#1800 Numbers Australia
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Indigenous genocide and removal from land and enslavement are prerequisites for power becoming operationalized in premodernity, a way in which subjects get (what Wynter names) “selected” or “dysselected” from geography and coded into colonial possession through dispossession. The color line of the colonized was not merely a consequence of these structures of colonial power or a marginal effect of those structures; it was/is a means to operationalize extraction (therefore race should be considered as foundational rather than as periphery to the production of those structures and of global space). Richard Eden, in the popular 1555 publication Decades of the New World, compares the people of the “New World” to a blank piece of “white paper” on which you can “paynte and wryte” whatever you wish. “The Preface to the Reader” describes the people of these lands as inanimate objects, blank slates [...]. [Basically, "Man" is white, while non-white people are reduced to an aspect of the landscape, a resource.] Wynter suggests that we [...] consider 1452 as the beginning of the New World, as African slaves are put to work on the first plantations on the Portuguese island of Madeira, initiating the “sugar-slave” complex - a massive replantation of ecologies and forced relocation of people [...]. Wynter argues that the invention of the figure of Man in 1492 as the Portuguese [and Spanish] travel to the Americas instigates at the same time “a refiguring of humanness” in the idea of race. This refiguring of slaves trafficked to gold mines is borne into the language of the inhuman [...].
The natal moment of the 1800 Industrial Revolution, [...] [apparently] locates Anthropocene origination in [...] the "new" metabolisms of technology and matter enabled by the combination of fossil fuels, new engines, and the world as market. [...] The racialization of epistemologies of life and nonlife is important to note here [...]. While [this industrialization] [...] undoubtedly transformed the atmosphere with [...] coal [in the nineteenth century], the creation of another kind of weather had already established its salient forms in the mine and on the plantation. Paying attention to the prehistory of capital and its bodily labor, both within coal cultures and on plantations that literally put “sugar in the bowl” (as Nina Simone sings) [...]. The new modes of material accumulation and production in the Industrial Revolution are relational to and dependent on their preproductive forms in slavery [...].
Catherine Hall’s project Legacies of British Slave-Ownership makes visible the complicity in terms of structures of slavery and industrialization that organized in advance the categories of dispossession that are already in play and historically constitute the terms of racialized encounter of the Anthropocene. In 1833, Parliament finally abolished slavery in the British Caribbean, and the taxpayer payout of £20 million in “compensation” [paid by the government to slave owners for their lost "property"] built the material, geophysical (railways, mines, factories), and imperial infrastructures of Britain and its colonial enterprises and empire. As the project empirically demonstrates, these legacies of colonial slavery continue to shape contemporary Britain. A significant proportion of funds were invested in the railway system connecting London and Birmingham (home of cotton production and [...] manufacturing for plantations), Cambridge and Oxford, and Wales and the Midlands (for coal). Insurance companies flourished and investments were made in the Great Western Cotton Company, for example, and in cotton brokers, as well as in big colonial land companies in Canada (Canada Land Company) and Australia (Van Diemen’s Land Company) and a number of colonial brokers. Investments were made in the development of metal and mineralogical technologies [...].
The slave-sugar-coal nexus both substantially enriched Britain and made it possible for it to transition into a colonial industrialized power [...]. The slave trade [...] fashioned the economic conditions (and institutions, such as the insurance and finance industries) for industrialization. Slavery and industrialization were tied by the various afterlives of slavery in the form of indentured and carceral labor that continued to enrich new emergent industrial powers from both the Caribbean plantations and the antebellum South. Enslaved “free” African Americans predominately mined coal in the corporate use of black power or the new “industrial slavery,” [...].
The labor of the coffee - the carceral penance of the rock pile, “breaking rocks out here and keeping on the chain gang” (Nina Simone, Work Song, 1966), laying iron on the railroads - is the carceral future mobilized at plantation’s end (or the “nonevent” of emancipation). [...] [T]he racial circumscription of slavery predates and prepares the material ground for Europe and the Americas in terms of both nation and empire building - and continues to sustain it.
All text above by: Kathryn Yusoff. "White Utopia/Black Inferno: Life on a Geologic Spike". e-flux Journal Issue #97. February 2019. At: e-flux dot com slash journal/97/252226/white-utopia-black-inferno-life-on-a-geologic-spike/ [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Text within brackets added by me for clarity and context. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism.]
#ecology#multispecies#tidalectics#indigenous#carceral geography#abolition#kathryn yusoff#katherine mckittrick#indigenous pedagogies#black methodologies
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Had a hell of a time trying to upload this lmao. Doodles to accompany a ramble about my silly horrorverse/metathesiophobia/worldbuilding ramble that's very large so it's under the cut. It's as much Ella lore as it is Elliot lore :3c there might be some grammatical errors but idc I've tried to upload this 7 times now and don't wanna reread it lol
"Most organizations classify them as extinct, caused by villages hunting them and a lethal mutation in the survivors saliva, there are theories there are a few hidden surviving members, their numbers being merely in the single digits. Lycanthropy is not a 'one size fits all' type of curse/disease/parasite, it's classification is still being debated today, and it adjusted both according to it's host and to it's surroundings when it developed.
Before the lethal mutation, an infected person's lycanthropy could vary extremely in the first few months as it got a grasp on what was a normal environment for the individual. All recorded cases fit the 'true' werewolf classification. For people who gained Lycanthropy through genetics, bloodline werewolves, a vast majority were only slight variations of the 'true' werewolf.
The 'true' werewolf was most rampant back in the medieval ages, up until the mid 1800's, as to the Lycanthropy it was the peak time one could live 'naturally' and also a lack of constant danger while also having a sense of community. Although they were still bloodthirsty monsters, they held themselves back from ravaging people their host knew and hunted only strangers, even avoiding children if the host's morals were strong enough. They only hunted what they needed for the night, a person or two at most. True werewolves had very mild control of their curse, only being able to transform on command in dangerous situations. These transformations were relatively quick, taking less than 20 seconds, but remained agonizing as let the host take control until they were able to calm down in a safe area.
Sometimes an extreme burst of negative emotion could make part of their body rapidly transform to physically deal with the source of the stress, but it would result in the skin tearing due to the speed of it. Lycanthropy will only rip itself apart when it senses an emergency, a knee-jerk reaction if you will, to something in front of it. The last recording of a 'true' werewolf was in 20██, █████, Australia, however she had been found dead in her home. The cause of death was blood loss, caused by a silver laced bullet wound. For details about this report, please send a request to Dr. A. Whitelock.
Socialite werewolves are an extremely modern and elusive mutation of Lycanthropy. They are the sole reason the theory lycanthropes could still be alive today holds any water. Unlike 'true' werewolves, who could be anyone, all Socialite werewolves have been people who have lived in lavish luxury for the important developmental years in a bloodline werewolf's life. They are physically the weakest recorded mutation. The main theory for this is that the Lycanthropy adapted to learn that social power among regular humans is far more valuable for survival than hunting them for sport and changed to make transformation less intensive and more 'suitable' for it's new survival strategy. They were able to transform in around ten seconds on average, one recorded process shows them morphing with little to no pain visible on their face. The host confirmed that the Socialite werewolf's transformation is far less painful by saying: "A muscle cramp is only a touch more painful." This has enabled the few recorded individuals to amass groups around themselves, as they all publicized their lycanthropy. Most simply saw them as role-players with good 'fur suits' due to the fact the host's hair style remains unchanged while turned.
The last recorded socialite werewolf was in 19██, a popular rock star who had unfortunately overdosed on theobromine, the news had covered it as a 'normal' drug overdose and were forced forge it as a cocaine OD.
Brute werewolves are a debated topic, as some think we should classify them as Werebears instead, but all recovered remains confirm that their bone structure was far closer to a wolf than a bear's.
They are also debated to be a separate anomaly all together as they were initially thought to be a prehistoric megafauna before the bones were carbon dated to be only a few hundred years old. The term 'werewolf' was only applied to these bones upon the recovery of a library curated by a 'true' werewolf back in 1874.
According to literature in the library that claims to be history, Brute werewolves were thought to be lycans who had gone mad or were born to an accursed mother. Additional notes glued to the book claimed that they were simply those in the bloodline who had been tormented for a prolonged period of time, through they admit the 'cursed mother' could be part of it. Brute werewolves were described to be barbaric, rabid beasts that would rip apart anything with a heartbeat in front of them, only being satisfied when it had gorged itself on fresh meat and then some. There are drawings of Brute werewolves fighting packs of 'true' werewolves and descriptions of Brute werewolves being the cause of many deaths.
Despite the descriptions diminishing them as low intelligence beasts, they were said to speak in wails, attracting anyone to try to help the supposed person in danger, unknowing that they were the person in danger themselves.
