arcadefan · 9 months
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I'm a big fan of the 194X series of vertical shoot 'em ups by Capcom. This one for the 1995 arcade shooter 19XX: The War Against Destiny captures the frenetic action with the 3 player fighters (the Lockheed P-38 Lightning, deHavilland DH.98 Mosquito, and Kyushu J7W1 Shinden) diving headlong into battle with enemy fighters and bosses.
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keftiu · 2 years
hi tumblr i'm struggling to figure out what to post here bc twitter hasn't quite imploded yet BUT!!! i ran a playtest one-shot of 194X! today and it went great!!
my players made a phenomenal crew of pulp heroes, even with none of them having a ton of genre familiarity:
Flannory "Flan" de Lèche (they/she), a veteran of the Continental War who's tall and tough - there's nothing she can't fix with her fists, shotgun, and trusty toolbox!
Hahn Von Vabel (He/Him), antisocial genius and defector from the world-dominating ranks of NACHT, equipped with an incredible brain and an array of unstable, hand-made machines
Roseline Lachance (they/she), heiress of the once-great Lachance family, has wasted away their fortune and her years chasing immortality and other scraps of occult lore
Siobhan Darkholm (She/It), "the Fox Hunter," a quick-handed historian with a heart of gold, beloved by attractive older women the world over
i explicitly did 0 prep for this session, and simply rolled on the game's random roll tables to create a Serial on the fly...
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...sending our Heroes to a wandering iceberg, where a vicious blizzard hides an ancient temple full of vampires! To add a little more texture (and because punching Nazis is a genre staple), I had NACHT troopers beat them to the scene, with the over-the-top Dark Kommandant leading an excavation alongside a number of goons.
Pulp action ensued, with NACHT troopers slain in a variety of fun ways and a spear-wielding vampire bested in a bloody duel - and other than a couple minor tweaks, I'm very happy calling the game a success. 24XX stuff is just an absolute joy for throwing a fun evening of play together on short notice like this: just under 4 hours, for a no-prep session that included character creation.
If that sounds fun to you, check out the alpha version here!
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itokunii-a · 2 years
@conquermonger​​​ asked: [ lit ]  your muse lighting a cigarette , spliff , etc. for mine . / for Valentin from Sasha /  ❥      NON - SEXUAL   ACTS   OF   DOMINANCE .
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Whatever words he had planned to share with his companion die upon his tongue the moment their steps lead them out into the dark wintery night, golden eyes glazing over with an iciness of his own ( one that mirrors the cold winds filling his lungs with the shuddering inhale he quietly takes ) before they lose themselves in the vastness of a first snowfall. Tension befalls his body, blooming from between his shoulder blades before it conquers and claims his spine vertebrae by vertebrae, perhaps with the intention to render him unmoving or perhaps simply wanting to give him goosebumps he cannot shake, he does not know, and yet it does not matter what it wants but how he chooses to proceed, chooses to fight against it.
It is almost ironic how averse he is towards something as plain as snow ( bordering on hatred and yet he can never quite bring himself to feel as strongly as the word would suggest ), considering how present it has been all throughout his life: from his birth in the white planes of Siberia to his death in the frozen mud of blood and sleet to his resurrection from his cold grave ( rising like Lazarus, with wings as white as the flakes that buried both friends and enemies alike ), Father Winter has always been by his side. And as many times as he has seen it fall from the endless heavens, he cannot quite ever shake the implications that it brings. Death, hunger, lonliness, an empty house with figures made of ice that barely resembled his мать and отец, coating everything in a soft blanket of white hue. Goodness, maybe he should hate it.
Almost mechanically does his hand lift to take a cigarette from the pack in his pocket, the half-full carton an indication that smoking is a rare indulgence for him. It rests between his lips as he continues to scan the horizon for something he himself cannot quite place before the sound of a lighter being flipped open tears him out of his reverie.
Valentin blinks at the sight of the flame and then at the smaller man, barely illuminated by the flickering light and yet he can see all of his features with crystal clarity: from the way the tips of his ears redden as the cold begins to nip on them to the manifestation of his breath, depicted in small clouds of warmth curling between them. A sign of life in this bleak scenery and it is enough to melt the graveness from his own expression and shift it into a small smile, genuine, eyes radiating appreciation. “ Thank you. “, he leans in, letting the cigarette burn until he takes a warm inhale of smoke, easing worn muscles, leaving nothing more but sweet fatigue. A second passes and then he simply offers it to him with nothing more than an extended hand and a smile that does not move.
