#1920s!Peter parker
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backtothefanfiction · 1 year ago
Spiders & Lace | tasm!Peter 1920s au
Summery: Amongst the jazz and the liquor, all anyone can talk about is the new hero in the city. But that hero has a plan all of his own.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY! drinking, smoking, general prohibition debauchery, male oral receiving, reckless driving, hints of violence.
Word Count: 4.9K
A/N: So I've been tinkering with this idea for a while. This will probably have another part or two eventually but I'm in no rush. If all else fails, it can still be read as a stand alone. I love all things 1920s (as a former socialite in a past life) and have been itching to incorporate the era in a story at some point. This is also a little bit of a time period mob!au as well. Anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think.
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There was a pop and a few shrieks of surprise, as yet another bottle of champagne was opened. A round of cheers and another round of gossip as the band continued to play loudly from the conservatory.
“Did you hear about that fellow in red and blue pyjamas who beat up those thugs on Bond Street the other night?” A red head cried out to the small group she was currently entertaining.
“Oh yes, I read all about it in the papers.” A blonde responded as she puffed away on a cigarette.
“I heard it was one of those fellas from one of Mabel’s costume parties. The guy was a bit squiffy if you ask me.” A gentleman bellowed, champagne sloshing out of his glass and splashing on the lapels of his suit.
“Really, Dickie?” The gentleman next to the first who had spoken said. “I thought it was one of those acrobats from the circus that’s just dossed up in the park.”
“Whoever he was,” said a third, “he prevented a bank robbery and knocked out three guys to boot, all on his lonesome.”
“What are you hens gossiping about?” A blonde girl cried as she pushed her way through the crowd into the group.
“Ahh Birdie will know.” Said the man named Dickie.
“Birdie will know what?” She cooed drunkenly to him, referring to herself in the third person, as she swayed back and forth before wrapping an arm around the redhead beside her and curling into her side for support.
“About that fellow in red and blue pyjamas on Bond Street who stopped that robbery the other night.”
“And why would I know anything about that?” She protested.
“Because I heard it was some of your brother's chums who were trying to rob the bank.”
“Now, Dickie, where did you ever hear a tale like that?” She drunkenly brushed him off. Besides, even if that had been the case, her brother never let her anywhere near his business for her to know.
The small crowd continued to debate the facts of the story about the man in red and blue pyjamas, for the next quarter of an hour, unaware the gentleman in question was currently stood, his back to a wall of books, eavesdropping on the whole conversation. He went mostly unnoticed, apart from catching the attention of a certain blonde in the group that he kept making eyes at.
“Oh I love this song.” The redhead exclaimed to the group as a new tune began. “Oh Dickie, let’s go dance!” She placed her mostly empty glass on a rich wooden side table before grabbing one of Dickie’s hands in both of hers and pulled him towards the band and the makeshift dancefloor before them.
“Come on Birdie!” Another girl exclaimed as she grabbed the hand of the other gentleman in their group and began to lead him away. But Birdie had her eye on something else. Or rather, someone else.
“It’s a swell party.” The gentleman said, tipping a barely touched glass in her direction as she sidled up beside him, slumping against the wall of books as she looked up at him.
“Who are you? Why have I never seen you before? Are you a friend of a friend or something?” Birdie asked him over the music.
“Or something.” He chuckled and mused as he turned his body towards her.
“So have you got a name ‘or something’?” Birdie tipsily asked him with as much audacity as she could muster.
“Peter.. -Parker.” He hastily added, shifting his drink from one hand to the other so he could reach out and offer it to her.
“Well Peter Parker, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” She said cheerfully, taking his hand and shaking it vigorously. It made his face burst into an ear splitting smile. “I would introduce myself,” she said as she dropped his hand and took a sip of her drink, “but I’m sure you already know who I am, or else you wouldn’t be in my house.”
“No, no, you’re quite right.” He said with a small breathy chuckle.
“So what do you make of all this guy in red and blue pyjamas business. I saw you listening and smirking to yourself. You think it’s a load of old rubbish really, don’t you?” She said her last sentence in a hushed conspiratorial manner. 
“No, no, not at all.” Peter was quick to say. “I uh- I was there actually- when it happened that is.”
He watched as her face lit up. “Oh really!” She said eyes wide as she shimmied even closer to him, her back coming into contact with the bookcase as they huddled secretly against it. “Do tell.”
“I don’t know what you expect me to say. It’s just as the people say, he swooped in and stopped those guys who were trying to steal from the bank.”
“Some people would say that makes him a bit of a hero, don’t ya think.”
“Well, what do you think?”
“Well I don’t think it matters what I think.”
“So you don’t think he’s a hero?” Peter continued to fish.
“Well I think it takes more than just stopping one bank robbery to become a hero.” She said confidently as she stood herself up taller, aiming to impress. “Besides, only fools trust all their money with the bank.”
“Is that so? So where do you keep yours then?”
“Oh I don’t deal with all that- do you have a smoke?” She quickly added but he shook his head, “ah oh well- anyway my brother deals with all the money and things. Georgie darling, have you got a smoke?” She quickly asked a nearby friend who reached into his pocket despite being mid conversation with another person, took out his cigarette case and held it out to her. “You don’t mind do you?” She asked Peter as she put a cigarette to her lips and Georgie turned and lit it for her, before returning to his conversation.
Not given much of a choice, Peter politely responded, “Uh no, sure.” But she was already puffing away. “So you’re brother doesn’t trust banks?” Peter pressed.
“What Freddie? Oh no- he’s in the security business you see. Says they’re awful things actually. They claim to be all safe but anyone could walk off the street and take what they wanted- just look at those men. No, no. You won’t find our money in the bank.”
She was giving him everything he wanted. It was almost too easy. “Where is your brother? Sounds like a smart fellow, I sure would like to meet him.” Peter said looking about the crowd.
“Oh you won’t find him at a ghastly party like this I’m afraid?”
“But I thought this was your party?”
“Yes, it’s a bore isn’t it? Not at all like that party we had at Margot’s last month. You know we really should get a swimming pool. Now that really would be swell. I’ll have to talk to Freddie about it- Do you want to get out of here?”
“But what about your guests?”
“What about them? They’re fine. They know where the door is when they’re ready to leave.” She continued to gabber on cheerily. “I’m sure most of them don’t even know who I am, let alone if I’m here.”
She took a flashy Bentley from the garage, driving them into the city, Peter having to grab the wheel a couple times as she drunkenly leaned towards the edges of the dark roads. She pulled up outside a club in the middle of the city, giggling loudly as she tossed the keys towards an awaiting doorman.
“Good Evening, Miss Thompson”
“Linus.” She greeted the doorman as he held open the door for them to enter.
They entered into a smaller mock shop entryway whose walls were lined with shelf upon shelf of books and other nicknacks. She hooked her arm into Peter’s and guided him through to a section in the back divided by a deep red velvet curtain. Just to the left of the curtain was a door. Peter took a step back, holding out a hand to indicate she should open the door and enter first.
As the door swung open to reveal a series of steps down, the roar of a jazz band burst out from its confines in the underground establishment. Birdie turned her head back giddily as she lured him down to the depths of the club.
At the bottom of the stairs they found a beaded curtain that she swept aside to reveal the cacophony of lights and sounds that was The Pharaoh's Tomb. There was a long bar along one side of the room, backed with mirrors and filled with more bottles of liquor than Peter had seen in his whole life. There was a stage complete with Jazz Band, Singer and dancing girls in Egyptian inspired costumes, complete with Cleopatra wigs. Small round tables littered the middle of the room save for a small space in front of the stage reserved exclusively for the drunken dancing masses, who writhed together to the music like a nest of snakes.
The last spare wall was home to a few more intimate booths, which Birdie eagerly took his hand and pulled him towards.
“Well if it isn’t the little bird.” A sleazy man’s voice called over the sound of a trumpet solo as they approached the circular booth closest to the stage. “Come here.” he continued, his voice changing and becoming lighter as his face lit up, arm coming out to ensnare her into his side.
“Floyd.” she beamed equally as large as she placed an arm around the man’s back. 
“What are you doing here? Your brother said you were hosting a party tonight.”
“I was.” she said back giddily, “It was a terrible bore.” She watched his face closely as his head turned to the company she had brought. “Oh Floyd,” she exclaimed, “this is Peter. He was a real gem to chaperone me down here.”
“Nice to meet you.” Peter said, holding his hand out for Floyd, but Floyd just looked him up and down with a grunt before turning back to the girl at his side.
“Is my brother here?” Birdie asked with curiosity as her eyes, having not recognised her brother amongst the gentlemen gathered at the table in the booth, scoured the dancefloor.
“He’s out back. He’ll be back in a minute. Had some business to discuss with Jack.” Floyd informed.
“Oh good.” Birdie continued obliviously, “I really wanted to introduce him to Pet- Ahhh Freddie!” she shrieked, reaching a hand for Peter’s and dragging him towards her brother who was just emerging from a side door next to the stage.
“For the love of Christ,” Freddie muttered upon seeing his baby sister bounding towards him, but quickly changed his tone, a composed showmanship falling over him as he saw the poor man she pulled along behind her. “Birdie!” He beamed at her. “And you brought a friend.”
“Freddie, this is Peter.” Birdie introduced.
“Hi, I’m Freddie Thompson, but everyone just calls me Flash.” Freddie said, his hand held out to Peter.
“Parker.” Peter said, providing Freddie ‘Flash’ Thompson with his surname before awkwardly adding, “Peter Parker.” for clarity.
“Well Peter Parker, I apologise for anything my sister has dragged you into, or is yet to drag you into. She seems to always find a way to get what she wants.” Freddie said with a deep chuckle. Peter wasn’t quite sure how to react to that. He was grateful when Freddie indicated for him to go and sit down at the table with him, two of the gentlemen already sitting in the booth getting up and vacating the table. 
Peter noticed that both men looked a little dinged up. One sporting a gash in his right eyebrow, the other clearly nursing a broken nose. “What happened to your friends?” he turned to ask Flash, wondering what tale he would spin. 
