#16 channel mixer effects
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audio4 · 2 days ago
(WA) 0851-7988-9353 Mixer Speaker Aktif Elsound Audio di Jl. Somawinata Bandung Bandung
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Power Mixer Karaoke Terbaik: Pilihan Sempurna untuk Hiburan Profesional dan Rumahan
Dalam dunia hiburan, kualitas audio adalah segalanya. Baik Anda seorang profesional di bidang musik, penyanyi karaoke, atau hanya ingin menikmati kualitas suara terbaik di rumah, memilih power mixer karaoke terbaik adalah langkah penting. Artikel ini akan membahas pentingnya menggunakan power mixer berkualitas, menawarkan beberapa rekomendasi terbaik, dan memberikan panduan penggunaan yang detail untuk Anda yang ingin memaksimalkan pengalaman audio Anda.
Apa Itu Power Mixer Karaoke?
Power mixer adalah perangkat serbaguna yang menggabungkan fungsi pengaturan audio (mixer) dengan amplifier internal. Dalam konteks karaoke, alat ini memungkinkan Anda menciptakan pengalaman hiburan yang lebih memuaskan dengan kontrol penuh terhadap suara vokal dan musik. Dibandingkan dengan mixer biasa, power mixer memberikan kenyamanan tambahan karena tidak memerlukan amplifier eksternal.
Pentingnya Menggunakan Power Mixer yang Tepat
Menggunakan power mixer yang tepat tidak hanya meningkatkan kualitas suara, tetapi juga memberikan fleksibilitas yang Anda butuhkan. Power mixer dengan fitur lengkap, seperti audio mixer 12 channel, memungkinkan Anda mengatur banyak input sekaligus. Fitur ini sangat berguna, baik untuk band kecil, acara karaoke keluarga, atau bahkan studio rekaman.
Beberapa alasan mengapa Anda perlu menggunakan power mixer berkualitas:
Kontrol Fleksibel: Anda dapat mengatur suara vokal, instrumen, dan efek suara dengan presisi tinggi.
Kualitas Audio yang Stabil: Menghindari distorsi, bahkan pada volume tinggi.
Efisiensi Biaya: Tidak perlu membeli amplifier terpisah.
Rekomendasi Power Mixer Karaoke Terbaik
Berikut adalah beberapa rekomendasi power mixer dengan fitur audio mixer 12 channel yang bisa menjadi pilihan Anda:
1. Yamaha MG12XU
Yamaha adalah merek ternama dalam industri audio, dan seri MG12XU adalah salah satu yang terbaik untuk karaoke maupun keperluan profesional lainnya. Mixer ini memiliki 12 channel, efek digital bawaan, dan preamp kualitas studio. Cocok untuk Anda yang membutuhkan kontrol maksimal.
Harga: Mulai dari Rp 6.000.000 (Cek audio mixer 12 channel price terbaru di toko terpercaya).
2. Behringer Xenyx X1222USB
Behringer dikenal karena kualitas dan harga yang terjangkau. Model X1222USB dilengkapi dengan preamp mikrofon XENYX, kompresor "one-knob," dan efek 24-bit yang membuat pengalaman karaoke Anda semakin berkesan.
Harga: Rp 3.500.000 - Rp 4.500.000 (Audio mixer 12 channel for sale dapat ditemukan di toko online).
3. Soundcraft EFX12
Soundcraft adalah merek premium yang sering digunakan oleh profesional. Seri EFX12 menawarkan efek Lexicon bawaan dan kualitas build yang sangat tangguh. Sangat direkomendasikan untuk mereka yang menginginkan kualitas audio sempurna.
Harga: Rp 7.500.000 ke atas.
4. Mackie ProFX12v3
Dikenal karena daya tahan dan kualitas suaranya, Mackie ProFX12v3 adalah pilihan hebat untuk studio kecil dan karaoke. Mixer ini memiliki 12 channel dengan USB recording yang memudahkan Anda merekam pertunjukan langsung.
Harga: Rp 5.500.000.
Cara Memilih Audio Mixer 12 Channel yang Tepat
Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan saat memilih audio mixer 12 channel:
Jumlah Input: Pastikan jumlah channel mencukupi untuk kebutuhan Anda, termasuk mikrofon, instrumen, dan sumber audio lainnya.
Fitur Efek: Mixer dengan efek bawaan seperti reverb, echo, atau delay sangat membantu dalam meningkatkan performa karaoke.
Konektivitas: Pilih mixer yang memiliki konektivitas lengkap, seperti USB untuk rekaman, output AUX, dan input stereo.
Portabilitas: Jika Anda sering berpindah tempat, pilih mixer yang ringan dan mudah dibawa.
Harga: Sesuaikan dengan anggaran Anda, tetapi pastikan fitur yang ditawarkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
FAQ: Semua yang Perlu Anda Ketahui Tentang Audio Mixer
Bagaimana cara merekam dengan audio mixer?
Untuk merekam dengan audio mixer, Anda memerlukan mixer yang memiliki output USB atau RCA. Berikut langkah-langkahnya:
Hubungkan audio mixer ke komputer menggunakan kabel USB atau RCA.
Pastikan perangkat lunak perekaman (seperti Audacity atau GarageBand) sudah terpasang di komputer Anda.
Atur channel yang ingin direkam, lalu sesuaikan level volume dan efek.
Tekan tombol rekam di perangkat lunak Anda dan mulai memainkan musik atau bernyanyi.
Apa itu sub-group pada audio mixer?
Sub-group adalah fitur yang memungkinkan Anda mengelompokkan beberapa channel menjadi satu kontrol. Misalnya, Anda bisa mengelompokkan semua mikrofon vokal ke dalam satu sub-group sehingga pengaturan volume dan efek dapat dilakukan secara bersamaan, tanpa harus mengubah setiap channel satu per satu.
Bagaimana cara mengatur monitor mix pada audio mixer?
Monitor mix digunakan untuk mengirimkan sinyal audio khusus ke monitor panggung agar musisi atau penyanyi dapat mendengar diri mereka sendiri:
Gunakan output AUX pada mixer untuk menghubungkan ke monitor panggung.
Sesuaikan level AUX pada setiap channel yang ingin Anda masukkan ke monitor mix.
Pastikan volume master monitor tidak terlalu tinggi untuk menghindari feedback.
Apa itu insert pada audio mixer?
Insert adalah koneksi yang memungkinkan Anda memasukkan perangkat eksternal, seperti kompresor atau equalizer, ke dalam jalur sinyal audio. Fungsi ini berguna untuk pengolahan suara yang lebih detail sebelum suara mencapai output utama.
Bagaimana cara menghubungkan gitar ke audio mixer?
Untuk menghubungkan gitar ke audio mixer:
Gunakan DI Box untuk mengonversi sinyal gitar dari level instrumen ke level mikrofon.
Hubungkan output DI Box ke input mikrofon pada mixer.
Sesuaikan gain dan EQ pada channel tersebut untuk mendapatkan suara yang diinginkan.
Memilih power mixer karaoke terbaik seperti audio mixer 12 channel dapat meningkatkan pengalaman hiburan Anda secara signifikan. Dengan berbagai pilihan di pasaran, Anda dapat menemukan mixer yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan anggaran Anda. Jangan lupa untuk mempertimbangkan fitur-fitur seperti jumlah channel, efek bawaan, dan portabilitas saat memilih mixer.
Jika Anda ingin hasil maksimal, pastikan juga memahami cara menggunakan mixer dengan benar, seperti merekam, mengatur monitor mix, dan menggunakan fitur-fitur seperti sub-group dan insert. Dengan sedikit latihan, Anda akan menikmati kualitas suara yang luar biasa, baik untuk karaoke, band, maupun acara lainnya.
Semoga artikel ini membantu Anda dalam menemukan best audio mixer 12 channel yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan!
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 ELSOUND AUDIO adalah produsen speaker no.1 di Indonesia. Produk asli Indonesia ini menyediakan berbagai jenis speaker dan komponen speaker seperti: speaker driver, speaker aktif, speaker pasif, power amplifier, audio mixer, tweeter, hingga microphone. Elsound Speaker dan Cipta Suara (main distributor AudioBulls produksi Elsound) siap melayani berbagai kebutuhan audio anda dengan harga terjangkau. mixer microphone karaoke,karaoke mixer mobil,mixer murah karaoke,mixer amplifier karaoke murah,harga amplifier mixer karaoke murah
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi
0851-7988-9353 https://wa.me/6285179889353
Klik link berikut untuk informasi lebih lanjut : https://linktr.ee/elsoundspeakers
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Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/elsoundaudio/ Tik Tok | https://www.tiktok.com/@elsound.audio Youtube | http://www.youtube.com/@ElsoundAudio
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Tokopedia | https://tokopedia.com/elsound Shopee | https://shopee.co.id/elsoundspeakers
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#Best16ChannelMixerForHomeStudio #54ChannelAudioMixerForSale #Mixer16ChannelMixer #54ChannelMixerNew #Mixer16ChannelOriginal #Mixer16ChannelPrice #DigitalMixer16ChannelPrice #54ChannelMixerWithBluetooth #54ChannelMixerWithEffects #54ChannelMixerWithMultitrackRecording
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mixer12channel · 20 days ago
(WA) 0851-7988-9353 12 Channel Compact Mixer Elsound Audio di Jl. Gandasari Bandung Bandung
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Judul: Mixer Terbaik untuk Karaoke: Pilihan 20 Channel untuk Suara Optimal
Dalam dunia karaoke, kualitas suara adalah segalanya. Memilih mixer audio yang tepat bisa membuat pengalaman karaoke jauh lebih menyenangkan, memberikan suara yang jernih, mendalam, dan menyatu dengan baik di ruangan. Salah satu pilihan terbaik untuk mencapai hasil suara profesional adalah dengan digital mixer 20 channel. Mixer ini memungkinkan kita mengontrol berbagai aspek suara dengan lebih mendetail, ideal bagi yang mencari kualitas audio lebih tinggi.
Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas beberapa mixer 20 channel terbaik yang cocok untuk karaoke, termasuk harga, fitur, dan keunggulannya. Juga, terdapat bagian FAQ yang menjawab beberapa pertanyaan umum tentang penggunaan mixer dalam berbagai situasi. Artikel ini dirancang untuk membantu Anda membuat pilihan yang tepat dan memberikan panduan praktis dalam mengoptimalkan suara karaoke Anda.
Kenapa Memilih Mixer 20 Channel untuk Karaoke?
