve thought about me naked.” Gladio gave Ignis a big, exaggerated wink, and Ignis’ fist clenched by his side.
“Let go of me, Gladiolus.” It was a dumb, harmless joke, the kind of thing Gladio said to everyone, but Ignis really wasn’t in any state to appreciate it.
Gladio seemed taken aback, and he let go of Ignis like he’d been burned. “Sorry, Iggy. You looked really stressed so I thought you might like to see a friendly face.”
Taking a long, deep breath, Ignis summoned up every bit of inner calm he had to centre himself before he opened his mouth again. “And I appreciate that, but I really am running late.”
“Alright, but hey, do you maybe want to get dinner tonight?”
“I’m going to be working through the night, I think,” Ignis said, shaking his head. “This really isn’t a good time for me.”
“Well how about-”
“I have to go, Gladio,” Ignis said, this time stepping out of arm’s reach before Gladio could react. “I’ll speak to you later.”
Turning on his heel and walking away, Ignis made sure to put a decent amount of distance between himself and Gladio before ducking into a storage closet, leaning against a shelf of paper and closing his eyes.
Gladio was- infuriating.
And required by his bloodline to marry a woman and reproduce.
Ignis had spent so long cultivating a detached personality, positioning himself as the kind of person who neither wanted nor needed an ‘other half’. Inappropriate, unrequited feelings only made it hard for him to do his work properly, and he was determined not to let himself get attached to Gladio and have to watch him marry someone else.
Of course, from the way his heart pounded whenever Gladio was around, he was fairly sure that he’d failed step one.
But that didn’t mean he couldn’t ignore it and go about his own business. There would be other men, men who weren’t required to carry on a two-thousand-year-old bloodline and probably die violently and far too young.
His next deep breath was shaky, and Ignis had to fight to pull himself together. Much as he had his own duty, Gladio had his, and he welcomed it with open arms. A relationship between the two of them would be too complicated, and Ignis wasn’t even sure if he had the emotional ability to open himself up after so many years of ignoring his own desires.
His phone alarm buzzing silently in his pocket told Ignis that he really was going to be late if he didn’t pull himself together, and he shoved all of his emotions back into the box that they’d started to burst out of. He could worry about those when he wasn’t expected to be across the Citadel in ten minutes.
“Didn’t work.”
Noctis groaned, knocking into Gladio with his shoulder. “Dude, your game is weak.”
“Like you’d know,” Gladio said, catching Noctis in a headlock and messing up his hair. “Listen, your dad knew exactly what he was doing when he said you couldn’t date until Ignis did. That guy is hard to crack.”
“We both knew that already,” Noctis said, rolling his eyes. If Ignis had been easy then there wouldn’t have been a problem in the first place, and then Noctis could have been out on a nice date with...someone...
“I’m telling you, he’s not into me, so you’d better be prepared to stay dateless for a while. I’ll do it too if it makes you feel any better.”
It was a tempting offer, but Noctis shook his head. “No reason for us all to be miserable. We’ve gotta come up with a bigger, better plan.”
“Keep me out of it,” Gladio said, letting Noctis go and gently pushing him back. “The poor guy’s gonna have a heart attack from stress if I bother him too much, I reckon.”
“One more try, Gladio. That’s all I’m asking.”
Clapping his hand over Noctis’ eyes so that he wouldn’t fall for that trick again, Gladio groaned long and loud. “Fine, you annoying little shit. But rejection stings and I don’t want this to fuck up my friendship with Iggy, so you’re going to have to do some research this time. Find me something that he can’t say no to, and that won’t make his life any harder.”
“How come I’m the one doing all the work here?” Noctis whined, not that it got him any sympathy.
“Did you forget that this was your dumb idea in the first place? Listen, Noct, dating sucks. You’re better off hanging out at home, playing video games with Prom and eating food that is way better than the overpriced crap you’d find at any restaurant you’d take a date to.”
“Why is everyone so determined to tell me what I should feel?” Noctis asked grumpily, knocking Gladio’s hand away from his face. “Don’t you think I might want to try these things for myself? Like you did?”
“You’re not a normal kid, Noct, and you can’t expect to be doing what everyone else is all the time. You should be grateful that you even got to go to a normal school.” Sitting on the gym floor, Gladio beckoned for Noctis to join him.
Noctis followed after a long moment, slumping down and sitting cross-legged across from Gladio. “This whole thing is stupid. I know I’m going to get married to Luna, but that’s not for a few years yet- and it’s not like I’m going to get anyone pregnant.”
“I-...You know what, I do agree with you, but what your dad says, goes. He doesn’t do this stuff to hurt you, and you know it.”
“That’s what Specs said,” Noctis groaned, flopping backwards and staring up at the ceiling. “Are you sure you two aren’t working together on this?”
“It’s all you’d deserve for scheming with me about his life, but no, I’m not.”
Noctis heard Gladio moving around and then he was lying next to him, his hands pillowed behind his head and one knee bent up with his other foot sitting on top. “You’re really into this idea, aren’t you.”
“I want to see what else is out there until I get married,” Noctis said, keeping his eyes to the ceiling. “And I think it’d be good for Ignis to have something other than me in his life.”
“That’s...probably fair,” Gladio said, and they both stared at the ceiling until Gladio sat up and nudged Noctis with his leg. “C’mon, let’s get a little training in and go home.”
“You want to come over for dinner? Prompto’s already coming, and it might be a good chance to get you back into Iggy’s good books.” Taking Gladio’s hand when it was offered to him, Noctis let himself be pulled to his feet.
“Sounds good, but I’m not asking him out again until you’ve figured out how to make it actually work.”
“Deal,” Noctis said, nodding firmly and wandering over to the training swords, ideas already beginning to creep through his brain.
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promptistrashqueen · 6 years
Sunshine from a Stranger 3
Part 1 Part 2 
Short on account of a need for a transition chapter and also because I have to sleep soon?
Prompto stares at a wall, it’s got lovely black and silver filigree paint and in the center a piece of art depicting the ascension of the first Lucian King. He doesn’t really see it, just notes, idly that if he breathes on anything it will probably lower the value and yet still, he would be outclassed by the dirt on the floor here.
Probably, he assumes, scuffing at the nicely polished floor with the cheap sneaker Iggy-Ignis had provided him, because that dirt has touched the feet of royals. He’s so out of his element.
Lucis. Insomnia. It’s all beautiful and he’s met alphas from here now and they are more than he could’ve hoped, they are...god they’re human. Not the monsters he’s come to fear, even the most sane alpha’s in Niflheim twist when they get too near him in his heat and yet…
He remembers Noct, pressed against his side as he rode out the uncomfortable, sometimes painful heat. The memory makes his cheeks color especially when it occurs to him, he was cuddled to the Crown Fucking Prince.
He breaths in slowly, looking back at the wall and trying to actually take in the painting. Slightly down the hall from the bench he sits on, his tank top and jeans a testament to his lack of belonging, there’s a man with dark hair in a uniform he’s starting to recognize.
Kingsglaive. The word is supplied to him from his limited knowledge of Lucis, the whispers of a place without dread, with equality that overlooks the secondary sex, see’s people. The Kingsglaive are elite fighters, protectors of the crown, outshone only by Crownsguard, the specific protectors each King picks as his personal guard.
Prompto can’t look at the painting anymore, so he tries to observe the man without being obvious about it. He’s fairly tall, a few days growth of whiskers, his dark hair is partially shaved a few braids swing when he turns his head instinctually to listen more to the earpiece he wears. The black garb is decorated with faint silver and he wears it well, his eyes are blue, not as captivating as Noct’s but...oh. Shit.
