#1940s Ghost Story
jolenes-book-journey · 4 months
The Ghost of Seagull Cottage by Anne Allen
The Ghost of Seagull Cottage was inspired by The Ghost and Mrs. Muir and is Book 9 in The Guernsey Novels. These are stories set on the beautiful island of Guernsey. The Ghost is from the 1940s. A haunting tale of love, loss and finding one’s place in the world inspired by The Ghost and Mrs Muir. The Ghost of Seagull Cottage The Guernsey Novels Book 9 by Anne Allen Genre: Supernatural…
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velvet4510 · 5 months
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gutsposting · 1 year
The Coven in the Woods, pt. 3
Standing in the center of a clearing that was supposedly created by the raging fire last night, Gordon was more reminded of a meteorite impact rather than a campfire gone awry. Trees bent backwards, all in a circle. Ash was still falling from the sky, a large pile of it had been scattered all about. Gordon looked at Patrick, who had closed his eyes, his head cocked straight upward. “What do you think happened?”
“They didn’t finish.” He opened his eyes again, and turned his head to his left. “I think that they were trying to make a doorway there.” He pointed at a peculiar set of trees that were half-burnt. “And they were… doing their thing. Then someone interrupted, and paid for it.”  
Gordon took another look at the soil. “Bare Feet…” The prints were clear, and small. “How many of them do you think there were?”
“A hundred? More? Who can say… It’s too bad we can’t see the bodies.”
“Well they had to have taken them down to the city. Let’s finish up whatever you planned on doing here.” Pat looked back at him. “What?” Gordon asked.
“I don’t know if I want to get… Him involved.”
Gordon sighed, and rolled his eyes. “Well, if you don’t want to then you don’t have to. Let's just get on with it.”
Pat furrowed his brow, and scratched his head. “Let’s just talk to him…” Patrick reached for a pouch he kept in his jacket pocket. Small and made of dark leather, like a coin purse. Pat pulled a pinch of sand out of it, and sprinkled it in the air. He watched intently as it floated in the wind. 
Gordon stared at him with his arms folded. “Any luck?” He asked sarcastically.
Pat looked back at him, frowning. “This way.” He thudded along with his heavy, irregular steps, and Gordon followed far behind. 
“Is this how it normally is for you?”
“Pretty much… I’ve gotten used to it. No one takes the job seriously… I don’t think he’s far.” Pat seemed especially nervous as he talked. Gordon had apparently been the first person to believe his stories when he paid the museum a visit. Most people would come in, ask some inane question about getting abducted by aliens and make the same old jokes about ‘probing.’ Gordon was the only person to come by, in all the time that it had been open, who was attentive when he spoke about his possessions and receptive to his ideas. All the same, this excursion would prove to be a great stretch of his friends’ imagination.
“What are we gonna do if he’s not here?”
Pat peered back at him over his shoulder to answer. “Oh, he’s here…” Gordon saw that he was sweating profusely.
The rain began as Pat pulled out another pinch of the dust, keeping it in the palm of his hand. It was a light, stinging sprinkle. The sunlight from the bright morning which greeted them in the clearing had almost completely disappeared behind the clouds and the treeline. “One o’clock… Already dark as night…” Godon remarked. 
“Here.” Pat stopped underneath a massive dead oak tree. Its thick branches stretched out, like a sickening star, in every imaginable direction. The withered, gray branches twisted together like a million hands intertwined for eternity. Pat lifted up his shirt, and pulled a short-handle folded shovel out of his pants. “We’ll take turns.” He said, crouching down and beginning to wildly tear at the soil.
“Okay, come on!” Gordon threw his  hands up in the air. “You Have to be kidding!”
Patrick didn’t speak, only staring at Gordon as he threw clump after clump of dirt over his shoulder. 
Gordon covered his face with his hand, and sat down on a stump. It felt like hours passed before the old man digging the hole collapsed, lying on his back and gasping for air. He had dug wisely, and had made it about three feet in depth. Gordon watched Pat get up, still completely out of breath, shakily trying to meekly raise another pile of dirt out of the hole.
“Fine.” Gordon said. “I’ll take a turn.” The weather had become much worse, puddles of muddy water were beginning to form at the bottom of the hole. Gordon could hardly breathe, but he imagined his arms as a set of pistons, his torso as a mighty engine, and he forced his body to shred the ground out of his way.
Then the smell hit him. Sweet like old beef left in the refrigerator too long, if it was hot and all around you. It hit his stomach like a freight train, and the perfect storm brought on by the mud and the incessant raindrops pelting his hat brought it all back to him, all at once.
“Jesus, Pat…” 
“I know… Let me take over.” Pat put his hand on Gordons’ shoulder. During the war, Pat was distant and aloof, the way that an officer should be. It was only on the way back home, standing on the deck of that old steamer, that he expressed how much he cared about his boys. He kept up with all one-hundred and three men who survived by regularly writing letters to each one of them.
Gordon sat back down on the stump. His mother taught him a trick when he was going to throw up, he would hum anything that came to mind. “John Brown’s body lies a-moulderin’ in the grave…” He sang. 
Patrick chuckled. “I’ve got him!” He hollered. Gordon got up, and looked down the hole. He checked his watch.
“Five hours.” Gordon said. “Do you know this guy? He’s been here too long to be-”
Pat raised the shovel over his head, and swung it down like an axe. He feverishly brought the weapon crashing down again and again, and before long he had cracked open a football-sized hole into the coffin. “Wake up!” He shouted, laughing hysterically. “I need to talk to you!”
Gordon felt the urge to drop down into the hole to stop him. It was certainly wrong to stand by and let someone defile a corpse, but Gordon couldn't move. Pat curled his fingers against the edge of the hole he had made in the rotten old wood, and yanked upwards with all of his might. He sent splinters flying all around him as he ripped nearly an entire quarter of the top panel right off the ill-made coffin. 
The body had decomposed significantly, but Gordon refused to look at it. He remembered a corpse of a Frenchman that he had seen back in the day. He had been completely buried underneath the mud somehow. All you could see was an arm, his wrist twisting up and backward. He watched a rat nibble at his fingers one night, and almost got himself killed when he tried to protect the mans’ hand from the pest.
Patrick began slapping the dead man in the cheek. “Come on… I wanna talk to you! I know you’re in there!” The rain stopped like a faucet being shut off. Gordon felt chills run up his spine.
“What did you do?” Gordon shouted. Patrick pulled himself out of the hole, ignoring Gordons’ question. 
A pale figure peeked its head out from behind a distant tree. “Come on! I want to get this over with.” Patrick cupped his hands and shouted at it. Gordon grabbed his arm.
“What the fuck is that?” He demanded.
“It’s okay…” Patrick said, quietly. The figure slowly walked towards them. It was something similar to the form of a bald, pale man. Featureless, like a skeleton with a thin layer of skin draped over it. It slunk towards them shyly, but refused to come close before speaking. 
“Too long, it’s been too long.” A low, quiet voice scratched out. 
“What happened last night?” Patrick spoke up.
The creature hid behind a tree. “Cheated.” The voice changed, it was now like an old womans’. “They owe me four for last night, four for last night and hundreds more, hundreds.” 
“Just tell me about last night.” Patrick insisted. The creature stood up from the bushes, and had changed into something more resembling a man, a prisoner perhaps. Bald, covered in tattoos, it was like the creature was growing into… Gordon didn’t want to think about what was happening, but he couldn’t close his eyes. He stared at the creature, at the twisted-up face. He wanted to vomit. 
“He’s mine… and they took him to the mine, but he’s mine, and they took him… mine”
“They run the whole town, don’t they?” The creature shrugged. 
“You will know where to go, you will feel it and will know. You will find what's' mine in the mine, he’s mine and I want them all back.” It made some kind of motion with its arms, like it was draping a blanket over its body, and a black robe appeared. It completely covered the creature, with no apparent way to see out of the hood. 
The voice had changed again, to that of a sad young woman. “Patrick…” it called out. “When will I see you again?” 
Pat looked like a deer in headlights. “We can talk later… After I finish this case?”
A mans’ voice, deep and authoritative. “You promise?”
“Yes, I do.”  
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fieldghoul · 2 months
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A round-up of ministry technology:
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Chapter Two: The Cardinal
Copia is carrying the Siemens R836 stereo, produced c. 1988
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Chapter 5: The Call
The TV in the hospital is the Toshiba T277Z, produced c. 1977
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p.s., the first clip playing on the TV is twins running away in Chapter 1 :-)
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Chapter Seven: New World Redro
Nihil's typewriter is the Olympia SM9, produced c. 1965-1968
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Chapter Ten: Home Coming and Special Guests
The record player in Cardi's room is actually not vintage! It's the Victrola 3-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player, produced c. 2017
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To get deep into minutiae, the other thing they pan past on the shelf that looks like an antique cathedral radio is actually a piece of ceramic -- you can see it's holding a book. It's made from a commercially available plaster mold, namely the Duncan DM-355 B, which was manufactured in the late 70s. Here are photos of the same ceramic with a different glaze, and the mold itself :-)
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Chapter Twelve: Ghost Goes Hollywood
Cardi's camcorder is part of the Sony CCD-TRVX5 series, produced c. 1998
(My understanding is the CCD-TRV75, 85 and 93 all have the same body -- but it's one of those.)