Their transformations were said to be horrific as bone popped skin that ripped off muscle, their size was far to large to properly form from a regular human body. It is described to be a 'painfully long' process, so we assume it took over a minute for them to fully transform.
There has never been a case of an alive Brute werewolf, let alone a fresh corpse. We believe that if they are truly a mutation of Lycanthropy, they were the fist subsect to go extinct due to their heightened aggression that would have made it impossible to survive within the past 200 years. We hope that is the case."
7- █ - 202█ - Author Dr. Abigail Whitelock. Sources - ██████ - ██████████ -██████
#lizard's art#ella greenwood#werewolf#werewolf oc#elliot greenwood#dr. abigail whitelock#ramble#writing
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What country do you think each terra represents?
I started this at work the day I got this ask, and then the tumblr app said "fuck you" and deleted the draft. Thanks tumblr.
Anyway this was a fairly easy question to answer, I've had headcanons for this for a while :3
Terra Rex: Pretty obviously based on England, specifically the rich fancy parts like Edwardian-era London. There doesn't appear to be any royal family ruling the Terra, but since 'Rex' means 'king', I wouldn't be surprised if there was a king or queen hiding in the lore we never got to see. 'The Terra of Kings' should have a monarchy, right? Or maybe these fictional Brits did what us irl lot never could and tossed the royal family into the Wastelands.
Terra Atmos: I was never sure about this one, there were no context clues that implied it was based on any particular culture, old or new. Since I recall it was described as "the centre of the known atmos" by Piper in Home Movie Night, I headcanon it to have started off as a major international trade hub. As a result its people have a very random mix of cultural backgrounds. Many of them come from the families of traders or travelling workers.
Terra Mesa: Another one I'm not 100% certain of in terms of canon, but ever since @todayis-snowy drew Starling in a cowboy outfit I have been a firm believer in Mesa having a Wild West feel based on America in the 1800s. Proper Red Dead Redemption style terrain.
Terra Glockencheime: I think this has a German steampunk basis to it? Sadly the most we see of any irl influence seems to be the accents of the keepers of the time pulse, which struck me as German, so Terra Germany it is I guess.
Terra Gale: So far every Canadian in the Storm Hawks discord is adamant that Gale is based on the Quebec region of Canada, and I'm inclined to believe them. The frenchmen are actually french-canadian!
Terra Saharr: Deserts and their sky knights have australian accents. This is Terra Australia. I wish we'd seen more of it.
Terra Blizaris: Another, slightly more obvious Canada-based Terra, though I can't remember off the top of my head which region the Canadians in the server said it reminded them of. I think it was northwest Canada? Eh?
Terra Bogaton: Another one I'm not sure of. It's lizard culture. Probably based on some tribal cannibal stereotype if I'm being honest with myself, it was typical of the 2000s and it's not the only terra whose people are walking stereotypes.
Terra Vapos: Based on the architecture, Ancient Greece. Based on the fact that it's an ancient terra lost to myth? Vapos is probably the Atmos equivalent of Atlantis. Not a real country, but still based in irl mythos.
Terra Deep: I am doing a big leap in logic for this one, but this might be a reference to the Bermuda Triangle? With the ships going missing? I don't think that's what the writers were actually going for though.
Terra Amazonia: This Terra reminds me of the Amazon rainforest, particularly the regions in Peru.
Terra Nostrus: The same as Amazonia.
Terra Zartacla: Not a country, but the name is literally Alcatraz spelt backwards. A pretty obvious parallel.
Terra Xoam/The Forbidden City: This Terra has a lot of ancient mezoamerican influences in my opinion. Not much else to say since we never got to see any actual culture besides the buildings and traps.
Terra Neon: Vegas, baby!
Terra Wallop: Junko is seen wearing a kilt as part of traditional Wallop garb, so I'd say Wallop has a lot of Scottish influences.
Terra Cyclonia: With no real culture to speak of besides "capital of an Empire", I couldn't tell you which country this one might have canonically been based on. Me personally, I use a number of Greek influences for the history, clothing and mythology of the Terra, and base everything else off of in-universe lore I've come up with for it. With a bit of Russian for the language and alphabet, because ever since I discovered the delight that is Russian cursive, I have forever headcanon'd that Dark Ace's handwriting is just like that, and nobody but other Cyclonians can read it.
And that's all the Terras I can list off in my head. I know not all of them are based on actual countries, but some of them were so specific that I had to scale down from full countries.
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Prospero's Time Period Analysis
Spoilers for Nevermore Episodes 112-113
I'm back at it again analyzing another backstory to see if I can pinpoint when exactly Prospero died. This episode is finally out so I can post this! I had previously analyzed Pluto's possible year of death, which can be read here
So for those who don't wanna read my lengthy analysis about the two most recent episodes, I narrowed down Prospero's year of death to roughly 1903-1919. This of course is a theory and absolutely nothing concrete.
Now getting onto how I came to this conclusion:
My first assumption was that he was treating the bubonic plague due to the whole plague doctor getup he has with his specter. However, he definitely treated tuberculosis as sanatoriums were not used to treat the bubonic plague. TB lines up with how the family member described his family dying. This also lines up with the description of the illness in Masque of The Red Death.
It's unlikely his backstory took place in Italy, his family are likely immigrants who went to the United States. This is mainly assumed due to the slur used against Prospero. Historically the slur was primarily used in the United States and Australia in the early 20th century (1900's). However this is not a definitive indication of where he was currently living. Aside from that, the United States was also just one of the main countries that Sicilians had immigrated to.
Now there is concrete evidence that he died in the 1900's due to the fact his last meal included espresso, which wasn't introduced until 1901.
The espresso machine was optimized and patented in 1901, however production of the machines did not occur until 1903
We can assume that espresso was either an already popularized drink by the time he had died, or a new invention that he wished to try. His last meal doesn't mean that it was something he already had before, as we can see with Ada and assumedly Duke's final meal.
We know he worked in a sanatorium, however it's unknown exactly what sanatorium he could have worked at especially if he was a US immigrant, as there was a large number of them in the early 1900's. I am almost convinced the sanatorium we see was not a 1:1 recreation of any real place, because I could not find any sanatorium in the US that had a funicular for transportation.
Note: Funiculars are like trams but on an incline.
Because he most likely treated tuberculosis, this means he absolutely could not have died any later than 1943. This is due to the belief that the disease he was treating was incurable. Antibiotics for TB wasn't founded until 1943.
However I can narrow down this very large timeframe of 1903-1943 even further!
Surprisingly, the background characters give a big indication of what time period this backstory takes place in. Particularly taking a look at this page. Starting with Prospero, we can see he's most likely wearing an Ulster coat. These were popular in the late 1800's to early 1900's, especially 1903

I can narrow this down even further by taking a look at the women's clothing and hairstyles, which were mostly popular during the Edwardian Era. The hairstyles seem to heavily resemble those that were popular during this era. The clothing we see these women also seem to share a strong resemblance to something the women of that time period may have been wearing.




The Edwardian style was popular from 1901-1919. I can even further support the fact Prospero couldn't have died any later than 1920 due to the fact that no one is wearing a Langsdorf necktie (modern necktie). These weren't popularized until the 1920's. The fact there is not a single character wearing one could be indicative of the fact that the style of tie wasn't popular yet.
This puts Prospero's year of death anywhere from:
#nevermore webtoon#prospero nevermore#nevermore theory#pls i spent like an hour staring at neckties#and another hour learning about sanatoriums in the us#yes im the one who did the pluto analysis#you should go read it i linked it in the beginning of this post
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I guess I'm late to the game, but I'm normally a lore gremlin for Xianzhou lore, not Penacony lore. Anyways, don't expect something very elaborate, but you'll be able to find :
Reflection on the period based on history (Penal Colony)
Reflection on the period based on fashion (NPC in trailers)
Reflection on the period based on architecture (Art Deco)
Reflection on the period based on cultural shift (Railway Mania, Department Stores)
Reflection on lore based on Literature (Jules Vernes, Herman Melville)
Reflection on lore based on Philosophy (Idealism, Utilitarianism, Transcendental Idealism)
Everything under the cut as always since I tend to babble.
The name "Penacony" possibly comes from the phrase "penal colony".
I'm certainly not the first to make the connection, but "Penal Colony" inevitably brings to mind Australia. This idea of "Space Australia" is also reinforced by the names for the characters we know at the moment, with a very clear English etymology : Sunday, Robin, Gallagher, Firefly.
The use of Australia as a "penal colony" by England took place after the American War of Independence, so we start with a period around 1780 to ~1870.