Prompto blinks, the blue eyes wink at him and he blushes. The glaive starts walking toward him and his leg bounces as he thinks about bolting, but, well there’s nowhere to go, not while Noct and the others are talking to Noct’s dad.
The King, Prompto reminds himself.
“Hey kid.”
Another surprise, the Glaive speaks Gralean. He smiles quickly at the other man, breathing in carefully, Alpha.
“Hey. Uh, ‘m Prompto?”
“I’m Nyx. You sure that’s your name?”
Prompto laughs a little and relaxes a bit at the way the Glaive smiles, “Uh, yeah. Sorry. I’m...new to this whole, people thing.”
Nyx nods, humming a little, and Prompto gets the impression he’s going for sage agreement.
“We all gotta start somewhere. You came in with Prince Noctis from Niflheim?”
Prompto nods, looking away as he does, his leg is still bouncing.
“Well kid, I don’t know shit about you but if the Prince brought you here you’ve got to be alright, especially if Lord Scientia agreed to it. I know it’s a lot to take in but trust me, past the ancestral grandeur the King and his son are decent people.”
Prompto smiles a little, he already could’ve guessed as much from just a few days travel with Noct.
“Yeah, Noct was great, for an alpha.”
He cringes Nyx is one too after all, but he doesn’t get a chance to take it back.
“Yeah, hard-headed lot we are.” He laughs and Prompto relaxes again, grinning.
“You’re not from here either though?”
Nyx shakes his head, “Nah. That’s a long story, I’m sure yours is too. Maybe if you stick around for a while we can share,” he tilts his head again, listening, “Sounds like the King’s asking for you kid.”
Prompto swallows, brushing off his shirt a little as Nyx responds to someone over the communication device, “This is Glaive Ulric, I’ll bring him in.”
It’s almost startling to hear him speak Lucian and Prompto has to consciously switch back over, having settled into Gralean again. Nyx raises an eyebrow at him, standing, as though to ask if he’s ready and Prompto nods, blonde bangs falling into his face and he shoves them back again, determined.
Nyx leads him through the door Noct and the other’s went through before and he steels himself, expecting a throne room. Instead it’s a comfortable office-like space. A large desk covered in papers, several chairs, shelves, some art. No windows though and when his gaze lands on the man behind the desk it makes sense that the security risk would be too high.
Noctis, standing beside the desk, Ignis seated, Gladiolus leaned agains the wall. Prompto marks their locations thoughtlessly, his fight or flight kicking in because the two Alpha’s behind the large desk are giving off such strong influence he feels his knees threaten to give.
“Hey Prom.”
Noctis voice draws his attention and he realizes he’s not really breathing. He forces in a breath and smiles quickly, “Hey Noct.”
Winces, because fuck that’s informal, but he’s starting to get his head on straight again and Nyx nods to the room at large before excusing himself, Prompto misses him immediately. Another odd man out, well, kind of.
“This is my dad Prom. He has a couple of questions, if that’s cool?”
Prompto looks back at the seated man, grey hair, Noctis’ eyes, but a little bluer, the raiments of a King.  Yeah Noct, he thinks, your dad.
“Yeah. Uh, what uh, what did you need to know your Majesty?”
Shit. He should’ve probably bowed or something, well...there goes that. The King doesn’t seem particularly disturbed but the man on his right, short white hair and a scarred face, is much more frightening, at least until Gladio speaks up.
“You’re freaking him out dad, lay off.”
“Dadsclub.” Prompto says it out loud, he can feel the shape of the words on his tongue and he’s pretty sure it’s from spending too much time alone because there is no good reason for him to blurt that kinda shit out in front of these men.
The tension that’s been coiling in the room snaps as the King chuckles and Noctis laughs aloud, even Ignis gives an amused huff.
“Prompto. I’m glad you seem remarkably chipper despite coming from what Noctis assures me is a bleak situation. I simply wanted to ask if you would be willing to do a full interview once you’ve had a day or two to settle here, there are many things that we do not know about our northern neighbors and also I wished to see if you were alright with arrangements being made to stay here in the citadel. Normally we would request you be placed under watch until our security concerns were cleared but from what Gladiolus and Ignis have said I do not believe such measures necessary.”
Prompto nodded quickly, his hair falling back in front of his face, “I can do that. I mean, I don’t know how much help I can be but uh, Noctis brought me all the way here it’s the least I can do. If it’s too much trouble for me to stay in the citadel I can go somewhere else but I don’t know anything about Lucis really so if I could stay here that would be great! Your Majesty!”
The king smiles again, “You may call me Regis when we are in private Prompto. I am not your king by birth and I don’t expect your allegiance so quickly. Take some time to learn more about Insomnia. I’m sure Ignis can find accomodations here quite quickly. If you choose to stay with us I only ask that you take the time to learn more of our customs and manners.”
Prompto nods again and glances at Noctis who gives him a thumbs up and a smile.
“Thank you...Regis.”
“Now then, Clarus and myself are needed elsewhere. Noctis I would like a full report by the weeks end and if you would please help Prompto settle in, I believe we can reschedule our dinner for tomorrow night.”
The king and Gladio’s father left them quickly and Prompto stared at the desk in their absence.
“Prom?” Noctis’ voice cuts through and Prompto looks at him with wide eyes.
“Oh man I am so out of my depth dude!”
Gladiolus laughs and pushes off the wall, clapping his shoulder, “Don’t worry kid, Iggy and I will catch you up on important stuff since the nap Princess won’t be any use. He can show you all the fun stuff I guess.”
Noctis makes and indignant sound and Ignis rises, “Alright. If the two of you can keep the scuffles to a minimum until I show Prompto where he’s too sleep for the night?”
Ignis turns to him and Prompto smiles a little, “You probably are tired but I’m also going to give you some brief information about Insomnia’s laws, particularly pertaining to secondary sex. When you decide more about what you want for the future we can talk more about gaps in your knowledge of the laws here and of biology as I don’t think Niflheim has comprehensive education?”
Prompto shakes his head, not that he’s never been in class, but it was a lot more fight things or fuck things oriented and he doesn’t know a lot about basic life stuff. Hell, he can barely make food that tastes like anything.
The thoughts are drowned though as Noctis swings the door to the hall open again, a bright smile, “I bet there’s a free room near mine.”
Yeah, Insomnia’s fuckin’ weird but Prompto thinks he might be able to find a home here, besides, he’s already started making friends.
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Did Coon Get My ask? [Updated]
2018 has been a difficult year for me so far, full of real life things that get me away of Tumblr and my ask box. As you may know, I had to undergo surgery almost 4 months ago and I couldn’t attend to my inbox during the first month.
I’m getting back to it, though!
However, I’m very far behind on it. I’ve got some asks that are a couple months old. I apologize for taking so long, but I thank you for understanding.
Below the cut I write to you a list of the asks I have waiting to be answered, from oldest to newest.
You can check this list so that you can see if your ask is there waiting to be answered, or if I didn’t receive it.
If it’s not there, feel free to send it in again!
No matter how long it takes, Coon will answer to EVERYONE.
While it’s chronological order and I’ll give priority to the oldest asks, I may answer some of the newest due to them being easy to respond to.