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Chapter 16: Tax Season
Cardi's TV is the Samsung BT-317TR, produced c. 1984
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He is, of course, playing the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), produced c. 1986-1990
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The radio is the Motorola TT23FS, produced c. 1968
The phone gadget is the Tele-Rest, produced c. 1958
The alarm clock is a Lawson Model 215 Sierra, produced c. 1948-1981 (Lawson clock history seems... complicated)
As for the phone itself... I can tell you it's this exact phone, since this prop house seems to have supplied all the props in this video, but there are too many identical puke-green rotary phones produced between the 1940s and 1970s for me to pretend I can tell which one it is (same goes for the other two rotary phones in Chapter Five).
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Rite Here Rite Now
The TV backstage is (probably) a Magnavox 20MT4405/17, produced c. 2006
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If you turn the brightness on RHRN way the fuck up, you can see a piece of tape over the brand badge on the TV. (But that can't stop me!!!)
I'm sure most of the tech choices are just for humor and Tobias's personal nostalgia as a child of the 80s, but I do love way all of the old tech characterizes the ministry. It's not clear if they're just luddites, cheapskates, out of money, too bureaucratically inefficient to upgrade (like the government!) or if it's something completely different. But that's why set dressing is fun, it tells stories indirectly :-)
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obsceneindecorum · 2 years
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Margaret O’Brien (1947)
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alightinthelantern · 10 months
Movies on Youtube:
Brief Encounter (1945, David Lean)
Opening Night (1977, John Cassavetes)
Close Up (1990, Abbas Kiarostami)
Taste of Cherry (1997, Abbas Kiarostami)
The Song of Sparrows (2008,  Majid Majidi)
Russian Ark (2002, Alexander Sokurov)
Dreams (1990, Akira Kurosawa)
Dersu Uzala (1975, Akira Kurosawa)
The Idiot (1951, Akira Kurosawa)
Drunken Angel (1948, Akira Kurosawa)
Tokyo Story (1953, Yasujirō Ozu)
Early Summer (1951, Yasujirō Ozu)
Late Spring (1949, Yasujirō Ozu)
The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice (1952, Yasujirō Ozu)
Good Morning (1959, Yasujirō Ozu)
An Autumn Afternoon (1962, Yasujirō Ozu)
Sword for Hire (1952, Inagaki Hiroshi)
Rebecca (1940, Alfred Hitchcock)
Thunderbolt (1929, Josef von Sternberg)
Larceny (1948, George Sherman)
Among the Living (1941, Stuart Heisler)
Andrei Rublev (1966, Andrei Tarkovsky)
Mirror (1975, Andrei Tarkovsky)
Solaris (1972, Andrei Tarkovsky)
Ivan’s Childhood (1962, Andrei Tarkovsky)
Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972, Werner Herzog)
Fitzcarraldo (1982, Werner Herzog)
Medea (1969, Pier Paolo Pasolini)
Medea (filmed stageplay)
Is It Easy To Be Young? (1986, Juris Podnieks)
We'll Live Till Monday (1968, Stanislav Rostotsky)
Ordinary Fascism (aka Triumph Over Violence) (1965, Mikhail Romm)
Battleship Potemkin (1925, Sergei Eisenstein)
The Third Man (1949, Carol Reed)
Johnny Come Lately (1943, William K. Howard)
Mister 880 (1950, Edmund Goulding)
Beethoven’s Eroica (2003, Simon Cellan Jones)
Katyn (2007, Andrzej Wajda)
Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004, Brad Silberling)
Mean Girls (2004, Mark Waters)
The Neverending Story (1984, Wolfgang Petersen)
The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter (1990, George T. Miller)
The Thief and the Cobbler (Richard Williams)
Osmosis Jones (2001, myriad directors)
Megamind (2010, Tom McGrath)
Ghost in the Shell (1995, Mamoru Oshii)
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (2004, Mamoru Oshii)
Steamboy (2004, Katsuhiro Otomo)
Badlands (1973), Terrence Malick
Wargames (1983, John Badham)
By the White Sea (2022, Aleksandr Zachinyayev)
White Moss (2014, Vladimir Tumayev)
The Theme (1979, Gleb Panfilov)
The Duchess (2008, Saul Dibb)
Bed and Sofa (1927, Abram Room)
Fate of a Man (1959, Sergei Bondarchuk)
Ballad of a Soldier (1959, Grigory Chukhray)
Uncle Vanya (1970, Andrey Konchalovskiy)
An Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano (1977, Nikita Mikhalkov)
Family Relations (1981, Nikita Mikhalkov)
The Seagull (1970, Yuli Karasik)
My Tender and Affectionate Beast (1978, Emil Loteanu)
Dreams (1993, Karen Shakhnazarov & Alexander Borodyansky)
The Vanished Empire (2008, Karen Shakhnazarov)
Winter Evening in Gagra (1985, Karen Shakhnazarov)
Day of the Full Moon (1998, Karen Shakhnazarov)
Zero Town (1989, Karen Shakhnazarov)
The Girls (1961, Boris Bednyj)
The Diamond Arm (1969, Leonid Gaidai)
Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures (1965, Leonid Gaidai)
Ivan Vasilievich Changes Profession (1973, Leonid Gaidai)
Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia (1974, Eldar Ryazanov & Franco Prosperi)
Office Romance (1977, Eldar Ryazanov)
Carnival Night (1956, Eldar Ryazanov)
Hussar Ballad (1962, Eldar Ryazanov)
Kin-dza-dza! (1986, Georgiy Daneliya)
The Most Charming and Attractive (1985, Gerald Bezhanov)
Autumn (1974, Andrei Smirnov)
War and Peace: Part 1 (1966, Sergei Bondarchuk)
War and Peace: Part 2 (1966, Sergei Bondarchuk)
War and Peace: Part 3 (1967, Sergei Bondarchuk)
War and Peace: Part 4 (1967, Sergei Bondarchuk)
The Red Tent (first half) (1969, Mikhail Kalatozov)
The Red Tent (second half) (1969, Mikhail Kalatozov)
Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles (1939, Sidney Lanfield)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939, Alfred L. Werker)
Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror (1942, John Rawlins)
Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon (1943, Roy William Neill)
Sherlock Holmes in Washington (1943, Roy William Neill)
Sherlock Holmes Faces Death (1943, Roy William Neill)
Sherlock Holmes: The Spider Woman (1944, Roy William Neill)
Sherlock Holmes: The Scarlet Claw (1944, Roy William Neill)
Sherlock Holmes: The Pearl of Death (1944, Roy William Neill)
Sherlock Holmes: The House of Fear (1945, Roy William Neill)
Sherlock Holmes: The Woman in Green (1945, Roy William Neill)
Sherlock Holmes: Pursuit to Algiers (1945, Roy William Neill)
Sherlock Holmes: Terror by Night (1946, Roy William Neill)
Sherlock Holmes: Dressed to Kill (1946, Roy William Neill)
If any of the links don’t work, try looking up the film in this playlist: link
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vintagegeekculture · 6 months
The Evil Little Hairy Cave People of Europe in Pulp Fiction
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From the 1900s to the 1940s, there was a trendy theme in occult and horror stories that the explanation for widespread European legends of fairies, brownies, pixies, leprechauns and other malicious little people, was that they were a hereditary racial memory of the extremely small non-human, hairy stone age original inhabitants of Europe, who still survive well into modern times in caves and barrows below the earth. Envious of being displaced on the surface, these weird creatures, adapted to the darkness of living underground and unable to withstand the sun, still mean mischief and occasionally go out at night to capture someone.... usually an attractive woman....to take to their dark caves for human sacrifice.
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Displaced by the arrival of Indo-European language speakers at the dawn of the Bronze Age, these original, not quite human stone age people of Europe were driven deep underground into caves and barrows below the earth, where they went mad, adapted to the darkness and acquired a fear of daylight, became extremely inbred, in some cases acquired widespread albinism. It is these strange little people who gave the descendants of Europeans a haunting racial dread of places below the earth like mines and caves, and it also is these strange, hairy troglodytes who originally built the uncanny and mysterious menhir, fairy rings, and stone age structures of England, Scotland, and Ireland that predate the coming of the Celts and Romans.
