#2 bc it's hot. he deserves to be a little bit sexy
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Mannnnnn i don't wanna figure out Shamura's design
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josephtrohman · 8 days
As the president of the joe trohman nation, do you have any favorite joe era?
in short, the answer is yes! BUT with some caveats/technically i have THREE answers to this question even. i mean there is an answer i give for what is my singular favourite but i am a deeply annoying person, so... AND im also gonna put pics from the eras for fun bc any excuse to look at my fav joe pics. sorry anon if you didnt expect this level of answer but i am the president after all (put under the cut cuz. yeah)
so. first things first. if i had to narrow it down to just ONE era of joe as my favourite, it would be infinity on high era for sure. especially pre-beard, but with beard is great too.
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BUT OBVIOUSLY. BEARDED IOH ERA ^ IS SO SO FUCKING FINEEEEE AS WELL god. (and the look he had at the 2007 vmas my gawddd you know the one). middle picture makes me crazy especially, red plaid and bi colours hat iykyk, n it’s currently my pfp on twt ;3
infinity on high era has been my fav for soooo sooo long, and it was definitely a crisis moment for me when i turned 23 and was like 😀 oh im older than joe was in this era. great. but even despite that i think it still will continue to be my fav era prob forever <3 (and of course unfortunately my feelings get a little bit complex about this era because of what we know from joe's book, knowing what he was struggling with. but i dont wanna get into that lmao...but at the same time i had to acknowledge the elephant in the room)
ok. so. like i said if i had to give one answer, the above would be mine <3 BUT heres some other thoughts i have.
my CURRENT fav joe era is 2009 post-haircut bearded joe (as maybe evidenced by my pfp). MY GAWD. MY GAWD. as a 24-almost-25-year-old, I DESERVE A 24-ALMOST-25-YEAR-OLD JOE.
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not to mention how much they were putting fake blood/injuries on this man in bnd pt 2 tour!!! crazy!!!!!!!
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okay and then my third answer is not just in terms of looks (although my god.....my god) but i would be remiss to not mention CURRENT ERA JOE AS FAV. because he's out here being sexy as hell, playing music with his friends, having fun, looking hot, being dilfy, so on and so forth... (this includes tourdust/2ourdust but since i saw joe in person at ayf it rewired something in my brain cuz he’s soooo fucking hot in person, so 2 ayf pics, and then also the first one the pic before download that Also rewired my brain 😵‍💫). also since they’re really new still here’s middle pic source and right pic source
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OKAY AND THEN ONE HONOURABLE MENTION, late 2015 joe is so so special to me bc 2 of my fav pics joe of alllll time (prob both in my top 5 at least) come from then<3 here r the pics
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was that a needlessly long winded answer to ur relatively simple question? yes for sure but i hope u enjoyed lovely anon <3
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gonegrove · 1 year
around what time in the show's timeline do you think chrissy and billy would get together?
personally i think somewhere in between season 2 and 3 since there's like, almost a whole school year between them and all that. not even taking into account in those calculations that he dies n shit just i think that it makes sense.
chrissy is popular even if she's not yet the Queen of Hawkins High (i'm assuming some senior girl is but who knows) so she's definitely on his radar and in his social circle so he's aware of her.
and i do think it's billy pursuing at first because there's no universe where chrissy has the courage to actively go after a dude with out like COMICAL amount of gassing up from others kjdfhgskjlghfds and deffo not a guy like BILLY HARGROVE who's all you know.... LIKE THAT (read: hot and confident and knows it).
billy starts to get interested in her past the like "which girls can i get with" level of interest when jason starts to show interest in her/talk about thinking of asking her out because he hates jason. he thinks he's a fucking white toast dickhead. he's like, everything billy hates about the midwest personified.
he's gonna fuck jason's crush. just to spite him. fuck that guy.
and so he starts to go after chrissy. hard. MAXIMUM charm. and buddy lemme tell you it's WORKING. she's going for it, tho she's also a bit shy and the pace is slower than he's used to. he's never really tried to get with shy girls for obvious reasons. but he's committed to this shit.
as they spend more and more time together the more he sees the all too familiar signs that all is not right in the cunningham household and that chrissy is struggling with some shit and a switch flips in his head. now it's not about jason. it's about chrissy. he's gotten to know her and she's just this little fluffy kitten of a person you know? he hates the idea there's someone in her life that's terrorizing her with even a tenth of the force neil uses on him. so he gets protective and a lil possesive bc he's billy and What's Expressing Things Healthily?
but his whole outlook on the relationship changes and now it's not him trying to put on the veneer of a desireable partner but him genuinely trying to be her boyfriend and to be a good boyfriend.
they get together after like, a 4 month campaign on his part to soften her up to him and get to know her and then he's just in the PIT trying to be the guy he thinks she actually deserves while also being himself.
and on chrissy's end she actually wanted to fall into his arms earlier in but was trying to not look to desperate about it. she genuinely enjoys his presence because yes he's all sexy and stuff but also she just likes him. she likes that he's a little rough/dangerous because it makes her feel safe ironically. she likes that he's so gross and crass because she doesn't feel like she have to be this perfect little doll with him. she likes how low his expectations are for her. she can breathe and be a person with him. the fact he's so handsome is really just icing on the cake.
so doing the math and saying the get together 4 months or so after s2 then it's like feb-mar.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
Hmm. 20-22 inclusive …. making you be negative 😈 I’m assuming you’ll do zelda but as a scholar I’m also interested in your spn thoughts so you pick mwah
oooh dealer's choice this is so tough...what if i just answer for both LMAO im so sorry ok Lets Go
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
for zelda: i really, really wish i liked wind waker. i wanna like wind waker so fucking bad. i love wind waker's story. i love wind waker's ganondorf. i love how bright and cheerful the graphics are contrasted with how solemn it is underground. i love the dungeons and the gameplay. but god i HATE the cartoony little balloon heads. it takes me right out of those serious moments. i don't mind stylization but if it could have been just a LITTLE BIT. less stylized. just a LITTLE LESS like animal crossing characters. it's beautiful to look at but for a game with such serious hidden elements WHICH I LOVE i find trouble taking it seriously.
for spn: god, all of crowley's little arcs. he was almost never interesting, and while you can excuse bad writing for cas because it's cas, you can't make crowley happen. fetch is never gonna happen! you can show me his fun hot mom and his dead son and it still isn't happening! he's just the walking talking embodiment of the "angels and demons are just like OFFICE WORKERS" trope which i hate so fucking deeply because it's the least sexy direction they ever took and the exact opposite of what i want from my angels and demons. all of the middle seasons suffered deeply from this. crowley COULD have been interesting, but tbh, i liked him best in the season they killed him off.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
for zelda: i could do wind waker again but actually i completely understand the hype, bc wind waker is a great game even if i can't deal with it like a normal person. same with botw - i found most of the joy thru exploration, so it just didnt Hit on replays the way other zeldas do, but its influence cannot be understated and the hype is deserved. what if everybody is right all the time to hype any and everything about zelda?? oh wait actually. sorry. twilight princess ilia. idk if people hype her but if they do theyre wrong. love and light to her, she's Fine, but it feels kind of like a knockoff of malon (superior) and i generally dislike when link has romantic interests besides zelda, even if the love interest gets amnesia (wistful sigh). this sin was especially egregious bc zelda barely has any screentime at all, but i forgive tp for this because what screentime she DOES have is spent being in lesbians with midna. so it works out just this once due to the power of gay people, but that's some thin fucking ice. anyway, sorry to ilia and ilia fans for being a misogynist
for spn: i hate canon claire. i can't get into it in depth but like...sorry, even without the issue of My Own Claire Ideas, i still don't know if i could do it. being gay does not save her from having the exact same "damaged but spunky teen girl" personality given to almost EVERY OTHER TEENAGE GIRL (or young woman) on the show. to some extent she, krissy, mary from the winchesters, charlie, jo, alex, etc etc all have the same personality with a few defining quirks tacked on as an afterthought. do i love some of these characters? yes, of course. are they well-written? absolutely not <3
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
for zelda: in general, i think skyward sword gets a bad rap despite lanayru desert's entire (waves hand vaguely) and zelda being a fucked up evil goddess who canonically manipulates link's love for her. AND GROOSE. never forget groose. more specifically i think not enough people have acknowledged 1. the champions corpses are definitely still in those cockpits 2. oot link essentially became a stalfos by walking into the lost woods without navi and never came back. hello?? generally those dark little implications that u have read between the lines to get <3
for spn: oh baby its michael!dean. i waited so long and i only really got what i wanted for one episode but it was so good. it was SO good. no one else is as hype about the fact that it took nine REAL LIFE YEARS to get there. a DECADE of my finite time on earth. but ohhh was it ever worth the wait. what else could i possibly write 100k+ about
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llycaons · 1 year
ep42 (2/3): aw yeah staircase confession time
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love the expressions here. lwj sharp, combative. wwx resigned, despondent. yeah, he's about to say. he did. nobody would ever knowingly help me. nobody would ever stand with me publicly. he wasn't even expecting lwj to protect him when he resurrected. too used to being on his own, failed by almost every single person he thought he could rely on
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the little smile here is so sad. he has a lot of these smiles - bitter, resigned, ready to fold. it's such a sad throughline for a character so fiercely committed to standing up for others. he does stand up for himself, he's just no longer expecting anyone to do the same for him
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but oh! what's this! lwj joins him against a circle of swords?
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and lwj isn't saying this to jgy or any other cultivator here. he's saying it to wwx! I knew who you were and I helped you anyway because I care about you and support you and you deserve it. LOVE this scene
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and then everyone steps back and freaks out bc lwj just unsheathed bichen
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'used to being in this kind of situation' buddy 😭
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this scene is a bit flashback-heavy and it makes the entire flow stumble a bit, but this question IS significant
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HIGH ROMANCE. do you all know what a state I was in when I first heard this
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and this is such a big smile for him too
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and I love wwx's response! more than the dialogue, it's the physical reaction that speaks to me - he's swallowing thickly, can barely speak. he's close to tears. that's one of my favorite things about cql wwx - how genuine expressions of care and love make him start to cry, and how he laughs to cover it up
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this is correct
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always thought this was kind of sexy ngl
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UH OH. jc looks briefly shocked and then...does nothing. great! useless man
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it's also really sad how blank wwx looks
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okay I know this is a useful question bc wwx answers with "I'm okay to travel, let's go' but it sounds so dumb 😭 'oh my god you just got stabbed, how do you feel' idk maybe he feels like he got stabbed?
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anyway they run off leaving poor jin ling questioning his entire life
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ugh he was so hot in the flashback days
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pretty cranes on the print behind him
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ohhhh touching.....scandalous. I feel like a victorian maiden
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this hurts :( bro
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and I really like this effect. the blurriness of his face reflected in the blade - just like how long ago his past where he could use this was. does that make sense? I'm ascribing meaning okay
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having-conniptions · 1 year
Love In The Air episode 8 live reaction under the cut (long post)
I was gonna watch the new episodes of Link Click and Jujutsu Kaisen but I saw the PrapaiSky preview and I need it RIGHT NYEOW
I can already tell they're gonna be the death of me
Wait this looks familiar... timeskip back to the race Rain and Sky snuck into?
Yup, definitely. The dude with the half-jorts is there lmao
I am SO ready to watch everything play out from Sky's and/or Prapai's perspective
And THAT'S when Prapai spots Sky. Bruh if I were Sky I'd have melted right then and there with Prapai smiling like that
He immediately has a soft spot for Sky huh
"He's my boy" not yet baby
He's lecturing Sky but he also saved his ass
Sky's annoyed face when Prapai tries to touch his face WE LOVE A STRONG BITCH
Oh that is NOT how a relationship should start PRAPAI I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU DON'T PULL THIS SHIT
I mean at least Sky told him to take what he wanted
And honestly Sky is really going for it so I guess it's not that bad but it's still some weird power dynamic / blackmailing shit soooo... eh
Lmao at the same time Phayu is lecturing Rain until Rain kisses him - idk if I love getting a recap of the whole first half of the series but I guess it helps put the PrapaiSky scenes in a chronological context while also slowing down the pacing so it's not all over in 2 episodes
Ok Sky is mad and I am confused bc how much of what happened did he actually want? He seemed rather enthusiastic but when Pai went for a second round Sky looked rather grumpy but told him to "bring it on" regardless? Very very dubious consent and Sky feeling used afterwards...
"Single life is the best. I can sleep with whoever I want" oh Mr. Braces over here is a player huh? How old is this kid??? Lmao
Poor Sky he deserves to be loved, not used
Aaaaa the montage of PrapaiSky thinking about each other / trying to forget
Hehehehe Prapai is such a player... but he can't go through with it because he can't get Sky out of his head, classic
3 months later Prapai is still replaying that night in his head huh... (riding his bike while thinking about Sky riding him)
Lmao Sky is reading Demon Slayer (I already spotted the figurine in his room a while ago)
Hahahaha the little reference to the source material of the series
"I don't know who you are. But if you're trying to annoy me, I'm hanging up." I LOVE HIS SASS
"In case you didn't know, humans are warm-blooded. And I'm a human. It's normal for my body to be hot. You don't have to help me, cause I don't associate with cold-blooded animals. Farewell." I SWEAR HE HAS THE BEST LINES LMAO
Prapai is just being a bit of a creep rn
The way Sky just yeets his phone
Lmao Pai is already so whipped
Wtf is that chicken dance
"You've met P'Pai, haven't you?" awkward......
