#16 year old me is LIVING. 26 year old me???? in agony.
properbastard · 1 year
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[ i cannot believe larian studios laid out a trap for me specifically and i walked into it like a god damned looney toons character
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libidomechanica · 3 months
“She othed the bears”
A cinquain sequence
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0 notes
accidental-spice · 3 years
Solo Command re-read part one.
Spoilers, naturally.
1. 'Naval Lieutenant Jart Eyan looked rested and cheerful. The fact that he had only twelve minutes to live would have changed his disposition, but he dud not possess that knowledge.' What an entrance, Allston.
2. And Piggy thwarts an assassination. And he does it really awesomely, too. Reminds me a bit of one of the half dozen Sherlock episodes I've ever seen.
3. So, one of the best parts about this book is the fact that one of my favorite platonic relationships, and one of my favorite romantic relationships, both come to fruition. Firstly, the platonic one: Face and Lara. I'll probably elaborate later, but they're cool. I'll definitely elaborate later on the romantic one, Myn and Lara.
4. Oh. Great. A replacement medic. Just great.
5."Elassar Targon, master of the universe, reporting for duty!" Wedge: oh, great, another maniac.
6. Face becomes the leader of the squad. When I started this series for the first time, I had no idea that Face was gonna end up Wraith One. Unexpected, but not unwelcome.
7. Wedge is analyzing the other lieutenants to see how they feel about their new squad leader, and all seems well thus far.' That left Myn Donos, a lieutenant with more years and more experience than Face. He looked serious and contemplative. But then, serious was merely a step up from his usual expression, that of dour intensity.' Yep, Myn's facial expressions are pretty much limited to intense and...... More intense.
8. Wedge is going on a da-ate. According to Hobbie, "He smells like a fresh spring breeze ". Bet it's with Iella. Speaking of OTPs...
9. 'Dia Passik, the female Twi'lek, said, "He (Face) insisted that he wasn't feeling well." Lara Notsil smiled over her shoulder at them. "He lied. He lies all the time, you know." "I know. But he seemed so genuine." "He does that all the time, too. This is the right thing to do. Myn, Elassar, back me up. " For context, they're going convincing him to go for a night out with the four of them. See? BROTHER.
10. "I've often suspected that you sometimes put on disguises just to go to the refresher. "
11. Oh, look, someone mistook Lara for their old student, Edalia Monotheer. Bet that won't come back to bite us...................................................
12. And Zsinj calls up the ship Han's on, and Chewie answers. "It's, ah, Chewbacca, isn't it? Please put your owner on." Zsinj, Han doesn't own Chewie. It's actually probably the other way around.
13. Tyria just called Face "chief". Hallelujah.
14. It's amusing to realize that Wraith and Rogue Squadron are assisting Wedge in his 'I refuse to become a general' scheme. Because they are.
15. So apparently, Corran and Han have never been in the same room together during this trip, so there's a baseless conspiracy theory that they're the same person. Hilarious.
16. Piggy's fresh out of the bacta tank, and the Wraiths are here to greet him. And troll him, naturally. 'Shalla said, "Kell and I worked up an instructional manual for you. It's called, *How to Dodge*." Piggy mopped away at his damp skin and allowed himself a slight smile. It was good to be home.' *gets bowled over by found family feels*
18. Donos will now commence to initiate a conversation with a young woman he likes. *eyebrow wiggle* Hopefully, he asks her to do an activity together. That'll sell..
19. He does not ask her to do an activity together.
20. Which is probably why its doesn't go THAT well.
21. "I'm going to be a tremendous embarrassment to the Wraiths." Lara, honey, Wraith Squadron can't afford to get embarrassed. They're already an embarrassment. (Affectionate)
22. Tyria is getting better at the Force. Knew you could do it, Tyria.
23. 'Shalla said, "You're getting weird, Tyria." This is good. When things start to get weird like this, that's a good thing.
24. Elassar is eating candy mid-mission. Okay, he's growing on me. I do have a slight prejudice against him because he's the new medic. And I really really miss the old one....
25. I retract my weird-means-good statement, they are in an incinerator.
26. Well, that could have been worse.
27. "By the way, I'm putting in a commendation for Kell for his initiative, and one for Lieutenant Janson for bravery." "Like he needs another one." "Maybe he can build a little fort out of them."
28. "Get the Wraiths together," Wedge said. "We're going to conduct one of their insane speculation and planning sessions. " Yeah, this line just amuses me.
29. So, they're having a dance, and Donos and Lara are flirting, and Dia and Face are flirting by watching them flirting and basically competing over who can read their body language better. It's weird and adorable.
30. Well, Facebis gonna do some research on Lara and Edalia Monotheer. Bet we won't live to regret that............................................
31. Okay, Solo's gone off the deep end. "Without her (Leia), I don't have a place. I'm just a drifter with an irresistible dose of roguish charm. And someday she'll get tired of the charm and there won't be anything else for me to offer her." "You know," Wedge said, "I can't do it myself, because you're my superior officer. But I could call Chewie down here, and tell him what you've just said, and then he'd beat you nearly to death with a hydrospanner." Stars, Han. Anyone knows that Leia needs you. It's so obvious, even a blind man could see it.
32. So, Wedge is giving everyone the night off, unofficially. Including the astromech droids. Also, he's not Wedge. After all, Commander Wedge Antilles would be wearing proper rank insignia.
33. The book calls it 'Wedge's mutiny of anonymity,' and I really can't do it justice. It's hilarious.
Pretty much sure that's half the book done, then. Later!
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giftofshewbread · 3 years
Thief dying on a cross next to Jesus Knew!
Are you ready? “All who call on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved” (Romans 10:13) Luke 23:32-43 (New King James Version) 32 There were also two others, criminals, led with Him to be put to death. 33 And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left. 34 [a]Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” And they divided His garments and cast lots. 35 And the people stood looking on. But even the rulers with them sneered, saying, “He saved others; let Him save Himself if He is the Christ, the chosen of God.”36 The soldiers also mocked Him, coming and offering Him sour wine, 37 and saying, “If You are the King of the Jews, save Yourself.”38 And an inscription also was [b]written over Him in letters of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.39 Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, [c]“If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.”40 But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.” 42 Then he said [d]to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”43 And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”  ​( the words of the thief who 'knew' Jesus are in green lettering above) What did Jesus say about Paradise?Jesus answers him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise”. This has often been interpreted to mean that on that same day the thief and Jesus would enter the intermediate resting place of the dead who were waiting for the Resurrection.
So, we have to ask ourselves, where do we go when we die, as a believer or non-believer? Question: "Where did Old Testament believers/saints go when they died?" Answer: The Old Testament believers went to a place of comfort and rest called “paradise” when they died. The Old Testament taught life after death and that everyone who departed from this life went to a place of conscious existence. The general term for this place was Sheol, which could be translated “the grave” or “the realm of the dead.” The wicked were there (Psalm 9:17; 31:17; 49:14; Isaiah 5:14), and so were the righteous (Genesis 37:35; Job 14:13; Psalm 6:5; 16:10; 88:3; Isaiah 38:10). The New Testament equivalent of Sheol is Hades. Luke 16:19–31 shows that, prior to Christ’s resurrection, Hades was divided into two realms: a place of comfort where Lazarus was (Abraham’s bosom or Abraham’s side) and a place of torment where the rich man was (hell). Lazarus’s place of comfort is elsewhere called “paradise” (Luke 23:43). The place of torment is called “Gehenna” in the Greek in Mark 9:45. Between paradise and hell (the two districts of Hades) there was “a great chasm” (Luke 16:26). The fact that no one could cross this chasm indicates that, after death, one’s fate is sealed. Today, when an unbeliever dies, he follows the Old Testament unbelievers to the torment side of Hades. At the final judgment, Hades will be emptied before the Great White Throne, where its occupants will be judged prior to entering the lake of fire (Revelation 20:13–15). On the other hand, when a believer dies today, he is “present with the Lord” in heaven (2 Corinthians 5:6–9). There, he joins the Old Testament saints who have been enjoying their reward for thousands of years. A resurrection awaits everyone—either a resurrection to eternal life or a resurrection to “shame and everlasting contempt” (Daniel 12:2). The Bible clearly states that New Testament saints who have died will be resurrected at the event we call the rapture of the church (1 Thessalonians 4:16–17). The Bible is less clear about when the Old Testament saints will be resurrected. It is our view that Old Testament believers will be joined to their resurrected bodies at the end of the tribulation period when Jesus returns to earth to set up His millennial kingdom (Isaiah 26:19; Hosea 13:14). Paradise was not heaven at this time of Christ's crucifixion, paradise was a place people went to after death, till the Messiah came and when he did, Jesus, went there after he was killed on the cross, to minister to all who had died before him and those who believed in him, went up to heaven when Jesus rose. So when they say now, 'To be absent from the body is to be in the presence of the Lord', MEANING, Believers in Jesus, true followers, not the pretenders, the luke warm, the social Christians, but true followers of Christ, at death, our souls/spirits go to be with heaven, our bodies are in the grave. Unbelievers, are said to be in the grave, still conscious, still in soul/spirit, but NOT in the presence of the Lord, as unbelievers/unsaved sinners CAN'T be in the presence of God/Jesus, for there is NO Sin/Unbelievers in heaven, can never be. So Unbelievers or 'fake' Christians as we'll call them that aren't truly trying to follow the lord and are only Christian in name only, they are conscious, they are awake, their soul & spirit are likely where all are held in waiting for their final judgement, but not in the presence of God/Jesus or in heaven.  Some say the unbelievers or fake Christians are asleep in the grave, could be, but if like in the old testament teaching, they are with all the others from the beginning of time, waiting in limbo persae, in Hades, till the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Judges them at the Great White Throne of Judgement, which doesn't end well for all who are judged. What is Amazing, the thief who recognized Jesus, recognized him as GOD/Son of GOD, He KNEW Jesus was sinless, committed no wrongs, that he was true and in his last breath he asks JESUS to Remember him, when Jesus comes into his Kingdom/Heaven. And what did Jesus say, " Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise".  JESUS gave the thief at that moment, GRACE, that thief in his recognition, became saved, he was going to be with Jesus, but first they would both go to 'Paradise' where Jesus ministered to all those who were waiting for Jesus to come, then they rose with Jesus and are in Heaven now.Do you see how easy it is?  The Thief in his dying breath called on JESUS to be Saved.  He wasn't baptized, he didn't say the 'Sinners Prayer' (which pastors often ask us to do in these latter years ) HE Simply Recognized 'WHO' Jesus is, The Messiah, The Savior, The Son of GOD!  The Thief simply 'KNEW' and asked JESUS to Remember him.
So,,,,,, Are you ready? “All who call on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved” (Romans 10:13)
What of the other thief, he's dead, he mocked Jesus along with everyone else on the cross that day and is being held in Hades, till his final judgement, which won't end well for him or all who wicked/evil/unbelievers, period, there is no 2nd chance, we have to accept Jesus before our last breath or be damned, period, it's this basic.
So,,,,,, Are you ready? “All who call on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved” (Romans 10:13)
Time is so very very short now folks, we are in the 'End Times/Latter Days', meaning, Jesus is about to Rapture all who are his beloved, rescue all who are true believes, from a world that is about to go FULL BLOWN EVIL, Yes, Jesus is about to appear at any moment, in the clouds, with a great shout of an angel and a great trumpet sound, He's gonna call all alive, home with him to Heaven..How do we know, by watching all the signs and times we are living in now, great evil is rising and will soon have full control of all the earth, NOBODY wants to be left behind. The greatest EVIL is about to be unleased all over the world, such as this world has never experienced before, no man will survive, go to the Book of Revelation in the Bible, the last book and read for yourself the unbelievable horrors to be unleashed, to KILL OFF ALL MANKIND, by every manner of Evil the soon coming Antichrist will pour out, satan's puppet will have full power to destroy 'ALL', Nature, Animals, Sea life, Water, Vegetation, Mankind, He's going to make this world uninhabitable and sweeping destruction & death, he hates all of GOD'S Creation, that means EVERYTHING, EVERYONE! 
 So,,,,,, Are you ready? “All who call on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved” (Romans 10:13) Call out to JESUS Now to be SAVED! 
 The Thief 'KNEW' and think about this, the Bible hadn't been written then, he was living it right then and there, he was with the Son of GOD on a Cross going thru excruciating pain, dying on the cross next to Our Savior. He 'KNEW' only what he had heard or maybe even seen, at that time, he only 'heard' about Jesus, maybe he even seen some of the miracles JESUS commanded, maybe he was even around to see when Jesus fed the multitude of people with only a few fish and loaves of bread. Maybe he heard of how he healed the blind, the cripples, the deaf, the infirm, maybe he heard how he raised Lazarus from the dead?  Being a thief, he probably wasn't hang'n around with JESUS & the disciples, but he did hear enough about JESUS to KNOW, HE was GOD among them. No Bible, No Church services, No Television, Radio or Internet to be shown Scripture/Holy Word of GOD or to hear it, NO, the thief heard by word of mouth, he heard others speak of the Messiah at that time, the Son of GOD who came to save sinners, save mankind, if only they believed in Him, That HE is the Son of GOD, The Savior !
  Guess what?  That thief in his final moments on earth, in sheer pain & agony, 'KNEW' enough, that Jesus is LORD and that thief was saved and with Jesus.  And again, the thief asked JESUS to just remember him and JESUS said, 'Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise'.  And that thief was Saved and is with Jesus Now.
  What about You? So,,,,,, Are you ready? "All who call on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be Saved" (Romans 10:13)
Time is Now, no more waiting, wait a breath too short and you are dead in Christ, meaning NO ETERNAL Home in Heaven with GOD/JESUS and ALL He's prepared for those who are truly believers/followers, are saved.  GOD says we can't Conceive of what's awaiting us who are Saved, What GOD has prepared in Heaven for those He sent his Son Jesus to die for, it's beyond our comprehension what awaits us in Heaven. To live in Beauty NO Eyes of mankind has ever seen. The Pure Love & Joy that awaits all who call on the Name of Jesus to be Saved, its absolute mind blowing and absolutely NOTHING compared to earth or all that is of the earth, GOD went all out for His Beloved, for all eternity, no more sickness, no more death, no more pain or sadness or suffering. We get new perfect bodies; we are eternal and will be with GOD/JESUS in all their Perfection..
So,,,,,, What are you waiting for?  Call upon JESUS Now, don't hesitate and don't look back, begin anew, be Saved, be part of GOD'S Heavenly Family and truly LIVE !  You absolutely WON'T Like the Alternative that awaits you otherwise and it's eternal as well, it doesn't end well.
 Before it's Too Late ! He's at the door knocking, "JESUS SAVE ME"!   YES it's this simple, Ask JESUS with all your heart, 'SAVE Me JESUS'. HE IS THE LIVING GOD, The Only 1, only HE Can Save us from an Eternal Hell, He died on the Cross of all of us, all who believe He is the True Son/Living GOD, will be Saved. We all are wretched/unclean, we all are SINNERS, we all are unworthy, but we can be saved, but only by the Greatest Love Sacrifice Ever, The Savior, The Lamb of God, JESUS. HE died for all, You & I, He loves us so much, He gave His Life for our sins, our unworthiness and HE makes us clean and worthy to be Saved, if we only call upon Him,.Are you ready? “All who call on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved” (Romans 10:13) Heaven or Hell, it's our free choice, period.
One last time,,,, ARE YOU READY?  CALL ON JESUS NOW, BE SAVED NOW, Before it's Too Late !  'Knock Knock, It's JESUS, Are You Ready'?
Leho Lechem  
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thebiasrekkers · 3 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia AU]
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Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff | Smut
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence (bloody violence), Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 3,239
Tag List: @prisczero, @pinkpjmin, @btsaudge, @flowerwrites06, @unoriginal-username15432, @halussali, @shrimpmsg, @ggukkieland​
AN: I need to quit fooling you people. Because the trust issues are going to get worse. Maybe this is a silver lining? Maybe? Yes? ...I’ll go away now.
Chapter 55: Sea
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“Praying that we’ll remain in this desert till the end. Praying that this isn’t truly our reality.”
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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Two Days Later Jeju Island – Seogwipo South Korea
When Taehyung first came to, he felt warmth blanketing his entire body. Every so often, a gentle brush of cool air passed over him. His limbs ached and it felt like a stone was being pressed against his chest. Breathing was a seemingly impossible task. When he could breathe, the sensation of phantom glass fragments scraped along the insides of his lungs. Coughing was a regular occurrence. Through said coughing fit was how he was able to pull himself back to consciousness.
For a moment, he believed he had, in fact, died. There was a part of him that even accepted it. But he wouldn’t have accepted it with a smile, of that he was most certain.
There were people waiting for him; people he would potentially be leaving behind.
The faces of his brothers and of the woman he loved yanked him from the abyss.
An old man sat next to him, moving a fan slowly over his body. Sweat seemed to cover him from head to toe and there was a large basin of ice beside him. Again, Taehyung coughed and tried to sit up. But the old man placed a hand on his shoulder, gently urging him to lie back down on the futon. What energy he managed to muster quickly slithered out of him, the weight of exhaustion overwhelming him all over again.
Had he actually died?
“Don’t make such a fuss,” said the old man.
The stranger’s skin was bronze from being out in the sun, his worn and wrinkled hands and face gave testimony to the life he lived. His hair was a salt and pepper gray, frazzled from being whipped around in the ocean breeze just outside. Despite his seemingly austere appearance and gruff tone, his dark eyes were gentle as he continued to move the fan back and forth over Taehyung’s prone form.
Taehyung squinted slowly, the light peeling in from the window almost blinding him. He tried to lift his arm to shield his eyes, but found it more difficult than he’d anticipated. Sensing his distress, the old man shifted so his small frame could block as much of the light as he could.
“Where am I?”
The question croaked from Taehyung’s throat, surprising him. Attempting to swallow, he mentally reeled at how terrible he sounded.
He heard the man scoff, a sympathetic smirk pulling at his thin lips. “My home,” he replied simply, resting the fan on his knee, “you’ve got the devil’s luck, young man.”
Taehyung tried to smile but realized it probably looked like a grimace. “You don’t know the half of it, Oroshin.”
He watched the man’s smile widen a measure. “You’re young, but I see you still have some manners.”
Again, he attempted to sit up and failed. The old man seemed to take pity on him, reaching out with his thin arms to help him. When he was up, Taehyung winced at the tight feeling around his chest. He rubbed at it gingerly as the elder pressed a cold compress to his temple. Willing himself not to shrink back at the sudden cold, his eyes wandered around the abode to serve as a distraction.
He could tell that it was the home of a local fisherman. Quaint, humble and quiet; save for the crashing of waves along what he could only assume was the beach nearby. The salt was prevalent in the air, seeping in through what cracks existed in the house. Even though he could feel the cold wind, the floor was warm beneath him.
“Did you save me?”
Dipping the cloth into the ice water, he wrung it out and pressed it back to Taehyung’s head. “The gods saved you, my boy. You were already washed up on the shore when I stumbled across you.” He watched his eyes shifting to his shoulder and Taehyung reached up to touch the dressings over his injury. “I managed to purge the toxins out of you.”
His eyes narrowed. So it was poison, he thought angrily, shifting his gaze to the space between his knees, Lee Jooheon, you son of a bitch…
Taehyung lifted his eyes to meet the old man’s. “How long have I been out?”
“Couple of days now. The worst of it passed yesterday.”
Even though he still ached all over, Taehyung quickly shifted to sit on his knees, bowing his head low to the old man. “I’m in your debt, Oroshin.”
“Nonsense. It’s human nature to help those in need.”
Taehyung raised his head. “It’s a cruel world we live in now. Your kindness is rare in it.”
“Your view of the world is too narrow, my boy.” The old man lifted the fan and smacked Taehyung’s wrist with it. “Now enough of this. Sit comfortably.”
He did as he was told, sitting with his legs crossed in a more comfortable position. “Oroshin, I hate to burden you further, but would you mind taking me into town? I need to get back to Seoul as soon as possible.”
For an uncomfortably long moment, the old man peered at Taehyung – as if gauging what his motive was. But there was only one thing on his mind. He needed to get back to his brothers and warn them of the danger that was coming. There would still be time for them to find Eden and return her to the place she belonged.
…at Jungkook’s side.
Jooheon’s words slammed through his body like a wrecking ball, causing him to visibly shudder. Taehyung couldn’t believe it now that he was lucid. How had Jungkook managed to hide such a huge secret from them all? Then again, they’d all been so busy anticipating the moves of the Jade Fangs that a lot of things could have gone amiss. Something as small as eloping could easily be overlooked.
That didn’t mean he was any less salty about it.
When I get back, he and I are gonna have a little chat…
“Well,” cut the old man’s words through his thoughts, “it’s a good thing this washed up with you then.” He reached into a nearby drawer and pulled out Taehyung’s wallet.