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In some cases, these evil troglodytes are usually identified with the mysterious Picts, the pre-Celtic stone age inhabitants of the British Isles. In some cases, they are identified with the Basque people of Spain, best known as the inventors of Jai Alai, and the oldest people in Europe who speak a unique language unrelated to any in the world.
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The original codifier of this trend was Arthur Machen, a horror writer who is less remembered than his contemporary, Henry James, but who may be the best horror writer in the generations between Poe on the one end and Lovecraft/CL Moore/Clark Ashton Smith on the other. His story, "the White People" from 1904 (a reference to their strange cave albinism) was a twisted Alice in Wonderland with a girl who is irresistibly attracted to dark pre-Roman stone age ruins and who is eventually pulled underground.
In addition to being a great horror writer, Arthur Machen was a member of the Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn, an occult organization, and was often seen at the Isis-Urania Temple in London. Many of his works have secretive occult knowledge.
H.P. Lovecraft in particular always pointed out Arthur Machen as his single biggest inspiration, though he combined Machen's dread and occultism with Abraham Merritt's sense of fear of the cosmic unknown, seen in "Dwellers in the Mirage" and "People of the Pit."
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Another and scarier example of this trend would be "No Man's Land," a story by John Buchan, a Scotsman fascinated by paganism and horror, who often wrote stories of horrific discoveries and evil rites on the Scottish moors. He is often reduced to being described as a "Scottish Ghost Story" writer, a painfully reductivist description as in his career, Buchan wrote a lot of thrillers, detective, and adventure stories as well. In later life, he was appointed Governor General of Canada, meaning he may be the first head of state to be a horror writer.
It was Buchan who first identified the cave creatures with the Picts, something that another Weird Tales writer decades later, Robert E. Howard, would roll with in the 1920s.
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Howard is a very identifiable kind of modern person you often see on the internet: a guy who talks tough, but who was terrified to leave his small town. He created manly man, tough guy heroes like Conan the Barbarian, Kull, and El Borak, but he himself never left his mother's house. It's no wonder he got along well with his fellow Weird Tales writer and weird shut in, HP Lovecraft. With 1920s Weird Tales writers, despite your admiration for their incredible talent, you also can't help but laugh at them a little, a feeling you also apply to a lot of Victorians, who achieved incredible things, but who are often closet cases and cranks who died virgins ("Chinese" Gordon comes to mind, as does Immelmann).
With Howard, his obsession with the Picts and the stone age cave dwelling people of Europe started with an unpublished manuscript where at a dinner party, a man gets knocked out and regresses to his past life in the Bronze Age, where he remembers the earliest contact between modern humans and the original inhabitants of the British Isles, the evil darkskinned Picts. This is a mix of both the "little cave people" story and another cliche at the time, "the stone age past life regression novel," another turn of the century cliche.
Still with the Picts on his mind, Howard would later create Bran Mak Morn, a Pict chieftain, who predated Kull and Conan as his Celtic caveman muscle hero. Howard was of Irish descent and proudly anti-Colonial and anti-British, with his Roman Empire and Civilized Kingdoms as a stand in for the British and other Empires, which he viewed as rapacious and humbug, a view shared by his greatest inspiration, Talbot Mundy. His "Worms of the Earth" gets to the heart of why these little cave people scare us so much: they remind us that we live on land that is impossibly ancient and we don't fully understand at all.
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It was another Weird Tales Writer a decade later who wrote one of the last stories about the little hairy cave people of Europe, though, Manly Wade Wellman in 1942. Wellman was mainly known for creating the blond beefcake caveman hero Hok the Mighty set in stone age times, and for his supernatural ghost stories of Silver John the Balladeer set in modern, ghostly Appalachia (like many ex-Weird Tales writers, he made a turn to being a regional author in his later career, in the same way Hugh B. Cave became a Caribbean writer), but Wellman also had a regular character known as John Thunstone, a muscular and wealthy playboy known for his moustache who used his great wealth to investigate the supernatural and the occult. Thunstone had a silver sword made by St. Dunstan, patron of Silversmiths, well known for his confrontations with the Devil.
Most John Thunstone stories featured familiar stories, like a demon possessed seance and so on, but one in particular featured a unique enemy, the Shonokins.
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The Shonokins were the original rulers of North America, descendants of Neanderthal man displaced by American Indians. This fear that the land we live is ancient and unknowable and we just arrived on it and don't know any of its secrets is common to settler societies, who often hold the landscape with dread, as in Patricia Wrightson's fantasies of the Australian Outback. It was easy enough to transport the hairy cave people from the Scottish Moors to North America. I suspect that's what they are, a personification of a fear shared in the middle class, that in the back of their minds, that everything they have supposedly earned is merely an accident of history, built by rapacity and the crimes of history, and that someday a bill will come due.
A text page in the May 1942 issue of Weird Tales gives strange additional information on the Shonokins not found elsewhere:
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Since then, there have been too many examples of evil cave people who predate Europeans. Philip Jose Farmer's "The All White Elf" features the last survivor of a pre-European people who live in caves. A lot of other fiction of course has featured the Picts, but according to our modern scientific understanding, which describes them as much, much less exotically, as a blue tattooed people not too different and practically indistinguishable from the Celtic tribes that surrounded them, and which they eventually blended into.
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snaileer · 6 months
Time Unsolved
Dp Unsolved
“Today on Buzzfeed unsolved we cover the Timely Disappearance of Charles T. Williamsworth.”
Danny slurped loudly on his drink as the intro played. Was he maybe crazy for watching a Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime alone, at night? Maybe.
But Danny had been attacked by ghosts. What was a human gonna do that Skulker couldn’t?
“What a name!” Shane cut in immediately, the video showing him seated at their table holding a cup of coffee. Ryan laughed.
“‘Ello, yes, my name is Sir Charles T. Williamsworth, how art thou? Ah yes, jolly good!” Shane mimicked with a horrifically bad posh British accent.
Ryan laughed harder, “We’ve been to London, they don’t sound like that!” He said between laughs.
“Uh, he does! There’s no way a man with a name like that is not ‘mm yes I will take a spot of tea with my biscuit thank you.’ I’m calling it, he definitely talked like that!”
Danny smiled at the antics as Ryan wheezed, “Well it’s too bad we’ll never know for sure then isn’t it, what with his disappearance, y’know what we’re actually here to talk about.”
“That’s okay. I’ll know. I know my buddy Charles.”
“Alright then.”
Ryan flicked his file open as Shane took a sip from his coffee.
The screen lit up with an image of a man on a black backdrop.
“The Williamsworths were a French-German family who moved to Biel, Switzerland in early 1914, just months before the largest war in European history kicked off.
They were one of the lucky few families to have left France before the war broke out…”
“Oh a family moving, that’s suspicious now?”Shane cut in, yellow words typing themself across the screen.
“Well, it was right before World War 1, I mean the timing is kind of suspicious.” Ryan replied in blue.
-People move, Ryan.-
-Okay, okay, it’s just the facts of the case,.-
Danny rolled his eyes, ready for the story to continue.
The images came back.
“This move would evidently prove to be quite fortunate for the family for obvious reasons. However, it also led Charles to find his true passion: … Watchmaking.”
There was a pause as a map of Switzerland came on screen. “Biel, the town that Charles would live in for the majority of his recorded younger life, was known for watchmaking, being one of several in the heart of an area named ‘Watch Valley.’ “
-You ever own a Swiss watch?-
-Heard they’re good. Reeeal good.-
“Charles would reportedly develop a passion for clocks, watches, and timepieces in general, only getting more entrenched in his obsession over time.”
The image of the man now shifted to be overlaid on a map.
“By the time the First World War was over, Charles had gained an ostentatious apprenticeship under one of the premiere watchmakers of the time, Max Stührling. This lasted until Stührling’s death in 1938, after which Charles vanished from any records for two years.”
-Well y’know, his mentor had just died. -Maybe he wanted to grieve. Y’know curl up in his room and not see anybody for a bit.-
Ryan laughed, -2 years, he was crying in his room for 2 years and nobody found him?-
-Well, it’s not like records were great back then, I mean what are you gonna write on the census… just.. like..-
-Loud weeping heard from inside. One resident. Unnamed.-
“The next time Charles T. Williamsworth appears on record, it is in the back of a photo from France in 1940. Showing Williamsworth standing in front of a watch shop wearing dark clothes, a distinct pocket watch, and looking into the camera.”
The black and white image appears on screen, zooming in on the background figure. Danny tilts his head at it, something about it niggling at him.
“The shop and its owner would go on to be infamous within the French town for the duration of the Second World War. Charles was unwillingly drafted in the summer of 1941, serving on the front lines for no more than 3 months before sustaining a wound to his face, leaving him with damaged eyesight, facial scarring, and a medical discharge.
He returned to his shop soon after.”