If you feel particularly interested about any of these entries, do feel free to tell me and I shall give priority to that one. :)
1. Gladnis prompt: First time making love + one of them runs to the bathroom (THIS IS SUPER FLUFFEH I CAN’T WAIT)
2. Headcanons about Prompto slapping the bro’s butts.
3. Gladio & Ignis trapped in a room slowly being filled by water.
4. “What if the reason no one touches Ignis the same way they touch each other is because Gladio told them not to…” (*SNIFF* THIS ONE, WITH FULL CONTEXT, IS SUPER SWEET :’()
5 - 12: Story on Noctis sending Ignis and Prompto memes.
13 - 24: Quicksilver says hi and shares story on Astral!Ignis (this was here before Infernian Iggy was a thing, ayo!)
25. “Have you seen the article about the straight guy who thinks he’s…”
26 - 34. Flour/Iridae shares gladnis story with my prompt “Shoelace”.
35. “Alright Coonie! I’m back with a tiddy request” AHAHAHAHAHHAHA STILL THE BEST STARTER PHRASE EVER.
37. Gititgurl52 shares story about Regclar and their hideout on the roof.
38. “What if the chocobros were all walking, ya know going on a hunt or whatever. And while they’re just walking Ignis comes up behind Gladio and…”
39 - 40. Promptis story + pygmy animals + chocobos
41. Worldclasswombat shares Private school AU + music teacher Ignis
42 - 46. Tenebraean Prompto AU + bff with Lunafreya
47. Faarron shares Ignoct story with Fem!Ignis.
48. “Gladio wanted to go camping for their honeymoon and Ignis was having none of it” AHAHAHAHAH!
49. “One time Regis was out and about and someone asked him if he truly felt safe without any guards around, only Clarus…”
50 - 53. Worldclasswombat shares Corqi World of Ruin story.
54. “Both Aranea and Cindy see Prompto as a sweet little puppy and decide they’re now his big sisters, but they….”
55. “Everyone in Lucis thought the prince Noctis and happy lil Prompto were the absolute cutest couple and one time…” + oblivious Prompto.
56. “Noctis, after losing Prompto at a chocobo festival: Have you seen my boyfriend?” (this one though XD)
57. Gladnis prompt: Gladio and Iggy sleeping in the same bed + playful, lazy Gladio messing with Iggy. (SO LOVELY)
58. “Noctis buys himself a disposable camera because he wants to join Prompto taking pictures” (THIS ONE IS SO PURE ;A;)
59. “Prompto is a sucker for cute cliché dates, and Noctis knows this so he takes Prom…” ASKJDSDFÑSDF
60 - 62: Gititgurl52 shares Gladnis story + Ignis thinks Gladio may be cheating.
63. Peridot requests a number from a prompt list for a Corqi story.
64. “Some random flirting with Gladio like…” + “Look pal I’m gay and can’t drive” AHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!
65. Peridot requests other 7 numbers from the list.
66 - 68. Gititgurl52 shares story with detectives and cops and UGH YES
69. Gititgurl52 shares story on Prompto finding a stray dog (still haven’t received part 2, buddy!)
70. “Ignis hates revealing clothes. Likewise, he hates thin clothing and being drenched. One day during BH era...”
71. Pikachubird drops Gladvus prompt (YES)
72. Amontillado shares story about a baby adamantoise <3
73 - 74. Breelyn-ambergard shares Gladnis story with music teacher Ignis.
75. Mehandbleh shares story about WoR Iris 
76. Vanillatumbleweedscoffee shares Chosen!Prompto AU
77. Prompto-cam shares thoughts about Fleurentia + Ravus having nightmares.
78. dbloodymoon asks for the kid chocobros in a summer camp with the entire FFXV cast.
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kit-astrophy · 6 years
@seladorie here is part 3! Sorry it took so long D: Not really fluffy but part 4 will be!
Part 1: Prompto and Ignis first meeting goes badly.
Part 2: Ignis tries to fix things.
There were few things that could frazzle Ignis Scientia. He could clearly remember the last time he had panicked; it was when he was ten years old, and had learned that Noctis had been attacked and may never recover. Since then he had spent his life being trained to maintain absolute composure; to be level headed at all times to keep Noctis safe.
But getting a frantic call from Noctis at a little past one in the morning begging him to meet him at the hospital immediately, was very high up on the list of things that can make Ignis Scientia panic.
He probably had never made it from point A to point B so fast in all his life and a distant part of his mind prayed he was slow enough not earn himself a speeding ticket but right now his sole focus was on getting to the emergency room and making sure Noctis was safe.
Relief flooded his body when he found Noctis in the waiting room, seemingly okay; he was hunched over, his head held in his hands and fingers clenching the available strands of his hair tight enough to tug at his scalp. A Glaive was stood off to the side, standing sentinel and looking very uncomfortable.
“Noct-” he called, walking closer. Noctis’ head snapped up at the sound of his voice and Ignis only had a few seconds to process that he was moving before Noctis had practically thrown himself at his advisor, arms wrapping tightly around Ignis’ back.
“Noct, what happened?” He asked, carefully laying his hands on Noctis’ back to rub soothingly. Noctis was trembling in his arms.
“It’s Prom... Iggy it’s Prom...” Noctis’ voice wavered, likely on the verge of tears.
“Noct... you need to breathe, and tell me what happened,” he urged, guiding Noctis back to the chair he had been in and nudging him to sit down. It was too easy, Noctis just dropped into the chair, though his hands clenched the front of Ignis’ shirt tightly.
“We... we were at the arcade... we lost track of time and they kicked us out at closing time so we were going back to my place, because it’s closer, you know?” Noctis started, only releasing his tight grip on Ignis’ shirt when the older man sat down beside him; Ignis’ hand was soon rubbing across his shoulders again.
“Okay, so you were going home... must have been just around midnight, yes?” Ignis asked, urging him to continue.
“Y-yeah... yeah about that time. There were these two other guys that got kicked out too and... a-and they followed us. Iggy, I should have been more careful, I should have noticed they were there. I could have-”
“Noct, deep breath. I need to know what happened,” Ignis insisted. Noctis dropped his head back into his hands but he listened, taking in a deep breath.
“They cornered us, just around the corner from my apartment. Wanted our phones and wallets... I was going to draw my sword but Prom grabbed my wrist. Shook his head at me... I didn't know what else to do,” he explained, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes.
“One of them grabbed me, and Prom tried to get him off and the other guy just went for him. I couldn’t get free... all that training and I just panicked, I couldn’t help him Iggy,” Noctis whimpered, his body shaking when he finally gave way to the tears that were desperate to escape.
Ignis tried to process the information. The boys had been attacked then; a mugging that ended badly. He could understand Noctis’ eagerness to draw his weapon but criminals or not, it wouldn't be a good idea. Prompto had made a good decision on that front. But if Noctis was this upset it had to be more than just a good beating. Ignis looked over to the Glaive.
“What do you know?” He asked.
“The doorman at his Highness’ apartment complex raised the alarm. Said he could hear the commotion from his post. Myself and another Glaive were the first there, soon followed by two Crownsguards. The perpetrators tried to run but were caught just down the road,” he explained.
“And Prompto’s condition?”
“...He was pretty banged up. Not gunna lie, but he wasn’t responsive to the paramedics and was bleeding from several lacerations. Looked like he might have been stabbed a few times too,” The Glaive reported hesitantly. It dragged a sob out of Noctis.
“It’s all my fault, I should have been able to do something. I’m trained to defend myself, Prom isn’t,” he whimpered.
“It’s not your fault, Noct. You did the right thing by not attacking. I know that Gladio will tell you the same thing,” Ignis assured gently. After all, Gladio had earned himself a rather bad scar not even six months ago, defending Noctis from a drunken citizen. “All we can do right now is wait for some news.”