He bowed as he took it from him, opening to see the paper money was worthless. So were his cards. But his ID was still intact. That was the only thing that mattered. If he could prove who he was, getting money would be easy. He peered at the old man expectantly who raised his brows at him.
“I’m assuming my phone didn’t make it?” The elder shook his head and Taehyung sighed. Of course it wouldn’t have made it. That would have been the luckiest break he could get outside of being alive. “I’ll just have to buy another one.”
“Eat something and then I’ll take you to town. You can’t function on an empty stomach.”
Taehyung flashed him his best boxy smile despite the agony he continued to feel. “Thank you, Oroshin.”
After filling his stomach with three full helpings of rice, soup, and freshly caught fish, he thanked the old man profusely for his kindness. When he asked his name, the elder simply smiled and told him to come back when all his business was taken care of. Taehyung promised he would return to repay him for saving his life.
There wasn’t much time to waste. He needed to procure funds to buy a plane ticket back to Seoul. He would worry about a phone once he landed safely. Besides, Taehyung didn’t think he could handle the slew of missed calls and voicemails demanding to know of his whereabouts. He went on blind faith that everything was okay; that his brothers were able to find something out on their end since it was obvious that his own trail was a perfectly placed trap.
The flight back to Seoul was only an hour, but he felt like time crawled at an agonizingly slow pace. The time he had alone on the plane was enough to cause Taehyung to fester in his own guilt. He was angry at himself for falling for such a setup, and he was even angrier that he hadn’t seen it for what it was.
Maybe Hyungwon was right, he thought bitterly, narrowing his eyes as he stared out the window, we’ve gotten fucking soft.
But he stood by what he said. This wouldn’t have been a problem had they taken the Jade Fangs out five years ago. Sacrifices be damned. At least they could avoid the headache inducing bullshit they were suffering right now.
He replayed the scene on Dragon’s Head Cliff repeatedly. No matter how many times he thought about it, Taehyung’s conclusion was the same every single time.
…if I hadn’t dodged, whatever came at me would have hit me straight on. He frowned. They were really trying to kill me.
The thought left a bitter taste in his mouth. Curling his hands into fists on the arm rests, he closed his eyes – attempting to stave off an oncoming migraine.
They would be dealt with.
They would all be dealt with.
Taehyung wouldn’t rest until he made sure of it.
Seoul - Cheongdam; Gangnam District South Korea
As soon as he landed in Seoul, he purchased a phone at one of the stores in the airport, activating it on the spot. There were several voicemails and he rolled his eyes. He didn’t have time to listen to them. Now that Taehyung could confidently say he’d met the Reaper at the Gates of the Underworld and walked away, the only person he wanted to see was the woman carrying his child. He had to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming; still sleeping from the effects of the poison.
Taehyung needed just a little more reassurance that he wasn’t dead. That he wasn’t already in Hell.
Hailing a cab, he gave instructions for the driver to take him to Raelyn’s hospital. The woman was so stubborn, insistent on continuing to work as her belly continued to swell with the life in her. Taehyung told her constantly that she didn’t need to work anymore, especially while she was with child. But she was hellbent on having her way and who was he to deny her the freedom to do as she pleased?
He’d have been a fool to try.
Taehyung quickly paid the cab driver, thanking him for getting him to his destination so quickly. He raced through the parking lot, up the steps and just barely clipped his shoulders in his impatience in waiting for the sliding doors to open wide enough to give him entrance. One of Raelyn’s co-workers that he recognized spotted him, her expression forming into shock before melting to discomfort almost immediately. He skidded to a halt in front of her, blocking her path as she seemed to mentally prepare herself to flee.
“Eunsoo-ssi,” he huffed, attempting to catch his breath, “where’s Raelyn?”
She averted her eyes, shrinking back from him as he took a step toward her. Canting his head slightly, he couldn’t hide the confusion on his face. She’d never treated him like this before. In fact, he remembered her playfully doting on him like she would a younger brother. This sudden standoffishness seemed a little unwarranted.
“She…” Eunsoo paused, taking a breath, before lifting her face to meet his gaze. Her brows were furrowed harshly and he could swear that her eyes looked glassier than they had just a few seconds ago. “She’s at the funeral hall.”
Taehyung frowned. “Why?”
“I’m sorry, I have to finish my rounds.”
Eunsoo quickly bowed, side-stepping him to disappear around the corner to the next hall. His gaze followed her as he was left in the main lobby alone.
What the hell is going on? he thought as he made his way toward the elevators. Pressing the button to give him entrance, he pressed the button that led to the mortuary floor where funeral services were typically held. Did something happen to one of their co-workers?
It didn’t take him long to make it to the funeral hall. Various other families were dressed in their traditional mourning attire and rows of wreaths with white carnations lined the walls. White ribbons hung from them, traditional hangul printed on them with the names of the deceased. He barely took notice of them, his eyes frantically searching for any sign of Raelyn.
The weight of sorrow that filled the hall was palpable, making the uncomfortable feeling welling up in his chest almost unbearable. He couldn’t place his finger on it, but Taehyung swore that a dark cloud of dread was hanging over him. He quickly shook his head, attempting to chase the nagging voices from his mind.
This was crazy. He needed to get his head together.
Just as he took another step, he stopped as someone dashed out of one of the rooms. He blinked when he realized the woman dressed in a traditional white mourning garb was Jimin’s older sister. She covered her mouth, smothering a sob, and Taehyung could only blink when she paused just seconds before colliding into him. It seemed to take her a moment to recognize who he was, as it did him for her. Her face was puffy and swollen from all the crying she’d done.
“N-Noona,” Taehyung stammered out, an icy sensation slithering down his spine, “what are you doing here?”
Her bottom lip quivered uncontrollably, her hands reaching out to grasp at the sleeves of his jacket. “Oh, Taehyung-ah,” she choked out, curling her fingers into his arms, “Jimin-ie…he…he…”
Slowly, he craned his neck to peer at the three wreaths lining the walls just outside the room she’d vacated from. He read the names on each of the ribbons draped over the wreaths. Taehyung’s heart froze for half a second before slamming viciously against his chest.
“No way,” he murmured, looking back at Jimin’s sister, “…Noona.”
Instead of answering him, he watched her collapse to her knees – a wailing sound bursting from her. Taehyung heard his very soul shattering as he pivoted on his heels, his legs carrying him into the mourning chamber.
It was crowded, bodies shuffling around as people cried or whispered among themselves. Taehyung didn’t bother removing his shoes as he stepped up onto the small landing. He saw Raelyn out of the corner of his eye. She was the first one to spot him, making her way toward him. But instead of relishing in the comfort of her embrace, the very thing he had so desperately been seeking out since he’d woken up, Taehyung stepped just out of her reach. His eyes focused on the three portraits situated on the table where various foods and flowers were placed.
“Taehyung-ah.” Seokjin called to him, but his voice sounded muffled from the incessant buzzing in his ears. He heard him say his name again and he still couldn’t hear it well.
All he could focus on were the smiling faces of Jungkook, Eden, and Jimin looking back at him from the black frames encasing their visages.
As he took another step, he saw someone move to step in his path – blocking his view of the pictures. When he lifted his eyes, he was now staring into Hoseok’s stern face.
“Where have you been?”
Taehyung continued to stare at Hoseok, blinking slowly as his mind attempted to catch up. He opened his mouth to speak and found he couldn’t find the words.
“We thought you were dead.”
The phrase shook Taehyung; rattling his bones. He visibly flinched, took a breath, then glared up at his older brother.
“Hyung,” he finally managed to say, his voice dropping a full octave, “what is this?” Raising a hand, he pointed to the side of him and gave a wide flourish to the entire scene surrounding them. “What the fuck is this?”
A hand fell on his arm and he felt Raelyn’s swollen belly pressed against his side. She buried her face into the curve of his shoulder, suppressing a sob as she pulled him close. His body felt stiff, like he’d turned into a marble statue. This was all some joke. It had to be. There was no way that any of this was real.
“The Jade Fangs were responsible,” cut in Seokjin.
Taehyung’s eyes narrowed. “There’s no way that—”
Yoongi sighed gently. “You told us her location, Taehyung-ah.”
It was like someone dumped a bucket of ice water over his body.
“W-What?” That was impossible. He hadn’t been able to obtain that information. “I didn’t—”
“We realize that now,” added Namjoon. When Taehyung glanced at him, he nearly hiccupped at the dark expression painted over his brother’s face. “They texted us from your phone. It was all a setup from the start.”
Again, silence filled the small space around them save for the members of Jimin’s family who came, as well as friends.
“They’re gone, Taehyung-ah.”
Twisting his face to look back at Hoseok, he noticed his other brothers crowding around him in a semicircle. It wasn’t until his vision went out of focus that Taehyung realized he was now crying.
“What?” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “What do—”
Hoseok’s face softened, his brows furrowing before he closed his eyes. “They’re gone.”
The sun slowly set over Seoul’s cityscape. Lights blinked with life in succession, illuminating the darkness. Taehyung listlessly stared out over the vast expanse while standing on the hospital’s rooftop, lips puckered out while indulging on a sucker. He didn’t remember running from the mourning chamber. He didn’t remember banging his knee on the steps as he tripped over his own feet upon his ascent.
No one chased after him. They knew better. They knew he would likely implode if they did.
Taehyung didn’t stay for the cremation process. He would have thrown himself into the flames right along with them. Selfish? Of course he was. He was man enough to admit that all he could see was red.
Pulling out his phone, he crushed the candy between his teeth. Scrolling through the numerous voicemails left by Hoseok, he stopped until he saw Jimin’s name. His thumb hovered over his name, trembling, before he pressed down on the screen.
It automatically played the message on speaker mode.
“Ya, Kim Taehyung,” came Jimin’s voice from the receiver.
Taehyung’s brows furrowed, hearing the pained chuckle that followed.
“…you son of a bitch. How could you just take off for the gates of the Underworld alone? Huh?”
His grip tightened on the phone, feeling his arm shaking from the force of his hold. There was an uncomfortable stretch of silence before he heard Jimin speak again.
“Don’t even think about stirring up a bunch of shit without me. Jungkook and I will be there soon.”
Without any warning, Taehyung fell to his knees. The phone fell with a clatter beside him as his hands gripped onto the roof’s railing. His whole body shook, his silent sobs rattling through him. The tears that streamed from his face were hot and thick. He swore he could feel his own blood leaking from his eyes.
They were gone. 
Mercilessly ripped away from the life they more than deserved to live.
Someone had to answer for this. 
Someone was going to answer for this.
“I’ll make them pay,” he growled, glaring at the landscape as he ground his teeth together, “I swear to your God, Jimin-ah…”
I’ll fucking kill them all.
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fandomfanfics12 · 4 years
We Are A Family-Part 30
Title: We Are A Family. Pairings: Steve x tony, Peter x Wade, Nat x Clint, Sam x Bucky. Part: 30/? Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, eventual smut, slowburn. Summary: When Nat comes into the avengers tower with baby Peter Parker, the avengers didn’t know what they were getting themselves into. But now that Peter is here,Steve and Tony both feel protective over him. It doesn’t help that Peter hates everyone other than Steve and tony. But as Steve and tony raise Peter, they start to fall for one another. Will this superfamily work out or will it all turn to hell? A/N: I have waited a very long time to write this part-hope you enjoy.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24, Part 25, Part 26, Part 27, Part 28, Part 29
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Steve sat in avengers tower, Wade before him, the kid’s face looking ashen as Bruce examined him.
“He’s not going anywhere.” Bruce reassured them both yet it wasn’t comforting.
“I want Peter.” Wade said for the millionth time since everyone had disappeared. Steve still refused to use the word dead because he would bring them back. They’d lost so many people that Steve couldn’t accept the mere concept of letting them go. Thor was taking it the hardest, because he hadn’t gone for the head. But they’d all made mistakes, but they would fix this.
“We don’t even know if Tony and Peter are-“
“Bruce.” Steve snapped and Bruce looked down at the ground.
“I understand that that’s your family Steve, but you should prepare for the worst.”
“they’re alive.” Steve snarled. Bruce sighed and Steve felt the attention of everyone in the room on him, even Wade. Steve could practically hear the word bounce around in their heads denial. But this wasn’t denial, they were alive. Steve had to believe that or he would fall apart.
“Steve…” Natasha’s voice trailed off as Steve glared at her.
“They’re alive, Tony will be figuring out a way to get themselves home and when they get here they’ll want to know we have a plan on how to fix this. so let’s figure out a plan.” Steve said and the others all glanced at one another, but finally nodded.
Tony turned on the camera and settled back against the wall.
“Hey Stevie, god I haven’t called you that in years. I hope you’re alive, I don’t want to know that you’re gone too. I know we broke up, and that you stopped loving me a long time ago, but I want you to know that I still love you. I tried to move on, but it wasn’t the same. While I think I could have gone on loving someone else, it would always be you. it’s always going to be you. Pete’s…” Tony trailed off, too choked up to be able to finish the sentence.
“We’re going to run out of oxygen tomorrow and that’ll be it for me, but I’ll be dreaming of you. I’ve been doing that a lot lately, dreaming about you. because even with everything that happened in the end, all the bad blood that was spilled, I still love you Stevie. Both Pete and I did. He wanted you there when he-“ Tony covered his mouth as a sob escaped him. This felt damn near impossible. How was he supposed to get through this?
“I just wanted you to know that I love you Steve, even after everything. I’m still in love with you. because it’s still you, you’re still my family.” Tony squeezed his eyes shut and let out a slow and deep exhale. he stopped recording and slumped back, exhaustion overtaking him. He hoped he went in his sleep, at least it would be peaceful that way.
Steve put the razor down and stared back at himself in the mirror. The beard was gone and his hair was neatly trimmed thanks to Nat. he looked like his old self again, but there was a gaping hole in his chest. It had been over a week, and still no Peter and no Tony. He was starting to wonder if the others were right, what if they didn’t come home? But then he heard the unmistakable roar of a ship approaching. Tony. He ran, feet pelted against the ground as he came outside, an overly large ship landed on the grass and a moment later the hatch opened. There was a blue woman, her arm wrapped around Steve’s husband as she helped him. Steve had tunnel vision, there was just Tony who was breathing and alive and Steve was filled with so much love and relief. He practically flew to Tony and Tony relaxed visibly when he saw Steve. Steve ran up the steps and his hands reached out for Tony.
He was here.
Running to Tony and then his hands were on Tony.
Tony had to look back to Nebula to be sure but then he turned back and Steve was still there. Steve helped Tony down the last couple steps and they stopped and then Steve was pulling Tony into a hug.
“You’re alive.” Steve whispered as Tony clung to Steve. Thank god he was alive,
“I couldn’t stop him.” Tony whispered and Steve pulled back, those blue eyes were filled with love-a look Tony hadn’t seen in years.
“Neither could I.” Steve leaned his forehead against Tony’s but Steve didn’t understand. He didn’t know. Tony could hear other people coming but he didn’t care. Here he was, in Steve’s arms again. But Steve had a right to know, his name was on the adoption paper right beside Tony’s.
“Stevie I lost-“ Tony’s voice cut off and Steve frowned.
“What?” he couldn’t say his name, it hurt too much.
“I lost the kid.” Steve inhaled sharply and tears filled his head.
“I lost the kid.” Steve’s world imploded, Peter was gone. Steve’s heart broke and his brain short circuited. The devastation on Tony’s face broke Steve’s heart but Steve’s mind was flashing back through all the years, all the times he’d held Peter or hugged him, god what was the last thing he said to his son?
“Tony, we lost.” Steve’s voice was hoarse and Tony squeezed his eyes shut.
“Tony!” Steve felt Tony’s body shudder against his own at the sound of Wade’s voice. As the raw loss of their son was about to get so much worse.
Wade ran up to Tony and Steve, his heart hammered in his chest and he looked wildly around for Peter. He was probably still on the ship. Wade made his way over, and mistook the devastation for exhaustion.
“where’s Peter, is he on the ship?” Wade asked, looking over their shoulders to see a blue lady standing by herself.
“Wade…” Tony’s voice trailed off and Wade looked back to them.
“I know, the scars, it’s a long story. But I need to see Peter.” He’d practically lost his damn mind without Peter around.
“He’s gone Wade.” Tony’s voice was hoarse and Wade stumbled back.
“He’s gone.” Tony was crying but Wade was shaking his head.
“No he’s not, because Peter can’t be gone.” not if Wade was still here. Wade had only known life with Peter, the kid from across the hall. There was no way that Wade made it through this and Peter didn’t. because Peter was three thousand times better than Wade. If one of them deserved to live-it was Peter.
“I’m so sorry.” Tony whispered but Wade shook his head.
“No he’s not.” Wade curled in on himself, agony paralysed him and he crouched down to the floor. Peter was gone. his Peter, gone.
While Steve had been happy to see Tony at first, Tony kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. For Bucky to appear and for Steve to break his heart all over again.
“Tony, can we talk?” here it was, Tony nodded but wasn’t sure his fragile heart would take the rejection well. Not after having to tell everyone in excruciating detail about what happened out there. About what happened with Peter.
“What’s up?” Steve sat down on the edge of the bed that Tony was in. Bruce had ordered him to bed rest so he could recover from the stab wound that Thanos had left him with.
“I know now isn’t the best time, after everything we’ve lost…” Steve trailed off and Tony stared up at the ceiling.
“He still loved you Steve.” Tony said and Steve stilled.
“When he was,” Tony sighed he still couldn’t say it, couldn’t voice the truth aloud. “He said that you should be there.” Tony looked away and Steve inhaled sharply.
“Really?” his voice was small, weak.
Steve forgot how to breathe. Tony looked so sick and here they were, their son dead.
“He said that you should be there.” Steve inhaled sharply and tears sprung into his eyes.
“really?” he choked on the word, wishing he had been there for Peter. He still struggled to  believe that Peter loved him after all the horrible things Steve had done.
“Pops should be here.” Tony confirmed and Steve put his head in his hands. He wanted revenge, he wanted Thanos’ head on a fucking stick, he was filled with rage, how dare Thanos take away his son?
“I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there with you two.” Steve whispered and Tony sighed.
“Why would you have been? There’s no way you could have known and after everything it’s not like you were just hanging around.” Steve shook his head. He should have been there. For Tony. For Peter. For his family. he should have broken through the mind control sooner.
“That’s what I need to talk to you about.” Steve said and felt the shift in the air as Tony grew worried and focused on Steve.
“Were you around at the time or something?” Tony asked, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Steve just shook his head, not sure of how to tell Tony. He’d thought about this moment a million times, all the different ways he could say it and all of the different reactions Tony and Peter would’ve had. But Peter wasn’t here and everything was so fucked up and this was a scenario Steve had never considered.
“No. it’s about us, and the divorce and everything.” Steve couldn’t meet Tony’s eyes. He was so ashamed of himself, of everything he’d done when he had lost his mind.
“We don’t need to do this now.” Tony said but Steve shook his head.
“it needs to be done now. I lied to you, about the vision I had when Wanda brainwashed me.” Steve’s voice was hard, his hands had curled into fists.
“You lied?”
“I told you that it was Peggy, wanting her last dance. But it was Thanos.” Tony grew very still beside Steve.
“And what did Thanos have to say?” Tony asked, sounding angrier with each passing second.
“not much. But after that, he was in my head. Controlling me.”
What did that mean? Tony’s heart was hammering in his chest and he had to resist the urge to fidget. What the fuck was Steve talking about? He’d known about Thanos this whole time? Had Steve known that this was coming?
“controlling you?”
“He was in control of my mind. I couldn’t control myself or my actions. So I started to pick fights with you, started to pull away. I’d push you to the edge and then get mad at you. I tried to tell you and then I’d pick a fight instead. I told Bucky, he was the only person I could tell. And then Thanos was controlling Buck’s mind too.” Steve was shaking and Tony felt like he couldn’t breathe.
“And then what?” Tony asked, he was scared of what Steve was going to tell him next but he needed to know.
“Then I told you I’d slept with Bucky. I was freaking out because I was destroying our marriage and it was the last thing I ever wanted to do. And you were so good to me, you kept fighting and it broke my heart to watch. I asked Bucky to help and when he did, he told you that we should break up.” Tony put a hand over his mouth and Steve was breathing heavily, struggling to get the words out.
“So this whole time Thanos was controlling you?” Steve nodded and Tony ran a hand through his hair. What was he supposed to do with this information? What was Steve telling him exactly? That he didn’t want the divorce? That he hadn’t meant for their lives to go to shit?
“yeah. I practiced with Wanda, to break through the mind control. And that’s why I had the seizure at the wedding. The airport was my punishment.” Steve explained and the remaining pieces of Tony’s heart broke. I didn’t mean it. tony this isn’t me. Oh god, Steve had tried to tell him. And he hadn’t listened. Steve had lost his mind and no one had noticed.
“Stevie…” Steve’s head snapped to Tony’s and Tony pulled him into a hug.
“I didn’t mean any of it, I’m so sorry that I said and did all those horrible things.” Steve sobbed and Tony rubbed soothing circles into Steve’s back.