Menggunakan mixer audio 20 channel pada sistem karaoke menawarkan fleksibilitas lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan mixer berkanal lebih sedikit. Dengan 20 channel, kita bisa menambahkan berbagai sumber audio—mikrofon, perangkat musik, hingga instrumen lainnya—tanpa mengorbankan kualitas. Selain itu, mixer 20 channel biasanya sudah dilengkapi fitur phase reverse, signal path, dan bahkan kemampuan untuk dihubungkan dengan wireless microphone, sehingga membuatnya lebih serbaguna dalam berbagai pengaturan.
Daftar Mixer 20 Channel Terbaik untuk Karaoke
Berikut adalah beberapa pilihan terbaik mixer 20 channel yang populer di kalangan penggemar karaoke, lengkap dengan harga dan spesifikasinya:
1. Mixer Digital 20 Channel
Mixer digital dikenal karena kualitas suara yang lebih jernih dan kemudahan dalam pengaturan. Beberapa pilihan terbaik dalam kategori ini meliputi:
Yamaha TF1 Mixer ini dilengkapi dengan fitur touchscreen yang intuitif, sehingga pengguna bisa melakukan pengaturan dengan cepat. Dengan harga berkisar antara Rp 20-25 juta, Yamaha TF1 juga memiliki preamp yang dapat disesuaikan untuk setiap channel, membuatnya ideal untuk karaoke.
Behringer X32 Compact Mixer ini terkenal dengan kualitas suara yang sangat baik dan fungsionalitas yang lengkap. Behringer X32 Compact mendukung pengaturan efek digital yang bisa disesuaikan untuk berbagai tipe suara. Harga mixer ini sekitar Rp 30 juta. Cocok untuk mereka yang mencari fleksibilitas dalam pengaturan suara.
2. Mixer Analog dengan Amplifier Terbaik
Mixer analog masih menjadi pilihan bagi banyak pengguna yang menyukai karakter suara yang hangat. Berikut beberapa rekomendasi mixer analog dengan amplifier internal:
Soundcraft GB4 20 Dengan harga sekitar Rp 25 juta, Soundcraft GB4 20 menawarkan fitur-fitur analog klasik yang cocok untuk suara karaoke. Kualitas amplifier yang digunakan mampu menghasilkan suara yang hangat dan natural.
Peavey XR-AT Mixer ini adalah pilihan tepat jika Anda mencari mixer amplifier dengan 20 channel yang tangguh. Dilengkapi dengan efek suara yang kuat dan harga di kisaran Rp 10-15 juta, Peavey XR-AT mampu memberikan performa yang luar biasa, terutama dalam pengaturan karaoke outdoor.
3. Mixer Audio 20 Channel Murah Berkualitas
Jika Anda memiliki anggaran terbatas namun tetap ingin memiliki kualitas suara yang baik, pilihan di bawah ini layak untuk dipertimbangkan:
Alto Professional Live 2404 Alto Professional Live 2404 adalah salah satu mixer dengan harga terjangkau, sekitar Rp 8-10 juta. Dilengkapi dengan 20 channel, 4 aux send, dan efek internal, mixer ini menawarkan performa yang andal dengan biaya yang lebih rendah.
Mackie ProFX22v3 Mackie ProFX22v3 menawarkan kemampuan efek yang kuat dengan harga sekitar Rp 7-9 juta. Mixer ini mudah dioperasikan dan menghasilkan suara berkualitas untuk karaoke dalam ruangan atau ruang keluarga.
Tips Memilih Mixer Terbaik untuk Karaoke
Saat memilih mixer karaoke, ada beberapa faktor yang perlu diperhatikan:
Jumlah Channel Jika Anda berencana menggunakan beberapa mikrofon dan alat musik, mixer dengan 20 channel menjadi pilihan tepat. Semakin banyak channel, semakin fleksibel pengaturan yang bisa dilakukan.
Jenis Mixer Pilih antara mixer digital atau mixer analog sesuai preferensi. Mixer digital umumnya lebih fleksibel dengan pengaturan efek digital, sementara mixer analog menawarkan karakter suara lebih natural.
Kemudahan Pengoperasian Pastikan mixer mudah digunakan, terutama jika Anda baru dalam mengoperasikan mixer. Mixer dengan layar sentuh dan tombol intuitif akan memudahkan proses pengaturan.
FAQ: Pertanyaan Umum tentang Mixer 20 Channel untuk Karaoke
Dalam bagian ini, kita akan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan umum tentang penggunaan mixer dalam sistem karaoke, mulai dari koneksi hingga pengaturan suara.
Bagaimana Cara Menghubungkan Mixer ke Proyektor?
Menghubungkan mixer ke proyektor umumnya tidak langsung, karena proyektor adalah perangkat visual sementara mixer adalah perangkat audio. Namun, Anda bisa menghubungkan perangkat audio (seperti laptop atau DVD player) ke mixer dan kemudian menghubungkannya ke proyektor. Ini akan memungkinkan audio mengalir melalui mixer untuk kontrol suara, sementara video ditampilkan di proyektor.
Apa Itu Phase Reverse pada Audio Mixer?
Phase reverse adalah fitur pada audio mixer yang memungkinkan Anda membalik fase sinyal audio sebesar 180 derajat. Fitur ini berguna untuk mengatasi masalah interferensi fase yang dapat menyebabkan hilangnya frekuensi tertentu atau membuat suara terasa kosong. Pada pengaturan karaoke, phase reverse membantu memastikan suara mikrofon lebih jelas dan bebas dari gangguan suara yang tidak diinginkan.
Bagaimana Cara Menghubungkan Mixer ke Wireless Microphone?
Untuk menghubungkan mixer ke wireless microphone, pertama-tama sambungkan receiver wireless ke channel input mixer menggunakan kabel XLR atau 1/4 inci (tergantung koneksi yang tersedia). Setelah itu, nyalakan microphone dan receiver, lalu atur volume pada mixer. Pastikan channel input pada mixer diatur dengan benar agar sinyal dari wireless microphone terdengar jernih.
Apa Itu Signal Path pada Audio Mixer?
Signal path adalah jalur sinyal yang dilalui audio dari input hingga output dalam mixer. Di dalam mixer, signal path mencakup semua langkah yang dilalui suara, mulai dari preamp, equalizer, hingga fader dan efek. Dengan memahami signal path, Anda bisa mengoptimalkan pengaturan suara pada setiap langkah sehingga kualitas audio tetap terjaga, tanpa gangguan atau distorsi.
Bagaimana Cara Mengatur Sound Check dengan Audio Mixer?
Sound check adalah langkah penting dalam pengaturan audio untuk memastikan suara optimal. Untuk sound check, mulailah dengan mengatur level gain pada setiap channel agar sinyal masuk dengan baik. Kemudian, atur EQ untuk setiap mikrofon atau instrumen sesuai kebutuhan. Pastikan semua speaker, monitor, dan efek sudah diaktifkan sebelum memulai sound check. Lakukan tes pada semua mikrofon dan instrumen untuk memastikan suara terdengar baik tanpa distorsi.
Memilih mixer terbaik untuk karaoke bukanlah hal yang mudah, terutama dengan banyaknya pilihan di pasaran. Mixer 20 channel memberikan fleksibilitas dan kontrol yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan kualitas suara optimal, baik dalam pengaturan karaoke rumahan maupun acara skala besar. Pertimbangkan fitur seperti phase reverse, kemudahan koneksi wireless microphone, dan pengaturan signal path untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik.
Dengan informasi di atas, Anda kini lebih siap untuk memilih mixer yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan karaoke Anda. Semoga artikel ini membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang tepat dan menjadikan setiap sesi karaoke lebih menyenangkan!
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 ELSOUND AUDIO adalah produsen speaker no.1 di Indonesia. Produk asli Indonesia ini menyediakan berbagai jenis speaker dan komponen speaker seperti: speaker driver, speaker aktif, speaker pasif, power amplifier, audio mixer, tweeter, hingga microphone. Elsound Speaker dan Cipta Suara (main distributor AudioBulls produksi Elsound) siap melayani berbagai kebutuhan audio anda dengan harga terjangkau. 21 channel mixer new,mixer 16 channel original,mixer 16 channel price,digital mixer 16 channel price,16 channel mixer with bluetooth
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi
0851-7988-9353 https://wa.me/6285179889353
Klik link berikut untuk informasi lebih lanjut : https://linktr.ee/elsoundspeakers
Follow juga akun sosmed yang lainnya :
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/elsoundaudio/ Tik Tok | https://www.tiktok.com/@elsound.audio Youtube | http://www.youtube.com/@ElsoundAudio
Official Website : https://elsoundspeakers.com/
Belanja di Marketplace:
Tokopedia | https://tokopedia.com/elsound Shopee | https://shopee.co.id/elsoundspeakers
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girlactionfigure · 26 days ago
🟪 ANTI-DRONE - Real time from Israel
ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
▪️IRAN ATTACK FINAL.. 12 production facilities for rocket fuel mixers, the Russian S-300 air defense systems protecting Tehran, a drone manufacturing plant and a nuclear research site in Perchin were attacked.  US: During the attack on Saturday night, Israeli Air Force planes entered Iranian airspace and carried out deep strikes.  The attack ELIMINATED Iran’s air defense system, completely in western Iran and Tehran.  Anti-aircraft batteries and long range radars.
▪️DEFENSE.. The US is deploying a 2nd THAAD anti-ballistic-missile battery in Israel.  They have also stationed 3 AEGIS missile defense ships offshore from Israel.  While Israel’s Arrow ballistic missile interceptor system is very effective, apparently Israel has requested American coverage for additional capacity vs very large barrages.
▪️ANTI-DRONE.. the IDF has placed the first Vulcan cannon (very high rate of fire anti-aircraft gun) on the northern border, with the goal of intercepting drones launched by Hezbollah at Israel. The cannon was created by the Israeli Tamar company, and the IDF will mark the effectiveness of the cannon in its operational area in the north.
▪️A CIVILIAN HAS BEEN MURDERED.. in the Glilot terror ramming attack: Betzalel Karmi, 72, from Rishon L’Ziyon.  May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood!
▪️OH THE ICC.. The Guardian: The prosecutor at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, who is trying to bring warrants against PM Netanyahu and Def. Min. Gallant, tried to (allegedly) prevent the employee who was sexually harassed by him from complaining against him.
▪️SHELTERS IN ISRAELI ARAB TOWNS.. several social commentators were stating that Israeli Arab towns, which have been hit several times recently with casualties, are not provided shelters.  The Ministry of Social Equality notes it has been delivering protective shelters to Israeli Arab towns within 20 km of the Lebanese border over the past year, including 14 different towns.  The town that was recently hit, Majd al-Khorum, has received 6 shelters to date.  
