#187th legion
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archivewriter1ont · 1 day ago
Thoughts on Clone Names
One of the shinies in the 212th is named Melee, because of how often Cody has seen him fighting droids with his bare hands. Obi-Wan had to Force-pull him out of a fight more times than he can count.
I also think that the highest honor in some battalions would be for their Jedi to give a clone his name. Like, Mace Windu forgets that one clone doesn't have a name and calls him "Snaps" or something in the middle of a battle, and then feels terrible about getting his troopers mixed up -- but that little shiny brags that Mace Windu named him for the rest of his life.
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fangirlforeversthings · 5 months ago
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(And no obi wan this time see?)
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short-wooloo · 1 year ago
Another 187th Clone Trooper Tale - Lego Star Wars Stop Motion
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enigmatist17 · 2 years ago
Re-watched the Boba arc and RIP Ponds :(
They all feel it when Ponds' light in the Force is extinguished.
The voices that cry out from the 187th are the loudest, the loss of their commander a great blow.
Once all has been said and done, Mace Windu spends almost a full week out in deep space. Ponds looks like he's merely been sleeping, save for the blaster bolt in the middle of his forehead that made the Jedi sick to his stomach.
Mace sighs, and gathers up the body to place in a coffin that was stored carefully in the ship's hold. He doesn't always get a chance to bury his men, but when he does, it helps the sting of loss feel a little bit lighter.
His men are waiting when the Jedi finally returns, and he watches as Ponds is taken by his own to be buried on a small world they had been to once a long time ago.
Mace meditates in the barracks once the somber ceremony finishes, taking a page from Plo Koon's book to open himself up to the Force around his men. Their lights are dim as they mourn, and one by one Mace can feel them starting to surround him, as if drawing some strength from their general. When he opens his eyes sometime later, Mace realizes nearly all of his legion are sleeping or working, with the Jedi safely nestled in the middle as if he was the calm center of a storm.
Mace understands now why Plo loves his children, and closes his eyes once again.
He's not concerned about letting go, for Mace knows his men will be there to catch him.
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saber-life · 11 months ago
Star Wars: Mace Windu’s 187th Legion Helmet from Disney - Watch the unboxing here!
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darth-memes · 1 year ago
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darth-jess · 5 months ago
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HAH I MADE IT TO 66 FOLLOWERS!! Thank you @marvelstars for being my 66th follower!
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This definitely requires a celebration, so here's a quiz for you all to see how well you know Star Wars! For the fun of it, please refrain from looking stuff up! If you don't know the answer, just take a guess! It's more fun that way, and if anyone gets judgey about someone not knowing the correct answer I will unleash the full power of the Dark Side upon them, because that's not very nice.
Share your answers in the comments!
Question 1: Which of the following Jedi survived Order 66?
Mace Windu
Quinlin Vos
Depa Billaba
Aayla Secure
Plo Koon
Stass Allie
Question 2: Which group of clones stormed the Jedi Temple?
The 212th Battalion
The 104th Battalion
The 322nd Company
The 327th Star Corp
The 501st Legion
The 187th Legion
Question 3: What clone discovered the inhibitor chips and tried to warn everyone about them?
Question 4: What year did Order 66 happen in?
12 BBY
20 BBY
19 BBY
26 BBY
15 BBY
19 ABY
Question 5: Who was the first Jedi to ever die from Order 66?
Shaak Ti
Plo Koon
Jocasta Nu
Agen Kolar
Depa Billaba
Question 6: Is it wrong to find Anakin attractive while he's storming the Jedi Temple?
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Definitely not
Are you insane?
He's beautiful at all times
I wasn't paying attention to the plot, did he do something wrong?