We didn't get to see a lot of NPC outfits in this very short clip, but what little there is could actually correspond to a period like this. However, we had a little more hints in Honkai Star Rail - Penacony Trailer | Game Awards 2023, where we see Acheron at the reception of the Reverie hotel :
This NPC in particular is interesting, because of her gloves. It's called "evening gloves" or "opera gloves". They were popular during the Napoleonic period (1800-1825) but were also very fashionable in the last two decades of the 19th century, i.e. 1880-1900 and before WWI, i.e up to 1910.
In terms of temporality, it is also important to note what concerns the architecture of Penacony.
It was noted on Reddit that the style of architecture could be reminiscent of the French Art Deco style, an architectural movement predominant in the 1910s to 1920s. Art Deco is said to have represented "luxury, glamour, exuberance, and faith in social and technological progress", so quite fitting for Penacony. Key features were : geometric/sleek designs, bold colors, luxurious materials, things that we find in the previews.
We'll have to wait to see more from Penacony, but it might be interesting to see if there is also any inspiration from the previous movement, Art Nouveau 🤔
Another architectural thing :
Look up and see the metal tracks crisscrossing the skyscrapers and the Spheroids rapidly rolling along them. They are the most visible means of transportation in this dreamscape metropolis and guide guests to each and every place around the city. [x]
This part about the Spheroids is interesting, because during this period (starting from 1825, with a peak in the 1840s), there was in France and England what we called the Railway Mania.
This is a point of interest because the Railway Mania saw the the arrival of the railroads in Paris. When it happened, this caused another major cultural shift : the rise of Department Stores. There is even a well-known french novel on the subject, called Au Bonheur des Dames (The Ladies' Delight) by Emile Zola.

The end of the 19th century is also the period of birth of modern advertising and given the number of things that we see plastered all over Penacony, I think I can say that we are on the right track/period.
So, in terms of rough "era", we can go from 1780 to ~1920, so mostly the 19th century (1800-1900).
Speaking of period culture and Penacony in general, we currently have a Relic Set which I will use for the rest of the post: Penacony's Dream-Seeking Tracks
Opening a window no longer show a view of the stars in the deep sky, but of the city's shifting streams of light and shadows, holding up the constant echoes of giant clocks and theaters.
Okay, let's start with some details that I only noticed because I come from a literary studies background. I'm not going to lie to you, it's far-fetched, but stay with me, I promise it's interesting.
Giant clocks and theaters made me think "steampunk" works, whose setting are often set in an alternative history of the Victorian era (~1837 to 1900, so right in our period). One of the pioneering writers of the genre, “proto-steampunk” so to speak, is Jules Vernes, considered one of the "father of science fiction".
Remember Spheroids ? : "Spheroids are regarded as both vehicles and as toys in the land of dreams. However, few remember that the Spheroids are actually imprisonment cages — the vehicle towards dreams are tools originally used for locking up prisoners."
One of Jules Vernes' best-known novels is Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas, a science-fiction aventure novel the majority of which takes place aboard the Nautilus, a submarine belonging to Captain Nemo. And interesting thing, "he also tells his new passengers that his secret existence means he cannot let them leave — they must remain on board permanently" ; They are prisoners in the Nautilus.
On another point, Jules Vernes is also considered as having had a strong influence on the surrealist movement "in which artists depicted unnerving, illogical scenes and developed techniques to allow the unconscious mind to express itself. Its aim was, according to leader André Breton, to "resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality into an absolute reality, a super-reality", or surreality"." Quite fitting for our dream planet.
For the next one... Well. I have no excuse for this one, it's even more far-fetched. But so, we remain in the literary universe.
The water from the spring turn into a giant whale and swim through the halls.
Giant whale made me think of one thing almost immediately : Moby Dick, by Herman Mellville, published in 1851 (once again in our era of interest). Moby Dick is a "sea novel" centered around the figure of the hunt of a whale. It's main themes are the limits of knowledge, fate and free will, nature and man, race, fellowship, and enslavement, madness and religion [x].
I wont copy and paste the whole shtick but I send you check again The Family description from the Data Bank.
With that, we're done with literature... so it's time to move on to something else wonderful and terrible, the greatest enemy of my high school years (when you have to do it for 8 hours a week, it quickly becomes tiring), I named: PHILOSOPHY.
For a transcendent experience, for an inspirational excitement, for the soothing of worries and wounds — guests of the highest caliber come to surrender their pain in exchange for peace and tranquility
I'm not going to dwell on that for too long, quite honestly. I'll just... put that here for you to do whatever the fuck you want with it.
Idealism : "Idealism in philosophy, also known as philosophical idealism or metaphysical idealism, is the set of metaphysical perspectives asserting that, most fundamentally, reality is equivalent to mind, spirit, or consciousness; that reality is entirely a mental construct; or that ideas are the highest form of reality or have the greatest claim to being considered "real"
At some unknown point in time, the small cells cut off access to reality, but people's consciousnesses became linked in dreams. In the midnight bell, that shared dream seemed so real, reflecting the sheer hypocrisy of reality.
Utilitarianism : "a family of normative ethical theories that prescribe actions that maximize happiness and well-being for the affected individuals. In other words, utilitarian ideas encourage actions that ensure the greatest good for the greatest number."
Those who follow the "Harmony" Path admire understanding, support, and cooperative behavior.
In addition to all previously "said", one of the greatest thinkers of the time, who is also the one at the origin of the definition of transcendent, is Immanuel Kant. His best known work is Critique of Pure Reason (1781), with which "he aims to reach a decision about "the possibility or impossibility of metaphysics".
Metaphysics "is the branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality. This includes the first principles of: being or existence, identity, change, space and time, cause and effect, necessity, actuality, and possibility."
This work was the founding work of a philosophical doctrine known under the name of Transcendental Idealism. I'll spare you the convoluted explanations but look at that :
The scenery gradually becomes more and more incredulous, and the senses feel as if one has been lifted by silk. [...] The guests finally realize that they were never awake, but are instead witnessing Penacony's true nature in a dream — a place where time stops in a neverending dreamscape.
"Kant means that his philosophical approach to knowledge transcends mere consideration of sensory evidence and requires an understanding of the mind's innate modes of processing that sensory evidence".
"Kant outlines how space and time are pure forms of human intuition contributed by our own faculty of sensibility. Space and time do not have an existence "outside" of us, but are the "subjective" forms of our sensibility".
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1st gen Subaru Alcyone. Sold as a Vortex in Australia but we never got these FLAT-6 versions, only flat-4 in NA and turbo with choice of FF or AWD
Hyper technology for greater driver loyalty. Intelligent Express.
Alcyone 2.7ℓ FLAT-6
ALCYONE 2700/1800
The Alcyone is a car with a new concept that anticipates the motorization of the near future. Everything about it has been developed to ensure that the driver feels no burden or stress under any driving conditions and always performs at 100% of its potential. It features a number of electronically controlled mechanisms that realize the ultimate in speed through advanced automatic control, including the next-generation 4WD, Active Torque Split 4WD, and the high-performance 2.7-liter FLAT-6. These intelligent mechanisms dramatically improve the vehicle's dynamic performance and create an unprecedented feeling of high-speed movement.
PHOTO: 4WD 2.7L VX Black Mica
Next-generation intelligent mechanisms create a new driving experience.
2.7ℓ FLAT-6 Engine with EGI System
EGI Horizontally opposed 6-cylinder 2.7-liter engine
Subaru's traditional horizontally opposed engine has been made into a 6-cylinder engine, the FLAT-6, with a large displacement of 2.7 liters. The ideal rotation and vibration characteristics of the horizontally opposed 6-cylinder engine create a smooth rotation feeling. The flat and powerful torque is only possible with a large displacement. And the excellent basic performance has been carefully tuned with the latest electronic control technology to achieve refined speed. The unparalleled individuality invites you to the pleasure that only the Alcyone can provide. (VX)
EGI turbocharged flat-four 1.8-liter engine
The unrivaled horizontally opposed engine is equipped with a high-performance turbo. In addition to smooth and powerful acceleration from low speeds, the response has been greatly improved by the advancement of the EGI system and tuning of the intake system. (VR, VS)
Electronically controlled active torque split 4WD
"Active Torque Split 4WD" maximizes the potential of 4WD. This drive force control system uses a computer to accurately determine the driving situation and road surface conditions, precisely controlling the torque distribution between the front and rear wheels. Always achieving ideal high-speed, easy driving. (VX, VR•AT)
All-range electronically controlled 4-speed automatic E-4AT
Smooth and soft shifting feeling, sharp response, and automatic control of power/economy shifting modes, highly accurate lock-up control, engine brake control, etc. are some of the latest technologies that have been incorporated into the shifting mechanism of this highly functional transmission (VX, VR-AT, VS-AT).