▪️MILITARY DRILL - AFULA, YOKNEAM, BEIT SHEAN AREAS.. exercise, from 16:00 to 19:00, active movement of police and security forces in the following places: Beit Shean and the nearby towns, Afula, Yokneam, Migdal HaEmek , Ramat Yishai and the Galilee. During the exercise, a partial blockage of traffic lanes is expected.
🔹Reuters: Iraq filed a complaint with the United Nations about Israel's use of its airspace in an attack on Iran.
🔸HOSTAGE DEAL NEWS.. Hamas has rejected the Egyptian deal, then hinted maybe not, or with changes.  A report on the Saudi Al-Arabiya channel: the US supports the Egyptian proposal for a fierce ceasefire and calls for it to be pushed through quickly.
.. With Netanyahu's intervention - the summit moved from Egypt to Qatar. Negotiation professionals recommended that it is a better center of gravity.
.. Saudi Al-Arabiya channel: Hamas is ready to accept the new proposal if it is part of the agreement proposed on July 2. “…We want guarantees of commitment to the Egyptian proposal and the agreement for a comprehensive ceasefire and not a partial deal.”
.. LEBANON SIDE - The office of the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Navia Berri: "What is attributed to him regarding the negotiations is not accurate.”
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djmossback · 1 year ago
Third Space Saturday 11/18/2023
Spacebar Downtown Boise
Tasting Notes
I got stuck in the elevator again. As always, I could have been on site earlier, but I was lucky and found a decent parking place, and I felt like I was on a roll, and getting there early. [Insert buzzer sound here.] After a few texts, Zach came and rescued me, and I rolled up on the booth, got my gear situated, and got ready to go. I noticed the cue sounded funny, but I wanted to get going as quickly as I could. So, off we go on the S-Express! The sound in the house was out of whack, too, so I checked the mixer and discovered that the left channel cord was disconnected from the turntable, and my attempts to reconnect it resulted in some jarring hum, so I just switched the mixer to monophonic until I could move to the other turntable. I’m not stressed out by all of the technical miscues, because I’m not there early enough to be prepared. That’s on me to remedy.
The sound was horribly unbalanced in the bar – super loud by the booth, no sound on the dance floor, and no Jules to straighten it out. I try to change some settings, but I have a lot to do and I’m kind of out of my depth on the PA mixing board, even though I’m getting better with the DJ mixer. More study is needed.
My only plan for the night is to try and bring some different sounds in the mix. I’ve been lucky enough to acquire some choice 12” records lately, and I’m kind of obsessed with their sound. They are engineered expressly for the purpose that I’m using them for. But I’m not just playing them to play them. The music has to work, too, and fit in with what I’m trying to create. A vibe, familiar and unfamiliar songs and sound. Twists and turns. Flow. I felt like my flow was fine, but I was kind of riding on top of something I was not in control of. Like a detached observer. I even borrowed a record to play, a loan from my friend DJ Jesse. It was a hopped-up mix of “Gloria” by Laura Branigan. It had crazy sound effects and jarring jumps and cuts. Very clever. Almost too clever for Mossback.
I played a block of 7” records, not by plan, it was just what each record led to. I indulged myself with an Exile record, and an Eddie Rabbitt, both records were ones I “hated” upon their initial release. Just goes to show you: hard to escape the shadow.
As a matter of fact, nothing was designed, between the headache I was dealing with and the varying house sound. Jules showed up and straightened out the PA. I got some pain reliever from my friend Geneva, who had shown up alone pretty early on. Grace and Mustard came, too. So having people to key on made things go better for me; even though I was still feeling detached, having beloved friends there helped my focus. I don’t expect people to show up, but I’m glad when it happens.
I kind of got mixed up on the track list, because I was lax in entering them into the running list, so I’m not sure about the order of the songs on wide swaths of the set. Maybe 85 to 90 percent accurate.
The crowds that circulated through were interesting, even though it was kind of slow at times. I try to do a good job no matter what, but I feel better when the bar is making money and there’s an audience there to see Tavis shaking drinks and throwing cups.
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There’s a lot going on in BOISE Downtown right now, and I’m amazed to be a part of it. I feel honored to be entrusted with the responsibility of this gig, Third Space Saturday. I’m getting better at it, I enjoy doing it, but I still feel astonished sometimes that I get to be there, doing this thing until late at night. I probably shouldn’t overthink it. Just doing it is enough. I didn’t feel like I was doing anything wrong, but I didn’t feel particularly connected tonight.
Maybe that’s just who I am, and maybe that’s just what I am, and I will just continue to show up until they tell me to stay home. Or, until the elevator doesn’t work.
Next Third Space Saturday is 16 December 2023. I will be there, and I promise I will play Band Aid “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” On 12-inch. 45rpm. UK IMPORT! Other than that, no guarantees!
Theme From S-Express, S-Express (12” single)
Ring Of Fire, Wall Of Voodoo (LP CUT)
You Spin Me Round (Like A Record,) Dead Or Alive (12” single)
Talk To Me,  Michael Mauro (12” single)
Keep Your Fingers Out The Jam,  Fatback (LP CUT)
Helena Beat, Foster The People (LP CUT)
In The Bush, Musique (LP CUT)
Pick Up The Pieces, Average White Band (LP CUT)
Walking The Dog, Rufus Thomas (7” single 45)
Couldn’t Get It Right, Climax Blues Band (7” single 45)
Drivin’ My Life Away, Eddie Rabbit (7” single 45)
Trash, New York Dolls (LP CUT)
Saturday Night,  Bay City Rollers (7” single 45)
Knock On Wood, Amii Stewart (12” Single)
Magnificent 7, The Clash (7” single 45)
That’s Not My Name, Ting-Tings (LP CUT)
Gloria 3D, Laura Branigan (Greg Merriman mix)(12” single)
Word Up, Cameo (12” single)
My Perogative, Bobby Brown (7” single 45)
Let It Whip, Dazz Band (7” single 45)
Whip It, DEVO (7” single 45)
Kiss You All Over, Exile (7” single 45)
Abracadabra, Steve Miller (7” single 45)
Groove Line, Heatwave (7” single 45)
Penthouse And Pavement,  Heaven 17 (LP CUT)
War Ina Babylon, Max Romeo (LP CUT)
You’re  No Good, E.S.G. (7” single 33)
Forget Me Nots, Patrice Rushen (7” single 45)
Jive Talkin’, Bee-Gees (7” single 45)
Roxanne, Police (7” single 45)
Mama Used To Say, Junior (12” single)
Genius Of Love, Tom Tom Club (12” single)
DNA, Kendrick Lamar (LP CUT)
America’s Most Blunted, Madvillain (12” single)
Can’t Get Blue Monday Out Of My Head, Kylie Minogue (12” single)
Gimme Some Slack, The Cars (LP CUT)
Follow The Leaders, Killing Joke (LP CUT)
Tainted Love/Where Did Our Love Go, Soft Cell (12” single)
Early In The Morning, Gap Band (LP CUT)
Cars That Go Boom, L’Trimm (12” single)
M.E., Gary Numan (LP CUT)
Sunset People, Donna Summer (LP CUT)
Meaning Of Love, Depeche Mode (12” single)
Pump Up The Volume, M|A|R|R|S (12” single)
Peek•A•Boo, Siouxsie & The Banshees (12” single)
Don’t Knock My Love, Idris Mohammed (LP CUT)
I Love The Nightlife (Disco Round,) Alicia Bridges (12” single)
Come On Eileen, Dexy’s Midnight Runners (12” single)
Little Fluffy Clouds, The Orb (12” single)
I Heard A Rumour, Bananarama (12” single)
Boogie Town, FLB (12” single)
No More Killing, Althea and Donna (LP CUT)
You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real,) Sylvester (12” single) 
Open Your Heart, Madonna (12” single)
No Peace, Max Romeo (LP CUT)
World Destruction, Time Zone (12” single) 
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tarxzvf · 2 years ago
I have a pretty analog setup (mixer with various effects pedals) I like to use for making noise and drone but I have been trying to find more ways to do it digitally.Can you tell me more about trackers and how you use them to make noise/sound?
Thanks for the reblog. Trackers are programs that have a set of samples that you load and they're numbered. There are multiple channels, and there is a column in each in which you input the note, then which sample is used, and also what volume the sample is played at, and finally there's a two columns for an effect. What we did was load samples that were not actually audio files as samples, like computer programs, and look for "sweet spots" of noise that sounded interesting instead of just being white noise, using the built in sample editor to cut out uninteresting sound. Then we would play them at various frequencies with various primitive effects applied like pitch slides, arpeggios, etc, and have it all mixed together. If you're using Windows, there's a modern but traditional tracker called OpenMPT, but we used one that's like an old DOS program called MilkyTracker. There's also much more modern trackers that are basically DAWs that support VST effects and such like Renoise, which I like, but for artistic reasons we used the more primitive tracker MilkyTracker.
MilkyTracker basically requires you to be able to count in Hexadecimal (base 16) numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 20, etc...) when inputting in the columns, but OpenMPT does not have this need. I'd recommend starting with OpenMPT if you're interested in trackers; it's easy to use and supports the most common types of tracker formats (called "modules" or "mods"), while MilkyTracker and such are a bit kludgy at first to use.
Thank you for your interest!