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knightprincess · 2 years ago
Moon Goddess (Commander Wolffe x Medic Reader
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Word Count: 1.3k  Warning: Super fluffy Wolffe (I refuse to apologize) Note: Reader is a Night Sister (She/her pronouns used)
Wolffe had always been known for his stoic persona, the tough exterior with little patients for those who annoyed him—the signature eye roll when attempting to hold back some snarky comment. To the outside world, he was little more than another battle-worn Clone Commander with a brilliant tactical mind and commitment to getting the job done. But to those who truly knew the Wolf Pack's leader, he was protective, caring, and loyal to the letter. Despite what his rough exterior would say, he enjoyed the quieter moments of shore leave. He enjoyed watching the boys let loose and have fun, even if he did have to break up a few fights or retrieve some from the military prison afterward. 
Yet there was one thing Wolffe looked forward to when news of shore leave came. Going to the quiet silver apartment skyscraper not too far from the military base. Visiting the beautiful medic to reside there. (Y/N) was her name, she was a Night Sister from Dathomir. The pair had met when Wolffe had lost his eye at the hands of Ventress, at first he'd been weary of (Y/N), he'd been rude to her, letting his anger and frustration for what happened out on her, despite her doing nothing more than trying to help. (Y/N) had remained calm, listening as he ranted and gently tended to his scarring injury. She'd shown kindness when few other civvi medics would have. 
Wolffe could remember his search for her. He'd regrettably not gotten her name then. So when he'd been on shore leave again following his injury, he'd tried to find her. Although hadn't been successful, he'd asked around. Most of the civvi medics had cowered away from him in fear and likely judgment. Comet, Boost, and Sinker had all offered their help in looking for the medic Wolffe referred to as the mysterious Night Sister. Even Cody had offered to keep an eye out for the Dathomirian woman. Only when word reached Fox, did Wolffe finally find out her name. The Commander of the Coruscant Guard knew her well and was often tasked with escorting her to and from the military base. With her name, also comes the information she'd been temporarily paired with the 187th Legion and had been sent out into the field. 
The Commander of the 104th Legion soon pulled himself from the stroll down memory lane, finding himself outside the towering apartment complex. A small grin appeared on his lips, knowing his Moon Goddess would be waiting in the small paradise she'd created on the balcony of her penthouse apartment. A garden that never ceased to amaze Wolffe or bring him a foreign sense of peace. The Coruscant Moon above always bathes the tranquil garden making it appear even more magical than normal. 
"You're late again" came the soft voice of (Y/N) the moment she'd heard him enter her apartment. She'd been reading a book on one of the plush sofas, her eyes never leaving the pages, although the softest of smiles graced her pale lips. Wolffe wasted little time in following his normal routine when visiting the homely apartment. Rigorously taking off his armor and placing each piece in the footlocker (Y/N) had gotten especially for him. 
"Could my dear goddess find it in her heart to forgive me?" questioned Wolffe, his words as even as her own had been before. A smirk appeared on his lips upon turning his attention to (Y/N), seeing her perched on the edge of the sofa, she'd previously been spread across, the soft breeze flowing from the open balcony doors blowing her hair slightly. "Forgive me for being late home again" effortlessly worded the battle-worn commander, watching as her eyes shone with surprise, an expression painted on her pale grey features to match. "What?" questioned Wolffe, when her shocked expression didn't disappear. 
"You called this place home" commented (Y/N), her soft grin reappearing, as his word slowly sunk in. Wolffe merely stepped closer to her, his own stern expression seemingly replaced with one of relaxation and undying affection for the woman before him. 
"What else would it be?" asked the battle-worn Commander, as he finally came into arms reach of her. Wasting little time in pulling her closer, into the customary affectionate embrace and stealing a kiss from her mere seconds later. (Y/N), offered a small giggle shortly afterward, wasting little time in welcoming him home once more. With little hesitation (Y/N) directed him towards his favorite place, waltzing off toward the kitchen mere seconds later if only to fetch his favorite fruity drink and snacks. "What did I do to deserve such a Goddess?" voiced Wolffe, tearing his gaze from the view from the balcony, only for it to land on a better one. 