For more reliable operation of automatic transmission vehicles
●Key interlock
•shift lock
•reverse alarm
●AT select indicator is adopted
Electronically controlled air suspension system EP-S
Precise vehicle posture control and vehicle height adjustment. The optimal spring rate setting that makes the most of the characteristics of the air spring and the synergistic effect of the variable damper provide exquisite high-speed stability and a smooth ride.
ABS (4-wheel anti-lock braking system)
The sensor detects wheel lock in advance, which can easily occur when driving at high speeds or when braking suddenly on slippery surfaces.
The ABS detects the vehicle's position and electronically controls the brake pressure, providing excellent danger avoidance capabilities. The 4-sensor diagonal select low system provides excellent control even on roads with different friction coefficients for the left and right wheels.
Electronically controlled motor drive power steering
The latest power steering system uses an electronically controlled motor-driven pump for hydraulic control.
The system determines driving patterns based on vehicle speed and frequency of steering operation. In addition to speed-sensitive control, it also provides optimal steering feel even at a constant speed. (VX)
Cd=0.29*. High performance aerodynamic form
The first Japanese car to break the Coefficient of Air Resistance Co = 0.30 barrier
Breakthrough. Improved maneuverability at high speeds (CD=0.29) and quietness.
PHOTO: 4WD 1.8L VR Medium Gray Metallic/Fine Silver Metallic
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Stats Part 3
Now that Round 3 is over, we're down to 32 (well, 33) remaining artworks which feels about time to check in on how our statistics are doing!
And if you're not interested in statistics, I (Mod Salix) wanted to talk about the polls. You may have noticed that I've been trying to keep to 4 polls a day, which would mean that Round 4 is only going to be 4 days, and Round 5 would post everything in two days. Starting in Round 6, we'll probably re-institute week long polls. Hopefully none of us will lose track of what day to post the next round!
We have 20 artworks by male artists, 10 by female artists, and 4 by groups or unknowable entities! And of those, one person is Black, two are Aboriginal (one of whom is Mestizo and Kichwa, the other of whom is Aboriginal Australian), one is Asian-American (and two are Chinese living in China as opposed to living somewhere they're a minority), and one is Indian-British. And also three are left from gay men about the AIDS crisis, in addition to the AIDS memorial quilt, and one lesbian comic.
There are six American artists (including the Asian-American mentioned above), and three Chinese artists (including the Asian-American mentioned above), as well as three Russians (including Ilya Repin, who was born in the future Ukraine and lived near St. Petersburg), technically two different pieces by the same Dutch artist (hi van Gogh), and one each from Argentina, Serbia, Ecuador, Colombia, Canada, Italy, Northern Ireland, Poland, Australia, Finland, Germany, France, and Britain. And one artist I have listed as Denmark/Germany/France, because August Friedrich Schenck was born in a place that was Denmark at the time, Germany now, and worked mostly in France.
Of the pieces with known locations, eight are in the United States (four specifically in New York), two each in Australia and Russia, and one each in Argentina, Finland, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland and one in a private collection.
There are two archaic pieces of art, Judith is our last standing piece from anything between archaic and 1843, 8 pieces of art from the 1800s, although five are from 1878 to 1896, one from 1903, two from the 70s or 80s, 5 from the 90s, four from the 00s, four from the span of 2014 to 2016, and three from the last two years. And two unknown dates and the AIDS memorial quilt which is still being added to.
There are 15 paintings, 7 installation arts, one comic, one photograph, one cave art, one sketch, one tattoo, and one fiber art slash installation. And the most common subject of the art are five queer related art pieces, although I have four each I summed up as either horror or grief/anguish.
And, lastly, someone sent in an ask in like Round 1 asking about statistics regarding whether being in first or second place in the poll biased anything. I'm not actually a statistician, so I can't answer that question, but I did compile the numbers of how many first-positioned vs second-positioned arts won! Surprisingly, Round 1 had 64 firsts to 63 seconds (and one tie), Round 2 had 29 to 35, and Round 3 had 15 to 17. Technically speaking that's not a large enough sample size to determine bias but it's... interesting?.
I was going to make a scatterplot featuring the number of votes in each poll to track engagement, but I haven't actually figured out how to do one in Google Sheets yet so maybe at the end of the bracket.
#definitely not inspired by a tag i saw on a poll spawning me to check ratio of men to women artists remaining#stats for nerds#mod salix#announcement#the most baffling poll is marat vs dusseldorf museum kunst palast somehow only had 146 votes? that can't be right#edit: if that one WAS hidden we had no way of telling :( it was finally beaten though#second edit: i included oswaldo guayasamin in the stats even though he was knocked out by keith haring :( sorry
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Dear God, How do I keep from killing myself. Should I just come join you? Amen or whatever.
Call this number, dependent on where you live:
United States
Argentina 23-930-430 Armenia 2-538-194 or 2-538-197
Australia 1-800-198-313 Kids Help Line: 1-800-55-1800 Lifeline: 13-1114 Perth: (08) 9381 5555 Perth Youthline: (08) 9388 2500 Sydney: (02) 9833 2133 Launceston: (03) 6331 3355 Tasmanian callers outside Launceston: 1300 364 566
Austria 01-713-3374 Barbados 429-9999 Brazil 21-233-9191 China 852-2382-0000 Costa Rica 506-253-5439 Cyprus 0-777-267 Denmark 70-201-201 Egypt 762-1602 Estonia 6-558-088 Finland 040-5032199 France 01-45-39-4000 Germany 0800-1110-111 Guatemala 502-254-1259 Holland 0900-0767 Honduras 504-237-3623 Hong Kong 2896-0000 Hungary 62-420-111 India 91-22-307-3451 Israel 1201 (from inside the country) 972-9-889-1333(from outside the country) Italy 06-7045-4444 Ireland 1850-60-90-90 Japan 3-5286-9090 Lithuania 8-800-2-8888 Malaysia 03-756-8144 Mauritius 46-48-889 or 800-93-93 Mexico 525-510-2550 New Zealand 4-47-9739 Nicaragua 505-268-6171 Norway 815-33-300 Poland 52-70-000 Portugal 239-72-10-10 Russia 8-20-222-82-10 Singapore 1-800-221-4444 South Africa 0800-567-567 051-448-3000 South Korea 2-715-8600 Spain 91-459-00-50 Sri Lanka 1-692-909 St. Vincent 809-456-1044 Sweden 031-711-2400 Switzerland 143 Thailand 02-249-9977 Trinidad & Tobago 868-645-2800 Ukraine 0487-327715 / 0482 226565 United Kingdom 08457-90-90-0 ChildLine -- for children and teens 0800-1111
Yugoslavia 021-623-393
Zimbawe 9-650-00 (Bulawayo) 4-726-468 0r 722-000 (Harare) 20-635-59 (Mutare)
I'll be happy to see you, when it's your time to get here. But right now you have so much more to do. Don't rush it.
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Worldbuilding for Werewolves in the Workplace
I actually typed out a bunch of my worldbuilding for Werewolves in the Workplace, instead of my usual cryptic scribbles on random bits of paper, so I thought I'd pop it into a Tumblr post in case anyone's interested.
Disclaimer: Here be spoilers for Werewolves in the Workplace, and these are my working notes, which means they're not all fully fleshed out explanations, because I knew what I meant :)
Under the cut cause long plus spoilers.
Vampire abilities
If it's the vampire acting on the world or the ability just affects the vampire, it's fair game; if it requires the world to change, no. Much of the stuff in Dracula that marks him as explicitly different (appearance, not healing) and could be used by someone to identify a vampire if it was accurate is propaganda, baby!
Off the table are things like: not reflecting in mirrors, can't enter a home uninvited (because that creates a physical barrier they can't pass), can't cross running water (because either some property in the water would have to change to create a barrier, or all vampires would have to be hydrophobic), afraid of/are stopped/burned by religious symbols (since it doesn't require the vampire to be a believer, there'd need to be some inherent vampire-repelling property in all religious symbols, or all vampires would have to be religiophobic).
Things that ride the line, eg enthralling, are yes with caveats, eg the person has consented, is impaired in some way, or believes they can be influenced without consent. They can phase (turn into vapour) because that's how they escape wherever they were entombed as dead after the change, since a lot of human cultures put their dead in inescapable situations. (That's how Nat escaped her grave, not that she's told anyone that). It's an instinctual ability that only some vampires retain the ability to use consciously.
A stake through the heart doesn't end them, you have to sever the spine, but they still turn to ash/dust.
Werewolf legal status
Werewolves were given legal recognition in the UK and the US in World War One so they could be drafted. It started in the UK, quickly followed by many Commonwealth countries, and then the US. Their legal status in other countries at that point varied; in some Nordic countries, they'd been recognised since the mid-1800s.