Prompto really was a mess. He probably looked better than he had when they got him here, but by the time the doctors finally let Ignis and Noctis anywhere near him he was hooked up to three different machines to monitor him and to give him medication and a bit of oxygen. Noctis found his way into the chair by his bed.
“He’s lucky. He was stabbed three times in the chest. A little more to the left and a bit deeper, and we’d have been dealing with a punctured lung, but they were pretty shallow and fixed with stitches” the doctor explained with a light shake of his head, looking over the notes on his clipboard. “A couple of broken ribs, a fractured knee and two breaks in his right arm, but mostly it’s all bruising. Probably going to have a nasty headache when he wakes up, but all his CT scans are clear.”
Ignis sighed softly in relief. A broken arm would definitely not be good, nor the painful ribs... but the knee would be the worst. However, he was alive and safe. And most importantly... he had put his life on the line for Noctis. A job meant for his Crownsguard, not his best friend.
“We’ve been trying to get in contact with his parents, but no one is answering either of the numbers in his emergency contacts. He’s not going to be able to leave here until he can be fully supervised at home. Those casts won’t be coming off for months, and he really needs to be monitored in case his headaches get any worse,” the doctor continued.
Ignis felt anger slowly seething within him. Prompto had been attacked, stabbed and heavily wounded and his parents weren’t even answering their phones? 
“He can come with me,” Noctis said quickly, looking over his shoulder at Ignis. “There’s space in my apartment.”
“With all due respect, Highness, I have to release him to an adult... preferably family,” the doctor said with a small shake of his head. Noctis’ shoulders slumped in defeat and Ignis knew exactly why. Prompto didn’t have any family other than his parents and they weren’t available. Perhaps King Regis could overrule the doctor but...
“Then he’ll come to me,” Ignis stated, carefully adjusting his glasses. “I’m his... cousin. I’ll take responsibility for him until his parents can be contacted. I’ll arrange to have my details put on his records. I apologise for the trouble you’ve had with his parents.” No way could he just leave the boy here in hospital. Not after he had put himself in harms way for Noctis. He did his best to ignore the surprised look that Noctis was casting his way.
“Well, that should be alright then. He won’t be fit to leave here perhaps until tomorrow. We want to make sure that he’s coherent and functioning well when he wakes... for now I’ll leave you here with him, but I’m afraid given the ungodly hour, you won’t be able to stay too long,” the doctor explained. Ignis merely nodded and let him leave. He walked closer, finding another chair to settle into.
“Don’t, Noctis. Please, I... I have my reasons.”
“No I just... I appreciate it... really.”
“As do I... what he did for you tonight was brave, and if I can repay him at least a little for keeping you safe, then that’s what I will do. I'm sure my absence will be forgiven, given the circumstances,” he said, looking over the blonde again. At this point he was more bandages than skin, and the casts on his arm and leg were bulky and awkward.
“You can bring him to mine, Specs. There’s more space in my apartment, and I want to help too,” Noctis insisted.
“No, with me absent you will need to step up and take care of your duties. We can’t both be missing. There is more than enough space in my apartment for his care, I assure you,” Ignis said with a shake of his head.
“Nn... argue lat’r.” Both Ignis and Noctis turned their heads at the mumble, surprised to see one of Prompto’s eyes squinting at them.
“Prom! I'm so sorry, I should have seen them following us, I’m so sorry,” Noctis said quickly, shuffling the chair closer to hold onto his friend’s good hand.
“Na, ‘s okay. You’re okay, yea?” Prompto asked. Noctis nodded a little, squeezing his hand.
“The only one you need to worry about is yourself, Prompto. Get some rest, alright?” Ignis said, laying a careful hand on Prompto’s good leg. Prompto gave a soft hum, but was asleep as quickly as he had woken.
Ignis just couldn’t believe his selflessness. Even wounded and in hospital, his concern had been Noctis. Ignis knew now that he had severely underestimated Prompto’s friendship with Noctis... perhaps these next few weeks would give him a chance to show Prompto that he was appreciated too.
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emeraldwaves · 7 years
Title: May I Have This Dance? For @promnisweek Day 6: Dance Rating: T Word Count:  6,459 AO3 Summary: Now that Prompto is part of the Crownsguard, he has to participate in a dance at the evening ball. The only problem is Prompto isn't much of a dancer. Thankfully, Ignis comes to the rescue and offers his assistance.
Full Fic under the cut!!
"Dancing? Oh yeah, I got this," Prompto chuckles, waving his hand back and forth casually. He waits for the others to laugh with him, but none of them do.
"Uh...Prom," Noctis begins, and his gaze is turned downwards, as if he doesn't quite want to tell Prompto whatever it is he’s about to say.
"Uh...yeah?" He's kind of mimicking him, mostly because he wishes the mood felt lighter, but all three are staring at him like he's got an extra head.
"It's not...really what you're thinking...I don't...think..." Noctis mutters, trailing off his sentences strangely. So, it's no surprise when Ignis steps forward, hand on Noctis' shoulder, a gentle pat to reward his somewhat effort.
"What Noct is trying to tell you, is this is more of a ‘high society’ style of dance. There is etiquette and poise that goes along with it and-"
The realization hits Prompto harder than he wants it to.
"And you guys think a pleb like me couldn't do it..."
"No," Noctis interjects quickly.
Prompto sighs, his fingers wrapping around the sweatband on his wrist. How could someone like him participate in some...royal dance which the other three had been trained for since they were small children? "Seriously, I get it. I'll just pass on coming this weekend."
"Crownsguard are required to be there," Gladio grunts, folding his arms over his chest. Prompto can't tell if the big guy is pissed about it or pissed that Prompto's immediate reaction was to back out.
But what the hell is he supposed to do? He hasn't had formal dance lessons! And if they actually have to do any sort of mingling, Prompto is going to look like an utter fool.
"I'm just a trainee..." he mutters.
"Don't matter."
Prompto hates the looks on all their faces. Gladio, annoyed as all hell, and both Ignis and Noctis are giving him looks of sympathy that make things honestly worse.
As he stands there looking at them. His chest constricts, and right in front of him the invisible line appears. He's seen it every now and again, a tiny white line which separates him from the other three. It grows wider every time he's reminded of their differences, and it makes him take another step back.
He's training for the Crownsguard, to eventually become part of the Kingsglaive...but he's still on the outside. Ignis and Gladio have known Noctis for years, have been training to protect him for as long as they can remember. They know all the ins and outs of the Citadel, all the rules, all the customs. And here's Prompto, a boy off the streets, declaring how he wants to protect his best friend for the rest of his life because he cares about Noctis and he's got no other friends, and being alone after high school sounded like the world's worst thing. It's amazing he was ever allowed in.
Biting on his lip, Prompto shrugs, trying his best to keep his casual demeanor. "Well, whatever, I'll stand off to the side and practice my stoic guard look," he grins, striking an intense pose, his arms locked by his side.
"You might have to dance," Noctis snorts, and Prompto's happy he could at least make Noctis laugh a little bit.
Even Ignis lets out a soft laugh, which is very impressive, and honestly a little cute. "That's all well and good yes, but there is one dance which is reserved for the Glaive and the Guard, you'd have to at least participate in that."
"So just one?" Prompto trills his lips. "Psh! I can handle one dance!"
"You tellin' me you wouldn't wanna keep dancing if your partner was a pretty girl."
The blood rushes to his cheeks, and his mind flashes to how this night could potentially go down. He envisions stepping on the girl's toes, and leading her directly into someone else. Astrals, he's a disaster waiting to happen.