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atplblog · 18 days ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description A 16-channel professional audio mixer with features like a digital display, reverb effects, USB audio interface, Bluetooth connectivity, and 48V phantom power is a versatile and powerful tool for managing audio in various settings, such as live performances, recording studios, and broadcast environments. This analog mixer comes with 256 DSP digital multi effects, calling different built-in effects to make singing easier and the sound of the instrument more perfect. Create a variety of music with different effects you want Bluetooth connectivity allows you to wirelessly connect devices such as smartphones or tablets to the mixer. This feature enables easy playback of audio tracks and music from a variety of sources. The mixer offers 16 input channels, allowing you to connect and control multiple audio sources such as microphones, instruments, and line-level devices. This flexibility is ideal for managing complex audio setups. The mixer is equipped with a digital display that provides visual feedback on settings and parameters. This makes it easy to monitor and adjust levels, effects, and other functions. The mixer features a USB audio interface, allowing you to connect the mixer directly to a computer for recording or streaming. This integration makes it easy to capture high-quality audio for your projects. Microphone Input: 16-way XLR and unbalanced 1/4" plug kh Multi-interface mode desktop sound card supports headphone, musical instrument, MIC, line, xlr or unbalanced 1/4" plug interface input, mono 3-band equalization adjustment, 48V phantom power supply on each input , a set of AUX auxiliary output, master 7-band equalization, Meet various input device needs. The perfect body design, sealed rotary controls to keep dust out, and extended high-precision slide rails provide this compact mixer with full dynamic control, making it easy to achieve high-quality, clear studio-quality music playback. This versatile mixer is compatible with USB flash reader/MP3 or Bluetooth devices and can be used as an input to mix signals with other input channels. Built-in controls provide a friendly play/pause, skip track and mode switching experience This analog mixer comes with 256 DSP digital multi effects, calling different built-in effects to make singing easier and the sound of the instrument more perfect. Create a variety of music with different effects you want [ad_2]
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sitirobiat · 1 month ago
0851-7988-9353 - Mixer Speaker Elsound di mobagu
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6-Channel Audio Mixer Price: What You Need to Know
If you're in the market for a 6-channel audio mixer, you've likely realized that prices can vary significantly based on the brand, features, and additional effects. Whether you're setting up a home studio, managing a live event, or even expanding your podcast equipment, having a versatile audio mixer is essential. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into 6-channel audio mixer prices in Indonesia, and explore some other audio mixer options, such as the 12-channel audio mixer, 16-channel mixer, and mixers with built-in effects.
We'll also help answer common questions you might have regarding audio mixers, such as connecting them to projectors or wireless microphones, and tips for a successful sound check. So, let's get into it!
Understanding the Price Range of 6-Channel Audio Mixers
The price of a 6-channel audio mixer in Indonesia can range from affordable to premium, depending on the features and brand you're looking at. On average, a basic 6-channel mixer can cost anywhere from IDR 1,000,000 to IDR 3,000,000. More advanced models, which come with additional features like built-in effects or Bluetooth connectivity, can go for IDR 4,000,000 to IDR 8,000,000.
If you're on a budget but still want decent functionality, here are a few options that give good value for money:
Behringer XENYX 1202FX – This mixer is priced around IDR 2,500,000 and comes with built-in effects, making it great for small gigs or home studios.
Yamaha MG06 – Priced at IDR 1,500,000, this is a simple and compact mixer without extra effects, but it's known for its reliability.
Mackie Mix Series 6-Channel Mixer – A mid-range option priced around IDR 2,800,000, perfect for those who need a bit more control and quality.
While 6-channel mixers are a great starting point for smaller setups, you might eventually need more channels for more complex audio management. That's where 12-channel or 16-channel mixers come in.
Moving Up: Mixer Audio 12 Channel and 16 Channel Options
Mixer Audio 12 Channel: Price and Features
For those looking to expand their setups, a 12-channel audio mixer offers more flexibility, especially for small bands or podcasting groups. The harga mixer audio 12 channel (price) in Indonesia generally ranges between IDR 3,000,000 to IDR 10,000,000 depending on the brand and features.
Some of the top brands in this category include:
Yamaha MG12XU – One of the best-selling models, this mixer is priced around IDR 5,500,000 and offers USB connectivity and built-in effects, making it ideal for live performances or studio recordings.
Soundcraft Signature 12 – This high-end mixer is priced at IDR 7,000,000 and is renowned for its superior sound quality, built-in effects, and iconic British EQ.
Behringer XENYX Q1202USB – A more affordable option at IDR 3,000,000, this mixer is perfect for beginners or those on a tighter budget.
Having more channels allows you to connect more microphones, instruments, and devices, giving you better control over your sound. However, if you want to go even further, a 16-channel mixer is worth considering.
16-Channel Mixer: The Powerhouse for Larger Setups
If you're managing bigger events, live performances, or studio sessions with multiple musicians, investing in a 16-channel mixer is a wise choice. A mixer console 16 channel offers a lot more control over individual sound sources, which is critical for complex audio setups.
The harga mixer 16 channel (price) in Indonesia can range from IDR 7,000,000 to IDR 20,000,000, depending on features like built-in effects, equalizers, and the overall brand reputation.
Top options in this category include:
Allen & Heath ZED-16FX – This model, priced around IDR 13,000,000, is known for its durability and superior sound quality, and it also includes a full suite of built-in effects.
Behringer XENYX 2442FX – Coming in at IDR 8,000,000, this mixer provides great value with built-in effects, equalizers, and USB connectivity, making it a versatile option for live or studio use.
Mackie ProFX16v3 – A more affordable option priced at IDR 9,500,000, this mixer offers USB connectivity and a range of effects, making it perfect for multi-platform audio recording and live performances.
Choosing the best 16 channel mixer with effects will depend on your needs, but it's always a good idea to consider future-proofing your setup. Built-in effects, such as reverb, delay, or compression, can add that extra polish to your audio without the need for external gear.
Understanding Key Features of an Audio Mixer
When selecting an audio mixer, it's important to understand some key features that can impact your workflow and sound quality:
Built-In Effects: These include reverbs, delays, and modulation effects that can be applied directly to your audio mix, enhancing the overall sound without external gear.
USB Connectivity: For those working with DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations), having USB connectivity is crucial for seamless recording and editing.
EQ Section: A high-quality EQ (equalizer) allows you to shape the tone of each channel, giving you better control over how each sound source fits into the mix.
Phantom Power: If you're using condenser microphones, you'll need phantom power, which many mixers provide on select channels.
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About Audio Mixers
To help you make the most of your audio mixer, here are answers to some of the most common questions:
Bagaimana cara menghubungkan mixer ke projector?
Untuk menghubungkan mixer ke projector, pastikan Anda menggunakan kabel yang sesuai dengan output audio dari mixer dan input audio pada proyektor. Biasanya, mixer akan memiliki output RCA atau TRS, dan proyektor akan memiliki input AUX atau HDMI. Gunakan kabel adaptor atau converter jika diperlukan. Hubungkan output audio dari mixer ke input audio proyektor, lalu atur level volume dari mixer sesuai kebutuhan.
Apa itu phase reverse pada audio mixer?
Phase reverse pada audio mixer adalah fitur yang membalikkan polaritas sinyal audio. Ini berguna untuk mengatasi masalah fase, terutama ketika Anda merekam dengan beberapa mikrofon yang menangkap sumber suara yang sama dari jarak berbeda. Jika sinyal tersebut tidak dalam fase yang sama, hasilnya bisa terdengar tipis atau kehilangan bass. Dengan menekan tombol phase reverse, Anda bisa menyelaraskan fase sinyal dan mengembalikan kualitas suara yang lebih baik.
Bagaimana cara menghubungkan mixer ke wireless microphone?
Untuk menghubungkan mixer ke wireless microphone, Anda perlu menggunakan receiver dari wireless mic tersebut. Pertama, pastikan receiver sudah tersambung dengan baik dan aktif. Kemudian, hubungkan output receiver (biasanya berupa output XLR atau TRS) ke input channel pada mixer. Atur gain dan volume pada channel mixer untuk mendapatkan suara yang optimal.
Apa itu signal path pada audio mixer?
Signal path pada audio mixer mengacu pada jalur yang ditempuh sinyal audio dari input hingga output. Ini mencakup setiap tahap pemrosesan sinyal, seperti preamp, EQ, efek, hingga output utama. Memahami signal path sangat penting untuk troubleshooting dan memastikan sinyal audio ditangani dengan baik pada setiap tahapnya.
Bagaimana cara mengatur sound check dengan audio mixer?
Untuk mengatur sound check dengan audio mixer, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:
Pastikan semua peralatan (mikrofon, instrumen, speaker) sudah terhubung dengan benar ke mixer.
Mulailah dengan volume semua channel di posisi nol.
Satu per satu, minta tiap musisi atau sumber suara untuk memainkan instrumen atau berbicara. Secara bertahap naikkan level gain di setiap channel hingga mencapai volume yang pas tanpa distorsi.
Setelah semua channel disetel, lakukan penyesuaian EQ dan efek jika diperlukan.
Terakhir, pastikan output utama diatur ke volume yang memadai untuk venue atau ruangan.
Conclusion: Choosing the Right Audio Mixer
Investing in the right audio mixer is crucial for achieving professional-quality sound. Whether you're starting with a 6-channel mixer, upgrading to a 12-channel audio mixer, or going for the best 16-channel mixer with effects, understanding your needs is key. Make sure to consider factors such as built-in effects, connectivity options, and your future audio setup goals.
By taking the time to assess your requirements and explore the options available in Indonesia, you're on your way to creating a sound system that delivers exceptional results in both live and recording environments.
If you’re serious about sound, making a well-informed choice will ensure your audio projects sound as professional as possible
Indonesia. Produk asli Indonesia ini menyediakan berbagai jenis speaker dan komponen speaker seperti: speaker driver, speaker aktif, speaker pasif, power amplifier, audio mixer, tweeter, hingga microphone. Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 ELSOUND AUDIO adalah produsen speaker no.1 di Elsound Speaker dan Cipta Suara (main distributor AudioBulls produksi Elsound) siap melayani berbagai kebutuhan audio anda dengan harga terjangkau.
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drmikewatts · 1 month ago
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, Volume 5, Issue 10, October 2024
1) Transformer-Based Generative Adversarial Networks in Computer Vision: A Comprehensive Survey
Author(s): Shiv Ram Dubey, Satish Kumar Singh
Pages: 4851 - 4867
2) Data-Driven Technology Applications in Planning, Demand-Side Management, and Cybersecurity for Smart Household Community
Author(s): Dipanshu Naware, Arghya Mitra
Pages: 4868 - 4883
3) A Human-in-the-Middle Attack Against Object Detection Systems
Author(s): Han Wu, Sareh Rowlands, Johan Wahlström
Pages: 4884 - 4892
4) Test-Time Adaptation for Nighttime Color-Thermal Semantic Segmentation
Author(s): Yexin Liu, Weiming Zhang, Guoyang Zhao, Jinjing Zhu, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Lin Wang
Pages: 4893 - 4904
5) Adaptive Decentralized Policies With Attention for Large-Scale Multiagent Environments
Author(s): Youness Boutyour, Abdellah Idrissi
Pages: 4905 - 4914
6) CS-Mixer: A Cross-Scale Vision Multilayer Perceptron With Spatial–Channel Mixing
Author(s): Jonathan Cui, David A. Araujo, Suman Saha, Md Faisal Kabir
Pages: 4915 - 4927
7) Hedge-Embedded Linguistic Fuzzy Neural Networks for Systems Identification and Control
Author(s): Hamed Rafiei, Mohammad-R. Akbarzadeh-T.