“Oh those two?” Flash said boastfully. “I’m in the security business, you see my friend.” His hand reached for a decanter and two glasses that had been brought over to the table and poured himself and Peter a drink, “We do a lot of work providing… security for different businesses. Sometimes that means we get in a few skirmishes. Nothing to worry about. I assure you the other guy looks worse.”
Peter had to stop himself from laughing, the sip of whiskey passing his lips almost spraying onto the table. He wanted to assure Flash that the other guy definitely didn’t look worse, but that would have been giving away his well calculated game.
“So what do you do Pete?” Freddie asked.
“I’m in the journalism business.” Peter watched as Freddie’s eyebrows raised. “Oh no, not a reporter. I just take the pictures.”
“A camera man eh?” Freddie chuckled. “I bet my sister will be very pleased about that.”
Peter and Freddie turned their heads to see Birdie, perched on the end of the booth, tucked close to Peter’s side smiling at them, but it was clear she wasn’t fully listening to the conversation due to the jazz band blasting in her ear on the other side. “Be sure to get her good side now, or else she’ll never forgive you.” Freddie continued to jest.
“Oh don’t worry, I will.” Peter said with a grin.
“Say, how much does a job like that pay?” Freddie asked.
“Oh it’s okay. I’d say just enough.” Peter replied.
“Just enough for what?” Freddie pressed.
“Rent, food, a ride into the city everyday.”
Freddie raised his eyebrows at that. He looked between Peter to his sister, who seemed to be studying Peter’s features closely, clearly smitten. “Oh my friend, that won’t do.” Flash said, slapping Peter on the shoulder. “If you’re gonna be seeing my sister now, you’ll need some money in your pocket. Why don’t you come by here Monday morning and we’ll see what we can do about that. I’m sure I can find a place for you round here somewhere, as long as you don’t mind getting your hands dirty a little bit?” 
“Uhm, thank you. Yes, I’ll be sure to do that.” Peter feigned surprise, yet accepted the offer confidently. Flash was playing right into his hand.
“Freddie darling, are you done talking business? You’re being an awful bore, we came here for a party, not listen to you beat your gums.” Birdie interjected.
Freddie rolled his eyes. He hated his sisters' friends and their fandangled new language. He held his tongue though in present company. “Birdie my dear, I thought you were in fact hosting a party tonight.” He merely replied.
“Oh Freddie Darling I was, but it was a terrible bore and me and Peter weren’t enjoying ourselves nearly as much as we ought to. Everyone was just talking about that frightful business about that man in those red and blue pyjamas.”
“Really? What were they saying?” Freddie pressed, his face turning serious.
“Oh they were all a wire, you know how people chat their lips, but Peter here assures me it really wasn’t the hooptie doo everyone’s raving about. Isn’t that right Peter?”
“Mhmm.” Peter mused quietly.
“Is that so? And how do you know that?”
“Because Peter was there of course, Darling. Taking pictures for the paper weren’t you.” Birdie beamed. “Now really Freddie this is all really a bore. Me and Pete came here to get away from all this chatter. Come Peter, let’s dance. It’s getting late and I need to dance off some of this giggle juice or else I won’t sleep for the room will be spinning.” she said, getting up and reaching for Peter’s, hand pulling him up with her.
Peter reached for his glass, necking the last of the liquid inside then lifting it in thanks in Flash’s direction. He quickly placed it down on the table before he was dragged over to the dancefloor.
Birdie pulled him through the mass of sweaty writhing bodies, still moving to the rhythms of the ongoing jazz. He wasn’t sure if the band had taken a break between songs at all. As he looked over Birdie’s head to the stage, he noticed the dancing girls and the female Jazz singer had now vacated the stage, the all black male band the only ones left standing as they burnt the midnight oil.
They danced for what felt like a solid hour, the two giggling together amongst the mass of bodies, Birdie by far the youngest of the bunch but never intimidated. No, she seemed far more comfortable here, lost within the crowd than she had the rest of the night. Peter was mesmerised as the beads of her dress caught the light, her melodious giggle floating on the sound waves to his ears. She often shared knowing glances and smiles with those around her but she never left his side not once.
They were finally dragged from the crowd about 1 in the morning, when Floyd made his way through the crowd to whisper something in her ear. Peter saw her face turn sour as she looked to her brother and then back to Floyd. She decidedly chose to ignore him, turning her back to him to face the stage, her arms eagerly raising and hands clapping with the music as she tried to prolong the night. Floyd didn’t seem amused though. He instead turned to Peter, handing him the keys to the Bentley. 
“I think it’s time you ought to be taking her home.” he encouraged, his head moving over to look at his boss, Peter’s eyes following through the crowd to where Flash sat at the table watching him intensely.
Peter took the keys from Floyd, giving him a curt nod to show he understood the message, before Floyd began to move back through the crowd and over to the booth. Peter knew there was no arguing with the task he had been given. He no doubt also saw it as a test. And if he wanted to get on the inside of Flash Thompson’s operation and take him down, he needed to pass this test.
“Come on little owl.” He said into her ear as he approached her from behind. She pushed herself back against him, her hips swaying temptingly and he grabbed a hold of her hip, stilling her before he lost control of himself. “Time for us to scram.”
“Oh Petey, don’t tell me you're a bore too.” she pouted.
“I wish I didn’t have to be, but the way your brother is looking at me, if I want to live another day to see that beautiful angel face of yours again, I fear I must.”
She turned to gaze into his soft brown eyes. They were kind and serious, but also held a devilish childlike nature to them she wanted to explore. “Fine.” she chirped, her fingers reaching for the keys in his hand, but he snatched them from her reach. 
“Ah, I don’t think so Missy.”
She folded her arms indignantly.
“I’m driving. Now be a good girl and go get in the car.”
“Fine.” she said with a dramatic eye roll, but began to make her way towards the curtain at the back of the hall and the stairs.
Peter turned his gaze looking over the crowd to Flash. Flash gave him a small nod of approval before turning back to his conversation.
Peter was nervous as he climbed into the driver's seat of the car. He’d never really driven before. He’d taken a few lessons with his Uncle Ben during the war before he too was drafted and like so many, gunned down in the prime of his life, but had yet to fully get behind the wheel of a car since. He turned the key in the ignition and the engine roared to life. He took one look towards Birdie in the passenger seat, her eyes gazing longingly out the window at the late night city lights. 
Even though it had gone one o’clock in the morning, a late summer humidity hung in the air, mixing with a faint sound of jazz, which seemed to cling to everything in the city these days as much as the smog and smoke from the nearby factories and the still developing young city. Peter worried at his lip as they sat in silence, Birdie seemingly giving him the silent treatment, unsatisfied with the abrupt end to her evening of joy.
As he began to take streets heading away from the city, towards the direction they initially came she stopped him. “Oh no, don’t go back to the house.” She said.
“But I’m supposed to be taking you home.”
“Yes.” She gave a small tight lipped smile, still agitated at having her night cut short. “But don’t go there. No doubt Dickie and Georgie and the others will still be there and I have no intention of going back to that party.”
“Where am I supposed to take you then?” Peter asked, looking over at her.
“We have a small apartment on Clinton Place.” 
“But that’s in the other direction. Why didn’t you tell me-“
She shot him a look that had him falling silent. Her eyebrows raised in a way that said you know exactly why. When he didn’t continue she said, just to confirm her reason if he hadn’t fully cottoned on to it, “Because I like spending time with you Peter Parker and I didn’t want this night to be over.”
She watched Peter closely, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed hard in an attempt to keep his cool. His eyes were fixed firmly to the road, not daring to look at her. She couldn’t help but beam at knowing she already had him hooked around her little finger.
She had to fight to suppress the little giggle that wanted to escape her lips as a naughty little idea popped into her head. She continued to watch him closely as her fingers began to tiptoe across the leather seat towards him. He jumped slightly, a shudder moving through him as she made contact with his thigh. 
He took one look down at her hand before fixing his eyes to the road again, still unable to look directly at her.
He stiffened as her hand kept moving over his trouser leg, her fingers moving to stroke up the inside of his thigh. He couldn’t help the sensation that crept into his body in reaction to her touch. His hips shifted slightly as he asked, “What are you doing?”
“Just focus on the road.” She cooed to him as she shuffled herself across the seat closer to him. 
She began to nuzzle herself into the crook of his neck as her hand began to palm the growing bulge in his pants.
“Birdie. Birdie…I-“ he tried to protest, but he struggled to find the words.
“Just relax.” She said sweetly into his ear.
He swallowed hard again, his fingers shifting over the steering wheel, gripping onto it for dear life as her fingers began to work open the fastenings to his trousers.
Peter grew tense as she freed his cock from his confines, her manicured fingers wrapping around his length, tugging on him gently as she continued to kiss, lick and suckle at the crook of his neck. His whole body temperature was rising under her attention and he wondered if her brother knew about this side of her behaviour.
“Mhmm,” he cleared his throat, “Birdie… birdie-“
“I love it when you say my name like that.” Her teasing voice whispered into his ear. His hips involuntarily jerked in her hand and the car swerved slightly. She giggled.
He realised she got off on it. The recklessness. The rebellion. She saw what her brother was like. Knew the image he wanted her to have. But it was clear she had no intention of being a pawn in his little game. This intrigued Peter. Where first he had only seen her as a way to get to her brother, maybe there was more to her than meets the eye. Maybe he didn’t have to play her at all. Maybe she’d willingly turn on Flash. 
The car in front of theirs turned off onto a different street, leaving a long open stretch of road before Peter. He kept his hands steady on the wheel as he turned his head away from the road to meet her gaze. He looked from her eyes to where she nibbled at her lower lip and back to her eyes. He could smell her arousal between her legs, sensed the small shuffle of her thighs as she fought with her own want. 