“shh, it’s alright. I’m sorry I didn’t notice.” And then Tony was crying, how had he missed that? How hadn’t he noticed that something was wrong? Peter had known. He wasn’t in his right mind that day. Peter had been fighting for their marriage even after Tony had given up. He must have known. Whether that be because he just refused his parents were truly split up or his spider senses Tony wasn’t sure. But Peter had known.
“I just wish I was strong enough to have broken through sooner. To have told you, to have been there for Pete.” Steve whispered and Tony held him.
“We’re going to get him back. We’ll find Thanos and use the stones and we’ll bring them all back.” Tony whispered and Steve looked up at him with wide blue eyes.
“You’re not mad at me?” he whispered and Tony shook his head.
“I’m mad that I didn’t notice, but not mad at you.” Steve’s eyes wandered down to Tony’s lips and the breath caught in Tony’s throat. Was it possible that things could go back to normal? That they could go back to the life they were supposed to have had? With Peter and their house and their marriage and Wade coming by after school? Could they really get their old life back?
“Wade told me that you’ve got a new boyfriend.” Well that’s a fucking mood kill. The image of a perfect life shattered in Tony’s mind as he was forced back to reality. Tony looked up at the ceiling, suddenly feeling very conflicted.
“Doctor Stephen Strange.”
“he was a neurosurgeon.” Tony confirmed.
Steve was competing with a fucking brain doctor. Why on Earth would Tony ever consider Steve again when there was a brain doctor in the picture. Steve, who was nothing more than a soldier and who had broken Tony’s heart versus a fucking brain surgeon.
“Don’t oh me.” Tony said as Steve pulled back. For a moment there, it had felt like the old days. Back when it was just the three of them at home, on a quiet and lazy Sunday. But, Steve realised, he’d never get that again. Those days were long gone. he’d lost his chance, lost his family.
“So where does that leave us?” Steve asked and Tony inhaled sharply. He must have felt so lonely, so rejected after all that Steve had done. Steve wasn’t angry that Tony had moved on, he just wished he’d been strong enough to break free sooner so this could have been prevented.
“I don’t know. Do you still want there to be an us?” Tony said it slowly and Steve looked up at the ceiling, his mind reeling.
“For me, I never stopped loving you. I never fell out of love with you, there was never anything between Bucky and I. but if you don’t want us anymore, if you want to be with Stephen, I’ll respect that.” Steve said and Tony nodded his head. Steve waited while Tony sought through his thoughts, the room stiflingly silent.
“Stephen died in the snap.” Tony said and Steve let out a slow breath.
“I’m sorry.” But Steve just felt confused. Where did that leave him?
“I want you to know I’m still in love with you Steve.” Tony said, while it should have been comforting-it was a bad sign.
“Okay.” Steve knew where this was going, and it just made him feel sick. Was this how Tony had felt all those years ago when Bucky had come back?
“Since we’re bringing everyone back, that includes Stephen.” Steve nodded, clenched his jaw and forced himself to keep it together. He could mourn the loss of his family alone. He wouldn’t make Tony feel guilty for making a choice between them.
“It’s alright, I understand.” Tony cupped Steve’s face and Steve flinched.
Tony found this slightly amusing. Steve wanted him, he was still loved by Steve. Steve wanted to make it work.
“It’s alright, I understand.” Tony cupped Steve’s face and Steve flinched. You’re such an idiot cap. Tony thought to himself and couldn’t contain his smile.
“Stevie.” Tony whispered and Steve squeezed his eyes shut.
“Don’t.” Steve whispered and Tony sighed.
“I’m picking you cap, but I’d feel wrong doing anything with you until I had explained the situation to Stephen.” Tony felt Steve’s body relax and he opened his eyes.
“Are you sure?” Tony smiled despite himself.
“It’s always going to be you cap, never doubt that.” And then Tony pressed his lips to Steve’s forehead, and Steve melted into him.
“I love you Tony.” He whispered and Tony’s body shuddered with yearning.
“I love you Steve.” They would fix this. they would fight Thanos and bring back Peter and they would get their happily ever after.
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fabien-euskadi · 6 years
28 Questions Challenge
tagged by @thepurelands (thank you:)
Rules: Tag the person who tagged you, answer the questions, tag people
1. How tall are you?: 5 feet. Wait, was I supposed to mention the inches as well?
2. What color and style is your hair?: Dark brown, long(ish) and rather wild.
3. What color are your eyes?: Sad brown.
4. Do you wear glasses?: No
5. Do you wear braces?: No. And never did.
6. What is your fashion style?: A year ago, I decided to isolate myself from the world (especially, the humans). Being so, I moved to a farm on a valley, lost in a place so remote that a lot of people ask me if I even have electricity here. I did that to cure a severe depression and to reignite my writing sparkle... but, a year later, I am on the verge of suicide with zero lines written since I moved. I lost my contact with Humanity, I no longer see neither the good nor the bad side of human species. I am a shadow of what I used to be - I am a shadow of a being, I became a creature. Being so, I lost any fashion/style sense at all - but that is just until I get out of this horrible pit with wonderful views.
7. Full name: You will have to kill me to know that. But since none of you is a shooter, you'll have to call me Miguel, just Miguel.
8. When were you born?: This body was born a long time ago (before some of you did), but my soul may be even older - much, much older. 
9. Where are you from and where do you live now? Actually, I was born in Lisbon and, after many unfortunate events, I ended up in a remote place in Upper Alentejo that few even know where it is - it's just a rural hamlet/place between Portugal and Spain. But soon, I shall be moving to some other place and I have no idea where I am going - and, somehow, that is strangely exciting. I hardly know where I am and I only know that I must go.
10. What school do you go to?: The FSHC of the Algarve University. Yes, college is in Faro and I live 350 km away from it.
11. What kind of student are you? One that is postponing all deadlines regarding his thesis, even if I have all the tools and the knowledge (and research) to do a good job. What is blocking me? Depression.
12. Do you like school? I liked some places where I studied and hated others. But I really like the Algarve University, I must admit. The same cannot be said about my previous college, ISCTE.
13. What are your favorite school subjects? Any subject can be either interesting or boring - basically, all depends on the teachers. During my masters course (in History and Heritage, btw), all seven subjects/lectures were truly amazing, fascinating, deeply challenging and that says a lot about my professors.
14. Favorite TV shows: What is a TV?
15. Favorite movies: If I had to choose just one, it would be "The Crow" - the original one, the one with Brandon Lee and with The Cure on the soundtrack.
16. Favorite books?: Again, if I have to choose just one, it has to be "Wuthering Heights", for being, basically, an epiphany for me.
17. Favorite pastime: I have no free time, to be honest. Being depressed means that I have a small amount of energy for all my tasks and that energy is clearly insufficient. Being so, when I am not just on my bed, agonizing, I am doing less stuff than I should and that means there is hardly any time left for hobbies. But even if I had time, depression would steal any pleasure I could have with them.
18. Do you have any regrets? I regret the last fifty years of my life (and I didn't live fifty years yet). I regret being born. And I may regret these two last sentences.
19. Dream job: Writer. Full stop.
20. Would you like to get married someday? Is there anyone insane to the point of marrying me? Even those who are addicted to pain, misery and suffering think that marrying me is beyond all the agony they can endure.
21. Would you like to have kids someday? That is something that requires the opinion of two people. 
22: How many?: Again, that is something that requires the opinion of two people.
23: Do you like shopping? Hum... not really, although sometimes it can be therapeutic - when you go shopping, you try to please and improve yourself and, for someone with depression and a low self-esteem, that can be important. But since there is no mall around where I live…
24: What countries have you visited? Portugal and Spain do not count for this list and Morocco must be out of it as well, since I visited it when my mother was pregnant. Being so, I've been in France, Italy, United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, Malta, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cape Verde, Tunisia and my beloved Egypt.
25. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? Someone invented a way of making the ones who already went to greener pastures come back for a while and I decided to use that machine to make my grandfather return for a while. For a week, I had my grandfather again, although it was a rather ill, vaguely percipient and weak version of him - but I remained by his side all the time, absorbing every second of those extra days with him that were given me by science. Once the miraculous week was over, I realized I had to feel the devastating pain of letting him go again... but I didn't want to, I wasn’t ready to lose my grandpa once again, after losing him in 2004. But there was someone who, wisely, convinced me that I should let my grandfather rest, for he really needed to go, to go forever: my father. By the time I had this dream, my father had already passed as well - so, there I was, surrounded by those who are just a memory in the world of the living. This may not be scary… but, by the gods, it was one of the most painful sensations I had in my life, since it triggered me all the feelings, all the despair, all the pain of loss.
26. Do you have any enemies? I am my own enemy. I am the one who is actively trying to find ways of killing myself and I fear I may end up being successful.
27. Do you have a s/o?: That's the typical question of that unpleasant old aunt, that is always trying to do her best to make you feel like crap. Mind your own business, Aunt Doris. 
28. Do you believe in miracles? If I survive the next few years, it will be a miracle. But, hey, one of my nicknames is Jesus.
Now, I shall tag... whoever wants to answer this. You are reading this? Consider yourself tagged.
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jhara-ivez · 6 years
Enderal Character Ask// thx to The R3d Painter
1. The basics Name: Jhara Ivez (Jhara->“Misery“, Ivez->“Archer“)
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Sex: male Gender: male Age: 25 Race: Half Arazealean Eye color: Light blue Hair: Blond Sexuality: bi
2. Describe their appearance. He’s intimidating. Like 90% of the time. The other 10% is very boyish. 3. How do they like to dress? He usually wears the armor of the Ash Warrior outside of Ark. Inside Ark he likes to dress more casually, but mostly he prefers darker shades of colors.
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4. Do they have any markings (scars, tattoos, birthmarks)? He's got a lot of scars from his Ostian days. Mostly from aggressive stray dogs.
5. What are they like? Describe their personality (use whatever tools you like):
I don't need a crown,
no palace, no jewels,
wherever I am,
every place is my home.
I am a tramp,
but I am free,
the cup passed from me.
To be free does not require much.
Only who is free is a king.
Shameless takes the cheeky thief
because he forges his own luck.
What others dream of,
I'll take at night.
My walk is equal to a white wedding horse.
A fearless king,
guarded by mercenaries,
a vain god... in my heaven
(In Extremo – Frei zu sein)
6. How would they describe themselves? He would describe himself as a stray.
7. Education level? He's skilled with numbers and is able to read. That's basically it.  
8. What are they proud of in themselves? What are they embarrassed about? He's proud to outwit anyone at cards and dices. He's also proud to be quick and rather talented in stitching things together... He's embarrassed about his sleeping pattern. People randomly try to give him 'good advice' on how to get to sleep properly („Drink some hot milk!“). 9. Do they know any languages other than Inal? He knows the language of his mother's tribe.
10. What, if any, aspects of their mother’s culture influenced them growing up? Due to his mother he learned how to deal with horses. She told him a lot about her country of origin, the customs and language. A great deal was his mothers book of arazealean fairytales, they both hid from the fathers eyes. He learned about the original meaning of words like 'freedom', 'heroism', 'survival' and 'war', that were completely misused in the southrealms ideology, which made him wary about the Creators ways.
11. Name a song (or a few) that remind you of them. In Extremo – Frei zu sein In Extremo – Zigeunerskat
12. Speaking of songs, can they sing? What is their voice like? How about instruments? His voice is pleasant and has a certain melody when he speaks due to his accent. I always imagine him to sound a bit like Kendji Girac. Singing or music was never something he did on his free will (although he might be able to sing without all of Ark closing their windows and doors to him)
13. What was their life like before coming to Enderal? Jhara was born on a stormy day in winter. Yet as soon as he was born it was not sure if he would survive, not because of illness, but because his father was sure that he was not his own blood. This may be true. Jharas mother married his father eight months ago by force and lived in Arazeal before, maybe spending time with other lovers. In his fathers eyes Jhara therefore was a sin, that was to be killed or to be abandoned. Why he did not do any of it is still unknown. His fathers hate is seen clearly in Jharas first name, meaning 'misery' in the old language of the arazealean tribes. His childhood was marked by violence, against his mother and himself. The most important reasons being his fair skin-, eye- and haircolor which gave a great contrast to other inhabitants of the southern realm, who mostly appeared to have darker skin and darker hair along with darker eyecolors. Four years after his birth his sister was born. Jhara liked her although she was clearly his fathers first choice. Nonetheless he tried to be a perfect son, working hard on his familys farmyard. His maintask were the horses, and since his father liked it better if he was outside he spend a lot of time with these animals. Political events never reached his ears. His father did not talk about any of it at home and Jhara never left the farmyard and its surrounding area. The transition of power in Ostian came unnoticed, as well as the massacre that happend just a few hours afterwards in the city and the urban fringe. Later this night the tempels militant elite, commonly known as the masked men, came to the farms, lit up the houses and killed a lot of farmers in cold blood. Jharas family was part of the desaster. He luckily (?) was not at home at the time but saw the smoke from the distance. By returning to the farm it was already too late. Not knowing what to do he hid himself and stayed near the house for a few days before hunger was too strong to ignore. Begging on other farms to get a new place to stay he was send away with insults and prejudice. His only chance was the city, but the way was tough. Desertheat and dangerous animals lurked everywhere. His horse did not make it in the end, which was another blow of fate to aggravate the pain. When he made it, finally, Ostian was not what he expected it to be. The city was dangerous and monitored. Guards were everywhere. Other children and teens on the streets lived in groups, hidden from the guards, Most of them got into fights a lot of times with each other, but also provided some kind of protection. Jhara was not welcomed, since his outer appearance was considered 'too noticeable'. All on his own he survived physical and psychological violence from other teens, passersby and the militia. These experiences significantly shaped his behaviour. Surviving in a world where the stronger one has less problems, where the militia showed violence and aggression without reason and death was nothing uncommon, he developed aggressive behaviour himself. Pickpocketing, stealing and getting into fights became his usual business, as well as the trade of stolen goods. He also learned to hunt for snakes in the swamps und the desert.
14. How did they decide to leave Nehrim? The final decision was made when the war between the realms of Nehrim became unbearable and the harbour was shutting down.
15. Describe their relationship with Sirius. Sirius was the only one who dared to befriend Jhara in Nehrim. Nevertheless the relationship was complicated. Jhara often made fun of him for being 'not even able to pluck a chicken' while Sirius tried to be Jharas good conscience with questionable success.
16. Who do they blame for what happened to their family? It was only because Jhara snuck away that night to spend time with his favorite horse that he survived the mass execution, so he partly blames himself too. What he found when he returned was traumatizing. Strange men with swords made of silversteel and his family screaming in agony and fear, crucified and burning.
17. Apart from stowing away, have they ever broken the law? Too often to count.
18. How honest are they? Under what circumstances would they lie? Jhara is seldomly honest. He's closed off and knows exactly what to say to get what he wants. The only time he is clearly honest is when he's around his horse since horses read body language and not words.
19. Worst memory(s)? Best memory(s)? Best: The image of seablue eyes Worst: Besides seeing his family, his horse, Jespar, Bushybeard and Sirius die and being bitten by a rattlesnake?
20. Fight, or flight? Depends on the rate of success.
21. Describe their combat style. Jhara fights with two swords, a) the Falcata which is perfect for crushing someone's head (it's useful for cutting wood too) and b) a longsword which is perfect for blocking and parrying. He depends strongly on his own reflexes and his quick feet (if a fight does not turn out as it was supposed to). He uses the kiléan bow from horseback. In occasional quarrels he depends on his fists and dirty tricks. Jhara: “Oh deer!” *rips a deerhead from the wall and throws it at the opponent* Jespar: “No deer-jokes as long as I am still here...
22. Have they ever killed before? What is their reaction to combat? He has never killed in Nehrim since all of his actions there were supposed to happen without being seen. In Enderal however, after figuring the whole shit out, combat sometimes gets a bit out of hand. His lack of moral codes makes him a merciless fighter. Sometimes he even thinks about killing as something funny and makes it even more painful for his opponent. If rage takes over the identification of the remains can turn out to get quite difficult.
23. How do they react to having magical abilities? Do they use them? Since magic reminds him of the temple's evil priests and militia he refuses from using it except for occasions when he has to.
24. What do they think of Enderal? He thinks the people are unable to haggle properly, are strangely superstitious and can't make proper bread, but in general he likes his new life there. He instantly fell in love with the landscapes.
25. Did they do the Biggest Egg Hunt Ever quest? Yes. And then he encountered the alchemical features and the poor starling never got his eggs.
26. How do they feel about joining the Order? What do they think of Arantheal? Most of the time he has no feckin' clue how he got himself into this mess. He does not fit in and he doesn't like 99% of the people there, but as it seems he has no other choice and at least the payment is quite nice. („And does someone know where all the silver tablewear vanished to?“) Arantheal counts into the 99% of people he does not like. This is mostly due to the fact that Jhara feels like a dog unleashed from the kennel whenever the calculating, old bastard sends him onto missions. He has a feeling that there is something fishy about him, but can not really tell what it is except for the obvious pride-issue and the I-am-infallible-attitude.
27. What is their opinion of the gods (or lack thereof)? Jhara gives a shit about them and he's not very good at pretending otherwise. Gods never helped anyone.
28. Wine, or pipe? Wine. Peaceweed only via second-hand-inhalation~
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29. Do they spare or arrest Hallys, the farmer-turned-bandit in the quest, Deus Ex Machina? Why? Jhara spared him. He was more concerned (and secretly pleased) about the fact that he of all people had to decide his fate.  He even picked the decision without asking Calia what she thought about it. In retrospect he strongly agrees that he picked the right verdict, because a dead or imprisoned farmer plus impoverished family is worse than a few people from the Undercity who “can not show their gratitute” properly.
30. What are their feelings and opinions about the Undercity? Jhara doesn't like the concept at all but he visits the Undercity often enough to make some questionable 'friends' down there. In his opinion change must come from within, but most people are too stupid or too weak to even try, especially those who still believe in the gods. If no one is ready to take risks he's not the one going to push them.
31. How do they react to the beggars of Ark? He usually has conversations with them and tells them some secrets to hear some secrets in return.
32. Where and how do they spend their time when in Ark? Jhara frequently visits the Dancing Nomad and the Marketplace. Since he's pretty vain with his hair and beard he also visits the bathhouse in the Nobles Quarter quite often or pays a visit to the Fat Leoran to listen to Gerril's singing.
33. What would they do with three wishes? a) end the Circle b) keep Jespar safe c) keep Meran safe
34. How do they feel about death? Do they fear it? Death is something that occurs to everyone. Jhara is deeply afraid of it nonetheless. Especially now that he has one guy and a horse to protect.
35. What (else) do they fear? Spiders. He absolutely hates them.
36. Do they have any secrets? Jhara rarely ever sleeps. He dozes off a lot but never truly sleeps deep enough to dream. Most nights he spends outside wandering the city or down in the Dancing Nomad, because he feels caged up in his room.
37. How is their behavior around people they like? People they dislike? Jhara is not an honest person. He often plays his own kind of game, cheating along the way and bending rules to his advantage. He can be very charming, funny and downright sexual, but usually he is relatively quiet. He often appears to be out of reach and egoistic. Therefore he does not do friends that easily. If he doesn't like someone and has no further gain from said person he can be very rude. He also likes to step into peoples personal space to test out if they back away or not. For people he likes however he acts like a fallen guardian angel if necessary. He's very loyal and tries to impress them at any given chance. 38. What is their relationship with the companions? Who, if anyone, did your prophet romance? With Calia it's more friendship or comrades-in-arms, but Jhara lacks the commitment to really make it work. Calia does not understand his sense of humour and he thinks of her moralcode as absurd. All in all it just works because both are very patient with one another. Jhara feels drawn to Jespar like a moth would to a flame. The mercenary provides the risk, the adrenaline and also the honesty Jhara needs in his daily life. There is a lot of not-so-friendly banter going on between them, but everyone who takes just one longer look at them can instantly see the chemistry between them. They are both utter idiots – Jespar being Jespar and Jhara trying to imitate a peacock with all his attempts to woo him.
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39. Was there any non-companion character that they were close to? That they particularly disliked? Jhara likes Ulfur Featherdance, the innkeeper, a lot. He's always in it for a few words of wisdom, shuts his eyes to cheating at card games and dices and keeps the key to Jharas room. Other than that Jhara took a liking to Lishari and Firespark, even thought the old man probably doesn't feel the same. He especially adores Andrasta Braveblood for her interesting idea to murder people via paintings (and for her beautiful face). A character he disliked was Rynéus because he just dislikes children (minus his sister).
40. How do they feel about myrads? He's terrified of flying. Cuddling the myrads is fine, as long as he can stay with both feet on the ground.
41. What dreams or ambitions did they have before coming to Enderal? What about afterwards? Before: Surviving. After: Surviving.