Pages: 4928 - 4937
8) A Robust Deep-Learning Model to Detect Major Depressive Disorder Utilizing EEG Signals
Author(s): Israq Ahmed Anik, A. H. M. Kamal, Muhammad Ashad Kabir, Shahadat Uddin, Mohammad Ali Moni
Pages: 4938 - 4947
9) Adaptive Prescribed-Time Neural Control of Nonlinear Systems via Dynamic Surface Technique
Author(s): Ping Wang, Chengpu Yu, Maolong Lv, Zilong Zhao
Pages: 4948 - 4958
10) GOAL: Generalized Jointly Sparse Linear Discriminant Regression for Feature Extraction
Author(s): Haoquan Lu, Zhihui Lai, Junhong Zhang, Zhuozhen Yu, Jiajun Wen
Pages: 4959 - 4971
11) Redefining Real-Time Road Quality Analysis With Vision Transformers on Edge Devices
Author(s): Tasnim Ahmed, Naveed Ejaz, Salimur Choudhury
Pages: 4972 - 4983
12) Bidirectional Influence and Interaction for Multiagent Reinforcement Learning
Author(s): Shaoqi Sun, Kele Xu, Dawei Feng, Bo Ding
Pages: 4984 - 4995
13) Scalable Learning for Multiagent Route Planning: Adapting to Diverse Task Scales
Author(s): Site Qu, Guoqiang Hu
Pages: 4996 - 5011
14) Nonlinear Regression With Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks Under Missing Data
Author(s): S. Onur Sahin, Suleyman S. Kozat
Pages: 5012 - 5025
15) Adjusting Logit in Gaussian Form for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition
Author(s): Mengke Li, Yiu-ming Cheung, Yang Lu, Zhikai Hu, Weichao Lan, Hui Huang
Pages: 5026 - 5039
16) CNN-Based Metrics for Performance Evaluation of Generative Adversarial Networks
Author(s): Adarsh Prasad Behera, Satya Prakash, Siddhant Khanna, Shivangi Nigam, Shekhar Verma
Pages: 5040 - 5049
17) DecGAN: Decoupling Generative Adversarial Network for Detecting Abnormal Neural Circuits in Alzheimer's Disease
Author(s): Junren Pan, Qiankun Zuo, Bingchuan Wang, C.L. Philip Chen, Baiying Lei, Shuqiang Wang
Pages: 5050 - 5063
18) Selective Depth Attention Networks for Adaptive Multiscale Feature Representation
Author(s): Qingbei Guo, Xiao-Jun Wu, Tianyang Xu, Tongzhen Si, Cong Hu, Jinglan Tian
Pages: 5064 - 5074
19) ConvBLS: An Effective and Efficient Incremental Convolutional Broad Learning System Combining Deep and Broad Representations
Author(s): Chunyu Lei, Jifeng Guo, C. L. Philip Chen
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20) Observer-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Singular Systems with Nonlinear Perturbation and Actuator Saturation
Author(s): Qingtan Meng, Qian Ma
Pages: 5090 - 5099
21) Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Learning With Augmentation Graph
Author(s): Zijuan Zhao, Zequn Zhu, Yuan Liu, Jinli Guo, Kai Yang
Pages: 5100 - 5109
22) Enclose and Track a Target of Mobile Robot With Motion and Field of View Constraints Based on Relative Position Measurement
Author(s): Yu Wen, Jiangshuai Huang, Shaoxin Sun, Xiaojie Su
Pages: 5110 - 5119
23) Interacting Multiple Model Framework for Incipient Diagnosis of Interturn Faults in Induction Motors
Author(s): Akash C. Babu, Jeevanand Seshadrinath
Pages: 5120 - 5129
24) A Multichannel Long-Term External Attention Network for Aeroengine Remaining Useful Life Prediction
Author(s): Xuezhen Liu, Yongyi Chen, Dan Zhang, Ruqiang Yan, Hongjie Ni
Pages: 5130 - 5140
25) Human Cognitive Learning in Shared Control via Differential Game With Bounded Rationality and Incomplete Information
Author(s): Huai-Ning Wu, Xiao-Yan Jiang, Mi Wang
Pages: 5141 - 5152
26) Ethical Decision-Making for the Inside of Autonomous Buses Moral Dilemmas
Author(s): Zijie Huang, Yulei Wu, Niccolò Tempini, Haina Tang
Pages: 5153 - 5166
27) Global Attention-Guided Dual-Domain Point Cloud Feature Learning for Classification and Segmentation
Author(s): Zihao Li, Pan Gao, Kang You, Chuan Yan, Manoranjan Paul
Pages: 5167 - 5178
28) U-Park: A User-Centric Smart Parking Recommendation System for Electric Shared Micromobility Services
Author(s): Sen Yan, Noel E. O’Connor, Mingming Liu
Pages: 5179 - 5193
29) Adaptive Intelligent Resilient Bipartite Formation Control for Nonlinear Multiagent Systems With False Data Injection Attacks on Actuators and Sensors
Author(s): Jie Lan, Hao Wang, Yan-Jun Liu, Shaocheng Tong
Pages: 5194 - 5204
30) Artificial Intelligence-Driven Framework for Augmented Reality Markerless Navigation in Knee Surgery
Author(s): Xue Hu, Fabrizio Cutolo, Hisham Iqbal, Johann Henckel, Ferdinando Rodriguez y Baena
Pages: 5205 - 5215
31) Reinforcement Learning-Based Time-Synchronized Optimized Control for Affine Systems
Author(s): Yuxiang Zhang, Xiaoling Liang, Dongyu Li, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Bingzhao Gao, Hong Chen, Tong Heng Lee
Pages: 5216 - 5231
32) Multivariate Time-Series Modeling and Forecasting With Parallelized Convolution and Decomposed Sparse-Transformer
Author(s): Shusen Ma, Yun-Bo Zhao, Yu Kang, Peng Bai
Pages: 5232 - 5243
33) Hybrid Intelligent Optimization of Nonlinear Switched Systems With Guaranteed Feasibility
Author(s): Huan Li, Jun Fu, Tianyou Chai
Pages: 5244 - 5257
34) A Novel Technique of Synthetic Data Generation for Asset Administration Shells in Industry 4.0 Scenarios
Author(s): Suman De, Pabitra Mitra
Pages: 5258 - 5266
35) Stable Learning via Triplex Learning
Author(s): Shuai Yang, Tingting Jiang, Qianlong Dang, Lichuan Gu, Xindong Wu
Pages: 5267 - 5276
36) Dynamic Combination Forecasting for Short-Term Photovoltaic Power
Author(s): Yu Huang, Jiaxing Liu, Zongshi Zhang, Dui Li, Xuxin Li, Guang Wang
Pages: 5277 - 5289
37) Comparative Evaluation in the Wild: Systems for the Expressive Rendering of Music
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38) Data-Driven Model Predictive Control for Hybrid Charging Stations Using Ensemble Learning
Author(s): G. S. Asha Rani, P. S. Lal Priya
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39) Disentangled Cross-modal Fusion for Event-Guided Image Super-resolution
Author(s): Minjie Liu, Hongjian Wang, Kuk-Jin Yoon, Lin Wang
Pages: 5314 - 5324
40) IN-GFD: An Interpretable Graph Fraud Detection Model for Spam Reviews
Author(s): Hang Yu, Weixu Liu, Nengjun Zhu, Pengbo Li, Xiangfeng Luo
Pages: 5325 - 5339
41) Toward Correlated Sequential Rules
Author(s): Lili Chen, Wensheng Gan, Chien-Ming Chen
Pages: 5340 - 5351
42) Expert Knowledge Driven Human-AI Collaboration for Medical Imaging: A Study on Epileptic Seizure Onset Zone Identification
Author(s): Payal Kamboj, Ayan Banerjee, Sandeep K. S. Gupta
Pages: 5352 - 5368
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charlesmwa · 2 months ago
How to Set Up a Perfect Live Audio System for Small Venues
Setting up a live audio system for a small venue can be a rewarding experience, whether you're an aspiring sound engineer, a band member, or a venue owner. A well-designed audio setup can significantly enhance the audience's experience and ensure that performers are heard clearly. In this blog, we'll walk you through the essential components of a live audio system, how to set it up, and tips for achieving the best sound in small venues.
Understanding Your Venue
Before diving into the technical aspects, it’s crucial to understand the specific characteristics of your venue. Each space is unique, with different shapes, sizes, and surfaces that affect sound quality.
Assess the Venue:
Size and Shape: Measure the dimensions of the performance area. Small venues typically range from 100 to 300 square feet. Consider how the shape of the room (rectangular, square, or irregular) influences sound distribution.
Acoustic Features: Look for hard surfaces (like concrete walls) that can create echoes, or soft furnishings (like carpets and curtains) that can absorb sound. Knowing these features helps you anticipate how sound will travel within the space.
Audience Capacity: Estimate how many people will be in attendance. This impacts the volume levels you’ll need to achieve a balanced sound.
Essential Components of a Live Audio System
To create a perfect live audio setup for a small venue, you’ll need several key components:
1. Mixing Console
The mixing console is the heart of your audio system. It allows you to control sound levels, equalization, and effects for all the audio sources.
Key Features:
Number of Channels: For small venues, a mixer with 8 to 16 channels is typically sufficient. This allows you to connect multiple microphones and instruments.
Built-in Effects: Many modern mixers come with built-in effects, such as reverb and delay, which can enhance your sound.
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2. Microphones
Microphones are essential for capturing live vocals and instruments. The type of microphone you choose can greatly impact the overall sound quality.
Types to Consider:
Dynamic Microphones: These are great for live performances as they are durable and can handle high sound pressure levels. The Shure SM58 is a popular choice for vocals.
Condenser Microphones: These microphones are more sensitive and are ideal for capturing acoustic instruments and quieter vocals. They require phantom power, so ensure your mixer supports this.
3. Speakers
Selecting the right speakers is crucial for delivering clear sound to your audience. There are two main types to consider:
Active Speakers: These speakers have built-in amplifiers, making them easier to set up. They are often preferred for small venues due to their convenience.
Passive Speakers: These require an external amplifier. While they can offer better sound quality and flexibility, they are typically more complex to set up.
4. Amplifiers
If you're using passive speakers, you'll need an amplifier to power them. The right amplifier will ensure that your speakers perform at their best.
Power Rating: Choose an amplifier that matches the power handling of your speakers for optimal performance.
