#15. Risk management strategies
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techmarkethunter · 1 year ago
what is gift nifty?
Title: Unwrapping the Gift of Nifty: A Guide to Navigating the Stock Market Introduction: In the dynamic world of finance, the stock market stands out as a fascinating arena where investors can explore various opportunities. One such avenue that has gained immense popularity is trading in Nifty, a flagship index of the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE). In this blog post, we’ll dive into…
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soulcaretherapist · 5 months ago
Divine Talent
In the Matrix Destiny chart, I will be sharing a thread about the talent arcana energies, which is the position you most frequently ask about. The spot marked with X on the map is what we call divine talent, which represents the talents your soul is inherently born with in this life.
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1 - You have many ideas and can generate ideas easily. When activated positively, you have the potential to succeed in whatever you touch.
2 - You can understand other people's motivations, that is, you can grasp why they do what they do at a glance. This gives you esoteric abilities.
3 - You have a good taste and a high sense of aesthetics. You have the ability to expand; you can turn a small task into big projects.
4 - You excel in team management and establishing authority. You have a strong talent for attracting money. If money isn’t coming to you, it means you are activating this area negatively.
5 - You have a talent for learning and teaching. You can master anything and explain everything you know in a way the other side can understand.
6 - Your communication skills and sincerity stand out. You are someone people come to for advice, trust what you say, and listen to your words.
7 - You have the ability to progress quickly in any job, reach your desired goals, and inspire change in both yourself and those around you.
8 - It's hard, if not impossible, for others to lie to you. You can approach everything objectively. You can achieve balance and harmony.
9 - You are more mature than your age, and this grants you wisdom. You have the ability to achieve your inner goals (knowing yourself, realizing your dreams and desires) on your own.
10 - This is a placement that brings luck. You have the talent to manage finances easily and spot profitable opportunities. You can easily attract people to yourself.
11 - Your physical and spiritual endurance is strong. You can do everything at once. You know your strengths and can use them in the most accurate way.
12 - Spiritual practices (like meditation, breathing, reiki) work well for you and have healing effects when applied to others. You have a different perspective and can solve seemingly unsolvable problems.
13 - You can make the necessary changes in every area of life and are not afraid to take risks. You can learn multiple things at once. You have the ability to easily absorb deep and detailed information.
14 - You have diplomacy and mediation skills. You can calm conflicts and maintain your composure during these processes.
15 - By opening yourself to others, you can show them what they cannot see in themselves. You can easily identify others' weaknesses, vulnerabilities, and talents.
16 - You are talented in directing people, organizing, and creating strategies. You can foresee events and chart your course accordingly.
17 - Your ability to express yourself is unique and creative. You can be the center of attention in any field you wish, shine, and stand out from the crowd.
18 - Your subconscious is very powerful. You may receive information through dreams, and your dreams may come true. Your manifesting ability is strong; everything you visualize can come into your life.
19 - You have leadership qualities and can inspire/give strength to others for success. You have the ability to not give up no matter what.
20 - You have good speaking skills and can influence masses. You can create systems from nothing and have excellent analytical skills. It's hard to confuse you.
21 - You have an aptitude for foreign languages and cultures. You can adapt to any environment. You can produce knowledge and content for a wide audience or listener base.
22 - Your decisions and thoughts may be unpredictable by those around you. You influence people with your positive energy. You can turn every tough task into fun and achieve results that will surprise everyone.
Book a reading with me 🎀
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dandelionsresilience · 4 months ago
Dandelion News - September 15-21
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. A beam of hope for North America’s most endangered sparrow
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“Dozens of conservationists, gathered some distance away to avoid spooking the skittish sparrows, celebrated the [release of the 1000th captive-raised sparrow] in an unprecedented recovery program that in only a few years has doubled the bird’s wild population, from a mere 80 five years ago to some 200 today. […] “What we have achieved is the best case scenario.””
2. U.S. overdose deaths plummet, saving thousands of lives
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“"In the states that have the most rapid data collection systems, we’re seeing declines of twenty percent, thirty percent," said Dr. Nabarun Dasgupta, an expert on street drugs at the University of North Carolina. […] According to Donaldson, many people using fentanyl now carry naloxone, a medication that reverses most opioid overdoses. He said his friends also use street drugs with others nearby, ready to offer aid and support when overdoses occur.”
3. Propagated corals reveal increased resistance to bleaching across the Caribbean during the fatal heat wave of 2023
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“”[… Y]oung corals bred for restoration are a lot more resistant to bleaching under extreme levels of heat stress than the prevailing corals on the reef." [… Unlike with the previous propagation strategy, fragmentation, e]very time a population reproduces, new offspring receive newly mixed sets of genes through recombination, making them different from their parent colonies and thus enabling adaptation.”
4. Habitat Management Helps At-Risk Butterflies
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“For a number of at-risk butterflies in the United States, habitat management can play an important role in keeping them from going extinct. [… “In] places where people are actively engaged with ways to manage the habitat, the butterflies are doing the best,” said Cheryl Schultz, a professor of conservation biology at Washington State University[….]”
5. Study: Protecting the ocean helps fight malnutrition
“[The study] found that fish catches in coral reefs could increase by up to 20 percent by expanding sustainable-use marine protected areas — that is, areas where some fishing is allowed with restrictions[, … and] that sustainable-use marine protected areas have on average 15 percent more fish biomass than non-protected areas. […] “Allowing regulated fishing in marine protected areas can support healthy fish populations, while also having a positive impact on the quality of life of surrounding communities.””
6. [FWS] Advances Effort to Create Urban Conservation Footprint in Tucson
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““We want to continue to work together to create an urban footprint to improve access to nature, conserve habitats, and improve air and water quality.” […] The area provides habitat for several federally listed species, including southwestern willow flycatcher, western yellow-billed cuckoo, and Mexican garter snake. If protected, the area will also help connect critical habitat for jaguar and Chiracahua leopard frog.”
7. ‘Exciting’ solar breakthrough means energy can be kept in sustainable batteries that don’t overheat
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“The technology is based on a specially designed molecule of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen that changes shape when it comes into contact with sunlight. These are common elements - providing an alternative to other technologies relying on scarce materials like lithium. […] A unique feature of the system is that the molecules also provide cooling in the photovoltaic cell[, which can store solar energy “for up to 18 years.”]”
8. Sea turtles make big comeback on sandy beaches at 2 British military bases in Cyprus
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“[… The] number of nests surpass[ed] last year’s record count by nearly 25%, environmentalists said Tuesday. […] “The steep increase in turtle nests has been the result of a consistent, systematic ‘hands-off’ approach, together with enforcement efforts to minimize illegal, damaging activities on nesting beaches[….” D]aily patrols by volunteers ensure that aluminum cages set atop the nests remain in place to protect the turtles from predators like foxes and dogs.”
9. First ever photograph of rare bird species New Britain Goshawk
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“The last documented scientific record of the bird is from 1969[….] Working closely with [“the Indigenous Mengen and Mamusi peoples”], WWF hopes to support local stewardship to safeguard the future of these incredible biodiversity hotspots through community-led conservation.”