42. Do they like cities? Or do they prefer the country? Is there a region of Enderal that they like or dislike more than the others? He loves the sandy dunes, blue glowing stones and exotic fauna in the Powder Desert as well as the near beaches, it's where he and the horse both feel at home. Other than that he likes the Goldenforst and the Farmer's Coast. In general there is no region he really dislikes. It might just be a bit too cold for his liking. He likes to be in Ark too, but nothing beats roaming the wilderness.
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43. What do they do to lower their considerable stress? There's nothing better than drinking, ripping somebody off at card games or dices or participating in a good old barfight to get all that frustration out of the system. Or sex. Or listening to Jespar's voice.
44. Describe their perfect day off. He would have a cake with a lot of honey and dates and fresh figs for breakfast, stroll through the streets of Ark later, take a nap in a sunny place somewhere and in the afternoon he would fetch his horse and ride to the beach at the Farmers Coast to take another nap there.
45. List three of their favorite things. Three things they hate? Favorites: the heat, the sea, Jespar's eyes (because they look like the sea) Hates: Endralean bread, dreams, spiders
46. What’s in their pockets? Dates, coins, some jewels, lockpicks, Jespar's letter  (maybe a bit crumpled after all that time), a comb (because he's vain with his hair), a hone, bowstrings, a pan, one or two books, coal to write or tag something, two sets of extra clothes, seashells, two blankets, one or two bags with clean water, an XL-scarf, a few pieces of leather or leatherstripes, a variation of needles, some healing potions
47. Pets? Mounts? Treasured possessions? Jhara owns a horse. This horse is called Meran (the brave one). Everyone at the stables knows Meran, because he is the son of a vatyr. He's a rather big chestnut stallion with four white legs and a white marking from his forehead to his lips. The blacksmith doesn't like him and everyone else doesn't want anything to do with him either. He's unmanageable and a pain in the arse. One can not handle him with kindness, nor with friendship, nor with softness. Then again you can not handle him with dominance or aggression or firmness either. And then there comes this foreign idiot and takes one look at the horse and both fall in love with each other immidiatly. Nonetheless it took some time to establish the rules, because Meran was sure that all humans were idiots and unable to give clear signals and had to learn again to listen carefully. At least around Jhara he became very gentle and loyal like a dog, other humans were still idiots. And for Jhara this horse became his little brother because horses are family and must be cared for accordingly. He spent vast sums of money on the most beautiful crafted horsearmour he could think off and when he found „treasures“ like nice seashells or pearls or small gems they usually ended up stitched somewhere on the tack. And when there was that bandit who had the nerve to hurt Meran... Well, it was interesting to listen to his whining for almost the quarter of an hour after cutting off both his hands, piercing his cheeks and tongue with an arrow and letting him dangle from a tree to attract the attention of wolves.
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48. How are their cooking skills? He knows how to produce full roasted flavour while grilling an innocent salmon. Honestly he just eats what he gets, without really appreciating the taste. The only thing he is picky with is the bread (he only knows sand-baked flatbread which is not as sour in taste). He loves everything sweet like honey, dates and other fruits.
49. Do you consider any particular quest or side quest to be definitive for your prophet? Which one(s) and why? Into the deep would be the first one, because it was in the seacavern that the bad gut feeling first started to make itself known more strongly. The second would be A song in the Silence because he was deeply terrified of the father and Rynéus and in fact the whole village. And the third was All the dead souls. Because it happened too fast, and Jespar was an idiot to go in there alone, and Jhara got so, so angry and everything became a blurr and in the end he felt just hollow and his outrage had no effect whatsoever because you can't turn back time by slaughtering the sister.
50. How forgiving are they? For example, if they were yelled at in a brothel after searching high and low for this little sh*t, how would they react? Jhara with a broken heart, a lot of dammed frustration and anger is terrifying as hell. In the conversion itself he's patient as far as his patience goes, but afterwards... let's say there happened to be a few innocent people with broken bones on the way back to the surface.
51. What do they think of the Veiled Woman? He would like to know what exactly she is. Likewise he's annoyed of her constant riddles and sudden actions.
52. If they had been a victim of one of the black stones, how would it have affected them? What would they have used its power to accomplish? I think he would have created a bubble where he has his peace and quiet. And just when he gets terribly bored of all this peace and quiet he would go on a rampage.
53. What was their reaction to the Black Guardian’s revelations? Do they accept or reject his offer? In fact the thought did not really register with him. Being dead or not was suddenly unimportant. He heard the offer and Jhara did not think twice about it. He had to save Jespar, to get him out of this mess, if there was any possibility left, even if that meant destroying the beacon and die in the process for real, despite not knowing for sure if Jespar really was dead or alive. Him maybe being alive was enough to die for.
54. How does their story end? Badly.
55. Do they change over the course of the story? In what ways? He changes in a way he can not comprehend. It goes from being important to being important to someone, and I think that's what made the difference.
56. Anything else you’d like to share about them? Jhara adores tigers. He has heard stories about them in Nehrim and always thought that Jespar looked like one of those big cats when he killed off enemies with the grace of a brabaric dancer, who cut one man's throat and had his eyes fixed already on the next target. When he saw a tiger for real the first time he got nearly killed by it because he was so faszinated.
57. Bonus: For you- what are you most excited for in Forgotten Stories? E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.!!!!!!!
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libidomechanica · 8 months
Who deservelets
A kimo sequence
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0 notes
loveofyhwh · 6 years
November 30: Ezekiel 29–31; John 1:1–18; Psalm 120; Proverbs 28:23–24
New Post has been published on https://loveofyhwh.com/november-30-ezekiel-29-31-john-11-18-psalm-120-proverbs-2823-24/
November 30: Ezekiel 29–31; John 1:1–18; Psalm 120; Proverbs 28:23–24
Old Testament:
Ezekiel 29–31
Ezekiel 29–31 (Listen)
Prophecy Against Egypt
29 In the tenth year, in the tenth month, on the twelfth day of the month, the word of the LORD came to me: 2 “Son of man, set your face against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and prophesy against him and against all Egypt; 3 speak, and say, Thus says the Lord GOD:
  “Behold, I am against you,     Pharaoh king of Egypt,   the great dragon that lies     in the midst of his streams,   that says, ‘My Nile is my own;     I made it for myself.’ 4   I will put hooks in your jaws,     and make the fish of your streams stick to your scales;   and I will draw you up out of the midst of your streams,     with all the fish of your streams     that stick to your scales. 5   And I will cast you out into the wilderness,     you and all the fish of your streams;   you shall fall on the open field,     and not be brought together or gathered.   To the beasts of the earth and to the birds of the heavens     I give you as food.
6 Then all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the LORD.
“Because youHebrew they‘>1 have been a staff of reed to the house of Israel, 7 when they grasped you with the hand, you broke and tore all their shoulders; and when they leaned on you, you broke and made all their loins to shake.Syriac (compare Psalm 69:23); Hebrew to stand‘>2 8 Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I will bring a sword upon you, and will cut off from you man and beast, 9 and the land of Egypt shall be a desolation and a waste. Then they will know that I am the LORD.
“Because youHebrew he‘>3 said, ‘The Nile is mine, and I made it,’ 10 therefore, behold, I am against you and against your streams, and I will make the land of Egypt an utter waste and desolation, from Migdol to Syene, as far as the border of Cush. 11 No foot of man shall pass through it, and no foot of beast shall pass through it; it shall be uninhabited forty years. 12 And I will make the land of Egypt a desolation in the midst of desolated countries, and her cities shall be a desolation forty years among cities that are laid waste. I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and disperse them through the countries.
13 “For thus says the Lord GOD: At the end of forty years I will gather the Egyptians from the peoples among whom they were scattered, 14 and I will restore the fortunes of Egypt and bring them back to the land of Pathros, the land of their origin, and there they shall be a lowly kingdom. 15 It shall be the most lowly of the kingdoms, and never again exalt itself above the nations. And I will make them so small that they will never again rule over the nations. 16 And it shall never again be the reliance of the house of Israel, recalling their iniquity, when they turn to them for aid. Then they will know that I am the Lord GOD.”
17 In the twenty-seventh year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the word of the LORD came to me: 18 “Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon made his army labor hard against Tyre. Every head was made bald, and every shoulder was rubbed bare, yet neither he nor his army got anything from Tyre to pay for the labor that he had performed against her. 19 Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I will give the land of Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; and he shall carry off its wealthOr multitude‘>4 and despoil it and plunder it; and it shall be the wages for his army. 20 I have given him the land of Egypt as his payment for which he labored, because they worked for me, declares the Lord GOD.
21 “On that day I will cause a horn to spring up for the house of Israel, and I will open your lips among them. Then they will know that I am the LORD.”
A Lament for Egypt
30 The word of the LORD came to me: 2 “Son of man, prophesy, and say, Thus says the Lord GOD:
  “Wail, ‘Alas for the day!’ 3     For the day is near,     the day of the LORD is near;   it will be a day of clouds,     a time of doom forHebrew lacks doom for‘>5 the nations. 4   A sword shall come upon Egypt,     and anguish shall be in Cush,   when the slain fall in Egypt,     and her wealthOr multitude; also verse 10‘>6 is carried away,     and her foundations are torn down.
5 Cush, and Put, and Lud, and all Arabia, and Libya,With Septuagint; Hebrew Cub‘>7 and the people of the land that is in league,Hebrew and the sons of the land of the covenant‘>8 shall fall with them by the sword.
6   “Thus says the LORD:   Those who support Egypt shall fall,     and her proud might shall come down;   from Migdol to Syene     they shall fall within her by the sword,   declares the Lord GOD. 7   And they shall be desolated in the midst of desolated countries,     and their cities shall be in the midst of cities that are laid waste. 8   Then they will know that I am the LORD,     when I have set fire to Egypt,     and all her helpers are broken.
9 “On that day messengers shall go out from me in ships to terrify the unsuspecting people of Cush, and anguish shall come upon them on the day of Egypt’s doom;Hebrew the day of Egypt‘>9 for, behold, it comes!
10 “Thus says the Lord GOD:
  “I will put an end to the wealth of Egypt,     by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon. 11   He and his people with him, the most ruthless of nations,     shall be brought in to destroy the land,   and they shall draw their swords against Egypt     and fill the land with the slain. 12   And I will dry up the Nile     and will sell the land into the hand of evildoers;   I will bring desolation upon the land and everything in it,     by the hand of foreigners;   I am the LORD; I have spoken.
13 “Thus says the Lord GOD:
  “I will destroy the idols     and put an end to the images in Memphis;   there shall no longer be a prince from the land of Egypt;     so I will put fear in the land of Egypt. 14   I will make Pathros a desolation     and will set fire to Zoan     and will execute judgments on Thebes. 15   And I will pour out my wrath on Pelusium,     the stronghold of Egypt,     and cut off the multitudeOr wealth‘>10 of Thebes. 16   And I will set fire to Egypt;     Pelusium shall be in great agony;   Thebes shall be breached,     and Memphis shall face enemiesOr distress‘>11 by day. 17   The young men of On and of Pi-beseth shall fall by the sword,     and the womenOr the cities; Hebrew they‘>12 shall go into captivity. 18   At Tehaphnehes the day shall be dark,     when I break there the yoke bars of Egypt,   and her proud might shall come to an end in her;     she shall be covered by a cloud,     and her daughters shall go into captivity. 19   Thus I will execute judgments on Egypt.     Then they will know that I am the LORD.”
Egypt Shall Fall to Babylon
20 In the eleventh year, in the first month, on the seventh day of the month, the word of the LORD came to me: 21 “Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and behold, it has not been bound up, to heal it by binding it with a bandage, so that it may become strong to wield the sword. 22 Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I am against Pharaoh king of Egypt and will break his arms, both the strong arm and the one that was broken, and I will make the sword fall from his hand. 23 I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations and disperse them through the countries. 24 And I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon and put my sword in his hand, but I will break the arms of Pharaoh, and he will groan before him like a man mortally wounded. 25 I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, but the arms of Pharaoh shall fall. Then they shall know that I am the LORD, when I put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon and he stretches it out against the land of Egypt. 26 And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations and disperse them throughout the countries. Then they will know that I am the LORD.”
Pharaoh to Be Slain
31 In the eleventh year, in the third month, on the first day of the month, the word of the LORD came to me: 2 “Son of man, say to Pharaoh king of Egypt and to his multitude:
  “Whom are you like in your greatness? 3     Behold, Assyria was a cedar in Lebanon,   with beautiful branches and forest shade,     and of towering height,     its top among the clouds.Or its top went through the thick boughs‘>13 4   The waters nourished it;     the deep made it grow tall,   making its rivers flow     around the place of its planting,   sending forth its streams     to all the trees of the field. 5   So it towered high     above all the trees of the field;   its boughs grew large     and its branches long     from abundant water in its shoots. 6   All the birds of the heavens     made their nests in its boughs;   under its branches all the beasts of the field     gave birth to their young,   and under its shadow     lived all great nations. 7   It was beautiful in its greatness,     in the length of its branches;   for its roots went down     to abundant waters. 8   The cedars in the garden of God could not rival it,     nor the fir trees equal its boughs;   neither were the plane trees     like its branches;   no tree in the garden of God     was its equal in beauty. 9   I made it beautiful     in the mass of its branches,   and all the trees of Eden envied it,     that were in the garden of God.
10 “Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Because itSyriac, Vulgate; Hebrew you‘>14 towered high and set its top among the clouds,Or its top through the thick boughs‘>15 and its heart was proud of its height, 11 I will give it into the hand of a mighty one of the nations. He shall surely deal with it as its wickedness deserves. I have cast it out. 12 Foreigners, the most ruthless of nations, have cut it down and left it. On the mountains and in all the valleys its branches have fallen, and its boughs have been broken in all the ravines of the land, and all the peoples of the earth have gone away from its shadow and left it. 13 On its fallen trunk dwell all the birds of the heavens, and on its branches are all the beasts of the field. 14 All this is in order that no trees by the waters may grow to towering height or set their tops among the clouds,Or their tops through the thick boughs‘>16 and that no trees that drink water may reach up to them in height. For they are all given over to death, to the world below, among the children of man,Or of Adam‘>17 with those who go down to the pit.
15 “Thus says the Lord GOD: On the day the cedarHebrew it‘>18 went down to Sheol I caused mourning; I closed the deep over it, and restrained its rivers, and many waters were stopped. I clothed Lebanon in gloom for it, and all the trees of the field fainted because of it. 16 I made the nations quake at the sound of its fall, when I cast it down to Sheol with those who go down to the pit. And all the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, were comforted in the world below. 17 They also went down to Sheol with it, to those who are slain by the sword; yes, those who were its arm, who lived under its shadow among the nations.
18 “Whom are you thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? You shall be brought down with the trees of Eden to the world below. You shall lie among the uncircumcised, with those who are slain by the sword.
“This is Pharaoh and all his multitude, declares the Lord GOD.”
[1] 29:6 Hebrew they [2] 29:7 Syriac (compare Psalm 69:23); Hebrew to stand [3] 29:9 Hebrew he [4] 29:19 Or multitude [5] 30:3 Hebrew lacks doom for [6] 30:4 Or multitude; also verse 10 [7] 30:5 With Septuagint; Hebrew Cub [8] 30:5 Hebrew and the sons of the land of the covenant [9] 30:9 Hebrew the day of Egypt [10] 30:15 Or wealth [11] 30:16 Or distress [12] 30:17 Or the cities; Hebrew they [13] 31:3 Or its top went through the thick boughs [14] 31:10 Syriac, Vulgate; Hebrew you [15] 31:10 Or its top through the thick boughs [16] 31:14 Or their tops through the thick boughs [17] 31:14 Or of Adam [18] 31:15 Hebrew it
New Testament:
John 1:1–18
John 1:1–18 (Listen)
The Word Became Flesh
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life,Or was not any thing made. That which has been made was life in him‘>1 and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. 8 He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.
9 The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. 11 He came to his own,Greek to his own things; that is, to his own domain, or to his own people‘>2 and his own peoplePeople is implied in Greek‘>3 did not receive him. 12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only SonOr only One, or unique One‘>4 from the Father, full of grace and truth. 15 (John bore witness about him, and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me.’”) 16 For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.Or grace in place of grace‘>5 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God; the only God,Or the only One, who is God; some manuscripts the only Son‘>6 who is at the Father’s side,Greek in the bosom of the Father‘>7 he has made him known.
[1] 1:4 Or was not any thing made. That which has been made was life in him [2] 1:11 Greek to his own things; that is, to his own domain, or to his own people [3] 1:11 People is implied in Greek [4] 1:14 Or only One, or unique One [5] 1:16 Or grace in place of grace [6] 1:18 Or the only One, who is God; some manuscripts the only Son [7] 1:18 Greek in the bosom of the Father
Psalm 120
Psalm 120 (Listen)
Deliver Me, O Lord
A Song of Ascents.
120   In my distress I called to the LORD,     and he answered me. 2   Deliver me, O LORD,     from lying lips,     from a deceitful tongue. 3   What shall be given to you,     and what more shall be done to you,     you deceitful tongue? 4   A warrior’s sharp arrows,     with glowing coals of the broom tree! 5   Woe to me, that I sojourn in Meshech,     that I dwell among the tents of Kedar! 6   Too long have I had my dwelling     among those who hate peace. 7   I am for peace,     but when I speak, they are for war!
Proverbs 28:23–24
Proverbs 28:23–24 (Listen)
23   Whoever rebukes a man will afterward find more favor     than he who flatters with his tongue. 24   Whoever robs his father or his mother     and says, “That is no transgression,”     is a companion to a man who destroys.
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rogue-snorunt · 6 years
Can I still be nosy? 7, 8, 16, 18, 19, 31, 43, 44
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i’m shook because someone actually wanting to get to know my doofy ass ; u ;7. Do you have tattos?Yep! got 3 tho tech one is a two-parter: +The Great Chain from Bioshock with “A man chooses, a slave obeys” quote on left wrist.+ Assassins Creed feathered insignia from the second game on right wrist.+ White ink skeletal angler fish on right side of left calf with its angler wrapping around to left side turning into a branch in which a cute ass fluffy owl sits as its lure.8. Want tattoos?Yep, and I want to get more : Gene’s star tattoo from Outlaw Star; Cardinal and some Daisies ( nana and great nana’s spirit bird and favorite flower) and a crow (my favorite birb) done in a mixed style of abstract and geometric shapes. The Marker from Dead Space with possible “Altmen be Praised” But both a phobia of needles (ironic i know but the tattoos i have already I did as a sort of self forced exposure therapy) and money currently prevent them,16. I’ll love you if…You treat me like a decent human should treat others; give me food, are patient, I am able to relate to you due to similar likes and interests. 18, Most traumatic experience:strap in- this is gonna be long  and I apologize: 
three years old- dad chasing and holding me down and forcing piercing my ears with a needle and an ice cube.six years old - the cat I’ve had an lived since birth and was my only friend: scratching me in the face , it was my fault as I pulled his tail like dumbass kids tend to do, resulting in the cat running outside and getting ran over by my day. i lost my best friend and my right eye that day.16 years old - accidentally getting left behind at a gas station in new jersey because I had to pee and left my phone in the car.