Compatibility: Ensure that the amplifier is compatible with your mixer and speakers.
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5. Cables and Accessories
Quality cables are vital for connecting your equipment without signal loss or interference. Don’t overlook the importance of accessories.
Important Cables:
XLR Cables: Used for connecting microphones to the mixer.
TRS and RCA Cables: Used for connecting instruments and speakers.
Power Cables: Ensure you have enough power strips to accommodate all your equipment.
6. Stage Monitors
Stage monitors are speakers specifically designed for performers, allowing them to hear themselves and other instruments while playing.
Having quality stage monitors helps musicians adjust their performance based on what they hear, reducing the risk of sound issues during the show.
Setting Up Your Audio System
Now that you have a basic understanding of the equipment needed, let’s go through the steps to set up your live audio system.
Step 1: Placement of Speakers
Start by placing your main speakers at an appropriate height and angle. Here are some tips:
Positioning: Ideally, speakers should be placed slightly above ear level and angled toward the audience.
Spacing: Keep speakers at least a few feet apart to create a balanced sound field. This helps avoid sound waves interfering with each other.
Step 2: Setting Up the Mixer
Connect Your Sources: Plug in all microphones and instruments into the mixer using the appropriate cables.
Assign Channels: Label each channel to keep track of which microphone or instrument corresponds to each channel on the mixer.
Set Levels: Start with all faders down, gradually bring each channel up to a comfortable level while monitoring the sound.
Step 3: Adjusting EQ and Effects
Use the equalization (EQ) settings on your mixer to enhance the overall sound. A few adjustments can make a significant difference:
Cut Unwanted Frequencies: Use high-pass filters to eliminate low-end rumble from vocals.
Enhance Clarity: Boost mid-range frequencies for clearer vocals and instruments.
Step 4: Test Your System
Before the performance, run a soundcheck to ensure everything is working correctly. Have the performers play their instruments or sing into their microphones while you adjust levels and EQ settings. This process allows you to identify any issues and fine-tune the sound.
Step 5: Monitor During the Show
During the performance, keep an eye on levels and adjust as necessary. Pay attention to feedback, which can occur when microphones pick up sound from the speakers. To minimize feedback:
Position Microphones Away from Speakers: Ensure that microphones are not pointed directly at the speakers.
Use EQ to Cut Problem Frequencies: Identify and cut any frequencies that cause feedback.
Setting up a perfect live audio system for small venues requires careful planning, the right equipment, and a bit of practice. By understanding the essential components and following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be well on your way to creating an engaging and high-quality audio experience for both performers and audiences.Consider visiting a reputable shops like VIP PRO AUDIO  that specializes in professional audio gear. They can help you find the right equipment tailored to your venue's specific needs. With the right setup and a little practice, you can ensure that every performance is a success, providing memorable experiences for everyone involved. Happy mixing!
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awpro · 4 months ago
Types of Atem Mini Switchers
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Are you looking to uplift your live streaming or video production game? Blackmagic Design's ATEM Mini series offers a range of dynamic and functional switchers to cater to different needs. In this blog, we'll inquire into the four primary types of ATEM Mini switchers, their key features, and help you determine the best fit for your project. Buy your ATEM Mini from AWPRO and enjoy the best deals in the market! Blackmagic Design has transformed live creation with its ATEM Mini series, contributing compact and economical solutions for creators of all levels. Let's prospect the four main models:
Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro HDMI Live Stream Switcher
This model is a popular choice for beginners and professionals alike. It blisters Stream video up to 1080p HD, allowing you Simultaneous USB recording. With built-in hardware streaming, you can directly stream to platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitch without needing additional equipment. Other key features include recording to USB disks, a USB webcam output, an audio mixer, 2D DVE, transitions, green screen chroma key, and 20 stills for titles.
Key Features:
Same rear panel as ATEM Mini with added buttons and software features
Stream video up to 1080p HD
Quick stream, on-air and record buttons
Hardware encoder so there’s no need for additional streaming software
Control and configure timecode, stream status
Full support and control features for BMPCC 6K and 4K cameras
Simultaneous USB recording
Integration with Multi Dock for live hard drive switching
Customize advanced settings with XML files
Software multiview with program previews, graphics, record status, on air status, audio meters
Program preview input and output buttons
Tally light control for BMPCC 6K/4K cameras
Automatic timecode sync for all cameras
The ATEM Mini Pro price in Dubai prices may vary depending on the retailer and any ongoing promotions. Buy your ATEM Mini Pro HDMI Live Stream Switcher from AWPRO and get the best deal.
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Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro ISO
Building upon the ATEM Mini Pro, this model adds a crucial feature: independent recording of all video inputs. This is ideal for post-production workflows as it provides separate clean feeds for each camera. It's perfect for creating multi-camera productions with precise editing control.
Key Features:
Features miniaturized control panel based design.
Built in support for recording each input as a separate ISO file.
Saves DaVinci Resolve project file for 1 click editing of live production.
Supports connecting up to 4 cameras or computers.
Live streaming via Ethernet supported on ATEM Mini Pro.
USB output operates as a webcam and supports all video software.
Automatically convert and re-syncs all HDMI inputs.
Includes free ATEM Software Control for Mac and Windows.
Internal media for 20 RGBA graphics for titles, opening plates and logos.
Includes ATEM Advanced Chroma Key for green/blue screen work.
Multiview allows monitoring of all cameras on ATEM Mini Pro.
Audio mixer supports limiter, compressor, 6 band EQ and more!
The ATEM Mini Pro ISO price in Dubai is generally higher than the standard ATEM Mini Pro due to its additional features. Experience the power of independent recording with the Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro ISO, available at the best price on AWPRO.
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Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Extreme
For those demanding more inputs and advanced features, the ATEM Mini Extreme is the answer. It offers 8 HDMI inputs, 16-way multiview, 4 ATEM Advanced Chroma Keyers, SuperSource with 4 extra DVE's, 2 HDMI outputs, and 2 USB ports. This model is designed for professional-level productions requiring multiple cameras, advanced effects, and complex workflows.
Key Features:
8-Channel HDMI Live Streaming Switcher
Supports up to 1080p60
RTMP Streaming via Ethernet or USB-C
Record Program Out
11-Input, 2-Channel Audio Mixer
Input Frame Rate and Format Converter
Re-Sync on All HDMI Inputs
HD Multiview Output with up to 16 Views
Local and Software Switching
4 x Upstream, 2 x Downstream Keyers
The ATEM Mini Extreme price in Dubai is significantly higher due to its advanced features. Upgrade your production with the Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Extreme. Visit AWPRO for the best deals.
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Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Extreme ISO
Combining the power of the ATEM Mini Extreme with independent recording capabilities, this model is the ultimate choice for high-end productions that demand both flexibility and quality.
Key Features:
8-Channel HDMI Live Streaming Switcher
Supports up to 1080p60
RTMP Streaming via Ethernet or USB-C
Record Program Out and Individual Inputs
11-Input, 2-Channel Audio Mixer
Input Frame Rate and Format Converter
Re-Sync on All HDMI Inputs
HD Multiview Output with up to 16 Views
Local and Software Switching
4 x Upstream, 2 x Downstream Keyers
The ATEM Mini Extreme ISO price in Dubai is the highest among the ATEM Mini models due to its combination of features. Get your hands on the Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Extreme ISO and enjoy the best of both worlds. Visit AWPRO for unbeatable prices.
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Choosing the Right ATEM Mini
Selecting the ideal ATEM Mini depends on your specific requirements:
Number of inputs: Determine how many cameras or devices you need to connect.
Streaming and recording needs: Consider whether you require direct streaming, recording to USB, or independent recording of each input.
Advanced features: Assess if you need features like multiview, advanced chroma keyers, or SuperSource.
Remember, AWPRO offers the best prices on all ATEM Mini models. Visit our website to explore our range and find the perfect switcher for your needs. Buy Atem Mini online in Dubai at your very trusted store AWPRO.
Blackmagic Design's ATEM Mini series offers an impressive range of options to suit various video production needs. By understanding the key differences between the models, you can make an informed decision and unlock the full potential of your live productions. Choose AWPRO as your trusted partner for all your ATEM Mini needs. Best Atem Mini Controllers are available at AWPRO
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aaryan-mwa-blogs · 4 months ago
How to Set Up a PA System for Small to Medium-Sized Venues
Setting up a PA (Public Address) system for small to medium-sized venues can seem daunting, but with the right equipment and know-how, you can achieve professional-quality sound. Be it a live music event, a conference, or any other gathering, a well-set-up PA system ensures that everyone in the audience hears clear and balanced audio. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up an efficient PA system for small to medium-sized venues. 
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1. Choose the Right Equipment
The first step is selecting the right components for your PA system. The basic elements you will need include:
Mixing Console: This is the hub of your PA system where you control audio levels and effects. For small to medium venues, a console with 8-16 channels is usually sufficient.
Microphones: Choose a mix of dynamic microphones for vocals and instruments, and condenser microphones for capturing detailed sound.
Speakers: Active (powered) speakers are a good choice for smaller setups because they have built-in amplifiers, reducing the need for external amps. Ensure you have enough speakers to cover the venue without overloading any single speaker.
Monitors: These are crucial for performers to hear themselves. Stage monitors or in-ear monitors can be used depending on preference and budget.
Cables and Stands: High-quality XLR cables, speaker cables, and sturdy stands are essential for reliable connections and positioning.
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2. Plan Your Layout
Before setting up, plan the layout of your equipment to ensure optimal sound distribution. Place the mixing console in a central location where the sound engineer can hear the mix as the audience would. Position the main speakers on either side of the stage, angled slightly inward to cover the audience area evenly.
3. Set Up and Connect Your Equipment
Microphones: Place microphones on stands and position them appropriately for the performers. Connect them to the mixing console using XLR cables.
Speakers: Position the speakers on stands or mount them if necessary. Connect the speakers to the mixing console. If using passive speakers, connect them to an external amplifier.
Monitors: Place monitors on the stage facing the performers and connect them to the mixing console’s auxiliary outputs.
4. Power On and Test
Power on each component of your PA system, starting with the mixer, then the amplifiers (if using passive speakers), and finally the speakers. Test each microphone and instrument input one by one to ensure they are working correctly and adjust the levels as needed.
5. Sound Check
Conduct a thorough sound check with the performers to balance the levels of all microphones and instruments. Adjust the EQ (equalization) on the mixing console to ensure clarity and prevent feedback. Make sure the monitors provide enough volume for the performers without causing feedback.