His foot grew heavy on the gas, the car revving slightly and she began to beam. He still did not look back out the front window. But she did. “Peter.” She giggled. His foot pushed down on the gas peddle more. “PETER.” She giggled louder. But still he didn’t look away. She bit at her lips with nervous giddy as she fought to commit to this, her hand frozen on his cock, eyes trying to stay fixed to his- but he still wouldn’t look to the road. 
She knew from the glances she’d taken that they were getting closer and closer to the building at the end of the street. Knew they’d have to turn soon. Knew he’d have to look. She wondered for a second what would happen if she didn’t say anything. Could he sense it out the corner of his eye. Did he know before he put his foot on the gas? It would likely be seconds now until they hit the brick facade. She wondered if it would be so bad if they did hit it. If they just went out with a bang like this. Together. New acquaintances, drunk on life, jazz and lust. She imagined it. She’d finally be free of her brother if nothing else. But she wanted to live. She wanted to get to know him better.
She broke his gaze to look at the nearing building. “Peter,” she said his name as a warning once more.
“Kiss me.” She looked at him shocked. “Kiss me and I’ll look.”
“Peter!” She warned again already beginning to brace herself for the impending accident, her hand gripping his cock tighter. She had forgotten it was still in her hand. No, she adamantly decided, although she’d be free of her brother if she died right now, there’s now way she’d let her body be found with that of a man she had only just met, his cock still hanging out of his trousers. So she kissed him, smashing her lips into his and smearing her lipstick across his mouth. He grinned against her lips. 
His eyes finally turned to face forward. There was a sharp turn of his hands on the wheel and a screech of tires as he broke, the car narrowly making the turn. There was a blast of a horn as they swerved into the oncoming traffic on the other side of the road, before they moved back into the correct lane and they both let out a breathy giggle of relief at still being alive.
Birdie finally removed her hand from his cock and Peter stole a glance back towards her to find her shuffling back slightly on the bench seat. He kept checking between her and the road as he tried to work out what she was going to do, her eyes briefly meeting his with a devilish smirk as she slowly lowered her head towards his crotch. Peter groaned as her tongue caressed his length, her finger wrapping around the base of his cock and pulling at the length her mouth couldn’t reach. Peter had never had his cock sucked before and from the feeling low in his belly, he knew he wouldn’t last long.
He placed a hand to the back of her head, urging her to slow down so he could at least make it to Clinton Place before he came hard in her mouth, but it only seemed to make the sensation worse.
He tried to keep his eyes on the road as her head bobbed up and down in his lap. He leant his elbow against the door, his finger biting at his knuckles as he fought with all his resolve to hold out. 
When he saw the sign for Clinton Place he wanted to kiss God himself as he sent up a silent praise. He just had enough foresight to carefully pull into a space at the side of the street before his hips stuttered. He grunted once, twice, before he spilled his seed into her pretty mouth.
She took her mouth off his cock and pumped it twice more with her hand as Peter watched her swallow his load. “Fuuuuck,” he said with a low hiss.
She smiled. “Well, thanks for the ride, Peter Parker.” She said seductively, behind heavy lashes.
“Uhh- you’re welcome.” He stuttered. She blushed, her smile growing wider.
“You can take the car to drive yourself home.” She said as she wiped at her mouth and climbed out of the car. She stood with one hand on the door as she lowered her head back into the cab to talk to him. “You can bring it back to the house tomorrow. We’re having brunch at 11.” She said with another one of those sly and foxy smiles, before slamming the door closed and walking away.
As Peter watched her from the driver's seat as she began to skip her way up the front steps to let herself into a building just the other side of the street, Peter realised- he was in so much trouble than he realised.
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starker-sorbet · 2 years ago
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It wasn't strange sight to see Tony Stark at the Spider's Web speakeasy. Although it truly should have been. After all he was the don of New York's biggest mob and had access to many speakeasy's under his direct control. And yet Tony was only ever found frequenting the Spider's Web, which as it was independently run shouldn't have even been on the man's radar unless it was to bring it under his thumb. Yet here he was relaxing on a regular basis. If someone would have ever gotten the courage to ask the man about why he came here Tony would have responded the excellent drinks and the lack of connection to his business allowing him to truly be able to relax. This was a lie of course. Not that the drinks were bad they weren't but he could get equally good drinks from his own bars. No it was the cute bartender that had him coming back. Flirting with the younger man was fun, it wasn't just anywhere Tony could find someone who shared his 'type' and the fact Peter not only shared this with him but also seemed to be attracted to Tony if his reciprocal flirting was any indication. Well Tony's the mob boss who rules of all New York he can do as he damn well pleases, including seducing a cute bartender.
@tstarksbingospectacular fill : N4 - 1920s au bingo card below
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llflorence · 2 years ago
Thumb Strings (on AO3) by LLflorence
Rated: E for Spinneret Kink (Yes, the wrussy)
Prohibition AU, Cartoonist!Peter, CopyEditor!Wade, Identity Porn, Suspense, Murder Mystery, Team Red
“Aw, come on,” Wade joked, laying down another line of nickels at a water gun game. “You were only off by, what, an inch?”
“Try six,” Peter corrected, liking very much the neat row of teeth behind two soft-looking lips. It was dark enough outside now that Peter only caught glimpses of those blue eyes, mostly when they reflected the gleam of lights as Wade stared at Peter’s face.
Wade refused each and every prize he was awarded, explaining he was just doing it for the practice. Every one, that was, until they happened upon one of those coin-rolling machines. The kind that pressed it flat and imprinted the date and time into the newly shaped copper.
Wade slipped in a penny and turned the crank, straining and groaning as he pretended it was too difficult for him to work. Peter laughed, the first time he had in months, and Wade actually tipped his hat back to look properly at Peter.
“You’ve got a great laugh,” he said, sounding genuinely wholesome, but making Peter’s face go hot with the compliment. It was becoming easier and easier to gaze into that face and find it symmetrical, young, handsome. Peter found he had to look down at the ground to not give away that he was considering asking the man out for a cup of coffee the following day.
Read on AO3
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leecostomo · 9 months ago
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tiny little doodle i did of "Mircea Eliade".
Mircea Eliade (Romanian: [ˈmirtʃe̯a eliˈade]; March 13 [O.S. February 28] 1907 – April 22, 1986) was a Romanian historian of religion, fiction writer, philosopher, and professor at the University of Chicago. One of the most influential scholars of religion of the 20th century and interpreter of religious experience, he established paradigms (aka concepts and thought patterns) in religious studies that persist to this day. (Copy-pasted off of wikipedia)
I drew him as he looked like when he was a teenager, cuz i was reading through a book he wrote (but didnt publish until much later) named "Novel of a short-sighted adolescent" or "Diary of a short-sighted adolescent" and thought that it was pretty neat, it kinda neat, its about Mircea Eliade trying to become a writer, but he lacks motivation and all that jazz .
Theres this one chapter abt him starting to publish articles he wrote to a newspaper publication as a freelance gig, but they just don't pay him, despite the fact that they publish his work on the first page, and constantly compliment his work, and consider him an essential writer . (They do eventually pay him, but they make him wait till christmas, and they might have not even done it by then if he didnt keep insisting on getting paid, and lied about "Barely scraping by", it proabably was less than the average artist made in the newspaper publication anyway)
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beansnsoup · 11 months ago
Jaelyn's fic recs!
Fluff- 🧡
Smut - 💛
Part One! -> Part Two!
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synopsis: you make your husband mad on purpose. 🧡💛?
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Summary: Lucifer gets a little too brazen with Alastor's darling wife. Guess the Ruler of Hell would just have to learn a lesson about who you belong to 💛
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synopsis:reader is vox’s ex and he’s not too keen of the separation — you were supposed to come back to him! not run around with his rival and get rid of his only access of looking after you (removing any/all electronics from your life) 🧡?
☆ come back to me by @iicarused
synopsis: you’re getting tired of the radio demon (part ii) 🧡?
☆ alastor + cunnilingus by @vmpyria 💛
☆ heaven knows your name by @iicarused
synopsis: heartaches after yearning for each other after decades of being apart 🧡
☆ alastor x married!reader by @bigfatbimbo 🧡
☆ DANCE WITH THE DEVIL by @popamolly
summary. Amidst the vibrant 1920s in New Orleans, a forbidden love unfolds in the lively jazz-filled atmosphere, evolving from an intoxicating romance to a twisted tale of heartbreak and murder, serving as a reminder to never dance with the devil. (SERIES) 🧡💛
Johnnie Guilbert-
☆ New Set by @corrodedcoffins-blog
summary: Giving boyfriend!Johnnie head scratches after getting new acrylics 🧡
☆ Collab by @teapartyprincess4two
summary: You and Johnnie pretend to date, faking it for so long that it became real. 🧡
☆ Run Your Mouth by @samandcolby-ownme
Prompt: Johnnie and reader get into an argument which leads to make up sex. 💛
☆ vampire!Johnnie x reader by @caeunot
summary- you find out your bf is a vampire 🧡💛?
☆ johnnie guilbert x reader by @caeunot
summary- johnnie writing zombie about you 🧡
☆ You by @sturnsreader 💛
☆ you know i’ll keep you in my locket by @stardustloserdoll 🧡
☆ "sit on my face." by @ghostkidabs 💛
☆ Jack & Coke part one by @d444zed 🧡💛?