Hahaha Sky putting the pieces together "Wind... Prapai."
Sky needs a ride, HOW CONVENIENT
"Rain doesn't know about us, does he?" THERE IS NO "US" YOU GUYS HOOKED UP ONCE THAT'S NOT "US"
I love that Sky is standing his ground
Pai you're being cringe
So the reason why Sky rejects Prapai is because he doesn't believe Pai is actually interested in him beyond sex and thinks he's just gonna use him 😭 awwww baby nooo you're amazing and that's why he will fall in love with you and give you the world 😭❤️
Ok sunflowers are cool I'd be thrilled to get a whole bouquet of them
Oh he's calling him! Oh he has him saved as psycho... 💀
He's hesitating to throw away the flowers!!
Bonus scene: "sometimes sexy. Occasionally sad. Mysterious at times." That's how he sees Sky huh xD
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itsmelb · 2 years
Welcome to my thoughts about KP Finale/ KP the Series
(Bare with me it's going to be quite long bc you can expect, I felt fucking everything!!!)🤭🥵❤️😭 SPOILERS ahead!
The Storyline
So everything came to an end. Somehow there are many open questions though (more later on that point). But I think they did it so perfect. It was heartbreaking, sexy, funny, murderous and a bit crazy. We feel everything at once.
Porsche gets his mother back (who seems sus to me???? What is up with her man? Aaah), Gun is dead (I don't know how to feel about that - mixed I guess.) Korn is soo sus I don't trust hin with everything. And I wanna slap his face for all of his lies.
I loved the 3 Brothers in one room, I loved VegasPeteMacau Hospital Hug thingy, I love Porsches struggle (heartbreaking!!!) bc we all can relate with situations that threw us out of our life, I love Kim/Jeff singing "Why don't you stay" to Chay, and he not deleting the video, I love the fight scenes, and I love that we got Mafia Kinn (holy shit hot!) and Kinnporsche Marriage (I call it that way don't come at me haha) and don't get me started on Vegas emotional damage and his redemption (kinda??) Arc... wow. What an episode 👏
Now diving in deeper..
2. The characters/relationships
- the bodyguards: damn those guys, I love them. I wanna see more of them. I wanna see ArmPol lovestory, I wanna get the dead ones back (Big redemption!!! Spinoff pls!!!) Arm and Thankuns blow ups were so fucking great in the ep, and oh lord Pete..
- the friends: I love Yok! I want more of her. Mama slay!!! And then there is TimeTay. I wanna see their story. (Tay deserves the world!!) I love them teasing Kinn and make KinnPorsche cringing haha. 😬
- the parents: you all suck man! Gun is an asset to Vegas. And okay we don't know why he is like that (ok his dad was also an ass and the Mafia is like crazy and he lost a lot of dearest people..) but it doesn't give you the right to do sth like he did to his kids. And Korn is not better either. Is acting all nice and friendly but is a fucking liar. "I wanna protect you" hahah funny. Darn u mf! And the Mom. Sth so off. I don't now yet but I (hope) we will soon!
-Chay: oh baby Boi! I am so lost with him. I want to see more of him and his music and happy and not suffering and I love and turned on for the first time ever and feeling everything.
- Kim: I fucking love him. And hate him. I wanna see him happy. I don't understand him sometimes.he is mysterious and hot and the fight scene damn. And his voice. Killed it. Literally. I want more of him and Chay. I want kisses, I want songs. All. (And what are his motives? He wants power obv and I am a little bit scared but sooo eager to find out!!)
#kimchay: so in the future when they hopefully get back together I wanna see more of them together. They were a little short. And I miss their sweetness btw all the Mafia sexyness haha. Chay makes Kim soft. And I love that. Also more songs! And maybe some kisses. :D
- Pete: damn. The scene were he resigns wow. My heart shattered. And all the scenes with Vegas....I uh. Cry again forever. He Is such a deep character and we haven't seen all of him I am so sure. I wanna see more of badass Pete (together with badass Vegas haha obv) man when he shot that man wow. I got goosebumps, and all the scenes in the previous eps. Wow. This man suffers and is so fucking wise I aaah!
- Vegas: I never thought he would be one of my favorite ones ever. But his Arc is so heart breaking and raging and full of Angst and sorrow. He deserves everything and I love the way he is free now (obv not really but objectively) I loved his scenes with Pete obv and with Porsche too.. I am excited to see how it will turn out that P is now Minor Fam King and he is not (although he wanted it so bad or had to do every for it..)
#Vegaspete: the ship that stole the show! Man their scenes are sexy, heartbreaking and hurting. I love their dynamic. And their full on fight mode, love that kills. It hurts and it's beautiful. I want to see more. Also with the fam now. Some soft scenes some new way for Vegas. So light (and ofc the darkness and sexyness always lingering around the corner)
-Porsche: he has a soft spot in my heart. I would forgive him nearly everything. And his look damn. I am glad he is getting in the near of the truth, and that his family is back. And that he has Kinn on his side. Forever. I wanna see more of Porsche badass Mafia boss vibes (I mean the suit entrance in the hallway man mf looks intimidating) give him all! Also his sweet side. Damn Heartbreaker! A true family man in the core. And a fucking sexy mf!
- (my beloved) Kinn: he is my favorite character. I love how powerful it was, when Korn "died" and he had to keep it together and be the boss, he was so cold there when he shot those guys. How hot was he sir. Wow. And then we sees his other soft side of him, when sb he loves is in danger or hurt. Man this breaks my heart. Also he is always so sexy. And horny ahha. With Porsche haha. Man I love his funny and little dump jokes. Wow. Could write more...
#KinnPorsche: the ones I fell so hard for at first, the ones that brought me to the show. Their everything is so good. I love the fights, the laughs the teasing, the love making, the power they hold (especially now. What a scene it was (see photo)) how beautiful they are. What a fucking mess they are. And how they fix each other every time. I am crying bc it hurts me to let them go (for now) bc I really love them sm. Mafia Family forever!
3. The Actors
The cast: I am in love with this cast. Never seen such a funny, heartwarming cast and how they are together. I love this mafia kindergarten. And how they are there for eo! We stan!
Tong: I love him sm. His character is so crazy and I love that. So thx! It was so fun!
Barcode: he is so cute and he can sing! I see some sassy moments in interviews. I know he will be a great actor. I am so excited when we see him with more emotions (the crying man killed me sm!) And action with everyone.
Jeff: I really fell for him and his music. How can sb be so sexy. (This fight scenes in the bar lord have mercy) I wanna see how he acts soft and love dovey with Barcode/Chay. I want more songs. I love his smile.
Build: how is he so good at his job. The emotions everything I cried so much with him. He deserves the world. He stole so many scenes. Bc he is so talented oh lord. I want to see more of him!!
Bible: my huge respect for him. All was new for him and even the language! I love his English! I love his effort. His perfection his look. I cant say more bc he makes me speechless. Wow.
#Biblebuild: those friends (or what they are) their scenes together kill me every time. I wish them all the best. Nobody deserves them. They are so golden! Scene stealers! For ever in love with them!
Apo: the greatest there is. His eyes. Wow. How he acts. How he is as a person after all he went through. Man he deserves only good things. I love how he is a force if energy and smiles but is like very deep with thinking and explaining. That is sth I do too. And I love to see sb is like that too. Miss his presence from now on!
Mile: puh. Do I have to say sth anymore? He is smart, kind and how he looks. And he made it all possible. And he is so shy and funny and also so open to the world. We all should praise him. All he is doing. Man. I will forever love him. He is the perfect Kinn.
#MileApo: there is sth so addictive about them together I can't even explain... I just love everything they give us. And their trust in eo. ❤️😭
The producers/crew: thx for everything! Without you it would not be possible! I love Ponds Ideas of water and pools ahah and all his mind is so good! Thank you!!!
4. What the future may holds...
I hope we get a season 2. I think they can't break our hearts don't doing one (or infinite) more season(s) (pls 🤭🤭) I know the expectations will be high. So fucking high. But I will take all. Everything! Just give them back to me!
What is with the parents? What is the truth? We have the bad version, the half good version and a version from a Boi who doesn't remember well. So...and what will that do to KinnPorsche? What is with VegasPete family moments? Give it to me!! And Kimchay obv. All!!
The world tour is there and I am excited to see content from everywhere.
5. My personal conclusion
I never thought I would fall head over heels fora BL series. I never watched one before (see some snippets ofc but not much) and then KP the series came and the rest is history. It was the best show ever. And I read all the time that they did so good and everyone who loves BLs are agreeing that this is a huge milestone for the genre. So. Thank you KP Family for everything! Edits, gifts, trending all over the world. It was fun. And it will always be. No legacy is as rich as honesty!🖤
Kinnporsche Family forever ❤️
(When you read this all! Your a real gem! Thx! Sry for mistakes, english is not my first language) ❤️
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suguruverse · 3 years
What about Kyotani and Tanaka getting flowers from their S/O? 🥺 🥺 🥺
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includes - kyotani kentarou, tanaka ryunosuke and oikawa tooru
a/n - hehe this is so cute pls enjoy angel! <3 i also added oikawa bc i love him lol i hope you don't mind
published date - 20/04/21
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- lets be real, he thinks you're pranking him :(
- you've noticed your boyfriend becoming more agitated lately so you were hoping to do something that would lift up his mood a little bit
- so before he went into the gym for practice, you decided to surprise him
- his teammates all made fun of him but he just yelled at them for being jealous that he's the only one with a pretty s/o like you
- he thinks he's too manly for flowers but he appreciates them so much
-when he gets home, he puts in a little vase and keeps it on his desk next to his framed picture of you guys on your first date
"hm? what are you doing here? you should go home before it gets dark you know"
"mhm i know i know"
"what are you hiding behind your back? looks suspicious"
"OH, i have a present for you"
"mhm!! do you like them"
"are you sure they're for me? don't you think that's a bit girly?"
"um no? i think everyone deserves flowers when they're sad. no?"
he chuckled when you said that hehe im getting butterflies he's so hot imagine his deep laugh JEFNKJRE
"i guess you're right, thank you doll, i'll cherish it forever. i'll call you tonight okay?"
"i'll be waiting, have fun at practice"
- this man has every gift you have ever given him in your entire life
- but for the sake of this let's pretend it's valentine's day!!
- you were so busy organising everything for your boyfriend that you didn't even realise how late you were for school
- yall were in different classes so he was extremely extremely upset that he couldn't see you
- at lunch you wanted to surprise him with a picnic and flowers in a small corner of the school
- and you did. he started crying
- he literally looked at the picnic, then you, then the picnic, and back at you and full on dropped to his knees and started crying
- he got snot all over you when you were trying to comfort him
- but when you handed the big bouquet of flowers, he sobbed even more
- he just loves you so much pls just give him a moment
- but when he calmed down, he started yelling, jumping around and hugged you tight and spun you around
- at one point he definitely said "how manly of you, very admirable! i knew you loved me"
- the whole picnic he couldn't stop smiling at the flowers
"you okay ryu? you keep smiling at me and the flowers"
"just really happy baby! thank you"
"i'm glad you like them baby"
- he just kept smiling and started humming to himself
- at some point he looked at you and said "these flowers are nearly as pretty as you baby!"
- then he cried even more after the flowers died after like 2 weeks
- this man receives flowers every single damn day so you didn't really think that he would care that much
- but this man is gets so excited when you get him anything like you could give him a used eraser and he will keep it as a little lucky charm
- you guys finally had time to go on a date so you thought it was really cute if you got him flowers instead of the other way around
- it turns out picking out flowers for your boyfriend is much harder that you thought so it took longer than expected
- you were ten minutes late and you burst through those café doors completely out of breath
- your sexy bf was just sipping his drink when he was you approach him and he smiled so brightly ugh i love him pls oikawa marry me challenge
"what got you so out of breath baby?"
"here for you" you said as you handed him the flowers
"darling, aren't i the one who's meant to get you flowers?"
"i mean i wanted to give you a little present because we haven't gone on a date in a while so i thought you might like it!"
"angel, you're gonna make me cry, i love you so much, gimme kiss"
- when he got home, he proceeded to facetime iwaizumi, mattsun and makki individually about how his cute s/o got him flowers and how they're still single losers
- he's so happy pls he needs someone to humble him
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sugar-petals · 3 years
Ooooh, now I’m curious and need to ask you to elaborate on your top ten himbo players, that you actually like, but also your top ten for players that are boyfriend material, cause I find your choices really interesting and actually different from what I was expecting! 💗 (i really hope I’m not bothering you by sending these asks 🥺🌟)
i like writing about it at length don’t worry 👀⚽️ here it goes. 
caro’s top 10 footie giants
(note: includes veteran nominations for long-term service)
1) robert lewandowski — who is it!!!!