(Y/N) chuckled as she placed the tray she'd been carrying on the small side table between the two comfy sun loungers. Wolffe wrapped his arms around her from behind, turning her to the view from the paradise the balcony offered. His chin rested on her shoulder as the breeze blew over the pair. The shimmering moon seemed even bigger from there, nothing seemed to overshadow it, not even the noise of the traffic below could disturb the peace to flow over Wolffe now. (Y/N) soon turned her head slightly, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. Hearing the sigh escape him, knowing he'd be reluctant to leave when the time came again. 
"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum cyare'ika" whispered Wolffe, being sure his words were only loud enough for (Y/N) to hear. Ensuring they would remain a secret from the rest of the galaxy. "This war may be cruel and its own brand of torture, but it also brought me to you" effortlessly voiced the Commander of the Wolf pack, his rare softness remaining even when his mind took him to the teasing his brothers had subjected him to. Sinker, Comet, and Boost always with something to say when he'd return to the base when shore leave ended, Fox too would make a comment or two. Cody would simply ask if he knew of another who'd be willing to give him a chance at the same happiness. Whereas Rex would simply give that knowing smile and welcome him back. General Plo had long since worked out what brought an immovable grin to his lips, yet never said a word of it, instead wishing him a good few days away from the war and asking how the shore leave went upon returning. 
"Nu nulis tu kian, nuyak, Menuo Massassi" replied (Y/N), speaking a language she was sure most of the galaxy would have forgotten. Although the language had an undesirable reputation of being associated with the Sith, it was also the language of her native Dathomir. Wolffe returned his loving gaze to her, an ire of curiosity glimmering in his golden eyes, highlighted by the moonlight cast upon both of them. "Love you too, my Moon Warrior" repeated (Y/N), once again calling him by his pet name, a name Wolffe only accepted from her. 
"When the war's over, I'm taking you to find that peaceful place you dream about" commented Wolffe, opting not to say the words lingering on the edge of his tongue, knowing his Moon Goddess already knew she was his home. At the same time, the battle-worn Commander began to think about a future with (Y/N), going on an adventure together to find the peaceful paradise she'd dream about almost every night, the calm lake and soundless waterfalls, the endless rolling hills filled with grass blowing in the winds, the towns shattered across the landscape but also blending it to the picturesque scenery around them. A place the war hadn't reached nor existed. A place where love could be more than a well-kept secret between the two, more than a passing pet name. 
"But for now, remember kar'taylir darasuum will ratiin cuyir olar" softly spoke (Y/N) turning herself in Wolffe's arms, placing her forehead to his, as she gently traced the scar down his eye. Finally allowing herself to be at peace, with the man who had captured her heart and refused to give it back. Instead, he'd entrusted her with his own fragile one, along with the silent promise of loving her for eternity and longer. 
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transitranger327 · 8 months ago
Eddy Squad Character Profiles
Trans Clone Week Day 7: Free day!
I was planning on writing another fic or two about Eddy Squad for @clonefandomevents’ Trans Clone Week, but real life got in the way, so y’all will have to settle for some Background info on the group and profiles for all 4 members. I would’ve made sketches for each of them, but I didn’t have time for them so I’ve attached ~✨Vibes✨~ images
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Eddy Squad is a Clone Commando group attached to the 187th (legion or battalion? I’ll never tell), and their armor is accented with the unit’s colors (purple or maroon? You decide). Like most Republic Commando groups they report directly to their General (Mace Windu) and Commander (originally Ponds, later Silver), and have served with them since the First Battle of Geonosis. Its name comes from eddies in water currents and magnetic fields, so their logo is a spiral to match (yes I know the koru is a unfurling fern frond)
Interestingly, all four are trans (I say this as if I didn’t cook up these characters myself). Some Kaminoan scientists believe that is because all four are from the same batch of embryos, but this seems unlikely since trans clone troopers exist in multiple batches and generations.