Danny frowned at the mention of what the man had probably gone through.
“Later evidence statements regarding Charles stated that he was: ‘an odd man. He never mentioned the war, leaving it behind once he was not forced to be a part of it. He seemed to be separate from it all, he only cared for his watches.’
This sense of separation would extend to his shop, as when the town was bombed in 1944 leading up to D-day, his shop was left miraculously unharmed. It was reportedly open the very next day.”
-I can appreciate the dedication- Shane says in yellow.
-Yeah, I mean, the morning after is a bit soon, but he did really love watches. If he didn’t have to, I guess he wasn’t gonna close his shop.-
-His advertising: ‘Sure you were almost killed in a fiery explosion, but look! I’ve got new watches!’ Jazz hands.-
Ryan laughs.
“Over the next 50 years, Charles T. Williamsworth would disappear from records repeatedly, sometimes for months, only present on seven censuses between 1952 and 1979. Despite this, the clock shop was never sold, remaining in wait for its master’s return.”
Multiple pictures of pocket watches came onscreen. “It became known in the surrounding area for especially good pocket watches and grandfather clocks. Each personally made using Swiss essemblage practices, often engraved.
While it was a place of prestige, some described the shop as having ‘an unbearably loud sound of ticking, as if a thousand clocks were set to the same second.’
Apparently, Charles ‘seemed to enjoy the sound, often standing in the front room when no one was present. He was able to pick out one clock if it was off time.’ Witnesses stated.”
It cut to showing Shane and Ryan at their table.
“God, I can’t imagine. That’d drive me crazy.” Shane said, shaking his head.
“Yeah, I don’t know, a thousand clocks at the same time? Just..” Ryan looked back and forth frantically, as if there were sounds from every direction, “I’d go nuts pretty fast, I can’t even handle one sometimes.”
“I’d just go off and punch one of the clocks, just- RAAAH and -oh my god is that where that comes from?! I’m gonna punch your clock? Or like you clock somebody!?! Oh my god I never realized that!”
Danny’s jaw drops at the realization as Ryan laughs. Shane looks to be losing his mind as well.
“However, Charles’ most notable disappearance was his last.”
Dramatic music played as Danny zoned back in.
“Due to his frequency of vanishing for extended periods of time, it is unknown when exactly Charles disappeared. The last definite sighting of Charles T. Williamsworth was late at night on April 23rd, 1999, when neighborhood patrolman, Elliot Dubois, noticed him locking the door to his shop with its lights still on. Elliot, concerned for the safety of the elderly man, questioned him but eventually allowed Charles to leave, noting that he turned down a road that only led into the woods outside of town.
Two weeks later, 12 year old James Chappellè, a mailboy in the area, noted during his morning run on May 7 that mail had begun to pile up in front of the shop’s door.
Something that had never happened before.”
The word ‘before’ faded into red.
“It reached such a point that the mail system declared they would no longer deliver, as they couldn’t guarantee it wouldn’t be stolen.
At this point, the police got involved and the case was assigned to Detective Jacob Laurent.
It turned out to be a more difficult case than first expected, as when they looked into Charles’ past, they were unable to turn up any such notable documents as a birth certificate nor any document containing a birthdate.
But when police entered the shop on May 10th, they found it largely empty, with only the shelves, register, and equipment left remaining between the front and back room. There were no clocks of any kind.
It should be noted that there was still money in the register, and a light on in the back though the other bulbs for the front seemed to have been burnt out.
Upon entering the living space above the shop, it was found to be covered in dust, and all of Charles’ clothes and belongings still present.
Rather, there was evidence that Charles largely slept in his shop, with a cot beside his workbench.
A workbench that, upon police entry, only held one gold pocketwatch, personally engraved with the initials ‘C. W.’ As it was known for Charles to always carry the pocketwatch, he was officially declared missing and possibly presumed dead.
The watch’s presence also led detective Laurent to suspect foul play.
Despite the declaration of foul play, the police did not extensively search the town woods, citing the size and density of the forest.”
The video cut to Shane staring at Ryan, face deadpan. Ryan was clearly trying to hold back laughs.
“So… let me get this straight… an old man who’s… how old at this point exactly?”
Ryan laughs, “Nobody knows, there’s no known birthday-“
“That’s weird too, but okay, let’s say he’s like what, at least 95? I mean… there’s a certain age that like if you disappear… ..eh.” Shane shrugged.
Ryan looked at him incredulously, “Eh??”
“Yeah,” Shane shrugged again, “Eh.”
“I mean… y’know… old people wander into the woods sometimes, maybe he just went for a walk and got lost. At that age… death has gotta be around every corner, I mean come on!”
Ryan wheezed into his elbow.
Danny laughed quietly.
Once Ryan calmed down, he organized the file, clipping it down on the table, “So! With the story finished, let’s get into the theories,”
Shane rolled his eyes, “Oh god this is gonna be one of yours isn’t it? What ghosts are abducting people now?”
Danny smiled, briefly considering how much effort it would take to go haunt Shane all the way in LA.
“The first theory is that Charles T. Williamsworth was involved with the mafia at the time and was a long standing or high ranking member that had crossed the wrong people.
Some reasons for this theory is the lack of early documents, suggesting a fake identity or forgery.
This case is especially supported by the long absences, where his shop remained closed and yet still remained in his possession.
In fact, the deed for the shop was not listed under Charles’ name, instead Iisted as owned under a private organization.
This theory explains his disappearance and possible subsequent death as an act of revenge from an enemy made from illicit activities. Leaving no body behind, there would be no evidence to prosecute the acting party.
Within this, there are also some who believe that if Charles was engaged in the mafia and lived under a false identity, that his disappearance was him returning to his actual identity, possibly due to being caught.
Prison records indicate 6 Swiss-German inmates arrested at the approximate time of his disappearance, roughly matching the age and appearance of Charles. Notably, none of them had a distinct facial scar and no identification was ever confirmed.”
The screen switched.
Shane smiled at Ryan, “Oh Ho Ho, my boy Charles is getting into some funky stuff, huh? Workin’ for the Mob, breaking knees, chopping fingers?”
Ryan laughed, “Yeah maybe, it definitely lends credit to him being a part of something. Maybe he was out in the woods breaking knees y’know. Or burying something.”
“Someone,…”Shane said ominously, then burst out laughing, “What if he buried himself! Just-“Shane mimed digging, clapping his hands like he was wiping off dust, “Alright, thats a good illegal grave right there, just a good hole for a dead- woaaah!” He pretended to fall, “Boom, stuck in his own grave.”
“Really, this old man dug a 6 foot deep grave? On his own?”
“Hey you don’t know his strength, maybe he lifts.”
“Alright.” Ryan shook his head, still grinning.
Danny smiled, considering it, it did kind of make sense.
“The second theory is that Charles T. Williamsworth did indeed just walk into the woods and never come out. If this is the case, what happened in the woods is widely speculated on. Some saying that animals may have attacked him, or that he simply fell or was injured and could not get up due to his age.
This theory loses support due to the fact that no body was ever found. Though some say that if the woods were too big for the police to search, there may be a den or that his body was covered naturally.”
“Or in a grave.”
“You really think he was mafia?”
“I mean, who could tell?” Shane shrugged.
“The third theory, much like the first, is that Charles was a federal agent for one of the Allied Powers.
This theory is also supported by the significant periods of absence and lack of documents to indicate a forged identity, meant to fool the German government and allow him to work behind the lines. However, unlike the first, there is also evidence of a man with the same distinct scar on his eye, showing up in the background of photos at the British Intelligence Office, the Eiffel Tower during Germany’s occupancy, and behind closed Swiss borders.
None of which would be possible without the unique skills and permissions of a government agent.”
Silence reigned as Shane and Ryan stared each other down, Shane clearly ramping up for something.
“The name’s Williamsworth. Charles Williamsworth.” He said dramatically.
Ryan burst out laughing. “You support this one more then?”
“Yeah, I’ve changed my mind, he’s not in the mafia. His suspicious activities were in the name of secrecy, national secrets, confidential war trades. Espionage…”
“Well I guess, nobody’s gonna suspect the 95 year old man to be up to anything. I mean, if I saw an old man somewhere I’d just be like, huh I wonder who lost their grandpa, not ‘I bet he’s secretly working to take down Hitler.’ Y’know.”
“Charles gets caught: just ‘Whaa-at me~e? I’m just a gentle~e o~ ol~ld ma~an, I can’t harm nobody~y.” Shane mimed leaning over a cane.
“He gets caught and just pretends he has dementia, ‘Who am I? Who are you? Why am I here? Where’s my breakfast?”
Shane cackled as Ryan laughed.
Danny considered it more, this one seemed the most likely, though… he’d definitely be the oldest agent.