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if lewy doesn’t win this it’s heresy, the man has it all: he’s ripped, he’s cutesy, statuesque, silly, sexy, divine, hilarious, confused, polite, unique, unsurpassed, i can go on, enjoy this handy illustration as proof:
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he is the moment, he’s the protagonist, the founding father of all himbos worldwide 👴🏻✨he just has to look at you clueless once and you know he got what it takes!
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in summary: 
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2) fernando torres — nobody expects the spanish ab definition! ah... the good ole days, i miss fernando. el niño became extremely buff with time and remains as kind and shy as ever so the spot is even more deserved 🇪🇸
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3) manuel neuer — not in 1st place bc he's too unhinged, other than that ofc he has to be way up high on the list for being the nation’s big booty stripper providing us with endless content, give his arms a custom insurance ffs
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4) leon goretzka — here goes the twink magnet, the whole fandom will send me assassins if leon's not included in the top 5 so ‘ere ya go
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5) frenkie de jong — himbo in the making, BDE body, puppy personality, he’s just very huggable, what more can i say, he really walks around like this
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6) julian brandt — soft snuggly himbo bee, a lil slutty too 👌 lately his hair is so dang long i love it, smh i envy kai for being engaged to this man
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7) mats hummels — also included to appease the masses, at least i don’t think his green plaid coat was that bad, his facial bones & hair are great i guess
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8) ter stegen — not 100% a himbo since his brain isn't entirely vacant (more of a gentlemanly type) but but he is kind tall chiseled and a tank, i would pick him to save us in a zombie apocalypse
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9) lukas podolski (ft. bastian schweinsteiger) — and now the ultimate grandfather besties of himboism, you can’t possibly separate them, poldi invented being stupid and sexy, basti invented being stupid and built, together they are the ideal himbo fusion, everyone deserves having a friendship like this
gotta love them munching crisps on tv 😂
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10) romelu lukaku — to wrap it up i confess my love for the belgian team, they’re incredible & romelu is peak coolness (last on the list bc he’s actually smart, but his tiddies are enormous so ofc that has to be honored)
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and for the sake of completion, an abbreviated top 10:
top 5 bf material players
1) raheem sterling — we talked about tall guys but here the short king hour strikes! so goodlooking and smiley ⭐️ he’s perfection. i have zero business with his club or the english nt and yet? he made it here. says a lot. raheem sterling. thank you for existing. terrific player.
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2) mario götze — hehe... i know very well you didn’t expect him either but here goes it’s me mario, certified cutest ever, so sparkly as well, baby baby bumblebee, oh the nostalgia i know
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3) kai havertz — soft lizard bf w/ terrible humor, i stan, can’t divorce him from julian so it’s gonna be a polyamorous relationship, but anyway i adore my suffering victorian heir to bits
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4) leroy sané — prettiest, most elegant, most attractive, most stylish, the ideal man exists, love his voice & little habits, never seen a guy as ethereal and handsome, leroy is so boyfriend it hurts, my heart skips a beat for this gaze
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5) kepa arrizabalaga — as the outrageous cherry on top: another goalkeeper lunatic and to amp up the hot spanish quota even more; kepa truly is a phenomenon, i don’t know how he does it but i enjoy it
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thank you for bearing with this whole friggin ranking, have a nice day 🐯 (now i’ll hide and wait until the rest of the footie fandom finds this post)
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
I already had it all (Carla x reader)
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For @midnight-lestrange i hope you like it!
a/n: i didn't put the smut scene here because this was already too long. But let me know if you want me to write it!
a/n 2: I...I really didn't watch Ty's scenes. I just skipped them so, I'm sorry if this was OOC for him. But I won't apologise for anything else bc we all know Carla deserved a girlfriend.
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You rolled your eyes and sighed when Carla came into the house crying. You didn't even ask, you already knew the story.
Isis looked at her daughter, then at you and subtly took her grandson's arm to leave you two alone. Jackson didn't even bother to look at his mom as he got up. They said goodbye to you before disappearing into their rooms. You didn't turn to the woman until you saw Jackson close his door.
Carla looked at you for a moment, feeling like a stranger in her own home.
"What did he do now?" you said.
Usually, you'd run to her side, hug her, and let her cry for a while while she sobbed and told you whatever it was that made her fight with Ty at the time. God, how you hated that man.
Not only did he have an amazing woman like Carla at his feet, but he also had the door open for a beautiful (if a bit messy) family. And the only thing that seemed to matter to him was how good was his girlfriend in bed.
Hell, the guy hadn't even bothered to properly introduce himself to the son of the woman he was fucking!! Isis had told you how he had shown up at Christmas, making out with Carla while Jackson just waved from the table.
It made you want to throw up.
Although, the woman was not helping either. Carla was your best friend, she had been for years! She was the first to welcome you to the spa, the one who made you laugh at your worst and made you do stupid things when she took you to the bar.
You loved spending time with her.
But Ty...he had changed her. You didn't want to be unfair to him, but since he hadn't bothered to introduce himself to you either, you'd still hate him. Well...you would hate him even if he turned out to be a nice guy, because he had what you couldn't.
You weren't sure exactly when you started falling in love with your best friend, but you did. For months you had become aware of how much you loved her, how much you wanted to be with her at every possible moment, how butterflies flooded your stomach when you heard her laugh, how your cheeks would blush when you were too close to her. You loved everything about her.
And everything that came with the woman. You got along wonderfully with Isis, who was seriously trying to be a better mother to her daughter. And you couldn't even begin to describe the love you felt for Jackson. That boy was a treasure! And it broke your heart that most seemed to prefer to ignore him.
"Y/N, are you even listening to me?" Carla's voice brought you back to the present.
"No" you admitted, looking straight at her "Not really"
Carla looked at you as if you had grown another head. She didn't expect you to say that. The woman didn’t know what was happening with you lately, you were usually tender, kind and supported her in everything. But in the last few weeks, you have become more distant and cold.
Although only with her. It seemed that the further you got away from Carla, the closer you got to Isis. She didn't want to admit it, but she felt a pang of jealousy and fear that her mother was stealing her...her best friend. It didn't make a lot of sense, but...
"Break up with him" you said suddenly
"What?" she blinked
"Break up with Ty" you repeated "Carla, he's not good for you. He's hurting you."
"That is not true"
"Then why did you come crying?" you crossed your arms
"You would know if you had listened to me" she told you, crossing her arms too
"I'm not talking about just now and we both know it" you said "This has been going on for weeks Carla!"
"It's not true" she insisted
"It's a routine at this point. You go out with him, disappear for hours, Jackson calls me to go get him, I stay here until you come back with tears in your eyes, I listen to you, you ‘break’ with him for a few days and then he smiles and you fall again. We all know the routine Carla! Isis doesn't even risk burning the kitchen anymore! She just waits until I get home to make dinner"
"Mom dines with you?" she asked, feeling that terror and jealousy build up inside her.
"And with Jackson" you reminded her.
"Since when?"
"Since you started ditching them for Ty, but that's not the point!" you frowned "The point is that you are no longer you, Carla, and it's his fault"
"That is not true!" she growled "I'm as me as ever"
"No" you said to her "The Carla I knew loved herself, wanted to rebuild a relationship with her mother and loved her son above everything else. The Carla I knew made jokes about Jackson, but it was to prevent others from doing it. My Carla would never have let a man make her cry. "
The woman froze a bit when you called her "My Carla." The heat in her chest returned, like every time you said something nice about her.
"No" you interrupted her "You're going to listen to me Dunkler! Because I'm sick of seeing you arrive like this! I'm sick of that idiot using you for your body and you letting him. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe he really feels something for you, but until he does a better job proving it, I won't change my mind. I'm also sick of seeing him take you away from your family. You said you wanted a better relationship with your mother, but Isis hasn't seen you properly in days. Ty hasn't even tried to get closer to Jackson, the SON of the woman he supposedly loves, to get to know him better! "
Carla looked at you in surprise. This was a whole new side. You have never lost your cool this way. And she hated herself for finding it a little hot.
"He's the only one who has really stayed with me for more than one night, Y/N" she said weakly. She knew it was a terrible reason, but it was the truth.
"So you will just let him do what he wants because you're afraid of being alone?!" you asked incredulous
"No! I-I really like him!" she said but it felt like a huge lie and that...that surprised her
"It's not fair Carla" you continued "It is not fair that you offer him all this! It is not fair that he has at his disposal a child as wonderful as Jackson and a mother-in-law as great as Isis. It is not fair that he has such a wonderful woman like you, a beautiful, hardworking and brave woman. He doesn't deserve you "
"You keep saying that because you don't know what it's like to be alone for so long! You don't know what it's like to feel like you're not enough for anyone!"
"I DO!" you yelled
"No you don't!" she yelled back at you "You are so perfect and cute and you have everyone at your feet! You can have whoever you want! So no, you don't know what it's like not to be enough for someone!"
"I do it because I've never been enough for you!" you growled "Because you've never seen me as anything more than a friend! And I hate you for that! I hate you because you come and flirt with me and then you go with him! I hate you because you gave him everything I've ever wanted! I hate him because he has what I can't have! AND I HATE YOU BECAUSE I CAN'T REALLY HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN LOVE YOU AND YOU DON'T EVEN NOTICE IT!!!"
Carla froze in her place, staring at you. Her mind had gone blank. It took you a few moments to realize what you had said and you gasped as the realization hit you. You had confessed your feelings to her in the worst possible way. Shit.
"...I'd better go" you said hastily
You took your bag and took advantage of the fact that the woman still looked surprised to quickly pass her, almost running out of the house and to your car.
Carla just watched you go, not knowing what to do or what to think. What the fuck had just happened?
You cried all the way home. You cursed yourself a thousand times for being such an idiot. How could you do that? You had promised to always be there for her and now you had ruined everything! There was no way in the world that Carla could forgive you for this.
"Still here?" Isis asked, making her daughter jump "You've been staring at the wall for the last hour."
Carla frowned and turned her gaze away.
"Come on, get your fucking ass up and do something!" Isis insisted
"About what?"
"Oh don't play dumb with me. Jackson and I heard everything."
"What? Did you spy on us?" Carla asked a little angry
"Of course not! Your screams were heard throughout the house. I'm sure the neighbors heard too"
Carla blushed and looked at the ground before taking another gulp of her beer. Isis rolled her eyes and snatched it away.
"Get out of here!"
Carla sighed "What do you want me to do? All that doesn't change anything"
"You're a terrible liar" the older woman scoffed "You've been drowning in your own misery since before I came back. You settled for that idiot just to not be left alone and now that you have a chance to have someone better, you will stay here getting drunk? I'm disappointed "
"Disappointed? It's something you would do yourself" Carla scoffed
"It's not true" Isis said, not bothered by her daughter's words "I would at least fuck her first"
"What? She's pretty, she has a good body and-"
"Stop it! I don't need to hear my mother talk about how sexy my best friend is"
"Then pick up your sorry butt and go get her" she said, smiling at her daughter's jealous tone "You have the key to her house, use it"
"I'll keep talking about her body if you don't. Did you know that she has a couple of moles near her right boobie? I loaned her a blouse once and-"
"And I'm leaving" Carla jumped up, taking her keychain
"I'm staying with Jackson, don't come back later" Isis winked
You frowned when you heard the front door open. You were sure you had locked it. Your heart raced and you felt fear wash over you as you came out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around your body.
You grabbed a baseball bat that was near your bedroom door (thank goodness you were training with Jackson) and walked slowly down the hall to the living room.
You froze before frowning.
"Carla? What are you doing here?"
The woman looked you up and down and you blushed when her eyes stopped for a moment on your chest. She cleared her throat before speaking again.
"I wanted to talk to you but maybe I should wait until you don't have a bat in your hand" she teased lightly
You noticed that you were still holding the wooden stick tightly in your hand. Blushing even more, you leaned it against the wall. When you turned around again, you saw that your friend had approached and she was a few inches from you. You swallowed audibly.
All the way here, Carla had thought and gone over the words she would say to you, she had planned a whole speech for you, and god knows she hated speeches. But she had got her entire cassette erased by seeing you like this.
It was the first time she had admitted to herself that she really found you attractive. A part of her began to wonder if the whole Ty thing hadn't also been in part not to acknowledge her feelings for you.
"Carla?" you mumbled after a while 
"Sorry" she jumped a little "I-"
"No, no. I'm sorry" you said "You didn't have to come here to tell me to stay away. You could have sent a message-"
"Why would I tell you to stay away?" she asked with a frown.
You blinked. An hour and she had already forgotten what you had said? You should be grateful, but it honestly hurt you.
"What I said at your house, I...I shouldn't have done it" you sighed
"So it wasn't true?" she asked carefully "Was everything you said a lie?"
"No!" You almost screamed "I just...it wasn't the way and I- I didn't mean to-"
Carla smiled slightly as she watched you babble in front of her. God, how had she not realized how adorable you were? Your lower lip was even trembling.
But she knew you. She knew that once you got flustered and started babbling, there was no stopping you. And she didn't have the time for that, no matter how beautiful you looked doing it. So she only had one option.
You gasped when your friend pounced on you, pressing you against the wall and kissing you deeply. Her hands immediately went to your hips and you moaned against your will when she pressed her chest against yours.