10. Hospitals begin offering breakthrough radiation therapy for metastatic cancer tumors
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“[First,] a patient is injected with a radioactive glucose (or sugar) tracer. The machine picks up the tracer in real time and in bright colors, [… then] reads a signal from the cancer cells breaking down the tracer. [… “The] machine is automatically and autonomously reacting and responding to those signals by shooting radiation back to their source[….]””
September 8-14 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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reasonsforhope · 1 year ago
Seven thousand more UAW members just walked off the job, expanding the strike to two more plants. Twenty-five thousand autoworkers are now on strike, and the walkout could continue to escalate if the Big Three don’t budge in negotiations.
[UAW president Shawn] Fain announced that Stellantis would be spared this time. The union had been expected to strike all three companies, but, said Region 1 director LaShawn English, three minutes before Fain was scheduled to go on Facebook Live, the UAW received frantic emails from company representatives.
[Note: Love that for the UAW. Also laughing so hard. Three minutes before the next round of strikes were annouced!!]
According to Fain, Stellantis made “significant progress” on cost-of-living allowances, the right not to cross a picket line, and the right to strike over product commitments and plant closures. “We are excited about this momentum at Stellantis and hope it continues,” Fain said...
“See You Next Week — Maybe?”
“These guys wanted to go out a long time ago,” said Cody Zaremba, a Local 602 member at the Lansing GM plant after the news broke that his plant would be joining the strike. “We’re ready. Everybody, truly, I believe, in the entire membership. They’re one with what’s going on.”
Five thousand workers at thirty-eight parts distribution centers across twenty-one states have been on strike since last Friday [September 22, 2023], along with thirteen thousand at three assembly plants in Michigan, Ohio, and Missouri who walked out on September 15. (See a map of all struck facilities here.) ...
The UAW is now calling on community supporters to organize small teams to canvass dealerships that sell and repair Big Three cars and trucks. On Tuesday, the union issued a canvassing tool kit with instructions, flyers, press releases, and talking points.
In negotiations with Ford and GM, autoworkers have clinched some important gains. Among them is an agreement by both companies to end at least one of the many tiers in current contracts, putting workers at certain parts plants back on the same wage scale as assembly workers. The top rate for Big Three assembly workers is currently around $32...
Ford was spared in last week’s escalation, because bargainers there had made further progress on gains for workers.
But today, the UAW once again called out workers at Ford and GM, putting some muscle behind its bold demands — a big wage boost, a shorter workweek, elimination of tiers, cost-of-living adjustments tied to inflation, protection from plant closures, conversion of temps to permanent employees, and the restoration of retiree health care and benefit-defined pensions to all workers.
-via Jacobin, September 29, 2023. Article continues below.
Keep Them Guessing
This year, for the first time in recent history, the union has played the three auto companies against each other with its strike strategy, departing from the union’s tradition of choosing one target company and patterning an agreement at the other two.
The stand-up strike strategy draws inspiration from an approach known as CHAOS (Create Havoc Around Our System), first deployed in 1993 by Alaska Airlines flight attendants, who announced they would be striking random flights. Although they struck only seven flights in a two-month period, Alaska had to send scabs on every plane, just in case. The unpredictability drew enormous media attention and drove management up the wall. Meanwhile the union was able to conserve its strength and minimize risk.
The companies miscalculated where the UAW was going to strike first, stockpiling engines and shipping them cross-country to the wrong facilities. Autoworkers relished the self-inflicted supply chain chaos on UAW Facebook groups and other social media platforms.
Nonstrikers’ morale on the factory floor has gotten a boost from rank and filers organizing to refuse voluntary overtime. With support both from Fain and the reform caucus Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD), workers have been encouraging each other to “Eight and Skate,” meaning to turn down extra work and decline to do management any favors.
Majority Public Support
A majority of Americans support the UAW strikers, and the Big Three have taken a PR hit since the strike began, according to a new survey conducted by the business intelligence firm Caliber.
“Eighty-seven percent of respondents told us they were aware of the strike,” Caliber CEO Shahar Silbershatz told the Intercept. “It’s clear the strike is not just causing commercial repercussions, but reputational repercussions as well.”
These reputational repercussions will only worsen...
"We Can Unmake It"
Fain didn't pull any punches in his speech... “That’s what’s different about working-class people. Whether we’re building cars or trucks or running parts distribution centers; whether we’re writing movies or performing TV shows... we do the heavy lifting. We do the real work. Not the CEOs, not the executives.
"And though we don’t know it, that’s what power is. We have the power. The world is of our making. The economy is of our making. This industry is of our making.
“And as we’ve shown, when we withhold our labor, we can unmake it.”
-via Jacobin, September 29, 2023
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months ago
Also preserved in our archive
From November 2022
By Cate Swannell
IF further proof was needed that infection with SARS-CoV-2 has long-term sequelae for the human body, research led by Monash University has provided it, highlighting the need for GPs and other frontline physicians to be aware of their patients’ COVID-19 history.
The research, led by epidemiologist and PhD candidate Stacey Rowe, and coauthored by Victorian Chief Health Officer Professor Brett Sutton and renowned infectious disease epidemiologist Professor Allen Cheng, among others, is published by the MJA.
“Essentially what we wanted to do was look to see what sort of hospitalisations might have been associated with having COVID-19 – did it cause other than respiratory complications, for example,” Ms Rowe told InSight+.
Rowe and colleagues analysed population-wide surveillance and administrative data for all laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases notified to the Victorian Department of Health from 23 January 2020 to 31 May 2021 – prior to the vaccination rollout and the appearance of the Omicron variant – and linked hospital admissions data (admission dates to 30 September 2021).
“A total of 20 594 COVID-19 cases were notified, and 2992 people (14.5%) were hospitalised with COVID-19,” Rowe and colleagues reported in the MJA.
“The incidence of hospitalisation within 89 days of onset of COVID-19 was higher than during the baseline period for several conditions, including myocarditis and pericarditis (IRR, 14.8; 95% CI, 3.2–68.3), thrombocytopenia (IRR, 7.4; 95% CI, 4.4–12.5), pulmonary embolism (IRR, 6.4; 95% CI, 3.6–11.4), acute myocardial infarction (IRR, 3.9; 95% CI, 2.6–5.8), and cerebral infarction (IRR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.4–3.9).”
In other words, says Ms Rowe, “there are considerable risks associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection” beyond the initial COVID-19 illness.
“You are 15 times more likely to acquire myocarditis requiring hospitalizations following COVID-19 compared with beforehand,” she said.
“Things like heart attacks, or acute myocardial infarction occur quite proximally to getting COVID infection, but other conditions such as the clotting conditions – pulmonary embolism, for example — that risk was highest later in the course of COVID illness, highest around 14 to 60 days following COVID illness.”
Other results were also telling.
“The incidence of hospitalisation with cerebral infarction was twice as high after COVID-19 onset as during the baseline period,” Rowe and colleagues wrote. “Other investigators (here, here and here) have estimated the risk of stroke to be 2–13 times as high for people with COVID-19.”
Professor Cheng, speaking with InSight+, said with testing and tracing of positive COVID-19 cases now not mandatory in Australia, it was harder to know just who has had COVID.
“What this study does suggest is that [the possibility of a previous COVID illness] should be on the radar, because there is a window of elevated risk,” he said.