☆ Jack & Coke part two by @d444zed 💛
☆ Mutual breakup headcanon/oneshot by @ohbabydollie 🧡
☆ Mutual breakup oneshot by @ohbabydollie 💛
Ellie Williams-
☆ no room for the holy spirit by @moncherellie 💛
☆ Roommate Trouble by @justkindalivin
summary: Your roommate Jesse and his girlfriend Dina fuck..a lot. loudly. When you finally get fed up after being woken up by their nightly “activities”, you go to Dina’s dorm for some peace and quiet only to run into her roommate, Ellie. 🧡💛
☆ hands to herself by @elliesbarbie
summary: ellie thinks you look a little too good in that bikini you chose to wear for the annual best friend vacay and can’t keep her hands off you 💛
☆ Getting caught with ellie by @me-and-your-husband 💛
☆ Body Ink by @me-and-your-husband
summary: you tattoo ellie's thigh. it's a bit of a compromising position, and it leads you down an unexpected road. female reader. 🧡💛
Alex Turner-
☆ Pillow Talk by @ohladymoon-blog
summary: what the title says, just pillow talk and soft cuddles after sex. ends in cockwarming. 🧡💛
☆ strawberry lace by @lilmisssweetdreams 🧡💛
☆ Test Drive by @savorypink 💛
☆ Wingman (Hobie Brown) by @love-bitesx 🧡
☆ Crybaby (Hobie Brown) by @merowkittie 🧡
☆ "Thank You, Mrs. Parker." (Spider Noir) by @sabcandoit
Summary: After your wedding, you and Peter go home and have sex for the first time. 🧡💛
☆ Miss Your Face (TASM! Peter Parker) by @dontsaypetertingle
Summary: When you have to go out of town for work Peter gets lonely and a bit needy. An innocent call home to check on him becomes a lot more intense than originally planned. (Has a pt 2) 💛
☆ Break It In (Tom! Peter Parker) by @simplyparker
Summary: Peter gets his first car, and you want to have some fun 💛
☆ Please, Don't Stop Now by @echos-newlegs
Summary: you are in an established relationship with Peter, and he very much wants baby. 🧡💛
Fred Weasley-
☆ Facetime by @albertdabuttler
summary: !!MODERN AU!! Fred calls you in the middle of the night because he can’t sleep, but you look so pretty and he starts getting a little heated up. (Has 3 parts) 🧡💛
☆ Sweet Sugar Candyman by @keykeep 💛
☆ Sleeping In by @screamingoverfiction 💛
☆ Slipping Through My Fingers by @midnightmoonytales
Summary: Watching his little girl grow up had to one of his favorite things to see, but also one of the saddest. Every pivotal moment of her life flashing through his mind, even to this one now. (Wolfstar!daughter reader) 🧡
☆ Electric Pull by @apparentlytheproblem 🧡
Steve Harrington-
☆ I'll Be The Judge (Ft. Robin x Reader) by @luvfae
summary: steve and robin get into an argument about which one of them can give a girl a better orgasm, you come up with an idea to settle the argument once and for all. 💛
☆ Cowboy Hat Rule by @taintedcigs
summary: helping out mr. harrington in his ranch was supposed to be fun, but steve harrington was an asshole. an absolute pain in your ass that teased you, and you gave him the same energy back, always. so when you unknowingly wear his cowboy hat, he decides to teach you what exactly the cowboy hat rule is. 💛
☆ Marriage Pact by @fantasylandloser
summary: besties that plan to get married 🧡💛
Eddie Roundtree-
☆ Blind Date by @luvfae
Summary: The reader and Eddie get setup on a blind date 🧡💛
☆ Lead Singers Are Overrated by @luvfae
summary: working at the whiskey has it perks and that includes getting railed backstage by a certain bassist in a band. 💛
☆ Not In On The Joke (Brian Quinn) by @joe--bro
Summary: The Jokers have to do certain tasks to win in the park, and a certain task given by the rest of the Jokers leads Q to talk to you. 🧡
☆ Flavored Kisses (Xavier Thorpe) by @cosmicpearlz
summary: in which you wear a different flavored chapstick everyday and your boyfriend xavier loves it. 🧡
☆ Babysitting (Judd Birch) by @just-another-author-i-guess
Summary: you and Judd are the designated babysitters for the night. 🧡💛
☆ Don't Fake It (Peter Quill) by @professorrw
Request/Summary: peter starts getting frisky with the reader but shes tired and isn’t really in the mood. He would never pressure her or anything but she wants to make him happy and feels bad saying no, so she does it and fakes her orgasm just to get it over with. Later, he somehow finds out (or knew all along, you decide) that she faked it and of course his ego is bruised and he’s kinda annoyed, but also feels guilty she didn’t tell him how she felt. So the next night, she starts coming onto him and he makes damn sure she never fakes it again. 💛
☆ So Beautiful (Loki Laufeyson) by @lokiisdaddyblog
Summary: Reader is feeling insecure and Loki proves to her that she's perfect. 🧡💛
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canadian-pug-cartel · 2 years ago
During the 1920s in large cities such as Chicago, and New York, it was common place for teens and young adults to speak in heavy slang, as to distinguish themselves from their elders and outsiders. Given that spider-noir (Peter Benjamin Parker) was most likely born in 1914 being nineteen in 1933, he would be in his teens during the height of the “Roaring Twenties” as it would be known; Implying that spider-noir speaks in largely slang unknown to the other more modern spiders, in this essay I will-
740 notes · View notes
sjsmith56 · 6 months ago
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Letting Go
Summary: Bucky is critically injured, trapped in a building destroyed by a bomb. He orders his team to leave him behind but they refuse and Peter calls for help. It comes from several sources.
Length: 5.4 K
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Wanda Maximoff, with cameos by other Avengers, named OFC (seen in flashbacks).
Warnings: Bucky injured, feeling unworthy, accepting death, good and bad memories, medical emergency.
Author notes: Believe it or not I dreamed the first part of this and wrote down a summary as soon as I woke up so I wouldn’t forget it. This one shot imagines a post-FATWS Avengers that brings in several of the newer characters as well as some older ones. Thunderbolts* and Captain America: Brave New World have not happened.
⏳ ⌛️
If he had to do it all over again, Bucky would have made the same decision. Leading a mission with the newest Avengers under his supervision, meant that he felt responsible for their safety. It was his choice to enter the building first, assessing the risk before they came in with him. Just as it was his choice to tell them to leave him behind after the bomb went off, an event that sent tons of debris raining down on him. Now, as he laid injured in the dark, with his metal arm twisted and lodged behind him and both his legs broken he knew he wasn't getting out alive. Those who had worked with him before, specifically Peter and Yelena, begged him not to make them leave but he made it clear.
"There is nothing you can do for me," he said, with what he hoped was finality. "It's too risky for even a sorcerer and with Dr. Strange off somewhere in the multiverse I don't think he can activate the time stone and reverse this."
He stopped for a moment to cough, feeling the metallic taste of blood in his mouth, likely from bleeding internally.
"Bucky?" asked Peter over the comms. "What about Cara?"
Cara ... his girlfriend of 8 months that he planned to propose to. This would devastate her, but she knew the risks, being a SHIELD employee herself.
"Tell her I love her and that I'm sorry," he replied, then he refused to answer his comms after that.
Outside the team sat, despondent. Shaun, Joaquin, Kate, Yelena, and Peter looked at each other, feeling sick inside. Then Peter strode into the quinjet and asked Friday to patch him through to the Avengers compound.
"Sam? We need help." He filled him in on what happened and what Bucky ordered them to do, explaining none of them wanted to leave. "We don't leave a team member behind. I don't care if he made it an order. It's not right."
As Sam listened to Peter, he got Carol Danvers' attention. After listening to the gist of the conversation between him and Peter, she asked Friday to alert the remaining Avengers to suit up. She also asked Friday to contact Wong, thinking they were going to need some magic to rescue Bucky.
"Peter, stay there," he said. "We're on our way and you're right, no matter what, we don't leave a team member behind."
⏳ ⌛️
It's strange where your mind takes you when it's the only thing still working. Practically immobilized in the dark, close confines of what Bucky accepted was his tomb, he thought back over his life. The first twenty years went by fast, not surprising considering it was so long ago and he wasn't even sure he had regained all those memories back. He thought of his mother's hands. Not an unusual thing because they were always busy. Housewives in the 1920s and 1930s were always on the go and his mother was no different; washing clothes by hand, ironing everything, including the sheets, cooking, baking, darning, soothing a fevered brow when he was sick, tying his necktie the first time he wore one. He sighed at how much he missed her, wished he had been able to see her just once before .... If he had just been man enough to tell her he loved her before he left for England, the last time he saw her, or Dad, or Rebecca when she was still young. At least he saw his sister again before she died. That meant something.
Then he thought of Cara, a bright moment in his life when he met her, although he didn't think so at the time. He had returned from a mission and forgot about the comms pieces that were still in the front chest pocket of his tactical suit, given to the staff responsible for cleaning them, and repairing any damage done to them. Taking his time in the locker room by having a long, hot shower, then getting dressed at his own pace, he was surprised to see a strange woman waiting for him outside the door.
"Sergeant Barnes?" she asked, looking him in the eye, even though she was a good six inches shorter than him. "I'm Comm Tech Laskey. You were supposed to return your comms pieces on your return."
"I thought I did," he answered.
"No, Sergeant." She checked the small tablet in her hand. "You returned your weapons to the armoury, and your tactical suit to Uniform Maintenance for cleaning and repair but the person taking in communications equipment didn't check them off and there is no sign of them. Until they are returned, you're financially responsible."
"You're kidding, right?" She stared at him. "I guess I left them in my tactical suit. Why don't you go there?"
"Not my responsibility."
"Listen, Laskey, is it? I'm tired and hungry and really need a beer. Can't you just go check for me this one time and see if they're in my uniform? I promise I'll make it up to you and that it will never happen again."
"This one time?" She looked at her tablet again. "You used that excuse four times on my predecessor. She left me notes on not taking you at your word. I don't want to know how you made it up to her, but I'm not her and think that you asking me to do your job is taking advantage of your position. Now, I can either declare them missing and have you invoiced, or you can go right now to find them and bring them to me in Communications. Those are your options, Sergeant. I'll give you 10 minutes."
She turned around and walked away, not looking back even once. He watched her, wondering why the previous tech left. He had made it up to Marin, taking her for drinks at least once. Laskey had to be wrong that he didn't turn in his comms equipment four times. It wasn't that many times, was it? With a sigh, he headed towards Uniform Maintenance, explained his problem, and was given his suit to examine. The earpieces were still in his front chest pocket.
"Good thing you came now, Sarge," said the cleaner. "Was just going to process your suit. It would have wrecked those. Someone told me those are worth 5 grand a pair."