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neverstopgaming · 8 months
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19XXシリーズは、第二次世界大戦中に実際に起きた出来事を題材にした縦スクロールシューティングゲーム群です。 最初の 3 つのゲームは非常に人気があり、Capcom Generations の第 1 巻やその後の Capcom Classics Collection など、いくつかのコンピレーション タイトルに収録されました。
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funkyllama · 7 months
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Ionian Royal Children,
194x, the children of Everette II and Princess Alexandrina: the future Everette III, with Grand Duchesses Imogene and Adelheid. 196x, the children of Everette III: Future Queens, the Princesses Viviane and Lorraine pose with their half siblings, Prince Stephen and Princess Rose Mary, in the throne room of Schloss Celle. 200x, the daughters of Viviana I and King Paul: Princesses Bernedette and Adrienne pose in the Queen's private apartments at Wittmund Palace. 203x, the children of Viviana II: Crown Prince Yannik stands alongside his half siblings Prince Sigismund and Princesses Amélie-Sophia, Georgiana, and Agathe for the Royal Family's annual summer photocall at Schloss Celle. 204x: Princesses Odile-Charlot and Margrethe of Sonnenbreite pose with their paternal first-cousin, Prince Louis-Fredrik of Pierreland and the Ionian Union.
View Their Family Tree Here.
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milkydraws8 · 8 months
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Under the weight of behemoth Metropolis high-rises, the roar of personal aerocrafts is traded for the steady thunder of overhead trains on unsteady stilts.
Crammed like sardines, the proles eek out a meager living.
Troubles compound, and hope is scarce.
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unfug-bilder · 3 months
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Ostdeutschland verlor von 194x-1961 50 % seiner Einwohner (Stand 1940). Die Hälfte davon wurde durch Flüchtlinge aus den (von den Vorfahren der künftigen Machthaber) verlorenen Ostgebieten ausgeglichen.
Von 1990-heute hat Ostdeutschland erneut 20 % durch Abwanderung verloren, weitere sind verstorben.
Und niemand, der bei Verstand ist, wird in der derzeitigen Lage freiwillig aus West- nach Ostdeutschland umziehen. Das gilt mittlerweile auch wieder für das zwischenzeitlich etwas neutraler betrachtete Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Dass nach den Wahlen im September nicht allzu viele neu auswandern ist einzig der Tatsache geschuldet, dass es im Westen keine Wohnungen gibt. Denn auch die Ukrainer sind in den letzten 2 1/2 Jahren meist nach Berlin oder Westdeutschland gegangen und haben dort noch bestehende, lokale Mieterdefizite ausgeglichen.
In den letzten Wochen hörte und las ich mehrfach von Leuten, die aus dem östlichen Brandenburg nach Polen umgezogen sind. Wohneigentum ist dort deutlich billiger und durch die Abwahl der PiS-Partei sind die politischen Verhältnisse offenbar auch wieder erträglicher. Das sind bisher wohl nur Einzelfälle, aber wenn 100 Familien pro Bundesland und Jahr neu in Polen bauen, wirkt sich das auch aus.
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david-de-bergerac · 9 months
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I drew my original character Shithead Mickey Mouse to celebrate steamboat willy entering the public domain this drawing has no relation to mickey mouse as owned by disney and as depicted in the sorcerer's apprentice circa 194X no this is Shithead Mickey Mouse who is Mickey Mouse as depicted in steamboat willy after he became a huge piece of shit he has many abilities including vomit and gun and he uses both to be a generally shitty person to the public at large thank you
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junomemo · 2 years
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arthur kirkland (194x)
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thefoulbeast · 1 year
am intrigued by "summer of 194X by the Gorkhon" /eyes emoji
Okay! this is a patho fic in which like. Artemy is wounded during his time as a war doctor (forgot the right name for it. medic on the front line) and is then discharged and sent home. the plague doesn't happen, its just him coming to terms with his disability (knee injury) and mending relationships with his old friends. does focus somewhat on the relationship between artemy and stakh but i havent't decided if i wanna make it romantic or keep it platonic.
have a snippet!
