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thunderbottle · 2 years ago
this is going to be shocking, considering my icon (sarcasm), but i adore your cRanboo design- for the pride icons, could you put Ranboo on top of the unlabeled flag?
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an unlabeled boy
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copepods · 2 years ago
if you're still doing art recs, c!ranboo with the unlabeled flag mayhaps?
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[id: a drawing of c!ranboo over the unlabeled flag. they're smiling and looking to the left. they're wearing a white shirt with a green ascot. end id]
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transbeeduo · 1 year ago
Ooh are we doing Pokémon assignments??
OOOOOO u remind me of dragonair its a very u pokemon i think
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accursed-worm · 2 years ago
Just wanted to let you know that 100 red flags is single handedly turning me into a tntduoer the writing is simply beautiful and the way you explore the dynamics between characters FEEDS ME beeduo will always be my absolute beloved but you have carved a space for tntduo close to my heart
well, writing 100 red flags is literally what turned me into a tntduoer, so if reading it does the same for you then we're just two peas in a pod now aren't we. literally, when veneta and i were writing chapter 1, i hadn't seen the 'deck of green cards with a smile on them' stream. the tntduo stream, where revivedbur first goes to las nevadas. i hadn't seen it. and then it took us writing well over 200k words before got anything close to actually shipping them.
but thank you!! i'm so glad to hear that you like the fic so much - that we've managed to spread the tntduo disease to you as well. i hope we do beeduo justice too, because. well. redacted information, i suppose.
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the-blaze-empress · 2 years ago
56 and 72 for the writer ask game!
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
hmmmm i think. my worldbuilding. the way i introduce said worldbuilding in my fics. also writing emotion!! i love writing emotion!! its so fun!!
72. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
yeahhh chronological. well. i write in the order the fic comes out 90% of the time. sometimes there are flashbacks i dont write those before i write the body of the fic or anything
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pheonix-inside · 2 years ago
okay so I saw your post about your superhero au and something I always think abt is if you could say one thing that is kinda a spoiler but it's not a spoiler until you have context (a'la: box, generation loss) what would it be?
Ooooh ok hmmmmm.....
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heartofaspen · 2 years ago
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here’s the gist: draw, write, or make something portraying your own interpretation of c!beeduo’s first kiss! please tag me when you post it :-)
canon divergence is allowed but no aus, please! there is no due date and anyone can participate ^_^
ID: a digital comic drawn in shades of greyish blue with yellow speech bubbles. in the first panel, c!tubbo and c!ranboo are inside c!tubbo’s cabin. tubbo holds michael, swaddled, in his arms, and ranboo is closing the cabin door. ranboo says, “is he okay?” tubbo says, “yep. i reckon he’ll wake up in a sec.” in the next panels, michael wakes up and blinks sleepily, and ranboo and tubbo say “aww!” in unison, looking at michael with adoration. leaning over tubbo’s shoulder, ranboo says, “he’s so cute… i can’t believe we’re like, parents now.” tubbo turns his head to look at ranboo, causing ranboo to blush as their faces are now very close. tubbo says “yeah, it’s awesome!” noticing ranboo is flustered, tubbo says, “uh. are you good?” ranboo responds hurriedly “yes do you want to kiss?” and tubbo says, “sure.” in the last panel ranboo and tubbo kiss happily. end id
taglist: @jamsiies @catboolive @k3yreviewer25 @vitrines @gynii @boonbeenblade @dumbartist101 @inthebrightwood @ranboosversion @1wn8ure @diasybe @lemonofthevalley @embeestreams @thesoupbird
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heyyyyyy Ozzy do you know any cool people I could follow...
I'm tryna get more mutuals. Just one more. But I'm running out of places to find them.
Please I really want to do a freaking hunger games like rose or raynie and I am literally so friggin close PLEASE GIVE ME COOL PEOPLE TO FOLLOW
i have like over a hundred mutuals-
fuck ok. there’s dew i-fucked-both-your-parents (husband) noah listen-i-love-men (never active but he’s my husband and i love him) finley ademonfromhell (my girlfriend) hauntedaether/originsradio + transdogday (qpps) goldenskies48 (my father /j)
tomscryingcorner icefireanimates phosphorus-noodles gumy-shark blvd-sys neohood if-loki-was-a-fox rhyme-draws-stuff cloverstellar possuminnit crimeboys cquackity aro-throughyourchest maybe0rdinary wiiwarechronicles wormsinsdirt transfemzedaph oil-bh bronzetomatoes ch3rry-drywall cupcraft epicaxolotls its-arson-time sunshinetrinket waddei polyamquackity phantoids apileofmoss ratedc transbeeduo girlboyzone boygirlctommy bouquetofalliums jamsiies 1wn8ure tjodity indigo-flightly-falls batterbees/batteryneutral
this is nowhere NEAR all of them there are so many cool people i’ve definitely missed (and i’m so sorry) but yeah. there’s a few
also i removed all the @s but the links stayed??? so if anyone here gets notified first off hi it’s sage second off i’m so fucking sorry
edit Ah it’s notifying people. hi everyone you’re really cool and if we’re mutuals and i forgot to put you on this list i’m so so so sorry. i forgor
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1wn8ure · 2 years ago
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Or, how to mourn what you never got the chance to have (A c!Beeduo Web Weave)
Annabel Lee, Edgar Allen Poe//Meteor Shower, Cavetown//"if your wings are broken, please take mine ('til yours can open too), 1wn8ure on ao3//tumblr, @/manywinged//tumblr, @/greelin//tumblr, @/mclennonyaoi//poetry, primrose//Nothing Gold Can Stay, Robert Frost//Traditional wedding vows, Catholicism//Passerine, The Oh Hellos//Grief, 1wn8ure//Feel Better, Penelope Scott//Empty Home, Megan Shumway//Annabel Lee, Edgar Allen Poe
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summerspectre · 2 years ago
wahoo! a tag!