He looked at the two small earpieces in his hand, not believing they cost that much. Returning to the communications department, he entered, looking for Laskey but he didn't see her. Seeing a guy sitting in front of several computer monitors in a secure room he knocked on the window. The guy flipped a switch to speak with him.
"Yes, Sergeant, what can I do for you?"
"I'm here to return my comms pieces to Comm Tech Laskey," he said, holding up the two comms pieces.
"She's gone for the evening," said the guy, Martino. "She waited for you then said your 10 minutes was up. Sorry, you'll have to give them to her tomorrow. I'm not authorized to unlock the door so I can't receive them."
A rumble above him interrupted his train of thought and he strained to see what was happening in the darkness. Then a large piece of debris shifted, landing on his right arm. He could hear the snap as the pain of his arm being broken shot up from his forearm, making him scream in agony. Fuck, he was completely trapped now, every part of him broken or pinned in place.
"Bucky?" Peter's voice was in his comms piece. "Was that you?"
"I ordered you to go," he gritted out between clenched teeth. "Why are you still here?"
"We're not leaving you behind," said Yelena. "Help is coming."
"What did you do?"
"We called for help and it's coming," replied Peter. "Now, what's your status?"
"Damn it," muttered Bucky. "I gave you an order."
"Yeah, and I ignored it," answered the younger man. "You can discipline me later. Now, what's your status, Bucky?"
Angrily, he breathed several times then calmed himself. "Both legs broken, my metal arm is pinned behind my back, and I can't move it, and that scream was my right arm being broken by a piece of debris landing on it. I can taste blood coming up into my throat, so I likely have internal bleeding. The building is unstable, Peter. They won't be able to do anything."
"You let them figure that out," said the younger man. "Don't give up yet, Bucky. Please."
He closed his eyes, unnecessary in the dark but it was the only thing he could still do in the circumstances. He felt as helpless as he did when he came to after falling from the train. Everything was broken then, except for his left arm, which was gone. It was true he survived that, and the hypothermia that should have killed him, if he didn't already have the serum flowing through his veins. But something told him that this time the serum wouldn't be enough to keep him alive.
The sad thing was that he was okay with it. He really was. He was older than he had a right to be, had done terrible things that had sent other men to death row for less. His defence of involuntary mind control and torture was accepted for his pardon, but that was little comfort to the families of those he killed. Even though he made his amends a big part of him always felt that he got away with murder. That was the same part of him that was telling him to let go, to accept that this time, he had to pay the piper. Why couldn't Peter just obey orders?
You know why.
Great, now he was hearing a voice in his head, and it wasn't coming from the comms.
"Why?" he whispered, not wanting the others to hear him.
He had to watch Tony Stark die, then his Aunt May. Don't you think if he left you behind to die that it would hurt him as much as those deaths did?
"I don't mean that much to him. I barely talk to him."
You mean more to him than you know, Bucky, and he means more to you than you realize.
He had nothing to say to that because he couldn't see it. Peter was still a kid, living in Queens, trying to get the marks to be accepted into engineering at college, while still patrolling the streets at night and being an Avenger.
You don't see it, do you?
"See what?" asked Bucky, out loud.
"What did you say, Bucky? Are you okay?"
"Sorry, just thinking out loud," he replied to Peter. "Has your help arrived yet?"
"No, but they'll be here in a couple of minutes. They're just getting some things sorted out first."
Bucky closed his eyes again and tried to calm his mind.
You're a survivor, Bucky. Peter looks up to you, because you went through hell, and you survived it. You're a good leader who treats everyone with respect like the sergeant you are. You're fair, firm, and you make sure that everyone knows their job before you take them on a mission. If anyone gets hurt, you're the first one there, the first one to assure them that they'll be okay. He admires you for that. So do the others.
A scoff erupted from Bucky's lips, causing him to cough and he tasted blood again. Personally, he didn't want to believe what that inner voice was telling him. He barely said anything to the younger ones. They were always on their phones, or playing video games; silly pastimes in his mind. Still, Peter helped him set up his smartphone without making him feel stupid or out of touch. It still impressed him that the kid was stronger than him, even though he was a lot shorter and lighter than Bucky.
He often reminds you of Steve, doesn't he? Except without the anger. Orphan, living on his own on a shoestring budget, until you and Sam convinced him to live at the tower. He helps people who have been pushed around, and you admire his mind, because it reminds you of you, when you were younger and still had hopes of college.
Well, maybe there was some truth in all of that but as far as Bucky was concerned, it wasn't enough to warrant Peter disobeying a direct order and bringing in help. He probably called Sam, first. He wasn't looking forward to that conversation.
"Bucky? How you doing, man?"
Well, shit, speak of the devil.
"Sam. I assume Peter gave you a status report, so I won't repeat myself. I don't think I'm getting out of this one."
"You let us assess the situation before we make that decision. I've got Carol, Thor, Wong, Hope, and Scott here. Bruce, Dr. Cho, and a couple of paramedics are on standby to treat your injuries. We've set up a little trauma centre just to stabilize you before we transport you to the tower."
"The building is really unstable, Sam. Whatever you do can make it worse for me."
"Buck, we know." Sam's voice was more serious. "We've got a couple of structural engineers here to determine the best way to get that debris pile off of you. Hope and Scott are going to fly in and try to get into your space to make a scan of your situation. Then we'll make a plan of action. We're not leaving you behind, you hear?"
Despite his stoic acceptance of his fate, Bucky couldn't help the little sob that erupted from his throat. It took a lot to get his single word answer out.
He didn't know how long it was before he was aware he wasn't alone. A small light approached him in the darkness, revealing Hope carrying Scott. She had a light on one arm with a small scanner on the other, while Scott carried the same sort of scanner. She hovered over Bucky's face and flipped her face shield up, making her face visible to him.
"Hey, Buck," she said. "Scott is going to stand on your chest. If it hurts, you let us know. While he scans this pocket, I'm going to your sides and underneath to scan there. Just relax. Sorry, I know you can't really do that."
He nodded his head slightly, but didn't say anything. As she left, Scott activated the light on his arm.
"I'm not too heavy for you, am I?" he asked as he began to laser scan the space Bucky was trapped in.
"No, it's not too heavy," replied Bucky. "I'm sorry to bring you in here. I don't think much can be done for me."
"Well, it's easy to feel that way when you're the one who's trapped." Scott looked back at him. "Understandably so but it always amazes me that even in the most backward areas, when there's a landslide or an earthquake and people get trapped that they are still able to rescue people with just their bare hands. We have a full team out there and a couple of cranes setting up to lift debris off from above you. It's kind of like a 3D jigsaw puzzle or more likely a house of cards that we're taking apart, without destabilizing it. It's challenging but with the right moves and respect for the task, it can be done. I have faith in us, Bucky. You just have to trust us to do our jobs. Your only job is to hang on."
"I don't know how much longer I can do that." Scott turned so he could see Bucky's face. "I'm bleeding internally. If it's bad enough I don't know if the serum can heal it before I bleed out."
"Do your best."
There was no answer from the former assassin for a while as Scott continued scanning. He kept checking on Bucky's face, making sure he was still conscious. Turning towards Bucky's face after a few moments, Scott noticed that he had relaxed completely, and his eyes were closed. Putting the scanner down he moved closer and tapped Bucky's cheek.
"Hey, Buck, you still with me?"
A small groan followed by his eyes trying to open was his answer. He was slipping away.
"Sam! He's losing consciousness. What do I do?"
He could hear Bruce and Helen discussing what could be done to bring him back. They all involved Hope flying back, getting a stimulant in an injector, then bringing it back and jamming it into Bucky's neck but it might not be in time and the effect wouldn't be enough if they didn't enlarge the injector. Then Scott thought that perhaps a pain stimulus would work.
"Hope! Get up here, I need you," called Scott. She appeared from the side moments later. "Sting him. He's losing consciousness and I figured a pain stimulus would bring him back. I don't have anything on me, but you do with your stingers. It won't hurt him, but he should feel it."
"Do it," said Bruce, who had been listening in. "It's the only thing we've got to offer and it's better than nothing."
Aiming at Bucky's cheek, Hope fired on him. The response was minimal, so she did it again and this time Bucky opened his eyes.
"That hurt," he mumbled. "What did you do?"
"Sorry, Buck," she answered. "You were passing out and we need to keep you conscious. I stung you."
"Cut it out." Then he grinned lightly. "It's okay. You did what you had to."
She returned to scanning underneath while Scott continued his scan. He looked at Bucky frequently, not wanting to miss the signs of him passing out again. Then he cleared his throat.
"Buck?" He could feel the super soldier's eyes on him. "I've heard you wanted to get into engineering when you were young. You know I'm an electrical engineer by training. What field were you interested in?"
"Mechanical," answered Bucky. "I was always interested in how things work and worked a lot on engines. But the Depression pretty much wiped out any chance of going to college. I quit school to work on the docks. It didn't require a lot of thought, but it paid the bills."
"What about Steve? What was he into?"
"Art. He could draw anything. He spent a year in art school then ran out of money to continue." Bucky was silent for a moment. "So, you left engineering to become Ant Man?"
"Not exactly," replied Scott. "I worked for a corporation that was robbing its customers and kind of stole from them to give back to the people they were stealing from. One thing led to another, I got caught and I spent a few years in prison. Couldn't get a job when I got out, then I got involved with Hank Pym, became Ant Man and here I am."
"You did prison time." The disbelief was strong in Bucky's voice as he always thought Lang was a bit of a softy.
"Yeah, I managed. I kept my head down, didn't rat anyone out, tried to stay pleasant. It seemed to work. It's where I met Luis ... you've met Luis, haven't you?"
"The guy that can't shut up? Yeah, he's hilarious."
"Hey, he's been a good friend and has had my back whenever I've needed him. That's worth a lot in this world."
Bucky felt bad about being dismissive. By everything he had heard about Luis, he had been a good friend to Scott, helping him bring in some dangerous people.
"I guess he's kind of your Steve in that you watch out for each other." He watched as Scott continued scanning. "It's good to have someone like that in your life."