“Another theory is that the shop was robbed and Charles returned while or before it was happening, catching the criminals off guard and leading them to react rashly, injuring or killing Charles. They then would have hidden his body and cleaned out the shop to hide any other evidence.
This theory however is disproven by the lack of money taken from the register.
Despite this, it is the official claimed circumstance by the police at the time.”
“Fucking police, always with the boring one.” Shane said ruefully.
“Our last theory, and my personal favorite,-“
Shane groaned. Danny smiled, this was gonna be good.
“-is that Charles T Williamsworth was a time traveler. And that all of his disappearances were when he was traveling through time.
This theory supports his families early move to Switzerland under odd timing, his appearance in so many photos and even his obsession with clocks. As well as why he seemed unbothered by the tumultuous times.”
“I can… accept it.” Shane said, hesitant.
Ryan laughed, “I’ll take it.”
“Despite all of these theories, there is still significant information missing from the case.
And so, like clockwork this case shall remain:
Danny’s mouth dropped as the screen went dark.
No way.
No freaking way.
He lurched upwards, eyes wide.
Obsessed with clocks, scar on his eye, fricking weird and talks in riddles.
Oh mygod!
Danny threw himself out of bed, “I’ve connected the dots!” He rushed to untangle himself from his sheets, transforming immediately, “I’ve connected them!”
He dove for the ghost portal.
Holy frick!
Charles T. Williamsworth was Clockwork!
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phoenixcatch7 · 4 months
I know the fandom generally hand waves tawky tawnys back story because 'powerful and eccentric gentlemanly tiger shapeshifter' is pretty cool as is, give or take a stuffed animal or two, but I looked it up out of curiosity and???
Not only does this man (tiger) have many (many) WILDLY varying backstories (on brand tbh) a lot of them deal with quite uh, intense dehumanisation (de-sapient-isation?).
I'm not even joking, in one they have him as a member of an alternate reality where humans died out and humanoid animals rule, except tigers are still kept in zoo cages and denied basic rights. Tawny nearly gets executed for wearing clothes and reading a self help book, and is forcibly stripped naked and locked up again, meeting the marvels when they're tossed into his pen under the assumption that he'll eat them. WHAT?!
In his first appearance (in the 1940s) he's a side character, a bipedal bengal tiger migrating from India to America to, quote, 'integrate himself into American society'. Despite his kindness and politeness, he's met with fear and discrimination, to the point marvel shows up and realises he's chill and helps him get a job as a tour guide for a museum. The writers surely weren't trying to say something with that, no.
Other origins include:
A normal tiger accused of killing a person, granted the ability to walk and talk like a human by a 'local hermit' with a serum to help clear his name.
Mary's mass produced tiger teddy containing a scarab necklace that contained black Adam's powers (?) that was briefly brought to life by satanus as a six legged pooka (English/Celtic/Irish ghost fairy??) to fight his sister blaze and eventually 'earning' permanent personhood from the wizards friend Ibis for being so good at his job.
Random magic tiger who joined a wartime superhero group fighting mind controlled supers and once killed the leader of the Tiger men and took his place.
Random tiger at the zoo Billy thought was cool and tried to turn into a smilodon by sharing his powers, failed. Never left the zoo.
Ifrit tiger who liked to disguise himself as a stray cat or homeless person, who helped Billy when he became homeless.
Enchanted tiger kept on a lead by Pedro, who transforms with him into a smilodon. Quality of life dubious, because this was flashpoint.
Genetically enhanced bengal tiger saved from mind control.
Meta human (maybe??)
A mystical tiger and 'servant of Shazam'
Now that is a roster. The word tiger has lost all meaning to me. Give this guy some civil rights.
I reckon in any universe where one is true tawny would tell the rest as stories to anyone who asked XD. Keep them in their toes lol.
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catws-anniversary · 6 months
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Today is exactly 10 years since the LA premiere of CA:TWS! As good a day as any to release all of our prompts so you can plan for the anniversary event.
Kicking off on March 26th, we'll be celebrating a decade of CA:TWS with 8 daily prompts to choose from, ranging from thematic prompts and quotes, to more general prompts and character-specific ones. These can be interpreted in any manner you choose and do not need to be linked to the daily theme.
As a reminder: this is an open event (see rules and FAQs - content does need to relate to CA:TWS), and the use of our daily prompts is entirely optional. They’re there to inspire, not to put up restrictions.
You can always contact us if you have any questions. We're so excited to see your creations!
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The Smithsonian
First Meetings
"I'll put it on the list"
Favorite quote
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Camp Lehigh
Steve's list
"It kind of feels personal"
Favorite Steve quote
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The Triskelion
Surprise Visit
"It's called compartmentalization"
Favorite scene
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Trust Issues
"Did I step on your moment?"
Favorite Natasha quote
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Press Conference
Character Bleed
Social Media
"I'll take this one"
Favorite cast member
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Department of Veteran's Affairs
Missing Scenes
"I never said 'pilot'."
Favorite Sam quote
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Lemurian Star
Project Insight
Post-Credit Scenes
"Order comes through pain"
Favorite fight
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Metal Arm
Ghost Story
"But I knew him"
Favorite Bucky quote
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Washington DC
Bedside Vigil
Found Family
"When do we start?"
Favorite duo
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Identity Porn
"Schoolyard and battlefield"
Favorite Stucky scene
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Happy creating!
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gnomeonamelon · 2 months
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Hello! Part 2 of my designs: Thalia Grace and Nico di Angelo!
In honor of reading (/listening to) The Demigod Files for the first time, I decided to do the other Little 3: Greek Edition) next! For the sake of reference, Thalia is 27 chronologically/ 17 physically and Nico is 19 (I'll explain).
The rules I set myself to for these redesigns were explained in Part 1 where I did The Trio.
Notes Below (and a poll please I need help):
The ears probably need the most explanation here: I like the idea that becoming a hunter changes you more than simply immortality. They are made up of humans (demigod and mortal) and nymphs, so I threw traits in the blender- the humans become more nymph like, and the nymphs become more human like (always including their bond to a specific place/ thing in nature being broken).
The only other thing of significance I did that wasn't just design flavor was change her hair color from black to brown. I just thought the color worked well with her complexion and differentiated her from the others more.
I keep bouncing around with who should get Aegis after she becomes a hunter (I'm almost positive she never uses it again after TTC)
When I was working through the seven total children of the Big 3 and their ages, I realized that I wanted to make it conceivable that any of them could've been the child of prophecy (or seen that way) at some point. I was able to do this fairly easily for everyone else but had to get more creative for Nico. Currently, I'm working with the idea that Nico and Percy are the same age, they have the same birthday.
Once Nico is introduced and Bianca joins the hunters/dies, no one knows who's going to fulfill the prophecy. This adds more tension as he is seemingly evil, and no one knows where he is most of the time. This would probably make everyone but especially Annabeth really suspicious. It would go back and forth for a while before eventually turning out to be Percy.
Ok! On to the actual design: I wanted to go with something different for Nico's outfit as he has a couple early in the series. My personal favorite of these alternates is the black trench coat, so I went with that. Combined with the heeled boots, curved, almost cutlass looking kopis, and cross the body sash for the sheath, he looks very piratey to me with his more formal shirt and pants all being 1940s inspired.
He also has a lot of elements that I at least always forget about. He has a chain belt in BotL that I have never seen in fanart before, so I wanted to include it. I also wanted him to wear his (now skeleton themed) armor since the poor boy needs armor if he's going to go to Tartarus.
It's hard to see at a distance, but there is a key embedded in Nico's sword. Given that the Underworld is described with prison/ door motifs (ex: The Doors of Death), I like the idea that underworld gods have different keys.
When fighting Melinoe, Nico finds (steals) a key that allows him to summon ghosts without the ritual (its criminal that the Ghost King didn't come back in this story).
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tagthescullion · 1 month
I feel like Nico being from Venice and the Argo II crew briefly stopping in Venice should have had more of a focus.
Like, all we get is Nico mentioning his mother used to tell him stories about the ghosts of Venice (do we get any details? No), that one time he and Bianca went on a weekend trip, and how they went to the US when World War II started. That's it.
First of all, how does Nico even remember Venice (where he apparently grew up, despite Hades saying he met Maria in Washington DC) and his mother? He and Bianca were dipped in the Lethe! A year earlier in TLO he didn't even remember her name! Suddenly he has childhood memories of her?
Him not remembering Venice and his mother could have been worked into the plot. Like him not remembering anything yet knowing he grew up here. Nico volunteering to go into the city with Frank and Hazel because he wants to see if anything jogs his memory. Wandering the streets looking at any old buildings wishing and hoping that anything seems familiar. Talking with Hazel about how he knows he's from here seventy years ago but doesn't remember a thing.