Lieutenant Spice (RC-3120)
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Spice has been the leader of the Eddies ever since they were kids. She claims the name comes from the fact that she’s “intoxicating”; her wit, charm, and swagger are just as potent as her combat skills (top of her class). She lives by the phrase “so good they can’t ignore you”, and has managed to wrangle several promotions despite most of the GAR leadership disliking her. Despite her outward persona of “flippant disregard for authority”, she truly respects her superiors and will follow their orders (usually after she convinces them to change slightly).
In addition to her leadership skills, she specializes in hand-to-hand and melee combat. Her preferred weapon is an Electrostaff she took off of a MagnaGuard she defeated.
She’s the most Femme out of all the Eddies, and has a cartoon kiss painted on her breastplate. She is extremely bisexual. She was the second member to come out as trans.
Jack (RC-3119)
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Jack is the Technology Specialist and Medic of Eddy Squad; patching code and patching bodies. Her name comes from being able to slice into a computer system from any Jack (Doylist: also Gentleman Jack). In contrast to Spice, Jack actually has deep problems with authority and fully buys into the hacker ethic.
She was the first Eddy to come out as trans, and hacked her way into building a hormonal implant. She’s also a Butch Lesbian. Her armor is detailed like a circuitboard, with a notch on a wire for each kill.
Terra (RC-3122)
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Terra is the designated reconnaissance and explosives technician, tho her skills are a bit more general than those titles suggest. Her sense of direction is incredibly sharp, she can memorize maps shockingly fast, and once she’s scouted a route she can navigate others along it with little difficulty. She also has expertise in all things chemical and mechanical, can seemingly make a bomb out of anything, and can disassemble one in record time. She painted her armor like a bomb squad troopers and added orange accents as an homage. She and Jack often fight over who’s the better gadget-maker.
She’s panromantic and asexual, and enjoys nightclubs just as much as Spice. She also enjoys the time she gets with nature, and has only enmity for flamethrowers.
Convor (RC-3121)
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Finally we have Convor, the last of Eddy Squad to come out (in the early days of the war). They actually use They/She pronouns, but still considers themselves to be sister to the other Eddies. They’re Bisexual, and leans towards other nonbinary people. They actually prefer being alone, and she doesn’t understand why Spice and Terra always hit up the clubs on surface leave. However, despite being extremely introverted, they’re incredibly socially adept and often has to defuse arguments among the other three.
Their skills are primarily sniping (marksmanship broadly) and flying. While Eddy Squad doesn’t have a dedicated shuttle like the Bad Batch, they do pilot shuttles for the group on solo missions. This is where the name and wing motif on her armor comes from.
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𝙵𝚒𝚊𝚝 𝙻𝚞𝚡 𝙸𝚕𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ᴴᵉˡᵐᵉᵗ ˢᵖᵒᵗˡⁱᵍʰᵗ
✨187th Legion
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𝙵𝚒𝚊𝚝 𝙻𝚞𝚡 𝙸𝚕𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗
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autoacafiles · 1 year ago
212th Attack Battalion - Under the command of Autotrooper Commander "Encode", the 212th Attack Battalion were constructed during the Ultracon Conflict, where they would fight during several of the battles, including the second invasion of Ezim towards the war's climax. Since this conflict, the 212th has been stationed at Iacon's security garrison, serving as the main security for Cybertron's capital and its surrounding provinces.
187th Attack Battalion - A special division that has been fighting since the Combatron War, the 187th Battalion are a division that report directly to the League of Heroes, and will sometimes serve as their support during particular overwhelming incursions. Under the command of Autotrooper Commander "Ponds".
501st Battalion - Originally the 501st Legion, the 501st were a division under the command of Captain "Rex", and were initially a subdivision of the Astro Marines that helped fight during the Threefold War, and later several battles as far as the early times of the Age of Heroes. Eventually, when Chromia was promoted to the rank of Chromia Major, she handpicked the 501st as her unit. The legion was promoted to a Battalion with increased numbers, and served as a battalion that would reinforce existing divisions, most frequently the 212th, and more recently the Acadeimos Guard during the Festival of the Stars.