It took you a few moments to recover, but you wrapped your arms around her neck when you did, returning the affection. You didn't know what would happen when you’d ran out of air and had to talk, but to hell with that. You would enjoy the fact that she was kissing you, as you had wanted for so long.
If there was one thing Carla hated more than people themselves, it was having to talk about her feelings, especially this kind. So when you broke the kiss, her mouth immediately traveled to your neck.
You moaned a little when you felt her tongue on your skin. You wanted to continue, you needed to feel her, let her take you right there, but there was still a hideously rational part of you. So you pushed her gently, making her look at you.
"I love you" you whispered "...but I can't be another one of your one night stands"
The woman's heart broke a little when she looked into your eyes. She saw the fear you were feeling, but she also saw love. Love directed at her. No one had ever looked at her like that, not her ex husband, not Ty, no one.
"You aren’t" she promised
"I swear you are not" she interrupted you. Suddenly, her brain seemed to wake up and the words she had practiced in the car fell out of her mouth "I'm sorry it took me so long, I'm sorry I was so stupid. I was so afraid of being alone, of not deserving of anyone, that I ended up accepting the first thing I could. But now I know that I love you "
"You're lying" you whispered "You...don't feel that way about me"
"I do" she promised
"And why didn't you say anything before?"
"I was scared. I took you for granted, because you were always there for me, no matter what. I ignored my heart, the butterflies in my stomach, the jealousy when I saw you too close to my mother. I didn't want to admit how I felt about you. And I didn't realize that I already had everything I ever wanted in front of me. I'm sorry. "
You looked into her eyes, searching for any trace of lies or mockery. But you didn't find it. She was telling the truth, she reciprocated your feelings.
You smiled at her and pulled her to you for another deep kiss. This time it was she who moaned against your mouth. The two of you poured all your feelings into that kiss, all the tension that you didn't even know had built up between you two.
Carla pulled away and felt a twinge of pride when she saw your swollen lips and the blush that ran from your cheeks to your neck. God you were beautiful.
"Carla I-"
"Shhh, no" she shut you up "you know I suck at this and that I hate romanticism. I already used up what little self-control I had"
You laughed a bit and she wiped away the tears you didn't even know had started to fall down your cheeks. She kissed you again and her hands lifted the towel a little over your thighs.
"My mother has unsettlingly clear ideas about your body" she said abruptly "Something about lending you a blouse?"
"Oh...that" you laughed nervously "Yeah.. maybe I tried it on in front of her" you admitted
"Well, thank you very much, now I have to live with the knowledge that my mother has seen more of my girlfriend's body than I have."
"Girlfriend?" you smirked
Carla froze. Her cheeks quickly turned red and her eyes couldn't meet your face.
"I-I, w-well, I mean, m-maybe I should have waited a little longer, I-I just thought that-"
You cut her adorable and nervous babbling with a deep kiss that she happily returned.
"Take me to bed, then we discuss the status of our relationship" you said
Isis smirked behind her beer when Carla groaned as you and Jackson yelled at her to run. She had no idea how you had managed to convince her to play with you, but here you were.
She suspected that it had little to do with being a "good mother to her son" and more to do with the shorts you were wearing. Either way, Isis was happy that her daughter found what she had been searching for so long.
You laughed when your girlfriend came back to your side with the ball in her hand. Her face was red from exhaustion and she was already sweating. She grunted a little but you pecked her lips to calm her down.
"I really hate this game" she muttered
"It doesn't matter, your girlfriend and your son love it. You'll get used to it" you joked.
You were about to kiss her again when you saw a figure walking towards you. You frowned and your grip tightened on the bat. Carla looked at you confused before following your gaze. She froze when she saw Ty walking towards you two with a bouquet of roses.
"I guess we got to the part where you forgive him" you whispered.
She looked at you and frowned. She intertwined her fingers with yours and kissed you on the cheek.
"Never again" she promised you.
You smiled at her and the two of you waited for Ty to be in front of you. The man looked at Carla, then at your hands and then back at Carla, completely ignoring you.
"We can talk?" He asked her
"No" she answered firmly
"Listen Carla, I made a mistake-"
"Me too" she cut him off "I made the mistake of being with you. To forgive you several times when I knew you would fail me again. No more. Get out of here"
"You listened to the lady, buddy. Get out!" You grunted.
"Uh...and you are?" he asked, finally looking at you.
You felt his eyes run up and down your body, stopping a little on your legs. It made you want to throw up and by the way Carla squeezed your hand, you knew she hadn't liked it either. Not one bit.
"My girlfriend" she told him
"Girlfriend?" he scoffed "I thought you didn't want to see more vagi-"
You pointed the bat at his face before he could finish the sentence.
"Unlike you, I know how to use this" you growled "Get out of here before I use your head as a ball"
"You wouldn't" he smiled at you "Hey, there's no need to fight, you two are beautiful and I'm fabulous. Why don't we just put this in bed and be happy?"
You were about to insult him when Carla took the bat from you and used it to hit him hard in the balls. The man doubled over in pain before falling to the ground. You didn't know whether to laugh or feel bad for him.
"This butt is mine" Carla growled, releasing your hand and grabbing one of your buttocks to draw you closer to her "And nobody else's. If you get close to me or my family again, I'm going to hit a home run with your balls"
You held back your laughter and let her drag you out of there, leaving the poor man lying on the ground.
Carla yelled something about going for ice cream, causing Jackson to run to the car. Isis, unlike you, laughed the whole way. You smiled and took one last look at the roses that were now on the ground.
“That was hot” you whispered to her. Carla smiled and pecked your lips.
Her hand never left your ass until you got in the car.
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KH’s tags: @midnight-lestrange​ @emilyprentissslut @mochiadria
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I See You, I Know You- and I’m Not Going Anywhere
You're All I've Ever Wanted, All I Want to Know, part 2
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Warnings: SMUT! THERE IS LOTS OF SMUT AHEAD!, oral (fem receiving), p in v sexy sex, shitty fiance of reader being shitty, slurs against the french (frog/froggy), angst, LOADS of feels, infidelity, gene mooning over reader to potentially OOC levels, tiny bit of innocence kink referenced, reader gets chatty when horny, untranslated french (bc it’s Gene’s POV so he wouldn’t think process and translate french in his head (let me know if you want me to add them)), unprotected sex (let’s just pretend there’s no risk, yes?), guilt, lots of potty words.
(My fancast for Peter Kelly is Pablo Schreiber but feel free to ignore it.)
Title(s) come from Duet by Penny and Sparrow and Only You by Matthew Perryman Jones
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It had been a relatively calm day in Schoonderlogt. The day was sunny- cold, but sunny- and everyone was taking advantage of the well-deserved break from the frontlines.
Gene was drinking some of the best coffee he’d had in months while watching a handful of Airborne and Army soldiers play some vaguely ruled interpretation of basketball, his eyes darting every so often towards the table a few yards away where you and the other nurses were casually sterilizing the linens and strips of fabric. 
You looked beautiful- your hair loose and your smile radiant as you laughed and joked with your friends. It wasn’t often that all of the company’s nurses were at the same place at the same time, so when the stars aligned and you got to see each other it never failed to bring you joy that would last for days afterward.
Your eyes caught his, and Gene couldn’t help but smile when you shot him a wink.
The merriment didn’t last much longer for you.
While Gene had been lighting a cigarette, he was dimly aware of another Jeep-load of Army men arriving at the mouth of the courtyard, not really concerned with the new arrivals.
Until you screamed.
When Gene and the other Easy men whipped their heads over towards the sound, he saw that someone- some man- had wrapped their arms around you from behind and lifted you off of your feet, a broad smile on the man’s face as he spun you around bodily.
Gene hadn’t realized he’d already gotten up and begun rushing for you until he saw Liebgott sprinting past him with balled fists and a fixed jaw. His blood was cold in his veins, heart thrumming anxiously as he catches sight of your pale face when the man sets you down, quickly turning in the man’s embrace and staring up at the grinning intruder.
Everyone comes to a halt when the man grips your bottom and pulls you into him for a deep kiss.
“Hey, Y/N!” Liebgott shouts, Gene watching with angry confusion as you quickly pull out of the kiss but don’t continue to shove the man away. “This guy bothering you?”
With your cheeks blazing, you offer a smile that doesn't reach your eyes, eyes still wide and flickering between Easy and this stranger.
“No,” you manage to say before the man wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you back into him.
“You gonna introduce me, Froggy-girl?”
Gene doesn’t like the way this man is bodily handling you, but what he really doesn’t like is how you seem to be letting him.
You clear your throat before shyly meeting Gene’s eyes.
“Guys, this is Peter Kelly,” you quickly look away from Gene and look to Joe Liebgott. “My fiance.”
You might as well have yanked Gene’s feet from under him.
Peter was everything Gene wasn’t: loud and boisterous and gregarious and extroverted, his jovial attitude initially winning over most of the guys.
That approval dissipates the more Peter drinks that night.
For Gene, he’d hated the man instantly. Not only because he was already half in love with you- although that was certainly a contributing factor.
No, Pete lost any respect from Gene the moment he saw the clear hickies hiding just beneath the collar of the man’s shirt. 
One time, when the two of you had been rolling bandages for restocking the soldier’s med-kits, you’d insinuated that Peter had a wandering eye. You hadn’t elaborated, but there had certainly been a tone of sad acceptance in your voice as you’d said it.
Judging by the way your eyes kept lingering on Peter’s throat, Gene knew that you knew exactly what had caused those marks.
It made Gene furious, but for your sake, he kept his seething to a minimum.
You seemed to shrink in on yourself, as if Peter’s presence made you wither from the inside. The more he spoke about you, it was clear to anyone listening that he didn’t respect you. Several times, Peter had referred to your nursing as ‘endearing’, ignoring your reminder that you weren’t doing this as a hobby with a look of faux apology and an admonishment for ‘upsetting your delicate frog-feelings’.
When Guarno had finally taken the bait and asked what all the frog references were about, you’d frowned and excused yourself with a grimace- a glower staining your face when Peter’s arm shoots out to pull you into his lap.
“Well, just look at her face- Doesn’t she look like the poutiest widdle frog?” 
He said this like a praise, Gene’s blood boiling as he watches you glare at a spot on the ground. With a bit of the fire you normally showed, you detangle yourself from his hold and announce that you’re going to refill your canteen- ignoring his childish whine and yelping when he smacks your ass as you leave.
“Also,” Peter says like a secret while hungrily watching you walk away. “Her mama’s second husband was one of those Frenchie types- so sometimes she acts a little spoiled- and all of us used to tell her to stop bein’ so froggy.”
When Peter shoots a wink Gene’s way, Gene gives him a glare before getting up and going the opposite direction you- not wanting to make your life any more difficult than Peter was clearly making it right now.
A little bit later, after Peter and some of the other Army guys invite Easy to join them at their basecamp, Gene overhears you and Peter arguing behind one of the stone buildings.
“I’m basically your husband, how am I supposed to explain to the guys that my girl doesn’t even want me to spend the night with her?”
“Because I know what ‘spending the night’ entails, and that is certainly not happening—”
Gene hears Peter groan, the beer he’d had earlier making him act more immature than before.
“I’m not getting tested. Why can’t you just trust me—?”
“Because you’re not trustworthy!” your voice is shrill, disgust lurking below the surface. “You clearly have been with someone recently, and I refuse to risk my job- my life- because you want to get off.”
Peter scoffs at that, and Gene creeps closer to hear better.
“You’re a nurse, Y/N. it’s not like you’re a medic—”
“Fuck you.”
Gene retreats quickly upon hearing your footsteps, only stopping when he hears a smacking sound. Before he can rush back, he hears you snarl.
“Don’t think you can ever put your hands on me like that ever again- on anyone. Next time, I won’t go easy on you with a slap. Now go away.”
With everyone else gone to the Army’s basecamp, Gene joins you in your temporary quarters, where you’re scribbling inventory reports with an angry grip on your pen.
It’s tense- and Gene wonders if you’d somehow known that he’d overheard your spat with Peter earlier. Your shoulders are up by your shoulders, leg bouncing beneath the table as you sit on the seat’s edge.
Gene knows you’re upset, but selfishly he’s upset too and knows he won’t be able to leave you to fester without at least trying to talk to you.
With obvious frustration, you all but throw your finished report towards the pile of completed paperwork by your feet, clearing your throat a few times as you stare at the wall in front of you.
Suddenly you sigh, your head tilting upward as your shoulders slump in defeat.
“Just go ahead and say it, Eugene.”
Gene frowns, staring at the back of your head. “Say what, Y/N—?”
“Whatever you’re trying so hard not to say, I can feel you ruminating all the way from over here.”
He pauses, feeling as if he may be walking into a trap that could make things infinitely worse. 
Screw it.
“You deserve better.”
You scoff sadly, a bitter sound that makes his chest ache in empathy.
“You sure about that?”
“‘Course I am. You deserve someone who doesn’t talk to you like you’re nuthin’. Someone who is kind and good and wants to make you happy—”
“What makes you think that he isn’t all of those things?”
“He’s a pig, Y/N….he is nuthin’ but mean and cruel and you’ve gotta see that—”
“How do you know that I didn’t used to be like him- just like him?”
Now he’s getting angry too, all of his rage from earlier coming back in full force without his permission.