“If someone presents with, say, chest pain, within a couple of months of having COVID, we really need to be attentive to that, because it’s probably a bit more likely that pain does represent a myocardial infarction than at other times.
“You can’t say that every heart attack that happens after COVID is due to COVID. But there is a period of elevated risk, and it seems to be close to when you got COVID.”
Rowe and colleagues recommend vaccination and “other mitigation strategies”.
“Our findings indicate the need for ongoing COVID-19 mitigation measures, including vaccination, and support the early diagnosis and management of complications in people with histories of SARS-CoV-2 infection,” they wrote.
“The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying symptom persistence and the development of major complications still need to be elucidated, the prevalence of the post-COVID-19 condition (by vaccination status) established, and the risks of complications following vaccination quantified.”
Professor Cheng told InSight+:
“What [this study] does show is you’re better off not getting COVID and whatever way that you do that is probably a good thing.
“Vaccination is the simplest way to protect yourself from getting COVID, but it’s not perfect. Not going out when there’s a lot of COVID out there, wearing masks, improving ventilation and all those other things, are also important.”
At one point in the MJA article the authors wrote:
“Some COVID-19 complications clinically resemble those reported after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, which is important when evaluating putatively post-vaccination adverse events. Further, we found that the incidence of hospitalisation with severe cardiac and thrombo-embolic events after SARS-CoV-2 infection was higher than the reported risk of these events after vaccination.”
Ms Rowe told InSight+:
“What we found with this study, and what other studies have found internationally is the risk of myocarditis is higher following SARS-CoV-2 infection, than it is following vaccination.
“While people [who feel they have been injured by the vaccine] might grab on to that, there are lots of studies now demonstrating that the risk is higher following infection, than it is following vaccination.”
Professor Cheng agreed.
“It’s important to acknowledge that people do get side-effects after vaccination – myocarditis happens, often after the second dose, usually within a day or so,” he said. “That’s very unambiguously due to vaccination.
“But the question from a public health point of view is, do the benefits outweigh the risks. COVID itself can cause myocarditis at a higher rate [than vaccination]. And that means you’re still better off getting vaccinated.”
Ms Rowe said the study showed that COVID-19 was not a simple respiratory disease.
“These findings really demonstrate COVID-19 is a multi-organ disease, it’s not a respiratory infection. If more research can be channelled into understanding those pathophysiological mechanisms, then we can then start thinking about how best we can prevent these.”
Study link: www.mja.com.au/journal/2023/218/1/associations-between-covid-19-and-hospitalisation-respiratory-and-non
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shisuisui · 1 year ago
Sparring friends?
wc: 1,3k, fluff, Shisui and Y/n are in their feels
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Age 15
At the Konoha training grounds, far from the tumult of the village, Y/n and Shisui were face to face, circling each other and ready to lunge at every moment. They both had one of their sparring sessions which usually ended up with one of them giving up to not hurt the other and them both sharing some sweets from a small local shop they visited often.
Both were determined to win. Shisui grinned and activated his Sharingan. “Hey, that´s not fair. No Sharingan!” Y/n shouted at him. “Life´s not fair love. You have improved a lot since our last spar. But are you sure you can keep up with the legendary Uchiha Shisui?" She had blushed at the pet name. For some time Shisui had started calling her pet names and she didn´t know what to make out of it. Love, darling, princess… they did not help her crush on her best friend. She had to focus.
Y/n chuckled, her hair shifting slightly as she adopted a combat-ready stance. "Don't underestimate me, Shisui. I'm not going down without a fight." He only flashed her his beautiful, charming smile, and with a swift, fluid motion, Shisui lunged forward, his kunai flashing in the sunlight. Y/n dodged it, her kunai ready in hand. Their blades clashed, each strike resonating with precision and skill. There was no way she could outsmart him with his Sharingan activated. She had an idea but didn´t know how he would react and if it was going to be effective. As they engaged in different attacks and counters, Y/n let out a flirtatious remark, putting on a slightly suggestive tone to her voice. "Is that all you've got, Shisui? I was expecting a real challenge." He countered all her attacks and managed to get a firm grip on both her forearms holding them in between them, trapping her effectively.
Shisui chuckled, their faces mere inches apart as they sparred. His face inched closer until he was close to her ear. "Oh Y/n, I have so much more to show you, of course only if you think you can handle it.” She blushed furiously and blew some smoke into his face, creating a cloud of dust and lighting it up with a click of her teeth. The cloud erupted in flames. At least she could blame her flushed cheeks on the flames in front of her.
He was gone. She slowly turned around, scanning her surroundings. Where was he? He was called Shisui the Body Flicker for a reason. With her chakra, she slowly created a chakra net on the floor which was spreading further and further. With it, she could track all the movements in her surroundings. They knew each other's techniques and strategies so well that their sparring sessions were as much a test of skill as they were a chance to enjoy each other's company. She found him. While checking her surroundings she sensed his chakra. His chakra signature was engraved in her brain. She would find him anywhere. And he knew it, which is why he was suddenly standing behind her, holding the kunai to her neck. Damn it he was fast! She turned her head, looking up at him and showing him the greatest puppy eyes she could muster while wetting her lips and pouting innocently. His gaze faltered. Y/n took advantage of that momentary opening and swept Shisui off his feet, sending him to the ground with a gentle thud. She stood over him, a playful grin on her face. "Looks like I win this round."
Shisui laughed as he lay on the ground, his gaze fixed on the girl above him. The sun behind her gave the impression of a halo around her head while she was basking in the orange light of the afternoon. He was mesmerized, to say the least. Why did it have to be her? Why did he have to fall in love with his best friend? He couldn´t risk this friendship. The Uchiha´s were already frowned upon by most of the villagers, and he couldn´t lose her. So, he just enjoyed every intimate moment he had with her. Tried to memorize every little mark on her face, everything that made her smile, what she disliked, and tried to not think about pressing his lips against her every time he was on the receiving end of one of those dashing smiles.
She held out her hand to help him up. An olive branch is being handed out. But Shisui, mischievous as he is had other plans. He took her hand in his and made a calculated move, attempting to bring Y/n down to the ground. With a swift motion, he lunged toward her, aiming to pin her to the grass. However, Y/n knew him very well and with her quick reflexes and agility, interjected his plans.
As Shisui moved in to execute his manoeuvre, Y/n expertly countered his attack. She deftly moved her body, using his momentum against him. In a fluid and graceful motion, she flipped them both over, and suddenly, she was on top of Shisui, pinning him to the grass. She was straddling his thighs, pinning his arms to the ground. And he let her. She knew that if he wanted to, he could´ve won easily against her. Now their faces were mere inches apart. Shisui´s Sharingan was still activated but his gaze softened as he met Y/n's eyes. "Impressive move darling, but do not underestimate me.” Sending her a wink he grabbed Y/n and used her own momentum to roll them both down a grassy hillside. They had reached a part of the training grounds that had a slope. Shisui and Y/n tumbled down together, laughter escaping their lips as they lost control. Shisui held on tightly onto her, his arms encircling her waist while she wrapped hers around his neck.