"Like Sam. I know on the surface that you two are always bugging each other, but he'd drop everything to help you and so would you." Bucky grunted. "Don't deny it. It's why you're partners."
Scott laughed. "Okay, have it your way." He finished his scan and came close so that Bucky could see him. "Right now, that co-worker is looking over the results of my scan and figuring out with the others where to start saving your life. Hope, are you done?"
"Yes, I've already transmitted the data." She was quiet for a moment. "You know, Scott, I think with a little nudge we can help Bucky free his left arm. I just need to size up slightly and raise him enough so that he can pull it free. Bucky, do you want to give it a try?"
They cleared it with Sam, who, along with the others, was looking at the scans. There was concern that they could destabilize the debris pile, but Bruce was also concerned that Bucky had already lost consciousness briefly. Scott pointed out that with both of them there, they could enlarge themselves quickly enough to push the debris aside and open up access to Bucky. It wouldn't be pretty, but it could get him out sooner.
"Remember, I did it at the compound after Thanos blew us up and we were buried underground," he said. "We won't let him get hurt any further."
"Alright," said Sam. "Do it, but be prepared for both of you to go giant sized."
Hope returned to an open spot below Bucky, while Scott remained on his chest, although he changed his footing somewhat so that if he went large, he wouldn't step on the super soldier. She counted down from three, then Bucky could feel his body lift slightly, and then a slight tug on his left arm. It moved a little, then he felt more pressure on his back as Hope pushed him further up. Suddenly, his arm was free and by his side. He flexed his hand, then the pressure beneath him eased as Hope shrank down.
"It's free," he said. "Thanks."
Then everything went black and silent.
"Guys, what's going on?" asked Bucky. "Where are you?"
"It's okay, Bucky," said a familiar female voice.
A red glow appeared near him, and he saw Wanda, sitting cross-legged in the dark with him.
"Wanda? What are you doing here? It's dangerous."
"You're not trapped, Bucky," she answered, in her soft melodious voice. "At least, the inner you isn't. Your body is and right now, Scott and Hope are trying to revive you while the others are ready to have them go giant size just to get you out of there. I just wanted a chance to talk to you face to face before they wake you up. I've been with you since you first were trapped."
"That was your voice in my head, wasn't it?" he asked. "You know how I feel about that."
"I know, and I'm sorry for invading your privacy but I hated that you seemed to have given up. The younger Avengers were so upset when you told them to leave you behind. I felt their distress. Shame on you for not thinking that you're worth it."
"You know what I was and what I did."
"I know because I did things that were just as bad or worse; things that I'm truly sorry for." She was right beside him now, red tendrils of light snaking off her body and dissipating into the dark. "You've done a lot of good since HYDRA and have more than paid back your dues. You're respected, people care about you, and someone loves you very much."
"Cara will move on," he replied. "She deserves better."
"Hmmm," she voiced. Then she brought up an image of Cara in the air. "She doesn't think so. In her eyes, you're someone who makes her feel like she's the most beautiful woman in the world. Let's continue with the memory of when you first met her. I was enjoying that until the building fell on your right arm."
The morning after he tried to return the comms pieces, Bucky got up early and waited outside the office, until the first staff member came in, Cara Laskey herself.
"I have the comms pieces," said Bucky. "I tried to return them last night, but you had already gone."
She unlocked the door without comment, then went to the counter and pulled out a form. Putting her hand out to Bucky, she examined the two earpieces, then wrote a note on the form before turning it towards him and handing him a pen.
"Sign here. You're accepting any penalties that might have accrued for the late return of classified equipment. I'll submit this to the supervisor, and you'll be hearing what the penalty is."
He looked at her, dumbfounded. "You're kidding, right? I just handed them to you. It wasn't my fault that it took me longer than 10 minutes to get to Uniform Maintenance, explain why I needed my suit and then go through the pockets before returning here to find you already gone. This is bullshit."
"Sergeant Barnes, may I remind you that there is a code of conduct in place governing interactions between frontline and support staff. I don't have to take this kind of verbal abuse from you."
He ran his hand over his face, breathing heavily, then he looked down at her, noticing for the first time, she had flecks of gold in her hazel irises.
"You're right, I apologize," he said. "I would just like to ask respectfully, that you verify that I was here to return the items last night, then was here first thing in the morning to return them. Considering that I made every effort to get here on time, I just object to a penalty being assessed arbitrarily. Surely, there must be some leeway, in the spirit of inter-departmental cooperation."
A small smile graced Laskey's face, then she looked down at the form, picked it up and put it through the paper shredder.
"Since you put it that way and asked so nicely, I'll make an exception this time," she said. "Just don't forget them again."
"That was smooth," said Wanda. "So how did you get from inter-departmental cooperation to wanting to ask her to marry you?"
"I wish I knew," said Bucky. "It just seemed that I saw her more around the compound. It was formal between us at first; she called me Sergeant Barnes and I called her Comm Tech Laskey. Then I stepped outside one night and she was changing her tire. It went flat during the day, and she was having a hard time getting it done in the dark as the light above where she parked had burnt out. I offered to help if she lit up the scene with her phone flashlight. We talked and found we liked some things in common. I told her to call me Bucky and she said to call her Cara." He smiled. "We began having coffee together, worked out together, and then I'd wait for her to finish work to see if she wanted to join us for drinks."
His voice trailed off as he thought about them meeting as a group for drinks. She wasn't the only support staff that came out, but she was the one he always tried to sit beside. Then one Friday night, the place they went to had dancing and one of the weapons techs asked her to dance. As he watched her dance with the guy, he couldn't stop feeling angry. Why was she dancing with him? He wasn't good enough for her. The guy bragged about his body count all the time in the locker room.
"Sam saw it, didn't he?" Wanda asked him gently. "He told you to stop wasting time and ask her to dance yourself. So, you did. What was the song again?"
"Holding Back the Years," replied Bucky. "Not a romantic song at all but that voice and the feeling behind it just got to me. I held back from opening myself up to others for so long, afraid of hurting them but with her, it was suddenly clear that I wanted her in my life. I kissed her, right on the dance floor and she kissed me back. That was eight months ago."
"So why were you so ready to leave her behind?"
He didn't answer for the longest time. "I was angry at myself for not telling her how much I love her. I've had the ring for a month working up the courage to ask her to marry me. She keeps me honest. Doesn't take my bullshit. She makes me laugh and when we're together, making love, it's like the first time every time. I learn something new about her every day. I guess, I figured if I gave her up then it wouldn't hurt so much if I didn't make it. It doesn't make sense, I know. I don't want to die, and I don't want to lose her."
"So, you do think you're good enough for her?"
"I'll spend every day of our lives together being worthy of her." He looked at the young woman who had her own HYDRA story. "Can you send me back?"
"Of course," she smiled. "I just wanted to make sure that you don't want to let go of life, that you really wanted to go back, and not just to Cara but all of them. They're all fond of you, Bucky, and even love you. It's because you're worth loving. It's why Steve risked so much to find you and make sure you were free."
"But he left."
"Yeah." Her face softened. "Sometimes, the people who love us have to make a hard decision. He chose to leave you for reasons only he really knows. You're choosing to stay because you love these people, and they love you. That's a good thing, Bucky. Love is always a good thing."
He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the tears flooding them. When he opened them, he was inside a tent, with Bruce and Helen hovering over him, while a paramedic was holding paddles in the air, and another had a mask over his mouth squeezing air into his lungs.
"Normal sinus rhythm," said someone. "He's conscious."
Bruce came closer. "Bucky?"
He nodded. "How long was I out?"
"Over a minute. Scott and Hope went giant and cleared the debris pile, while Wong levitated you out of there and directly into the tent. Your heart stopped and we had to shock you three times. You gave us quite the scare." He nodded to someone out of Bucky's view. "We're going to transport you directly to the compound via a portal. You need surgery to repair a bleeding artery. Plus, we have to set the breaks in your legs and right arm."
They transferred him to a gurney, strapping him on, and putting his IV bag on a stand. An oxygen mask was placed over his mouth, then the two paramedics began wheeling him towards the portal, while Bruce and Helen followed. The other Avengers were lined up before the portal. He heard murmurs of good luck from them, plus received numerous smiles. Putting his hand up when it got to Peter, he grasped the younger man's hand.
"Thanks," he said softly. "You're still in trouble but we'll talk later about it."
Peter smiled. "Sure, Bucky."
With another wave to Scott and Hope, Bucky nodded, and the gurney went through the portal, coming out to the medical centre surgical suite. They cut his gear off and he had the thought that the uniform tech wouldn't be happy with him. It made him smile. Then he thought of another thing.
"Make sure Cara gets my comms earpieces," he said out loud. "Don't want to get in trouble with the woman I love."
There were chuckles at that, and he relaxed. As soon as he woke up from this surgery, he was going to tell Cara he loved her and wanted to marry her. It was then he remembered something Wanda said. How did she know he wanted to ask Cara to marry him? No one knew, not even Sam.  It really didn't matter because Wanda was right. Love was a good thing. It was everything.
One Shots Masterlist
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years ago
「 series collection 」
so you wanna read something with multiple parts? well, you've come to the right place. here are all of the series I've written all accumulated in one neat place topped off with a nice bow and everything
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
masterlist | join my taglist
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long series
spencer reid x neighbour!painter!reader, follows seasons 9-10
spencer reid x bau!reader, follows season 6
steve harrington x private school!reader, very slutty stuff
joel miller x former firefly!reader, very dark and angsty
fused with the foe
king!steve rogers x princess!reader, original fantasy world, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers
the wistful wyvern  
knight!bucky barnes x knight!reader, original fantasy world, ex-friends to lovers, forced proximity
soot and sparks 
blacksmith!peter parker x farmer!reader, original fantasy world, friends to lovers (COMING SOON!)
 lumberjack!frank castle x reader, the wholesomeness of running an inn in a tiny rural town
matt murdock x baker!reader, neighbours to lovers, rape recovery
mini series
spencer reid x gideon!daughter!reader, pre season one + end of season 2
prince!james potter x servant!reader, set in the beginning of the 1920s
evergreen university
reader x various CE characters (Ransom Drysdale, Curtis Everett, Ari Levinson, Steve Rogers, Frank Adler, Jake Jensen, Lloyd Hansen), slutty murder mystery
the night trilogy
bodyguard!bucky barnes x reader, ex!peter parker x reader, reader’s mom is the british ambassador to france
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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weaver-z · 2 years ago
What does your spidersona’s suit look like? What kind of spider were they bitten by? Do they have a mentor? An uncle Ben? A Gwen Stacy? An MJ?