17 years old - Let my fathers dog - Milkshake out before taking a quick shower only to get a knock on the door a few minutes later by a random dude who informed me he had hit Milkshake. there was nothing anyone could do and no place was open so on christmas day I laid in the snowy road with Milkshake while she choked on blood for a couple of minutes and than died.  19 years old - 3 months into driving, a deer running out infront of me and I swerved to miss it resulting me to go off the road on a steep guard rail-less hill. my car got air and I popped all four tires; the frame got shifted 4 inches to the right, bent the control arm, it flipped on its side and my 50 pound toolbox getting thrown my backseat, missing my head by a few inches and smashing into my windshield. my car landed a few feet from a metal pole in a ditch. the only reason I was able to get out was because I happened to have the sun roof open that day and managed to fit through it.   Instead of  going to the hospital after, like the intelligent person I am,  I just went home and slept for 3 days.22 years old - getting rammed from behind doing 75 on the highway by a white truck while trying to pass a semi-truck while driving home for the weekend from college. fishtailing then doing a couple 360′s managing to not hit the semi truck besides me or the truck behind me and stopping inches from hitting the guardrail, facing the opposite direction. again, did not go to hospital; went to my friends restaurant where I worked at the time and just went to sleep on the dining room floor.22 years old - crossing the crosswalk on my way to my friends restaurant and assuming the suv coming down the hill would abide by the laws of this land but instead getting double-tapped by an old lady.  No hospital - went to restaurant and went to sleep in the hallway to the house above the restaurant.23 years old - the head gasket in my 88′ Ford Bronco exploding while driving back to college on a dark and very stormy night. I had to stand in a downpour next to a giant fireball for 2 hours waiting for the cops to come.25 years old - moved to Wisconsin for a bit and while riding the bus to work, a man apparently disapproved of how I was sitting and punched me.Few months later a finch flew into our apartment building and I tried my best but it died in my hands.26 to 27 years old -  Moved back to new york; where my step mom died and her appearance at the wake still fucks me up.Than I began working at a bakery and worked with an unstable man who would black out; scream, throw and break equipment and threatened to hurt/ kill me and lock everyone inside the bakery and burn it.and finally 27 years old: on january 31st - my friend was driving me home before a bad snowstorm hit and we hit black ice and slammed into a tree. the airbag broke my hand; face and glasses and fucked up my ribs, left lung and have a damaged nerve in my neck. The feeling of getting the air knocked out of you and not being to breath and the agony of trying to was the worst pain i’ve ever experienced  in my life and I was in and out of the hospital for 5 years with pancreatitis, kidney stones and infection, ulcers and organ shut downs all at the same time. last: having to put my dog with prostate cancer down after he wasn’t getting better. he died in my lap and it still haunts me.19: a fact about your personality take away the silly manner of speaking and vocab; puns and dumb jokes, pop culture references and goofy mannerisms : I’m just a dumb emotional asshole. 31. Last text message“I can’t help that I’m a slut for grade a memes and maple candy, stop shaming me”43. Sexiest person who comes to mind:tbh, i havent had a thought like this but now that I am @life-is-no-sugarlicking ‘s roy ; gage , dean winchester and ryan goslin come to mind.44. random fact:alot of food advertised as gluten free is naturally so already. Companies like advertising that and repackaging it to sell at a higher price just because they slapped “GLUTEN FREE!” on something they been selling already for years. and its a trap alot of people newly diagnosed with celiac’s are victim too.   Rice; Veggies, Meats, Potatoes, Corn starch, Corn Tortillas, Cheerios, Rice Chex, Fruits, marshmallows, chocolate and gummi worms/bears/etc, also oatmeals are naturally gluten free so you don’t need to buy that special overpriced junk.if it requires a rue (thickener like in gravies and chowder) / is a soup/ requires a binder such as meatballs and meat loaf/  needs to be baked or fried / beer or other alcohol like that  = 99% chance its gluten, don’t eat it! vodka; rum; tequila, i believe gin and apple ale are all gluten free.you can use corn starch in lieu of flour for making gravies and soups Advice? Read the labels for everything. Personally, as long as it doesnt actually contain wheat/wheat by products or gluten, I can have things with “MAY contain..” but everyone is different and more sensitive than others. just be careful and read everything. (soy sauce and corn pops are fucking traps because soy sauce is alot of the times made with soy AND WHEAT so check!!! and corn pops are shitheads because you think “oh! CORNpops! I must be able to have it! cause its CORN pops! FRIGGIN CORN-POPS! CORN!!” NO YOU CANT BECAUSE THOSE SNEAKY MUTHAFECKERS USE WHEAT AS LIKE THE 2ND INGREDIENT AND I AM REALLY SALTY ABOUT IT) 
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the-spark-bug · 3 years
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I posted 29 times in 2021
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3 posts reblogged (10%)
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I added 19 tags in 2021
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Longest Tag: 35 characters
#masters of the universe revelations
My Top Posts in 2021
Sudden headcanon: Jim Hawkins and Cale Tucker are twins separated at birth.
2 notes • Posted 2021-03-09 03:13:21 GMT
Protagonists aren’t “heroes”
When people try to describe how dangerous a situation is and how easily the protagonist could die, there’s always someone who dismisses it because “the hero never fails.”
We always aspire to be the hero, but when given the opportunity, we’d rather go home and finish our bank deposits.
Not everyone is equipped to handle their taxes, let alone making the ultimate sacrifice on the off chance that they could save a stranger’s life.
If someone tells you (a twelve-year old) that you can be a hero, You’d jump at the chance without a second thought. 
However, If you’re in your late 20s, having established a life with friends, family, a stable and favourable job, and found someone you would spend the rest of your life with, and then being told that you should be the hero, you’d sooner call the police on them.
Personally, being abducted by entities beyond my comprehension and being told that I’m some “chosen” hero to save the world from some ancient and powerful evil/disaster doesn’t motivate me. If anything, I’d give them one of these...
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and find my way back home.
I want to read something where it starts where the protagonist refuses the call to action and doesn’t come back. Just living his life while the world tries to find another hero.
3 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 02:53:35 GMT
No joke, while I was listening to the he-man revelations transformation theme, a bolt of lightning struck down in my neighborhood. Nature has the power.
Had a blackout for a second.
4 notes • Posted 2021-09-19 01:44:12 GMT
Blasted heat is killing me.
Here are some tips: occasionally spray some cold water on the wrists, elbows, and sides of your neck. Those contain arteries that go to your heart and spreads throughout your body. Spray them and you'll feel a little cooler.
Invest in ice trays, Aquafina water bottles, coolers, and summer fruits; mangos and watermelons in particular.
6 notes • Posted 2021-06-27 22:06:33 GMT
Between Loki, Wanda, and Bucky, you’d think they would take turns going to Bruce Banner’s office for a counselling session. Only to be reminded that he’s not that kind of doctor.
28 notes • Posted 2021-06-11 21:56:56 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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rennyji · 3 years
July 22nd Morning Tweets...
July 22nd Morning Tweets...
America is the nation that took everything from me. It wasted my physical and mental health, brought chaos to my home life, coerced my parents into following the directives of abuse towards their son, restricted job ability and opportunity, separated me from time with my sibling and filled their mind with cr*p, put humanity as a whole on one team in belief/practice vs. me…
To the nations misled by America, who take part in this endeavor allegedly”for” me, but which was actually “towards/against me.” :
The Americans are all about pleases and thank yous on the surface, but they lack a culture. Ask what their values/principles are? Ask them specific questions, ask them to elaborate…it’s in their nature to take advantage of lack of interest in detail. The ones that have principle, probably can trace it back to their Greek or Irish or whatever origins. Hitler is blunt and obvious with gas chambers towards the Jews. But the American? They play a long convoluted game, placating the masses for their agenda, so that those in power can continue to exert god like authority at a high salary. I’m supposed to collapse or be mentally ill for their purposes. You have no idea all the angles to this "situation", that the Americans put together, to make this phenomena happen…it is an incomprehensible evil...words cannot express my mind's stomach upset/indigestion with processing the details of evil men like these - not even Satan himself is this clever...where is this coming from, you'll ask? That is because you don't know what is going on, in its entirety.
In Luke 13:31-32
Jesus says,
At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to him, “Leave this place and go somewhere else. Herod wants to kill you.”
He replied, “Go tell that fox, ‘I will keep on driving out demons and healing people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.’
So American government, law enforcement, and military:
you, in not stopping for a decade, imply you want me to collapse? You want to make me a martyr for a God-less nation? Need a modern day Christ example people can relate to? You blasphemers. If Herod was the fox, you are the swine you eat, as it is you who projected, “you are what you eat.”
In Luke 16:19-31,
It is said:
19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day.(A) 20 At his gate was laid a beggar(B) named Lazarus, covered with sores 21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man’s table.(C) Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
22 “The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. 24 So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham,(D) have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’(E)
25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things,(F) but now he is comforted here and you are in agony.(G) 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’
27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them,(H) so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses(I) and the Prophets;(J) let them listen to them.’
30 “‘No, father Abraham,’(K) he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
Weak minded swine of orchestrators…if a respected 2000+ year old lineage and history can’t be a role model to your nation, and my explanations/elaborations/correlations don’t suffice, then your nation is hopeless, cannot he woken up or guided. The swine want to create a cool martyr that suffered mind reading/mind control? First you fix yourselves, before misleading ur children of a nation and piling on their sins onto yourselves for misleading them. As the last verse of the Story of the Rich Man and Lazarus goes:
30 “‘No, father Abraham,’(K) he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them,
(Like maybe if they’re depicted as cool and suffered something futuristic like mind reading/mind control, …)
they will repent.’
(I.e. under the thinking that The nation will wake up, live a better life through a role model.)
31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”
(Not convinced if someone rises from the dead is equivalent to me dying from/overcoming mind reading/mind control, for your “at the surface” public P.R. Image of the “soon-to-become” thought police from “1984.”)
In order protect their grimy a*ses, the orchestrators want to make the entire “situation” about a nice guy or some cr*p…what about in the Old Testament? I have no desire to be the golden calf for the metaphorical Israelites, who were seeking “to create something to 'follow/idealize.' ” Moses wasn’t happy, and Americans, based on what is at the root/heart of this present “situation” - (the destruction of an individual and sanctity of mind, ruining of a family) - I don’t think God wants to be your bandage or coverup, for what is towards the end of your government project and it’s resulting bleeding from the leprosy of sin.
Orchestrators, waste someone else’s time.
To finish my earlier point:
So why stay in America, some may ask? I LEFT this horrid, “drunkedness-in-thinking”country for a year, and the orchestrators brought me back to this unclean place to inflict their sadistic behavior, for, 8+ years?! more…
I’m the guy you work for, orchestrators. Using ur p*ssy psychology as a weapon against me, to enslave me, in action: by denying me my rights as a citizen, is quite something.
Years ago, while upstate by “that” University, I said remember this:
Psalm 3, not words of solace, but a promise. A promise.
It is believed those who share in the lineage, those who are a branch of the vine, are priests, prophets, and kings as the Christ figure. While divinity of this figure is questioned amongst different people, it is a fact that this was a man, who served God, tried to get people of the time to “”wake up and was a descendant in the line of King David - priest, prophet,  king. It is also said, Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life. Many believers unfortunately restrict this to meaning salvation - whatever that word may embody - and those of their respective faiths think salvation is meant only for those under the label of Christian, if they be Christian, Muslim, if they be Muslim, and so forth. Which is better, the mere LABEL of Christian/Muslim/Jew, or those who live in the footsteps of the Christ figure? Words/labels are human constructs. What’s more important is the meaning behind them. Someone, merely because, they don’t fall under your label, is not bad, and that judgement is not a right reserved to any human being, with respect to another, his/her equal... For those looking to walk in a straight line, find peace, and achieve salvation, you must be priest prophet & king in nature. As a priest you serve something much greater - not out of an enslaved mentality in thinking of the word "serve" - but as a loving father to son or a loving son to a The Father, you should serve with love. From that, can be derived, you serve each other, because that is part of serving something greater. By the priest mentality, you are humble in attitude, understand there is something greater, that the world isn’t about what you want. You understand there are rules, but their purpose is not to restrict, but to give structure. Growing up/living life is like making jello. To make jello, it needs some kind of container to take shape, as it is flavored water in the beginning. Without a container, its just a mess that spills everywhere. Rules to abide by are our container. That's where the guidelines of religions were supposed to help, but those lacking in insight, turned what was for structure/a path to success to something geared toward restrictions for a life. We are the flavored water in jello to take shape under the structure of "good words/good advice/good principles/good values." There are many containers, as there many religions, giving us jello, merely the illusion of a different shape. What matters is that we have a shape and aren’t messes that spill everywhere…then we’d just be wasted flavored water. Don’t see rules as restrictions. They are there for us to maintain form. Rules at times need to be bent, but that should be out of understanding its purpose and following it with your heart vs. your mind. Nothing is absolute. A container holding jello can be molded to different shapes. But be careful. Mold it for selfish gain and you risk bending the container to such an extent, flavored water and even firm jello can fall out. What prevents this is, following rules with you heart, out of love, for something greater - in which case you’d just changing the angles of the edges or something small like, that with respect to the container, so that nothing loses form or is wasted, with respect to working with rules or adapting them to do what is appropriate for your life. Don’t restrict the concept of priest to celibate people, shaving their heads and/or living in a monastery all the time. Christians believe they are priest, prophet, and king in one being, as we share in the spiritual lineage of Christ, who traces His lineage to King David, and Abraham, the father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. As a prophet it is your job to awaken &  teach each other truths. You are to stand up for what you believe in, with respect to the free will of another. Don’t bother with the whole "the end is near speeches.” When you start reading a book or watching a movie, the end begins to be near. Sometimes there are sequels depending on the Author’s favor. But no one knows when the ending is, because we don’t know what the Author is thinking. Since the stories of our existence started, the end has been near. It is just the nature of things. There may be a sequel or there may have been sequels. The characters in books and movies don’t bother with such details. They just fulfill their roles in the story and so should it be with you. And finally, as a king, you should live with honor respect and integrity. Kings don’t waste their lives 'in its entirety,' throwing ping pong balls into cups while inebriated. You are a leader. You should make decisions and act in ways that are just and right, for your are a king. Be the best version of yourself. Priests, prophets, and kings, are what we are, and should be.
A person's societal or life role, or lifestyle, adopts the illusion of better/worse class or no class…behind the labels/that role/that position/that lifestyle, behind or through all these things, everyone is living... These things are simply under the illusion of a different form, in a setting/a world/a time, that has the potential of bringing out the best of them. To further elaborate, lifestyle roles/positions in life are quadrilaterals. Quadrilaterals are 4 sided figures. These include, but are not limited to, squares rectangles trapezoids rhombuses rhomboids…all a bunch of shapes that look different to our eyes…they’re illusions…but the truth behind them is that they all have four sides. Such is the nature of a person’s role and different lifestyles…As we are all quadrilaterals, no one shape or person is better or worse. These are just tricks for the mind from our reality. Take pride in who you are, what you do. Things look really different, and maybe seem better, in the life of another, but it’s just a look. Everyone is still doing the same thing: still living. People by default see only the different shapes or differences amongst each other, so that they may never be happy. Such is part of our default nature. We need to willfully rise above it. Systems like the caste system were put into place to preserve order, to force people to carry out their respective roles in society. There were the Brahmins i.e. the priestly class, the Ksatriyas: the warrior class, the Vaishyas, who were the farmers, then there were the Shudras(the laborers/craftsman). It was believed that the societal roles were inherited from merits or lack of them, in past lives. So that eliminates the "why am I this/doing that" thinking. In getting past that, you can now focus on moving forward, on bigger/better things. These systems like the caste system of old seem rigid and they are. But they closed people’s minds to what wasn't their concern or closed off jealousy/envy into other people's lives i.e. closed off to what was outside the realms of their concern. In a sense, by restricting a mind's passion for everything, they brought in focus into what could be changed or what the individual potential left the individual with. These old systems like the caste system are like a parent disciplining a child when they’re young. To get the ball rolling, to get the discipline established, you need to be a stern with it, or perhaps, practice rigidity. On a different note, in Islam, there are harsh punishments for crimes, harsh regulations for women...I mean as Islam in Islamic countries is not just a religion, but a system of law giving structure to society (as all religions aimed to do, going back ages, in uniting a primitive/animalistic/disorganized people, scattered across the world), you have people getting their hands chopped off for theft or some crime. It severely discourages the action. To avoid temptation for men, people of a millennia or two, ago, decided to hide women in long gowns and face/head coverings, where their faces are only visible to their families. Now that the ball is rolling, "we have time to think". Now that people are not as primitive/animalistic/disorganized, you really need to second guess these practices of old...understand why they were put in place, and ask yourselves if somethings just boils down to a weak mind that needs better guidance/training...Religion came into the world so that people would stop eating each other, killing each other, by realizing it as sin...(today, the immature ones amongst humans, have taken it from eating/killing each other, to mind reading/mind controlling others...imagine if these idiots used their intellects for the Golden Rule, to help their fellow man, to help just one of "the least of" His "brothers and sisters"...but I digress...)Religion told people, ultimately aim for a man and woman becoming one in marriage, promoting family structures and support systems for men and women and their offspring, in times where you have people screwing everyone all day/everyday and having kids that weren't taken care of, and a bunch of other chaos like diseases, etc. So, before my tangent, I said: "People by default see only the different shapes or differences amongst each other, so that they may never be happy. Such is part of our default nature. We need to willfully rise above it. Systems like the caste system were put into place to preserve order, to force people to carry out their respective roles in society." It’s expected that people think about, and hopefully understand: why things were done the way they were done. Even a child in passing years, in his/her older years, understands why the parent was hard in the beginning. As years have gone by, since what was implemented ages ago, you need to look at the meaning behind the roles. They close what’s irrelevant in minds, so that there isn’t chaos, and you don’t get distracted, in place of focusing on what lies ahead. Indeed how lucky we are today. The people to whom such systems originated, had it much harder. With respect to such big things affecting everyone, time isn’t measured as it is with the lifetime of a child. It’s measured across generations. Those people the systems and practices originated around, were the children. We are those children as they’re getting older. Despite this, we still have some severe versions of immaturity... With the passage of time, there are evolved teachings. You hear Christ say that each man(yes women too. saying man and woman or human, in place of man, as a term combining everyone, just doesn’t flow…i  know in Spanish,  when referring to men and women, they usually stick with the masculine form of the words…but I digress...anyway…) … you hear Christ say each man is priest(priestess) King(Queen) and prophet(prophetess) (—see what I mean…takes the flow out of writing and speaking). With respect to the older teaching of Brahmins Ksatriyas Vaishyas  & Shudra - those were the four main divisions. There was another role that was outside the system of favored roles, and that was the role of the Untouchable. They handled all the dirty jobs in life. But the truth is, each man is a priest, warrior, farmer, laborer, 'and above all' untouchable ( i.e. untouchable for the sake of a label, because of the nature of their role, by the "perceived as" higher castes in society). Each human being has the responsibility of all those roles, in this day and age, where humanity is older. People are like analog signals. They don’t have fixed states like digital 1’s and 0’s or electrical charges. Roles are like ladders. You can go up and down. But doing the equivalent of jumping up, rushing out of place, risks the ladder falling down on you...or you breaking some of the steps on the ladder with your abrupt move, leading to you wounding yourself. The roles of old are themselves, nothing.
What I'm getting at is, do what all these Hindu and Christian roles represent. Follow the duties of "all those roles." Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty, like a Hindu Untouchable. At the same time, remember you are a king (going back to the Christian notion of priests/prophets/kings) who loves his neighbor to the extent that you are willing to be his servant in concept. By King, you have integrity and should act with it. Don’t let labels go to your head and don’t let them hurt/inflate your ego. Regarding societal roles or jobs, Everyone has to do something. It’s what keeps the world going. Why squares are squares or trapezoids are trapezoids, is a waste of energy. We’re like seeds in a field. Why it rains in some areas, why the sun shines more in others, who knows…they just do… say there’s a seed growing in an extremely hot area…maybe the surrounding plants that were already growing around it or that it found to be planted amongst, gave it shade and allowed it to prosper in an area where seeds usually get scorched by too much sun…maybe the seed kept rolling in the dirt and strayed from nourishment… to think of such "why’s" can only prevent you from "focusing on what’s ahead" as well as hinder your growth. Wherever & whatever your role is, there is no small, there is no big. Focus on your duty to God, self, others, in life. Focus on carrying out your duty. Be all that you are, to the best of your ability in life, while treating everyone else the way you would like to be treated, in each day, each situation, life throws at you.
so another thought...
Life is like a field and we are all seeds in that field, trying to sprout, grow, and become something. Why it rains in some areas, more than others, who knows. Why it doesn't rain in some areas at all, who knows. Why the earth under some seeds is more fertile.. who knows. Everyone has something and nothing going for them. As a friend once said, “I’m thankful for the things that I have, but also the things I don’t have. It’s what makes me, me.” Don’t waste time hating someone for what you perceive as them having and not having, because whatever it is you have/don’t have, are the tools you need to sprout, grow, and become something. After all, seeds do not waste time wondering what other seeds are doing.
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madaaamr · 3 years
in less than 24 hours imma turn 23 all this 22 years and more of my life did i spent it right? did i cherish it right? did my friends remember me right? i thought i would never pass 21 and get through my 20 with a lot of anxiety my 19th year i spent with great depressions and back then i thought that the 18 years of my life was already hard enough maybe 17 just too young to be in a lot of stress form college life the 16 years old me should think better than that why would you in a hurry while you’re just 15???
i always thought that love would be a luxury when i was 14 the truth is, up until now i still couldn’t understand nor afford love i didn’t really get why my name was always on the 13th list of my class oh maybe because it is started with M well sometimes i got on the 12th of 11th but i never made it to 10th
i lost a lot of weight i lost 9 kgs on my 8th grade why? i don’t know maybe because i overthink everything because i was told that i was too fat at my 7th grade?
well my life had changed a lot on my 6th grade i got bullied pretty bad tho my friends since 5th grade throw me away as if i was just a piece of trash as if we were never really friends before i started to think that i am worthless ever since that (still tho) i was too young to faced such a depression one group, from 4 become 3 i thought we were besties traumatized. my school rank dropped more than 2  and i was alone me myself and i my parents worried so much about me (i hate to make them worries) i didn’t talk much anymore and i can’t even sleep before 1 o’clock i practically became a different person
the future is some kind of an illusions for me while the past leaves too much agonies in me did i really live in the present? it’s still kinda blur for me i tried to enjoy living, really sometimes i made it, enjoyed it but most of the times i was crushed badly i am nor sad or happy i just live, let the numbness accompany me til somehow i get hurt, or maybe happy
-what i will be 23??? -hey time can you stop for a while? -imma make coffee please don’t pass me by
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BSD, 26 June 2021 -mad
 sponsored by anxiety and existential crisis
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defenestram · 6 years
So, I did end up making a Giroux family tree, and then I decided to write some blurbs about the more memorable Giroux family members of recent note. TW: Death, Suicide, Suicidal thoughts, Guns, a lot of crime, just... some of these folks are rather angry and unsavory and... yeah. @roseywaters look what you made me do.