When they finally came to a stop at the bottom of the hill, Y/n found herself on top of Shisui again, but this time their bodies closely intertwined. Their laughter faded, replaced by a silence filled with unspoken emotions. Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Shisui's Sharingan was like a swirling pool of mystery, drawing Y/n in. She was always fascinated by his eyes. Many feared the power of the red orbs, but she knew a different side. She knew of these red eyes trying everything to protect others. She knew of these eyes that had saved her countless times. And now she was so close to them. So close that their noses were touching. Y/n's eyes held a warmth and affection that was impossible to ignore.
A blush crept on Shisui´s cheeks mirroring Y/n`s own. The tension between the two friends was electrifying. They found themselves drawing closer and closer until their lips were only an inch apart. Shisui watched her carefully for any sign of discomfort. Seeing none he saw it as his cue to close the gap between them. “NIISAAAAAAAN! Where should we train?” Jumping away Y/n and both scrambled to their feet at the sound of a child´s voice. Faces red as a tomato they both watched how a little Sasuke came into view followed by Itachi. When Sasuke saw them both he immediately ran over. “Shisui-nii, Y/n-nee, look Nii-san will teach me how to throw shuriken today.” They both tried to sound enthusiastic while talking to Sasuke concealing their disappointment of their moment being gone. Shisui and Y/n knew what would´ve happened if the little Uchiha hadn´t disrupted them. They were going to kiss each other. And both wanted to do it.
Itachi the smart person that he is realised what was going on. Only raising an eyebrow while looking between Shisui and Y/n he chose not to say anything to not embarrass them further. Sasuke continued rambling and in the end Y/n and Shisui stayed to watch the lesson and occasionally voice their input. Neither mentioning what nearly happened.
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dragonthunders01 · 1 year ago
Spectember D7: Kin Selection
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After 15 million years the fluvial regions of central Africa have been changing in magnitude but their ecosystem remained similar to the time humans once stood on their shores, and as they have been gone for a long time their inhabitants kept evolving, no much of the fauna to the exception of the forest dwelling ones have changed, new species split from the older ones and other replaced previous ones. Fishes have been as fluid in change as the river they live, and so some have always tried to adapt with new strategies for their own survival or even their relatives.
In this case remarks a species of elephantfish (Mormyridae), a group of very diverse electric fishes from Africa characterized by their developed brains compared to other bony fishes, they have been experiencing further specialization with their intelligence that has changed their survival strategies, The Caretaker elephant-fish (Gnathoscalprum comifamilis) is a sample species of it, descendant of the Peters's elephant-nose fish (Gnathonemus petersii) it differs little of their ancestors morphologically with a average length of 25 cm long, though it has a more robust pointy chin and a larger tail electric muscle that help them to perceive their environment more than other species, although this is not what makes them stranger compared to other species.
The thing that differs them is their social lifestyle, they gather in small groups composed by close familiars, sisters, brothers and often 2 or 4 parents that are the dominant of the group with dozens of younger individuals per breeding season, they recognize each other thanks to a specific learned systems of electric pings each of the familiar learn and memorize, to recognize each other, this varying of family and family and anybody outside of them are aggressively kick out. The group often live upon caring for them and the members often scattering the bottom for food or shelter, normally the brothers and sisters are proactively caring for the minor and main reproductive couple even risking their life, even if that means they likely will never reproduce with other, this behavior imprints on other of the same family and can be carried by the descendants of the reproductive couple which can be passed to another generation. A way to avoid inbreeding often go with lonely individuals of other families that managed to leave their group, that can properly unite successfully with other family if they are capable to prove they can benefit them, or if they straight up kill one of the main couples, which from there will select another mate of the same family and kick the original one that survive, this helping them to avoid inbreeding.
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Impulsive Behaviors
Impulsive behaviors are actions taken without forethought or consideration of the potential consequences. They can manifest in various ways, including spontaneous decisions, risky behaviors, or emotional outbursts. Here are key points to understand:
1. **Definition**: Impulsivity involves acting on a whim, often driven by immediate emotions or desires rather than rational thought.
2. **Causes**: It can stem from various factors, including neurological conditions, mental health disorders (like ADHD or bipolar disorder), stress, or substance use.
3. **Types**: Common impulsive behaviors include substance abuse, gambling, reckless driving, or engaging in unsafe sexual practices.
4. **Effects**: Impulsive actions can lead to negative consequences in personal relationships, financial stability, and overall mental health.
5. **Management**: Strategies to manage impulsive behavior include mindfulness practices, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), developing coping skills, and seeking professional help when needed.
6. **Prevention**: Building self-awareness, setting clear goals, and creating an environment that minimizes triggers can help reduce impulsivity.
Understanding impulsive behaviors can lead to better self-management and healthier decision-making. If you or someone you know struggles with impulsivity, consider consulting a mental health professional for support.
Impulsive coping mechanisms are ways people react to stress or emotional discomfort without much forethought. These mechanisms can be classified into negative and positive impulsive behaviors:
Positive Impulsive Coping Mechanisms
1. **Physical Activity**: Engaging in spontaneous exercise, such as going for a run, dancing, or joining a fitness class.
2. **Creative Expression**: Impulsively creating art, writing, playing music, or crafting to channel emotions positively.
3. **Mindfulness Practices**: Taking a moment to practice deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to center oneself and reduce stress.
4. **Spontaneous Socializing**: Reaching out to friends or family for an impromptu get-together, fostering connection and support.
5. **Adventure Seeking**: Trying new activities or hobbies on a whim, such as hiking, cooking a new recipe, or attending a workshop.
6. **Laughter and Humor**: Watching a funny movie, sharing jokes, or engaging in playful activities that bring joy and lighten the mood.
7. **Acts of Kindness**: Spontaneously helping someone in need, performing random acts of kindness, or volunteering.
8. **Exploration**: Taking a spontaneous trip to a nearby place or exploring a new neighborhood to break routine.
9. **Journaling**: Writing down thoughts and feelings impulsively to process emotions and gain clarity.
10. **Impulse Buying**: Making small, thoughtful purchases that bring joy or enhance well-being, such as a book or a favorite snack (as long as it’s within budget).
11. **Self-Care Activities**: Impulsively treating oneself to a spa day, taking a long bath, or enjoying a favorite meal as a form of self-care.
12. **Engaging in Hobbies**: Dedicating time to a favorite hobby or interest spontaneously, such as painting, gardening, or playing an instrument.
13. **Nature Immersion**: Going outside for a walk in nature or spending time in a park to refresh the mind and reduce stress.
14. **Mindful Eating**: Choosing to indulge in a healthy snack or meal intuitively, focusing on flavors and enjoyment.
15. **Complimentary Actions**: Impulsively complimenting someone to spread positivity and build connections.
Negative Impulsive Coping Mechanisms
1. **Substance Abuse**: Engaging in the use of drugs or alcohol on a whim, often to escape stress or emotional pain.
2. **Emotional Outbursts**: Reacting with intense emotions such as anger, frustration, or sadness without considering the impact on others.
3. **Risky Sexual Behavior**: Engaging in unprotected sex or multiple partners without considering health risks.
4. **Compulsive Spending**: Making impulsive purchases as a means of coping with emotions, leading to financial issues.
5. **Reckless Driving**: Driving aggressively or engaging in dangerous driving behaviors without regard for safety.