"Uh, I dunno about that, dude," he stammers awkwardly, rubbing his neck. "I can go watch some videos and stuff! It's not really a big deal," he scoffs.
"Videos?" Ignis asks, tilting his head. "And where exactly are you planning on looking?"
"Actually, you know, I should probably get going now! Gotta practice and get ready. I only have a few days!" he exclaims, backing up much faster. "Gotta go, bye!" He speaks so fast the words blur together as he turns from his three friends, dashing out as quickly as he can.
"Prompto, wait!" Ignis calls out, but at that point Prompto is too embarrassed to stop.
The truth is, Prompto Argentum is screwed. He most likely does not ‘got this’. He buries his head in his hands as he crumples onto the couch after desperately trying to figure out 'how to dance', or rather, how to dance in the way he's going to be expected to. He's not a bad dancer by any definition, in fact, he has a good sense of rhythm, but he has no idea how to do whatever this is.
Flopping to his side, he puffs out his cheeks as he lays on the couch. "This is stupid," he mumbles, staring at the paused video on the screen. He's got 3 days to learn how to do this in a passable way, and he has no idea how he's going to pull it off.
He's probably won't, and he's probably going to look like a fool. People would automatically know who he was; the commoner. It isn't like he's been deaf to the whispers trickling through the halls of the Citadel.
It's just another stupid reminder of how he doesn't belong with them. Generally his mindset has been about faking it until he makes it, but lately, the faking it part is getting harder and harder. In school, he and Noctis had always been on the same level, or so it had felt. They were students, talking about homework, studying for tests, procrastinating by playing games...and now, at the Citadel, Noctis is a prince. Or, he always was a prince, but now Prompto feels it more. He can feel the status, and the invisible line spreading, making it harder and harder for him to close the gap. He keeps thinking it'll get better as he learns more, but the longer he spends there, the more things he realizes he knows absolutely nothing about, even if he is learning.
A knock on his door makes Prompto jump up, quickly shutting his laptop. Not many people know about his apartment, so he can only assume it's Noct coming to talk to him about his outburst. But when he opens his door, Prompto is shocked to see Ignis. "Ig-Iggy!" he stammers. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to apologize for earlier," Ignis says. "May I...come in?"
Prompto nods, and opens the door wider, stepping to the side so the advisor can enter. "It's fine, I mean it's just...the truth. I don't know anything about this sort of stuff," he mumbles.
"No one expects you to know, Prompto. No one faults you for being who you are," Ignis says so gently, his tone full of caring.
"I guess," he admits softly.
"I am sorry for perhaps speaking rather harshly. I didn't mean to imply anything about your upbringing. And...if you would like, I'd be happy to teach you," Ignis says, smiling. His cheeks look a little flushed, and he shifts his weight from one foot to the other. Is he nervous?
"Teach me? Teach me how to dance?" Prompto asks, his features perplexed.
Ignis nods, adjusting the way his glasses sit on the bridge of his nose. "Yes, if you would like. Of course I'm not an expert, and though I've taken lessons, I've never taught dance to anyone before, so I don't know if I'll be a good teacher-"
"Okay!" Prompto cuts him off, his eyes looking eager and excited. It's strange, Ignis is acting so nervous about this idea, but Prompto is sure he's great. From what he knows of Noct's advisor, Ignis is great at everything. "I'm sure you'll be awesome Iggy!" he smiles
"Well...I don't know about that," he chuckles. "Of course since the weekend is fast approaching, we will not have time to really delve into the more complex dances, but I can teach you enough to get by for dancing with your lucky lady."
Prompto swallows, imagining for a moment what it will be like being so close to a girl. His arm wrapped around her waist, wearing a dashing uniform, she's sure to find him handsome! Of course, this is only if he doesn't make an absolute fool of himself. He snorts, shaking the fantasy from his mind. He really does need these lessons, otherwise his lady will definitely not be so lucky.
"So what do you say? You'll have to be partnered with me for the next few days, but if you don't mind..."
"Mind? Iggy, are you kidding? You're a total lifesaver!" Prompto jumps up and bounces from one foot to the next.
"Splendid!" he smiles. "Let's begin shall we?" he says. "Today I'll start with leading you, so you can get a feel for the movement. Tomorrow you can be the one to lead me, since during the actual dance you will be the one leading, and then the day before the dance we can try it with some music. How does that sound?" Ignis suggests.
Prompto nods. "Yeah, sounds simple enough," he shrugs.
"Alright." Ignis begins, and steps back towards Prompto's living room where there is much more open space. The two push the table back towards the couch, leaving the space wide and open for them. "Generally speaking this dance is a waltz. Most people do a variation, but you can stick to a generic waltz for now. Waltzes are usually done in 3/4 time, which means you do a three count. So when you move about the floor all movements are done in a collection of threes. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3," Ignis says counting in rhythm.
"Now, come here." Ignis offers Prompto his hand, his back perfectly straight, his legs pulled tightly together. He looks graceful, but then again, when doesn't Ignis look absolutely perfect?
Reaching his hand out, Prompto takes Ignis' palm in his own, and the advisor pulls him closer. His long fingers curl around Prompto's, holding his arm out, and he feels Ignis' hand slip down to his lower back, and his arm curves over his hip, pulling Prompto's body closer. "It may feel a bit awkward..." Ignis mutters.
Prompto suddenly realizes he's never been so close to Ignis before. He smells good, like fresh laundry, and a bit of mint, and his skin is so smooth, (clean shaven) and even his hair looks more perfect up close. His jade eyes do look a bit nervous, which surprises Prompto, usually Ignis is full of confidence, well deserved confidence.
"The positioning feels a bit rigid, but once you start moving, it does get better," Ignis says softly. "Here, place your free hand on my arm," he says and helps Prompto settle his hand against his shoulder.
Prompto feels his face light up, and he adjusts his hands. The one holding Ignis' is getting sweaty, and Prompto is sure Ignis notices, even through his gloves. Dammit, why is this making him so flustered?! Ignis is attractive, Prompto's always thought that, but up close like this, he can feel his own heart pounding in his chest, and his eyes are locked on Ignis' lips. His mouth runs dry, and he clears his throat. "Okay. Right, w-what now?" he asks, waiting for Ignis to make the first move.
He shouldn't be so nervous, but he does notice Ignis' face still has a hint of that flush from earlier. He adjusts his hand on the small of his back. "Right. Generally how it works, on a basic level, is the lead, which in this case is me, gently guides their partner. As a follow, it is your job to simply move in the way I direct," he says.
"So if I wish for you to move forward," Ignis begins, and pushes back on his hand while taking a step forward. Quickly, Prompto steps back, stepping much farther away from Ignis than he means to.
"S-Sorry," he says, stepping back in closer.
"You don't need to step so wide," Ignis instructs, and the hand on the small of his back pulls Prompto closer to his body again. "Small steps are fine."
"O-Okay," Prompto mutters.
Ignis begins to count, saying 1, 2, 3 over and over as he moves them around Prompto's living room. Ignis explains which foot to step with first, and what direction he should be leading in. Of course with other people on the dance floor, it's possible he'll have to improvise, but at least knowing the steps is helpful, somewhat. The motions are awkward, especially because Prompto isn't used to any sort of dancing, so he always seems to be one step behind Ignis' lead. "S-Sorry," he apologizes, saying it again and again, especially when he accidentally steps on Ignis' toes.
"You do not have to apologize Prompto," Ignis chuckles. "It's your first time, I do not expect perfection."