6. Adjust for the Room
Every venue has unique acoustics. Walk around the venue while testing the system to identify any areas where the sound is too loud or too soft. Adjust the speaker positions and the EQ settings on the mixing console to optimize the sound distribution.
7. Monitor and Adjust During the Event
During the event, continuously monitor the sound from the mixing console and make real-time adjustments as needed. Be prepared to handle any issues that arise, such as feedback or unbalanced audio.
Setting up a PA system for small to medium-sized venues requires careful planning and attention to detail. By choosing the right equipment, planning your layout, and conducting thorough sound checks, you can ensure a successful event with high-quality audio. With practice and experience, you’ll become more proficient at setting up and adjusting your PA system for any venue and event type.
If you are planning to invest in professional audio equipment, visiting reputable shops like  VIP PRO AUDIO in Brooklyn can provide you with insights and the latest trends in audio technology. This hands-on experience can greatly enhance your knowledge and help you make informed purchasing decisions.
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audio4 · 3 days ago
(WA) 0851-7988-9353 Best 20 Channel Mixer Elsound Audio di Jl Seram Bandung Bandung
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Mixer 16 Channel Terbaik: Panduan Lengkap untuk Memilih dan Mengoptimalkan Mixer Anda
Mixer audio merupakan perangkat penting bagi musisi, produser, atau siapa pun yang bekerja di dunia audio. Salah satu jenis mixer yang sering dicari adalah mixer 16 channel. Dengan berbagai fitur canggih, mixer ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mengontrol hingga 16 saluran audio secara bersamaan.
Namun, dalam memilih mixer yang tepat, banyak hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan—mulai dari kualitas suara, kebutuhan Anda, hingga kompatibilitas dengan peralatan lain. Artikel ini akan membantu Anda memahami berbagai aspek penting dalam memilih mixer 16 channel terbaik, serta memberikan tips untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaannya.
Pentingnya Memilih Mixer yang Tepat
Mixer yang baik bukan hanya soal berapa banyak channel yang tersedia. Sebaliknya, Anda perlu mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor seperti kualitas preamp, fleksibilitas EQ, fitur tambahan seperti efek digital, dan kemudahan penggunaannya.
Sebelum masuk ke rekomendasi dan panduan teknis, mari kita lihat beberapa alasan utama mengapa Anda memerlukan mixer berkualitas:
Mengontrol Suara dengan Presisi Dengan mixer yang baik, Anda dapat menyesuaikan volume, EQ, dan efek dengan detail tinggi. Ini sangat penting saat tampil live atau merekam di studio.
Menambah Profesionalisme Audio yang jernih dan seimbang memberikan kesan profesional. Mixer yang buruk dapat membuat suara terdengar kasar atau tidak seimbang.
Fleksibilitas untuk Berbagai Situasi Baik Anda seorang DJ, musisi, atau podcaster, mixer 16 channel memberikan fleksibilitas untuk mengakomodasi berbagai kebutuhan.
Mixer 16 Channel Terbaik yang Bisa Anda Pertimbangkan
Ada banyak mixer 16 channel di pasaran, tetapi tidak semuanya menawarkan kualitas yang sama. Berikut adalah beberapa opsi populer yang sering disebut sebagai mixer terbaik di kelasnya.
1. Behringer X32 Compact
Mixer digital ini menjadi favorit di kalangan profesional. Dengan 16 input, preamp berkualitas tinggi, dan kemampuan routing yang fleksibel, Behringer X32 Compact cocok untuk kebutuhan live dan studio. Fitur-fitur utamanya meliputi:
Antarmuka pengguna yang intuitif.
Efek digital bawaan seperti reverb dan delay.
Kemampuan kontrol melalui aplikasi iPad atau Android.
2. Yamaha MG16XU
Yamaha terkenal dengan kualitas suaranya, dan MG16XU adalah salah satu mixer analog yang layak dipertimbangkan. Dengan fitur seperti D-PRE preamp dan efek digital SPX, mixer ini memberikan performa yang andal.
Mudah digunakan, bahkan untuk pemula.
Desain kompak yang cocok untuk studio kecil.
Koneksi USB untuk rekaman langsung ke komputer.
3. Mackie ProFX16v3
Mackie dikenal dengan durability dan kualitas suara yang solid. Seri ProFX16v3 dilengkapi dengan preamp Onyx dan efek digital GigFX yang memberikan suara profesional.
Fitur unggulan:
24 efek digital.
Interface USB 2x4 untuk perekaman.
Mixer ini sangat cocok untuk live performance atau rekaman.
Tips Memilih Mixer yang Tepat
1. Tentukan Kebutuhan Anda
Apakah Anda membutuhkan mixer untuk live performance, rekaman di studio, atau podcasting? Jika hanya merekam suara vokal dan instrumen, mixer 12 channel atau mixer console 12 channel mungkin cukup. Namun, untuk produksi yang lebih kompleks, Anda mungkin membutuhkan mixer 16 channel.
2. Pertimbangkan Harga
Harga mixer bisa sangat bervariasi. Jika Anda mencari opsi yang lebih terjangkau, Anda bisa mempertimbangkan mixer 12 channel harga baru yang biasanya memiliki fitur dasar tapi tetap berkualitas.
3. Perhatikan Fitur Tambahan
Fitur seperti EQ, efek digital, dan kemampuan routing dapat membuat mixer lebih fleksibel. 12 channel compact mixer sering kali menawarkan kombinasi fitur dan portabilitas yang baik.
Mengoptimalkan Mixer Anda
Menggunakan mixer dengan benar sangat penting untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik. Berikut adalah beberapa tips praktis:
1. Gunakan Unity Gain
Unity gain adalah titik di mana sinyal audio berjalan dengan optimal tanpa distorsi. Biasanya ditandai dengan angka "0" pada fader atau knob. Pastikan setiap channel diatur pada unity gain untuk kualitas suara yang maksimal.
2. Atur Mix Minus untuk Live Performance
Mix minus adalah teknik penting untuk mengurangi feedback atau gema saat menggunakan mikrofon. Dengan teknik ini, sinyal yang masuk ke mixer tidak akan kembali ke output yang sama.
3. Manfaatkan Low Cut Filter
Low cut filter sangat berguna untuk menghilangkan noise frekuensi rendah seperti suara langkah kaki atau gemuruh. Aktifkan fitur ini untuk mikrofon vokal atau instrumen tertentu.
FAQ: Pertanyaan Umum tentang Audio Mixer
1. Apa itu master output pada audio mixer?
Master output adalah output utama yang mengirimkan semua suara yang telah di-mix ke speaker atau perangkat lain. Ini adalah saluran terakhir sebelum audio didengar oleh audiens atau direkam.
2. Bagaimana cara mengatur mix minus pada audio mixer?
Untuk mengatur mix minus, Anda perlu membuat jalur audio yang menghilangkan sinyal tertentu dari output tertentu. Ini biasanya dilakukan melalui aux send atau bus pada mixer.
3. Apa itu unity gain pada audio mixer?
Unity gain adalah level di mana sinyal audio tetap pada volume aslinya tanpa diperkuat atau dilemahkan. Ini membantu menjaga kualitas suara tetap jernih dan bebas dari distorsi.
4. Bagaimana cara menghubungkan mixer ke interface audio?
Untuk menghubungkan mixer ke interface audio, gunakan kabel TRS atau XLR dari output mixer (seperti master out atau direct out) ke input interface audio Anda. Pastikan level sinyal diatur dengan benar untuk mencegah clipping.
5. Apa itu low cut filter pada audio mixer?
Low cut filter adalah fitur pada mixer yang memotong frekuensi rendah, biasanya di bawah 80 Hz. Ini berguna untuk mengurangi noise seperti hum, angin, atau suara langkah kaki.
Memilih mixer 16 channel terbaik memerlukan penelitian dan pemahaman tentang kebutuhan Anda. Apakah Anda memilih 12 channel compact mixer atau model yang lebih besar, pastikan Anda mempertimbangkan fitur, kualitas, dan harga. Dengan menggunakan tips dalam artikel ini, Anda akan lebih mudah menemukan mixer yang sesuai dan mengoptimalkan penggunaannya untuk hasil yang maksimal.
Ingat, mixer adalah investasi jangka panjang untuk meningkatkan kualitas audio Anda. Jadi, pilihlah dengan bijak!
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 ELSOUND AUDIO adalah produsen speaker no.1 di Indonesia. Produk asli Indonesia ini menyediakan berbagai jenis speaker dan komponen speaker seperti: speaker driver, speaker aktif, speaker pasif, power amplifier, audio mixer, tweeter, hingga microphone. Elsound Speaker dan Cipta Suara (main distributor AudioBulls produksi Elsound) siap melayani berbagai kebutuhan audio anda dengan harga terjangkau. 33 channel mixer new,mixer 16 channel original,mixer 16 channel price,digital mixer 16 channel price,16 channel mixer with bluetooth
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi
0851-7988-9353 https://wa.me/6285179889353
Klik link berikut untuk informasi lebih lanjut : https://linktr.ee/elsoundspeakers
Follow juga akun sosmed yang lainnya :
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/elsoundaudio/ Tik Tok | https://www.tiktok.com/@elsound.audio Youtube | http://www.youtube.com/@ElsoundAudio
Official Website : https://elsoundspeakers.com/
Belanja di Marketplace:
Tokopedia | https://tokopedia.com/elsound Shopee | https://shopee.co.id/elsoundspeakers
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mixer12channel · 23 days ago
(WA) 0851-7988-9353 Karaoke Digital Mixer Elsound Audio di Cigereleng Bandung
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Mixer 6 Channel yang Bagus: Panduan untuk Pemilihan dan Penggunaan yang Tepat
Mixer 6 channel adalah pilihan sempurna bagi mereka yang membutuhkan kendali audio yang kuat dalam format yang tidak terlalu besar. Dengan fitur yang mumpuni dan harga yang relatif terjangkau, ini adalah alat yang fleksibel untuk kebutuhan audio berbagai level—dari hobi hingga semi-profesional.
1. Kenapa Memilih Mixer 6 Channel?
Mixer 6 channel menawarkan keseimbangan antara ukuran yang kompak dan kemampuan teknis. Dengan kapasitas untuk mengelola enam input, Anda memiliki cukup ruang untuk berbagai sumber suara seperti mikrofon, instrumen, atau sumber audio lainnya, tanpa membuat pengaturan Anda menjadi terlalu rumit.
Ideal untuk Home Studio dan Karaoke: Bagi yang menginginkan setup home studio atau sistem karaoke yang mantap, mixer 6 channel ini sangat tepat.