8th “Acadeimos Guard” Sentry Battalion - Stationed on Acadeimos, this division that was specifically constructed to protect the hidden EduWorld. Under the command of the notably disagreeable Commander "Fox", they are notable for having significantly less combat experience after basic training on Palifex, earning ire from some of the more battle-hardened battalions.
104th “Wolfpack” Rescue Battalion - While most Autotrooper Battalions are trained for battle and security purpose, the Wolfpack are a battalion typically deployed for search and rescue mission, whether it be from a crashed ship to extricating allies from a hostile environment. Under the command of Commander "Wolf", the 104th fittingly operate out of Paradron, and are sometimes called in to support the Protectobots in emergency situations.
442nd Siege Battalion - One of the Autotroopers that fought during the Combatron Wars, the 442nd have fought in numerous campaigns across the Commonwealth, often involved long term Siege's against Combatron, Ultracon and Predacon outposts. How, with the most recent war some time ago, the 442nd, under the command of Commander "Verd", they're spread around Autobot supply ships, protecting them from pirates and Decepticons seeking to steal their cargo.
10th “Palifex Guard” Security Battalion - The Autotrooper Division situated on Palifex, while they are mostly stationed here for security purposes, the the Palifex Guard have been known to give training demonstrations to show the new constructs how it's done. Under the command of Commander "Halt", one of the few Magni Autotroopers not a member of any of the Magnus Core divisions, though he still reports to Shotbomber.
64th “Garrus Corps” Security Battalion - Stationed and staffing the Garrus Facilities on Elba, the Garrus Corps are also frequently seen on Autobot Prison Transports going to and from the planet. Under the command of Commander "Lock'N'Key", the troops of the Garrus Corps are typically picked out from the best troops of other battalions... after the Magnus Core have their pick, of course.
41st Elite Battalion - The only Autotrooper Battalion located on Eukaris, the 41st Elite Battalion had a history of battles on jungle planets, particularly during the Beast Wars. Under the command of Commander "Gree", they are primarily stationed in Whitewood, protecting the the Golden Citadel and the Maximal Academy, though also stationed in some of the other major populations centres.
84th “Star Guard” Action Battalion - An Autotrooper Battalion patterned after the current Convoy, this division is usually only ever seen in action when Star Convoy is forced to engage in much more seriously battles, such as against Onyx Primal's uprising on Verte Seven or the Battle of Sabarooth. That said, many will see them standing guard outside Autobot House, though often times this more honorific rather than active duty.
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bluetoothschizophrenic · 2 years ago
Fan made clone squad time!!!
Say hello to Fractal Squad, a squad within the 187th Legion (The purple ones)
Sergeant Spark(CT-1054): Nickname acquired via clever strategy of activating a hauler droid loaded up with tibanna gas, having it move past droids during enemy boarding action, and well you can figure out the rest. Just as quick with a joke as he is a battle plan, the sergeant is also the unit’s go to “civilian liaison”. Quick learner, only member of squad who doesn’t complain when they get a quieter posting on account of having the ability to study more, be it more battle strategies, the place they’re posted, or just awful puns with which to torment his brothers. Kicked out of 79’s for attempted standup comedy show. Generally armed with single modded DC-15 pistol (2 shot burst), though will jump at the chance to use any local blasters, something of a gun nut.
Flash(CT-1227): Got his nickname through an unfortunate blaster failure in training. Fired one bolt, then exploded in his hand. Once he’d recovered from the burns, he was made designated sniper as, in Sergeant Spark’s words, “The less bolts you fire, the less likely we have another ‘flash incident’”. Finding the name funny, Flash quickly went to work making sure his reflexes were fast enough that if another “flash incident” does occur, he can be fast enough to throw his blaster at the droids before it burns him again.