Prompto blushes because right now Ignis looks and feels like perfection, and it's not fair. "Ah...yeah...I know," he says, rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's fine, since you're not leading right now, you can relax. Your body feels very tense. The more at ease you are, the easier it will be for you to move."
Taking a step back from Ignis, Prompto shakes out his body, flicking his hands and jumping up and down. "Okay, okay! I'm at ease, I'm at ease," he repeats, shaking his head back and forth.
Ignis can't help but laugh. "Does that help?"
"A little bit, yeah," Prompto chuckles and returns to stand in the correct position. Taking a deep breath, he lets Ignis lead him. This time, he doesn't step back as far, and he moves with Ignis a bit faster
"It seems you're catching on," Ignis smirks.
"Yeah." Prompto shrugs casually, not wanting to seem too ridiculous. "It's not too hard since you're the one leading me around," he snorts.
"Then perhaps you will enjoy...a challenge?" Ignis says and he holds their hands up, twirling Prompto around, and dipping him down.
"W-Woah!" Prompto yells and wraps his arms around Ignis' neck so quick, clinging to him hard. He pants, suddenly realizing Ignis' face is so close to his own. His gaze flicks to his lips, then back to his green eyes. He can't stop blushing even if he tries.
Raising him back up, Ignis returns to his normal movement, leading Prompto about the room. "W-What was that?!" Prompto says quickly, his voice so much higher pitched than he wants it to be. He hates how flustered Ignis makes him.
"I thought I would challenge you, since you were doing so nicely," Ignis smiles, wrapping his arm further around Prompto's lower back.
"O-Oh...Okay," he stammers. "It was...kinda shocking!" he laughs awkwardly. The movement wasn't so bad, but the close proximity of their faces was enough to make Prompto's heart erupt in his ears.
Finally Ignis stops, and steps away from Prompto bowing. "Normally, when the dance is finished, you hold your partner's hand and bow, as gratitude for the dance. If you are feeling particularly good, you could also choose to kiss her hand," Ignis explains. "Usually you bow at the beginning to say hello too." He demonstrates once more, allowing Prompto to do the same.
"Thanks Iggy," Prompto sighs. "I know it wasn't a very long lesson or anything but...it was really helpful," he murmurs, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Of course. I could tell you were quite distressed when you left the Citadel, and thought it would be helpful to do...a crash course per say," Ignis explained.
"Definitely helpful," Prompto sighs. "At least I don't feel like a total pleb now," he snorts, thinking about the invisible line. At least he’s trying to close the gap. "Though, uh, will I have to do that...dipping thing?" he asked.
"No I was just having a bit of fun," Ignis smiles. Sometimes Prompto forgets how playful Iggy can be.
"Did I scare you?" Ignis asks with a chuckle.
Scare is definitely not the word Prompto would use to describe his feelings. "N-Not exactly," he stammers.
"Good," Ignis nods. "I will be back tomorrow then."
For the rest of the night, Prompto can't stop thinking about Ignis' lips and oh how he wonders how the advisor tastes.
"Now, let's see what you can recall without my assistance," Ignis says, standing in the middle of the apartment. His black slacks are long and held up by black suspenders over his white dress shirt, as always his hair is gelled up perfectly, and his dark gloves cover his hands. At least he won't be able to tell when Prompto starts sweating against his palm.
"Aw a pop quiz!? No fair Iggy! I'm not prepared, I didn't study."
"Ah, but isn't the point of pop quizzes to catch the students who don't study?" Ignis asks. Prompto groans, and Ignis simply laughs at him, his tone playful. "Prompto I wouldn't be that cruel of teacher. These lessons are to assist you, after all."
"Okay," he steps forward, taking Ignis' hand. There's something oddly intimate about it, the way he wraps his fingers around Ignis' and lifts it up, his hand sliding around Ignis' slender waist and resting on the small of his back. He stares up at him, wishing he were taller. Ignis looks so handsome, and for a moment, the two of them lock eyes, just staring at each other. Prompto's thoughts about Ignis' lips pop to the forefront of his mind, and he tries to shake them. It's not a mystery he'll ever solve, so he has to stop thinking about it.
"Ah Prompto, I think you are forgetting something," Ignis says, and Prompto swallows, quickly looking at their positioning.
"I...I am?" he asks.
Ignis nods. "Yes, you should always start with a bow."
"Oh! Uh, right!" Prompto says and backs up, bowing to Ignis before returning to the position. "I won't forget tomorrow."
"Now, do you remember how I would gently apply pressure to your back and hand to lead you in the direction I wished for you to go in?" Ignis asked.
"Yeah, mostly!" Prompto laughs nervously. He doesn't want to mess this up. As much as he's nervous for the actual ball, he's equally as nervous for this. Deep down, he wants to impress Ignis. The guy is taking time out of his normally busy day to help him, and Prompto doesn't want to disappoint Ignis in any way. And hey, if he can impress him with his raw dancing talent, that would also be a win in Prompto's book.
"Alright, so you'll want to do that with me. Do you think you can handle that?" Ignis asks.
"Y-Yeah," Prompto nods and brings his hands back around Ignis' body.
"I will count as we move. Let me know when you're ready," Ignis smiles.
Prompto bites on his lip, glancing down at their feet. Ignis is so calm, caring, and generous, willing to help him with this, and the last thing he wants is to let him down. He takes a deep breath sucking in the air.
"Prompto, there's no need to be nervous, it's just me," Ignis says. "If you mess up there will be no judgement from me. Or anyone else for that matter. Most likely whoever your dance partner is will know something about dancing and will be able to help you with your lead."
"Y-Yeah I know, er...hope..." he says quietly. But somehow, overnight, Ignis was no longer 'just Ignis'. No, now he was Ignis, this picture perfect dancer Prompto was determined to impress. "Okay, I'm ready," he says.
"Let's begin." Ignis starts the count and Prompto stumbles immediately. As prepared as he was, he apparently wasn't actually ready to start his movement. He shoves Ignis backwards, and the man almost stumbles, his jade eyes widening as Prompto falls forward towards him. "P-Prompto!" he laughs. "You don't need so much force! Just taking a step and a small bout of pressure on my hand will do."
Clearing his throat, Prompto nods. "R-Right, yeah totally."
Ignis begins the count again, and this time Prompto is calmer. He's definitely behind the beat at first, slowly leading Ignis across his living room floor. He steps to the left instead of the right, and their bodies collide, Ignis preparing for the wrong direction. Ignis' chest presses up against Prompto's and he wraps his arm further around his body to keep either of them from falling. "Shit! Sorry!" he curses, staring up at the taller man.
"No, no!" Ignis hurries, both of them stepping back. "That was my fault, I should've followed your lead, but I anticipated you going one way. You’ll have to forgive me, I’m not used to being a follow," he chuckles.
Prompto laughs, happy to see Ignis make a mistake, even if it is a tiny one. He supposes Ignis is only human. It’s times like these that his invisible line seems to shrink, allowing Prompto to be closer.
"Alright, I'll start the count again, a little slower this time perhaps."
"Seems like a good idea," Prompto sighs.
With the slower count, they move around the room at a gentler pace, but Prompto appreciates it. Ignis is patient, taking awkward steps when Prompto does, and he even pulls him in the right direction, getting him back on track. His hand trembles in Ignis' grip, and he watches as Ignis closes his eyes, humming a song instead of keeping count. Blushing, Prompto wonders if Ignis is starting to trust him.
He's never heard Ignis sing, but from the sounds of his humming, Prompto can't imagine he's bad. Just another thing to add to Ignis' talent list. Prompto takes this moment, while Ignis is unable to see, to stare at his face again. He's got a few freckles on his cheek and his lips are pulled tight as he hums the soft tune. With the pace of their movement, a few rogue pieces of hair brush across his forehead.