But since he does somehow remember, more attention should have been paid to that. Nico wandering the streets automatically heading toward his childhood home. Finding his way into the old di Angelo plot in a graveyard. Pointing out familiar landmarks, or, conversely, being confused because familiar landmarks no longer exist. Talking in Italian with passersby (don't even get me started on Nico knowing Italian in the later series, which seems to have been retconned from PJO. I think I might send in another ask sometime about that). Actually knowing what the katobleps are because, you know, he grew up here and would have seen them instead of just barely remembering what they are from Mythomagic. Talking with Hazel about his memories of Venice so long ago and how he feels about returning only a few years later for him but seventy years for everyone else. More talking with Hazel in general.
Instead, we get only a couple mentions. If there's anyone who deserves to have more of a focus on returning to his childhood homeland it's Nico, but he doesn't get it.
I'll start this by saying: rick's timeline is a wobbly bit of weak twine that's threading and creating other unexplainable plotholes
(adding a division bc it got long and not everybody has 'long post' filtered)
maria and hades meet in DC (implying nico and bianca are yanks)
maria and hades meet in venezia (implying nico and bianca are italian)
nico and bianca are born long before the war, that's why by the time they're 10 and 12 they left italy bc the war hadn't yet begun
nico and bianca were born in 30-32 so by 1938 nico was 6 when he went to croatia on holiday, implying they'd been 10-12 in 1942 the war had already started! italy was about to get divided north vs south
nico and bianca were born in 30-32 so by 1938 nico was 6 when he went to croatia, and they still went to the US before the war (<1940), so how in fuck's name does nico know of his venetian neighbour who came back PTSD-ed from the african campaign (1940-1943)????
nico and bianca have no memories bc they were bathed in the lethe, ergo no memories, ergo nico betrays percy to hades to learn about his mother
nico's memories, which shone for their absence for three years, start popping up like ants after rain in HoO?? just like that?? except the freaky cow-things, those ofc he can't remember despite them being a fucking pain in the arse and him having been annoyed/in danger for.. 10 years???
in the end, it's less about rick's subpar ability to keep up with his own characters, and his greedy need to keep writing books without a capable editor knowing he can't remember shite of any of his old stuff.. it's more about just picking whatever makes you happy
I like foreign nico and bianca, bc my country's culture's got a lot from italians, so I'll take HoO's (sort of) version. that and it fits better with my long and niche hcs of maria
nico and bianca being born in 30-32 (or 31 and 33 bc it fit better for my hcs) feels more legit to give nico that whole pre-war/beginning of the war background, but that's only bc wwii is interesting to me
I hc from PJO times that the underworld rivers don't affect children of hades too much, so nico and bianca did have some chunks of memory here and there, like islands of light in a dark ocean.. the speed with which nico gets back every single childhood thing? I don't vibe..
and as for nico being in his hometown.. god above it pains me to hell and back but rick is a white middle-upper class privileged yank boomer, I can't trust him to write his own compatriots, I simply cannot consider his foreigners as canon until people from those countries have given their thumbs-up
as a last comment in this eternal post: I truly, from the bottom of my judgy, bitchy heart, don't think rick even realised (originally) that italy wasn't on the US's side of WWII..
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ailendolin · 6 months
Since the announcement that two or three new versions of Ghosts are in the works, I've been thinking about what sort of ghosts we might get to see / I'd like to see in a German adaptation and put together a list of my ideas. You will see some similarities with our beloved original ghosts as well as completely new characters, and I did my best to find a balance between male and female characters and include a variety of historical eras.
This is obviously just a very basic list with some notes but I do have thoughts about these characters (how they died, what powers they might have, their inner conflict etc.) so if you'd like to know more, please ask (also German producers, I hereby officially volunteer as tribute writer)!
German Ghosts
Female Neanderthal (40,000 BC)
Neanderthals were named after the German Neander valley so I think it's only fair to include a Neanderthal in the show. Since no one needs a Robin 2.0, I'd make the character female and give her a dog because ghost animals are fun and we need more of them.
Roman & German (9 AD)
Two guys - let's call them Marcus and Alber - who fought on opposite sides died in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, became ghosts and eventually best friends. They'd rather die again than admit that to anyone, though.
Bog Girl (600 AD)
A little girl who haunts the marshlands around the house but not the property itself. Most of the ghosts avoid her until the Naturalist gets curious and starts to befriend her.
Plague Ghosts (Mid-1600s)
A group of victims of the 30 Years' War whose deaths were caused by famine and disease and not the war directly (though they insist they died 'in the war').
Naturalist (Late 1700s)
A scientist like Alexander von Humboldt and Charles Darwin who embraces becoming a ghost from the get go and does various experiments (on himself and the others) to figure out how ghost rules work and what is and isn't possible.
Composer (Early 1800s)
A young composer who has a (perceived) rivalry with Beethoven because he's lost part of his hearing. Think German equivalent of Thomas Thorne.
Female Soldier (Early 1800s)
Based on stories like that of Friederike Krüger, this woman posed as a man and joined the army during the Napoleonic Wars.
Woman in White (Late 1800s)
The lady of the house at the time. After she died in childbirth, she was forced to watch her husband's mistress raise her daughter. She died wearing her white nightgown (something she is quite embarrassed about) and can be seen in pictures.
WW1 Surgeon (1930s)
Another former owner of the house, this man was a surgeon in WW1 and still carries the trauma of that time with him (think Siegfried from All Creatures Great and Small).
Luftwaffe Pilot (1940s)
Remember the two German pilots from BBC Ghosts? This guy was their friend and has always wondered what happened to them. He crash-landed on the grounds during a training exercise.
Estate Agent (early 2020s)
A woman who took over the house after the last owner passed away. While assessing the property, she had a heart attack and died there, leading to rumours about the house being cursed and haunted increasing.
The House
While the house will probably be a manor house like in the original series, I think it would be fun if this version of the show shook things up a little and had the German Coopers inherit an old mill, or perhaps even an actual (small) castle.
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the-torchwood-archive · 8 months
Torchwood Timeline (May 2024)
This is my canon timeline for the Torchwood TV stories, novels, and audio productions. It's fairly similar to the wiki timeline with a few small tweaks. It's also completely spoiler free, unlike the wiki timeline.
Some entries have firm dates, some have months, some have general decades, so I've tried my hardest to fit them into where I feel they fit. If anyone spots anything that I've missed or sees any glaring problems let me know and I'll try to suss it out. New stories will be added as they are released.