In WW1 in the UK, a werewolf tried to enlist in the Army, was denied on the grounds that he was a werewolf, and fought the decision through the courts, but the refusal was upheld. (This was amazing PR for werewolves and garnered a lot of public support: brave and patriotic werewolf wants to fight for his country and is denied etc.) However, the government realised werewolves were a fantastic source of near unkillable bodies they could throw at the Hun and pushed through legislation recognising werewolves as having the same legal status as humans and then promptly drafted the fuck out of them. Similar legislation was quickly introduced in Canada, New Zealand and some other Commonwealth countries, as well as Australia and India, where they was no draft but they were soon being turned away due to the sheer numbers of volunteers. The US quickly followed suit, because the military knows a good source of cannon fodder when it sees one.
Makin' werewolves
Werewolves and humans can interbreed but the offspring will only be a werewolf if the pregnant parent is the werewolf and they shift during the pregnancy. Pregnant werewolves pass the werewolf potential through the placental barrier; shifting while pregnant activates it and the baby shifts, too. If the pregnant parent is human, or the werewolf parent carrying the baby never shifts, the baby will be human. The same is true for werewolf x werewolf parents; the pregnant werewolf still has to shift during pregnancy for the baby to be born a werewolf, but it would be very unusual for them not to.
A human can only be made into a werewolf by being bitten with intent, which activates special salivary glands that produce the werewolf 'infection'—and it must be introduced into the body by a deep bite from a werewolf in wolf form; injecting it or swallowing it has zero impact—or because the werewolf parent that carried them shifted during pregnancy.
Vampire legal status
Vampires were given legal recognition in the early 1980s in the US and UK (with a similar knock-on effect to some other Commonwealth countries) under Regan and Thatcher respectively, because they were both approached by rich vampires who'd been passing as human with the money, power, and attitude to appeal to those fucks. Both Regan and Thatcher were hoping/expecting to get turned but even the most amoral vampire has more class and respect for the world than to inflict those fuckers on eternity.
The UK/US weren't the first. There were already a few countries that gave legal recognition to vampires, primarily in Europe, but even after the US and the UK picked it up, it was much slower to spread than werewolf recognition and a few countries passed laws that did the opposite—explicitly stated that vampires, being dead, had no more standing at law than a corpse and no one committed an offense if they disposed of one.
Random trivia: In order to make ending a vampire a criminal offence criminal codes/laws had to be amended, because homicide (murder, manslaughter et al) requires killing, ie taking a life, and vampires aren't alive. Some extremely conservative US states simply failed to amend their criminal laws, which means someone who ends a vampire there does not commit a criminal offence.
There were also a whole lot of interesting lawsuits after vampires gained legal status around whether life insurance policies had be paid out and whether wills were binding, given the person was still walking around (with insurance policies and succession legislation being amended quick smart).
Lyc-C or Lycanthropic Cancer (warning for discussion of terminal cancer, suicide)
Lyc-C is a cancer that only affects werewolves. It hijacks werewolf healing, which makes it basically impossible to treat. If a werewolf with Lyc-C gets an injury or any kind of damage that activates their healing, that feeds the growth of Lyc-C. This means surgery (or chemo) is rarely a good solution unless it's guaranteed the surgery will get all of it—and surgery on a werewolf is incredibly difficult—because both those things activate werewolf healing, which cause the Lyc-C to grow faster.
Werewolves with Lyc-C in a benign location can live with it for several years if they're extremely careful, don’t get injured, don't do anything to activate their healing, and never shift. If they manage that, Lyc-C will grow very slowly, but it's only a temporary solution. If it appears in a non-benign place - the lymph system, an organ, the brain etc - it will kill them fast.
Once the Lyc-C starts to seriously grow the end is inevitable. The damage it does activates their healing, which causes it to grow faster and spread in a vicious unstoppable cycle until the damage is enough to kill the werewolf. A lot of werewolves choose to suicide (or opt for assisted dying if that's an option where they live) when they know it's going to reach that point.
Vampire blood does end up being the key to a finding a cure. The team using Steve and Dr Erskine's blood have almost cracked it by the time Werewolves in the Workplace starts.
Dr Erskine's symbiosis speculation
Bucky thinks Steve was making things up to throw Shark-eyes off, but Dr Erskine genuinely speculates that vampires started out in a symbiotic relationship with humans. That thousands and thousands of years ago, they were a core part of some human cultures, taking on the role of protector after death. As the world changed and cultures changed, they were no longer wanted or needed, and ended up as predators.
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Yowie is one of several names for an Australian folklore entity that is reputed to live in the Outback. The creature has its roots in Aboriginal oral history. In parts of Queensland, they are known as quinkin (or as a type of quinkin), and as joogabinna, in parts of New South Wales they are called Ghindaring, jurrawarra, myngawin, puttikan, doolaga, gulaga and thoolagal. Other names include yaroma, noocoonah, wawee, pangkarlangu, jimbra and tjangara. Yowie-type creatures are common in Aboriginal Australian legends, particularly in the eastern Australian states.

The yowie is usually described as a hairy and ape-like creature standing upright at between 2.1 m (6 ft 11 in) and 3.6 m (12 ft). The yowie's feet are described as much larger than a human's, but alleged yowie tracks are inconsistent in shape and toe number, and the descriptions of yowie foot and footprints provided by yowie witnesses are even more varied than those of Bigfoot. The yowie's nose is described as wide and flat.
Behaviourally, some report the yowie as timid or shy. Others describe the yowie as sometimes violent or aggressive.
The origin of the name "yowie" to describe unidentified Australian hominids is unclear. The term was in use in 1875 among the Kámilarói people and documented in Rev. William Ridley's "Kámilarói and Other Australian Languages" (page 138)
“Yō-wī” is a spirit that roams over the earth at night.
Some modern writers suggested that it arose through Aboriginal legends of the "Yahoo". Robert Holden recounts several stories that support this from the nineteenth century, including this European account from 1842:
The natives of Australia ... believe in ... [the] YAHOO ... This being they describe as resembling a man ... of nearly the same height, ... with long white hair hanging down from the head over the features ... the arms as extraordinarily long, furnished at the extremities with great talons, and the feet turned backwards, so that, on flying from man, the imprint of the foot appears as if the being had travelled in the opposite direction. Altogether, they describe it as a hideous monster of an unearthy character and ape-like appearance.
Another story about the name, collected from an Aboriginal source, suggests that the creature is a part of the Dreamtime.
Old Bungaree, a Gunedah Aboriginal ... said at one time there were tribes of them [yahoos] and they were the original inhabitants of the country — he said they were the old race of blacks ... [The yahoos] and the blacks used to fight and the blacks beat them most of the time, but the yahoo always made away from the blacks being a faster runner mostly .
On the other hand, Jonathan Swift's yahoos from Gulliver's Travels, and European traditions of hairy wild men, are also cited as a possible source. Furthermore, great public excitement was aroused in Britain in the early 1800s with the first arrivals of captive orangutan for display.
In a 1987 column in The Sydney Morning Herald columnist Margaret Jones wrote that the first Australian yowie sighting was said to have taken place as early as 1795.
In the 1850s, accounts of "Indigenous Apes" appeared in the Australian Town and Country Journal. The earliest account in November 1876 asked readers; "Who has not heard, from the earliest settlement of the colony, the blacks speaking of some unearthly animal or inhuman creature ... namely the Yahoo-Devil Devil, or hairy man of the wood ..."
In an article entitled "Australian Apes" appearing six years later, amateur naturalist Henry James McCooey claimed to have seen an "indigenous ape" on the south coast of New South Wales, between Batemans Bay and Ulladulla:
A few days ago I saw one of these strange creatures ... on the coast between Batemans Bay and Ulladulla ... I should think that if it were standing perfectly upright it would be nearly 5 feet high. It was tailless and covered with very long black hair, which was of a dirty red or snuff-colour about the throat and breast. Its eyes, which were small and restless, were partly hidden by matted hair that covered its head ... I threw a stone at the animal, whereupon it immediately rushed off ...
McCooey offered to capture an ape for the Australian Museum for £40. According to Robert Holden, a second outbreak of reported ape sightings appeared in 1912. The yowie appeared in Donald Friend's Hillendiana, a collection of writings about the goldfields near Hill End in New South Wales. Friend refers to the yowie as a species of bunyip. Holden also cites the appearance of the yowie in a number of Australian tall stories in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
According to "Top End Yowie investigator" Andrew McGinn, the death and mutilation of a pet dog near Darwin could have been the result of an attack by the mythological Yowie. The dog's owners believed dingoes were responsible.
In 2010, a Canberra man said he saw an animal described as "a juvenile covered in hair, with long arms that almost touched the ground" in his garage. A friend later told him it could be a yowie.
In 1977, The Sydney Morning Herald reported that residents on Oxley Island near Taree recently heard screaming noises made by an animal at night, and that cryptozoologist Rex Gilroy would soon arrive to search for the mythological yowie.