(Also, I’m stupidly fond of all of these idiots, but I’m especially fond of Percival and would let Mag throw a chair at me.)
Desmond Giroux - March 31 1922 - December 31 1979 - Level 0 - N/A
By all accounts, Desmond knew he should have considered himself lucky. He escaped the war without so much as a blemish on his skin (although that didn’t stop him from waking up screaming in the night with sweat streaking down his brow) and had a beautiful wife and darling children who photographed like a goddamn dream.
In truth, it was never enough. Desmond Giroux grew up knowing that there was something terrible and awful coming for him. He looked for it around corners as a child, and then he thought he heard it in gunfire in the war. He mistook the screams and squeals of his children as calamity, calamity, calamity, and the breathy sighs of his wife as the yawn of a draining throat spilling ruby all over the kitchen tile.
Desmond Giroux grew up with the understanding that his only purpose in life was to die, but death never seemed to come for him when he thought it would. Instead, his friends died in the war. His co-workers in the factory drew back from machines with bloodied fingers and screams of agony.
After so many years of death failing to show up, Desmond grew complacent... and then he grew cocky. Crime offered him more money than factory work ever could. All he had to do was pick people up, keep his eyes low, shut up and drive to wherever his boss wanted to go. He saved up his money -- well, he spent some of it in the bar after long, hard days -- and let it curl like a promise in a can of emptied coffee grounds.
He wanted to take Joséphine and the kids somewhere nice, somewhere better. He wanted to give his son -- so quiet, so sharp-eyed, so clever -- an education that he never had.
He wanted, but he never did. The money sat in the coffee tin in the car because it never felt like enough to Desmond...
But it was enough for the man who walked up to the door of Desmond’s car and tapped on the glass until he rolled the windows down.
Desmond hardly recognized the barrel of the gun pointing directly at his head.
He smiled -- ruefully, but still a smile -- because death had caught up to him at last. After so many years of waiting, it snuck up when he had forgotten entirely.
The son of French immigrants, Desmond (named after a family friend) grew up anxious and afraid of his own shadow. Despite this, he still had a streak of wildness to him which resulted in him reaching above his station to socialize with a woman of fortune. Eloping young, the newly married couple were briefly separated by the war, but managed to make up for that lost time by having many, many children. After coming home from the war, Desmond grew dissatisfied with the hum-drum factory work and longed for something more, and eventually became a driver for a local crime lord. Greed kept Desmond from sharing his money with his family, and his ill-gotten gains were lost entirely when he was gunned down and robbed, leaving his wife a destitute widow with many children to raise on her own.
Joséphine Giroux (Earl) - November 24 1929 - January 26 1985 - Level 0 - N/A
She watched her husband’s coffin as it was shakily lowered to the ground. There were a million things Joséphine could have looked at or thought about. She could have regarded the mockingly beautiful blue sky, or the flutter of her black shawl in the winter’s wind. She could have ruefully pondered the fact that she had once been of high society stock and how she had ruined it all by running away for love, love, love. Instead, she watched the pale, white wooden coffin as it thudded down the six feet pit and came to a final rest, and it was only then that she registered the weight of her oldest son’s hand on her shaking shoulder. Normand always supported her. Normand always helped without being asked. Normand was her angel.
Once a high-society debutante in New Orleans, Joséphine Earl ruined her prospects by running away and eloping with the son of an immigrant with no social standing or monetary gains. She and her husband lived in reduced prospects, but were largely happy and had many children, whom Josephine struggled to raise after the death of her husband. Her eldest and favorite child, Normand, “worked many jobs” to support his mother and family, eventually working afar from France and other locations on “business.” If Joséphine knew what her son was doing, then she played ignorant and took her secrets to the grave.
Normand Giroux - May 25 1956 - November 22 2015 - Level 5 - Teleportation
He teleported back to France in his later years to visit Parnella’s grave and to lay fresh flowers on her grave. The sight of the headstone brought back memories of their younger years, and the haunting whisper of her voice in his ear:
You’re so serious and so quiet. You never talk. Why don’t you talk for a change? I’ll listen.
He remembered how she’d set his cup of coffee down as he read a book on the outside terrace of the cafe she worked in and how he regaled her with some silly story that he was waiting for a family friend – Ophelia.
He remembered his daughter’s smirk, remembered the hook of her eyes, remembered the cool snap of her fury as she balled her fists, stood abruptly and changed the color of her skin.
What about me? Would you drive me out too? Would you hate me too? She asked, throwing her furious gaze on Parnella, who in turn shrieked at him like a woman who has just witnessed her child battered and bloodied in the streets. She used to listen to him – head propped on her arms, elbows propped on the table, her shift at the cafe having long ended – but now he knew then that she would never listen to him again. Not like she used to. You ruined our girls! You ruined us! You ruined our family! You made them exactly like you.
Exactly. Like. You.
He remembered the punch of those words as he stood in front of her grave, chrysanthemums in hand. He knew that in France, chrysanthemums were the flower of funerals and mourning, but Normand was and always has been a reader. He could read symbolism better than he could read the emotions in a face. He knew that in Asia, for instance, chrysanthemums represented grief.
And he was grieving in his own way, although he made peace with his decisions long ago and stuck with them, even when all he wanted was to turn heel and come back. His mother once told him that conviction was the mark of a great man, but she never said anything about truth.
Normand knew that chrysanthemums symbolized truth, and after long years he sat down across from his wife, knowing full well that she wore her wedding ring right up until the day she died, just as he still kept his tucked in the pocket of his suit – just above his breastbone.
For her and her alone he told the truth. He knows the truth came too late, but she deserved to know, so he sat down and told her everything – why she found blood on his shirts, about his fear for his eldest child, about how Mireille still haunted him, about the little girl he left in America. He told her every truth he never told her while she was still living, still breathing. And for one last time, Parnella listened just as she did all those years ago. This time, though, he was the one who closed the distance to kiss her. It took him by surprise when he was younger – the warmth of her, the softness of her against someone who had always been described as cold-eyed and sharp – but now…
Now all he felt was the cold stone against his lips and the warmth of tears against his cheeks. In that instance, he knew that Parnella wasn’t listening at all, and that he had unburdened the weights of his soul to dust, bones and cawing ravens in an empty graveyard.
Death, my old friend,
He could feel the weight of its hand on his shoulder. Each day, the fingers pressed down with more insistence. Family was supposed to be his legacy, but it was as Parnella said all those years ago: You ruined us!
He knew what his legacy had become: silence and stone. Without saying another word, Normand rose to his feet, dusted the grass from his suit and removed his glasses to wipe the tears from his face. He left again, and did not look back.
The husband of Parnella, and the father of Ophelia, and Mireille Giroux as well as Maxine Price/Maxine Moretti-Giroux, Normand was born as the eldest of many siblings in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was very fond of his mother, and always strove to make things easier for her. A wise man, Normand did well in school, but his parents limited prospects meant that he would never be able to attend higher education. His father’s death further put a wrench in his plans, as well as a power that suddenly awakened within him without explanation. Instead of seeing teleportation as something to weather, Normand turned inconvenience into a skill and used his teleportation abilities to break into locations that nobody else could get into, quickly falling into the life of a criminal. He ended up graduating from theft and burglary into assassination as a way to keep his mother and siblings, particularly his beloved sister, in a comfortable life. His sister eventually found out about his doings and banished him from her life and her family.
Cast out from his family, Normand absconded to France (a country that his family had once immigrated from) and continued his “business.” He ended up meeting Parnella Giroux at a cafe while waiting for a mark, and the two were quickly married and soon had two daughters.
Normand took an extensive trip to the Pacific Northwest to chase a mark, and it was during this time that he met, befriended and started an affair with Laurel Moretti -- a bartender and card shark in Seattle. She bore him a daughter, Maxine, whom he placed in the care of a couple in Tacoma as a way to keep her safe from the Agency, who was closing in on Moretti due to her advanced powers.
Normand returned to France for a time, and then ultimately moved his family to the States in an attempt to escape his life of crime. His youngest daughter with Parnella, Mireille, ended up running away when her powers surfaced, prompting Parnella to blame him for ruining their children and making them like him. This was the first time Normand realized that his wife knew of his powers.
Normand ended up running away from his wife when he realized the Agency was closing in on him. He spent some time on the run, occasionally taking out Agents who he deemed to be a threat to himself or to his family or just at a whim. While he never saw his daughters again in person, Normand did hear Mireille’s voice through a mirror when her captromancy powers surfaced.
Normand escaped the Agency’s claim of New Haven, but knew he couldn’t stay on the run for long. Having watched over his family at a distance for a years, he attempted to teleport back to New Orleans to rescue his sister’s powered children, Magnolia and Percival Winston, but ended up getting into a scuffle with the Agency. Normand managed to escape the skirmish, but Magnolia (the only Winston sibling he managed to reach) was pulled from him before he could teleport them to safety and she was subdued and processed as a criminal.
Normand later roused Agency suspicion again while he was shopping for food. After a chase, he managed to abscond back to his hotel room where he ended up taking his life rather than letting himself be killed.
Parnella Giroux (Fabron) March 12 1959 - June 14 2008 - Level 0 - N/A
Parnella had never been a photographer, but she had many photographs, and she kept them crowded around her bed in her last days. They were a pale and yellowed and wrinkled form of silent company in the hole left behind by a missing partner, but there was a certain warmth that came when she revisited the photos of her and Normand -- so young, the tiniest hint of a smile on his lips while she modeled his glasses for him and tossed her hair over her shoulder. The hardness wasn’t in his eyes back then. It was better for her to remember him that way instead of remembering him as the man who made her wait, the man whose stories never added up to anything that could be true, the man who had been nothing more than a ghost for years.
She had photos of her eldest daughter, although she didn’t need them. Still, it was a passing amusement to run her fingers over the old polaroids of her impish daughter who looked the picture of innocence with her dark curls and brown eyes. Innocent for a time. The girl grew up into a trickster, who grew up into someone all elbows and knees and unwavering confidence that life broke and bashed into someone raw and rough and full of sharp edges. Ophelia sat sleeping in the chair near her bed, and even in her sleep, Parnella could see the lines forming in her daughter’s brow as it furrowed and furrowed, but never relaxed.
And then there was Mireille. Parnella’s youngest daughter was more a ghost than Normand was, but there were photos near the bed that showed her as an infant sitting on her father’s knee as they read through books together, or standing hand-in-hand with her elder sister as they raced away from waves on the beach (Phee giggling, Mireille screaming as the water lapped her ankles) or sitting for a formal portrait with her hair perfectly braided and bowed and her dress without so much a wrinkle. Mireille had her father’s smile -- soft and slow and easy to miss -- and like her father, Mireille was nothing more than a haunt and a regret.
“I had regrets too, Parnella.”
A woman’s voice whispered through the room, unheard to anyone else. The first time she had heard it, Parnella was certain she had gone mad, but she remembered the other woman too, even if she had never directly met her. She remembered the lipstick that she had once found on Normand’s collar -- a shade of red too bold for her to wear -- and the photograph of a child that was not hers, but who still carried the shape of her husband’s eyes.
Those were things she tried to forget once, but now she struggled to remember as she withered.
“I can’t do much to make up for what I did -- what I had to do for the sake of balance. I don’t expect you to forgive me, and I can’t bring back what you lost. My reach is so limited here but... I can give you more than faded memories. I can give you dreams, if you’ll let me.”
Parnella didn’t so much as nod. The other woman was one of them -- just like her husband and just like her own daughters. The other woman didn’t need a word or a nod to know just what she was thinking.
Still, there was one thing that Parnella tried to send before she fell into a deep sleep and dreamed of her family -- whole and happy and together around the table once more...
Her last thought was of forgiveness. Parnella forgave her husband for his lies and secrets, and for leaving. She forgave Ophelia for all of her trials and rages and the years of petty jokes. She forgave Mireille for being something that she could never hope to understand. She forgave the Other Woman who had left lipstick on her husband’s collar and carried a child that looked more like him than her girls could ever hope to.
The last person Parnella forgave was herself, and then she slipped away.
The wife of Normand Giroux, and the mother of Ophelia Giroux, and Mireille Giroux, Parnella disliked the long hours that her husband spent away on his “business trips” and suspected that there was something far more sinister about his work, but never said anything out of fear of confrontation. She hoped that moving to America would be beneficial for her husband and daughters, but ended up running into a different problem when her youngest daughter’s powers surfaced. Faced with something she couldn’t understand, Parnella reacted to her daughter’s powers poorly, resulting in Mireille running away from home. Normand would disappear later, leaving Parnella abandoned and alone in a country that was not hers. She grew sick and was cared for by her eldest daughter, Ophelia, in her last years, before eventually dying.
Laurel Moretti - August 10 1965 - Level ??? - Mental Manipulation, Mental Blocking, Telepathy, Omnipathy, Power Negation, Mental Projection
Nobody liked playing chess with Laurel. Her brothers hated sitting still and thinking when they could do, do, do, and all of her friends learned after one game that there was something uncanny about the way that Laurel moved and played her pieces. It was one thing to watch the young woman play, but something else entirely to sit across from her and watch as she decimated the most clever of defenses with nothing more than a passing glance and a soft, almost apologetic smile on her lips.
Nobody but Normand liked to play with her, but that was because Normand knew. He didn’t know like Laurel did, but he knew enough to know that there was the game, there were both sides and the hands above the board trying to move the pawns...
And then there was Laurel holding it together -- the balance (or sometimes the lack thereof) that kept things going. She knew how it began and she knew how it would end. She knew how things would spark and kick up another flame, and she knew how that flame would be smothered in the end. She could take a passing glance at a single person and know how they would live and love and die -- information gleaned in a single blink, faster than she could read a book.
She knew to hug her mother just a moment longer, knew to hug her tighter and tell her in uncertain terms that she loved her before the car accident that took three lives in one terrible collision. She knew the precise moment the police would knock on their door to take her father away for murdering the drunken driver who caused the entire upheaval. She knew the troubles, trials, and tribulations that would befall each of her brothers, and the bar that they would eventually call a livelihood. She knew she would be found at that bar as well, slinging shots and shuffling cards in smokey back rooms.
All of this before she was five years old, and Laurel did nothing to stop it.
She couldn’t.
She was not the hand to push the pieces into place. She was the force that made sure the game was held together.
Laurel Moretti was not just powered; she herself was a power.
“I saw what you did, Normand Giroux,” she told the bespectacled loner at the bar one night as she toweled fingerprints off of liquor bottles and shot glasses. “I know what you do and what you will do, and I saw them. I saw your daughters fighting the great battle, our son at their side.”
It was a lie, but one that Normand didn’t need to know.
“They turn the tide, Normand. They make a difference in everything. They are... they are the greatest, but only together. Alone they are formidable, but together? Together they are the greatest.Together they help to put an end to it all.”
Months later found her passing a pink-swaddled bundle into Normand’s suit-covered arms. She knew she had only moments, but Laurel was calm until the end.
“She’s not what I promised, but she’s still the greatest, Normand. You must protect her.”
She knew he wouldn’t, but Laurel knew all things. She knew Normand would run, knew he would deposit the child into the arms of parents who would not love her, but would love the money that was offered to them.
She knew the precise moment when a different nurse came into her room with a syringe for a “routine test”. Laurel knew that the test would put her to sleep, and that she would remain asleep for years, locked in the most formidable of The Agency’s secure vaults.
Her body remained hooked in and slumbering, but Laurel was never truly trapped.
After all, nothing can contain a force.
Born in Seattle, Washington, Laurel Moretti went down in Agency records as one of the most powerful -- if not the most powerful -- mutant they ever detained. Her powers awakened within her in her early years, giving her an extreme knowledge of the world and how it worked. Despite this, Laurel flew under Agency records and had relatively normal childhood, despite tragic familial misfortunes. Her father was arrested after the death of her mother, leading her to be raised by five older brothers who established a family bar in a rough part of town. Despite her severe intelligence, Laurel was content to keep a job as a bartender in the family bar, and would occasionally also deal hands in the illegal card games going on in the basement of the bar (a job that she got after unfailingly catching everyone who ever hid cards or tried to sneak extra cash).
Eventually, Laurel ended up meeting Normand Giroux when he took some downtime at the bar following one of his assassination jobs, and -- knowing the weave of the future and things to come -- Laurel entered into an affair with him, despite knowing that he was also happily married. While there were no romantic feelings between either party, the two remained great friends through their affair and Laurel’s resulting pregnancy, and she ended up advising him on many of his jobs.
Despite promising him a son (something that she knew Normand had always wanted), Laurel gave birth to a daughter on Christmas Eve. Laurel only experienced a few tender moments with her daughter before frantically passing her off to Normand with instructions to keep her safe. Laurel was abducted by The Agency shortly after his departure, and was kept heavily sedated during her assessment before finally being transferred to the Agency’s most secure vault.
Her location is currently unknown except to the most decorated of Agency personnel.
Despite her long-standing captivity, Laurel manages to frequently project herself out of her confines so that she can continue to observe the world and nudge it back to balance as she sees fit.
Ophelia Giroux - July 14 1983 - ??? - Level 7 - Shapeshifting, Vocal Mimicry, Self Duplication
It was a strange thing to be broken down into so many pieces.
Ophelia stood on the battlefield and stared at the still-ongoing carnage. She watched as her friends fought Agents, as Agents turned on one another, as entire street corners turned to ash under the weight of powers and as people ran screaming right and left in the calamity of it all.
She saw herself strewn across the battlefield. She was a rip or a ripple, and she was still shifting in some instances. Sometimes she made herself look like a Morrill -- pale skin, dark hair, blue eyes -- and other times she was another Agent stabbing an enemy in the back when they least expected it. Another her tried to go toe-to-toe with a blood manipulator, only to get caught in the last second.
A single trickle of blood dripped down and out of Ophelia’s nose and out of the side of her mouth when her copy’s life was snuffed out in a crush of fingers into a fist. It was a wound that was echoed across her other selves, a wound that was shared but dampened from so many selves.
She turned her head and saw... Ophelia didn’t know how to describe Max in truth. She was their father’s daughter, but she wasn’t. The younger woman had the shape of their father’s eyes, and some of his mannerisms, and that was enough for Ophelia to turn sour towards her in their first meeting -- she had known instantly - but she carried none of his crimes or coldness, and despite her clipped tones and the cruel japes she reserved for the Price woman... despite it all...
Ophelia knew what it was like to be alone, to be the last one left, to be standing at the edge wondering if it would be better to sink or step off in the hopes of flying. She knew what it was like to be twisted and turned and used against the people she loved, and she knew what it was like to not know that you were loved to begin with.
There was a swell of pride that shot through Ophelia when she saw the younger woman dart across the warzone and stare right at the blood manipulator, who shortly crumpled to the ground in an unconscious heap, but then...
Then she saw her, and the gun she pointed so expertly at Max’s head across the battlefield. Ophelia didn’t need years of work in taking life to know that distance meant nothing to the cold-eyed woman who planned to put a bloodied signature across her half-sister’s forehead.
X stood for so many things beyond were a bullet could be planted, and although Ophelia had long dreamed of ending the life behind the trigger, she knew what her place was now.
She had never moved faster. She felt her body collide into Max’s as she roughly shoved the woman away and then to the ground. She knew it would look like an attack, even if she didn’t have her signature knives or a gun. She knew it would look aggressive. Ophelia knew her last act would look like hatred, when in reality she was just trying to live up to her name: she was just trying to help.
She was taller than Max today. The bullet tore through Ophelia’s neck, and its bite hit her quicker than collapsed organs and stung colder than any knife. Her knees buckled, and her hand instinctively rose to her neck to keep blood in her body.
She saw Max struggle to right herself, but beyond that, Ophelia saw Mireille who had seen it all.
“Father named you to see,” Ophelia wanted to say. Her lips formed the words, but the only thing that came out was blood over her teeth. She smiled -- not a smirk, but a weak grin painted red -- as she saw the realization form on her beloved sister’s face.
Her vision faded before she saw Mireille’s features contort to disbelief and then grief and then rage...
The last thing Ophelia heard was a shriek of anger before every window, every mirror, and every last lens of a camera that could hold a reflection shattered and sent glass in a shimmer of shards scattering across the battlezone and into the bodies of enemies and allies alike.
And then she was gone.
The eldest daughter of Normand and Parnella Giroux, Ophelia Giroux was known in her youth to be a tomboy and a trickster who got into nothing good. She transitioned well to American life when her family left France, eventually getting into college on scholarship due to her grades, involvement with soccer and theater, and other exploits. She ended up dropping out when her younger sister ran away and devoted her adult life to trying to track her down. A shapeshifter, Ophelia ended up using her powers to nefarious ends to make money when her father abandoned the family and her mother came down sick, and then eventually took to a life of crime out of despair when her mother finally died. Ophelia briefly reunited with her sister before being brain washed by the Agency and turned into one of their soldiers. Despite this, Ophelia ended up turning traitor after awakening a new power and discovering that she had a half-sister in the Agency’s employ. It was Ophelia who begrudgingly combined Max’s hope for a better Agency with Mireille’s notions of rebellion, and the three sisters ended up fighting for their freedom together for a time.