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Dorothy Darren (Welcome Home Oc)
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Name: Dorothy Darren Headcannon Voice Actor/Actor: Teyonah Parris (Young) Residence: Los Angeles, California Relatives:  Douglas Darren (husband- deceased); Darlene (nee Darren) Dashing (daughter); David Dashing (son-in-law) ; Doli Dashing (granddaughter); Deshawn Dashing (grandson); Dennis Darren (son); Daisy Darren (daughter in law); Destiny Darren (granddaughter) ; Dania Darren (granddaughter); Dawn Darren(daughter) Ethnicity: African-American Species: Human Sexuality: Straight Occupation: Puppeteer DOB: 194X, April 14 Personality: In life, she was a very jovial and approachable person who had no problems making friends with those around her. People who knew her remember her as having a colorful personality and standing out from the crowd. She also was very caring and put her heart in her work. She really was passionate by using her skills to educate and delight children. She also was very close with the Welcome Home characters and was protective of them. But when she had no choice but to leave them behind she was heartbroken. Despite the fact that Playfellow Workshop wouldn't make anything else, she would go to do other types of work to rekindle that love she had for the puppets. She also was a very protective and loving matriarch who was always there for her family. She tended to be closest to Doli due to her being her first grandchild. This resulted in Doli gaining her love for puppets and even being on one of her grandmother's shows for an episode. She was also very devoted to her husband and was always devastated when he died from AIDS during the pandemic. Overall, she kept her head up and did what she could for her family. Background: A former member of the now defunct Playfellow Workshop she was one of it's original team members who came on board when it first was created. Despite lingering biases against African-Americans at the time, she became an integral part of the team and one of it's best puppeteers. She also one of the closest of the team to the puppets that she occasionally was able to enter into their world among with other members, including Ronald Dorelaine. However, things became strange when certain activity began happening on the set and there had been a corrupting force on the production. As a result, the show was canceled to prevent it doing any more harm so she was cut off from the friends she made and left a lot of information from the show in the house she had in the Welcome Home world. She then went onto do other puppet productions including the Block Building where her granddaughter, Doli, was on. She would doing puppeteering until her retirement and she would move in with her oldest daughter and her family until her death. She wouldn't be able to reconnect with her friends in Welcome Home but her grandchildren would. * She kept in touch with many former members of Welcome Home but they didn't discuss the show due to the history behind it. * She had a habit of singing out songs when she was in one of her happy moods. Some of her favorite songs were "The Clean Up Woman", "Love Train", and "Ooh Child". * Her time with the Playhouse Fellow also turned her into a LGBT ally and was always a vocal proponent of gay rights. * She and her husband married around the time they got out of high school. * She's inspired by my grandmother's own life. * Her husband died from a blood transfusion that had AIDS in it. * Her closest characters were Wally, Julie, and Poppy Partridge. * She was a fan of Diana Ross, Aretha, Tina Turner, Donna Summer, Chaka Khan, and Cheryl Lynn Created through www.dolldivine.com/groovy-retr…
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keftiu · 2 years
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been tentatively hammering away at 194X, a 24XX project meant to emulate pulp serials (with less of the heinous racism!!) now that i've gotten 3 different 199X projects out the door. it's fun to shift genres so thoroughly! coming up with evocative locations without them explicitly being real Earth countries was a fun challenge 😊
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itokunii-a · 2 years
@conquermonger​ asked:  🎉 Russian good luck New Year's kisses from both Sasha and Slava, for Valentin. 3 cheek kisses from Sasha and one right on the lips from Slava. One coming right after the other. May the upcoming year be gentle on this angel and his beautiful soul ! /  Send ’ 🎉 ’ to kiss my muse at midnight on New Years Eve.
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This night is warmer than the others, he has come to find out. The wind still dances with the same wild, fast footsteps as it has done days before, blowing through his hair, tugging on his coat, guiding the cold towards any patch of skin that has escaped the shelter of a scarf or a pocket and yet still he does not tremble, does not even seem to realize that every exhale paints itself in tiny clouds and travels between them or that his naked hands do not shake. And he does not act so ignorantly out of delusion or habit but simply because he has found his warmth in the presence of the other two, in the gratefulness he feels to have made their acquaintance, to be here, with them.
He smiles at something Sasha has said as they stand together, gazes flicking from their watches to the dark sky above, counting the last remaining minutes of the year. It is almost odd for him to be this relaxed, with the tension that has settled between his shoulder blades disappearing enough for him to stand comfortably, to rest and not be concerned or attentive towards anything that happens around him. Golden eyes break their routine from watching the watch hand move to glance at Sasha: small, young Sasha who he feels he has known for so long, who had and has to endure so much, who will see him beyond the soldier or angel, who he will always be here for. And then Slava, tall and strong, who had found and saved his life from the piles of frost in Siberia; he hopes he can make it up to him one day but until then, maybe his patience and words will be enough.