In 1994, Tim the Yowie Man claimed to have seen a yowie in the Brindabella Ranges.
In 1996, while on a driving holiday, a couple from Newcastle claim to have seen a yowie between Braidwood and the coast. They said it was a shaggy creature, walking upright, standing at a height of at least 2.1 metres tall, with disproportionately long arms and no neck.
In August 2000, a Canberra bushwalker described seeing an unknown bipedal beast in the Brindabella Mountains. The bushwalker, Steve Piper, caught the incident on videotape. That film is known as the 'Piper Film'.
In March 2011, a witness reported to NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service seeing a yowie in the Blue Mountains at Springwood, west of Sydney. The witness had filmed the creature, and taken photographs of its footprints.
In May 2012, an American television crew claimed it had recorded audio of a yowie in a remote region on the NSW–Queensland border.
In June 2013, a Lismore resident and music videographer claimed to have seen a yowie just north of Bexhill.
In the mid-1970s, the Queanbeyan Festival Board and 2CA together offered a AU$200,000 reward to anyone who could capture and present a yowie: the reward is yet to be claimed.
In the late 1990s, there were several reports of yowie sightings in the area around Acacia Hills. One such sighting was by mango farmer Katrina Tucker who reported in 1997 having been just metres away from a hairy humanoid creature on her property. Photographs of the footprint were collected at the time.
The Springbrook region in south-east Queensland has had more yowie reports than anywhere else in Australia. In 1977, former Queensland Senator Bill O'Chee reported to the Gold Coast Bulletin he had seen a yowie while on a school trip in Springbrook. O'Chee compared the creature he saw to the character Chewbacca from Star Wars. He told reporters that the creature he saw had been over three metres tall.
A persistent story is that of the Mulgowie Yowie, which was last reported as having been seen in 2001.
In March 2014, two yowie searchers claimed to have filmed the yowie in South Queensland using an infrared tree camera, collected fur samples, and found large footprints. Later that year, a Gympie man told media he had encountered yowies on several occasions, including conversing with, and teaching some English to, a very large male yowie in the bush north-east of Gympie, and several people in Port Douglas claimed to have seen yowies, near Mowbray and at the Rocky Point range.
Prominent yowie hunters
Rex Gilroy. Since the mid-1970s, paranormal enthusiast Rex Gilroy, a self-employed cryptozoologist, has attempted to popularise the yowie. Gilroy claims to have collected over 3,000 reports of them and proposed that they comprise a relict population of extinct ape or Homo species. Rex Gilroy believes that the yowie is related to the North American Bigfoot. Along with his partner Heather Gilroy, Gilroy has spent fifty years amassing his yowie collection.
Tim the Yowie Man. A published author who claims to have seen a yowie in the Brindabella Ranges in 1994.Since then, Tim the Yowie Man has investigated yowie sightings and other paranormal phenomena. He also writes a regular column in Australian newspapers The Canberra Times and The Sydney Morning Herald. In 2004, Tim the Yowie Man won a legal case against Cadbury, a popular British confectionery company. Cadbury had claimed that his moniker was too similar to their range of Yowie confectionery.
Gary Opit, ABC Local Radio wildlife programmer and environmental scientist.
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do you have any asoiaf or jaimebrienne fics you'd reccomend?
You're trying to make my day I see!!! You bet I do!!!
All the fics I'm recommending here are under either the 'ASOIAF' or 'ASOIAF and related fandoms' fandom tag, because I usually dodge show fic (with a few very special exceptions). I do, in fact, read a lot of jaimebrienne, but I have a few here that I really like that are focused on other things. I usually avoid modern AU, though I read it sometimes if the premise intrigues me.
From This Day Until the End of My Days -- JB fic of all time. Funny story: before I ever read or got into ASOIAF, I used to follow swordmaid (I think this is still their url?) here on tumblr because I liked their art, so I saw a lot of JB posting before I was even familiar with the characters. There's a specific line from this fic that they posted because it was so insanity inducing, and I was so shaken by it that I copy pasted it and kept it in my notes app to look at it when I wanted to drive myself crazy. I didn't even read the fic it was from because I knew nothing about the characters, but even then it had such an effect on me that I kept it on my phone at all times. I'm not going to tell you what the line is, because believe me, you will know it when you see it. Anyway. This should be required reading for everyone who enjoys JB even a little. "What does this fic feel like?" uhhhhh not everything feels like something else hope this helps <3
Deliverance -- Heed warnings on this. Melisandre my forever girl... I love when women are trapped in their bodies. I love when women give and give and give and it's not enough. I love when women are damned, condemned by their own minds, their own hearts. I love when women lie and kill and destroy themselves in the pursuit of something and never, ever get it. I love when women are scared. I love when women are scared and then angry and then scared again. I love when women bleed poison. I love when women no longer feel pain. I love when women kill other women. I love when women are red, and terrible, and red. I love when women are eaten alive by god. Melisandre needs to leave Stannis and get with a real man like me I'D burn as many children as she wanted...
The Rancher and the Mail Order Bride -- Modern AUs are over from now on we're putting ASOIAF characters in 1800's fantasy Australia. Jaime and Brienne should NOT have twitter accounts but you know what they should have? Cowboy hats. Jaime's here because he killed a king and then got caught fucking his sister in short order, and promptly got sent to fantasy Australia as a convict. Brienne's here because she responded to an ad seeking a wife and traveled to fantasy Australia in hopes of gaining a home and a living, but the guy didn't want to marry her and now she's stuck here. It's like Little House on the Prairie if Little House on the Prairie was about the importance of accepting help from others and becoming a participant in your own life. Also includes Classic Jaime One-Liner Moment 'didn't you commit incest with your own sister?' / 'okay well obviously it wouldn't be incest if it was someone ELSE'S sister' which I did think was funny I won't lie to you.
be yourself my ally -- I believe in the power of yuri to change the world and I think Sansa and Dany should be in love and play in the snow and hold hands and giggle together and I'm glad the person who wrote this understands my vision. They are so #feminism. I like this fic for a lot of reasons number one being that it's ASOIAF fic and not GOT fic (hard to find in the Daensa tag) and number two is that it gets the appeal of Daensa on a fundamental level... it's about the broken trust, the longing for home, the reclamation of girlhood.... it UNDERSTANDS.... Anyway. I love Sansa's characterization here and I think it's cute that her internal narration spends time lovingly describing all of Dany's outfits. There's a fun unintentional(?) Rhaenicent reference that I thought was sweet and weirdly fitting in context. It's not very clear on the actual events that transpire that make it so the setting can exist, but I like what they do clarify: Sansa killed Petyr confirmed!!!! WHOOPEE!!!!
witness to the arc towards the sun -- If I remember correctly this is technically 5+1 fic so it has separate little interactions. Some explicit some not? I think? Fav is the one where Jaime and Brienne are hanging out in the Eyrie and Jaime tells her about he and Cersei going down to see the lions under Casterly Rock. Scene for insane people. Should lions long for such things... when I tell you it lives in my head rent free... Both of the moments that affected me the most in this fic are Jaime childhood memories actually -- there's another bit later where he remembers going swimming with Cersei and Tyrion that makes me want to set myself on fire. Second fav interaction is probably the one where Brienne defends Jaime's character and he breaks out in sincerity hives. God i know that guy ugly sobs listening to ASMR affirmation videos... you tell Jaime Lannister he's a good person and he starts stress vomiting. Brienne also gets to have a matching honorable death crisis which I enjoyed. They have both a picnic and also an incident of traumatic wound care so it basically runs the full gamut 10/10 highly recommend.
Like Snufkin and Little My (we'll get around wherever) -- This one might be hit or miss -- its a bit niche but I love it so w/e it's going on here. I think part of why I like it so much is because there's a tendency to make modern AU characters have an almost crushing awareness of sociopolitical minutiae when I know in my heart that Ned Stark thinks gay people should keep it to themselves, Sansa posts awareness infographics on her instagram story without reading them, and Robb thought lesbian was a swear word until 15. This fic understands that. This fic knows that Arya deserves to be a nonbinary anarchist who sends people anon hate on tumblr, and Sansa deserves to follow influencer makeup tutorials and put "LGBTQIA+ ally :)" in her bio despite being a lesbian. And they deserve to be siblings who love each other and also kick each other in the shins. I believe this to the bottom of my soul.
And off they went, from here to there -- I don't have anything for this one I genuinely just love seeing people happy. I think Jaime and Brienne deserve to dance and be obnoxious and also not die.