Torch(CT-5268): Acquired his nickname by dropping, and subsequently stepping on, his blaster mounted flashlight in training exercise. Forced to wrap emergency flare to his blaster and hold it in the air like a makeshift torch. Not the brightest of bulbs, but surprisingly clever when it comes to cooking. There have been bases where the officers barracks didn’t even get used, as even non clone officers are wowed by what he can do with rations and some local plants.
Nova(CT-0809): Nova can throw three things very well: Insults, punches, and his mortar launcher. Nickname acquired when he got into a bar fight at 79’s and no one was sure which was more fiery, his temper, his explosives, or a supernova. Surprisingly not angry with the joke, Nova settled nicely into his role as the squads explosives expert, usually armed with the standard DC-15 and a shoulder slung mortar launcher, though occasionally armed with a rocket launcher. Insufferable when drunk, varies from extremely quick to anger to singing at the top of his lungs.
Mirror (CT-9207): Born slightly thinner and paler than the average clone, most notably in his face, his nickname was born out of that, since with most clones seeing one another is “like looking into a mirror. And if it isn’t, you’re probably looking at Mirror.” On account of his thinner build, he can be a bit of a hypochondriac. Chattering constantly off the battlefield, he lives up to his name once he’s on it, seldom speaking and coming off as more robotic than many of the droids they fight. As such, usually not involved in civilian operations and is designated as the scout for the squad.
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enigmatist17 · 2 years ago
Master Mace Windu
It doesn't really feel like falling.
One moment they're oppressing themselves, cutting off an act of love, protectiveness, kindness, everything, and anything off before they could connect, truly connect with someone. It had been fine for a long time, but when the Republic gives them the lives of millions of men who share the same face but unique souls, how were they not supposed to Fall for them? Perhaps it was time for the Code to finally change, or perhaps the Force itself was intervening, but the feeling of change was slowly beginning to work its way through the Jedi.
They're children who were thrown into a battle they'd been bred for since before the Jedi learnt of them, dying for a Republic they would never see for themselves. How were the Jedi supposed to sit back and let children fight their war?
Master Windu is the first.
His Commander had been kidnapped, and despite being trapped in a collapsing ship so far away, he can feel an intense terror before it's abruptly cut off, and his own life no longer matters in that second. He's not sure what to call this feeling, but Mace is falling through the Force and finds the quickly fading star that he just knows belongs to Ponds. He can see so many stars, some bright like a supernova and others extinguishing as he cradles Ponds close to him, and weeps for the clones that flicker into darkness over and over. The moment he takes it into his embrace there's a stutter before the glow slowly begins to return, and Mace doesn't return to consciousness nor let it go until Ponds' body is found days later, just pouring the very essence of life into the soul in his hands. Despite being unconscious to everyone around Mace, the Jedi began to speak the same coordinates over and over until a team was sent out to investigate. No one can explain just how Ponds been found when the team found the floating body, nor can they explain the bullet hole that had gone through his head visibly healing as the retrieval team frantically hooked the commander up to what had to be over a dozen machines as they sped to the nearest medical facility. The moment he's rescued Mace watches the star, the soul in his hands flicker once more before slowly floating away from the Jedi's hold, and he closes his eyes.
When they open he can see he's at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, body practically vibrating as he jerks upright. That oppressive feeling that had dulled his connection to the Force is gone, and he finds that the millions of souls that lived on the planet are all but rushing to make their place in the Force known, where for so long he'd barely been able to sense them without meditation.
Ponds wakes up to see his general is by his bedside, and for the first time he could ever recall, can feel the relief and joy from the stoic man beside him. They don't have to speak as Ponds is in and out of consciousness, the commander knowing that his Jetti was different from before, and had changed for someone as insignificant as himself. All he knows is his Jetti cared, had saved him, and that's all he could have asked for.