Perhaps he should have said all of this, should have let them know but suddenly the last second escapes him. Midnight. Fireworks claim the heavens above, a spectacle that immediately steals his focus. A smile paints his expression as he stares upward in awe, watching the different colors explode in the sky and illuminate the grounds below with a variety of red and blue and green hues ( and is it not entirely wonderful? There is almost something akin to childlike wonder within him as the fireworks go off around them and he does not even realize that his eyes sparkle just as much or that he is laughing for once ). He wants to turn to both of them, wish them a happy new year but it appears that Sasha is faster than him: there is no time to prepare or to even consider what he plans on doing when a pair of lips finds itself on his cheek, a kiss repeated three times. It is so abrupt and yet so smooth that Valentin finds himself stunned, stuttering, blinking, raising his fingers to catch the ghost of Sasha's lips still lingering on his skin. A blush blooms on his ears but before he has time to react, Slava guides him away to face him and actually kisses him on the lips and then his entire expression turns crimson which he, in turn, tries to hide with the back of his hand. They kissed him, simple as that, without any rhyme or reason. And it was nice, such tender moment, such gentle touches. And despite his embarrassment, Valentin smiles, peeking up at them.
" You two will be the death of me. " Thank you. And a happy new year, my dearest friends.
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MorphOS - 194X Arcade Game
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walks-the-ages · 2 months
Arsène Lupin Adaptions Reviews
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I need to remember to actually leave reviews / rankings when I watch Arsène Lupin adaptions.
So, this'll be the masterpost I guess, and Ill edit it as I watch and review? Random first draft of all the movies i can think of, dates not accurate probably:
1) Arsène Lupin (1931) :
2) Arsène Lupin Returns (193x)
3) Enter, Arsène Lupin (1944)
4) les Adventures de Arsène Lupin (19xx)
5) Arsenio Lupin (1945)
6) Arsène Lupin, Dètective (1937)
7) Arsène Lupin vs Arsène Lupin (19xx)
8) Signed, Arsène Lupin (194x)
9) Arsène Lupin contra Herock Sholmes (194x
10) Arsène Lupin (2004)
11) Lupin (2007 Filipino show)
12) Lupin (2022 show)
13) Snowblind (2023)
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cainiine-a · 2 years
@fcrrous​ asked:  Spots to kiss + 7 (Levi to Johnny, modern, just where his scar is like he always did) /  spots to kiss.
7. a kiss on the eyelid or the undereye.
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There is something haunting about the sensations that stem from déjà vu: the certainty that he has experienced this ( this moment, this scenario, these actions, these connotations ) before, that there is a simmering feeling of knowing deep within his mind that even a blocked-out mind could not dissipate. And, truthfully, he used to hate it every time it dared to wash over him; if these were not his memories to have anymore, then why do they always return? Hand-in-hand with emotions he could not place and either tried to smoke away or painted onto an unsuspecting fool in the hue of his knuckles’ blood. The past did not matter to him anymore.
Until the past came back in the form of confused ( but knowing, he knows, he remembers! ) stares and a persistence even death cannot seem to extinguish.
He holds onto Levi as though he still is not quite sure he would not disappear right in front of his eyes, with a light and uncertain hand that does not fit his usual brash behavior. Callous fingertips trace the skin of his arm, mesmerized by the warmth lingering beneath, by the way he feels exactly as he did all these years ago. Almost as though his mind has resurrected a ghost, a goddamned  déjà vu that is now sitting in his lap. And Johnny walks a fine line between wanting to continue this hesitation, this apprehension and wanting to delve deep into him. This wonderful, wonderful fantasy of a lover stolen. Green eyes do not move, frozen on, in, beyond the smaller figure in front of him. And it is only when Levi moves that he is torn out of his reverie.
The kiss on his lid is exactly what it has been all these years ago and it seems so unnaturally natural: placed right upon scarred tissue, gentle and yet with a passion, a promise and it is enough to make him relive everything he felt back in 194x---. And every movement is the same, the way Levi breathes and looks at him, the way they are so close he can hear the heartbeat in his neck. Nothing has changed.
Except that he is here, with him. Alive.
Emotions threaten to overwhelm him ( born not only from the present but also the past, both a memory and new experience ) and Johnny simply wraps his arms around him tightly, one hand brushing through his hair to push his head into his shoulder as he rests his own on his. “ I’ve missed ya so fuckin’ much, love. “, a laugh breaks off somewhere in his sentence. “ Glad to see ya haven’t changed one bit. “
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