“Stop bein’ contrary jus’ for the sake of it! Jesus, Y/N, you clearly don’t love him, why’re you still married if—?”
You slam down the pen you’ve been tapping aggressively, whirling around to turn the full force of your scowl upon him.
“What makes you think I haven’t tried to end it?!”
Carelessly nudging the chair out of your path, you storm across the room to stand before him and jab your index finger into the center of his chest.
“I hate to break it to you, Eugene, but some women don’t get to change their minds! Some of us could beg until we’re blue in the face and we’ll still be forced to tie ourselves to men who we hate, just because our parents want to reap the benefits of such arrangements!”
Your lip has begun to quiver, eyes shining with unshed tears as you look up at him.
“Some of us don’t get to be happy, don’t get to marry the people we love!”
Guilt makes his stomach feel sour, especially when you bury your face in his shirtfront and bite back a whimper of heartbreak- your breath hot through the layers of clothing as you choke back more cries.
“Hey,” Gene whispers, the anger he’d been feeling sizzling out like a drenched flame. “‘M sorry, Y/N- please don’t cry….”
You allow him to encourage your face away from his chest, taking your face in his hands and brushing the hair out of your face.
You look so defeated, so goddamn hopeless that it almost makes him want to cry, too. 
Unable to bear the sight of you upset for one more moment, Gene interrupts you mid-sob to catch your lips in a reassuring kiss.
It’s rougher than he intended, his desperation to quell your sorrow causing him to pull you into him a bit too quickly and causing your noses to press together uncomfortably for a moment. To his surprise, you don’t make any move to pull away- your hands coming up to grip at the front of his shirt with an anxiousness he hadn’t seen from you in years.
It reminds him of the first time he touched you.
Your lips are slightly trembling as you lean into him to deepen the kiss, and when Gene’s other hand comes up to cup your face he can feel the stick of drying tears on his palm. Seeing how your fiance had possessively gripped your face in his hand earlier had Gene’s blood boiling earlier- the lack of reverence the man had for you painfully clear in the way he spoke to you, the way he seemed to grope at you as if your flesh solely existed for his pleasure.
As if Gene didn't have enough reasons to hate Peter Kelly, the son of a bitch didn’t even appreciate the gift Gene knew you to be.
You were better than any of them, and he was sure that if he were to ask anyone else in Easy they would say the same. And, if the tension between Peter and the rest of the men were anything to go by, the general consensus was that the man didn’t deserve you. How he’d gotten you in the first place was a marvel that Gene couldn’t even begin to fathom.
Right now, all he knew was you, you, you.  
Your hands fisted in his hair offered the most comforting sting of passion, and Gene would be lying if he said that having you so fervent for him didn’t drive him to the brink of insanity. Heightened emotion was something the both of you seemed to have lost throughout this god-awful war, something you’d both had to relinquish in order to survive. 
Any time you showed these sparks of life, Gene felt a warmth in his chest that envied the most golden sunshine.
It reminded him that you were alive and he was alive and there was still a chance for something good to happen after all of this.
All of his thoughts return to you, feeling guilty for reflecting in a moment that demanded- no, deserved all of his attention and gratitude. He could admire you privately after you fell asleep, in his arms.
Right now, he needed to remind you that you were something worthy of worship.  
You whimper against his mouth when he slides his hands up the planes of your back beneath your sweater, breaking away from your lips momentarily to pull the sweater over your head and toss it to the floor. 
“I need you,” you’re whispering, your hands coming to tear at the buttons of his jacket as if it is personally offending you. “I’m so sorry, but I do….Please, Gene! I fucking need you—!”
Gene is quick to shush you, quickly helping you finish divesting him of his jacket so he can swallow your apologies in another toe-curling kiss. Growing up, he’d been taught that marriage was a life-long commitment, that anyone who broke that promise was ungodly or impure.
Of course, he’d also naively believed that people only got married because they were deeply and wholly in love with one another. It wasn’t until he had met you in Toccoa that he’d realized that love sometimes had nothing to do with it, that those sort of things weren't necessarily as clean-cut as he’d been led to believe.
Taking your face in his hands again, he tilts your face up so he can kiss at the warm skin beneath your jaw, liking the way your moan vibrates in your throat as he walks you back to the table you’d been working at and presses your backside against it.  The sound of your open-mouthed panting had him painfully hard already- it’s almost embarrassing how little you have to do to get him like this.
He hadn’t even realized one of your hands had been working at the fastening of his pants until you’ve begun to scratch your nails softly down the skin of his lower stomach, and when his hips jump in surprise he can feel your breath hitch in your throat with heady amusement. When you do it again, he can hear the smile in your exhale.
“Such a perfect cock,” you nearly coo, your touch light as your fingertips brush over the head of him. “Can’t believe how perfect you are….”
You get like this sometimes when you get turned on, Gene has come to learn.- all lust-drunk and babbly as your words switch from thoughtful to stream of consciousness. It’s endearing, so wildly endearing that Gene would go as far as to call this habit cute. 
Cute was the only term you ever showed resistance to, even in jest. Your reaction to the word was so viscerally negative that it had even surprised him- the person who you had frequently insisted knew you the best.
After meeting your fiance and his degrading attempts at ‘praise’, Gene was now able to understand why. 
Your hand was stroking him in earnest now, having used his precum to coat your hand so your movements were smooth and confident. Despite the fact that he’d managed to get your trousers undone and loose around your thighs, Gene hadn’t been able to actually do anything else other than clutch at your hips and gasp into your neck as you rhythmically ruined him.
Normally, this is as far as you two would get- one of you getting the other off with your hands (and sometimes mouths) before someone or something would interrupt the other’s attempt at reciprocation and you’d both have to dive back into your duties to the Company. It was deeply unsatisfying- particularly for Gene because he wasn’t afraid to admit that making you cum wasn’t one of his favorite things to do. Each and every time he didn’t get to return the favor made him feel terribly guilty- like he had somehow exploited your feelings for him.
It made him feel sick. It didn’t matter how many times you insisted that you didn't see it that way, he always was left feeling as if he’d been inexcusably selfish. 
He hated it.
But tonight was different. For once, the two of you weren’t the only medics available for the dozens of men who seemed to have a near-constant stream of injuries and festering wounds. The Army was there with their fourteen medics and nurses and the majority of Easy company had gone to visit their camp in order to mooch some of their beer and US-funded entertainment.
No one would be interrupting his time with you tonight. 
Not even your fiance, who was no doubt dishonoring his vows of fidelity right now.
It didn’t have to stop. He didn’t want it to stop.
“Wait, Minette,” Gene chokes out, reaching down to stop your sinfully-sweet touch before he lost himself in it. “Jus’ wait a second…..”
You make a sound of disappointment in your throat, and when he pulls back enough to look at you he can see a small pout on your lips- as if he’s deprived you of something. The sight makes him feel lightheaded, the implications almost enough to….
Focus, focus.
“You were so close,” your voice holds an undertone of frustration, your other hand attempting to sneak down and finish what the other had started. When he takes that wrist as well, your eyebrows furrow almost comically. “What are you doing, Eugene—?”
You cut yourself off when he suddenly drops to his knees, hands hooking in the waist of your pants and underwear as he does so and shucking them down to your ankles. Your eyes are wide now, cheeks flushed and eyebrows high in surprise.
Keeping his gaze on you, he leans forward enough to press a kiss to your freshly bared thigh. By the time he moves to give the other the same treatment, he can see that your eyes are becoming soft once more.
“I wanna take your boots off,” Gene says as evenly as he can, electricity crackling in his veins at the smell of you. “Can I do that, Y/N?”
At your hurried nod, Gene kisses a ‘good girl’ to your skin quickly before bowing his head to unlace your boots with shaking fingers. He’s thankful for the time it takes him to do so- it gives him the opportunity to get his thoughts together and regain some semblance of control over himself.
Maybe one day he could be impulsive when it came to you, when neither of you had the threat of death hanging over your heads like a heavy cloud.
But now, with each moment commonly understood as having the potential to be your last, Gene couldn’t afford to leave you as anything other than satisfied…..worshipped.
By the time he has your boots removed and one of your legs freed from your trousers, he wants nothing more than to make you come apart beneath him. Because of him.
Looking back up at you, he can see that you’ve unbuttoned your shirt and thrown it open so he can see your nipples harden beneath your once white t-shirt- the weather was far too cold to consider undressing to complete nudity. Your mouth is pink and swollen, shiny from your tongue having recently darted out to wet them.
For a moment, Gene is stuck- too awed by your beauty to risk moving and missing a moment of it. Your heated whisper of his name is the only thing that shakes him free, and he can’t help but lean into your touch when you card a hand through his hair again.
Bringing his rifle-roughened hands to your knees, he purposefully slides them up your thighs until he can rub his thumbs over your hip bones. When he presses on them lightly, you follow his touch and perch yourself on the edge of the table with a quiet curse. The action parts your lower lips slightly, a movement he is quick to chase with his mouth. 
He wastes no time shouldering his way between your thighs, using his hands to guide them over his shoulders as he starts to lick gently at the seam of your sex.
“Fuck,” you whimper, your other hand coming down to scratch lightly at his scalp. “Fuck, Eugene….you don’t have to—ohh!”
Your unnecessary reassurance is lost in a sigh of arousal the moment his thumbs open you up more for him so he can circle the tip of his tongue around your clit before laving it more purposefully. You always tried to reassure him that using his mouth on you wasn’t necessary, clearly not accustomed to having a partner who enjoyed doing so.
Not that Gene was an expert, not by any means.
But, between having mapped out your sex with his fingers and the limited experience he’d had before the war paired with his- er, considerable knowledge of the human anatomy- he knew enough to take out most of the guesswork.
He hasn’t had many opportunities to go down on you- three on the boat ride to England, five times during your time in Alderbourne, twice since dropping into Normandy. You’d dropped to your knees for him far more than that, and now that he had more perspective on what your relationship with Peter had probably entailed Gene was determined to make up for each and every indulgence you’d offered him.
The tremor of your thighs tells him that you’re getting close, and he can tell by the way the muscles of your stomach clench beneath his greedy palm that you’re starting to have a hard time keeping yourself up as you watched him devour you. He hadn’t realized how vigorously he’d been attending to you, too lost in your taste and smell to hear the interspersing chant of his name being showered upon him as praise spilled from your lips once more.
With a groan, brings you to orgasm, refusing to cease his suckling despite the blooming ache in his jaw. It isn’t until your foot raises to press at his shoulder that he allows you to push him away, and he can tell that he’s exhausted you by the way you fall back and writhe while your release works itself through your bloodstream.
“Oh my God, Gene,” you keep repeating, chest jumping with adrenaline. “Why are you….how are you so good?”
He chuckles at that, his cheeks darkening at the praise. Gene watches as your eyes skate down his body to look at his cock, swallowing audibly before looking into his eyes once more. Before he can assure you that he understands if you don’t want to keep going, you carefully sit up and look up at him bashfully, biting the inside of your lower lip and bringing your hand to his cheek.
The look you’re giving him starts to make him nervous. He’s about to ask you what’s wrong when you clear your throat and tell him.
“I...I don’t know if I’m good at it.”
Gene frowns, searching your face for clarification as to what you’re trying to say.
“What’re you mean, ma cherie? What’s got you so worried?”
Your shoulders nearly slump as you sigh, giving him a weak smile as you clear your throat once more. 
“At sex, Gene. I’m worried—I don’t know how to make it good for you...”
With a shake of his head, he brings his crooked index finger under your chin to stop you from hanging your head in embarrassment. You look so lost right now it breaks his heart.
“Minette, you are the best thing to ever happen to me.”
When you open your mouth to rebuke his statement he’s quick to kiss you, using his free hand to bring yours from his cheek to press against the middle of his chest. It takes you a moment, but you do kiss him back, inhaling sharply as he nips carefully at your bottom lip.
Pulling back, Gene traces his thumb over your lips and gives you a soft smile.
“Never worry about me, ‘cause there isn’t a damn thing you could do that wouldn’t make it ‘good for me’.”
You narrow your eyes at that. “I doubt that’s true—”
Gene snorts and shakes his head admonishingly. “Doubt all you want, darlin’. Don’t make any of what I said change one bit.”
You look at him for a bit, eyes softening again and your hand smoothing down his chest with a hum. He thinks you’re going to require further reassurance until he watches as you purposefully part your mouth enough for his thumb to slip between your lips. The sight of you watching him paired with the drag of your tongue along the pad of his finger goes straight to his cock, reminding him of just how hard he’s become.
When you release him with a gentle nip to his fingertip, Gene stares at you in disbelief.
“Jésus Christ, cherie,” he can’t help but murmur. “Vous ne jouez pas juste…”
You tilt your head slightly, clearly aware of what he’s said but seeming to understand the gist of it.
“Show me what you like,” you whisper, scooting your hips to the very edge of the table and brushing your lips against his. “I’ve wanted you for so long….”
Gene kisses you as he slips inside of you, your gasp of pleasure sweet on his tongue. Unprompted, you bring your legs up to find some purchase around his hips and squeak as you take all of him in at once.
Bon Dieu, tu te sens comme le paradis….