TV: Tooth And Claw
Torchwood Cardiff is founded
December 24th 1894:
Audio: The Empire Man
Audio: Infidel Places
Audio: Save Our Souls
December 24th 1898:
Audio: The Crown
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Jack joins Torchwood
May 17th 1899
Audio: The Victorian Age
Torchwood Glasgow is founded
Audio: What Have I Done
Post TV: COE Day 5 in Jack’s timeline
Audio: Curios
Audio: The Dying Room
Norton Folgate projects himself to 2016 for Audio: Ghost Mission
Norton Folgate is projected to 2009 for Audio: Outbreak
Audio: Goodbye Piccadilly
Audio: Madam, I’m
Audio: Parasite
Audio: Ashenden
Audio: The Unbegotten
Audio: The Black Knight
Scenes from TV: Children Of Earth Day Four
First contact with the 456
Audio: The Dollhouse
Audio: Double
Torchwood Los Angeles severs all ties
Audio: Dead Plates
Scenes from Prose: Trace Memory
Toshiko’s scenes
16th-22nd August 1987:
Past scenes from Audio: Disco
Alex Hopkins kills his team and Jack Harkness becomes head of Torchwood Cardiff
Audio: Piece Of Mind
Ben Brown hired by Jack Harkness
Suzie Costello hired by Jack Harkness
Ben Brown deceased
Scenes from Prose: Trace Memory
Owen’s scenes
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Toshiko’s scenes
Late 2004:
Audio: Blind Summit
Ianto returns to Wales
Audio: Suckers
February 2005:
Ianto is hired by Torchwood London as Junior Researcher
Scenes from Prose: Trace Memory
Ianto’s scenes
26th March 2005:
Audio: One Rule
Ianto is working as Yvonne’s PA
Audio: The Last Love Song Of Suzie Costello
Audio: Tube Strike
Audio: New Girl
Audio: Through The Ruins
Audio: Uprising
Audio: My Guest Tonight
Audio: Lola
Audio: Less Majesty
Audio: The Law Machines
Audio: 9 To 5
Sebastian Vaughn hired at Torchwood Three
Audio: The Vigil
Late 2005:
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Owen’s scenes
March 2006:
Owen Harper is recruited into Torchwood Cardiff
TV: Aliens Of London
April-September 2006:
Audio: Sync
September 2006:
TV: Boom Town
Jack confines the team to the Hub
September-December 2006:
Audio: Wednesdays For Beginners
Audio: Crush
Audio: Retirement Plan
29th November 2006:
Audio: Moving Target
January-Feburary 2007:
Audio: Locker 15
Audio: Dinner For Yvonne
Present day scenes from Audio: Disco
Audio: By Royal Appointment
Audio: Nerves
Audio: The Rockery
February-March 2007:
TV: Doomsday
TV: Army Of Ghosts
Scenes from TV: Fragments
Ianto joins Torchwood Cardiff
Audio: War Chest
February 2007-September 2009:
Audio: Coffee
Scenes take place between TV: Army Of Ghosts and TV: Children Of Earth Day Five
August-November 2007:
TV: Everything Changes
TV: Day One
TV: Ghost Machine
Prose: Another Life
Prose: Slow Decay
TV: Cyberwoman
Audio: Broken
Scenes take place between TV: Cyberwoman and TV: They Keep Killing Suzie
TV: Small Worlds
TV: Countrycide
Audio: The Great Sontaran War
TV: Greeks Baring Gifts
Audio: Restricted Items Archive Entires 031-049
Audio: Instant Karma
Audio: Ex Machina
Audio: Drive
November 2007:
TV: They Keep Killing Suzie
November-December 2007:
TV: Random Shoes
Audio: The Last Beacon
Audio: The Conspiracy
Audio: Fall To Earth
Audio: Uncanny Valley
Early events of Audio: The Office Of Never Was
18th-26th December 2007
TV: Out Of Time
Audio: The Grey Mare
December 2007-Janurary 2008:
Audio: SUV
Audio: Missing Molly
TV: Combat
Audio: Hidden
TV: Captain Jack Harkness
TV: End Of Days
January-May 2008:
Audio: Zone 10
Audio: Lease Of Life
February 2008:
Prose: Kaleidoscope
14th February 2008:
Audio: Dinner And A Show
February-August 2008:
Audio: Sigil
May 2008:
Torchwood goes to Tibet
Jack returns to Cardiff after TYTNW
TV: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
TV: Sleeper
Audio: Serenity
20th June 2008:
TV: To The Last Man
June-July 2008:
Prose: Something In The Water
Audio: Everyone Says Hello
Prose: Trace Memory
TV: Meat
29th June 2008:
Audio: The Lincolnshire Poacher
July-August 2008:
Audio: torchwood_cascade_CDRIP.tor
Audio The Office Of Never Was
Audio: In The Shaodws
TV: Adam
Audio: Tropical Beach Sounds And Other Relaxing Seascapes #4
August 2008:
Prose: The Twilight Streets
August-October 2008:
TV: Reset
TV: Dead Man Walking
TV: A Day In The Death
August-December 2008:
Audio: Corpse Day
Audio: The Hope
Audio: The Three Monkeys
Audio: Gooseberry
31st October 2008:
Prose: Pack Animals
November-December 2008:
TV: Something Borrowed
Prose: Skypoint
TV: From Out Of The Rain
TV: Adrift
Audio: Believe
TV: Fragments
TV: Exit Wounds
Audio: Expectant
Prose: Into The Silence
Audio: Lost Souls
January-February 2009:
Prose: Bay Of The Dead
Prose: The House That Jack Built
Prose: Almost Perfect
Audio: Department X
February 2009:
Audio: Ghost Train
May-September 2009:
Audio: Dissected
Audio: Rhys And Ianto’s Excellent Barbeque
TV: The Stolen Earth
TV: Journey’s End
Audio: The Sin Eaters
Prose: The Wrong Hands
Prose: Virus
Audio: Asylum
Audio: Golden Age
Prose: Consequences
Audio: The Dead Line
Prose: Risk Assessment
Prose: The Undertaker’s Gift
Audio: The Devil And Miss Carew
Audio: Submission
Audio: Outbreak
September 2009:
TV: Children Of Earth Day One
TV: Children Of Earth Day Two
TV: Children Of Earth Day Three
TV: Children Of Earth Day Four
TV: Children Of Earth Day Five
Late 2009:
Prose: Long Time Dead
March 2010:
Audio: House Of The Dead
Events of TV: The End Of Time and Audio: One Enchanted Evening in Jack’s timeline
March-June 2010:
Prose: First Born
June 2010:
Prose: The Men Who Sold The World
October 2010:
Audio: Poppet
18th-21st March 2011:
TV: The New World
22nd March 2011:
TV: Rendition
March-July 2011:
TV: Dead Of Night
TV: Escape To LA
TV: Categories Of Life
TV: The Middle Men
TV: Immortal Sins
TV: End Of The Road
September 2011:
TV: The Gathering
TV: The Blood Line
September-December 2011:
Audio: Army of One
Audio: Fallout
Audio: Red Skies
Audio: Mr Invincible
Prose: Exodus Code
Audio: Cadoc Point
November-December 2012:
Audio: Dog Hop
Late 2016
Audio: Forgotten Lives
Audio: Visiting Hours
Audio: More Than This
Audio: Ghost Mission
Audio: Made You Look
January-June 2017:
Mr Colchester joins a rebuilt Torchwood
Audio: We Always Get Out Alive
Audio: Night Of The Fendahl
Audio: Smashed
Ng joins Torchwood after this point
Audio: Driving Miss Wells
Audio: Sonny
Audio: Changes Everything
Audio: Aliens & Sex & Chips & Gravy
Audio: Oor
Audio: Superiority Complex
Audio: Love Rat
Audio: A Kill To A View
June 2017-October 2018:
Audio: Zero Hour
Audio: The Empty Hand
Audio: Poker Face
Audio: Tagged
Audio: Escape Room
Audio: Herald Of The Dawn
Audio: Future Pain
Audio: The Man Who Destroyed Torchwood
Takes place between TV: Superiority Complex and TV: Herald Of The Dawn
October 2018:
Audio: Cardiff Unknown – October 2018
October-December 2018:
Audio: See No Evil
Audio: Night Watch
Audio: Flight 405
Audio: Hostile Environment
Audio: The Green Life
Audio: Sargasso
Audio: Another Man’s Shoes
Audio: Eye Of The Storm
January-March 2019:
Audio: A Mother’s Son
March-August 2019:
Audio: Scrapejane
Audio: Day Zero
Audio: Thoughts And Prayers
Audio: Red Base
Audio: Aliens Next Door
Audio: Colin Alone
August 2019:
Audio: Misty Eyes
Audio: Goodbye Piccadilly, Audio: Ashenden, and Audio: The Unbegotten for Andy’s POV
Early 2022:
Audio: The Red List
Audio: Moderation
Audio: Propaganda
Audio: At Her Majesty’s Pleasure
Audio: Cuckoo
Audio: Pariahs
Audio: How I Conquered The World
Audio: The Five People You Kill In Middlesborough
Audio: A Postcard From Mr Colchester
Audio: Death In Venice
February 2023:
Audio: Doomscroll
Audio: Heistland
Audio: The Apocalypse Starts At 6PM
Audio: Thirst Trap
Audio: Another Postcard From Mr Colchester
Audio: Sabotage
Feb 2024: Moved Audio: The Vigil from 2007 to 2005
April 2024: Added Audio:Another Postcard From Mr Colchester and Audio: Sabotage to 2023
April 2024: Added Audio: Tube Strike to early 2005
April 2024: Added Audio: Missing Molly to early 2008
May 2024: Moved Audio: Wednesdays For Beginners, Audio: Crush, Audio: Retirement Plan from 2007 to 2006
May 2024: Added Audio: Dinner For Yvonne, Audio: By Royal Appointment and Audio: Nerves to January-February 2007
May 2024: Added Audio: Disco to August 1978 and January-February 2007
May 2024: Moved Audio: Hidden from November-December 2007 to December 2007-Janurary 2008:
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damianbugs · 7 months
i often include some obscure symbolism in my fics without any real desire to point them out but i was rereading an old piece of mine and remembered one i was rather proud of;
it's from YOU MUST KNOW LIFE TO KNOW DECAY. which is a canon-adjacent story about jason's experience with rain throughout his life. it spans over many years, starting from before his parent's death, to the present as red hood.
the rain itself is the massive metaphor and motif, obviously, but within that i snuck in some other key aspects to jason's character. the one i want to talk about it from the second section of the fic (unofficially dubbed "No!" and the period in time where jason was homeless):
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in this scene jason's belongings have been dumped out of his bag into the rain over a misunderstanding, amongst these scarce objects are two things — an old book belonging to Willis Todd, and a photograph of Catherine Todd (the one jason has at his place when bruce comes to find him in Batman (1940) #408).
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this photo always fascinated me and so i wanted to give it its own backstory. this moment however has two stories happening. a story of sacrifice for Willis, and the story of grief for Catherine.
the book willis used to love and jason remembers him reading often is the last remaining object the boy has to his father (because most of his belongings were left with his neighbour, and jason doesn't get those back until Batman (1940) #426).