Unfortunately, Ophelia was thought to have died in one of the many battles against the Agency in an attempt to keep Max safe from a fatal shot. All of her duplicates disappeared from the battlefield, however, and no body was ever found, leaving her status as missing. Neither Mireille nor Max think that she is truly dead, but is instead keeping a distant watch.
Mireille Giroux - February 16 1986 - Level 7 - Intangibility, Captromancy/Captromancy Teleportation, Captromantic Mediumship/Precognition
“Tout a commencé avec nous devant un miroir ensemble”
The memory played across Mireille’s mind as clear as the glass in front of her. She had been a small and skinny young girl in a pretty dress and braids flanking her face. All she had wanted to be was a princess who lived in a fairytale and lived happily ever after, far, far away from the sister who ruined her dreams with her boyish antics.
Her sister stood by her side. Ophelia was still taller, still dressed in muddied clothes and shoes, still brunette, but her skin was a bright and vibrant green that refused to fade away or change. Ophelia looked like a thing of nightmares, but Mireille knew her fairytales and she knew her stories. She knew that those who looked so monstrous usually held a good heart, even if that heart could be so vexing at times.
She made a promise then that she would keep her sister’s secret safe, so long as she was told everything.
Two sisters stood together in front of a mirror and made a single promise.
Now a single sister stood alone in a quiet house after a victorious battle. Mireille had grown from a skinny slip of a girl into a beautiful young woman, and this was reflected back to her. Her long hair was tied up into a ponytail, and her clothes were sensible -- black, more for movement, flat boots rather than the heels she longed to wear -- but there were still hints of beauty even under her red eyes and the exhaustion etched in her expression.
The fights of late had been hard won, and they were won with cost. Scars laced up Mireille’s arm, cousins to an old bullet wound she had gained a few years ago during a rescue operation. She didn’t want to heal those, just like she hadn’t healed the bullet wounds. They were important. They represented something. The bullet wound had marked the first time that Mireille had stopped running and fought back, while the newer wounds were...
She remembered Ophelia falling, red gushing from her throat. She remembered screaming, and the sound of her scream being carried out of anything that could carry a reflection, and then glass shattering all around.
She had wounded herself with her loss, but came back to see the fight and the cause through, but at what cost?
Mireille refocused her gaze on the reflection and furrowed her brows.
“My father named me to see,” she whispered, and the hot puff of her breath clouded the surface of the glass, forming a deeper and more unnatural mist. It was yet another gift of The Agency. Her powers had advanced on their own, but they jumped them into something far beyond what she ever could have achieved on her own...not once, but twice.
Now she saw more than what was. Mireille saw what had been and those who had fallen. Sometimes she spoke to them in whispers. Sometimes Mireille could see what would be if she focused hard enough.
“Our father named us for what we would do,�� Mireille continued as she leaned forward until her brow was gently resting on the mirror’s surface. “He named Max for her ability, he named me to see, and he named you for what you were. You helped me with so much, Phelia... you helped so many at such a cost to yourself, and you never asked for anything in return.”
The only thing Ophelia had ever wanted was to not be alone, and Mireille had only turned her back on her. Mireille ran away and revolted while her sister endured and protected. It had always been her hand in Ophelia’s, and never the other way around.
And now Ophelia was gone, and there was so much to do. There was a city to rebuild, families to reunite, and lives to live. People looked to her as if she was something and someone great, as if she was more than a terrified thief who ran from all of her problems or avoided them by side-stepping towards the finer things in life.
They looked to her like she was a symbol, or someone to be followed. Mireille stared back each time and realized that she didn’t know where she was going.
She had never felt more lost.
“I can’t do it alone,” Mireille whispered, her voice cracking and breaking as tears blurred the edges of her vision.
She closed her eyes and leaned her head against the mirror, almost as if Phee were on the other side waiting to catch her in her arms.
Instead, she felt another hand slip into her own so slowly and tentatively. Mireille didn’t need to open her eyes to know who it was. She felt the silver rings against her skin and knew it was Max standing beside her.
No words were spoken, and no thoughts were sent, but Mireille knew what Max wanted to say.
And perhaps Max was not Ophelia, nor would she ever take her place, but they were better damaged and together than broken and alone.
They would fix it together.
This time when Mireille opened her eyes, she saw two sisters standing in front of a mirror, and in the background, a third face...green eyes, a nose not quite right, and a smirk...
Mireille blinked, and the face was gone, but it was enough.
They would meet again one day, she knew.
The youngest daughter of Normand and Parnella Giroux, Mireille would have been content to marry young and live a glamorous life as a housewife and stay-at-home mother to beautiful children had her powers not surfaced and thrust her into the life of a runaway. In truth, Mireille’s brush with the odd started when she walked in on her sister’s powers going out of control and turning her green for the better half of a morning. The two girls stood in front of a mirror and made promises. Mireille promised to keep her sister’s secret, and Ophelia promised to tell her everything about the weird power she had acquired to change her appearance. The two sisters became inseparably close due to this...
At least until they moved from France to California at their father’s behest. Finding herself in a strange country and forced to speak a language that she struggled with, Mireille faded into extreme extroversion until her own powers kicked in. Her mother reacted poorly upon finding out, and rather than staying and facing down the stares of someone who hated her, Mireille ran from her home and never looked back. She learned what she could from the streets and through connections, and eventually learned that her powers of intangibility worked really well with thievery and burglary. Mireille quickly became a terror to the rich, often sneaking into their homes and stealing their valuables to fuel her lust for a glamorous life.
And Mireille was content to live as such. By the time she made it to New Haven, Mireille had long mainted the practice of turning a blind eye to those who were mutant like herself. She lived in luxury and decadence and skirted incarceration all while wearing the highest of heels... until The Agency took her captive for the better part of a summer, which reminded Mireille just how vulnerable she really was. She ended up escaping as part of a group effort, and then going back in a rescue effort, which then saw her labeled as a dangerous criminal, thus truly ending the life of the glamorous burglar.
What surfaced from the ashes was a burgeoning revolutionary. Mireille joined a group of like-minded mutants, The Reapers, and became known to them as “Mirage.” They helped her train her powers and advance them, and she ended up gaining new powers of captromancy before a revolution in October..
And it was at this point that the Agency took control of the city and turned it into a mutant training camp. Mireille’s powers were jumped again as a result of Agency meddling, and she became extremely unstable as a result of them. Despite this, she fought to gain control of herself and started to help organize the efforts of a revolution to help free New Haven. She soon ended up being joined by Agency defectors, including her sister, Ophelia, and (unknown to Mireille) her half-sister, Maxine.
Together, the three sisters fought to liberate the city. Ophelia ended up falling in one of the final battles, during which Mireille’s powers advanced again and gave her the ability to see and speak with the dead as well as view glimpses of the future.
With the city of New Haven finally liberated, Mireille has taken to helping people rebuild their lives. She also gained her high school degree through an online school and started writing her own books... and still enjoys fashion and fine wines.
Percival Winston - June 15 1986 - Level 6 - Intuitive Aptitude, Power Mimicry
“Mom always said I reminded her of my Uncle Normand, but she always said that he died a long, long time ago from some foolishness. She always looked down when she said it -- just a quick sweep of her eyes to her shoes and then back up. It was something I picked up on a long time ago. It was a tell. I knew she was lying. 
I know when everyone lies. Mag’s voice raises when she lies, Dad isn’t even creative enough to lie, but Mom? She looks down like she’s done something wrong, or like she got involved with something terrible. So I knew. I figured it all out. I always do.
I know about Uncle Normand now. One of my bookies is a telepath and I borrowed his abilities. I saw exactly what happened with Uncle Normand and how much he loved my mother when they were growing up. My Uncle practically raised my mother after their father died. The man who was supposed to be a cautionary tale for me became a hero.
I unintentionally followed in his footsteps. I’ve always been called bright or smart. I was studying to become a lawyer. I could have gone anywhere, but I chose to stay home because I couldn’t bear to miss my mother or my sister. I could do without my father, and I don’t see why Mom hasn’t divorced him yet. I know she’s disappointed in me too. We still talk on the phone...she lets me know repeatedly just how much of a disappointment I am and that she hopes we’ll gain some sense to come home and fight this in a better way. 
If it were just me, that might make more sense. If they had hurt me, then it wouldn’t have mattered...
Instead, they went for Magnolia. She showed up at my apartment one afternoon while I was studying and she was shot in the arm and coated in sweat. She didn’t come through the front door. She came through the outlet in a surge of electricity.
I’m not a stupid man. I’ve read the news about mutants. I knew what she was and I knew what I was too. I accepted my sister into my apartment, took care of her arm as best as I could without healing abilities, and got her some clean clothes. The Agency questioned me and asked if I had seen her. The spun a story about her being a dangerous threat, of course, and then escaping custody. I could believe the escaping custody part, but not the dangerous threat. My sister used to be all bark but so little bite. She put all her anger and passion into dance. Back then, she wouldn’t have even hurt a fly. She might have yelled at it, but hurting it? Never.
I told them that, and I also lied and told them I hadn’t seen her. They raided my apartment that night and took both of us in. Apparently getting picked up in New Haven works a little different than New Orleans. You get picked up in New Haven and you get processed and offered a job or at least some form of monitored freedom. Mag and I were made examples of. My efforts in law were completely destroyed when they slapped us with criminal charges. We were let go, which is merciful in its own way, I suppose, but The Agency made sure that we were marked for what we were.
So we ran. We settled elsewhere, were brought in by a mentor, and we were given a new purpose. The Agency branded us both as criminals, so why not play the part?
I used to be an adviser and my sister a muscled enforcer to the local crime syndicate, but my mother was right: I am my Uncle’s nephew. I’m far too ambitious for my own good. Mag and I turned on the man who took us in. She subdued him, but I was the one to end his life.
After all, the world taught me lessons in misery. It’s only time I graduated and returned them with interest.”
A cold and calculated young man, Percival is essentially shades of his Uncle all over again, but worse. A mutant whose powers surfaced in his teens, Percival kept things to himself and pushed himself towards realizing his dream of becoming a lawyer. His dreams were derailed when Mag was apprehended by the Agency, only to escape custody when her powers surfaced. Percival put his dreams at risk for the sake of his beloved sister and hid her in his apartment, only to get brought in and processed for harboring a criminal when the Agency raided his apartment. Neither sibling had participated in criminal activity prior to this, so they were offered jobs within the Agency, but both declined. Rather than being detained in the Vault, both siblings were released, but with criminal records that kept them from going back to their old lives.
The siblings ended up running away and plating new roots in a different city, where their powers attracted the attention of a crime lord. In true Giroux fashion, the siblings embraced their new-found lives of crime and climbed the rungs in their “family” before ambitiously staging a coup and taking over. Percival now runs a series of criminal enterprises while his sister manages all the muscle for the operations. While the Agency might have changed their ways following the New Haven incident, Percival still holds little love for them and does what he can when he can to derail their efforts. 
Maxine Price (Maxine Moretti-Giroux) - December 24 1987 - Psychic Shield, Telepathy, Mental Manipulation
“Have you ever thought of formally changing your name?”
Max blinked and stared for a few moments, the office still save for the occasional sweep of her finger over the ring on her thumb. It was a Tim habit, and one that she had never managed to rewrite out of her brain, but the action of spinning, spinning, spinning was an absent comfort during what was shaping up to be the first performance evaluation after the new director stepped in.
“I’m sorry, what?” she asked after another blink.
“Changing your name,” the director continued as they plucked a file from the filing cabinet to their side, slapped it down onto the table and slid it forth, making sure to shift it so that the contents were turned for Max to peruse.
But Max did not peruse. She uncrossed her legs so that she was sitting properly rather than criss-cross and firmly planted her feet on the ground. She sat up out of her slouch and rested her elbows on the desk on either side of the file, but she didn’t look down.
She continued to spin her rings, a frown marring her face. She could feel the pressure of Sam’s mind somewhere else in the building -- absently making airplanes out of his paperwork while worrying -- but pulled away from it in favor of the mind in front of her.
The Director wasn’t putting up any blocks. They sat straight-back and stared at her, but there was nothing from keeping Max out of their mind, much less out of their files or the truth.
But Max pulled herself back from it and shook her head.
“It’s not who I am,” she replied, her voice quiet as she laced her fingers together over the contents of the page, obscuring the text. “It’s not who I was and not who I will be. I know what I am now and who I’m not. I know my own dangers and threats and weaknesses. I know who my friends are, and I know the people who love me. I know what I am and what I can do.”
Max gained more conviction as she continued to speak, until she finally lifted her head and pierced the Director’s mismatched eyes with her own.
“Maybe it’s not my true name, but it’s one I’ve fought to hold onto and make my own. Even if I erase myself again...--”
Again, Max frowned, and again she focused her mind towards Sam’s in the building, only to smile at the familiarity of his thoughts.
“I can put myself back together just like before, Director. That’s what matters, isn’t it?”
One of the strongest and most formidable telepaths in Agency employ, Maxine Price was actually born Maxine Isabelle Moretti/Giroux. Her father, Normand, placed her in the care of a local couple in the hopes of keeping her out of the Agency’s hands. Max grew up under the assumption that she was Maxine Price, the youngest of the Price children, and found herself struggling with her identity at an early age when her parents refused to even recognize her efforts and accomplishments. Regardless, she grew up close to her siblings who showed her plenty of affection even when their parents did not. Despite their affections, they could do little to pull Max out of her perfectionist ways. Max grew up with perfect grades and was a model student at the boarding school she was sent to...
And then her powers kicked in, and she learned the truth. The Agency took her in from there, keeping her as a ward as a means to grow and harness her budding powers. Max flourished under their care, both mentally and emotionally, and later opted into joining the Agency because of her experience. Her powers also grew, giving her the ability to manipulate the mind through a single glance. She quickly gained a reputation for her prowess, and was quickly assigned to New Haven to help assist with the stabilization of a mutant named Tim Floss.
What should have been an easy assignment went all wrong. Max’s youth and inexperience and isolated upbringing collided with her powers in the worst way. She found herself pining over Tim, and then rewriting her own mind to match his. Tim gained periods of mental stability due to Max’s influence, while Max masked the fact that she was slowly losing her own grip on who she was and was fading as an individual.
When Tim died in the Aqua fire, Max felt like her existence was a mistake and that she needed to die too in order to be a match. She requested a transfer to Portland and eventually found herself on a bridge contemplating whether or not she wanted to jump.
Max still doesn’t know what kept her from jumping, but she met Sam Logan the next day, and the two became inseparable friends ever since. The two even went back to New Haven together when it fell to Agency control. Initially content to follow her assignment to the letter so that she could get out of the city that she now hated, Max found herself assigned to be Tim’s helper again. She also saw firsthand that the force that she believed to be a vehicle for good was actively oppressing mutants like herself.
She also found her family, first in the form of her sarcastic and mocking older sister, Ophelia -- a propriety act initially employed by the Agency as one of their soldiers. A quick look into Ophelia’s mind revealed mental tampering and trauma, which Max repaired, returning the eldest Giroux sister to her correct state of mind. The two then defected, eventually joining the rebellion that was being started by Mireille Giroux and a handful of other mutants*.
Ophelia, Mireille, and Max fought many battles to save New Haven and liberate it from Agency control, and while Ophelia ended up falling in one of the battles, Max and Mireille continued to fight on. The sisters’ efforts saw New Haven liberated and the Agency reformed to help mutants with their powers rather than hinder them. A new director was put in place of the old one, and Max retained her status as an Agent, along with her BCA partner, Sam.
The two still go on missions throughout the country. 
Magnolia Winston - September 12 1994 - Level 3 - Electroportation, Electrokinesis
“The first and last time I met my Uncle Normand was the day he died. He picked me up from school, said I was special, and then got me shot in the shoulder when the Agency came after us. The Agency labeled me a criminal, and then labeled my brother a criminal for harboring me. So yeah, I’m bitter. Yeah. I’m angry. I didn’t know what was going on. I didn’t know I had powers. I didn’t know I was anything! I was studying fucking dance in college -- fucking ballet. But it’s fine. The Agency threw my brother and I some shoes to wear for this dance, and they beat us and bruised us until they fit. Fine. I’ve danced on broken toes before. I can do it better than anyone, and I can do it with a smile.”
An angry young woman, Mag is the mouth and muscle to her brother’s criminal empire, despite being younger, smaller, and scrappier than he could ever be. While her powers of electroportation and electrokinesis don’t immediately seem particularly powerful, it’s her usage of them and her keen mind that makes her a true threat... and her penchant for punching, kicking, or just generally throwing random objects at people who vex her or her older brother. 
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dalyunministry · 4 years
Bro. Paul Vincent Moses
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, greetings to you all in our Lord’s most holy name. This is your brother Paul Moses Vincent. I thank God for giving this wonderful opportunity to share His word with all of you this Sunday, the 11th October 2020. Hope all of you are doing? Thanks be to God for all the safety and protection given to all of us.
In our today’s meditation, we shall cover with the topic: ‘KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING JESUS – 4 through KNOWING JESUS AS LIFE... Let’s have a word of prayer before we start with our meditation.
Our heavenly Father, thank you for another opportunity You’ve given us to meditate upon your word continued from that of last week’s. As we meditate on your word, may we be filled with your spirit that leads us towards the TRUTH whose glory we would share to the world! Lead us through your guidance while using me as your tool to proclaim your name. I, humbly, offer this prayer in the most magnificent name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!
Through the following meditation, we are going to pursue how JESUS can be known and understood as the LIFE as continued from the last week’s study and Knowing and Understanding Jesus as the LORD.
Let us have our personal study on how JESUS was known to us and understood in the following manner: KNOWING JESUS AS THE LIFE & KNOWING JESUS AS THE LORD.
• “I Lay Down My Life’
Jesus was soon taken and killed by the Jewish and Roman leaders. For thirty pieces of silver Judas, one of the apostles, led soldiers to Gethsamane, the garden Jesus often visited. They arrested Jesus and took Him away to be tried and executed (Matthew 26:27).
• How could this happen?
The passage about the Good Shepherd gives the answer. Jesus said, “I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” John 10:11.
The reason My Father loves Me is that I lay down My life – only to take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from My Father (John 10:17-18).
Jesus had often foretold that He would be killed by the Jewish and Roman rulers (John 2:19; Matthew 16:21; 17:9 & 23; 20:18-19). He assured His followers that His death would not be a failure. It would serve the greatest purpose of all. Listen to the things He said before His death!
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” John 6:51.
“The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28.
• The Lord’s Supper
Christ’s life would be given as a “ransom”, the price to bring people back to God. Just before He was arrested Jesus ate the ‘Passover’ with His apostles. This was a special meal Jews ate once a year. They ate it to remember how God used lambs blood to save them from slavery and death in Egypt.
“While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to the disciples, saying, “Take and eat, this is my body”. Then He took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins”. Matthew 26:26-28.
The Old Covenant had started with blood from animal sacrifices. The New Covenant between God and all who would come to Him would begin with the far better blood of God’s Son (Hebrews 9). As the Prophet Jeremiah had foretold, this would be the better covenant in which all would know God. They could know Him because He would ‘forgive’ their wickedness and …remember their sins no more.’ (Hebrews 8:12). That forgiveness was possible because Jesus took the full punishment that we should have suffered.
“He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all…poured out His life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.” Isaiah 53:5-6,12.
“He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:24).
Jesus knew how much He would suffer in His death for men’s sins. After the meal, He went to the garden of Gethsemane. In great sorrow He prayed.
“Father, if You are willing, take this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.” …And being in anguish, He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” Luke 22:42,44.
• Jesus on Trial
When Jesus finished these prayers, the soldiers came to arrest Him. For many hours Jesus was put on trial (Matthew 26 & 27). He was tried first by the Jewish high priest, Caiaphas. Then He was handed over to the Roman governor, Pilate, who did not like the case. He tried to pass it on to the visiting king of Galilee, Herod. That cruel king made the most this chance to hurt and mock Jesus (Luke 23). Then he returned Jesus to Pilate. After more trial Pilate said to the Jews, “You brought me this Man as One who was inciting the people to rebellion. I have examined Him in your presence and have found no basis for your charges against Him.” Luke 23:14.
Pilate offered a choice to the Jews. He would release one prisoner. It could either be Jesus or a well-known murderer and rebel named Barabbas (Mark 15:7). Urged by their leader, the crowd demanded that Barabbas be freed. Pilate asked the Jews, “What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all answered, ‘Crucify Him.” Matthew 27:22. A riot nearly began when the Pilate still refused. The leaders threatened accuse Pilate of helping an enemy king (Jesus) against the Roman king Caesar (John 19:12). So Pilate finally sentenced Jesus to die on the Cross. But first, Pilate washed his hands before them all, showing how he disliked killing a good man (Matthew 27:24).