"See," Ignis says softly. "You're getting the hang of it. It's not that bad right?"
"Y-Yeah," Prompto says happily, still leading Ignis across the floor. "It's...only because you're such a good teacher, and hummer!" he quickly adds.
"Ah..." Ignis' cheeks grow red. "I thought it might be nice to have sound that wasn't just me saying numbers."
"Yeah..." Prompto says softly, turning across the floor. "It...sounds really nice."
"Thank you."
As the night goes on, Prompto gets a bit faster, though his steps are sloppy. He knows Ignis wants to correct his posture, he can see from the way Ignis' eyes trail all over his body. It makes him blush, but the taller man doesn't say anything, so Prompto lets it go, not sure how to correct it. Maybe it's a more advanced skill to hone.
"I think that has been enough, you seem to be moving much faster," Ignis nods.
Prompto steps back and immediately bows. "How was it?"
"Good," Ignis smiles.
"Really? No notes?" he asks, expecting Ignis to critique his movement and the straightness of his back when he bows.
Instead, he laughs. "No, I think you're doing just fine. Of course a professional dance teacher would probably correct your posture and make sure your feet and arms are positioned correctly, but for the purposes of tomorrow night, I think you're doing just fine," Ignis smiles.
"T-Thanks!" Prompto says, with a large smile. For the first time this week, he actually believe he can handle it.
"It has been my pleasure. It...makes me happy to see you smile like that. We all felt...horrible seeing how distressed you were when you left yesterday," Ignis replies.
Prompto blushes, and rubs his arm, his hand curling over his wristband. He knows he doesn't truly belong with them, there will always be something of a gap...but at least with things like this, Ignis makes him feel like he's learning.
"I'm definitely getting better! All thanks to you!" he smiles.
"I don't know about that, I believe it is your hard work that is paying off," Ignis says, gently patting his shoulder, and Prompto feels his chest swell up with pride.
That night, he can't help but imagine Ignis holding him close, and they move together, bodies pressed tight, and he can smell the soft mint on Ignis' neck.
Today is his last chance to impress Ignis. It's only been three days, but Prompto is ridiculously attached to their silly little dance lessons. Actually, he thinks he might miss them once they're done, or maybe it's just that he'll miss this intimate time with Ignis.
"Are you ready to try dancing to some music?" Ignis asks, holding up his old radio player.
"Yeah, even if that radio looks like it comes from my grandfather's era," Prompto teases.
"Hey now, it is a fine device, and it works perfectly!" he proclaims, setting it down on the table.
"Alright, let's see what this baby can do!" Prompto leans in and stares at it, wondering what Ignis plans on using for music. Some sort of classical piece probably. Prompto can only assume they're not going to dance a waltz to some punk rock music.
"Glad to see you're so eager to dance now," Ignis muses. "This is coming from the boy who ran away when we mentioned the dancing at the gala."
"Well," Prompto hums, tilting his chin back and forth. "Y'see I had this really great teacher who made it really fun, and now I might actually miss these little lessons."
Prompto is pleased with the blush that rises on Ignis' cheeks. And here the man thought he was going to be a bad teacher.
"I see," Ignis smirks. "I think the teacher might miss this too. We could always continue after the fact," Ignis suggests.
"Yeah, you know...I'd really like that," Prompto smiles.
"Etiquette lessons, since you'll be spending most of your time at the Citadel from here on out." Prompto smiles at that. It certainly isn't a direction he expected his life to go in, but he's so damn happy being with everyone, he can't help it. Etiquette lessons just might make the invisible line disappear for real. "Shall we begin today's final lesson?" Ignis suggests, and pushes the button to turn on the classical piece. The noise breaks Prompto from his thoughts.
"Yes!" Prompto says cheerfully. He spent a lot of last night rotating between daydreaming about kissing Ignis, and practicing the different steps in his head. But first things first, he knows he has to bow.
Stepping forward, he places his hand behind his back, and bows over, leaning towards Ignis. "May I have this dance?" he asks, putting a hint of an accent in his voice, just to play up how classy he can be.
"Oh! Why of course you may!" Ignis says, impressed with how polite Prompto was. The two of them laugh, and Prompto stands up, taking Ignis' hand in his own as he slides his other hand around his back. "Ready whenever you are," he whispers.
Prompto takes a deep breath. Today he's going to be better. Even if they continue lessons, this is his last chance to impress Ignis with this sort of dance. Bobbing his head to the beat of the music, he begins to step forward, pushing Ignis back. It's a gentle push, and Ignis follows his lead, the two moving about the room, taking one step at a time. He's okay at following the music, it could definitely be better, but he's thankful he's not failing.
Gods Prompto wishes he could do more. He wishes he could twirl Ignis, dip him down and brush their noses together; Thank him for all he's done for him in a completely different way. But he's sure Ignis wouldn't want anything to do with that. He's just helping out a friend, just doing a friend a favor.
He almost steps on Ignis' toe, being so lost in thought like he is, and he catches himself, stepping back and maneuvering his way back to the rhythm. "Not bad," Ignis chuckles. "I see you caught yourself."
"Y-Yeah, I was about to step on your foot!" Prompto laughs.
"Well good job stopping yourself then," Ignis smirks. "I'm quite proud of how far you've come. You don't have to worry about hesitating with your lead," he explains. "I can feel your nerves, and there's no need to be nervous. Your steps are just fine, and even if you do mess up, no one will notice. "
"Thanks, Iggy," Prompto says quietly.
The two are silent for a bit, dancing to the music, and Prompto watches Ignis close his eyes again, humming along with the track. "You...really like dancing and music, don't you, Ignis?"
His jade eyes shoot open, and he blinks. "What makes you say that?"
"I dunno," Prompto shrugs. "When we start dancing together, you seem to get really into it. You close your eyes and look all happy, humming and what not," Prompto explains.
A small breath of air leaves Ignis' lips as he smiles. "Yes I suppose I do. I enjoy the sounds and the movement. It's relaxing, and quite fun."
"Yeah, I can see why you like it," Prompto admits with a soft laugh. "I...I'm still really nervous for tomorrow, but I'm actually a little excited. I don't feel like I'm gonna be such a screw up!"
"You'll do just fine, I promise," Ignis smiles.
When the song ends, Prompto steps away from Ignis, holding on to his hand as he bows, and he presses his lips to the back of Ignis' gloved hand. "Thank you, for this dance, and all your help." A small smile appears on his lips as he looks up at Ignis' blushing face.
Turning his gaze away, he coughs into his free hand as Prompto lets go, rising back up. "Like I said, it was my pleasure. You're going to be quite the gentleman tomorrow I believe."
That night Prompto dreams of dancing with Ignis at the gala. They move about the floor, and they smile, laughing together. Ignis is beautiful, humming along with the song, his eyes closed.
Prompto sometimes forgets how huge the Citadel is. He's not used to it, not in the same way the others are, and sometimes he finds himself in awe when he looks up at the tall ceilings and glances around the room.
"Hey, Iggy told me he's been giving you dance lessons," Noctis smirks, nudging him. "You're gonna be great."
"Thank Noct!" Prompto smiles. They already did the opening procession where Noctis and his father enter the hall. Noctis had a dance with some lady Prompto didn't recognize, and soon it will be his turn.
"Have you picked a dance partner yet?" Betrayed by his own eyes, he immediately looks towards Ignis, who's holding a glass of champagne while laughing with Gladio.