Okay that's it. I have more that I like but they're embarrassing to recommend so I'll stop there. I also left off some HOTD fic I like, bc I was unsure whether you meant pure ASOIAF or if you'd allow derivatives, but know that there is a vast and beautiful wealth of Rhaenicant content in the world that you should read. Peace and love, may your ao3 scrolling be free of obscure kink fic ✌️
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Queensland parents slam trans healthcare ban at protest rally
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/queensland-parents-slam-trans-healthcare-ban-at-protest-rally/
Queensland parents slam trans healthcare ban at protest rally

Parents of transgender children have shared the devastating impacts of the Queensland government’s ban on gender-affirming care at a large rally outside the state Parliament in Brisbane.
In late January, the Queensland government suddenly blocked new patients under the age of 18 who are trans and gender diverse from accessing hormone treatments in Queensland’s public health system.
Saturday’s rally at state parliament was one of over a dozen Protect Trans Youth rallies across Australian capital cities and regional centres following the state government’s decision.
Transgender folk, parents, equality advocates and MPs filled the street with trans pride flags and protest signs.
A number of Queensland parents whose children are transgender and sought care from the Queensland Children’s Gender Service spoke out at the rally.
The Queensland government ban prevents more than 400 young Queenslanders on lengthy waitlists from accessing the treatments.
The mums praised the service and condemned the Queensland LNP government for putting the children at risk.
‘Cruel and abhorrent’ ban on gender affirming care
Trans Justice Project’s Jodie MC’d the rally and said the turnout outside the state parliament was beyond their expectations.
Jodie said the Queensland Government’s ban on gender affirming healthcare for under 18s is “cruel and abhorrent” and must be reversed.
“We’re all here to demand that he ends the ban and reinstates gender-affirming health care for children in Queensland,” Jodie said.
“All children deserve to grow up healthy, happy and with the freedom to be themselves.
“For so many trans children, gender-affirming care is life-saving and life-changing health care.”
Denying gender care will cause young people ‘immeasurable’ harm
Eloise Brook, CEO of AusPATH (the Australian Professional Association for Trans Health) said medical practitioners followed guidelines established through research and clinical evidence.
“For the small number of young people who need them, hormone treatments are essential health care,” she said on Saturday.
“The evidence shows that denying access to this care will cause young people immeasurable trauma, contributing to depression, anxiety and in some cases self-harm.
On Monday, the Queensland Premier David Crisafulli vowed to push ahead with a state review of gender-affirming care, despite the federal government launching an independent national inquiry.
Eloise Brook said, “The Queensland government should restore care immediately and await the findings of the federal government review.
“[That review] is being appropriately handled by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).
“The NHMRC is widely recognised in Australia and internationally for its rigorous, evidence-based approach in developing clinical guidelines.”
If you need someone to talk to, help is available from QLife on 1800 184 527 or online at QLife.org.au, Lifeline on 13 11 14, Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, or beyondblue on 1300 22 4636.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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A Complete Guidelines Of Virgin Australia Flight Change Policy

Virgin Australia flight change policies offer flexibility for passengers who need to adjust their travel plans. Whether you're changing your flight's date, time, or destination, the process is streamlined and easy to follow. In this article, we'll provide all the essential details about Virgin Australia flight change, including the fees involved and how to contact the airline for assistance.
How to Change Your Virgin Australia Flight
There are several ways to change your flight with Virgin Australia. You can either do it online, at the airport, or by contacting a travel agent. Here’s how:
Online: Visit the Virgin Australia website, go to the "Manage Trip" section, and enter your booking details. From there, you can select a new flight, confirm your change, and pay the applicable Virgin Australia flight change fee if required.
At the Airport: If you prefer to make changes in person, head to the airport and visit the ticket counter. Provide your booking details and inform the airline staff about the changes you need. Be prepared to pay the change fee.
Via Travel Agent: You can also contact a travel agent, especially if you booked your flight through one. However, if your booking was made through a third party, Virgin Australia may not manage your changes directly.
Virgin Australia Flight Change Fees
While Virgin Australia offers flexibility in changing your flight, certain fees may apply. If you request a change outside the 24-hour booking window, you will incur the Virgin Australia flight change fee. The fee generally starts at $100 and may vary depending on your ticket type and the changes you are making.
Free Changes: If you request a change within 24 hours of booking, you may not incur any charges.
Paid Changes: For changes after the 24-hour window, expect to pay both a flight change fee and any fare difference if your new flight is more expensive.
Virgin Australia Flight Change Date Policy
The Virgin Australia flight change date policy allows you to reschedule your flight, subject to seat availability. If you change your flight date after the 24-hour window, you will need to pay a flight date change fee and any additional fare difference.
Virgin Australia Flight Change Contact Number
If you need help with changing your flight or have questions about the process, Virgin Australia flight change contact number is available for your convenience. They will assist you in making the necessary changes to your booking.
The Virgin Australia flight change process is designed to be simple, whether you need to reschedule your trip or make other adjustments. Keep in mind that fees may apply if you change your flight outside the 24-hour window. If you need further assistance, call +61(1800)407-707 (OTA) for quick support from a Virgin Australia representative.
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Friday, December 13, 2024
Data shows global conflict surged in 2024 (Washington Post) The world saw a staggering surge in conflicts over the past year. At least 233,000 people were estimated to be killed in conflicts in 2024, according to new data released Thursday by a prominent nonprofit analysis and crisis mapping project. The data, released today by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data (ACLED), shows in raw numbers how the level of conflicts around the world have doubled over the past five years, amid wars in Ukraine, Gaza, Myanmar and elsewhere. Among the data for this year, ACLED found that the number of people killed in conflicts in 2024 had grown by 30 percent since the preceding year, from 179,099 deaths in 2023 to 233,597 in 2024. The war in Ukraine was the deadliest in 2024, with 67,000 reported deaths, while 35,000 deaths were reported in the Palestinian territories of Gaza and the West Bank. By the end of the year, the number of acts of violence recorded by ACLED is projected to reach almost 200,000, a quarter higher than last year and double what it was five years ago.
Canada euthanasia now accounts for nearly one in 20 deaths (BBC) The rate of medical assistance in dying—also known as euthanasia—has grown in Canada for the fifth straight year, albeit at a slower pace. The country released its fifth annual report since legalising assisted dying in 2016. Around 15,300 people underwent assisted dying last year, accounting for 4.7% of deaths in the country. Canada lawmakers are currently seeking to expand access to euthanasia to cover people with mental illnesses by 2027. Canada is among a few countries that have introduced assisted dying laws in the past decade. Others include Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Austria.
East Coast storm makes a mess at ski resorts as strong winds cause power outages (AP) A storm that swept up the East Coast delivered a blow to New England, packing powerful gusts that knocked out power along with a deluge of rain and warming temperatures that washed away snow and dampened ski resorts. An atmospheric river transported moisture northward from the tropics and brought heavy rain. In Maine, nearly 57,000 customers had lost power as of Wednesday night, according to poweroutage.us. In Massachusetts, nearly 8,000 people were without power.
An unprecedented surge (NYT) The immigration surge since 2021 has been the largest in U.S. history, surpassing even the levels of the late 1800s and early 1900s. Total net migration—the number of people coming to the country minus the number leaving—will likely exceed eight million people over the past four years, government statistics suggest. That number includes both legal and illegal immigration. Even after adjusting for today’s larger population, the surge is slightly larger than that during the peak years of Ellis Island traffic, when millions of Europeans came to the United States. Of the roughly eight million net migrants who came to the U.S. over the past four years, about five million—or 62 percent—were unauthorized, according to an estimate by Goldman Sachs. The unprecedented scale of recent immigration helps explain why the issue played such a big role in the 2024 election. Polls showed that the sharp rise in immigration was unpopular with most Americans, especially among working-class voters, some of whom complained of strained social services, crowded schools and increased homelessness.
Haiti’s main international airport reopens a month after gang gunfire forced it to close (AP) Haiti’s main international airport reopened on Wednesday to commercial flights, one month after gangs opened fire on planes. It was the second closing this year because of gang violence. Soldiers and police, bolstered by Kenyan police leading a U.N.-backed mission to quell the violence, have boosted security in the area, and a test flight was successful, Haiti’s government said in a statement. However, there were no flights and no passengers Wednesday afternoon, with heavily armed police setting up checkpoints by the airport and stopping public transport. An airport parking lot normally packed with hundreds of cars had about several dozen vehicles, the majority belonging to employees.
No ID necessary (Foreign Policy) European interior ministers voted on Thursday to formally admit Bulgaria and Romania into the Schengen Zone starting on Jan. 1, 2025. The area, now encompassing 29 countries, has abolished internal border controls for all members except in the cases of specific threats. This means that one can now drive from Portugal to Estonia to Greece without ever having to show a passport. Thursday’s vote was a “historic decision” that completes “a major objective of both the Republic of Bulgaria and Romania since their accession to the European Union” 17 years ago, the two nations’ foreign ministries said in a joint statement.