You are clutching at him, your hands dancing for the best place to grip him before settling on one arm hooking around his neck and your other hand bracing at his left bicep. It’s an awkward position- probably because neither of you had ever tried to fuck on a table before- so Gene tries to get past the near blinding pressure building in his loins and wraps one of his arms around your hips to slightly adjust the bend in your spine.
“Shit, I’m sorry—!” you being to apologize before he cuts you off.
“Non, non, non, non Minette….just let me try and—”
You both cry out as he suddenly ruts deep, your nails digging into his flesh through his shirts you gape up at him in surprise.
“Oh, oh!”
“‘S that okay?” he grits out, resisting every fiber in his body that is begging for him to piston his hips and just fuck you already. You nod quickly, rolling your hips experimentally and kissing him quickly when he keens before he can stop himself. Gene grits his teeth at the sweetness you’re showing him. You’re just so good. “I’ll stop if it’s—”
“More than okay….do that again- please don’t stop!”
There’s something so…. overwhelming about the way you’re looking at him, with your eyes wide and lips parted. The whimper that comes from the back of your throat at his next thrust combined with your bewildered expression makes you appear so beautifully innocent that Gene momentarily forgets how to breathe. Maybe innocent is the wrong word. 
Honest. Yes, that was it.
It was your honesty that was overwhelming him, the lack of theater in your reactions to him and his touch so genuine and open that he almost didn’t know what to do with himself. Having you- the most glorious creature he’d ever met, would ever meet- gaze at him as if he’s hung the stars in the sky was just so bewitching and unexpected, particularly because of how highly he regarded you.
Your eyes have a glossy look to them, almost as if you were drunk. Rather than the babble he’d anticipated hearing from you, you’ve gone almost silent aside from the sighs and gasps of pleasure that accompany each piston of his hips into your tight velvet heat. Head lolled back, you watch him from under heavy lids while meeting his thrusts with careful pitches of your own, your eyelashes fluttering in response to his punched-out breath washing over your face.
If he didn’t know any better, Gene would say that you had undersold your experience on purpose. You had to know what you were doing to him.
How devastatingly close you were to unmanning him.
“Is it good, Ma Chatounette?” he can hear himself ask, his head already swimming with the initial signs of orgasm. “Am I making you feel good?”
You nod shallowly, mouth opening to reply but no sound coming out. The hand you’ve braced on his arm now has started to claw, and he can feel you tighten around him. 
You’re close, too.
“Please,” you nearly weep, your hips starting to rut against him. “Please please please please—!”
“D'accord,”’ he nods, taking your words as permission to allow his body to chase that fire that’s been burning him alive for quite some time now. “Je te donnerai ce dont tu as besoin, chérie. Je vais le rendre meilleur….”
Gene moans as you allow him to put a hand on your shoulder and press you back so you’re laying back on the table, your back arching sinfully as you mewl for him. Your legs tighten around his waist, and he feels his jaw go slack at the sight of your rolling hips coming to meet him thrust for thrust. You’ve begun to chant his name again, the sheen of sweat on your skin making you look like some carnal divinity sent to him for the sole purpose of ruining him.
And who was he to deny an angel?
Your arms wrap around him as he hunches over to brace his elbows by your shoulders, pressing your hot cheek against his - nibbling at his earlobe as his rhythm becomes punishing.
“Ma ruine, mon ange, je ne veux jamais être sans toi—”
“Come for me- please, please, I’ve never felt so good—”
It’s the catch of his pelvis against your clit that snaps both of you into oblivion, Gene’s vision going white as he clutches at whatever parts of you he can get his hands on, choking on his own breath as the bite of your fingernails adds the perfect amount of pain to his release. He’s aware of you crying out in release, but it’s swirled into the sound of blood racing in his ears as your tightening walls milk him for all he’s worth.
As his vision returns to him, he laboriously removes his head from the curve of your shoulder to look at you, his heart freezing midbeat when he sees tears streaming down your cheeks.
You’re shaking your head, hands finding his cheeks to bring his mouth to yours so you can kiss him syrupy-slow, the action throwing him for a loop.
“I’m happy,” you insist between kisses. “It was so good…. I-I don’t know why I’m crying, I’m sorry—”
Gene calms instantly, kissing you back and sighing into your mouth.
He understood what you were trying to say, knew exactly what you were experiencing. It made him stupidly happy that he wasn’t the only one overwhelmed by this….connection you two had.
He’d never had a lover who had reciprocated his feelings so fully. Then again, he’d never felt this with anyone else before, either.
“Don’t be sorry, Minette….I feel it, too.”
It takes the two of you a while, but you do eventually manage to move to the small mattress in the corner of the room, tangling yourselves together beneath the moderate warmth of the blankets and coats you’d scavenged earlier while avoiding Peter.
You must’ve thought he was asleep, because he has a feeling you wouldn’t have dared to say the words aloud.
“I love you,” you whispered against his shoulder in the darkness. “However terrible that makes me, I’m in love with you Eugene Roe.”
Gene is thankful for the pitch-black surrounding you. That way, he can allow himself to smile without fear of you seeing it.
Je suis amoureux de toi depuis des années, (Y/N).  J'ai hâte de te le dire un jour.
But for now, this was enough.
~ ~ ~
(*hides under covers for the rest of the day* OK THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME THIS HAS BEEN MY FIC DO WITH IT WHAT YOU WILL)
Taglist: @mrseasycompany​ @itswormtrain @mrsalwayswrite​ @happyveday​ @sunsetmando​ @ricksmorty​ @liebgotttme​
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I just heard that you're doing requests!!! I already love your content and fully agree that Natsuo Todoroki is King~!!! If I may bother to ask a request? Just all the hcs you want to write about Ice Man bc it's getting to June where I live, and I don't mind cooling down~
Tera, my beloved, I'm going to be honest I literally fucking screamed upon seeing this request!!! I’ve been reading your fics before I even had like an acc here, so we vibin :) Also after the day I’ve had I need some fucking Ice man in my life n hopefully doing this will help me write my way out of the writers block that has been plaguing me for months!!!!
Future Blue here to say I had up to like all done last night and then my internet ate shit and I lost everything after 5. smfh. Woulda been done last night but the loss of my writing got me fucked up lolololololol. N e way
Warnings: cursing obvi, uh like nsfw for a hc or 2, my unorganized hcs that really follow no succinct line of thought and might not even be actual hcs???????
So Natsuo, 
There is not a thing I wouldn’t do for this man, bc honestly after all the shit he’s put up with he deserves the world and then some. But I digress.
1. I think he’s a hesitant but attentive boyf. Like he seems like a genuinely friendly dude but I think it’d take him a while to properly warm up to someone enough to date them. And even then I think he might struggle to open up to his partner about anything like, emotionally. Not to say he’s entirely emotionally closed off or anything but somethings are just harder to trust people with. The main thing being his familial issues. And of course that’s were most of this stems from. 
Now for the attentive part. His family dynamic has set a precedent on what not to do in a relationship so he’s always hyper aware of the things he or his s/o does, trying his best to avoid making any of the mistakes his parents made. Of course if he finds the right person he’ll be surprised to find that having a non-toxic relationship can be less stressful than he thought. It’s like a huge weight was just lifted from his shoulders.
2. He’s fucking hella romantic. Like he’s shitty romance movie romantic. He’s out here trying his best n woof. Gimme gimme. On date nights he pulls out all the stops. Sometimes it’s a nice classic dinner date at a pretty nice restaurant downtown, or it’s a picnic in the park at noon, or it’s stargazing from the roof of his or his s/o’s dorm/apartment/house, or driving out to a beach just for a long walk at sunset, or road trips to nowhere in particular. I could go on, I really could but you get the gist.
3. He’s got shitty pickup lines for days. Whenever I say shitty I mean like “god I hate it but at the same time I love it” kinda shitty. But yeah he likes to see his s/o’s reaction to his stupid pickup lines, whether they get flustered, or die laughing, or groan and make a snide remark, he’s here for it. Shoot one back at him and he get’s so absolutely red. Mans wasn’t ready. Mans will never be ready.
4. This just came to me but let’s be honest a lot of us here, myself included, have some sort of fucking daddy kink and like, I get it obvi but in this situation never call this man daddy. I feel like for him that is an instant turn off. I’m sorry to everyone I’m letting down but sometimes daddy issues don’t lead to a daddy kink. 
5. But on the topic of kinks I think this man is pretty vanilla, he doesn’t scream “freak” to me, you know? Just normal amazing sex. Oh but he does enjoy hella praise both receiving and giving.
6. Hopping off that train of thought and onto another I think he kinda tries to keep his s/o as far away from his family as possible. He doesn’t hate them (when I say them you know i mean everyone except Enji bc he avoids that man like the plague and like keeping his s/o far far far away from that man was a given), no he just likes to have something so utterly untouched by his family issues. Mans needs a breath of fresh air.
-These next 2 I think will veer off from being hcs a bit and just like shit that I like to think about in general. Does that make sense? Who knows lololol. N e way. I like to think a lot about two aspects of this man, well 1 aspect of the man himself and one....dynamic? It’ll make sense in a few so just hear me out. 
7. Ok so like I saw this post somewhere eons and eons ago. It was long before current manga events, maybe around the time we’d just gotten Natsuo in the manga. My memory of this post is hazy at best so bear with me as I stumble over my thoughts. Obvi at this point in time we had little to nothing on this beautiful, beautiful man, so people were left to theorize. So this one post, was really that shitty meme where it’s like “small brain if you think such n such, bigger brain if this, n galaxy brain if this, etc., etc.” Where in essence it was like, “He probably has a weak ice quirk but what if some sort of ice based healing quirk or no quirk at all!” N i think about it a lot to this day. I don’t believe that either of those are true but I do think it is absolutely immaculate food for thought so uh do with that what you will.
8. I guess this is back on hc territory but Natsuo isn’t picky with who he dates, as long as you’re not an asshole he’s kinda set, good to go. Now most of the fics for him you’ll see are like “ay yo, you’re another college hoe or like you’re just a civilian” but like what would the dynamic be if he dated a hero?????? I don’t think he hates heroes but his father has definitely had an impact on his view of them. He’s not enamored with them like I guess the rest of the population is so what if hero s/o?????? Perhaps?????? Have I suddenly had a fic idea??????? I like the idea of Natsuo with a like super popular Pro hero s/o or with like a super lowkey underground hero idk this whole post has been me spitballing shit.
9. Back onto proper hcs, it’s a common one that mans runs cold and ugh pls yes. It is also June rn and while the past few days have been cool and sexy the weeks prior had been hellish and on top of that I despise summer so give me all of that. Mans is your personal ac, he’s not opposed to his s/o just spending a hellishly hot day laying on top of him as they watch garbage reality tv.
10. Can we talk love language? Physical touch. He just radiates that energy. Probably touch starved, obviously due to you know what. But yeah definitely a hard physical touch. (Which is actually my least favorite love language considering I’m quite ✨𝓣𝓸𝓾𝓬𝓱 𝓻𝓮𝓹𝓾𝓵𝓼𝓮𝓭 ✨but hey I’m not here to project I’m just here to tell you what I see n therefore think) He likes to be touching his s/o like 24/7. Out in public shopping or some shit? Holding hands, linked pinkies, arm around the shoulders or waist. At home? Sheesh be ready to be smothered bb.
TLDR: What a man 🥵
I think I’ve gotten most if not all of my thoughts about our beloved ice man out. I hope you enjoyed my nonsensical ramblings :)
Have a good morning/afternoon/night!!!!!
70 notes · View notes
seijorhi · 3 years
asks :))
what i have learned today is that y’all wanna get fucked by some monsters...
What does nostos mean? What language is it in? 🤔 also I of course loved it, mind blown as usual queen
it’s ancient greek! it means homecoming, the idea of a triumphant return home for the hero after a long journey. i found it through looking at the root of nostalgia. in this fic of course it’s kind of a grim tongue in cheek play on it. the reader’s coming back to the mountains, but she’s running away after a bad breakup, and the welcome she gets is... shall we say less than ideal haha
Just read nostos-
First of all as a person who reads monster shit- hell ya. Mhm. That’s some good shit right there. That was DELICIOUS horror. It actually had me a bit nervous and afraid to read what was gonna happen next 😳
Secondly- omg I wanna know what happened next (at the end) 👀 know what I mean??? 😼
ANYWAY AS ALWAYS you never disappoint and your writing is fantastic (if/when you write horror yandere stuff again I’ll be there- frothing at the mouth. A+++++ work ILY💖)
you want me to write the monster porn, just say it bby ghfjdkshgfjkd but ty
Omfg that fic was so good!
Did the readers mom know about monster kuroo?? Or was she just worried because of the previous murder? And did Kuroo somehow manipulate reader into coming back to the forest or was it just a big coincidence? (👁👄👁 there's no such thing as a coincidence)
Looking forward to your future work <3
ty nonnie!! i didn’t have the right space for it, but after kohsuke was ripped apart and eaten kuroo stayed by the reader’s side until late in the night, only disappearing when he heard the reader’s parents/search party approaching. they found her lying in pools of blood (and scattered half eaten body parts), shaking and unresponsive – they knew no animal could’ve done something like that. so they knew something lurked in those woods, but considering the reader had repressed the memories, her mom couldn’t just come out and say it <33
You are an AMAZING horror writer!!!