"Uh, no..." Prompto says.
"Better get on that," Noctis grins, and follows Prompto's gaze towards Ignis. "It's too bad you guys couldn't just dance with each other," Noctis sighs teasingly.
"Yeah..." Prompto answers without thinking. "Uh...I mean...yeah I think I'm just used to Ignis, so I'm a little worried about dancing with someone else, especially a girl..." he mumbles. That's only partially true, and from the way Noctis raises his eyebrow slightly, Prompto thinks his best friend can see right through him.
"You'll be fine." Noctis gives him a small smile, trying to reassure him to the best of his abilities.
They announce the Glaive dance, and Prompto spots a young, dark haired girl standing by herself. She looks unoccupied, so perhaps...she'll want to dance with him? He takes a deep breath, watching as Ignis leads a young blonde girl onto the dance floor. She's cute, laughing at something he said, and Prompto hates the small amount of jealousy creeping into his heart.
When he makes it to the girl in front of him, he bows, tucking his hand behind his back as Ignis taught him. He holds out his hand to her and politely asks, "May I have this dance?"
Glancing up at her brown eyes, she smiles. "I'd...love too!" A bit of red brushes her cheeks, and Prompto smiles back, realizing how cute she really is.
"Great! I-I mean...thanks...I...uh..." he stammers, and holds his arm out to her instead, leading her onto the dance floor.
"You're cute," she grins. "Are you new? I haven't seen you around."
"Prompto Argentum, Crownsguard," he says, and wraps his hand around her waist, taking her other hand in his his own, standing like Ignis taught him. He glances to where Ignis stands on the other end of the dance floor, checking his posture against the advisor’s.
"Oh! For the prince. I see," she replies. "How lucky!"
"Yeah, I feel pretty lucky," he chuckles. "And what's your name?"
"Liana," she says. "Thank you for the dance invitation."
The music starts, and Prompto feels his heart begin to race. He's been preparing for this, if only for three days, but still! He doesn't want to mess it up.
But, he's late to start, his body jerking forward when he notices everyone else start to move. He pushes her gently, and squeezes her hand probably tighter than he should. "Sorry," he apologizes. "I'm kinda new at this whole dancing thing," he laughs.
"Don't worry," she smiles. "I've got you." He feels like it should warm his heart, her saying she's got him, her not caring about his inexperience, and yet, he can't help but picture Ignis the entire time. His gaze flicks towards the taller man, watching as he moves about with his blonde girl. He glides, like a skater twirling across the ice, moving with such ease. It's no surprise Ignis has been trained for this his whole life.
Prompto, on the other hand, is desperately trying to focus on Liana and their dance. She's practically leading him, pulling him in the right direction, though he hasn't completely stumbled, and she's nice about it at least. He doesn't step on her toes, and towards the end of the song, he's leading much better, gently squeezing her hand as he pulls her in the correct direction.
"See," she giggles. "You're getting the hang of it!"
"Yeah!" he laughs, glancing towards Ignis once more. It's so difficult not to watch how his perfect body moves in time with the music.
The song slowly comes to a stop, and Prompto bows once more, thanking her for the dance, and though he knows he's being obsessive about Ignis, he watches the other walk off, heading towards the balcony. Maybe he needs a break, a reprieve from all the people, but Prompto can't help but follow Ignis after he bows goodbye to Liana.
The cool air hits his face as he steps out onto the balcony following Ignis. It's a nice feeling, especially since he got a little sweaty during the dance, mostly due to his own nerves.
"You did quite nicely out there," Ignis chuckles, turning to greet his visitor. Prompto blushes, surprised that Ignis knew so quickly.
"Uh...thanks!" he smiles. "I mean really it's all thanks to you, so yeah...thanks!" he stammers.
"You're very welcome. I'm surprised you didn't continue to dance with her. She was quite pretty," Ignis says, leaning against the railing.
"Nah," Prompto shrugs, stepping forward to lean with him. "I mean, she was pretty and all, but it wasn't the same."
"The same?" Ignis asks.
"Yeah, as dancing with...you..." Prompto trails off, suddenly embarrassed by his words.
"Ah..." Ignis blushes, and he stares at Prompto before taking a step back. He bows, and offers Prompto his hand. "May I...have this dance?"
A smile appears wide on Prompto's face. This is all he's wanted since he arrived at the stupid gala, and though they're alone, far away from any crowd or music, Prompto can't help but think this absolutely perfect. The invisible line he always imagines slowly dissipates, allowing him to be so close to Ignis
"Of course!" Prompto replies, taking his hand.
Ignis pulls him in close, their bodies closer than they have been before. Ignis begins to sway, closing his eyes as he starts to hum. He leans Prompto back, to the side, and back again, their hair gently blowing in the soft evening breeze. Under the stars, Ignis looks even more lovely, his beautiful eyes closed, humming softly. Prompto is absolutely mesmerized, never before has he been so awestruck by a person.
It’s like something out of a fairy tale, the way they move together, dancing in the quiet under the light of the moonlit sky. Prompto wonders for a moment if he’s dreaming, moving with Ignis in such a soft way.
Ignis twirls him out, and pulls him back in, and Prompto clings to his hand, waiting as Ignis steps in and then out, dipping him down. This time, Prompto wraps his arms around Ignis' neck, clinging to him. His eyes drift to Ignis', their gazes meeting, and then he flicks them down, staring at Ignis' lips. In a split second, he raises his head and brings their lips together in a quick peck. Ignis' eyes widen, shocked by the action, but he doesn't pull away, instead he kisses back, if only for a moment.
"S-Sorry. I-I.. you just...you...looked...really nice in the moonlight-" Prompto stammers lamely as Ignis picks him back up. His hands don't slip from Ignis' shoulders and he waits for Ignis to say something.
"Prompto...it's okay. You don't have to apologize...I...admittedly have wanted to do that too...since the first lesson," Ignis whispers, his cheeks flushed red.
"Me too," Prompto laughs, and with that Ignis captures his lips again, sliding his hands to Prompto's waist, the moonlight illuminating their pale skin. Pulling back, Prompto starts to laugh. "Well, this is the best dance I've ever had. I'm...looking forward to those lessons even more." He pecks Ignis' lips once more, happy to steal at least one more kiss before they have to return to the reality of the evening.
"Prompto Argentum," Ignis smiles, brushing their noses together. "I will gladly dance with you anytime."
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charlottedabookworm · 5 years
Pacific rim au for ffxv
i know very little about pacific rim but:
1) Ignis and Prompto are drift compatible.
Nobody expects it; yeah, they’re friends, but their personalities don’t seem to line up. everyone expects Noct and Prom, or Iggy and Noct, or Gladio and Ignis
But they’re the most ruthless of the four of them, Ignis and Prompto, both can be cold and calculated and deadly in a way they don’t want for their friends
their Jaeger is more an assassin than a frontliner, but there’s no-one better for watching Noct and Gladio’s back
2) Lucis Caelum’s and their Shields are always drift compatible. it’s a thing
3) Insomnia still falls, this time to a Kaiju
4) Gladio and Noct still have their big argument. They’re so angry, so grieving, so disconnected, and they can’t stablise a link between them anymore. there’s some talk about Iris stepping into her brother’s place - Iris who is Amicitia, who is already proving herself - when Noct and Gladio work it out
Iggy and Prom and Iris totally lock them in a room til they actually talked
of course not
5) Cor and Aranea are like. the unexpected but absolutely awesomely terrifying drift pair. the Immortal is a legend and Aranea is just. Aranea
Loqi wishes it was him.
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