6. **Gambling**: Participating in gambling activities impulsively, often leading to financial loss and addiction.
7. **Self-Harm**: Engaging in behaviors that intentionally cause physical harm to oneself as a way of managing emotional distress.
8. **Eating Disorders**: Impulsive eating behaviors, including binge eating or emotional eating, to cope with feelings.
9. **Social Media Oversharing**: Posting impulsively on social media without considering privacy or the potential consequences.
10. **Procrastination**: Avoiding responsibilities through impulsive distractions or engaging in other activities instead.
11. **Impulsive Travel**: Making spontaneous travel plans without adequate planning, often leading to logistical challenges.
12. **Spontaneous Decisions**: Making quick decisions without thorough consideration, which can affect personal and professional life.
13. **Disregarding Commitments**: Canceling plans or ignoring obligations on a whim, leading to inconsistency in relationships.
14. **Aggressive Behavior**: Reacting to frustration or provocation with aggression, whether verbal or physical.
15. **Attention-Seeking Behaviors**: Engaging in actions solely to gain attention, even if they are inappropriate or harmful.
Understanding both negative and positive impulsive coping mechanisms can help individuals identify their behaviors and seek healthier ways to cope. While some impulsive actions can provide immediate relief, they can also have long-term consequences if not managed properly. Finding a balance and cultivating positive coping strategies can lead to healthier emotional responses and overall well-being. If someone struggles to manage these behaviors, it may be beneficial to seek support from a mental health professional.
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boxboxblog · 2 months ago
Track Analysis: Lusail International Circuit
Hi, sorry this is late, but this is part of a series I am doing analyzing each track. Enjoy!
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This 3.367 mile circuit is a desert race, an a night race at that. It is a fast-paced flat track (with an average speed of 134 mph), with 16 turns (no hairpins or intense chicanes), and has only one DRS zone, meaning some find it to be kind of a boring race. This is not an overtake heavy track, which means starting position is key.
Sector 1:
Latter Half of Straight: Race starts halfway through the very long main straight, which is a DRS zone. Relatively wide, and allows for multiple racing lines which can see some position swaps upon start.
Turn 1: First turn of the race, a medium-speed right hander, this comes at the end of the very long main straight, and is often one of the major areas or overtaking. Requires high awareness of surrounding and relatively calm braking.
Turns 2-3: Very un-sharp turns, a switch from a slightly deeper left turn to a very small right turn. They are high-speed as well, so require precision and throttle control to make that left-right switch.
Turns 4-5: Two almost identical right-handers, this is the set up before probably the sharpest turn on this circuit
Sector 2:
Turn 6: Sharpest turn on the circuit, by far the heaviest braking zone. They need to balance the technical grip required, with the necessary speed for the short straight directly after this turn.
Turns 7-9: Starts with a medium-slow turn right after small straight, and then ends with two high-speed kinks. Very fast area.
Turns 10-11: A winding turn that leads into the slightest (and fastest) turn on the track. A very very wide curve that has the drivers pushing slightly right at an incredibly high speed.
Sector 3:
Turns 13-15: A jittery series of left-handed turns, link together well to create a misshapen curve. High speed until the last one, which slows down a bit, and then jumps right into a small straight.
Turn 16: Another medium turn that leads onto a small straight, where a lot of overtakes tend to happen.
Turn 17: Last turn, a medium speed right-hander that leads onto the final stretch. Requires a great exit to achieve maximum speed before crossing the finish line/making it too the very long main straight.
Beginning of Main Straight: This is the former half of the main straight, and the beginning of the DRS zone. Cars need to carry incredible speed at this point.
So, there are a couple things to consider with this track. For one, the environment has an effect. It is very dry and sandy in the desert, and while they have fake grass to keep stuff of track, it still leads to a high degradation style circuit, so this means usually a two-stop race, and also that drivers must really focus on tire management. Another thing is that this is a rather winding circuit, even if it does not have the sharpest corners in the world. The drivers must find a rhythm to settle into or they risk losing time around this circuit. Car balance is important to accommodate that and this paired with the high-speed nature means a medium-downforce set up is usually preferred. Another thing to consider is air temperature. While it is hot in Qatar during the day, at night desert temperatures drop, and cooler air effects how cars run. Not quite as cold as Vegas, but still cooler. The final consideration is that this is not an overtake heavy track. It has areas where they happen (namely turn 1, the DRS zone, turn 6, and turn 16) but it is still quite low in that regard. Qualifying is crucial, and so is the start.
Upsides and Downsides:
An upside of this track are that the high-speed nature can lead to some thrilling moments, and we have seen some brilliant wheel-to-wheel around here. It suits cars with good aerodynamics, and rewards drivers who are very very consistent. This can be different from other tracks, where often pure speed and aggression is the most rewarded. The fact of it being a night race is also a plus, for both fans and drivers. For fans, night races are a beauty and especially enjoyable. For drivers, the heavy flood lights provide consistent and guaranteed lighting across the whole track. This isn't always true for races in the sun. On the more negative side, the lack of any hairpins or chicanes lowers overtaking opportunities in middle section, and lead many to call this a 'boring race' both to drive and watch. Also, the desert can be windy often and can disrupt man y cars balances, leading to some unforeseen circumstances.
Alright, that is my brief overview of Losail, I hope this was informative and will see you for the race.
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sunshinesmebdy · 6 months ago
WhatsInDaSky? - July 15, 2024
Astrology provides us with a unique lens through which we can anticipate and navigate the ebbs and flows of business and finance. As we move through the second half of July, today’s significant astrological transits promise to leave a substantial imprint on the financial landscape: Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces, Moon in Scorpio opposite Mars in Taurus, and Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Let’s dive into what these transits signify and how you can harness their energies for your business ventures.
Understanding the Transits:
Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces: This aspect suggests a deep, intuitive understanding of long-term financial goals and strategies. There’s a potential for uncovering hidden financial opportunities through thorough research and analysis. However, it also indicates a need for caution and patience in financial matters.
Impact on Business and Finance:
This harmonious aspect between the Moon in Scorpio and Saturn in Pisces is a powerful time for emotional stability and structured creativity in business. Scorpio’s deep, investigative nature paired with Saturn’s disciplined influence in Pisces fosters an environment where intuition and practicality merge seamlessly.
Strategic Planning: This transit is perfect for long-term strategic planning. Trust your instincts while grounding them in solid research and realistic projections.
Financial Prudence: Focus on conservative financial management. Investments made during this time should be well-researched and aligned with your long-term goals.
Resilience: Emotional resilience will be high, allowing you to navigate any business challenges with a calm and composed mindset.
Actions to Take:
Conduct in-depth market research and analysis.
Reevaluate and solidify your business plans and strategies.
Prioritize sustainable and responsible financial practices.
Moon in Scorpio opposite Mars in Taurus: This transit can bring intense emotional energy to financial decisions. It might lead to impulsive actions or a strong desire for financial security. Balancing these opposing energies is key.
Impact on Business and Finance:
An opposition between the Moon in Scorpio and Mars in Taurus creates a tension between emotional depth and assertive action. This transit can stir intense feelings and potential conflicts but also offers an opportunity to confront and resolve underlying issues in your business.
