#1x08 rewatch
itachi86 · 10 months
"surrender?sure. oh no wait. i have a museum lecture on thursday"
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mlobsters · 4 months
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supernatural s1e8 bugs (w. rachel nave, bill coakley)
I wanna try the steam shower, c'mon.
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mayabishopgold · 2 months
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Maya Bishop | Station 19 - 1x08
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angelsdean · 4 months
when people still think sam, to this day, holds hate for john in his heart over the stanford stuff and think he still resents john for all that i am just like. babes. that was literally Resolved in s1. they laughed together abt john spending sam's college fund on ammo (1x20). sam is the first one out of him and dean to use the phrase, "He was just doin' the best he could" (1x08). sam also tells dean in 1x08 that he wants to find john and apologize for how he left things, after also gaining more context by learning that john was proud of sam for getting into stanford and used to check up on him too to make sure he was safe. sam may still resent john for their childhood and the neglect, but he's quite literally moved past the stanford stuff specifically.
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winnie-the-monster · 2 months
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autie-hobbit · 2 months
4 year old Viktor: *acts like a 4 year old*
Reginald: "Hmm, how unexpected. You're clearly out of control, so let's lock you up and drug you."
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queseraone · 1 year
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spot the man worried about his wife 👀
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stark-stiel · 3 months
eric foreman we are truly the same
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aaronwhorechner · 9 months
season 1 is truly something else. morgan just randomly punching a hole in the wall of a suspected unsub's motel room and finding the "murder weapon" has got to be in the top 10 funniest things to ever happen. not to mention my man actually touches the weapon. without gloves.
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dont-let-me-eat-pears · 6 months
rewatching “the beginning of the end”—seeing morgana so kind and compassionate and selfless, knowing what she’ll become in series 3—is just painful. “what if magic isn’t something you choose? what if it chooses you?” merlin giving her this look and morgana asking why he’s looking at her like that. ugh, what could’ve been, how things might have been different, if he hadn’t listened to gaius or the dragon, if he'd confided in her about his magic and then helped her with her own. even if in the end it didn't keep her from turning to evil and on everyone, because the show needed her to be the villain and probably would have found some other way to accomplish that if not the (horribly written, nonsensical) way it did—they couldn't have given us this first? couldn't have given us merlin and morgana sneaking around using magic together, being each other's confidant and supporter? couldn’t have given merlin a friend who knew his secret and was around for more than a handful of episodes? couldn’t have given morgana a friend when she was feeling lonely and lost who understood what she was going through and would try to help her instead of using and corrupting her?
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itachi86 · 10 months
did fenris just whack dante with his tongue
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tinyluminaryzombie · 8 months
The Math Problem of TK Strand
...My first foray into writing Lone Star fic! A short missing scene in 1x08 :).
Carlos is a logical man.
He’s methodical in how he cooks, how he works out, how he clears a scene. The incessant need to organize chaos is his birthright.
So, he never dived off cliffs or yelled at his parents or chased after a man. Because Carlos Reyes was logical.  
At least, he was. Until green eyes, soft skin, and a rough heart ruined his track record. But there’s a consequence to everything, that had never been clearer. When Carlos screws up, people hurt. 
Protocol had failed him. Two hours ago, Carlos had cleared the scene. His lieutenant had even double-checked before letting the 126 in. But it wasn’t enough. Carlos wasn’t enough. Now, TK was lying unconscious in a god-damn hospital bed a few hundred feet from him. Because of him. 
After his shift ended, Carlos rushed to the hospital. He furiously grabbed his bag and ran to the Camaro. TK, TK, TK, his mind screamed. His hands shook on the wheel, fear bubbling through red lights, stop signs, and crosswalks. TK, TK, TK. He parked his car, never turning back to ensure he was inside the lines. TK, TK, TK. 
Running into the waiting room, Carlos’s thoughts veered dangerously toward internal declarations of love. He stopped short, trading one spiral for another. No one knew except Paul. He was a stranger to the 126. Carlos’s presence might just be a reminder of the scene he failed to clear. No one wanted him here. 
“Hey, man,” Paul’s voice brought him back. Carlos looked around the room, finding questioning looks as Paul pulled him into a hug. 
“I didn’t think…I don’t want to intrude…” Carlos whispers. 
“Carlos. You’re one of us,” Paul said, bringing Carlos to a seat. 
Judd broke the silence. “Thanks for coming Carlos. I’m sure TK will appreciate it.” 
Carlos offered a weak smile. 
Would TK really appreciate it? Would TK blame him? And is what TK wants, Carlos's arms melting into a pleather chair, making small talk with his teammates? Is this casual? Is this cool? Is this logical? 
Carlos heard a ragged breath before a hand rested on his shoulder. “Breathe, Carlos. That’s it. TK being here, that’s not your fault. We’ll get through this together.”
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mayabishopgold · 2 months
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He's a conversational Jedi.
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lossisyours · 8 days
kinda blows my mind and twists my guts that chuck was all about betting with blair from the beginning. it starts with 108, when it's her birthday and he bets her that if nate, his best friend and her boyfriend of years, won't call her on midnight as per tradition, she has to spend the night with him. he goads her into telling him she loves him, telling her she has to say it first to get it from him. and then some of y'all have the audacity to say it's "uncharacteristic" for him to sell her for a night with his uncle to get his fucking hotel back. using the fact that he lets that hotel go bankrupt paying off her dowry later. it's always been an acquisitional relationship. that's also why they can't have sex without the games. chuck does love her. he just doesn't love her unconditionally, or for free. that isn't a love anyone ever taught him - though blair tries and tries and tries.
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angelsdean · 1 year
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idk how accurate the timelines are in s1 but.....this is episode 8....so you're telling me it's been over four months already since jess died and dean has already turned 27 (dude) by episode EIGHT. insane. i always imagine like everything up to / around 1x12 faith as taking place in the autumn / winter before dean's birthday. but godd this means there's SO much unaccounted time. nearly 5 months !! in only 8 eps !! john has been evading them for five months already....and will continue to evade them for many more.....insane
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winnie-the-monster · 2 months
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