When the soldiers took Jesus, they brutally whipped and beat Him. They dressed Him in a royal rope, pushed a crown of thorns onto His head, spat on Him, and made fun of such a King (Matthew 27:27-30). Then they made Jesus carry His cross toward the killing place outside Jerusalem. Along the way, they found another man, Simon, from the African town of Cyrene. They forced him to carry the cross the rest of the way (Mark 15:21).
• Christ Crucified
At about nine in the morning, they came to the hill called in Latin, “Calvary” and in Hebrew “Golgotha” (the place of the skull – Mark 15:22).
“There they crucified Him, along with the criminals one on His right and the other on His left. Jesus said, “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.” And they divided up His clothes by casting lots. The people stood watching and the rulers even sneered at Him. They said, ‘He saved others, let Him save Himself if He is the Christ of God, the Chosen One’. The soldiers said, ‘If You are the King of Jews, save Yourself. There was a written notice above Him which read ‘THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS’. Luke 23:33-38.
One dying thief realized how foolish it was to insult Jesus. The thief said, “We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong. Jesus, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom. Jesus answered him, “I tell you the truth, today, you will be with Me in paradise.” Luke 23:41-43.
‘Paradise is the place where the good go in death. By now it was noon. Suddenly, deep darkness covered everything, and lasted three hours (Luke 23:44). In His agony, Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Mark 15:34. At the end, Jesus said, “It is finished.” John 19:30 and “Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit”. With that He stopped breathing. Luke 23:46. Jewish leaders wanted the soldiers to finish off the killing sooner, so they were breaking the leges of those on the crosses. When they came to Jesus they did not break His leges, for they could see that He was already dead. Yet, just to make sure, a soldier drove his spear into Jesus’ side. Blood and water gushed out of the corpse (John 19:31-34). All who were present were witnesses to the fact that
• Jesus was dead.
They body of Jesus was taken down from the cross. Pilate allowed two wealthy Jewish leaders, Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, to take the body. Jesus was placed into the grave owned by Joseph (Matthew 27: 60). So was fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah (53:9) that His grave would be with the rich.
“Taking Jesus’ body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen. This was in accordance with Jewish burial customs. At the place where Jesus was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had ever been laid. Because it was the Jewish day of the Preparation and since the tomb was nearby, they laid Jesus there.” John 19:40-42.
The saddest chapter in human history was the murder of the one true Shepherd. Enemies accused, mocked and beat Him throughout a series of unjust trials. He died in great pain, nailed to a cross. To the end He showed love, even to His enemies. He was buried in a borrowed tomb. All of this was by “God’s set purpose and foreknowledge”. Acts 2:23 – “God knew this would happen this was God’s plan. God made His plan long ago.” In God’s plan this was the real Passover, the sacrifice of God’s own Lamb. Jesus was taking the punishment for your sins and my sins. Through this death God removed the guilt and penalty of sin from us all, and placed it on Christ. Through the cross God now gives us complete forgiveness and ‘life to the full’.
Before dying, Jesus dared to promise the impossible. He would raise Himself from death in three days. The Man who proved Himself the Ruler over all of life – and even over death – deserves to be called ‘Lord’!
“On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen!’ Luke 24:1-6.
These women were followers of Jesus. They took spices to the tomb in order to give Jesus’ body a better burial. The two who appeared as shining men were angels (John 20:12). They were heaven’s messengers to tell the news that would forever change the world. Jesus is the Living One. He broke the power of death. As Peter later declared, “God raised Him from the dead, freeing Him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him.” Acts 2:24.
• Promised and Fulfilled
The two angels then reminded the women of Jesus’ own words. While He was still with them Jesus had said, “The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, but crucified and on the third day be raised again.” Luke 24:7.
Jesus often foretold His suffering, and His resurrection on the third day (Matthew 12:40; 16:21; Luke 9:22). This was so well-known that His enemies worried. They made Pilate’s soldiers guard the tomb (Matthew 27: 62-66). But these soldiers were useless to stop God’s power (Matthew 28:1-4). One of the women who saw the empty tomb was Mary Magdalene. She hurried back to the other disciples. When Peter and John heard her news they ran to the tomb. They saw that the body itself was gone, though the burial clothes were still there (John 20:2-90.
After Peter and John left, Mary and Magdalene arrived back at the tomb. While she was weeping there she saw a Man. Through her grief and tears, she did not recognize Him. Thinking He was the gardener, she asked where the body of Jesus had been taken. The Man said one word to her – “Mary,” She knew that voice. That voice had freed her from demons (Luke 8:2). That voice had taught her about God. She turned towards Jesus and cried out, “Rabboni!” which means ‘Teacher!’ (John 20:11-16).
• Unwilling to Believe
Jesus sent Mary to tell the other disciples, for they were still ‘mourning and weeping’ over His death (Mark 16:10). When they heard that Jesus was alive and that Mary Magdalene had seen Him, they did not believe it (Mark 16:11). Soon all the women came telling them that they had seen the angels and Jesus Himself (Matthew 28:9). But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense (Luke 24:11).
Simon Peter also struggled with doubt. While Jesus was on trial, Peter had denied knowing Jesus thrice. Yet, when Jesus began to show Himself to the apostles, He chose to meet Peter first (Luke 24:34; 1 Corinthians 15:5). Jesus then visited two sorrowing disciples near Emmaus (Mark 16:12-13; Luke 24:13-35). These two hurried seven miles back to Jerusalem and told others. Again the others refused to accept such amazing news. But their unbelief could not last long…
“While they were still talking about this, Jesus Himself stood among them ans said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’ They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. He said to them, ‘Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in our minds? Look at My hands and My feet. It is I Myself! Touch Me and see; and ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.’ When He had said this, He showed them His hands and feet. And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, He asked them, ‘Do you have anything here to eat?’ They gave Him a piece of broiled fish, and He took it and ate it in their presence.” Luke 24: 36-43.
At this meeting the apostle Thomas was not present. “So the other disciples told Thomas, ‘We have seen the Lord!’ But he said to them, ‘Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe it.” John 20:25.
• Many Convincing Proofs
“A week later His disciples were in the house again and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!’ The He said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; see My hands. Reach out your hand and put it into My side. Stop doubting and believe.’ Thomas said to Him, ‘My Lord and my God!’ Then Jesus told him, ‘Because you have seen Me, you have believed, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:26-29.
A few, like Lazarus, had been miraculously brought back from death. Yet they had not raised themselves; and their return to earthly life was only for a while. They would later die like ordinary men. Jesus did what no man had done before and what no man has done since. By the power of God He lifted Himself from death. He rose, never to die again (John 2:19; Romans 6:9).
Disciples like Thomas doubted that such power was possible in a man. Their doubts and questions only added more strength to the evidence. For these men demanded real proof. Many of them had seen Jesus’ horrible death with their own eyes. They knew beyond any doubt that He was dead (John 19:33-35; Mark 15:44-45). Sorrow had taken away their hope (Luke 24:17-21). Only by the clearest proofs did Jesus satisfy them that His dead body had truly returned to life. He even showed Himself to over 500 people at one time (1 Corinthians 15:6). In Galilee Jesus showed Himself often to the apostles.
“After His suffering, He showed Himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that He was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the Kingdom of God.” Acts 1:3.
“He said to them…’You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8.
The disciples’ complete change of heart and their courage as witnesses, show how fully they were convinced. Jesus gave them full and firm evidence, so that all could believe through their reports. At the end of the forty days, Jesus went back to be with God. This was done in a way that removed any doubt about where He was going.
“Jesus was taken up before their very eyes and a cloud hid Him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as He was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. ‘Men of Galilee’, they said, ‘why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven.” Acts 1:9-11.
No one knows when Jesus will return (Matthew 24:36). When He comes back, He will raise all the dead to judge all people (John 5:22, 26-29). He will take His own people to live with God (John 14:1-3; Hebrews 9:28). His resurrection is the assurance that these promises are true (Acts 17:31; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26).
Thomas, when he saw the risen Christ, became sure that Jesus was his Lord – his Owner and Ruler. Just ten days after Jesus was taken up to heaven, Peter spoke to Jews gathered in Jerusalem for their Feast of Pentecost. He showed them the proof of Jesus’ resurrection and then he said, “Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.” Acts 2:36.
The promises made by God through the Old Testament prophets had come true. According to the prophets Christ had to rule on David’s throne at God’s right hand (Psalm 89; 110; 132; Luke 1:31-33). Peter showed that these prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus rising to reign at God’s side in heaven (Acts 2:30-33).
“God raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And god placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church.” Ephesians 1:20-22.
This was just what the prophet Daniel had foreseen. One as a ‘Son of Man’ went to God with the clouds of heaven. There He was formally given kingly authority over all people, a kingdom that would never be destroyed (Daniel 7:13-14). Jesus Himself said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.” Matthew 28:18.
I overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne (Revelation 3:21). God’s throne is the highest throne. It is the throne from which Jesus now rules as Lord and King over all.
Thomas, when he saw the risen Christ, had called Him, ‘My Lord and my God!’ In that moment Thomas realized that Jesus, though Man, was far more than any man or angel. Yet who is higher than the highest man or angel? God alone. There is only one God. Jesus, therefore, had to be that same God in human form. The apostle John agreed with this. Guided by the Spirit (John 16:13), he wrote “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was god. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made.” John 1:1-3.
“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us…” John 1:14.
Jesus had often shown that He was one with God the Father (John 8:58; 10:30, 38; 12:45; 14:7-9). He received ‘worship’, which belongs to God alone (Matthew 2:11; 4:10; 14:33; 28:9, 17). He taught that all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father (John 5:23). Jews tried to kill Jesus because of His claim to be God (John 10:33) and for making Himself equal with God (John 5:18). They should not have been so surprised at Jesus’ claims. Scripture had foretold that God Himself would come. The last prophet of the Old Testament had faithfully recorded Yahweh’s promise, ‘I will send My messenger, who will prepared the way before Me.’ Malachi 3:1. Isaiah had foreseen God being born to rule. “For unto a Child is born, to us a Son is given and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace…He will reign On David’s throne…from that time on and forever.” Isaiah 9:6-7.
This is the same Isaiah who assured us that there is only one God.
“Before Me no god was formed, nor will there be one after Me. I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from Me there is no savior.” Isaiah 43:10-11.
‘This is what the LORD says…”I am the first and the last; apart from Me there is no God.” Isaiah 44: 6.
This is the same Isaiah who foretold that ‘Immanuel’ (meaning God with us) would be born of a virgin (7:14). According to the New Testament this prophecy was fulfilled through Mary, the mother of Jesus (Matthew 1:22-23).
Before Mary was married God’s angel said to her, “You will be with child and give birth to a Son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David…His kingdom will never end.” Luke 1:31-33.
Mary wondered how she could have a child. She had never had any sexual relations with a man. The angel explained, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. so the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.” Luke 1:35.
Jesus’ mother was a virgin. Therefore His fleshly life did not start through a sexual act of any kind. Jesus began His human life in Mary’s body only by a miracle of God’s pure power. Jesus’ divine life – His life as God – did not begin in Mary’s body. God is eternal, and has no beginning and no end (Hebrews 1:8). To the Almighty nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37); therefore God could certainly send a part of Himself, God the son, to become flesh through Mary.
We may wonder how God can be One, and yet show Himself as two persons, “Father” and “Son”. This is not a new mystery. From the beginning of the Old Testament god showed Himself as two: LORD (Yahweh) and Holy Spirit (Genesis 1-3 chapters). In that same Old Testament, God revealed that He would be born as ‘Son’ (Isaiah 9:6-7). In all of this, God assured us that He is One. God surely knows how best to reveal Himself to us. Therefore we accept Scripture’s teaching that god is One, and yet is Father, Holy Spirit and Son. What do we mean when we confess that Jesus is ‘the Son of God’? We are saying that He is fully human (as to His birth on earth), and fully divine (as to His oneness with God).
God wanted people to know and honor Him fully. Yet their weak hearts failed to understand the far greater heart of God. How could God picture Himself to His people? Earthly images were so far beneath His glory that they were useless and forbidden. God told the truth when He said, “I am the LORD; that is My name! I will not give My glory to another” (Isaiah 42:8). The only One who could mirror or represent God properly was God Himself (for none else could begin to compare with God)! Therefore, God took on the form of a Man (Philippians 2). Watching Christ, we can see how God really thinks, feels and works. We can escape false ideas and false gods. We can worship and love the true God, knowing Him for who He truly is.
“The Word was God…The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only…No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, has made Him known.” John 1:1, 14, 18).
‘Jesus answered…”Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father.” John 14:9.
“He is the image of the invisible God.” Colossians 1:15.
“The son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being.” Hebrews 1:3.
Jesus, being divine, fully reveals what God is like. Being human, Jesus also reveals to us what man ought to be like. The world’s best people have faults, and so can never be complete examples for us. But in Jesus we see the perfect example. He shows us how godly people should think and live.
“Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps.” 1 Peter 2:21.
• A Better Understanding of Jesus
Since Jesus is the way God speaks to us (Hebrews 1:2), we cannot know God unless we know Jesus.
‘Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6.
“And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God doesn’t have life.” 1 John 5:11-12.
Jesus stated this same truth as He prayed to the Father, “Now this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” John 17:3.
The apostle Paul (another witness of the risen Christ) said that knowing Christ sums p all of life’s purpose. “I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.” Philippians 3:8.
Because Jesus has been raised, we know that we too will be raised from death (Philippians 3:11, 12). Yet we do not have to wait until then to know Jesus. He continues to live now, ruling at the Father’s side, and meeting our needs. So we can come to know Him now. He promises His followers, “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20.
We know Him by believing and confessing the Good News that the Son of God has come, and has defeated sin and death (Romans 1, 3, 10). We know Him by turning away from sin, and being baptized into Christ, sharing in His death, burial and resurrection (Romans 6; Acts 2:8; & 22). We continue to know Him by walking with Him in His light (John 8:12, 31; 1 John 1:7-9; 2:5-6).
Coming to Christ is a matter of obedient faith (Romans 1:5; 16:26; Hebrews 3:14; 5:9). Therefore, it is of the highest importance to know how faith obeys. The Bible says much about saving faith that is clear and yet surprising! We look forward to sharing that vital Bible study together. Please return your answers to this course, so that we may being the next course as soon as possible.
Jesus did what no other religious teacher has ever dared to do. He rested the truth of all He taught and all He claimed to be on fulfilling an amazing promise that three days after His death He would return alive from the grave. His disciples did not understand how this was possible. They did not expect it to happen. Jesus removed every doubt by proving in every way, to all their senses, that His destroyed body had come back to life. He was declared with power to be the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead; Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 1:4).
His resurrection proves that He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him. Don’t miss this coming course. I could well be the blessing for which you have so long searched.
• Facts of History
How can we know the facts about Jesus? In the very same way we all look into important matters. Think of newspapers and law courts. Good judges and reporters learn the facts by studying the evidence. They pay special attention to those who saw what actually happened. In the same way, Luke wrote, “Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an have been taught”. Luke 1:3-4.
Luke and others told what they learned from “those who from the first were eyewitnesses” as in Luke 1:2. The way Luke wrote the books Luke and Acts shows that he was well educated, and knew how to investigate, study facts carefully. Luke’s reader could know the certainty of these facts. The same is true for us who now read the same report. We can be certain in our knowledge of Jesus. For this knowledge has been recorded from witnesses, and passed on to us.
Some people say, “The New Testament was written almost 2000 years ago. Can we know that it has been passed down safely to us today?” The answer to this question is a simple and sure YES. The New Testament you ready today is true to what was first written. It has the very same message that was originally written by the earliest followers of Jesus. How can we know that? In the very same way as we are sure of other trusted reports from history. All knowledge of history depends on writings or other records that have been passed along to the present. Often the original writings themselves no longer exist. Even modern paper eventually wears out and falls apart. The same is true of the older writings sheets that were made from leather or from papyrus reed. Over many hundreds of years they were gradually destroyed by wear and damage. No one thinks of this as a problem if good copies were made before the original writings wore out.
In case of the Bible, the original writings were given special care. But eventually they too – like all writing matter – passed away. God may well have wanted this. People like to make idols. If they had the originals of the Bible they might worship those instead of God who inspired them. Whatever God’s reasons, we no longer have the actual scrolls on which the Bible was first written. However, that does not mean that the message that was written on those scrolls has been lost. Long before the original scrolls wore out, they were faithfully copied so that they could be passed along to future generations.
Those who first received New Testament writings believed they were inspired by God (John 16:13; 1 Peter 1:12; 2 Peter 3:15-16). They respected these sacred writings and so they looked after them well. When they made copies, they did so with great care. That fact becomes clear when we place side by side the copies that have come down to us today. Even though there are many copies they have remarkably few mistakes.
Yes, copiers through the centuries were human, and did make some mistakes. That does not mean that the message was lost or even harmed. Think of this classroom example. A teacher writes a story on the board and tells all the students to copy it. Naturally, some students make copying mistakes. Has the story been lost? Not at all! Such mistakes are not big enough to change the story itself. Even if there are larger mistakes (such as missing a line, or changing a thought), the story is still not lost. Why? It is because of many copies that were made. Any mistake can soon be found and corrected by reading the different copies side by side. The copies are our window to see every word of the teacher’s original story.
In a similar way, our knowledge of the actual wording of ancient writings often depends on comparing copies, or rather copies of copies that have come down to us. Careful study of these copies results in wording – called text – so reliable that it is printed for the public. Without such texts we would know very little of ancient history. All who learn about rulers and peoples of the past depend on such texts made from old copies. This is true even though history’s ancient writings usually have only a handful of copies left. The number of New Testament copies is not counted in the tens or hundreds. They are counted in the thousands! The New Testament was written in the Greek language, and there are well over 4000 copies in this original language.
No other book from the ancient past comes close to having so many reliable copies. No other ancient book has so many copies that go back so close to the time of the original writing itself. Indeed, they are so close that no time exists for unfounded stories, legends or myths to gradually grow up. Those who wish to check on these facts may be able to do further study through libraries and bookstores. If you have the opportunity, try to visit the museums where the old copies are kept, such as the British Museum in London. In such museums you can often seen the old copies on display for the public.
By the command of Christ, His message went to many nations (Matthew 28: Mark 16). As the New Testament came to these nations, it was translated into their language. Early on, around A.D. 150, translations were made into the Syriac and Latin languages. Copies of these translations – called ‘versions’ – have come down to us today. Such copies of early versions are a separate way of knowing the wording of the earliest New Testament. They show themselves to be in agreement with the Greek copies.
Early followers of Jesus’ apostles wrote to each other. Copies of some of the letters of these followers still exist today. These copies are yet another way to look into the original New Testament. For example, Ignatius was a leader of the Christians in Antioch. He lived from A.D. 70 to 110 when some of the apostles were still alive. Seven of his (Ignatius) letters have come down to us. In these he quotes from the following New Testament books; Matthew, John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, Galatians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, James and 1 Peter. Another early disciple, Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 150-212), quotes from almost every book of the New Testament using about 2400 quotations. So many early Christian writers used the New Testament so fully that we can put together nearly all of the New Testament just form their quotes! So many quotes give us yet another good window into the New Testament as it was from the beginning. Again, what we see agrees with the picture already made clear by the great number of ancient copies. Virtually every word of the first New Testament can be seen, and checked for accuracy, through these different windows – the oldest copies, the oldest versions and the earliest Christian quotations.
So much proof should not surprise us. If God expected us today to believe in Jesus through eyewitness reports, then god would surely keep those reports safe for us. As a collection of letters and books, the New Testament is better supported than any other such collection from the ancient past. In terms of number and age of copies, it has far more support than Greece’s and Rome’s ancient books on which today’s history students rely. If one rejects the New Testament reports about Jesus, to be honest, he should also reject all else that is known from history. Knowledge of Jesus is of the highest importance. Therefore God used the kind of human testimony and the kind of historical records that even worldly people must respect.
May the Lord bless our meditation and help us to proclaim His glory to the whole world in the time ahead that we may be blessed abundantly according to His will.
• Closing prayer:
Our Father, we thank you for your word through which you helped us to know much more about your Son Jesus Christ, more than what we could learn till now. Help us to make the world around us also to know You and Your Son so that your purpose of sending Your Son to this world would be fulfilled. Strengthen us and bless us and all our family members and also group members. Be with us too and guide us to keep the truth in us and also walk according to the word. Thank you once again for your word. May this platform bring glory to you.
With thanks and honor and worship, I offer this prayer in the mighty name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen!
Now, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, our Father of this universe, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with all of us and all our family members, from the beginning to the ends of the world. Amen!
Next week’s topic for our meditation will be on ‘Living Without Christ’.
Thank you one and all.
Your brother in Christ,
G Paul Moses Vincent
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