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unlike a picture or a letter, this book is a vessel between them, nothing about it actually is Willis' other than the memory attached to it. a nod to the fact that even in death, he had nothing other than the memory he left with his family.
catherine however has a picture, something that is entirely hers, but even that is all it is; her face. jason is young when his mother dies, and as he grows up, he'll soon forget the memories he made with her, but he'll never forget her face because of this last photo he has. her existence, prior to the disease and suffering and death, is forever immortalised for jason. she exists only before her death.
neither willis nor catherine are ghosts that follow jason. he mourns them and misses them deeply (and this grief is the entire catalyst for why he runs away in A Death in The Family) — but they don't come to him when he's doused with fear toxin or battling exhaustion. he doesn't see them when he closes his eyes. because they are not concepts he mourns.
they are a book, a photo, people he has lost forever. jason being a young carer, would have had to watch his mother slowly die to her disease, so he knows death in its raw forms. i have spoken before about how jason views love and loss, as being very literal and blunt understandings, and it's the same here.
so, we have a book and a photograph.
the book being destroyed by the rain is another nod to the modern characterisation of Willis Todd (in both canon and fanon). of the explicitly abusive and negligent father. how his character being "ruined" is usually to paint catherine as the weak and pitiful victim of circumstance and nothing more. neither of them have any true personality other than their surface level one's, which are often classist and ignorant.
on the other hand, willis' book being ruined but protecting the photograph of catherine underneath is to represent his story in jason's life. he was an absent idea because he was working to provide for them, jason didn't really know him outside of this story, and willis dies as a mere idea for his family.
it's not enough, however. willis dies, but it's still raining. catherine's photo may have been saved by some of the rain, but jason is still homeless and he will still have to endure it alone.
the second section of this fic is the saddest one to me, because while jason is the only todd present in this scene, there are three stories being told.
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pokeberry5 · 10 months
Did Tim “kill” King Snake and does Bruce know?
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In Tim’s first solo min, he goes to Paris to learn martial arts and get that “edge” he thinks he needs to properly assume his role as Robin. He ends up on the tail of British Lord, Hong Kong-based heroine kingpin, leader of the Ghost Dragon gang, Sir Edmund Dorrance AKA King Snake (who is blind, which will be important later). Tim’s only companions on this world tour are Lady Shiva, who wants to defeat Dorrance to prove herself stronger, and ex-DEA agent Clyde Rawlins, who wants revenge against Dorrance for Dorrance’s reprisal killing of his family.
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Robin I #4 --  the dream team, I love them
The trio catch up to Dorrance in Hong Kong, where he’s waiting for them in what seems to be the top suite of his skyscraper, 50 stories up.
In this final confrontation with Dorrance, Tim takes full advantage of a crucial moment of distraction to kick Dorrance out of the window. Dorrance ends up clinging to a ledge, hanging on for dear life.
Shiva then appears to order Tim to kill Dorrance, presumably by kicking him off the ledge. (It becomes clear then that this is how Shiva intends to prove herself stronger than Dorrance: she trained Tim and therefore Tim is her weapon and an extension of herself. If Tim defeats Snake, she defeats him by proxy).
Tim refuses and walks away. All we see is him listen  as Dorrance falls to what Tim explicitly assumes is his death, 50 stories down.
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Robin I #5
So, while Tim isn't directly responsible for Dorrance's death, he was the one to put him in that position and then left him there to fall.
It’s unclear how Tim conceives of his actions here and how we are supposed to interpret them, especially in light of Tim’s refusal to kill in earlier chapters in this arc (and after).
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Robin I #2
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Robin I #4 -- I love Shiva
He stopped Rawlins from shooting and killing gang members, but then points to the danger Rawlins might have put them in by accidentally shooting crates containing plague (please read this arc it’s really fun despite suffering from uh. severe written in the 90s syndrome) and then explicitly restates his vow not to kill.
AND THEN, the plot thickens!!!
Dorrance did not actually fall to his death; he caught himself on a ledge below, where he believes Tim came down to taunt him. He came away from his fall with a fear of Tim and an obsession with killing him to purge himself of that fear. (anyway Sir Edmund Dorrance walked so Ra’s could run)
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Batman (1940) #468
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Batman (1940) #469
Dorrance moves to Gotham with the Ghost Dragons and takes over Chinatown (which. Who decided to put, a British lord, what boils down to an allegory of British colonialism in Hong Kong as the head of Chinatown? I have questions – anyway crimelord Lynx ftw)
In the course of his pursuit of Robin, it is revealed that Bruce believes “it was Lady Shiva that caused Dorrance to plunge to his death”—that Tim told him this.
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Batman (1940) #469
This is clarified a bit more later, when Bruce confronts Dorrance.
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Dorrance explicitly accuses Tim of murder. He outlines the incident leading up to his fall—that Tim tricked him and attacked him from behind (he did, we saw this), that Dorrance was left dangling, and that Tim then caused him to fall.
Bruce refutes this accusation by claiming that it “wasn’t Robin who left you for dead. … Robin spared you. It was Lady Shiva who threw you to your death.”
From this, we can assume that in the moments after Tim refused Shiva and walked away, Shiva threw Dorrance down, which he didn’t realize because, as Bruce claims, he is blind and was likely traumatized by the incident. We can’t know this for sure, however—that Shiva threw him down—for exactly those reasons. Bruce is working off what Tim apparently told him, but we—and Tim—did not see this happen.
Bruce’s explanation of what actually happened also calls into question what exactly Tim told him about what happened.
It’s unclear what exactly he is refuting by: “It wasn’t Robin who left you for dead.” Does he not count Tim leaving Dorrance hanging as “leaving him for dead” or is the implication that Bruce thinks Shiva was the one who both threw Dorrance out the window and off the ledge? We never actually see what Tim told Bruce.
This leaves us with some possibilities:
that what Tim did by leaving Dorrance to dangle, by leaving him to Shiva, does not count against Batman’s no-killing rule.
Perhaps that Bruce does not feel that he could have expected or wanted Tim to step between Shiva and her target, Dorrance
that Bruce does not actually know what really happened—that Tim kicked Dorrance out the window, which in turn implies that either Tim may have stretched the truth or Bruce misinterpreted (purposefully?) what Tim told him
These all seem inconsistent, however, with incidents further down the line, with Cluemaster for example, and then when Tim rebukes Azbats for leaving Abattoir to die. A core tenet of Tim’s characterization is his sometimes frustrated but dedicated adherence to the no-kill rule (im beating anyone who cites the league bases at me away with a stick). So I don’t know what to do with this. Maybe it’s just comic inconsistency. Chuck Dixon, what are you doing?
If anyone has any thoughts about how to reconcile all this!! Please grant me peace
i.e. stuff that I can’t possibly expect to be addressed in comics, but that I think about anyway
Related to this arc—a point is made a few issues later that Tim at this time doesn’t really have anyone to confide in. He can't really talk to Batman, isn’t close to Dick at this point, and while he is willing to work with Alfred and ask for help with Bat-related things, they’re not yet emotionally close. This isolation is poignantly demonstrated by him confessing his troubles to his still-comatose father.
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Robin II #2
WHOM then would he have talked to about all that happened on his little “world tour”? No one? Besides whatever happened with Dorrance and brutal training and isolation, he also had to deal with the fact that Clyde Rawlins—whom he presumably developed some sort of camaraderie with (it’s tim ;-; he forms connections) was killed by Dorrance while working this mission with him.
We know that he had no one to talk to about all that. Did Tim linger on Rawlins????? On the fact that Shiva called him her weapon?? My boy is 13 ;-;
I also love that the whole buildup to Tim’s debut as Robin is Bruce agonizing about whether he should allow another boy to assume the position that cost him his son, and is then followed by plenty of moments after of Batman being overprotective.
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Batman (1940) #468
And yet, when Tim is like “I need an edge to be Robin” presumably Bruce?? although this is never explicit connects him with a martial artist in Paris and sends him off on his own. It’s also possible that Tim is the one who comes up with this given that he agonizes a bit over whether he’s doing right by choosing his own path
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Robin I #1
Either way, Tim goes to Paris Alone and essentially Unsupervised.
This lack of supervision is further emphasized by the fact that he goes to hunt down a king pin all the way to Hong Kong with Lady fucking Shiva and an ex DEA agent and no other back up. And Bruce presumably doesn’t find out until Tim runs into the hitman Henri Ducard in Hong Kong, who is apparently Batman’s acquaintance. (#5)
I have so many questions. I know that the actual reasoning is probably “oh we want to give this new character a little mini adventure arc on his own!!! To showcase how cool and independent the new robin is” but STILL
(also tim immediately getting himself a little team :’) I lub him)
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