Conflict: Be mindful of heightened emotions that could lead to conflicts with partners, employees, or clients.
Impulsivity: Avoid making rash financial decisions based on emotional reactions.
Conflict Resolution: Use this transit to address and resolve long-standing issues in your business relationships.
Passion and Drive: Channel the intensity into productive activities that require determination and persistence.
Actions to Take:
Practice active listening and empathy in communications to defuse potential conflicts.
Take time to cool down and think critically before making any major financial decisions.
Engage in activities that channel emotional intensity into constructive outcomes, like strategic brainstorming sessions.
Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus: This powerful combination indicates a potential for radical changes in business and finance. There’s a strong drive for financial independence and a desire to break free from traditional financial models. However, impulsivity and risk-taking could also be heightened.
Impact on Business and Finance:
The conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Taurus is a dynamic and potentially disruptive transit. It brings a burst of innovative energy and a drive for radical change, which can be both exciting and unsettling for businesses.
Innovation: This is a prime time for breakthroughs and implementing unconventional ideas. Embrace technological advancements and innovative solutions.
Bold Moves: Take calculated risks that could propel your business forward. This transit favors bold, decisive action.
Volatility: Expect the unexpected. Financial markets and business operations might experience sudden changes.
Impulsiveness: The drive for change can lead to hasty decisions. Balance innovation with caution.
Actions to take:
Be open to new technologies and methods that can enhance your business efficiency and growth.
Prepare for potential disruptions by having contingency plans in place.
Evaluate risks carefully before making significant changes, ensuring they align with your long-term vision.
Today’s astrological transits bring a blend of stability, intensity, and innovation to the business and financial realms. By understanding and harnessing the energies of the Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces, Moon in Scorpio opposite Mars in Taurus, and Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus, you can navigate challenges and seize opportunities with confidence and clarity. As always, let the stars guide you, but ground your decisions in thorough research and strategic planning for the best outcomes.
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askgildaseniors · 5 months ago
Join us for an inspiring conversation with Nely Galán, an Emmy Award-winning producer and media mogul, as she shares her journey of business success and financial literacy. Nely discusses her experience as an immigrant and how her determination and strategic decision-making skills led her to become a self-made businesswoman. Learn about her time working with industry giants like HBO, Avon, CBS, ESPN, Sony, NBC, FOX, and figures such as Joan Rivers, Rupert Murdoch, Norman Lear, and Gene Simmons. This video is packed with valuable insights on entrepreneurship, business leadership, and overcoming obstacles. Nely Galán offers practical tips on how to start your own business, manage risk, and develop entrepreneurial skills. Whether you're looking to enhance your career development, improve your business strategy, or find inspiration from success stories, this video has it all. Nely Galán has achieved substantial success in real estate by focusing on strategic property investments. Her philosophy, encapsulated in the phrase "Don't buy shoes, buy buildings," emphasizes the importance of purchasing affordable properties, especially in emerging markets. Nely also emphasizes the importance of networking, calculated risk-taking, and financial literacy in achieving business success. Discover her unique "Nelyism" approach and gain knowledge from one of the most inspiring women in leadership today. Perfect for anyone interested in business, entrepreneurship, and Latina empowerment.
DISCLAIMER: The following program contains material, situations, and/or themes that may disturb some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.
A National CORE Production supporting the Hope Through Housing Foundation. Join us to uncover the art of turning dreams into reality.
CHAPTERS: 00:00: How Latino Entrepreneurs Overcome Financial Obstacles 02:42: The Road to Financial Freedom 04:30: How I Became a Young Journalist 07:30: Defying Expectations 12:32: The Hidden Value of Education 15:40: How to Prioritize What Matters 18:49: Failure Isn't the End 22:11: Find Your Voice 24:56: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Limiting Beliefs 27:29: How I Rebooted My Life and Found True Success 34:21: A Message of Empowerment and Inspiration
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soneatisland · 3 months ago
40 reasons why reading books can be a transformative habit:
1. Mental Stimulation: Keeps your brain active and sharp, reducing the risk of cognitive decline.
2. Stress Reduction: Reading can help you relax and reduce stress levels.
3. Knowledge Acquisition: Books are a great source of knowledge on a variety of topics.
4. Vocabulary Expansion: The more you read, the more words you are exposed to.
5. Improved Focus: Reading requires concentration, which can enhance your attention span.
6. Better Writing Skills: Exposure to well-written work improves your own writing style.
7. Empathy Building: Fiction helps readers understand others’ perspectives and emotions.
8. Cultural Understanding: Books allow you to explore different cultures and ways of life.
9. Self-Improvement: Non-fiction books provide actionable insights for personal growth.
10. Entertainment: Books offer endless entertainment without the need for technology.
11. Improved Memory: Reading regularly enhances memory by requiring you to recall details, characters, and themes.
12. Critical Thinking: Analyzing a book’s content improves your ability to think critically.
13. Inspiration and Motivation: Many books, especially biographies and self-help books, inspire readers to achieve more.
14. Increased Creativity: Reading stimulates imagination, leading to more creative thinking.
15. Improved Sleep: Reading before bed can help signal to your body that it’s time to relax and rest.
16. Emotional Management: Books provide comfort during difficult times, offering coping strategies and understanding.
17. Escapism: Books offer an escape from the stresses of daily life by immersing you in another world.
18. Conversation Starters: Reading gives you topics to discuss with friends and colleagues.
19. Goal Setting: Books on personal development encourage setting and achieving goals.
20. Building Discipline: Developing a reading habit fosters discipline and consistency.
21. Lifelong Learning: Books provide ongoing learning opportunities in every stage of life.
22. Perspective Shifting: Reading helps you see the world through different lenses.
23. Cognitive Flexibility: Exposure to different ideas helps your brain adapt and shift between topics.
24. Self-Reflection: Many books prompt readers to reflect on their own lives and values.
25. Mindfulness: Reading can be a meditative practice, promoting a state of focus and mindfulness.
26. Improved Imagination: Fiction, in particular, stimulates your ability to visualize and imagine new scenarios.
27. Development of Analytical Skills: Following plotlines or themes enhances your ability to analyze complex information.
28. Time Management: Reading regularly can teach you how to prioritize time effectively.
29. Increased Productivity: Books can provide tips and strategies for better productivity and time management.
30. Emotional Intelligence: Reading stories with complex characters helps develop emotional intelligence.
31. Learning from Others' Mistakes: Non-fiction, particularly biographies, allows you to learn from others' life experiences.
32. Entertainment on a Budget: Reading is a low-cost form of entertainment with an almost infinite variety of material.
33. Breaking Monotony: Reading is an engaging way to break free from everyday routines.
34. Family Bonding: Reading together or sharing books fosters connection with family members.
35. Developing a Growth Mindset: Books encourage you to believe in the potential for personal improvement.
36. Enhanced Communication Skills: Reading improves both your verbal and written communication skills.
37. Boost in Self-Confidence: Gaining knowledge and insights boosts your confidence in various conversations and activities.