Kemudahan Pengoperasian dan Transportasi: Ukurannya yang tidak terlalu besar memudahkan Anda membawanya ke mana-mana, cocok untuk gigs atau acara kecil.
2. Fitur-Fitur yang Perlu Diperhatikan pada Mixer 6 Channel
Setiap mixer punya kelebihan dan fitur tertentu. Dalam memilih mixer 6 channel, ada beberapa hal utama yang perlu diperhatikan:
Equalizer: Untuk mendapatkan hasil suara yang jernih, pastikan mixer Anda memiliki equalizer yang mudah digunakan.
FX (Efek) dan Routing: Banyak mixer 6 channel yang dilengkapi dengan efek bawaan seperti reverb atau delay.
Compatibility: Jika ingin menghubungkannya ke perangkat lain, mixer dengan kemampuan USB, seperti “12 channel USB mixer” atau “12 channel USB mixer/interface,” bisa menjadi pilihan tambahan.
3. Mixer 6 Channel Terbaik yang Bisa Anda Pertimbangkan
Di pasaran, terdapat banyak pilihan mixer 6 channel dengan berbagai harga dan fitur. Berikut adalah beberapa pilihan terbaik:
1. Yamaha MG06X: Mixer yang sangat populer ini menawarkan efek berkualitas tinggi, kualitas suara yang jernih, dan desain yang kokoh.
2. Behringer Xenyx QX602MP3: Salah satu mixer yang dilengkapi dengan kemampuan merekam langsung ke USB, cocok untuk studio kecil atau aplikasi karaoke.
3. Mackie Mix Series Mix8: Cocok untuk Anda yang mencari mixer yang tahan lama dengan harga terjangkau. Mixer ini juga cukup portable untuk keperluan live gigs.
Bagaimana cara menghubungkan mixer ke projector? Menghubungkan mixer ke projector sebenarnya cukup sederhana. Anda hanya perlu kabel yang tepat—biasanya kabel RCA atau kabel 3.5mm ke RCA. Pastikan Anda menyesuaikan output dari mixer yang sesuai dengan input projector.
Apa itu phase reverse pada audio mixer? Phase reverse adalah fitur yang memungkinkan Anda membalikkan fase sinyal. Ini sering digunakan saat dua mikrofon menangkap suara yang sama namun terjadi fase yang berbeda, yang bisa menyebabkan masalah sound seperti hilangnya frekuensi.
Bagaimana cara menghubungkan mixer ke wireless microphone? Hubungkan receiver wireless microphone Anda ke salah satu input pada mixer. Pastikan level volume di mixer dan gain diatur untuk mencegah distorsi atau feedback.
Apa itu signal path pada audio mixer? Signal path adalah jalur yang dilalui sinyal dari input ke output. Pemahaman signal path membantu Anda mengatur aliran audio dengan lebih efektif.
Bagaimana cara mengatur sound check dengan audio mixer? Lakukan sound check sebelum acara dimulai. Mulailah dengan mengatur gain, EQ, dan balance volume masing-masing input agar suara terdengar jernih dan seimbang.
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 ELSOUND AUDIO adalah produsen speaker no.1 di Indonesia. Produk asli Indonesia ini menyediakan berbagai jenis speaker dan komponen speaker seperti: speaker driver, speaker aktif, speaker pasif, power amplifier, audio mixer, tweeter, hingga microphone. Elsound Speaker dan Cipta Suara (main distributor AudioBulls produksi Elsound) siap melayani berbagai kebutuhan audio anda dengan harga terjangkau. 19 channel mixer new,mixer 16 channel original,mixer 16 channel price,digital mixer 16 channel price,16 channel mixer with bluetooth
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi
0851-7988-9353 https://wa.me/6285179889353
Klik link berikut untuk informasi lebih lanjut : https://linktr.ee/elsoundspeakers
Follow juga akun sosmed yang lainnya :
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/elsoundaudio/ Tik Tok | https://www.tiktok.com/@elsound.audio Youtube | http://www.youtube.com/@ElsoundAudio
Official Website : https://elsoundspeakers.com/
Belanja di Marketplace:
Tokopedia | https://tokopedia.com/elsound Shopee | https://shopee.co.id/elsoundspeakers
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openplanet · 4 months ago
Sessions 1.0 - Now in Beta!
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We’re delighted to announce that our next app, ‘Sessions’, is now in public beta, with the final release planned for later this year!  
Sessions is a new Audio Unit plugin host designed for musicians of every kind, from keyboard players and guitarists, to composers, songwriters and sound designers.  It’s refreshingly straightforward - nothing gets in the way when you just want to play.  However, under the hood you’ll find an incredibly flexible app that scales from simple plugin chains to multi-layered keyboard patches all the way to mixing an entire live band complete with pre/post-fader sends, auxiliary channels and multiple outputs.
We’ll be announcing more details, including the release date a little later.  For now, you can try the Sessions beta using this TestFlight link:
We’d love to hear what you think!
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Here’s a brief summary of the features planned for Sessions 1.0:
Support for Audio Unit v2 and v3 plugins
Instrument and Effect Libraries with search and favourites filter
Support for multi-channel audio interfaces and multiple MIDI keyboards and controllers
Unlimited number of Instrument, Audio and Auxiliary Channels
Instrument channel MIDI filters to support the creation of layers and splits
8 sends per channel (switchable pre / post fader)
Plugin Widgets:
Simple drag-and-drop interface
Collection of beautiful widget themes, many inspired by the classic hardware of yesteryear
Control up to 12 parameters per plugin
12 Scenes, each with its own independent Mixer
Seamless switching between scenes
Macro Controls:
16 Macros and 1 Big Knob per Scene
Each Macro can control multiple parameters, each with its own scaling and range
Always-on recorder:
Continuously record the last 5, 10 or 15 minutes of what you’ve been playing
Looping payback of recorded region
Export recorded region as M4A or WAV
Beat Clock:
Start / Stop, temp and time signature control
Internal, Ableton Link and external MIDI clock sync sources
Metronome with selectable tick sound
Record to file for unlimited recording duration
MIDI controller support for switching scenes, controlling macros and more
Support for Light and Dark Mode
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lightsounds · 5 months ago
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Soundcraft Ui16 16-In Remote Controlled Digital Mixer - Lightsounds Australia (+61 295600300)
Discover the ultimate in audio control with the Soundcraft Ui16 16-In Remote Controlled Digital Mixer, available at Lightsounds Australia. Perfect for live performances and studio settings, this versatile mixer offers seamless remote control via any device with a browser, eliminating the need for bulky hardware. With 16 input channels, high-quality DSP effects, and intuitive interface, the Soundcraft Ui16 ensures top-notch sound quality and precise audio management.
Whether you're a professional musician, sound engineer, or event organizer, the Ui16's robust features and reliable performance will elevate your audio experience. Visit Lightsounds Australia to explore the Soundcraft Ui16 and take advantage of our expert advice and competitive pricing. Contact us today at [email protected] or Call Us at +61 295600300 to learn more and place your order. Transform your sound with the Soundcraft Ui16 and experience unparalleled audio control.
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afactaday · 11 months ago
#1100 (wow binary, how apt): the Game Boy has four audio channels, each one capable of playing one sound. a single channel could be controlled by the code to play a single note, which would automatically be generated. the first two channels were square waves: you give the frequency to a timer which cycles at that frequency. square waves have a bit-depth (how high-resolution the waveform is) of 1, so the timer cycles just through a series of bits (1s or 0s) in memory and outputs those. there are four options for a series of bits it cycles through, depending on what duty cycle you want. if you pick 00000001, that's a duty cycle of 12.5% because the waveform is high for 12.5% of the time, whereas 00001111 has a duty cycle of 50%. both of these examples have the same frequency though, so would sound at the same pitch
once the signal goes through the duty cycle unit, it goes to a length counter, which is a little thing that keeps track of how long a channel has been on for and turns it off after a certain while. this means you can tell a channel how long a note is going to be and it'll automatically turn off after the time.
then, the signal goes through a "volume envelope", which controls how the volume changes with time. the envelope has four controls: attack, decay, sustain, release (aka ADSR). the attack is how long it takes the note to reach maximum volume after it initially starts playing; the decay is how long it takes the note to die down after that to a lower level; the sustain is the level (as a fraction of the maximum volume) at which it remains until released; the release is how quickly the note disappears. then the signal goes to the mixer, which combines all four channels and sorts out things like panning (where the left/right speaker is louder than the other to make it seem like the source of the sound is moving) (each channel can be individually panned, as well as a master panning) and master volume. the first channel also has an in-built frequency sweep unit, which allows for easy slides between two notes.
except that's just the first two channels. the third channel is a wavetable, which generates waves from, um, a table... rather than selecting a waveform from a choice of 4 duty cycles, a waveform is loaded into the RAM and it plays that. instead of 1-bit square waves, the third channel of the Game Boy uses 4-bit samples. there are 32 entries in the table, so the table is 16 bytes in RAM, right at the end of the last block. the timer spins through these to form a much higher quality wave that's used to make more interesting timbres than that of a dead oboe. then, the wave goes through a similar series of units as the square waves, except the envelope is replaced with a simple volume control.
the final channel, the noise channel, works similarly to square waves, but instead of the duty cycle unit, a "linear feedback shift register" (LFSR) generates a pseudo-random series of 1s and 0s to form the wave. in combination with the ADSR envelope, it gives that instantly recognisable Game Boy sound effect. the way the LFSR works is interesting: a shift register (a memory unit which shifts all its contents down by 1 bit upon every clock) holds 15 random bits. upon the clock pulse, the data is shifted down by one, so the top bit becomes empty and the bottom bit is lost. the lowest two bits are then XORed, to create a pseudo-random new bit to fill the gap at the top. the waveform is then taken from the bottom bit as the cycle goes round, and is then inverted, before carrying on to the other units (length counter, envelope, mixer).
after the whistle-stop tour of Game Boy music synthesis, here are the most interesting trivia i could find:
even when channels aren't in active use, they're constantly calculating new values, which are then thrown away.
the length counter clocks twice as frequently (ie, higher resolution) as the frequency sweep, which clocks twice as fast as the volume envelope. the volume envelope never clocks at the same time as the counter or the sweep.
a thing called "zombie mode" can be activated to marionette the volume while a channel is playing, bypassing the envelope (i don't quite understand this...)
the length counters on different models of the Game Boy differ: some of them are volatile and always read zero when powered on, whereas others you can write to the length counter while a channel is powered off.
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