In Defiant Speech, South Korea’s President Defends Martial Law Decree (NYT) President Yoon Suk Yeol on Thursday defended his botched attempt to put South Korea under martial law last week, vowing to “fight to the end” despite the opposition-dominated legislature’s push to impeach him and his own party’s demand that he resign from office. In an unexpected speech, Mr. Yoon said he had never meant to disrupt the “constitutional order” when he declared martial law on Dec. 3 and sent hundreds of troops into the National Assembly. He said he had done so to “save the country” from what he called the “anti-state” opposition parties, which he accused of using their legislative majority to paralyze the nation. Mr. Yoon’s People Power Party, which blocked opposition lawmakers’ attempt to impeach him on Saturday, recommended this week that he instead resign in February or March. But Mr. Yoon indicated in his speech that he intended to remain in office, and that he would fight his removal at the Constitutional Court if he were impeached. South Koreans have been staging massive protests calling for Yoon to step down ever since the attempted coup, and police attempted to raid the president’s office yesterday. They were stopped at the gate by secret service members, who apparently negotiated which documents office staff would hand over to police.
Syrians flock to morgues looking for loved ones who perished in Assad’s prisons (AP) Mohammad Chaeeb spoke softly into his phone, telling a relative the grim news: He found his brother at the morgue. The dead man was jailed five months ago, disappearing into a dark prison system under the rule of President Bashar al-Assad. His body is just one of many found in Syrian detention centers and prisons since Assad’s government fell last weekend. Morgue officials who examined the corpses have seen bullet wounds and marks that appeared to be the result of torture, a doctor said. An estimated 150,000 people have been detained or reported missing in Syria since 2011. Under Assad’s rule, any whiff of dissent could send someone to prison immediately. For years, it was a sentence akin to death, as few ever emerged from the system.
Netanyahu Finally Takes the Stand in His Corruption Trial (NYT) Outside the courthouse, he is one of the most powerful men in the Middle East, overseeing Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, its occupation of southern Lebanon and recent strikes in Syria. As he stepped into a cramped and sweltering underground courtroom in Tel Aviv on Tuesday morning, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel morphed into the defendant in Case 67104-01-20—charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust. Eight years after the police started investigating him and four years after his trial began, Israel’s longest-serving prime minister was taking the stand for the first time to respond to accusations of corruption that have defined and disrupted Israeli public life for nearly a decade.
Israeli strikes kill 35, UN demands immediate ceasefire (Worldcrunch) Palestinian news agency WAFA reported that at least 35 people were killed on Thursday in Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip. The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for an "immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire" and a release of "all hostages" on Wednesday. Washington vetoed the text, as it did the last one.
Dozens of civilians killed in two days of intense fighting in Sudan (Reuters) At least 127 people, mostly civilians, were killed over two days in Sudan as fighting between the army and the paramilitary group Rapid Support Forces (RSF) intensifies, according to officials, activists and rights groups. The 20-month conflict, which has killed tens of thousands, has become increasingly violent, with the army stepping up air attacks in areas under the RSF control and the paramilitary forces staging raids and carrying out intense artillery strikes.
Houthi Attacks Turn Back the Clock for Shipping as Costs Pile Up (NYT) Before this year, Tobias Kammann, a German container ship captain, had only once sailed around the southern tip of Africa, and the lack of other vessels in the little-trafficked waters made him feel very much alone. But these days, there are so many ships there, he said, that “it’s a bit like the autobahn.” To get from Asia to Europe and back, global shipping companies have for decades sailed through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal. But a year ago, the Houthi insurgents in Yemen began targeting vessels in the Red Sea with drones and missiles, forcing shipping companies to divert their cargo around the Cape of Good Hope at Africa’s southern tip, a route that is some 3,500 nautical miles and 10 days longer. It’s as if the shipping industry had been transported back to the days before the Suez Canal opened in 1869. “This is one of the most significant challenges that shipping has faced in a long time,” said Salvatore Mercogliano, a maritime historian and an associate professor at Campbell University in North Carolina.
Pack a ‘Go Bag’ for Extreme Weather (NYT) Extreme weather is happening more frequently across the country, as we have seen this year with Hurricane Helene’s catastrophic impact on Asheville, N.C., November’s wildfires in New York and New Jersey and this month’s fast-spreading Malibu fire. Nearly 20 percent of all Americans have had to evacuate their homes because of unexpected severe weather, according to a new study by the analytics firm YouGov. More and more people are looking for a way to protect themselves from the next hurricane, tornado, flash flood or fire. Fortunately, there’s an affordable and easy way to be better prepared: by packing an extreme-weather go bag. An extreme-weather go bag is an emergency kit you can keep in your home or car—some people make one for each—that’s filled with items that can quickly become invaluable during a crisis, or if you have to evacuate. A properly packed go bag will have the essentials for at least 72 hours, as recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It will eliminate the panic of wondering what to bring with you, and it may end up saving your life. “If you don’t take the time to address these questions before a disaster strikes, you’ll be hard pressed to do so in the rush of a potential crisis,” said Stephanie Fox, a spokeswoman for the American Red Cross.
Flights (Skift) Globally, the average airfare next year is projected to come in at $380, down 1.8 percent compared to this year and down 44 percent since 2014. Given 5 billion people on 40 million flights in 2025, and projected profits for the industry coming in at $36.6 billion globally, the average profit per passenger is coming in at a modest $7 per passenger.
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How to Get Financial Assistance in Adelaide
If you are experiencing financial hardship, there are many ways to get help. You can apply for a Centrelink payment to help with costs. You can also apply for a No Interest Loan through Good Shepherd. For more information, visit their website.
There are also services that can help you with your utilities, rent or mortgage. They can also offer help with budgeting. You can also contact a financial counsellor to discuss your situation.
Free financial counselling
Financial counselling is a free service that can help you work out your debts. It is non-judgemental and confidential, and is available from not-for-profit community organisations. Financial counsellors can also provide advice on other matters such as budgeting and credit card repayments. However, they do not offer legal advice. If you have any legal problems, it is best to contact a lawyer straight away.
Almost anyone can find themselves in financial hardship, or in need of financial assistance Adelaide. Common reasons include job loss, relationship breakdowns, illness, natural disasters and domestic violence. These issues can lead to spiralling debts and poverty. Moneycare, the Salvation Army’s financial counseling service, offers free financial counselling and access to their no interest loans scheme.
There are also specialist financial counsellors for farmers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, small businesses, and those struggling with gambling. Call 1800 007 007 or chat online to be connected with a financial counsellor. These services are available across Australia.
Micro-finance schemes
Microfinance is a system of financial services for people living in poverty. It can help them manage their finances and build their capacity to grow a business. It also provides them with the tools they need to improve their daily lives and support their children’s education.
Microloans allow families to buy livestock, seeds and fertilisers for their crops, agribusiness equipment, or rent storage facilities to sell their products when prices are high. These loans enable families to overcome poverty and become self-sufficient.
The International Labour Organisation’s Microfinance and Gender Equality Programme promotes the integration of gender issues into microfinance programmes. This includes supporting policies and programmes that address the barriers that prevent women from accessing microfinance.
The program’s guiding principles and service standards are designed to ensure that the program delivers more integrated and improved outcomes for people. Service providers are encouraged to develop flexible service delivery approaches that respect the dignity of clients and foster self-reliance. Service providers are expected to use program funding in accordance with operational guidelines and their funding agreement.
Child care subsidy
The Australian Government offers several forms of financial assistance to help families with the cost of child care. These programs are designed to cover all or part of a family’s child care fees, depending on their eligibility. The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is the primary form of financial assistance for families and is paid to child care providers who pass it on to their families as a fee reduction. Families must meet eligibility criteria to receive CCS, including income levels and activity requirements.
Eligible families may also be able to receive the Child Wellbeing Subsidy and/or Grandparent Subsidy. These subsidy programs are offered by Centrelink and include a range of benefits to help with the costs of living and child care. To access these programs, families need to register for a myGov account and link it to the child care service they are using. Families can also call the Centrelink multilingual phone service to speak with a support worker.
Education assistance
If you have children in school and are struggling to meet education costs, there are a number of assistance programs available. You can also access government subsidies through Centrelink. These subsidies can be deducted from your Centrelink payments, making it easier to afford essential expenses.
You can find out about the schemes that are available through Services Australia. These include Austudy, ABSTUDY and Youth Allowance. These support programs are available for both domestic and international students. You can also apply for scholarships at the University of Adelaide.
The university is a US Department of Veterans Affairs POST 9/11 GI BILL participating institution and can certify and disburse US student loan funds for eligible students. To learn more about this arrangement, please contact Student Finance.
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