38. Exploration of New Ideas: Books expose you to concepts and possibilities you might never encounter otherwise.
39. Learning to Think Independently: Reading helps you form your own opinions and resist groupthink.
40. A Positive Habit: Reading is a healthy, enriching habit that can become a daily routine for life.
Whether for personal development, entertainment, or education, books offer endless benefits
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nintendowife · 6 months ago
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I finished Etrian Odyssey Nexus on Nintendo 3DS a week ago. Excellent game, though at some point I felt like it was a bit too lengthy. It took me 107 hours to clear the 13 labyrinths and defeat the final boss.
I named my guild "Aelfendir" and this was my final team.
Fleurelis Class: Sovereign/Ninja Atk + Def buffs to party and elemental endows. Ninja as a subclass with clone skill allowed for 2 buffers at the same time!
Aevintyr Class: Hero/Highlander When Sovereign's clone was not needed, Hero could spawn an Afterimage to deal additional damage. Regiment Rave (melee cut/fire attack to 1 enemy at end of turn, grows stronger as allies do more damage to that target) was pretty good for high dmg. Subclass Highlander's passive skills were for extra atk and def.
Panda Class: Protector/Shogun Interestingly my tank was possibly my best damage dealer. I made them a Vampire which gave +100 HP and 10% boost to all base stats. Vampire regens HP each turn at night but during the day takes damage each turn and also when walking in labyrinths. Vampire paired nicely with subclass Shogun's passive skill Avidya Sight (all ATK increases at night). Shield Flare (until end of next turn, taking damage will trigger a ranged fire counterattack) was the secret sauce of this character. When the Protector was hit with multi-hit skills, Shield Flare hit back for each hit! It also did 4000+ dmg as the last hit to kill the final boss, even with atk reduction debuff.
Plyyshi Class: Arcanist/Medic The swiss knife for debuffs, status ailments, binds and healing. The circle skills healed party each turn and Medic as a subclass gave access to more powerful healing skills and bind/status removal.
Azrael Class: Zodiac/Shogun Multi-Strike Ether allowed Meteor to hit up to 15 times. Shogun's Avidya Sight was great for atk boost at night.
At some point in the game I also used a Highlander/Gunner which was a high risk, high reward type of character. High atk and skills that drain HP from party to boost damage. I felt the subclass Gunner's Multi-Shot (may use attack skills a second time) made the character extra risky for the final boss as the HP draining skills can trigger twice too, leaving the party at very low HP, so I went with Hero instead.
I managed to defeat the final boss on my first try, which I didn't expect. I was struggling a bit as its skills squished 2-3 of my characters with one hit a couple of times during the fight and due to this I missed the opportunity to use Zodiac's powerful Force Boost skill as well.
Etrian Odyssey Nexus has a fantastic art style and the soundtrack is really good. Especially the boss fights had great music. The character customization here is true peak level - so many options my head was spinning! You can pick the base class for the character (and later a subclass), freely pick a portrait from any class's portrait selections, hair and eye color can be freely selected with RGB slider, skin color can be picked from a palette, and there's a large selection of character voices to choose from. I spent several hours creating my characters as I had even purchased an extra portraits DLC. Skills can be selected from a skill tree and each character has 4 slots for equipment too.
The dungeon crawling gameplay had a good challenge level (I played on Basic difficulty which is the default) and mapping the labyrinths was satisfying. Sometimes when I started playing it was hard to put the game down.
I recommend Etrian Odyssey Nexus for people who love to build a party from scratch and come up with good strategies to take on challenging bosses.
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primexalgo · 1 month ago
EURUSD 31 Consecutive Successes!
Title: "Complete AI Trading Masterclass: PrimeXAlgo's Ultimate Guide 📚 | Learn Modern Trading"
Description: 📊 Master AI Trading with PrimeXAlgo's Comprehensive Educational Series
Join us for an in-depth exploration of modern trading practices and AI implementation in financial markets.
📋 Course Contents:
Fundamentals of AI in Trading
Real-Time Chart Analysis Mastery
Ethical Trading Principles
Case Studies Across Multiple Markets
Practical Applications of AI Trading
Theory-to-Practice Implementation
🎓 What You'll Learn:
How AI Transforms Trading
Real-Time Analysis Techniques
Market Pattern Recognition
Ethical Trading Guidelines
Risk Management Strategies
Cross-Market Applications
💡 Featured Case Studies:
Cryptocurrency Markets
Forex Trading
Stock Market Analysis
Commodity Trading
Index Trading
Options Markets
🌐 Connect & Learn More: Website: https://primexalgo.com Telegram: https://t.me/primexalgo Discord: https://discord.com/channels/1288670367401119888/1288670564126294078 Instagram: https://instagram.com/primexalgo X/Twitter: https://x.com/PrimeXAlgo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61566510386136
⏰ Masterclass Chapters: 0:00 - Introduction to AI Trading 5:00 - Understanding Market Analysis 10:00 - AI Implementation Strategies 15:00 - Real-Time Trading Examples 20:00 - Ethical Trading Guidelines 25:00 - Case Study Analysis 30:00 - Practical Applications
Transform your trading journey with PrimeXAlgo's comprehensive education!
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expresshealth23 · 1 month ago
The Connection Between Sleep and Weight Loss
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The Science of Sleep and Weight Management
Hormonal Regulation
Sleep significantly influences two crucial hunger-regulating hormones:
Leptin (the satiety hormone):
Secreted by fat cells to signal fullness
Sleep deprivation reduces leptin levels by up to 15%
Lower leptin levels increase appetite and cravings
Ghrelin (the hunger hormone):
Produced in the stomach to stimulate appetite
Insufficient sleep increases ghrelin production
Higher ghrelin levels lead to increased hunger and caloric intake
Metabolic Effects
Poor sleep impacts your metabolism through several mechanisms:
Insulin Sensitivity
Sleep loss reduces insulin sensitivity by 30%
Decreased insulin sensitivity promotes fat storage
Blood sugar regulation becomes impaired
Cortisol Regulation
Sleep deprivation elevates cortisol (stress hormone)
High cortisol promotes abdominal fat storage
Evening cortisol spikes interfere with sleep quality
Energy Expenditure
Lack of sleep reduces resting metabolic rate
Physical activity levels typically decrease
Recovery from exercise is compromised
Sleep’s Impact on Weight-Related Behaviors
Decision Making and Food Choices
Research shows sleep-deprived individuals:
Consume an average of 385 extra calories daily
Show increased activation in brain reward centers when viewing high-calorie foods
Make poorer food choices, favoring carbohydrate-rich and fatty foods
Exercise Performance
Inadequate sleep affects physical activity by:
Reducing exercise motivation
Decreasing endurance capacity
Impairing muscle recovery
Increasing perceived exertion during workouts
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How much sleep do I need to support weight loss?
Most adults require 7–9 hours of quality sleep per night. Studies show individuals getting less than 6 hours of sleep have a 55% higher risk of obesity.
2. Does the quality of sleep matter as much as quantity?
Yes, sleep quality is equally important. Deep sleep stages are crucial for hormonal regulation and metabolism. Poor quality sleep, even if long enough, can negatively impact weight management.
3. Can sleep debt affect my weight loss efforts?
Yes, accumulated sleep debt can disrupt metabolic processes and hormone levels. Even short-term sleep debt can increase appetite and reduce insulin sensitivity.