The uneasiness I got from the conversations with the mom is just *chefs kiss*
ahh thank you!! horror is such a hard genre to write because i’m never sure if the suspense and everything’s gonna hit right haha
I read Nostos before going to sleep last night and at the time I was like “sure hope this doesn’t give me nightmares” and thankfully it didn’t lol. But I think I’m willing to take that chance again because it’s so GOOD and I think I’m just going to have to relive it – @ohno-otome
fhdjgbfhjkdfn i’m glad it didn’t give you nightmares bby!! but i also appreciate that haha, i’m an absolute wimp with scary movies and stuff but i just can’t stop watching them haha
I just wanna say that I was listening to "You're a psychotic villain playlist" on youtube while reading Kuroo's oneshot and I can't explain the emotions I felt, but I'd let Kuroo do things to me asdfghjkl – @itishebihime-samaforyou
ooh nice! sometimes the right playlist makes things doubly as fun haha
OH MY GOD!?!?! Nostos was soooo GOOD?!?!? Like it was so creepy (but in a good way), and scary and suspenseful!! And the ending!?!? Omggg honestly one my fav fics from you!! You did my mans Kuroo justice 🥺💖💕
TYYYYYYY i was genuinely concerned i was gonna scare everybody off haha
Ah! The new fic! Chiefs kiss! Magnificent! Bravo!🧚‍♀️✨🧞‍♀️🦖🦭🌹💫
tysm nonnie!!! <33
i’m pretty sure i’m in the same/similar timezone as you? and i do be staying up late to be one of the first to read your fics (i usually stay up late anyways). so imagine my surprise when i see you post in the afternoon. in conclusion, whether you post to align with your european and american readers’ timezone, my gmt+10 arse will still be one of the first to read your fics. also nostos sjdufigyyjf i have to admit, i recently just found out about monster fucking and nostos scratched the itch😫 i feel bad for kohsuke though
bby i always post at like 2-4 in the morning please get some sleep!! the fics will be there in the morning lmao. i kinda low key forget about my aussie/gmt+10 followers because i think there’s like... 3 of you haha
Honestly if i could give u a dollar everytime i got off to your fics, you'd probably be rich by now
lmao the idea that people find my fics hot enough to get off to still blows my mind lol
your newest kuroo fic was so SO good!! its totally okay if you dont want to answer this so you can keep things ambiguous but is monster kuroo planning on killing the reader after he's...done with them
thank you, bby!! but no, monster kuroo isn’t gonna eat her – he’s had plenty of chances to do that if that’s what he wanted, but he has other plans for the poor reader
RHI, I WANT TO STATE FOR THE RECORD THAT I AM OKAY WITH MORE MONSTER FUCKING IN THE FUTURE. i also want to say im not a monster fucker, but that just feels like a lie at this point. okay, now that that's off my chest, i love it. the mystery, the connections of kuroo to a cat. kuroo's probably gonna go and batter around his prey once they're under his grip like my cat does. hopefully the reader will come out somewhat unscathed, if they are ever allowed to leave 😌 love this, love how different it is, the way kuroo just tries to weasel in. very monster and yandere vibes, very you. have i said i love this yet?? id willingly let him get me drunk on his cock, maybe never leave the peace of the mountains again
‘i want to say that i’m not a monster fucker’ bby the denial will get you nowhere haha. just lean in and embrace it hgfjkdlkfgjnkdl ahh but thank you this is such a sweet ask ILY!!!
Omg omg the monster thing kuroo was in ur latest fic is so familiar to me abdhdmfnjfjf. I remember being told abt a monster with VERY SIMILAR characteristics to it (aka the not being able to go inside a house unless invited and using fire to lure ppl out) AND JFC IT TERRIFIED ME. Esp how when i told ppl around me and they didnt recognize what it was, but it was somehow known to the kid that told me abt it.
(Some ppl thought it was familiar but still didnt know what it was)
Do u know what im talking abt? Hopefully u do
GHFJDK so the monster in this is kind of based off the nekomata spirit in japanese folklore - they can appear like people, torment victims by reanimating the corpses of their loved ones, they’ve been blamed for forest fires, so it was just fun to use that as a basis and then go buck wild haha. anyway thanks for the ask bby!
Rest In Peace Kohsuke, you would’ve loved Haikyuu season 5😔✊– @joyvstheworld
poor kohsuke deserved better, i’m just mean to the oc’s i throw into fics haha
Monsterfucking ❤❤❤❤❤❤ a little annoyed you're making me simp for yan Kuroo though (a vibe tho tbh). You're so extremely talented!!!! &
This is probably a stupid question, but how did Kageyama react when he couldn't find y/n? How is life with yan Suga? I imagine probably awful BUT yknow maybe the stockholm syndrome set in fast lmao. Sorry, I'm going on a binge reading your stuff. - @oracleofdin
i will not apologise for making you simp for kuroo he deserves it the man’s a snacc. and as far as your second question, suga’s a very caring, very smothering kinda yandere, so i guess in some ways it’s better than what the reader had with kageyama but... pick your poison haha
That was so good. I’m so shook rn I can’t comprehend anything but how good that was and how good a writer you are
Ok, so, I just read Final Girl and the lil' ticket addition to it and just---
Well, ok I've been playing Dead by Daylight a lot lately? And I'm just picturing Tetsu as the newest killer "The Trickster" and I'm positively RANDY.
Your writing is ALREADY thirst inducing and just as satisfying, but this has SENT ME- If you're not familiar, please...
Understand my thirst. (I'd also like to clarify, I use a different skin for him that gives him black hair and he looks like Kuroo with an undercut.)
~ @the-casual-hedonist 🌸
i love how feral y’all got for final girl kuroo. like bo and akaashi had his fans, but i put a spiked bat in kuroo’s hands and y’all lost your goddamn minds and i love to see it. fghdjkvhfjdkls thanks for the ask bby
idk why but I love preggo reader as long as I don't pretend it's me 😢✋ I hate babies n pregnancy anywhere else other than horny haikyuu fics
i think that’s a valid thing for a lot of fans. the idea of breeding is sexy, the actual getting pregnant and having a kid thing... not so much. but especially with non-con scenario’s, it’s more about the aspect on control than the actual desire to have kids. but yeah, i feel you
Sorry to bother but uh was just wondering in fracture did Osamu kill his wife or was it actually an “unfortunate event” ? Love your work btw!!
he most certainly did :))
LMFAO RHI i totally get not liking cheating/infidelity fics (towards reader) bc IT HIRTS ME SO BAD I CANNOT HANDLE THOSE.
id be reading fics those fics like: tf you mean my yandere aimt gonna baby me and only want me??🤨🤨🤨⁉️‼️
EXACTLY! listen i get that it’s a fucked up fantasy, but in my fucked up fantasy you damn well better have the decency to be loyal smh
Finders keepers is the most beautiful thing I've read by you: I read it twice like I normally do and here's what I figured out the second time (that's when I analyze it and find the little tidbits of things that are much darker than they appear (: )
To start I LOVE THE DETAILS OF THEM NEVER TEACHING READER ANYTHING- at first I assumed "oh they might see her as a little sister or child or something" but realized thAT WAS THE ISSUE!! they infantilize her and isolate her from everyone but her group. the small details like that are what make the story amazing 😎💅
ahh thank you so much, nonnie!! pls this is making me soft 🥺
I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your writing and I hope you're doing well!!! Drink plenty of water and keep up the amazing work :) but seriously you're one of the best fanfic writers I've seen on tumblr! I read your "Imitation" piece about kuroo and i keep coming back to it, it's so good! I did want to ask if you think it'd be possible for the reader to ever escape with the baby (or at least attempt to). Or if Kenma would "help" at all just to put an end to kuroo's antics lmao
kenma would in no way help the reader, and tbh by that point if kuroo did get her pregnant, she’d be far too emotionally dependant on him to actually even want to leave, but thanks for the ask!
You know who I think would be a perfect Yandere in the JJK world? Choso.
🚨Spoilers Ahead🚨
After being locked in a glass jar for however long he was, and all that happened with his brothers, I feel like he would absolutely never let his darling out of his sight. He would be possessive. Obsessive. And Oh So delusional. Sure he’d be your anything - he truly is a softy - but to what end?🤤
choso would make an excellent yandere, ngl 😌
what au/troupe of your fav character(s) that you have written do you like the most?
(rlly hope this makes sense🙏)
i am always a slut for soulmate au’s :))
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chokemeanakin · 3 years
Hello the love of my life, how are you? I’m here to annoy you as always and I was tagged to ask questions but I wanted to add a little bit of ✨spice✨ so these are my questions. I love you so much
How do you get your inspiration?
If you could explain your love language, how would you explain it and which name would you use?
Which are your favourite authors from here?
Which are your favourite fics?
What’s the last thing you read?
Favourite song? Favourite food?
Why is your comfort character your comfort character?
When do you realize you found your comfort character?
Which things do you have in common with your comfort character?
Bye! <3
BABE u are too sweet 🥺 ty for the questions I will answer them now 💖👇🏻:
How do you get your inspiration?
A few ways 😏:
1) getting my heart broken
2) being horny
3) angsty music or going to the theater or reading a really good book
4) the scenarios I make up in my head so I can fall asleep
5) people who send in asks/thoughts to my inbox, y’all are so creative and amazing 💖💖💖
If you could explain your love language, how would you explain it and which name would you use?
Idk much about love languages but i think I took a quiz one time and it was like acts of service and words of affirmation. So yeah I’ll die if you tie my shoe and call me baby 🥺
But also like physical touch... on the down low. only when it’s not sunny outside. don’t ask me to explain that cause I can’t.
Which are your favorite authors from here?
Hmmm I don’t really read from here anymore but they used to be Julia (anakinswhore), she’s on ao3 though as @ anakincanchokemethanks and all of her Star Wars works are on there, she’s also on here as @playlist-library and @mordekaisersbitch
Also @ sunsetkenobi but she’s on ao3 now as @melethwi
and @anakinlove she just knows so much about Star Wars, and she’s a talented artist, and she writes super cute fluff 🥰
There’s probably more I’m forgetting but if you check out my tag #ficrecs you can find ppl I read there
Which are your favorite fics?
Rain Must Fall - anakincanchokemethanks on ao3
A Hard Days Night - anakincanchokemethanks on ao3
After Hours - melethwi on ao3
Alone With You - melethwi on ao3
Shiver - melethwi on ao3
Again there’s definitely more, just check out #ficrecs
What’s the last thing you read?
... 🤭 i actually don’t read much Star Wars anymore. I feel like I’ve seen it all idk 😭
So I’ve been reading a lot of aot fan fiction now for eren and levi oooppsss but ummmmmm @ yagamisdiary has a really good eren ff on wattpad called Parasite yall should go read it it’s soooo good it’s all I read 🙏🏻
Favorite song? Favorite food?
Favorite song ... is a hard one.... I can never choose. so here’s a playlist of my all time favorites, yaknow the ones that never get old and just instantly put me at peace 🥰👇🏻
As for favorite food, either sushi or avocado toast or hot sauce 🙏🏻
Why is your favorite comfort character your comfort character?
Bc he’s pretty and smart and he has a sexy voice and a metal arm and his tiddies are nice and so are his abs and he’s so so tall and he’s like mean but not so mean that it’s awful but like he could be awful if he wanted to, but he’d never be mean to you unless you deserve it because when he loves someone he loves them way too much and I just think he’s cute so yeah 💖
When did you realize you found your comfort character?
Funny story, one of my friends has the same last name as Anakin’s actor and I saw this pic of him when I looked him up:
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and I just thought he was super super hot, but I’d never seen Star Wars before, I didn’t even know what the difference between Anakin and Luke was, or Obi-Wan and Han-Solo, and I didn’t know that Anakin was Darth Vader or anything. And then my friend sent an edit of that shirtless scene in rots and I just— I just about busted all over myself ngl 😳🤚🏻
So I finally sat down and forced myself to watch all the movies, basically fell in love with that stupid mf, and a couple months later at the start of quarantine I made this blog and never looked back 🥰🥰🥰
But it was really weird for me ngl, cause like, he’s not even my type. My type is dark hair, dark eyes, hates everyone, quiet, introverted, detests the idea of love.
But Anakin’s like... lighter hair, light eyes, Chad to the Max, loves ppl so much he kills children, mommy’s boy, car nerd, dramatic, etc.
Idk. Something about this mf 🙄🤺🤺🤺
Which things do you have in common with your favorite comfort character?