The 187th see the change for themselves at their first assignment, Mace more of a powerhouse than he had been before. He was constantly checking in with his men, and as their assignment led on, they began to feel what Mace felt, as if being connected by their very souls to their General. Near the end they were ambushed, and in the skirmish a scout was mortally wounded protecting the group by taking out the threat with the last of their grenades. His blood is soaking through his blacks and staining the ground as Mace hurries over to gently cradle the dying trooper, and for the first time, his eyes become a bright gold.
No, he's not losing any more of them, not anymore
His men watch in disbelief as the Jetti places a hand over the scout's heart, those shining eyes focused on the man who struggles to breathe. However, with each passing moment the trooper finds each breath becoming less and less painful, able to feel his bones knit back together and shrapnel ooze out of his wounds with a quiet cry of pain. Mace doesn't move as he does....well, whatever it is he's doing, not even flinching when some of the wounds the scout had begin to appear all over his own body, Jedi robes staining with blood as Mace heals the other until he finally slumps back.
The shiny who should have died was alive, and the clones are all stunned as they watch their slightly trembling General get to his feet.
"Let's get him out of here."
What was a programmed loyalty that morning had become a fierce undying loyalty by that evening. While the clones may not entirely understand the difference between Jetti and Sith, they all agree that he's not a Sith, more something in the middle as he gives the shiny he saved a real smile.
Mace Windu is the first to Fall, and finds the grey between Jedi and Sith a welcoming place.
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thesmollestnerd · 2 years ago
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Star Wars Clone OC || CT-1598 “Beacon” [She/Her]
Legion: 187th Attack (High General Mace Windu), “Misfit Company”  Rank: Sergeant Position: Heavy Trooper
“CT-1598″ created of the 1.5.9.A. This batch designed to be more physically suited towards the demands of heavy artillery. CT-1598 showed exemplary marksmanship, team-collaboration, even temperment, and leadership aptitudes during cadet training. Upon graduation and assignment to the 187th, she began publicly transitioning. This was a non-issue as bigoted views about gender did not make it into the Kaminoan education as there was too fucking much else to fit in the timeline. Jedi, similarly, don’t give a fuck and General Windu reminded everyone else that they’re in the middle of a goddamn war, now go flank with your sister. 
Able to live authenticly, she thrived, described as a friendly, welcoming to shineys, and warm, a ‘Beacon of Sunshine’ thus her name became Beacon. during the Battle of Dantooine she lost her left leg from the mid-thigh down due to injuries sustained by a seismic attack by the Separatist forces, it has since been replaced with a cybernetic leg that she’s painted to mimic the purple hurrikaine crystal of General Windu’s Lightsaber and has returned to the front lines.
Additional Notes:
Soft-Butch Transfem
Is very q u e e r™
Not a fembo, just strongk.
Eternally in the long hair vs short hair struggle with herself.
She has pursued some more aesthetic procedures such as full-body tattoos that give the illusion of a softer silhouette and makeup. The boys sometimes bring her cool makeup presents.
Always has hair-ties and snacks.
Club Mom™ and Mommy™ when they go out off shift. 
Tends to pull more ass than her brothers.
Is an A+ wing-woman tho.
Company’s dedicated New Shiney Specialist.
Will absolutely waste most of the company in arm wrestling.
Doesn’t mind being referred to in the plural of “Brothers/the Boys” but if referring to her specifically, her brothers use “Sister”.
Is the reason there’s a feral colony of Tooka cats in the hanger. You’re welcome Commander, you have pest-control for the low-low price of some kibble and old blankets.
Does not understand Jetti-stuff to save her life but thinks General Windu is a fantastic fighter and that’s what matters.
While she has completely socially transitioned as well as has her marker updated in her legal documentation, she does not wish to pursue medical transition until after the war as she would like to not add additional stress while serving.
ooc: I’ll probably add more to this later. I just love her. She’s the first of my Clone Trooper OCs
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danceswithsporks · 3 years ago
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ace-the-pirate · 2 years ago
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187th heavy clone trooper
Based on the Lego ones, so not cannon
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