4. What’s the best bedroom temperature for quality sleep?
The optimal bedroom temperature for sleep is between 65–68°F (18–20°C). This range supports both quality sleep and mild calorie burning through brown fat activation.
5. How does shift work affect weight management?
Shift work can disrupt circadian rhythms, leading to metabolic changes and weight gain. People working night shifts often struggle more with weight management due to disrupted sleep-wake cycles.
6. Can certain foods improve sleep quality?
Foods rich in tryptophan, magnesium, and complex carbohydrates can support better sleep. Examples include:
Whole grain oats
Tart cherries
GET Night Mega Burner
7. How long before bed should I stop eating?
Ideally, stop eating 2–3 hours before bedtime. This allows proper digestion and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels during sleep.
8. Does sleeping right after exercise affect weight loss?
While rest after exercise is important, try to maintain at least a 1-hour gap between intense exercise and bedtime. This allows your body temperature and hormone levels to normalize.
9. Can sleep medications impact weight loss?
Some sleep medications can affect metabolism and appetite. It’s better to focus on natural sleep improvement strategies unless medication is prescribed by a healthcare provider.
10. How does stress affect sleep and weight loss?
Chronic stress can:
Disrupt sleep patterns
Increase cortisol levels
Promote emotional eating
Interfere with weight loss efforts
11. What’s the relationship between sleep apnea and weight?
Sleep apnea and weight form a vicious cycle:
Excess weight increases sleep apnea risk
Sleep apnea disrupts quality sleep
Poor sleep makes weight loss more difficult
Treatment of sleep apnea often improves weight loss success
The connection between sleep and weight loss is more significant than many realize. Quality sleep serves as a cornerstone of successful weight management by regulating hormones, metabolism, and behavior. Prioritizing good sleep hygiene alongside proper nutrition and exercise creates a powerful foundation for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
GET Night Mega Burner
Remember that sustainable weight loss requires a holistic approach. While sleep alone won’t guarantee weight loss, neglecting sleep can significantly hinder your weight loss efforts. Focus on establishing consistent sleep patterns and creating an environment conducive to quality rest to support your weight management journey.
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gowns · 2 years ago
Among so many heinous problems trickling down on our heads from the top of the film industry is that of intellectual property. It’s not that adaptations are new, but that the ability to make a living by creating anything else has only recently been destroyed. IP obsession has killed the mid-budget movie, it’s killed the movie star, and it’s coming for the rest of the industry. This is as much a problem for audiences as for filmmakers (at any level), and it all comes from the same place: Unchecked greed, and the familiarity with which we accept it.
Tidy, consistent, sustainable profits—the kind of thing generated by movie studios that once offered a diverse slate of reasonably budgeted adult dramas, teen-date rom-coms, family films, and fence-swinging art movies—are a thing of the past for those in charge of the industry. Other forces from the entertainment world are certainly at play, specifically the rise of prestige TV as a destination for what the movies have abandoned. But the pivot to the IP Era feels simple, because it feels familiar. It’s because tidy, consistent, sustainable profits aren’t enough. There must be growth. There must be domination. There must be Shared Universes.
This attitude goes beyond being risk-averse. Risk aversion isn’t new. Single-minded speculation, trying to alchemize IP into gold, is.
The management decisions keeping workers from their fair pay—as described by Writers Guild of America board member John Rogers in a thread about the current strike—are the same ones milking old IP for all it’s worth: “The new robber barons of Hollywood are on a suicide run.” This shift is tech-bro economics, Wall Street-fellating “vulture capitalism” here to feast on the industry, not further it.
...Sure, an executive could gamble on a few million dollars on an “idea” from a “writer.” They could also flip the big Binder O’ Properties to a random page, do a rail of coke off of it and spend $100 million to reboot whatever’s underneath. A new Ghostbusters? Another go at the Dark Universe? Let’s do it! Monopolies, even monopolies built on unsustainable properties—on the slums of Baltic and Mediterranean Avenues, in board game terms—have the potential to be more than profitable. They can define decades of strategy. Investors like that. It feels stable yet exciting, predictable yet potentially limitless.
“We’re going to focus on franchises,” Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav assured investors. “We haven’t had a Superman movie in 13 years. We haven’t done a Harry Potter in 15 years.”
It doesn’t matter if viewers are burned out or if the franchise is inextricably linked to a raging asshole. There’s recognizable media out there just asking to be exploited into an empire, one that could grow and grow and grow. If it eventually burns like Rome—say, if you’re former Disney CEO Bob Chapek and your streaming business continues to bleed money despite releasing bad franchise movies directly onto it—then you can simply fiddle your little heart out, floating away on your golden parachute. Naturally, studio leadership favors this approach, which in turn sets the precedent for the only kinds of movies their companies finance, market and stuff into theaters.
We, the country’s moviegoing public, have already been trained to understand this. 
Pretty consistently, folks go to the movies when they recognize something and stay home when they don’t. Looking at the past 10 years of box office Top 10s, it’s far faster to note which movies aren’t based on a pre-existing property: Frozen, Gravity, Inside Out, Zootopia, The Secret Life of Pets, Sing, Onward and Tenet.
That’s it. Eight movies out of 100. 
Two of them even let you see a person.
But in the IP Era, people are merely a liability. Movies seeking this modern kind of success—as many sequels, spin-offs and merchandise tie-ins as possible—only need humans in front of the camera when they function as an extension of IP. Laura Dern, Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum were brought back for the latest Jurassic World cash-grab to excite us as embodied reminders of a better movie. They’re not actors anymore. They’re mascots. 
When you realize that that’s all AAA actors are being cast as, it becomes obvious why the biggest blockbusters have recently boiled down to ensembles standing around reskinned warehouses and parking lots. As Jake Ures writes, “when acting has been reduced to stewarding IP,” you don’t want people getting invested in the stars. Rather, “it’s better for investors if they function as empty vessels for stories much bigger than them, ones that can be endlessly iterated long after they’re out of the picture.”
...Performers have long feared being themselves turned into IP. Jet Li famously skipped out on The Matrix sequels so his moves wouldn’t be digitized in some Warner Bros. library, to be used to whatever future end by a company that no longer needed his martial artistry. This, by the way, is the plot of Space Jam: A New Legacy, as LeBron James attempts to avoid the same fate…threatened by the in-universe Warner Bros. Really, this idea is so normalized as to be the bad guy’s plan in a kid’s movie. Netflix is trying to own the rights to its actors’ simulated voices “by all technologies and processes now known or hereafter developed, throughout the universe and in perpetuity.” It’s not about creating something, it’s about owning something, forever.
And that’s the success model. Increasingly, it’s the only model. Because now we crave it, beaten into submission by the sheer onslaught of “Remember that?” requels, legacy sequels and reboots released since Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, Star Trek and Star Wars: The Force Awakens helped establish the monoculture model of filmmaking. Audiences didn’t do this to pop culture. It was the corporate powers that invested in and encouraged their most ravenous demographic, turning “audiences” into “fandoms.” We’ve had slop shoveled onto our pop culture prison cafeteria trays for decades, and the prison-industrial multiplex expects us to give our compliments to the chef for another meal of empty-calorie Easter eggs.
[read more - jacob oller for paste magazine]
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