Oh this is fun!
Weaver's suit: Their suit incorporates the silhouette and several elements of men's late 1910's/early 1920's fashion. They wear an absolutely bitchin' black overcoat and a wide-brimmed black hat over a black-and-white spider-suit. The outfit incorporates a tie, because they think it's funny. What kind of spider they were bitten by: Oh boy, okay, um, so, see, there's a lot of glass involved in this and you kind of just have to read the canon backstory to get what I'm talking about. Warning for A Lot of Blood.
Do they have a mentor?: Weaver and Noir bonded over being Spiders from perpetually-bleak, horror-inspired universes who were both chosen by some kind of eldritch abomination for reasons somewhat or completely unknown to them. Another one of her mentors is her universe's Scorpion/Mac Gargan, after he stops trying to kill her and all. Weaver has two dads.
Uncle Ben, Gwen Stacy, and MJ: So Weaver is anomalous; their Peter Parker, Petachja "Peter" Parnicki, was a Polish scientist whom she accidentally "saved" from being bitten by the supernatural horror-spider who later got to Weaver in an entirely different way. They never met Dr. Parnicki's uncle, but they sent him a letter apologizing for Peter's death and passing on his final message. Mary Jane Watson died in the same incident that Peter did in Weaver's canon backstory. Like I said, BLEAK. Except Gwen, who probably ended up having the best backstory. She and Weaver were briefly a Secret Lesbian Couple (it was the the late 1910's, so it very much had to be secret) at a boarding school. After they parted ways, Gwen lived a long life and died of natural causes in 1989.
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circuswallaby · 1 year ago
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Oh god I love her and she got an overhaul from the last post.
Her final suit design and name :)
Juniper Meadow is a spider person from a dimension in the 1920s. Witty but kind, she is a sweetheart who loves to sing and dance when not going up against the baddies of her time.
Due to her origin story (still in the works), she had to leave her dreams of fame on the stage behind which is why she is the Starlet Spider.
Of course within the Spider Society she bumped into Peter B. Parker as Spider-Man Noir and they absolutely meshed. While loving, and clearly romantic, no official moves have been made (yet) 😈
We love spider ocs x canon in this house.
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backtothefanfiction · 1 year ago
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A Peter Parker 1920s AU
All anyone can talk about at every party across the city is the man in the red and blue pyjamas that stopped a bank robbery downtown. Little do they know, at one particular party he is there listening in, hoping to make an acquaintance with a particular young socialite who's brother is one of the most notorious gangsters in the city.
** Teaser Below The Cut **
“Did you hear about that fellow in red and blue pyjamas who beat up those thugs on Bond Street the other night?” A red head cried out to the small group she was currently entertaining.
“Oh yes, I read all about it in the papers.” A blonde responded as she puffed away on a cigarette.
“I heard it was one of those fellas from one of Mabel’s costume parties. The guy was a bit squiffy if you ask me.” A gentleman bellowed, champagne sloshing out of his glass and splashing on the lapels of his suit.
“Really, Dickie?” The gentleman next to the first who had spoken said. “I thought it was one of those acrobats from the circus that’s just dossed up in the park.”
“Whoever he was,” said a third, “he prevented a bank robbery and knocked out three guys to boot, all on his lonesome.”
“What are you hens gossiping about?” A blonde girl cried as she pushed her way through the crowd into the group.
“Ahh Birdie will know.” Said the man named Dickie.
“Birdie will know what?” She cooed drunkenly to him, referring to herself in the third person, as she swayed back and forth before wrapping an arm around the redhead beside her and curling into her side for support.
“About that fellow in red and blue pyjamas on Bond Street who stopped that robbery the other night.”
“And why would I know anything about that?” She protested.
“Because I heard it was some of your brother's chums who were trying to rob the bank.”
“Now, Dickie, where did you ever hear a tale like that?” She drunkenly brushed him off. Besides, even if that had been the case, her brother never let her anywhere near his business for her to know.
The small crowd continued to debate the facts of the story about the man in red and blue pyjamas, for the next quarter of an hour, unaware the gentleman in question was currently stood, his back to a wall of books, eavesdropping on the whole conversation. He went mostly unnoticed, apart from catching the attention of a certain blonde in the group that he kept making eyes at.
“Oh I love this song.” The redhead exclaimed to the group as a new tune began. “Oh Dickie, let’s go dance!” She placed her mostly empty glass on a rich wooden side table before grabbing one of Dickie’s hands in both of hers and pulled him towards the band and the makeshift dancefloor before them.
“Come on Birdie!” Another girl exclaimed as she grabbed the hand of the other gentleman in their group and began to lead him away. But Birdie had her eye on something else. Or rather, someone else.
“It’s a swell party.” The gentleman said, tipping a barely touched glass in her direction as she sidled up beside him, slumping against the wall of books as she looked up at him.
“Who are you? Why have I never seen you before? Are you a friend of a friend or something?” Birdie asked him over the music.
“Or something.” He chuckled and mused as he turned his body towards her.
“So have you got a name ‘or something’?” Birdie tipsily asked him with as much audacity as she could muster.
“Peter.. -Parker.” He hastily added, shifting his drink from one hand to the other so he could reach out and offer it to her.
“Well Peter Parker, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” She said cheerfully, taking his hand and shaking it vigorously. It made his face burst into an ear splitting smile. “I would introduce myself,” she said as she dropped his hand and took a sip of her drink, “but I’m sure you already know who I am, or else you wouldn’t be in my house.”
“No, no, you’re quite right.” He said with a small breathy chuckle.
“So what do you make of all this guy in red and blue pyjamas business. I saw you listening and smirking to yourself. You think it’s a load of old rubbish really, don’t you?” She said her last sentence in a hushed conspiratorial manner. 
“No, no, not at all.” Peter was quick to say. “I uh- I was there actually- when it happened that is.”
He watched as her face lit up. “Oh really!” She said eyes wide as she shimmied even closer to him, her back coming into contact with the bookcase as they huddled secretly against it. “Do tell.”
“I don’t know what you expect me to say. It’s just as the people say, he swooped in and stopped those guys who were trying to steal from the bank.”
“Some people would say that makes him a bit of a hero, don’t ya think.”
“Well, what do you think?”
“Well I don’t think it matters what I think.”
“So you don’t think he’s a hero?” Peter continued to fish.
“Well I think it takes more than just stopping one bank robbery to become a hero.” She said confidently as she stood herself up taller, aiming to impress. “Besides, only fools trust all their money with the bank.”
“Is that so? So where do you keep yours then?”
“Oh I don’t deal with all that- do you have a smoke?” She quickly added but he shook his head, “ah oh well- anyway my brother deals with all the money and things. Georgie darling, have you got a smoke?” She quickly asked a nearby friend who reached into his pocket despite being mid conversation with another person, took out his cigarette case and held it out to her. “You don’t mind do you?” She asked Peter as she put a cigarette to her lips and Georgie turned and lit it for her, before returning to his conversation.
Not given much of a choice, Peter politely responded, “Uh no, sure.” But she was already puffing away. “So you’re brother doesn’t trust banks?” Peter pressed.
“What Freddie? Oh no- he’s in the security business you see. Says they’re awful things actually. They claim to be all safe but anyone could walk off the street and take what they wanted- just look at those men. No, no. You won’t find our money in the bank.”
She was giving him everything he wanted. It was almost too easy. “Where is your brother? Sounds like a smart fellow, I sure would like to meet him.” Peter said looking about the crowd.
“Oh you won’t find him at a ghastly party like this I’m afraid?”
“But I thought this was your party?”
“Yes, it’s a bore isn’t it? Not at all like that party we had at Margot’s last month. You know we really should get a swimming pool. Now that really would be swell. I’ll have to talk to Freddie about it- Do you wanna get outta here?”
“But what about your guests?”
“What about them? They’re fine. They know where the door is when they’re ready to leave.” She continued to gabber on cheerily. “I’m sure most of them don’t even know who I am, let alone if I’m here.”
Currently writing up a storm to get this finished. Hoping to be just one long story but might split into two depending on how long it really gets. Anyway let me know if you wish to be tagged when it goes live hopefully some time before this weekend!
(@sincericida @tarzinnia)
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pchuaymee · 1 year ago
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Ouija board's stories in other cultures.
Hello, everyone!
Today, I will you story about Ouija board, or it can call as "Talking board", or "Spirit board". It is a divination tool for summon a spirit, a demon, an angel, or an entity for talking via by board or paper with alphabets, numbers, and those words are "Yes", "No", and "Goodbye". And it movable by a planchette, a pen, a coin, a sauce tray or a sauce dish, or an empty glass. Also, you can use pendulum or dowsing rod for automatic writing too.
And today, I'll tell a Ouija or spirit board story in other cultures that I can do find a few stories.
In the Western culture.