-both douchebags
-both have anger issues
-both been fucked over one too many times
-both holding on by a thin fucking strand
-both hate children
-both chads 😏
-both love hugs but are too afraid to admit it
-both impatient and are always accusing ppl of things they didn’t do based off of our own insecurities
-both hate meditating but probably should
-both fall in love with things way too quick and way too much
-both a little narcissistic but also hate ourselves
-both like to sip martinis while watching drama unfold
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-he’s an extrovert and I cry in public situations
-I cry way too much honestly
-but it’s ok cause he’s a wuss for tears
-he’s good under pressure
-he can run a lot without losing his breath
-he can flirt good but I just insult ppl when I try
-he understands mechanics and shit and i’d combust if you asked me to hand u a wrench
-but I can take a straight shot of tequila while I think he’d vomit if he didn’t pour 8 cups of fruit mixer in 😏
-I think he would tastefully use swears, but I just let em fly
-could probably beat me in an arm wrestling match until I make him let me win and then I’d be happy
-this isn’t making sense anymore and you didn’t even ask me for differences 🤣🤣🤣
•••This was fun!! Thank you Leah 💖 I too am counting down the days until Halloween, you know what’s up!!! Best holiday ever 🥰🎃•••
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Obviously I am dumb because after all these years I realized I had no idea what this dialogue meant: "I was trying to buy you" WHAT BUY MEANS? BUY WHAT FROM AARON? "You paid me off yesterday... I thought you were trying to blackmail me" WHEN DID EVER AARON GAVE THAT IMPRESSION? Then out of sadden Aaron push Robert against the wall "If you want ONS do them away from home"? How is this relevant? And last but not least, " So what was that about Fin? " 😂Is it subtext? What's the point of their conversation
2) Ohhh and also in the line "what was that about finn trying to rub my nose in it"???? I don't understand how and why the one line brings the next one... Why having an ONS with Robert would make Aaron want to use Finn to piss off Robert and how would that work in what sense?
3) I'm terribly sorry but I realized there are many things I can't explain about their interactions. Why would Aaron destroy Robert's car without a shame or remorse and then Robert was horny because of it? Also, after the failed Aaron/Finn date why Aaron looked angrily at Robert before following Finn in the 🚾? And what Robert was about after Finn said to Aaron that he wasn't so special?
4) Xoxoxo Camillie there is also another part of a scene I cannot complete disepher and it's their first time at their garage. I understand why Aaron says that Robert starts to annoy him (he was very hot and cold and Aaron is not a man of patience) but why Robert said likewise? How is Aaron annoying to him at that point? Also, a few seconds later, Aaron in a very pfff manner tries to escape Roberts move but Robert forces him to stop. You don't do that when somebody seems that doesn't want to do anything with you atm
right! hello and welcome to Robron 101 😂😂
anon most of these lines that make no sense to you can easily be summed up with "they're just two horny idiots who want to bone each other really bad and the sexual frustration makes them act like insane dumbasses", which they are. like that's all there is to know really lmao
but ok let's do this!
so 1st ask: aaron was very annoyed and insulted that robert thought he'd tried to blackmail him over their -at the time- ons when really they'd just both wanted it. so he says "your money means nothing to me mate, you can't buy me!" bc once again robert tried to throw money at him and aaron just wants robert to know he can't be bought (for sex or otherwise) and manipulated like that. robert says "i wasn't trying to buy you" to which aaron replies "you tried to pay me off yesterday" and robert explains "because i thought you were trying to blackmail me!". what we have here is very simply a panicky robert who - upon seeing aaron around chrissie - immediately thought aaron was trying to use the gay sex they'd had to get money from him, because aaron is poor and robert is with a rich family. it annoys aaron that robert throught that of him so he shoves him against the wall and says the line "if you want a ons do it away from home next time" bc indeed if robert is that stressed out about being found out and he just wanted sex then why do it with someone in the same village his wife lives in??
2nd ask: then robert goes "so what was that about with finn? tryna rub my nose in it, were ya?" probably to change the subject and maybe also as a reaction to aaron suggesting he should go and have sex further away from home next time/calling it a ons. meaning 'well if you're not that bothered about me like your words suggest and if we were just a random ons, how come you were trying to make me jealous with finn?' basically 'admit it.. you give a sheat'.
3rd ask: ahh Why would Aaron destroy Robert's car without a shame or remorse and then Robert was horny because of it? well see my original point about them being dumb horny boys, i guess this is the beauty of robron and doesn't really need an explanation haha.
aaron was mad that the engaged man he’d shagged was engaged so he tried to make robert as bummed and jealous as he was by taking finn on a non-date. but! robert saw through his plan so he tried to not give him the satisfaction and acted like he did not give a single duck #livingmybestlifehahahaha even though he clearly was bummed and kept looking over (discreetly) at the finron nondate. robert's apparent non-reaction and lack of jealousy annoyed aaron even more, he acted like the king of dickheads with finn which prompted finn to storm off and save the little dignity he had left. aaron didn't like that bc it looked bad and was counterproductive to the Plan so he went after him and was even more of a condescending dickhead by saying he was sorry if he gave him the wrong impression (after purposely asking him out for a drink). finn - tired of being taken for a mug by king dickhead aaron - told him "you're not that special you know" which robert saw bc he followed them like a loser. robert then proceeded to make fun of aaron for this whole charade that severely backfired on him by saying “this is brilliant, like being back in school. awkward doesn’t even cover it” ... which had aaron on the verge of murder at that point. i think he deserves some praise for only taking his frustration/anger out on robert’s wing mirrors tbh.
4th ask: first time yay! why does robert say “yeah likewise” when aaron tells him he’s starting to annoy him now? because he didn’t know what else to say probably azhyjk, and because it annoyed him that aaron was so offended by his earlier rejection that he was now acting cold and uninterested, when he knew he wanted it as bad as he did (on account of aaron being the horniest bitch in that layby). basically pre-affair era robron - and most of the affair era actually - is robron playing cat and mouse which is as compelling as it is frustrating/infuriating. also please don’t make this scene into some sort of gross thing because it’s really not. robert starts getting all up in aaron’s face, as an attempt to reenact their first kiss in the layby from earlier that day. you can see aaron consider giving in to his desire but he sighs and starts walking past robert (he’s protecting himself from robert’s hot n cold attitude) but robert’s like ‘no no i’m over it now, we’re doing this :)’ so he turns aaron around before he can get too far and then they share this long bit where they stare into each other’s eyes and where robert makes sure aaron wants this as much as he does. and sure enough aaron gives him that wicked, absolutely obscene smile and THEN they start making out and going at it! i adore this bit so so much, when they’re sharing that moment before they kiss where they can see how much the other wants it. very sexy.
there you go anon, hope that helped!
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caandlelit · 4 years
omg werewolf matsukawa elaborate i want dem hcs
ok so ive got this horrible word doc with my jambled mess of a concept for this witch makki werewolf matsun fic im writing its like 3% done expect it within 2 business years
(edit. this post is too long but i cant stop typing this is good)
werewolf matsun is the SEXIEST idea ever anyone thats done it is doing gods work because that shit is hot . its fucking sexy okay
in my barely formed au he becomes a werewolf in third year
he hears about weird sounds in the forest at night ok
and he convinces witch hanamaki that they shld camp out and see what it is 
because he’s been so interested in the witchy supernatural shit since even before he met him 
and hanamaki is like okay fine But im wearing my warding pendent and matsukawa is like WHEN WILL U ADMIT YOU’RE A WITCH and hanamaki, mid-putting on his witch hat, ruffles his hair and says idk what ur talking about
they camp out and they’re just bantering and its cute and fun for 2 hours then
matsun hears growling and snapping noises and he’s like hanamaki stay in the fuckin tent 
and obviously hanamaki is like on god that is the stupidest thing uve ever said issei no
 and matsukawa steps outside and he holds a hand back to stop makki and he steps out and looks around, eyes narrows 
and he’s like … straightening up and furrows his brows and ‘theres nothing here’ 
and he feels like everything is slow and odd and unreal and he turns and sees bright, yellow eyes and he hears the snarl and jerks back 
and he’s being attacked and leaped upon and he shouts curses and screams and theres sharp teeth at his side and the smell of matted fur 
and hanamaki sprints out and ?? magic spells it away (leave me alone) 
what is the spell? what kindof witch is hanamaki? what does he say?
(begone thot!) 
the wolf creature howls and thuds off, fast and loping and hanamaki turns and he’s panicked and is like ‘issei? oh FUCK’
matsukawa is like fuck fuck fuck 
leaning against a tree and lightheaded and he collapses, head back against the trunk and sweat pouring down his temples, iron in his mouth where hes biting his tongue to keep from scremaing at the sharp pain
touches his side and his fingers come away bloody 
his breath is heavy and hes like takahiro im dying 
and hanamaki’s dropping down beside him and lifts his arm and says shut the fuck up you’re not dying you asshole and hes sniffling 
and matsuns like im sorry i dragged u out here and hanamaki’s like shut up shut up. issei. shit . issei you were right 
and hes like wh what was i right about and hes like you were right. im a witch . and youre not fucking dying here, asshole
issei mumbles fuck yeah and does like a little fist pump
and he whispers a spell to carry him over back to his house 
and he bandages him up and matsun is tired and in pain and staring at him in the moonlight 
go to school and matsun has white bandages wrapped around his side hidden under his shirt and hes a little scraped up even though hanamaki healed and cleaned up as much as he could
someones like oooh matsukawa your arm is scraped up wtf 
and hes like yeah man i got in a fight to protect takahiros honor 
makki’s like yeah…. :/// he lost 
and matsuns like shut up asshole and theyre laughing and theyre good theyre okay 
half way through the school day, long and tired and the bell seems louder and harsher and shriller and everything is too bright and loud and making his eyes and ears hurt 
in the bathroom matsun takes off the tape bc hes feeling nauseous and everything feels a little too much for some reason hes assuming bc of the wound, maybe its infected
and he checks it while hes inside and the bandages come off and 
its clean no bite no blood no mark 
and he stares at it and says what the fuck and texts hanamaki 
and hanamaki sees the text and its just ‘SOS BATHROOM NOW PLELASE’ 
asks his teacher to let him go to the bathroom and he steps into the bathroom and matsun spins around and gestures at his side and chest wordlessly 
hanamaki like blinks at the sight of matsuns abs and then blinks again at the healed skin and hes like what the fuck  
he has sharper vision and sense of smell and hearing 
and hes like takahiro……..everything feels horrible and too much and hanamaki’s like ok so what do u want me to do knock u out so u don’t feel anything? and matsukawa’s like huh actually and hana’s like Shut up Dumbass
werewolf matsukawa suddenly stronger and hanamaki so so bitter about it ignoring his personal ‘im attracted to him’ feelings and pretending hes mad abt the super strength
matsukawa’s eyes glinting yellow on occasion and hanamaki trying not to scream bc god that’s sexy
the day they see the healed skin they like walk home silent and shell shocked 
matsukawa staring hollowly at the sidewalk his posture lost
hanamaki squinting off into the distance
makki opening his mouth angrily at one point
only to close it defeatedly bc he cant even……
a conversation in hanamaki’s bedroom along the lines of 
‘issei why is my life literally teen wolf why am I stiles from teen wolf’ 
matsun perks up ‘oh that’s dylan o briens character right? does that make me derek !!!’ 
and hanamaki turns from where hes muttering angrily and squints at him and says slowly
‘why the fu- dude? u r scott ??? because u are a FUCKING WEREWOLF ??????? why would u be derek ???? ur my best friend that turned into a GODDAMN WEREWOLF-‘ 
‘okok calm down hiro fine fine chill out‘ 
matsuns like slumping like ‘ugh, scott. i don’t wanna be scott hes painfully straight-‘ 
and hanamakis like throwing his hands up and shouting like ‘SO THEN !! why would u want to be derek!!!’ 
and issei’s like ‘…….nevermind we r not in the state to have a conversation about teen wolf, a show neither of us finished and obviously dont have any knowledge about’
im gonna have it properly set in 2013 itll be so cringey and fun
matsukawa also has insomnia and and gets migraines sometimes 
and hanamaki’s witchy incense smelling house and bedroom having him nodding off so easily and he sleeps over a lot 
especially after he gets bitten, because the migraines get worse
moreso near the full moon
and he comes in through the window and hanamaki is half asleep but always automatically pulls up his blanket and lets him in
big spoon matsun
he curls into his chest as best as he can, pressed tight between the wall and matsukawa
also i have this 
italics: makki
bold: mattsun
list of signs pointing towards issei probably being a werewolf: 
got bit by a giant dog-creature the bite mark disappeared next day (???? freaky shit)
sudden super healing and durability (useful for when oikawa serves the ball into your head – lmfao)
sudden heightened senses (my headaches r .. multiplying - :( )
sudden super strength (fuck u issei – i didn’t ask to be bitten takahiro – oh no u were bitten how sad for u and ur six pack – the werewolf actually decided i deserve super strength bc of how cool i am – and immeasurable pain every full moon too huh ???? – ...sacrifices were made)
90% sure he got stupider – sign of a dog brain ?? (FUCK OFF – do u want me to explain what a percentage is <3 – no </3)
hair growth (wtf does that mean ??? – it means i suddenly have more chest hair its very weird – ngl to u u were already pretty hairy -  fucker)
eyes turn yellow sometimes (wait, really????? – yes its so fucking weird – that sounds fucking epic actually – no comment)
big dick energy went up the ROOF (ok that’s enough asshole – tell me im lying hiro.)
edit: ok the full moon happened we’re all traumatized and hes definitely a FUCKING werewolf.
ill finish this as a fic one day ill post when i do
might also make a useless porno oneshot with just werewolf matsukawa and ? possibly dancer makki im very into dancer makki atm
long post im very sorry but !!!! thanks for the ask 
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