last song listened to: leonard cohen by boygenius! favourite of ours <33
currently reading: nothing particular right now! some favs of mine are "and then you fell in love?" by doodlebloo, and book wise i'm a big fan of the no fear shakespeare othello book lol 😭
currently watching: qsmp, rwby, and dhmis are my big fandoms atm! rwby very much is an old hyperfix biting me in the ass but i still love it to death! hoping to get into the mabel podcast soon as well as rottmnt for friends <33
currently obsessed with: rwby and fitmc on qsmp ���� as well as the rwby soundtrack! i'm on an art kick lately so if you're interested in seeing it its on @alltheghosties
tags because i eat trends like this @wondernoise @qwilbur and someone i know well but always want to give a space to talk about their interests @suriandtaal
9 people i want to get to know better! tagged by @pansyfemme :3
Last song listened to: technically party in the usa by miley cyrus courtesy of my little sister but the last song i listened to voluntarily was heart shaped box by nirvana
currently reading: pokemon special. i’m very close to the part where yellow first shows up :3 one of the characters who has caused me to be nonbinary i fear
currently watching: geminitay’s hermitcraft 8 as well as her new life smp perspective and her current hardcore world. it’s hard to be sad when you’re watching gem :] in terms of tv, i’m so bad at watching things on my own, but i’m rewatching madoka magica with my friends
currently obsessed with: gem’s hardcore world, my current minecraft world, drawing with ballpoint pens on legal pads, my new job
i’m gonna tag some people but no pressure!!
@bronzetomatoes @cupsmp @verdantmeadows @sick-thing @dykeslimecicle @dreamworldsys @torchickentacos @aforlorngazeintoyesterday @asneakyfox
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copepods · 2 years ago
10 & 15 for the pride asks?
15) How has your identity changed over time?
used to id as pan starting when i was 12, decided when i was 16ish that i preferred bi as a personal label, around the same time also started using neutral pronouns online which changed to any pronouns and now im genderqueer i guess
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transbeeduo · 1 year ago
HELLO CRUNCH!!! mutuals bingo mayhaps?
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 1 year ago
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[1wn8ure fell from a high place]
[IfLokiWasAFox fell from a high place]
@1wn8ure and I can't seem to stop falling to our deaths in caves, we're just cursed like that. Anyways, we were joking the other day about how we might as well be called Fall Duo 'cus we just keep falling so I thought I'd do a drawing of that — then the hyperfocus kicked in and I did more work on it than intended :P
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the-blaze-empress · 2 years ago
For the ask game...
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
81. if you could go back in time and give your younger self a piece of writing advice specific to you, what would it be?
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
ouuuu i learnt about this one jellyfish with functional immortality where it basically just reverts to its juvenile stage when under extreme stress or danger or shit. also cinereous vultures have massive fucking wingspans theyre so cool
17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
HA YOU EXPECT ME TO BE ABLE TO CHOOSE??? i cannot. one of them tho is 'life may be a curse, but it is your curse. make of it something great, for what other purpose do we have?' (from my fic something great). theres prolly more but i cant remember them off the top of my head
81. if you could go back in time and give your younger self a piece of writing advice specific to you, what would it be?
already answered!
writer ask game
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azures-grace · 1 year ago
Screw it
Saw the post by @gwilin-stay-winnin and wanted to do it
RULES: post the last line of whatever you're writing (fic, original, whatever you want!)
Last line of a fic, you say?
"Barrels were stacked on the sides of the walkways."
Context? Nchuand Zel. My little guys shall suffer.
@mistythedritten and @thefandomlifechoseme I know you guys write! And @1wn8ure because your stuff makes my feelings go ouchy in a good way
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productofaritual · 9 days ago
You ever DREAM about reading that one fanfic on your to-read and then you wake up and realize your brain's interpretation was SO ASS that now you need to read it immediately to find out what the actual fic is because this just cannot be it
That's me with my moot's fic, hi @1wn8ure, I swear I'll read the color green now, I've been putting it off for no fucking reason
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