There is said to use the Ouija board for communication with a spirit, dates back to Ancient Greece era as far as 540 BC. (It is assumed it got the origin from China in ancient.). Pythagoras, who is Greek philosopher was believe in rebirth or spirit, did use talking board with his student's name was "Philolaus". Also, it has connected to Ancient Roman where two people used it for choosing the successors to be king too. Later in 1886, Elijah Bond and Charles Kenner were manufactured talking board in the first time in Chestertown, Maryland. And in 1890, they were giving a name is "Ouija" which from French is "Oui" and German is "Ja" after they did use it for gave a name to be called it by spelled that "O-U-I-J-A" with their cousin who is medium, her name is Helen Peters in Baltimore, Maryland. Thus, "Ouija" is meaning "Good luck". In 1891, Fuld brothers, William Fuld and Isaac Fuld. They bought the rights Ouija board and recorded a patent, and also, they renamed as "Ouija Novelty" by after they did acquisition form Kenner's group. But in 1901, Isaac was his license revoked by Ouija Novelty, but he still did make a Ouija board but is suspended by a judge. Until in 1920, court declared William did won and he did can manufacture Ouija board. Later, in 1966, Fuld's family sold the right to Parker Brothers after William Fuld was passed away by his accident in 1927. In present, Ouija board's image is popular, and it is a standard setting psychical of talking board or spirit board for divination or talking with an entity or a spirit in western cultural too.
In the Chinese culture.
There is assumed that beginning in 551 BC approximately in Zhou dynasty era or in 420 BC about in Liu Song dynasty era when China was Northern and Southern dynasties era. There was used planchette writing by automatic writing with moving by dowsing a rod that called "Fuji or Fu-chi (Chinese: 扶乩/扶箕: Pinyin: fújī)". It uses for calling and talking with gods, goddesses or deities, or a spirit. It became popular in Song dynasty era around in 1100. But it blocked in Qing dynasty era. In present, Fuji is always to use in formally as calling gods, goddesses, or deities in Taoism Temples. And it has way to calling or summon a ghost or spirit for people who don't need to be informally, and they can do it in everywhere by the bottom dish with red arrow down for moving and paper or board has Chinese characters. It called "Die-Xian (Chinese: 碟仙 Pinyin: Dié xiān)". It can call as "Dish spirit" too.
In Japanese culture.
The talking board or spirit board in Japanese version is called "Kokkuri (Japanese: こっくり)", "Kokkuri-san (Japanese: こっくりさん)". It uses for summoning or calling an entity or an animal spirit. Its origin psychical is three bamboo rods arranged to make a tripod upon which is covered by a cloth, or they have tags are inserted into each of the word from animal's names are fox, dog and tanuki. For other words are trancing with finger on the bottom plate. In another story, there is said in 1884. American sailor has brought table turning to Japan and it became so popular. Because it cannot be easy to be find in that time, thus, they did stack up three sets of round rice containers and play that way which they would lean. It was said that "Kokkuri, kokkuri to katamuku (Japanese: こっくり、こっくりと傾く。)" It is meaning as "Leaning, they're leaning.". And the word is "Kokkuri" in Kanji that 「狐狗狸」 is from "fox (狐)", "dog (犬) or tengu (天狗)" and "Tanuki (狸)". It is meaning to summon or calling those an entities or spirit animals too. And it became popular since Meiji era. In present, Kokkuri in modern physical is paper with Torii door on the top-middle on papers and characters is usually writing with Hiragana characters, numbers and a 10-yen coin for moving.
In Thai culture
Ouija board or Talking board in Thai version is called "Phi Thuai Khaeo (Thai: ผีถ้วยแก้ว)", it is Thai traditional game or summon a spirit or an entity. It is assumed from Chinese Ouija board is Fuji. But its physical is looking likes as Ouija board in western, but they are just drawing by a small glass instead of planchette. And should throw that small glass too.
OK, everyone. These are stories of Ouija board how to play are seem as "Using your finger to moving follow for answer, cannot cancel meanwhile you are playing before say 'Thank you' or 'Goodbye', and the last thing is you don't should be playing it alone and you must be brave person." And it may be dangerous to you too. Thus, let be fun with safety or just and read it for fun!
Happy Halloween!
You can read more it forms those references:
Museum of Talking Boards: Ancient Ouija Boards, Fact or Fiction?
More Than A Game: The True History Of Ouija Boards | Ancient Origins (ancient-origins.net)
Introduction - Ouija Board: Topics in Chronicling America - Research Guides at Library of Congress (loc.gov)
The strange business history of the Ouija board (thehustle.co)
Ouija board - New World Encyclopedia
Ouija board made by Willie Ellis, c. 1933 - Museum of the Riverina (museumriverina.com.au)
The Ouija board's mysterious origins: war, spirits, and a strange death | Life and style | The Guardian
Fuji (planchette writing) - Wikipedia
TAOIST SORCERY: Playing The Chinese Ouija Board - Die-Xian (碟仙) (taoist-sorcery.blogspot.com)
TAOIST SORCERY: Chinese Planchette / Spirit Writing - Fu-Ji (扶乩) (taoist-sorcery.blogspot.com)
Kokkuri - Wikipedia
Kokkuri-san | Kowabana
Kokkuri-san: How To Play The Spirit Of The Coin (theghostinmymachine.com)
Japan’s version of a ouija board: We try to summon Mr. Kokkuri | SoraNews24 -Japan News-
What is a Phi Thuai Khaeo (ผีถ้วยแก้ว)? – PAHUYUTH
8 Legit Ways To Summon & See Ghosts In Thailand According To Local Paranormal Experts - ASIAGHOSTS
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ao3feed-stony · 2 years ago
Memoirs of The Kings of New York
by Jac_k247
Prohibition makes the manufacturing and distribution of alcohol illegal in America, it also makes it the most lucrative business in the country. Tony Stark, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes practically run the streets of New York. But what happens when a rival gang decides to start giving them some friction?
The fic where Tony, Steve and Bucky are bootleggers and gangsters in the 1920s.
Words: 4784, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Howard Stark, Howling Commandos, Pepper Potts, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Joseph Rogers, Tiberius Stone, Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Bruce Banner
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Howard Stark & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Complicated Relationships, Identity Porn, Protective Tony Stark, Protective Steve Rogers, Protective Bucky Barnes, Alternate Universe - 1920s, Alternate Universe - Prohibition Era, Prohibition, Alternate Universe - Mob, Alternate Universe - Gangsters, Bucky Barnes Has Issues, Past Abuse, Tony Stark Has Issues, Steve Rogers Has Issues, this took me way too long, Sad, only sometimes though, BAMF Tony Stark, BAMF Steve Rogers, BAMF Bucky Barnes, Flashbacks, So many flashbacks, this was meant to be a Steve/ Tony fic but it got a bit out of hand, no beta we die like men
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45873673
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stony-ao3-feed · 2 years ago
Memoirs of The Kings of New York
Read it on AO3
by Jac_k247
Prohibition makes the manufacturing and distribution of alcohol illegal in America, it also makes it the most lucrative business in the country. Tony Stark, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes practically run the streets of New York. But what happens when a rival gang decides to start giving them some friction?
The fic where Tony, Steve and Bucky are bootleggers and gangsters in the 1920s.
Words: 4784, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Howard Stark, Howling Commandos, Pepper Potts, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Joseph Rogers, Tiberius Stone, Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Bruce Banner
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Howard Stark & Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Complicated Relationships, Identity Porn, Protective Tony Stark, Protective Steve Rogers, Protective Bucky Barnes, Alternate Universe - 1920s, Alternate Universe - Prohibition Era, Prohibition, Alternate Universe - Mob, Alternate Universe - Gangsters, Bucky Barnes Has Issues, Past Abuse, Tony Stark Has Issues, Steve Rogers Has Issues, this took me way too long, Sad, only sometimes though, BAMF Tony Stark, BAMF Steve Rogers, BAMF Bucky Barnes, Flashbacks, So many flashbacks, this was meant to be a Steve/ Tony fic but it got a bit out of hand, no beta we die like men
Read it on AO3
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the-algid · 3 months ago
INTRO of something idk what this is called
My name is Algid or Magnus.
My pronouns change so I'd check my description, or my pronouns page.
Fandoms: Malevolent, Homestuck, Arcane, The Locked Tomb, Life Series, Discworld, Portal, PJO, Sherlock & Co, The Crane Wives.
Other interests: Human sciences (Anthropology, sociology, psychology, etc...). Architecture, and fashion history (especially 1920s). I'm hugely passionate about music. I love words, etymology, literature, and I'm a writer, and poet. I love costume design and digital design (ESPECIALLY FONTS). I also love rats.
Other sites:
ao3: Algid
- I write fanfiction trying to publish more
tt: the_algid
Bsky: thealgid
Spotify: The_Algid
- where I keep my playlists which are my pride and joy
Pinterest: The_Algid
- I have a historical reference, and character reference board I'm very proud of. As well as a 3.4k rat board
- Discord: the_algid
- gimmick blog: arthur-lesters-gut
Welcome to my blog :3
I'm also an avid lover of ❤️ Peter 'Parker' Yang ❤️
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ao3feed-drstrange · 7 months ago
Understanding A Complex Person
by RadiantArabianNights28 Loki has a plan to get the teams back together. And it has to do with Tony's life. What will the teams do when they see Tony's life? What will Tony do when he is forced to relive everything? What secrets will come out? Words: 1920, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (Movies), Thor (Movies), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), The Defenders (Marvel TV), Fantastic Four (Movies 2005-2007), Black Panther (Marvel Movies), Black Widow (Movie 2021), Captain Marvel (2019), Ant-Man (Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, The Incredible Hulk (2008), X-Men - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Carol Danvers, Maria Rambeau, Monica Rambeau, Bruce Banner, Betty Ross, Jennifer Walters, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Yelena Belova, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Peter Parker, Janet Van Dyne, Hope Van Dyne, Scott Lang, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Melinda May, Phil Coulson, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Reed Richards, Susan Storm (Earth-838), Ben Grimm, Johnny Storm, Harley Keener, Charles Xavier (Earth-838), Scott Summers, Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Remy LeBeau, Logan (X-Men), Luke Cage, Jessica Jones (Marvel), Danny Rand, Matt Murdock Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau, Bruce Banner/Betty Ross, Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Hank Pym/Janet Van Dyne, Phil Coulson/Melinda May, Happy Hogan/Aunt May Parker, Reed Richards/Susan Storm (Fantastic Four) Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Mild Language via https://ift.tt/NKlB4Ji
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